MT. ST. HELENS ERUPTION By pj brady Why hello there. Third block

By pj brady Why hello there. Third block There once was a boy named Sasha and he was an adventurer who loved to climb mountains so one day he decided

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By pj bradyWhy hello there.

Third block

Hello there

There once was a boy named Sasha and he was an adventurer who loved to climb mountains so one day he decided to climb mount saint Helens ,but boy he decided to climb it on the wrong day. He knew that the weather wouldn’t be at it’s best so he had brought some essential rain gear to prevent the storm. Little did he know what was about to go down but for all he cared the entire world could explode as long as he got the rush of his life being in danger.

Goodbye now

As Sasha ventured up the mountain he starting feeling rumbling like no other he was going to ask his friend Brenda the manliest man on the west coast. The two were almost to the top when they started hearing screaming “get down they said” “your gonna die they said” but they thought it was in there mind were as Sasha had been hit in the head with a rock and Brenda had already been insane.

So good to see you

When Sasha had gotten hit he was bleeding horribly not knowing because there was no time to stop and take a look at it ,he was steaming mad. Brenda kept making fun of Sasha but just when he started his third joke SPLAT a huge chunk of lava had fallen down onto him he was screaming in pain when about time even his bones were melted.

Nice to meet you

Sasha had been shocked he had seen nothing like this especially to someone who was his best friend I mean it was melted. But just as Brenda was burning Sasha learned Brenda wasn’t Brenda. Brenda’s real name was La’eng’na the strangest name Sasha had ever heard but it was still his best friend he didn’t have time to burry what was left when lava fell from the sky

My name is SASHA

After all the traumatic events he didn’t know what to say. He had gotten down but not all in one piece when he had reach surface he was frightened he had lost his right arm and left leg his best friend and had a concussion when he got down it was worse than on the mountain trees were burned and animals were dead just when another rock got him last rock he ever took because he died.

Definition of adventurer

A person willing to take risks or use dishonest methods for personal gain:

Or : A person who enjoys or seeks adventure

What I meant

By mountain I meant as in Mount saint helens


When a human bone gets heated to a certain degree it can melt but it has to be very hot

Lava rain

During the beginning of an eruption the lava will rain from the sky such a fun fact.


Trauma means to be very effected by horrific events as of watching somebody die or seeing blood from yourself.