By Divine Order Reformat

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  • 8/13/2019 By Divine Order Reformat


    By Divine OrderScripture NumericsAnd

    Bible Prophecy

    Michael W. Hoggard

  • 8/13/2019 By Divine Order Reformat


    By Divine Order

    Michael W. Hoggard

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    Michael W. HoggardProphetic 'esearch Ministries"%++ American ,egion Drive

    (estus$ MO -+&%pastormi*e/*


  • 8/13/2019 By Divine Order Reformat



    2magine the best3selling boo* in all humanhistory. 4hat5s 1hat the 6ing 7ames 8ersion o9 the Bibleis. 2t 1ould be on the top o9 the Ne1 :or* 4imes Best3Seller list every year e;cept they don5t consider 2s it by accident$ or isit by Divine design>

    2n "-""$ 9our years a9ter 7amesto1n$ 8irginia1as 9ounded$ 6ing 7ames o9 ?ngland authori@ed thetranslation o9 the Holy Scriptures into the ?nglishlanguage. 4his 1as the 9irst time that the Holy Scripturesreceived 9ull governmental approval to be in thelanguage o9 the people. 2t too* 9i9ty39our scholars seven

    years to complete.Prior to this$ during the Middle Ages$ the HolyBible 1as only allo1ed to be in the holy language o9,atin$ the o99icial tongue o9 the church. (or over athousand years$ it 1as thought that only holyindividuals$ namely the clergy$ could read the HolyBoo*. 2t 1as considered e)uivalent to

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    the sta*e by Henry 8222 9or this illegal activity. His last1ords 1ere$

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    (Jer 33:3 !"all unto #e$ and I %ill

    an&%er thee$ and &ho% thee great and

    #ighty thing&$ %hich thou 'no%e&t not.!

    2 am determined that this boo* 1ill start1ith a bang and end 1ith a bang. 4hein9ormation you are about to read could very 1ellchange your li9e$ as 1ell as your thin*ing 9orever$so it is important to me that you *no1 e;actly 1hat

    this boo* is all about$ right 9rom the start.What 9ollo1s is a series o9 verses that have

    been selected 9rom the Scriptures. 4hey all deal1ith the same themeI all *no1ledge and 1isdomcomes 9rom Eod$ and He 1ants to put that*no1ledge in our hearts. He reveals things to usthrough His Word. 29 1e 1ill study His Word and

    see* 1isdom 9rom it$ He 1ill sho1 us mighty thingsthat 1e never *ne1 be9ore. 2t is His promise.

    'ead the 9ollo1ing verses care9ully. :ou1ill see the common theme in each one o9 them.By the 1ay$ 2 have also ta*en the time to highlight anumber that is common in each re9erence. 2 1illthen sho1 you 1hy this number stands out in each


    J7er 33:3K

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    ans1er thee$ and show thee great and

    mighty things$ 1hich thou *no1est not.

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    9orsa*e theeI bind them about thy nec*

    write them upon the table ofthine heartI 2n the story$ he ta*es ten camels

    to search 9or a 1i9e 9or the only begotten son o9Abraham Jtype o9 hristK. When he 9inds 'ebe*ah$she is carried bac* to 2saac riding on the camelsGWhy> Because *+) in this case$ represents the

    4estimony o9 the 1ritten Word o9 Eod$ i.e the 4enommandments$ and Eod5s Word tells us that1henever Eod issues 9orth His Word$ it never

    comes bac* empty handed$ but al1aysaccomplishes that 1hich it 1as sent out to doG J2saFFI""K

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    my mouthI it shall not return unto me void$ but it

    shall accomplish that 1hich 2 please$ and it shallprosper in the thing 1hereto 2 sent it.< 4hat is 0ustone instance o9 ho1 to use the numbers o9 the Bibleas a tool 9or interpretation.

    2t cannot$ at least 9or no1$ be proven thatevery single number in the Bible has any greatsigni9icance. Many are$ ho1ever$ 9inding out moreand more o9 the mysteries o9 the Scriptures in theselast days. 2t is the opinion o9 this author that to omitor other1ise change any o9 the numbers 9ound inthe Scriptures is a mista*e that should be avoided atall costs. 4he problem that many o9 the moderntranslations have is that they have$ in many cases$changed the numbers$ usually by converting1eights and measures into current standards$ or by

    completely omitting a number$ replacing it 1ith aninvented paraphrase.

    Allo1 me to give one e;ample o9 this. 2n7ohn -$ the story o9 the 9eeding o9 the 9ive thousandis given. 2n the Authori@ed 8ersion$ verses Fthrough are recorded as 9ollo1sI

    J7ohn -IF3K - And thishe said to prove himI 9or he himsel9 *ne11hat he 1ould do. Philip ans1ered him$,wo hundred penny1orth o9 bread is

    not su99icient 9or them$ that every one o9them may ta*e a little.

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    leaving the Bible the 1ay it is. :ou 1ill see 1hy 2

    9eel this 1ay as you read through this boo*.Although 2 may not have a 9la1less apologetic 9orthe 6ing 7ames 4ranslation$ 2 am content 1ithleaving it intact$ not ma*ing any changes to anyportions o9 it$ and letting Eod supply theinterpretation He 1ants.

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    The Books of cri#ture illustrate and e-#oundeach other. as in the mariners com#ass, the

    needles e-tremity, thou$h it seems to #oint

    #ur#osely to the north, doth yet at the same time

    discover both east and est, as distant as they are

    from it and each other, so do some te-ts of cri#ture

    $uide us to the intelli$ence of others, for hich they

    are idely distant in the Bible!+

    obert Boyle, ome Considerations Touchin$ tyle

    of the Holy cri#tures

    he )ene&i& "ode&

    oming 9rom a person 1ho hated

    mathematics in grade school$ the study o9 Biblenumerics has been a 9ascinating adventure intoEod5s Word 9or me. 2 am ama@ed each day as 2open up Eod5s Word and uncover the hiddentreasures that are contained in the Authori@ed8ersion.

    By studying Eod5s plan 9or America$ 2

    reali@ed very early that Eod had placed a veryspecial anointing on this boo*. 4hat anointing hasbeen apparent 9or almost =&& hundred years no1. 2believe in my heart that it is the 8ery Word o9 Eod.What 2 1ill sho1 in this boo* are the te;tual andnumerical patterns that are contained in theAuthori@ed 8ersion patterns that are not replicatedin the modern translations. 2 1ill sho1 that not onlyis Eod5s signature on the te;t$ but on the chapterand verse divisions as 1ell. No1$ 2 reali@e that this

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    statement 1ill almost immediately be re0ected by

    many 1ho read this. 2t 1ill there9ore not be myintention to try to convince anyone o9 this principle.2 am already convinced. 2 1ill only sho1 you thepattern and let you be the 0udge.

    4he 9irst such pattern is 9ound in the boo* o9Eenesis. As you 1ill see$ many$ i9 not all Jthisstudy is on3goingK$ o9 the chapter divisions inEenesis 9ollo1 their numerical e)uivalent in thetheme o9 each chapter.

    hapter ". One is the number 9orBeginnings and nity. 4he theme o9 Eenesis " isthe beginning o9 the creation o9 Eod. Also$ 1hen1e see the phrase$ ,et us ma*e.. 1e are remindedthat 4he ,O'D our Eod is one ,O'D. Deut. -I=

    hapter %. 41o is the number 9ordivision and union. 4he theme o9 Eenesis % is ho1Eod separated or divided man by removing a rib9rom him$ creating the 1oman$ and uniting themtogether in marriage.

    hapter +. 4hree is the number 9orresurrection and Divine completeness. 2n Eenesis+$ 1e 9ind a microcosm o9 Eod5s plan 9or the ages$i.e. the 9all 9rom grace$ man5s sin9ul nature$ the Seedo9 the 1oman 1ho is to come$ die 9or sin$ and beresurrected on the third day in order to put do1n theserpent. 2t 1as intended 9or man to live 9orever.

    Sin brought death into the 1orld$ but the prophecyo9 vs. "F J+;FK resurrects man to eternal li9e onceagain.

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    hapter =. (our is the number 9or the1orld and 1orldliness. 2n chapter =$ the 9irst birthsare recorded$ the 9irst murder is committedJ1orldlinessK and the 1orldly lineage o9 ain isdetailed here.

    hapter F. (ive is the number 9or graceand redemption. 2t is a number that is associated1ith the 'apture$ Jthe 9ive 1ise virgins 1hoselamps are 9ull$ etc.K. 2t is in chapter F that 1e 9ind?noch being translated 9or his righteousness. 4heonly other mention 1e have o9 ?noch beingtranslated is 9ound in Hebre1s ""$ verse F. 4he1ord rapture is not in the Bible ho1ever$ the1ord translated is. 4his 1ord is mentioned in

    three di99erent 9orms$ translate$ translated$ andtranslation. All o9 these combined ma*e up Foccurrences o9 this 1ord. 4he Fth time is inHebre1s ""IF. 4his particular ?noch is mentionede;actly "& JF;%K times in the Bible.

    hapter -. Si; is the number 9or man

    and the 1ic*edness o9 sin. 2n Eenesis -$ the seed o9man is corrupted by the 9allen angels. Also$ Eodloo*s at the entire 1orld and sees the total depravityo9 man*ind. According to scripture$ man has beensinning no1 9or -$&&& years. 2t is no1 time 9or0udgement.

    hapter . Seven is the number 9orcompletion and per9ection. 2n Eenesis $ Eodbrings His 0udgement on the 1hole 1orld. 2t is in

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    the th verse o9 this chapter that Noah and his

    9amily and all the animals enter into the Ar*$ and1ait 9or seven days be9ore Eod destroys the earth.Only a remnant is saved. 4he old 1orld is donea1ay 1ith. Eod is ready to start all over again 1iththe ne1 1orld.

    hapter . ?ight is the number 9or ne1beginnings. Sunday is the 9irst day o9 the 1ee*$Saturday is the seventh day. At midnight onSaturday$ the seventh day$ the 1ee* starts all overagain on the eighth day$ 1hich is also the 9irst dayall over again. 4his is Eod5s plan 9or the ages.Since He has established this as His method$ He1ill not and cannot change it. 2n Eenesis $ Noahand the animals are released 9rom the ar* in order to

    start the 1orld all over again. 2t is mentioned inverse "- J;%K that Noah$ his 1i9e$ his sons$ and hissons5 1ives are allo1ed to leave the Ar*. 4heseeight people repopulated the earth.

    hapter #. Nine is the number 9or 9ruitbearing. 2t can be assumed that since there 1ere

    o9 each clean animal and % o9 each unclean animalon the ar*$ that the animals on the ar* are to beassociated 1ith the number #. 2t 1as 1ith theseanimals that Eod repopulated each species. 2n the9irst verse o9 chapter #$ Eod tells Noah and his sonsto Be 9ruit9ul$ and multiply. 2n verse #$ 1e seethat Eod establishes His covenant 1ith Noah5sseed$

    the 9ruit o9 his loins.

    hapter "&. 4en is the number 9or the la1

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    and 9or *ingship. 4here are ten *ings represented

    by ten horns on the beast in 'evelation "+. 4he 9irst*ing ever mentioned in the Bible is Nimrod$ the 9irst6ing o9 Babel JBabylonK$ 9ound in Eenesis "&. 4he9irst time the 1ord kin$dom is ever mentioned inthe Scriptures is in verse "&G By counting$ 1e also9ind that Nimrod is the "+thdescendant 9rom Adam."+ is the number 9or rebellion and depravity. 4hisnumber is associated 1ith Antichrist.

    hapter "". ?leven is the number 9or0udgement and disorder. 2n Eenesis chapter ""$ 1ehave the story o9 Babel. Need 2 say more> Also$ bycounting$ 1e 9ind that hem is the ""thdescendant9rom Adam. hemsname is mentioned "" timesprior to chapter "". hems name is also mentioned

    in chapter ""$ verse "".

    hapter "%. 41elve is the number 9orgovernmental per9ection. 2t is a number given to2srael$ the literal seed o9 Abraham$ and the Eentilechurch$ the spiritual seed o9 Abraham. 2n Eenesis"%$ 1e 9ind the 9irst promise given to Abraham

    concerning his seed$ 1ho 1ould become a greatnation.

    hapter "+. 4hirteen is the number 9orrebellion and depravity. 2n Eenesis "+$ 1e 9ind the9irst description o9 Sodom. Notice that it is in verse"+ that the Bible says this$ JEen "+I"+K

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    hapter "=. (ourteen is the number 9or

    deliverance and salvation. 2n Eenesis "=$ 1e 9indthe story o9 ho1 ,ot is captured by F evil *ings$ andis 9ound and delivered by (ather Abraham.

    hapter "F. (i9teen is the number 9or restand is also a multiple o9 F JgraceK and +JresurrectionK. 2t is in Eenesis "F that 1e 9indEod5s grace besto1ed on him 9or his 9aith$ vs. -.Also$ Abraham is given the promise that a9ter hisseed had been dead in their bondage$ they 1ould beresurrected to inherit the promised land.

    hapter "-. Si;teen is the number 9orlove$ and is doubled. Hagar is re0ected byAbraham and Sarah. 4he angel o9 the ,ord gives

    her ne1 li9e by blessing her seed$ and allo1ing 9orher to return to Abraham. 4his chapter has "-verses.hapter " 2n this case$ seventeen can beseen as the sum o9 and #. Abraham is given a ne1name Jby adding the FthHebre1 letter heyK and iscircumcised$ 1hich ta*es place on the eighth day.

    He is then told that he 1ill be 9ruit9ul J#K and 9ill theearth.

    hapter %" 2n this case$ the number %"ta*es on the idea o9 being a multiple o9 . Seven isthe number 9or completion. 2n hapter %" o9Eenesis$ the promise o9 the seed o9 Abraham and

    Sarah 1as 9ul9illed and made complete in the 9ormo9 2saac. Also$ the %"sttime Sarah is mentionedby this name$ is in Eenesis %"I" 1hen it says ..and

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    the ,O'D did unto Sarah as he had spo*en. 2t is

    also recorded in the very ne;t verse$

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    All 9orms o9 Sepulchre % times

    years o9 the li9e o9 Sarah " time4otal %+

    hapter ++. 4he number ++ is sometimesassociated 1ith sight and seeing. Nine times in thischapter you 1ill 9ind a re9erence to eyes or sight.Also$ 7esus 1as ++ years old 1hen he rode into7erusalem on an ass. As he did$ those 1ho1orshipped him 1aved palm branches at him. 4hisis a pre9iguring o9 the (east o9 4abernacles$ or (easto9 Booths that the 2sraelites 1ere told to celebrate.2t 1as a shado1 o9 the day 1hen Eod Himsel91ould tabernacle5 1ith his people. 4his 1as$ and1ill be accomplished in the person o9 2mmanuel$Eod 1ith us. 2n Eenesis ++$ 1e 9ind 7acob$ a9ter

    his meeting 1ith ?sau$ 1ent to a place calledSuccoth and built a house and made booths 9or hiscattle. 4he common name o9 the (east o94abernacles to this day is Succoth.

    hapter +F 4hirty 9ive$ being the producto9 and F$ carries 1ith it the compounding o9 grace

    and completion. 2n Eenesis +F$ 1e 9ind thatbecause o9 7acob5s obedience in purging the 9alsegods 9rom his house$ Eod5s grace is mani9ested tohim$ verses +3=. Also$ in chapter +F$ 1e 9ind t1ocompletions. 4he 9irst comes in the 9orm o9 the lastson o9 7acob$ Ben0amin. 4his brings to completionthe "% sons$ 9athers o9 the "% tribes$ o9 2srael. Also$

    in this chapter$ is the completion o9 2saac5s li9e$verse %# saying$ ..being old and 9ull o9 daysI

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    hapter =% 4here are many re9erences to

    the number 9orty t1o in the Scriptures. Without9ail$ they have the same symbolic meaning. =% isthe product o9 Jthe number 9or EodK and - Jthenumber 9or manK. 4his number is associated 1iththe ,ord5s advent and the oppression o9 2srael. 2t isa simple guess$ but it may be assumed that hrist5s9irst ministry may have lasted =% months J+ Ryears.K 2n 'evelation$ 1e see that the beast hasdominion 9or =% months. 4he remnant seed o9 the1oman J7erusalemK in 'evelation "% must be ledinto a special place o9 protection 9or "%-& days J=%; +&K in order to escape the Dragon. 2t is there thatEod 9eeds her. 2n Eenesis =%$ 1e 9ind theoppression o9 7acob J2sraelK$ in not having enough9ood to eat. His ten sons encounter 7oseph Jtype o9

    hristK 1ho 1ill deliver them 9rom 9amine andeventually bring them do1n to a prepared place thatthey might live.

    hapter =- Since the number =- is thesecond multiple o9 %+$ the number 9or death$ 1e1ould e;pect to 9ind the theme o9 death in this

    chapter. As a matter o9 9act$ the %+rdmention o9 thename o9 2srael is 9ound in chapter =-$ 1hen it saysin verse +&$ AndIsraelsaid unto 7oseph$ No1

    let me die...

    hapter =# As in the case o9 chapter +Fbeing a multiple o9 seven$ and therein 9inding that

    2saac5s li9e came to an end in that chapter$ 1e 9indthat in chapter =#$ 7acob5s li9e also comes to an end.=# is ; $ sho1ing a compounded per9ection and

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    completion. Ho1 complete 1as 7acob5s li9e> (rom

    chapter = verse % 1e 9ind that 7acob died 1hen he1as "= years old. 2n this$ the signature o9 Eod isdisplayed$ 9or "= is ; %". 2t is also the productyou get 1hen you multiply /0by +G 4his$ also$ is

    too incredible to be by mista*e or chance.

    hapter F&. (i9ty is a multiple o9 9ive.We 9ind that 9ive is the number 9or grace andredemption$ both o9 1hich apply in this chapter. 2nEenesis F&I= 1e 9ind this passage$

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    Eenesis Bible chapters is incomplete$ it is apparent

    that these divisions o9 chapters seem to have comeabout as a result o9 Divine guidance. (rom thispoint$ 1e 1ill go on to e;amine more o9 thisincredible pattern o9 numbers$ loo*ing more atchapter and verse divisions$ more details o9 the useo9 certain numbers$ 1ord occurrences in the 6ing7ames$ and ho1 to use these numerical patterns as atool to interpret Bible prophecy.

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    /e account the cri#tures of God to be the mostsublime #hiloso#hy! 0 find more sure marks of

    authenticity in the Bible than in any #rofane history

    hatsoever!!!!/orshi##in$ God and the %amb in the

    tem#le1 God, for his benefaction in creatin$ all

    thin$s, and the %amb, for his benefaction in

    redeemin$ us ith his blood!+

    ir 0saac "eton

    he /ing Ja#e& "ode8arious Numerical Patterns

    2n this section$ 2 1ill share 1ith you theincredible numerical and te;tual patterns that are

    contained in the Authori@ed 8ersion. Most o9 themcome in the 9orm o9 1ord occurrences.

    ,et5s begin 1ith an interesting point$ 9oundin 22 4imothy.

    J% 4im %I"FK

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    One day as 2 read this$ 2 began to 1onder

    1hat 2 might 9ind i9 2 loo*ed at the (((


    chaptero9 the Bible. 2t is ?cclesiastes '. ?cclesiastes is the

    *st J'53K boo* o9 the Bible. Here are some

    things contained in this chapter.

    J?ccl I%+3%K %F 2applied mine heart to *no1$ and to search$and to see* out 1isdom$ and the reason o9things$ and to *no1 the 1ic*edness o9 9olly$even o9 9oolishness and madnessI %- And2 9ind more bitter than death the woman)

    1hose heart is snares and nets$ and herhands as bands: whoso pleaseth 6odshall escape from her7 but the

    sinner shall be taken by her.%

    Behold$ this have 2 9ound$ saith the preacher$counting one by one$ to 9ind out the

    accountI4he Bible also teaches us else1here that

    various things have four uarters. Where do

    1e 9ind this> Well$ 1e loo* in our 6ing 7amesBibles and 9ind it e;actly /timesG

    JDeu %%I"%K

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    heaven$ and 1ill scatter them to1ard all

    those 1inds and there shall be no nation1hither the outcasts o9 ?lam shall notcome.-44.

    7ust out o9 curiosity one day$ no1 that the,ord has taught me ho1 to count things in the

    Scriptures$ 2 decided to 9ind the 222thverse in theBible$ seeing that this number has a specialrelevance. 4his verse is Eenesis :'. Here is

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    1hat this verse says.

    JEen %%IK And 2saac spa*e unto Abrahamhis 9ather$ and said$ By fatherI and he

    said$ Here am 2$ my son. And he said$

    Behold the 9ire and the 1oodI but 1here isthe lamb 9or a burnt o99ering>

    2n this very special chapter$ 1e have thetypology o9 alvary. 4his 1ill be loo*ed at in detaillater on. 2saac is mentioned 2times in this chapter.

    4his is the only verse in this chapter 1hen 2saacspea*s. His 9irst t1o 1ords 1eremy father. 2t

    might interest you to *no1 that 7esus spo*e thesesame t1o 1ords e;actly 2+times in the Bible. 2n

    Abraham5s response to 2saac$ he spo*e 2 1ords$

    Here am 2$ my son. 2ncidentally$ but not

    accidentally$ Eod spea*s these very same 1ordse;actly 2times.

    4he 1ordrest is 9ound'2 times in the

    Bible. 4his brea*s do1n to 2252. 2t might appear

    that this 1ord 1ould have something to do 1ithEod5sgrace$ but 0ust in case you might doubt$ 1e

    1ill let the Bible spea* 9or itsel9.

    J7er +"I%K 4hus saith the ,O'D$ 4he people1hich 1ere le9t o9 the s1ord found

    grace in the 1ilderness even 2srael$

    when I went to cause him to rest.

    4he number five is also associated 1ith

    redemption. 4he 1ord redemption is 9ound

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    e;actly+times J25/K in the 1hole o9 Scripture.

    2n ,eviticus %$ the 1ord redeem is associated1ith 2in this manner.

    J,ev %I"+K

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    redeemed 9rom a month old shalt thou

    redeem$ according to thine estimation$ 9orthe money o9 fiveshe*els$ a9ter the she*el

    o9 the sanctuary$ 1hich is t1enty gerahs.

    JPhil "I"FK Some indeed preach hristeven o9 envy and strife and some also

    o9 good 1illIJ" 4im -I=K He is proud$ *no1ing nothing$but doting about )uestions and stri9es o9

    1ords$ 1hereo9 cometh envy) strife$railings$ evil surmisings$J7ames +I"=K But i9 ye have bitterenvying and strife in your hearts$

    glory not$ and lie not against the truth.

    Along 1ith this same pattern 1e 9ind the1ords sinand death in the same verse e;actly "-

    times. Ho1ever$ they are 9ound (times in the Old

    4estament. 4hese t1o 1ords are 9ound (times in

    the boo* o9 'omans. Here are their uses.

    J'om FI"%K Where9ore$ as by one mansinentered into the 1orld$ and death by

    sin and so death passed upon all men$ 9or

    that all have sinnedIJ'om FI%"K 4hat as sin hath reigned

    unto death$ even so might grace reign

    through righteousness unto eternal li9e by7esus hrist our ,ord.J'om -I"-K 6no1 ye not$ that to 1hom yeyield yourselves servants to obey$ his

    servants ye are to 1hom ye obey 1hether o9sin unto death$ or o9 obedience unto


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    The $reat enemy of the salvation of man, in myo#inion, never invented a more effectual means of

    e-tir#atin$ Christianity from the orld than by

    #ersuadin$ mankind that it as im#ro#er to read

    the Bible at schools!+

    0n contem#latin$ the #olitical institutions of the

    2nited tates, 0 lament that e aste so much time

    and money in #unishin$ crimes and take so little

    #ains to #revent them! /e #rofess to be re#ublicans,

    and yet e ne$lect the only means of establishin$

    and #er#etuatin$ our re#ublican forms of

    $overnment, that is, the universal education of our

    youth in the #rinci#les of Christianity by the means

    of the Bible! :or this 3ivine book, above all others,

    favors that e9uality amon$ mankind, that res#ect

    for 7ust las, and those sober and fru$al virtues,hich constitute the soul of re#ublicanism!+

    Ben7amin ush

    he *u#+er 1

    4he number 1is the number 9ornew life

    andnew beginnings. 2n Eenesis 1$ Noah and

    the animals are allo1ed to depart 9rom the Ar* andrestore the earth. Noah and his 9amily consisted o91 people that repopulated the human race. Noah5s

    name is 9ound e;actly /1 J15(K times in the Old

    4estament. His name in both 9orms J"oe and "oahKis 9ound e;actly 1 times in the Ne1 4estament.

    When you combine them you end up 1ith a total o9

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    2(. Here 1e 9ind that the name o9>oah is the

    product o9 Com#letionJ'K and"e Be$innin$s J1K.What an ama@ingly per9ect Boo*G41ice in the Ne1 4estament$ >oah is

    associated 1ith the number 1.

    J" Pet +I%&K oah$ 1hile thear* 1as a preparing$ 1herein 9e1$ that is$eightsouls 1ere saved by 1ater. the damsel is not

    dead) but sleepeth. =& And theylaughed him to scorn. But 1hen he had putthem all out$ he ta*eth the 9ather and themother o9 the damsel$ and them that 1ere1ith him$ and entereth in 1here the damsel1as lying. =" And he too* the damsel bythe hand$ and said unto her$ 4alitha cumi1hich is$ being interpreted$ Damsel$ 2 sayunto thee$ arise. =% And straight1ay thedamsel arose$ and 1al*ed 9or she was of

    the age of twelve years. And they

    1ere astonished 1ith a great astonishment.

    No1 1e 1ill loo* at the clues that the Biblegives us in order 9or us to correctly interpret thisverse. (irst$ 1e notice that both o9 the main 9iguresin these stories are 1omen. 2t is clearly indicated inthe Scriptures that 1omen are usually a typologicalrepresentation o9 the hurch in general. 2t is a1oman 1ith * stars 1ho appears in 'evelation

    *. Ne1 7erusalem in 'evelation %" is 9igured as a

    bride. 4he very 1ord itsel9$ woman$ is 9ound

    e;actly 3(+ J*53+K times in the Scriptures. 29you are at all 9amiliar 1ith the 7e1ish calendar$ you1ill recogni@e that the Old 7e1ish calendar is basedupon a 3(+ day year$ * months o9 3+ days

    apiece.4his particular 1oman has a problem. Her

    menstrual 9lo1 1ill not cease. Does this have any

    spiritual signi9icance> See 1hat the Bible has tosay.

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    J2sa +&I%%K :e shall de9ile also the

    covering o9 thy graven images o9 silver$ andthe ornament o9 thy molten images o9 goldIthou shalt cast them a1ay as a

    menstruous cloth thou shalt say unto

    it$ Eet thee hence.J,am "I"K ion spreadeth 9orth her hands$and there is none to com9ort herI the ,O'Dhath commanded concerning 7acob$ that hisadversaries should be round about himI

    %erusalem is as a menstruous

    womanamong them.

    4he Scriptures teach us that this is symbolico9 sin and uncleanness. All o9 the 1orldly help shecould buy 1as not helping her$ but rather ma*ingher 1orse. 2t 1asn5t until she touched the Master5sclothes$ the robe o9 righteousness$ that she is healed.An honest evaluation o9 the hurch today 1ouldreveal that hristianity today is in bad shape andgetting 1orse. As the 1orld leans closer and closerto Hell$ the gap bet1een the hurch and the 1orldshould have 1idened. But it hasn5t. 4he hurch

    has actually moved closer to the 1orld and hell thanit ever has. We have 9orsa*en the Holy 4ruthcontained in the Scriptures and clung to doctrines o9devils. We need a touch 9rom the Master.

    2n the second story$ the 1oman depicted isyoung$ a damsel and she is dead. We have alreadyread about the dry bones that are brought bac* to

    li9e in the last days. 4his damsel is 2srael$ 1ho liesdormant$ sleeping$ until a1a*ened out o9 the graveby the coming o9 7esus hrist.

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    Pay attention to the details o9 every passage

    in 1hich you come across the number *. 4hesecrets o9 Eod are contained in them$ and they 1illreveal things about the hurch that desperatelyneeds to be *no1n.

    Our Saviour revealed a 9e1 secrets about theEentile hurch and the 7e1ish hurch 1hen hemade this statement.

    J7ohn ""I#3"&K 7esus ans1ered$ Are therenot twelve hours in the day> 29 any

    man 1al* in the day$ he stumbleth not$because he seeth the light of this

    world. "& But i9 a man 1al* in the

    night)he stumbleth$ because there is no

    light in him.

    4he Eentiles are the children o9 the daybecause 1e 1al* in the light o9 this 1orld$ 7esus$the$reater li$ht depicted in Eenesis ". 4he 7e1sare currently 1al*ing in dar*ness$ because 7esus isnot a light to them. 4heir ruler is the lesser li$htthat rules over the dar*ness$ Satan.

    4he boo* o9 Ealatians reveals the 9ollo1ingvery important symbolic representations and givestheir true meaning.

    JEal =I%%3%-K (or it is 1ritten$ thatAbraham had t1o sons$ the one by abondmaid$ the other by a freewoman.

    %+ But he 1ho 1as o9 thebondwoman was born after the

    flesh but he o9 the 9ree1oman 1as by

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    promise. %= #hich things are an

    allegoryI 9or these are the twocovenants the one from the mount

    4inai$ 1hich gendereth to bondage$ 1hich

    is8gar. %F (or this8gar is mount

    4inai in 8rabia$ and ans1ereth to%erusalem which now is) and is

    in bondage with her children.

    %- But%erusalem which is aboveis free) which is the mother of us


    Notice the very important statements that arebeing made. Hagar$ the mother o9 2shmael$represents the Old 4estament hurch that is still

    under the la1$ even today. Sarah represents theNe1 4estament hurch that is under grace. Notice1hat it says about Sarah. She represents

    Heavenly %erusalem$ 1hich is themother

    o9 us all. Do you remember 1hat the Bible saidabout Sarah>

    JEen "I"-K And 2 1ill bless her$ and givethee a son also o9 herI yea$ 2 1ill bless her$and she shall be a mother of nations7

    kings of people shall be of her.

    Are you beginning to see something younever sa1 be9ore in the Scriptures> 4hisrepresentation 1as passed on to Sarah5s daughter3

    in3la1$ 'ebe*ah.

    JEen %=I-&K And they blessed 'ebe*ah$

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    and said unto her$ 4hou art our sister$ be

    thou the mother of thousands ofmillions$ and let thy seed possess the gate

    o9 those 1hich hate them.

    ?ach one o9 them has been given thedistinction o9 representing Heavenly 7erusalem.Study these passages care9ully$ and you 1ill seesome very important teachings that Eod 1ants Hispeople to *no1. O9 course$ it 1ould be totallyoutside the magni9icent patterns o9 Eod and HisWord 9or Sarah to be associated 1ith any numberother than *$ 9or 1e 9ind that all the 9orms o9

    Sarah5s name are 9ound e;actly (+ J*52K times

    in the 6ing 7ames Bible.Eetting bac* to Hagar$ she represents the

    7e1ish hurch 1ho is under the bondage o9 the la1.And it does not come as a surprise that she is giventhis name e;actly * times$ all in the Old

    4estament. Accordingly$ here is 1hat the Bible saysabout Hagar and the number *. 4his is the *th

    occurrence o9Hagar.

    JEen %FI*3"-K No1 these are thegenerations o9 2shmael$ AbrahamCs son$1hom Hagar the ?gyptian$ SarahCs

    handmaid$ bare unto AbrahamI "+ Andthese are the names o9 the sons o9 2shmael$by their names$ according to theirgenerationsI the 9irstborn o9 2shmael$

    Neba0oth and 6edar$ and Adbeel$ andMibsam$ "= And Mishma$ and Dumah$and Massa$ "F Hadar$ and 4ema$ 7etur$

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    Naphish$ and 6edemahI "- 4hese are the

    sons o9 2shmael$ and these are their names$by their to1ns$ and by their castles twelveprinces according to their


    Eod established the pattern o9 *in the Old

    4estament 1hen He gave 2srael * sons. 2t 1as

    through them and their respective tribes that the1hole nation o9 2srael 1as 9ormed. 2n the Ne14estament$ Eod re3established this pattern byappointing *Apostles. 2t is on their 9oundation

    J?ph. %I%&$ 'ev. %"I"=K$ hrist being the hie9ornerstone$ that the Eentile hurch is built. Asthe *tribes 1ere intended to be *nation$ 1e are

    e;pected to be *body no divisions$ no schisms$

    0ust *body. 4he codes spell that out very clearly.

    2n Acts$ 1e are told this about the beginning o9 thehurch age.

    JActs "I"=K

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    the Scriptures to be a number that is associated 1ith

    the hurch$ both o9 the Old 4estament$ and o9 theNe1. 4hose 1ho are in the Ne1 4estament hurchare those 1hom Eod has )uic*ened$ or broughtbac* to li9e and given a ne be$innin$ in His6ingdom. 4his gives them the association both1ith the number *and 1ith the number 1. 4hey

    are called the saints. 4hey are called saints

    e;actly 0(J*51K times in the Scriptures.

    By counting$ 1e 9ind that the *+thchapter

    in the Bible is Numbers +. Here is 1hat iscontained in Numbers +.

    JNum +I"+K Because all the firstborn

    are mine 9or on the day that 2 smote all the9irstborn in the land o9 ?gyptI hallowedunto me all the firstborn in

    Israel) both man and beast:

    mine shall they beI 2 am the ,O'D.

    Where 1ould 1e 9ind the spiritualsigni9icance o9 this passage> Hebre1s chapter *.

    JHeb *I%%3%=K But ye are come unto

    mount Sion$ and unto the city o9 the livingEod$ theheavenly %erusalem$ and to

    an innumerable company o9 angels$ %+ 4othe general assembly and church of the

    firstborn$ 1hich are 1ritten in heaven$

    and to Eod the 7udge o9 all$ and to the spirits

    o9 0ust men made per9ect$ %= And to 7esusthe mediator o9 the ne1 covenant$ and to theblood o9 sprin*ling$ that spea*eth better

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    things than that o9 Abel.

    4he last pattern that 2 1ill give you on thissub0ect is the most signi9icant. (irst$ 1e 9ind in 26ings that Solomon$ the on of 3avid (ty#e ofChrist)$ built the permanent House of 6od in

    7erusalem. :ou 1ill 9ind the phrase House of

    6od in the Old 4estament e;actly 1/ J*5'K

    times. 7erusalem is a ty#e$ a pre39iguring o9 the4rue 6ingdom o9 Eod that 1ill e;ist 1hen this1orld ends and the ne1 1orld comes. 2n'evelation %"$ here is ho1 this>ew %erusalem

    is described.J'ev %"I"&3"=K And he carried me a1ay inthe spirit to a great and high mountain$ andsho1ed me that great city$ the holy

    %erusalem$ descending out o9 heaven

    9rom Eod$ "" Having the glory o9 EodIandher light1as li*e unto a stone most

    precious$ even li*e a 0asper stone$ clear ascrystal "% And had a 1all great and high$and had twelve gates$ and at the gates

    t1elve angels$ and names 1ritten thereon$

    1hich are the names o9 the twelve tribes

    of the children of IsraelI "+ On

    the east three gates on the north three gateson the south three gates and on the 1estthree gates. "= And the 1all o9 the cityhad twelve foundations$ and in them

    the names o9 the twelve apostles of

    the Lamb.

    2t is there9ore easy to see ho1 7erusalem is

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    associated 1ith the number *. 2t is undeniable.

    4here9ore$ it is also undeniable that 1e 9ind%erusalem mentioned e;actly *// J*5*K

    times in the Ne1 4estament o9 the 6ing 7amesBibleG A9ter all that 1e have seen so 9ar$ ho1 couldanyone still deny the 9act that Eod did indeedinspire the Authori@ed 8ersion 9or us in the lastdays>

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    The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty! A students#erusal of the sacred volume ill make him a better

    citi>en, a better father, a better husband!+

    Thomas *efferson

    he *u#+er 3

    4he number *3is the number 9or de#ravityand rebellion! 2 1ill mention that the 1ordrebel

    is 9ound */ times in the Scriptures$ but it is

    contained in *3verses.

    4he very 9irst man to rebel against Eod 1asAdam. He rebelled against the sure 1ord o9 the,ord and ate o9 the tree o9 6no1ledge o9 Eood and

    ?vil. 4he number *3is stamped upon Adam 9orthis sin. 4he *3thtime Adam5s name is mentioned

    is in this verse.

    JEen =I%FK And Adam *ne1 his 1i9e againand she bare a son$ and called his nameSethI (or Eod$ said she$ hath appointed me

    another seed instead o9 Abel$ 1hom ainsle1.

    2t does not appear that this has any particularsigni9icance or relation$ until you loo* in the veryne;t chapter.

    JEen FI+K And Adam lived anhundredand thirty years *35*+=$ and begat

    a son in his o1n li*eness$ a9ter his image

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    and called his name 4ethI

    2t 1as mentioned in a previous section thatit is in 'evelation chapter *3 that 1e 9ind the

    number o9 the beast. Notice that it 1as in verse *3

    o9 ?@ra % that 1e 9ind a name associated 1ith thatnumberG 4he only other mention o9 the number(((in the Scriptures is a re9erence to the gold that

    Solomon received in a year5s time.

    J" 6i "&I"=K No1 the 1eight o9 gold thatcame to Solomon in one year 1as si5

    hundred threescore and si5talents

    o9 gold$

    :ou might notice that this occurrence doesnot have anything to do 1ith the number *3.

    Ho1ever$ the parallel verse to this one is 9ound in 22hronicles. Please notice this verse.

    J% hr #I*3K No1 the 1eight o9 gold that

    came to Solomon in one year 1as si5

    hundred and threescore and si5

    talents o9 gold

    4hree times in the Scriptures 1e have thenumber ((( associated 1ith the number *3.

    According to the rules o9 Biblical interpretation$only t1o 1itnesses are re)uired to establishsomething as being true.

    J% or *3I"K 4his is the third time2 amcoming to you. 2n the mouth o9 two or

    three1itnesses shall every word be

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    As mentioned earlier$ the number *3is the

    number 9or rebellion and depravity. We 1ill seethat it is lin*ed 1ith the Antichrist. 'emember also$1e mentioned that Nimrod$ the 6ing o9 BabelJBabylonK$ 1as the *3th descendant 9rom Adam.

    Nimrod 1as a type o9 the Antichrist. 2n 'evelation*3$ 7ohn sees this beast and describes him this 1ay.

    J'ev *3I%K

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    1hen he o99ended in Baal$ he died. % And

    no1 they sin more and more) andhave made them molten images o9 theirsilver$ and idols according to their o1nunderstanding$ all o9 it the 1or* o9 thecra9tsmenI they say o9 them$ ,et the menthat sacri9ice *iss the calves...JHosea *3I3


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    'evelation *3$ 2 believe the Bible reveals to us

    1hich sea this is. 2t is the great sea$ orMediterranean Sea. Notice the 9irst occurrence o9the phrase great sea.

    JNum +=I-K

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    li*e a leopard$ 1hich had upon the bac*

    o9 it 9our 1ings o9 a 9o1l the beast had also9our heads and dominion 1as given to it. A9ter this 2 sa1 in the night visions$ andbehold a fourth beast$ dread9ul and

    terrible$ and strong e;ceedingly and it hadgreat iron teethI it devoured and bra*e inpieces$ and stamped the residue 1ith the 9eeto9 itI and it 1as diverse 9rom all the beaststhat 1ere be9ore it and it had ten

    horns. %= But that ye may *no1 thatthe Son o9 man hath po1er upon earth to9orgive sins$ Jhe said unto the sic* o9 thepalsy$K 2 say unto thee$ Arise$ and ta*e up thycouch$ and go into thine house. %F Andimmediately he rose up be9ore them$ and

    too* up that 1hereon he lay$ and departed tohis o1n house$ glori9ying Eod. :es. 4he diligent Bible student 1ill

    recogni@e that physical maladies are symbolic o9spiritual disorders. As our Saviour had the ability toheal the dea9$ blind$ lame and the leper$ he can alsoheal the sin3sic* soul. 4his is the healing that hrist1ill grant to all 1ho as*.

    8 ead ;ody

    4he phrase dead body is 9ound *3

    times in the Scriptures. 2t is only 9ound in the Old4estament. As you 1ill see$ it too carries the idea o9depravity and rebellion.

    4he 9irst instance comes in the 9orm o9 anordinance to the priests o9 the sanctuary.

    J,ev %"I""K

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    the passover unto the L!. ""

    ,he fourteenth day of the secondmonth at even they shall keep it$

    and eat it 1ith unleavened bread and bitterherbs.umber 4he Divine Proo9 9or 'evelation

    As you 1ill see in this section$ thenumberis the number 9or light$ revelation$

    sight$ spiritual *no1ledge$ etc. 2n accordance

    1ith this pattern there are several *ey points thatshould be addressed.

    (irst$ 1e 1ill see that the use o9 the numberis not limited to the te;t o9 the scripture itsel9$

    but is displayed in the chapter and verse re9erences.29 1e are to believe that the Authori@ed 8ersion isinspired and preserved$ 1e should also be 1illing to

    see ho1 Eod has placed His Divine signature in thechapter and verse re9erences. ontrary to popularnotions$ many o9 the chapter and verse divisions1ere around in the original 1ritings Jconsider thedivision o9 Psalm ""# intosections o9 verses

    ,amentations being divided into 2 chapters$ 1ith

    chapters "$%$=$ and F being divided intoverses$

    and chapter three being divided into (( verses$1hich is also the number o9 chapters in 2saiah$1hich is also the number o9 boo*s in the Bible$

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    in the beginning 1ith Eod. + All things

    1ere made by him and 1ithout him 1as notany thing made that 1as made. = 2n him1as li9e and the life was the light

    of men. F8nd the light shineth

    in darkness7 and the darkness

    comprehended it not.

    2t might also be mentioned that as there areletters in the Hebre1 alphabet$ so also 1e 9ind

    that there areboo*s called the lettersor e#istles

    in the Ne1 4estament. 4hey reveal to us thedoctrines and the 9uture o9 the hurch. 2ncidentally$the 1ords letter or letters are 9ound a total o9

    times in the Ne1 4estament$ each one being

    9ound e;actly ** times. onsider 1hat 1as said

    about 7esus.J7ohn I"F3"-K "- 7esus

    ans1ered them$ and said$By doctrine

    is not mine) but his that sent me. He is

    antichrist$ that denieth the @atherandthe 4on.

    2n Psalm 1e are given the great

    prophecy o9 the cruci9i;ion o9 hrist. 4here aremany events that actually happened to hrist on theross that are detailed in this chapter. Here again$

    had the 7e1s paid attention to the revelations 9oundin Psalm %%$ they 1ould have recogni@ed theirMessiah. We are given the message that this is arevelation o9 Eod5s plan He does not 1ant Hispurposes to be hidden.

    JPsa I%+3%=K

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    J% SamI%#K

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    J,u*e IK

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    J,u*e ":K

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    carry the distinct idea o9 li$htor revelation. As 9or

    the other 1ords in this list$ you 1ill see that in atleast one instance o9 this 1ord$ there is a direct$conte;tual relationship bet1een the 1ord and thesymbol o9 light and revelation. Here are 9e1e;amples. As you study these and other 1ords li*ethis that are 9oundtimes in the Bible$ you 1ill

    see 9or yoursel9 ho1 this pattern is preserved.:ou might say that the 1ord taste

    doesn5t necessarily have anything to do 1ith light$sight or revelation until you consider the 9ollo1ingverse.

    JPsa +=IK

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    the *ingdom o9 EodI but unto them that are

    1ithout$ all these things are done inparablesI As

    you loo* at the conte;t o9 each occurrence you 1illsee that it also is associated 1ith light$ revelation or*no1ledge.

    JMat %+I%-3+&K

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    JDeu =I%3+&K

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    eighteen and 1hy it 1as 9oundtimes in the

    Bible. ,ater$ 2 discovered that the numbertwenty and two is 9ound e;actly *1times in

    the ScripturesG What an ama@ing boo*G,et5s loo* at a 9e1 more 1ords and phrases.

    :ou 1ill see in each one o9 these that the theme o9light$ sight$ and revelation is apparent$ as 1ell as thenumber.

    2n the Old 4estament$ all the 9orms o9 the1ord see$ such as see) seeing) seek)

    seekest) seeketh) and seeking are 9ound a

    total o9 (1 times. 4his brea*s do1n to53*.

    4he 1ord showis 9ound ((J53K times in the

    Ne1 4estament. Here is ho1 the 1ord is used inthe nd boo* o9 the ?pistles$ the boo* o9


    J'ev "I"K 4he !evelation o9 7esus

    hrist$ 1hich Eod gave unto him$ to show

    unto his servants things 1hich must

    shortly come to pass and he sent and

    signi9ied it by his angel unto his servant7ohnIJ'ev =I"K A9ter this 2 loo*ed$ and$ behold$a door 1as opened in heavenI and the 9irstvoice 1hich 2 heard 1as as it 1ere o9 atrumpet tal*ing 1ith me 1hich said$ omeup hither$ andI will show thee things

    which must be hereafter.

    J'ev "I"K And there came one o9 theseven angels 1hich had the seven vials$ andtal*ed 1ith me$ saying unto me$ omehither I will show unto thee the

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    Dudgmento9 the great 1hore that sitteth

    upon many 1atersIJ'ev %"I#K And there came unto me one o9the seven angels 1hich had the seven vials9ull o9 the seven last plagues$ and tal*ed1ith me$ saying$ ome hither$ I willshow thee the bride) the Lambs


    J'evI-K And he said unto me$ 4hese

    sayings are 9aith9ul and trueI and the ,ordEod o9 the holy prophets sent his angel toshow unto his servants the things

    1hich must shortly be done.

    4he simple 1ord behold is an important

    1ord. When it is used$ it seems to dra1 specialattention to something that the ,ord really 1antsHis people to *no1$ especially 1hen it comes to thesecrets o9 His Second oming. 4his 1ord is usede;actlytimes in the Ne1 4estament.

    As you sa1 at the beginning o9 this boo*$the 1ord sight is 9ound 333 times in the

    Scriptures. (rom the various patterns 1e haveloo*ed at so 9ar$ and 9rom the 9irst chapter o9 theboo*$ it appears that the numberand the number

    33 have a similar meaning. 4he best e;planation

    that 2 have 9or this at this time is that both numbersare 9actors o9 (($ the number o9 boo*s in the Bible.

    More 1ill be noted later on the number (($ and

    1hy the Bible has that many boo*s in it.

    One o9 the occurrences o9 the 1ord sightis9ound in the 333rdchapter o9 the Bible$ verse 3.

    Notice 1hat it says.

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    J2sa +I3K

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    sight is associated 1ith the number 33 and the

    number$ here is a list o9 verses 1here this 1ordis 9ound. Both numbers are very obvious.

    4ight Een. 33I$ 33I"&$ 33I"F$

    ?;. 3:3$ 33I"%$ 33I"+$ 33I"-$ 33I"$

    ,ev. "3:3$ "3:3&$ "3:3"$ "3:3%$ "3:3=$

    "3:3$ *u#+er& 3:33$ *u#+er&

    33:3$ 'uth :$ 2 Sam. "-I$ 22 Sam.-I$ "=I$ "-I$ :F$ 2 6ings

    "=I$ IF%$ 22 6ings ":$ 22 6ings

    :$ 2 hr.I$ 22 hr.I=$ 22 hron

    33I%$ 33:44ol. "I$ 2 7ohn +I.

    We have$ by no1$ seen ho1 numbers in the

    Bible have symbolic meanings and themes. And 1ehave also loo*ed at the various Scriptures that tellus that 1isdom and *no1ledge come 9rom counting.4here9ore$ 1e 9ind that the 1ord addis 9ound 33

    times in the Scriptures$ and the 1ordmultiplied

    is 9ound e;actly // J5K times in the 6ing

    7ames Bible. Wisdom and *no1ledge do indeedcome by using these t1o principles.

    Eiven that these 1ords in the Scriptureshave had a Divine importance placed upon them$ itmight do us 1ell to study these 1ords as theyappear in the te;ts o9 the Bible$ and discover themeaning that Eod is trying to reveal to those o9 us1ho live in the last3days.

    4he ne;t thing 1e 1ill 9ocus on is that innearly every instance$ a 1ord that is 9ound

    times in the Bible almost al1ays has an association1ith the number in verse$ chapter$ or a

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    combination o9 both. ?ach o9 the 1ords listed

    occurs times in the Scriptures$ and they arelisted 1ith at least one occurrence o9 the number.

    Adversary ?;. %+I$ Num.


    Baptism Mat. %&I

    Brightness 22 Sam. I"+$I"-$ 2saiahI"$

    7er. +I$ [email protected]"&

    Discovered 2 Sam.I-

    Hallo1ed ,ev.I+%

    ,earned Acts I

    Mad ?cc.:

    Mean Prov.I%#Sorro1s 22 Sam.I-

    Astray Deut.I"

    Bearing ,u*eI"&

    Bitterness 2 Sam.I-

    arcases 7er. #I

    ompanions Ps. "I

    (orbear Deut. %+I 26ingsI-$I"F

    7e@ebel 22 6ings #I$ 'ev$


    Marry Mat. I%=$ I+&$

    Mr* ":F

    Masters ol. +I

    Merchandise Mat.IFMinistry Acts "IF

    Overcome Num I""$ ,u*e

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    As earlier noted$ the 1ord hallowed is

    9oundtimes in the Scriptures. 4he most 9amoususe o9 this 1ord is 9ound in the ,ord5s Prayer.

    JMat -I#K

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    22 SamuelIF&

    Psalm:Song o9 Solomon "I+ JSong o9 Solomon isthendboo* o9 the BibleK

    Matthe1 I

    As you may very 1ell see$ there is a clearand precise pattern to Eod5s Word. 4here are

    those 1ho hold to the theory that Eod onlypreserved His Word in the original languages andin the original autographs. 4hey 1ould say thatsince chapter and verse divisions 1ere addedlater by man5s hand$ that they could not beinspired. Ho1ever$ the entire Bible has beengiven to us through the hands o9 men throughouthistory. 4here is not one place in the entirecanon o9 Scripture that tells us 1e ought to bedoubters o9 the Word te;tual criticsimproving on inspired translations that 1ehave to learn Hebre1 and Eree* in order tounderstand 1hat the Bible really means or that1e have to in some 1ay pry the minds o9 thecontemporaries o9 the Biblical authors in order to

    9ind out 1hat the Bible meant to them. 4heBible itsel9 tells us that it is 1ritten 9or ourgeneration.

    J% Pet "I"%K

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    in verses o9 the BibleG Also$ the 1ord

    wisdom is 9ound inverses o9 the BibleGonsider the boo* o9 wisdom3 the boo*

    o9 Proverbs. :ou 1ill 9ind the 1ord wisee;actly

    ((J53K in the boo* o9 Proverbs. :ou 1ill also

    9ind that all the 9orms o9 the 1ordknoware 9ound

    e;actly ((times in the boo* o9 Proverbs. Maybe it

    1ould be too much to as*$ but 2 loo*ed$ and in the

    boo* o9 Proverbs you 1ill 9ind all the 9orms o9 the1ord understande;actly ((times in the boo*

    o9 Proverbs. Ho1 many boo*s are there in theBible>

    No1 consider 1hat the Bible says aboutitsel9.

    JPsa "%I-3K

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    begin to ta*e a1ay or add to Eod5s Word.

    J" 4im -I+3FK

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    J7er //I+K ;ecause of their

    wickedness 1hich they have committedto provo*e me to anger$ in that they 1ent toburn incense$ and to serve other gods)

    whom they knew not$ neither they$ ye$

    nor your 9athers.

    4he Bible is clear in its use o9 this phrase.

    Eod is a Eod o9 *no1ledge J2 Samuel %I+K. 4hose1ho are called to be His must also be 1illing toreceive the *no1ledge that Eod re)uires His peopleto have. 4here are those 1ho pro9ess a belie9 inhrist$ but are ignorant o9 His teachings. 4hey1ill9ully do not *no1 o9 the deep things o9 theScriptures. So it is understandable$ 1hen the Biblespea*s o9 people not *no1ing 1hat Eod 1ants themto *no1$ that 1e also 9ind the phraseknow not

    andknow ye not e;actly 11 J5/K times in

    the ScripturesG 2 hope that by this point your eyeshave been opened to the very obvious patterns thatare to be 9ound in the 6ing 7ames Bible.

    Purposely$ 2 have little *no1ledge o9 ho1certain te;ts came to be translated$ 1ho did the

    translating$ or any o9 the other current argumentsthat e;ist about 1hich translation is the right one.4he ,ord has had me busy studying His Word$ andhas opened my eyes to His signature. 2 1ould thatall o9 Eod5s people 1ould do the same.

    By the 1ay again$ you 1ill 9ind the 1ordseyes and opened in the same verse e;actly

    times$ as in this passage.


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    But throu$h the system of revealed truth hich

    this Book contains is, like that of the universe,concealed from common observation, yet the labors

    of the centuries have established its 3ivine ori$in,

    and develo#ed in all its order and beauty the $reat

    #lan of human restoration!+

    ir 0saac "eton

    he *u#+er 43

    4he number 3 is the number 9or death.

    We sa1 in Eenesis3the story o9 the death and

    burialo9 Sarah. No1 let5s loo* at a 9e1 te;tual

    patterns that are related to the number3and the

    theme o9 death. 2n the boo* o9 Eenesis$ 1e 9ind that the

    3rd time >oah is mentioned or re9erred to is

    located in Eenesis verse3. Here is 1hat it says.

    JEen I3K oah only remained

    alive$ and they that 1ere 1ith him in the

    ar*. Here again$ 2 as* the )uestion$does the Bible you are basing your li9e on containthis very special pattern>

    4his phrase the word of the lord is

    9ound *3times in the Ne1 4estament. 2 1ill admit

    that as o9 this date$ 2 have not 9ound the correlationbet1een the phrase and its number o9 uses$ but 2 didnotice one thing that 2 considered to be veryinteresting$ and that 1as the location o9 one o9 theoccurrences o9 this phrase.

    JActs *3I/0K

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    J'om "&I*'K

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    handmaid o9 the ,ord be it unto me

    according to thy word. And the angeldeparted 9rom her. %% 7esus saith unto him$ 2 say not

    unto thee$ ntil seven timesI but$ ntil

    seventy times seven.