By:. Color Psychology Ever Wonder Why Different Colors Make You Feel A Certain Way?? Chromotherapy- the use of colors to heal. Color psychology is

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By: Slide 2 Color Psychology Ever Wonder Why Different Colors Make You Feel A Certain Way?? Chromotherapy- the use of colors to heal. Color psychology is the emotional effect colors have on people. Slide 3 Warm & Cool Colors Warm Colors The warm colors are the reds, oranges and the yellows. These colors tend to make u feel angry and hostile Cool Colors The cool colors are the blues, purples and greens. These colors usually make you calm and relaxed. Slide 4 Purple The symbol of wealth and royalty. Purple is used to represent wisdom and spirituality. Slide 5 Blue Color of calmness and serenity. Also give you the feeling of a sadness. Decorators use blue in office rooms because people tend be more productive. Slide 6 Green Is a symbol of nature. Sense of tranquility, luck, good health, and jealousy. The color green can improve your reading skills. Slide 7 Yellow Yellow is the thought to be cheery and warm. Can cause a feeling of frustration and anger. Its said that if you paint a babies room yellow, they will tend to cry more. Slide 8 Orange Its an energetic color. It brings excitement and enthusiasm. Orange is used in traffic signs, because it draws attention. Slide 9 Red Red is associated with strong emotion. Red is the color of love, warmth and comfort. Can also create intense feelings such as excitement. Slide 10 Pink Pink is the color of love and romance. Often sports teams will use pink in the opposing locker rooms to make the opposing team less energetic. Slide 11 Black Black is the color of evil. It is also associated with death and mourning. Black is used in fashion because black articles of clothing make you appear slimmer. Slide 12 Work CitedWork Cited