T he following is a list of current projects being produced in Canada. Only TV series and films over one hour are included. Projects are separated into four categories: On Location, Pre-production, Projects in Negotiation, and In the Can. While films in the project stage are subject to change, only those in active pre-production at the time of publication - those which have s et a date for beginning principal photography and are al so engaged in casting and crewing - are listed under Pre-production. The In Negotiation section is published every other month due to lack of turnover in projects. Films are lis ted by the name of the company whicltinitiated the project, or by the company that is popularly a ssoci ated with it. The production company is not necessarily the same company which initiated or is associated with the project. When two companies are different, the name of the production company, if known, is giv en. If producers ask us not to li st a project or to withhold certain credits beca use of ongoing negotiations, we respect the ir request. Projects are up-to-da te as of the 15th of the month preceding publication . Please telephone a dditions and up-dates to: Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354; FAX (514) 27()"S068 FILM CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS Be.C. accountant a.d. assistant director adapt. adaptation admln. administration anlm. animation-art d. art director 8s.8OC. p. associate producer cam. cameraman eaM. casting director 9O-P. co-producer cont. continuity COlit. des. costume designer d. director dev. development dial. dialogue di si . distributor d. 0. p director of photography ed. editor elec. elect ri cian exec. In ch . 01 p. executive in chief of producti on exec. p. executive producer lunds. financial S6Nices gaff. gaHer glnny op. ginny operator hair hairstylist key grip key grip light d. light director line p. line producer loc. man. location manager m. music n8rr. narratororlg. m. original music p. producer p. 8. production assistant p. ace. production accountant p.c. production company p. co-ord. production co-ordinator p. des. production designer ph. photography p. man. production manager post p. sup. post·production supervisor props prop master pub. publicity rep. reporter ac. script ad. sound ad. ed . sound editor sd. ree. sound recording set dec , set decorator set des. set designer sp. fx . special effects sp. ph, fx. special photographic effects stills ph. stills photography story eel . story editor sup. ed. supervising editor sup. p. supervising producer tech. d. technical director W. writer ward. wardrobe mIstress I. p. leading players. On Location ACTION BASIS INC. (416 ) 225·8103 BLOOD RANSOM A movie made for TV. A kind of cat-chases-mouse thriller. p.ld. Bruno PischJuna I, p. Sonia Lindgren Larry Jannison. Femi Benussi ALfRED HITCHCOCK FILMS (416)530·0300 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESEIITS Production began Nov. 30th on 41 new episodes of the series. Shooting will continue until Nov. 1988. Produced by Paragon Motion Pictures for Universal TeleviSion and USA Network in the United States and for Global Television in Canada exec. p. Jon SIan, Michael Sloan sup, p. Robert Delaurentis p. Sarbara Joy Laffey d. lale Dalen. Sturla Gunnarson. TImothy Bond, Allan King, Rene Bonniers, Vic Sarin, David Gelfand, William Fruet. For complete creDits.sa.e ISS' lft No 153 ANNA PRODUCTIONS INC. ( 41 6) 75().4596 THE GOOD MOTHER ... . II : ••.••••• : . April 15th. p. Arnold Glimcher d. Leonard Nimoy 8C. Michael Bortman p. man. David Coatsworth 1 st 8. d. Tony Lucibello p. co--orcl, Mara McSweeny. Sharon O 'Dwyer cam. David Watkin set dec. Hilton Rosemarin cost. Susan Becker ed. Peter Berger art d. Richard Harrison sd. David Lee pub. Darryl Wright dlst. Buena Vista Pictures Distribution I. p. Diane Keaton, Liam Neeson, Jason- Robards. Ralph Bellamy, Teresa Wright, James Naughton. Katey Sagal, Asia Vieira. ATLANTIS (416) 462·0246 THE TWILIGHT ZGNE london Films and Allantis Films are coll aborating wi th CBS Broadcast International on 30 new 112h sci-fI episodes of the classic series . Shoot began April 25th and Wil l continue through '88 on location in Taronlo. Deliveryof the shows IS slated to begin in fall. exec. p. Mark Shelmerdine, Michael MacMillan p. Seaton McLean. diu 01the new episodes wilt be handled by CBS Broadcast International and MGMfUA Telecommuni cati ons pub. Jeremy Kantz. CINEMA C A II A D A BY JIM LEVESQUE CAII.,UII FlL", AND VIDEO PIIODUCTION. I. TD_ (416)964-8750 SNARON, LOIS & BIlAIl'S I!LEPHANT SHOWISERI.S V An 8ward--wlnnlng, lively, musical TV serles for the whole famlty. The flfth sesson ot 8 13 x 112h episode show Is scheduled for delivery 10 eec In the fall. Shoot scheduled for the summer. .nc. p. Amie llpursky, Bruce Glswson auoc. p. Charles Zamarla. Jul ie Ouesnel1elln. p. Jeff Snlderman w. Mark Shekte r I.p. Sharon Hampson, Lo!s Ullenstein. Bram Morrison, Eric Nagler, Paula Gall ivan net .wrlter Mark Shak1er pub. Pamela M. Keary. CBC/TORONTO TEL STREET LEGAL Third season 0' the 20.lt 1 hr law series. exec. p, Maryke McEwen p. Duncan Lamb and David !'ears I. p. Sonja Smits. C. David Johnson, Eric Peterson and Cynthia Dale. pub. Ginny eellwood (416)975-7169. WONDERSTRUCK An ongoing science magazine lor 8 · 17·year.olds, produced by the cee TV Network Children's Department. A last·paeed series tor young people who are curious about everything. The series shows that science and technology can be entertaining, relevant and participatory. exec. p. LIz Fox rep. Debra Matthews p. Paul Goodman, Bob McDonald, Debra Mathews host Bob McDonald pub. Barbara Chemin, (416) 975-6776 WIRED Canadian segments 01 British music magazine. p. Karen Morrison d. Michael Duff pub. Ralph C. Ellis Enterprises Ltd. (416)924-2168 Pre--production CINAR FILMS INC. (5 14 ) 843·7070 SMOGGIES! An oHicial Canada! France co·production produced by Cinar Films, Montreal and Initial Groupe, Paris. Shooting in Montreal and Paris until fall '89. 26 x 1/2h animated teleVision episodes. p. Micheline Charest, Ro nald A. Weinberg, Jean Cazes d. Gerald Ponerton orl9. Idea Gerald Pottenon se. Michael Short animo d. PIOO Van Lamsweerde anlm. Gerry Capetie, Zlatko Griglc orlg. m. Judy Henderson theme song Jo Raposo di u Cinar Films pub. lorraine Jamison, David Novek Associates, (514) 284·21 13 CINE·GROUP J. P. INC. (514) 524·7567 FLYIJ(G BEARS Co·production between Cine·groupe and Zagreb Film in Yugoslavia. First co·production between Canada and Yugoslavia. To be aired early 1990 exec. p. Jacques Pettigrew. Andre Lamy p. man. Bruno Gamuli n line p, Hugh Campbell , Ivan Kovac d. Jean Saraull se. Jean·Pierre liccioni head story board Michel LeMire head layout Neven Patricio. DANGER ItA r MODUCTION. ToronlO: (416)535· 7555 Vancouver: (604) 298·7291 DANQ!RBAY Fifth season of the TV series began shooting in Vancouver on May 9, continues until October 14. In association with the eBC, The Disney Channel and with the participation 0' Telelilm Canada. exec. p. Paul Saltzman eup. p. Harold Tichenor pcm. prod p, Paul Quigle:; p. man, Gordon Mark nee. at. cone. Ann MacNaughton d. ReJ( Bromfield, Ken Jubenvi U, Allan King, Alan Simmonds, Brad Turner 1It a,d. T. W. Peacocke, Mick MacKey d. o.p. Bob Ennis loc. man. George Horie cast . Trish Robinson extr ••• Annet1e art d. JiH Scon pub. Dixie Cutler. DREAMWUVER (902)454·2829 OPERATION GUANTANAMO A 2·hour movie ( upon sale of a 22 )( 112h TV series) about the FBI and RCMP investigations into the smuggling of Cubans from '81· '65 through the port 01 Halifax into the U. S . p. Joseph Landry, Brian Gazele:; d, Joseph landry, Brian Gazeley ed. Jonpaul Vincen1 cam. Joseph Burke set dee. Michael Miller grip Leonard Miller p. a. Michelle Smith hair & makeup Barb Moore propa & ward. Heather E. Gazeley I.p. Michael Haynes, Jim Fowler, Barb Moore, Garrett MacFadyen. OPERATION GUANTANAMO A22 x l h episode TV series. Shot Jan. 27 until May. FBI and RCMP investigations into the smuggling 01 Cubans Irom 'S1-'65 through pon of Hali fax: into the U. S. Credits as abova. FL Y" PRODUCTIONS (604)291-6290 THE FLY II Sequel to The Ay. Starting date April 30. Shoot conlinues for 12 weeks. eKec. p, Stewart Cornfeld p. Steven·Charle sJatfe assoe. p. Gillian Richardson d. Christopher Walas B.d, Peter Marsha ll p. man. Fitch Cady loc. man. Tracy Jeffrey p, co--ord, Karen Stewart d. o. p. Robin Vidgeon vIdeo Klaus MelchiOr stills photog. Joe Lederer cam. Cyrus Block art d. Sandy Cochrane ed. Sean Banon sp. tx. makeup Stephan Dupuis sp. fx. coord. John Thomas sc. Rob Young p. des, Michael Bolton cost . des. Christopher Ryan set. dec. Rose Marie McSt1erry ac. sup. Jean Bereziuk, Eleanor Spencer extras castiVe n, Mjchelle Allen LUMISPHERE INTERNATIONAL LTD. (416)925·8445 LIFE, TIME 'S .lOUANEYIET LA VIE CREA L'AVENTURE A 6)( l h TV series shot in H. D. T. V. 35mm. budget: $3,000, 000. Official Canada/France CO-production with Captan Productions, Pans. French team shooting in Africa in mid·Feb. locati ons include East Africa, France, Hungary, the Amazon, Peru, Los Angeles, BaHin Island, Yukon, the Mackenzie Valley. All shooting ends in Nov. Project backed by science organizati on Ardoukoba p, Sabin Richard-Nicholas, Herve Masquelter (Fr.) George Wright. Hblene Fournier. ' . . .' , .' Philip Jackson. HaroldTschipper (Ca.) For complete credits see Issue' No. 153. MAKO "ILMS LTD. (416) geO-3228 THE LAST FRONTIER The third season 01 the 70 )( 112h TV series about the sea. This adventure/documentary series Is co·produced by Mako Films Ltd. and CTV Television Network. Began airing la51lall. diet. Lorimar Te19pictures will be distributing the series worldwide. exec. p./d. John Stoneman "arr. Henry Remer hoet John Stoneman m. Alan Kane p. Sarah Stoneman compo .. r Alan Kane aurfaee cln . Rob Garrard underwater cln. Adam Aavetch .... cam. Norman Bouchonnais .up. ed. Joseph Blasioli ed. Kip Spidell, Alex Van Ihinger a •• tt ed. secn Molnar negative cutter Erika Wolfe.clentlflccon., Dr. AJ8IlEmery .tlll. ph. Ruby Cler, Steven l ewis W. Jo Btasloli. Ki p Spidel l. Me", PIIODS I. TD. (613) 231·7645 COWBOYZ A comedy/suspense leature shooting In Eastern Canada, the U. S, and Haiti . Produced in association with Doomsday productions, p./d ./ac. P. E. Evanchuck ed. Tony Kelleher auoc. p, Ramona MacDonald, Harold Tschipper cam. Peter Evanchuck ed. George Goracz, H. Lacelle, Chuck Evans, J.p. Len Corey, Helene l acelle, Li sanne Garret, Dusan Mirkovitch. Steve Senos, Ron Swant. Hagus MacKenzie, Jacques Couillard, Paul LeBlanc, Marc Cialle. Ron Saikaly, Jack Webb. THE MONTRUL NEW FILM GROUP INC./ LES NOUVELLES CINEASTES MONTREAL INC. (514) 844·n40 BETTY GOODWIN A film on Montreal anist Betty Goodwin, winner of the 1986 Pnx Peul·Emite Borduas to be completed by the summer. d. Tina Home p. Norma Denys, Nastaran Dibai. The film IS due \0 be released in July. HORTHLAND PICTURES ( 416)591·7766 AMERICAN DINER A gO-minute feature documentary hosted by artist John Baeder. Film takes viewer on a road odyssey through New England diner country. Film eJ(plores evolution or the roadside diner culture on both Sides of the counter. Includes other diner artists, historians , TV and feature film clips. Scheduled to start shoot late May early June, p .!d. Colin Strayer d. O. p. Leo lourdoumls. sd. David Staton p, a. Alex Ferguson. Fully crewed. PARAMOUNT PICTURES INC. (604) 877· 2270 COUSINS A leature lilm scheduled shooting in the Vancouver area. p. William Allyn d. Joel Schumacher p, man, Warren Carr. I'&.A YIIIO WITH ""IIINe. (416)466-6170 HGRAMI JUNIOR NION In production in Toronto from the beginning of April to Dec. lor a 1hIrd Cycle of 1 8 x 112h show, shown_1dy on Cee. TV and PBS. p. Unda Schuyler. Ki1 Hood Ilee. p. Unda Schuyler. Kale Taylor d. 1<11 Hood Ie. Van Moore p. man. Sari Friedland cam. Philip Earnshaw ad. Ervin Copestake p, Me. laura VICkers I.p, Sara Sa/lingall, SlBfan Brogr.n., Chri 510pher Charlesworth, Sarah Charlesworth, Amanda Cocm, Irene Courakos, Angela Delseech, Maurean DeiseaCh, MicheUe Goodeve, Anais Granofsky. Robocca Haine •• Neil Hope. Deborah Lobban. Pal Mastroianni, Stacie Mistysyn, Bill Parrott. Siluck Saysanasy. Amanda Steplo, Duncan Waugh, Dan WOOds pub. Ka1hryn Elli s Assoc. LII. PIIooucnoNa ,.,."IIA INC. (514)2n.- LA lIAISON D!SCNIN" A 249 x 1 J2h drama series made fa TV. Shooting : June ' 8710 June '88. Aired on Tel6vision Cuatr. Saisons u of Sept '87. Episodes 1·50 allolI6 in France with option to buyrer1'18.iq 199. Aired on TV Feb. lst .IIC. p, Claude Godbout. Louise R1I1gII d. Fran(:Ois Cote, Rachel Guertin. For complete credits see issue No. 153, MARGUERITE ET COIIPAQ.,I Daily lalk show aired on TlII6Yision Quatres Saisons. 1 hr, exec. p. Claude Godbout, louise Rangerp. Andre Barra d. Rober1 Deslonds holt Marguennet Blais. SNJ (416)922,31 68 THE ORIGINALS A 26 x 112h series lor City and Canadian Syndication. Subjects include John Kenneth Galbraith, GIn Steinem, Dr. Thomas Niguchi ,Craig Russell, Hoyt Axton. Joni Mitchell, etc. 13 shows in rough-eut stage. exec. p. Richard Nielsen, VICtor Solnicki. p ,Jrn Hanley, David l ee. A jointventureol Screennme PrOduct ions Umited, NorflickS Productions Limited and Jillian Film and Investment Corporation, TELESCENE PRODUCnOHf (514) 288·1638 MALAREK A feature fil m based on Victor , Malarek 's book MHey. Malarek l'. po Jamie Brown, Robin Spry exec: , p, Neil Leger. Paul Painter d. Roger cardMI sc. Avrum Jacobson a.d. Pierre Plante d.o,p. Karol Ike an d. Claude Pare p . man. Jean DesormealJl lp. n . d. LouisCraigdlat. in Canada, Consolidated has world ri ghts. pUb. David Novak AssocialtS (514)284-2113. Budgele<l al$<1 million. Shooting in Montreal untilM 7th. I. p. El ias Koteas, Kerrle Kea/liJ,N Waxman . THE "'RST MILLfNNIUII PROOUCTION LTD. (416)763·7570 MILLENNIUM . Feature film. Shoot started AprI12i11 Toronto. A ti me--warp adventure ,"' , •• ,." a Oa .. . .' •••• 36 years e>" experie,-,ce I .••• e. ca{\ ada -' •• ' I' ' THE COMPLETION GUARANTORS Michael Spencer, President - I' I, nce., . cat' .••• for features, tetevision series, 1001, de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite 910 .-: t.\"a ••••• and internationat co-prOd, uctions Montreal, Quebec H3A 3C8 t.\''''' {" oe. ,{" - Tetephone : (514) 288-6763 {" 1\'" .' •• ' . LES Toronto , John Ross. (416) 466-2760 t.\"a,' • •• pour series de teleVISion, tongs metrages Telex: 055-62276 {" • • • • et co-productions internationates -.' PAGI S. CINEMA CANADA IULY I AUGUS' 1'"


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The following is a list of current projects being produced in Canada. Only TV series and films over one hour are included. Projects are separated into four categories: On

Location, Pre-production, Projects in Negotiation, and In the Can. While films in the project stage are subject to change, only those in active pre-production at the time of publication - those which have set a date for beginning principal photography and are also engaged in casting and crewing - are listed under Pre-production. The In Negotiation section is published every other month due to lack of turnover in projects. Films are listed by the name of the company whicltinitiated the project, or by the company that is popularly associated with it. The production company is not necessarily the same company which initiated or is associated with the project.

When two companies are different, the name of the production company, if known, is given. If producers ask us not to list a project or to withhold certain credits because of ongoing negotiations, we respect their request. Projects are up-to-date as of the 15th of the month preceding publication. Please telephone additions and up-dates to: Cinema Canada (416) 596-6829 or (514) 272-5354; FAX (514) 27()"S068 FILM CREDIT ABBREVIATIONS Be.C. accountant a.d. assistant director adapt. adaptation admln. administration anlm. animation-art d . art director 8s.8OC. p. associate producer cam. cameraman

eaM. casting director 9O-P. co-producer cont. continuity COlit. des. costume designer d. director dev. development dial. dialogue disi . distributor d . 0 . p director of photography ed. editor elec. electrician exec. In ch. 01 p . executive in chief of production exec. p. executive producer lunds. financial S6Nices gaff. gaHer glnny

op. ginny operator hair hairstylist key grip key grip light d. light director line p. line producer loc. man. location manager m. music n8rr. narratororlg. m. original music p . producer p . 8. production assistant p. ace. production accountant p. c . production company p . co-ord. production co-ordinator p. des. production designer ph.

photography p . man. production manager post p. sup. post·production supervisor props prop master pub. publicity rep. reporter ac. script ad. sound ad. ed. sound editor sd. ree. sound recording set dec, set decorator set des. set designer sp. fx . special effects sp. ph, fx. special photographic effects stills ph. stills photography

story eel . story editor sup . ed. supervising editor sup. p. supervising producer tech. d . technical director W. writer ward. wardrobe mIstress I. p. leading players.

On Location ACTION BASIS INC. (416) 225·8103 BLOOD RANSOM A movie made for TV. A kind of

cat-chases-mouse thriller. p.ld. Bruno PischJuna I, p. Sonia Lindgren Larry

Jannison. Femi Benuss i

ALfRED HITCHCOCK FILMS (416)530·0300 ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESEIITS Production began Nov. 30th on 41 new episodes of the series. Shooting will

continue unti l Nov. 1988. Produced by Paragon Motion Pictures for Universal

TeleviSion and USA Network in the United States and for Global Television

in Canada exec. p. Jon SIan, Michael Sloan sup, p. Robert Delaurentis p.

Sarbara Joy Laffey d . lale Dalen.

Sturla Gunnarson. TImothy Bond, Allan King, Rene Bonniers, Vic Sarin, David

Gelfand, William Fruet. For complete creDits.sa.e ISS ' lft No 153


~ ... . II • : ••.••••• : .

April 15th. p . Arnold Glimcher d . Leonard Nimoy 8C. Michael Bortman p. man. David Coatsworth 1 st 8. d .

Tony Lucibello p. co--orcl, Mara McSweeny. Sharon O 'Dwyer cam. David Watkin set dec. Hilton

Rosemarin cost. Susan Becker ed.

Peter Berger art d . Richard Harrison sd. David Lee pub. Darryl Wright dlst. Buena Vista Pictures Distribution I. p.

Diane Keaton, Liam Neeson, Jason­Robards. Ralph Bellamy, Teresa

Wright , James Naughton. Katey Sagal, Asia Vieira .

ATLANTIS (416) 462·0246 THE TWILIGHT ZGNE london Films and Allantis Films are

collaborating with CBS Broadcast International on 30 new 112h sci-fI episodes of the classic series . Shoot

began April 25th and Will continue through '88 on location in T aronlo. Deliveryof the shows IS slated to begin

in fall. exec. p. Mark Shelmerdine,

Michael MacMillan p . Seaton McLean. diu 01 the new episodes wilt be

handled by CBS Broadcast International and MGMfUA

Telecommunications pub. Jeremy




CAII.,UII FlL", AND VIDEO PIIODUCTION. I. TD_ (416)964-8750 SNARON, LOIS & BIlAIl'S I!LEPHANT SHOWISERI.S V An 8ward--wlnnlng, lively, musical TV serles for the whole famlty. The flfth sesson ot 8 13 x 112h episode show Is scheduled for delivery 10 eec In the fall . Shoot scheduled for the summer. .nc. p. Amie llpursky, Bruce Glswson auoc. p. Charles Zamarla.

Julie Ouesnel1elln. p. Jeff Snlderman w. Mark Shekter I.p. Sharon

Hampson, Lo!s Ullenstein. Bram Morrison, Eric Nagler, Paula Gallivan

net .wrlter Mark Shak1er pub. Pamela M. Keary.

CBC/TORONTO TEL STREET LEGAL Third season 0' the 20.lt 1 hr law series. exec. p, Maryke McEwen p. Duncan

Lamb and David !'ears I. p. Sonja Smits. C. David Johnson, Eric Peterson and Cynthia Dale. pub. Ginny eellwood (416)975-7169. WONDERSTRUCK An ongoing science magazine lor 8 · 17·year.olds, produced by the cee TV Network Children 's Department. A last·paeed series tor young people who are curious about everything. The series shows that science and technology can be entertaining,

relevant and participatory . exec. p. LIz Fox rep. Debra Matthews p. Paul Goodman, Bob McDonald,

Debra Mathews host Bob McDonald pub. Barbara Chemin, (416) 975-6776 WIRED Canadian segments 01 British music

magazine. p . Karen Morrison d. Michael Duff pub. Ralph C. Ell is Enterprises Ltd. (416)924-2168


CINAR FILMS INC. (5 14 ) 843·7070 SMOGGIES!

An oHicial Canada! France co·production produced by Cinar

Films, Montreal and Initial Groupe, Paris. Shooting in Montreal and Paris

until fall '89. 26 x 1/2h animated teleVision episodes. p. Micheline Charest , Ronald A. Weinberg, Jean

Cazes d. Gerald Ponerton orl9 . Idea Gerald Pottenon se. Michael Short animo d. PIOO Van Lamsweerde anlm.

Gerry Capetie , Zlatko Griglc orlg. m. Judy Henderson theme song Jo Raposo diu Cinar Films pub.

lorraine Jamison, David Novek Associates, (514) 284·21 13

CINE·GROUP J. P. INC. (514) 524·7567 FLYIJ(G BEARS Co·production between Cine·groupe

and Zagreb Film in Yugoslavia. First co·production between Canada and

Yugoslavia. To be aired early 1990 exec. p . Jacques Pettigrew. Andre

Lamy p. man. Bruno Gamulin line p, Hugh Campbell , Ivan Kovac d. Jean

Saraull se. Jean·Pierre liccioni head story board Michel LeMire head

layout Neven Patric io.

DANGER ItA r MODUCTION. ToronlO: (416)535·7555

Vancouver: (604) 298·7291

DANQ!RBAY Fifth season of the TV series began shooting in Vancouver on May 9,

continues until October 14. In

association with the eBC, The Disney

Channel and with the participation 0' Telelilm Canada. exec. p . Paul

Saltzman eup. p. Harold Tichenor pcm. prod p, Paul Quigle:; p. man,

Gordon Mark nee. at. cone. Ann MacNaughton d. ReJ( Bromfield, Ken

JubenviU, Allan King, Alan Simmonds,

Brad Turner 1It a,d. T. W. Peacocke,

Mick MacKey d.o.p. Bob Ennis loc. man. George Horie cast. Trish Robinson extr ••• Annet1e McCaffen~y

art d. JiH Scon pub. Dix ie Cutler.

DREAMWUVER (902)454·2829 OPERATION GUANTANAMO A 2·hour movie ( upon sale of a 22 )( 112h TV series) about the FBI and

RCMP investigations into the smuggling of Cubans from '8 1· '65 through the port 01 Halifax into the U. S. p. Joseph Landry, Brian Gazele:; d ,

Joseph landry, Brian Gazeley ed. Jonpaul Vincen1 cam. Joseph Burke set dee. Michael Miller grip Leonard Miller p . a. Michelle Smith hair &

makeup Barb Moore propa & ward. Heather E. Gazeley I. p. Michael Haynes, Jim Fowler, Barb Moore,

Garrett MacFadyen. OPERATION GUANTANAMO A22 x l h episode TV series. Shot Jan. 27 until May. FBI and RCMP

investigations into the smuggling 01 Cubans Irom 'S1- '65 through pon of Hal ifax: into the U. S. Credits as abova.

FL Y" PRODUCTIONS (604)291-6290 THE FLY II Sequel to The Ay. Starting date April 30. Shoot conlinues for 12 weeks.

eKec. p, Stewart Cornfeld p . Steven·CharlesJatfe assoe. p . Gillian

Richardson d. Christopher Walas B. d , Peter Marsha ll p. man. Fitch Cady

loc. man. Tracy Jeffrey p, co--ord , Karen Stewart d . o. p. Robin Vidgeon

vIdeo Klaus MelchiOr stills photog. Joe Lederer cam. Cyrus Block art d .

Sandy Cochrane ed . Sean Banon sp. tx. makeup Stephan Dupuis sp. fx.

coord. John Thomas sc. Rob Young p. des, Michael Bolton cost. des.

Christopher Ryan set. dec. Rose Marie McSt1erry ac. sup. Jean

Bereziuk, Eleanor Spencer extras castiVen, Mjchelle Allen


LIFE, TIME 'S .lOUANEYIET LA VIE CREA L'AVENTURE A 6)( l h TV series shot in H. D. T. V.

35mm. budget: $3,000,000. Official

Canada/France CO-production with

Captan Productions, Pans. French

team shooting in Africa in mid·Feb. locations include East Africa, France,

Hungary, the Amazon, Peru, Los Angeles, BaHin Island, Yukon, the

Mackenzie Valley. All shooting ends in Nov. Project backed by science

organization Ardoukoba p, Sabin

Richard-Nicholas, Herve Masquelter

(Fr . ) George Wright. Hblene Fournier.

' . . .' , .'

Philip Jackson. HaroldTschipper (Ca. )

For complete credits see Issue' No. 153.

MAKO "ILMS LTD. (416) geO-3228

THE LAST FRONTIER The third season 01 the 70 )( 112h TV series about the sea. This

adventure/documentary series Is

co·produced by Mako Films Ltd. and

CTV Television Network. Began airing la51lall . diet. Lorimar Te19pictures will

be distributing the series worldwide .

exec. p./d . John Stoneman "arr. Henry Remer hoet John Stoneman m. Alan Kane p. Sarah Stoneman

compo .. r Alan Kane aurfaee cln .

Rob Garrard underwater cln. Adam Aavetch .... cam. Norman

Bouchonnais .up. ed. Joseph Blasioli ed. Kip Spidell, Alex Van Ihinger a •• tt ed. secn Molnar negative cutter Erika

Wolfe.clentlflccon., Dr. AJ8IlEmery .tlll. ph. Ruby Cler, Steven l ewis W.

Jo Btasloli. Kip Spidel l.

Me", PIIODS I. TD. (613) 231·7645

COWBOYZ A comedy/suspense leature shooting

In Eastern Canada, the U. S, and Haiti. Produced in association with Doomsday productions, p./d ./ac. P.

E. Evanchuck ed. Tony Kelleher

auoc. p , Ramona MacDonald , Harold Tschipper cam. Peter Evanchuck ed. George Goracz, H.

Lacelle , Chuck Evans, J.p. Len Corey,

Helene l acelle, Lisanne Garret, Dusan

Mirkovitch. Steve Senos, Ron Swant. Hagus MacKenzie, Jacques Couillard, Paul LeBlanc, Marc Cialle. Ron

Saikaly, Jack Webb.

THE MONTRUL NEW FILM GROUP INC./ LES NOUVELLES CINEASTES MONTREAL INC. (5 14) 844·n40 BETTY GOODWIN A film on Montreal anist Betty Goodwin, winner of the 1986 Pnx Peul·Emite

Borduas to be completed by the summer. d . Tina Home p . Norma

Denys, Nastaran Dibai. The film IS due

\0 be released in July.


AMERICAN DINER A gO-minute feature documentary

hosted by artist John Baeder. Film

takes viewer on a road odyssey through New England diner country.

Film eJ(plores evolution or the roadside

diner culture on both Sides of the

counter . Includes other diner artists,

historians , TV and feature film clips .

Scheduled to start shoot late May early

June, p .!d. Colin Strayer d . O. p . Leo lourdoumls. sd. David Staton p, a.

Alex Ferguson. Fully crewed.


COUSINS A leature lilm scheduled shooting in the

Vancouver area. p. William Allyn d .

Joel Schumacher p , man, Warren


I'&.A YIIIO WITH ""IIINe. (416)466-6170

HGRAMI JUNIOR NION In production in Toronto from the beginning of April to Dec. lor a 1hIrd Cycle of 1 8 x 112h show, shown_1dy on Cee. TV and PBS. p. Unda Schuyler. Ki1 Hood Ilee. p. Unda Schuyler. Kale Taylor d. 1<11 Hood Ie. Van Moore p. man. Sari Friedland cam. Philip Earnshaw ad. Ervin Copestake p, Me. laura VICkers I.p, Sara Sa/lingall, SlBfan Brogr.n., Chri510pher Charlesworth, Sarah Charlesworth, Amanda Cocm, Irene Courakos, Angela Delseech, Maurean DeiseaCh, MicheUe Goodeve, Anais Granofsky. Robocca Haine •• Neil Hope. Deborah Lobban. Pal Mastroianni, Stacie Mistysyn, Bill Parrott. Siluck Saysanasy. Amanda Steplo, Duncan Waugh, Dan WOOds pub. Ka1hryn Ellis Assoc.

LII. PIIooucnoNa ,.,."IIA INC. (514)2n.-LA lIAISON D!SCNIN" A 249 x 1 J2h drama series made fa TV. Shooting : June '8710 June '88. Aired on Tel6vision Cuatr. Saisonsu of Sept '87. Episodes 1·50 allolI6 in France with option to buyrer1'18.iq 199. Aired on TV Feb. lst .IIC. p,

Claude Godbout. Louise R1I1gII d. Fran(:Ois Cote, Rachel Guertin. For complete credits see issue No. 153, MARGUERITE ET COIIPAQ.,I Daily lalk show aired on TlII6Yision

Quatres Saisons. 1 hr, exec. p.

Claude Godbout, louise Rangerp. Andre Barra d. Rober1 Deslonds holt Marguennet Blais .

SNJ (416)922,31 68

THE ORIGINALS A 26 x 112h series lor City ~ and Canadian Syndication. Subjects include John Kenneth Galbraith, GIn Steinem, Dr. Thomas Niguchi,Craig Russell, Hoyt Axton. Joni Mitchell, etc. 13 shows in rough-eut stage. exec. p. Richard Nielsen, VICtor Solnicki. p,Jrn Hanley, David l ee. A jointventureol

Screennme PrOductions Umited,

NorflickS Productions Limited and Jillian Film and Investment


TELESCENE PRODUCnOHf (514) 288·1638 MALAREK A feature fil m based on Victor , Malarek 's book MHey. Malarek l'. po Jamie Brown, Robin Spry exec:, p, Neil Leger. Paul Painter d. Roger cardMI sc. Avrum Jacobson a.d. Pierre

Plante d.o,p. Karol Ike an d. Claude Pare p . man. Jean DesormealJl lp.

n . d . LouisCraigdlat. MalofilmG~ in Canada, Consolidated has world rights. pUb. David Novak AssocialtS

(514)284-2113. Budgele<l al$<1 million. Shooting in Montreal untilM

7th. I. p. Elias Koteas, Kerrle Kea/liJ,N

Waxman .


MILLENNIUM . Feature film . Shoot started AprI12i11

Toronto. A time--warp adventure ,"'

, •• , ." aOa .. . ~ , .' •••• 36 years e>" experie,-,ce I .••• I· e. ca{\ ada -' •• ' I' ' THE COMPLETION GUARANTORS Michael Spencer, President

• - I' I, nce., . cat' .••• • for features, tetevision series, 1001, de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Suite 910 .-: t.\"a .t.'\~\1\S ••••• ~ . and internationat co-prOd, uctions Montreal, Quebec H3A 3C8 t.\''''' {" oe. ,{" • - Tetephone : (514) 288-6763 {" 1\'" .' ",c~" •• ' . LES G~RANTS. D'~C::HEVEMENT Toronto, John Ross. (416) 466-2760

t.\"a,' • • • pour series de teleVISion , tongs metrages Telex: 055-62276 {" • • • • et co-productions internationates -.'




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takes place in both the present and the future. exec. p . John Forman. Freddie Fields, P. Gael Mourant. Louis Silverstein p . Doug Leiterman. Robert Vince 8Up. p_ John M. Eckert d . Michael Anderson w. John Varley I. p. Kris Kristofferson. Cheryl Ladd. Daniel J. Travanti , Robert Joy. For complete credits see issue No. 153.

TORONTO TALKIES. (416) 537-7250 INSIDE STORIES A multicultural anthology series (13 x 1/2 hr. ) set in Toronto 'sdiverse cultural communities. High quality dramas, comedies and thrillers. Produced by Toronto Talkies Inc. for CBC and MTV in Canada. International and education distribution by Atlantis and Magic Lantern. Shooting Oct. '87 to Oct. '88. exec. p. Paul de Silva, line. p. Ann 0 ·Briena88oc. p . Phillip Ing a.s. top. Diane Roblin bus. afl. Heather Marshall story ed. Barbara O'Kelly writers Matthew Segal. Nika Rylski . Atom Egoyan, Romany Steele. Tony Di Franco, Midi Onodera. Edward Lam dlrector8 Jim Kaufman. lale Dalen. Atom Egoyan. Deepa Mehta Saltzman. Stefan Scaini, Richard Flower. Clarke Mackey d.o.p. Andy Binnington untt man. Bill Rennie p. coord. Bev Burrow Ist8. d. 's David Webb, John Pace eastlng Deirdre Bowen, Tina Gerussi loc_ man. Paul Casselman art director. Paul Ames, Milt Parcher. Bob Hackbom p. acct. Jane Douglas poat. p_ coord. Marle Snyder p •• ec. Susanne el Baroudi publ. lvla R. Barwick

VIA LE .. ONDE INC. (514) 285-1658 YS LA MAONIFIQUE. A 112-hour 26-episode animated TV series. With participation of Atkinson/Crawley. p. Catherine Viau animation Atkinson. Shoatlng

WATCHER PRODUCTIONS (604) 669-8890 WATCHERS Feature film. Shoot began May 9th. p. David Mitchell. Damian Lae d. Jon Hess loc. man. Christine Haebler d.o.p. Richard Leiterman exec. Inch. of p. Carl Borack line p . Mary Eilts p . man. George Grieve lat aast. d . Lee

Knippolberg 2nd a88t. d . Rachel Leiterman 3rd 8a8t. d_ Brett Dowler I. p. Corey Haim. Barbara Will Iiams .

WEST SKY ENTERTAIN .. ENT GROUP INC. (403) 259-4468 THE RANCH Production began May 30th in Calgary

and Southem Alberta. exec. p . Madeline Hombert, Scott Jones p . Madeline Hombert d . Stella Stevens sc. Madeline Hombert, Neil Gordon m. Luciana Giachetta Writers Production I. p. Gary Fjellgaard. Andrew Stevens

Caat. Star Rocks Inc.


Italian production co. : Professional Video of Italy (tel. 04t -540-1122). A

t -hour documentary about underground rock music in the U.S.S.R. Currently on location in Moscow and Leningrad. p. Peter

Wronski, Sergio Pastrello d . Peter Wronski co-po Omelia Barreca aasoc.

p. Emmanuela Sanavia.


Pre-Production ALLIANCE ENTERTAIN .. ENT CORP. (416) 967-1174

GATE II. Sequel to the 1987 film The GATE. A

supernatural. specialeffects thriller. with principal photography to begin in late August. p. Andras Hamori d. Tibor Takacs sc. Bruce Wagner p. des.

Will iam Beeton ap. Ix.des. Randall William Cook lip. Louis Tripp dlst. Alliance Releasing.

BISHARI FIL .. PRODUCTIONS INC. (416) 925-9001 or (416) 463-3191 WOMEN IN WAR lO x 1 h docu-dramas to be shot in England. France. Italy. Poland, Greece, Yugoslavia, Israel, Russia, United States, Canada. Vietnam and EI Salvador. Based on the book 'Women in War" : First Hand Accounts from World War II to EI Salvador by Shelley Saywell. Production is scheduled for the fall. p. Shelley Saywell, Deborah Parks, Undsay Knighl8c. Anne Valery, Shelley Saywell. Presently negotiating co-production deal with Holmes Associates Film and Television Producers in Britain.


. A 2 hr movia shooting in August in Toronto and Pincher Creek, Alberta Based on the novel by Susan Haley. p. Flora Macdonald d. Eric Till exec. p­Peter Kelly 1 at a. d. David Webb 2nd a. d. Cynthia Gillespie SC. John Frizzell story Lyal and Barbara Brown conI. Mark Corbeil unit man. Sarah Irwin d. O. p. Nikos Evdemon cam. Erik Kristensen ad. Dave Brown an d. Paul

Ames dea. coord. Bill Parry des. asat. Diz Marsh cost. des. Hilary Corbett makeup Mario CaciOppo ca8t. Claire Hewitt pub. Joann loon

CANAMEDIA PRODUCTIONS (416) 591-6612 AVIATION IN THE NORTH An entertaining and informative look at the bush pilots of yesterday who flew the vast spaces of northern Canada.-It will be broadcast in Canada by TVO and in the Un~ed Kingdom by Channel 4 Television . Winter shoot from March 31-ApriI8. Summer shoot will resume In July. axec. p.lp.ld . Les Harris assoc. p.l2nd d. Andrew Johnson d.o.p . Bill Clegg sd. Ao Loa ed. Les Harris, Don Cassidy m. Peter Jermyn Interviewees 'Punch" Dickins. Max Ward. Stan McMillan, Marten Hartwell lunds TVO. TFC, OFDC. Rogers T elefund and Canamedia Productions


CINAR FIL .. S INC. (514) 843-70701 (416) 443-9200 TIME OF THEIR LIVES: THE DIONNE TRAGEDY Cinar has bought the rights to John

Nihmey and Stuart Foxman's best-selling novel an the quintuplets.

Telefllm is presently Involved In the development of the book into a major

motion picture. The screenplay is being written by Nlhmey and Foxman. David Novek Assoc. , (514) 284-21 t3.

CINEAfAPLUS PRODUCTIONS (514)521 -1 163 JESUS DE MONTREAL Feature. Scheduled to begin shoating at the end of July. dJ sc. DenysArcand

p. Roger Frappier. Pierre Gendron d. O. p_ Guy Dufaux I. p . Lothaire

Bluteau. Financial participation :

SOGIC - $500.000.

COSCIENT INC. (514) 284-2525

NORTHERN CHALLENGE 1 t 12 hour film to be shot in Sept. Project with Canadian army. d . Jean Leclerc 8C. Frank Fontaine exec.

p. Richard Laferriere. Laurent Gaudreau assoc. p. Louise Boucher.

DOO .. SDA Y STUDIOS LTD. (613) 230-9769 SILVER WATER GOLDEN SAND (SAND AND WATERI A feature film set in the British Regency period . On location in the United Arab Emir,ates States. Produced with Ajman Independent Studios. budget $3.6 million exec. p. Don Haig p. man. Marcelle Gibson assoc. p. Howard Perry d./sc. Ramona Macdonald assoc_ d. (action) Wayne Wynne A. d. Cordell Wynne creative d. Katherine Hohensee art d. 'Michael Helmy cost. Csilla Marki d. o. p: David Carr CSC, Richard Glouner ASC stunt8 Johnny Goar cam. Ron Macdonald. Antonin Lhotsky sd. ed. Tony Kelleher. CFE I.p. Jane Chisholm, Adrian Hough. Adib Chamas, Mary Colin Chisholm. Canadian distribution : Alliance Releasing.

DREA .. WEAVER PRODUCnONS (902) 454-2829 WISseOUETT WAVES A 22 x 112h situation comedy shot an location In Halifax, Eastem shore Nova Scotia and in Wlsscossett.Malne. exec. pJp./d_ Joseph Landry, Brian Gazeley I. p. Rodney Thompson, Bill Gray, Diane Goyette.

ERIN FIL .. S LTD. (604) 943-5902 LIGHTHOUSE p_ Harold J. Cole sc. Baan Collins. Bruce P'itlman d. Bruce Pittman p. man. John Smith diet. Modern Cinema Marketing Inc. and Vestron Pictures.

FIL .. ENTERPRISE GROUP Toronto (416) 739-t689 Peterborough (705) 749-3919 PERFECT VISION A low-budget feature film . This romantic comedy will be shot In Toronto and Peterborough with a tentative shooting date of early Aug. exec. p . Andrew Gainor p. Craig Forrest d. Kalman Szegvary sc. Usa Alcott sup. ed. Les Brown p_ dee. Claudio lacoe d. O. p . Lorne Batchelor pub. Udia Ferrari 1 at a88l. d _ Steve Doyle p. sup. Ray Dumas. Sandra Simetta lunds limited partnership investment.

FIL .. STOCK L TO (5t4) 596-1440 COMMENT FAIRE L'AMOUR AVEC UN NEGRE SANS SE FATIGUER Feature. Co-production between France and Canada. Based in the novel of the same name by Dany Laferriere. Sheduled to start shoating this month in Montreal. To be distributed by Aska Film. p . Richard

Sadler. Ann Burke sC. Dany Laferriere. Richard Sadler d . Jacques Banoit I. p .

lsaach de Bankol':'


CONNECTING (SERIES III 26 x 112h series of a Donahue-styte forum tor teenagers. p . Helene B.

White. exec. p . and dl8t. Bruce Raymond. Reymond International.

Toronto. In aSSOCiabOn with CFCN-TV. Calgary.


TEL A 13-episode TV dramatfc series (continuing character). Canadian-British co-production p. Helene B. White SC. Denise Coffey. lunds AMPDC, TFC. CFCN Communications. Diverse Productions. Production in the winter p. c - J. A. Davi .. s Productions Inc.


JUST ANOTHER NERVOUS WRECK Full-length feature scheduled to start shoating this month in Vancouver. p./sc. Michael Burri exec. p. Richard Van Derveen d. Norman Geiger p . man. Jan Wiggins loc. man. Ron Brightman I. p. Jonathan Bridge. Usa Lorraine. A Media-Tech production in association w~h HDTV Canada.

J. A DA VIES PRODUCTIONS INC. (416) 391-2913 BAD SOUL This intellectual thriller recounts the Ironic meeting of two men whose only previous encounter, 20 years earlier. resulted in wealth and power for one and miserable poverty for the other. p./d . Bruno Plschiutta. To be distributed by Philip Sallick of Dolphin International Film Distribution. (416) 223-n68, summer '89. LURED A riches to rags story documenting the tortuous dectlne of a once prosperous family man at the hands of an exotically beautiful temptress. pJd. Bruno Pischiutta I. p. Reula Said, Barbara Shearer. To be distributed by Phillip Sallick of Dolphin Intematlonal Film Distribution.

KISS T.N ••• SKY PRODUCTIONS L TO. (416) 961-4115 KISS T. H. E. SKY A low-budget 35mm feature film about the Ine and drug-related death of a famous black rock gu~arist. Starring Toronto 's Jimi Hendrix impersonator Tony Springer. drummer Carmine Appici . and Tim Bogert on bass. Shooting In Toronto. New York and Los Angeles p.ld . Robert Connally.

LIGHTSCAPE .. OTION PICTURE CO. LTD. (416) 925-8445 SHADOW DETAIL A suspensel psychological drama to be shot on loc. in Montreal, St. Pierre et Miquelan. budgetSSOO.OOO. p./d./ec. Phillip Jackson assoc. p . Harald Tschipper story ed. Dina Ueberman m. Claude Boux ad. ed. M. C. Sar:la p_ acc. Demerise Lafleur dIaL

Ughtscape Intemational Ltd. STRANGE HORIZONS Feature-length sci-fi film. budget $550.000. lunds TFC, First Choice . Super Ecran. sc_/p. Phillip Jackson

ed. R. LaChance ad. ed. Kiki Sarda m. Claude Boux assoc. p . Charles S. Chaplin p. Harold Tschipper story ed. Dina Ueberman I. p. Olga Prohkorov. Ken LeMaire. Peter Brikmanis. Dirk McLean 88t des_ James Allan p_ ace_ Demerese Lafleur dlst. Ughtscape International Ltd.

.. CIII PRODS LTD. (61 3) 231-7645 FALLING IN LIKE A comedy/suspense feature. p ./d ./ltC. P. E. Evanchuck ed. Kilo Sarda

assoc. p. Philiip Jackson. Harald Tschipper cam. Peter Evanchuck ad. George Goruc. H. Lacelle. Chuck Evans.



NATIONAL FILM BOARD (514) 283·9000 JUSTICE DENIED A 2hr, drama based on Michael Harris's book on the Donald Marshall

story. p. Adam Symansky d . Paul Cowan. Slated to start shooting in Oct. I AM MARY DUNNE The NFB has lust bought the film rights to best-sel ling author Brian Moore 's

1966 novel. NFB Montreal director Douglas Jackson plans to start

shooting a feature basad on the boOK in Montreal this winter. Budget wil l be In

the $1 million range . • C. Brian Moore,

Douglas Jackson.

rHEBUS From the NFB's alternative drama department.(Working title) Shooting

will take place In several Ihre&-week blocks this summer and fall in

Huberdeeu, Quebec! d . Cynthia Scott p.led. David Wilson auoc. p. Salty Bochner sco GlOria Demers I. p. Michelle Sweenev.

NORSTAR ENTERTAINM£NT INC. (4161 961,6278 • niil'i'iMATE RELATIONS A co-venture between Norstar

Entertainment Inc. and .Nort~wood Communications Inc. A black comedy

about a shy. enigmatiC man who visits a suburban family while po);ing as a distant cousin compiling 8 family tree.

He is 'ound 10 be an Imposter onty after each member has unloaded an array of bizarre personal problems revealing an eccentric and disturbing underside to modem suburbia. Shooting in Toronto

and area in the summer. ac. James Blacker exec. p. Peter SimpSon, Rob

Mclean p. MichaelGrant.llana Frank, Ray Sager d . James Black~r.

NORTH£RN LlQHTS MEDIA CORP. (604) 684-2888 HOCKEYBAT HARRIS A TV drama c:o-productlon with HTV, England scheduled to shoot in the fall In

England and Saskatchewan p. Stephen Foster. Nicholas Kendall.

lund. TFC. cac.

PARAQON ",croll •• (416 )9n·2929 THE NEIGNTS 01' ABRAHAM The story at the 1759 banle for Quebec on the Plains 0' Abraham In Quebec City. Aco-l=(Oduction with BBC TV and

the Global Network in association with

Murray Shostak 0' Canadian Intamational Studios. p. Jon Sian d. Frank Cvitanovich &c. Robin


DAY ONE A 3·hour made·for-TV movie for CBS.

in association with Aaron Spelling Productions. To be shot in Montreal .

DAY ONE recounts the story of the deve lopment of the atomic bomb. d. Joe Sargent I. p. Brian Oflnnehy, John

Houseman, Michael Tuck,r

PACIFIC CLIPPER Pilor for a 22-hour senes, " comtemporary action*dram to be shot

in New Zealand. Co-produc .011 .'11th

G lobal, Channel 10 in Austra lia ~n~ TV

New Zea land.

LES PRODUCTI ONS KARIM (514 ) 842·1424 LA CORRIVEAU The story 0' the young and ill iterate

Marie-Josephe Corriveau who was tried and convicted of the murder of si)(

husbands in 1760. Before she was put

to death, she was publicly displayed in

a cage borrowed trom a travelling

circu s. A Canada-France co-production slated 10 bagin shooting

October 8th. p. Jean Zaloum Ctrp.

Danny Rossner d. Gitles Carle ac. Roger Lemelin I. p. Chloe 51e. Marie.



fundi TFC budget $4 million. pub.

David Novek Associates, (514)

284-2113. STATE OI'THE ART A film aboutlhe world of organized

alNheft p .Jean Zaloum p . man.

Danny Rossner d. Alain Zaloum pub. David Novek Assodates (51 4)


L£S PRODUCTIONS NICOLE ROS£RT (514 ) 769-1266 LAURALAUR Feature to begin shooting in August. p. Nicole Robert d . fsc. Briglne Saurlo1. Adapted from the novel by Suzanne Jacob. d . o. p. Louis De Ernested art d. Jean Baptiste Tard I.p. Paula De Vasconcelos, Dominique Briand,

Andree Lachapelle dial. Prima Film Inc. pub. Suzanne Villeneuve Assoc.

(5 14 )842*9964. Financ~1 participation. SOGIC : $250,000. Total

budget. $1 .5 mill ion.

L£S PRODUCTIONS LA F£TE (514) 521·6303 SUMMER OF THE COLT Number 9 in the Tales for All series . Scheduled to start shooting in October in Argentina. p. Rock Oemers d . Andre



OANS LA VENTRE DU DRAGON A feature fi lm scheduled to start shooting this month. p. Michel Gauthier d. Yves Simoneau exec. p.

Monique Messier. Lorraine Richard auoc. p. Andre Viau p. coord. Suzanne Comtois Ioc. man. MariO Nadeau K . Pierre Revelln , Yves

Simoneau, Marcel Beaulieu a.d. Louis-Philippe"Rochon cont. Johanne Boisvert d .o .p . Alain Dostie ad. Michel Charron art d . Norman Sarrazin

.p. tx. Jean-Marc Cyr orlg. mus. Richard Gregoire I. p. Remy Girard, Marie rlfo, Jean·louis Millene. Monique Mercure. Pierre Curzi .

Budget : $2.3 million

QUANTUM PRODUCTIONS (416) 593·8764 CONCI!RTO IN K MINOR A 9O-min. neo-Kafkaesque drama to

be shot in Toronto in August. p. Palricia Vropm d.lac. VIncent Lauzon.

RAM ART PRODUCTIONS (514) 342-4591 WAR. TNE GAME An actionJadventure feature scheduled to start shooting Nov. 14th in Monlreal.

p. Sheldon Newberger exec. p. Aobert Bruni, Ebby Makar d.lac.

Richard J. Perry caltlng Faces International Associated .

STREET PEOPLE An action adventureJdrama scheduled to start shooting Sept. Sin Montreal. p . Richard J. Perry exeo. p. Eric Klei,.

d . /sc. Carey Connor CRltlng Faces intemational Associated

LION 'S SHARE An action/drama to be shot in Montreal.

p . Richard J. Perry exec . p . Marie·Helene Parent d . Richard J Perry sc. EriC Klein u.p .m. Tom

Snoen casting Faces InternatIOnal



I NC. (204 )477-6165 235 1/2 FORT STREET A gO-minute pill)t lor a 1/2-J)our sitcom

seri es. 235 112 Fort Street Is the

address o f a bizarre coUsction of urban

misfits. Th9 build ing itself is a step back

in time. An urban comedy with just a

hint of satire . 11 will start shooting in

Junel July. p, /d. Robb Mavins p. man.

Michael Martin ItOry ed. Deborah

McConnell tech. d . Corey Robinson aaloc. p, Deborah McConnelll.p.

Valerie Kostiuk, Dale Krawchuk.

SHALITES INC. (514) 676·3662 PAGAN p./d . Arshad Shad sc. Tom Hutchinson. An action fant asy feature

sheduled to shoot in August. Budget :

$950.000. GURGLE $C. Arshad Shad. A horror comedy

scheduled to shoot in late fall in

Montreal and Boston. Budget :


3 THEMES INC. (5 14) 874·1841 NO BLAME A 90 minute drama based on a true story about a woman who discovers

that she has tested HIV positive for the

AIDS vi rus halfway through her pregnancy. A Canada/France co-production in association with the

Venture Entertainment Group. d. Daniele J. Suissa p. Daniele Suissa, Nicole Godin (France ) e)(ec . p .

Daniele Suissa. Gordon Gulry (Canada) Nicolas Traube (France )

t line p. Daniel Lou iS d .o.p. Rene Verz ier art d. Vianney Gauthier IC.

Donald Martin, Daniele SuiSse I, p. Helen Shaver. Stephen Macht, Marie--Christine 8arrau!t. Produced with the participation of CHCH-TV (Canada) ; Antenne·2 TV (France).

HTV (Great Britain) and Telenlm Canada. Budget : $1.7 mil lion. In Negotiation

VISAMONDO INC. (514) 288.()514 MAMIE BLUE A musical/drama feature film made for TV. The story of a woman'S determination to carry on after her

husband's death. Scheduled to shot In Montreat In the fall. p.ld. louis Goyer exec. p . Bemard Ferro d. o. p. Paul Hurteau am. d . ·Pierre Plante I. p.

Ranee Lee WHITILADY A 1 1f2 hr thriller about two reunhed policemen. A co-production with Les

Productions Chantfilm Inc. Shoot will commence this month in Montreal and

the surrounding area. p. Louis Goyer exec. p. Bernard Ferro d . Paul Zil ler d.o.p. Paul Hurteau ... 1. d . Pierre

. Plante

TMJ PRODUCTIONS INC. (4 16) 749- 1197 CAFE ROMEO Jlalian-styled romantic romp. Scheduled for shooting in Sept in

Toronto-Klelnburg . co-po Anthony Kramreither exec. p. Don Halg Ic.Jd. Frank Procoppio casting Susan Forrest.

TRU£ SLUE FILMS LIMITED (403 ) 452-02 19 BYE BYE SLUES A feature film loosely based on the

experiences of Anne Wheeler's mother during Wond War II. Principal

photography lor the $4. 5 million drama

IS scheduled to begin in Alberta In July before moving to India 10 Augu~t

Release IS scheduled for the spnng 01

'89. d./ae . Anne Wnee ler exec. p. Tony Allard p . Anne Wheeler AN i

Ul imatainen d . o. p. VIC Sarin runds

AIIarcom'limited , TFC, AMFOC pub Jan Patterson.

WEST SK Y ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC. (403) 259·4468 BACK IN THE WOOD Produced by Altasee Produc1ion Inc. Production begins July 15th in Calgary

and in Southern Alberta. exec. p. /p.

Madeline Hombert sc. Jim Ripley. Jay


WOLFPACK INC. (51 41644.6804 MARIE GUYART Oistribution by Radio Canada. p.

Sylvan Archambaul1 d . Paul MacKan

BC. Sara Lee Stadelman visual

consultant David Wellington.



Garloo, Reverend Ken & The Lost Followers and The Parchute Club. p. Arnie Zipursky, Bruce Glawson auoe. p. David N Rosen , JuliG Ouesnelle.

Charles Zamarla d . Eric Till .

ROQERPYKE PRODUCTIONS LTD. (41 6 ) 591·6860 BUROEN ON THE LANO A l·hour TV special documentary on

Africa. p. Roger Pyke, Henry Gold d .

Roger Pyk exec. p . Simcha


In Negotiation ASTRAL FILM ENT£PRIS.SI MCEQ (514) 746· 6541 BORIS AND NATASHA IN OUR BOYBADENOV A Iiv&-ac1ion romantic comedy.

Sheduled to shoot In Montreal early next year. I.p. Sally Kellerman exec.

p. Jonalhan O. Krane. To be

distributftd in Canada by Astral Fi lms. with MCEG's Manson International

handling foreign distribution.

BOARDWALK A comi~f-age story set in Atlantic city in the '40s. Based on a novel by

Robert Kotlowitz. d. Sheldon Larry exe,e. p. Jonathan O. Krane. To be

distributed in Canada by Astral Films. with MCEG 's Manson Intemational

handling foreign distribution. VILLA GOLITSYN A mysterious and sensual tale of love, betrayal, incest and blackmail. d. Peter Medak exec. p. Jonathan O. Krane. 10 be distributed in Canada by Astral

Films. with MCEG 's Manson International handling foreign distribuHon.

CANAMEDIA PRODUCTIONS LTD. (416) 591 ·6612 THE COMET HUNTER Script in development for 90 min.

made·for·TV movie, and series. Budget 1 mil lion {approx ), fundB TFC p. Les Harris at. Grenn Norman

ac. fdev.fcont. Jean-Claude Lord. DYLAN SCri pt in development on 90 min.

made*lor· TV movie. SC. Laszlo Bama p. Les Harris T HE ORKN EY LAD Mlnl·series/feature. Treatment in

development. research Julie

Wheelwright assoc. p. Debbie Travis p. Les Harris

CHANTFILM INC (5 14)288·2795 O·UNE FRANCE A L'AUTRE A romantic comedy leature to be shot in

France and Quebec.co. p . Vlsamondo Inc. with french participation. p. Louis Goyer sc.Jean Brousseau.

CINEFORT INC. (5141269·9477 IN THE SERVICE OF MAN A documentary which deals with the

ethics of work and the nature of labour

relations In Canada p. Mary Armstrong

d. Mary Armstrong , Peter Bromley.




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CIHE_OUPE/HC. (514) 52"7567 SHOOK AND KIWlA.II MooK. IT KIWI Cine--groupe Production will Interlace conventional and computer animation In.house al Cine-groupe.

''''H ""M' LTD. (604) 943-5902 CAIIDINAL SlNI p. Harold J. Cole d.tac. James Ma~chuk diet. Modam Cinema M ...... til'9 lnc. IIIDNIGHT "'ECIAL Ie. Alan Borden p. Harofd J. Cole. MAKING TUCK. ... Ip./d. Harold J . Colo

''''O~CT/OH FlLMI INC. (514) 284-0+41

U DIAaU! DANS L'.,.IIOUVETTE A made-lor-TV 6){ t I2h. series. p. NataJie Barton ac. AlainO 'Aix, Morgan laUberte. Currently in research! development stages.

J.A. DlLIUOE ""ODUCTIO"I LTD. (416) 363-8034 10ilN WITN THE CENTUIIY Mini-series. exec, p. J.A. Delmage. Paul Talbot. From a novel by William Kinsolving.

.10.,. AHD COMl'ANY L TD. (204)233-1189

BROTNERS' BONO A feature in the de ... elopment stage. d.!p. Romeo Jacobucci.

/CEG ""ODUCT/ONS LTD. (416) 92 .. 2166 aD BOY Sll:xlting schedule TBA. er:ec. p. RaJph C. 'Ellis p. William Davidson ac. Davidson, based on autobiography by

Aoger Caron consult. Roger Caron.

/cireH IH SYNCH ""ODUCnoHI (403) 436-1250 IYLVANLAKE A series of 13 x 112h programs. Alberta ptOduceTi Allen Stein. Peter Campbell, !wi Llmatainan, Tom DonI-Co., DO<Jg Macleod are tho people behind the project which portrays the adventures

CUJ/umt' Rentals for FeOfurt' f IlII, Tdt" 'isIOJI o"d Commt'rcIO/s .

Penod. Contemporon; and Urll/onm

: Ma"'ifacture of costumf"S

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(416)462-0621 -'II., I AUGUST 1 •••

of a group of Alberta teenagers

experiencing Il1e. fundi

Superchannel, AJlarcom 's Pay T alevisian Network.

KORleAN COMMUNICA TIONa (416) 462-9733

GOOO-BYI!, PAPA Project in research . p. /K . Michael Korican.

LA.OUR FlL" I'IIOJ.CT (613) 237-Q618

DANGI!IIOU' PATIIIOTS A. feature film In development. A strike

!&ads an emerging trade union militant on an odyssey through Canadian labour and cultural history of the

Depression era, challenging her percaptionsofwhere she's come from, and where she's going. fund. TFC, OFDC, TVO d,/p. Mlchaol OStroff

exec. p. Paul Caulfleld.c. Merrily

Welsbord story «I. Amie Gelbart I. p. Carol Lazare d. o. p. Guy Borremans.

LAURON PRODtlCnONS (416) 967-6503

SOMETHING'S aonA alVE A feature fi lm. A romantic comedy to be

shot on location in Toronto. dllt. Norstar funds TFC, OFDC budget $2.3 mill ion I.p. Dave Thomas.

MISSHELEH A feature film. A drama about South

Africa to De shot in Southem Africa. A /989 release. bt.Idget $3 million.

THI CHALLlNQt:RS MOVIE A 2h made-for·television movie developed for national broadcast in

1988. Ie. Marlene Mathews story ed. Jack Bond concept/po Ralph

Endersby exec. p. William Johnston, Ron UllIe budget $2 million.

THE CHALLEHGERS (SERIIS) A 13-part children 'S television series

created by Lauron and devloped with the participation of CBC and Telefilm canada. lie. Marlene Mathews, Cltve

Endersby, Robert Morgan ItOry ed. Jack Bond creator and p . Ralph

Endersbyexec. p. Ronald Ullie,

William Johnston budget $2.9 million. LOCKED OUT (working tltl.) A 2h television drama currentfy in script development basad on the

autobiography, Square John :A True Slory.p.Ralph End.rsby.

FREE PROPS for product visibility

,HM/loons props, slgnagf:'. and paclulglng, FREE. 1/),014 allou'

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ONOUROWH A 112h situation comedy series. exec. p. William Johnston and Ron Uille p. Ralph Endersby created and wrttten

by Richard Zeiniker and Myra Fried. THEY'RE NOT MINE A half-hour sitcom series exec. p. Ronald lillie and WIlliam Johnston p. Ralph Endersby ac. Jack Bond and George Anthony.

NEVI!IILAND A made tor TV movie. Scheduled to shoot In early 1989.budget $1 .5

mill ion exec. p. WIlliam Johnston and Ron Unite p. Ralph Endersby d.ld.o, p. Vic Sarin.

L.ON./8 I'IIODUCTION'LTD. (604) 738-7995

'OLLOW THI! DIIINKING QOURD" Cw_lng tltl., A docu-drama In script development. Story about the Negro settlers who

came to Southwest Ontario In the last century. Built specifically around one

teacher, Mary Ann Shadd who settled in Windsor In the early 185Os. For

Global Network, Canada and WTVS Dotroi1(PBS) for tho U, S. rights. p./sc. leon Bib.

LlGHTHOUI. F""S INC. (604) 263-1887

CITY OF DARK A feature-length futuristic

action-adventure about a young woman who finds her life dramatically changed atter a meeting with a strange young man. p. Raymond Massey ae.

Bruno Pacheco tun de Superchannel.


THE INOW QUEIN A contemporary portrayal based on the Hans Chrisian Andersen tate. p. Margaret Steley. fundi Superchannel .

"A TARA I'lL" PRODUCTIONS (416) 422-1270

or 423-8122

III!UNIOH A political feature-length thri ller for

theatrical release. To be filmed In Toronto and area. fundI OFDC, TFC

p. Simcha Jacobovici and Elliot

Halpern Ie. EIUot Halpern and Simcha

WE SERVE: • Freelance: Professionals

(Agenls. Cameramc:n. Designers . Perfocfllt!rs . Producers. c:tc . )

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CREATIVE ARTS MANAGEMENT SERVICE 10 Summerhill Avenue. Suite 104 Taconlo. Ontario M4T lAS

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Jacobovlcl d. Richard Bugajski ex6C p . Erez Weinreich auoe. p. Ric Esther Bienstock.


dOHNHV ONI! AIIM Featuretllm distributed by Astral Films,

Montreal. p. Michael Steele ac. Vince ~9nato, Michael Steele.

MIDWAY PRODUCTIO"I (41 6) 967-537 t

HUNDIII!D MILl!' '"0M NOWHI!IIE Feature film about four Obi;Jst friends', two boys and their glrtfriends, who grow

In their sepalste directions. Initially developed by Telefllm and the Ontario Film Development Corporation. I.e.

Allao M~'ACS

HORsrAR £NTERTAfNMENT INC. (416) 961-6278

THE LIPI 0' HILIN ALONE A feature film . A compelling story about a woman who trades her

independence In the city for the role 01 a stepmother/ lover in the country.

Based on the novel by Karen Lawrence,wlnnerof1987W.H . Smithl

Books in Canada First Novel Award . ee. Karen lawrence p. Peter Simpson co-p, Ray Sager, lIana Frank. WILD BOVS Feature film from an ofigianl screenplay by Scon Gemmill. Four

delinquent city boys are turned Into men by the insane Headmaster of

Spartan North Academy and its deadly curriculum. se. SconGemmili p. Peter Simpson co-po lIane Frank, Ray Sager.

NOVA MOTION PICTURES (416) 923-9230 MANIAC ON THE LOOSE A comedylthriller feature that revolves around the capture of a media created

murderer. Production anticipated to commence in the tall of 1988. written

by Simon Rakoff, Howard Nemetz orig. atory Howard Nemetz, Simon Rakoff, lawrence Morgenstern.


OUII LADY OF THI! SNOW' A feature film . p. J. A. Delmage, Nelly

Zucker. From the novel by Morley Callaghan IC. Charles E. Israel.

PR/MED/A (416) 361-0306

MURDER IH PARADISE 4-h mini-series, based on 1943 murder In the Bahamas of Si r Harry Oakes,

Canadian multi-millionaire. te. by

David Reid . Coproduction with CTV, Picture Base International and HTB (U.K. ). QREYOWL Story o f Grey Owl. Canada 's famous YlndianN writer and lecturer, revealed

upon his death to be Arch ie Blaney of Hastings, England. TV movie. With

BBC Scotland, CTV and Telefilm

Canada. ex:ee. p. Pat Ferns d. Eric Tili

SC. Alan Plater.

A !>LACE CALLED CHRISTMAS TIME Musical9O-min. Christmas special.

Script by Margaret Atwood. m. Raymond Pannell. exec. p. Pat Ferns.

With eBC and Telefilm Canada.

BY SPECIAL APPOINTMEHT Against all odds, horse from Canadian

prairies becomes the official mount of

Queen Elizabeth . ex:ec. p. Pat Ferns.

d , Eric Tillsc. by W. O. Mitchell and

Peter Blow. With CTV, Telefllm

Canada, Alberta Motion Picture

Development Corporation.



LE ooSSIEIl MOHTCALM Theatrical feature. p. Suzanne Girard Raymond Gravelle Ie. Jean Sioone ' d. o. p. Andrt. Gagnon

L •• PRODUCTIONS KARl" (514) 842-1424

SUEZ A $20 million feature based on Kennen Love 's book YSuez : The Twice-Fought War~. Love is currently working on the

screenplay. pub. David Novak

Assoclat09, (514) 284-211 3.

L£I""ODUCTIONS PASCAL 8LAIS/NC. (514) 866-7272 INeAL Animated 84-mlnute feature film . Cinematographic adaptation of Jean

Giraud (Moebius) and Alex:andro Jodorowsky science-fiction

masterpiece. To b& made In Montreal. d. Pascal Blais exec. p. Bernard LaJoie, Jean Blais.

LES ""ODUCT/ONI """11A INC. (514) 2n-6686 LA DETRESSE itT L'ENCHANTEMI!NT A 4 x t h TV drama based on Gabrielle Roy 's autobiography. exec. p. Claude Godbout, Louise Ranger. Shooting in 1988. SALUT QALARNEAU Feature based on Jacques Godbour 's novel. p. Claude Godbout, Louise Ranger. Shooting in 1989. LESCHATS TV series for children. 65 X 15 min. p. Claude Godbout, Louise Ranger.

LES ""ODUCTIO"I VIDEOFlL"S L TEE (514) 844-8611 CRUISING BAR Featurefilm in development ac. Michel C att., Robert M~nard, Claire Wojas, Veronlque Leflaguais d, Robert Menard. Shooting early fall.

R£DSNA,.,..R FlLMI LlMIRD (902) 423-9538

AFIlICA CHIIONICLE Contemporary feature about a Canadian woman who is a volunteer in

Africa. Property under development with the participation of T e!efilm

Canada. Shooting slated for the faU .p. Christopher Zimmer d.lec. Lulu Keating.

R08E"r "R£DRIC/c PRODUCTIONa ""'TED (604) 263-1887

THE SHADOW STIALER A made-for· TV movie based on the true story of filmmaker Edv/ard Curtis. fundi Superchannel.

ROHAIII .lILLIAN (416) 922-3168

THE DAHCE OF SHIVA Feature fil m from the novel by William

Deverell. exec. p. Victor Solnidd,

Harvey Hart d. Harvey Hart. A joint venture between Rohar Productions

Ltd. and Jillian Film and Investment Corpora tion.

MK ULTRA Feature film. ~olltica l thriller based on

C, I. A. brainwashing experiments In

Montreal. exec. p. Victor Solnlcki.

HalVey Hart d. Harvey Hert Ie. Ian

Sutherland. A joint venture between

Aohar Productions Ltd . and Ji lllan Film

and Investment Corporation.

THE STOIIY OF BOaBY O'MALLEY Feature film. A joint venture with

Counter Productions. Coming of age

story based on priz&-winning novel by Wayne Johnston. exec. p. Harvey Hart, Victor SOinicki p. Alan Stransman

d. Hervey Hart Ie. William Gough.

THE BIIIDGI TO CAHADA Feature film. Latin American refugees '

attempts to enter Canada ex&C. p . Vietor Solnlckl, Harvey Hart .seoc. p. Dina Ueberrnan. A joint venture between Rohar Productions Ltd. and JUlian Aim and Investment



THE SHADOW STEALEII A made-far-TV mOvie based on the true S10ry of a young English woman who settled In northern B. C.

IHALIT.I/NC (514) 878-3662

ECHOI' Shooting slated for 1 sl quarter of 1989.IC.Tom Hutchinson.

budg.':$I ,350,OOO, /CALI A

$4.000,000 prOduction scheduled to shoot spring 1989.

SETTL£R "/L"S (416) 252-5641

THE CAMPBELLS TV series. 4th cycle of 26 episodes. p. John A. Oelmage co-p. Patrick Doyle line p. Nelly Zucker senior story ed. Susan Snooks.

SNJ_ (416) 922-3 168

THE FLYINQ FATHI!RS Movie tor TV and pilot for series . exec. p. Victor Solnicki, Richard Nielsen p. Jim Henley, Harvey Hart d. Haf\ley

Hart 8e. Richard Nielsen. A JOint venture of ScreenTime Productions

Limited. NorfUcks Productions Umlted and Jilllan Film and Investment

Corporation. THE FIQHT FOR CANADA TV mlni-serles. exec. p. Richard Nielsen, Victor Solnlcki p. Jim Hanley

Ie. Richard Nielsen. A joint venture of ScreenTIme Productions U mlted, Norfllcks Productions Limited and Jillian Film and Investment


IJIECTRAFILM (416) 979-1490

STIPF A comedy. p. Fred Caruso d. Sam Irvin Ie. Sam Irvin, Brian Clemens.

'TaLA MARIS FlL"1 LTD (902)429-820418202 CHASIHO THE WIHO A light hearted feature based on a true incident. Set In P. E. I. the story

concems two young bank employees

who take the money and run in an effort to find glamour anO-

excitement. Shooting set to start late summer. eo-p. Barry BurleylMichael

McTague exec-po Don Haig p. man. Duncan Moss p.co-ord. Heidi

Haines 8e. Barry Burley.

TA L/S"AN FILMS (819) 643-4024

THE MCQREQOR GUEEN A feature for theatical release. Involves

various exciting elements such as : the natural baauty of winter camivals, the

high suspense of snowmobi le racing, a young romance and the emotional

drama of a father·daughter conflict in

an already split family. Filming Is slated to begin Januery 1989 with expected

release for September 1989. Shooting

in Hull·Ottawa, Quebec City and the

Laurentlans. p./ teenario Normand

Allard, Pierre Paul Mongeon p. men.

Howard Perry p. dH. Collene

Dionne-Barker m, Andrew Huggett.



THE IMAGIHATORS IHC. (416) 922-1600

GREAT IDEAS AND BETTER MOUSETRAPS 6 x 112h series for women inventors

and those women Interested in inventing. To be shol on location around Ontario. Targeted for TVO. p.

Tony Tobias d . Chris Terry w. Shelley Saywell. CITIES IN CRISIS lOx 1/2h documentaries on selected cities of developing nations and one-on-one cooperation between twin

cities and the crises facing them as they approach the year 2000. Pilot episide will be shot in Toronto featuring Sao Paulo. p . Tony Tobias d. Chris Terry w. Shelley Saywell. EASY LIVING Feature comedylfarce that relates the wacky adventures of a leftover 6O's

couple who dabble in innovative ways of making money In a Yuppie dominated society. exec. p. Chris Terry. Tony Tobias w. John Hammon. Chris Terry ee. John Hamilton.

TICKET F"M PRODUCTIONS (403) 423-()256

TICKETS A 90 min. made-for-TV drama about a man who must chose between love and money while involved in a schema to rip-off the lottery. exec. p. Reevan Dolgoy. For Super Channel. lTV. With participation from Telefjlm Canada. AMPDC. .

TIIJ PRODUCTIONS"NC. (416) 749-1197 ORANGE POPSICLES AND LEMONADE Do you remember that summer? p. /ee. Frank Procopio.

TRIUNE PRODUCTIONS INC. (416) 362-9120 THE NAKED EMPEROR A feature-length ' tongue in cheek ' musical for adults and their families. Based on Hans Christian Andersen fairy-tales. p. Robin Campbell. Charles S. Chaplin d . Michael Witta ac. Michael Witta. Robin Campbell d. o. p. anthony Sloan ed. John


VIDEO IMPACT INC. (416) 928-3446 ADAM AND EVE Theatrical feature film in script development scheduled to shoot in Toronto and Jamaica. exec. p. Peter Wilson d. Robert Bouvier sc. Peter

Wilson. '}"dreas Blackwell.

WEST SKY ENTERTAINMENT GROUP INC. (403 )259-4468 RUTLEDGE CHRONICLES Production scheduled for the fall.

exec. p . Madeline Hombert. Scott Jones ee. Madeline Hombert. Neil

Gordon. STREET FREAKS Production starts in the Fall. exec. p.

Madeline Hombert. Scott Jones ac. Madelin Hombert. Neil Gordon.

WHEELER·HENDREN ENTERPRISES LTD. (403) 451-0219 ANGELSGUARE Feature film based on book of same

name by Brian Doyle. Financial participation from Alberta Motion

Picture Development Corporation and Superchannel. p.ld. Anne Wheeler

BC. Jim Defelice. Anne Wheeler.

HOUR LONGS ••• CINEFORT INC (514) 289-94n DEUTERONOMY 16:20 A documentary about the current


situation on the West Bank Gaza. d.

Eric Scott p . Mary Armstrong.


LE MARCHE DU COUPLE p. Natalie Barton d. Alain D'Aix d.o.p. Philippe Lavalette.

SIXTH DIMENSION FILMS (416) 591-n66 RODSERLING 1 h documentary. Shooting in Toronto.

Los Angeles. New York. p./d. Colin Strayer ac.ldev./eont. Marc Zicree

In the Cart BONJOUR MONSIEUR GAUGIN Shooting ended June 15th in Montreal. Seventh in a series of 1 0 films made for Radio-Quebec by Les Producteurs TV-Films Associes. p. Claude Bonin d. Jean-Claude Labreque a88OC. p. Ian Boyd ee. Jacques Savoie 1st a. d. Rene Pothier 2nd a. d. Sylvain Arseneault cont. Marie Beaulieu pro. dlr. Danielle Ste-Marie loc. man. JosEie Drolet p. coord. Pascale Reiher ace. Daniel Demers aaa. ace. Yves Rivard p. a. Daniella Lavallee. Jerome Labrecque art d. Louise Jobin .. t dec. Pierre Perrauh propa Jacques Chamberland aut. 881 dec. , coal. Luc Beland ward. Christine Grenier makeup Kathryn Casauh hair. Marie-Lynne Normandin d. O. p. Michel Caron lal. a88l. cam. Christianne Guernon stille phOlog. Lyne Charlebois gaft. Normand Viau. Claude Fortier key grip Jean-Louis Daoust grip Robert Auclair ad. Dominique Chartrand boom Philippe Scuhety ed. Yves Chaput video Pierre Ouellete I. p. Lothaire Bluteau. Gerard Poirier. Myriam Cyr. Andre Montmorency. COLD COMFORT Feature film based on the award-winning stage play by Jim Garrard (Theatre Passe Muraille). A black comedy which explores the triangle formed by a bizarre tow truck driver, his mysterious and sensual daughter and the stranded travelling salesman I who is rescued and shehered from a blizzard by Ihe pair. What appears to be a simple act of kindness turns into a nightmare as the salesman is held captive by the driver and his daughter. Shootin Toronto and area started May 18th. p.c Norstar EntertainmenVSimcom Ltd. BaBed on Ihe pley by Jim Garrard Be. Lee

Siegel. Richard Beattie exec. p. Peter Simpson p. Ray Sager. lIana Frank d. Vic Sarin ac. Richard Beattie. Lee Speigel d . O. p. Vic Sarin art d . Jo-Ann Chomeyed. Nick Rotundo p. man. Bill Caywood pub. Unda Wirkowski I. p. Maury Chaykin. Paul Gross. Margaret


GLORY ENOUGH FOR ALL Two-part, four hour film for TV. A $5.4 million production of Primedla in

association with CSC and Thames Television. To be shown on CBC this fall . p. Gordon Hinch d. Eric Till ac. Grahame Woods ed. Ralph Brunjes art d. Perri Gordon orlg. mus. Louis

Applebaum d . O. p. Nikos Evdemon ward. Sharon Purdy. Maggie Thomas loe. man. Steven Wakefield makeup Marlene Aarons ae. aup. Kalhryn

Buck ael dec. Enrico Campan ad. rec. John McGill stills phOlog. George Kraychyk p . coord. Gina Fowler a.d .

Tony Thatcher p . man. Janet Cuddy p . sup. Gwen Iveson I. p. R. H.

Thompson, Robert Wisden. John Woodvine . Michael Zelnicker. Heather

Hess. Martha Henry.

ahA.M. A feature film produced by Les


Productions de Lundi Matln. wrapped

on June 16. d.lac. Fran~ois Bouvier. Jean Beaudry p. Fran~ois Bouvier assoc. p. Marc Daigle d . O. p . Alain

Dupras ed. Jean Beaudry I. p. Denis

Bouchard. Jean Beaudry. Laurent FaubertBouvier. Violaine Forest.

Louise Richer. Nathalie Coupal.

HEAVEN AND HELL A weekly 22 x 1/2h TV situation comedy. Shot on location in Halifax. exec. p.lp./d. Joseph Landry. Brian Gazeley ad. Kenneth Miller IIghl Blair

Burke I.p. Bill Thompson. Ken Winford. Tina D. Rodenhiser, Mary Izzard. Deborah Emmerson. Linda Pusby. Kyle Miller. Richard Collins.

LA PEAU ET LES OS An NFB production. Based on historical and contemporary accounts. the film explores two psychological disorders which are growing at an alarming pace - anorexia nervasa and bulimia Scheduled for an autumn release. p. Louise Gendron line p. Monlque Lelourneau d. Johanne Pregent. Monique Gignac d. O. p. Jacques Leduc ad. Richard Besse ed. Pierre Bernier. Marie-Claude Gagne. M. Ginette Bellevance, Daniel Toussaint art d. Jocelyn Joty cost. dee. Louise Jobin I.p. Helene Belanger. SyMe Catherine Beaudoin. Louise TurcOt. Hubert Gagnon. Sophie Faucher. LE CHEMIN DE DAMAS A made for TV feature co-produced by Les Producteurs TV-Films Associes and the National Film Board for Radio-Quebec. Shooting completed June 13. d. George Mihalka p. Pierre Gendron I. p. Remy Girard.

LONELY CHILD A 90 minute musical drama on the life & music of Canadian composer Claude Vivier. Shot in Toronto, Montreal, Paris and Vienna. Wrapped at end of February. Release set for Fall '88. p ./d. Jonny Silver sc. Jonny Silver. Owen Burgess d. o. p. Dennis Pike I. p. Germain Houde, Denis Forest, Ivan Bealieu. Project management : Mother Corporation. SING Afeature film shot in Toronto. Wrapped May 13. A Sing production for TriStar pictures. d . Richard Barkin p. Craig Zadan exec. p. Wolfgang Glates p. man. Janet Cuddy lsI a.d . Bill Spakic 2nd a. d. Andrew Shea. Louise Casselman 3rd a. d. Carl Goldstein p. coord. Gina Fowler

RED RIDING HOOD, YEAR 2000 Number 8 In the Rock Demers produced series of Tales for All.

Directed by Marta Meczaros. a co-production with Hungary. THE PRIVATE CAPITAL A three-hour drama special that

chronicles Ottawa society at the turn of the century. Based on the book by Sandra Gwyn. winner of the Governor General's Award for Literature In 1984. p.lsc. Jeannine Locke d. Don

McBrearty I. p. Michael Ball. Claude Prefontaine, Monique Mercure. Toller Cranston. Martha Bums, Gordon Clapp.

TWO MEN A made-for-TV-movle shot in Toronto.

The film will be telecast in the '88/'89 season. Be. Anna Sandor d. Gordon Plnsent p. William Gough line p. Joseph Partington alory eonaull. Jim

Osborne 18la. d . David Webb 2nd a. d . Cynthia Gillespie unll man. AI

McPherson p. de •• Arthur Herriott aast. dea. Doug Payne aet dec, Peter Razmovsky coal. Suzanne Mess

makeup Mario Cacioppo dee. eo-ord

Bill Perry 111m ed. Bruce Annis d. O. p . Kenneth Gregg IIghl. Len Watier

casting Susan Morgan conI. Nancy

Beck p. sec. Twila Linden I.p. John

Vernon. Jan Rubes. Martha Gibson. Patricia Collins. Ken James. Les

Carlson . Chuck Shamata. Lila

Kedrova. Robert Wisder. Patrusha

Sarakula. Nicholas Rice, Tanya

Jacobs. HOUR LONGS MUSEUM HEROES A co-productlo·n with the National Museum of Natural Sciences and In

collaboration with TVOntarlo. ~EOFe

EVEREST: THE SOLITARY JOURNEY A Sepia films production. p. Suzanne Cook exec. p. Don Haig d.ld.o. p. Vic


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STILLS PERSON : available for feature film, documentary, T. V. commercial production. For competitive rates cell (416) 588-5372. Anytime. (154)

STORYBOARDING: by an experienced and talented Montreal artist. T. V .• features. videos, ads etc. all done at low rates. Call Phil at (514) 489-6194 anytime. (154)

OFF-LINE :v." : video ed~ing equipment at $3Olhr, $220/day, $8751wk. Please cali Y. Luhovy at(514) 481-5871. (154)



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A FUJI NEGATIVE ... Fujico/or negative for motion pictures. With an

Exposure Index of 500, Fujico/or AX is the fastest stock you can shoot. Whether you're working in low

light, or almost no light, Fujico/or negative stock gives you minimal grain and high resolution. That means

your finished work sparkles with natural colour and unprecedented shadow detail.

For information on Fuji Professional Motion Picture products contact David Cheng at (416) 890-6611 .