Hello, I’m Jedi Master Tim & this is the planet where we make Jedi Lightsabers . Just so you know I’m the brains of these operations & I hold the plans on how to makes these beauties & I’ll be narrating our tour today!!!

But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our Incinerator

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Hello, I’m Jedi Master Tim & this is the planet where we make Jedi Lightsabers . Just so you know I’m the brains of these operations & I hold the plans on how to makes these beauties & I’ll be narrating our tour today!!!. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Hello, I’m Jedi Master Tim & this is the planet where we make Jedi Lightsabers. Just so you know I’m the brains of these operations & I hold the plans on how to makes these beauties & I’ll be narrating our tour today!!!

Page 2: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

So, you’re probably wondering who makes the Lightsabers, well it’s these guys, the Jedi Artisans!!!!

Page 3: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Any who, the guy who chooses who can make the Lightsabers is this guy, the Chief Jedi Artisan, Jedi Harry!!!

Page 4: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

So, if you wanted to know, we power our planet by using heat from the core of our planet to power our Power Generators, like this one!!!

Page 5: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Anyway, back to the Lightsabers, after the Artisans make them they are sent to the Space Ship Shipping Center in Cool, Special Floaty Carts!!!

Page 6: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Once at the Space Ship Shipping Canter, the good Lightsabers are packaged & shipped throughout the universe………..

Page 7: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our Incinerator.

Page 8: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Oh ya, to get off the planet the ships have to pass through the Planet Shield, which is clear & kind of hard to see & only lets authorized ships off or onto the planet!!

Page 9: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Wait, one last thing, the Lightsabers that aren’t shipping right away are stored in Warehouses!!!!

Page 10: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Well, that’s all folks, hope you enjoyed the ride, oh and may the force be with you!!!

Page 11: But, the defective Lightsabers are taken to be burned up in our  Incinerator

Sorry, almost forgot to mention how all this relates to cells, well……

Mitochondria = Power GeneratorsRibosomes = Jedi ArtisansNucleus = Jedi Master Tim Endoplasmic Reticulum = Cool, Special Floaty CartsGolgi Apparatus = Space Ship Shipping CenterProtein = Lightsabers Cell Membrane = Planet Shield Lysosomes = Incinerator Nucleolus = Chief Jedi Artisan, Jedi HarryVacuole = Warehouses

Oh and David Defer made this whole thing, so why don’t you give him a round of applause!!!