Glycerine manometer for reading the water pressure Waterproof thermometer with two inputs for thermocouple K, J, T T-type thermocouple for quick and accurate temperature reading TechUp is the new measuring instrument manufactured by DVG ® , which allows to verify with extreme precision the values of temperature and pressure of the water that get out from the brewing group. TechUp is an innovative tool, developed in cooperation with important worldwide recognized partners in the coffee world, which allows to certify the professional coffee machines for the correct Made in Italy Espresso supply. TechUp is able to measure water temperature with an accuracy of 0,1 degree and response time of 0,15’’ thanks to a single T-type thermocouple with mineral insulation. Combined with our digital thermometer or equivalent instrument it ensures fast and accurate data reading. Pressure is also a parameter to keep monitored. TechUp has integrated a glycerine filled pressure gauge that provides an accurate reading of group head water pressure (0-25bar, 0-350psi). TechUp is supplied in a practical case complete with digital thermometer and group cleaning kit. It’s available for the main commercial coffee machines. The Made in Italy Espresso only with TechUp by ® 9V9896TP 9V9896TP-BE 9V9896TP-C 9V9896TP-CO 9V9896TP-P 9V9896TP-NS Brasilia BE Cimbali Conti Sacome La Pavoni Nuova Simonelli 9V9896TP-A Astoria BFC-Royal, Brasilia B61, Casadio, Conti Sacome, Crem Expobar, Elektra, Faema, Futurmat, Marzocco, Rancilio, Rocket, Sanremo, Slayer, Synesso, Vibiemme, Victoria Arduino, Wega, Kees Van Der Westen, E61 style group ® www.dvgdevecchi.com

by · Glycerine manometer for reading the water pressure Waterproof thermometer with two inputs for thermocouple K, J, T T-type thermocouple for quick and

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  • Glycerine manometer for reading the water pressure

    Waterproof thermometer with two inputs for thermocouple K, J, T

    T-type thermocouple for quick andaccurate temperature reading

    TechUp™ is the new measuring instrument manufactured by DVG®, which allows to verify with extreme precision the values of temperature and pressure of the water that get out from the brewing group.

    TechUp™ is an innovative tool, developed in cooperation with important worldwide recognized partners in the coffee world, which allows to certify the professional coffee machines for the correct Made in Italy Espresso supply.

    TechUp™ is able to measure water temperature with an accuracy of 0,1 degree and response time of 0,15’’ thanks to a single T-type thermocouple with mineral insulation. Combined with our digital thermometer or equivalent instrument it ensures fast and accurate data reading.

    Pressure is also a parameter to keep monitored. TechUp™ has integrated a glycerine filled pressure gauge that provides an accurate reading of group head water pressure (0-25bar, 0-350psi).

    TechUp™ is supplied in a practical case complete with digital thermometer and group cleaning kit.

    It’s available for the main commercial coffee machines.

    T h e M a d e i n I t a l y E s p r e s s o o n l y w i t h Te c h U p ™



    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - B E

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - C

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - C O

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - P

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - N S

    B r a s i l i a B E

    C i m b a l i

    C o n t i S a c o m e

    L a P a v o n i

    N u o v a S i m o n e l l i

    9 V 9 8 9 6 T P - A A s t o r i a

    B F C - R o y a l , B r a s i l i a B 6 1 , C a s a d i o , C o n t i S a c o m e , C r e m E x p o b a r, E l e k t r a , F a e m a , F u t u r m a t , M a r z o c c o , R a n c i l i o , R o c k e t , S a n r e m o , S l a y e r, S y n e s s o , V i b i e m m e , V i c t o r i a A r d u i n o , We g a , K e e s Va n D e r We s t e n , E 6 1 s t y l e g r o u p

    ® www.dvgdevecchi.com