By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

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Page 1: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles,

Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Page 2: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

By: Nia Dillard

Page 3: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Beginning of St. Louis

Pierre Laclede and Auguste Chouteau both discovered St. Louis in 1764

St. Louis became a large city for fur trading because it was easy to travel on the Mississippi River

Laclede’s Landing is named after Pierre Laclede

Page 4: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

The Louisiana Purchase

In 1803, the Louisiana Purchase was bought by the United States.

St. Louis was part of the Louisiana Purchase.

In 1804, Thomas Jefferson sent Lewis and Clark to explore the Louisiana Territory.

Page 5: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Lewis and Clark• Lewis and Clark sailed from Illinois in May

1804.• Lewis and Clark came back home in 1806. • Lewis became the governor of the

Louisiana Territory in 1808 .

Page 6: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Steamboats With the purchase of the Louisiana

Territory, the new world had a lot of steamboats in the Mississippi river.

The first steamboat arrived in St. Louis on July 27, 1817

It was surprising to see more than 100 steamboats in one day

Steamboats were on the Mississippi River.

Page 7: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Gateway to the West• St. Louis became the “Gateway to the West”.• Many travelers would go through St. Louis

when they began their journey west.• St. Louis is still known by this nickname


Page 8: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Works Cited http://www.legendsofamerica.com/mo-stlouis.

html Sacajawea Guides Lewis and Clark." (©

Corbis.) Tribes of Native America: Shoshone. Marla Felkins Ryan and Linda Schmittroth, Eds. Blackbirch Press, 2003.   Reproduced in Kids InfoBits.  Detroit:  Gale, 2012.  



Page 9: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Thomas JeffersonBy: Grant Giles

Page 10: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


He had 6 children.His father was a planter and died when

he was 14.His mother was named Jane Randolph.He had 6 siblings.

Page 11: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Birth, Death, and MarriageBorn April 13, 1743.Died July 4, 1826.He was married to Martha Skelton in


Page 12: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

His Memorial

Inside has copies of important writings like the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and many more.

Inside is a 19 foot tall bronze statue of Thomas Jefferson.

Page 13: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

SlavesHe freed seven slaves.Two slaves ran away and got away and he

gave permission for the other five to go.After he let the slaves go, they all became

skilled tradesmen.

Page 14: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Fast Facts

Thomas Jefferson died on July 4th, also the same day his friend John Adams died.

His memorial took over $3,000,000 to build.

His memorial was made about 100 years after he was born.

Page 15: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Work Cited•http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/KidsInfoBits?subTopic=U.S.%2BPresidents&locID=ball40762&failover=6&srchtp=topic&topic=People&c=3&searchTerm=Jefferson%252C%2BThomas&ste=6&tbst=tsrch&tab=1&docNum=BX3200955034&bConts=39

• http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/KidsInfoBits?subTopic=U.S.%2BPresidents&locID=ball40762&failover=6&srchtp=topic&topic=People&c=7&s


• http://web.ebscohost.com/sas/detail?vid=5&hid=122&sid=c7686445-18d-4618-8b9f-


• http://americanhistory.about.com/od/thomasjefferson/p/pjefferson.htm• http://galenet.galegroup.com/servlet/KidsInfoBits?subTopic=U.S.



Page 16: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

By: Jeffrey Scott

Page 17: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Meriwether Lewis was born on a Virginia farm in 1774.

William Clark was born in 1770, also in Virginia.

They were neighbors and served in the army together.

Page 18: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

In 1803 the U.S. bought the Louisiana Territory from the French. It went from the Mississippi River to the Rocky Mountains.

President Thomas Jefferson wanted to find an easy water route to the Pacific Ocean. It would make trade and travel easier from east to west. Jefferson told his plans and thought of the Lewis and Clark expedition to find the route and explore the lands.

Page 19: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Lewis and Clark set sail in 1804 from Illinois. There were 48 men and 3 boats.

It was a good journey day because they traveled 14 miles. In November, a French Canadian fur trader named Toussaint Charbonneau and his wife, a Native American named Sacagawea, joined the expedition. The two worked as interpreters and they helped Lewis and Clark communicate with Native Americans.

The explorers traveled through what is now Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, South Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon.

They met many Native American tribes. Thanks to Sacagawea, the explorers were able to become friends with Native Americans. They traded goods, shared meals, and camped together.

Page 20: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Lewis and Clark reached the Pacific Ocean in November 1805.

They returned home in September 1806. They had never found an easy water route to the Pacific Ocean.

The expedition was considered a success. It provided an accurate map of the Northwest wilderness, and it opened a route for fur traders. It also led the discovery of a big amount of wildlife.

Page 21: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

Lewis and Clark returned home as heroes. Lewis became governor of the Louisiana Territory in 1808. He died the following year.

Clark became governor of the Missouri Territory in 1813. He later served as the Superintendent of Indian Affairs. This is a person who tries to arrange an agreement between the U.S. government and Native Americans. Clark died in 1838.

Page 22: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade



Page 23: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


PREZI: http://prezi.com/lwyrbso8nggw/new-madrid-earthquake/?auth_key=525080829b510238bac44af89924e781502158e1

Page 24: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade



Page 25: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


• William H. Ashley and Andrew Henry were mountain men.

• John Colter was a mountain man and he was on the Lewis and Clark expedition.

• John David Albert was a mountain man.

Page 26: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


• The mountain men were fur trappers and traders during the 1820’s and the 1830’s.

• The mountain men hunted beavers, raccoon, bear, etc.

• Some settled in jobs like army scouts.

Page 27: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


• The mountain men lived in the Rocky Mountains.

• The mountain men used bear traps, body grip traps, cage traps, coil spring traps, etc.

• Mountain men fought Native Americans and survived in wilderness.

Page 28: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


• William H. Ashley led a fur trading expedition in 1822.

• He became lieutenant governor of Missouri in 1820.

• William was the leader of the mountain men.

Page 29: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade


• Some were born in Canada, United States, Mexico, and Europe.

• There were 52 mountain men.

• John Albert’s father was in the Civil War.

Page 30: By: Jeffrey Scott, Grant Giles, Monica McCarthy, Nia Dillard, Ebun Oyemade

WORK CITED• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_manhhttp://


• http://www.factmonster.com/

• http://www.fntpost.com/http://nationalamericanuniversity.net/?event=l.lp&cid=748&sid=291&&csrc=yFaZvKlxgoogle&pcrid=9101047509http://www.answers.com/http://www.uintahbasintah.org/usmountainmen.htmhttp://www.photostocksource.com/gallery-americana-mountain-men-photos-1.phphttp://

• www.hanselmannphotography.com