Cyber Bullying By: Lexie Hadley, Michelle Norton, and Hillary Croo

By: Lexie Hadley, Michelle Norton, and Hillary Crook

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Cyber Bullying

By: Lexie Hadley, Michelle Norton, and Hillary Crook

What is cyber bullying?Cyber bullying is defined as "when the Internet, cell phones or other devices are

used to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person “


Be Aware!--Cyber bullying is growing in our school!

-- Are you apart of the problem or the solution?

-- Click these tabs to find out more about the difference between Cyber Bullying and Bullying.

Traditional Bullying

Cyber Bullying

Traditional Bullying

• Traditional bullies always meet their victims face to face.

• Traditional Bullies can only reach an audience of those who happen to be in the immediate area.

• Children are less inhibited when online and it is not as hard to bully when it is over a computer.

Cyber Bullying

• Cyber bullies can humiliate, threaten, and belittle their victims without their identity being known

• Cyber bullies can come from anywhere in the world and can reach an audience of thousands.

• Traditional bullies had to have the courage to physically bully another child or at least use comments to their face.

It Gets PersonalNever give out personal information online or

to classmates. Never give out personal information that is

not yours.Personal information may include Name, phone number, address, passwords, and

pictures. Don’t try to be someone your NOT. That is

fraud .

Who’s Bullying Who

Boys bullying of all kinds starts earlier and younger than girls.

Girl Bullying of all kinds, especially Cyber Bullying, starts around age 12

Check Out Some Short Videos

Cyber Bullying



Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Let’s Make it a Goal!

Educate, Educate, Educate! Educate the teachers, the parents, and the

students.Always intervene!

Treat bullying of any kind with zero tolerance.

Thanks for watching.