By: Colton Andrews Shannon Wu Alejandro Galvan Justin Cole The Jane Eyre ABCs We Approve This Message. WE “READ” THE BOOK :D

By: Colton Andrews Shannon Wu Alejandro Galvan Justin Cole We Approve This Message. WE “READ” THE BOOK :D

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By: Colton Andrews

Shannon Wu

Alejandro Galvan

Justin Cole

The Jane Eyre ABCs

We Approve This Message.



The student of Jane (Governess Job). She lives at Thornfield with Mr. Rochester because her mother, Celine, an old mistress of Mr. Rochester, abandoned her.

Adèle Varens (Rolling in the Deep)

Born in 1816; Died in 1854 of PneumoniaPublished Jane Eyre on October 16, 1847Wrote Jane Eyre as sort of biography of her

lifeMain themes in the book regard the Victorian

Age gender and social customs, which Brontë is against

Brontë, Charlotte

During the Victorian era, Christianity was a strong influence on societal norms such as acceptable behavior and activities. It was considerably more complicated and frowned upon in the Victorian Era to get a divorce. A problem of Edward Rochester is his desire to marry Jane, but also being technically married to Bertha Mason. Many people would look down on him had he divorced Bertha.

Christian Values

Definition: the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body

In the Victorian Age, it was extremely difficult to get a divorce because of society’s negative outlook on the topic due to the Church’s autocratic power.


Eliza is Jane’s cousin who eventually becomes very religious oriented and moves to a convent in France where she becomes the Mother superior.

Eliza Reed (Your Mind)

Yo Dawg,

So I heard you read Jane Eyre!

The location where Mr. Rochester is found maimed by the fire that burned down the Thornfield manor. Jane and Mr. Rochester rebuild their relationship, due to Jane’s newfound social status due to the death of her uncle, and eventually marry. Charlotte Brontë ends her novel at this last setting.


Definition: governess is a girl or woman employed to teach and train children in a private household

After Jane finishes her studies and teachings at Lowood Institute, Jane finds a job as a governess of a girl, Adele, at Thornfield, where Jane’s story really gets exciting.

Governess (a woman Governer?!)

"My dearest, don’t mention governesses; the word makes me nervous. I have suffered a martyrdom from their incompetency and caprice; I thank Heaven I have now done with them!"

Helen is a close friend that Jane became acquainted with at the Lowood Institute. Helen is very dignified, which confused Jane sometimes. Helen dies in the Typhus outbreak that transpires through the school, which leads to the remodel of the entire institute.

Helen Burns

"I am very happy, Jane; and when you hear that I am dead,you must be sure and not grieve: there is nothing to grieve about. We all must die one day, and the illness which is removing me is not painful; it is gentle and gradual; my mind is at rest"(Brontë 83). Maturity inspires Jane and it shows the serene nature of Helen.

Jane rises above the common woman in the Victorian era as she had a school education as well as a knack for speaking her mind in a time where it wasn't considered necessarily proper for women. When they became wives, they were supposed to be dutiful and submissive to there husbands. Jane's and Rochester's relationship breaks that mold as they focus on what they like in each other (what makes them individuals).

Individualism in Women

The main protagonist of the book, Jane is an orphan who seeks her purpose in life and who desires the fine life of the upper class which she achieves after many trials. She also believes in more social and gender equality that refute the current thinking of the Victorian Era.

Jane is characterized as to represent many aspects and occurrences of the author, Charlotte Bronte, though not to the most exact detail.

Jane Eyre

Reads Jane Eyre

Not Impressed

 “I sometimes wished to have rosy cheeks, a straight nose, and small cherry mouth; I desired to be tall, stately and finely developed in figure; I felt it a misfortune that I was so little, so pale, and had features so irregular and so marked." Pretty much how Jane felt about herself

Victorian slang for “Drunk”The Victorian Era, however, had major problems with

rampant drug abuse and alcoholism. Alcohol was easily produced and distributed. These beverages were used to alleviate a host of ailments such as epilepsy, gout, kidney stones, colic, fever, headaches.

Charles Dickens was a drug addict (laudanum). Edgar Allan Poe was an opium and alcohol addict. Percy Bysshe Shelley suffered raging laudanum-induced hallucinations.


The, at first, poorly set up charity institution for orphans, run by Mr. Brocklehurst, that Jane was sent to by the Reeds; after its horrible condition was publicized and a “makeover” was completed, Jane was educated there for 6 years and taught for 2, gaining necessary knowledge and skills to be useful to society and to a family (most likely, her education was not as widely encompassing as her male counterparts as woman weren’t expected to know more than necessary knowledge as their jobs in the family and the household).

"The school, this improved, in time became a truly useful and noble institution" (Bronte 86). New management at Lowood made it possible for Jane to flourish. Turning point for Jane.

Lowood Institute (of Technology)


Definition: the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife

In the Victorian Age, marriage was a highly regarded union that was looked upon critically by the Victorian people. Mr. Rochester developed a desire to marry Jane, which occurred after much tribulation.

Marriage (HA!)

"Whenever I marry," she continued, after a pause which none interrupted, "I am resolved my husband shall not be a rival, but a foil to me. I will suffer no competitor near the throne; I shall exact an undivided homage: his devotions shall not be shared between me and the shape he sees in his mirror."

How Blanche Ingram views marriage and how it's vastly different from Jane 

Marriage (Con’t)

“You ascribed to her a goblin appearance different from her own: the long disheveled hair, the swelled black face, the exaggerated stature, were figments of imagination; results of nightmare" (Brontë 171-172).


Mr. Rochester

There were constant references to supernatural effects that other characters wanted Jane to believe she was imagining, calling them "nightmares," such as bertha and her craycrayness. By calling these things nightmares, Rochester downplays the magnitude of the realness of what Jane saw, hoping to wean her off the course of discovering his secrets.

Definition: a child whose parents are deadRelevance: Jane became an orphan at a very young age. The

Reeds took her into their home, but treated her negatively, giving Jane the feeling of a low status, which is one of the reasons that her marriage with Mr. Rochester is prolonged (he is of great wealth, while she is a relatively poor orphan).

“You are a dependant, mama says; you have no money; your father left you none; you ought to beg, and not to live here with gentlemen's children like us" (Brontë 5).

Orphan (Swag)

I don’t always smile,But when I do,

I don’t.

Definition: the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form

“This room was chill, because it seldom had a fire… it was silent…solemn…[and] lonely in spite of its grandeur”(Brontë 7). Jane is describing the room as if it were a lonely person.

Personification (Animalification)

Definition: Representing the most perfect or typical example of a quality or class

Mr. Rochester, to Jane, was quintessential. He was a wealthy, relatively handsome man with a social status, which hinders Jane’s ability to accept their relationship at first. However, after receiving wealth from her Uncle, Jane feels socially able to be with Mr. Rochester.

Quintessential (Quilt)

Jane’s employer, owner of Thornfield, Ex-husband (that’s right girls, you heard me) of Bertha Mason, and husband of Jane Eyre (oops, tricked ya, oh well, YOLO)

Rochester, Edward (Cullen)

JK. This is actually just going to be about secrets in the book. For example, Rochester kept the secret of Bertha from Jane and many of his socialites in order to maintain his reputation and earn the love of Jane.

Secrets of the Victorian Age (Victorian’s Secret)

Estate of Mr. Edward Rochester where the majority of the novel takes place

Key Events:Jane is hired as a Governess to work here.Mr. Rochester and Jane meet.Mr. Rochester is partially incapacitated by the

fire set by Bertha Mason, who committed suicide while Mr. Rochester attempted to save her.

Thornfield (Prickleplane)

Definition: having no real value or useIn the beginning of the book there is an

emphasis on the fact that the Reed household views Jane as worthless, and lucky that she is being raised there. Ironically, Jane ends up with vast wealth and happiness, while the Reed family slowly declines to the worthlessness they loathed in Jane.

Worthless (, You are.)

Definition: friendly to strangers

"Hush, Hannah...let me do [my duty] in admitting her...I think this is a peculiar case--I must examine into it. Young woman, rise, and pass before me into the house" (Brontë 202).

Xenodochial (whut.)I don’t always make up words

But when I do, they sound awesome

Definition: having an intense feeling of loss or lack and longing for something

Jane Eyre, after meeting yet abandoning Mr. Rochester, never truly gets over him, as he was the most desirable guy for her, as portrayed by Brontë. Deep down, she yearned for their reunion. In the end, she returned to him, though he was maimed, and they married.

Yearning (Churning, Learning, Burning, Etc.)

Slumdog Millionaire.

Definition: a figure of speech in which two or more parts of a sentence are joined with a single common verb or noun

"But then it seems disgraceful to be flogged, and to be sent to stand in the middle of a room full of people" (Brontë 32).When Bronte uses the word "disgrace", zeugma is used by having the reader infer that the room is being disgraced because it's "flogged," but she also means that standing alone in the middle of the room is also a disgrace.

Zeugma (Poseidogma)


Images:http://www.google.com/imghp?hl=en&tab=wiCharlotte Bronte Biography:http://www.victorianweb.org/authors/bronte/c

