BWW for Website 2.3.15

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  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    Legislation of Interest to the Virginia Business Community

    BudgetBill Patron Summary





    Item 1 #2H & Item 136 #6sCreates a Joint Su!"ommittee to ro$i%e re"ommen%ations or reorming t'e (irginia Pres"'ool





    Item 101)*)1In"reases +o$ernor,s -e$eloment .ortunity un% rom 10 million irst year to 1 million irst year an% 10

    million se"on% year to 20) million se"on% year



    Item 101 .*llo"ates 00000 to t'e (irginia 5ourism +rot' Initati$e un%





    Item 120 H)2*llo"ates 1)2 mill ion or t'e (irginia Coaliel% 7"onomi" -e$eloment *ut'ority "ontingent uon Coaliel%

    7mloyment 7n'an"ement 5a Cre%it !ill assageHB1400/



    ColganItem 13 #14H99ro$i%es 20000 t'e se"on% year rom t'e general un% to t'e (irginia 7arly C'il%'oo% oun%ation





    Item 136 C) 14) 4: a:*llo (irginia "ommunities t'at ma out o t'eir Pre9; e%u"ation !u%get to %ra %on unuse% un%s to

    "ontinue to ro$i%e a""ess to stu%ents 'o nee% it)HB1400/



    ColganItem 301 555)10

  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    SB800 Colgan

    Conflict of InterestBill Patron Summary

    HB130 arrell

    General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; revolving door prohibition.Pro'i!its any legislator %uring t'e one year olloing

    'is termination o ser$i"e as a legislator rom a""eting an aointment to or emloyment it' a go$ernmental agen"y) 5'e !ill

    eemts aointments !y t'e +o$ernor to ser$e as a +o$ernorAs Se"retary rom t'is one9year ro'i!ition)

    HB14 ;ory

    General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; prohibited conduct; employment and appointments.Pro'i!its any legislator

    rom see>ing or a""eting %uring t'e term o oi"e or 'i"' 'e as ele"te% an% %uring t'e one year ater t'e termination o 'is

    ser$i"e as a legislator an aointment to or emloyment it' any go$ernmental agen"y e"et an aointment to ser$e as a+o$ernorAs Se"retary imme%iately uon t'e termination o ser$i"e as a legislator) 5'e !ill ro$i%es t'at a legislator may ser$e as

    "ourt9aointe% "ounsel)

    HB18 atts

    State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; prohibited gifts; civil

    penalty. Pro$i%es t'at or uroses o t'e ro'i!ition against a""etan"e o "ertain items t'at reasona!ly ten% to inluen"e oi"ial

    %uties any money loan git a$or ser$i"e or !usiness or roessional oortunity t'at is a""ete% !y a mem!er o t'e imme%iate

    amily o an oi"er or emloyee o a state or lo"al go$ernmental or a%$isory agen"y or a mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly s'all !e

    "onsi%ere% to 'a$e !een a""ete% !y t'e oi"er emloyee or mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly i i: su"' money loan git a$or

    ser$i"e or !usiness or roessional oortunity as a""ete% or retaine% it' 'is >nole%ge an% a"Duies"en"e an% ii: 'e >nos

    or 'as reason to >no t'at su"' money loan git a$or ser$i"e or !usiness or roessional oortunity as gi$en to t'e mem!er

    o 'is imme%iate amily !e"ause o 'is oi"ial osition) irst $iolations o t'is ro$ision are su!Ee"t to t'e eisting enalties o = 2)29

    3124 an% = 309126 'ile a se"on% or su!seDuent $iolation it'in a "alen%ar year is su!Ee"t to a "i$il enalty o no less t'an

    200)HB166 Bulo$a State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; certain gifts

    prohibited; penalties. Pro'i!its state an% lo"al go$ernment oi"ers an% emloyees an% legislators an% "an%i%ates or t'e +eneral

    *ssem!ly reDuire% to ile t'e %is"losure orm res"ri!e% in = 2)29311 or 309111 rom soli"iting a""eting or re"ei$ing any single

    tangi!le or intangi!le git or any "om!ination o tangi!le or intangi!le gits it' a $alue e"ee%ing 100 rom any erson) or

    uroses o t'e ro'i!ition an% t'e %is"losure reDuirements su"' git or gits gi$en to a mem!er o t'e imme%iate amily o an

    oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate s'all !e "onsi%ere% a git or gits to t'e oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate i i: t'e

    git as gi$en it' 'is >nole%ge an% a"Duies"en"e an% ii: 'e >nos or 'as reason to >no t'at t'e git as gi$en to t'e mem!er

    o 'is imme%iate amily !e"ause o 'is oi"ial osition) Hoe$er an intangi!le git or a "om!ination o intangi!le gits it' a $alue

    e"ee%ing 100 may !e a""ete% i t'e git or gits ere re"ei$e% 'ile in atten%an"e at an e$ent sonsore% !y a not9or9roit or

    go$ernment entity t'at is oen to t'e u!li" or to 'i"' t'e u!li" is in$ite% to ur"'ase ti">ets or a%mission or i a ritten reDuest

    'as !een su!mitte% to an% 'as re"ei$e% t'e ritten aro$al o t'e (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il) 5'eCoun"il may aro$e t'ose reDuests t'at ro$i%e a u!li" !eneit an% %o not raise t'e aearan"e o imroriety) 5'e !ill urt'er

    ro'i!its any oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate or any mem!er o 'is imme%iate amily rom soli"iting a""eting or

    re"ei$ing any tangi!le or intangi!le git o any $alue 'en 'e >nos or 'as reason to >no t'at su"' git as oere% or gi$en it'

    t'e intent to in%u"e any "on%u"t or a"tion !y 'im relate% to t'e erorman"e o 'is oi"ial %uties) * >noing $iolation o t'is

    ro'i!ition is unis'a!le !y a "i$il enalty in an amount eDual to 20 an% any oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate 'o

    >noingly "ommits a se"on% or su!seDuent $iolation it'in our years o a re$ious $iolation is guilty o a Class 1 mis%emeanor)

    or uroses o t'is limitation t'e !ill %eines Ftangi!le gitF as a t'ing o $alue t'at "an !e sol% at retail in"lu%ing "urren"y

    se"urities an% ot'er inan"ial instruments an% %eines Fintangi!le gitF as t'ose ser$i"es transortation lo%gings meals an% ot'er

    t'ings o $alue t'at may !e enEoye% !ut "annot !e resol%) 5'e ro'i!ition %oes not aly to gits gi$en !y relati$es or ersonal

    rien%s) 5'e !ill amen%s t'e i$e9year %ollar a%Eustment to t'e limitation on annual gits reDuiring t'e a%Eustment !e roun%e% to t'e

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 2

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    nearest 0)

    HB168 no t'at t'e git as gi$en to t'e mem!er o 'is imme%iate

    amily !e"ause o 'is oi"ial osition) 5'e ro'i!ition %oes not aly to gits gi$en !y relati$es ersonal rien%s or !usinessasso"iates 'o are a"ting it'out t'e intent to gain a""ess to or inluen"e t'e oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate in 'is

    oi"ial %uties) 5'e !ill ermits t'e a""etan"e o a git or a "om!ination o gits it' a $alue e"ee%ing 100 i t'e gits are a""ete%

    'ile in atten%an"e at a i%ely atten%e% e$ent 'i"' is %eine% as a nonartisan e$ent to 'i"' at least 2 ersons 'a$e !een

    in$ite% an% are anti"iate% to atten% an% %oes not in"lu%e o$ernig't a""ommo%ations an% more t'an one meal) 5'e !ill also

    ermits t'e a""etan"e o a tra$el9relate% t'ing o $alue t'at e"ee%s 100 in $alue an% is ro$i%e% !y a t'ir% arty i a ritten

    reDuest or a ai$er 'as !een su!mitte% to an% 'as !een aro$e% !y t'e (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il)

    ai$ers are not reDuire% or tra$el ai% or or ro$i%e% !y t'e go$ernment o t'e Gnite% States any o its territories or anot'er

    state in t'e Gnite% States or a oliti"al su!%i$ision o su"' ot'er state) Su"' gits must still !e %is"lose% on t'e res"ri!e% orm) 5'e

    !ill urt'er ro'i!its any oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate or mem!er o 'is imme%iate amily rom soli"iting a""eting or

    re"ei$ing any git o any $alue 'en 'e >nos or 'as reason to >no t'at su"' git as oere% or gi$en it' t'e intent to in%u"e

    any "on%u"t or a"tion !y 'im relate% to t'e erorman"e o 'is oi"ial %uties) * >noing $iolation o t'is ro'i!ition is unis'a!le !y

    a "i$il enalty in an amount eDual to 20 an% any oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate 'o >noingly "ommits a se"on% orsu!seDuent $iolation it'in our years o a re$ious $iolation is guilty o a Class 1 mis%emeanor) 5'e !ill remo$es t'e %istin"tion

    !eteen tangi!le an% intangi!le gits an% t'e i$e9year %ollar a%Eustment to t'e limitation on annual gits)

    HB11 @enoingly ro$i%e% or ro$i%es su"' a "ontri!ution or git %uring t'ese erio%s is su!Ee"t to a "i$il enalty o 00 or u to to

    times t'e amount o t'e "ontri!ution or git 'i"'e$er is greater)


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  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    *ssem!ly or legislati$e interim stu%y "ommission or "ommittee)

    SB eman

    General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; gift)free legislator; penalty.Pro$i%es t'at a mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    may i%entiy 'imsel as a git9ree legislator !y sele"ting su"' an otion on t'e Statement o 7"onomi" Interests t'ere!y in%i"ating

    t'at 'e ill not a""et a git o any $alue oere% or gi$en to 'im or t'e si9mont' erio% imme%iately olloing t'e su!mission

    %ea%line o t'e Statement o 7"onomi" Interests 'e is iling) 5'e !ill ermits a legislator 'o i%entiies 'imsel as a git9ree

    legislator to %e"i%e at a later %ate to a""et a git so long as it is not ro'i!ite% !y la an% 'e "omlies it' t'e ali"a!le

    %is"losure reDuirements) Hoe$er 'e s'all not !e ermitte% to sele"t su"' otion on t'e Statement net ile%) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e

    (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il to reare a list o t'ose 'o i%entiy t'emsel$es as git9ree legislators an%

    ro$i%e t'at list to t'e Se"retary o t'e Commonealt' or %istri!ution to lo!!yists an% to t'e Cler>s o t'e House o -elegates an%t'e Senate)

    SB812 at>ins

    Lobbyist disclosure; definition of e*ecutive action; procurement transactions.In"lu%es ro"urement transa"tions un%er t'e

    %einition o Fee"uti$e a"tion)F FPro"urement transa"tionF is %eine% as all un"tions t'at ertain to o!taining goo%s ser$i"es or

    "onstru"tion on !e'al o an ee"uti$e agen"y in"lu%ing %es"rition o reDuirements sele"tion an% soli"itation o sour"es

    rearation an% aar% o "ontra"t an% all 'ases o "ontra"t a%ministration)

    SB86 Cosgro$e

    State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act; prohibited contracts by officers and employees of hospital

    authorities. Clariies t'at oi"ers an% emloyees o 'osital aut'orities are in"lu%e% un%er t'e ro'i!ite% "ontra"t ro$isions or

    lo"al oi"ers an% emloyees un%er t'e State an% @o"al +o$ernment Conli"t o Interests *"t) 5'e !ill also lists e"lusions rom t'e

    general "ontra"t ro'i!itions t'at are se"ii" to oi"ers an% emloyees o 'osital aut'orities)

    SB24 etonCompensation of members of the General Assembly.Pro'i!its "omensation to legislators or atten%ing "oneren"es or 'i"'

    t'e agen%a an% materials are not a$aila!le to t'e u!li")

    SB120 Smit' Lobbyist disclosure; gifts; penalty.*men%s t'e ortion o t'e lo!!yist %is"losure orm on 'i"' gits are %is"lose%) 5'eamen%e% S"'e%ule B reDuires %is"losure o any git to an ee"uti$e or legislati$e oi"ial it' a $alue o more t'an 0 o 'i"' t'e

    rin"ial "ontri!ute% all or art e$en i t'e rin"ialAs s'are o t'e git as less t'an 0)

    SB121 Smit'

    Lobbyist reporting; disclosure statement.*men%s t'e lo!!yist %is"losure orm to reDuire t'e listing o t'e matters o general

    "on"ern or 'i"' t'e lo!!yist or>s on !e'al o t'e rin"ial an% ea"' i: legislati$e a"tion ii: ee"uti$e a"tion an% iii:

    ro"urement a"tion or 'i"' t'e lo!!yist soug't to inluen"e t'e out"ome) 5'e !ill %eines ro"urement transa"tion an% soug't to

    inluen"e)SB126 7%ar%s State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; prohibited conduct

    related to gifts and travel.Pro'i!its state an% lo"al go$ernment oi"ers an% emloyees an% mem!ers o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    rom a""eting any git or any "om!ination o gits it' a $alue e"ee%ing t'e "urrent limit o 20 rom a t'ir% arty rior to

    su!mitting to t'e (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il a reDuest or a ai$er to a""et su"' git an% re"ei$ing

    su"' a ai$er) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e Coun"il to re"ei$e an% re$ie reDuests or ai$ers an% it'in se$en %ays o re"ei$ing a

    reDuest aro$e or %eny t'e reDuest or ai$er) In re$ieing t'e reDuest or a ai$er t'e Coun"il s'all "onsi%er t'e nature o t'egit t'e relations'i !eteen t'e reDuester an% t'e t'ir% arty ro$i%ing t'e git an% 'et'er t'e git relates to t'e oi"ial %uties o

    t'e reDuester) 'en re$ieing a reDuest or a ai$er or a t ra$el9relate% git t'e Coun"il is also reDuire% to "onsi%er t'e urose o

    t'e tra$el as it relates to t'e oi"ial %uties o t'e reDuester) ai$ers are not reDuire% or tra$el ai% or or ro$i%e% !y t'e

    go$ernment o t'e Gnite% States any o its territories or anot'er state in t'e Gnite% States or t'e oliti"al su!%i$ision o su"' ot'er

    state) 5'e !ill also remo$es t'e %istin"tion !eteen tangi!le an% intangi!le gits an% ro'i!its any single git or any "om!ination o

    gits in a "alen%ar year it' a $alue e"ee%ing 20 gi$en rom any t'ir% arty to t'ose ersons su!Ee"t to t'e Conli"ts o Interests

    *"ts) or uroses o t'e ro'i!ition an% t'e ai$er e"etion Ft'ir% artyF is %eine% as any erson 'o t'e oi"er emloyee or

    legislator >nos or 'as reason to >no is a lo!!yist registere% ursuant to *rti"le 3 = 2)29418 et seD): o C'ater 4 o 5itle 2)2 a

    lo!!yistAs rin"ial as %eine% in = 2)2941 a erson organiation or !usiness 'o is a arty to or is see>ing to !e"ome a arty to

    a "ontra"t it' t'e Commonealt' or one o its oliti"al su!%i$isions or a erson 'ose interests may !e su!stantially ae"te% !y

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 5

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    t'e erorman"e o t'e oi"ial %uties o t'e oi"er emloyee or legislator)

    SB128 eton

    State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act and the General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; certain gifts

    prohibited; penalties. Pro'i!its state an% lo"al go$ernment oi"ers an% emloyees an% legislators an% "an%i%ates or t'e +eneral

    *ssem!ly reDuire% to ile t'e %is"losure orm res"ri!e% in = 2)29311 or 309111 rom soli"iting a""eting or re"ei$ing any single

    tangi!le or intangi!le git or any "om!ination o tangi!le or intangi!le gits it' a $alue e"ee%ing 100 rom any erson

    organiation or !usiness it'in any "alen%ar year) or uroses o t'e ro'i!ition an% t'e %is"losure reDuirements su"' git gi$en

    to a mem!er o t'e imme%iate amily o an oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate s'all !e "onsi%ere% a git to t'e oi"er

    emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate i i: t'e git as gi$en it' 'is >nole%ge an% a"Duies"en"e an% ii: 'e >nos or 'as reason to

    >no t'at t'e git as gi$en to t'e mem!er o 'is imme%iate amily !e"ause o 'is oi"ial osition) Hoe$er an intangi!le git it'a $alue e"ee%ing 100 may !e a""ete% i a ritten reDuest 'as !een su!mitte% to an% 'as re"ei$e% t'e ritten aro$al o t'e

    (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il t'e Coun"il:) 5'e Coun"il may aro$e t'ose reDuests t'at ro$i%e a

    u!li" !eneit an% %o not raise t'e aearan"e o imroriety) 5'e !ill urt'er ro'i!its any oi"er emloyee legislator or

    "an%i%ate or a mem!er o 'is imme%iate amily rom soli"iting a""eting or re"ei$ing any tangi!le or intangi!le git o any $alue

    'en 'e >nos or 'as reason to >no t'at su"' git as oere% or gi$en it' t'e intent to in%u"e any "on%u"t or a"tion !y 'im

    relate% to t'e erorman"e o 'is oi"ial %uties) * >noing $iolation o t'is ro'i!ition is unis'a!le !y a "i$il enalty o 20 an%

    any oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate 'o >noingly "ommits a se"on% or su!seDuent $iolation it'in our years o a

    re$ious $iolation is guilty o a Class 1 mis%emeanor) or uroses o t'is limitation t'e !ill %eines Ftangi!le gitF as a t'ing o

    $alue t'at "an !e sol% at retail in"lu%ing "urren"y se"urities an% ot'er inan"ial instruments an% %eines Fintangi!le gitF as t'ose

    ser$i"es transortation lo%gings meals an% ot'er t'ings o $alue t'at may !e enEoye% !ut "annot !e resol%) 5'e ro'i!ition %oes

    not aly to gits gi$en !y relati$es ersonal rien%s or !usiness asso"iates 'o are a"ting it'out t'e intent to gain a""ess to or

    inluen"e t'e oi"er emloyee legislator or "an%i%ate in 'is oi"ial %uties) 5'e !ill remo$es t'e i$e9year %ollar a%Eustment to t'elimitation on annual gits)

    SB128 7!!in

    State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act; $irginia Independent

    Commission on %thics established; penalty.7sta!lis'es t'e (irginia In%een%ent Commission on 7t'i"s t'e Commission: an

    in%een%ent et'i"s "ommission aut'orie% to i: res"ri!e re"ei$e an% re$ie all %is"losure orms reDuire% !y t'e State an% @o"al

    +o$ernment Conli"t o Interests *"t t'e +eneral *ssem!ly Conli"ts o Interests *"t an% t'e lo!!ying las ii: "on%u"t annual

    au%its o t'ose %is"losure orms an% or> it' t'e State Boar% o 7le"tions an% lo"al ele"toral !oar%s to "on%u"t ran%om au%its o

    "amaign inan"e reorts iii: issue a%$isory oinions i$: grant ai$ers or "ertain gits $: in$estigate allege% $iolations o t'e

    State an% @o"al +o$ernment Conli"t o Interests *"tt'e +eneral *ssem!ly Conli"ts o Interests *"t an% t'e lo!!ying las an%

    $i: reer "ertain $iolations to t'e aroriate aut'ority or rose"ution) 5'e Commission rela"es t'e "urrent legislati$e (irginia

    Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory Coun"il an% t'e House o -elegates an% Senate 7t'i"s *%$isory Panels) 5'e !ill also

    ro'i!its ersons su!Ee"t to t'e Conli"ts o Interests *"ts rom re"ei$ing any single or "om!ination o tangi!le gits it' a $alue in

    e"ess o 100 an% any single or "om!ination o intangi!le gits it' a $alue in e"ess o 20 !ut eemts gits re"ei$e% at ai%ely atten%e% e$ent or gits or 'i"' a ai$er 'as !een grante% !y t'e Commission)


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    Interests *"ts an% mem!ers o t'eir imme%iate amily rom any single sour"e in a "alen%ar year !ut eemts meals a""ete% as

    art o a i%ely atten%e% e$ent an% tra$el9relate% gits or 'i"' t'e Commission 'as grante% a ai$er) 5'e !ill remo$es t'e

    reDuire% %is"losure orms rom t'e Co%e outlines t'e reDuire% inormation to !e reorte% on t'e %is"losure orms an% aut'ories

    t'e Commission to res"ri!e t'e orms) 5'e !ill reDuires all %is"losure orms !e ile% ele"troni"ally it' t'e Commission an%

    ermits t'e "ler>s o go$erning !o%ies to su!mit t'e %is"losure orms on !e'al o any lo"al oi"ial) 5'e !ill also eten%s t'e "urrent

    ro'i!ition on oliti"al un%raising %uring regular sessions o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to se"ial sessions as ell)

    SB1424 orment

    State and Local Government Conflict of Interests Act, General Assembly Conflicts of Interests Act, and the $irginiaConflict of Interest and %thics Advisory Council; ethics reforms.*ut'ories t'e (irginia Conli"t o Interest an% 7t'i"s *%$isory

    Coun"il to i: res"ri!e re"ei$e an% re$ie all %is"losure orms reDuire% !y t'e State an% @o"al +o$ernment Conli"t o Interests

    *"t t'e +eneral *ssem!ly Conli"ts o Interests *"t an% t'e lo!!ying las ii: "on%u"t annual au%its o t'ose %is"losure orms iii:

    issue a%$isory oinions i$: grant ai$ers or "ertain tra$el an% gits an% $: reer "ertain $iolations to t'e aroriate aut'ority or

    assessment o "i$il enalties) 5'e !ill mo%iies t'e "urrent "omosition o t'e Coun"il re%u"ing t'e num!er o mem!ers rom 1 to

    10) 5'e !ill ro'i!its any single git or any "om!ination o gits in a "alen%ar year it' a $alue e"ee%ing 100 rom any single

    sour"e to t'ose ersons su!Ee"t to t'e Conli"ts o Interests *"ts an% mem!ers o t'eir imme%iate amily) Certain gits are eemt

    rom t'e 100 limit on gits in"lu%ing gits rom relati$es gits re"ei$e% 'ile in atten%an"e at a ersonal "ele!ration or a i%ely

    atten%e% e$ent or tra$el9relate% gits or 'i"' t'e Coun"il grante% a ai$er) +its or 'i"' t'e iler 'as reim!urse% t'e gi$er or

    t'e ull $alue o t'e git are not reDuire% to !e %is"lose%) 5'e !ill remo$es t'e reDuire% %is"losure orms rom t'e Co%e outlines t'e

    reDuire% inormation to !e reorte% on t'e %is"losure orms aut'ories t'e Coun"il to res"ri!e t'e orms an% reDuires all

    %is"losure orms !e ile% ele"troni"ally i t' t'e Coun"il) 5'e !ill also ro'i!its t'e +o$ernor 'is "amaign "ommittee an% anyoliti"al a"tion "ommittee esta!lis'e% on 'is !e'al rom >noingly soli"iting or a""eting a "ontri!ution git or ot'er item it' a

    $alue greater t'an 0 rom ersons an% entities see>ing loans or grants rom t'e +o$ernorAs -e$eloment .ortunity un%

    restri"ts su"' gits an% "ontri!utions rom ersons an% entities see>ing loans or grants rom t'e un% an% ro$i%es t'at any

    $iolation s'all result in a "i$il enalty o 00 or u to to times t'e amount o t'e "ontri!ution or git 'i"'e$er is greater)

    %conomic !evelopmentBill Patron Summary

    HB13 *l!o

    Investments in translational medicine companies.7sta!lis'es t'e (irginia 5ranslational e loans to an% "as' in$estments in

    ri$ate !usinesses "on%u"ting resear"' in t'e Commonealt' in translational me%i"ine) 5'e *ut'ority is to a%minister t'e un% as

    a re$ol$ing loan an% in$estment un%) Cas' in$estments an% loans are restri"te% to ro%u"ts an% ser$i"es t'at are in t'e a%$an"e%resear"' stage o translational me%i"ine) 5'e *ut'ority is reDuire% to enter into a memoran%um o un%erstan%ing it' ea"'

    !usiness it inten%s to in$est in 'i"' sets out t'e reayment terms o any loan t'e oners'i s'are or interest reDuire% or any

    eDuity in$estment an% reDuirements or retention o resear"' an% %e$eloment in t'e Commonealt') 5'e *ut'ority may not

    a"Duire more t'an a 2 er"ent oners'i interest in any ri$ate !usiness) 5'e un% is initially "aitalie% it' million !y *ugust

    1 201)HB16/




    Local economic development.Pro$i%es t'at t'e (irginia in"ome ta net re$enue an% sales an% use ta generate% !y "ertain

    "ororations or limite% lia!ility "omanies it'in a Dualiie% lo"ality s'all !e transerre% to t'e Dualiie% lo"ality un%er "ertain

    "on%itions) * Dualiie% lo"ality is one t'at i: 'as ma%e ali"ation to t'e (irginia 7"onomi" -e$eloment Partners'i *ut'ority or a

  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    returne% to a Dualiie% lo"ality s'all not e"ee% million or any single e"onomi" %e$eloment roEe"t)

    HB188 @an%es

    %conomic development policy for the Common'ealth; Secretary of Agriculture and #orestry.*%%s t'e Se"retary o

    *gri"ulture an% orestry to t'e "ommittee esta!lis'e% to assist t'e Se"retary o Commer"e an% 5ra%e to %e$elo %uring t'e irst

    year o ea"' ne gu!ernatorial a%ministration a "omre'ensi$e e"onomi" %e$eloment oli"y or t'e Commonealt')

    HB18 ) 5'e Ban> oul% "onsist o ri$ate in$estment un%s an% ot'er u!li" an% ri$ate monies

    %esignate% or t'e Ban> an% oul% ro$i%e loans an% ot'er inan"ing assistan"e to u!li" an% ri$ate inrastru"ture roEe"ts t'at

    "reate Eo!s an% stimulate e"onomi" %e$eloment)

    SB80 StanleyCertification of industrial pars) -ire"ts t'e -eartment o Housing an% Community -e$eloment to %e$elo a rogram or t'e

    "ertii"ation o lo"al in%ustrial ar>s)

    SJ242 ?u

    Study; $irginia %conomic !evelopment -artnership Authority; programs supporting e*isting high)gro'th companies;

    report. ?eDuests t'e (irginia 7"onomi" -e$eloment Partners'i *ut'ority to stu%y t'e easi!ility o in"ororating rograms to

    suort eisting 'ig'9grot' "omanies into t'e stateAs "urrent e"onomi" %e$eloment rograms an% a"ti$ities) 7isting 'ig'9

    grot' "omanies are ri$ately 'el% enterrises it' 'ig' otential or grot' t'at i: emloy eer t'an 100 emloyees ii:

    generate annual re$enues o 0 million or less an% iii: 'a$e mo$e% !eyon% t'e startu 'ase o !usiness %e$eloment to

    !e"ome esta!lis'e% !usinesses it'in t'e lo"al an% regional "ommunity) 5'is !ill is a re"ommen%ation o t'e Small Business


    %ducation and orforceBill Patron Summary

    HB324?i"'ar% P)


    $irginia $irtual School established.7sta!lis'es t'e Boar% o t'e (irginia (irtual S"'ool as a oli"y agen"y in t'e ee"uti$e

    !ran"' o state go$ernment or t'e urose o go$erning t'e online e%u"ational rograms an% ser$i"es oere% to stu%ents enrolle%

    in t'e (irginia (irtual S"'ool) 5'e Se"retary o 7%u"ation is resonsi!le or su"' agen"y) 5'e 139mem!er Boar% is gi$en

    oerational "ontrol o t'e S"'ool an% assigne% oers an% %uties) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e S"'ool to !e oen to any s"'ool9age erson

    in t'e Commonealt' an% ro$i%e an e%u"ational rogram meeting t'e Stan%ar%s o Kuality or gra%es >in%ergarten t'roug' 12)

    5'e !ill 'as a %elaye% ee"ti$e %ate o July 1 201)

    HB12?i"'ar% P)


    Schools denied accreditation; memoranda of understanding.*!olis'es t'e .ortunity 7%u"ational Institution an% reDuiresea"' s"'ool %i$ision t'at "ontains a s"'ool t'at 'as !een %enie% a""re%itation to enter into a memoran%um o un%erstan%ing it'

    t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation t'at ermits t'e Boar% to ma>e any "'anges t'at it %eems ne"essary to imro$e t'e s"'oolAs a""re%itation

    rating in"lu%ing "'anges to t'e s"'oolAs !u%get an% ersonnel an% t'e instru"tional ra"ti"es o tea"'ers)

    HB1302 arrell

    Standards of Learning tests; e*pedited retae.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to a%ot regulations to ro$i%e t'e same "riteria

    or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to all stu%ents regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse ermits

    lo"al s"'ool !oar%s to a%ot su"' uniorm "riteria an% reDuires t'e lo"ality in 'i"' t'e s"'ool %i$ision is lo"ate% to !ear t'e "ost o

    imlementation)HB1306 ?i"'ar% P)


    Graduation re(uirements; naturali/ation test.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in esta!lis'ing "ourse an% "re%it reDuirements or

    a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma to reDuire ea"' ele$ent' gra%e stu%ent to a"'ie$e a assing s"ore on t'e "i$i"s ortion o t'e G)S)

    aturaliation 5est !ase% on t'e "urrent s"oring gui%elines a%ote% !y G)S) Citiens'i an% Immigration Ser$i"es !eginning it'

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 8

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    t'e 20192018 s"'ool year) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation to u!lis' on its e!site s"'ool9le$el s"'ool9%i$ision9

    le$el an% statei%e assage rates)

    HB130 @an%es

    -ublic elementary and secondary schools; student identification numbers.Pro'i!its t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation an% ea"'

    lo"al s"'ool !oar% rom reDuiring any stu%ent enrolle% in a u!li" elementary or se"on%ary s"'ool or 'is arent to ro$i%e t'e

    stu%entAs e%eral so"ial se"urity num!er) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e -eartment to instea% %e$elo a system o uniDue stu%ent

    i%entii"ation num!ers an% reDuires ea"' lo"al s"'ool !oar% to assign su"' a num!er to ea"' stu%ent enrolle% in a u!li"

    elementary or se"on%ary s"'ool) Gn%er "urrent la e$ery stu%ent is reDuire% to resent a e%eral so"ial se"urity num!er it'in 0

    %ays o 'is enrollment i a stu%ent is ineligi!le to o!tain a so"ial se"urity num!er or 'is arent is unilling to resent a so"ial

    se"urity num!er t'e suerinten%ent may assign anot'er i%entiying num!er or ai$e t'e reDuirement)

    HB1313 -a$is

    School -erformance &eport Card; ranings.7liminates t'e *9 s"'ool gra%ing system "reate% in t'e 2013 Session an%

    amen%e% in t'e 2014 Session an% ermits t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to ran> s"'ools an% s"'ool %i$isions !ase% on t'e inormation

    "ontaine% in ea"' S"'ool Perorman"e ?eort Car%) 5'e !ill reDuires any su"' %esignations o ran> to !e in a orm %ierent rom

    t'e letter gra%es use% !y su"' s"'ools an% s"'ool %i$isions to gra%e stu%ent erorman"e)

    HB1314 -a$is

    Student eligibility for in)state tuition at public institutions of higher education; state subsidy.?eDuires t'e +eneral

    *ssem!ly in t'e e$ent t'at it amen%s any ro$ision o la to in"rease t'e num!er o stu%ents 'o are eligi!le or in9state tuition at

    u!li" institutions o 'ig'er e%u"ation %esite not !eing %omi"ile% in t'e Commonealt' ursuant to = 239)4 to i: reim!urse ea"'

    institution in an amount eDual to t'e %ieren"e !eteen t'e in9state tuition rate an% out9o9state tuition rate or ea"' stu%ent 'o

    !e"omes eligi!le as a result o t'e amen%ments an% ii: un% t'e e%u"ational an% general rograms o ea"' institution at a le$el

    eDual to or greater t'an t'e 'ig'est le$el o un%ing or e%u"ational an% general rograms in t'e re"e%ing t'ree years)

    HB1320 arrell

    0eacher licensure rene'al; college credit.Pro'i!its t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation rom reDuiring any tea"'er see>ing reneal o a

    li"ense to satisy roessional %e$eloment reDuirements !y "omleting "ourseor> an% earning "re%it at an institution o 'ig'ere%u"ation at 'is on eense)

    HB1334 @an%es

    Students personally identifiable information.?eDuires t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation to %e$elo an% ma>e u!li"ly a$aila!le on

    its e!site oli"ies to ensure state an% lo"al "omlian"e it' t'e e%eral amily 7%u"ational ?ig'ts an% Pri$a"y *"t 7?P*: an%

    state la ali"a!le to stu%entsA ersonally i%entiia!le inormation in"lu%ing oli"ies or i : a""ess to stu%entsA ersonally

    i%entiia!le inormation an% ii: t'e aro$al o reDuests or stu%ent %ata rom u!li" an% ri$ate entities an% in%i$i%uals or t'e

    urose o resear"') 5'e !ill reDuires t'e -eartment an% ea"' lo"al s"'ool %i$ision to notiy t'e arent o any stu%ent 'ose

    ersonally i%entiia!le inormation "oul% reasona!ly !e assume% to 'a$e !een %is"lose% in $iolation o 7?P* or state la

    ali"a!le to su"' inormation) Su"' notii"ation s'all in"lu%e t'e a: %ate estimate% %ate or %ate range o t'e %is"losure !: tye

    o inormation t'at as or is reasona!ly !elie$e% to 'a$e !een %is"lose% an% ": reme%ial measures ta>en or lanne% in resonse

    to t'e %is"losure)

    HB1336 @an%es

    State Council of 1igher %ducation for $irginia; policy on course credit at public institutions of higher education for certain

    e*aminations. ?eDuires t'e State Coun"il o Hig'er 7%u"ation or (irginia in "onsultation it' t'e go$erning !oar% o ea"' u!li"institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation to esta!lis' a uniorm oli"y or granting un%ergra%uate "ourse "re%it to entering res'man stu%ents

    'o 'a$e ta>en one or more *%$an"e% Pla"ement Cam!ri%ge *%$an"e% */*S: College9@e$el 7amination Program C@7P: or

    International Ba""alaureate eaminations an% reeals t'e "urrent la un%er 'i"' su"' go$erning !oar%s in%i$i%ually imlement

    su"' oli"ies) 5'e !ill reDuires SCH7( an% ea"' u!li" institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation to ma>e t'e oli"y a$aila!le to t'e u!li" on

    its e!site) 5'e !ill 'as a %elaye% ee"ti$e %ate o July 1 2016)





    In)state tuition; students granted 0emporary -rotected Status and !eferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.-e"lares t'at

    a!sent "ongressional intent to t'e "ontrary any erson grante% 5emorary Prote"te% Status or -eerre% *"tion or C'il%'oo%

    *rri$als !y G)S) Citiens'i an% Immigration Ser$i"es %oes not 'a$e t'e "aa"ity to inten% to remain in (irginia in%einitely an%

    t'ereore is ineligi!le or (irginia %omi"ile an% or in9state tuition "'arges at u!li" institutions o 'ig'er e%u"ation in t'e


    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 9

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    HB1361?i"'ar% P)


    $irginia $irtual School established.7sta!lis'es t'e Boar% o t'e (irginia (irtual S"'ool t'e Boar%: as a oli"y agen"y in t'e

    ee"uti$e !ran"' o state go$ernment un%er t'e aut'ority o t'e Se"retary o 7%u"ation or t'e urose o go$erning t'e online

    e%u"ational rograms an% ser$i"es oere% to stu%ents enrolle% in t'e (irginia (irtual S"'ool t'e S"'ool:) 5'e !ill gi$es t'e 139

    mem!er Boar% oerational "ontrol o t'e S"'ool an% assigns t'e Boar%As oers an% %uties) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e S"'ool to !e

    oen to any s"'ool9age erson in t'e Commonealt' an% ro$i%e an e%u"ational rogram meeting t'e Stan%ar%s o Kuality or

    gra%es >in%ergarten t'roug' 12) 5'e !ill 'as a %elaye% ee"ti$e %ate o July 1 2016)

    HB1368 or"e %e$eloment rograms may !e utilie% in romotion eorts i %eeme% ne"essary)

    HB1423 -)

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    HB140 Ha!ee!-ublic schools; Standards of Learning tests.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations to ro$i%e t'e same

    "riteria or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to ea"' stu%ent regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse)

    HB141 Ha!ee!

    Graduation; verified units of credit; locally developed alternative assessments.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in

    esta!lis'ing "ourse an% "re%it reDuirements or a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma to ro$i%e or t'e aar% o $eriie% units o "re%it to stu%ents

    'o 'a$e %emonstrate% roi"ien"y in a Stan%ar%s o @earning S.@: "ontent area !y a"'ie$ing a satisa"tory s"ore on a lo"ally

    %e$eloe% alternati$e assessment in lieu o t'e S.@ assessment e"et in t'e "ase o a e%erally reDuire% S.@ assessment)

    HB123 Byron

    $irginia Board of orforce !evelopment; (ualification for services related to the orforce Investment Act.Pro$i%es t'at

    or t'e uroses o imlementing t'e or>or"e In$estment *"t I*: in"ome rom ser$i"e in t'e (irginia ational +uar% s'all not

    %isDualiy unemloye% ser$i"e mem!ers rom I*9relate% ser$i"es) 5'e !ill "ontains a te"'ni"al amen%ment)

    HB10 +reason

    School calendar. es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an% %etermining t'e oening %ate o t'e

    s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement)S"'ool "alen%ar) es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an%%etermining t'e oening %ate o t'e s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF

    s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement)

    HB1 ;ory

    -ersistently non)accredited schools; Board of %ducation guidance.*!olis'es t'e .ortunity 7%u"ational Institution an%

    ermits t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to inter$ene in ersistently non9a""re%ite% s"'ools or t'e s"'ool %i$isions in 'i"' su"' s"'ools are

    lo"ate% to 'el ensure t'at an e%u"ational rogram o 'ig' Duality is ro$i%e% or stu%ents at su"' s"'ools !y ro$i%ing gui%an"e

    an% re"ommen%ations on matters t'at ae"t instru"tion in su"' s"'ools) 5'e !ill ro'i!its t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation rom ro$i%ing

    gui%an"e or re"ommen%ations to su"' s"'ools on matters t'at %o not ae"t instru"tion in"lu%ing a"ilities !u%get at'leti"

    rograms an% transortation)

    HB166 .rro">

    Grading system for individual school performance; star number scale.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to %e$elo an

    in%i$i%ual s"'ool erorman"e gra%ing system an% assign a gra%e or a series o gra%es to ea"' u!li" elementary an% se"on%ary

    s"'ool using a i$e9star to one9star s"ale i$e9star !eing t'e 'ig'est gra%e) Current la reDuires in%i$i%ual s"'ool erorman"e to

    !e reorte% !y ."to!er 1 2016 using i$e letter gra%es rom * to )

    HB18 Stolle

    Schools failing to achieve full accreditation; scheduling fle*ibility.Permits a %i$ision suerinten%ent it' t'e aro$al o t'e

    lo"al s"'ool !oar% to i: esta!lis' an alternati$e s"'ool s"'e%ule lan to a: ro$i%e or t'e oeration o s"'ools on a year9roun%

    !asis or !: %etermine t'e oening %ay o t'e s"'ool year or any s"'ool it'in t'e lo"al s"'ool %i$ision t'at 'as aile% to a"'ie$e

    ull a""re%itation status an% ii: esta!lis' su"' an alternati$e s"'ool s"'e%ule lan or t'e entire lo"al s"'ool %i$ision i more t'an 1

    er"ent o all u!li" s"'ools it'in t'e lo"al s"'ool %i$ision 'a$e aile% to a"'ie$e ull a""re%itation status)

    HB12 ;rui">a

    1igh school graduation re(uirements; verified units of credit; alternative assessments.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to

    esta!lis' gui%elines or t'e aar% o $eriie% units o "re%it to stu%ents 'o ta>e an% a"'ie$e satisa"tory s"ores on "ertain

    alternati$e assessments in lieu o t'e "orreson%ing Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment)

    HB161 +reason Standards of Learning; integrated assessments. Permits t'e en%9o9"ourse an% en%9o9gra%e Stan%ar%s o @earningassessments res"ri!e% !y t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to !e integrate% to in"lu%e multile su!Ee"t areas)

    HB1616 +reason

    Career and technical education; alignment 'ith national certification re(uirements.?eDuires ea"' seDuen"e o "ourses

    "onstituting a "areer an% te"'ni"al e%u"ation rogram to !e aligne% it' national "ertii"ation reDuirements i su"' reDuirements

    eist or t'e seDuen"e o "ourses)HB161 S"ott %leventh and t'elfth grade transfer students; graduation re(uirements.?eDuires any stu%ent 'o transers to a u!li" 'ig'

    s"'ool rom anot'er u!li" 'ig' s"'ool a nonu!li" 'ig' s"'ool or 'ome instru"tion %uring t'e ele$ent' gra%e or !eteen t'e

    ele$ent' an% telt' gra%es to earn t'e total num!er o stan%ar% an% $eriie% units o "re%it res"ri!e% !y t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    as reDuirements or gra%uation !ut eemts su"' stu%ents rom t'e reDuirement to earn t'e stan%ar% unit o "re%it in e"onomi"s

    an% ersonal inan"e or "omlete t'e $irtual "ourse reDuire% !y t'e Boar% or gra%uation i t'e lo"al s"'ool !oar% %etermines t'at

    enrolling in t'e e"onomi"s an% ersonal inan"e or $irtual "ourse oul% result in t'e stu%entAs "arrying a 'ea$ier t'an normal

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 11

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    "ourse loa% enrolling in summer s"'ool or ailing to gra%uate in our years) 5'e !ill also eemts any su"' stu%ent ursuing t'e

    stan%ar% %iloma rom t'e reDuirement to earn t'e "areer an% te"'ni"al e%u"ation "re%ential reDuire% !y t'e Boar% or gra%uation

    it' a stan%ar% %iloma i 'e earns one $eriie% unit o "re%it in 7nglis' an% one $eriie% unit o "re%it o t'e stu%entAs on "'oosing

    in e"ess o t'e minimum $eriie% units o "re%it reDuire% !y t'e Boar% or gra%uation)

    HB162 ?o!ert Bell

    %conomics education and financial literacy; credit; alternative assessment.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in esta!lis'ing

    "ourse an% "re%it reDuirements or a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma to aar% one stan%ar% unit o "re%it to an% eemt rom t'e reDuirement

    to re"ei$e instru"tion in e"onomi"s e%u"ation an% inan"ial litera"y any stu%ent 'o %emonstrates mastery o t'e su!Ee"t !y

    a"'ie$ing a satisa"tory s"ore on an assessment %e$eloe% or a%ote% !y t'e Boar%)

    HB1668 iller9Corn-ublic schools; Standards of Learning tests.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations to ro$i%e t'e same

    "riteria or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to ea"' stu%ent regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse)

    HB162 +reason

    A)# school grading system; School -erformance &eport Card.?eeals t'e *9 s"'ool gra%ing system "reate% in t'e 2013

    Session an% amen%e% in t'e 2014 Session an% reDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in "onsultation it' t'e Stan%ar%s o @earning

    Inno$ation Committee an% no later t'an July 1 2016 to re%esign t'e S"'ool Perorman"e ?eort Car% so t'at it is more ee"ti$e in

    "ommuni"ating to arents an% t'e u!li" t'e status an% a"'ie$ements o t'e u!li" s"'ools an% lo"al s"'ool %i$isions in t'e

    Commonealt' an% su!mit su"' %esign to t'e C'airmen o t'e House Committee on 7%u"ation an% t'e Senate Committee on

    7%u"ation an% Healt' or inal aro$al)





    Grants for earning 'orforce training credentials; 2e' %conomy Industry Credential Assistance 0raining Grants.

    7sta!lis'es a grant rogram t'at oul% ay grants to "ertain in%i$i%uals su""essully "omleting a non"re%it or>or"e training

    rogram an% earning t'e relate% "re%ential in a 'ig'9%eman% iel%) 5'e grant u to a total o 1000 oul% !e limite% to ayment o

    tuition "'arge% or t'e training rogram t'e "ost o any reDuire% tet!oo>s an% t'e "ost o any eamination reDuire% to earn t'e

    "re%ential) In%i$i%uals i: enrolle% in a u!li" or ri$ate 'ig' s"'ool an% arti"iating in a %ual enrollment rogram or ii: not enrolle%in a u!li" or ri$ate mi%%le or 'ig' s"'ool oul% !e eligi!le or t'e grant) 5'e non"re%it or>or"e training rogram must !e

    ro$i%e% or sonsore% !y i: a (irginia "ommunity "ollege ii: a ri$ate institution "ertiie% to oerate in (irginia !y t'e State

    Coun"il o Hig'er 7%u"ation or (irginia SCH7(: t'at 'as ele"te% to arti"iate in t'e grant rogram or iii: t'e Institute or

    *%$an"e% @earning an% ?esear"' e College Institute ?oano>e Hig'er 7%u"ation Center Sout'ern (irginia Hig'er 7%u"ation

    Center Sout'est (irginia Hig'er 7%u"ation Center or 7astern (irginia 'ours o instru"tion to earn a stan%ar% unit o "re%it or ii: t'e reDuirement or stu%ents to a"'ie$e

    a satisa"tory s"ore on a Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment or Boar%9aro$e% su!stitute test to earn a $eriie% unit o "re%it uon

    ro$i%ing t'e Boar% it' satisa"tory roo !ase% on Boar% gui%elines t'at t'e stu%ents or 'om su"' reDuirements are ai$e%

    'as learne% t'e "ontent an% s>ills in"lu%e% in t'e rele$ant Stan%ar%s o @earning)

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    HB166 Byron

    !ual enrollment; career and technical education.?eDuires ea"' lo"al s"'ool !oar% in its agreement or ostse"on%ary %egree

    it' a "ommunity "ollege in t'e Commonealt' to se"iy t'e otion or stu%ents to ta>e "ourses as art o t'e "areer an%

    te"'ni"al e%u"ation "urri"ulum lea%ing to an in%ustry9re"ognie% "re%ential "ertii"ation or li"ense rom a "ommunity "ollege

    "on"urrent it' a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma) 5'e !ill also ermits ea"' lo"al s"'ool !oar% to imlement an agreement or ostse"on%ary

    "re%ential "ertii"ation an% li"ense attainment it' a ri$ate e%u"ational entity in t'e Commonealt' se"iying i: t'e otions or

    stu%ents to ta>e "ourses as art o t'e "areer an% te"'ni"al e%u"ation "urri"ulum lea%ing to an in%ustry9re"ognie% "re%ential

    "ertii"ation or li"ense rom t'e ri$ate e%u"ational entity "on"urrent it' a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma an% ii: t'e "re%entials

    "ertii"ations an% li"enses a$aila!le or su"' "ourses)

    HB1684 Suro$ell

    Standards of Learning assessments; 'aivers. ?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation Boar%: to ai$e t'e Stan%ar%s o @earning

    assessment reDuirements or 'ig' s"'ool stu%ents 'o 'a$e ta>en an *%$an"e% Pla"ement or International Ba""alaureate

    eamination in t'e same su!Ee"t area e"et in t'e "ase o Stan%ar%s o @earning assessments t'at are reDuire% or t'e urose

    o state or e%eral a""ounta!ility) 5'e !ill also reDuires t'e Boar% to ro$i%e or t'e aar% o $eriie% units o "re%it to 'ig' s"'ool

    stu%ents 'o 'a$e a"'ie$e% a satisa"tory s"ore on an *%$an"e% Pla"ement or International Ba""alaureate eamination in lieu o a

    Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment in t'e same su!Ee"t area)

    HB162 ?us'

    #our)year public institutions of higher education; alternative tuition or fee structures.Permits a our9year u!li" institution o

    'ig'er e%u"ation it' t'e aro$al o t'e State Coun"il o Hig'er 7%u"ation or (irginia Coun"il: to oer alternati$e tuition or ee

    stru"tures in"lu%ing %is"ounte% tuition our9year lat tuition rates %is"ounte% stu%ent ees or stu%ent ee an% stu%ent ser$i"es

    lei!ility to any (irginia9%omi"ile% irst9time in"oming res'man un%ergra%uate stu%ent 'o enrolls ull time it' t'e intent to earn

    a %egree in a rogram t'at lea%s to emloyment in a 'ig'9%eman% iel% in t'e region a""or%ing to gui%elines esta!lis'e% !y t'e

    Coun"il) Su"' an alternati$e tuition or ee stru"ture may !e renee% ea"' year i t'e re"iient maintains "ontinuous ull9time

    enrollment) 5'e !ill reDuires su"' stu%ent to ay to t'e institution as a inan"ial o!ligation t'e inan"ial !eneits o t'e alternati$etuition or ee stru"ture i 'e ails to maintain "ontinuous ull9time enrollment su!seDuently enrolls in an ineligi!le %egree rogram or

    ails to "omlete t'e eligi!le %egree rogram it'in our years) 5'e !ill reDuires ea"' stu%ent 'o re"ei$es t'e !eneits o an

    alternati$e tuition or ee stru"ture to "ount one an% a 'al times or t'e urose o i: targete% e"onomi" an% inno$ation in"enti$es

    ursuant to su!%i$ision 3 o = 23938)8L16 ii: t'e !ase a%eDua"y un%ing gui%elines a%ote% an% erio%i"ally u%ate% !y t'e Joint

    Su!"ommittee Stu%ying Hig'er 7%u"ation un%ing Poli"ies or iii: !iennial assessments o institutional erorman"e as set ort' in

    Part 4 o t'e general aroriation a"t an% "onsistent it' = 239)6L1)01)

    HB106 arrell

    -ublic schools; Standards of Learning tests.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations to ro$i%e t'e same

    "riteria or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test it' t'e e"etion o t'e ri ting Stan%ar%s o

    @earning tests to ea"' stu%ent regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse) 5'e !ill "ontains an emergen"y "lause)

    HB114 @ee a Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment in s"ien"e ater t'e stu%ent re"ei$es instru"tion in t'e gra%e si s"ien"e

    lie s"ien"e an% 'ysi"al s"ien"e Stan%ar%s o @earning an% !eore t'e stu%ent "omletes gra%e eig't) Current la ermits t'eBoar% to reDuire ea"' stu%ent to ta>e t'is Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment in gra%e eig't)

    HB12 @a?o">Board of %ducation; Standards of Learning. 5'e Boar% s'all not a%ot re$isions o t'e Stan%ar%s o @earning t'at imlement

    t'e Common Core State Stan%ar%s unless it 'as t'e rior statutory aro$al o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly)





    Apprenticeship)related instruction.5ransers t'e %uty to esta!lis' oli"ies or arenti"es go$erning t'e ro$ision o

    arenti"es'i9relate% instru"tion %eli$ere% !y state an% lo"al u!li" e%u"ation agen"ies an% to ro$i%e or t'e a%ministration an%

    suer$ision o relate% an% sulemental instru"tion rom t'e State Boar% or Community Colleges to t'e Commissioner o @a!or

    an% In%ustry)HB1838 ?o!inson School calendar. es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an% %etermining t'e oening %ate o t'e

    s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement) 5'e !ill reDuires lo"al s"'ool !oar%s t'at set t'e s"'ool "alen%ar it' a re9@a!or -ay

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    oening %ate to "lose all s"'ools in t'e %i$ision i: rom t'e 5'urs%ay imme%iately re"e%ing @a!or -ay t'roug' @a!or -ay or ii:

    rom t'e ri%ay imme%iately re"e%ing @a!or -ay t'roug' t'e 5ues%ay imme%iately olloing @a!or -ay)

    HB182 Bulo$a

    Schools denied accreditation or accredited 'ith 'arning for t'o consecutive years; principal and assistant principal

    training program; release from policies and regulations.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to %e$elo a training rogram

    %esigne% to imart to rin"ials an% assistant rin"ials t'e >nole%ge an% lea%ers'i s>ills ne"essary to o$ersee t'e imro$ement

    o stu%ent erorman"e in u!li" elementary mi%%le or 'ig' s"'ools t'at 'a$e !een %enie% a""re%itation or a""re%ite% it'

    arning or to "onse"uti$e years) 5'e !ill ermits t'e training rogram to !e %e$eloe% in artners'i it' one or more institutions

    o 'ig'er e%u"ation or ot'er organiations t'at t'e Boar% %eems aroriate) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e Boar% to %e$elo "riteria or

    %etermining su""essul "omletion o t'e training rogram) 5'e !ill ermits t'e s"'ool !oar% in any s"'ool %i$ision in 'i"' t'e

    rin"ial an% ea"' assistant rin"ial o a u!li" elementary or se"on%ary s"'ool t'at 'as !een %enie% a""re%itation or a""re%ite%

    it' arning or to "onse"uti$e years 'a$e su""essully "omlete% t'e training rogram to reDuest an% reDuires t'e Boar% to

    grant release rom i: state regulations "urrently grante% to any s"'ool in t'e s"'ool %i$ision or ii: s"'ool %i$ision oli"ies an% state

    regulations "urrently grante% to any u!li" "'arter s"'ool in t'e s"'ool %i$ision) Su"' releases s'all remain in ee"t or i$e years or

    until any su"' a%ministrator no longer meets t'e "riteria or training rogram "omletion or is not enrolle% in t'e training rogram

    an% may !e renee% or a%%itional i$e9year erio%s) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e Boar% u!lis' on its e!site a "urrent list o releases

    rom state regulations grante% to any s"'ool or s"'ool %i$ision oli"ies an% state regulations "urrently grante% to any u!li" "'arter

    s"'ool t'at 'a$e !een grante% !y t'e Boar%)

    HB183 ;rui">a

    -ublic schools; accreditation ratings.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations esta!lis'ing a%%itional

    a""re%itation ratings t'at re"ognie t'e rogress o s"'ools t'at %o not meet a""re%itation !en"'mar>s !ut 'a$e signii"antly

    imro$e% t'eir ass rates are it'in se"iie% ranges o !en"'mar>s or 'a$e %emonstrate% signii"ant grot' or t'e maEority o

    t'eir stu%ents an% to imlement su"' regulations !y t'e 20169201 s"'ool year)HB182 Jones

    Bonds for institutions of higher education.*ut'ories issuan"e o !on%s in an amount u to 600000 or re$enue9ro%u"ing

    "aital roEe"ts at institutions o 'ig'er e%u"ation)

    HB18 Co

    Additional financial and administrative authority for certain public institutions of higher education.Permits t'e !oar% o

    $isitors or ot'er go$erning !o%y o any u!li" institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation t'at 'as entere% into an% su""essully renee% a

    memoran%um o un%erstan%ing it' t'e aroriate Ca!inet Se"retary or Se"retaries to eer"ise it' some $ariation i: a%%itional

    aut'ority in t'e un"tional areas o inormation te"'nology ro"urement an% "aital roEe"ts an% ii: t'e inan"ial oerational

    aut'ority o "o$ere% institutions t'at 'a$e entere% into management agreements) Gn%er "urrent la su"' !oar%s o $isitors an%

    go$erning !o%ies are limite% to eer"ising aut'ority in to o t'e t'ree un"tional areas o inormation te"'nology ro"urement an%

    "aital roEe"ts) 5'e !ill also %es"ri!es t'e "on%itions or reneal an% re$o"ation o su"' aut'ority an% reDuires t'e a""ounts o

    ea"' institution grante% su"' aut'ority to !e au%ite% !y t'e *u%itor o Pu!li" *""ounts)

    HB186 Co

    $irginia Guaranteed Assistance -rogram; grants. es se$eral "'anges to t'e (irginia +uarantee% *ssistan"e Program

    Program: in"lu%ing a%%ing reDuirements t'at i: ea"' stu%ent eligi!le or t'e Program re"ei$e an aar% rom t'e institutionAsaroriations or un%ergra%uate stu%ent inan"ial assistan"e !eore grants are aar%e% to stu%ents it' eDui$alent remaining

    nee% ii: ea"' eligi!le stu%ent re"ei$e an aar% in an amount greater t'an ot'er grants aar%e% to stu%ents it' eDui$alent

    remaining nee% iii: ea"' eligi!le stu%ent re"ei$e a Program aar% in an amount greater t'an t'e aar% o ea"' eligi!le stu%ent

    it' eDui$alent remaining nee% in t'e net9loest "lass le$el an% i$: ea"' Program aar% !e %etermine% !y a roortionate

    aar% s"'e%ule a%ote% !y ea"' institution an% $ary a""or%ing to ea"' stu%entAs remaining nee% an% t'e total o tuition ees an%

    ot'er ne"essary "'arges in"lu%ing !oo>s)HB18 Co Intercollegiate athletics programs. Pro'i!its t'e sum o s"'ool un%s an% stu%ent ees use% to suort inter"ollegiate at'leti"s

    rograms rom e"ee%ing a "ertain er"entage o at'leti"s re$enues as t'ose terms are %eine% in t'e !ill at ea"' our9year u!li"

    institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation in t'e Commonealt') 5'e !ill reDuires any s"'ool t'at $iolates t'is ro'i!ition to su!mit to t'e

    +eneral *ssem!ly a i$e9year lan or "oming into "omlian"e) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e *u%itor o Pu!li" *""ounts to monitor lan

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    rogress an% ro$i%es t'at negati$e au%its ill trigger a re%u"tion or elimination o eisting oerational aut'ority) 5'e !ill also

    reDuires t'e !oar% o $isitors o any our9year u!li" institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation t'at see>s to a%% a maEor inter"ollegiate at'leti"s

    rogram or "'ange t'e %i$ision le$el o any o its eisting inter"ollegiate at'leti"s rograms to irst su!mit to t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    or aro$al a lan an% re"ommen%ations or inan"ing t'e a%%ition or "'ange an% ro'i!its any su"' a%%ition or "'ange rom

    !eing imlemente% it'out t'e aro$al o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly)




    or !ot' la!ele% FConsumer InormationF t'at in"lu%es inormation relate% to un%ergra%uate retention an%

    gra%uation rates tuition an% man%atory stu%ent ee in"reases t'e use o stu%ent ees ostse"on%ary e%u"ation an% emloyment

    an% t'e institutionAs inan"es)

    HB141 *%ams

    School calendar. es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an% %etermining t'e oening %ate o t'e

    s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement)

    HB13 Poin%eter

    School boards; annual 'orforce summit. ?eDuires ea"' lo"al s"'ool !oar% to annually 'ost a or>or"e summit at 'i"'

    mem!ers o t'e lo"al !usiness "ommunity in"lu%ing reresentati$es rom t'e lo"al "'am!er o "ommer"e or ot'er similar

    organiation s'all ro$i%e inormation on t'e or>or"e s>ills ne"essary to meet t'e or>or"e %eman%s o t'e lo"al !usiness

    "ommunity an% suggest strategies an% aroa"'es !y 'i"' elementary an% se"on%ary s"'ools "an !etter oster su"' s>ills alone

    or in "ooeration it' lo"al !usiness entities)

    HB1 5os"ano

    Si*)year plans to include information on intellectual property and e*ternally sponsored research.?eDuires u!li"

    institutions o 'ig'er e%u"ation to in"lu%e in t'eir si9year lans inormation or t'e rior is"al year on i: t'e assignment %uring t'e

    year o any intelle"tual roerty interests to a erson or entity it' a 'ysi"al resen"e in (irginia !y t'e institution or any relate%entity ii: t'e $alue o eternally sonsore% resear"' un%s an% in9>in% "ontri!utions re"ei$e% %uring t'e year rom a erson or

    entity it' a 'ysi"al resen"e in (irginia !y t'e institution or any relate% entity an% iii: t'e num!er an% tyes o atents aar%e%

    %uring t'e year to t'e institution or any relate% entity t'at ere %e$eloe% in 'ole or art rom eternally sonsore% resear"'

    ro$i%e% !y a erson or entity it' a 'ysi"al resen"e in (irginia)

    HB162 @an%es

    Local school board members; professional development.*%%s a%%itional toi"s to t'e roessional %e$eloment a"ti$ities

    reDuire% o lo"al s"'ool !oar% mem!ers an% reDuires mem!ers to "ertiy t'eir "omlian"e annually it' t'e "ler> o t'e s"'ool

    !oar%) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e lo"al "ler> to re"or% in%i$i%ual mem!ersA "omlian"e at t'e irst s"'ool !oar% meeting o t'e year) 5'e

    !ill also %ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in "onEun"tion it' t'e (irginia S"'ool Boar%s *sso"iation to esta!lis' "riteria or t'e

    roessional %e$eloment an% training o lo"al s"'ool !oar% mem!ers) 5'e !ill 'as a %elaye% ee"ti$e %ate o July 1 2016)





    %stablishment of the $irginia Science 0echnology %ngineering and Applied 3athematics Academy.7sta!lis'es t'e (irginia

    S"ien"e 5e"'nology 7ngineering an% *lie%

    in%een%ent a""re%itation or t'e (irginia S57*< *"a%emy) 5'e !ill reDuires t'e (irginia S57*< *"a%emy to re"ei$e t'e

    roortionate s'are o state an% e%eral un%s allo"ate% to ea"' enrolle% stu%ent !y t'e s"'ool %i$ision in 'i"' t'e stu%entAs

    arents resi%e an% t'e agree%9uon s'are o lo"al un%s allo"ate% to ea"' enrolle% stu%ent !y t'e s"'ool %i$ision in 'i"' t'e

    stu%entAs arents resi%e t'at is esta!lis'e% in t'e general aroriation a"t)HB186 Byron $irginia Board of orforce ! se$eral "'anges to t'e (irginia Boar% o or>or"e -e$eloment in"lu%ing i:

    reDuiring Duarterly meetings o t'e Boar% ii: esta!lis'ing a ull9time %ire"tor osition to !e suer$ise% !y t'e +o$ernorAs C'ie

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    or>or"e -e$eloment *%$isor an% %e%i"ate% to suorting t'e Boar%As oerations an% iii: a%%ing as an area o oli"y a%$i"e to

    t'e +o$ernor issues to "reate a !usiness9%ri$en system t'at in"reases t'e rates o attainment o or>or"e "re%entials an% Eo!

    attainment) In a%%ition t'e !ill in"reases t'e sie o t'e Boar% rom 26 to 2 mem!ers !y res'aing t'e ee"uti$e !ran"'

    mem!ers'i re%u"ing t'e num!er o legislati$e mem!ers rom our to to an% in"reasing t'e num!er o "itien mem!ers rom 14

    to 1) 5'e !ill also ma>es se$eral te"'ni"al amen%ments reDuire% it' t'e transition rom t'e e%eral or>or"e In$estment *"t o

    18 to t'e e%eral or>or"e Inno$ation an% .ortunity *"t o 2014)

    HB2033 Byron

    orforce development; coordination of state'ide delivery of 'orforce development and training programs and

    activities. es se$eral "'anges to "oor%inate t'e %eli$ery o or>or"e %e$eloment an% training rograms an% a"ti$ities at t'e

    state regional an% lo"al le$els) C'anges in"lu%e i: "reating t'e or>or"e -e$eloment Consortium to a%minister t'e "oor%inate%

    imlementation o rograms an% a"ti$ities un%er t'e e%eral or>or"e Inno$ation an% .ortunity *"t I.*: o 2014 ii: reDuiring

    a regional "on$ener o or>or"e %e$eloment artners iii: esta!lis'ing minimum le$els o is"al suort or or>or"e "re%ential

    attainment an% i$: utiliing I.* reser$e un%s or in"enti$e rograms to in"rease or>or"e "re%ential attainment)

    HB2041 iller9Corn

    "pen %ducation &esources Innovation Council established.7sta!lis'es t'e .en 7%u"ation ?esour"es Inno$ation Coun"il as

    a oli"y !oar% in t'e ee"uti$e !ran"' o state go$ernment or t'e urose o i%entiying oen e%u"ation resour"es at all le$els o

    e%u"ation an% uses or su"' resour"es an% re"ommen%ing se"ii" oli"ies an% un%ing me"'anisms or t'e in"rease% use o oen

    e%u"ation resour"es in t'e Commonealt')

    HB2088 0eacher licensure; career and technical education endorsement.Permits t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation uon reDuest o t'eemloying s"'ool %i$ision or e%u"ational agen"y to issue a ro$isional li"ense to a tea"'er see>ing an initial li"ense in t'e

    Commonealt' 'o 'as not attaine% an in%ustry "ertii"ation "re%ential in t'e area in 'i"' t'e tea"'er see>s en%orsement to

    allo time or t'e tea"'er to attain su"' reDuire% "re%ential)

    HB2218 Hoe

    Advanced studies diploma; foreign language re(uirements; technical programming or design language.?eDuires t'e

    Boar% o 7%u"ation in esta!lis'ing "ourse an% "re%it reDuirements or a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma to ro$i%e t'at t'e t'ree stan%ar%

    units o "re%it in oreign language reDuire% to gra%uate it' an a%$an"e% stu%ies %iloma may !e satisie% !y "omleting to years

    o one oreign language an% to years o one te"'ni"al rogramming or %esign language aro$e% !y t'e Boar%)HB2238 @a?o"> -arental Choice %ducation Savings Accounts. Permits t'e arents o "ertain stu%ents to aly to t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation

    or a Parental C'oi"e 7%u"ation Sa$ings *""ount to "onsist o t'e stu%entAs state er uil un%s an% "ertain se"ial e%u"ation

    un%s i ali"a!le an% to !e use% or "ertain eenses o t'e stu%ent in"lu%ing i: tuition ees or reDuire% tet!oo>s at a ri$ate

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    elementary or se"on%ary s"'ool res"'ool or rogram o 'ome instru"tion t'at is lo"ate% in t'e Commonealt' an% %oes not

    %is"riminate on t'e !asis o ra"e "olor or national origin ii: e%u"ational t'eraies or ser$i"es or t'e stu%ent rom a ra"titioner or

    ro$i%er in"lu%ing araroessionals or e%u"ational ai%es ii i: tutoring ser$i"es i$: "urri"ulum $: tuition or ees or a ri$ate

    online learning rogram $i: ees or a nationally stan%ar%ie% norm9reeren"e% a"'ie$ement test an *%$an"e% Pla"ement

    eamination or any eamination ta>en to gain a%mission to an institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation $ii: "ontri!utions to a Dualiie% tuition

    rogram esta!lis'e% ursuant to 11 G)S)C) = 2 or $iii: tuition ees or reDuire% tet!oo>s at a u!li" to9year or our9year

    institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation in t'e Commonealt' or at an a""re%ite% ri$ate institution o 'ig'er e%u"ation in t'e

    Commonealt') 5'e !ill also "ontains ro$isions or t'e au%it an% re$o"ation o su"' a""ounts)

    HB2241 *ustin

    -ublic schools; Standards of Learning tests.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations to ro$i%e t'e same

    "riteria or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to ea"' stu%ent regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse)

    5'e !ill ermits ea"' s"'ool %i$ision to %eem any stu%ent in gra%es t'ree t'roug' eig't 'o s"ores in t'e 393 range on any

    Stan%ar%s o @earning test in t'e sring or summer terms o t'e 20149201 s"'ool year to !e eligi!le or an ee%ite% reta>e o

    su"' test) 5'e !ill "ontains an emergen"y "lause)

    HB226 .rro">

    Standard diploma; career and technical education credential; e*emption.Permits a stu%ent to re"ei$e "ometen"y9!ase%

    instru"tion to satisy t'e stan%ar% %iloma reDuirements in lieu o a"'ie$ing a "areer an% te"'ni"al e%u"ation "re%ential 'en su"'

    "re%ential in a arti"ular su!Ee"t area is not rea%ily a$aila!le or aroriate or %oes not a%eDuately measure stu%ent "ometen"y)

    HB2302 in%ergarten rogram or

    ea"' >in%ergarten stu%ent in t'e s"'ool %i$ision to %e$elo a lan to 'ase in a ull9%ay >in%ergarten rogram or ea"' >in%ergarten

    stu%ent in t'e s"'ool %i$ision o$er t'e "ourse o t'ree s"'ool years an% su!mit t'e lan to t'e +eneral *ssem!ly in a%$an"e o t'e

    +eneral *ssem!lyAs net regular session)


  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    a"t in an a%$isory "aa"ity to t'e !oar% o trustees an% ma>e re"ommen%ations to t'e !oar% o trustees or i: t'e aointment o a

    resi%ent o t'e Gni$ersity an% ii: t'e a%otion o arti"ulation agreements !eteen t'e Gni$ersity an% ea"' u!li" institution o

    'ig'er e%u"ation in t'e Commonealt')

    HB236 Si">les

    -re)indergarten Grant -rogram established; grants for at)ris four)year)olds attending certain pre)indergarten or

    preschool programs. Creates t'e Pre9>in%ergarten +rant Program t'e Program: to ro$i%e grants or e%u"ation9relate% "osts

    in"urre% !y at9ris> our9year9ol%s unser$e% !y Hea% Start rograms at9ris> our9year9ol%s: atten%ing "enter9!ase% u!li" or ri$ate

    rograms ro$i%ing a Duality re9>in%ergarten e%u"ation) +rants oul% !e ai% rom t'e Pre9>in%ergarten +rant Program un% t'e

    un%: 'i"' oul% !e a%ministere% !y t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation t'e -eartment:) 7a"' at9ris> our9year9ol% resi%ing in t'e

    Commonealt' oul% !e eligi!le or a grant rom t'e un% or tuition an% e%u"ation9relate% ees in"urre% at "ertain re9

    >in%ergarten e%u"ation rograms t'at ro$i%e at least 'al9%ay ser$i"es an% t'at oerate or t'e s"'ool year) Pre9>in%ergarten

    rograms eligi!le un%er t'e Program are %eine% in t'e !ill as i: early "'il%'oo% e%u"ation rograms a""re%ite% !y t'e ational

    *sso"iation or t'e 7%u"ation o Moung C'il%ren ii: res"'ool rograms %esigne% or "'il% %e$eloment an% >in%ergarten

    rearation t'at "omly it' nonu!li" s"'ool a""re%itation reDuirements a%ministere% !y t'e (irginia Coun"il or Pri$ate

    7%u"ation iii: rograms arti"iating in (irginiaAs Kuality ?ating an% Imro$ement System it' a rating o at least t'ree stars

    un%er su"' rating system an% i$: rograms arti"iating in t'e (irginia Pres"'ool Initiati$e) +rants oul% !e ai% !y t'e

    -eartment o 7%u"ation %ire"tly to t'e re9>in%ergarten e%u"ation rogram on !e'al o t'e at9ris> our9year9ol%) un%ing or t'e

    Program oul% !e %etermine% !y t'e general aroriation a"t) 5'e grant amount oul% !e t'e same or ea"' at9ris> our9year9ol%

    atten%ing a ull9%ay re9>in%ergarten e%u"ation rogram an% oul% !e at least 200) 5'e grant amount or ea"' at9ris> our9year9

    ol% atten%ing a 'al9%ay re9>in%ergarten e%u"ation rogram oul% !e 0 er"ent o t'e grant amount allo"ate% to an at9ris> our9

    year9ol% atten%ing a ull9%ay rogram)

    HJ04 are Study; teacher turnover; report. ?eDuests t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation to stu%y t'e easi!ility o imlementing a rogram in t'eCommonealt' to tra"> tea"'er turno$er !y %e$eloing eit Duestionnaires an% ot'er means)

    HJ26 @ingamelter Constitutional amendment 5first resolution6; charter schools.+rants t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation aut'ority su!Ee"t to "riteria an%

    "on%itions res"ri!e% !y t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to esta!lis' "'arter s"'ools it'in t'e s"'ool %i$isions o t'e Commonealt')

    HJ8 .rro">

    SC1%$; analysis of teacher shortage; report. ?eDuires t'e State Coun"il o Hig'er 7%u"ation or (irginia to analye t'e tea"'er

    s'ortage in t'e Commonealt' in "onsultation it' t'e (irginia Community College System t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation an% t'e

    (irginia S"'ool Boar%s *sso"iation) 5'e Coun"il is reDuire% to eamine t'e "auses o t'e tea"'er s'ortage in general as ell as

    s'ortages it'in se"ii" tea"'ing en%orsement areas an% to %e$elo strategies to mitigate su"' s'ortages)

    HJ ?o!ert BellConstitutional amendment 5first resolution6; charter schools.+rants t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation aut'ority su!Ee"t to "riteria an%

    "on%itions res"ri!e% !y t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to esta!lis' "'arter s"'ools it'in t'e s"'ool %i$isions o t'e Commonealt')

    HJ610 Jones

    Study; 7LA&C; early childhood development programs; report. -ire"ts t'e Joint @egislati$e *u%it an% ?e$ie Commission to

    stu%y se"ii" early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment rograms renatal to age i$e in t'e Commonealt' in or%er or t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    to %etermine t'e !est strategy or uture early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment in$estments)

    HJ62 Suro$ell

    Study; !epartment of %ducation and each school division in the Common'ealth; allocation of educational resources;

    report. ?eDuests t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation an% ea"' s"'ool %i$ision in t'e Commonealt' to analye t'e allo"ation o

    e%u"ational resour"es in"lu%ing i: "ourses a"a%emi" rograms an% etra"urri"ular a"ti$ities ii : strong tea"'ing lea%ers'i an%

    suort iii: s"'ool a"ilities an% i$: te"'nology an% instru"tional materials to ensure t'at stu%ents are re"ei$ing e%u"ational

    resour"es it'out regar% to t'eir ra"e "olor or national origin in "omlian"e it' 5itle (I o t'e Ci$il ?ig'ts *"t o 164)

    HJ633 @an%es

    Constitutional amendment 5first resolution6; Board of %ducation; po'er to establish, operate, maintain, or supervise

    schools.Permits t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to grant to t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation t'e oer an% %uty to assume t'e oeration or

    suer$ision o one or more s"'ools i t'in a s"'ool %i$ision on a temorary !asis 'en ne"essary to ensure t'at an e%u"ational

    rogram o 'ig' Duality is esta!lis'e% an% "ontinually maintaine% or esta!lis' maintain or oerate one more elementary or

    se"on%ary s"'ools ursuant to Se"tion o *rti"le (III o t'e Constitution o (irginia

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 18

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    SB1 Stanley

    Board of 1ealth; medical school scholarships.7an%s eligi!ility or t'e me%i"al s"'ool s"'olars'i rogram a%ministere% !y

    t'e Boar% o Healt' or me%i"al stu%ents 'o agree to ra"ti"e in un%erser$e% areas o t'e Commonealt' to in"lu%e stu%ents o

    any a""re%ite% me%i"al s"'ool) Gn%er "urrent la only stu%ents 'o atten% me%i"al s"'ools in (irginia are eligi!le or t'e

    s"'olars'i rogram)

    SB24 Bla">Board of %ducation; Standards of Learning.Pro'i!its t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation rom a%oting re$isions o t'e Stan%ar%s o

    @earning t'at imlement t'e Common Core State Stan%ar%s unless it 'as t'e rior statutory aro$al o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly)

    SB2 Bla">A)# school grading system. ?eeals t'e *9 s"'ool gra%ing system "reate% in t'e 2013 Session an% amen%e% in t'e 2014


    SB Bar>er

    -ublic schools; Standards of Learning tests.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations to ro$i%e t'e same

    "riteria or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to ea"' stu%ent regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse)

    SB80 Stanley

    Grants for donations to science, technology, engineering, or math 5S0%36 programs at (ualified schools.7sta!lis'es a

    grant rogram a%ministere% !y t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation !eginning in 201 or %onations ma%e !y S57< organiations to Dualiie%

    s"'ools) 5'e %onations must !e use% !y Dualiie% s"'ools to suort S57< rograms) 5'e !ill %eines Dualiie% s"'ools as t'ose

    u!li" elementary an% se"on%ary s"'ools at 'i"' at least 40 er"ent o t'e stu%ents Dualiy or ree or re%u"e% lun"') +rants are

    "ae% at 0000 er organiation er year)

    SB806 Stanley

    -ublic institutions of higher education; fi*ed four)year tuition rate.?eDuires t'e !oar% o $isitors o our9year u!li" institutions

    o 'ig'er e%u"ation to rose"ti$ely i t'e "ost o tuition room an% !oar% an% ot'er man%atory ees or in"oming (irginia

    res'man un%ergra%uate stu%ents or our "onse"uti$e years un%er t'e olloing "on%itionsL i: eligi!le stu%ents s'all !e enrolle%

    ull time an% remain "ontinuously enrolle% as ull9time stu%ents or t'e erio% o eligi!ility ii: a "lass rate is annually esta!lis'e% in

    a""or%an"e it' any reDuirements set ort' in t'e aroriation a"t iii: rules are "learly esta!lis'e% to a%%ress t'e eligi!ility o

    res'man un%ergra%uate stu%ents t'e eligi!ility o transer stu%ents an% any unoreseen "ir"umstan"es t'at may reDuire eligi!le

    stu%ents to ta>e a lea$e o a!sen"e rom t'e institution an% i$: inormation is %isseminate% to all stu%ents alying to t'e rele$ant

    institution t'at "learly an% "on"isely elains rogram eligi!ility an% "osts)SB821 er -ublic schools; Standards of Learning assessments.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations aut'oriing

    lo"al s"'ool %i$isions to %etermine t'e %ate or a%ministering Stan%ar%s o @earning assessments)SB0 Hoell %ducational Improvement Scholarships 0a*; eligible schools; re(uirements.?eDuires t'at any national norm9reeren"e%

    a"'ie$ement test use% !y a nonu!li" s"'ool t'at is not a""re%ite% !y t'e (irginia Coun"il or Pri$ate 7%u"ation !e aro$e% !y t'e

    Bills Were WatchingMaster List 2015Page 19

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    Boar% o 7%u"ation in or%er to re"ei$e un%s %eri$e% rom t'e 7%u"ation Imro$ement S"'olars'is 5a Cre%it) Current la %oes

    not reDuire su"' norm9reeren"e% tests to !e Boar% aro$e%)

    SB1 ?u

    Community colleges; 'orforce training. 7sta!lis'es t'e Community College or>or"e 5raining +rant Program to ro$i%e a

    1000 in"enti$e ayment to a "ommunity "ollege or ea"' stu%ent 'o i: 'as su""essully "omlete% a non"re%it or>or"e

    training rogram at t'e "ommunity "ollege an% ii: su!seDuently o!tains an in%ustry9re"ognie% "ertii"ation or li"ense in a 'ig'

    emloyer %eman% iel% in t'e region ser$e% !y t'e "ommunity "ollege it' su"' iel%s to !e i%entiie% !y t'e State Boar% or

    Community Colleges)

    SB82 +arrett

    -ublic schools; graduation re(uirements; verified credits.?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation in its "ourse an% "re%it

    reDuirements or earning a 'ig' s"'ool %iloma to ro$i%e t'at no $eriie% unit o "re%it s'all reDuire a minimum num!er o "lo">

    'ours o instru"tion)

    SB83 +arrett

    #our)year public institutions of higher education; dual enrollment programs.Permits our9year u!li" institutions o 'ig'er

    e%u"ation to oer at a u!li" 'ig' s"'ool t'roug' a %ual enrollment rogram "ourses similar to t'ose oere% !y t'e "omre'ensi$e

    "ommunity "ollege t'at ser$es t'e area 'en su"' "ommunity "ollege is una!le to oer its "ourses at t'e u!li" 'ig' s"'ool

    %esite goo% ait' negotiations it' t'e aroriate s"'ool !oar% emloyees) 5'e !ill also remo$es o!solete ro$isions a!out

    etension rograms an% a"ilities or su"' rograms)

    SB84 +arrett

    Standards of Learning tests; e*pedited retae. ?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to a%ot regulations to ro$i%e t'e same "riteria

    or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to all stu%ents regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse ermits

    lo"al s"'ool !oar%s to a%ot su"' uniorm "riteria an% reDuires t'e lo"ality in 'i"' t'e s"'ool %i$ision is lo"ate% to !ear t'e "ost o


    SB8 +arrett

    $irginia -ublic School %ducational 0echnology Grants -rogram; leases of educational technology.Permits eligi!le s"'ool

    %i$isions to aly or grants to lease e%u"ational te"'nology un%er t'e (irginia Pu!li" S"'ool 7%u"ational 5e"'nology +rants

    Program) Gn%er "urrent la su"' grants are a$aila!le only or t'e a"Duisition an% rela"ement o e%u"ational te"'nology)

    SB2 -an"e

    State Board for Community Colleges; policy for the a'ard of academic credit for military training.?eDuires t'e State Boar%

    or Community Colleges to a%ot no later t'an -e"em!er 31 201 a oli"y or t'e aar% o a"a%emi" "re%it to any stu%ent

    enrolle% at a "omre'ensi$e "ommunity "ollege 'o 'as su""essully "omlete% a military training "ourse or rogram as art o 'is

    military ser$i"e t'at is ali"a!le to t'e stu%entAs "ertii"ate o %egree reDuirements an% is re"ommen%e% or a"a%emi" "re%it !y a

    national 'ig'er e%u"ation asso"iation t'at ro$i%es a"a%emi" "re%it re"ommen%ations or military training "ourses or rograms

    note% on t'e stu%entAs military trans"rit issue% !y any o t'e arme% or"es o t'e Gnite% States or ot'erise %o"umente% in riting

    !y any o t'e arme% or"es o t'e Gnite% States)

    SB Stuart

    Standards of Learning tests; e*pedited retae. ?eDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to a%ot regulations to ro$i%e t'e same "riteria

    or eligi!ility or an ee%ite% reta>e o any Stan%ar%s o @earning test to all stu%ents regar%less o gra%e le$el or "ourse ermits

    lo"al s"'ool !oar%s to a%ot su"' uniorm "riteria an% reDuires t'e lo"ality in 'i"' t'e s"'ool %i$ision is lo"ate% to !ear t'e "ost o


    SB1002 7!!in

    Local 'orforce investment boards; pay)for)performance incentives.7n"ourages lo"al or>or"e in$estment !oar%s to

    imlement ay9or9erorman"e "ontra"t strategy in"enti$es or training ser$i"es as an alternati$e mo%el to tra%itional rograms)

    5'e !ill also aut'ories lo"al or>or"e in$estment !oar%s to allo"ate un%s to t'e etent ermissi!le un%er == 128!: an% 133!: o

    t'e or>or"e Inno$ation an% .ortunity *"t o 2014 P)@) 1139128: or ay9or9erorman"e artners'is)


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    SB1112 Bar>er

    -ublic schools; indergarten instructional time.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations !y July 1 201

    esta!lis'ing stan%ar%s or a""re%itation t'at in"lu%e a reDuirement t'at t'e stan%ar% s"'ool %ay or stu%ents in >in%ergarten must

    a$erage at least ) instru"tional 'ours in or%er to Dualiy or ull a""re%itation) 5'e !ill 'as a %elaye% ee"ti$e %ate o July 1 201)

    SB1116 Bar>er

    Standards of Learning; alternative assessment.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to a%ot ro"e%ures un%er 'i"' an 7nglis'

    language roi"ien"y assessment may !e use% as an alternati$e to t'e ele$ent' gra%e Stan%ar%s o @earning rea%ing assessment

    or stu%ents it' limite% 7nglis' roi"ien"y)

    SB1131 +arrett

    School calendar) es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an% %etermining t'e oening %ay o t'e

    s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement) 5'e !ill "ontains te"'ni"al amen%ments)

    SB113 eton

    Apprenticeship opportunities; online portal.?eDuires t'e (irginia Boar% o or>or"e -e$eloment in "oor%ination it' t'e

    Commissioner o @a!or an% In%ustry to esta!lis' an online ortal or a""essing arenti"es'i oortunities a$aila!le to 'ig'

    s"'ool gra%uates)

    SB1183 in% "ontri!utions re"ei$e% %uring t'e

    year rom a erson or entity it' a 'ysi"al resen"e in (irginia !y t'e institution or any relate% entity an% iii: t'e num!er an%

    tyes o atents aar%e% %uring t'e year to t'e institution or any relate% entity t'at ere %e$eloe% in 'ole or art rom eternally

    sonsore% resear"' ro$i%e% !y a erson or entity it' a 'ysi"al resen"e in (irginia)

    SB124 Smit'

    School calendar. es lo"al s"'ool !oar%s resonsi!le or setting t'e s"'ool "alen%ar an% %etermining t'e oening %ate o t'e

    s"'ool year an% eliminates t'e ost9@a!or -ay oening reDuirement an% Fgoo% "auseF s"enarios or 'i"' t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation

    may grant ai$ers o t'is reDuirement) 5'e !ill reDuires lo"al s"'ool !oar%s t'at set t'e s"'ool "alen%ar it' a re9@a!or -ay

    oening %ate to "lose all s"'ools in t'e %i$ision i: rom t'e ri%ay imme%iately re"e%ing @a!or -ay t'roug' @a!or -ay or ii: @a!or

    -ay t'roug' t'e 5ues%ay imme%iately olloing @a!or -ay)SB132 ?u orforce development; coordination of state'ide delivery of 'orforce development and training programs and

    activities. es se$eral "'anges to "oor%inate t'e %eli$ery o or>or"e %e$eloment an% training rograms an% a"ti$ities at t'e

    state regional an% lo"al le$els) C'anges in"lu%e i: "reating t'e or>or"e -e$eloment Consortium to a%minister t'e "oor%inate%

    imlementation o rograms an% a"ti$ities un%er t'e e%eral or>or"e Inno$ation an% .ortunity *"t I.*: o 2014 ii:

    esta!lis'ing a ull9time %ire"tor osition to !e suer$ise% !y t'e +o$ernorAs C'ie or>or"e -e$eloment *%$isor an% %e%i"ate% to

    suorting t'e oerations o t'e (irginia Boar% o or>or"e -e$eloment Boar%: an% reDuiring Duarterly meetings o t'e Boar%

    iii: reDuiring a regional "on$ener o or>or"e %e$eloment artners i$: esta!lis'ing minimum le$els o is"al suort or

    or>or"e "re%ential attainment an% $: utiliing I.* reser$e un%s or in"enti$e rograms to in"rease or>or"e "re%ential

    attainment) In a%%ition t'e !ill in"reases t'e sie o t'e Boar% rom 26 to 2 mem!ers !y res'aing t'e ee"uti$e !ran"'

    mem!ers'i re%u"ing t'e num!er o legislati$e mem!ers rom our to to an% in"reasing t'e num!er o "itien mem!ers rom 14

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    to 1) 5'e !ill also ma>es se$eral te"'ni"al amen%ments reDuire% it' t'e transition rom t'e e%eral or>or"e In$estment *"t o

    18 to t'e e%eral or>or"e Inno$ation an% .ortunity *"t o 2014)

    SB1320 @o">e

    -ublic schools; accreditation ratings.-ire"ts t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to romulgate regulations esta!lis'ing a%%itional

    a""re%itation ratings t'at re"ognie t'e rogress o s"'ools t'at %o not meet a""re%itation !en"'mar>s !ut 'a$e signii"antly

    imro$e% t'eir ass rates are it'in se"iie% ranges o !en"'mar>s or 'a$e %emonstrate% signii"ant grot' or t'e maEority o

    t'eir stu%ents)

    SB1426 Smit'

    -ublic schools; Standards of Learning assessments.?e%u"es t'e total num!er an% tye o reDuire% Stan%ar%s o @earning

    assessments to t'e minimum reDuirements esta!lis'e% !y t'e e%eral 7lementary an% Se"on%ary 7%u"ation *"t o 16 e"et

    t'at a%%itional Stan%ar%s o @earning assessments may !e a%ministere% or t'e uroses o aar%ing $eriie% units o "re%it) 5'e

    !ill reDuires t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation to ro$i%e or t'e a%ministration o an alternati$e assessment to a statisti"ally reresentati$e

    samle o stu%ents in ea"' s"'ool in ea"' Stan%ar%s o @earning su!Ee"t area in 'i"' a Stan%ar%s o @earning assessment as

    not a%ministere% %uring t'e s"'ool year)

    SJ23 a$ola

    Study; early childhood practitioner professional development; report.?eDuesting t'e -eartment o 7%u"ation an% t'e

    -eartment o So"ial Ser$i"es in "ooeration it' t'e (irginia 7arly C'il%'oo% oun%ation to "on$ene a or> grou to stu%y an%

    %e$elo a "ometen"y9!ase% roessional %e$eloment rameor> or early "'il%'oo% ra"titioners)

    SJ241 a$ola

    Study; 7LA&C; early childhood development programs; report. -ire"ts t'e Joint @egislati$e *u%it an% ?e$ie Commission to

    stu%y se"ii" early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment rograms renatal to age i$e in t'e Commonealt' in or%er or t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    to %etermine t'e !est strategy or uture early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment in$estments)

    SJ26 .!ens'ainConstitutional amendment 5first resolution6; charter schools.+rants t'e Boar% o 7%u"ation aut'ority su!Ee"t to "riteria an%

    "on%itions res"ri!e% !y t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to esta!lis' "'arter s"'ools it'in t'e s"'ool %i$isions o t'e Commonealt')

    SJ2 7%ar%s

    Study; SC1%$; -ay It #or'ard, -ay It Bac; report. -ire"ts t'e State Coun"il o Hig'er 7%u"ation or (irginia to stu%y t'e

    easi!ility o imlementing a FPay It orar% Pay It Ba">F 'ig'er e%u"ation tuition inan"ing mo%el to in"rease a""ess to

    e%u"ational oortunities an% to %e"rease t'e %e!t !ur%en on stu%ents in t'e Commonealt')

    SJ28 ?u

    Study; 7LA&C; early childhood development programs; report. -ire"ts t'e Joint @egislati$e *u%it an% ?e$ie Commission to

    stu%y se"ii" early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment rograms renatal to age i$e in t'e Commonealt' in or%er or t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    to %etermine t'e !est strategy or uture early "'il%'oo% %e$eloment in$estments)

    %lections and 0erm LimitsBill Patron Summary

    HB1280 oler %lections; primary elections; date of 7une primary elections.C'anges t'e %ate o rimary ele"tions 'el% in t'e mont' o June

    rom t'e se"on% 5ues%ay in June to t'e t'ir% 5ues%ay in June an% "'anges "an%i%ate iling %ea%lines to rele"t t'at "'ange o %ate)

    HB1282 Sruill

    7udges; limitation on election and appointment of +udges.?estri"ts t'e +eneral *ssem!ly rom ele"ting a erson to a

    Eu%ges'i i t'e erson is an imme%iate amily mem!er souse arent "'il% !rot'er or sister: o a i: mem!er o t'e +eneral

    *ssem!ly or ii: ormer mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly or at least 24 mont's ater su"' mem!er 'as "ease% to !e a mem!er ot'e +eneral *ssem!ly)

    HJ46 Suro$ell

    Constitutional amendment 5first resolution6; Governors term of office.Permits a +o$ernor irst ele"te% in 201 an% t'ereater

    to su""ee% 'imsel in oi"e) 5'e amen%ment allos to our9year terms eit'er in su""ession or not in su""ession: !ut ro'i!its

    ele"tion to a t'ir% term) Ser$i"e or more t'an to years o a artial term "ounts as ser$i"e or one term)

    HJ620 Preston

    Constitutional amendment first resolution6; election of +udges.Pro$i%es or t'e ele"tion o Eu%ges !y t'e $oters) Justi"es o t'e

    Sureme Court an% Eu%ges o t'e Courts o *eals s'all !e ele"te% !y t'e Dualiie% $oters o t'e Commonealt' 'ile Eu%ges o

    all ot'er "ourts o re"or% an% Eu%ges o "ourts not o re"or% s'all !e ele"te% !y t'e Dualiie% $oters o t'e se$eral "ir"uits) 5'e

    amen%ments %o not "'ange t'e terms or 'i"' t'e Eu%ges ser$e)HJ686

  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    an% non"onse"uti$e terms) Ser$i"e or a artial term %oes not re"lu%e ser$ing t'e alloe% num!er o ull terms) In a%%ition to any

    artial term a erson may ser$e 12 years in ea"' 'ouse or a total o 24 years in t'e +eneral *ssem!ly) 5'e limits aly to terms o

    ser$i"e !eginning on an% ater t'e start o t'e 2018 ?egular Session o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly)

    SB124 Smit'

    7udges; limitation on election and appointment of +udges.?estri"ts t'e +eneral *ssem!ly rom ele"ting or aointing a erson

    to an original term as a Eu%ge i t'e erson i: is a mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly or ii: as a mem!er o t'e +eneral *ssem!ly

    less t'an 24 mont's rior to su"' ele"tion or aointment)

    SB1261 -ee%s

    7udicial 2ominations Commission; local +udicial nomination committees.Creates a 19mem!er statei%e Ju%i"ial

    ominations Commission Commission: ele"te% !y t'e +eneral *ssem!ly to re"ommen% aellate Eu%i"ial "an%i%ates to t'e

    +eneral *ssem!ly an% t'e +o$ernor) 5'e !ill reDuires t'at t'e Commission in"lu%e at least one mem!er rom ea"' o (irginiaAs 11

    "ongressional %istri"ts t'at i$e mem!ers !e attorneys an% t'at 10 mem!ers !e "itiens 'o 'a$e ne$er !een li"ense% to ra"ti"e

    la) Initially staggere% t'e terms o mem!ers ill !e our years) 5'e CommissionAs re"ommen%ations are non!in%ing) 5'e lo"al

    Eu%i"ial nominations "ommittees are esta!lis'e% in ea"' "ir"uit t'roug' aointment !y t'e +eneral *ssem!ly mem!ers 'o

    reresent ea"' "ir"uit) 5'e num!er o attorneys may not e"ee% 30 er"ent o t'e entire anel) 5'e "ommittees are reDuire% to

    maimie u!li" inut into t'eir re$ie ro"ess) 5'e "ommitteesA re"ommen%ations o u to t'ree "an%i%ates or ea"' $a"an"y are

    not !in%ing on t'e +eneral *ssem!ly) * %elegation may ot out o t'is ro"ess !y "ertiying to t'e "ler>s o ea"' 'ouse t'at t'e

    %elegation 'as in la"e a ro"ess t'at ensures arti"iation o ea"' %elegation mem!er an% arti"iation !y t'e general u!li" in

    t'e nomination ro"ess)

    SJ21 7!!in

    Constitutional amendment 5first resolution6; Governors term of office.Permits a +o$ernor irst ele"te% in 201 an% t'ereater

    to su""ee% 'imsel in oi"e) 5'e amen%ment allos to our9year terms eit'er in su""ession or not in su""ession: !ut ro'i!its

    ele"tion to a t'ir% term) Ser$i"e or more t'an to years o a artial term "ounts as ser$i"e or one term)

    SJ263 +arrett

    Constitutional amendment 5first resolution6; Governors term of office.Permits a +o$ernor ele"te% in 201 an% t'ereater to

    su""ee% 'imsel in oi"e) 5'e amen%ment allos to our9year terms eit'er in su""ession or not in su""ession: !ut ro'i!its

    ele"tion to a t'ir% term) Ser$i"e or more t'an to years o a artial term "ounts as ser$i"e or one term)

    %nergyBill Patron Summary

    HB1446 -)

  • 7/26/2019 BWW for Website 2.3.15


    re"o$er s'all not !e "onsi%ere% an oset to ot'er aro$e% "osts o ser$i"e or re$enue reDuirements an% s'all not !e in"lu%e% in

    any "omutation relati$e to a erorman"e9!ase% regulation lan re$enue9s'aring me"'anism) 5'e aut'oriation an%

    en"ouragement o t'e eansion o natural gas inrastru"ture an% t'e romotion o t'e use o natural gas are %e"lare% to !e in t'e

    u!li" interest) *lloing (irginiaAs natural gas utilit ies to aroa"' eansion o intrastate inrastru"ture into unser$e% an%

    un%erser$e% areas on a more roa"ti$e !asis !y ean%ing imro$ing an% in"reasing t'e relia!ility o (irginiaAs energy

    inrastru"ture is also %e"lare% to !e in t'e u!li" interest)

    HB1636 iloatt 'our o energy ro%u"e% !y t'eir ortion o t'e

    "ommunity generation a"ility) 5'e su!s"ri!erAs remises is reDuire% to !e lo"ate% in t'e ser$i"e territory o t'e utility in 'i"' t'e

    "ommunity generation a"ility is lo"ate% an% in t'e "ounty in 'i"' t'e "ommunity generation a"ility is lo"ate% or a neig'!oring

    "ounty) * "ommunity generation a"ility is an ele"tri"al generating a"ility t'at uses as its total sour"e o uel renea!le energy an%

    'as a "aa"ity o not more t'an to megaatts) 5'e measure also in"reases t'e maimum generating "aa"ity o an ele"tri"al

    generating a"ility one% or oerate% !y an ele"tri" utilityAs nonresi%ential "ustomer or a "ustomer t'at oerates a generation

    a"ility as art o an agri"ultural oeration t'at may !e eligi!le or arti"iation in t'e utilityAs net energy metering rogram rom 00

    >iloatts to to megaatts)

    HB160 (illanue$a

    &ene'able energy property grants. 7sta!lis'es !eginning it' is"al year 2016 grants or la"ing into ser$i"e renea!le energy

    roerty) 5'e grant oul% eDual 3 er"ent o t'e "osts ai% or in"urre% to la"e t'e renea!le energy roerty into ser$i"e not to

    e"ee% 2) million or any in%i$i%ual ie"e o renea!le energy roerty) 5'e !ill ro$i%es t'at grants in e"ess o 2) er"ent o

    t'e total rogram aroriation or t'e rele$ant is"al year oul% !e ai% in t'ree eDual "alen%ar year installments) o grant oul%!e aar%e% or renea!le energy roerty t'at generate% ele"tri"ity it'in t'e 12 mont's re"e%ing t'e %ate o t'e grant

    ali"ation or renea!le energy roerty ai% or !y utility rateayer un%s) 5'e !ill %eines renea!le energy as energy %eri$e%

    rom sunlig't in% alling ater !iomass aste lan%ill gas muni"ial soli% aste a$e motion ti%es or geot'ermal oer !ut

    not in"lu%ing energy %eri$e% rom "oal oil natural gas or nu"lear oer) 5'e -eartment o

    Certain industrial uses; transmission lines.?eDuires t'at a oning or%inan"e s'all ro$i%e t'at any roose% %ata "enter