J Railway Record; PricHay Afternoon, October 11, PASTOBGBAHAJW TO PARISHIONERS Church Closed, He Uses The -Record's Cohitnns to Civ< Usual Sunday S*. ( rm«»n Owluj; to tho f>ict (hut tin* 'IKUIHII &ulhurlll«'ui of lhi» Stut.* huvo plural :t *>*u on all public j;At.i<<r1.i£ii, lucluilliiK ibo rollgiomi t;;Ulmrl(ijTH, tlin Nov. 1,. Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday uonnon. j Ia it In* polntu out tho inability of iho church inn! tho thliij.ii for which It ^ritiUitiii aa c-miHiarod with Iho pfirlub- Ahlo v'.wwim, thttmisii iiiul mttltirlut Xa Of Ih'o Tlw pttytnr'H WrtMwarc ltlu Uxt In Man M\: IS ; "lu thodu d;iy:i ih«»jv MO.MII to !>.' fow j thhltfa rtxod ni n<rt;iln. Many will j t«ll you thoy u«ml,i mil lio ui.rprlm'il j - sat Old uroakhij: down .if a ohun:h of ('hrlni ha« prortchod right- iioi]nii(!U!l ti.it that Wht<:)i uxaltoth moil ! Tho church of Chrlut hoii udvueatod I In* iiioturtlon of. tho \fuuk by tini titrom;. Sfufi of iumrity, opiirottdlon and violonro hiivc h--« i n oppn.iod and attacked nuvor mort 1 fitllhfully than liy t!m unibtuiMiidorif of Cl:rl:it. Th» church of f'hrlut him lwimi nlrlvlti»r for r .•iilUi'lo.r in •mittcc^thn-wTirld it bottor plttco to llvuJn. Without lmr iiiltilutry or In»:il1ny and iittyhi^. who cmi toll wlmthor a -"tovn for HtfhluOiiaiioart mlclit no( huvo iuM'liih''d from HIM mirth? "WhiMi th«<*iithodm1~nt Ithrilmn wm* •ih att. -'rod by prof mm twiMInry. I ho world rocordtMl It** protoitt It wtui u muiinlftroiit. tircliltocttiruT lUUH^ynntiL. It vv-»it th*' worU of iniin'n r«UHI it nil iTiMilue Hut who onii Inmtfln" th*i loun to (ho world ithnuld tho Hi:hi of (ha church of Jnniiii ("hrliit h.. oxtiiiKiilub I'd Hut ilirti cannot hnpp"" TIu* nivlno Ari'liitoot nnd hulldor of Iho rhnrrh nnyti: "No wi>ttpon thiit tu formod uirtiltntt b^r. nlmll proitimr." Tho i-rouii liitir iu\vnr hoon drfvpn from tho Hold und never will bv •('lirlMtianlty lina ulwuy'- mount nnd ovi»r will viuuin conflict In iho world.' ^n 1.1 rhrlBl. 'Vo nil-ill Jmvo I ril)ulnl!on, but lot u» not for^nl the rniif nf th«' tiontmirn. 'but t our not I INDIVIDUAL WORK NECE33AHY by that lliuro iir-s 'thinj;ti which cannot l»o j iit«rtoti_ VTiioh \a rnduritiir ' anil jMirniairflnt. Yt»i JtiHiiu Oh rim muny •eorttUrlot-T 1 ixixn nuulo I he tl.MMj7r.il Ion won earning hlii church, that tt wim to b<» tnytuelbln and It In a prlvlK«Ko whoii wo look ri limit iia :md titvo how limo ehiaitrort tliJniTW, ~(o havo mumr a.lU'0 frtfm Him wllOi)<? u-onl hi Hiiro, that whilo Yrowna and ihronon tuity j iwrUh and UitlKiloui* rltu> und wuno, | Uittt tho Church of Jonuf r.muliuU ' •Kill r-uimUn.' | H^t u fow in our own diiy. huvo do ' . K»^rti'd On* c.!\Virch !ii\c:ni!n« t( hu» j htuunod an if IUIH woud^rful lumitn tlrtn foundod by Christ wan lxn-onitnn i —Yv^hl.* fy\u\ v«t«^ TUT'V- Judj^-rJ en- tlt-»'ly liy upo.-mincoii, and their lovo ! waxod oold. Thoy asv tli» friondw who( In tluu>« of nr\^3p,»rlt,v avo inn*, hut ! who in thnos o( iidv»\rrtlty pl.-iv f:ih»o Tbo.y ri'.-ioniMo thoiio who ono day I kidl.ul ChrluC ail King and unollior day \ jolmnl tho nitih whoorlod cruelly Him : Hut thoai* who aw familiar with Uio j UUiory or tho church of dirts I know j inbtf c:tn novor facx* liuirij- violent itnd iija]li:n:int I'm'mlosi than thoiid, Hint In ; Yho p;u;u liavo intronched thombolvoa j a^aiiiKi IUT. In siiilto of Iho. moat J f^rmi.iahlo oimoidtion tho c.lmwh-mnil careful In liiyliu; l-Hn found n | tUu tiliuTilli lilid wri>li) T .til tiUilll j woiulom in tMituiiliiihltiK It In tho world, will not tloncrt tho objocl. of THM .i>v«-.iH.1 doVoMo.i. 'CJo.l In In flu- do.] H.III.1 hnip her iinrt" Unit .x-l«h1-| early." Tho ohurch will Hvt* hocauiut' hor iHviti.. l.or.1 will llvo. •'Scofrurn. uthoUtu, Intldohi. ami Hlii'ptotM havo written tho ohltuury of tho church tunihi mill U.&U.11. hut thoy :»ro obliKod to pl^oou-holo thoir ur- Ucltiii. Juat wlum iho church uppouni to liy ii bout jrono, thoro comtm u ui yiitofloiiii roroVtirltijr powor and yho j rnn!'<<*i from what isooniod to ho th«i j tiinpor t»r <lo:i!.h. iuk«»it on now ltfo, I hiH'kli'ii on Uui mvord and ixooit' out 10 ncattor Itor oinoniloti Mko tho lostvon nm Hcattorod Wforo tho nppmiiclttMjj' it to mi, j "Tho rook-bod truth of our holy ro j Hs-.ioii In. Unit Chr.ut I;- flrtrt. Thin wim ' iho conf-i'tiHion of St.. l'olor und upon! tho truth of this coniVitulon rxuit tho ' hopoii of sill bollovor-ri If Ood b<* o u r • llolpor thoro cun bo no uncertainty i about rtiiiil triumph. Our faith may i ho triod iui Chrltitla.m», our lovo mayi tin toutod. 1-tut I* wo arn uttfiulfitst In | our faith and constant hi our lovo to j Christ, wo nlmll coo and on tor Into tho triumph of tho rodoomoil Church.** Jorsoy Bond Campaign Hurt Spimloh Ihftuonza Says Klnnlctttt " Mow York Oct. ID.—Although iiovoro- ly luuiillfiltipod by Ihn ordet "1* th« New Ji'nioy hintlth utlthorltJoii pro- hlhlthur imy mom tudnor mootln'^it dur- Spii^lnh infhHjn^it, tlm Uborty Louii cnmpitlBti in ^itb-niiUrlcJ No. 7r will not kin. ncc_or*llMli to Chairman (1. llf. K iniiimtt Ii ii Imply immtiu ffrmito.r poruoiuil •tTori on-tho imrt of ovor> ludlvliluii] Uborty I.nan worker in tho district, from this chtilriuan down," ho uuftl, lii i-ommonthitf on tlio onlor. "Tho Lonh Ii.iII i;ol. to bo put ovor, lu iipltu of lufiuonxn mid oxploi.lotni, and iiub- IllNti.-|iU No. 7 in t;ol»u to do h«r bit. "Our (juotu thin I lino. twtmty-nlmi uillllnn dollurit ntnro thun our total 'Miburrliitlnnti In tlio Unit ramtiiiljii), but nolwUhiiti-nillnK l\w luindlriiitt* wo huvo mot. it li» mom than twonty poi* •out ttnbiii-rlbrd l-'rom now until tho iliilidi. wo •hull iloublf our nffurtn. iltnl oxpoct tn IMMI. mi in (ill tlio prooi'dliitf i-'imiluiltriM. wuli up EiiuoiiK tho Uuui* Orii." I1PI';IIIHI> of tho H.mrd of Jloulth onii'r. thf bit; l.ihnrty !,min rally that \vt\n iiT^iiivo Tx'on ifoTTf rii~Nownrk~Tu£T Tuouduy nlKht, \vith~ Vico |*roiddmit an tho c.lil^f Mpoakorn, had to bo callod off. ArraiiKomontM aru ho.lu^ complotud to hold u uunibor of big nut-door moot InIT« throughout tho dlHtrlct (furtUK tho romaindor of tho campaign. Moro thaii. forty towns* In tho district hnvo i;ono ov«r tho top. timl othom uro uoariiiK tlit'lr quotuy. MANY VICTIMS OF INFLUENZA Hoiivy, Impurd Itlood uiakod. it muddy, pimply complexion, Iioad- iich^fl, ntiuuua, IudiKoHt!ou. Thin blood niiikod you woak, pitlvi ttiid dick' usrt llurdock l i l o o d *B!tl(?rrt. 51.36 nt all «toro-. _ _ - (Continued Prom Pago Ono) Tht* family of \inx ClitutinlUor, con •ihirhuc <>f bin "Wifu itnd Bovon"c!i!ljro»i, living on ih'u i-1hotw«Il pluco ou th*i Hlvor roHti worn ull uorloualy oick witli Infliuiusa ii mi wnro r«iiiov»id to HL. Mury'ij umnix. CulliJ caiuo i-upidly and tlio Uiiibuhincoi) nf tliu hOapHal und Womi'ii'u Motor Corpii woro kopt on tlm no. Ily ImvltiK a contra! lilacd.for troutInji tin) cjtHoii. whi^ro nvurytiling Tiocoinmry wim at hund, H WUD dgurod thut much uinrn nffoctlvH work could bo dono. tho tiproad of tlui dliani)*t'' chr'cltiM! und Kivntoi* (Opportunity givtm for all to havo thn uorvle«>ii of a phvHinlnn Upon tirrivfiiK tliiu ulty Dr. Do- vln« wuHbljjhly plouood with tho ur- rn.nEciiao»itB tiint had booti Wado und cuvo nt'out ct'udlt to tlm hodpltitl and honlth iiuthurltloit jfnr tho thorouKh- 1UM1M of itlU Htopd titkuU. Tho numibom ot Iho Uourd of IUMIMII IIru Kiilluii'lnts- -tit-GUy--Hull n^milurly ovory nl^ht, CommlHiiloHort* S V Ti-rrlll nnd Jnitaph O'ihmn nldlnK Jowoph P. Iluddy, .driver o^ tho boa- pltal nmbulunco, liaa boon 6a tho job contlnuouuly for aovoral duya, and ovoryhody la cladly lnndlntf a hund to litutup out tho «]pldamlci 'which has al* rimdy Oiiuuod uixtoon douthN In this «'Ilv hi ii Wtuik. POLICE CASES Ch;tr!'>!J KouLu, 1J7. at HA Mulit- utr««tw w;ni urruiifni-d Itffniv rJuOlfo OrlundV M. Hoy In polltit! ^ourl^ytmtorday aftof- noon tnui ihuut"| 10. tlu wua urruutud., by Doioctlvo J^oriioaiit Jauiijd Thomp- son. Ooorgo Iloufnnr wu a ruprlnmxid for bylr ordorly., . dinchargod with '- drunk and dla- A ftno of \wao impoatid on Tony Uoitiil, ^7, of Muliiwiin, for riding a-bi- cyclo oii th« utroota utnlicht without a light, tto wiifl laltou Into cuatody by Olficor Mat CinH. w ^' "; 32." of ;tr,2 £jtaxifortl" OtTi nt. i «-r f) rth Amhoy, Whk. rail- lttto -nrn^ Jin-nvirth In at. Oooreo avoniiM Mtimluy whih- tho—mmraf' Wttii"^Tte «lty doljijf iniilic" doty, \vai< flnod JIT. for ;—•—••'--; - ' rocklomi drlvlmi of hin automobtlti. Huy OVOJ' hofottn win ovur thoro T Tho caoos of Edplo Danlola, 25, ami. Tumor Maokf 25, of Lowla fltra*C Rbiirgad by Honry Washlnston with ' throatonln^ himwith a knlfo, wnro^DOt ovor. until tomorrow -.morning. " Al- toniby V. V. Itobblna tb« dofondanUi. ill Record ""T-horu was };rim hitcuor aa—well pallwiH in Iho nrrlval of tho In tiily city anturday morning from thm Aiuboyd- 1 ontirofaiillly r a £ra.y hoaruo. VOL. VIII. SERIAL NO. 937. RAHWAY, Aburblno Tha Rahyiay N< UNION COUNTY, view 3eraep advocate rwa-Harmld. Tha Buooaaaor of tha Union Dtm—rmu N. J., TUESDAY AFTERNOON, - •. Estnbllahtd IMS. OCTOBER 15. 1918. v: BTO « rr PAGES PRICE TWO CENTS Williami* In rivory way noiitilbld. On Tuiiudui'- uvuulmt thiiy iliiddutL lo_.hi? guom Chliif of Polled David II. Ilutimoy to ittrlctly onforct* tho nrdlimnoo tiro- >iih'U"ln'K~Hi;'iirtnite:'"oTi Hio "Iilil«\v51iriuid uulonti -vlolitlloiiii of thin kind uro Mlnppod Homo tUlff Itltoti mtiy hrt t*xiu: toil from tho violators. All_d_tiy Wortiiomiiiy tliMtlth OiTlooi 1 Wllliamii, Mayor Tromhtoy ttntl FruitU w~. iCUld warkod unorK*itically In eitrf-y- inns out tho HIAHU to oho«U tho u«l- domic nnd to thorn much credit Id due far their uolj-tutcrltlca find tmtlrlng uf- fortii. HitlpU Woodward, inun^jtor oil! thu 12mtilr_o, porformdd lnv.-iluubla oor- vietTlu uldfnK tlio motor corpd la rd- niovlna putfoiito troni various homed. "Christ had harjfly .ulalilUlloa his iiurrti until It inuw.1 tiirouuli tll«'. lr<<s nf punu'ciitldM. -!St.nii,,Mi. tho! 1 AT MOM£ IvtH'iiiiiii, "Ho YvxiialViotl »t»vat!fu»t to Christ anJ his CUUK-1I. hiiuds n L't( of mMdluh; of by RoV. L. V. Graha i^hlpiidra ui UJ« KihJt h«r<>h. llahway, N. <h.lrJ.I^J, and taueUl tlia .iiwinw of , u ' lllf< "WlH^'vor two nrUJwo aro te^'io Yutltiwlsh Christ and iw' mVJtI of «•<•"•" ^^ Chrint. Lot us iiuio'tV.0 KTOwth and l,\crc.uii» , hl , I thorofo^ not cmmMdr tho d:iy loat, I l>ut whoiv limtlaa IITJ thua o^t, ampt I Ul3t hub of Christ rtm th.< chui-oh was ; «"•'«>»>•••« «' th« family should ia Us infancy. Tha Uw-lovlne Ko- , '" : » br "' £"voUonal iservlco for Wdi vcjstiiw t»-j>u£B9« an ordar -I 4- »ajw.riflf to CifsKr. Th.« Uvulors of" "IVixolnw. Lord's pntyor. vln eon- J.'v.-Is'h lioiu'j; i-., tho J.-wlsh schools ^ ^ At'ostloa' Croea. (In eoneort) *»f* al war win, o.-.ch oth*r. fcut at ; r"iilnE at Twsstythird Psito hy. JK4JM- •A£aln>: Chrti!. ..faUiov or raolhur; tilatlsiK "Ausrlca." "Sncifty was si£ii!:>t Chri«t i a d • all; «"•*•»•*»* * or « lck lulJ th!lt U 1 " ins church T v so Vich uritwit -md all pl^^io atuottc us liiay bo stayod. bii'-'Unir.^. U:o four hjudr.^" of <si!«it by all. or lod by a biunsbor of J*rai.i!.».Bi. tura.M away wi[h t «n l!l "' family) hymn, "R»ek of. .^jcas." ftwa tio i.i«:» NtasrerA- and fc<s*iv*d " HK^-sL. X. 'UIUJUH. Pislor. \ <t C Chriit. ihi- itrcb t,i Chris.! \ -\ mSLa who won't Soiid ir.ft Ciriit and Kalf*V* friend. ^~* SW?'t-WikS"jt—iiV-^. 13JW V.fht $•* yrainit Chs-itt a:id c-iiR- for ftala wi»' itios vh!.-S tiUKht ; ior hii!iii.sily bad i ia Cor. Main St and Elizabeth TELEPHONE 18-M Specials for Saturday Home Dressed Leg of Veal 3Oc Why pay Mora and not go££ Lamb for Stewing City Dressed Beef Plata of Brisket 22c 18c Calves' Liver Beef Liver Call, Hams 3Oc 15c 28c Market Cor. Main Street and Elizabeth Avenue THE FALL AND WINTER UNOERWEtR FOR LADIES, MEN, BOYS AMD GIRLS Outing Flannel Goods, Night Gowns and Petticoats for Ladies. Outing Flannel Night Shirts and Pajamas for Men. Onting Flannel Pajamas and Night Drawers for-Hoys* Outing Flannel Gowns for Girls. Dating rlannel Fajamas, Wight Drawers and Kompers-i-or-dSUiken.- SCKIM REMNANTS "JtTbt" ofT3urVatiTTScri <ai, white ii ml ifcr«, Kfni- nunts only, value 15c to 25c ;i yurd, wliiic lot Uisls lea 2 yard Boys and. Girls Union Suits Bleached Ribbed, Si2e 4 to 12. v;<Wic $1 SO. SPECIAL erry"St- Kuhway, N. J. SATURDAY AND MONDAY October 12±h October 14th ONLT <JIRLS VELVET TAM'O'SHANUS Bluck with black ,g| tassel, also Trench 1 Hats SPECIAL JL o MEN'S WOOL KNITTED SOCKS Men's Natural Wool •Shirts^ and Drawees.— a garment Boys Gfoy Sweater's V, ltb Uoll Cullur. Hiy.eu a.l lo Hl'ICOIAI. Each S4.75 Extra Hcaty Cood Filling Bed Coraforlablcs, 64x76 Extra Heavy WHITE BED BLANKETS SPECIAL 60-Snch Unbleached SHEEUNG, Extra quality, reg. 55c yd SPECIAL - LADIES WAISTS lu Vollu, Muilruu, Whlt« ami Wlllt.i with Colored Htrliuiu. VUIIKI to il.HO. SPECIAL Each Ladies Dress Skirts Vulviitu, 1'luldJ, Mtrlpou, y<ilour Oloth. H..ruo., ttutluH utid ftfrfvta. - _3L98 -to ^ ASK TO SEE OUR NEW LINE OF LAtfiESTNECKWEAir FULL ASSORTMENT OF YARNS, ALLKINDS AND COLORS NEMO CORSETS, $ 3 . 0 0 , $ 4 . 0 0 , $ 5 . 0 0 I NEMO BRASSIERES, $ K 0 0 EACH / ' PROFITEERS IN RENT CONDEMNED City Commissioners Consider Way to Stop It—Assessor Vacancy ROUTINE REPORTS AND OTHER BUSINESS That 1 thoro. 1* Ukoljr to b« soma ao- Uon by Oio city officials looking to- "<Uacouraicemcnt of ront ff in this .city was Indlcatod mi the mooUm; of the Board of Clt n.-B*tnrday whoa Commlaalooor Artnstrons aald Out Mayor Trombloy had callod his aitontlon to—one lnatanco whoro it soomod that uroQtoorlns was bolns practlcad tko first cas Mr. Armstrq^ ^flald it w; !»so that h a d ^ ^ n direct brought boforo him. inmpp j tho rent from mpp j th on.^y II d ;tly had I per ^ o eaid bo hadioolcod up tho aonosaod valuation oild found it-wan •J1.O75, which so«mod to bo a fair Valu- ation for thq property in quaatlon. At $12 por hionth ho said that tho rant mado a fair ffiturntommocaurato 'with tho rato that la Usually flgurod OBITUARY -V larso majority of t"h» clUsons, acquaintances and trlonds of Potor B. Fox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Vot. of C9 Jacjuos avono, woro BToaUy shocked to loam o t hla death at midnlEht Friday at tho Presbyterian Hoopltal. Newark, whero ho had booh undorgoing treatment tor stomach troublu, from which he had boon sof- forlnff tor more than a - yoar. B*or some timo ho bad boon treated by a Now York, specialist and was takon to tho hospital on Friday morning when thoro was a decided. turn for the worso. >* Tho docoasod was tort? years old :«nd_loavoo a widow, formerly Miss UPTOWNERS WIN BY NINE VOTES Elect Chief and Two Assistants iu Annual Firemen's _ Election Nollio Roy. daughter of Adolphm V: Hoy.:dI:ll6:.waat.MiKon «.Tonu«. whom ho married aixteon 'yoars ago, and is also survived by,his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward-C IToi; a sister, Ml*« Corolla T.. Fox, and brother. J. Fran- Trado. all of Ofl Jagooq aTonuo, and anothor slstor* Mm. Mlloa Farrall, of Brooklyn. ; 'Mr. Fox v u a HAUV« of.Uils city and' was educated in tho Rahway Bchoola. Ho Jo ono of tbo, aovora! Columbian Schools boyii who havo mado their mark In tho world. Slnco the oreanizatlon flvo yoars ago p? tho Waahington Tniat Company, of New- ark, ho had boon vico-proaldaot of tbo _compony,_ iProyioua . ^p that timo her for ouch, property. UHnh HOT «nf<t tn , Thero 14 no, loels- oopt whoro- ship-bulldine-is-now'-eon- JU ft- ill probably. Congroaa Ho said that ~~*\o local oCQciaifl could handle be by placing tho aesQHfimotfV dn~th«5~proi>6rty'~'wftbro'~~ir would lorrospond with the Income received rrorri thoUnmta!/ Ho said that In no too places a commission had been ippolntod to adjust rontaltt ad equitably J.B possible and that such a conira 11 si OCUBQUI lycouui 8IB~O£*~tt~r<Mt 1' ostuto man. a property owner and a. rontor of j/ bporty. Owners some timoB jsook^fo g' tho rent ho co^ jd of tenants t| booatln« lArmatronK. stated, which tttJu SPECIALS AT Ladies Spats or Gaiters iii.al 1 . tlteleadiiiR shades to harmonise w.iib Sboes, at SLOO up F<elciief*s rlatitlnq Yarns ia all the newest sli.&'dcs aad colors, at " "" $L25 pcfiank Don't buv say substitute u-hcB you cia. get FleicB- ers--at tliit A .ow price. _ Our Sa.»cs ia tadjes Millinery •'isi' S'> successful ihit ws receive' Hew s-bipru'eluxs sev- i£oa : 't ice ii b;. t yc-a vvi to-ci.y, try ,.^:.i:.-iC'V.:r'r: you m-y aua -M«<-'.ls: Carter Knit Underwear for Ladies, Misses and Childreii, all desirable styles at very prices. iTLANNEL GOODS Now is the tnsic to put in s plmsoel GOWBS, v,x SI-QS up " Ladies .Pett!coats,.at 59c Bp Ladies tCimonas'. at &8c Bp Boys'Plianci Kigbt Dr r:\s from 79c Up_ Chiidrcn's Flannel JC Drawers, from 75c up Cbildreti's FhnBcj Pctli- co^ts,-. 50c up: Bcvs FUiiint-1 Pajamas, at S1.25 up Men's :"l;iimrl •.. Nfight Boys 9 Cotton Knit SWEATER COATS Very good far common wear, cheap, at $1.25 L, ^ Children's All Wool ROOT 7 ** UNDERWEAR iu white or jjrey, size 16, at $1.00 . Raise tOc on each size CHILDREN'S DRESSES Cloiitig out odds and ends, t-'izes 2 to 6 years, at _ - 59c Ladies Knit Corset Covers L.OUJJ or short "sleeves^ iDottbtq^Stcimps W&dnesd&y on All Purchases Paid ctt Siof& TO WIN THE WAR BUY LIBBRTY BeNDS! TO SAVE MONEY ON THE BEST QUALITY OF EATABLES, ..ji BUY HERE! ^ We Close 6 P. M., Except Saturday at 10.30 P. M. Specials Friday-Saturday, October II, i2th Best Plantation Coffee, ib 22c Loose-Wiles pkjf. Crackers, 9c, 18c Shoulder Lamb, 16 28c Curtice Bros. Ass*tlams, jar7 26c My Wife's Salad Dressing 12,20,33 Prime Rib Roast, Ib -35c Hitters Pork and Beans, c«n Rttnieel's . Cocoa, can New Citron A /l^ pound ^*"€ New Sauerkraut pound Tanglefoot Ribbon Fly P 2c Onr Own Hake t Own Hake y4 fir* Sausage, Ib " */V Rib Roast Blade-end*. $tfiW Veal \^_ pound 25c Trenton Scrapple, lb— Rumps Veal z poand 1 Qr> Poison FJy .Paper, pkg 2c Cottolene, large jOl JT- size, ^lb, 6 0Z.OOC Ritter'e Catsup -f •/"" bottle iOC Life Baoy Soapi'caica Ever Ready Prepared 7c STAMP SPECIALS 75 Stamps "."I: can Centra! Baking Powder 45c 50 Stamps with each 1b Tea - 60c 20 with each 1b Progress Coffee - 35e 20 with each' ]b Red Bag Coffee 30c STASViP SPECIALS 10 with each 1b Golden Santas Cofice 25c 10 with 1-2 1b can Bastard - 25c 10 with'each bottle Puritan Vanila 20c 10 with bot. Puritan Lemon Ext. 20c RAHWAY N.J. "" Concornlno Asaoasor Appointment "n roportin"g for hlfl dopartment of t*nuo'and Finance Mr. Armstrong Aid' that be thought that in making tho annofntment of an assessor that a. man ^Touid IJO ch'dsW»vK6T8"raminaf wlln~aaseiolhg aHanwBfL^ 0 ^ 1 ^" work unfair method ot other iffoll^knDWp-gon.cQrn«.^. sAr* Wax was anlliatod with several prominent cluba In Newark and was also a'ttem- L 1 ^** U'- In harmony with the Hwo now In ofneo. He thoushr that these two members uhould bo consulted be- fore an appointment Is deftnltely niade. It w a ^ doBlro(l ( ~he"*ealcJi that -thetilan to bo appointed should devote his at j tentlon to personal property valua- Mons, which required a house-to-house faiBpoctlon Mr, Armstrong then sold that ho would suggest John W. Hani- man fur the position, but that be would not nominate him at that meet- ing Ho said the salary would be $300 a year ^"*"'*"•* - TnklnK- up^ this suggestion -of—Mr. Armslrons, ^-CommisaionerL. Furbor,-In reporting for his -, department of Streets x^nd )PubUc Improvements wanted to koDw-r-why, this same argu- mont did not hold §pod In regard to tho appointment of a^clty attorney. We could ax the salary {and then, ascer- tain whether we could secure an at- torne to servo fOT that figure and wo would then be protected by a proper nnd <lul appointed city attorney. As Commissioner Armstrong Is also nerving as city attorney this remark —irew-a quick "response from him In re- ply to Mr. Furber's contention. . Mr.. that the pres- *" n t~ West Hudson County Trust Company for - flvo yoarfl, Mr. Fox bogon hlfl caroor as a banker wnen^ ho started ad mossGngor in,-tho Union 4 County Bank, of thin city, located at that timo at tho cornor of Main and Poplar hjo_cntoxod_ln_iaa2I_JHp ^vla| flllod various positions In this institu- tion until ho bocamo bookkfiopor. Ho then -went to tho F\? National Bank, of 3Porth Amboy, wtitio ho remained about six yoars until 1906, leaving w h t le-i>ayi ng-tel le'i*-^-to'-go- to -Ui« -Wo*t Hud HOn bank Ho loft tho latter Jn fttttutJon in i9lO-lo boconiP.-:flrflt "vico- prualdent of thu Stuto Saving)! Bank Butto/ Montana, roturnlnj; af tbo_ori ganlzution of iho Washington Truot Boaidca hU rosponslblo ^c"6ntaoctlDna with this inatltution ho won aocretary and troaourcr of the American Mots Dcd Company and ^director In several ber of Rahway Council, No. 884, Hoyal Arcanum. Owing 1 to. his natural ability, and ready Kntap of detail bis climbing t.nn~iadder~of;i! his uutlyo town land cr^<Jltrto:hlH firni ily and wasObonorod aiitt^tfpetited by wide circle of tnfluonlffal friends. His removal by death from the actlvi tlos of tho• institutions, concerns- and organl2ationri\w;Itli which bo wafl con- nected Is a; .groat loss to .them and one that will be bard to replace. His host of frionud la this city aro deeply grieved by his untimely 1 death. Tho funeral service was held at his late homo yesterday aftoruoon at 2.30 o'clock. , . / • 1T-:,-l^ Clarence J. Rcmcf_/ _ iStricken jWedn_osday with, innoenxs. quickly, followed by pneumonia.. Clar ence J. &emery son of Police Sergeant and Mrs. Jacob Remer, of 30Leesvlllo avenue, passed away Monday, morning. The deceased would have been 17 ( years old tolay. Besides his parents ho leaves 'three brothers, JolraC Frank and- Walter Remer;~-and mie, sister, Dorothy, all of this city. T&i s Is the second death to occur In the 1913 class of the Rahway" High School."" "Remer- waa a bright, active and popnlar Btn- dont and his death is?*' great blow to his schoolmates and many' friends throughout the city. He was born In', a Utj and a member of fit- Mapy'o DETAILS OF CONTEST, CAN- DIDATES r Etc- ~Electing thoTfoungest chief-in the history of tho city, together with two auttiiitant-chlofa—thO'-uptown—flromoa- galnod a docinlTO victory avor tho downtowners at tho annual dromon's txuux 4 iii 0 -yen picas-of the ^Board of City Commls- sloaqrs. John A. Sullivan, 27 yoarn old, of 10& West Grand atroat, a mom- tor of Franklin iXoae Company, No- 2, was olectod chlqf, while Cbarlos Dum bach, of 3& Montgomery street, of Indapandoticu ^Hook and Ladder Com- pahy^No, 1, was elocted assistant chief for-tho Firsts Third and-Fourth Wards and John W. Hughes, of 168 Elizabeth avonuo, a member of Profection Hosb Company, ^raa olectad assistant'chlef for the Second and Fifth Wards^ The dofeatod candidates aro James P> t)unn^ of 84 Commerce at root, mom her ol Washington Chemical Engin o Company, No, 1, was aspirant for Protection Company, No. U, was candidate (ot a»sfsUint,chjof ior-tin* ITlrst, Third and Fourth Wards, and Cor- nclluB, of 22 ITntoii Htrcot/mcmbor of WuahJiigton Hose Company, No. 1, from tho Sucond and Fifth, Wards. . Thore were .'no voters challenged by either sldfl, but thxoc^ ballots were ro- j His full ulranUra^oTtBOcvo if companion is 175 mon. but owing to ThTTTact Uial lTdTScOoS~Hol»P3ff~sE0ff four men on account of BDCQO of them being In service thore were only 171 who were expected to vote,- of this number ulx. dld^nat appear to cant "tncjlir nunots, yivo, of these -;Wora downtown men and one uptown? some of thom bolnfi ciclt and others out of town, Had all of the downtown men votod It is posslblo that It might have affected tho choice of assistant chief. MUST HAVE ABOUT $100,000 MORE Ii Rahway Is to Go Over the Top in Liberty Loan Drive RAHWAY BOY IS Private George J. Zirwes Not Located Since Battle ol September 30 NEARLY $400,000 AL-WAS IN COMPANY A, 311th READY-SOBSCPIBED -U Rubmay^la-io eo-evor tho top. In tho Fourth Liberty I^nan drive out! nni-nrn tt« full <]n»Mi nt ^^7lt/!fin ^ori-[ will have to bo Rome jivnly hustllnK during tho remaining fow. days of ihq thnir »m!t m1mt comn forward and palj^lrwes, their mlto Into .tho subscription list, Bfitwoon $37^000 and 1*00.000 havo already been subscribed leaving about $100,000 to b© subscribed In Iho next four days. No ono doubU but what Rahway^wlll go ovor tlio topv bat none should fool so confldont that tho city can 'do it without their help, an It might lead to a slip that would spoil Rahway's Tomarkablo . record of achievements In tbu- Uirtio other Liberty t«oan .drives and other flnaa- clal campaigns, lii all of which tho city has finished ^witta colors flylnfi triumphantly, ' The National Bank has sold about $190,000 worth of bonds, the Rahway way Sarincs-Institution, $28,000. In Bpit« of uhfltaclafl In tbo'shape of slchfiflfla tha employees In tbo local mun ilfuut!ir!n£ ptanta— have— mado graltfylng proKreKii lii-.thn Liberty. Boild Subscription Curopalffn. - Some -of—t'pq-largci'-Tnfintifnrt.nri'ng concorng aro reserving their special efforts' for tho Inst fnw dayri of thin wcok, Tbo standing in iHtrcentaeos of thoso con^ foitowft; nllttm Xnc —=t Pneumatic Co., 100; Oakley Valira Co/, 100; Phosgene' Chemical Co.. 100; O. H. Trombloy. W>. Th* Wb.oat«n» Co., 100; •WmawcraJfc<U±jT>cn 100; Staul ii ydroi Veit ~CcC.' S6; Co., -86,73; Mac Loo Cov, 77.80; G. p, Oravos, 76; C. O. Ttoi- loy t Co-. 7&; Unltod Cbomlcal Spec. Co., 76; aulnn £"Bodeo Co., 74J>3; Harriuon MfR. Co.. 60.67; Superior Tim only uptownor not to voio wjal Body CQ-. MM; A^C. Orube, 6f60; each fronl hose: one and truck failed to vote. ' : * ' : . two!" 6 *; Three in Ono Oil Co.; ti.ii: Hoyal ' Stfjj, Co., •»(>; Tbo JlcKlna Co., ZO.tO; -. 1 was as Thw rortult of tho balioting follows:-. Kpr. Cbiof-^John."Aj_Sulllvan, uptowriof,. St: JamnR P.*Dunn, down- townor, 7»J^ • For Assistant Chief.for Rahway "Auto Body 1 -Cai.r?>; -Mansano Mfg. Co.. 20; Mllbury Atlantic ' Mffc Co.. ld.C7; Tcrrill Bros, 1G.C7; Merck & Co.. \4.Vn Naicle St^el Co.. no ro- the First,. Third and Fourth Ward*—j P?"' Charles Dumbach, uptowner* 8J; Wai-j ter C, AycEs, downtowner, 77. . For* Assistant. Chlrtf for tho Second, and Fifth Witedfl—^John W. Hugheo, up- 10*1101*, 82; Henry Comollus, down- towner, 77. Sullivan therefore won by FOUND IN HOSPrtTAL Following an absence, from hlfi home on Woodbridfce _»Incu Thursday (Continued on friends' of John' Slnmc^ were In this city Saturday .afad Sunday trying. to locate him. He was finally located In INFANTRY Mlsstns la action linos Sept. M-wa» (JbA purport at a tologram rocolved lasi l b M M P by"—Mrr~imd Mr»-—"Putor of 32 Lafayette street, tholr nort. Piivato Oaorfio _Th© _tel^grnm roclvnd tram Adjutant (Joncral HorrU, D. C, wiu as follows: rot to Inform . yoti that PrivtiUi Qeorgo J. Zlrwes, Infantry, Is bfflcially reported as missing In action nine© SepL 30. Will r^pfirt flwit lnfor j mat Ion rocoivod." Private Zirwo* in u mutnbur' of Company A, 31tth lnfantry.^and wont .overseas two V/eta ubout- Ma,y _J* training at after only- Camp Dlx. his pur on ta7Ho^~Ha» .lwo~Br6 i thers, Anton and John Zlrwos,:of this city. The family havo hopes that he will be coon located In a Gorman prison camp or hospital. Private Zlrwes a. native of liakway-afid Itf WEDDINGS. Plxlo—Dttwey. r Gooi-go Wolls Plilo, of Nowmarkot, und Miss !£va Dowoy, of North Plata- flold, worn, married by th.o itcv.X :W. ItyUur, paator of Trinity MatbodUt cimrcb. Thursday. - - Walker—Harold* Hiauloy Walker, of Mian Floronco Bella Horold. of thlfl city, won* marrlod Wedneailay by tho Jtov. -Alfred Wrlcht^ pan tor of tho Hocond Uaptitic church. EPIDEMIC CREST HAS Health Authorities and Physi- cians Believe Infuenza Will Bejin to Wane v CAN YOU HELP? : KflorU* aro now betne made by Oeti -rul Hocrotary Arthnf McKay, of th*: •'. M. C'. A. ui OJIJ..:.- lu wuaulAu u STF1NGFNT MEASURES THE MALADY banjo, mandolin and Kuitar club among the Bolder hoys. ~A foW In- siramonUi havo boon-> procured a o f ro rts~^iT^^D^mg J ^say"To~got~mo ro? Anyone who bas an Jnstmoaont of ibis kind Which'thoy .would bo wlllin« to Fron> pre»cnt Indications it that the Influenza an^Bxnlc In ttoJ» thoujgb tber© may bo aponuUe out breaks qt croupa of CMMca from li to timo It la-fart that ih« i-uoniB In Hi*' pont oV.lc Work on.tho V. M. C. A. and it will vntnpintott At an r nrly j bo a fttoady waning of the dlSAUO opidemlc In Iho, history of tbo city Jiaj* had auch deadly nffect* or *£McbeA BO many" [KiOplc, or required stringent moaaaros, tn these r<!&uJationA/ -howover, has . been On Sunday iitiVrnwn tho soldlors |. L M J ,• woro ontortalm,,, by mu.jc.1 UU^nt I ^°_°^ <>«™? .^^.fj^ 0 '. from cblJi c\iy, Including Mrs. Xlxnntb ! Whllo. orKJinlot. and Mrs. Hilton. On>r J .k!!l.-aoDrano-8aioisLat-Xhe-6'iral. Prca- bytorlsu) rimrcll and ^Tohn J. Hoffman. ' ' hy Ilia I!our<l of HoalUl with i ccx>p«ratloa of tfao IlahnT h^To beon uleqaxitAand ii" Ia ~ Indicated" part-in tho .instng. which the, Jojrcd Unman..!?. Dr. F.-f. Oalpta. of j Plttabargh, I'a., a friond of-Secretary connected with Rabway Aerie. No, 3,^ Fraternal ~Ordor~ef~Ka«lfc«; Court nahway, No, CfiZ-.^VnAt'iiri of America; St. Mark'n church nmi Dra- matic Clab "and"; tho~~ St. ~Atvy«ta* [ Society. PTevloas to entering military service ho v u employed by thu Ponn- gniiig~Rttllrrrad-ttg-tr--clerte-at~t^» Waldo avenHJ «nnp. A letter dated Sept, HVIUHth« \nai that Mr. and ZIrwca beard from their private Zlrw«a wan a member of tho uavaa com pony a* Corporal William B. McKay, cave tho soldiers Dr. aaioin fc attrrlne Moade tor a sorioft of roportccl In THH Record on Friday as wounded on i?«>pt. 27, . HALTED BY EPIDEMIC "Tho Thirtoeoth Chtt)r" Company, of whlefc Stophon Hcybara.r of Clark Towpublp,_w«u known, i&itlilv^clty. U a moinbor, clo^od itff xmthorn sflaaon la Colmn!iia,-a«v- an—Tawday,—•» •ovoroJ cites In which tho company was billed to play out banned jrabtlc eaUMrJoga on *«coms( ot tfta icflaenix Iratemjt; have gato»d control Only a woek aeo tho flrat_ regnlatlon« wero . put fnfc» effect and not a rolnqto too ftarly tor J it xoaa« lha city T&LAJ to copo wltlL T" Uui cpl*l«mlc .when U was at ltd worst and tha metboda employed have pro- duced notfne&bio results. . : ^Moch different from preceding nlshts was l&ai night. - Only one new case was Ukan to tho hospital hull wf|H<* nn received jrt the annex at Koenltfi Sei«rjj new caacs wore takes to tte annexes yeaterday aftemoon. IntK there were also wreral patients T9- i the ^tt_s«TaBt_lh«fe_ A 1 acfathern f .ties, wnlct tag «. halls. I!«nry Wo»Wnnton at', pony is now »waltln« tbi(!et»oin« blm.wlib a knlfo, JSddlej Now Tor* forosenfaMf-lB CaieaCo.nL., Dakloli and Tmpe? Mack. o£j63 tewl».oi> or about Oct. 11 . , i atreot.. was armlcntid before Jadatt . ' . [ atreot.. was arraigned before Orlando II Duy in police court on Salnrday. Attorney V. V. Dobbins appoarBd for the defendant*. They ld ll *i^ Dey held Jury, ftxlnc their ball at »?S«.' They were^ paroital/Tr. rnvtody of Attorney Dobbins. ""( John Ha^rerty. 42, o£ 96 Ninth a»e- nan,' New York, paid a flue of $3 for drunk and disorderly. He was by ivtoitirc Sorscartt James OOINQ OREAT WORK .Since txklnz op Uwb- -tfaUev is t&U city on 8aJordsy tio B«d Cross Motor from the -41>eM» Since The Record wm» : on riiOMy ciMtrv fs&w octts fuui («Mst [ death* fs this city, otsty nfne. 1 were Muhvayrua, foar belli*; Roosevelt and one from Tittihm. Ot the; nine local death* s*raa nn i Corps njsfsrod'by the Attontlc been partlcnla/ly busy luld Vus rea- dored olceUent strrtco la nvty -mrnj. They foand so moeB work ^ tlle^'hosplLal annex at Kocn)g'« Mr. A Simock has a wife and four chil- dren, who feared that he was dead, as be TO quite 111 when he left the boose and d& HOJ say where he w «olnt. ami two from osjjer i jitoat* baa probaBty rvaetted i£» h«f«m tat wflj now begin to mas ft baa bam decided tTnr* Che thirtf hospital •••^•^ :bcy called more of their wtTken which was tminc etmfidartd cm a*> from Ifontclalr and West Cheater to j week tod. wSS cot be opeasd. aid them. All of the. wait of the them. AH of the. WOJ* of local chapter and of the Cojonla ho»- pllal has bean handled by the coma since their arrtTsX Ueatenant C_«. ttr is Is command. Rahway Chapter I* now a motor corps and thers-is opportnstty for local women: to enlilt. ^A for by "CoinnjlaBloner Furbor. despite tho fact that he had pravloasly had six to eight years, acquaintance with aim and had ample opportunity to fcnow all the bad things which the commissioner.Is now saying about me. *1 don't know that we need'a city at- •orne3r l 'and I don't know that the com- mission EO^eniinent law requires that we appoint one: ted the city By the plan adop- $1,600 Mr. Arm- strong said, referring to the salary paid former City Attorney Dobbins. To these statements Mr. Furber re- plied thai the commissioners bad never agreed to pay $1300 and that they might pay a. retainer of $300 Jand fesB accortBnB to ijsrvice renda*ced- am vuiluii ft^, M for city attorney 1 prasume 1 I no *n>bt may hav^ nominated, butfar that time tSJiad been i ticitis lji*w only four *Mbcks and d ^ know thatJl was aSing contrarj«>to the statutes and I thought Mr. Arm- strong would have knowlege of whether the action •jras proper or not.* (Continued on Paoe Two) V vr- NOTICE WofkJK£ns_BatldlnB & Ix>an Assoel atlon. Rahway'B oldest, Billldlns I-oan trill Issue new series of stock Oct 19 21. ISIS Qfftco_S£Hl be open oven inES on nboTe dates, 13S Irving street oat 1 « S 11 14 church. The funeral will be held to- morrow and burial win be In St. Mary's cemetery. k'' Clifford Darllnfl. After a few days' illness from ln: ioD|ia Clifford Darling, aced 7 years, son of- Mr and Mrs. Loon barling, of 28 Whittler street, died Sunday Be- sides bis parents be is survived by two sisters. Xucretia . an4„Ernestine The entire famH^haTe been the prevailing epidemic. Darline afflicted .^ Tho deceased possessed a sunny and warm-hearted disposition thai made him a general favorite and his death Is a serious, blow to his parents, and playmates--i . Mrs-Georflc ^irs^'GoorEe 1ira«no*ski,"»Bod '^1, of 34 .Union plJttco.*jdied ^imday foltowin*; ,a pariiytlc"«irote- Qha learea bind aitd threo" children-' Mrs. Max Rctnrnine from WashUgton, D. on Tuesday because of her-hnaeaEffaJ- critlcal Illness from inflnenia Mrs.f JSSax ErlesbCTS. of 12 Gordon place, 1 was afflicted tfttb the OiseamD and tltt on Saturday Besides her hnsbanil, who Is now recovering from tlij malady she leaves one son; Slllton. She also fsarvivei by her father. Charles Dumbach, Assist. Chlef-alaet. CAHJEHET SOLDIEB : ' DIES AT CAMP MEADC InflnessA and pnestacaia ewued the death of Prtvxm Joseph Stelser. I of Hahway avenn«, beeweeix this city (ard Kooaerefc at Cam*** Ueada on Sat- unlay The body warn sJtiBpcd to- Qttm city aii taaca In chira* by lafcer llarry ~d bees tn camp'aboat two- annex as exelnstrely toM ta Tin Bae-v ord oa Friday wa» to taw baot headoaarters of tie Bod Cross in Now S o r k - C l r y . ; . ' , ' Is oTder ta seenrs nrfflrMnt befperat and aB tha «*-fM<»~f trataed warkats ta meet the seads ot fba> epidemic Mayor TruBbto*r salted U*» 3. W. Jones to haTo tl« Bern* ttut elty court roan as Saxsx£*r tttar- asd malte st sys£eitt3JtIc - Ho leaves his parent*. Mi. aad Sfrs. Edward Blltiaer; two ufaters; Sin. K*t» Voorhees- and !Itea• Harsarei Steiner. and one brother. Kdward S c e i a e r . *''•••. - , . of (h wnat*v«T woc^n cooZdt Coosd WBs> are trailed or prafeucal oxrsem utd »>- to those who are wfQSas to latasuxx- were foojut aad Uteae wSo wtm flCaat by traiafas aad experiaseat were-1 liat by th» Board of Ileaita for asnKca. NOT a M. C MACHINE lodced with tha local DoUca bamsV iroarcera by Attorney P. V. Dot»Mn» f>»*f an a3£otacbQe> hdo&sis^ to been respesslbte tor a. eomstsa to. wbic& ICra. Dobbiaa a a i i u i l i aaeapad tertom if not fatal taiaTT, th» maitary anlhoritles at CoS**x**t£***t ata^ **** John w. Hufllto. Assist. C3t>«fataet.t have (M woait aj!«* an<l tome of them*' volaaJaera win bar «taes ba tnlca£» wtt& Mayor tialkr tmr Ida* NEes. ansatCsteBdcat off US* ttm&~ way Bbwelttt. It BmMrM «» tlttrty Totaaaen wSo coaUft*"4»- . and aoo* w«r* oat « tha But. tts: mmManttf trom tts Salcwxr MINOR COlUatOMS Tha Baaavtit. XlXk asif Cream Com- tiaar»:»ato aaaa cssaaa or F- V. K9M. aad Harry So, en* n » ia- bata oa. Joa> aast kan* m- of St Gecrfsi Bacbaa*'"till eab. J BoatgewMl ntS tfsrjC&av noctca. owta» to t&B prewESa* ayfrtntmte or tafl* ' (Continued on Page'Flva) KBS. X. EOWAB-JJ WOGDKUVr. Z, ST. SaStw ami mx9*> ta« Dr. Joto It »ni-aW>»,. Dr. W. 2 U.U"

by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday

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Page 1: by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday


R a i l w a y Record; PricHay A f t e r n o o n , October 1 1 ,


Church Closed, He Uses The-Record's Cohitnns to Civ<

Usual Sunday S*.(rm«»n

Owluj; to tho f>ict (hut tin* 'IKUIHII

&ulhurlll«'ui of lhi» Stut.* huvo plural :t

*>*u on all public j;At.i<<r1.i£ii, lucluilliiK

ibo rollgiomi t;;Ulmrl(ijTH, tlin Nov. 1,.

Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy

tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of

Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu

l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday uonnon. j

Ia it In* polntu out tho inability of iho

church inn! tho thliij.ii for which It

^ritiUitiii aa c-miHiarod with Iho pfirlub-

Ahlo v'.wwim, thttmisii iiiul mttltirlut

Xa Of Ih'o Tlw pttytnr'H WrtMw arc

ltlu Uxt In Man M\: IS ;"lu thodu d;iy:i ih«»jv MO.MII to !>.' fow j

thhltfa rtxod ni n<rt;iln. Many will jt«ll you thoy u«ml,i mil lio ui.rprlm'il j

- sat Old uroakhij: down .if a

ohun:h of ('hrlni ha« prortchod right-iioi]nii(!U!l ti.it that Wht<:)i uxaltoth moil !Tho church of Chrlut hoii udvueatodI In* iiioturtlon of. tho \fuuk by tinititrom;. Sfufi of i u m r i t y , opiirottdlonand violonro hiivc h--«in oppn.iod andattacked nuvor mort1 fitllhfully thanliy t!m unibtuiMiidorif of Cl:rl:it. Th»church of f'hrlut him lwimi nlrlvlti»r forr .•iilUi'lo.r in •mittcc^thn-wTirld it bottorplttco to llvuJn. Without lmr iiiltilutryor In»:il1ny and iittyhi^. who cmi tollwlmthor a -"tovn for HtfhluOiiaiioartmlclit no( huvo iuM'liih''d from HIMmirth?

"WhiMi th«<*iithodm1~nt Ithrilmn wm*•ih att. -'rod by prof mm twiMInry. I howorld rocordtMl It** protoitt It wtui umuiinlftroiit. tircliltocttiruT lUUH^ynntiL.It vv-»it th*' worU of iniin'n r«UHI it niliTiMilue Hut who onii Inmtfln" th*i lounto (ho world ithnuld tho Hi:hi of (hachurch of Jnniiii ("hrliit h.. oxtiiiKiilubI'd Hut ilirti cannot hnpp"" TIu*nivlno Ari'liitoot nnd hulldor of Ihorhnrrh nnyti: "No wi>ttpon thiit tuformod uirtiltntt b^r. nlmll proitimr."Tho i-rouii liitir iu\vnr hoon drfvpn fromtho Hold und never will bv

•('lirlMtianlty lina ulwuy'- mount nndovi»r will viuuin conflict In iho

world.' ^n 1.1 rhrlBl. 'Vo nil-ill JmvoI ril)ulnl!on, but lot u» not for^nl therniif nf th«' tiontmirn. 'but t our not I



tha t lliuro iir-s 'thinj;ti which cannot l»o j

• iit«rtoti_ VTiioh \a rnduritiir ' aniljMirniairflnt. Yt»i JtiHiiu Oh rim muny•eorttUrlot-T1 ixixn nuulo I he tl.MMj7r.il Ionwon earning hlii church, that tt wim tob<» tnytuelbln and It In a prlvlK«Kowhoii wo look ri limit iia :md titvo howlimo ehiaitrort tliJniTW, ~(o havo mumra.lU'0 frtfm Him wllOi)<? u-onl hi Hiiro,that whilo Yrowna and ihronon tuity jiwrUh and UitlKiloui* rltu> und wuno, |Uittt tho Church of Jonuf r.muliuU '•Kill r-uimUn.' |

H^t u fow in our own diiy. huvo do '. K»^rti'd On* c.!\Virch !ii\c:ni!n« t( hu» j

htuunod an if IUIH woud^rful lumitn• tlrtn foundod by Christ wan lxn-onitnn i

—Yv^hl.* fy\u\ v«t«^ TUT'V- Judj^-rJ en- •tlt-»'ly liy upo.-mincoii, and their lovo !waxod oold. Thoy asv tli» friondw who (

In tluu>« of nr\^3p,»rlt,v avo inn*, hut !who in thnos o( iidv»\rrtlty pl.-iv f:ih»oTbo.y ri'.-ioniMo thoiio who ono day Ikidl.ul ChrluC ail King and unollior day \jolmnl tho nitih who orlod cruelly Him :

Hut thoai* who a w familiar with Uio jUUiory or tho church of d i r t s I know jinbtf c:tn novor facx* liuirij- violent itnd •iija]li:n:int I'm'mlosi than thoiid, Hint In ;

Yho p;u;u liavo intronched thombolvoa ja^aiiiKi IUT. In siiilto of Iho. moat Jf^rmi.iahlo oimoidtion tho c.lmwh-mnil

careful In liiyliu; l-Hn found n |

tUu tiliuTilli lilid wri>li)T.til tiUilll j

woiulom in tMituiiliiihltiK It In tho

world, will not tloncrt tho objocl. of

THM .i>v«-.iH.1 doVoMo.i. 'CJo.l In In flu-

do.] H.III.1 hnip her iinrt" Unit .x-l«h1-|

early." Tho ohurch will Hvt* hocauiut'

hor iHviti.. l.or.1 will llvo.

•'Scofrurn. uthoUtu, Intldohi. amiHlii'ptotM havo written tho ohltuury oftho church tunihi mill U.&U.11. hut thoy:»ro obliKod to pl^oou-holo thoir ur-Ucltiii. Jua t wlum iho church uppounito liy ii bout jrono, thoro comtm uui yiitofloiiii roroVtirltijr powor and yho jrnn!'<<*i from what isooniod to ho th«i jtiinpor t»r <lo:i!.h. iuk«»it on now ltfo, IhiH'kli'ii on Uui mvord and ixooit' out10 ncattor Itor oinoniloti Mko tho lostvonnm Hcattorod Wforo tho nppmiiclttMjj'it to mi, j

"Tho rook-bod truth of our holy ro jHs-.ioii In. Unit Chr.ut I;- flrtrt. Thin wim 'iho conf-i'tiHion of St.. l'olor und upon!tho truth of this coniVitulon rxuit tho 'hopoii of sill bollovor-ri If Ood b<* our •llolpor thoro cun bo no uncertainty iabout rtiiiil triumph. Our faith may iho triod iui Chrltitla.m», our lovo may itin toutod. 1-tut I* wo arn uttfiulfitst In |our faith and constant hi our lovo to jChrist, wo nlmll coo and on tor Intotho triumph of tho rodoomoil Church.**

Jorsoy Bond Campaign Hurt

Spimloh Ihftuonza Says Klnnlctttt "

Mow York Oct. ID.—Although iiovoro-

ly luuiillfiltipod by Ihn ordet "1* th«

New Ji'nioy hintlth utlthorltJoii pro-

hlhlthur imy mom tudnor mootln'^it dur-

Spii^lnh infhHjn^it, tlm Uborty Louii

cnmpitlBti in ^itb-niiUrlcJ No. 7r will

not kin. ncc_or*llMli to Chairman (1. llf.

K iniiimtt

Ii ii Imply immtiu ffrmito.r poruoiuil• •tTori on-tho imrt of ovor> ludlvliluii]Uborty I.nan worker in tho district,from this chtilriuan down," ho uuftl, liii-ommonthitf on tlio onlor. "Tho LonhIi.iII i;ol. to bo put ovor, lu iipltu oflufiuonxn mid oxploi.lotni, and iiub-IllNti.-|iU No. 7 in t;ol»u to do h«r bit.

"Our (juotu thin I lino. 1» twtmty-nlmiuillllnn dollurit ntnro thun our total'Miburrliitlnnti In tlio Unit ramtiiiljii),but nolwUhiiti-nillnK l\w luindlriiitt* wohuvo mot. it li» mom than twonty poi*• •out ttnbiii-rlbrd l-'rom now until thoiliilidi. wo •hull iloublf our nffurtn. iltnloxpoct tn IMMI. mi in (ill tlio prooi'dliitfi-'imiluiltriM. wuli up EiiuoiiK tho Uuui*Orii."

I1PI';IIIHI> of tho H.mrd of Jloulthonii'r. thf bit; l.ihnrty !,min rally that\vt\n iiT^iiivo Tx'on ifoTTf rii~Nownrk~Tu£TTuouduy nlKht, \vith~ Vico |*roiddmit

an tho c.lil^f Mpoakorn, had to bo callodoff.

ArraiiKomontM aru ho.lu^ complotudto hold u uunibor of big nut-door mootInIT« throughout tho dlHtrlct (furtUKtho romaindor of tho campaign. Morothaii. forty towns* In tho district hnvoi;ono ov«r tho top. timl othom urouoariiiK tlit'lr quotuy.


Hoiivy, Impurd Itlood uiakod. itmuddy, pimply complexion, Iioad-iich^fl, ntiuuua, IudiKoHt!ou. Thinblood niiikod you woak, pitlvi ttiid dick'

usrt llurdock l i lood *B!tl(?rrt. 51.36 ntall «toro-. _ _ -

(Continued Prom Pago Ono)

Tht* family of \inx ClitutinlUor, con•ihirhuc <>f bin "Wifu itnd Bovon"c!i!ljro»i,living on ih'u i-1hotw«Il pluco ou th*iHlvor roHti worn ull uorloualy oick witliInfliuiusa ii mi wnro r«iiiov»id to HL.Mury'ij umnix. CulliJ caiuo i-upidly andtlio Uiiibuhincoi) nf tliu hOapHal undWomi'ii'u Motor Corpii woro kopt ontlm no. Ily ImvltiK a contra! lilacd.fortroutInji tin) cjtHoii. whi^ro nvurytilingTiocoinmry wim at hund, H WUD dgurodthut much uinrn nffoctlvH work couldbo dono. tho tiproad of tlui dliani)*t''chr'cltiM! und Kivntoi* (Opportunity givtmfor all to havo thn uorvle«>ii of aphvHinlnn

Upon tirrivfiiK *» tliiu ulty Dr. Do-vln« wuH bljjhly plouood with tho ur-rn.nEciiao»itB tiint had booti Wado undcuvo nt'out ct'udlt to tlm hodpltitl andhonlth iiuthurltloit jfnr tho thorouKh-1UM1M of itlU Htopd titkuU.

Tho numibom ot Iho Uourd ofIUMIMII IIru Kiilluii'lnts- -tit-GUy--Hulln^milurly ovory nl^ht, CommlHiiloHort*S V Ti-rrlll nnd Jnitaph O'ihmn nldlnK

Jowoph P. Iluddy, .driver o^ tho boa-pltal nmbulunco, liaa boon 6a tho jobcontlnuouuly for aovoral duya, andovoryhody la cladly lnndlntf a hund tolitutup out tho «]pldamlci 'which has al*rimdy Oiiuuod uixtoon douthN In this«'Ilv hi ii Wtuik.


Ch;tr!'>!J KouLu, 1J7. at HA Mulit- utr««tww;ni urruiifni-d Itffniv rJuOlfo OrlundVM. Hoy In polltit! ^ourl^ytmtorday aftof-noon tnui ihuut"| 10. t lu wua urruutud.,by Doioct lvo J^oriioaiit Jauiijd Thomp-

son .Ooorgo I loufnnr w u

a ruprlnmxid for bylrordorly., .

dinchargod with'- drunk and dla-

A ftno of \wao impoatid on TonyUoitiil, ^7, of Muliiwiin, for riding a-bi-cyclo oii th« utroota utnlicht without alight, tto wiifl laltou Into cuatody byOlficor Mat CinH. w ^'

"; 32." of ;tr,2 £jtaxifortl"


nt. i«-r f)

rth Amhoy, Whk. rail- lttto-nrn^ Jin-nvirth In at. Oooreo

avoniiM Mtimluy whih- tho—mmraf' Wttii"^Tte «ltydoljijf iniilic" doty, \vai< flnod JIT. for ;—•—••'--; - ' —rocklomi drlvlmi of hin automobtlti . Huy OVOJ' hofot tn w i n ovur thoro


Tho caoos of Edplo Danlola, 25, ami.Tumor Maokf 25, of Lowla fltra*CRbiirgad by Honry Washlnston with ' —throatonln^ him with a knlfo, wnro DOtovor. until tomorrow -.morning. " Al-toniby V. V. Itobblnatb« dofondanUi.


Record""T-horu was };rim hitcuor aa—wellpallwiH in Iho nrrlval o f thoIn tiily city anturday morning from thmAiuboyd- 1 ontirofaiillly r

a £ra.y hoaruo.


Aburblno Tha Rahyiay N<


view 3eraep advocaterwa-Harmld. Tha Buooaaaor of tha Union Dtm—rmu


- • .

Estnbllahtd IMS.


Williami* In rivory way noiitilbld. OnTuiiudui'- uvuulmt thiiy iliiddutL lo_.hi?guom Chliif of Polled David II. Ilutimoyto ittrlctly onforct* tho nrdlimnoo tiro->iih'U"ln'K~Hi;'iirtnite:'"oTi Hio "Iilil«\v51iriuiduulonti -vlolitlloiiii of thin kind uroMlnppod Homo tUlff Itltoti mtiy hrt t*xiu:toil from tho violators.

All_d_tiy Wortiiomiiiy tliMtlth OiTlooi1

Wllliamii, Mayor Tromhtoy ttntl FruitUw~. iCUld warkod unorK*itically In eitrf-y-inns out tho HIAHU to oho«U tho u«l-domic nnd to thorn much credit Id duefar their uolj-tutcrltlca find tmtlrlng uf-fortii. HitlpU Woodward, inun^jtor oil!thu 12mtilr_o, porformdd lnv.-iluubla oor-vietTlu uldfnK tlio motor corpd la rd-niovlna putfoiito troni various homed.

"Christ had harjfly .ulal i lUlloa hisiiurrti until It inuw.1 tiirouuli tll«'.lr<<s nf • punu'ciitldM. -!St.nii,,Mi. t h o ! 1


IvtH'iiiiiii, "Ho YvxiialViotl »t»vat!fu»t toChrist anJ his CUUK-1I. hiiuds nL't( of mMdluh; of

by RoV. L. V. Grahai^hlpiidra ui UJ« KihJth«r<>h. llahway, N.

<h.lrJ.I^J, and taueUl tlia . i iwinw of , u ' l l l f < "WlH^'vor two nrUJwo aro

te^'io Y u t l t i w l s h Christ and i w ' m V J t I o f «•<•"•" ^ ^ Chrint. Lot usiiuio'tV.0 KTOwth and l,\crc.uii» , h l , I thorofo^ not cmmMdr tho d:iy loat, I

l>ut whoiv limtlaa IITJ thuao^t,

ampt IU l 3 t

h u b of Christ rtm th.< chui-oh was ; «"•'«>»>•••« «' th« family shouldia Us infancy. Tha Uw-lovlne Ko- , '" :» b r " ' £"voUonal iservlco for

W d i vcjstiiw t»-j>u£B9« an ordar


»ajw.riflf to CifsKr. Th.« Uvulors of" "IVixolnw. Lord's pntyor. vln eon-J.'v.-Is'h l i o iu ' j ; i-., tho J.-wlsh schools ^ ^ At'ostloa' Croea. (In eoneort)*»f* al war win, o.-.ch oth*r. fcut at ; r"iilnE at Twsstythird P s i t o hy.JK4JM- •A£aln>: Chrti!. ..faUiov or raolhur; tilatlsiK "Ausrlca."

"Sncifty was si£ii!:>t Chri«t i a d • a l l ; «"•*•»•*»* * o r « l c k l u l J t h ! l t U1"ins church Tvso Vich uritwit -md all pl^^io atuottc us liiay bo stayod.bii'-'Unir.^. U:o four hjudr.^" of <si!«it by all. or lod by a biunsbor ofJ*rai.i!.».Bi. tura.M away wi[h t « n l!l"' family) hymn, "R»ek of. .^jcas."ftwa t io i.i«:» NtasrerA- and fc<s*iv*d " HK^-sL. X. 'UIUJUH. Pislor.

\ <t


Chriit. Y« ihi-i trcb t,i Chris.!


• -\ mSLa who won't Soiidir.ft Ciriit and Kalf*V* friend.

^~* SW?'t-WikS"jt—iiV- .13JW V.fht $•*

yra in i t Chs-itt a:idc-iiR- for ftala w i » 'itios vh!.-S tiUKht ;ior hii!iii.sily bad

i ia

Cor. Main St and ElizabethTELEPHONE 18-M

Specials for SaturdayHome Dressed Leg of Veal 3Oc

Why pay Mora and not go££

Lamb for StewingCity Dressed Beef

Plata of Brisket


Calves' LiverBeef LiverCall, Hams


MarketCor. Main Street and Elizabeth Avenue

THE FALL AND WINTERUNOERWEtR FOR LADIES, MEN, BOYS AMD GIRLSOuting Flannel Goods, Night Gowns and Petticoats for Ladies.

Outing Flannel Night Shirts and Pajamas for Men.Onting Flannel Pajamas and Night Drawers for-Hoys*

Outing Flannel Gowns for Girls.Dating rlannel Fajamas, Wight Drawers and Kompers-i-or-dSUiken.-


"JtTbt" ofT3urVatiTTScri <ai,white ii ml ifcr«, Kfni-nunts only, value 15cto 25c ;i yurd, wliiiclot Uisls

lea2 yard

Boys and. Girls UnionSuits

Bleached Ribbed, Si2e4 to 12. v;<Wic $1 SO.


erry"St-Kuhway, N. J.

SATURDAY AND MONDAYOctober 12±h October 14th


<JIRLS VELVET TAM'O'SHANUSBluck with black ,g|tassel, also Trench 1Hats SPECIAL • JL o


Men's Natural Wool•Shirts^ and Drawees.—


Boys Gfoy Sweater'sV, ltb Uoll Cullur. Hiy.eu a.l lo


EachS 4 . 7 5 Extra Hcaty CoodFilling Bed Coraforlablcs,


60-Snch UnbleachedSHEEUNG, Extra

quality, reg. 5 5 c ydSPECIAL -

LADIES WAISTSlu Vollu, Muilruu, Whlt«ami Wlllt.i with ColoredHtrliuiu. VUIIKI to il.HO.



Ladies Dress SkirtsVulviitu, 1'luldJ, Mtrlpou,

y<ilour Oloth. H..ruo.,ttutluH utid ftfrfvta. -




NEMO CORSETS, $3.00, $4 .00 , $ 5 . 0 0 I NEMO BRASSIERES, $K00 EACH

/ ' •


Way to Stop It—AssessorVacancy


That1 thoro. 1* Ukoljr to b« soma ao-

Uon by Oio city officials looking to-

"<Uacouraicemcnt of ront

ff in this .city was Indlcatod

mi the mooUm; of the Board of Clt

n.-B*tnrdaywhoa Commlaalooor Artnstrons aald

Out Mayor Trombloy had callod his

aitontlon to—one lnatanco whoro it

soomod that uroQtoorlns was bolns


tko first casMr. Armstrq^ flald it w;

!»so that h a d ^ ^ n directbrought boforo him.inmpp j tho rent frommpp j th

on.^y IId


I per^ o eaid bo hadioolcod up tho

aonosaod valuation oild found it-wan•J1.O75, which so«mod to bo a fair Valu-ation for thq property in quaatlon.

At $12 por hionth ho said that thorant mado a fair ffiturntommocaurato

'with tho rato that la Usually flgurod

OBITUARY-V larso majority of t"h» clUsons,

acquaintances and trlonds of PotorB. Fox. son of Mr. and Mrs. EdwardC. Vot. of C9 Jacjuos avono, woroBToaUy shocked to loam ot hla deathat midnlEht Friday at tho PresbyterianHoopltal. Newark, whero ho had boohundorgoing treatment tor stomachtroublu, from which he had boon sof-forlnff tor more than a - yoar. B*orsome timo ho bad boon treated by aNow York, specialist and was takon totho hospital on Friday morning whenthoro was a decided. turn for theworso. >*

Tho docoasod was tort? years old:«nd_loavoo a widow, formerly Miss


Elect Chief and Two Assistantsiu Annual Firemen's _


Nollio Roy. daughter of Adolphm V:Hoy.:dI:ll6:.waat.MiKon «.Tonu«. whomho married aixteon 'yoars ago, and isalso survived by,his parents, Mr. andMrs. Edward-C IToi; a sister, Ml*«Corolla T.. Fox, and brother. J. Fran-

Trado. all of Ofl Jagooq aTonuo, andanothor slstor* Mm. Mlloa Farrall, ofBrooklyn. ;

'Mr. Fox v u a HAUV« of.Uils cityand' was educated in tho RahwayBchoola. Ho Jo ono of tbo, aovora!Columbian Schools boyii who havomado their mark In tho world. Slncothe oreanizatlon flvo yoars ago p? thoWaahington Tniat Company, of New-ark, ho had boon vico-proaldaot of tbo_compony,_ iProyioua . p that timo her

for ouch, property.UHnh HOT «nf<t tn ,

Thero 14 no, loels-

oopt whoro- ship-bulldine-is-now'-eon- JU

f t -

ill probably.Congroaa

Ho said that~~*\o local oCQciaifl could handle

be by placing thoaesQHfimotfV dn~th«5~proi>6rty'~'wftbro'~~irwould lorrospond with the Incomereceived rrorri thoUnmta!/ Ho saidthat In no too places a commission hadbeen ippolntod to adjust rontaltt adequitably J.B possible and that such aconira 11 si OCUBQUI lycouui 8IB~O £ *~tt~r<Mt 1'ostuto man. a property owner and a.rontor of j / bporty. Owners some timo B

jsook^fo g'tho rentho co^

jd of tenants t| booatln«lArmatronK. stated, which



Ladies Spats or Gaitersiii.al1. tlteleadiiiR shades toharmonise w.iib Sboes, at


F<elciief*s rlatitlnq Yarnsia all the newest sli.&'dcsaad colors, at " ""

$L25 pcfiankDon't buv say substituteu-hcB you cia. get FleicB-ers--at tliit A.ow price. •

_ Our Sa.»cs iatadjes Millinery

•'isi' S'> successful i h i t wsreceive' Hew s-bipru'eluxs sev-

i£oa:'t i ce ii b;. t yc-a vvi

to-ci.y, try ,.^:.i:.-iC'V.:r'r:

you m-y aua -M«<-'.ls:

Carter Knit Underwearfor Ladies, Misses andChildreii, all desirablestyles at veryprices.


Now is the tnsic to put in

s plmsoel GOWBS, v,xSI-QS up "

Ladies .Pett!coats,.at 59c BpLadies tCimonas'. at &8c BpBoys'Plianci Kigbt Drr:\s from 79c Up_Chiidrcn's Flannel JCDrawers, from 75c up

Cbildreti's FhnBcj Pctli-co ts,-. 50c up:Bcvs FUiiint-1 Pajamas, at

S1.25 upM e n ' s :"l; i imrl •.. Nf ight

Boys9 Cotton KnitSWEATER COATS

Very good far commonwear, cheap, at

$1.25 L,

^ Children's All Wool


iu white or jjrey, size 16, at

$1.00 .Raise tOc on each size

CHILDREN'S DRESSESCloiitig out odds and ends,t-'izes 2 to 6 years, at

_ - 59c

Ladies Knit Corset CoversL.OUJJ or short "sleeves^

iDottbtq^Stcimps W&dnesd&y on All Purchases Paid ctt Siof&



..ji BUY HERE! ^We Close 6 P. M., Except Saturday at 10.30 P. M.

Specials Friday-Saturday, October II, i2th

Best Plantation Coffee, ib 22cLoose-Wiles pkjf. Crackers, 9c, 18cShoulder Lamb, 16 28c

Curtice Bros. Ass*tlams, jar7 26cMy Wife's Salad Dressing 12,20,33Prime Rib Roast, Ib - 3 5 c

Hitters Porkand Beans, c«n

Rttnieel's .Cocoa, can

New Citron A / l ^pound ^ * " €

New Sauerkrautpound

TanglefootRibbon Fly P 2c

Onr Own Haket Own Hake y4 fir*Sausage, Ib " */V

Rib RoastBlade-end*.

$tfiW Veal\^_ pound 25cTrenton

Scrapple, lb—

Rumps Vealz poand

1 Qr>

Poison FJy.Paper, pkg 2c

Cottolene, large jOl JT-size, lb, 6 0Z.OOC

Ritter'e Catsup -f •/""bottle iOC

Life BaoySoapi'caica

Ever Ready Prepared


STAMP SPECIALS75 Stamps "."I: can Centra! Baking Powder 45c50 Stamps with each 1b Tea - 60c20 with each 1b Progress Coffee - 35e20 with each' ]b Red Bag Coffee 30c

STASViP SPECIALS10 with each 1b Golden Santas Cofice 25c10 with 1-2 1b can Bastard - 25c10 with'each bottle Puritan Vanila 20c10 with bot. Puritan Lemon Ext. 20c


"" Concornlno Asaoasor Appointment"n roportin"g for hlfl dopartment of

t*nuo'and Finance Mr. ArmstrongAid' that be thought that in making

tho annofntment of an assessor that a.man ^Touid IJO ch'dsW»vK6T8"raminaf

wlln~aaseiolhg aHanwBfL^0^1^" work

unfair method o t other iffoll knDWp-gon.cQrn«. . sAr* Waxwas anlliatod with several prominentcluba In Newark and was also a'ttem-



In harmony with the Hwonow In ofneo. He thoushr that thesetwo members uhould bo consulted be-fore an appointment Is deftnltely niade.It wa^ doBlro(l(~he"*ealcJi that -thetilanto bo appointed should devote his atj

tentlon to personal property valua-Mons, which required a house-to-housefaiBpoctlon Mr, Armstrong then soldthat ho would suggest John W. Hani-man fur the position, but that bewould not nominate him at that meet-ing Ho said the salary would be $300a year ^"*"'*"•*

- TnklnK- up^ this suggestion -of—Mr.Armslrons, -CommisaionerL. Furbor,-Inreporting for his -, department ofStreets x nd )PubUc Improvementswanted to koDw-r-why, this same argu-mont did not hold §pod In regard totho appointment of a^clty attorney. Wecould ax the salary {and then, ascer-tain whether we could secure an at-torne to servo fOT that figure and wowould then be protected by a propernnd <lul appointed city attorney.

As Commissioner Armstrong Is alsonerving as city attorney this remark

—irew-a quick "response from him In re-ply to Mr. Furber's contention. . Mr..

that the pres-

*"nt~West Hudson County Trust Companyfor - flvo yoarfl, Mr. Fox bogon hlflcaroor as a banker wnen^ ho startedad mossGngor in,-tho Union 4 CountyBank, of thin city, located at that timoat tho cornor of Main and Poplar

hjo_cntoxod_ln_iaa2I_JHp ^vla|flllod various positions In this institu-tion until ho bocamo bookkfiopor. Hothen -went to tho F\? National Bank,of 3Porth Amboy, wtitio ho remainedabout six yoars until 1906, leavingw h t le-i>ay i ng-tel le'i*- -to'-go- to -Ui« -Wo*tHud HO n bank Ho loft tho latter JnfttttutJon in i9lO-lo boconiP.-:flrflt "vico-prualdent of thu Stuto Saving)! BankButto/ Montana, roturnlnj; af tbo_origanlzution of iho Washington Truot

Boaidca hU rosponslblo c"6ntaoctlDnawith this inatltution ho won aocretaryand troaourcr of the American MotsDcd Company and director In several

ber of Rahway Council, No. 884, HoyalArcanum.

Owing1 to. his natural ability, andready Kntap of detail bis climbingt.nn~iadder~of;i!

his uutlyo town land cr^<Jltrto:hlH firniily and wasObonorod aiitt^tfpetited by

wide circle of tnfluonlffal friends.His removal by death from the actlvitlos of tho• institutions, concerns- andorganl2ationri\w;Itli which bo wafl con-nected Is a; .groat loss to .them andone that will be bard to replace. Hishost of frionud la this city aro deeplygrieved by his untimely1 death.

Tho funeral service was held at hislate homo yesterday aftoruoon at 2.30o'clock. , . / •

1T-:,-l^ Clarence J. Rcmcf_/_ iStricken jWedn_osday with, innoenxs.quickly, followed by pneumonia.. Clarence J. &emery son of Police Sergeantand Mrs. Jacob Remer, of 30 Leesvllloavenue, passed away Monday, morning.The deceased would have been 17 (

years old tolay. Besides his parentsho leaves 'three brothers, JolraC Frankand- Walter Remer;~-and mie, sister,Dorothy, all of this city. T&is Is thesecond death to occur In the 1913 classof the Rahway" High School."" "Remer-waa a bright, active and popnlar Btn-dont and his death is?*' great blow tohis schoolmates and many' friendsthroughout the city. He was born In',

a Utj and a member of fit- Mapy'o


~Electing thoTfoungest chief-in thehistory of tho city, together with twoauttiiitant-chlofa—thO'-uptown—flromoa-galnod a docinlTO victory avor thodowntowners at tho annual dromon's

txuux 4 iii 0

-yenpicas-of the Board of City Commls-sloaqrs. John A. Sullivan, 27 yoarnold, of 10& West Grand atroat, a mom-tor of Franklin iXoae Company, No- 2,was olectod chlqf, while Cbarlos Dumbach, of 3& Montgomery street, ofIndapandoticu ^Hook and Ladder Com-pahy^No, 1, was elocted assistant chieffor-tho Firsts Third and-Fourth Wardsand John W. Hughes, of 168 Elizabethavonuo, a member of Profection HosbCompany, raa olectad assistant'chleffor the Second and Fifth Wards^

The dofeatod candidates aro JamesP> t)unn^ of 84 Commerce at root, momher ol Washington Chemical En gin oCompany, No, 1, was aspirant for

ProtectionCompany, No. U, was candidate

(ot a»sfsUint,chjof ior-tin* ITlrst, Thirdand Fourth Wards, and Cor-nclluB, of 22 ITntoii Htrcot/mcmbor ofWuahJiigton Hose Company, No. 1,

from tho Sucond and Fifth, Wards.. Thore were .'no voters challenged byeither sldfl, but thxoc ballots were ro-j His full ulranUra^oTtBOcvo if

companion is 175 mon. but owing toThTTTact Uial lTdTScOoS~Hol»P3ff~sE0fffour men on account of BDCQO of thembeing In service thore were only 171who were expected to vote,- of thisnumber ulx. dld^nat appear to cant

"tncjlir nunots, yivo, of these -;Woradowntown men and one uptown? someof thom bolnfi ciclt and others out oftown, Had all of the downtown menvotod It is posslblo that It might haveaffected tho choice of assistant chief.


Ii Rahway Is to Go Over theTop in Liberty Loan



Private George J. Zirwes NotLocated Since Battle ol

September 30


-U Rubmay^la-io eo-evor tho top. Intho Fourth Liberty I nan drive out!nni-nrn tt« full <]n»Mi nt ^^7lt/!fin ^ori-[will have to bo Rome jivnly hustllnKduring tho remaining fow. days of ihq

thnir »m!t m1mt comn forward and palj^lrwes,their mlto Into .tho subscription list,Bfitwoon $37^000 and 1*00.000 havoalready been subscribed leaving about$100,000 to b© subscribed In Iho nextfour days. No ono doubU but whatRahway^wlll go ovor tlio topv bat noneshould fool so confldont that tho citycan 'do it without their help, an Itmight lead to a slip that would spoilRahway's Tomarkablo . record ofachievements In tbu- Uirtio otherLiberty t«oan .drives and other flnaa-clal campaigns, lii all of which thocity has finished ^witta colors flylnfitriumphantly, '

The National Bank has sold about$190,000 worth of bonds, the Rahway

way Sarincs-Institution, $28,000.In Bpit« of uhfltaclafl In tbo'shape

of slchfiflfla tha employees In tbo localmun ilfuut!ir!n£ ptanta— have— madograltfylng proKreKii lii-.thn Liberty.Boild Subscription Curopalffn. - Some-of—t'pq-largci'-Tnfintifnrt.nri'ng concorngaro reserving their special efforts' fortho Inst fnw dayri of thin wcok, Tbostanding in iHtrcentaeos of thoso con^

foitowft;nllttm — Xnc


Pneumatic Co., 100; Oakley Valira Co/,100; Phosgene' Chemical Co.. 100; O.H. Trombloy. W>. Th* Wb.oat«n» Co.,100; •WmawcraJfc<U±jT>cn 100; Staul

i i ydroi Veit~CcC.' S6;Co., -86,73; Mac Loo Cov,

77.80; G. p, Oravos, 76; C. O. Ttoi-loy t Co-. 7&; Unltod Cbomlcal Spec.Co., 76; aulnn £"Bodeo Co., 74J>3;Harriuon MfR. Co.. 60.67; Superior

Tim only uptownor not to voio wjal Body CQ-. MM; A^C. Orube, 6f60;

each fronl hose: one and truckfailed to vote. ' : * ' : .

two!"6*; Three in Ono Oil Co.; ti.ii: Hoyal' Stfjj, Co., •»(>; Tbo JlcKlna Co., ZO.tO;

• -. 1was asThw rortult of tho balioting

follows:-. Kpr. Cbiof-^John."Aj_Sulllvan,uptowriof,. St: JamnR P.* Dunn, down-townor, 7»J • For Assistant Chief.for

Rahway "Auto Body1-Cai.r?>; -MansanoMfg. Co.. 20; Mllbury Atlantic ' MffcCo.. ld.C7; Tcrrill Bros, 1G.C7; Merck& Co.. \4.Vn Naicle St^el Co.. no ro-

the First,. Third and Fourth Ward*—j P?"'Charles Dumbach, uptowner* 8J; Wai-jter C, AycEs, downtowner, 77. . For*Assistant. Chlrtf for tho Second, andFifth Witedfl—^John W. Hugheo, up-10*1101*, 82; Henry Comollus, down-towner, 77. Sullivan therefore won by

FOUND IN HOSPrtTALFollowing an absence, from hlfi home

on Woodbridfce _»Incu Thursday

(Continued on

friends' of John' Slnmc^ were In thiscity Saturday .afad Sunday trying. tolocate him. He was finally located In


Mlsstns la action linos Sept. M -wa»

(JbA purport at a tologram rocolved lasi

l b M M Pby"—Mrr~imd • Mr»-—"Putor

of 32 Lafayette street,

tholr nort. Piivato Oaorfio

_Th© _tel^grnm roclvnd tram

Adjutant (Joncral HorrU,

D. C, wiu as follows:rot to Inform . yoti that

PrivtiUi Qeorgo J. Zlrwes, Infantry, Isbfflcially reported as missing In actionnine© SepL 30. Will r^pfirt flwit lnforj

mat Ion rocoivod."Private Zirwo* in u mutnbur' of

Company A, 31tth lnfantry.^and wont

.overseastwo V/eta

ubout- Ma,y _J*training at

after only-Camp Dlx.

his pur on ta7H o ~Ha» .lwo~Br6i

thers, Anton and John Zlrwos,:of thiscity. The family havo hopes that hewill be coon located In a Gormanprison camp or hospital. PrivateZlrwes 1« a. native of liakway-afid Itf

WEDDINGS.Plxlo—Dttwey. r

Gooi-go Wolls Plilo, of Nowmarkot,und Miss !£va Dowoy, of North Plata-flold, worn, married by th.o i tcv.X :W.ItyUur, paator of Trinity MatbodUtcimrcb. Thursday.

- - Walker—Harold*Hiauloy Walker, of

Mian Floronco Bella Horold. of thlflcity, won* marrlod Wedneailay by thoJtov. -Alfred Wrlcht^ pan tor of thoHocond Uaptitic church.

EPIDEMIC CRESTHASHealth Authorities and Physi-

cians Believe Infuenza WillBejin to Wane v


KflorU* aro now betne made by Oeti-rul Hocrotary Arthnf McKay, of th*:•'. M. C'. A. ui OJIJ..: .- lu wuaulAu u


banjo, mandolin and Kuitar clubamong the Bolder hoys. ~A foW In-siramonUi havo boon-> procured ao f ro rts~^iT^^D^mgJ^say"To~got~mo ro?Anyone who bas an Jnstmoaont of ibiskind Which'thoy .would bo wlllin« to

Fron> pre»cnt Indications it• that the Influenza an^Bxnlc In ttoJ»

thoujgb tber© may bo aponuUe outbreaks qt croupa of CMMca from lito timo It la-fart that ih«

i-uoniB In Hi*' pont oV.lcWork on.tho V. M. C. A.

and it will vntnpintott At an r nrly j

bo a fttoady waning of the dlSAUOopidemlc In Iho, history of tbo cityJiaj* had auch deadly nffect* or *£McbeABO many" [KiOplc, or requiredstringent moaaaros, tn theser<!&uJationA/ -howover, has . been

On Sunday iitiVrnwn tho soldlors | .L M J ,•woro ontortalm,,, by mu.jc.1 UU^nt I ° _ ° ^ <>«™? . ^ ^ . f j ^ 0 ' .from cblJi c\iy, Including Mrs. Xlxnntb !Whllo. orKJinlot. and Mrs. Hilton. On>r J.k!!l.-aoDrano-8aioisLat-Xhe-6'iral. Prca- •bytorlsu) rimrcll and Tohn J. Hoffman. ' '

hy Ilia I!our<l of HoalUl with iccx>p«ratloa of tfao IlahnT

h^To beon uleqaxitA andii" Ia ~ Indicated"

part-in tho .instng. which the,Jojrcd Unman..!?. Dr. F.-f. Oalpta. of jPlttabargh, I'a., a friond of-Secretary

connected with Rabway Aerie. No,3, Fraternal ~Ordor~ef~Ka«lfc«;

Court nahway, No, CfiZ-. VnAt'iiri ofAmerica; St. Mark'n church nmi Dra-matic Clab "and"; tho~~ St. ~Atvy«ta* [Society. PTevloas to entering militaryservice ho v u employed by thu Ponn-

gniiig~Rttllrrrad-ttg-tr--clerte-at~t^»Waldo avenHJ «nnp. A letter datedSept, H VIUH th« \nai that Mr. andZIrwca beard from their

private Zlrw«a wan a member of thouavaa com pony a* Corporal William B.

McKay, cave tho soldiersDr. aaioin fc


Moade tor a sorioft of

roportccl In THH Record on Friday aswounded on i?«>pt. 27, .

HALTED BY EPIDEMIC"Tho Thirtoeoth Chtt)r" Company,

of whlefc Stophon Hcybara.r of ClarkTowpublp,_w«u known, i&itlilv^clty. Ua moinbor, clo^od itff xmthorn sflaaonla Colmn!iia,-a«v-an—Tawday,—•»•ovoroJ cites In which tho companywas billed to play out banned jrabtlceaUMrJoga o n *«coms( ot tfta icflaenix

Iratemjt; have gato»d control

Only a woek aeo tho flrat_regnlatlon« wero . put fnfc»

effect and not a rolnqto too ftarly tor Jit xoaa« lha city T&LAJ to copo wltlL T"Uui cpl*l«mlc .when U was at ltd worstand tha metboda employed have pro-duced notfne&bio results. . :^Moch different from preceding

nlshts was l&ai night. - Only one newcase was Ukan to tho hospital

hull wf|H<* nn

received jrt the annex at KoenltfiSei«rjj new caacs wore takes to t t eannexes yeaterday aftemoon. IntKthere were also wreral patients T9-

i the^tt_s«TaBt_lh«fe_

A 1acfathern f .ties, wnlct tag

« . halls.

I!«nry Wo»Wnnton at', pony is now »waltln«tbi(!et»oin« blm.wlib a knlfo, JSddlej Now Tor* forosenfaMf-lB CaieaCo.nL.,Dakloli and Tmpe? Mack. o£j63 tewl».oi> or about Oct. 11 . , iatreot.. was armlcntid before Jadatt . ' . [atreot.. was arraigned beforeOrlando II Duy in police court onSalnrday. Attorney V. V. DobbinsappoarBd for the defendant*. They

l d ll * i ^ Dey held

Jury, ftxlnc their ball at »?S«.' Theywere^ paroital/Tr. rnvtody of AttorneyDobbins. ""(

John Ha^rerty. 42, o£ 96 Ninth a»e-nan,' New York, paid a flue of $3 for

drunk and disorderly. He wasby ivtoitirc Sorscartt James

OOINQ OREAT WORK.Since txklnz op Uwb- -tfaUev i s t&U

city on 8aJordsy tio B«d Cross Motor

from the -41>eM»Since The Record wm» :

on riiOMy ciMtrv fs&w octts fuui («Mst[ death* fs this city, otsty nfne. 1

were Muhvayrua, foar belli*;Roosevelt and one from Tittihm. Otthe; nine local death* s*raa n n i

Corps njsfsrod'by the Attontlc

been partlcnla/ly busy luld Vus rea-dored olceUent strrtco la nvty -mrnj.They foand so moeB work ^

tlle^'hosplLal annex at Kocn)g'«Mr.ASimock has a wife and four chil-dren, who feared that he was dead, asbe TO quite 111 when he left the booseand d& HOJ say where he w «olnt.

ami two from osjjer i

jitoat*baa probaBty rvaetted i£» h«f«m tatwflj now begin to m a s ft baa bamdecided tTnr* Che thirtf hospital • • • ^ • ^

:bcy called more of their wtTken which was tminc etmfidartd c m a*>from Ifontclalr and West Cheater to j week tod. wSS cot be opeasd.aid them. All of the. wait of thethem. AH of the. WOJ* oflocal chapter and of the Cojonla ho»-pllal has bean handled by the comasince their arrtTsX Ueatenant C_«.ttr is Is command.

Rahway Chapter I* nowa motor corps and thers-is opportnsttyfor local women: to enlilt.


for by "CoinnjlaBloner Furbor. despitetho fact that he had pravloasly hadsix to eight years, acquaintance withaim and had ample opportunity tofcnow all the bad things which thecommissioner.Is now saying about me.*1 don't know that we need'a city at-•orne3rl'and I don't know that the com-mission EO^eniinent law requires thatwe appoint one:ted the city

By the plan adop-$1,600 Mr. Arm-

strong said, referring to the salarypaid former City Attorney Dobbins.

To these statements Mr. Furber re-plied thai the commissioners badnever agreed to pay $1300 and thatthey might pay a. retainer of $300 J andfesB accortBnB to ijsrvice renda*ced-

am vuiluii ft^, Mfor city attorney 1 prasume 1I no *n>bt may hav^ nominated,butfar that time tSJiad been iticitis lji*w only four *Mbcks and d ^know thatJl was aSing contrarj«>tothe statutes and I thought Mr. Arm-strong would have knowlege ofwhether the action •jras proper or not.*

(Continued on Paoe Two)


NOTICEWofkJK£ns_BatldlnB & Ix>an Assoel

atlon. Rahway'B oldest, Billldlns I-oantrill Issue new series of stock Oct19 21. ISIS Qfftco_S£Hl be open oveninES on nboTe dates, 13S Irving street

oat 1 « S 11 14

church. The funeral will be held to-morrow and burial win be In St.Mary's cemetery. k''

Clifford Darllnfl.After a few days' illness from ln:

ioD|ia Clifford Darling, aced 7 years,son of- Mr and Mrs. Loon barling, of28 Whittler street, died Sunday Be-sides bis parents be is survived bytwo sisters. Xucretia . an4„Ernestine

The entire famH^haTe beenthe prevailing epidemic.

Darlineafflicted . ^Tho deceased possessed a sunny andwarm-hearted disposition thai madehim a general favorite and his deathIs a serious, blow to his parents, andplaymates-- i

. Mrs-Georflc^irs^'GoorEe 1ira«no*ski,"»Bod '^1, of

34 .Union plJttco.*jdied ^imday foltowin*;,a pariiytlc"«irote- Qha leareabind aitd threo" children-'

Mrs. MaxRctnrnine from WashUgton, D.

on Tuesday because of her-hnaeaEffaJ-critlcal Illness from inflnenia Mrs.fJSSax ErlesbCTS. of 12 Gordon place,1

was afflicted tfttb the OiseamD and tltton Saturday Besides her hnsbanil, •who Is now recovering from tlijmalady she leaves one son; Slllton.She i» also fsarvivei by her father.

Charles Dumbach, Assist. Chlef-alaet.


' DIES AT CAMP MEADCInflnessA and pnestacaia ewued

the death of Prtvxm Joseph Stelser.I of Hahway avenn«, beeweeix this city(ard Kooaerefc at Cam*** Ueada on Sat-

unlay The body warn sJtiBpcd to- Qttmcity a i i taaca In chira* bylafcer llarry~d bees tn camp'aboat two-

annex as exelnstrely toM ta Tin Bae-vord oa Friday wa» to taw baot

headoaarters of tie Bod Cross in Now• S o r k - C l r y . ; • . ' , • ' •

I s oTder ta seenrs nrfflrMnt befperatand aB tha «*-fM<»~f trataed warkats

ta meet the seads ot fba>epidemic Mayor TruBbto*r salted U * »

3. W. Jones to haTo t l « Bern*

ttut elty court roan as Saxsx£*r tttar-asd malte st sys£eitt3JtIc -

Ho leaves his parent*. Mi. aad Sfrs.Edward Blltiaer; two ufaters; Sin.K*t» Voorhees- and !I tea • HarsareiSteiner. and one brother. KdwardS c e i a e r . * ' ' • • • . • - , .

of (hwnat*v«T woc^n cooZdt h« Coosd WBs>are trailed or prafeucal oxrsem utd »>-to those who are wfQSas to latasuxx-

were foojut aad Uteae wSo wtm flCaatby traiafas aad experiaseat were-1 l ia tby th» Board of Ileaita forasnKca.


lodced with tha local DoUca bamsViroarcera by Attorney P. V. Dot»Mn»f>»*f an a3£otacbQe> hdo&sis^ to

been respesslbte tor a. eomstsa to.wbic& ICra. Dobbiaa a a i i u i l i aaeapadtertom if not fatal taiaTT, th» maitaryanlhoritles at CoS**x**t£***t a t a ^ ****

John w . Hufllto. Assist. C3t>«fataet.t have (M

woait aj!«* a»

an<l tome of them*' volaaJaera win bar

«taes ba

tnlca£» wtt& Mayor t i a l k r tmrIda* NEes. ansatCsteBdcat off US* ttm&~way Bbwelttt. It BmMrM «»tlttrty Totaaaen wSo coaU ft* "4»-

. v» and aoo* w«r*oat « tha But. tts:

mmManttfw« trom t t s Salcwxr

MINOR COlUatOMSTha Baaavtit. XlXk asif Cream Com-

tiaar»:»ato aaaa cssaaa

or F- V . K9M.aad Harry

So, en* n » ia-bata oa. U» Joa> aast kan* m -

of S t GecrfsiBacbaa*'"till eab.

J BoatgewMl n t S tfsrjC&av noctca. owta»to t&B prewESa* ayfrtntmte or tafl*

' (Continued on Page'Flva)


Z, ST. SaStw ami


ta« Dr. Joto I t »ni-aW>»,. Dr. W.

2U.U "

Page 2: by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday

- " * * » , >"~ ^ ^ ^ f l r i Bis«wisii» » j » y - , '^^yaB^y|a3ya«y)s*J»yaajBj|

- Kkiiway RecoraWueaday AUcfuoon. October 15, 1918.

Rahway Record, tueaday Afternoon, October 15r l» lS


—f^pproprlatlon Made (or MlfjhwayImprovements Held Up by War

Department Order.


Suggestion That LaaiaUtura Might Au-thorize InvAtimant In Libarty Qohda.

Commission Had About CompUloiiIts Plan, (of Till* V««c ;,

—Two y « a n ' Colloi'iloiiM titp <oud road* lu»* tttulot' Uialaw of 1017, will b» uMiliubK. by

1 next, bur it U uur>'»*i• M M officials tlirn the UKIUCJ >-iumolb*> used. A» ii wil l uwuuiit I.I JII.IXKI,-

-COO, tho ausitoslluii h a s Ue«u iitmit' ihut• *t twi lnve.tn.1 nt o n e 'in l.lb-l-1VI...1..U

suspmulliie tl"> «t'«<-lat road tai fur thobalunu' of Um Uvo-year prrlod uiilllaftor III., wur, but as' Uila would u«CooailuU' It'iilnlatlvo ttctlou lie furthnr•ujiuvul<«l ill"I " uiltilit bo ailvloitlllo tocall tv H|>.-<-l»l ».-«»loii of luo lo«l«lalur«.Tbu Ktivi.i'iim' '!"<•« not PBim"l •v"'» •luovu.wlili mvur. a t l l i ta time, It In M U I ,but prvfvra «•> Wavo It to"Ulo JuJLniuuLof. Um now l.i«Ulttluro to \vt "looted-inNoyuuit>*>i'. II la bound by alula oni-ciala at'iiurnlly liiul «oui» uiora JulUa-factory solution of UM problem may Itsworkod out. HUtii Troasuror U.-n.lstt»S that a s tho SlWOO.OOO to lH> tilhuud by (ho Unit uf tho'yottr mil I..'uaitd tor no otlii'i" )mr|K>a* than rmulcoiialruiUoii <bo Wils iaturv ismlilWHoiul iho act to l>.irmll Uo iiiY.-aliu.iiiilrt l.ltwrty bon.ta, which wouM y ^ l d aiuuiilaomo K-llini and InervU*.' tlidfunds available* dftor tha war,- Anoihur pimao of i n * altuiitltui »>|w«to uiacutab*" Jwv«im« fniui lU*» fiutlUinl UliSsi' <h« Wolvotioii UW » ' l « «wl»loi> » aDoolal l a * l o » j of ili.i siihiup f r H i Will bo luado for tll« "Hiii-ntruoll.ui of > brldjo acroaa ti>«> IJ«iU-Watti bolvr«ou CaiutliHi aud I'htludol'ylila and a tunltoV uudiw tin) UiuUoiibotwocn Now Yort and Joraoy Oity a<aooii aa llio road l a i pertori »xi>lrx^.I'ho tuuda iliua tmlaad wouUi

l i b l t H k ' ' Vto await tiu> iiuu' II can )>i< u»>ii rortfcsj purpoar for w)tUit Ii wiiw iiiuiw-v11 «lso has boon uiiuU''"i-'<! ilial Iliti

Hod of R>« war, but Unit t'liuuol•ithoui UII net of the I.-Il»lnllliv,

Hi ~»»tjantll lho_aiwoiid Tuesday In Jiinuni-y.

Thu pocutlar-aituatlun-li-tHU'- l*iTt«Jecl»km of Um Uuilutl Htaivu llluliulCouncil tliut all oiinrolUiiiK uiiun i\>iii^oostruutUw—sliu>li -IMJ -comUiud—UI—ull.the atates tu aucii rinuli* aw hmy l»<*•monllal tu Oio otllcUml MiiittuVl ofthe Army cuntuumciita uuiigayed In the nrtMluotlmi tit1

tiftls. and thli« pUta u du>vL upoii ullfeut A siuall pctwiitiiijv of^lio tMiul ItiiprovtMUttitiB projt-viod by. Now jorao,•Bdar tbc'.apvekatrtnx: \«vy<

Vndor Uw* l&tup'luw-th« hli:uwn^-tuQUO mill uinm th<» doMur w*uit lnl«»

•dtact In i o n . ou«i it yioiJi-J tnorv iuaiiT/hta V«ar la oxpuotinl Us

as uiueh, UkUd tl>« lux Is to rnuthree yt-tir* ~ moY.-. rulaltiii au.

Sauitad total of $lR,oV\OOt> for hiii>.Mv->a-toads of srirermimra

Tb« Stntr THuhttnyVommlii-lt.il liil.lekboQt roniplrtod Us plnu\ for thi* your1*program of couslructlouyf.tlu* uyaioiit.auid tt Included about 50 lilli-ii of liltili-wa^p, but under tho. tfoveruinonl HiiiHtfi

It DOW lw»lloV«u\ not iiiotv tluiti -1*lee of this lirmniui can lu> carried

lard aro MetyichiMi'Mctilo l'urk kmilluiimt lloulv No. 1, thro.' mllo*; MoiiloX*Krk-liahwuy ac.-tUm of Uoutu No. 1>

lulloa; itorrli. l>tiilu>i-t)<mvllli* *w^

3a- sirout," Uncfcn\voy*u?cHou vi Mmit« ft.i^inUca, ami thy Klhipiion'NVw HrilUM-

mUes. Thv oailuiat»J v\>xi «if tlio i>r>>-sHxnl :*> uillw or tVwiiU fvir tkU y.").rf.i*tal*d $4XK\(XKl. but tht'M* riuUrva* lia.v«s»V.-<HI pn<a»i,v • tu.MVtis.'J byKKuis. «>«t If <»•> work



NtKiillHir'at tbu Hoard tif l .oolurn«hip of T h o Molbor Oliurub, Tbu Klr«ltMiurub of Obflai , N«lnn(l»l,Ju l ioalou. Maaaaabuaatta - -rFridny Evcoing. October:'t8", 1018

- AT H,lf» O'CIiOUKIu llio J11iur.li oitirUo,corner Hpriiiullohl Avo. tt»«l i»Hlu Ht.

O r t l i i l O n l . N . . ) . •.._• " ,



(Oontlnuad I'roni Paoa OlM)tSvii^iu-uiiiit u oliy utttinioy Muyor

'l'i'<>nllili<y aulil tliut bu wuuiil tiiako,114 lUVoaiUntliHt Ultd roliori,

t'liittiiilaaloiiiir Kurboi" otiilo.l Unit1SVI.I tl.iH-', <iii(lllio.if ut llui watol"

litlll.it.i.i wi ib tliu tirovallliitf

.Mqw VwrUduly nutliort»tfd aluillar iahd Oovaruor 1\MJJV la Vury uniob hitor-O.I.H! In iboae two « i » a l ui-ojecla l ^ r -

"Him—aq8gT-aU«l»-l>«ii-in>«ni-to»Ui«l^-tUuBLLiorv, ibttl U'o road m.uioy uilabl )><* M-Vort«>> to tha liHiiii* toixi tunnol oiiUr-

l it1

t Ut'o ttl»O t»UiW Uitdwui-U ul lli>, wulorplantln Bol

n y y ^ i ,Mtiyiir '1'roiilbloy Itl r<siiortliiK <iiv bid

in '" l» n.lio.i !•> ttlii InNoxtr todal-Op0on-81«atloi>47

'l'ba aulij.>lilo>l lUl touUiliii till"iiloa uf to N*w iowey muuloli«ilUi«<-


littW.'ll. 'MlllXiTiHo

lm.< W H iiifornuul, tlirousii .-ouiiiyclnrkia, W»IV B.4iwllll«>d to Vol.- U|Muthtf.local u'ntluii quoatlou at-lh«'»>iahiKUvm-nil vLM-iioli lu Novvuiboi*. TiU'

w.-r** b*iB*Mt ui*ou "iivitl.v ot* liilontliUi""to vol.1 »« Un'iiV option, »ttib mitliw lw-Uii( tilvoit lii-loi1 to tho lilliiM ii»J ulv-| I K H U \ uf i>«tilio«ii oalilnii fpf "w.a"Hltil "dry" ulvctldUli. Tiiu ll«l, bow-«Vor, 1H uut.colnplcto, na iiouiM mUnJol-ltnlltl.Ht wlu>W Uitfitl .iiilloH uloclloliahuv.- IIOOII oisli-r.i.1 lv«v« luif-Itwit FO-luiHv«t ua y.-t t»i tli^ .'itio.* ot* tb»* iii'i'Vi1'lary o< aiuio. 1'h»« llai ll'Vi" *»* I" »u

XtlAUIltf C!oliilty • ••• Miiuii'l'^ I'rtlhl,nitnilii.Uitou, Abaw.iii i-lty.

lU-fsoii <\>uuty- HiirouBl»< uf AlUii-

liwl.', ISiiui Uullu-rfnr.1, liohiileua. hittn-ii'y, UlMMSiUU1, Wt-'niw.'mtl imil.ttut.liiii-<oisi; (iiu'iitJittiK-i>r VvuiiUllii. ii'ilibiu>,Now luniuMl.M"-. Ulii •-••WOIKI.

-tSiiml-y—:i'»rwii5lil|wlliuiovt1!', t'h.'ut.'t1, Wtiuti^ of. liuti.'i1,-Muii

l'uu«,il,' i \ iu i i i y .lBillllU.Wuli'iii futility-


ti tttiti

)liiiMiiiili of VllooTii—

'uwnalil|i i>f I'lili

'I'cnviiwlilpii .ii

llruin'liliiii'i:, N.iKti t'lulmi.-IH.HiihiioSf Coimiy—Horoiiiihii of Aiulo-

vor, Urtiiicnvillo, OmU-inhurif," Sihd|io und Hiwiu'x:; (owiialiliui of t ' wtioit,. Oiv.HI. -Uifiiyt'iUs—^AiiKiitta

Ililll UU.1 town of NOWtotl.tlllliiil Oomity--Olty of yulliiuit.W Ooiiuty—Town of l'blllll

boroUKb of Wiialilimuui, t o w n u fitttt.twti, tuwiiuhliiii of MitttMilold

6 5Kiius'luv. lOVfallUIlt, NorltmliH>l>>». I'til-tuyfil u i id . ' l ty of llurliliutoll'

O^inuiun Ooutlly—Ciiuulou oily. \U«r--tilmntvlllo lloruliiitlt Clonii'iit.lit, I'i'il-

a ^ u -_oli.xK»J.(X»i. •I'Uo 20 mlloa«liaTtWWBwy be built will mat about

XL Blakcalw. a tnembiT ot Uioj Comnilaalon aud ouo ofgood ruada boouiera of

country, wrote O«v»rnor laiT

Cumlwrlukiil Toiiuiy Ofutiuwlclit

p /0<iimty — ToAVOaliUm at

\locautlriu. \Vivnt Aiinvcf:,VlV>la\vun\ Uurliit' j

Riv.'I'tiufQ miiy^l^c aoiu.i iittur.iati'

luk- lu uttorta-to construct a tuli.i ilinlurthu Doluvvnru us tt hi.'Utla o f kutlvlttlitf xrailt trunk' liroblnnl. liiii ».> nlf.itho NoW J«ir«.>y lularalDtu jSrTduf umV*Tunuoll Oouimtu^loti U cou.HirU6.l oVory aioui tit ufforl aud InvvKliuutloil Iit*oticvlitrato<l ujkiil the liKijHuloi

of tbooonilnlaatoti. t:otmmwit<

boruuOallfoD. W • • •

Morcor Oountj—lloroujiha of U.i|<o>w«ll..Ulilhtatowo und I'rlucoton ; town-ahi|u> ot HinnlUon, WaslUuitou uudKwliut aud: cllj of Tconto»>.—MUlilh-m-T ^'tiv'y—»«->tv»»yli. or Mlil-

«i«iiL Nor l>< tlu' 1'i-iiiiH.viyuiilii com-tuiairtnu couuUlorinu' lilnutf for u tuntiol,\\"u hnvo nuit fr.-a«i'utly und farniutl <joint L-ommiualou, urnl ut uotiu of tli.-acoufvrtiucoa. hua tiio tunnoi t>r.tjocbo«in irlwn cotiMl<i.<rittlon. At lh» v.irj•Inception v>t.tui;.i'l»i

idlutloh of ihi> tlv<>r trnltliis outUuotl by tint foruior

Urhlu>> »nd Tumu-I Ooiulutsaloii, iliowhofu tunttt'i1 Was thoi-oiiijhly ouil'vusauu uh.l tittii(U-.it uutl th«- .'oitoluaion\va« uumiHiiirtin will! t W in.-ulb.-rn o tthut iioiU' timt l> bifiluo la llm omy


Reliable Furnitureand House

>l>«rtialt>itl i>f"'l'ublln -' H e a l t h ' andliblid liutaiy Ttivtuwoil wbut Imtl-buuii»itd ttti't*lfi{h ttitt tiuoporutltm of. thocianl ul' ItmUlh und tiiu Huliwity lloo-tul tm' oUucUlui tbu iiifluuusu opt'milu itii dcurj ifl fur tho uutidradfl of'iiul.l tlmt uro uiniutou wllli Uio illu

tfa. Uo uallad atiootion to thd lip*illul unitoxiiB cotttlillolioil ul tit, Mury'nmil und KuiiulK'a hall uud tlio aploii-IU norvlcu iboy uru ruudorluK tlioIty, l(u ttlno rotrrud to tho of fur ofIn) Ucl Orooo to ouulu uiiothor bua->!tal uiiliiix and nuld that thia would

nd It.'luura cuulil bo fuuiul tu Imnilloir Ha-ouibhaalsdu tho urKmit;uood-wfIliiltlad liuraoa mid holporBi Muycr


torla.1 Kdnotlon for floptombor hsdtinou 08,3. Tha rnpurt iilno cuntaaladttui folio wine:

'Tho iiiirconlttffo of baotorla rotnnvad by nitration woo Bllghtly groat-<<v ttiuu tunt luunth but the ntimbor ofi; i<-iorlu~wu>t1ileJ)or In both rtvur aud,'ilini-tiil watur, Tho baotrlttl oount us

^liiUa la jay luLumlory ou. Uiu w.onkly.tutuiplui) uf livor uad fllturod wuturjvaa lowur than *m curruanontlfue daysHi tho nnpr plant. An Innpootlon ofib'a plant on Octtibor tl showtul it to btiIn unpuroutly KOO<I'vandltluu'with thoi-opuirit uomplotod lu . throa of thelili..ro and a fourth noarlnit uomplo-(idii, AH tho-dutu iudicala ihd flltorud.wiant* lu be tif u Knoturlully KUOU atit]uufo Quality. " . . . ' ' *N

"'I'ho vlvwi' witi«'r watt uotnuwuntliiiriior ami .louttiiilcd morn diauulvod

a 'than ;;unilnl.' -This id urobublytiuo to uryor wtnitiiar and rtiducoUflow. Tho flltxiri fniuuvad wluvt llttloturbidity tlmr.. wuo in thu watur unduv.ir lialf of t-hn—roiui1, but- uddad uliulu io thu uoiiilu." '

City Uugluoar Hituonds' ro port ofulreal work doua tha pant waok coo-talnod tho tollowlms;

HI runt qolaulnk. »HO.II2; • garbageoolloatloiu forty uluo loads, »7a.7U;uultlug(traiiB-aud_woi)u»J_»10.10;:«on-orul water ouargos, 133; now floor In

huiltli Ittltl tlimtiltul AunOi'lntion Torhii work tiuila,

uuhl tliul ti

uto worliu, 123.58; uartlnu anhoo. twon-tyfour lottila, 130.86: baoknllo. 11.76;


i Hifiinl MBIII ul tiio uoriior ttf Vaiilii'..i,t Mid Jucliuou uvoiiiiu, Mr, lii,il-, h, wlMian tioiiiiltmont t l i i l i l imttur-Vltilurl. nuld (but i t in imliuanluli, Ufn'l uny iii'W Hnh(o iuaLuiloil now. butiliul lim Vuuidontd iiiiuht nuKmmtivhui'i* onn uoultl—b«* rotnovod fruiu.t) tliti 'Vbuto (Uiulroti,' Mr. jVruiatrtiui^''llt.upohltoil Uiul It lo I In, duty ufuiuuiluiilonor and not tlio liaoulu lo

iatuiorlu(u ~\vhohi whut," pothP' ir 'ahy "Uiiutit eun~ho Vuiiioved to" tho httat ud ;

^y j.i)tialii8iZt!iJaul,i«iui,.»2n-'>07. _ ^ joOo.lytluytlil uhril uhrdmolirdlumpup

Otflcluln uroaaut woro:'Mayor David11. Trutnbla'y, Oommlaniouors DavidArtuntrtjim ttild Jamon-UrKurberrOlty

"Ottirk Olmrlou II. Laimborl, Oily Hn-Kinccr F, \V, Ulmonilo, Aanoesor WllHam II. Writflit, Douiity Tax OollaotorJohn W. HarriiniiB, Ilottltb Offloorli'rod M, Williams aKaNOhiof of PallooOuvid M. Iiamuoy. ,"~~~~---.





Contractors Helpless UnlessLabor Is Supplied From

State Jflisiitution

Xunounconloiit was niado In a Jointaaatomont Uausd today by Stato High-way lBnalnoor William O, Thompaoaaad Couunlsolonor llurdutto O. LowU•f tho Dopartmant of Charities and••rrosdons of the Inauguration wlti-la tho jtatn of tho plan to utiUao tho»aan powur of eorroatlosal InsUtutlona»y tho omploymont ot inmaus of thoNaw Jemoy IUiformatory, Juot o»ortaa city Iluo, In rebuilding tho aoctlonat tho Unooin Highway in tho vicinitytt Ifotuahan.

In mukinB tha anuounconiont Mr.L«wla >.nd Mr. Thompson aald:

"Supplementary contract* Uavo boonssenod by tho highway dopartmont andtha contractors la which.tho hiehway

He is fighting forthe spirit of Victory.quit till his job is done.

True Economy

txiii tiut rooominiuulutloii ttf Mayor'I'itmibloy Uwlxht. Dolnil, of Kl inoUlutio, wuu uliuolutod u utloiilul otlluov.Jollli—WotiB«r^—Vcialgii*ul-^uw illldulal-iltlUlul*.; ~A~rnBolutioii~wnn~"pfforwu^by~Co'ni-

mlouloiior Al-uiulroim U|it>r6vlnif thouutlon l i f - tho HhiUlnu Kuml Cuaimlii'aloiioro In luvtmlltitf »UI,000 Inlluiida.

Ahuthor roBolutloli offorod by Com*

—Cluri«« M.lboura—H.lpb r. Ulll.rPnrtii Amlioy Toloiiliuuo I7IM

- Itubway'INiltipliumt H'ifl

Melbourn & Ritter

\rmstt*ouB prdvid^od for thuo£. thu Ula^tiutf o i Old uoUl-

tutualoUorti tiubti Buturday at. H.Uo b.ui>Tiio ruuolutluii wun llrui introduooj tor

riT—Forbuv—mi";jbalod bouuUso of court bauba.ho aiiUli

o"*TiuT to nttimd, ... Mr. , XriiTa>Vo\iif[uUanuod tho roHoiut!6U Co j|ji|iturdayuud Mr. l''urbur votod mnvinilt it, whileMayor Trqmbioy and h<AruistronK Votod In tuvoy.

RoUtlno .Reports.reports. woro j

t-oculvod from liaotoriolOBiat Morbbrtil. Ualdwiu, ot Newark. Thoy ohowod i:Udt tho avoraso porvonta^o bf baor

AUTO SUPPLIES53 Smith St., Perth A mboj,N. J

(Two Block, from Fw^r)

1.2 Main St-^ahway, N. J.

for Your Money

. and


WJ£ carry lull stocks of-everythiog-neededto completely furnish your home, fromkitchen to attic! We sell on terms to

suit all" pbeket-books. Buy your goods at homeand save money, and where you know, you willreceive honest service .and a just return for yourmoney-—^-.:....,i.__ .,.!".i.. :.-.. .'-.... --,v-<..

bles and Wiains, China Closets,Easy Bfiai i^ri louc^^C l

yCarpets in all grades.

Seasonable NeedsRefrigerators in all sizes: Oil Stoves;Porch Swings and Hammocks; CanvassShoes for l

Sporting GoodsBicycles; all makes and prices, BaseBalls, Bats, Gloves, Etc-

S e e Our LiiKMrf Victor

from $15 up

James McCoIIuinIrving and Cherry Streets

i uatid ail Idi'ii o f , « tuhin'1 \vu« nbuli-doiiod. . ^' • • " '-'

Qovvriioi* S-MKI- of our ulatti und clov*ornor Urulutmutli of IVntiaylvunlu huvadlroctml thofr olivruloA and Intluoucoatowanl thu fiolistrtn-tloh of a brldgo,and Wv novvr eould tiavv r«achud thot>r«aont Btnuo of ilovotoiiuioul: of tboproject if vt. had iidvootttod a tunnutTho boards of fracholdura of Oaiudou^Bur(lnston and Gloucester coutitu-u aj>-ui-onrlutod funds for tlic t>roUiulnurywork o* iho former wramlsiilbh withthe dlallnct Undsrataudlm: that abrldfi« Xvaa to bo «ohutruciwd. Woknow tiioy. Would have Kivoii nu nuan-clal aid to to tuniiot iirojcct* Our

iclflcaUj- Uiul~ It :^'i(a~ a ' bHdso~ aouthJersey dosii-od uud not a tunuoU andIts action Was husod upon tliut(nation, in tiorlli Jvniuy ibo a,nnatvntdnaire la for a tutinol undor tho lltid-.aoo« butAYio want a bridge, and to thuiw« anaU-ataiid-comtiiUtod-bocauae thapeople demand It

/'Pialn-Caa* of Utility.The t«aaona uuderlytns th» pru£«r-

«nce tor a bridge a*a not obacuro. Theeadating facilities ot the forry compa.niea operating between CaradoD an<!Philadelphia are overtaxed. Theyhave done all they could to. accommo-date tbe traittc, but they cannot runboats fast enoucb to Veep pace wltn It.ana tt la ittowlm.—all the time.—Any-one can aee that by watching any daythe Ions llnoa ot automobile and otherreticles delayed at the ferry en-trances. The furmera who find market

"I6r~Oi«tr~xiTodiicts~in—Philadelphiawould very naturally oppoae the expenditure by New Jersey of MTaialmillions ot dollars tor a tube theywould be unable to use with their waff-ons or auto trucks. The citizens of ailtile aouth Jersey counties1 who will betcalled upon to pay for the great pro}-«ct would enter serious and fteobjection to a tube that might In anyway Interfere with tree movementpasseuKex* now subject to the annoyances b!~Ui4~fetilesr~1£ TsTthe peopl*who will pay for the work, tor underdie lapr by which our Commissionauthorized to proceed with themendous project a tax ta levied, bulGovernor Edge haa, slated very elearith.t It tVnri.vlv.nt. hh.ll h rfl

COUnMlera at tanar ::z: ::;

Rahvuay National Bank Building

.; . •.- R A H W A T , N . J . . ; .•(•••;


GOTO - '

BAKERSOur «to»JrKMluostM Ut HitftirU lu

qUmUty ivtad our mo.io«ty lu prlclugour Rooi.« kAiru tWo lh\UK« i\\^i attfpotto \\n tbo j«u>pl« Who 4 . t > i

£O Cherry St. Tol.

HIGH & PETTITira ui !>• K. hVuo.





Auto aervloa If Oaalrsjal

Trouble1(1 Opotl

the Industrial Buildingand Loan Association

maUd your Hwt p yuuct rooolvo a book.

F, C. Bauer's Store



«*»* concroto und tho contractora nosoA Wholan, agroo that tho oost of thiswrit sjiall ha dBdiietad from thalr^ci•rftflt. puymoau. ID acordaaoo withsao provisions of Ohaptor 147 .of 1L*w« of 101U, wlitob oatabllohod thoBtato Uoo Oyotom. a contract bsi boonsatared into tiotwoon tho Btato boiot Choritioa and Conoctlona and thaBtato Highway Dopartmont in accord-aaco wltliCw^ch InmaUia- ot - the NowJmruoy ~1t3formatory aro to bo onv•toyed undor tho superrlslon of theraurooontatlTod ot tlio stato board, andJM~lno hlghwnr dopartmont In oon-skruotin^ this, road,. Jn uocordancowith tlio turuis of I'raoldcnt Wilson'sracufvt .pjrpalaiuutlotr^auinorlKintf coa-Brscui tuitwuuutho ICodoral OoytiruaMnt umKlnotkuLjons for tho (itnpluy*t$nl of prlnonot«"uud In: aocordancowith tho Now Jorsay statute roforrodlo abovn, thlo contract proTldoo thattke ntnto "board shall) rocoiva tbo j

qwin with -his bare hands*

Ladles and Gentleman's SuHsJWade4HleasureAbsolute Satisfaction ^^^^^

^ Your Inspection Invited


of Itthor lii thia locality, which'Man dotorminod'to bo $.60 tor each— a par, hour loss tho cost of autior-

Wiping SCR«fcway* W. J,Opposite- Dr.. Youo j>

Kvoru Wedt*ettlav a to 7 i>.t,a»lbU3ine*a tidy of Urn mo

B to 1O fr. • M.






FREDEIUOK A BAOTWFlnanolsJ 8aor«tanrROBERT K. »"t •»•*"»Rooordlns - Saoratmiy


BREADWar ooiidltloua itud th« li««d to attV«t whoal have 'beoa..mado an

«ikaUaa iu uau almoat any old aoreul by aomn OiaWora of bread! 'Not sowith ual Qurjnlxttiru la noiirlKlilnir and wl io losonin, palatablea n d HUbntnntlnl :.

Try-»-lo»f—ynil'-ll—oon»«—fur— nuiniil—A.*—wol! -aii-for mir oakui andtiaet*-y, OU1. • '

"9 ' " '

RAHWAY BAKERYMain Street, Tel.



• K h m i National Bank~ ' BnlMInK, Koom r-—

laturc a n d

Other PropertyActual Coat.

AnnouncementJ>i*•;'• J. B. Rosenthal ,

Cherry Street

rtilon Md'trsosportauon.e*ntroctors Helplasa, Laoklno

"Tho -contractors^•f atato highway route No, 1, lniluK opart of inn Lincoln Hljjhwuy in Motachon, roportod luul wuolc to tha hi EliWAV dopartmont thoir Inability to BO-

. -ar'ii aufltclout lubor to complum tbo•ouetruution of'thlB vury luiuoiUuLlink o( tho Lincoln Highway boforofrooiinK woathor prevents tho laying'of t-ijiicroio. Tho road is ponsldorod tobo a military necessity doubly soulncn tho roc.cnt, nxploslon nan ron*darnd tho Perth Amboy'-Moiuchanroad and tho South' Amboy-MorBunroad all but Impauablo.

"Tho Now Jorsoy statute establish-ing tha stato use aystom authorizes

J u c h contracts for emergency—work->rovidtid thu wages paid the men aroair ahd-prov4d«d-thu~attP<irvlslon_ot

tho mon romalnB ln.Jav hands of tbostato aulhbr(Ue».'~IJStl> of those con-ditions bavu boon compliod with Inuccordnnco with un opinion, of tbe at-torney gonoral. -.-..-. ••;.•;

"Tho custody of fthe Inmates will re-main with Dr. Frank Mooro. suporln-tondent of tho Now Jersoy Keforma-tory. tt» in nil othor COBOS whoro Kio-formatory inmaUB have been em-ployed in tha construction of high-way* Tho men will bo transported onmotor trucks from the Hofonnatoryto tho place of work each morning—adlstanco of six miles—and .will bo rolamod to tbe Befonnatarr each night.fVitb tbo approval of the Stato Dopart-

">ont of Health" ijocb' Inmate wUrboeach morniDB by a physician

Into the—the y/tty heir in—with yonr wholeheart.

ligKtingHe will

But he can* t


SencI Up Hie arrrniunitiSn! Send up

and bayonets and machine guns thatwill help to~win newT>att»es.

MlvrrtialoK »( >,U«-riy lUn.l^ l.y i>ui

Metropolitan Life Insurance Co.Dti W-IMU/ tii ti*1 i»/il<i«-r* n / it**t tlllieizrlt fwUU«a nt itsnttutuuiiag io «yvcr itmt blliiuri» ul tlnliur* ot inAbrM*-e. for

: wiws« yrvirciiuli ~ tili* ruiu\>aiiy b tioUXin^ (rver itiMliumircd kiwi fifty uillllml (iulliira rr&ervr bc»iiica <Ah*r

f SJHMTta, TfiiiJ ctxnpmtty ttMm itiifm^rltwd toe 1pj/iJJtJ0JX)Qlot iiw. twW Liberty ll«>fMii ttnJ fr-'HMii^irfi* th#MH"-wUJ*—

W^jj; It. an» ;*»(*rf W Iraitl •! •! l.ui.iiu.i .,).<! ti.irty•UUUU.mi

to your utmost


Mtl/MI'Wil UV^M V'tlttZ

b» ulill*cd><>i this manner,Tiio Buctlon bi the highway uiliior con-otuctloii Wati Irnliastiiiblo Iiint winter,and uo It lu oh tbu direct routo be-twoon Trenton and Newark, in per-haps tno_ujput important constructiontiow undor way in' tiio state. Real-izing1, its importance tho Hlgbway

bordered it paved beforeuiiothor winter should set in, Due totho Broat qumbor" of governmentplants In that locality tbe contractorwas junablo_ to socuro -Buflicluiit luborto -insuro completion of tbo work^be-foro freazlng weather, which must beuccompllshodTuMe route, that botweon Porth Ambojfanil Metuchon, is Ttow-practleally lm-pasabld sewer ~<jonstructlo».Had warbeon unablo to utilizo tho in-muto labor for this projoct, highwaytravel_for heavy motor vehicles bo-twoon Newark and Tronton would beabiiolutely shut off." ~ y

and-if ho Is found to bo suffering fromtmfluenza he will be Isolated In tbe ln-

_ sUtutlpn and not sent oat, so Jhatthere may be no danger <jf~any ono"•ringing 'lnfluonza intbr^e^instltutlon

—' and contaminating his fellows," :Job an Uro»nt One

Tho following, cotameht respectingtke proposed roaj|>worW w»« added byMr. Thompson; - - , - ••--••-

"It Is I Indeed foruniite that the ln-mutp iniinr .if ttifi atatit 1s *a'

CURTAIL FURNITURERetail furniture dealers will ,be

asked to co-operate with manufactur-ers to enable them to comply with anorder by the National War IndustriesBoard curtailing the manufacture ofhousehold furniture aftor January 1.Tbo ordor Is intended— to—conser»«labor, material, transportation andcapital. In line with speeding up thegeneral Industrial war proKram..

Its effect will be to reduce tbe nunvand bor-

omployod, and con be used by' theAgricultural -Advlaor jippciinted to .as-ttpclute witu oach; I>Jutriirrt Uoard oTthe atato, .

It is hoped that all farniom wlljavail tiiomsuivoa of till' opportunity,and sou that deferred, .classificationwill bo granted wberevor It Is needed.

In order tbat deforring of farmorawill be effactlvo, someone mast in-dicate tbat the Individual case is onewhich should receive special attentionby the Draft Board In respect to theregistrant's occupation' or status1. Utho registrant does not put down thu

~clgim~Trf -tleferrtid -dasaifleaiioft-ofl-fais-1 questionnaire,-and no one also puUdown the claim, it can not bo con-jildcrcd-.by tho board. _-Tnu», -the rr*rBponsibillty of deferred chuslocatlonrosts primarily upon tbo mas filingtha questionnaire, or his employer, butbe con receive assistance in caUbllnb-Ing his claim throagh the AgTlcoltnralAdviser, one of which Is. associatedwith each District Draft Board,

ness to join tbe project at oncelegislatures will unhesitatingly bringthat tax torcranl and make tt applible a,t ODCC... .

The bridge' project Has been ,given'new Impetus by the eountry"a war con-ditions, and It Is very probable thattbe federal government will Interest It-self because of jhe^verj' evident utilityof aT bridge' es^a war meaanre,''Ourstate, especially tbe lower part ot It. U'now dotted with ship, and munitionplants, \rith many thousands of work-era tolling day and nl£ht to producetbo maximum of material for war pur-poses. It is necessary to transport Im-mense Quantities of raw material torthwe ulantz* purposes and * largo pro-portion of the workers, and a tunnelwould; not serve the purpose wltk saeb.facility aa a bridge.

I Help Win the Warl""Stand by the Boyaatthe Front.

Buy Liberty Bonds.

The Rah way Savings-Institution v

will take vour subscription for the

Fourt h Loan.Gash of Weekly Payments.

mnimimm"The Bank of Strength"

Corner Main and Monroe Streets.4 per cent, interest paid, compounded seml-annually

will be open for patrons, every day,_excepting on Sunday, ftpjPLJLjVJ-Lto_9 P. M, instead of three days asin the past. : ;

Lady nurse in attendance at all' . t i m e s . ' • , ' ..•; •,' '• • •'••: • • ' • ; • . • ' , • '•• \

and may. under the.provUious of,.theajmed. at the-fa«V-Be«»lon of thoact pa

Let all get en the bond wagon.

•JBBfJ pfe OTRI^OCNtlMWS.----- • TO REDUCC PiRtL HA2AR06Nciid of "a" now 'mtd uiiim^ctrliiuout

law rouulntlni! omoklnif, fire lirlllii uudtiio obstruction of uxitti in Tanhufnctur''

topic at a conference ot inapectors oftiio Department otXabor at the Btato1 Ipuao 7 hut wcok-with CoaminianCTLouis T. Uryant. In the general dis-cussion it was practically agreed thattho incoming session. sboald be re-quested Ui pass a now act that willmake compliance with regulations astu tb« Biibjucln under cOD»ldortttiou

wall as upon the employef1.. CommlsKlaner Bryant addressed thecanfcreDce .on^matters reatlng to tnework at factory inspection throughoutthe state. He impreased upon the In-

with the Inspection of flro esicapes.nreprooflng, fire alarms, -fire drills,and storage and use of chemical*, par-ticularly In munition factories withinthe state. These factories, be said,are exceptionally busy because of war

prdera,fair .of i

ibBroby increasing tho num-inpioyca, and tiiAt because of

CTiriitltmit—<""« "ri'rfT—nr».ntf ur*> dooutndod. The ccim-

uUo ttjipreiifrd ui>on tbo ln-thoif'diity in th» TOattirr of

imtnudliiijeIy reporlii^ * Vooditicinsfound to im HXiwvtUjtiAll


Thomas H. OrsulUy, Proprietor O—t-dsnial Houl, Oosncn, M- V.

Bays: Tbe HAT-BIMLP whlrf) f par-cbasad from the Oossan nardarareComuaoy gave pertsct tatisfactidn.It killed off all th» nit and taio* os

rope i n—-sa»^-f-csat- trcdi fullystate that I couldn't delect Ihe slight-est odor. I cheerfully recommad Itto all property oiueis . for it safetydo** ail tber claim tor It. and moretoo. Bold by T. H. Belwrta, H*rd«*r»Store, Bahway. M. J

_ _ - *W Batta.Deatrsetfv* rat» in ErUata are asjtV

saated to nave amrtjjcA food »«loodftY about tw* buudred millloxi doflArsVor about ftv« dollar** wordi of' foodper h a d of Out

ou Doa't Need Theae

remove any' tooth without pain r

3 1 Cherry Streetv

Phoue 4O-J.

. \Chas. Rowland

Carpenter. Builder


General Contractor

Residence. Whittier St.Call SSO-M Rahway

ordars at Cbarleat -

101 IrrlDtt Street.

oafot stylos, ulliuluatg roetalap »fherevor possible. 4imU colors totwo shades, and definitely classify andrestrict tbo kinds ot wood from whichfurniture may. be mode. While theorder is not effective until January 1.manufactureres aro. urged to adopt itsooner when possible.—Tbo jnnnufactnre ofand arm dining room chain will bediscontinued undertho order. Mirrors will bo eliminatedfrom dining room furniture and mirrorplate on bed room furniture will bereduced twenty-five per cent., the useof beveled mlrrors-belng discontinuedaltogether. The elimination of metalswill Include corner; bloeto or Irons,metal drawer slides, drawer blocks,feet, and metal wheel casters.

FourthLiberty^ Loan!

i lie Drive for the Fourth Lib-

FARM LABOR EXEMPTIONSThe United States GoTerament,

recognizing the vital Importance ofsufficient^ farm labor tOv produce thecrops grown jinS~lb~au6 iui aurssrestock products, contlnnes to proridetor deferred classification for farmlaborers, farm managers and farmoperators.• The United States Department atAgriculture naa rwiuwt*J llii**!uili thextension' dtrialon-of-the-NewState Agricultural College, tturt «nestimate, of tbo farm labor needs bemade in each county of the state frythe county boards of agriculture, thl»Information to be gained through thecounty board orgnniTntfrrn and the]"countrTsgenfc a |

efty Loan is on! ,,— The Funds for Victory await

your word-~ You are to be accorded the

privilege of investing your moneyat 4 1-4 per cent, interest, securedby the Government, and thus pro*vide the means for "Carrying On"by our Boys Over There.

fi** ' . but, H you do don't do wtthcat t t m . ,

Mothin* i* more eoodaefraj to Cba rpserfr raconeiy of thatthan camion. And th» only way to mak« » paUaait thoroognly «oaktortable, U to pitrrtOm the *p»dal eosrcslcseas) wUefe h»T» b*SB dtvvised for Qm alleviatloD ot Chdr^articolsx

~ W* n«Ve a oCMnpia*» SVVBHVTHINO for"l b s



[Plumbing Heating.TinningGENERAL. HARDWARE

8»;W. P. PAINTS AMD VARNISH113 Main Street - RAHWAY. N: 4


Tha Whaatma Company.to be used as information for deferring)farm labor whererer there la shown)to be a need for such deferred ctossl-jflcatlon of farmeii Tbla Information1

has been" gathered in nearly erery

WILL BE 0PEHAY (Ubtriy Day)

10 A. H. to 3 P. J tfor Subscription* to


iUHWAY TRUST CO.t S to mjm

Page 3: by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday

\i>"- f >< • /, ' •!•

Kttord. Tuc»4.> Afternoon, October IS, 1SH8. Hallway Record, Tuesday Afternoon, October IS, 1918.

The Rah way RecordNc*»Jcri«cy Advocate

A a«mi-w«ii ir _ ••BB1AI> SO. a n .

tt&tarad at tbe llauway, N. J. Poitiimcfl assecond C U H luuttttr, uadvf tlis not ofOeuuer a, 11)17.

— fubllslicd Tuesdays and Fridays

ttahw.iy Pub ishing Corporation« • Irving t tntt , ftahway. New Jersey


_ ,•




H I L U A i l V. UA>>»

f>ub*criptlon Rat* *2.00 pir.yiir, poy-*b!« In adv*na«. QlnQta copy 2 ots.



Uuriur UiU cuptlbu uuo could hardlyrufrulu from relating ooniu of tho Incldunu und lmprtaaiona of thuavdruudfut duya oftho Morgan oxploalouund tho flltfht of. tho rofusuos to ourcity, ..-.-Thoy. bfliuui to -urrJvn>»iriyL:in thomorniiitf. Tho Ilrnt to urrlv« worofound at tho railroad otiitlou und onlypartially clad. Tfauy accepted our -In-vitnllou to brouktuHt—uud—waro .oopu jorijoylntf cupo ot hot cuffou. In thaticroup of h'*lf a. do inn HOUIH was tin)Pronbyiurlan pa a lor uiidjwlfo of SouthAm boy, whoao.cbui'ch und man no worobadly UumUffOa.

With thorn wait a 1 tidy whoiiu hu«-buniil wuit ono ot ttm dovornmnnt-Jiriipaciorii, nnd WUH in tho buildiinj thutwont up In tho flrot oxploulon, It waspitiful to HOD bur wrtiialuil hor handsIII nrlof und aobblnif out'hur Hriot intlio drtiudful uuaiiuuno uudjilmoat car'lain probability that oho would novorPOO him any1 morn. In a day or BO hitiuumu .uppourod In tho lint of In-upoatora who lout -thole* Hvoa.

Thu baiwvoiouoo uf thu pooplo ofUuhway vvu» polirod out to thu thqu-


by Corporal :

£. Burtlett, Jr.


Hvory Gorman or Austrian tu tho

CnKut) Statos. uuloi. known by yoaru

of JUiioclatlou to bo absolutely loyal.

on tho alort. Koop your oyoaours opon. Tnko uolhlu^ for

lOnoruy anil alortnom maytho lltn of your aonv—your hui

o r your brallior.Th« ono my la ouEo«ud tu makiii

-war In this, country, in tranamiitlhsv M « i to Dorllu und In upraddlng; poaoq

UJ Wuli an HOB about thocondition WHil_xulHtary Corpoa.

word comoa to your totloo com'cnunlc-ato nt onco "With tho pollco do-

.yfcrtmont or with tho local oflloo of thoOopurtpont of Justice.

follca. hoadquartoni toluphona 08,iQfi MulnVtxooL

MU3TIHAVE GUARANTEES,7I'oaco la iioiuothlmj for which tho

vbnln world lonsa nftor - tuxnoria) cooibut for ovor totir your*raarkad by aoino of tho moat Intouno••uf^urlni;. ffniutudt uacrlllCQa outl lubattorriblu utrocUloo lu tho history ofttiu tiuiuuu Tacti. It ia tho

tliouiiht of ull, howovor, that itmust bo tho riiiht kind or a poac«iJhnt In ihi. imrninnoill, k(ml, which vt\\pr«T«nt ono iiutlon Or a group ot«iuu« tlylns a t Uiu uihor'a throat uiJbiiUlo jiliBbloal pr«t»*t.

Tho Contrai Powors vory s'tbly.oo: thu (arms laid down

on iiapor, butThey

Civo no<xn>nu>tooa thftl tholr words will no•upportod by actual doodi. With tholrarmies tiv»t bolug crumpled and boatou-undor Mar»hal Foch"« mastorly dlroc-1U011 ono would mink thai Uiuy would«flor something strongor than more-wards of no donulto moaning in an

i, which cuu at any tlmo bo."a scrap of papor.'

tho-face It appears llko anothor~rt»enmin~shiim~to gain—timo- to -save

-Qialr armlea from tho impending boat'tns-and givo. thorn a chanco with theaid ~at wlntor months to again atriko%ack at "Uborty'a champions. Ail thist* recognUod In President Wilson's ro-jply and ho points out with unerring

at In murder, plllago and wanDon destruction of property as now

practiced by tho Qormaus thoynot show. "works nioot for re-

Iltauco"^ and_ ho Jthorofpro__frankly•thorn that thoro can bo. no poaeo

s o armistice whllo GormorVy's crimesJsTOOn.

It ts a typically AmWicau reply,~tArscT uad direct and~lh6ro-7can~b6~ni

of Its meaning. It must boaurrondor or nothing. Ail

tha terrlhlo sacrifices and authoring*«C four yoars and more are not to botn vain, all the groat plans ot MarshalWtocb. ao-.weii ~oxocutod by tho Alliedarinles, ore not to go rfor nothing.

did only out* .duty, llut It Is a groutvlrtito whoil uncfoi- ordinary or otf;iruordlnury provocatloii ii pooplo dootfUs duty, AM_ uumowliiil of ti trunatoutI cu_U way~with Bood .tfruo,ii,ri.,.-,...ir ,~ , . - , - i .—_i- NUT wotuioi' a uiuii of aouio lunuoncu,hhmiulf u r(ifuu«mr Wnti «o nioVod bytho tmnovolont uhtl urauioud;'"riplrit ottliirt 'tiooplo, Unit li«t Muldt

ut uon*totnplutod inovtnif away from. HotithAiubny. 1 'wbuttl HUu to llvo In Uah*wity." It wan liurfuctlyhb\V Uid wtrotiulH uf uiofuy aiid hull*flowuil out td"thdiiu puopjo, TboroWoro uioro public huiidlri H, tirlvutulionloiir"auTOVu6bIltTs~«iid food lull litMiili*. illmiiiniil Until was rriully liumiou.A aiultlo iiieidoiit, uinttll lii Itii Way

but of grout pruJHU, cutiiu to Uiy uttomIi tin .Monday uftornoon, 'Whuii olio

of tho luiin, who with his (umMy budboon tiurod for nt tho Main iitruat Mm-Ilutluu UUUIII to Htty "uoud byu."•ln»il nil ti... ul,i,,woll< iaiklHir.


said, "I think I'll tuko tho trdlliiy cm*Homo." \yhuii askod if. ho hiiti anytuouoy 'ho kinsworodv. yotf, , l^uttiiitfhis haud-liLto-hls-i>ookpt-hii^druW-out-30 uautu uiid a buttdu. Ha wuii told*tlmt-hu could uot not homo with 'niHfamily 011 30 coutji. .• u '

Tho ttiuu Uad ovvrlpokod thut tiiuro wun io oontii iuntoad'of & cants*

Ma stood thoro In painful disappoint-mout. - 1 oxpoctud to Uolp1 Jlim and dt i.b j i o f o r ^ t way, al»Iu,,tj) do it, tt'llttio


Corporal I, Fi Bartlott, Jr.

Min>w""i'iii> 111 inmntti—-rnonmmrthit l i o y n o n thu ilrlntf ltno aro

'fuh<'lhK tii t'Vuut'i, uh' i^iVtin'iuliilnly i-orulvml ..by fi'irinnr

r l . !•', llui'tlotl utldloltoi'N<!'ollllt:iriillin mill Mhfiihilly. ni' :io Now itriniHWloli uvoiiuo,from tliolr mill, iliiriiiu'al I. 1''. UuVtluttJi*., 'vltn lit .Vtflth Couiimliy 1J, MocttlidMiu'hlno dun lliUtulKni, whlrh hitsutniij oidiiH* m1 t h \ r hhituDt uiid moiitoontliiUdiiti iioi'vlrii of any uf tho.

furi-'im" uvuruoaiij. K*tra6t»from fnui* Uittoti4 wrlttiinlilolllh lino IU-.I lllVuii ill lllil

this, lylim tint oh mymy \inii tuiit with thu rain

ultlo, !>ut tl. tiun't i-iuiuli tuu, uu i tihould1'vu boon on tho front uVor

1To757Mll'iuoinuivo 'ljoiui liviVrfor about a moutlriind u half.

"Talkhiif" ubnut thu lirlnit* liiio, It-u.uolyy Dlueu.rThu Aiuorl-

CHII fourth of July liuu liUthliiK onU.jOiio phtoo whai'o Wii Woi-« ntatlonodi>Io»jj to" thu nrinir lltiii. In a tlttlo

coiorod boy of porhtips twojviv yoursdby hoarins thoy j s

ittntoniont" hw-tttrnod— quicklyan.I roaoliUui liutwooji ua plaood a

uftll'o hand, saying us

Tours camo to tho man'a "byWr Tboy walkod away I cnllod-aftor himuud tbuiikod htm saying, "that is avery nlco thing thai you havo done."!io soomod not to know lhat-ho had

till tihot to l^iitay hud nl>ftj liitblt of ttifulutf. loose his bin

"There cortnlnly la a.Jjuncb of Ilah-way boys ovor horo, but I'm novorlucky ououtfh to run Into any of them.Wo don't stay lu ono placo longonou&h for that. Am now companydark. It koops ma busy nearly alt oftho tlmo.

"How la tho J. 0. U. A. M. gottlngulongT I suppose tho fallows are ntlllbusy ovon though"" Ihoylifivo 1OBt qultoa fow man. Give my bast regards toall of thoio anil^lolMhem I think ofthorn of ton and wish I was back Intho good oiuTU, S- A- •

"1 uuppouo everything is Duo anditiindy In tlahway. Wish 1 could boIMK;U tot ubout t-wo liount und> coturnunu thti piutio uud ulnii uotuo of thui)i<l MOIIKH wu u»ml to wiutf. Uallovo mo,I (iurtuiiily do UIIDH it. "But It will bo u|>|IJ{ llmo boforu 1 noo tlio U. ~S. A.,

uUhoUifh .Wo huvo tho Uuus on choruti-aild Wo tiro Koinjf to koop themfrolng (or a loiiic whllo, too. Whonwd got through 1 think ho will liuvo alot moro roHpoct for tho uood old XJ. 15.A. 1 think ho huti iouruod a prettyKood loduoii already, I'vo souu~lot» ofGorman prisoners.-und * ballovo mo,'liiiro aro quito a fow thut are roudy to

i:ult UUils. Ill fact, 1 UllOW of -ari?*K>o

Otiruiun linos and tJiUtuil blo^bro-thlir und brought him buck to worlcrliilltit raliroui! yurd with him. . . •

"Kavoh't bad any Unio oti at all

tmiiiit froiii (ho hosultul and thoti fromHit) rottlucumuiit ciilujt to thu companyiniit il'ijtl" Ul ull.tUi) tlnw l'v« hmi orf,iind'l.uat Isn't much. . . •—

"(- rooolvo i'lio Uooord iii-otty I-OKU-li(t'ly now itud alii uortululy lilud to ttotIt. . . ' ' • • . - . , , ' .

"HHVd boon* MliJopJnK lu ll tiuifoiftWith Iluillio MoridlHK tlio blB onoa ovorUlitho 6Utsldo,_ Thon |«S1 oLft^sUddolL


It lii tlm'o to Kot you Kurt manic 6u, undboilbvo. ma, I'd ruthor do ah^thing:thun koop it on'ovof Uftueii or fwuiityuininiu'ii ui niy unu tout with urn rain ,".— ", , — :, : « V

i>amlii« down l.i-biiokutu an the out-! fluutuu' but somotltnos it luata forUiiur», That lu Whoii you httVu to have

of putionco,

liiotty rottuii. It huii raliiud ubout tonhours ovory day-for tho last nvo diiyti.

( haVoh't nluoh Uso for It und 'us fortho Frencb~damos X haVonlt saou anythiitiinu 11 ou tho IT. S, Klrls.

"War liCh—;—1 to tho iookor oii,_b\ltto tho tollow KOluk I"'" action-it in

i!i\uu, (alum kluluimi wjth iihaiaa on, nulto dlfforout. It's a funny tooling.ih«ut IIH. W« ball Oioiu^jOit us about 1 rThqro in oniy olio thouuht in u follow'swvory twu hours, tloliooiia it up tor a | mind anil that In to nol a Huit or asiiitTf~hour uutl thoti iitouil. l£~takos • tuaiiy uS"iM)snlbl6"bofOWj' thoy can' gojt

u fow shots to hit ouo dugout' you. You do not think of"wo~^u»l"~iouj*h~ai-hliii;—^ -""-^Vou^don't^haVo-timu.—You-KQt-iJi-your'Woll do I rumotabor olio tiisht.; uliico in tho tr«iicH nnd wkori tho

of Uii Woro dotdllod to tilku ftomo I Whlwtlo lilowti ovor- Vn\}/*Jti; tlm oiilVKvutor out to ono o/ the piatoons close ' thought- in your SnimCTs to- down tho

o~lh'o trblit' 1iri<5t~"^Kr ffoi7~puaiuiictlun uUd~mTiEoTns pay for all tho uuf

ut , h,o ori<lnnry Xo.

t along oil a pushcart, toward the front faring h,o hati causod..lino jwliell all of u. auddou V>lt«y. ."Wo, Woro blUa|od 111 tt l itt l^townpened up. XVo loft iho wuter oa the whoro there Was hatdly u house, atahd-

roaj alid lookod for a dugout, but none tag.'"-lt Was about four klidmatarswas In sight. The only thing was a from tho front and bollovo mo, tho

hlsproiao and tho ptalao of his raceamong us. I toko this opportunity tonull nttontton to this enuobltdi deed.Ho was d good' scout. .

Thoru. ts an interesting bit of ro-

porloncos of tho Morgan explosion. Alady of nho pomonal prosonco, undwearing a dlamoud on hor loft hand,uppaarod at chUrch ou Buiiday morn-ing, Bho announcod to tho pUHtor attho close of tho sorvica that shb hlxdcomo from H—, Pa., and was on horway io South Amboy to moat a manwhom sho was to marry on Monday.

Sho know nothing of what had hap-ponod at Morgan Whon she sot out onnor journey." Unuhio--tto~Bo"any~fur"thor than Rahwuyv oho ^tttntt~wlth barHtoryto tho. proachor.-rWho triad totocaio hor intoudod.. Sho Was placed

-ln-e,-nlee-home-where Vigorous offortsworo mado tt> find the missing man;Ho Was found on Monday night.

A low bights after their happymoating, thoy wont to tho homo oftho dorgyman who had befriended the'stranded olid worrlod woman in qu'ostof hor-lovar-and. woror-marriod. -Tho

'horn sho tarried.

had' eome for shells wore falling- all didn't care. tTp~tho street from' ouraround us, but I guew Qod Wag with dugout thoro wan a chateau that wasUs us we utl calno through lino and all uhbt to piocos. It is a funny thing^el^oj^d^ho^wo^r'midj^rojuirnod^^. that~thoro^~ahould*"bo~a"piano~o'n—the

"Ant certainly glud to hoar that tho ilrst floor ahd not a shoT had~touchodY. M. C. A. Is getting along BO dno. Ill HO throe comrades aud youru trulyIt cortailiiy would bo grout if we could wont up thoro ono night and catrlodbo.buck.When it is flntshad, but t.think tho iiiaho down to our dugout. "Woit will bo u long 'whllo bofortj/wo BOO ow.tuinly did havo tots of fun with it.tho good oldiU, S. A. uguin. Things WhohoVoi' Heinle would got toaru-looking good Just ut proaont. Wo tilioiilng wo yould Bturt the piano and

to that effect-untH-Unele SamV


•Che British Tommloa. the FrenchTpollns and the Itallana march through«ke streets ot Berlin and show the

Hnna that right makea.

in tholr love and fellowship, and. maya kind Provldonco bestow long Ufaupon thom.*r^ontrlbutod..

It there-was any real anxiety aa to-what President Wilson's reply wouldke and whether It would measure upto tao Ideals held by AmoricaEB ln-SBneral and their Allies it has been• a t at rost and Germany must now

forward with . eome absolutelyand definite guarantees be

fnrther neeotiaUons can take

SEND IN YOUR BILLSJU1 Who hare bills asatnat the Red

Proas' for articles supplied tor thomfBsve* dnrtng the recent Morgan ox

t i n Sed Cross hsadQoartera in Main

CARD OP THANK*Xkr moat grateful appreciation and

"kaartfalt «>•«•»*« aro extended to theand friends who so Jdndly

1. upto as during our greata the death of husband.

* -aad father, and "specially do wo thankDr. W. E. Cladek. Rev. L. T. Graham.

Harry tohmUlejy-ttor thoservice and all who sent

Coral tributes or who to any way ax-- -««nded acts of Mndneao and. aympaUiy.- - MB3 JOHN HKID AND

M West Grand Street.

right whon ho said, "Aira woll thatends well." May they bo tory happy

LOCAlrF«lKNO8rQRieVED :Nows ot the death of tho Rev. Madl-

aon "C. Peters, the widely known Bap-Uat clergyman, ot IBS Fifth avenue.New York City. Saturday night, from.influonEa and pnoumonla was a greatshock to friends In this city. Dr.Petora was ES years old. He has dollvered public addresses /on a numberof occasions In thla city, speaking atthe eighth" grade graduation exerclaeahut June and prevtoualy at the FirstPresbyterian church and other plocosTHo was a talented writer and anchoraa well as minister and lecturer. .H<was greatly Interested In tho poor and

eery stores In 181S. Those stores wereoperatad on a. "COST to consumer" planand were very ..satisfactory.

yT NOTICEMembers of Union Coucll. No. SI.

ro reanested to payJr. OC TJ. A. M. ai• dHffli In H H. 1streets daring saspenalon lot lodeem^eQhss IU a result ot. the SpanishInttaenca. ' ,

Slgnol.H. H. VOORHTES.

• . FinancUl Secretary.

.'s bUUona tor defense or blllloni

o~lh'o trblit tlun uUd~mTiEoTns pay for all tho uuf-

lout pile aud behind it Wtx wont- I can Huns oortalnly did llko to bombard ltiell you right now 1 thought my Umo ospoclully vht tho/uvoning, Uut wo

war ho wau omployod by Qaston. WllHums & • Wigmorot exporters and jm-pofterti, .from ' which, concern ..throoothor Iiahway boya also unterod sor-Vioo, including ICennoUi TiUmafiu LoO'Tef Hail nnd"H^fdlSciK^^of'whomare in Franco. Corporal Bartlott hasa host of friends In this city Ho Isa Bialwart soidior about six feot inheight and able to give a good accountot himself in whatover place duty callshim.

aro BlviiiE llohilo all ho Is looking for uvery timo u sholt hit anywhere noar j A man who wont Send Is the


Private Lawrence Donodlct Raportad• Missing Returns to Aotlon


Prlvoto L. L. Bonodlot.

Informatlou WIIM received today by

ilohii M. Bonodiot,'o( 10 Kim avenue

thut his son, I'rlvuto Lawronco L.

lianodlot, Infaniry,.proviously roportad



"The proporty-wSlclr r advorttnoa intlio last issue ot tho "Itacord" as "AKarn. Chance" and which wag locatedut No. 110 Seminary avenue was In-dued "A Haro Chance." I havo soldit, und it only required about 48 hoursto do so, all It was readily rocpgnlzodby proopectlvQ buyors aa "An Oppor-tunity."- I am offorlng today "AN'OTI 11CU 11AIUS CI^VNOB." It Is ahouao of excoUont_ construction lo-

I ctitud on a street containing; all lm-I provomonts, and vory near tho trolloyI lino. It contains sovon rooms, anil

city water, gun and toilet, Tho plot ofland Is a largo otfe, bolns 00 ft x 132rt. On tho plot is u good two-atorymrn. It will make a "FINE LITTLE)ilOMIC" for anyono who dealrea aurge yard and barn togother with aozy IHtlo houuu. It is indeed a'bAr-

italu nt J280O and the terms are voryd l D ' « h f i t b d

: ' N p t l C "On account of the prevailing slofc-

noss wo aro unabio'to aapply oarregular patrons with fronh oggo- w*»aro only larvlng thoso affoctiod.


Notice of Election!lu cuiifui mltr wllb tlM iirovlalous or s s

,u[ ai.tlllad 'An set to Usgulsta Kllsotlaaa,*uiiurutj.d April 4, 1«W. tiio aupplanuot*rL*ii'*nu ->nrt amsitdineiitfi:tljareof, uutlce laU«t-«t>y ulvau ti.ux *cli* OlMtrlrt llasrds «fUrniUUf 4JU1I Klcttlou lu.allil (or oacll «lso-ilu.. ,u»trl.t lu tliv City of Iluhway will

l o 11' hoijMO t « house caaycuis. oa t wtb *luy <>f HvptoinlMir uaxt eontlnutsguil luctudliiic Haptamber 13tb. laia, farpiirpuMn "f n*urlint0rUiff all porMoas «s-

.UUMI Lu vattt at itio au«iilQir Primary mn4l t K i r i l l lOlix-t ldtin.

1111HT niC<lJBTKT OAV AND m i l j -A » Y rcr.mc-ribN HAY, TUBSDAY. BBP-TUMIllQlt 24tt>. 1D1U. l'<-tweoa (Ijo boura «fj..'lo r. M. aud oh.« i.Vloclt i: U. of ssM

ill uotioiifulnou July 18, la uuw2pr©soni^f6r_ dutyj Sept. —0

Thoro Was evidently aomo cloricaXorror in_tho tabliiatlon of tho menwounded and" inltishig-"In" "tlio Julyaction ati ~Mv. Uenodlct wroto to* hlafathor* and sister, Miss Mary Bono-.

~Ha was thon In- u hospitaluiid uald ho watt wounded In action onJuly 23. • -.— 'S

Owing to tho uoufllcting informationot tho BoVornniont tutogram and th"olottor rooolvod from Prlvato Bonodlctu lottor Was Wrltturi to Washingtonand tho family was Informod that thoinuttdr would bo iuvoatigntod ut dndo.Todayd tolograui ~ was-'rocoivbd con-vjjj'Jiiif Information that ho wont back

*Tntn_ttntl¥O_s«i*vlccii oil^8qpt. 0. ~Soon after tho outbreak of tha war

JJuuodiQt ahllulod^tb. do hid part' to-iielplnii Tlnalo Sam prosorve

Uborty and democracy, Ho Wont intod

Tu<\ nio, yothat. . ^

*'Ono doy I Wfttf ^Htandlrig"in - thotiu^oultioorwtt/. wa.toh.na two :of myutihirailtni inukinii a lad*lor*. Thoy worojuat limldu ii bljf barn door. All of atimid mi a bitf HhoD'hft just OULHIUO thotlOor.. You oujjht to havo hoon thouih!t th(» Hr^uiicl.'.VoU couldn't hoip butliUljtit. y'TKby wunt uo tiLtit yi>U couldhuWll^ to.iow tlumi with tho oyo. VoUMy*/whon a uhoU oiufodOB llko that\\ni bout thlutf to do la to got neartho ground bucauut) thv HhutI oxplodod

Itirrnid out aud if you Ho on tho groundthu^tiiocoa will- gt> ovur you." *•, . '

T~<:\>t iHiittVlinr t let t - la- ft -n Ht 1 ve-uf -Uahway and wan 2G y&urB oltJi PHday. Howatt oduoatiid in tho ilahway Bchooiaund in a mombor of Trinity Methodistchurtih, . Sunday tlohool, ' BpworthLuuguo Und Unhors' Aasoclatlon. Hoin alrio connootod with Union Council,No. Si. Junior O. tT, A, M. Bofo

und moro too. ua Xvo would about, |'Como agaiu I KitlBorVfriend.


(Contlnixid Prom Paoe Onsjtilnu votes, whllo tho assistant chlofsV7ord chosen by four and flvo rospoc-ilvely* - • * . • • .

r\>r tho first tlmo it ballot was usodthat yas . prepared by tho city similarto thoso-used at the genoral eleptlon.HeretoToro oach >flre compahy hadpreiwired their ova—ballots—and—ithas boon clalmod by somo thatia this manner thoy kept tabs on how

Jiuuoa B. Purbornisslstqd—by—TOIty-Olerk Charlni* H. Lambert couduotadtho oloctloiit^'whllo tbo socrotary ofouch company" wai» an hand to, chocktho motnbors as thoy Votod^ . The coni'tiahlos .woro roprusonted as. followstWashington Hoso Company, Ho. 1,John M. Tufts; franklin Hoso-Com-Uduy, No. 3, Anooa Torrill; SecretaryA. P. Klratoln, of rtt>tootionx HoseCompany, No, 3. was unablo to boprosont; Washtngtdn Chemical EngineCompany. No. 1, J a m o s " ? . Dunn;

+>anklin Snglne.Company, No. a. Jo-soph—Uotftnan;—IndopondBncei—book

men voted", Tbo reason that, by addingthe votes of the opposTng sides to-gether It will not produce tho exactnumber ot votes coat Is duo to thefact- that throe Woro rejoctodx'*11*others wore marked so that the ballotsdid not count (or all throo.candidates.On thoso ballots thoro-woro crossesbeside all six candidates somo heavyand Borne taint us lr an attempt hadbeen made_tos^a>o^a.pari_Qrjth9in. Onsome ot ballots the voter < hadvoted for "both candidates tor chief orfor tho opposing candidates for as-sistant chiefs so that one-or the othercould not be counted. -.-—:

Thero was a Quiet undercurrent ofexcitement and keen rivalry through-out tho voting period" and considerableelectioneering had boon donoVby .both»lrtiw prior to tho opening Ot thoBoth, sldtja were conOdont of victory,which dqpendod hugely on how Pro-tection Hose Company split its vote.Last'year; the unusual condition devoloped of electing a downtown chiefand two. uptown assistants.. 7ae~yoarprevious to that' the three, uptowncondldiaon SOT,_: but ljftoon yearsprovtouB^.to that downtown had'regu-larir fii 1- Iho elections owing tothe tSct that' there aro four down-town and only three uptown compa"1*>» A split then occurred hi Pro-tection Hoso 3 and the oloctlons havebeen uncertain since that time.

years he was assistant-chief-aud-hashold every ofllco In ' WashingtonClipmlcal ^Qiiglno Company, has boontioorotary ot the Keliuf Association tor

bitbbnt olghtoon yoars and a life mout-her of. tho New Jersey llollof Associ-utlon" NaturallyJ ho is also ainihitodwith tho ICxempts. Besides his firedopartmoUt connections he la idontl-llod with Bovornl active local lodgesincluding liahway Lodge, No. 1,0 7 , bP. O. B.i Rahway Council, No. 1.146tCnighta of .ColumhuS; Blue'Mountain;Camp,—Woodmomjt 'World., and Court

and LaddorXiompany, Charles Schhof-! Rahway, No. 66. ForeBtors of Ainorlca.or; Lincoln Hook and Ladder Com-1 Ho is ono of tho best known and most

"CEafles~Kr5toor5: TKoilrst voio was cast by former Counctlr-man Charles Bchaetor, one of the ro-tiring assistant, chiefs.

capable uremen In the city,Walter C: Ayera. candidate for "as-

•istant ohlof from the First. Third andiPourth Wards, Is a native of Rahway

John A. Sullivan, tho Bewly elected and has always lived here. ' He hast j n f f a fi * \ A T - I W A y\# I k i l a ' j^ t^v ab iA ^-•^— VAA>* ^ M < K ^ . ^ . A ^ J *^* A.« .m • _ . ±chief, la a native of tola city ahd was

educated In the local schools. He hasbeen In the -Ore department fiveyears. Mr. Sullrean Is a, prominentmember of Court Rahway No. ES. For-esters of Americiv and Rahway Aerie.No. l.SCS. Fraternal Order ot Eagles.and Is also connected with St. Mary's,church.- '

-Charlea-Dumbach.-elecied-a&slBtnht.chlet for the lTtrat. Third and FourthWards, has boon In the fire depart-ment for tho past twenty-six years,having been' connected with Indepen-dence Hook and Ladder Company, No.

Rahway and has always lived here.John W. Hughes, eloeted assistant

boon in Rahway for the past.thirteenyears. He has boen a member ot Pro-tection Hose Company, No. 3. tor fouryears^ Mr. Hughes la a member of

dispersed and went to their homes.Without the parade and celebrationmuch ot the Interest usually taken bythe citzens In -general was missing.It was' reiily"on«rorthe quietest olec-ttons in tho history of the departmenton account of the prevailing condltlons.• The newly eloctwf fire chlet aniassistants will assume the duties ot

. _ tholr nfflreA NOT, -1 , succeeding ChiefMayor David H. Trembley. City connected with thtf old Washington iames McCoUnm and Assistant Chiefs

Commissioners David Armstrong and hand engine' company; and later the William Qodtrey and Charles Scoaater7

der ot Red Men. and Rahway Aerie.No. 1863. Fraternal Order ot Bogles.

Jamea P. Dunn, aspirant tor chiefIs the oldest fireman ot any of thecandidates, having been In servicetor twenty-nine ...niJjnt.

boon connected with the fire depart-ment and hose 3 tor thirteen years,and is a capable fireman.

Henry Cornelius, the other down-town candidate lor assistant chief,was born In Rahway^find has alwayslived here. He has been an efficientfireman for nineteen years and haspreviously served the city as asslatani.chief. ,_ • _ i . l . _ -

Owing to the Influenza epidemic adamper was pnt on the ' customarycelebration and parade through th<principal street? of tho olty, waichwas 'abandoned^ Thore was no con-

of the'fioard of Health orders andotter the vote-,'was announced arii

chlot for the Second and f i f th Wards. Land a t«w rousing cheers the flremonwas •born m Now Tork City and has ^who wsii^d-^aronnd U>o p6VlIng place

mny—lndnml. hu

uy~thls* rlth a' small amount ofuud tho balance tho name as rent

It V-your-chonco.tf- — :


.T<!i. LKT—FurnlBhod houno; .7 roomshnfh- ni»««it Tio%hhnrtin«v1 M

--C, caro Rocord. oiC-2t

WANTH!I>i-S0o par hour.Apply Mr. Dash BuporintondontN&jouut Pnoumatlo Co., Now Bruns-wick avenue and Albert ntroot, It

[foil SALE— Second hand bicycle iucondition; Addruau B. "B. cure•dr——:--.-' — :•. — It

WATJTBD A T ONCE—-Mnglnoer - forlilBhtrdutyv In c h o m i c a l p l a n t "to. ac tail foreman; work Is light: highwai£oa With chanuo fur udvunoomont.Apply Immodiutoly. Mangano Mfg.

. Go,, 17 Seminary avenue. . It

WANTBD AT ONCE—Man to act asnniutmit fureuian tor ^alght-duty

uhumlcal plant; oasy work; best ofwnuou with chanco for advancement.Ai>i>ly -immodititoly Mangano -MfgVOo., It Somlnary-aVonuo. "It

WANTHD AT ONCKr-B^roman foriluy duly in chomival plant; work islight; high -wages, -with chance forudvuhcomont. Apply Immediately.Mangano Mfg. Co., 17 Seminary: nvo-

J 1 U O , """' ~~ " , .'.•• • "":• . I t :

OPiflltATOBS W&NTBD—On singlejind dqublp oqedlo sowing rnachlnoafor- {Joyornmont trousons.- Apply M>

JUobowiti & Son, Ohandlor and St.

jitnoy from Rahwny to Bllzabothuiid got off at Cl andlor- aVonUo, Ho-uollu, ,...' i t

WANTBD—Olilce boy. Appiy at once.Manitano Mfg. Co., 17 Seminary avo-

J . f c 1U-platform pocket-book contuinlng^T*u.-buin*r~of moneyutid. registration curd'. Finder pleaseroturn to Josoph Mbrtln, SO Bonds t r o o t . • • - : " • . . • • It

Foi l SAtiEJ—-Sovon, cowa and ten pigs..Link, Lako avenue. Box.4u.- . It

FOR RlflNT—Two furniahod rooms;all .improvomonts^j^nd steam heat.No light housokooplng. * gX-,,Com-,morco struol. . . - •;;;. _ • J TJ

WANTBD—aiJl for general bouse-.

51 Elm OlBtf

VQtl SALIS^-Pair work horses; twosotu double harness, ono set' singleUarneBB and two wagonB.1. S. R. Far-HnKton, Baqt Qrand Btreot. andPennsylvania .Railroad.' .ol5-2t

LOST-r-Scotoh ColUe dog. Finder-; plos.se return to J, B. Stutzlen.Grand and Irving BtreetB.-^ ' -jy , I t

WANTEID -A .ladlenf bicycle; goodcondition and cheap. Adrdoaa J. P.

CARD OF THANKS-Our deepest gratHUoe , ana •-nroBi

heartfelt thanks axe tendered to themany friends and neighbors who sokindly comforted.. ,;and sympathisedwith us during our recent* greabereavement In the loss of Wife andmother, and especially do we thankthe employes ot the, Hamilton Cooper-ago Company. Mr. and Mrs. JameiSmith, employes of Merck & Company,members of the M. S. .C. Cl.ub\f''?teY.Father Kane and Father Sexton andTJndertaker James M. PetUt for Wniassistance and :'thoughtftilnes8 In our


SS Allen Street.

to the Rev. Hi'A. t>. aadflor^rgiitdr ot

St. Poirt'B >?4~«^ -ft*116'?/ ??"?,:(.thoughtfully comforted and" trympOj-thlxcd wm us^djurtng onx graat{ho death" of. our' peloveaTacbrother, Q«orge K. Ditmara. who diedbravelv flshtinj; for the presorrstlo!ot liberty and democracy under thStars _and Stripes In BYsnceTwe ex-tend our tSoal~~Blncere thanks"gratltnde- •


7 Race Street.;

Dally Thought^It te to IMP* though kop* were I

—Mr*: -Barbould -

UBOIHTJIX D4V, TOIOSnAI,t }U1H, uatwnan tbo Lours sr

l ' l k 1% U f thx.Tl illicit 3t, }U1H, uatwnan tbo Lours sr1.00 Vi U. to nlua o'cluok 1% U. for the

iun f l t i tl l t t l s mtrN fur tlla <j(tnvral


U. to nlua ocluok 1% U. fo tuf cumiilatiiiir tlia r«ulatrmtlas

tll < j n r a l ICtlKTtlou(iMNIIUAIi MMOtn'ION DAV, TCTSSnArOVIOMllUli 0. 1U11I. 1'olU-oiMru froai six<r|u<rk A. M. to aavau o'clock X'.-M.-TIIU UiTKIt'lilM tu 1>« llilad uua vuCsd>f»*titr«al<l IHactlau tiro as jfollows:l l i o anld I'rlruary JOlitctlon allflH *m flaf

.ho imrpono at nooilnatlntf and ~ ' "

'1 Cuiiuraaamou1 lloul»trur

for tun fuiliiwluy offloaal' >« Hunatoric - - - V .a tlnluid Ktntuif Hoi

IOU,of neodi.

Alouibocri o f ebo Uauernl b l j

J u . t l c o of tbo I'onc-o on folio"->Var<1, 0110! 3rd Waril. oaoi «th Wurd, t n ;itli Word, two.

Con.taljlo. u« follow-—l«t Ward, t b n s ;2nd. XViirdi 'rtlriKit <1rd .Wardi Two] 4Jb.Ward. XlirMl.nti,Wjird,,Two,

At the 1'rlraury iJlioctlun to bobolduy< Hoptaaibor 24th, 1018. tho D o i n o vnd Hopuullcuu partis* will tlact a u n -r« uf tho City, aud County Committees

0111 tivai-y dutrlct of tlio city.TIIB^POtlilKTt"I*tJACiga fur IUITTBIIUWI

d Taas-nocrava


To. Be Decided at Coming- - - Elcctioflr-^-Wljat it i£ l

Means . -.->•...

for tho first time in tho history of/ toe world, socialJriouranco, or com-

Balsory hoalth lasuranco, to uso thoterm which moro properly describescertain proposed legislation, will botho subject of' a popular vote whoniho oloctora of California mark "theirballots at tho general oloctlon on thofifth of Novamber..

la a majority ot the states ot theUnion Ita loginlatora hnvo"rofunod to

- •Unction such a project. Tho NationalCongress, also, has refused to author-txo An appointment of a commissionsroposed. by advocates of a similarmeasure. In one state (Massachu-

—stttts)—ix cmutltutlouol conveotlon hyadoclslvo vote doclinod to amond tho•tflttt conntltutlon so on to onable tholetislaturo to adopt a lav/ on thin sub-

t ItKilWiiy uri itii follows:K111HT WAI11):—Klr.t District:—wU

WiiNlituutuu Mulioal . Orani! and I,awr«iias

fIHH'1' WAltDj—Hocond District: -'ity CotnuilMiiouaril liooms '118 and 1 9Inln atroatj " .. ^ . '

lrrnnictln Muiiooi, Q.'l.lOl Union «tr««HIOCONl* W-lltD !—Hocoim; Dlstt:

titorfl, Main uud Irving BtracW"

standing that social Insurance or com•pQZtory health Insuranco was found

ulin luLumlstant with tlio elate ooa

titfl g

lUU WAUDJ—Kirat bUfcritrt—Ha*^w y Ulifh Hcbool* CaiupboU aCrvoe.

TUlt lU WAUDl—Hocurul UUtrlct j—IUb^wuy Ultfh Haliyol, Cauipbull stroat. :

VOUUTU W A U I > ! — ^ i « t DlKtriot^-«.mi tu i i uv«nuor Uabway. Tnxl utllca, mmmr

V~U,-U.-Htatlon. ,—;.—_™ ™FOOUTU WAUDT—8«cond " I>Utrle»—ultituliltlti Hchoo), Now llrutmwltik aad

l d

. . . , .u Irvlnir streets—^ .Uili«l, City clorUK OIUco, Ualiway, N. J ,

H<'pt«tiiii«r loth, 11)18. ' - .C11AB. U, yi*x*iriniiff

city i*l«f«sup IU IU 2^

Election Districts in City of RahwayTbu fiilluwtat. had IIULU dialf-Huttd ttf

drtlliniii(.u ot tliv Cutuiuoii (\iiiiull nd tainBloaloii Dl.trlot. Ill tha f i t ; or Hall'

l i a l u , , 1, 'liiut tlio Klr«t Ward ofIty of UuhwMy bu UIMI Llm auitio inivliliKl liitif Two ICUKlitin l>lntrl

A)\ thatf tb

nf tbo I>Mntt WiirJl l H l l

rrutnt t

A)\ that piift nf tbo I>Mntt WiirJIQamt of tbv l'outtM*lviiulu Hnllrvml rrCh« (icy Lino to Mulo UtrtwC un<J I&avtNorth uf tba contra lin« or tb» ratlow«trv«t«. Mitiu Htroat from the JfanuayivaauLHnllrond to MOiiriM Htroot; Meuro« BtMBtfrom Main Htrwt to Oruua titrtMt; OraadHtroot from Mouroo Btroot tu L«aatnct9nHtreec; Lonnlimtoa -^itraat fro to UraaaHtrwt to the Itabwuy Hv«r; und Nurttt ofthe itnbway Hlv«r trvin I^intitnfftoa Htreet .tu tbo c i ty Line, •ball cuuatliute tbe V I *K b t l IXUtrtet of th« Flrit Wu<V

ISoBt of centr« Una of Unln HtrevtMonroe Btnet to'Bacelwooi] Avcnnejof the ccntr* llnq of Unielwpo<l A f M l tfrom Maiu Htroat to the Houth-Branca •<tbo Babwny Stiroi j North-wf totV.:ceul—Ino of tha'RiihwQy.lllver frpmthe Units*

U l d A n e to th c«ntre I I fy r f p m h Units*

d Areane to the c«ntre IIoe *fonluttton Btreet; West of tbo ceair* Un*

of-' x^onnliistou Htivet from the SUhwayRiver tOjproad Street; West-of_tb« ceato*

BinBtr««t - to Mobro« Street: ,_centre Un* of Monroe Utreot from 'QruaflHtraee tu Main atroet, snail. constitute I—Moco.d Election. Dlairiet of "W a r d . • • - . - : . . -

Hootlon 2. That tlia tlsooud' Ward or:ho city of Itnhoay tie nnd tbe sums to.borehy divided Into Two Blectioo DlsMattns- follows t —' — •

on, tho udvoculoii UllSruOl UUVOssod It to a point whero _ the

must decldo wbother the scopotho state goKornmont shall remain

aa It la, or bo oxtondud so as to lncludo.social Insuranco or compulsory-health

lssurancb among Its -pov/oru," Induod,tbo supporters of tlilu schomo In Cali-fornia were not coutbnt"to '--"• '—mofo loglslutiyo powor on this sub'Jact; thoy havo uokod,. aloo. that thisoowor, tf-given,.should'not bu subjoctto uny constitutional resiraintr

VOT sovoral yoars social Insuranceto uso its moro attractive namo, hasboon assiduously propagutod by

-costly campaign in most ot tho statofl,Tho public intorost in tho sources bywhich tho cost or this campaign hasbaun~suppl!od romulns as yot unsatis-Ood In upttu of froquont question whichhavo boon asked

In California It Is charged-that the' SUito Social Insu.jinco CommlBolon,'w*hlch was originally supposed to be a

on of Inquiry, hardly mado'apretense of acting as such, but "usitd j)UbIIc- funds to promote thoscheme In question

: Another inturostlng feature of thiIssue. In Collfornlii la tho number oable arguments which have" boon madoin opposition to It, Ono of- tho most

7iucc(not ot those was lssued~by theCalifornia Research Society of SocialEcortomlcu.~ It rcoda as follows:

r , s ' A; schemo Is on foot in Collfornli..'.„•'' to force thoso employees who receive

small or medium wages to Insureagainst sickness. Thfilr sharo of th<cost' of'"the Insurance would be de-ducted from tholr wages and extracted

—from tholr pny—onvfllnpoB—In.

wage earners bo looked after and dom- jlnated by a salf-conitltuted group ofauppoaod superiors, such as health ln-isuranco functlonarlot, In tho someway that tho owner ot llvo stock caresfor hla animals that they may yieldhim hotter returns?

The constitution of California willnot permit such an unjust and un-American schoma. Honco It Is pro-posed to amond tho constitution. Tboamondm.ont would, so far as .hoalth In-

urauco-and Industrial wolfaro aroncpfuod, deiitroy ovory right which

ho'constitution guarantees to tho ln-lvldual, so that ho might bo com->ollod to undorieo physical axamlna-lon boforu obtuhiliiis omploymont andubmlt *o compulsory modlcal and sur-

iruatmout. If ha, or^any_momhorf his family, wore found to bo do-ictlvo or In bad huaith, he might notj ablo to socuro omploymont.Tho amendment la wholly unnecos-

ary because tho Legislature no.w hasowpr to adorTt any right system ofoalth lnsuraQco, juat as it bos power

enact laws on lifo Insuranco or any'thor aubjoct, Thu amendment la do-

slrod only to clour tho way for analien. Prussian schomo, ut variance

ithT peraonJil liberty and at" enmitynil uil uumuThe Initiative would bo . abolished

nd the right of tho pooplo thomuolvosmake or chango health Insurancor» would"T)o - DorrodC "The 'Lei

aluro'u hands would bo liberated toistabllsh any system It might plaaao.hilt)'tho huudu ot tho yuuulu wuuld

bonoflted. There would be thouaafldjof them for tho people to support.They-, would havo tho J50,000,000 ayoar tq handle and a pond, and would

onstruct a coloaaal and tax-e&tlnshlne.—Christian Science Monitor.


Fir.I District.All tbat Dart of tb« Becond Ward lrt»»

Hnat.and North of tba centre lino, or ta»following Htroeta: Waatold Avenns fromthu City Line to the Intersection of dramaHtt^jet and Ht. Oeorso Avenue; GrimdHtroot from St, Oaorae Avenuo to OliverHtreet; Oliver street from Grand Btreat totho c i ty Line Mhall ,conntltut« the n" I M U O I DUtrlct ol the Second Ward.

Second DUtrlct.All thiil. port of tbo BOCUDCI Word

Wwt of the Pennnylvanlu :itnllroadthe City Line to Main Street and moat <tho centre lino of tbe following streeta:Muln Street from tho Pennaylvanla-BsX-

'-' '—'Tnr-nfrnT'-li ilimntrnil fi aaaMuln street ie Grand Stre«tl Oraa*Htre«t-from"irvin«-Btreot to Oliver-Btreelj"Oliver Btroot from' Qrnnd -Htreot+to "tSe^City lilno, uholl constitute . thKlnctlon Dlfttrlct of the Second '

Section 3. Thst tho Third Ward or theCity of Bnbway be and the aaraa Is .aar*«hy divided Into Two snoctlon Districts as

TUIKD WAUJJ.- I l i i l D i s t r i c t . ' ' . ' • . • •

. All thnt port of the Third W«il MasNorth of the centre line of the follewtsa:Streets:. Clinton Street- frdm . Br«saStreet to Jaqnea Avennoj Joouea Aveaaa-from Clinton Street to. Commerce Street;Commerce Street from Jmuies Avenns k»Milton Avenue; and "Milton Avenue tramtho lnuraecUon ot Comiaarce Stroet to tha>CltvUno. aholl CQBStltuB the #lrat Kle«-Uoa Bl.trtM-ot the Third"WalA, J >,-. -

._ AUthal iwK ol the Third Ward Ivlaa-BonBroIlntf 6ent»TIB«"of the "r6uowIaS~atnets: Clinton Street from Broad Btreetto Jaqnea Avendei;. Jaqnea Awnoef-imtpi w»r«** •"'ynrnmnrrft fltrtit- fviaimercj Street from Jnquc Avente io U s -ton Avenoe; snd-Hilton Avenoe from taa>Intersection of Commerce Street to theCltrline, shall coastJtnte tbe Seeomd XlectlMhDlarlct of the Third Ward. •

Section 4. Thst the Fourth Ward of lawCity of RRhwaT be anil the earns Is btrebrulvldetl Into Two SUectlon Districts eeJfs*- 'Iowa: . • . , '

vorunrn. W J J U I . ••.' :••• ^ , . -Ilrat Olstriet. :•.

All that part of the Fourth Ward irkMCBast ot the Pennaylvanls ttallroad fraSMain Street to Haielwood Avenue; BasraCthe centre Use of Baulwood AvennsTtMBa:*v- "—n


T"n1'1 """">»* to New Brnaa-Jne-tif HNBW.' Brunswick -Aseriae-,

fn>m Baulwood Avenue to Main strati:of the centra Une of Main strmt fromNew- Brunswick Aveeve to the Psaaaft-janla Railroad, shall SmsUtitt t h T s S iKleedoa District of th« F*«vtlk Ward. -

words, they would be compolled tctoko'.a port ot their pay in health in-surance whether they wanted it or.n o t . - . • . - • . •

.'. AM .persons wbo_ have npboaa, suchas contractors, farmers and businesmen, large or small, would be ex-cludodj from.the insur&uco, except thathoy would be compelled, as citizensand taxpayers.' to help, pay for It.People who, because of slcknass odisability^ cannot work regularlyat all, would also bo excluded.- Tho sick and needy would thereforibe Ignored. Honsotho plan Is noihumanitarian and would hot relievthe public of the expanse ot maintain^Ing free clinics, ^ospltabj and thollko,becauBO' the Insurance reaches few oitho people who go to'euch places.

Class, distinction is the basis ol thsystom, and force, .coercion and com-Dulslon run through It all. Such a:Institution, as might biruxpected,—haits origin in Germany. It was Inventedby Bismarck as a substitute.for a llIng Wage and a square deal. It, withsimilar measures, says AmbassadorGerard, has reduced the German work<era practically to the condition ol

- serfOr—.'— -- - —T—— -7 ;: Whjr should peopto be forced -into

fire Insuranca Why. should


Pennsylvania Railroad m a n" W 1 " to.tbs CUT lln«; North

line from tba P«nnajlTantathe centre U t B d l k

atjto the centre

Morth of th*«

« ; J h e a t j line from tba P«nnajlTantaRaUroad to the centre Une «t BaudolpkA « » t » : M t h f t h « u « . Uae^Jf nisi.

1! t BTo the. many trlands and jcighbora. rdolph Avenr;e"an4"tieTcr4. ™..s.u- » »

. .«._ n ^ ' ->*-' v '-r- a.a»VH^"«A»A. Af West to the iBteraectloa'ot Ksndolpa Ava-I Boe and the Cltr IJii»<« the Haai"W«s»-»

» ^SrTline Soat- Bandolglpivensa? f?°S? »»":of ;P>e BahwaTiBlvat: 1

if lb«~'to.'ttM ligSHiS £« the centt. BJR, of tW Sail*

PILISthe. stomach well,

the liver active, the bqwels^^gijlarj anp the prcsithwill b6 sweet andli^tKy."But 'let poisons aeeuaiu-

;in•' "4e . .: ., ,_

id the

Ktrer to Main Street; West of the onrj*Une of Main Street from HsxelwooA^TeTnne to thelntersectlon of Commerce Street« J N«w.'Brtmswlelt Ar.nne: South of Ua>

» line of New Brunswick .Arenas

and affeCfthe breath.

the«e"^cpn|dition8 w i t h^ ^ K1U. They

(Continued Prom^JPao* Oiu)Morris MUlor, . Q£~^£hxi^ Y*orlt;__ tw_0brothers, Boniuol Millor, 119 MalaLruot, thi* city, and Abraham Miller,'low York, and thrco alntara. Mrs.

Harry Xlo.ou. Mr«, Albert Scfijiit andMrs. Samuel Margolico, all of NowYork City.

Mrsv Ivrlooitofii wiut wgll kmjwn andvoil llkod by u wldo circle of frlondsor hor xnuny storllng quailtloo and ad-

lrabla waya. Tho funeral was holdSunday, Rabbi luonbortf, analstod byMorrlu Ox man, ofltclatina* Intermentwan In thtsJcwUh cumuiory In Ellxa

l O t l l - '• *""

ao no tlod that thoy-could not roloasoLbomsblves- if onco tho system * were!ustenod upon thdmT - -

No ututo-iu-the-Union-has wiod-thlttlort of lnuurancOj but sovoral of th&'muvo umphatlcully rojoctod It. Tho

Congross of tho Unltod -Statotf has•luo turned It down.

Thuro iii no such, wuice poverty Inullfori.Iu ail that which mudo novornloni. churity liisurunco oxcusablo It

*In Qormuny, the only country wheretho liiaurunco huu been tried lontfBnotigh to brpvo anything tho ylck-tiusii^ ruto iu hijthor thun In othoicouiurluH huviiiK ho, ttucb lnBurunco.Fraud and nial in goring' huvo becomealmpHt unlyoritai, consduntlouit phy-ufciona~hlfvo"io5t"tholr practiob7™an'mediciU offlcloncy ha* declined,

Tho oiocutlva*eoancliof the Amorl«in~"FodoratIoriTbt" Labor^ls^oppoadii

'any plan of comp.ulsory insurance.Tho fodoratlon has started an lnvo«"tl gut Ion of tho connection!) und flnanclal roBourcofi ot thouo who aro pro-moting nuch Insurance, bocauue "»upiclon has boon arousod that- thlidchomo ia Hupportod by tbo no who, foiyoarjs, havo oougHt"to~"diiiruDt and rotard tho cuusu oOhVworkbri,"

Tho Boa ton Central Labor TJnJoihas denounced tho. measuro asng "to establish a system, of periodic

caTph~ysIcal examination for uie'ors," and "as .trying, to chain Un

orkoru to tholr Jobs."Tho insouranco will cost not les

than $60,000,000 a yoar, so. the 'SocialInsurance Commission estimates.Will be paid by forced contributions

luyuis employeespayora, Thu Cost of government ha*already doubled In this: State duringthe last few years, Retrenchment liImperative, All our money and onorjand man-power are needed to-winthiwar- Thiri ia no time for expensiveexporlmenti).

Industry and businosu aro alreadfltaggorlnK undor tholr heavy loa.Thla complicated system would rqulro extra bookkeepers and clericalhelp. whll& employers would havo tobear from 40 por cent to GO per cent,perhaps all, of tho $60,000,000 overjyoar. There would bo no end of mod-

Farmers; would bo_ ignored pxeepthat thoy. would have to pay ttaei:part of tne $60,000,000. They would bidenied all benoflts. Thla would bitrue of all petsons who,have no bosi

Lodges, fraUriial uoclotlca and laboor other organlzfttlons which providiulck beneflts would soon be driven htho wall; thoy could not successfull;compete with tbe State' and tbe!members would necessarily lose thernonoy they have pair in. Fraternallife, with all IU advantages, wonlicome toan end.

Or sickness; they have both lncreaseiunder, the lllsUtancu la Europu.w111J undermine thrift, lndependenciand self-reliance.

Sixty!per cent or illness Is preveitable. Why pay millions for misfo:tunes that con bo pxexsi^ed "by- eforcing present health and sanltatiolaws?

The right to choose one's pbysicntn, practitioner or health systewould bo denied, The b«Bt physicianswould not be avallabio, because theywould not serve under a contract,state or political system. Political.doctors would be glren the practice.,

Political Inspectors and investiga-tors would have power to control the.persons and affairs ot the. workers,prying into their homes, deciding thestain hospital to which they shool^i besent- when sick, and destroying 'the


__Charteq Schlundjt.Churlo* Schlundt, Ilahway'k Ilrst flro

blcf died In Newark Tuouday, and bis)ody was brought to thla city forormont on Friday. He la aurvlvod by

widow und throo daughter... Foriany yoari* Mr. Schlundt WUII ono of


Items of Local InterestFor Quick Perusal.

Edward Cliffo, of 160 Main Htroot.has accepted JJ. potsltlon •*» «uportQ»tondont of tho HoirVltt Stocl Corpora-tion. NowurltL '

Hurry Hunbtou, of Lvoavlllo ovonuo.who Io omployad at tho shipyard atBrlatol, IJu.. npont tho wcok ond at hlahomo hbro. • . . • • ' -

Leonard Muntlow. of tho Universityof Virgnln houpltol unit la vloltlni; hisparent a, Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo P. Mant-low, qt 22 Commorca atraot.

AuifUMt G. Bauer, ot Camp Dlx, Uupending u fijroluch with hla wife InESMUX atroiit, who hau hocu oorloualy111 with pneumonia, but Io now a lightly

Word baa boon received In thin cityof tho death of Jacob Waters, asod 70,In No* York City, His wan formorly

tho bout knowu men ol tno city, buthud livutl In Nuwark for aomo tlmo.Iliu guiila. intotfrity. genial manner

C frlondu who mourn his death/ Hous 66 yours old. Among thU Who ac-

companied tho body to thlo city bo-

u O'JJoUl, of jSfowurk pollco ^haad7

uartbra, Who U a"aon'ln-law; JohnConnolly^ auporintoudunt for Dunhaor

Co., T^J?: Cunnlneham, of tha Bordontown HoBlstor, formerly ot thlcUy;_ Hurry^ Matonpy and Abraham

iOj anothur former flro cblof, all ofm aro woll known to Uahway TOU{tij. Jounph Duffy convoyed thoty to tiilt. city In hUa tourlntf car.

l-'oltowlnK; a fow daytt'lIlCLOfla" frontiiflu.uiza Mary Ku»t, 13 months old,

daUEhtor of Mr. and Mrtf- .ChurKiiat, of iowor- Main etrobt dlod yo»-

friluy morning-

Mr«- LUolitf C. Murray- ~l^oflowlhs' Bri bpdrottOTPf ornp po »tll -

dtltf jVlr«. Luolla C. Murray, colorodugod 20, of G89 St. doorKO avonuo,


MUa Margaret Bray.on iho recovery- from Influ

onza. Misa Margarot Bray of 8 FultonBtroot, wad auddunly Btrlckon with

maay ynIn H. A. Orubo'u carrlago workn.

Herbert" Klein- of U. 8. Navy,viol tod frienda In thin city yea tor dayand cast hlti vote ut . tnu flromonVoloctlon. Ho is stationed ttt Iho Now:port, IL 1,, training atatlon and l» con-


Chief Potty Officer Thoma* H. Sulllvan, of tho V. S, Navy. la-»pendlnS ashort furlough with his parents, Mrand Mrtf.~ Thomas Sullivanr ofr 26&Main Btroot.;

Death uotnotitnatr produticu utrangocoiiiclduncoi.. Two daughturtt ofAdolphuij F, Roy, of CO Wo«t Miltonavonuo, wore bereft of their huubandtlout wuok. Ilaymond P. QrOvor> bunband of Mlnuio Itoy,- dlod iho first o.


Delicious jams, and butters can IKJmade by adding to tho borrl^a one-h i d t h l l h I H

gthird tholr wolght In Havepart o£lho bcrriuvrlpe and part under-ripe. Cook rapidly until thu productHakes off thu itldu of tho apooa Insteadof coming off tn drops. Put Jam Intoplot or half-pint Jar*, eocl and cook atloniperaturo JUMI b«lowr bolllnc pointtor twenty mlnutrn ^n bor water bathoutfit HUCIJ un U usad In cannlttiz.jama mado by thla method ore COD-sldured by many preforabto to Jninnwhoro moro sugar Is used, aa thi» prtnl-uct has a rnoro nnturul flavor. Jam*made wlthJ thlu -proportion of auifat

Ht bo scaled as usual products uruulvd. If auch Jums woro put Into

jelly tfluaaiis• thuy would formont, alncv*thwru lu not ~uu:ilclant suj[ur u> act UMa. preservative.

somblo and drink In a b*ck room. B owua caught in tho act and promptlytiloaod. Another place allowed sodato bo drank on the promlaea and thlaplaco waa cloaod for & day. tho ba»bolng .lifted bocauao tharo—waa-fniltto btTdlspoaed of that would bo llkolyto spolland cause a conHldorablo loos.

"ho ,authorUIok havo endeavored toImpooo aa few hardships as poaalbleoa any group-otcUlxoila,' yot they haro

tood for strict onforcomont of theoaaure^ adopted and thU has had a

great effuct In chucking tho epidemic.Dr. Qoorgo K. Qallaway, who Is a

ieutenant In military service at Lytlo,wao aakod by Mayor1 Trombley If

ho could teat a furlough during tho


; (O«htina«4 Pag* Oiw)

"day and havo woxked to the limit orhuman ondursoco. Tho centralizingI many of thu worst casys in uie QOM-lUl nnnoxoa hau greatly enhanced

tho effectiveness of thatr .work. ToMiss Nllos. head of tho Mhwny Iloa-

I I d l J l d fpltal, great credit—Is-^also duo forenergy and efficiency.

ProBidorit William H. ItandolphUrntlh onirnrHealth Cominlauioncrfl 8. C. TerriUand Joseph OxmuiTlSivo worked dili-gently and with excellent resulu ontho official end and havo promulgatedplans and tnoanurea that havo kepteverything moving Bystematlcally andwith definite, objucta in view*_ Some havo sought to tako advantacoof thu C1ODIUB_ rcEulation*. Saloon*keoperd have boen allowed to kooptholr placoii opon for* tbo sale of pack

xvuok fotoi' 1J. Fox, husband" of HolonHoy, * pusHOil away. BotXPulstortf l|vuiu Nuwurk. - - ' • ^

Mln. Auuu CotCoy, of bast Miltonuvonue, who Is omployed ut the localtelephone office, is sorlously 111 withlnrtuonxttT—The—Misses? MargueriteWulkor, Marion ""Healloy "and* JunoHornby. returned to duty this weekattor bolug 111 with, -the provalllnsopldomlc, while Miss Ella McOough Isstill oa tho sick list.

A mooting will be held this week otthe committee who had charge of thaplans for tho cancelled Columbus Daypdrudo of tho Italian societies of the

pneumonia and uloa yesterday . n o ^ , ^ ^ W , I ( {kea d,iaTmino w b a t ta

Ing-amlcted—with—thj-lattcr—dlsnnso,Sho \yau 27 > (jurx old/ and leavatt amother/ Mrs, Catherine Bray, and twosisters, Mrs, James Hlckoy and Miss

8 Fulton street —-__Miss Bray was a n&tlvo of Wood-

bridge and had been a resident of thiscity about -eight- yeartf, ,8he was amombor of St. Mary's' church andhighly respectod throughout the com-munity. Miss Bray had boon em-

The praise meeting of the Woman'*Homo and Foreign I" ' '"if tho 8econd PresDymrnni'Tinnrph Is

postponed until farther noQco. ~~^~~Miss Gladys' Vassar, of Brooklyn,

was entertaisod over Sunday by heraunt, Mrs. B. H. Beeves, of «8 WestHaxolwood avenue. "._.'. ' '

i - tax- -PJogflJUfitr the nanl, four vnars at tho.Edison plant In Nowark. Tho funoralwill be held-Thursday and intermentwill bo in 3L Mary's cemotory.

^ [ r s . Louis SIno.After .sevorRt^doyo' llln^BS from in

fluonza Mrs. Louis Sing, of 44 Irvinestreet, the otily Chinese women Inthe city, dlod Saturday. - A short timebefore her death she gave birth to achild, which wag also dead. She Ioavos

husband and four chrlldron. Herhusband Is. a well-known iaundryman.

Solution to Sam Lloyd's"Liberty ban" Puzzle

Isaac M. Manee, Jr., aged 30. diedSunday tti-his-bonro-ln-Koyporr-fTonrlnfjuonia. and pneumonia. ' Tha do-coasod was a brother of Mrs. K, J,Novotny, of 86. West Hazolwood ave-nue. Hu leaves a wife and onedaughter and Is also survived by hisfather, I. H. Manoe, another sister.Mrs. c; P. Brown, and a brother A.H. Manoe, all of Msttawon. Ho wassuperintendent of the Magnolia Anti-mony Company, of Koyport. wellknown throughout that section of thestate and highly respected by nil.He was connoctsd with a number ofprominent organizations. The funeralwill take place .toxnorrow~ond~buriaTwill be at Flushing, U V

-, Charles Kohntiea.Charles Kohntlcs. of this city, who

died at the Alezlan Hospital Eliza-beth, jtrom innuenza. was burled Son'day frcm the home ot Michael Mesko,Main street. In the Greek Catholiccemetery near Hoxelwood. <. ' .•

sacred Telotlon between pbysiaan anapatient'-'"""''; v ' '•'"" ';"' - v ' ; ^a t i e n t ; .; ,;^.

All ihe'ellmo'ots and deformities ofjoT w^ie earner of hfs family -would

liroed sbs]I constitute IDlatitet -•» Iba tan* 'XTmr*.

^Section tt. Thst Ue m k ' Ward ot MM

; jprbinptfy OJgnfeite die bodi-r functianft and arc a quick

become part of the public records opesto the. gaze- o£ everybody.

The country Is » t W . Experimentsand; poIlUcs are unthinkable.. Libertybonds tn -the millions -tnn»t bo_ssiil

ow and In the_years_to_conie,^Th.e

for sour stomach and

Bad Breath• aala* W«U.

United States wll soon withdraw therailroads, telephones-, etc^ from.tax-ation, thereby onormonsly Increasingtha people's Ux«s. -There Is a limitto what m ess *>. - -

The politicians and "jtob ^jwcmld D« the only n*WJn»" realty

NOTICENotice Is herobr Siren that the an-

noal meetlni of the stockholders ofthe Rahway Gas LJgbt Company forUie election of directors tor the enBnlni: year will be held on Monday,November «. 1818 at the offlce of theCompany, comer Central arenne andHamilton street,- Tbe Mils will openat 11 a. in. and close stis^nj^lr••'•',.'

••':".." F H A N C I H E N Q E L ,6i6'Si2»""" 'J",. ".'.'.'"'VBecrstirj'.

Today ,11most snd b

,Workers; Jto dw man who tSotr .st war* wlio w i s n bmost and best wort wlio wins,

he Is a professloiiiil orThe doctor with Us horse and

bossy was better than-walking, batat that ho often times arrived toolate. The successful doctor of today:har Ms antomobllg to arrive ou time.S e prefers to arrive too soon rathertban too late.—Kxchaage.'..'...

WANTED—Volantwr help for Influenza suffersra. - W«Jhra* hospitals In pnparatlonneed help at oaea. Rahway Hospital,

fl B .

truo of the confoctonory and lcocream ostablisbments. One saloonlieopor sought to tako advantano oltho rules by allowing; tho mon to as


of conditions here that It b lmpeuthla 'to obtain furlomco."

The niAzmfaetiirljift- Industries of th# ~city hare bees hit hard by the «p*-iiomlc In some cases nearly soTentjr-ave per cent, of tho employes beta*

'afflicted with ~the~disease7 ~ This" &Mbeen true of tho Royal M»nnfnctnrln»Company, whllo othor concerns hs*vbad tholr working force reduced Croatten to fifty pejr cent.

Although many of tho military can-tonments throughout the country havaboen seriously affected by tbe In-fluonza epidemic the soldiers at Col-oala havo been Hallo fortunate owingto tho DrccauUonary mcasnrea takenand thero ore only sixteen cases thor*


Tcscnt opidouilc lu ordor to return at tho present tune Tho total num*this city nail rondar tbo valuable ber of cases covering saTcrni weoka

isisuinco of which ho' U, capable J bava reached seventy flvn Thero harsLloutunant Gallaway. replied by tefo* j boon two deaths ttiaru. from pneusram as fo.ll.owb: "Resrot oa account! monla.

I for

RAHWAYThiB Week in Fourth

Liberty Bonds or German bondage.

e accompanying design'how the ten pieces of exploded shellare Sued together to produce a per-fect bomb. A feature tflat not every-body discovered Is the necessary trim-ing over of one ot tbe pieces. Tb*white section bad to be reversed Inorder to flrin its place. ;


Charge Accounts andCommon Sense

Yoans-camcl in slowly-Sho removed hor hat throw Iton Iho library tabla and d


"I'm tirod and cross uttd di»-ppofntotJ—and I want a cat) ofuur." gliu umiomicod g.aeaiUy^

Hor Ilcst friend arollod-c"2oaniay"littvo aa tnuch ton aa youllko. It will ho hero ID u momaaLWhatever haa roado you Blump

"po thorouahly?" aho aoVoil/

Eldlu revived onotigb to »lt upBtrulKht.. "I naw a oult In Dam'borger'tT'thdt I wafi crazy ubout—it was'Jib only tmti thoy hadlii juiit jirit tnodol, and I didn'tbava on^agb with mo io' make a

- "A charso- account,** aha .adii-od In a milder tono. "ahowa TOOlast what you scont. It makesyou *erioad about monoy. .Ifyod aro extravagant one month,when tho bin comes In andyuq sea it~in black and _whlta,

' d

^ ^ ^ _swalled, dropping back; aguln^"wasn't it Ju»t nx¥ luckt''

Tbo niald truiidlad In tbu teac&xC" "I'vo oflori uaJd yotlshould have a chargo account/*thu Boat Friend remarked, pro*paring to poun '*Thlnit h o *

oalcnt-it^afoald-havo boontoday. Lots of times 1 Boo bar-gains that aro worth whllo—mycharB6v-*ccount placed thornwithin my t

^ "youready

''You see." sho wont odo not always haremoney, of • rather,READY (or such events—bat It;yoa can take advantage of thetomptlnn chance to «avo by

That Day We Giv*

10 per cent.off on all purchases.

^BTENGEIMANOrf Goods, MiUiaery,

Suits, Coats, Etc.128 Main St.



122 Main St., Tel. 536-Rahway


SpringUUMB— p o u n dPLATE or BRISKET



33cLAMB CHOPS' pound

VEAL or LAMBfar Stewing


Hebe Brand "Etifwatt. itimmd f A l -Milk,llbe»«»ct | / 2 U

4-qnart BasketSWEET «J0i.


35c4-auart Bai




"Then rot! should be ashamed.of yourself." sternly pronouncedher Best Friend, "you sound Ukaone of those cllnglngvlne wom-en In mid'Vlctorlsn fiction.' Th©type's out ot fashion, my dear.Money Isn't something to fritter

know where every cent of roarsc o e s , . • ' • ' • ' ' , ' "• "'

you'dpcldo to reform - Ind yondo/'

."- "But It's so easy tu chargeail sorts of llttlo things—Ishould think a chargo accountwould no to ono v head," said&lsia, placing* hor empty cup onthe ttia cart.

"tfot after thu first month."hur Sost Prfond laughed. "i

"guws we~3lt i n a Uttlo excited -whon wo begin, but one&s billio an accusing record of one's

• folly, and common sc-usa soonsets in."

- Kisiu sifiboci

• "When ] think of that salt ai-Bambergor's I coald weep l*mgoing down In the morning tobuy It—and if It's gone " shedropped her hands despairingly

"Wouldn't thoy pi It aside'"

- "They didn't know m.e.*""aaldKUlo, "«o haw could they knowId come back, espectall when \couldn't^ n.ako a depoalt*^.

reason I" cried her

—I wish ron wooM t*7 It""Don't worry." oocUred Elaia.

r Tm going to—tomorrow, forbettor Or for worse."

"It'll be for better," smiledher Best Friend, passing tha





3 poundsFresh Shoulders


LOIN VEAL CHOPS3 pounds 1.


Fresh Chopped STEAK \ f\f\3 pounds-::,\--y: : I # U \ f

Smoked Cai.HAMS


--L, 14 Cherry

Page 4: by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday


kaltway Record, Tuesday Atternoon. October IS,

rC-K- ,

U. a Soldiers Wore First to Crosa the OtucqLed by Lieut Patrick Dowllng

ol Mow York.tauutuH atnm I n >l«r« • mndwftl

U» Ibiu itl.|«-.I.IlMl«. Hop .»J

kais W MM tina* u m .WIUUM

iuoann U4 m i u noau Li4o *t JtntUm. Tk>

»rilUuil.«*4.fauf • ' •

^ irnrd tho front farlnfe: Uo— — « — * * ^ . ,--.- . . . . . . :


y andDetroit Compsrs Nott i•~f »n_J|neJdleua Olasaso

cause ol the Spanish lufluatuaIdemlc nearly otorf """y and townthe United State* , •' been takena big Isolation hosa/ V. It happenedatltnliway anil Derolt found them-»oa- sldo b y a i a e m a u n - the—laatteh ot sufferers had b«sn tucked

i"1 f




Time, paflalng, found thorn on Hieill. to recovery, and during conItmcatico they became quite nhum'

Oho d»y, Detroit scrutinised HalT rather closely, ttoil remarked!You are • atra'ngor to » , and not

ry big but somehow, it seems thatfa heard of you. Cotnc from New.rsoy don I you?" "Yes." said Uah»y. I ' m , not Tory big, -it's truo;ut I'm somobody JnBt the oamo. Why•»« cot some of the foremost manu-xturlng concerns of tho country Inly hand.

ITor Instance," ;, orruptod Detroit•How about MerA * CoT"- asked

Uliwoy with a grin; "and the WheatCo., anil the Moyqal MfK. Co

niriialit »ot ' eiulaiined Detroit,w 1 know yoUT YOU" suroly-ar

rtS6Tiody"Certainly BaiTt~Hahway. "I—airar« bauk, berforo- tho Civil Waran famous for my carriage manufad

urlng andaiinnirwTr

nlml. "What do we core about ca•Isgoii nowadays! Talk automobtio>lrnso Mow, thoi'<i%"tH«'yord, I mak

/do about ttt"shook his head

«now." ha sighed. "KeL'tllt it's worn oat end

feed It to Uio


REAL ESTATE FOB SALfKOK BAL.K—Plvo room brick bung*-)'

low; with gas and city water.4&X10&. Prl«e.-»1«OO,1.. Address 03Central ayoiiue. oS at

9AI.I0— House', cheap; also foul.rooms'for rent, InijUlro_J22 Hew

Brunswick avenue, ol-tf


Real Estate and agonta tor Use fIng Fire * - Liability InsuranceCompanies — Continental. Hartford;Commercial Union, Qprlngflald, MUonal of-Hartford. National tlPltubnrg, Automobile Ins Co.,Uonal Uberty, National BurstyAotna Aoaldent=«tia«J>UltJtLTmTBlfTT, flna.n Accident «V O

^., And othersIJnrtoll brokB off aa ilahwoy ralood•Hi Imndn and groanoii,

Wlult'n tho maltar1-'" aflkcul De-•olt „

onininln — Detroit—-Michigan 1BXillalmed KaMfnV,'. j'l'T" KQ*

in« aort ufnit matlu Inlow what vafi


[ry I

JOHN J/COPPBY.-Mg IHVINO «T>'.Heal Eatate, aurety-Bond«,-lrtr«/-Aamobile" and Liability tnanranoe.Denting the "CoontyTTaMlCTpany oX_St*to of Pennsylvania.Royal nionanga. LlTemooLtt Olobo. OreLt American Vwrlt»rs' Agency, Now Tort Wnwritors. and Son.

bu»»-wagon thaWfichTgalFr: Don't

i It wa« wished ori(Worsoiuoitl) Found It outside

\ music bo* factory, its motor wasLuK and It-sounded like the dick-

Looked It over, Couldn't Drtdor-It Hood wai shut aii tight as'a

MONBY TO LOAN on. bonflmortgago. Kyor A Armstrong. Atorneys, Ilsbway Nat. Bank-ltgUwuy. N: J-— — : octt»tf

TO HiflNT—C-roomTiatrfiit:©© 314-S..Orand utront. . ol6-2t

jok at tho motor, I'm <T law-abidingjort or chap ttud didn't want to dam

anything not bolomting' to mo. IfIt wan mine I'd find oul aboiit it allrluUt Hut it* liol mine, und l'ni itiadof Itl v

I t . e«>t in e*liaUnt-nntli mufflerJui.t llku o t W automobiles. Thebituat from the motor is very hot andimolls awfully soniptimeii. It ''* lmr»h, dUcOncerline noise tbaLoumla UkoLiuula llko mo~mo—nio—:mel"\ 'Honio one in Michigan must havJliscovorod tho eocrot q( running .motur with compressed Kgolsnl, foI t b l " • ' • . " r t « U

~—-T I s>J» • "M" - ^ II — •> I . j —— • • • « —r * - - - - . A-1 . ••»»Tii iff

'HAT'S the only way to win, and Lieutenant Our work is cut out for us, as plain as theirs for

_ TT~wneri.. into the Ourcq with }iis little detachment

the •" Fighting Sixty-Ninth.''Keep on going with a whoop I

They'll do it, out boys over there; whatever fegi-trient they belong to, whatever section of this greatcountry they came.from. >

They'll GET THERE, loo; if we follow their ex-ample and keep goings here at home.



BUlta*, 0Hecord,


KOIt ijAt/JJ—-Haby carriage cheap. 84Hlim<H"" •llrm.i T»l, 190, oll-St

VOH 3ALl&-33t«ailig out slock; alttroeh cows' and close sprinsors;forty, hugs; Sucking pie«: two fatiiogs', 100 laying hons. W, It

'(JAMI'iiULL, Oak Tree. oll-Sl

KOll SALIC—Team of" work norseaCall H Campbell street, IlahWttyN j - - • ,-- - — og-tf

days, «ffeot!Vn at onco.- •*••', VJtt anutu—rru

, October IS, 1918


'VEFeenputting something over onDuring$50 from my

-• "But what have you b^^iottfwinterund^ea^oryou.doine Nell? How the dickens for instance. Jack-and whenSy uiIve Owhenevery- *£**£ ~ ^ ^ Sthing hasi gone up in V ^ ^ ^ 6 J ^ V Nifc^-Wi/3-^%1?)

rorne than Egotistical gas I .As long as it had been wished on

_ some of tho people thought JtSnlght as well be.put to work, i Wo

It r«n wild. Tried to climb.mayoralty soat; ran amuck

fighting gear they nee'd^to do their job up brown.Send as many million men as can be used to finishit up quick.

No matter how many Liberty Bonds you havebought; Keep gbing-BUY ALL T H E BONDSYOU CAN—and then buy more—and pay forthem out of your future savings. Any bank orbond booth will tell you how.



through the city offices, knocking thet bdly* t h t n**iity troaeuror about so badly* that

resigned ".•< porsis tontly tried to forco. the doors ;of tho high school audl-

\ur torlum; tried to crawl into" theKevonnuO and Finance, Dopartmpnt^-Xbut struck a snag), than tried to gastho Board of Assessors, and smash thetai laws—"

"•Bettor not talk too much Kahway,"sUKgostod a nursoiiryou know you'ronone too f •»i'yo^1'

••What". 'Jf» ice "" snappedRahway. ' -Tl ' ah well die fromtalking ns bV^issBd to death by thefumes o£ thatHrortal Juggernaut, Noono'll want to come near- me when

Tin" full of egotlstic(>l gas, anyway.When I get out of (I ere the War Do-yartment will have. So give me a gas-mask, or it'll be good-night Hahway!"

"And it came from Michigan?" osk-

v—rrucuauto .body and one-man top. Noreasonable offer refused, Can boseen 134 West Orund stroot, ostf

fOH SALE—Solid black walnut bookcase, 8 by 7^4 toot, three drawers Inbase, four glass doors, brass hlngeaTLast used as book «ase • and chinacloset, A bargain. M*, Riter, 96 Irvingstreet, ol-tf


slstant. Oood pay, steady work,splendid chance for advancement.Apply personally, ' THE ARMORBRONZE CO., Oarwood. N. 3.

; • -- oc!5-3t


"Sure) -That's all we know about it.There's a name-plate on It, but it'sbadly battered; 'Michigan' is the only

—word-legible.11--'"-' - - - - — ~"Con't you get rid of It?" • .' •. '"No! Nobody will takolt," .. ''

' "Give it to tho Ooyernmont," sug-

WANTED—Two girls for house work;private family; good wagon. ApplyX70 Commerce street. olK-2t

hiw.eltf. aboii'had time en/Cgh to-ftilSP^-B!'<».«

"Well, for one thing, I've ]ast f o r ^er w i n t er . "'*' "'stopped baking bread.at home.It costs less to buy Bond Bread,

tThe same way With my

clothes. So, in addition to

vtdlaBoard of

tent. WWiar

and I ve got a lot—more- -time ,_ -J: ___,x««*- vc & U L - « - « V squeezing out a iftQeexea sav--sinco-I- quit-baking.

"And believe me, Jack," awoman's time is valuable now-adays. I thought I had to buy a_

qgmgs to pay for our*t-Obt)rty"Bonds, you see, Jack^ I'm fre©^ing labor to help Uncle. Sainsmash the Kaiser."

WANTKD^-Steady imon for steadyloba; best of wages with, earlychance for advancement. Apply im-mediately Mangano Mftf. Co.. 17Seminary avenue.

Lend the way they fight Buy bonds to your utmost

. "No use!" sighed Rahway. "It's notdealmled tor war work. Why, It can'tbe made to stay out oltKe ditch whefi

i «taxt«<*Ton Red Cross work!"\ \-a^'Ogict it good for then?!' asked

\ W r A , v - . : • • " • • • • - . • • -

V'-Notnlng!" shouted Rahway; ''ex-cept to nm wild all over town saneak-

- ' d sputtering, -Me—Me—Me—

HELP "WANTED MALE— Plater's as-work In our planter DepC for-clean-ing and retouching plaster casts.Oooti"TBay to start with splendid op-portunity to: learn modelling. THEARMOR BRONZB CO.,' Garwood.M T _ __ ~ Ol5-3t

I.^ v>Too bad." said Detroit; "what you

WANTED—Boys^ to work to our newfactory, good salary tn nlnrtportunity to learn a t r a d e ^ ; j ) p l ypersonally The Armor Bronat' Go..

"Garwopd,,;N..J.'. ,.•""'-•...


Us- • #

General Baking Company

WANTBD-^jlarge concern, severalyoung meiiwUb. .office experience;state age. salary expected. Ooodchance for advancement. Write J.W. B., Room 1JS0. 17 Battery Place.New York City. o*4t

WANTED—Lares room and board fortwo adults in refined home fordoctor connected with GovernmentHospital. Inquire-of J. J. CKSirBe-

, olS-«t

«3>i\ Weekly F ^Beliv^r

Plan or Immediate_ BILL'S

BalmofLifett*ed erteroany ft*


yVm "uttdmlly •« «JC«

.th« co».*itb t

DUIDill'* Couth SyrupDill's Worm Syrup


WANTED—Girls . for work in ourPolychrome Dept. with some know-ledge of water color painting- ordrawing preferred but not essential.

THJB AHMORApnl^personanyBBONZE CO., Oarwood. N. J. 015-St

WANTED—Want to rent bonae ofsix or seren rooms. Adrdess P. O.Box 78 Rahway. N. J. otl-ti

WANTED—OlrU; eight hoar day. tOcper boor to start; also two boya,— •—i—_.. £^ advanoamant. As*

r-St^~KooOeply a O. Tlngley

THE BAHWAT SAVDMM UUI11IU-TION pajra (oar par aaitka nl*neat rate paid *r anybank tn the State. Oaaaaa

Hum Spamw In gIn the eonne of a canpaico to Bn«-

Und against til* swarmta* and m!»house spairnir tt* strriee*

at children ajad -sparToir etabsT wenaoUated. BsaJ ntcnlt* ww* (be eona«-nenc*, since Bttl* <Ws» iltiisitlon was

ort of aaan MM

and ttooeaads ot aHfal liweeteating btrda w«r» deatrstfad. a* thatexactly tbe oppeatte cat oftat was la-laaded waa U b a '

. T g y » .m l B« i ittwt

WANTED—Boya to work In platlnsand pollanlns rooma in onr newfactory. Good opportunity to loam a

- trade. Oood pay. Apply in paraonprepared to go to morfc. ABMOBBBONZE CO.. Oarwood. N. X o4-St

labway Fire Alarm Statioi11—Main and Cherry Street*.

No Mistaking His Meaniaa.Htmtb was taking hto fttend oat for

a drive. Tfce <ar *ad tna Jampa. «aalkadand backed and bonnced alonsmnateaOUy; greatly to tne fri«od"« dto>aomfort* Tbci turned Into a parkaoalevard and tb» friend noted a *Ksat the aMe of tlw rosut, "Smltto. roabatter not drive on tils road." said tbaMend. -Wnyr aaked 8a»«l». -WaB.that sixn a»ys- •Pteaanre car» only.'

XVANTED—Room and board in pri-vate funny by married couple.Bryant street section ureterred. Ad-dress X. T. Z. Record. o!6-»

. Mr. A. K. Oat* aMya:' -I certataly araa aaaaad «traaalt at RAT4TNAP. U t U Dand ao tbaa waa loat. Va wanr;effort for a>e to eay a cooa worttaa extermtaator. Aasl aanoyed wtta aack


- BOARDER -WAXrmDST W*r«tsjTfamily; aicetoat eoaalttooa. XI* S. I ^ . t . - i u l , T .Orand street. . « • HArdvam •tota.i«asr»aV. K. J.

-Main16—New BnmawJck and Lake Avaa.

-BaMtwood and Jwraaa A m a aM—Mapte and. St. floors*."'"aWMia»—KBton ATemiiVattd Bryant Street.21—(iampben and Csarry3S—Orand Street and Bd. Oeorsa Ava.

-Main Sirearaad gmabatt

NaturalIn on* of his «.«oys Arlstotlr eaya

_i»: 1 bam notircd tbat land tnatproduces beautiful flowers and tusvelooa Cratta alas pnxtaen a v«ry •»-aatlest, iatamaasu and abet, daaa «g

andwaaMD.** Artatotle asOTied totrpon tkla aa a sort of eotntldHvra,

tat later la life be dUeovared that tn>ataad of betas a colnctteaee U waa a

ire. .' • . .'' •-' ;'


UBdcrtaker&EmbalfflerUsviac bad

•sisMr if yasn 1 aa*IT* ' 11M pabile ' aneap* aaJ

"iSm tsMigesf. - .A «adenc wbo nas baan devoaag nfa

ttae to tka atstfy et loonrroy aa>»

hiatatacd from flat wrlaaa laaatea at tbta coontry

data, «a>


To Make the Mostof Your Income{» • poor pUc« to keepsafe and too readily accessible.

Your Checking AccomniImWeteommot

Rahway Rational BankJrtta(St.«a4 i- j, A .


Page 5: by - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 17. · Y. C3rnliit.it, ptuitnr of Mu< V'lrut Pruitliy tartan church, uaou Iho columuu of Tho Uocord in ordur to 'roach hlu l^irljihioimiM with :i Sunday

record, Tuesday Attenmon, October IS. H*.&.

HfcvocateT h « Tha Sueeetwr of



:)S DESEEDLotz Writes of the

Experiences Con'<Jkted With the Action .

" \ Qordon—Walker.Grant Gordon, gon of Henry A. Oer-

<3on, of 126 New Brunswick avenue,and Miss Marguerite B. Walker,daughter-of Mr. and Mrs. William C.Walker, of 177 -East Waxolwood ave-nue,- wore married by the .Rev. H. A.L," Sadtler. rector of St. Paul'sEpiscopal cbnrcb. on Wednesday. - , ;


or that The 'Record readersel whtt "goia^

top" Is like extracts are given

„ era lately received by Mr. and

-pharmacjnof"City~Truaauiuf Arstain. Cherry street. W, A. Casfleld.one of Mf. KlrstetnV drn«T"cferltiTpassed away, wblle E, J. Novotny theother* draff derV, was stricken withthe prevailing epidemic Mr. Klrsteln's

lelr son. Corporal Oeoree J.ho Is noWrecovering from seri-lrles In a hospital In Englasd..1 LaU was with the Fifty-sec-glment. Second Canadian W-

saw about two years ofpaving been gassed, laterI In the neclf.and' now he Is

from 'shrapnel woundA Inand one hand »n<i arm, in

.~he-recelved-nJiie-sma*tl-pioSnel.. • *hla long service Corporal £*utt

Jpler opportunity to have1 a con-:

1 of thrilling experiences thatp few men In the service. TheJ Canadian* were in the thick of^iHnf tiro grcntw p-r». nf Ihnftet they went overseas. COTV^oU says; "Qolrig over In a1 real'hell/' Tbjfl U hoW hoj e s i t : -" —•-•-.-;on a man 'goes aver' In the- first[f an. attack, .ha-leaves the frontinch at the moment of the open

,' tho barrage, and. dangles forat aa^VarlonB tmpedinlentd^angry Bocbe and flyingpenults The man whola .support' however,, harf a

t talo to tell He ir-qt sit tifch


Merck Chemists Aid Local Orug StoreIn Crisis

Another demonstration that theytrtt nf ffftopArftftnTi it* ntrrmg; In tfi1«

city haa been. gtven thla week gt the


X W. Harriman Choseo to FBIVacaocy—Ewise Ordinance\ to Be Amended


t b 0

stricken and the entire staff' waathereby Incapacitated with the excep-tion of the proprietor.

In this great emergency, with ,«steady stream of patrons pouring 'Intotho drug stores of the city aa a resaltof the' epidemic and the Increasedneed of drugs and prescriptions, asidefrom the regular1-bosinesa, six chem-ists, all registered pharmacists, fromthe big drug monufaetnring plant ofMerck & Company came;to-the rescuer;After performing \5jCelr duties for thecompany which has large gT/vernmentcontracts, on which they are employed,they worked in relays at -Uiestore thereby permitting the peopleto get- the much-needed drusra . andmedicines.—— 7- r—

Vouf of tho young ni-n are fr<- t the

Wleser, H, &, OeliHcb, H, B. Shli-eland*/ 5*; E; Prentice/ while the othertwo-are from tho controlla.beand are K7*A* Thomas and M. L.more. That •their" wervlcefl are greatlyappreciated by* tho sconeral public andby S-lt. Jiirfiion In particular1 Is piIt mildly.

Appointment ot John V/- Harriman.

of the Board of Assessors l o t a term

of three years to succeed JDavid Ann

fore the special meeting^? the Boardof City Commissioners held yesterdayafternoon at % o'clock. • Mr. Harrl-man's salary will be $300 j* year/ Mrharriman is a native ot Danville, Pa.,and had been a resident of this city (orthe past thirty-Ova years. Ho has pre-viously served the city_ as'^aasessoifrom the First and Fourth Wards-tin<Ier the plan In operation1 several years

-filtO'- -itfru.—Jiarrinxan. - has... also__:.boon.overseer of the poor1 and deputy taScoUectoj*. _In all of these positions hebad served efficiently* with credhimself and honor to th«j

Thfij. ordinancecoda so that in


More Sobscriptions to LibertyLoan Needed to Meet

Quota ,


Those who nave not yot


Percy and Lester Miller ofRabWa? Have Re-naion

At tfie Front


In letUT* Just received by My. and

•ward Krt t t f lSehav«__&i>t reached —thB—lim it fit—Uieir-

ahiltty to loan to th« govtrnmflnt tnuat

twine forwarrf tonight or tomorrow if

Rahway 16 to-- to oyer the top wi t i

It3 Fourth Liberty Loan quota, of

J47SJ00 From latest reports it IS

evident that about JilO.Offl ha»« W i n

sttibserlbed. w& sbo-ws that one ofthe day's work of~tho cam'balgia must W done if tbe daalred

1M9, tho city cai^r.l* months, waa •

la-reached. • ifdoes bis of her Bart the city should KOOTrer the top with colors flying! Don't-feo^tlw^one—to - causa-the—tity—to—fallshort of tbe mark by wlthholdintf youi1

mite. Go the limit and Insure s. vic-torious American peace.

Tbe ravazes1 of influenza, haveplayed havoc with the efforts, of the.employees Uberty Loan Committees,

In tha lant«r_Planfar, tt


reading,^ .The ilc'SWsw-^s'are Just one-J l n e r half for "ail months of -what they have^2^,1 heretofore been for one year. For » «

retail license it will cost $350;$12»,. and wholesale

$250.|- A communication waa received de-

claring the results of tho Bremen'soloction held Monday at which >tohii A.Sullivan was elected chief, CharlesDumbach and John W. HujEhes. as-

> hoped, ho-tfoverV that today a'nd to-nw>nrVTttf will afford B.n opportanlty

-- You arereadme every day of our boys They know that they can count on us atreaams » r ' ,,•;-,. • • .- .- . , . •» ,u^m a i i {u~ / > I i n s a n d s u p p l i e s

- o v e r - t h e r e - - ^ — : - - - _ , : , - •.•__.-.-,,- .•.;,,.....•' ,-. .

of •Pershin^s divisjons charing into the

trenches— ^of small detachments smashing their way

feom house to teuse iii ruined villa^es-ofsingle-hanSed deeds of sacrificeand valor. _

One thought on¥impulsesouls- to <MLl and keeg on i^htin^ until the

~ \vaFls Won: - ' - . - : - — - - . ; • • • - • - ^ • - . . ; , ; . • . - : . •;•••• ••••••

They know that all America is back of

they need to win.

There is only one way we can do it^ All ot us must work and save and buy

Liberty Bonds, with our whole souls, the way

>^:m^'1.are-figh^DJ& 9Y -r t n e r e -

- NoHess will w'n.There ^ no other way to provide the

money the Government must have.No other standard can. make the Fourth

Liberty Loan a success. \

Anaturall*''comes |-day Itfteti the ban on gasallnelea» Sun-

, i . ^ ^ B ( daya. effective at onca, . . - - - , . — ..D4«\M • # • " " • • • " ••• . I - " - ' — - - - * » T -* . , - i .» —*

Should gasoline stocks, again falldangerously low. it was stated therequest will be renewed. It Is probj

,.able that priority ordera will begin for {shipment of gasoline overseas.^.-

In announcing tho •withdrawal' .of

_Blsja^t chief9._a^ll_jip^own_candld»tea, Q Q. Graves; 75; C. O. Tl:barrage O]

, ind across thefast oxjre Is a

oar trenches are, hence tZ,til the fury of fa la force upon

' atoy any reinforcements com-,If bo stops the supporting

pa he can more easily handle the: and ropel It, • . t _ ^ __ _ _

[y *atlaTi6n~waiT£""supp7M:^^

for a whirl wind finish BO that whenthe final report is jmblfafaGti Tuettday1

ZT&titylxisC results' will ho shown.R.1 Hamilton Inc., 46o; Jtfydrei Felt

Pneumatic Co., 16<>; Oaletfe r 'jt~*r'Cd.100; Phosgene Ch.omlca.1 Co.,]H, TreraMey, 106; The'Wheatci100; .Wiilowcraft,

MacBoden d

Bryant fsrraca, from tliair .son. Percy

Miller. It Is sl«own that even under

the.present great stress, offcatGa con-

OBITUARY ;M>»a Minnie HxzaUSin*.

Following a fow cjaya" ISlncsa fromInfluenza- Mls.i Minnie Ha2«ldlne..a£d.d__li_y.eara.... daughter—of.,.Mr.- andMr*. Jos«ph JIazcIdine. of 2 Lawrencestreet, jKisaed away Wednesday morn-ing a t tho Rah way Hospital anno* a tSt. Mary's hall. Besides he r t>ar«nt^-the little girl Ioav«s three •tstors andthroo brothers, Sarah, Ttnae. .Jtaaste,Joseph, Albert ao4 TboKiai Hazf>Ml»A.ranginjf from two to t!fr.«on. years ofage, BurlaXw*** at Utnd^Iv an4 Rose-


Fewer Cases Reported Dailyand Epidemic is Well

Dndef Conlro!


- ~ — BehnInfluenza. <

a t the hoapita.1 anno^ at Kloenig'a.

E Thwre is. overy rcuutoa to ixall*-»c rn IT| tha naaaher -of tnfluenia. cases io thi*__PciEy ia sicodily rtecrea-^lnit' and that


The. , r ^ t t w i 4 l r a I « n £ i A r f t h e i l a e a * *

y*ars-old I v , _ . . . .». I haa passed. Of course, there are quite

,« v>f Mr.] ^^ t • — ,dt immbfti- ot new caa each. &ay, ba t

not of t h *

ditlons brothers con have joyful meet-

ings, and tlie Rah way boys hold tnv

prornpcii reunions 3.000 toilea from

home, an4 despite . the fact thatL two

millions of Am*»rtr.s»n

arft widely acattered

>><>y» in khakiver Prance.

Percy Milfef fa lii "BatUry C / ia th.Field AuiU«ry, which f 'haa alreadyplayeTTa JjrOtninerit par t In driving'the

Aat^r', fs tn a machlho jjunConnected with the 311th

Infantry, which, haa b^on In the thickof the fighting lately. ---Extracts fromPercy's ^ptters, dated September i s ,contain the foUowina*;

thl* city, and another1 couain.or. Long fV.und

h e mnplqye/i af. tho Hall 1


the houa*.-witK-

i plant.

being in the hom*>4 aiid owing to th«agitation thAf had alrM.iiiy. tAJc«a nixIn connection with prompt action

tak«> «c*ipK ' *nd'• many >*r«

latin(iryman t>&t.thA 3t. Mary*

iotfr, th.i CafM trig at rent,


th*sre willb« 01i\A


o rb« tlays i

rib" "arrow" t«t4,s

iia- frona«s r«pori

lines, having left the ifrbnt

partjif the woods "where JL«:ii£fit were camped. Talk'about.'.way1 reunion on tha front!. M 'iy.feet -Jferbert Ofchrine1, Chester

!iith of her hni,',; _Thacby h«if tith-ar. u.fc.«l four othor

rhlldro'n*. The' entire i'..iiiil;',- with tiu»lor arul tiwj ol«ioat

. Clifford Worth, HW:ry.ClarW,^ 1 -p r a t r t n i r i l l f l u w " w :

• Hanson, DtA^itt .Cowins and Ar

th« Board oi ffcalth and th*b[« r,oc>p«jra.tlon- o^ TLh« ftah

tliroujZii f.h« Krtnerovia and fre«i tu* ofSt. Mary';* hall and Kort-nig',1 tuill tha i

ThS" city clerk was Instructedformally' notify these jaaeu of

. Armstrong aairl tbiatcomplaints had coma to hlcft -aboutlower Main street and about the damt^in£ or garbaec at Church street* l ie


HarrUoaBody Co., i<2.

llXed Chemical S

ealii that h« had bean Informad by the b u r y

C. Ornbe, 62:fiO;Felt Co., S6.43i Hamilton

Mf«. Co., 50; Arthur McMullan- Co.,50; Three in One OH Co., 44Uki TheJteglna Co., *2.&4; Royal Mtg. Co.,

tlahway Auto Body Co., 2S* Mit'

Chrii.wintt a relapa**t

|lj£ tho Influanxa.**. of .Clinton ..Btreat.

. tti Gfflit the Infln«8si2a- OJ aay/*w. f t t A Jfot enly tno local

.but many


Lend '


Buy Is to your Utmost

This Space Gontrilbuted by


mprolne of August S. l»18,....We_JayI a]onp; a road, doao behind tho frontOlno. In the lee ot a fairly high bank,

•j ry much crowded, therefore.In dan-'8^ T from any »he)l, no niattei' haw.

i l l . . " . ". .

"Tho guns opened and away Went•ik e flr»t Wave. Then we settled down

endure Uio. shelling for forty-fivel^i nutea, before we should follow

n. The shelling was very heavy—heaviest that 1 have ever seen. It

p not 'intense/ but every gnn wasiarge calibre and the steady crash.

Hi lall^.^^anbed our ears until we hard-I heard it.

-tho- -Captain ~&ald .*'Jt—won'ter be any better,', for by now Fritz[: trained all of his enns on our oldnt'llne, and was attempting to es-

bilsh a curtain of fire. We got updashed through It to the com-

' jauatlve safety that lay beyond. Pass-fing the fire zone an officer -went down

/shell whizzed by. taking a man's[ hand with it.—and then we were ran^

; easily alongi--One tilled In ai company..while going. .throueh.

| the heaviest of Frtlz's are- If lockTtfi ' It fnniHn t hwgw fynr

| happened. After a bit of. dashingabout in a thick bit of fog. tbe.com-"juny.came out into me-snnwnine. wicfi*

|nothlng to do but lie abont. dodge an1 shell, and finish the prisoners-com-f In. in swarms.

_^_"This isn't-the~least.bit overdrawn^We did pass through that awful bit o f

i ji"'" ' lost one killed, tw;o seriously, five .slightly -wounded, threeankles. A week later we were

jlown out of a trench, eleven, allranks, surviving of a whole company

over a hundred and twenty, and itj i , _ « k Heinle a naif hour to do It.*

"- Further details of what life meansi n the firing Unaare-a l so^venln ttiwfollowing extracts:

"Tbe men dont expect to go on" for-1 i- over wltnburBelflngTaneaor wound-

«d-.We go on; for a short time withoutany casualties and then get a smash-

Iinmrrt tn

" T


t-L latthtrogh we hiid bgen atonttys cf: actiial servtco in the

i we bad only two silled to theand twenty-- wonnBea. ; all

^hdy. Yoa can Imagine tlie tensionder which we were working. When

jit case we knew it would come heav-LI nH n f t t eTcpect to get.

lailled. I dldnt want to see the gansOaaahed up.

"Well we went over the bogs on!>Acsust S and passed through one ot

lie heaviest banages t ever aaw. It& a steady fire of shells tram six to

inches in diameter. ThoI awe man's spirit. Finally

. 14 we paid. Tha company*

that ¥oya!_..response.of the public 1.000.000 barrels oUna waa saved for" the military force*.

"The peak load of domestic nonsumpj

tion is*'passing,, in the beIh^"->/ ther>ll division of the fc4uel Admlnisd'TiJon,and It in hoped that overseas ship-ments/ will not bo <iuUa &o heavy.Through a priority order giving pref-erence at refineries to ahlpments forovoracaa, prompt supplies for Europewill be assured,*and If any shortageexists it will be domestic.

In connection with the plan adoptedthrough oat the state- last SundayMayor Trembley had tho'' police i.de-f.

cars that appeared to be out forpleasure purposes, A list of these wassent ' t o the ^Euel^AdministraUonvEighty-eight Were listed by the localdepartment- ,.' ; - -

BUYS VALUABLe.PROPERTV•Through Frank H. Trussler..the*.en-erprlsina^'real- estata agent, . th«r XJol

SVeemas property at - 11& . Seminaryavenue, has bee"n~»ol& —to.-.John ~-,E-I>rexler, 21 Bond street. The premises-have a frontage - of—102—feet- at1^ ^ rTrussler has--reserved' forty-two feet-The Freeman property Is one of tne

tst suSstantlal- resfdVnees tn trie7

city and Is well located. -

STOP SIDEWALK 8PITTINO.-Orders-have beett' Issued - bj^-Mayor

Trembly and Chief oC MUce Ramseythat spitting on the sidewalk muststop or examples will be made of vio-lators. All officers have been in-structed to arrest violators. It is eon-slderedy that spitting Is* one of t i eworsts methods..of .spreading [diseasegerms. . . • . v.:';.

-tECTORE POSTPONEftThe lecture in the First Church of

Christ Scientist. Cranford. by Mrs.Ei5"wTHba«:"7Sl bl TbTedo;slanged fori Friday evanlns. Octo-! * • 17. hasjfeen postponed-Jintltaioa-

.gS:.t h e

o3g'Health- -Ji.wj»h«i of -tte> 6«^te- Boart

t h a t --thd city. iS- QOt"'fjnm iipff ~bago At that point and that it musthave been done Hy private citizens.Health Officer Fred M, William- willinvestigate the matter-

Mayor1 Trembley* wanted t<> .kno'WWhat- action had been1 taken by. thePublic Service. Corporation toward re-pairing the pavement adjoining Itstracks near the corner of Irving streetand Elizabeth avenue. City Engineer |SImonds said that owing to labor con-

! nano.Mfgv Co., 20; Merck & Co., 10.03;

ho report.


As a measure to- o conomize paper inaccordance 'with plans being adoptedtnroUgnout the country ir'oatinaAtdrGeorge L."KLr#|fa"aan«r baa Instructedall the postal 'TPloyea In tho city "toencour'tgo the 'public to use B tain paat the highest denomination

ro-We-'Wfir*- only on five

w« gained a.» objective- fntwenty four hour a where ..we 'Were •ex-pected to take thre«i/(Uys. but whenthose "de-vil-doj»:s' Rt-L o^soiiit' over" titatop With oor Tiarr;i^« in froat of them•jjgy _jgg> atop for anything1. I don'tknow where we go from here, but I

place aad-.bo

city about ,Xby t

Corapany. . I fa leaitea a broth*y In ,

-.tat U up. That's our M f s _ Hamiii6aJt>.buaitiess. stoppins .couator attJicka andstarting drlvp.a. That 1 why We havebeen. Ina l f tho tecenc'big battlea andbeen highly mentioned by OwneraiPeranlog and several Frencix

ay' char fa mout creditaMa, wal l*fi# Trw:n)>i«yj ami. the .Board cJT1th throw."h Its BrealJent WHIlaos-

h_ Offl««r ffroii M.^»lati±cu*ir^ S. C-u m a n b iva Ituspc


stre.e.r. aiid Mra, TEMward EIrchattv ot'Newark;; five Bond, three of whom arein the country'a aarvicev tncludina:Lleut«u:int JToueph Ei- Browa, at K!ay

i , »tonF W, Va.. In Medicai Corpn; 3cotEfor at on«jf, Jaca we Were requested to B r o w n r o f 0 u f t p i^v^ua. Xy*r. Mana.;

TJ, S.Main

dftlona the iroUey'company'would bo t o t h e a m o u n t o( p o a t i l g e

bl d h k t t dto do the work at present amiaid that, the company la willing forie d t y . t o ' d o the work ae their e i -

r^itX on

Mr. Simonda said that effortsare now being made" to aeenre 1,000asphalt blocJcs either through theHa&tlngs Pa-ing Company or the Bar-ber Asphalt Co. :

A number of bins were ordered paid.Com mi S3 loner Farber was absent fromthe meetings The official* presentWere: Mayor David H. Tremb!*y.Commissioner DuTld Armstrong, CityClerk * Charles H," Lambert/- City 'En-gineer F. W. Slmonda and AiaeasorWIHlam H-Wrigh t . : . ""•'"•

POLICE AFFAIRSCharged .with. non-«npport of his

wife a n j child HenJgaaH-Jaeliaon. '20 Linden avonae. m > arralsned be-fore Judge Orlando H- Dey In policecourt yesterday and was ordered tapay t U i week-towardtheirsopport. .This ha refused to do and he wasremanded for~^7urther action. Afterhaving a chance to think It over la acell Jackson and his wife made upand he was- released under suspendedsentence upon his agreement to ada-gn&tely provide for his family.

Steve Yedouslcy. K."6t~2S~TJo<atstreet, waa found tn the unopened

of Eases street on tbe soother-

all mail. . . . • 'Pot example, a three-cent atamp ln-

be affixed on~all lettersquire three cents postage and that aten>cent stamp Instead ef five two-centfltamps should be attached to parcelsreo,niring ten cents postage, . ' - ~;

C6>operatlon between postofflca era--ployes and the public in the sale anduse of these stamp* In higher denotni-"ftf^TT will effect a large saring tothe government in th* coat of prodotvIng, tfa&sporting and r^iTii'ft^^g thaat,and will beneflt Qie public to minimtS'ing ^ fi** number of stamps- handled an*!

" Y r*" " to - fflAlt T I K twneflt^wQ3~ beespecially Important to business con-

after o rr time wai up In a cer-tain adctor*. to Kelp out some. 5*renchtroopa. .'.; ~-1 ' !

~I would\Ut» ta have been In th«States and seen how th» ixrapU tooU c M M l . o n ^j,,., »„„!„

the news of our Mvancs Thursday. | Mr', Bro.w» waa'born tn .-Waahlngton. w a a onothar day to wntcn no

T ZZLVsZX anS Zn^? & C-"* ha*h"^ * " ^ °< ~J%X£XS^ Z« taro i r - '^aag"°a Itatanlng and being In W[1J. [^ ^ ^ lsL thlrty-nve yenra- -He

Krneat I*. Browa,, if.. In the>iavy; Thorj|jia B.'own, ot 2*J

' street and WUIlam M, Brown, of 115Kaflt ifUton avenue. tSlevaa grand^

On Wednesday evening tinsbars of the Board of Health, bald m.conference'' and xnude provliilosj £ovHi»ietinij th.# ftnanclal btirdeajt. *TremKlvsy • >asd Comniirtslcnartitrong wara pr«aanil were In accord wiCB. tiiotalcoa- by1 the hoard, .

On. Tu*i;aidiiy"- tilery were no •f^g*>'*-from tha dlaeade, but on.four victims 'paaaad away.

t t « of aboot I.ooO eua»

• • ' « » • • '

L. Brown, of tiil» city..tti. of f«iw. rjovay, tkHtf.Stolner of. Carterac-

t l l« a B l A l m l c

tern and parcels, and postmastera areI directed to bring the suggestion par-

tlculaxiy to

U/&LOAN& 943.202642—:-. TO WAR BUaiNCASES

•The War Finance Corporation tip to

j Io loans, of whldi UO&MMO wentt *tf l t l t ^ * dlni

ly side or Bast pinion ftvday mtternooaaaltiB IB- He w u takenXo t t e htHpttal «naex Io Koeuig*s hall.>h>n It n s toond be was snttedncfrom ptooitay. His-wife brossnt aim

siter whtcH he beeaaM

Re was takes ta poifeabesdanarters by Officer Amn* Mowety.

dtover 120* *na reduced' to eloTan ailranka. Can you imagine that? OnceIn 191S Vcompany had fourteen snr-Ttvora;once In 1«7 ;there;we».:•*&-

]ff ft and "Q' Urt l!>18 there w r e roltting the- laaca ot pro poondi a

SEMIrMOWTI- _V SUOAR SALESRevised rules go verning the sals of

montb tor each person, restrict. t iesale- to on* p"T

Hereafter only one pound tor eachperson can be tinted between tbe 1st

only eleven. Too can beat 013 Deathind1 Destruction for a long time, bat.theyni set -yon- It took Frit* twentymonths to pot1 me down for too count.but be finally did 1L~

Corporal Luti In hia letter sends Ms J pound betsreea the 15th and tat* 30th,best regards to an his local friezids. |

ic th of te-

F'ederal food iwiiHtutsttiitoY*.erer. b a n antbortty to modttr the

Liberty Bonds or German taxes. mle.

o2 >*a*»ir*. alyh nM*h- tbe sJct underwlxl^h tbo corporation opecat4s sped'ftes th^t tbla imrffiw< «>i*.ii ^^ asplledonly nn exceptional cases."* xmstt»t(ni». dljctosed WedTwrnrtsy In » re-port or tbe corporation to Consress.explains why Secretary McAdoo anddirectors ot tbe corporation bare been

act to pravfda thai the ssaal. mathod

s anj t!>« -exception*) inatfc-

which advances were made, acting aathe> Tt*ii*.*tTi?tIon that Its relatiaas withborrowen" • i e confide n t tut" ~ fifwrT

w e n oat dt»clo«ed. «ttnoaca it Is known a nmnhfir of IOSASw*-..4* aado-ttt-^ par cent. •••

letwcen the 1st Barry" Scuddaf. of 9 Clinton street.and the other with % party of friends" enjoyed *a

antf> trip Tuesday toTrentoc, Cranhttry -*suiTaej_ Ttilted th« Capitol" aad otiwa-potnts o£ tatepBst.

of Ute thtnas tbeyjeaye ljln« around, jso we have to watcfe t f h

with tlia Knl«nu of fytaina. at

w e•o we have to watcb oat for whatpick ap or we might cat our anger*burnt. . . , • . • ; . " -.'-'•

. "Wefl, the imezpecteit has- happen-ed and I am glad to say that I

nt-a few hoors--with- Leat«r,Saturday when w« were

> btttter" representative ot tha.:«d race could b«i found anywtkeru••_ Mr, Brows. Ita waa devoted to

l T e . crated to the welfare*-"* I'wltli wtoteh"~nw~

D .

Drohabfllty tha t.nflimnxA ban- will b»Tuiixs*tny October' 24. Thtt

t • i-i to . loave ta tha dlJS-crfsdoni* ijf- lucui Botunla oiTwlictiier or hat. •ilia baa nlxouZil

In taetr roat)«ctiv«

nB" UlentiCwd and Cor Which he worked so' cnniiain*amnsnnltion. tot our Kuril I SAW Adolpfa

chased tae Oermazis- bn Thursday,B e told me Letter «a5 around thara

N o b*r of bis racBKhas occtxQJted;' roapect ia this dty^fliin- oe

and hia entire life merited tfiiaesteem

fU rittr

somewhere, and as lack would ha*e m w a l c J l ^ w a a j ^ ^coiniun had to Tt Tf rlsht- there,

so he, started out to- look forWetLt dfataoianted from my team andpretty wen l*it«r-Caaw aianfc_m

^was «lttd to see him, I-*bt acannoneer to drive my taam a shortdistance whHtt Lester walked a way! Mis:


Terrya aitort llXa«ias Croni

Mra. i Tq«»y Xeriry, farmerty^]|ft yf ConniBT9» axsd 37,. 4l<td

with ma. Sunday I was sorprlsed u>'nt^^^psamM n\o Pmahlno avenoa.see aim waJpt Into tha place where OSSfl^Swark, on Wednesday: Sne im sur-eaiasoits W«JPO parked^ W* were al- * vlved by a«r biuiluuut omclmostin - tJw. oaroe _woodsr _

I** M ^ ^ ' Cp&aB DQP? |p|'p J

Tasnulur mocnlnc w« were about TOOrmrda from tha front line trench«s

Tae locallleva that Rah*ay will be ready to lotthe baa aa earl?- a« tlia- data set bT

r BAMKAcconJIlojc to>

it* Ca&eeearof Causey

Nattonai Stata,County Trust. «3JltiX14;

$3X0.13* KUsanetJinor

opened up1, atr. aad. Mrs. iPhiUp," Ctioiiers.Weat&eXd avenoe. Rahway.

m a , : «o tUat they wonia be ready taopen m> at 4 o-elocfc wl«t m tmmm tarta4.4ouckbor» and smrlses U> toHow

Terry was a native of thia ctxy awtresWoU hers- anta ajumt amen yearsago. "She was a aMmhwt afjhm Itxat

BaOeirs aw.. tsar*racket w!t«n"-tluJ»s bi* pma openedop. One' o'clocjt 'aad.tDta'drl'va waaPon. A* BOOB as tha ttrsl ftix; gnxwent off tha Germans sent up y»m*s>«tar siella to- ttgiit tb» wool* coaa-

((IspoatUon anrt Oudsv

try. :"The feltews

__ amelT deatlt brings crtaf to a wtd»

hara seen •<? tar arit aH looking Hoe."

Indication* tt* Orstof tha seasoa ta


From-footballplayed^Jtf.Uts Bshwayelerea 1 W ((Ute pbu» atPark. Saturday. Oct. 3Ctaxi n!»h as

I cnarmcter tbac woo. bos tn« frland

voud to o«r Cunllyand no aikerlfice vaa tao> great tar bar

iasetf ones

dxcl* of triaads-xsatardor In Uutand waa attended QJ * lono nitmtwrot local trisnds,

Burlat took

Mrs. Tarane* •rennan.Mrs. Tarsus* Bnauaa. sent 30. o£

Unol«om»nio, 3. t . died OB Wttttunv

mtt Trtut. «,sar.9O; BTtat MatScmai oCSammlr. «or«;.W«stO«Itf T n a t tt-M3-4(t; Vmonfear Baofc aut Trust.

HoJdl *tnl*«»"; "Kahwax Katlonal. IX.-Bsawsjr

fiont Truat. tUSiJMt FUat Saltenat a t

TU*J« CLOCJCa BACK OCT. 27.No farclMr efrnrca wilt ae ntaitst by

Caneress to. rrmrimi* tha extiSas dtay-Uint mTfiSTawTaiSf di» oasda a t ^ » "docs* win (at tarasrf bask an- &mr amOct. Xh. aa artgjnally

Tttl» JacaOcatat aionfltrene* J

> » , 1 J T l _ -i


\ — * _ J"—

ani Cbalrnmn Banntn of dt*>