By: Kassidy Hamm

By: Kassidy Hamm

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By: Kassidy Hamm. There once was a family but not an ordinary a slave family. Life wasn’t a breeze for them and they wanted a different life. They lived on a plantation in Alabama with slave master James. They hated being slaves and all dreamed of being free one day. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

By: Kassidy Hamm

Page 2: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

There once was a family but not an ordinary a slave

family. Life wasn’t a breeze for them and

they wanted a different life.

Page 3: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

They lived on a plantation in Alabama with slave master James.

Page 4: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

They hated being slaves

and all dreamed of being free one day.

Page 5: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

They hated being slaves and all dreamed of being free one day.

Page 6: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

Everyone began to pack a small, light bag and set forth their journey to the North with Harriet in the Underground railroad.

Page 7: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

The nights were cold and brutal for Harriet and the family. The children were drained and the adults but they had to continue their journey regardless if they wanted to reach their dream.

Page 8: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

They traveled day and night. Never knowing when they could be discovered and killed of sent back to their master but yet they continued their journey.

Page 9: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

Along their journey there were some decent times especially when they were helped by the Whites in the Underground Railroad. They would help them with clothing, food, and shelter which helped them a lot throughout the long journey.

Page 10: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

After 3 long months of traveling Harriet whispered to the family, “We are almost there.”

Everyone began to dream more of being free and were excited that they were almost there. They thought back on where they began and realized how far they came and knew they couldn’t turn back now regardless of how worn out they were.

Page 11: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

At last Harriet and the family made it to Canada meaning the made it to freedom. They were all so happy and they praised among each other.

Page 12: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

The Family got to live out their dream of freedom thanks to Harriet. Harriet traveled back South to help other families also experience freedom.

Page 13: By:  Kassidy  Hamm

Picture sources

1. http://img.rlsbb.com/images/2013/02/25/freedoms.jpg


4. http://gullahcommunity.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/NW0159_The_Old_Plantation.jpg


6. http://susanne430.blogspot.com/2011/06/american-moseses.html

7. http://clccharter.org/caitlin1/Images/runaway-slaves-on-underground-railroad.jpg

8. http://www.tntwebs.com/10103552A~Harriet-Tubman-and-the-Underground-Railroad-Posters.jpg

9. http://kids.britannica.com/comptons/art-145447/Escaping-slaves-arrive-at-a-station-on-the-Underground-Railroad

10. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3stkevuDzj8/T4DMrd-bRVI/AAAAAAAAADU/dapho9IJiAA/s1600/underground+rr+map.jpg

11. http://static.ddmcdn.com/gif/underground-railroad-3.jpg