--- - - --::--"- -- ------------------------------- - ------ 14 · rRINIDAD ROYAL GAZ ETTE. [Jan. 8, 1920.] TRINIDA.D A'.'\D TOBAGO. No. 1 of 1920. LL.S .J J. R. CHA NCELLOR, Governor. By IIis Lc utcnant -Colonel Sir Jon::-. R OBERT CuA:-;CELLOJt, n.E. , K .C.i\f.G., n. s.o„ Govcrn or an d .Cornmandcr-i n-Chi cf i n am! over the Colony •!f Trinid ad and Tobag-o und it s Vice-Ad miral thereof, &c „ &c., &c. A W HE UEAS on tl1e Sth day of Septemb er, in thc ycar of Our Lo rd one th ous and nrnc huud r ecl a n<l nin et ee n, an Ordin : 1ncc was cn :.Lctcd '' in thc sa id Colo ny, en t itled "An "Or<linanec, :Ku, 19 of 1919, to the c ntr y into C11lo ny of fo rmer cne my ali ens "; And Whcrens in s trnctio ns liavc bcen rcccivcd by me that thc King will not bc a.dvise<l . to excrci se his p ower of di s allowan cc with rc spcct to t his Ordin a.n cc; Kow, the r efore, I, Jol!X RonE RT CnAXC:ELLOi{ , Govern or as afor esaicl, do h ereby proclaim and mak e kno wn to all an d every thc Inha bitan ts of the said Col on y a nd it s th:tt the sa:d Ordinan ce ha s not becn di sallowed l>y Hi s .Maj csty, and t hcir lbn o urs t.h e Judges of th e s aid Colony and thc sc vcral l\Iagi strnt.es tlrnrein an <l all o th e rs conc8rned a re to takc no tice and govc rn thcmsdv ea accordingly. J. R. CHANCELT ,OH, Govcrnor. GiYe n un iler my Hand and thc Seal of the Colo ny at Govcrnment fl o usc, in the ·T·iwn of Port-of - Spain, in t he Island of Trin id ad, th is 6t h <lay of January, H>20. By Hi s E xcd len cy' s C ornma nd, 'l'. A. V. BEST, Colonial Secretar y. ABOLITION OF WAR TAX STAMP. · Regulati ons made by the Governor in Executive Council unq.er Sections 6 and 7 ot the Post Office Ordinance 1918 (No. 10-1918 ). l. Th e reg11btions relating to th e ' Va r Ta.x sta.mp on i nlan cl le tters m ade by thc Gove raor thc 28tlr day of Febru a ry, l !)[ 7, arc hcr cby rc rn ked, and 5 and 6 of the Pusta l Regul ati o ns matle by th e Gove rnor on th e H.ith da y of Bcpte mbcr, 1914, s hall be in force 111 li eu th ereof. 2. 'l'he r C'gul a tion relat.ing to t he \Var Tax stamp on letters for places outside thc Colony made by thc Govcrnor on the 28 th day of February, 1917, is hereby rc rnked . t 1 3. 'l'he regulnt i•ms rcl a ting to t. lrc \Var 'l ' ax s ta mp on inland post carcls made by the Guvernor on the 2Gth 1 1 ny of April, )!)17, are hereby revokccl , a . d r<'g ulation 8 of th e Postal Regulat•ons J ma<le by t lre Gu\ c rnor on t i. c 1 Gth day of Scpte111 ber, l 9J.t., s hall be in in licu t hcreof. 't 4„ T be n' gu lations rclating to tlre \Var Tax s tamp on comme rcial pa per-3 made by the Governor on th o 2füh <la y of April , l!H7 , arc hereby revokrd, an,\ r eg ul ati ons 13, 14 and 17 of thc Pustal Hcg ulali ons mad c by t-h c Govcrnur on thc 16th d< LY of 8cptember, 1911„ shall !Je in force in licu t 11 crcof. ,;_ T hese regulatious sha ll co me iuto fo rcc on th e 1 da y of Jan uary, 1 920. Made by the Go rern or in Executive Co un cil t hi s 3 l s t <l:ty of D ecemb er, 19 l 0. HARRY L KNAGGS , Acting Clerk of the Council.

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Page 1: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE

---- - --::--"----------------------------------- ------

14 ·rRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [Jan. 8, 1920.]


N o. 1 of 1920.



By IIis Ex~ellency L cutcnant-Colonel Sir Jon::-. R OBERT CuA:-;CE LLOJt , n.E. , K.C.i\f.G., n.s.o„ Govcrnor and .Cornmandcr-in -Chicf i n am! over the Colony •!f Trinidad and Tobag-o und its D~penclencies, Vice-Admiral thereof, &c„ &c., &c.

A Pl~<JOL1\_l\rl 1\.TION.

W H E UEAS on tl1e Sth day of Sep tember, i n thc ycar of Our L ord one thousand nrnc huudrecl an<l nineteen, an Ordin :1ncc was cn :.Lctcd'' in thc sa id Colony, ent itled "An

"Or<linanec, :Ku, 19 of 1919, to r.:~s trict the cntry int o th ~~ C11lony of former cnemy aliens ";

And Whcrens instrnctions liavc bcen rcccivcd by me that thc King will not b c a.dvise<l . to excrcise his p ower of disallowancc with r cspcct to this Ordina.ncc;

Kow, therefore, I, Jol!X RonERT CnAXC:ELLOi{ , Governor as aforesaicl, do hereby proclaim and make known t o a ll and every t h c Inhabi tan ts of the said Colony and its Dcpenden ~ies th:t t the sa:d Ordi nance has not becn disallowed l>y His .Majcsty, and thcir lbnours t.he Judges of the said Colony and thc scvcral l\Iagistrnt.es tlrnrein a n<l all others conc8rned a re to tak c notice and govcrn thcmsdvea accordingly.

J. R. CHANCELT,OH, Govcrnor .

GiYen un iler my Hand and thc Seal of the Colony at Govcrnm ent fl o usc, in the ·T·iwn of P ort-of-Spain, in the Island of Trinidad, this 6th <lay of January, H>20.

By His E xcdlency's Cornmand, 'l'. A. V. BEST,

Colonial Secretary.


· Regulations made by the Governor in Executive Council unq.er Sections 6 and 7 ot the Post Office Ordinance 1918 (No. 10-1918).

l. Th e reg11btions rela ting to the ' Va r Ta.x sta.mp on inlancl letters made by thc Goveraor m~ thc 28tlr day of Februa ry, l !)[ 7 , arc hcrcby rcrnked, and re~ulatiom 5 and 6 of the Pustal Regulations matle by the Governor on the H.ith day of Bcptembcr, 1914, shall be in force 111

lieu thereof.

2. 'l'he rC'gula tion relat.ing to the \Var Tax stamp on letters for places outside thc Colony made by thc Govcrnor on the 28th day of February, 1917, i s hereby rcrnked .

t 1

3. 'l'he regulnt i•ms rcla ting to t.lrc \Va r 'l'ax stamp on inland post carcls made by the Guvernor on the 2Gth 1

1ny of Apr il , )!)17, are hereby r evokccl, a . d r<'gulation 8 of the Postal Regulat•ons J ma<le by t lre G u\ crnor on t i.c 1 Gth day of Scpte111 ber, l 9J.t. , shall be in forcl~ in licu thcreof. 't

4„ T be n 'gulations r clating to tlre \Var Tax stamp on commercial paper-3 made by the Governor on tho 2füh <lay of April, l!H7 , arc hereby revok r d, an ,\ reg ulations 13, 14 and 17 of thc Pusta l Hcgulalions madc by t-hc Govcrnur on thc 16th d<LY of 8cptember, 1911„ shall !Je in force in licu t 11 crcof.

,;_ T hese r eg ulatious shall come iuto fo rcc on the 1 ~ t day of Jan uary, 1920.

Made by the Go rernor in Executive Council t hi s 3 l st <l:ty of D ecember, 19 l 0.

HARRY L KNAGGS, Acting Clerk of the Council.

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· ~

~ · -~--·

[Ja.n. 22, 1920.] rrIUNIDAD ROYAL GAZErr'rE. 59


P ERSONS in possession of War 'fäx Stamps can exchange them for ordinary Postage ·

Stamps a t any Post Office in the Colony.

CJ,ARENCE ROSS, General Post Office, Postrnaster-General.

Port-of-S pain, 16th January, 1920.


I NFORMATION has been received from the Postmaster-General, London, that the rate

used in lndia and Aden for the payment 0f British Postal Orders issued on and from t!ie 2nd December, 1919, and ofmoneyorders a<lvised in sterling after the 4th December last is 9 rupees 4 annas to the t sterling.

The rate used in Ceylon for the payment of Postal and money orders issued on and from the lst December last is 8 rupees 88 cents.

General Post Office, Port-of-Spain,

19th January,

CLARENCE ROSS, Postmaster-General.


Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


J AMES COW ARD. a D1·pnsitor in tlw Post Office Savings Hunk. hnvin!! report.ed th1~ losi; ol

his Savir.gs Bank l'ass ßook :'\o. 1ü6ü~t, ~otic1• is hereby given accordingly, am! nny person into wh ose possl:'ssion this Pa~s Book rnay eo1111• is requeste<l to forward it to th is Office.

lf not produced within four Wl:'eks lrm11 the date hereof, a new Pass ßook . will be issm•d to the Depositor.

2lst January, 1920. - - - - --- ---

CLA ltENCE JWS:::i, Postmaster-General.


I the undersignecl Registrar „f Frieudly ' Societies in conformity with the powers

and authorities vested in me as ,uch Registrar by the Frieudly Societies Onl inance No. 45 „f 1917 do hereby award that the KING GEORGE V FRIENDLY SOCIEfY of Port-of-Spain be, and the same is hereby dissolved.

Datcd at Port-of-Spain this 7th day of January, 1920.

(13 ins.) CHARLES A. CHILD,

Registrar of Friendly Societies.



N OTICE is hereby given tha.t the Magistrate, County of Victoria, under authority of H is Excel­

lency the Governor, has appointed TuESDAY THE 10TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1920, at the hour 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, o.t the Sa.11 Fernando Police Court, as the day, hour a.nd place at which a Special Session will be held for considcring the granting of a Produce License to Pong Fai, trading under the name a.nd style of "Wor Lee & Co.", in . respect of premises situate at Monkey Town, South Na.parima, for the year 1920 in pursua.nce of the "Sa.le of Produce Ordina.nce No. 47 of 1917."

0. T. CAZABON, for Ma.gisirate, County of Victori:i..


12th Jatnuary, 1920.

N OTIOE is hereby given the Stipendia.ry Justice of the Pea.ce for the Counties of St. Andrew, etc.,

ha.ving been a.uthorised by His Excellency the Governor so to do, has appointed WEDNESDAY THE 4TH DAY OF FEBRUARY, 1920, at 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the M1>yaro Police, Court as the day, hour and place at which a i::ipecia.l Session will be held for considering the application of one L ee Lun for a " Sale of Produce License" for tbe yea.r ending 31st December, 1920, in pursuance of the provisions of "The Sale of Produce Ordinance No. 47 of 1917."

J . H. PATAYSINGH, Clerk of the P eace,

lor the Counties of Nariva a.nd Maya.ro.


N OTICE is hereby given tha.t, the undersigned Stipendia.ry Magistrate, under authority of His

1<;xcellency thc Governor, has a.ppointed Tu&SDAY THI!: lOTH DAY o~ FI!BRUARY, 1920, at t en o'clock in the forcnoon, at the Toco Police Court as the day, hour and place at which a Special Session will be helcl for grant­ing a Magistrate's License to Andrew Tangtune of Grande Riviere in the County of St. David, in pursuance of the provisions of Ordinance No. 47 of 1917 as a dealer in J, icensable Produce in the said County for the year 1920.

W. F . KNOWLES, _ · ----~ctin~ Stipendiary Magistrate, St. David.


The Liquor Licensing Ordinance, No. 177.

Notice of Application for the transfer of a Magistrate'' L icense.

N ' OTIFICATION in writing has been lodged with .1.. me the undersigned Clerk of the Pea.ce, County Caroni, by .T. Ramgoolie of Enterprise Village, Shop­keepcr, that it is his intention to a.pply to the Stipendiary M~gistrate on THURSDAY, THE 22ND DAY o~· JANUARY, 1920, next ensuing, for a transfer of .bis Spirit Reta.iler's Licensc from his present premises situa.te at Enterprise Village, Cunupia, to other premises situate at P erseverance Village, Cha.guanas, in the snid Ward.

Dated this 13th day of January, 1920. J. A. FORD,

Clerk of the Pea.cc, County Caro!li.


A few extra copie11 of the verbatim report of the debate11 in the Legislative Council of 28th November, 1919, known as Hansard are now available for sale to the public and

may be obtained from thP flovernment Printing Office. The price is 1/- post free each copy. This repor t contains particulars of the following matters among others: Development- - Minute by the Governor asking fur sanction of Local Loan, Petition from Drug Store Proprietors and Employees, Rules governing exchange of Postal Parcels, 25 per cent. Bonus, Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 1920, Alien banking business, Shop Assistants Ordinance, &c.

A few bound copies of the reports for various years are also obtainable from the Government Printing Office at 15/· for ea.ch year' s volume.


Page 3: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE

' -~

[Jan. 29, 19:20.J rRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. 77

"'' The Supplemen tal Constabulary Ordinance, 1906."

T HE undermcntiimecl have been appointed and struck ofl the roll of Rural and Estate

t ·Cunst:i bles, und~r the provisions of th€ '' Supple­rnental Coristaliulary Ordinance, No. 11of190G."

Rural Constables Appointed.

Place. ~~ 1 Dl\te of 1 •

0• I Appointrnent. \


679 680 681 682 fi83

21st Jan., 1.920 .<'hillip Pierre „ .1Valencia N. Yf. Div. , .. ,Moruga,.. .„\Parlatuvier., Tobftgo.

„ Mason Hall, „

f,84 (i.'!;)

68tl G87 fi88 689 f.\10 '(i91 ·!i!J2

1\23 1 578 602 464 2Gl





141 15


do. :Bd wud W arner do. l'hilip Felix do. Simon N etl<l <lo. C. Stephen

tlo. Robert Collins do. 1(). Greaves do. George Briggs <lo. Arlolphus ,Johnson <lo. 1James Cudjoe <lo. 1A. J\l. Massr do. 1Fn1.ncis King <fo. Stephen Allen tlo. Ernest Ellie

„. V ega, Oropuchs, E. Divi•ion.

.„ l\lorugl\. „ ,Peiial.

.„ Cunupia Village.

.„ .Toco.

::: ·m~he, Sanii:re Grande . . . ;carapichaima.. „.1 do. „.lt'angre Gran1le.

Rural Oonstables struck off . da. do. do. <lo. do. da.

. John Raymond John Primus Ivan Bvnoe Lavey }~rown Rcynohl 1'.lmith Cornelitts Lamt.ert

. „ITahago . . . . 8.angre Grande. . .. ~runu. puna. . .. l\laracas. ... !Tunapnna. „.ITodd's Road.

Estate Constables Appointed. do.




jl'vanson Charles

Hubert Alexander

Simon l\Iaynard

l<'nincis Richa t·d

.„ Non Pariel E•tate, [ Sa.ngre Grande.

••• 1Non Pariel Estate, ! San!{re Grar.de.

... _Siparia. EMtate, : S. W. Division.

„. Siparia E•tate, S.W. Division.

Estate Constables struck off. do.



1·To•cph Spencer


[.rames Rcnnick

„. :Per.evera n ce Esta te, i Chaguanas. . Persflverance Es1a te, ! Chaguana.s.

. !Bnccoo1 Toha.go.


GEO. H. l\fAY, Cor.o.NEL, Inspeetar.General of Constabulary.

·Con~+R.l-uhr.v Heud Quarters, Part-of-Spain,

2lst J anuHr,1·, 1920.

Summary Convictions (O:ffences) Ordi­nance No. 25 of J 917.

T HE undcrmcntioned prrsons havc been authorised and appointPd as fit and proper

persons to arrcst and deal with suspPctcd persons ·undcr Scrtiori 5, Sub-scction 2, of Or<linante No. 2.'5 of 1917.

Name. Occupatian. Praprietor, l\iq!a 1\fartin .

dP. p..,, it V alley • T oRcph Fra.m;ais Papino Charles Eber.ezer Dennis John Bowley Jo~eph l'owdet· Robert Harri~

... \V,itchumn, Tob,1go.

,J fülleS ~ caforth A rlln1r des Isles . J o~cph des r~les II. Lewis

Shopkeeper, do. \Va1chma11, do.

da. do. Overseer, do.

da. <lo. M f\nager, do . \Vatchurnn, <lo.

GEO. H. MAY, CowxEr., Inspectar-General af Con~tl\bnlM,y.

-Canstuhnlary Headqnarters, !'ort-of·Öpain,

26th J;~uuaiy, 1920.


Post Office N otice.

F ROM the 28th January, 1920, and until further notice the following Rates of

Commission ,,ill be charged on Imperial Money Orders:

:Far a.ny sum not exceeding 10/· 2d. Exceeding 10/· but not exceeding .lll Bd. And for ea.ch -additional Jll or pa.rt of

Jll, up ta .!;40 3d.

And the rates of Poundage on British Postal Orders shall be as follows : Amount of British Pasta! Order.

6d. to 2/6



3/· to 15/-20/- to 21/-

General Post 0 ffice,



CI„ARENCE ROSS, Postmaster-General .

2lst January, 1920.

Post Office Notice .

I NFOR'.\IATIOS' h ris bPen :·ecei,·erl from the Postmaster-General, L ondon, that the rate

to be used rn lndia and Aden for the payment of British Postal Orders issued on and from t he 23rd Decem her, 1919, and of 11Ioney Orders adviscd in ;t; sterling later than the 24th December last, will be 8 rnpees 9 annas to the .( .

'I'he rate used in Ceylon for the payment of money orders and postal orders issued on and from the 18th Deccmber b~t., will be 8 rupccs 5i cents.

INFOR~fATION has bcen received from the Director-G•·neral of Pusts and Telegraphs,

lndia, that until fu~thcr notice the cquivalents in Indian m•iney of the v:ilues of all British Postal Orders issued i;1 Bri tish ( olonies :md Possesa;ions 011 or after the 2nd Decem bnr , HJl 9, for payment in lndia will be at the rate of 2/2 per rupee.

General Post Office, Purt-of-Spai n,

CLARENCE ROSS, Postmaster-General.

26th January, rn20. -·--··-----

.F ost Office Sa vings Bank, Trinidad.


J OSEPH HUGGINS, a D.•positor in the Post Office Savings Bank, ha ving reported the

loss of bis !:lavings B11nk Pass Book No. 272Z Notice is h{'rcby given n.ccon1 ingly, and nny pe rson into whosti po~s,~ssion this l'i1ss Book may come is requested to fonvard it to thi~ Office.

If not produced with in four weeks from the date hercof, a new l'uss ßook will be issi;.l'd to tue Depositar.

2Gth Junuary, 1U20-

C~.AHE'.ll"CE ROSS, Postmaster-General.



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118 fRINIDAD ROYAL GALiETTE. [Fe b. 12, 10:'2!1.]

Post Office N otice.

I NFORMATIOK has been rcccived from the Prcsidency Postmaster, Bombay, with

refol'encc to the rate of exchangc of 111onev •>rders betwern this Colony and ln~iü1, an<l I a1;1 informed that the equivalents in Indian moncy of the values of monev ordcrs advised hv this Colony for payment i~1 In<lia on or aft~r thc 1 :)th Dcccmber, rn rn, ,, ill, umil fort her nüticc bc c::ilculatecl at thc rate of two shillings and ionr pence per r11pee.

ncncral Post Office, Port-of-S pain,

CLARENCE ROSS , Postmaster-General.

Dth February, 1920.

1-ost Office Savings Rmk, Trinidad.


R OJJAI\"O lIUTTON", a D1•positor in thf~ Post Office Savings Bank, having n•portt·d tlie

loss of bis Savin[(s Bank l'a:i$ Book ::\o. 601U. Xotice is hcreby g.i.ven nccordingly, nnd nny p•·rson into whos1• poRsession this Pass Book may C\/llH! is requested to forwnnl it to thi:; Ofüc:e.

If not produced within four Wl't•ks from t.hc· date liereof. a n~w Pass Book will hf! iss i:s<l to t iie Dc-positor.

Gth Ft>bruary, In20.

CL\l\ENCE IWSS, Postmaster-GP!h'l nL

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


J OHN BUTTON, a Depositor in thc Po~t Office Savings Bank, hnvin~ reported the loss of

his Savings Bank Pass Book No. 5018, Koticl~ is hPreby given accordingly, and any person into wlH•Se possession this Pm;s Book may comc is rcquestcd to forward i t to this Office .

If not produced within four wt~eks lrnrn thc" clate hercoJ, a new Pass ßook will be issucd to the Depositar.

Cth Fehruary, 1 V20.

CLAliENCE HOS°', Postmastcr-Geiiernl.

-------- ·----~~


I the undersigncd Registrar of Fricndly ' Socicties in conformity with thc powcrs

and authorities vestecl in me as such Regi"trar by the Friendly Societies Or<linance No. 4;) of 1917 do hercby awarcl that the KING GEORGE V FRIENDLY SOCIETY of Port-of-Spain be, ancl thc same is hereby dissolved.

Dated at Port-of-Spain this 7t.h day of January, 1920.

CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies.

NOTICE. Pa wn brokers.

A NO'rICE from R . C. HEsn1msox of ~~o. 28, Hcnnita g·c Rn<trl and CL\.In:xc1·: Scrrnr:--nrn r.

of No. 1l2 , Ji rc~lerick S t.rect both ill the T()Wll of Port-of-Spain, of their intention t o apply to thc Stipendial'y l\fa·:istrate, Port-of-Spain, for a. Certificate undcr thc Pawnbrukcr 's Ordinancc No. l 'l<l. to carr v nn thl' busincss of Pa11 nbrokcrn during the ycar .1920, on t.he prcmiscs known as 71, Princc Strcct and 42, F reder ick Stt'eP.t in t he Town of Port-of-S pain rcspectively ha.ve becn receiYed by rnc.

1\IAX s :\II'fH, LrEt:T.-Co1.o:-: r;1, Deputy In.sv(~ct..o r-Gencral of Uonstnhul a.ry.

Constabula.ry HeaJ Quarters, P ort-of-Spftin,

11 t.h Fcbruary, 1920. -~--------

TH l :\ l DA Tl AND T OB ,\GO.

The Patents, Dasigns an :l Trade Marks Ordinance, No. 76.

(Laws of Trinidad and T obag o, V ol. II.)

J:\o. (i of 1020.

\-;\"THEHE.A.S an applicatio n has h<'e n made to nie V V fo r th e r q::; ist rat ion of n T rndc :'lfark n

represcntu tion of w hich is pnhl ic lr exhihited in this offi ce in t}w nauic of J o lrn \Vnlker & !-;ons , Liuiited , of Dunstt~r linn:-,e, 12, Mar k Lune, London, l<:. C., E ng land, D ist illers, who clai rn t o bc th1.: P n 1prictors thcrcof, it is hereby notifü:d tlrnt unkss no tice nf oppc-sitlou to ~uch r c>gistrnt.ion be gi.-en t o rnc wir.hin thn•e nw nths f ro1n tlie <la t<! of thc fir st pu bfü:ation of tlii s ri,;1plic:at ioJ1 such Trade Mark w ill b c rcgist erccl in Class 43 i n respect of whisky ancl other spirituons liquors . T he es s~·nt.i u l

particulars of the l\fa rk are th e comhinut ion of devices, the \\·ords " J ()hn nie \Valker" the words "Born Eighk en Twenty" and "Still Going Strong ."

Dakd at tlic Rcgi, tt·ar-Genernl's Otüce, Port-of­Spain, this lüth day of Fe bruary. l!J20.

A. C. ROBINS ON, 1\cgistrar .

TIUNIDAD AXD TOß .-\GO. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Ordinance, No. 76.

(Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, Vol. II.)

No. 7 of 1 0~0 .

W H E REAS an nppl icat ion has lwen made t o . me for tlie r•·dstration of a Trn<lt~ Mark

a t(;'presentation of which is publ icly ex hihited in this office in the nanw of Canadian Milk P roducts Limit ed, an I ncorpornted Company lrnving its .head officc ut the City of T oronto in t he province of Ontärio und Dum i!1 ion of Canadn, who claim tobe the Proprietors the reof, it i ~ hereby noti fü·d t hat u nless notic'" of oppusition to sneh regis trntion be g iven to nie with in t h rE)e !lh)J1ths from the d :\te of the first pu blieation of this application such Trade Mark will bc reg·istered in Class 42 .

Da ted nt t he Hegi strnr-Gcneral 's Office, Port-of­Sp:Ün, this lOth day of F ebr uary, 1920.

A. C. ROBINSON, Registrar.

·t 1

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176 [Mttr. 4, 1920.} ------~---------- ------~+•-··--- ··


:!7th F'elrr 11ar_11, 7 920.

HIS EXCELLENCY '!'HE OOYERNOR has been please<l to appoint '.\IA.JOR A. S. BO WEN,

OfficcrCommandingCorps 11f Special Constabulary, to bc onc of his Honorary Aidcs-<l(•-Camps with effect frorn t h e 23rd Februar;-. l \)20.

By Cummand,

F. S. W ALDEGHA VE, 1\Iajor, Staff Officer,

for Colonel. ('ommandant Local ]<' orcc•

Post Office N otice.

I~FOR}IA'l'IOK has been recei,·ed from the

Director-General of Posts and Telegraphs, lndia, stating- that the equivalents in Indian money of the Yalue nf all money or<lers issued in British Colonies an<l PnRscssions on or after the ~3rd December, 1919, f.•r payment in In<lia will be calculated at the rn.te of 2/4 per rnpee until further notice.

General Post Office, Port-of-Spain,

CLARENCE ROSS, Po stmas ter-Gencral.

27th February, 1920.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


·1)AMSEY PLACIDE FAlHEN, a Depositor in thc \, 1 'ost Office Savings Hau k, haYing repurtecl thc

loss of bis Savings Bank Pass Book No. 3407, Notice i~ hereby given acr.onliugly, ancl any person into w !tose possegsion thiR Pass Book rnay come is rt>qucsted to forwarcl it to this Offiec.

If not produ ced within four W<'ek~ from the date hercof, a new Pass Book will he issued to the Depositor.

CL .\RE~CE RUSS , Postmaster-Geueral.

28th Fehruary, 19::lli.



Ordinances 1008 and n10!1.

Oerti:flcate of Registration of an office in this Colony by a Company incorporated according to the laws of some other country possession or place.

APPLICATION by thc Compauy kuown as The Century Insurancc Co„ Lt d. for thc l'cgistrat.ion in

this Colony of an officc at 40, l\Iarine 8q na re, Port-of­Spa.in, liu.ving been maue to 11 w nnder Sectiou 8 of the Estate Duty Ordinance No. '2/"i of 1908, I hereby certify that the a.bove office 1ms hcP11 clnly register'd.

D. 8J,YNE, Hecei ver-General.

Da.tccl !Lt the Trea.sury, P ort-of-Bpain, tl1is ht day of March, 1920.

To MESSRS. LEOTAl'D 1: 801\ , Attorney of the ttbo' l' ·Hamed Cornpauy.

TJUNI DAD AND T OB ;\GO . The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Ordinance, No. 76.

(Laws of Trinid ad and Tobago, Vol. II. ) No. 9 of rn:zo.

W HEiiEA S an applica t ion h tts been made to- · me for the r.-.e:ist rat.ion of a Trnd c~ Mark

a r cpresentation of wliich is puhl ic ly '~xh i hi ted in this office in the n unw of ~ . B. Leonanl i & Co. , Inc., a Corporat iPn organi~ed and t>xis ti ng u 11 der thc laws of t he Stat <; <1f New York, onc of the U nite<l States of Arne1·i,\:1. lrnving a place of hus iness at :!5, P ttrk P lacc, City of l\ew York, U nit ed S tates of America .. Manufa ct ure rs , who daiin to be the Prnprietol's ther„.of, it is IH·rdJy not ified tha t unless notice of npposi t ion t.o ~ nch reg istration be given to rne within t11TPe 111 ,>u ths from th(' dat•; of the first- publicat ion of tl1is a pplicn ti on such Trade Mark will J-:. e r egist eretl in Cla3'> :1 i u respect of Cough R e111edy Oin t lllent, Ch il i Hemedy, Bk1od Re111t·dy . a r emedy fo r Venercol Diseases, \Vorm Sy rup, Eye Loti„n, a ncl Li ver }fodi cine. T he rn ark consi~t~ of t he re pr t>sen t.at ion of n wheeJ haYing eight 1 8) spokes which extend heyond th e periph ery of tlw wheP!. On the hub uf t he wheel a ppcars a monogram, consisti ng of t lw letter~ " S. B. L." whilst on each of the spokes there r cspectively ap1,eurs the follow i ng words " Pills ," "Eye Lotion," "Ointment ," "Cough Cu re." "Specific No. l ," ;• Worm S yr u p," "ßlood Elix i r ," " Chili Cure," Around the peripb er y of t he wheel i~ arrangeri t he name of the Com pauy un d the wor ds " T am pa, Fla," finally 0 1> eithe r sidc of t l10 l ower h alf uf t he w heel is a scroll, t he applican ts disclai m t he r ight t.o the exclusive u se of t hc wonls wr itten on th e spok cs of the wheel und the words Tampa, F la .

Dated at the Regis t rnr -Gener al's Office, Port -of­Spain, this l st day of March , 1930.

A. C. ROBINSON, Regist rar.

TRIN IDAD AND T Oß AGO. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks.

Ordinance, No. 76.

(Laws of Trinidadand Tobago, Vol. II. )

No. 10 of 1920.

W HERE AS an application has be"n nrnde tu me· for thl• regis t ration of :t Trnde Mar k a

rl'presentation o f which iR pub licly l•xhibi tccl in this Office in th " 11a 11H: of :-; _ B. L conard i & Co., I nc., a Corporation org 1rn izl'd a d existing under the laws of t he Stute of N•'W Yo rk , one of thr~ Un ited Stat.cs or Am er ica, havi nµ- a pl:tCl' of bus in ess at 2G. Park PlHP, City of Xew York, :-itate of N ew York, U nited :-J1, ,i t.·c~ of Amer iGa, :\lanufacturer s who claiui to be the Pn•p rie tors thereof, it. is hernby n otified thut miless uoticv nf opposition to such regis t ra tion lie g iv1•n to me with in tlaree mon ths from t hP dat e of th e first publicu t io11 of this appl i.cation such 'l'rad t• Mark will bc r egi stered iu (;la s< 3 in r<•specr. n f · • D iseuS('S pfä·u liar to wonwn," thc eso;e nt ia l p:irt: icuhrs o~· t.he Tnide Mark are thl' hl:ad nnd sl~ou l•lers ot' a wo1n;in w it h the words "New Healtl1 ," and " Woman'~ Sa! vatioo" hut tlw app lican ts d isl' la irn the r ig!tt to the (•xdu~ive use of t lw wo rds " '\ ew H ea lth" and „ w„nll\n' ~ Sal Vtüion ."

Datecl at t lw lfogistra r-General's Office, Por t-of-­Syrnin, this ls t diiy of Mard 1, 1920.

A . C . ROBINSON, }{egistrar.


Page 6: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE

., ' .


! i .p



PORT-OF-SPAIN, 'fHURSDA Y, ,lfAROH 25. 1920. (Vor.. R~J .


l :.:J 18 EXCELLEN ::Y THE GOVERNOR ha8 ~l been pleasecl to approve the following

acting cippoi ntmcnts <luring the absence fr11 111 the Colo11y 1A' Dr. C. B. Rmn: -

DR .. J. OR E LL, District M edical Officer. 1'oco, to act as Dis1 rict Medica.l Officer, 1'acarigu'a.

Dtt. et. C~LARK~=, Supemumerary Jfedical Officer, Col<.nial H ospi tal, to act a 8 District X e tlical Offi <.:er, Toc1.1.

By Command,

'I'. A. V. BE8T, (No. UO. ) Colon ia.l Sccrc:tary.

COL<>NlAL SECH ETARY' ::i OF .FICE. 11 rn ~l.o\.1u.:H, 1 ~)20.

H lS ~:Xt:.E LLENCY 'l'HE GOVERNOR has direc red the p11biication of the draft of

" A Bill to amend the Electrie Lighting· and . "Tramwav;: c}rdina nc<• .\o. 24<)." which . i t i s proposed i:: •in t.r •Jduce into the Leg.i.slati ve Cn11ncil, a <.:opy of which is issued with this G.i.zel.t1~.

An expre,;sion of the view s of pe1·s„ns intcrestcd in the obj ects of thi~ Ordinance is hereby invi ted.

By Command,

T. A. V. BES'!', (No. 77. ) Colonial Secrctary.

Post Office N otice.

THl~fTl.-1.D AN1> TORAGO. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Ordinance, No. 76. (Laws of Trinidad a nd Tobago Vol. II- )

No. 22 ot 1920.

W H EREA::-i an applicatinn has heen made to rne for the registration of a Trud e Mark

n 8pPcimen of which is publicly exhibitl'<l in this Office in the namc of Essex Moto rs a Corporation organ ized unclc r the Laws \>f the State of 'Miohigan , in the United 1-;tntes of Amcrica, and having a place of business at 2901 , East J efforso11 Avenue in the City of Det roit, Count.y of W>1yne, ::i tate nf' Michigan , in tlw lJnited ~ta tcs of 1\1nerica, who claim t•> be the Propri\-~ t„rs thereof, it is

l l1erel'y notified that u11l\!SS notic•~ of opposition to s11ch registration he given t o rne with in three montbs from r.lw date of the firs t publicat ion of tbis ap pliciition such T rnde Mark w ill bc reg iste r ed in Clas~ 22, in re~pec t of Automobilt•s, automobile parts ~ntl Hccessorics. · D11teJ at r.h„ .Rt~gi strar - General 's Office, l'or t-of'­:-;pain , this"'.32od d :;y of :\larch , rn20,


'l'l:UNIDAD AND TOBAGO. The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

Ordinance, No. 76. (Laws of Trinidad and Tobago, Val. II.)


I AUBH.EY CHARLES ROBINSON, Registra.r of ' Patents, Designs, and Trade l\farks for the Colony

of Trinidad anil Tobago, <lo hereby certify that on 'l'hursday thc 18th dny of Mat'ch, in t he year one

I NFOR ;',Y ATJON h as been received from LoHd<m thousand nin_e hundrcd •:nd twcnty, has bec 11 deliver.ed . . . to uw by George i\IcAlt;;ter Boy~ick of Port-of-Spam,

st.atmg that the ant0unts t.o he pai<l in rupeei; . Clct·k to · :\fossrs .. r. D. Scllier & Co„ Solicitori;, :i.

in l ndia and Aclen tor rnoney orders advisc<I l rom :1 Dci·hi.mtion iu writing signcd by Frauk Tinker, J>.Sc., London and dated latcr than tlw l 2th Febniary. Cheiui,,; t, of 4, G~;tdstonc Road, El:dington, !" the City 1!)20 will b· i rupees 2 anna:; to the .{'.l sterhnrr. of B1ruunglrn1n, E1:~laud. ot.11 certam I nvention whereof ·rh· ' b · h . · I:> · ·"' I tb1· snid Frank Trnker clamrn to bc tlu: luventor or

e rate to (' u sc<l tur t c payment o l Jl'tt.is h l' ' · t . be' 11o ~TI 111vention for " lmprove111en•11 P l 0

. l . h . .11

, . ropne or. 1 0 - · •

osta rders issue< on <md h 11m t at llate w1 ; reh~tiu~ to the production of petrol " togcther l'Vith a he 6 rupccs l j. annas to the ~ 1. spccißcHlion describing thc nuture of the Haid Invention,

,,nd thc nmnncr ;n which thc sam e is to be performed anil tha.t the mim e of th<: ~aid Fmnk Tinker has been emered in the Hegister of Paten ts :ts the l'roprictor of this l"~tcnt as :fo. 9 of 19\!0.

ln tut11re the rates both for lll t• rH~Y and pustal orders will be liable t o v1ui.ati1J11 withont prev i„us notice.

. General Post Office, P ort-of-Spain,

19th M~rch,


CLAH.EKCE RUSS, In witnoss whereof I have hm·cunto put m.v hand at l'ort-of-Spaiu, this \!Oth da.v of J anuary, in the year one

Postmaste1·-Gc1wra\. thouBa.nd niuc hundred and twenty .

1920. A- C. ROBINSON,




Page 7: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE

304 TRINIDAD ROYAL GALJ~rrTE. [April 8, 1920.]


ht ,-Jpril, Jr120.


to accept the re~ignation of the Commissi(in in the L "ca1 Forccs hckl by SECD'."J) l.a:UTE.\ANT

L. R. WHEELER, Quec-n\ Royal Colkge c a<lct Corps as frum thc 30th }f:neh, l!J2!1.

By Command,


.A.cfinf{ ,,nmmnn1lnnt. J,1wn l Force!':.


N OTi <'E is hc r(' \iy givcn t l1a t :\fr~. LEONTI:\'E l'E<l l"S lms been :: ppoink<l l ~eg i-tr,tr of Bi• tlis

and Deatbs for the Clmguarnm.n; llistr ict, in the \\'n.rd ·of Diegn Martin, Comity of St. (1 ,•or~"· as from the I st proxirno, vice l\lu. P. 8. Jott~,;o i--, resigned.

A. S. BOWEN, ~u11t. Regi~trar~ C'om1t.y of !'-;t.. Georgl~.

\'iarden's Office, Port-of-i'pain, 30th l\.farch, 1920.


A. C'. Il.OBl:\~O:\', n 0Qi~ti-n r-Gn'er:1 I.


27th Jlfo 1·ch. Jr!PO. 'THE Chairman of thc St. Ann's and Dicgo Martin J_.oca] Road Board has givcn notice

of the following resolution for the next meeting of thc Ccntrnl Road Board.

G. A. SALOMON, •(2 ins.) Acting Secretary, Central Road Board.

Resolverl :-(1) That the Don Migne] Cal't Hoad in the Ward of Aricaguu, St. A11 n's and Diego Martin Rond Unfon, he extended in a southerly direction for a <listance ot half (t) a mile along a t uc:e re~erved by Mr. Frederick Hern•ra. ·

(2) That a section of tlw Grnncle Hivicre Bridle Roud in the Ward of DiPf!O !\la1tin, St. Ann's and Dkgo Martin l{oarl Union. he di,·ertPd through. lands of Willie L1·c:ist, Tony Gclllzales, Carasqm·ro nntl Ho11ur<l Kin~, a distance <•f 1,000 f'e«t so us ro avoid a steep and dangerous hilJ.

---··-----·- ·---------


7th April, 1920. NOTICE TO JURORS.

PUBLJC NOTICE is hereby givcn ihat one of the Judges of the Suprerne Court will sit in Chambers

at the Court House, Port-of-Spain, on Tm.'RSJ>AY THK 15TH DAY oY APRIL, at the hour of J 11 o'clock in the fore­noon for tbe purpose of hearii1g applications by parties clairning exemption from Hervi ng as Jurors at the Sessions to be held on i\Ionda,y the 19th da~y of April, 1920.

Sessions will be held at San Fernando on Tuesday the 13th day of April, 1920, and a J udge will sit in Chambers at the Court Huuse, San Fernando, at 9.15 a.m. of the same day, for the purpose of hearing applications from persons claiming t·xemption frorn lierving as Jurors at, \he Sess ions tobe held there.

F. COILINS, AcUng R :Jgistrar.

Post Office N otice.

I NFOR:\IATION has been 1·cceived from the Co lonid P os t.ma st.er, Barbados, stat ing that

from the bt Apri l next the additional penny i vVar Tax starn p will be d iscontinu ed On all ietters


from tha t C„lony . An y l et. ter recci vcd wi th only the Barbados vVar 'fax stam p in pl:ice of the penny postage stamp affixed should not b e ü eated as an insu lficiently p repaid lette r, and shü tdcl not therefore he taxed, as 'War Tax stamps rnay be use<l in place of or dinar y on es.

CLARENCE ROSS, General Post Office, P ostmaster-General.

P urt-of-Spain, a1 ~t \J:Jl'ch, 1920.

Post Office N otice.

I NFORl\I ATION Las been r<·ceived from tlw l'residency P ostm aster, Bombay, stat ing tha t

the cq n ivalents in Ind ian m oney ot the v:ilues of .,_. all British P os ta1 Orcler s i ssued in B ri tish Co!un ies and Posses~ions between t hc Gth anrl 11 th Fcbruary, 1D20, i nclu~ive, w ill be calcnlated at tl1 e rate of 2 /!J per rupcc. Those isslll'd 011 o r :d ter the 12 th l<'ebruary , ]!):20. w ill he pai<l a t the rate of 2/ 11 per rupee.

Gene ral P ost Office , Port-of-Spain ,

Gth Apri l, 1920.

CLARENCE ROSS, P ostmaster-General.

- ---------- ---·· · ····~------

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


E LIZ AB ETH ADAMS, a Depo~itor in the P os t Office b~ni11gs Hank, having reporteu t h e

loss of he1· .Saviugs fürnk Pass Book No. 4124, N otice i~ hPr ehy gi ven accord ingly, an d any persbn iuto whose po~~ession t h is P ass Buok may eo uH'. is requestecl t u !orwnrrl i t to t his Oflice .

lf not pro<luced wi tliin four week s fr om the da t e Jien·of, u n ew Pass Book will be issued t o th e Depositor.

Ist April, 1920 .

CLAREN CE R08", Post master-General:

Post Office Sa vings Bank.


N OTIFICATION lrnving bee n receiv ed a t th is Office re~pec ting the <leath on 14th :\iarch ,

HJ20, of GOOL A B HAM , n dt•posi t o1· in t he Pos t Office Sa vings Bank an<l there bdng r ca,;on to believe tlrn t h e d ied i ntest a te; Not ice is lll' rnby given, that u uless before t lie 4th A pri l, 19:W, proba1e of tl1e WiH of t he s :tid GOOL AH HA :'ll is, or Lette r s of Admi nistra t ion of his Es tate and Effect8 are, p rc,<luce<l at t h is Otli e" , the a1nount in deposit (being under ±:50) t o the cred it of GOOLAB HA~I. will be paid to l1is wi1 1', lJU:-. KOR V.K,

in whose fa vour a n appoi ntrnent was made.

Po~t Office Savings Bank , 6th A prll, 19~0.

CU „RE NCE lWSS, l' "s t 11H\hter-General.



• 4

Page 8: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE

506 THIX1D~\D HOYAL GAZETTE. [July 1, 1920.J

Post Office N otice. HEADQUAR'l'ERS J,OCAL FORCES. ST. J,nrns's BAimAcKs, TIUKIDAD,

2Dth June, 19.}0.

Trinidad Constabulary.

T HE und. crmentioncd Officcrs having left thc Colony, are s1ruck off the strcngth of the

Local Purem from the dates shown ;..--

Captain (Inspector) H. B. C. CAVENAUGH,

T HE R ates of Cornmission on monev orders to thc Uni.tcd Statcs of Ameriw fi:om this

Coluny will hc a t tho rate uf 3d. on ovcry shi llin g or part of n, shi ll ing-, ancl to Canarla at thc rnJc of l 1c1. on every shiiling or part uf a shillin g .

CLAHEN'CE ROSS, datrd 3l~t .May, 1D20. General P ost Office,

Port-of-Spain, Postnrnstcr-Go1w ra l.

Lieutenant-Colo1wl 1Deputy Inspcctor-Gcncrnl) l!IAX SJIITH, datcd 12th Jnnc, H)20.


pleasecl to approvc of the follu,ring promotions and appoinlments: --

l\:Irr. C. E. DURUTY Gentleman, to be a Sub­Inspector, dated Ist Jm1c, 1!>20, wit.h rnrik in the L ocaJ Forccs as Lieutcnant.

Mn. PERCY ECKEL, Gentleman, to bc a Sub­Inspector, with rank as Lieutennnt, ciatcd 14-th Junc, 1920.

Captain (lnspedor) A. E. HARRAGIN, D.S.O., to bc J\lajor, dated 22ud June, 1820.

Sccon<l l.1icut. H. i\Ic:\I. GOODEN-CHISHOLM to l;c Licutonant, dated 22nc1 June, 1920.

(Sgd.) G. H. MAY, COLONEL, Comrn:tutiant Local Force:::.



A GENTS of Firo Inrnrance Companics are hereby notificd that His Exccllcucy thc

acting Governor has in a.cconlancc with Scction 1 'l· of Ordinance 289 hcen plcasetl to onlcr that thc amount of thc contribution for the year 1920, due by each of the Firc Insmancc Companies doing businl!ss in thc Colony towards the expen­diturc on Fire Drigades, shall hc twcnty-scven pounds, four shillings and six pencc (iC27 4 6) which must be paid iuto thc Colonial 'freasury on or beforc the 15th July, 1920.

After that date a penalty of onc pound ( ~ l) shall be incurrcd for evcry day <lnring which the abovc sum remains unpai<l.

C. A. POI,LONAIS, Act.i11g Hcrciwr-General.

Colonial Treasllry, Port-of-Spain, 23n1 June, 1920.


I thc undersignc:l Registrar of Friomlly ' Socictics in conformi ty with thc po.wcrs ancl

authoritics vr.stcd in rnc as such Reg1strar by thc Fric11clly S,)cictics Ordinancc No. 4.;J of l!H7 <lo ltcrcby awanl that the Lc\. Dl VJN A PA~'!'OllA IRIENDLY SOCIETY of J,a Past;irn \' i1bgt~, Aruuca, LP, an<l thc samc is hcreby <li~s<1lnxl.

Daied a1 Port-of-Spain this 1 Hth (lay of June, 1920.

11~~ ins.) CHARJ,ES A. CHILD,

Registrar of Fril•mlly Soeieties.

2Sth Junc, l!.)20. -~·----·--------

Post Office N otice.

I NFORJ\IATION has hecn reccived from thc Postmaster-General, L ond <m, stating- t hat the

Government of Malta has decided to aboli sh thc War Tax of one half penny on all lct tcrs, and three pence for all parcds, posted in that Colony for other parts of thc Brit ish E mpire, from the Ist Junc, 1920. lt has a lso been deci clet1 that the rntes of p<Jst age from tha t Colony wiil lic at. thc rate of ono pcnny half prnny fo r the firs t ouncc and one pcnny for each addit ional ounce.

The War Tax on l e ~ters postcd in Nya.saland has also bcrn abolishcd fro1n thc 1 st hnuary, 192 0 .

General P ost Office, Port-of-S11ai n,

'.!9th J unc, 1920.

CLARENCE ROSS, Postm aster-Gcncml .

----------------- ---------···

Post Office Savings Ba nk.

N OTICE. !\. T OTJFJ CATI ON lntv ing been r e cC>in".i a t th is .l'l Oilice n!s pec tin 3 the d~ath on 18tli June, 1 ~!20, vt ,JOfl~ JO.'iEl'Il a depnsi to r jn thc l'us t Office S,t vings Bn.nk Ce(l ros nnd t hern lwing r 1~1tson to \iclieYe t li a t he cl il'd intestn.le; Notice is hereby giHn, t.h n. t: unless· h cfore thc 2:1:th July, 19:2(1 , prohutc of tli c W ill of the saiJ ,T OH N JOSE PH is, ur Letters o!' .A<lmill i ~t.rn ti on of his Estllte nml Effrcts are, producc\l l tt this OfEn„ thc amount in deposit (heing un(ler :EDO) to thc crcdit of J OIL\- JOSEPH will lie pu id t u LEONbE J osEP!l in whose fnvour an appoi11tuH·nt was 1uude hy J OHN J OSEPH.

Post Oifice Savings Bank, ~iitlt Ju ne, 1920.

CLARENCE HOSS, P ust mnste r-Gvneral.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


PUVA PlLLAI, a Deposi ta r in the Post Office Savings Ban k, li aving rcpor t c<l thc loss

(>f his Savi ngs llank l'ass Book No . 11837 , X utice is Jwrcby given nccordingly , and any perso n in to whosu possession thi ~ Pass Book rnay come is requested t o forwartl it to this Office.

Jf not produced wi t liin fuur weeks frmn the <l a tc hereof, a ne1i· P ass Book wi ll be issue<l to t ltc Depositor.

CLAHE.NCE R OSS, Postrnns te1-!Gen .:ra 1.

· ·~

Page 9: BWISC – British West Indies Study Circlebwisc.org/wp-content/uploads/Reference/1851-1966...CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies. LICENSING SESSION. SAN FERNANDO POLICE


654 'L1RINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [ J uly '2'2, 19'20. J


! The Patents, Desig:is and Trade Marks

I the undersigneu Registrar uf Friendly : Ordinance, No. 76. ' Societies in conformity with the powers and

authorities vested in me as such Registrar b\' 11 (Laws of Trinidad and Tobago Vol. II. )

the Friendly Societies Ordinance No. 45 of 1917 PATENT. do hereby award thatthe LA DIVINA PAS'rORA; I· RIENDLY SOCIETY of La Pastura Village, Arouca, be, and the same is hereby dissolved.

Datcd at Port-of-Spain this l 9th day of June 1920.

' 13 ins.)

·CHARLES A. CHILD, Registrar of Friendly Societies.

------·------·------~ --·

Post Office N otice.

I NFORMATION has been received from the Postmaster-General, J„ondon, stating that the

tommission on money orders issued through the United Kingdom for payment in the Union of Houth Africa, Rhodesia, Nyasaland, South West Africa and Mozambique is as follows :-

For every complete .tl... „. 1/9. „ „ 4/- or fraction of 4/-, whatever the

amount of the order ... 5d.

General Post Office, Port-of-Spain,

20th July, 1920.

CLARENCE ROSS, Postmaster-General.

Post Office Savings Bank.


N OTIFICATlON having hcen recei\·e<l at this Office respecting the death on 8th June, 191 ~,

ot' l-IEERAMAN a deprJsitor in the Post Office :-lavings Bank Arima and there being 'rnason to

lielievl' that he died intestate; Notice is hereby given, that unless before the 20th August, 192(>, Probate of the Will of 'the said HEERAMAN is, or Let1ers uf Administration of his Estate and l~ffects are, produced at tl1is Office, the amount in deposit (heing under ;ßlOO) to the crcdit of HEEIL\MAN will be paid to BAGHIA and GuNSAM in w hose favour an appoiutment was made by HEElL\.MAN.

Post Oflice Savings Bank, 21st July, 1920.

CLARENCE ROSS, Postmaster.General.

Post Office Savings Bank, ':Crinidad.


GOBINDA~l, a Depositor in the Post Office

Savings Bank, having reported the loss of hie :'.lavings Bank Pass Book No. 17342, Notice is hereby given accordingly, an<l any person into whose possession this l'ass Book rnay come is requested to forward it to this Office.

If not p'oduced within four weeks from the date hereof, a new Pass Book will be issued to the Ucpo:,itor.

2lst July, 1920.

CLARENCE ROS::i, Postmaster-General.

I B LA Z IN I GREGORY MONTSERIN, Acting ' Ilegistrar of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

for the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, do hereby certify that on Tuesday the 6th day of .July, 1920, has been delivered to me by George McAlister Boyack of Port·of.Spain, Clerk to Messrs. J. D. Sellier & Uo., Solicitors, a Declaration in writing signed by H enry Hurter, Mechanical Engineer, of 3652, l\1cHee Avenue, St. Louis, State of Missouri, Unitecl 8tates of America, a Citizen of the U nited States, of a certain Invention whereof the said Henry Hurter claims to be the Inventar or Proprietor, being an Invention fo r " Cane Crushing Apparatus" together with a Specification describing t be nature of t he said Invention and the manner in which t he same is to be performed and that the name of the said Henry H urter has been entered in t he Hegister of Patents as t he Proprietor of this Patent as No. 18 of 1920.

In witness whereof I have hereunto put my hand at Port.of-Spain, this 20th day of July, 1920.


B. MONTSEHIN, Acting Registrar.

The Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Ordinance, No. 76.

(Laws of Trinidad and T obago, Vol. II. )


I BLAZINI GREGORY MONT SEHIN, Acting ' Hegiskll' of Patents, Designs and Trade Marks

for the Colony of Trinidad and Tobago, do hereby certify that on Tuesday the ßth da.y of .July, 1920, bas been delivered t o me by George McAlister Boyack of Port-of-Spain, Clerk to Messrs. ,J. D. Sellier & Co., Solicitors, a Declaration in writing signed by Henry Hurter, Mechanical Engineer of 3652, Mc Ree Avenue, S. Louis, St ate of Missouri, United States of An:ier!cai a citizen of th c United Sta.tes, of a certai ,1 invention whereof the said Henry Hurte r claims to be th " inventor or proprietor being an iuvention for " Holls for Cane Crushing Apparatus" together with a specification describing the nature of Lhe said I nvention and the manner in which t he same is to be performed and that the name of t he said Henry H urter h as been entered in the Register of Patents a s the Proprietor of this Patent as No. 19 of 1920.

In witness whereof I have hereunto put my haud at Port.of-Spain, this 20th day of July, 1920.

B. MONTSEHIN, Acting Uegistrar.

The Liquor Licenaes Ordinance, No. 177.

1\.1 OTICE is hereby given that a notification in writing .1. "'l has this day bcen lodged with me the undersigned by Sew Ping of Rambert Village, that it is bis intention to apply to the Magistrate, County of Victoria, sit ting at the San Fernando Police Court, on TuESDAY THE 27TH DAY OF JULY, 1920, at the hour of 10 in the fo re­noon, for an assignment to him of the Spirit Retailer's License now held by Yee L ow Yie and Hop L ouis Achee, trading as Yee Hop & Oo„ in respect of premises situate at Rambert Village, in the said County, s.nd bounded on the North by heirs of Harrylalsungh, South by Garman Bourdett, Eaet by L a Romain E state and West by Public Road.

Dated this 15th day of July, 1920, at the San Fernando Police Court. ·

O. T. CAZABON, Clerk of the Peace, County of Victoria.

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700 '1.'nI\lP.\D l\OYAL GAZE1'TE. [Aug. 12, 1920.]

l'IUNIDAD .um TOBAOO. No. 48 ot IB20.

[J_,.t3. J T. A. V. BEST,

Acting Goi•ernot·.

- - --- - - --- -----··--- - ---

By His Excellency 'l'HOMAS ALEXA~rn 1m VANS Bt::sT, c .:-.t.G., c .B .E., · Actin" Governor and Commander-in-Chief in <incl over the

Colo~y of Trinidad and Toba,go and its Dependencies, Vice-Admiral thereof, &c., &c., &c.

A PROOLAMATION. W H ER E AS on thc Seventh day of )fay, in the year of Our Lord onc thousand

nine lrnndred and twentv. an Ordinancc was cnacted in the said Col 0my, entitlcd "An Ordinance No 16 of J 920, to 'a"mend the Public Health Ordinance";

And Whcrcas on the Fourtcenth day of May, in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and twenty, a certain othcr Ordinancf' was enactcd in the said Colony, enti tled " An "Ordinance, No 21 of Hl20, to give temporary power to prohibit the cxpor tation of g•1ods";

And Whereas on thc Fourteenth day of May, in the yea,r of Our Lord oue thousand nine hnndred and twcnty, a certain other Or<linanct! was enactccl in t iie s,ü(l Colony, entitled " An "Ordinance, No. 2'2 of 1U20, to furth er a.nd protect the activities and interests of the Boy Scouts " Association in this Colony";

And Whereas Instructions have been reccived by me that the King will not be advi.sed t•1 exercise his power of disallowance with respcct to thcsc Ordinances;

Now, therefore, l, THOMAS ALEXANDER YANs BEST, Actlng Gowrnor as a,foresaid, do hereby proclaim and makc kn•nvn to all an<l every the lrihabitants of the sa.id Colony and its Depenrlencies that the said Ordinanccs have not been disallnwed by His :Jlajcsty, and their Honours the Judges of tLe said Colony ancl the several .Jiagistrates therein and all others concerned a re to take nutice and govern themselves accordingly.

'l'. A. V. 13ES'l', Acting Governor.

Given uncler my Hand and thc Seal of the Colony at Government House, in the City of P ort-of-Spain, in the Island of 'rrinidad, this 5th day of August, 1920.

By His Excellency's Command,

H. B. W ALCO'fl', Acting Colonial Secretary.

H.egulation made by the Acting Governor in Executive Council under Section 22 ot the Post Office Ordinance, 1918.


The Regulation made on the 24th day of J~me, 1920, is hereby revoked, and in lien thereof shall be read the following :-

The rates of commission to be charged upon 1foney Orders on Canada shall from this date and until further notice be :- ·-

For an order for each shilling or part of a shilling 3d.

Made by the Acting Governor in Executive Council this 9th day of .August, 1920.

(M.P. 1743/08.) H . L. KNAGGS,

Clerk of the Council.

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[Aug. 12, 1920.J


No. 49 ,,f rn20.

[L.S.J 'r. A. V. BES'l',

Acting Governor.


TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. 701 ---------------------~~--· - -----

By His Excellcncy THOMAS ALEXANDER VANS B1•:s 1', c .. \U: „ c.B.E., Acting Oovernor and Commandror-i n-C'hief in and ovcr the Colony of Trini<lad and Tobago ~ind i ts Dependencies, Vice-Admira1 thereof, &c„ &c., &c.


W HEREAS on the Fourtcenth day of May, in the year of Our L ord one thonsan<l nine hunrlred and twcnty, an Ordinance was cnacte<l in the said Colony, enti tled " An

"Ordinance No. 20 of 1920, for taking the Census of the Col011y for the year 1n21" ; AEd Whcrcas instructions have been receiv~d by me that tbe King will not bc advised to

ext>rcise his power of disallowance with respect to this Ordinance ;

Nnw, thcrefore, 1, THOMAS A l.EXANDER VANS BEST, Acting Governor as aforesaid, do hereby proclaim and make known to all and every the inhabitants of the said Colony and its Dependencics tha• the said Ordinance has not been disallowed by His l\Iajesty, and their Honours thc Judges of the said Colony and thc severnl Magistrates therein and all othcrs concerned are to take noti ce and govern themselves accordingly.

T. A. V. BEST, Acting Governor.

(:tiven undar my Hand and the Seal of the Colonv at Govern­ment Hou8e, in the City of Port-of-Spain, in ·the Isla 11d of Trinidad, this 9th day of August, 1!)20.

By His Ex_cellency's Command,

H. B. W ALCOTT, Acting Coloni al Secretary.

Regulation made by the Acting Governor in Executive Council under Section 22 of the Post Office Ordinance, 1918.


The Regulation made on the 24th day of J une, 1920, is hereby revoked and in lieu thereof shall be read the following :-

The rates of conunission tobe charged upon Money Orders on the United States of America shall from this date and until further notice be :-

For an order for each shilting or pa1 t of a shilling 5d.

Made by the Acting Goveruor in Executive Council this 9th day of August, 1920.

H. L. KNAGGS, (M.P. 1743/08.) Clerk of the Council.


NUTICE is hen·by gi~en und~r ~~ction l:! Sub-section (a) of tbe J.;du<.: a tion O r <lin a11<.:(" No. 13 of 19U:i, of r.he followmg apphcat10n that has heen made to the Board: -

----- - --------··-- ---- --··------ ----- ·-------·

llate of ·1

.Application. NaH.es of Applicant . Particular of Applica t ion.

i ~l:!U.

July 20 Rev. G. McCartuy

~i,:c1a;TAl!Y'S ÜFFICE,

5th August, 1920.-(3 ins,)

„. /A pplic11tiou for permission to rernove t h e Los Narenjos 1 E.C. School to Guayamar (lt 1uiles distant ) (T uco.)

R ALPH GOMEZ , Secretary .

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7ö6 TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZE TTE. [Sept. 9, 1920.J



1 Summary Convictions (Offences) nance No. 25 of 1917.


4th September, 1920. Trinidad Mounted Infantry-Disbandmen~ of.

H IS EXCELLENCY TIIE ACt.m w GOVERNOR has been pleased to authorise the disbanrl­

ment of the Trinidad Mounted lnfantrv with effect from the 2Gth August, 1920, this Unit having bccn r a ised for the durati on of the War only.

His Excellency wishes tu thank C„Joiicl A. de Boissiere ancl all ranks of thc Unit for the services they ren<lered ancl has been plc-a~ed to approve of Captain C. S. R oger s retaining thc honor ary rank of Cap tain and Lieutenant L . M. Legendre retaining the h• rnorary r;1nk of Lieut enant in reco21iition of the valuable serviccs rcndl'l'ed by thesc two Officere.

(Authority M.P. 6290/1920.)

By Command,

G. H. M:A.Y, COLO)IET, Commnndirnt Local l<'orcea.

Post Office N otice.

I NFORMATION has bccn rcceived frnm tim _ P ostmaster-General, J ,ondon, s tat ing tha t t.hc

cxchangc of mo.ney ordcrs betwccn thc U:·i ted Kin0 dvm an <l Germany has been 1 esumed, irnd money 1Jrd Cl'S may now be rchi;;cd thr11ugh t lw Un i ted King dom und er the usu:rl conditions fol'

paymcnt in Germany.

A !so th at the rateof commiss ion on monev order s • payable in the Union of Sonth Afric:1 Rliode8ia„ Sou tl1 West Afrirn, Nyasaland a ncl .:\:Iozambique is at the rate of 2d. fo1· ovcry .e 1 with a m in im11m cha1ge of 4°cl.

CLARENCE ROSS, Ge11 eral P ost Office, P ostmas ter-Genera 1.

P ort-of- Spain, 2nd September, 1 ~J20 .

Post Office N otice.

I NFORMATION has bccn received from thc "Pos tmaster-General, Lon<l•m, s tating tha t t hc

ra1e of postage 011 letters pos tcd in Nigeria for de'ivery in the United Kingdom or any Briti sh Colony or Protectorate, or at a Briti~h Ag. ncy in l\l orocco or W eihaiwei or on a British ship of W ar will be :-

F o.- packet.s not exceeding one ounce 2d. l!'or 1:ve1·y add i tionßl ounce or pa.rt of a.n otrncc 1 d.

Also that t he \Var 'J.'i1x on lctter s postecl in Jamaica will be continuecl un til the 3lst "Jlarch , 1921.

General P ost Office, Port-of-Spain ,

CLARENCE ROSS, Postmaster-General .

8th September, 1920.

T HE undermcntioned person has been authorised and appointcd as a fit and proper

person to arrest and cleal with s uspected persons undcr Section t>, Sub~section 2, of Ordinance N l>. 25 of 1917.

Name. Occupation. Charles L . W atson Overseer, l\forng'' ·

GEO. H. MAY, Co1.0~1u„ Inspector-Gener,,l of Consta.bula ry.

Constn.bulary H eadquarte rs, Port-of-8pain,

16th August, 1920.

"'fhe Supplemental Constabula ry Ordinance, 1906."

T HE u ncl crn ;1::n tione,I have Ul'en :oppointet! ancl struck off the roll of Rura l and Es tatc

Co:tstablcs unclo r the provisions of the "Sup pk­mental Cnn stabulnry Ordi na n ce \n. 11 of WOG."

Rura.1 Consta.bles appointed.

No. \ ap~f~~!nt. l Name. 1 l'lacc.

733128th Aug. , 1920!0. eorge Fhil;~· 1l'ort of.Spain.--·-

73~ Do, ··· !Samuel P crry .. . do. 7341 Do. „. !George D ick .. . Charlottevillc Toh'go

I:l~ Do. ···i Vinccnt 3\.ug1~~tin .. . •i:ort -of-.Spo.in. , ,; , Do. . ..

1Jo~cph St. Vincent ... , l abaqmte.

7:18 Do. . .. Chas. J .• Sladrlen . P lymouth, 'fob~go .. 7!\!I D u. . .. Ahdool Samutl ... ,Waforloo,Cv. (.arun•. 74C Jlu. „. Noah Alexa.nder „ ., l'iparo, l'riuccil'owu. 741 Do. · ... 1.fol111 Alex:m<ler .„:Frcc1Jort Mi.,,.ion R<l. i42 l'u. • ... !William Henry ... lrlu.enbt Pk„ Co. 743 Do. ··-'.J oseph Herber t ···I rlo. [<.:aroni.

Rural Cons t ables struck oft. 42ß'28th Aug. , UJ20 Alexis J ohn son ·1F lanagin Town. 121, Do. . .1 amcs Jarvi~ flrasso. 71G ))o. . ... Jamea .) aik,•nrn•m gh l:i. \Y Division. 721 Do. . .. ~,rdney 0. Bahac\oi.. :Caroni.

!H Do. . .. ~nmuel Riley Erin. &!l!i no. . . Gihson Jose ph IToco. 'i~~ Do. .. ll. W. Boycc .. Taba.quitc.

Do. . .. • Jus. Kathanicl .Tone.• :\Ia..~on Hall, Tohago.

Estate Con st ables appointed . 248'2Hth Aug. , l!lW1Aaron Howanl ... :'l'ohago. 24!1! Do. ··-\'Jeremiah Ca rter ...


Richn1ornl, Tohago.

Estate Constable struck oft'. lllfil28th Ang .• 1!)201.fornes "FJ-erlerick . · jR oscmcad, Tobago.

GEO. H. MAY, Cor,o:-:1i1., Inspcctor-Gencral of Constabnh~ry.

Con ~La.tmlary H cad (~m\rters, Port -of· Spain.

28th A11gnst, 1920.


I thc un<lersignctl Begistra r of Friendly ' Socicties in conformity with thc powcrs and

au thorities vcstcd in mc as ~uch Hegistra.r by the Fricu<lly Societies Or di nance No. 4·5 of 19 17 do hereby award that thc LA DIVINA PASTORA .FRIENDLY SOClETY of L a Past ur a Village, Arouca, be , and the same i s hereby dissolved .

Datcd at P ort-of-Spain this 19th day of June, 1920.

(1 3 ins.) CHARLES A. CHILD,

Registra r of Friendly Societies.

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912 1.L1RINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [Oct. 14, 1920.J

Post Office N otice. 1


INFOR~lA'l'ION has been received from the 'i

Postmaster-General, I101idon, stating that thc post.al \Var Tax in forec in Southem Rhodesia is tobe extendecl to the :~Oth June, 19'21.

'fhe Government of Sevchelles has increased the rates of postage on 'Ietters to thc United Kingdom and placcs within the Empire to nine Cents of a rupee for thc first ounce, and six cents for every additional onnee or fraction t.hereof.

CLARENCE ROSS, General Post Office, Postmaster-General.

Port-of-Spain, 13th October, 1920.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


M ARY WILLIAMS, a Dl,positor in the Post Office Snviugs Bank, having reported the

loss of her Savings Bank P1iss Book No. 9953, Notice is hel·eby given accordingly, nnd rrny person into wliose possession this Pnss Book may come is reqnested to forward it to this Office.

If not produced with in four weeks from the date hereof, a new Poss Book will he issued to the Drposit.or.

:)th October, 1920.

CL.:'IHENCE lWSS, Postmaster-General.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


MONEA, a Dcpositc-r in the Post Office Saving~ Bank ha ving reporteil the loss of her Savings

Bank Pass Book No. 7314, Notice is hereby given ucc•>rdingly, nnd nny person iuto whose possession this Pas~ Book may come is requested to forward i t to this Office.

If not produced within four weeks from the da.te hereof, a tll'W P1tss Book will be i~~ued to the Depositor.

CLARENCE i:oss, Pos tnrnster-Gener„I.

5th October, rn20.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


Z AHOOR t·lUSAIN 184946, a JJepusitor i1i the . J'ost Office Savings Bank, having reported the

)o,;s of his Savings Bunl: Pass Book No. 21825, Notice is ht,rcby givcn acr;ordingly, and nny person into wl1nseposs·e~sion this Pass Book may eorne is n'queste<l to forwanl it to this Otfiee.

lf not j)roduceCl within four wceks from the date lwrt'of,. n itt·'v l'ass Book will be issned to the Deposi tor.

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


SüOGEA H , a Dqios itor in t he l'o;t Oflic,, Sav ings Bnnk . having reported the loss of lier Savings

Bauk l'ass ß ook No. 1205 , J\'otice i s herehy given accordingly, nnd nny person i ntu who~e posst•ssion this Ptiss Book 111ay comc is ret[UP8kd t o fonrnrcl it to t.hi s Ofiie'' ·

lf not procluced with in four Wt~eks from the date hereof, a iww Pass Rook will bc i>'sned to the Deposit.ur.

CL\.IU:NCE HOS~. P ostmaster-General.

11 th ü ctober, 1920. ------·--·--·-···

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


J EWBO DH , a Depositor in th e P ost Office Savings Bank, having reported the loss o f

his Savings Bank Pass Book No. ~074(), Xotice is hereby givc 11 accord i ngly , and any person in t o whose possession this Pass Book niay come i s reqnested to forward it t o tl1is Office.

Jf not ljruduced Withi n fo n r Wt~eks from the da te hereof, n new Pass Bo0 k will h e i ssued to the Depositor.

13th October, 1920.

CLAREN CE lWSS, P ostmaster-General.


The Trinidad Britiah Oil and Trading Syndicate, Limited.

Regütered Office: No .12, St. Vi·n.cent .~/„ Port.of-Spain.

N OTICE is h ereby giv<•n that 1 h:tvE' been uppui·nted L iquidu tor uf tl1e '' T r inida d Bri tish

Oil and Trading Syndicat e, Limit„d," a m! t liut n mceting of the Creditors of th e sa.id :Syndicate, will tuke pluce a t it~ l~egb tered Office, No. 12 , St. Vineen t street, Port-uf-S pain, at l'.:UlU p.m. on F riday the 22nd dny of Uctobel', 1920.

Dated, a t Por t-of-Spnin, th iH flth day of Ü r.; tuber, 1920.

J. BENJAl\llN PlD CE, Liquidator of the nhove Syndicate.



The Liquor Licenses Ordinance, No. 177.

NOTICE is hereby given that a notification in writing h aB t his day been lodged with rne the

undersigned Clerk of the Peace of this Conrt Ly 800

Ping Chow of l'etit Uourg Village, that it is his intentio n to apply to the Magistrate at t he Port-of-Spain Police Comt on l'>Io ~m.1.v THE 18'rH DAY OF OcToBER, Hl20, next enstlin'', for ~L t ransfer to other premises situate a,t Rapsc:i~\ Lanll, Barat aria, San J uan'. ~f bis 1~agistnitc"s License to carrv on t he t rade of a Spmt Retailer held by him for pre1~ises situate at Petit. Uoul'g Yillage, San Juan.

Dated at t be l'ort -of-Spttin Police Court thi s 8t.h day of October, Hl20. CLAHE~CE ROSS,

Plls t 111 askr-General. i L. CYRIL INNISS, J · Clerk of the Pcace.

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10~38 TRINIDAD ROYAL GAZETTE. [.Nov. 18, 1920.]


TTIS RXCELT,FNCY Tl!E GOVEHNOR ha1; _r_..__ bc::h pl~a.sctl !o :tppo1~1t ~II!. F. GOMLZ BURKE on three months' probation to be :~rd Clerk and Paymast.er, Sub-Treasnry, Tobago (Gradn Vll 11f the Civil Establishment1, t 11ce Mr. H. BrnBAL.

1No. 342.)

By Command,

'r. A. V. BE~'!', Colon ial Sccreta ry.

COLONlAL SECHE'l'ARY'S OFFICE, Hhn NovE11rn1rn, W20.

H IS EXCELLENCY THE GOVEHNOH has, with the approvnl of t.he 8ccretary of

State for t.he Colonics, been pleased to appoint Mn. JA~fES ~lcGHEE to tho post. of Inspector of Way anrl Works, Trinidad Government Hailway.

1N(J. 343.)

By Command,

T. A. V. BES'J', Colonial Secretary.

. ' ··-·--·-··-----,---- -·- ··-- ---·----·---------~


H. IS EXCELLENCY 'l'HE GOYERNOR has beenpleased toappointMR. J. A. CTJl\UilNG,

2nd Clerk, Heceiver-Geueral's Depart111c11t, to act <is Chief Clerk and Cashier duriug the absence on ll~iive of Mr. AI.FRED Jifo~TEIL.

(No. :344- .)

By Command,

T. A. V. BEST, Colonial Secrctary.

COJ.ONIAL SECRETAHY'S OFFICE, ]()nr NovE~rn1m, 1920.

T HE 'f own Clerk, Arima, has uotified thc Government t.hat at a mecting <,f tlrn Arima

Borough Cvuncil hcld on the ·nth instant, Mn. CHARJ,ES HENRY JOSEPH nE GANNES was re-e1ectccl Mayor of Arima for the ensuing J C<tr.

Ry Comman<l,

. T. A. V. BEST, (No. 34·5.) Colonial Srcretary.

- ·-- · ---·---~-- ---· ·--·-·~·-·--·-----······-·· ···- -·---COJ,O~IAL SECRETAH.Y'S OFFICE, · 15Tn }-oyJntmrn, 1920.

H IS Tu"XCELJ,ENCY THE GOVERNOR has <lircctecl the publication of thc draft of

" A Bill to amen<l the West Indian Court of "Appeal (iocal j urisdiction) Ordinance, W20," which it i s · proposed to i~lt1·oduce in to the L egislative Council , a copy of which is issued wi th tl1is Ga.:::~ tte.

An exprc8sion of t!w vicws of vcrsons intcrcste<l in thc objccts of thc B'.] i~ hereby invited. such observations to rcach the Colonial Sec 1 cta~·y uot latcr than a month from t.hn <late <>f t.his ;wticc.

. By Comman<l,

'l'. A. V. J3E8T, (No. :HO.j Colon ial Secretary.


Tacarigua Local Road Board.

I N accordance with sect ion 88 Hoads Ordina.nce No. 2e of 1917, a byc·election of the u.hovc Board

will be held on TIIURSDAY THE U'fH D1~CE:lrBER, 1920, a.t thc Wardcn's Office, T illlapuna, betwcc!1 tho hours of 9 a.m. and 12 noon and 2 p.m. and 5 p.m„ for the pnrpose of tilling n vacancy on the Board.

Candidates for elcetion must give at least seven (7) cleBr dH.ys no tfoc in wr.iting to t he Chairman before the da.y of electiou.

'Warden'~ Office. 'funapunu, ll th November, 1920.

A. S. 13ÜWEN, Ret.uming Ofücer.

NOTICE. Stamp Duties Ordinance No. 28 of 1908.

N O'rI C .E i s hereby given that a Liccnce to deal in Stamps at thc premises

No. 35, Basilon Strcet, Port-of-Sp:iin, has this dav been issued to ?llR. UEORGE E. LOWINSKY, under seclion 10 of Ordiuance No. 28 of 1908.

D. SLYNE, Colonial 'l'reasury, Receiver-General Port-of~Spain ,

11 th November, 1920.

Post Office N otice.

I NFORMATION tiai> been rccei ved from the Postmaster-General, London, stating that thc

Governmeut of Mal ta have decidcd to incrcm>t: thc rat e~ of postage on le ttcrs posted in that Cnlonv for dclivery in ot.hcr par ts of the British Empi;.e to twopcnce fol' the firs t o uncc a nd onc penny for cach additional ounce from the l st October; 1920.

General Post Office, Port-of-Spain,

CLARENCE ROSS, J:>ostmaster-General.

12th November, 1920. -·~-·---·-----~-----~-· · .... --.--~---- ·-

Post Office Savings Bank, Trinidad.


H ENRY' BAHTHO l.OMEW a D.·p usitur in the 1'ost Office Savi 11g~ lb11k, hav iu g: reported

t.lrn loss of his önvings lhnk 1.1ass B ook No. 23Höö, NotiCi' is li lffehy giv <• n accordingly, nn(l uny per~1:> 11 into wl1c.•s1: po~s1'sSi<•n 1.his l'ass Hook may ('<>1111\ is r c(j ueBted tu forward i t to thi s. Office.

lf uot pr1Hluced withiu four weeks from the d11t\!

he rnof. a lll: ll' l'a~s Book will bc iss ll(•d to the Deposit.or .

CLARENCE HOSS, Postma~kr-Gm1e1·al.

1 lth ]\' 01'l' IJ1 her, rn:w.