By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

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Page 1: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and

Sydney Lee

Page 2: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Background-Putin reaffirms his his commitment to democracy, but over time the interpretation of democracy within Russia’s unique political tradition has been contested-1993: Constitution was formed- legal foundation for institutions-Constitution federation-Authoritarian control

Page 3: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Influences on public policymaking and implementation

-Policies are made both informally and formally

-Formally, the president and his administration,legislatures, judicial bodies, and the federal government propose legislation that is then approved by the state Duma

-Informally, presidential decrees are much less visible and deals are made behind closed doors

-Informal groupings: businesses have influence on privatization (public to private)

-Putin has tried to reduce their influence but in doing this, he has reduced political competition as well


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Page 6: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Influences on public policymaking and implementation (Continued)

-Implementation in Russia is weak



Selective enforcement

Page 7: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Superanational and International institutions and Influences on policies

- International institutions often differ from Russian policy

- 2012: joined the WTO (world trade organization)

- EU (European Union)- both EU and Russia are battling for eastern european states

- EU’s biggest neighbor, 3rd biggest trading partner

- NATO- If Ukraine joins NATO, then war will between Russia and NATO will be declared as both fighting for power over Ukraine

Page 8: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Arctic Policy

Russia's plans for the Arctic include:

use of the Arctic zone within its borders as a strategic resource base

the maintenance of the greater Arctic region as a zone of peace and cooperation

the preservation of unique ecological systems in the Arctic

the use of the Northern Sea Route as a strategically located transport route in the Arctic.

Page 9: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Energy Policies.

Russia has been a main energy supplier to Europe for the past decade and is now cutting natural gas prices to Europe.

The energy sector has contributed to the creation of a domestically stable and industrialized state.

Low domestic energy prices

Russia's domestic energy consumption is very high due to extremely cold weather for most of the year

inefficiencies within the energy sector and a high cost of producing energy

Page 10: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Welfare Policies

The current welfare system mainly gives benefits to the middle class, not the poorest

introduced a new system of cash benefits in place of the complex and deeply inefficient system of benefits (for example: free medicines and public transport to subsidised electricity) that are handed out to the needy and even people who are not so needy.

the government is budgeting more money for the new, cash-based benefits than it spent on the old system.

Putin believes this will be better because people will get to choose what they spend their money on rather than getting items that the government chose. (which were more often than not, useless)

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8% (11 million) of immigrants make up Russia’s population

Positive flow of Immigration from former soviet republics

Decrease in number of births due to low fertility rates

Abortion rates highest in the world

Policies introduced to raise birthrate like higher paying welfare

Russia pays people who adopt or have more than 1 child

Considering putting a tax on childless citizens

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Many attacks in Chechnya


summary executions


“On Combating Terrorism”-1998

Anti-terrorist effort

Federal Security Service and the Ministry of Interior

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Extremely corrupt

Executive has the majority of the power

Corruptions Perception Index- 133 out 176 countries

In one year, Russia went from 90 to 126 (CPI) when Putin took power for his second term

Top 5 areas of corruption:

1. Government contracts and purchases

2. Issuance of permits and and certificates

3. Law enforcement agencies

4. Land distribution and regulations

5. Construction

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Has the same type of government as Iran (Republic)

Presidents of Mexico and Russia can serve a term of six years

All AP 6 countries policy on voting age is 18yrs of age

China received a lower Gini index score of 37.01 than Russia’s score of 39.69

China’s military spending (167 Billion) is higher to Russia’s military spending (83.9 Billion)

Brazil has a Gini index score of 52.67 that is higher Russia’s score of 39.69

Brazil and Russia have corruption and violence in police forces

Brazil and Russia citizens (LGBT, Diff. Races) face discrimination

Germany gives right to assemble and has less corruption

Germany has less corruption with a score 7.9 out of 10 on the corruption perception score

Russia outperforms Italy in Jobs due from lower unemployment rates ( 5.5% to 10.7%)

Compared to AP 6 Compared to other countries with similar government

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Russia is likely unable to continue in it’s current form

Sanctions on Russia will continue over territorial disputes over Crimea region in Ukraine

Being unable to transform it energy revenue into a self sustaining economy will most likely make it vulnerable to fluctuations in prices

Secret police will be weaken in power from involvement in economy

Countries west of Russia will seek land that have been lost from them

Russia will expand Military/police force to control/suppress anyone who oppose government

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Page 17: By: Esteban Guzman, Hannah Williams, and Sydney Lee

Works Cited

N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <http://country-facts.findthedata.com/compare/2-3-12-26-28-167/Mexico-vs-Iran-Islamic-Republic-of-vs-China-vs-Russian-Federation-vs-United-Kingdom-vs-Nigeria>.

"Compare Corruption by Country." Corruption by Country. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <http://country-corruption.findthedata.com/>.

N.p., n.d. Web. <http://country-facts.findthedata.com/compare/11-26-29-122-129/Italy-vs-Russian-Federation-vs-Germany-vs-India-vs-Brazil>.

N.p., n.d. Web. <https://www.stratfor.com/forecast/decade-forecast-2015-2025>.

"Germany." Germany. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2014/germany>.

"Brazil." Brazil. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2014/brazil>.

"Russia." Russia. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <https://freedomhouse.org/report/freedom-world/2015/russia>.

"Russia's Counterterrorism Policy: Variations on an Imperial Theme | Omelicheva | Perspectives on Terrorism." Russia's Counterterrorism Policy: Variations on an Imperial Theme | Omelicheva | Perspectives on Terrorism. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015.

"Russian Demographics: The Perfect Storm." Russian Demographics: The Perfect Storm. N.p., n.d. Web. 29 Sept. 2015. <http://yaleglobal.yale.edu/content/russian-demographics-perfect-storm>.

"Russia's Ambitions in the Arctic | World Policy Institute." Russia's Ambitions in the Arctic | World Policy Institute. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sept. 2015.

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Works Cited Continued

"<a href="https://www.stratfor.com/weekly/past-present-and-future-russian-energy-strategy">The Past, Present and Future of Russian Energy Strategy</a> is republished with permission of Stratfor."

"For Richer or for Poorer?" The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 09 Aug. 2004. Web. 30 Sept. 2015.