K fti JURNAL i p 0 J t f C- oC i r 7 PE iS Cp SA f PAVMORtlJNG F h h I e S f q s S w 1 S r M r TiE JUHQ SL < < < > < + = VIGOBOUS HALE AND HEARTY AT 95 l Conch Daughter of the American Revolution Attended Camp Meet- Ing The Graad Old Lady Ascribes j tier Great Activity and Splendid Health to the Dally and Regular Use of Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey It Keeps My Appetite and Diges- tion Good and I Sleep Well For tho past four I have used Whiskey as a stimulant and medicine a in a little water several times a for weak ness It keeps jny appetite and digestion am ia my camp meeting this summer MRS Manchester Conn Sept 231VCH DUFFYS PURE MALT WHISKEY i and attended the good hale active alert MRS LYDIA COUCH j jj bearty old men and women many of whom have the century mark have been sustained comforted supported and enabled to the blessings of a healthy old the uso Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey It is recommended by ministers ot the doctors as most nourishing purest healthgiving tonic stimulant and invigorator known to medicine It circu orgonof the body in a strong healthy conditivn so as to r It is freo from fusel oil and is tho only whiskey recognized by the Government Duffy is the cure and proven and all bowel and reliable druggists and grocers every 27 where 1 a bottle QJ BEWARE of imitations and i substitutes They are positively harm V- ful and ire by un V Scrupulous dealers Look for the trade k the Old Chemist on the label and be certain the seal over the cork is unbroken Pictorial medical booklet free Malt Whiskey Co Rochester New York EUGENE ARBONA DISTRIBUTOR PENSACOLA FLA Xi N m enso uc one 0 e- C XS few living Daughters of the American ri es aUon up the weak and nQrns and tlmlei and every the i Vu Co a Iu g tIe ot consumptIOn pneumonia DU 1r n tho throat ind lung troubles i f f I s the of Irs and cl decayed keeps re1st j 4 T stonaeh or l1i tj < > > = << << ITALIAN CRUISER DOGALI WAS LAUNCHED YESTERDAY I tj t VESSEL CAME UP TO THE CITY AND MANY OF THE OFFICERS AND MEN WERE GIVEN SHORE LIBERTY The Italian crnlser Dogall wTiich has boon on the Spanish dry dock for past few days was successfully launched yesterday Tho1 crulsen taken in the former Spanish dry dock and remained there until she was placed in thorough condition which included the overhauling of the ma chinery and scraping and painting the While it has not been omclally stat- ed or publicly known the purpose of the visit of the cruiser was none other than to go into the cry dock here as the one at New Orleans where the vessel remained for several days was deemed unsafe and the department at Washington preferred that in granting permission to the foreigner- to use an American naval dock that the one at Pensacola be used As as she was launched the Picture Yourself A hot Sunday mer- cury registering about 90 in the shade Noth- ing to place to inclination for anything except to Take Life Easy a nice big refrigerator fined vrlth good clean z pure Ice and all round K this Ice bottles of g Red Heart Beer ice cold and just as Inviting as anything can be that is Life Lewis Agents I was soon 1 7 Z t E HM Itt I t to t i f dono I gono if- j ji i- t i Then 1 It if 1 f it x I iEo c I- o f i u t 4 the I 1 1 hull- S 1 1 1 I 1i L F 7 tl II L I t s t I picture I a5 i 1 I- S S 4 S I Bear- S S S r a 2 ¬ ¬ > war ship came up to the city and dropped anchor oft wharf where Will remain until her bunk- ers ave filled with coal During yes- terday afternoon a large number of the were ashore and werq entertained by the Italian resi- dents of the city It Is expected tHat cruiser will from PensaCOla for Washington Sunday night or Monday morning as she Js due Washington at an early date Tie lasative effect of Chamberlains stomach and Liver Tablets Is so and so natural that you do not realize itis the effect of a medicine For sale by all druggists AMONG THE ESKIMOS I BKaBiIanshter la Not Uncommon Polygamy la Rare Manslaughter Is by no means uncom mon among the Eskimo heathen na- tives according to Professor Erlksen but invariably leads to a kind of ven detta between the relatives of the mur- derer and those ot the murdered per con Again IT a young married man or his wife dies the surviving party bas right to kill the small children should he or she not be in t position- to guarantee their maintenance Aged persons on the other hand are Tvill Ingly supported by their relatives Children are never beaten or punished- no matter bow badly they behave explain this custom by say Ing that the jchlldren have no power ot understanding and therefore have no Idea of wrong and punishment Polygamy Is unusual S3 there Is a scarcity of Eskimo women In spite of this however the professor met several men who had two wives The exchange wives is very frequent j jyivesmust obey their husbands oth- erwise they are beaten Husbands maintain that their wives must be beaten several times annually to pre vent their desire for supremacy in the household from becoming too persist- ent OLIVE OIL The Method liy IVbJefc It In Made O- BTasciin Farms The and all are fir crushed n stphe mill run by or pow cr TIle mass pt pulp Is then traust- erreU In flat baskets to pr cwVen press from whlcb the oil oQisa into a vat below The presses JDtJovole are very old elabo lately carved wIth the arms and do tlcea ot some early padrone Tremen pressure IB applied through a capstan arrangement which the men work by heavy wooden levers and round oh the stone floor in a track much worn by the of laboring generations There are two or three squeezing JiieJ2uJp ti e product o the first be- ing ot the finest quality But the proc r once begjbn xmist be carried tor wHrd continuously lest the oil should spoil In tbesjaklnff It la finally drawn cfC into uge jars of Immemo- rial pattern those in which the forty Thieves tof the Arabian tale con- cealed themselves for nefarious pur- ppses And It stands for a weeK IB the adjoining ciearins room called atter which It Is ready Life on a Tu- stusXgrkfXi SaHIran in sb n th i agree- able I f The- E dnos oUy stones Jt the nlklng round tread com Qlly Ike thus e o l f c I Pal fox sail S h and the cons earthen othe rkctFrom ib ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < < DE4D ii MISSOURI V r NEW LAW PROHIBITING RACE TRACK GAMBLINGWENT INTQ EFFECT FRIDAY St June 15 When Judge Edward Magm tolled the bOll at the historic fair grounds track at the elusion of the sixth race today squnded the knell of the racing game In Missouri j Todar the breeders law under which betting on the races has legally conducted in Missouri since 1897 became and the sta tute passed by the last legislature making race trade gambling a felony went into effect Not only will it be illegal for Mis sourians to bet upon races Tun with In the state but it will be a penlteA- tiary offense for them to make wages on races run outside of the state The effect ot the new law can bet be judged when It is stated that over 4 514000000 was wagered at the four St Louis tracks durIng the racing season of 1904 Of this vast amount tatlstics show that fully onehalf went into the pockets of the book makers and track owners j In SL Louis Cella Titles and Adler known us the Big Three who con- trol the Fair Grounds arid Kinloch tracks have become multf millionaires within a tew years Ten years ago Louis Celia then known fcs saloonkeeper was a poor man Today his wealth is timated at 500000 Ben Adler j and C A Tilles his partners arc equally as rich i From a Celia became bookmaker in the notorious pool j ley which was permitted to run wide open in the heart of the St Louis business district early in the nine tiesPublic sentiment finally became so strong however that the police were forced to raid place It was then that Celia became interested the old i Soutk Side electric light track where races were run it night Later he asscociated with Adler and Tilles and when midnight racing was forced out of business they secured the of the breeders law oM 0 I con hat i letter saloon 1st a I th I I RLU1N61S1OW been d a the pas- sage ¬ > ¬ inder this protection from 1897 until 1904 the Big Three had a monopoly on St Louis racing Then Patrick Carmody built the Union track and declared war upon the Western Jockey Tbe venture was a failure and the plant went into the hands of a receiver at the close of the first season This spring the properly was sold at auction and was bought fai by Car mody who was hacked y Edward Corrigan and new Panama track at New Orleans th The track has been operated season In opposition to the Western Jockey club and ag result botbj places have maintained free gates Like Louis Cells Barney Schreifcer probably the best known turfman in the west owes his fortunes tothe Si Louis tracks He has the distinction of haying run a 20 bUl up 16 1000 000 in the bettingring In 1885 Schrelber a gro- cery wagon In South St Louis and was getting 20 a month for his work He was an unsophisticated bOy and when the electric light track was started was a cinch for the touts Be- fore making the Wiling which made him famous was the victim of some ludicrous jokes Upon his first visit to the races a tout advised Schreiber to play a cer- tain horse hoUr ways The tout stood beside Scheiber when the bar rier flew up Frightened by the flap ping net the horse carrying Barneya money wheeled and ooltejl in the OLD AGE Comes to Everyone But Its Visit May Be Postponed Old age is hot a question of years Some men are old at forty others are young at sixty Its a mighty proposition to look young no matter how young you feel It your hair is falling out and your head becoming Perhaps you are tired trying Inef- fectual remedies tor this evil We dont blame you if you are not try an effective one for a change Newbros Herpicide kills the Dan- druff is the cause of the whole trouble Destroy the catise youremove the effect Sold by W A druggist apothecary 121 South Palafox street Pensacola Fla Send lOc in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co Detroit lich LEMPS Beer needs no words of recocamenda tion and praise before the public A beverage as brewed firm Is like TJ B people lake it because they know It Is an Excellentan- d genuine article and that like pure air and nutritive food 4t ia ben- eficial to health Because the beer of the Hotbrauerer in Munich Is de- licious men womea and children are f sen waiting io hours to be aerveJ because the of not equal to tie dernajid Even sa with Lemps product Locatedat St Louis he established oae of the largest breweres In the world and every year the capacity bastOibe increased N Gold 11 I was drivIng germwhich an by ext i 1 sup Beer- I j t j 1 gl 1 lit f i z aId ffr1r- i S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ HURRAH FOR BLISS But I will be there and dont you forget it on Saturday June 10 and Monday June 12 with m few specials at W E nowtiero else g I will make things lively here these two days as I am overstocked on the followinggoods and will close regardless of cost All friends invited to department store i just to swell the crowd even if you do not buy H Here TKey Down Down Down arc G S i BRA WNER Sa- nd 250 Mens Linen Crash Suits 50J vaues for 248 175 pair Mens Check Linen Tnius ers 200 value 125 One lot of Mens Single Check Lla en Coats and Vests value 250 at 169 Choice of 200 pairs of lens Forney Pants former value 250 for pairAny Suit In the store at a reduction of 30 per cent V All my Mens Overalls and Jumpers at New York few cases of Mens Shoes former 25 dozen Mens Negligee Skirts worth 75c your choice 48c each OOOO a 3 t- n a d X6 value 2O now 195 paIr t H o S cost- A S iS SS S > > > > F E BRA WNER 103 and 105 S Palfox St Agntfor Standard Patterns a C wrong direction The tout started to console Schreiber on his hard luck when he was dumfounded to see his victim dancing around in delight Whats the matter are you crazy demanded the tout Dont you see that you have lost your money I dont see how replied Schreiber didnt I play him both ways j While the St Louis tracks have made a few wealthy the police re- cords show that a large percentage of the crimes and suicides in this city are directly attributable to money lost in the betting Found Cure for Dyspepsia Mrs S Lindsay of Fort William Ontario Canada wfto has suffered quite a number of years from dyspep- sia great pains in the stomach was advised by her druggist to take Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets She did so and says I find that they have done me a great deal of good I have never had any suf- fering since I began using them If troubled with dyspepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets get well and stay well For sale by all drug- gists I MEMORIAL SERVICE j There will be memorial services of the Odd Fellows Sunday afternoon at 330 at Rafford Hall on Garden St All members visiting brothers and Rebekah Sisters are cor- dially invited to be present ENGLISH ROYAL VETO- It X Practically Extinct Not Bavins Used Sine 17OS The earliest mention of the exercise- of the royal veto was King Hen- ry V shortly after the victory of Agincourt said Le roy savisera the king consider it to a petition of parliament against the transferring Gf suits at common law Into chancery Many instances are mentioned dur- ing succeeding reigns until that of Queen Anne who is responsible for the latest exercise of this very Interesting power in refusing the sovereigns as sent to the bill for settling the militia of Scotland passed by the lords and the commons on March This is recorded In the journals of the house of lords Since 1708 the veto has never been used though there was a threatened exercise ot royal power of rejection toward the close of the reign of Georges III and also by Queen Victoria in 1S58 Mr Bagehot considered that this poW er is extinct and added that Queen Victoria sign her own death war rant If both houses present It for her signature London Standard The Uoe of Xbfortune Pain Is a tonic Sorrow often brings out the best there Is Hap- piness does not develop Character It gives It surface brightness and decks it with prismatic bubbles It takes the deep reaching arm of misfortune trouble the depths and bringpat the pearls that lie there The most faces are lined by thought and noble care Strong unselfish love den If misplaced and unappreciated en- nobles the lover It Is the frlvolqos vanity born emotions that fritter fisracter and make faces insignificant to fill In high aim after earnest and honest effort is not failure The gain it brings In strength and discipline ivfil appear In other directions Misfortune has often In the history of thFrtrortd- beenvthe means of making a poet ora- tor philanthropist scientist or states- man out of a person whose careart t misfortune or physical disabni ty Would save been commonptece jm- InSoencelialted Medical TaUt I a and oclock sharp I Bee when win 17 lias 1ust soul Inns forth II h ring- S i mag- netic 4 55 S 5 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < my Mens 15c Socks now lOc pair A big lot of Boys Pants at 25c pair worth double Balance of Mens Sample as advertised at 15e each Come eaj ly for these v A few dozen Night Shirts usually sold at 50c and 75c at 39c each LADIES LIST- I will close out a lot of remnants of Lawn 15c 20c and 25c lOc per yard- A few dozen Ladies fine Lisle Thread 50e per pair Choice ofLadlesTailor Made Lin- en Suits at l stilt These are i iMM H- All 3 for 25c w Hats at hose it 25 per bargal s- v tens quallty great > < < > > V liifJ- I THE BEAUTY OF IT Tie Best Liqueur Society men and women Icnbw that Underberg Bit- ters is not only delicious but adds to beauty oy toning the system Thats the Beauty of it A sip before meals gives an appetite arid makes good digestion A delicious drink at any time E ior Me u B cacUxH tad bete for you 6000000 bottles imported to I the United States BOTTLZD OKLT T- rtarABresMRfefafenOaa r since il5- WJYTIES BROTHERS jttau XewYork N COLORING Dist7ibuter for Pensaeola Underbel1 Bitt r Boo ekam i I S ffotd C RgSaU T ¬ = Summer Beds and Bedding A real white Iron Bed or a Delicate shade of pink or green if you wish A fine pair of springs and a good felt mattress Make Hot Nights Comfortable 250 Mattresses 250 to 1500 MARSTQN QUJNA 08 nO S Palafox St Phone H8 Pensacola Fia L u mt mmIm m II m l mm m u I i 1- ft HI t If I Iron Beds 350 to 1OOO i f J II J 1111 lUlU t mum m m Un f 11 m J I g t S S Spthigs jZVoTe Wire I I JJ < = WE HANDLE THE THREE BEST THINGS IN THE WORLD Wolverine Enginesf- Racyclc r Regal Shoe LAUNCHES AND BICYCLES FOR- t RENT GENERAL LINE OF SPORTING GOODS WE EQUIP FISHING AND HUNTING PARTIES King RunyanG- ULF CITY Gleaning Dye Works MEMBERSHIP RATES 100 PER MONTH Ia4iesand Gents Clothing cleaned aad rejxireC Gboas eaUad for ad deUvired w J prop Phone Ho 163 Pensacela Fla sgsEAJIt ABE 1a1OE Goyemmcrit t- oi 1 p dye A S S < + > = < Look lot ot Ladles anti childrens on sale Fine 15 jmd Voiles in all colors at lOc per yard Lace and Window Shades- at astounding prices Summer Skirts and Ladies fine Un derwear on center table See them All remnants of Swiss Voiles Toile duNoirds at half price 15c Lawns of all kinds at Sc per yard Plenty of other Items for these two too numerous Come with yoar friends Everybody welcome Watch this a surprise on Friday June 16th over the Shoos 20 French Curtains space for I o V o S 5 ¬ >> > >> Blue Ribbon r equaL Sold everywhere Wines Ho 331 SOdfrf PALAFOX S- Tifiifil S 1 f 1fI 1 Beer haS rl Wh lere DiSibut r p 1 t a4 i I l c i r oj f A s- oi B JM Si 4 1ji1In- i M r j 1 9 t 1 i Bottle sJA Friedman Mptei S PiON17L cAl S tri i rCY- T1HLN4UELANLKIiJ4 ID5 4 fj + < < CENTRAL TRADES COUNCIL There will be a meeting of this body on the first and third Wedne- sdays of each month at 730 p m delegates are requested to be pre- sent Z W ROBERTS- W L DELAY President Secrefary Bengacola Lodse No 3 K of r meets every Monday evening at SCI oclock their Hall Blcu Watson building corner Palafox and Garden streets Visiting brethren co- rdially welcomed H C VON WERDER C C H HORSLER K ot R S Rathbone Lo lse Na 30 K ot P aectc erer Thursday evoaing at SSS oclock In their Castit hall third floor Stout Watson building soaii west corner Palafor ts Garden streets Vaitin kclghta el cordially welcomed E CERUTI C C C J Levy K of R 3 Knights of Columbus Meetings of til Knights of Co nla are held at their haJ No 8 West Intecdo cia street on every Monday evening tt 730 oclock An ic- vitation is eitenfcj to visiting Knights JOHN B JOXES EDM FOX Grand Knight Recorder Pensacola Lodge No 4 I 0 0 F Pensacola Lodge No L 00 meets every Thursday eveaas 7 at the new hall on West Uaricrf street Vlsitlags brethren card t Invited N A NEILSOX N G B IL WITKOVSKI Secretary REBEKAH SISTERS Naomi Lodge No 10 Rebekaa SI- Sters oeets every Monday nght t 8 oclok la L O O F HalL Vj- iItlng sisters cordially Invited to e present MISS NECTA M ELLIOTT MISS FREEMAN Secretary wow Live Oak Camp No X W O W meets in Pythian Hall 1st and 3rf- Wednesdays la each month Visitia- jsoTettlgns coidially Invited P A BOGHICH C JEESTfrR E BROOo Clerk Excelsior Encampment I 0 0 Ft Excelsior Encampment No i aeca on aecoad and fourth vednesdays si- LO O F Hall on West Btr Visiting patriarch InviteiL T G STINSON JOHN WILLOCK Scribe Chief Patrlarca Joppa Lodge N 6 i O O F Joppa Lodge Ko fc I O 0 It moots every Tuesday evening at 19- ecloct at Bafforo West Gani- attreet VisIting brethren cordially a vlted H JlTOD N G jCvL SMITH Sec Oalt Grove Lodge No 4 Wootoest Circle meets every at 3 j a visiting sovereign cordially MBS If B OLSEN LTLLE3 BRANUM Guardian Clerk M E B A No Si meets firs aii third Wednesday eyedlng at 733 f Rafford Hall No 10 West Inie- dencla Street A a FELL Pres j i Sv ENEYec Get the fcabU The JouroaT Want Ads DIRECTORY 1 C t B i it t c Gar I USday IlL r fIt ad p S KQP C SS 5 far- ed ¬ ¬ <

But dont June and June W E BRAWNER with fewspecialschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1905-06-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · K fti JURNAL i p 0 J t f C-oC i r 7 PE iS Cp SA f PAVMORtlJNG

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Page 1: But dont June and June W E BRAWNER with fewspecialschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1905-06-17/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · K fti JURNAL i p 0 J t f C-oC i r 7 PE iS Cp SA f PAVMORtlJNG

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AND HEARTY AT 95lConch Daughter of the AmericanRevolution Attended Camp Meet-Ing The Graad Old Lady Ascribes j

tier Great Activity and SplendidHealth to the Dally and RegularUse of Duffys Pure Malt WhiskeyIt Keeps My Appetite and Diges-

tion Good and I Sleep WellFor tho past four I have used

Whiskey as a stimulantand medicine a in alittle water several times a for weakness It keeps jny appetite and digestion

am ia mycamp

meeting this summer MRSManchester Conn Sept 231VCH



and attended thegood

hale active alertMRS LYDIA COUCH j jj bearty old men and women many of

whom have the century mark have been sustained comfortedsupported and enabled to the blessings of a healthy old the

uso Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey It is recommended by ministersot the doctors as most nourishing purest healthgiving tonicstimulant and invigorator known to medicine It circu

orgonof the body in a strong healthy conditivn so as tor It is freo from fusel oil and is thoonly whiskey recognized by the Government

Duffy is the cure and proven

and all bowel andreliable druggists and grocers every 27

where 1 a bottle QJ

BEWARE of imitations and isubstitutes They are positively harm V-

ful and ire by un VScrupulous dealers Look for the trade k

the Old Chemist on the labeland be certain the seal over the cork isunbroken Pictorial medical booklet free

Malt Whiskey Co RochesterNew York


Xi N m enso uc one 0 e-

C XS few living Daughters of the American

ri esaUon up the weak and nQrns and tlmlei and every


iVu Co

a Iu gtIe ot consumptIOn pneumonia

DU 1r n tho throatind lung troubles

if f


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cldecayed keeps





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The Italian crnlser Dogall wTiichhas boon on the Spanish dry dock for

past few days was successfullylaunched yesterday Tho1 crulsentaken in the former Spanish dry dockand remained there until she wasplaced in thorough condition whichincluded the overhauling of the machinery and scraping and paintingthe

While it has not been omclally stat-ed or publicly known the purpose ofthe visit of the cruiser was none otherthan to go into the cry dock here asthe one at New Orleans where thevessel remained for several days wasdeemed unsafe and the departmentat Washington preferred that ingranting permission to the foreigner-to use an American naval dock thatthe one at Pensacola be used

As as she was launched the


YourselfA hot Sunday mer-cury registering about90 in the shade Noth-ing to place to

inclination foranything except to

Take LifeEasy

a nicebig refrigeratorfined vrlth good clean zpure Ice and all round Kthis Ice bottles of g

Red HeartBeer

ice cold and just asInviting as anythingcan be that is Life







7 Z t E HMItt








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war ship came up to the city anddropped anchor oft wharfwhere Will remain until her bunk-ers ave filled with coal During yes-terday afternoon a large number ofthe were ashore andwerq entertained by the Italian resi-dents of the city

It Is expected tHat cruiser willfrom PensaCOla for Washington

Sunday night or Monday morning asshe Js due Washington at an earlydate

Tie lasative effect of Chamberlainsstomach and Liver Tablets Is so

and so natural that you do notrealize itis the effect of a medicineFor sale by all druggists

AMONG THE ESKIMOSI BKaBiIanshter la Not Uncommon

Polygamy la RareManslaughter Is by no means uncom

mon among the Eskimo heathen na-

tives according to Professor Erlksenbut invariably leads to a kind of vendetta between the relatives of the mur-derer and those ot the murdered percon Again IT a young married man orhis wife dies the surviving party bas

right to kill the small childrenshould he or she not be in t position-to guarantee their maintenance Agedpersons on the other hand are TvillIngly supported by their relativesChildren are never beaten or punished-no matter bow badly they behave

explain this custom by sayIng that the jchlldren have no power otunderstanding and therefore have noIdea of wrong and punishment

Polygamy Is unusual S3 there Is ascarcity of Eskimo women In spiteof this however the professor metseveral men who had two wives Theexchange wives is very frequent

j jyivesmust obey their husbands oth-

erwise they are beaten Husbandsmaintain that their wives must bebeaten several times annually to prevent their desire for supremacy in thehousehold from becoming too persist-ent


The Method liy IVbJefc It In Made O-BTasciin Farms

The and all are fircrushed n stphe mill run by or pow

cr TIle mass pt pulp Is then traust-erreU In flat baskets to

pr cwVen press from whlcbthe oil oQisa into a vat below Thepresses JDtJovole are very old elabolately carved wIth the arms and dotlcea ot some early padrone Tremen

pressure IB applied through acapstan arrangement which

the men work by heavy wooden leversand round oh the stone

floor in a track much worn by theof laboring generations There

are two or three squeezingJiieJ2uJp ti e product o the first be-

ing ot the finest quality But the procr once begjbn xmist be carried tor

wHrd continuously lest the oil shouldspoil In tbesjaklnff It la finally drawncfC into uge jars of Immemo-rial pattern those in which theforty Thieves tof the Arabian tale con-

cealed themselves for nefarious pur-ppses And It stands for a weeKIB the adjoining ciearins room called

atter which It Is readyLife on a Tu-

stusXgrkfXi SaHIran in








The-E dnos

oUy stonesJt


nlklng round

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St June 15 When JudgeEdward Magm tolled the bOll at thehistoric fair grounds track at theelusion of the sixth race todaysqunded the knell of the racing gameIn Missouri j

Todar the breeders law underwhich betting on the races haslegally conducted in Missouri since1897 became and the statute passed by the last legislaturemaking race trade gambling a felonywent into effect

Not only will it be illegal for Missourians to bet upon races Tun withIn the state but it will be a penlteA-tiary offense for them to make wageson races run outside of the state

The effect ot the new law can betbe judged when It is stated that over 4

514000000 was wagered at the fourSt Louis tracks durIng the racingseason of 1904 Of this vast amounttatlstics show that fully onehalfwent into the pockets of the bookmakers and track owners j

In SL Louis Cella Titles and Adlerknown us the Big Three who con-trol the Fair Grounds aridKinloch tracks have become multfmillionaires within a tew years

Ten years ago Louis Celia thenknown fcs saloonkeeperwas a poor man Today his wealth istimated at 500000 Ben Adler j

and C A Tilles his partners arcequally as rich i

From a Celia becamebookmaker in the notorious pool j

ley which was permitted to run wideopen in the heart of the St Louisbusiness district early in the ninetiesPublic

sentiment finally became sostrong however that the police wereforced to raid place It was thenthat Celia became interested the old i

Soutk Side electric light trackwhere races were run it night Laterhe asscociated with Adler and Tillesand when midnight racing was forcedout of business they secured the

of the breeders law







saloon 1st a







d a






inder this protection from 1897until 1904 the Big Three had amonopoly on St Louis racing ThenPatrick Carmody built the Uniontrack and declared war upon theWestern Jockey Tbe venturewas a failure and the plant went intothe hands of a receiver at the closeof the first season

This spring the properly was soldat auction and was bought fai by Carmody who was hacked y EdwardCorrigan and new Panama trackat New Orleans


The track has been operatedseason In opposition to the WesternJockey club and ag result botbjplaces have maintained free gates

Like Louis Cells Barney Schreifcerprobably the best known turfman inthe west owes his fortunes tothe SiLouis tracks He has the distinctionof haying run a 20 bUl up 16 1000000 in the bettingring

In 1885 Schrelber a gro-cery wagon In South St Louis andwas getting 20 a month for his workHe was an unsophisticated bOy andwhen the electric light track wasstarted was a cinch for the touts Be-fore making the Wiling which madehim famous was the victim ofsome ludicrous jokes

Upon his first visit to the races atout advised Schreiber to play a cer-tain horse hoUr ways The toutstood beside Scheiber when the barrier flew up Frightened by the flapping net the horse carrying Barneyamoney wheeled and ooltejl in the


Comes to Everyone But Its VisitMay Be Postponed

Old age is hot a question of yearsSome men are old at forty others

are young at sixtyIts a mighty proposition to

look young no matter how young youfeel It your hair is falling out andyour head becoming

Perhaps you are tired trying Inef-fectual remedies tor this evil

We dont blame you if you arenot try an effective one for a

changeNewbros Herpicide kills the Dan-

druff is the cause of thewhole trouble

Destroy the catise youremove theeffect

Sold by W A druggistapothecary 121 South Palafox

street Pensacola Fla Send lOc instamps for sample to The HerpicideCo Detroit lich

LEMPSBeer needs no words of recocamendation and praise before the public Abeverage as brewedfirm Is like TJ B peoplelake it because they know It Is an

Excellentan-d genuine article and that likepure air and nutritive food 4t ia ben-eficial to health Because the beerof the Hotbrauerer in Munich Is de-

licious men womea and children arefsen waiting io hours to be aerveJbecause the of

not equal to tie dernajid Even sawith Lemps product Locatedat StLouis he established oae of the largestbreweres In the world and everyyear the capacity bastOibe increased

N Gold



was drivIng



by ext




Beer-I j



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HURRAH FOR BLISSBut I will be there and dontyou forget it on

Saturday June 10 and Monday June 12with m few specials at

W Enowtiero else g

I will make things lively here these two days as I am overstocked on the followinggoods and will closeregardless of cost All friends invited to department store i

just to swell the crowd even if you do not buy H

Here TKey Down Down Down



S i


250 Mens Linen Crash Suits 50Jvaues for 248

175 pair Mens Check Linen Tniusers 200 value 125

One lot of Mens Single Check Llaen Coats and Vests value 250 at169Choice of 200 pairs of lens Forney

Pants former value 250 for

pairAny Suit In the store at a reductionof 30 per cent VAll my Mens Overalls and Jumpers atNew York

few cases of Mens Shoes former

25 dozen Mens Negligee Skirtsworth 75c your choice 48c each

OOOO a 3 t-n a d


value 2O now 195 paIr t

H o




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F E BRA WNER103 and 105 S Palfox St Agntfor Standard Patterns

a C

wrong direction The tout started toconsole Schreiber on his hard luckwhen he was dumfounded to see hisvictim dancing around in delight

Whats the matter are youcrazy demanded the tout Dont yousee that you have lost your money

I dont see how replied Schreiberdidnt I play him both ways j

While the St Louis tracks havemade a few wealthy the police re-

cords show that a large percentageof the crimes and suicides in this cityare directly attributable to moneylost in the betting

Found Cure for DyspepsiaMrs S Lindsay of Fort William

Ontario Canada wfto has sufferedquite a number of years from dyspep-sia great pains in the stomachwas advised by her druggist to takeChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets She did so and says I findthat they have done me a great dealof good I have never had any suf-fering since I began using them Iftroubled with dyspepsia or indigestionwhy not take these Tablets get welland stay well For sale by all drug-gists I


There will be memorial services ofthe Odd Fellows Sunday afternoon at330 at Rafford Hall onGarden St All members visitingbrothers and Rebekah Sisters are cor-dially invited to be present


It X Practically Extinct Not BavinsUsed Sine 17OS

The earliest mention of the exercise-of the royal veto was King Hen-ry V shortly after the victory ofAgincourt said Le roy saviserathe king consider it to a petition

of parliament against the transferringGf suits at common law Into chancery

Many instances are mentioned dur-ing succeeding reigns until that ofQueen Anne who is responsible for thelatest exercise of this very Interestingpower in refusing the sovereigns assent to the bill for settling the militiaof Scotland passed by the lords andthe commons on March Thisis recorded In the journals of the houseof lords

Since 1708 the veto has never beenused though there was a threatenedexercise ot royal power of rejectiontoward the close of the reign of GeorgesIII and also by Queen Victoria in 1S58Mr Bagehot considered that this poWer is extinct and added that QueenVictoria sign her own death warrant If both houses present It for hersignature London Standard

The Uoe of XbfortunePain Is a tonic Sorrow often

brings out the best there Is Hap-piness does not develop Character Itgives It surface brightness and decks itwith prismatic bubbles It takes thedeep reaching arm of misfortunetrouble the depths and bringpat thepearls that lie there The most

faces are lined by thought andnoble care Strong unselfish love denIf misplaced and unappreciated en-nobles the lover It Is the frlvolqosvanity born emotions that fritterfisracter and make faces insignificantto fill In high aim after earnest andhonest effort is not failure The gainit brings In strength and discipline ivfilappear In other directions Misfortunehas often In the history of thFrtrortd-beenvthe means of making a poet ora-tor philanthropist scientist or states-man out of a person whose careart t

misfortune or physical disabnity Would save been commonptece jm-InSoencelialted Medical TaUt




oclock sharp I




17 lias





















my Mens 15c Socks now lOcpair

A big lot of Boys Pants at 25c pairworth double

Balance of Mens Sampleas advertised at 15e each Come eajly for these v

A few dozen Night Shirtsusually sold at 50c and 75c at 39c each

LADIES LIST-I will close out a lot of remnants of

Lawn 15c 20c and 25c lOcper yard-

A few dozen Ladies fine LisleThread 50e per pair

Choice ofLadlesTailor Made Lin-en Suits at l stilt These are

i iMM H-

All3 for 25c

w Hats


hose it 25

perbargal s-






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THE BEAUTY OF ITTie Best Liqueur

Society men and women Icnbwthat Underberg Bit-ters is not only delicious but addsto beauty oy toning the systemThats the Beauty of it A sipbefore meals gives an appetite arid

makes good digestionA delicious drink at any timeE ior Me u B cacUxH tad bete for you

6000000 bottles imported toI the United States


rtarABresMRfefafenOaa rsince il5-


N COLORING Dist7ibuter for Pensaeola


Bitt rBoo ekam



Sffotd C RgSaU




Summer Beds and BeddingA real white Iron Bed or a Delicate shade of pink orgreen if you wish A fine pair of springs and a goodfelt mattress

Make Hot Nights Comfortable250 Mattresses 250 to 1500

MARSTQN QUJNA08 nO S Palafox St Phone H8 Pensacola Fia


u mt mmIm m II m l mm m u

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tIf I

Iron Beds 350 to 1OOO


fJ II J 1111 lUlU t mum m m Un f 11 m J I




Spthigs jZVoTe Wire





Wolverine Enginesf-Racyclc




King RunyanG-


Gleaning DyeWorks


Ia4iesand Gents Clothing cleanedaad rejxireC Gboas eaUad for

ad deUviredw J prop

Phone Ho 163 Pensacela Fla


ABE1a1OE Goyemmcrit


oi 1









Look lot ot Ladles antichildrens on sale

Fine 15 jmd Voiles in allcolors at lOc per yard

Lace and Window Shades-at astounding prices

Summer Skirts and Ladies fine Underwear on center table See them

All remnants of Swiss Voiles ToileduNoirds at half price

15c Lawns of all kinds at Sc peryard

Plenty of other Items for these twotoo numerous Come with yoar

friends Everybody welcomeWatch this a surprise on

Friday June 16th

over theShoos

20 French


space for

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Blue Ribbonr

equaLSold everywhere


Ho 331 SOdfrf PALAFOX S-

Tifiifil S

1 f1fI1

BeerhaS rl

Wh lere DiSibut rp1t a4 i



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There will be a meeting of thisbody on the first and third Wedne-sdays of each month at 730 p mdelegates are requested to be pre-sent Z W ROBERTS-W L DELAY President


Bengacola Lodse No 3 K of rmeets every Monday evening at SCIoclock their Hall BlcuWatson building corner Palafox andGarden streets Visiting brethren co-rdially welcomed


Rathbone Lo lse Na30 K ot P aectc ererThursday evoaing at SSS

oclock In their Castithall third floor StoutWatson building soaiiwest corner Palafor ts

Garden streets Vaitin kclghta elcordially welcomed

E CERUTI C CC J Levy K of R 3

Knights of ColumbusMeetings of til

Knights of Co nlaare held at their haJNo 8 West Intecdocia street on everyMonday evening tt730 oclock An ic-

vitation is eitenfcjto visiting Knights



Pensacola Lodge No 4 I 0 0 FPensacola Lodge No L 0 0

meets every Thursday eveaas 7

at the new hall on West Uaricrfstreet Vlsitlags brethren card t



REBEKAH SISTERSNaomi Lodge No 10 Rebekaa SI-

Sters oeets every Monday nght t8 oclok la L O O F HalL Vj-iItlng sisters cordially Invited to epresent MISS NECTA M ELLIOTTMISS FREEMAN Secretary

wowLive Oak Camp No X W O W

meets in Pythian Hall 1st and 3rf-

Wednesdays la each month Visitia-jsoTettlgns coidially Invited



Excelsior Encampment I 0 0 FtExcelsior Encampment No i aeca

on aecoad and fourth vednesdays si-

L O O F Hall on WestBtr Visiting patriarch InviteiL


Chief PatrlarcaJoppa Lodge N 6 i O O F

Joppa Lodge Ko fc I O 0 Itmoots every Tuesday evening at 19-

ecloct at Bafforo West Gani-attreet VisIting brethren cordially a

vlted H JlTOD N G


Oalt Grove Lodge No 4 WootoestCircle meets every at 3 ja visiting sovereign cordially



M E B A No Si meets firs aiithird Wednesday eyedlng at 733 f

Rafford Hall No 10 West Inie-

dencla StreetA a FELL Presj i Sv ENEYec

Get the fcabU The JouroaTWant Ads



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