BUTLER OmZßtr-J MISCEFiLANEt >IJH. | "How old are you." said an ancient dame to ft grinning little tar-pot. "Well, if I goes by wliat mudder -ays, lis most ten, but if I goes by de fun I bad, Tee mo»t a Lumlred.'' 0! that all could measure their years in this way but how many measure them by long night watches, and almost fatal cough- ing spells, which could have been cured by a bottle of I»r Bull's Kymp taken in season. Be always at leisure to do good. As When She was Young. "I have used Parker's Hair Balsam and like it letter than any similar preparation I know of, writes Mrs. Kllen Perry, wife of Rev. P Perry, of Coldbrook Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of the Balsam has restored the Hoftness, and the brown color it had when I was young?not a single gray hair left. Since 1 l>egan to appiy the Balsam my bail- has stopped falling out, and I"find it is a pofertly harmless and agreeable dressing,' Bh ever vigilant, bill uever auspicious. We have never heard of sueh mar- \elous cure of coughs in children and adults as Papillon Cough Cure produ- ces. Yon should have a bottle in your house in case of need, For sale by 4. L. Wuller and D If. Wuller. War to the knife on the oyster pie-rates, say we. A Popular Fallacy. Many people think that Rheumatism cannot be cured. It is caused by a bad state of the blood which deposits poisonons matter in the joints and mus- cles causing lameness stiffness and swelling of the joints and excruciating pains. Kidney-Wort will certainly effect a cure, it acts on the Kidneys, Liver aud Bowels, stimulating them to a healthy aetioD, purifies and enriches the blood and eliminates the poison from the system. Go to the nearest druggist, buy Kidney-Wort and be cured ?lf you are wise keep your own couusel. Ladies should wear a Hop Plaster over the small «>f the back, as it cures all pains and aches. 2;» cts. at any drug store. Allready to apply. ?Revenge is the luxury of a weak and pitiful mind. A Pithy Sentence. A well known statesman of this country once said when summing up the eyents of a life time. "Y'outh is a blunder, manhood a struggle, old age a regret." He might have added many more wonders, but they are not neces- sary for.his aphorism expresses much. Yet it is a well known fact that the above could not be said of life where all classes aware what a great remedy Pe- runa is, and what wonderous cures it has performed. For the ills of youth in in a wonderous specific. The worry and tear of manhood's struggle for ex- istence enfeebles his system, and he needs such a tonic, and when old age comes on with its feebleness and regrets for failures and mistakes, the great rem- edy, Peruna, can still be used with good effect, and if given a fair trial will accomplish wonders. ?Commit not that to another which you can do better yourself. Hysteria and Nervous Prostra- tion. We give our readers au extract from a cheerful letter, written by Mrs. Fli/.a- l»eth Smith, of Richmond, Ind , who says: "Samaritan Nervine cured me of hysteria and nervous prostration." Comment is useless. ?Combat vice in its lirst attacks aud you will come off conquerer. For fifteen years 1 was annoyed with a severe pain in my head and dis- charges in iny throat from .Catarrh. My sence of smell was much impared, By the use of Fly,s Cream Balm I have overcome these troubles.?A. B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, New York. For several years I have been troub- led with Catarrh. Klys Cream Balm proves to lie the article desired. I believe it is the only cure.? h. B. Co- bnrn, Hardware Merchant, Towanda, Pa. ?Lambkiu says the only sure pre- ventive against Western rivers rising would be for him to own some of 'em. Papillon Skin Cure is a delightful lotion to apply after shaving or bath- ing. it will cure all irritation and ulcerouH formations, or soreness and chafing. Mixed with cologne it is a delightful toilet water. For sale by J. L. Wuller aud l>. H. Wuller. Time is the greatest of all tyrants. As we go on toward age ho taxes our health, limbs, faculties, strength and features. ?The dates on some of the rare old books offered for sale iu I'aris show that they were issued before the inven- tion'of printing. Many members of the Hay Fever association of New England, used Pa- pillon Catarrh Cure for several seasons, and take pleasure in recommending it as the simplest and most certain pre- ventive and enre. For sale by J. L. Wuller and I>. J£. Wuller. ?Cunning is only the mimic of discretion, and may paws upon weak men, junt an pertnenß is often mistaken for wit, and gravity for wisdom. ?"I am a martyr!" he exclaimed. "How HO'/" WRH the inquiry. "J suf- fer at the steak!"he cried. He wan stav- ing at a cheap hoarding house. Consumption Cured. All old idiVMielan, retired from practice, liavint; had placed in liis hands by an Kast India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy ami |M rinaiieiit cure of (onsiimptioii, ftroiiehitl*, Catarrh, Asi lima ami all throat ami l.uiitf Affection*. also .1 lenitive and radical cure fur Nervom l>- bilitv ami all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful eiirallte imw ers in thousands of cases, has nil it hit dut> t«» make It known to Ins suiteiing fellow-* Actuated by this motile ami a desire to re|ie\e human uf it-rintx, I will nd tree of chaiv,«, to all uliodc sire it, this rcci|N\ in tier man, rrcncli or Kiittlish, witli hill directions lor prepaiuiK and usirifr. Sent by mail b\ addrcssiim with damp. naming tins paper. W \ N'I»VK ir», rower's Block. li<»eliester. N \ Septt'/-t«:My'r>ow PSALMS. [hevisek.J ||r-nr this, a! 1 ye people, and give ear all ye invalids of the world, Hop Bitters will make you well and to re- joice. \u25a02. It shall cure all people and put sickness and -ufl'ering underfoot. J. Be thou not afraid when your family is sick, or you have Bright's disease or Liver Com- plaint. for Hop Bitters will cure you. 4 Bolli low and burl), rioli and poor know the value ol H>>p Bitters lor bilious, nervou auJ Kheumatic pomplaiut". 5. cieause mo with Hop Bitters and 1 sh:ill b»ve rolunst anil li'.ooinintf health. ij. Add disease upon disease aud let the worst coine, I am safe il 1 use Hop Bitters. 7. For all my lite 1 bin'' beeu plagued with Mckucni and sores, and no until a year apo was 1 cured, by Hep Hitter?. 8. He that keepetli his Miles from aching fiooi Rhenamtisia and NVuralgia, with Hop Bitters, doeth wisely- V*. Though thon hast sore-, pirnpl**s, ire* kies gait rheum, eryesipelas, blood poisoning, yet Hop Hitters will remove them all. 10. What woman is iLere, feeble and dick from female complaints, who de«ireth not health aud usetli Hop Bilieti an.i ir made well. 11. Let not u--,'lwt to use Hop Hitler* bring on serious Kidney au.l I.iver eoinplaiuts. \-j Keey thy tongue iroiu Iteing luri.-d, they blood pure, and tiiey stomach Iroiu indication by u-ein£ Hop Bitters. 13, All my pains and aches arid disease go like ehail btlore the wind when I use Hop Bit- ters. 14, Mark the who w*« nearly dead aud eiveu up by the doctors after useing Hop Bit ters and becomelb well. 15, Cease from worrying ahout nervousness general debility and urinary trouble, for Hop Bitters will restore yon. Oranges and Florida. Better than Breezes and Blossoms ?Under a New Flag. Kven the balmy air and the orange proves of J'lorida fail to keep its peoplejfull of happiness and eom/ort. Art mast .help nature everywhere ?in the tropics a* among the pine-> of the north. "And, chief among the blessings whieh an- adap- ted to all zones,"-writes I»r. J* IJ. IFftllaee, of Fort Uade.Fla., "is Pabkersto.nh . I' seems fohave the worl-l for a iteld. and most of the current dis MMM ji'-l.i;t-. Its aetwn. I have MBd itiiOle- rase iif[a delicate and d\ spi-ptie young lady. ;w tfh tin gratifying results. It seemed to accom- plish with eaue what the usual prescriptions anil treatment for that nitaerable maiail> failed wholly to bring about. I am also ula-1 to state that the Tonic has relieved me personally of a troublesome atonic condition of the stomao!) ol long standing. It is iln ideal purifier and invtgorani." Messrs. Htscox & Co. call especial attention to tlie fact that after April li;, 1883. the name and style ol this preparation will hereafter lie simply i'arker's Tomer, the word "Hluger" is dropped for the reason that unprtpcipleit dealers are eon stanjlv deceiving their patron* by sulisiituting hi ferior preparations under the name of ( linger; and as triiiiri-ris an unimportant flavoring ingredient ill our Tonie. we are sure that our friends will agree with v s as to the propriet> of the change. There will be no change,however, in the prepara- tion itself: ami all bottles remaining in the hands of the dealers, wrapped under the name <>t I'ak- k Kit - liiM.ni Ton ti contain 'ln genuine ineill- ielne' if the signature of A.Co. Is at the l>ot - toni of outside wrapper. IWI When you com* to think of it, it not odd tti»t literary peopi* p»eii;r »pu>e to a ci*ar. It la handier to uuoke when tliejr are wrltiwc. and ever ao unicii cleai.hr. And -then It (fives them the true essence and flavor of the tobacco. The in out faatidioua Buiokeni imon? all nations »iid all claane« of men a«Tee that th» tobacco irrowu o;j the Golden Tobacco Belt of JiortU (Jarfihna u the mort delic- iotiH and refined In the world. Ll*uL':r tlian Turklab, more fratrrant than Havana, freer from nitrate* and nicotine than any other, it in Just what the conDoiaaenr t>rained and the habitual smoker demand*. '1ha very choicest tob» rro (rrown \u25a0 on tills lfJt is liooiflit by Black- mfit's p urban, Tabacco Co., and , appears a their celebrated Bull Durham SmokliiK Tobacco It in / knowri the world over / H Oetthe genuine,with Bull ' IV trade uiark, then you will / be aure of havlnK abao / lutely fure tobacco. / CATABHH CTTUSEB NO I'ain or Dread. Relief at f HAYFEVER ®! or im till, g Applied with 1' ho r<>u gb Pffitreat mei1 1 will HAY-F£VER ,ire Price 50 cents, liy mail or at druggists. KI.V HIMMill-'ltH, Druggists, Uwego, N. V WANTED,* SALESMEN. Toranviun Nursery Stork. I factlltlra. No.-Jiwrleure r»jtilri'<l. HSlarv oi.i ««- peo*ea paid. 70U«rri »of Fruit aii'l Oniaun-iituiTr. ?«, SitruU. Bo»et.eU;. W. ft f. ft. V. TH E CO M P LETE HoME. ; *rr: u SSSI book. New edition.?N«w bindmgi.?illustration* from new design*. Superbly gotten up. s.imc low |»rt> »?. Adapt'-1 to all cUaMt. Sell* at tight. Agent* doing Uf work. EXCKLLKNT TIKKMS. The handvmeit protpectua rift i««ued. Apply now. HKAt'LiiV.CANkKrsoN Sf C0.,66 North ath St. Philadel phM, *'*. Al»o other grand new bvoks and Bibles. . # % 198 LIBERTY RT. B PITT9BUKOH. PA. EITWPKh? \u25a0 \u25a0 lman« Perions Restort.fi \u25a0 B BJI Dr.KLINE tt GREAT ~,, NFKVEResioheh \u25a0r all Itfr Ain A r KUKVU Di .kaski. Jnly turg 4t» /jr AVrvr Aflc.tt »t, / #r/, //*>/>, ,/ V1.1.1N1 M II t.k«n a. dire, i J. A \u25a0 / ,/* u//? u.ty't utt. Tr« atiee an t f,j fri.ilbuttle tre. t# ?Minute, ttier paying eiireischat*. M «l.o« «i,« M red. Send uaun ». P. O. ind eipre-,% ad l«ev. of ted to LIKKL.lNii.yii AIU» F«. gists. Utif' jkb Or IMll.it r/l.U'l'M. Planing Mill -AND? X Vai'd. J. L PURVIB. 1- PrHVit", S.G. Purvis & Co., MANCFACTtTRBIif ANDDEALERS IN Hough and Planed Lumber OF KVF.KY UEHCKII'T ION FRAMES, MOULDINGS, iSASII oooitb, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD XcHr German Oatholic Ohnrch AGENTS WA XTED FOU PICTURESOUE WASHINGTON. J'F.N AMI fhKl'li. hKI.K HKS of lis Seenerv. 1 1islory, Trmlitimis, l'nl»l «- itiiU rsoeial I.ife. wftli trajibie j£Seri|itloiis ol tbeC':i|il tol, t'oligri'ss, |lie White House. :iti,l tlu* t»o>ern- iiie'nt l)e|iartiiieiits, vvilli views at Mutinl V eriioii, ;i Muti of V\';ishili|?tiili, and iMaiiranis of the Hall* of Cotifrress. ByJOSKPH WEST \H »>IM-:. To all classes iliisis a book of treat iutere-t. It is coih isf, i.Tiphu*, lliorotigh and interfsfiug, ll- liiMtrnted bv over 100 brautilul new ov l«*a<liiiK American arti-ts, and bound, v bOOk FOR Al l. MOMKS. Sold GIIIV l»y s nl; s CTI|» t ion. are mooting nith grind sncees-. \Jr*nts wanted, male or female, in «'v« iy u nhlu in lie » tilted Stales. Previous expertenc«» t v. ililf >irnbb' not required, as svr giv« iHstnietions nitees-sjiry fur su«-.:<-s>. il un;.:n pliiyt'd s\ri!.- us. For terms po I'ubiisiifr*. «/. A, & A. Khll» Ml 1 ?,»;t fn>vldf|i«e, If. I mmm*' ? /iSl\ SliOOO TWmapS. 1 I USt *U ' ir *oe '^' Jrvery I' I \u25a0 " olr'e ? ce Studio.-* H and most complete Map ever published in ouc sheet. For pri« c and lull particulars i* REK _ Addri SS % inots Waotcd. J. M. HURRAY, Publisher, Z ELIZABETH, N. J. \u25a0 525 to 575 per month guaran- teed. Some make 175 to SISO per month: at this rate agents can soon makethe SI,OOO. Take d<rvun the address and itrritc for an Ag*ncy -Q page catalogue free. Witherspcon Institute. The Spring Term will open on Monday, Mareh 17, JMKI, P. S. Bancroft, A. M,. J. C. Tintsman, A. M., and Miss Carrie McCanrlless, Will devote their whole time, as her*'tefore. t«» liie work of the Aeademle and Intermediate Depart tiieiif. o[ the Sf'iiool. Espeeial attention will be given to BOOK-KEEPING. Kveellent faeillties are afforileil for iiisiiuetions in M-isie and I>rawiMK. I'or fct-Lstancc 111 securing boaid <\u25a0rooms, or for any further iiilomiatioii. atiply t-njl". S. Han- eroft or J. C. Tlntsinan, Butler, ra. feb2o It *3? v^ r -r ~' BEAVER COLLEGE and MUS- ICAL. INSTITUTE. J.'Oll YOUNG TiA 1)1 KM. Spring Session Opens March 2. r »th, 1884. ISoautifully ami }i.al!lifully loealod, e\ton>.ive buildings, jdeanant grounds, cheerful ron/:i.'. three literary eiuinjert, hupeii...' for jiiuuu* ar.'l art. Kxtennive apparatiifl, twenty tifmi i y piano* ami orgum, intituling pip.: or; r ao. Thorough work, homoljl.u fare, moderate ralen. Send for oirenlar to in.*, It. T TAVIJ.h, I> It. IJpavor, I'a. The State Normal School, AT INDIANA, PA., Will o|rtjn foi tl.u Hpi.i.fe ai.'l Siimmor Term on MONDAY, 7th, Every imlieation puiutH to it very large at- tendance. Never before wan Iliern nit.-lt a demand f..r trained teaehern, anil thin demand in rapidly and cuiihtßully increasing. The wo. 1.1 i,t not moving buck waul but for wartl, and great »' i* Uiw aouaiul t'> day, it will lie »till greater in the future. Difficult iim it now in, for a poor ha. lust li. obtain ami hold a position, 11 will lie wtill more dillimlt next year aud thereafter. To the eanicxt teacher title in encouraging an it tfivea him annul aneo of employim nt, ap;>re- ; ciation and compon*atioii. I HI: A TUOltot i.ii h< in.1.1 , Hill A MOM I WITI! M.I Mlilil KK tii.WFN- IKNCRK, J.IHSfhKOI THAT AIM. INsl'lltK l'» Nl'i'l hAin, Hill A lil-.NI |.U')I KHSfON VI. s. 11i.n1,, KOll Al l llIKf-i: < OMWSKI) t' li u ijItKAT I . ON".MY, (~i l<. fNUI Villi. 1,. 11. 11l ItI.INO, I'riii.-ipul, BLISS' 1845. Illustrated Hand-Eook 1884. for the Farm and Garden, isupagea. lM»t> illustration , tnd n bomitlliil ( olorcti I'lutA ?»l* FlokVfrOi t«*>U What, \% h«*n mid llou UJ plan' h.i I i- f'lfl oi inf'>riti.ition invaluable to all In' 1: in .' ?? I- ri" M f*»r 6c.| l«» COVCr |i«ii»(aK<.. llluatrated \ovflty Mit« I. *, ilblnic «ll tli«tinwtii vtrldlw f luwrra, > rntiblri, ??? rruli, Ir \u25a0\u25a0 iI, Clanla, ae* rr- DC V /ROEBNOW Anil have on It and when you want t<» A OAnDE E N '"» $ ,00. 'JO packet n eholr<» I'tower !\u25a0 li" (onr ffUrtltrn I, In- cludlnt; H'll.li <;ilt!»K> ! HIS (ft mixture uf 100 vartettcH of Flower Set rn, for SI.OO. A VEGETABLE GAR' EH FOR SI.OO. 80 pkU. Oboict Veßetii le Hci-iU (our fl'dU/ii), luclu(l!uf< Hllh*r \uicrlrari VVjinlcr Pea, for ill. IIOTII the above for fjarrlener a Hand llook telllnt; you ttow to grow ttieui, ai:nt Fne wltU order*. B. K. BLISS Al SONS, * i 3tj^llarcla^jßt^^Mew^York. CJx&ion Woolen Mill, ItIJTI.ER, PA. If. Fdf.I.KKTOW l»r«|»*r. M tnnr.tt-tnr.T of lll.ankttij. Klanvbi.m, Vjiish, Ai*. A leo ciißto'ii work done to order, ani-li r irdin/t' KolU, mikii'i; Hlankrtfc, KlanneN, Knit- ting and W.'itvine Yuma, A.-,, at very low prieeH. Wool worked i.u the clmreH, it de- HIi.KI. mvT-iy Mercantile Appraiser's List for 1884.. The venders of foreign and domestic nierehan- dise, distillers, etc , iu Butler county will take notice that tbev are appraised and classed by tbe undersigned Appraiser of mercantile and other license tax fur the year 1 5, 4. as follows, to wit: .Vuiw!. ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Class. James A. Anderson, merchant 1 S A A H Thompson " 1- t.iileland A Marshall " 14 JJ Smith " 13 C B Irvin " 14 A M Beer- " H Nancy Adams " 14 P H Murray restaurant " Mrs E A Perrene " ? ALLEGHENY T«P. J B Craig merehant 11 J P Plummer '\u25a0 14 J D Shell A Co. " H Joseph H Thomas " 14 EC Parks " H S P F.akin " 1 ? nn\l»v TWP, E G Clutton merchant 14 G W F.igholtz " 14 W W Robinson " IT 14 0 W Sloughton " 13 BfFFAI.O TOWNSHIP. Adams A Parks, merchant J M Flemming, " H A Gnckenheimer A Bros., distillers 1 <i W Cramer, merchaut 1! Watson A Ekas, " 14 (. I.INTON TOWNSHIP. Rvmuel Snyder, inerehant 1' P. J Anderson, 14 R B Korris, " 14 A M Woods. " 14 CHERRY TOWNSHIP. 11 C McCoy A Son, merchant -14 A M Christy, " I'- ll W Elliott, " l-' ! J 11 Walker. " 1' .las T Wilson, retail liquor merchant I~ Bard Brothers, merchant 13 Gustas Fogel, " 1 ? WW Dunlap, " 14 G M Dill A Co., " 1' R 1. Wibon. " 1| J A Baily, " 14 CENT RK TOWNSHIP. W I. Campbell, merchant 14 J Coulter, " 14 A F Flepg''r " ? 1' 11{ANUKRftV Tllrt'KbHlf. A G Hendrickson, merchant 11 William Garvin, " 14 «;ONNOQL'ENBSSINO TOWKsII I H. Joseph (jrabam, merchant 13 Con. Nicholas " 14 EE Goehrint; " 14 J EA W \ Purviance, merchant 13 f'ONv'ORD TOWNSHIP. S Mark well, merchant 13 A D Kulin A Co, " . 1" John \ Harding, hotel... r > John A Harding, one billiard table D Crawford, merchant". 14 D D tV u 'g'p y> " '1 I'I.KARJ IEI.I> TOWNSHIP. \V" S McC'rea, merchant 11 'Mrs B .1 Gettings, hotel " J M Mcßride, hotel < J M Mcßride, merchant 14 PONKOJVL.TWP. H S Cale merchant ..11 W M Durham " 14 Reisner Bros. " 11 A J llanlen hotel Ci KAIRVIEW TWP. Thomas E Flick merchant 14 11 < Miller retail liquor merchant i Paul Troutman merchant 13 W G Hays " 13 Pontius (lodgers A Co merchant 14 II C Miller one billiard table Mrs Thomas Williams merchant 14 J C Whitmire " 14 E Ellenberger " 1| PR4KKI.IV TWP. Win. Watson merchant 12 O Kornrumph " 14 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. PhilipSnitzel, merchant ...14 JKFFKRSON TOWNSHIP. I. Hartenstine A Co, merchant 11 Wm Montag, I.AVCASTER TOWNSHIP. Wm Wahl, hotel o J Laderpr, merchant 14 A E Metz & Son, M L DIlY( KEKK TOWNSHI«.. Wm Humphrey, merchant 10 Win Williams, " 14 Ramsey Brother?, '' 13 A G Frazier, '* -14 H Heberllotf, '* 14 MERT'EB TOWNSHIP. Lewis Owen, merehant 14 R R Bryson, " 14 H C Beatty, " 14 MIITHLKSKX TOWNSHIP. U' J Marks, merchant 12 J B Flick, " 11 MARION TW P. Joseph Baily merchant 14 J II Kelly hotel c < Mrs 1' M Mcßride inerehant 14 J H Gormerly " 14 Wm Mavbold *' 14 J \ Hay " 14 OAKLAND TWP. Jacob II Keiser merehant 14 A (i Campbell " 11 PARK ItR PWP. .1 Uli apf; merehant II .1 I' Rooisoii ' ?? 14 ll M Caldwell A Co. merchant 13 JWOrr " II T G Campell " 14 PENS TWP John Glass merchaut 14 II W Koonce " II Anderson Bros. " t.T John A Richey hotel John A Richey one billiard table Jacob A Burton Young, merchant II A M Critchlow " 14 D I| Sutton " 14 rtrVMl'f TOS' S! >l,,r '. K B Dittmer, merchant.. 1) Albert Sinilli, hottd j, SI IPPF.RYROt K TOWNSHIP. E H Adams, merchant II Jessil, & W S Keister, hotel 3 K Cannon, merchant.. .l 14 \ liVAKHOTM» N: 3 l ||P. C Eversiin, merchant ~,.. ..I I J E Cochran A Co., merchant I j J It (irossinaii, " 14 G F Koblineyer " 11 TFCampbell, " 14 WASHINorON TUW NSIIIP. \ P. Campbell, inerehant II N M Hoover, " II Harper Brothers, " 12 Mifllin Brothers " II Harper A Gibson, " 14 John A«iai?i. ' .. 12 I. A Yak.-, " H John McCorkle, " J, J C McKee A Hon, " II J I. Realty, " II WORTH TWP, N < iardner, merchant 13 WINFIKLDTWP. John Gardner A Co. merchant 1 ! J T (jreeu " 14 It A A K ranse " 11 Lewis Weidhos " 12 Catharine Foster " II J nines C Ia IIJHU " 14 111 TI.KH IIOROI'OH. J II Sutton merchant II W P Miller " It t hris Stoek " II Joseph Rockenstine " II Jacob Keck " II A Troutman A Son " 10 Mrs C Koeh " I \u25a0> HBiehlACo. " 14 L Stein A Son " 10 J 1. WaUer " n B C H use I ton " 11 Ritter A Ralston " H Joseph Smith, restaurant f> II Sohneideman, merehant 12 D 11 Waller " 13 A Raff " 13 Charles R Grieb " 13 PT I'ape, merchant II John I'iekel, " 12 H Colbert ' 14 JT I Stehle, '? ~.. M Louis Bishop, " in Belli* A Killer," 13 LA I K Linn, " It W I. Morrison, " 14 .1 J Fddkr, hotel .0 S Sykes, restaurant 5 laoob Boos, merchant .13 i. V\ i ImdpmU, hotel 5 ii i. clubland, mere ban | 11 1 .1 R Priagie " 11 | .1 I! KohlineyerA t.'o., merchant li II C Hcineman, " 14 I M Itockenstein, " II I Rerg A Cvpher, " 10 I Rejlter A Bro., li.pmr merchant II V A II Reibei IIICI .11 lilit ,|| Jack Hf HI A Mitchell, " It A J.owry, hotel ."> J t' iln*k, merchant 13 .1 \ Patterson, " 12 (' IHilly, " 11 M t' Kovkensiein, merchant 14 I i Orieh, " H A Heck, " 12 C Roessing & Sou, " H Mrs .1 It <irieh, " 14 .1 S McOrea, restaurant "? C \V Miller A Bro., merchant f Oeo Itnulger, A billiard tables Miller Brothers, merchant 14 .1 Nigral A Bros, " U i.WKirk, " -.14 l iabrit-1 Kohler, restaurant 5 S <? Purvis <!t Co., merchant 10 .1 G& W Campbell '\u25a0 : 11 Henry Kitcnmiller, hotel \u25a0' < ieorge Ketti rer, merchant 11 J R 'irieb, " 11 S M I'iilti rvon A Co., liijuor merchant o i"ENTKEVII.I.F. BOBOri.H. .1 1' McOui"tifla, merchant 14 J H Muutz, ?' 14 I ber A r-onb, " 14 M L Kelly, " 14 Thus Wilson A Sons" 11 C W Coulter, " 14 W M Biugh&m, " 13 \V L Ramsey. " I t Jatnes S Wilson, " 11 Bard & >ons, 12 EVANS iITV. I. Hohnadel, merchant 14 F V Brooks " 14 Allen i Robinson " 13 HCBoggs " n Geo lift & Sons i- ! Dunbar <5: Shottp 14 O W Shoup " 14 Wui Punean, hotel .? II \V fctokey " 5 L Gantz merchant 11 F Kersting. M I), " 11 .1 X Miller, hotel Wall i Bi.-hop, merchant 13 J & L: [lambach " 13 H S Walters one billiard table I UP.VIEW BOHOrOH. A tjrow merchaut.. 14 11 C Birchanl 4i 14 C Scott 13 (' C Alexauder " 11 auftOVUH. J. N liuuor merchant 13 Wise, I.ytle i 11nine, lumber merchant .12 August Fouringer, merchant 14 Enslen J; llains, " 12 S A Beam, hotel 3 Jacob Shelly, hotel 5 U 1) swain, uitrphant 11 A W iiiegler, " H Latshaw i tHaium, merchant.., 12 A Latshaw, " 14 FM Mitchell, " 11 if W I.eise, " 11 HARTitSVILI.E ItOKOUGH. .1 N t'ubbison, merchant 11 11 C Black, " 12 LW Morrow, " 11 :s B Bingham, " 14 liotper Brown, " 14 Mrs K Black, " W j Eriimr, " M R I. Brown, 14 MILI.ERSTOWN BOKO. W W Boweti, tuerchaiit 14 A 11 Bern is " 14 C F Fierce " 13 II C Litzinger " 13 Fisher A Dickson " 11 (lays Brothers " 14 A W Kreps one billiard table . .\1 Deiter merchant 11 W L Campbell " II Mston A Bruce " 14 A Hcch hotel Hocli, Barn hart A t'o. merchant 11 C D AlJingc-r *' 'I Frederick " I I B Frederick " 1 ' John Fitzpaterick, hotel 5 W D Kel ley merchant 14 J C GaisforU 4 billiard tables C Scharbach, merchant 14 \V P Turner " 11 A |[och 3 billiard tables Westernjan Brothers merchant 8 Fran kie A Levy " 1-j B J Fortjuer, hotel... 5 J T T Frazier merchant 11 Geo Glass " ???14 Dean Campbell hotel ?} John Dolan " ... ??? ??? ?' PKOSPKCT BOROruil. WR Riddle A Co., merchant 13 Henry Young, " 14 S S Forrister, " 13 CC Sullivan, 12 Critchlow Brothers, " !?> J H MeClure, " 14 t'ETBOMA BOROI'OIt. J M Hawk, merchant 1! Mrs Thomas'WiHiatus, merchaut »....! I J A Footc, " " M K Baird, " 14 J B Pasjgherty, hotel ' Isaac Boesenlterg, merchant M It J Bottner, " J 1, Clark, hotel *> G M Jamison, merchant 14 J Benedict & Sons., merchant 10 R E Foster, " '4 S S Klingeqsmith " 14 H A Klingensinith " II S K Lenchan. " 1' George J Jonee, '' 11 Freeman A Mark*, " 1^ .1 B Kilroy, " I'-' John Burns, " 14 A W Hoot, " 1 ' F. P Cheesbrough, " John Dill, " 14 John Dill, I billiard tables \V 11 K intj, hotel ?> John \ I'.rvine, merchant 11 \V II Jellison, hotel SAXmNBI.'K"! HMltOl i.lt. II A S(.iple, merchant 1' G W Maurhoff, " {4 Charles Pfeifler, 11 H I". A II Mershon, " ' '4 Theodore llcluibohl, merphant 10 E A If el inbold, '? 1- HINIU'RV HOKOCOH. OA Rhodes, merchant '? Bhodes A Christy, merchant 14 M A Garlach, " 1' Mi-chlingA Murtland," 14 James Pry or A Co., '' !?! Brediu A Conway, " 11 K J|;N« cnv. I' K Burlie |2 \V A l; Page hotel. ... ?' Joseph Earhart in :rchant... '\u25a0> Henry Keiusy hotel ... ... o John Wersh inerchanl... ... ... H A A West " 14 I'efi lie 11 A Rvans two billiard tables... JLI I |EN'MI'l K ISOftOt'ijll. I' Summers merchai.t , 'I I' Summers, l\vo billiard bibles.. \V A Goeliring, merchant 1-1 E Zehner " ??? 1J Geo Stub I, liquor merchant... ... 13 FG Kline, merchant. . ... ... \u25a0l4 Householder A Philips, merchant 13 Charles Stokey hotel \u25a0' Frederick Strohecker hotel... ?* James Oesterling hotel... ?' John Dindinger, merchant II lfl'l A Gilbach " ... MjlltylHi, !' II Il'jilsholile.' CS Pansavant " H Deo Snyder " J j D (j Ba-siiau M H Reed " | ] A Winters " 1' 111 11.Kit, I'.v., March I, t-IH-i. All |M-rsons interested in the alxive list will please take uotiee that an uppeal willbe held in the oltice of tlie County Commissioners, at But- ler I'a., on Monday tlie 7th day of April, IHB4. ROBERT TRIMBLE, Appraiser. SOXT2S7-DXCW. gpj CHAPPED HANDS, vlibliynor gr«Bky| PRKE 15 CENTS. The Trade Supplied by .'ill I'itt slmrtjh Drugga Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es- tablishment. A lie illh liiHtltntlon In its 30th year. For nearly all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and cs- licelally the diseases of Women. OP*N \ r \M. Hi j Circulars !rcc. Address, U f-RJCASK, M. I'., |y|H ly Ni w Ueucr t'j , I'a for the (MTI/kn {Continued from last >cttk.) How Watch Cases are Made. Imitation always follows a successful article, and imitation is one of the best proofs of real honest merit; and thus it is that the James Boss Gold HateA Que lias its imitators. Buyers can always tell the genuine by the trade-mark of a 'crown, from which is suspended a pair of ~j' MWUt scales, lie sure BOTH crou n and scale* are stamped in tlie cap of the watch case. Jewelers are very cautious about en- dorsing an article unless they not only know that it is good, but that the character ol the manufacturers is such that the quality of tlie goods will be kept Jidly up to standard. WILLIAMSPORT, PA.. Feb. 13, 1883. The Jaxuc** lions' Gold Watch <'ason jro like hot Kach one I ndl soil* another. Don't need to recommend them; they sell themselves. One of my emstomera ha* had a Jmue* Boos' <Jk>ld Watch i'aae in U*- for 20 years, an.l it is a.- as ever. With tiaa caae I do not hesitate to give my own Kiiarantee, es- pecially with the new asd improved cases, which seem to be everlasting JESSK T LITTLE, Jt**lcr. NEWBBTTNSWXOK, N. J., Jan. 8. 1%33. This grold case, No. titwo, known as th* 1 James Boas* Gold WatchCa«»<,came into my i*ossession about 195& has be* n in use kinet that time, and is still in R-ood condition. The moveme nt in the one which was inthe case when I bought It, audits condition shows that the case ha* reaUy out-worn the movement, which is I'layedout. MALTM A. HOWELL, Of Board of Director* A\ J. A*. H. dt Trans. Co. *w-a«S t rt-ut Uanp to kr/fctone Hatch lW I *rU*rle+, Phila- delphia. Pa. t l«r Laad«i :?»« illattriUdl'aia|ihlei ihgMii| kuv Lain l!usi' »:.J Lf j'i mr Hat. h (u>r« ara mad*. (T" l»c Continued.) ? The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. Ci RX E 13, WATCHMAKER = JEWELER, Main SI., ICulltr, l*a.. Opposite Tronlman's Drv Goods Store. MUSS ABSOLUTELY CV'UZO FIILI r.nr.t M, ECZEMA, SCROFULA, SCALD lit-ftd, Ei slp?-l«i3, Tetter, lllvts, lUiirirufT, RirU r'j Itch, riin|»les, stnigs. Carbuncles, l iant and Wouivis, Hiugworm, Sunturn, : ia ttildiseyn of the Skin. For i ilci, Wouiuls, Tuts, I leers or JiJoie?, iu remedy Is so prompt in soothing ii-nhny as Fajiiilou skin «.'uu . It uoes nut annul or bum. J/irectian* in /;*» «. rurp b*.U!u ABSOLUTELY CURES NASAL < ATARI!II. ACVTK or CHRONIC COLD in th- lii-od, Ktht- Cold, Bronchial CaUuth and II AY FEVEII. ( K .uises the uostrii*, permits natural bretithim/, fiit«l i-ivv,iiH iucrastutions, SliCilh'S rtnd sinr/iiie. It lart sj..- ilic cure ior Cold in the Head vvhkh is caused by sudden changes In llicatmosphere. l>uecfioiiS */» ten lu,i<j*uiges accompany tt*rylottft. FAPILLOHcure ABSOLUTELY CURES W HOOPING COUGH. it »- a vegetable syrun, very delicious to the tatt« . Relieves at once ana Is a positive cure. WIN lER and BRONCHIAL COUCH or* cured by this excellent remedy. Jji/t- fic/ni in itn kinymujf* tuvotn/xi*y tuni Mile* RiPifiny BLOOD irlLLyflcußE ABSOLUT3LY CtmifiS A 1.1. OISEA-1.-I OF TIIK Ml-oon. iJToMAC'II. Liter liowfNairl Kl.tiuvs; tor «H dlieaae-iorigin Ulint' In liiii'airinciilof tin-blixHl.iw Antenilft, Sick ilt-uilu. I.e. N'i'rvi.y-in-sr., J'eni.'il" Weaknesses., Liver < uiuplHint, lie»|.< iniii, Jaundiee, Btllo«i«iiMn anil Ki'lnix lil»w«,this medidne it abxolul' ly lure. 'Mils uie<lii ln« dues nnf contain any mineral, ia ah- auiutely \ fgetal>l<?, restores tin- hloud a Ijcallky condition. ri-irnlatinK exr«wea and supplying de- lii li'lii ief, uud prevents disease. JHrtrtium in Im I'mtjvatyi acrtmpnni/ rrtrn bnttlr. I'rice, $1 per liottle; Si\ Buttles for fo. for Sale by All Druggists. PAPI-LON MFC. CO.. CHIC ACQ. For sale by J. L. WTLLKH and D. H. WULLEB. IU MAM WMO It UNACQOAIUTCO W.IH TMC OIOORAPHy Of THIS OOUK* CBICiGftiiOCRISLANDStACIPICRT JJy central position ol its line, connects the Knst ..nd the Wf»t by tne nhortest route, and car- ries ivftauwngers, without ohsntfa of oura, bctweea Clm-ago and K&nttas City, (Council Blulla. Lraven- rroitli, Minneapolis rnd St. Paul. It eopnecrs in Union Depots with all the principal Lnctorrdad between the Atlantic and the Psciflo Oceans. Its equipment is uurivaled and inagniU- ceilt, t' ?-1 ait compoucd of Mont Comfortable and Kraqtifpl Day Coaches, Msirmfleent llorton Be- uiiChair C*ra. Fullmau'a I'rottieht PuUos Cfct. 4ud \L\. Host pqe of pining Cars In the World, xarse iramk and Miaaouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi* ?afo and Minneapolis aud fill. Paul, via the Fatuous "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." A Now and Direct Lino, via Soneea and Kanka- keo, has recently been opened between Richmond. Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au- k. usta, Nanhville. Louis villo, Lexington, Cincinnati, Tndisnspolis and Lmfsyette, and Oinahri. Minnuap- OIIMand rtt. Paul and intermediate pqiuts. AllThtuugh tasxeiigera Travel on Past Vxptess Train i. J Tl"i-.Mtsfor sale at ".11 principal Ticket OfticeMinJ the Unlifd Stales aud Canada. J Bag£ »go through and rates of faro al. \u25a0 wan ai low aa compotltore that offer loes udvan* - tajres. For detail jdInformation,get the Maps aud Pold- sra ot UM GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your neareat Ticket Olflo«, or addraas P. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN. Vi«. f,n * 6«( iI li'g'r, iln'l Tkt. A rw v««. CHICAGO. It 12 ME HEBE R~ THAT Patterson, the One I'rice Clothier und ? Jents' Furuisher lias a Fine Stock of new Winter Clothing fur Mens', BoyiT AN'! Cbildrenu' WTIAR at one extremely |IOTY price to ail. PATTERSONS, Dully Block, Butler, l*n. \u25a0<nwrJ)mupX.| pi»« >"i|tii|ja.T n [?HlMkmimj, ifiuXH'l*n<>;,i»ni Ul 'IIIVJ IM N* mmM nus m $HEEiaa@EHE|i BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts. 3. C. ROESSING, President WM. CAMPBELL. Tkeasukkr. 11. C. HEINEMAN, SKCKKTAKV. DIRECTORS: J. L. Put vis, K. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkhari, A. Troutman, Hendcreou Oliver, G. C. Kt essintr, K. B. McMilliu, Dr. VV. lrvin, N. Weitzel, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heincuaan JAS. T> M'JUNKIN, Gen, Ae't BUTLER FA. ?J. 11. Htcvcnaon «Xr Co.'s REAL ESTATE AGENCY, 100 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa., Offer for sale a No; 1 Stock or Grain Farm in Peoria Co. . 11l , near railroad and river; has throe bouses, good barn, A-c,, contains MSO acres. Price t:io per acre. Also a fine farm near New Caetle, Fa., of 00 acres; a good dwell* ing and !>aru, with orchard; No. 1 land; also on saaic ia a large storehouse with a stock of goods worth about <3,500, ail in best of order: value of farm mid goods #9,500, would exchange. Send for free list of properties f6.84.1v KING OF THE SINGERS tsrga ONLY TWENTY dollars > all the latest improve* j: , """ *< ments. Splendid cabinet I'Mk /te./j work, large drawers, exten- (leal and gothie cover. teAA Sewing Machine ever made. Sent for exauii- i. at ion. AATt? do not "Want Your Money Unless the Machine Suits You. Write to us lor particulars. WILLMARTH & CO., 1823 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct3-(jm, Union Woolen Mills. I would desiro to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where X have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Oray Flannels, Knitting aDd Weaving Yarnß, ami I can recommend them as boiiig vory dura- ble, as they aro manufactured of pure 'Butler couuty wool. They aro beautiful in color, su- perior iu texture, and will be Bold at very low prices. For samples and prices address, 11. FULLERTON, inm.'7B-ly Butler. Pa CINCINNATI NOWHERE. HERE WE ARE AGAIN. The Reliable old Hen Yosbriuk has established himself with W. H. Ensminger and John I.e- fever, Jr., iu tlie CARRIAGE LINE BUSINESS; Also l pholstering and Carpet Laying. There j are no three better mechanics in' the Countv [ of Butler, anil they know how to do their work without delay. Yours truly, I?. V. feb24-lmo. D^NLmMD, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock ol WATCHES, CLOCKS, COLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECTACLE9- Of all kinds and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best quality. Everything warrant- ed just :ts represented and sold at the low- est cash price. Fine H'IUCIi Itepairiug it Spec- ially. One square South of Diamond, M:iin Street BUTLER, PA. CONTHAL NURSERIES Rochester, N Y. GEORGE A. STONE NURSERY COMPANY. Fruit 'and Ornamental Tree#, Nhrubbcrv, Roses, Creepers, etc. "" Moore's Raspberry, Pocklingtun and Em- pire Btatc Grape, and other choice varieties of all fruits. B W. DOUTHETT, Brow nsdale, Butler County, Pa j.iu-t' 3m Most Extenslye Pure-Bred Live Stock Kstahlisliuient it| the Werlt) ! dytletthrif, Prrchrrnn-Xoi hin 1.1 Kngli*h l)r«ft HuftfJ, itollii{()-liisd KutiiUter-i, SkrJttiHl PUIII'IH, /ioltiltiii (inii Devon Ciittir. Our customers lia\e the advantage of our many years experience in breeding aud imjMirt- ing large eollections, opportunity of comparing ditlerent brucdu, low prices, because of extent of business, and hny ratcM of transportation. CalalogueH tree, tlarreapondeuce soiii-ited. POWKIX BROTHERS, Hpringboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention Citizen. july2s-iun. PIMPLES. A receipt lor making a valuable preparation, which will remove t:in, frcclvlts, pimples aud blotches, leaving the skin clear and soft, aud the complcction hcaatilul; :ilso, ins'.ructions for producing a lino growth of hrir on the head or lace, \yi 11 |ie iiii)ilet| to any peMoi( sending 3 cts in stamps to Korbfu A; 00., Wo. r>i( |iroadwu.v, Mow York. Cure llretl Ho|<«leln Slock* The undersigned have purchased from the Powell Bros, a pure bred Ilolstein bull, one aud a half years old ami weighs 12'l. r i iMiunds. which can be seen at the farm of John Weber, in Peun town "liip, at any time. Terms, ft cash, or $5 charged. * J. A- PAIJITEB, Joun Weber, NEW LIYERY STABLE, Henry X*eibold 9 Continues the Livery Bunincs* on JefTerson St. (irst i|oor bi low Bickel «fe Ijallagjter. (itiod riir* 1 . tii'-nt fhist tfinis always on hand* Itorses fetl on reasonable terms, also horses bought aud sold. oc!3-ly. BRICKS! BRICKS? The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, paw'tnent. bay window and other qual- ities at Ins Kiln on the Pair Cround road, half a mile west of Ituticr lie will keep on hand a lot of bricksut all times, lie will also make and burn brick lu the country for anyone desiring to have Ifit tii made on their own farm or premises. A-i be intends carrying oil the li|-tck makliiß business, he it,files the custom ol all, promising tn t<ne entire salUtaelioti to all wlio may patron- ize hi in. All order* promptly filled at reasonable rates. I 'all mi' or address, ,J. (JEOIMiE BTAMM, mar2*-'t*3 Itiitlxr Pa. raMHSffir-, MHMMHHMMMi 1 C M MRUt if LO. VI ?Ut A. | OEHsTTISTIR, * . o|# W \LDRoN, Graduate «.| the Phi! \u25a0ft adelpbia Denial College,is prepare* \u25a0 lea to do anything 111 the line of his profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union block, op stairs. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work pel taming to the profession execut- ed in the neatest manner. Sj ceiait ies .-?Gold Filling, and P.iinlcds Ex- traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays. Communications by mall receive prompt attention. j*nl6'«4-2y JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOrs myJSI-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street. opposite Klinpier's Flour Store. TJ N~ LEAKE, M. I>., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in luiou Block, and residence in Ferrero ho ae, Butler, Pa. Oct, 2~>, 1882. FOR SALE. ? 18 Acres of land, with Isrge two-story Lriek house and large bain thereon c-rceted." ('\u25a0?khl orchard: situated ill Rntler twp . P.ntlor countv. Pa., adjoining But lor borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on ea,y terms. For particu- lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq., Butler, Pa. 'FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned desires to tell ! is firm, locat- ed in the Bald ltidge oil distrii t, Adums town- I ship, Butler county. Pa., containing ONE HUNDRED AND ONE ACRES of land, a'l cleared hut about twenty live .-ares which is in good' young timber." There are thiee never-tailing springs of good water. l!ood llou-cs and B.irus with a splendid young orchard. Near to churches and schools, and within live minutes walk of Marshall Station on the P. »<: W. railroad. For particulars in- quire of the undersigned living on the premises. CHRIST. BAM.HORBT, 8K? feb. 27~tt Mars P. t>, i S U RVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING Particular attention given to the Retracing ol old lines. Address, B. F. llll.l*l \ ltl».Co. Surveyor North jHope P. ()., Butler Co., Pa. 8,5,81.1 y John L. Jones, Auctioneer' BIJTI.ER, I* \. All orders will receive prompt attention. ft; ,1m ?ji unty Auctioneer, JAMES R. K2ARNS, ItITI,KR, PKXVA. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many ycais ol experience lie can guirintee perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. L"ave word til this office. 0,5,84 ly G. D. HARVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi- dence, Washington street, north end, Butler. Pa. « jan'i.ly. PLABTERIN C-r- Tlie undersigned Intends to remove to ltutler on thi' lsi of April next, aud hereby informs all per- sons, that he will be prompt m executing any work that may be entrusted to his care. STUCCO ANO MASTIC Work executed In the best and most satisfactory manner, (Jive me a call. jan3o It. .fOMKPH B. I'IZKH. ,T. H. Harvey, H is opened a paiut shop iu REIBF.Ii'S BLOCK, on Jrffersou Street, Butler, Pa? whero he is prepared to do all kinds ol HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, P.ipciing and Calsoniinlng, banging window blinds, etc. And, also keeps on hands Wall Papers itiitl ItorderM, Paints uiml llriiMliOM, l*n I tics, and Wiiulow («IH>H. |all sizes cut lo order. | I res pectin IU solicit t -h'.re ol the public pat- ronage. J. H. 11ABVKV. 3,5,84 ,0m 1884. WALLPAPER, 1884, New Design.'- 111 \i all and < eiling Paper lor dwell lugs, offices, halls and clntrches. A large and we|| selected iiiui of DECORATIONS for ceilings and walls. Brown back paper from H els. up, white back paper from to cts. up. Cllts from 21", cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Pa. 2(12..win Butler's New Departure For Piano*, Organs, Violins ami other Musi, eal Instruments, eall tlie NSW MUSIC STOBE. ? _ ?OF 'Kleber Bros. & Stauffer, Main Street, ltutler. Pa. Sheet Music and Music Book* alwjys oil iiiuid, or furni.slied to order. Orders for Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attendpJ to L»y John K. Kyth of Pit<?bi>rgb, PH. Nov. M, '^ : ,':liii. Hard Wood Furniture lor sale at extremely low tlgurcs, A great variety of Beds, Tallies, Chairs, Children*' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Kxtra Heavy Ann Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlor Tables Bureaus, Stands, Double aud Single l,oungcs, Spring Maltrc.-tcs, <tc., &e., at WM. F. MILLER'S, .\oltl4 Main NU'i'ef, B U T L K I*. FACTORY <'N WASHINGTON BTRKKT. PEBSIAXKXT NT.IRII'INU FOB KENSINGTON, ARIIASENE ANDOUTLINK WOltK DONE, Also lr«sotis in s.uiie given by ANNIK M. LOWMAN, North ftrect, Butler, Pa. JneUOly K X Jr» OS X T 11J N Visitors should not fnil to call and extpuini. the largest and It nest stock of imported and Domestic Liquors iu the State, at Wax lit oin. Stt Federal Slreei Allegheny City, I'a. Opposite Fort Wayne Passenger Depot. I-ST Advertise in thr» TitiAKN

Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1884-03-26 [p ] · 2017-12-16 · bad state of the blood which deposits poisonons matter in the joints and mus-cles causing lameness stiffness and swelling

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Page 1: Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1884-03-26 [p ] · 2017-12-16 · bad state of the blood which deposits poisonons matter in the joints and mus-cles causing lameness stiffness and swelling


"How old are you." said an ancientdame to ft grinning little tar-pot."Well, if I goes by wliat mudder -ays,

lis most ten, but if I goes by de fun I

bad, Tee mo»t a Lumlred.'' 0! that all

could measure their years in this waybut how many measure them by longnight watches, and almost fatal cough-ing spells, which could have been

cured by a bottle of I»r Bull'sKymp taken in season.

Be always at leisure to do good.

As When She was Young.

"I have used Parker's Hair Balsamand like it letter than any similar

preparation I know of, writes Mrs.

Kllen Perry, wife of Rev. P Perry, of

Coldbrook Springs, Mass. "My hair

was almost entirely gray, but a dollarbottle of the Balsam has restored theHoftness, and the brown color it hadwhen I was young?not a single gray

hair left. Since 1 l>egan to appiy theBalsam my bail- has stopped fallingout, and I"find it is a pofertly harmlessand agreeable dressing,'

Bh ever vigilant, bill ueverauspicious.

We have never heard of sueh mar-\elous cure of coughs in children andadults as Papillon Cough Cure produ-ces. Yon should have a bottle in yourhouse in case of need, For sale by4. L. Wuller and D If. Wuller.

War to the knife on the oysterpie-rates, say we.

A Popular Fallacy.

Many people think that Rheumatismcannot be cured. It is caused by abad state of the blood which depositspoisonons matter in the joints and mus-

cles causing lameness stiffness andswelling of the joints and excruciating

pains. Kidney-Wort will certainlyeffect a cure, it acts on the Kidneys,Liver aud Bowels, stimulating them to

a healthy aetioD, purifies and enrichesthe blood and eliminates the poisonfrom the system. Go to the nearest

druggist, buy Kidney-Wort and becured

?lf you are wise keep your own


Ladies should wear a Hop Plasterover the small «>f the back, as it curesall pains and aches. 2;» cts. at anydrug store. Allready to apply.

?Revenge is the luxury of a weakand pitiful mind.

A Pithy Sentence.

A well known statesman of thiscountry once said when summing upthe eyents of a life time. "Y'outh is ablunder, manhood a struggle, old age aregret." He might have added manymore wonders, but they are not neces-sary for.his aphorism expresses much.Yet it is a well known fact that theabove could not be said oflifewhere allclasses aware what a great remedy Pe-runa is, and what wonderous cures ithas performed. For the ills of youthin in a wonderous specific. The worryand tear of manhood's struggle for ex-istence enfeebles his system, and heneeds such a tonic, and when old agecomes on with its feebleness and regretsfor failures and mistakes, the great rem-edy, Peruna, can still be used withgood effect, and if given a fair trialwill accomplish wonders.

?Commit not that to another whichyou can do better yourself.

Hysteria and Nervous Prostra-tion.

We give our readers au extract froma cheerful letter, written by Mrs. Fli/.a-l»eth Smith, of Richmond, Ind , whosays: "Samaritan Nervine cured me ofhysteria and nervous prostration."Comment is useless.

?Combat vice in its lirst attacksaud you will come off conquerer.

For fifteen years 1 was annoyedwith a severe pain in my head and dis-charges in iny throat from .Catarrh.My sence of smell was much impared,By the use of Fly,s Cream Balm I haveovercome these troubles.?A. B. Case,St. Denis Hotel, New York.

For several years I have been troub-led with Catarrh. Klys Cream Balmproves to lie the article desired. Ibelieve it is the only cure.? h. B. Co-bnrn, Hardware Merchant, Towanda,Pa.

?Lambkiu says the only sure pre-ventive against Western rivers risingwould be for him to own some of 'em.

Papillon Skin Cure is a delightfullotion to apply after shaving or bath-ing. it will cure all irritation andulcerouH formations, or soreness andchafing. Mixed with cologne it is adelightful toilet water. For sale byJ. L. Wuller aud l>. H. Wuller.

Time is the greatest of all tyrants.As we go on toward age ho taxes ourhealth, limbs, faculties, strength andfeatures.

?The dates on some of the rare oldbooks offered for sale iu I'aris showthat they were issued before the inven-tion'of printing.

Many members of the Hay Feverassociation of New England, used Pa-pillon Catarrh Cure for several seasons,and take pleasure in recommending itas the simplest and most certain pre-ventive and enre. For sale by J. L.Wuller and I>. J£. Wuller.

?Cunning is only the mimic ofdiscretion, and may paws upon weakmen, junt an pertnenß is often mistakenfor wit, and gravity for wisdom.

?"I am a martyr!" he exclaimed."How HO'/" WRH the inquiry. "J suf-fer at the steak!"he cried. He wan stav-ing at a cheap hoarding house.

Consumption Cured.Allold idiVMielan, retired from practice, liavint;

had placed in liis hands by an Kast India missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for

the speedy ami |M rinaiieiit cure of (onsiimptioii,ftroiiehitl*, Catarrh, Asi lima ami all throat amil.uiitf Affection*. also .1 lenitive and radical curefur Nervom l>- bilitv ami all Nervous Complaints,after having tested their wonderful eiirallte imwers in thousands of cases, has nil it hit dut> t«»make It known to Ins suiteiing fellow-* Actuatedby this motile ami a desire to re|ie\e human ufit-rintx, I will s« nd tree of chaiv,«, to all uliodcsire it, this rcci|N\ in tier man, rrcncli or Kiittlish,witli hill directions lor prepaiuiK and usirifr.Sent by mail b\ addrcssiim with damp. namingtins paper. W \ N'I»VK ir», rower's Block.li<»eliester. N \ Septt'/-t«:My'r>ow


||r-nr this, a! 1 ye people, and giveear all ye invalids of the world, Hop

Bitters will make you well and to re-joice.

\u25a02. It shall cure all people and putsickness and -ufl'ering underfoot.

J. Be thou not afraid when yourfamily is sick, or you have

Bright's disease or Liver Com-plaint. for Hop Bitters will cure you.

4 Bolli low and burl), rioli and poor know

the value ol H>>p Bitters lor bilious, nervou

auJ Kheumatic pomplaiut".

5. cieause mo with Hop Bitters and 1 sh:illb»ve rolunst anil li'.ooinintf health.

ij. Add disease upon disease aud let the

worst coine, I am safe il 1 use Hop Bitters.

7. For all my lite 1 bin'' beeu plagued with

Mckucni and sores, and no until a year apo was

1 cured, by Hep Hitter?.

8. He that keepetli his Miles from aching

fiooi Rhenamtisia and NVuralgia, with Hop

Bitters, doeth wisely-

V*. Though thon hast sore-, pirnpl**s, ire* kies

gait rheum, eryesipelas, blood poisoning, yet

Hop Hitters will remove them all.

10. What woman is iLere, feeble and dick

from female complaints, who de«ireth not health

aud usetli Hop Bilieti an.i ir made well.

11. Let not u--,'lwt to use Hop Hitler* bring

on serious Kidney au.l I.iver eoinplaiuts.

\-j Keey thy tongue iroiu Iteing luri.-d, they

blood pure, and tiiey stomach Iroiu indicationby u-ein£ Hop Bitters.

13, All my pains and aches arid disease go

like ehail btlore the wind when I use Hop Bit-


14, Mark the who w*« nearly dead aud

eiveu up by the doctors after useing Hop Bit

ters and becomelb well.15, Cease from worrying ahout nervousness

general debility and urinary trouble, for Hop

Bitters will restore yon.

Oranges and Florida.Better than Breezes and Blossoms

?Under a New Flag.Kven the balmy air and the orange proves of

J'lorida fail to keep its peoplejfull of happiness

and eom/ort. Art mast .help nature everywhere

?in the tropics a* among the pine-> of the north."And, chief among the blessings whieh an- adap-

ted to all zones,"-writes I»r. J* IJ. IFftllaee, of Fort

Uade.Fla., "is Pabkersto.nh . I' seems fohavethe worl-lfor a iteld. and most of the current dis

MMM ji'-l.i;t-. Its aetwn. I have MBd itiiOle-rase iif[a delicate and d\ spi-ptie young lady. ;w tfhtin gratifying results. It seemed to accom-plish with eaue what the usual prescriptions anil

treatment for that nitaerable maiail> failed wholly

to bring about. I am also ula-1 to state that the

Tonic has relieved me personally of a troublesome

atonic condition of the stomao!) ol long standing.

It is iln ideal purifier and invtgorani."

Messrs. Htscox & Co. call especial attention to

tlie fact that after April li;, 1883. the name and

style ol this preparation willhereafter lie simply

i'arker's Tomer, the word "Hluger" is dropped

for the reason that unprtpcipleit dealers are eon

stanjlv deceiving their patron* by sulisiituting hiferior preparations under the name of ( linger; andas triiiiri-ris an unimportant flavoring ingredientill our Tonie. we are sure that our friends willagree with v s as to the propriet> of the change.

There willbe no change,however, in the prepara-

tion itself: ami all bottles remaining in the hands

of the dealers, wrapped under the name <>t I'ak-

kKit - liiM.niTon ti contain 'ln genuine ineill-

ielne' if the signature of A.Co. Is at the l>ot -

toni of outside wrapper.

IWIWhen you com* to think of it, it 1» not

odd tti»t literary peopi* p»eii;r »pu>e to aci*ar. It la handier to uuoke when tliejrare wrltiwc. and ever ao unicii cleai.hr.

And -then It (fives them the true essenceand flavor of the tobacco.

The inout faatidioua Buiokeni imon? allnations »iid all claane« of men a«Tee thatth» tobacco irrowu o;j the Golden TobaccoBelt of JiortU (Jarfihna u the mort delic-iotiH and refined In the world. Ll*uL':rtlianTurklab, more fratrrant than Havana,

freer from nitrate* and nicotine than any

other, it in Just what the conDoiaaenrt>rained and the habitual smoker demand*.'1ha very choicest tob» rro (rrown \u25a0

on tills lfJt is liooiflitby Black-mfit's p urban, Tabacco Co., and ,appears a their celebrated BullDurham SmokliiK Tobacco It in /knowri the world over / HOetthe genuine,with Bull ' IVtrade uiark, then you will /

be aure of havlnK abao /lutely fure tobacco. /


I'ain or Dread.Relief at

fHAYFEVER ®! or im till,g Applied with

1' ho r<>u gbPffitreat mei1 1 will


Price 50 cents, liymail or at druggists.KI.V HIMMill-'ltH, Druggists, Uwego, N. V

WANTED,* SALESMEN.Toranviun Nursery Stork. I

factlltlra. No.-Jiwrleure r»jtilri'<l. HSlarv oi.i ««-

peo*ea paid. 70U«rri »of Fruit aii'lOniaun-iituiTr. ?«,SitruU. Bo»et.eU;. W. ft f. ft. V.

THE CO MP LETE HoME. ;*rr:u SSSIbook. New edition.?N«w bindmgi.?illustration*from new design*. Superbly gotten up. s.imc low |»rt> »?.

Adapt'-1 to all cUaMt. Sell* at tight. Agent* doing Ufwork. EXCKLLKNTTIKKMS. The handvmeit protpectuarift i««ued. Apply now.

HKAt'LiiV.CANkKrsoNSf C0.,66 North ath St. PhiladelphM, *'*. Al»o other grand new bvoks and Bibles. .


EITWPKh?\u25a0 \u25a0 lman« Perions Restort.fi\u25a0 B BJI Dr.KLINE tt GREAT~,, NFKVEResioheh

\u25a0r all Itfr Ain Ar KUKVU Di .kaski. Jnly turg4t» /jr AVrvr Aflc.tt »t, / #r/, //*>/>, ,/

V1.1.1N1 M IIt.k«n a. dire, i J. A \u25a0 / ,/* u//?u.ty't utt. Tr« atiee an t f,j fri.ilbuttle tre. t#

?Minute, ttier paying eiireischat*. M«l.o« «i,« Mred. Send uaun ». P. O. ind eipre-,% ad l«ev. ofted to LIKKL.lNii.yiiAIU» F«.gists. Utif' jkb Or IMll.it r/l.U'l'M.

Planing Mill-AND?

X Vai'd.J. L PURVIB. 1- PrHVit",


Hough and Planed LumberOF KVF.KY UEHCKII'T ION





Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,SHINGLES &LATH.

PLANING MILLAND YARDXcHr German Oatholic Ohnrch



J'F.N AMI fhKl'li. hKI.K HKSof lis Seenerv. 1 1islory, Trmlitimis, l'nl»l «- itiiUrsoeial I.ife. wftli trajibie j£Seri|itloiis ol tbeC':i|iltol, t'oligri'ss, |lie White House. :iti,ltlu* t»o>ern-iiie'nt l)e|iartiiieiits, vvilliviews at Mutinl V eriioii,;i Muti of V\';ishili|?tiili, and iMaiiranis of the Hall*of Cotifrress. ByJOSKPH WEST \H »>IM-:.

To all classes iliisis a book of treat iutere-t. Itis coih isf, i.Tiphu*, lliorotigh and interfsfiug, ll-

liiMtrnted bv over 100 brautilul new ov

l«*a<liiiKAmerican arti-ts, and bound, vbOOk FOR All. MOMKS. Sold GIIIV l»y s nl;sCTI|»

t ion.are mooting nith grind sncees-.

\Jr*nts wanted, male or female, in «'v« iy unhlu in lie » tilted Stales. Previous expertenc«» tv. ililfd« >irnbb' not required, as svrgiv« iHstnietions nitees-sjiry fur su«-.:<-s>. il un;.:npliiyt'd s\ri!.- us. For terms poI'ubiisiifr*. «/. A, & A. Khll»

Ml1 ?,»;t fn>vldf|i«e, If. I

mmm*' ?

/iSl\ SliOOOTWmapS.1 I

USt *U ' ir*oe'^' Jrvery

I' I \u25a0"olr'e ? o®ce Studio.-*

H and most complete Map ever publishedin ouc sheet. For pri« c and lull particulars i*REK

_ Addri SS %

inots Waotcd. J. M. HURRAY, Publisher,Z ELIZABETH, N. J.\u25a0 525 to 575 per month guaran-teed. Some make 175 to SISOper month: at this rate agentscan soon makethe SI,OOO.Take d<rvun the address and itrritcforan Ag*ncy

-Q page catalogue free.

Witherspcon Institute.The Spring Term willopen on Monday, Mareh 17,JMKI,

P. S. Bancroft, A. M,. J. C. Tintsman, A.M., and Miss Carrie McCanrlless,

Willdevote their whole time, as her*'tefore. t«» liie

work of the Aeademle and Intermediate Departtiieiif. o[ the Sf'iiool. Espeeial attention will begiven to

BOOK-KEEPING.Kveellent faeillties are afforileil for iiisiiuetions inM-isie and I>rawiMK.

I'or fct-Lstancc 111 securing boaid <\u25a0rooms, orfor any further iiilomiatioii. atiply t-njl". S. Han-eroft or J. C. Tlntsinan, Butler, ra.

feb2o It


v^r -r ~'


J.'Oll YOUNG TiA 1)1 KM.Spring Session Opens March 2.r»th, 1884.

ISoautifully ami }i.al!lifullyloealod, e\ton>.ive

buildings, jdeanant grounds, cheerful ron/:i.'.three literary eiuinjert, hupeii...' forjiiuuu* ar.'l art. Kxtennive apparatiifl, twentytifmii y piano* ami orgum, intituling pip.: or;r ao.Thorough work, homoljl.u fare, moderate ralen.

Send for oirenlar toin.*, It. T TAVIJ.h, I> It.

IJpavor, I'a.

The State Normal School,AT INDIANA, PA.,

Will o|rtjn foi tl.u Hpi.i.fe ai.'l Siimmor Term on

MONDAY, 7th,Every imlieation puiutH to it very large at-

tendance.Never before wan Iliern nit.-lt a demand f..r

trained teaehern, anil thin demand in rapidly andcuiihtßully increasing.

The wo. 1.1 i,t not moving buck waul but forwartl, and great »' i* Uiw aouaiul t'> day, it will

lie »till greater in the future.Difficult iim it now in, for a poor ha. lust li.

obtain ami hold a position, 11 will lie wtill moredillimlt next year aud thereafter.

To the eanicxt teacher title in encouraging anit tfivea him annul aneo of employim nt, ap;>re-

; ciation and compon*atioii.I HI: A TUOltot i.ii h< in.1.1 ,


J.IHSfhKOI THAT AIM. INsl'lltK l'»

Nl'i'l hAin,HillA lil-.NI |.U')I KHSfON VI. s. 11i.n1,,KOll Al l llIKf-i: < OMWSKI) t' liu ijItKAT

I . ON".MY,(~i l<. fNUI Villi.

1,. 11. 11l ItI.INO, I'riii.-ipul,

BLISS'1845. Illustrated Hand-Eook 1884.

for the Farm and Garden, isupagea.lM»t> illustration , tnd n bomitlliil( olorcti I'lutA?»l* FlokVfrOi t«*>U What, \% h«*n mid llou UJ

plan' h.i I i- f'lfl oi inf'>riti.ition invaluable to allIn' 1: in .' ?? l« I- ri" M f*»r 6c.|

l«» COVCr |i«ii»(aK<..

llluatrated \ovflty Mit«I. *, ilblnic «lltli«tinwtii vtrldlw

f luwrra, > rntiblri, ???

rruli, Ir\u25a0\u25a0 iI, Clanla,ae*

rr- DCV /ROEBNOWAnil have on It andwhen you want t<»


N '"» $ ,00.'JO packet n eholr<» I'tower !\u25a0 li" (onr ffUrtltrn I, In-cludlnt; H'll.li <;ilt!»K> ! HIS (ft mixture uf100 vartettcH of Flower Set rn, for SI.OO.

A VEGETABLE GAR' EH FOR SI.OO.80 pkU. Oboict Veßetii le Hci-iU (our fl'dU/ii),luclu(l!uf< Hllh*r \uicrlrari VVjinlcr Pea, for ill.

IIOTII the above for fjarrlener a Handllook telllnt; you ttow to grow ttieui, ai:nt Fne wltUorder*.




CJx&ion Woolen Mill,ItIJTI.ER, PA.

If. Fdf.I.KKTOW l»r«|»*r.

M tnnr.tt-tnr.T of lll.ankttij.Klanvbi.m, Vjiish,Ai*. A leo ciißto'ii work done to order, ani-li a«

r irdin/t' KolU, mikii'i; Hlankrtfc, KlanneN, Knit-ting and W.'itvine Yuma, A.-,, at very lowprieeH. Wool worked i.u the clmreH, it de-HIi.KI. mvT-iy

Mercantile Appraiser's List for1884..

The venders of foreign and domestic nierehan-dise, distillers, etc , iu Butler county will takenotice that tbev are appraised and classed bytbe undersigned Appraiser of mercantile andother license tax fur the year 1 5, 4. as follows,to wit:.Vuiw!. ADAMS TOWNSHIP. Class.

James A. Anderson, merchant 1S A A H Thompson

" 1-t.iileland A Marshall " 14J J Smith

" 13

C B Irvin" 14

A M Beer- " H

Nancy Adams" 14

P H Murray restaurant "

Mrs E A Perrene " ?


J B Craig merehant 11J P Plummer '\u25a0 14

J D Shell A Co. " HJoseph H Thomas " 14

EC Parks " H

S P F.akin " 1 ?

nn\l»v TWP,

E G Clutton merchant 14G W F.igholtz " 14

W W Robinson "


0 W Sloughton " 13


Adams A Parks, merchantJ M Flemming, " H

A Gnckenheimer A Bros., distillers 1

<i W Cramer, merchaut 1!Watson A Ekas, " 14


Rvmuel Snyder, inerehant 1'P. J Anderson, 14R B Korris, " 14A M Woods. " 14


11 C McCoy A Son, merchant -14A M Christy,

" I'-ll W Elliott, " l-'!J 11 Walker. " 1'.las T Wilson, retail liquormerchant I~

Bard Brothers, merchant 13

Gustas Fogel," 1 ?

W W Dunlap, " 14G M Dill A Co.,

" 1'R 1. Wibon. " 1|J A Baily, " 14


W I. Campbell, merchant 14

J Coulter, " 14

A F Flepg''r "

? 1'11{ANUKRftV Tllrt'KbHlf.

A G Hendrickson, merchant 11William Garvin, " 14


Joseph (jrabam, merchant 13

Con. Nicholas " 14

E E Goehrint; " 14J E A W \ Purviance, merchant 13


S Mark well, merchant 13A D Kulin A Co, "

. 1"John \ Harding, hotel... r>John A Harding, one billiard tableD Crawford, merchant". 14

D D tV u 'g'p y>" '1


\V" S McC'rea, merchant 11'Mrs B .1 Gettings, hotel "J M Mcßride, hotel <J M Mcßride, merchant 14

PONKOJVL.TWP.H S Cale merchant ..11W M Durham " 14Reisner Bros. " 11A J llanlen hotel Ci

KAIRVIEW TWP.Thomas E Flick merchant 14

11 < Miller retail liquor merchant iPaul Troutman merchant 13W G Hays " 13

Pontius (lodgers A Co merchant 14IIC Miller one billiard tableMrs Thomas Williams merchant 14

J C Whitmire" 14

E Ellenberger " 1|


Win. Watson merchant 12O Kornrumph " 14


PhilipSnitzel, merchant ...14JKFFKRSON TOWNSHIP.

I. Hartenstine A Co, merchant 11


Wm Wahl, hotel oJ Laderpr, merchant 14


Wm Humphrey, merchant 10Win Williams, " 14

Ramsey Brother?, '' 13A G Frazier,


-14H Heberllotf, '* 14


Lewis Owen, merehant 14

R R Bryson," 14


U' J Marks, merchant 12J B Flick, " 11


Joseph Baily merchant 14J II Kelly hotel c

<Mrs 1' M Mcßride inerehant 14

J H Gormerly " 14

Wm Mavbold *' 14J \ Hay " 14


Jacob IIKeiser merehant 14

A (i Campbell " 11


.1 Uli apf; merehant II

.1 I' Rooisoii ' ?? 14ll M Caldwell A Co. merchant 13JWOrr " I IT G Campell " 14


John Glass merchaut 14II W Koonce

" I IAnderson Bros. " t.TJohn A Richey hotelJohn A Richey one billiard tableJacob A Burton Young, merchant IIA M Critchlow " 14D I| Sutton " 14

rtrVMl'f TOS' S! >l,,r'.

K B Dittmer, merchant.. 1)Albert Sinilli, hottd j,


E H Adams, merchant IIJessil, & W S Keister, hotel 3K Cannon, merchant.. .l 14

\ liVAKHOTM» N:3 l||P.

C Eversiin, merchant ~,....I I

J E Cochran A Co., merchant I jJ It (irossinaii,


14G F Koblineyer " 11

TFCampbell, " 14

WASHINorON TUW NSIIIP.\ P. Campbell, inerehant I I

N M Hoover, " IIHarper Brothers, " 12Mifllin Brothers " IIHarper A Gibson, " 14John

A«iai?i. ' .. 12I. A Yak.-, " HJohn McCorkle, " J,J C McKee A Hon, " I IJ I. Realty, "


N < iardner, merchant 13WINFIKLDTWP.

John Gardner A Co. merchant 1 !J T (jreeu " 14It A A K ranse " 11Lewis Weidhos " 12

Catharine Foster " II

J nines C Ia IIJHU" 14


J IISutton merchant IIW P Miller " It

t hris Stoek " I IJoseph Rockenstine " IIJacob Keck " I IA Troutman A Son " 10Mrs C Koeh " I \u25a0>

HBiehlACo. " 14L Stein A Son "

10J 1. WaUer " nB C H use I ton


11Ritter A Ralston "

HJoseph Smith, restaurant f>II Sohneideman, merehant 12D 11 Waller "

13A Raff "

13Charles R Grieb " 13PT I'ape, merchant IIJohn I'iekel, " 12H Colbert ' 14JT I Stehle, '?

~.. MLouis Bishop, " inBelli* A Killer," 13LA I K Linn, " ItW I. Morrison, "

14.1 J Fddkr, hotel .0S Sykes, restaurant 5laoob Boos, merchant .13i. V\ i ImdpmU, hotel 5ii i. clubland, mere ban | 11

1 .1 R Priagie " 11| .1 I! KohlineyerA t.'o., merchant li

II C Hcineman, "


I M Itockenstein, " II

I Rerg A Cvpher, "

10I Rejlter A Bro., li.pmr merchant IIV A II Reibei IIICI.11 lilit ,||

Jack HfHI A Mitchell, " ItA J.owry, hotel .">

J t' U» iln*k, merchant 13.1 \ Patterson, " 12(' IHilly, " 11M t' Kovkensiein, merchant 14Ii Orieh, " H

I» A Heck," 12

C Roessing & Sou, "

HMrs .1 It <irieh, " 14.1 S McOrea, restaurant "?

C \V MillerA Bro., merchant fOeo Itnulger, A billiard tablesMiller Brothers, merchant 14

.1 Nigral A Bros, " Ui.WKirk, " -.14l iabrit-1 Kohler, restaurant 5S <? Purvis <!t Co., merchant 10.1 G& W Campbell '\u25a0 : 11Henry Kitcnmiller, hotel \u25a0'< ieorge Ketti rer, merchant 11J R 'irieb, " 11S M I'iiltirvon A Co., liijuor merchant o


.1 1' McOui"tifla, merchant 14J H Muutz, ?' 14I ber A r-onb, " 14M L Kelly, " 14

Thus Wilson A Sons" 11

C W Coulter, " 14W M Biugh&m, " 13\V L Ramsey. " I tJatnes S Wilson, " 11Bard & >ons, 12


I. Hohnadel, merchant 14

F V Brooks " 14Allen i Robinson " 13HCBoggs " nGeo lift & Sons i-!

Dunbar <5: Shottp 14O W Shoup " 14Wui Punean, hotel .?

II \V fctokey " 5

L Gantz merchant 11F Kersting. M I), " 11.1 X Miller, hotelWall i Bi.-hop, merchant 13

J & L: [lambach " 13H S Walters one billiard table


A tjrow merchaut.. 14

11 C Birchanl 4i 14

C Scott 13(' C Alexauder " 11

auftOVUH.J. N liuuor merchant 13

Wise, I.ytle i 11nine, lumber merchant .12August Fouringer, merchant 14

Enslen J; llains, " 12S A Beam, hotel 3Jacob Shelly, hotel 5U 1) swain, uitrphant 11A W iiiegler, " H

Latshaw itHaium, merchant.., 12A Latshaw, " 14FM Mitchell, " 11

if W I.eise, " 11


.1 N t'ubbison, merchant 11

11 C Black, " 12

LW Morrow," 11

:s B Bingham, " 14liotper Brown, " 14Mrs K Black, " WjEriimr, " MR I. Brown, 14


W W Boweti, tuerchaiit 14

A 11 Bern is " 14C F Fierce

" 13

IIC Litzinger " 13Fisher A Dickson " 11(lays Brothers

" 14A W Kreps one billiard table ..\1 Deiter merchant 11W L Campbell " II

Mston A Bruce " 14A Hcch hotelHocli, Barn hart A t'o. merchant 11C D AlJingc-r *' 'IFrederick " I IB Frederick

" 1 'John Fitzpaterick, hotel 5W D Kel ley merchant 14

J C GaisforU 4 billiard tablesC Scharbach, merchant 14

\V P Turner " 11A |[och 3 billiard tablesWesternjan Brothers merchant 8Fran kie A Levy " 1-jB J Fortjuer, hotel... 5J T T Frazier merchant 11Geo Glass

" ???14Dean Campbell hotel ?}John Dolan "

...??? ??? ?'


WR Riddle A Co., merchant 13

Henry Young, " 14S S Forrister,

" 13C C Sullivan, 12

Critchlow Brothers, " !?>

J H MeClure, " 14


J M Hawk, merchant 1!Mrs Thomas'WiHiatus, merchaut »....! IJ A Footc,

" "

M K Baird," 14

J B Pasjgherty, hotel 'Isaac Boesenlterg, merchant MIt J Bottner, "

J 1, Clark, hotel *>

G M Jamison, merchant 14J Benedict & Sons., merchant 10

R E Foster, " '4

S S Klingeqsmith" 14

H A Klingensinith " IIS K Lenchan. " 1'George J Jonee, '' 11Freeman A Mark*, " 1^.1 B Kilroy, " I'-'John Burns,

" 14A W Hoot, " 1 '

F. P Cheesbrough, "

John Dill, " 14John Dill, I billiard tables\V 11 K intj, hotel ?>

John \ I'.rvine, merchant 11\V IIJellison, hotel

SAXmNBI.'K"! HMltOli.lt.

II A S(.iple, merchant 1'

G W Maurhoff, " {4Charles Pfeifler,

11 HI". A II Mershon, " ' '4Theodore llcluibohl, merphant 10

E A Ifelinbold, '? 1-


OA Rhodes, merchant '?

Bhodes A Christy, merchant 14M A Garlach, " 1'

Mi-chlingA Murtland," 14

James Pry or A Co., '' !?!

Brediu A Conway," 11

K J|;N« cnv.I' K Burlie |2\V A l; Page hotel. ...


Joseph Earhart in :rchant... '\u25a0>Henry Keiusy hotel ... ...


John Wersh inerchanl... ... ... HA A West

" 14

I'efilie 11 A Rvans two billiard tables...

JLI I |EN'MI'l K ISOftOt'ijll.

I' Summers merchai.t , 'II' Summers, l\vo billiard bibles..\V A Goeliring, merchant 1-1E Zehner "

??? 1JGeo Stub I, liquor merchant... ... 13

FG Kline, merchant. . ... ... \u25a0l4Householder A Philips, merchant 13

Charles Stokey hotel \u25a0'

Frederick Strohecker hotel... ?*

James Oesterling hotel... ?'

John Dindinger, merchant II

lfl'l A Gilbach "...

MjlltylHi, !'II Il'jilsholile.'CS Pansavant " HDeo Snyder " J jD (j Ba-siiauM H Reed "

| ]A Winters " 1'

111 11.Kit, I'.v., March I, t-IH-i.All |M-rsons interested in the alxive list will

please take uotiee that an uppeal willbe held in

the oltice of tlie County Commissioners, at But-

ler I'a., on Monday tlie 7th day of April, IHB4.ROBERT TRIMBLE, Appraiser.



vlibliynor gr«Bky|


The Trade Supplied by .'ill I'itt slmrtjh Drugga

Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es-tablishment.

A lie illh liiHtltntlon In its 30th year. Fornearly all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and cs-licelally the diseases of Women. OP*N \ r \M.

Hi j Circulars !rcc. Address,U f-RJCASK, M. I'.,

|y|H ly Ni w Ueucr t'j , I'a

for the (MTI/kn

{Continued from last >cttk.)

How Watch Cases are Made.

Imitation always follows a successfularticle, and imitation is one of the bestproofs of real honest merit; and thus it isthat the James Boss Gold HateA Que liasits imitators. Buyers can always tell thegenuine by the trade-mark of a 'crown, fromwhich is suspended a pair of ~j'

MWUtscales, lie sure BOTH crou n andscale* are stamped in tlie cap of the watchcase. Jewelers are very cautious about en-

dorsing an article unless they not only knowthat it is good, but that the character olthe manufacturers is such that the qualityof tlie goods will be kept Jidly up to standard.

WILLIAMSPORT, PA.. Feb. 13, 1883.The Jaxuc** lions' Gold Watch <'ason jro like hot

Kach one I ndl soil* another. Don't needto recommend them; they sell themselves. One ofmy emstomera ha* had a Jmue* Boos' <Jk>ld Watch i'aaein U*-for 20 years, an.l it is a.- as ever. With tiaacaae Ido not hesitate to give my own Kiiarantee, es-pecially with the new asd improved cases, whichseem to be everlasting JESSK T LITTLE,Jt**lcr.

NEW BBTTNSWXOK, N. J., Jan. 8. 1%33.This grold case, No. titwo, known as th*1 James Boas*Gold WatchCa«»<,came into my i*ossession about 195&has be* n in use kinet that time, and is still in R-oodcondition. The moveme nt in the one which was inthecase when I bought It,audits condition shows thatthe case ha* reaUy out-worn the movement, which isI'layedout. MALTM A. HOWELL,

Of Board of Director* A\ J. A*. H. dt Trans. Co.*w-a«S t rt-ut Uanp to kr/fctone Hatch lW I *rU*rle+, Phila-delphia. Pa. t l«rLaad«i :?»« illattriUdl'aia|ihleiihgMii|kuvLain l!usi' »:.J Lf j'i mr H at. h (u>r« ara mad*.

(T" l»c Continued.) ?

The Boss watch cases with any kind ofmovement desired, can be had of

E. Ci RX E 13,

WATCHMAKER = JEWELER,Main SI., ICulltr, l*a..

Opposite Tronlman's Drv Goods Store.


FIILI r.nr.t M, ECZEMA, SCROFULA, SCALDlit-ftd,Ei slp?-l«i3, Tetter, lllvts,lUiirirufT,RirU r'jItch, riin|»les, stnigs. Carbuncles, l iant

and Wouivis, Hiugworm, Sunturn, : i attildiseyn of the Skin.

For i ilci, Wouiuls, Tuts, I leers or JiJoie?, iu

remedy Is so prompt in soothing ii-nhny asFajiiilou skin «.'uu . It uoes nut annul or bum.

J/irectian* in /;*» «. rurp b*.U!u


NASAL < ATARI!II.ACVTK or CHRONIC COLDin th- lii-od, Ktht- Cold, Bronchial CaUuth and

II AY FEVEII.( K .uises the uostrii*,permits natural bretithim/,

fiit«l i-ivv,iiH iucrastutions, SliCilh'S rtnd sinr/iiie.It lart sj..- ilic cure iorCold inthe Head vvhkh

is caused by sudden changes In llicatmosphere.l>uecfioiiS */» ten lu,i<j*uiges accompany tt*rylottft.


W HOOPING COUGH.it »- a vegetable syrun, very delicious to

the tatt« . Relieves at once ana Is a positive cure.

WIN lER and BRONCHIAL COUCHor*cured by this excellent remedy.

Jji/t- fic/ni in itn kinymujf* tuvotn/xi*y tuni Mile*


ABSOLUT3LY CtmifiSA 1.1. OISEA-1.-I OF TIIK Ml-oon. iJToMAC'II.Liter liowfNairl Kl.tiuvs; tor «H dlieaae-ioriginUlint' In liiii'airinciiloftin-blixHl.iwAntenilft, Sickilt-uilu.I.e. N'i'rvi.y-in-sr., J'eni.'il" Weaknesses., Liver

< uiuplHint, lie»|.< iniii, Jaundiee, Btllo«i«iiMn anil

Ki'lnix lil»w«,this medidne it abxolul' ly lure.'Milsuie<lii ln« dues nnf contain any mineral, ia ah-auiutely \ fgetal>l<?, restores tin- hloud t« a Ijcallkycondition. ri-irnlatinK exr«wea and supplying de-liili'liiief, uud prevents disease.

JHrtrtium in Im I'mtjvatyi acrtmpnni/ rrtrnbnttlr.

I'rice, $1 per liottle; Si\ Buttles for fo.for Sale by All Druggists.


For sale by J. L. WTLLKH and D.H. WULLEB.


CBICiGftiiOCRISLANDStACIPICRTJJy central position ol its line, connects theKnst ..nd the Wf»t by tne nhortest route, and car-ries ivftauwngers, without ohsntfa of oura, bctweeaClm-ago and K&nttas City, (Council Blulla. Lraven-rroitli, Minneapolis rnd St. Paul. Iteopnecrs in Union Depots with all the principalLnctorrdad between the Atlantic and the PscifloOceans. Its equipment is uurivaled and inagniU-ceilt, t' ?-1 ait compoucd of Mont Comfortable andKraqtifpl Day Coaches, Msirmfleent llorton Be-uiiChair C*ra. Fullmau'a I'rottieht PuUos

Cfct. 4ud \L\. Host pqe of pining CarsIn the World, xarse iramk andMiaaouri River Points. Two Trains between Chi*

?afo and Minneapolis aud fill. Paul, via the Fatuous

"ALBERT LEA ROUTE."A Now and Direct Lino, via Soneea and Kanka-

keo, has recently been opened between Richmond.Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga, Atlanta. Au-k. usta, Nanhville. Louis villo,Lexington, Cincinnati,Tndisnspolis and Lmfsyette, and Oinahri. Minnuap-OIIMand rtt. Paul and intermediate pqiuts.

AllThtuugh tasxeiigera Travel on Past VxptessTrain i. JTl"i-.Mtsfor sale at ".11 principal Ticket OfticeMinJthe Unlifd Stales aud Canada. JBag£ »go through and rates of faro al. \u25a0wan ai low aa compotltore that offer loes udvan* -

tajres.For detail jdInformation,get the Maps aud Pold-


At your neareat Ticket Olflo«, or addraasP. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN.

Vi«. f,n * 6«( i I li'g'r, iln'lTkt. A rw v««.CHICAGO.


THATPatterson, the One I'rice Clothier und? Jents' Furuisher lias a Fine Stock of

new Winter Clothing fur Mens', BoyiTAN'! Cbildrenu' WTIAR at one extremely|IOTY price to ail.

PATTERSONS,Dully Block, Butler, l*n.

\u25a0<nwrJ)mupX.| pi»« >"i|tii|ja.Tn[?HlMkmimj, ifiuXH'l*n<>;,i»ni Ul'IIIVJ IM N* mmM nus m$HEEiaa@EHE|i

BUTLER COUNTYMutual Fire Insurance Co.Office Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts.


DIRECTORS:J. L. Put vis, K. A. Helmboldt,William Campbell, J. W. Burkhari,A. Troutman, Hendcreou Oliver,G. C. Kt essintr, K. B. McMilliu,Dr. VV. lrvin, N. Weitzel,A. B. Rhodes, H. C. HeincuaanJAS. T> M'JUNKIN, Gen, Ae't

BUTLER FA.?J. 11. Htcvcnaon «Xr Co.'s

REAL ESTATE AGENCY,100 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.,

Offer for sale a No; 1 Stock or Grain Farm inPeoria Co. . 11l , near railroad and river; hasthroe bouses, good barn, A-c,, contains MSOacres. Price t:io per acre. Also a fine farmnear New Caetle, Fa., of 00 acres; a good dwell*ing and !>aru, with orchard; No. 1 land; also onsaaic ia a large storehouse with a stock of goodsworth about <3,500, ail in best of order: valueof farm mid goods #9,500, would exchange.Send for free list of properties f6.84.1v


> all the latest improve*j: , """

*< ments. Splendid cabinetI'Mk /te./j work, large drawers, exten-

(leal and gothie cover.

teAA Sewing Machineever made. Sent for exauii-

i.at ion.

AATt? do not "Want Your MoneyUnless the Machine Suits You.Write to us lor particulars.

WILLMARTH & CO.,1823 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa.


Union Woolen Mills.Iwould desiro to call the attention of thepublic to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa.,

where X have new and improved machinery forthe manufacture of

Barred and Oray Flannels,Knitting aDd Weaving Yarnß,

ami Ican recommend them as boiiig vory dura-ble, as they aro manufactured of pure 'Butlercouuty wool. They aro beautiful in color, su-perior iu texture, and will be Bold at very lowprices. For samples and prices address,

11. FULLERTON,inm.'7B-ly Butler. Pa


HERE WE ARE AGAIN.The Reliable old Hen Yosbriuk has establishedhimself with W. H. Ensminger and John I.e-fever, Jr., iu tlie

CARRIAGE LINE BUSINESS;Also l pholstering and Carpet Laying. There

j are no three better mechanics in' the Countv[ of Butler, anil they know how to do their workwithout delay. Yours truly, I?. V.


D^NLmMD,Watchmaker and Jeweler,

Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock ol


-BPECTACLE9-Of all kinds and prices.

Jewelery and Silverplated Wareof the very best quality. Everything warrant-

ed just :ts represented and sold at the low-est cash price.

Fine H'IUCIi Itepairiug itSpec-ially.

One square South of Diamond, M:iin StreetBUTLER, PA.



Fruit 'and Ornamental Tree#, Nhrubbcrv,Roses, Creepers, etc. ""

Moore's Raspberry, Pocklingtun and Em-pire Btatc Grape, and other choice varieties ofall fruits.

B W. DOUTHETT,Brow nsdale, Butler County, Pa

j.iu-t' 3m

Most Extenslye Pure-Bred Live StockKstahlisliuient it| the Werlt) !

dytletthrif, Prrchrrnn-Xoi hin 1.1 Kngli*h l)r«ftHuftfJ, itollii{()-liisdKutiiUter-i, SkrJttiHl

PUIII'IH, /ioltiltiii(iniiDevon Ciittir.Our customers lia\e the advantage of our

many years experience in breeding aud imjMirt-ing large eollections, opportunity of comparingditlerent brucdu, low prices, because of extentof business, and hny ratcM of transportation.CalalogueH tree, tlarreapondeuce soiii-ited.

POWKIX BROTHERS,Hpringboro, Crawford Co., Pa.

Mention Citizen. july2s-iun.

PIMPLES.A receipt lor making a valuable preparation,

which will remove t:in, frcclvlts, pimples audblotches, leaving the skin clear and soft, audthe complcction hcaatilul; :ilso, ins'.ructions forproducing a lino growth of hrir on the head orlace, \yi 11 |ie iiii)ilet| to any peMoi( sending 3 ctsin stamps to Korbfu A; 00., Wo. r>i( |iroadwu.v,Mow York.

Cure llretl Ho|<«leln Slock*

The undersigned have purchased from thePowell Bros, a pure bred Ilolstein bull, one auda half years old ami weighs 12'l.ri iMiunds. whichcan be seen at the farm of John Weber, in Peuntown "liip, at any time. Terms, ft cash, or $5charged. * J. A- PAIJITEB,

Joun Weber,

NEW LIYERY STABLE,Henry X*eibold 9

Continues the Livery Bunincs* on JefTerson St.(irst i|oor bi low Bickel «fe Ijallagjter.

(itiod riir*1. tii'-nt fhist tfinis always on hand*

Itorses fetl on reasonable terms, also horsesbought aud sold. oc!3-ly.

BRICKS! BRICKS?The subscriber continues the making of bricks

common, paw'tnent. bay window and other qual-ities at Ins Kiln on the Pair Cround road, half amile west of Ituticr lie will keep on hand a lotof bricksut all times, lie will also make and burnbrick lu the country for anyone desiring to haveIfit tii made on their own farm or premises.

A-i be intends carrying oil the li|-tck makliißbusiness, he it,files the custom ol all, promisingtn t<ne entire salUtaelioti to all wlio may patron-ize hiin.

All order* promptly filled at reasonable rates.I 'all mi'or address,

,J. (JEOIMiE BTAMM,mar2*-'t*3 ItiitlxrPa.

raMHSffir-,MHMMHHMMMi 1 C M MRUt ifLO. VI?Ut A. |


o|# W \LDRoN, Graduate «.| the Phi!\u25a0ft adelpbia Denial College,is prepare*

\u25a0 lea to do anything 111 the line of hisprofession in a satisfactory manner.

Office on Main street, Butler, Union block,op stairs.


- BUTLER, PA.All work pel taming to the profession execut-

ed in the neatest manner.Sj ceiait ies .-?Gold Filling, and P.iinlcds Ex-

traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered.Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street.

Office open daily, except Wednesdays andThursdays. Communications by mall receiveprompt attention. j*nl6'«4-2y


Office on Jefferson street. oppositeKlinpier's Flour Store.

TJ N~ LEAKE, M. I>.,Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon

Office in luiou Block, and residence inFerrero ho ae, Butler, Pa.

Oct, 2~>, 1882.


18 Acres of land, with Isrge two-story Lriekhouse and large bain thereon c-rceted." ('\u25a0?khlorchard: situated illRntler twp . P.ntlor countv.Pa., adjoining But lor borough on the south, willbe sold cheap and on ea,y terms. For particu-lars inquire of Lev McQuistion, Esq., Butler, Pa.

'FARM FOR SALE.The undersigned desires to tell ! is firm, locat-ed in the Bald ltidge oil distrii t, Adums town-

I ship, Butler county. Pa., containing

ONE HUNDRED AND ONE ACRESof land, a'l cleared hut about twenty live .-areswhich is in good' young timber." There arethiee never-tailing springs of good water.l!ood llou-cs and B.irus with a splendid youngorchard. Near to churches and schools, andwithin live minutes walk of Marshall Stationon the P. »<: W. railroad. For particulars in-quire of the undersigned livingon the premises.

CHRIST. BAM.HORBT, 8K?feb. 27~tt Mars P. t>,



Particular attention given to the Retracing olold lines. Address,B. F. llll.l*l\ ltl».Co. Surveyor

North jHope P. ()., Butler Co., Pa.8,5,81.1 y

John L. Jones, Auctioneer'BIJTI.ER, I*\.

All orders will receive promptattention.

ft; ,1m

?ji unty Auctioneer,JAMES R. K2ARNS,

ItITI,KR,PKXVA.Is prepared to serve the publicof this sectionat vendues, etc. Having had many ycais olexperience lie can guirintee perfect satisfactionat rates that will suit all. L"ave word til thisoffice. 0,5,84 ly


Bricklayer and Contractor.Estimates given on contract work. Resi-

dence, Washington street, north end, Butler.Pa. « jan'i.ly.

PLABTERIN C-r-Tlie undersigned Intends to remove to ltutleron

thi' lsi of April next, aud hereby informs all per-sons, that he will be prompt m executing anywork that may be entrusted to his care.

STUCCO ANO MASTICWork executed In the best and most satisfactorymanner, (Jive me a call.

jan3o It. .fOMKPH B. I'IZKH.

,T. H. Harvey,H is opened a paiut shop iuREIBF.Ii'S BLOCK,on Jrffersou Street, Butler, Pa? whero he is

prepared to do all kinds ol

HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING,P.ipciing and Calsoniinlng, banging windowblinds, etc. And, also keeps on hands

Wall Papers itiitl ItorderM,Paints uiml llriiMliOM,

l*n I tics, and Wiiulow («IH>H.

|all sizes cut lo order. |

I res pectin IU solicit t -h'.re ol the public pat-ronage. J. H. 11ABVKV.

3,5,84 ,0m

1884. WALLPAPER, 1884,New Design.'- 111 \iall and < eiling Paper lor dwelllugs, offices, halls and clntrches. A large and we||selected iiiuiof

DECORATIONSfor ceilings and walls. Brown back paper fromH els. up, white back paper from to cts. up. Clltsfrom 21", cts. up,

WINDOW SHADESAnd Decorations a Specialty at

H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler, Pa.2(12..win

Butler's New DepartureFor Piano*, Organs, Violins ami other Musi,

eal Instruments, eall tlie


'Kleber Bros. & Stauffer,Main Street, ltutler. Pa.

Sheet Music and Music Book* alwjys oil iiiuid,or furni.slied to order. Orders for Piano andOrgan tuning and repairing promptly attendpJ

to L»y John K. Kyth of Pit<?bi>rgb, PH.Nov. M, '^:,':liii.

Hard Wood Furniturelor sale at extremely low tlgurcs, A great

variety of Beds, Tallies, Chairs, Children*'Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Kxtra Heavy AnnRockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlor TablesBureaus, Stands, Double aud Single l,oungcs,

Spring Maltrc.-tcs, <tc., &e., at

WM. F. MILLER'S,.\oltl4 Main NU'i'ef,




Also lr«sotis in s.uiie given by ANNIK M.

LOWMAN, North ftrect, Butler, Pa.JneUOly

K X Jr» OS X T 11J NVisitors should not fnil to call and extpuini.

the largest and Itnest stock of imported andDomestic Liquors iu the State, at

Wax litoin. Stt Federal SlreeiAllegheny City, I'a. Opposite Fort WaynePassenger Depot.

I-ST Advertise in thr» TitiAKN