BusinessObjects XIR2 Supplement

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  • 7/27/2019 BusinessObjects XIR2 Supplement


  • 7/27/2019 BusinessObjects XIR2 Supplement


    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates


    INTRODUCTION............................................................................................ 3BUSINESSOBJECTS ENTERPRISE XIRELEASE 2...........................................3

    BusinessObjects 5.x/6.x to XI Release 2 Migration Guide ..........................3Correction 1 ..................................................................................................... 3Correction 2 ..................................................................................................... 3

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Administrators Guide...............4Correction 1 ..................................................................................................... 4Correction 2 ..................................................................................................... 4

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide ......................5Correction 1 ..................................................................................................... 5Correction 2 ..................................................................................................... 5Correction 3 ..................................................................................................... 6Correction 4 ..................................................................................................... 6Correction 5 ..................................................................................................... 7Correction 6 ..................................................................................................... 7Correction 7 ..................................................................................................... 8Correction 8 ..................................................................................................... 8

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Auditors Guide .........................8Correction 1 ..................................................................................................... 8Correction 2 ..................................................................................................... 9

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Deployment and ConfigurationGuide..........................................................................................................10

    Correction 1 ................................................................................................... 10BUSINESSOBJECTS UNIVERSE DESIGNER XIRELEASE 2 ............................11

    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Designers Guide .......................................11Correction 1 ................................................................................................... 11

    BUSINESSOBJECTS WEB INTELLIGENCE XIRELEASE 2 ..............................12Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel guide....12

    Correction 1 ................................................................................................... 12FINDING MORE INFORMATION ....................................................................12

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  • 7/27/2019 BusinessObjects XIR2 Supplement


    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates


    Refer to the product and the file title of the associated documentation tolocate known errors that have been reported.

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2

    BusinessObjects 5.x/6.x to XI Release 2Migration Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    BusinessObjects 5.x/6.x to XI R2 Migration Guide

    File name:




    Search for the major heading, BusinessObjects document conversionon page 247 (5.x) or page 285 (6.x) of the PDF file. Or, search for the textfrom 5.1.6 through.

    Original text:

    ...From 5.1.6 through 5.1.9...


    ...From 6.0 through 6.5...

    Correction 2

    File title:

    BusinessObjects 5.x/6.x to XI R2 Migration Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 237 in the original release of


    Refer to page 257 in the original release ofxir2_mig_bo6_migration_en.pdf.

    Addi tion:

    ONAMES on OracleThe Import Wizard does not support Oracle systems that use ONAMESnaming servers. You must use TNSNAMES instead.

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    BusinessObjects Enterpr ise XI Release 2Administ rators Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Administrators Guide

    File name:



    Refer to the end of the "Common configurations" section in Chapter 6(Scaling Your System).

    Addi tion:

    Note: These are not the only supported configurations, rather some

    examples of common configurations. You can customize or expand yoursystem in different ways besides these common configurations. You canadd many more machines than six, or use any number of machinesbetween one and six. However, we recommend you first contactBusiness Objects Services to be sure your deployment configuration isofficially supported.

    Correction 2

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Administrators Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 47, second paragraph under the Web ComponentAdaptor (WCA) section.

    Original text:

    The WCA has two primary roles: It processes ASP.NET (.aspx) and Java Server Pages (.jsp) files It also supports Business Objects applications such as the CentralManagement Console (CMC) and Crystal report viewers (that areimplemented through viewrpt.aspx requests).


    The WCA supports Business Objects applications such as the CentralManagement Console (CMC) and Crystal report viewers (that areimplemented through viewrpt.aspx requests).

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    BusinessObjects Enterpr ise XI Release 2Installation Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    Setting up AD single sign-on

    File name:



    On page 273, click on index tab |S|AD authentication| Setting up ADsingle sign-on| Modifying the web.config file for AD single sign-on.

    Original text:

    Add the following lines to the block in theC:\Programs...\InfoView\Web.config


    The correction is:


    and then add the following line directly below:


    Addi tional Comments:

    The section incorrectly states that you can add the linesanywhere. Doing so will generate an error.

    Correction 2

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 150.

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    Original text:

    Note: For BusinessObjects Enterprise 5.x or 6.x, note that repositoriesare upgraded to the 6.5 format before being imported to BusinessObjectsEnterprise XI; once they have been upgraded to 6.5, you cannot accessthem with your original deployment.

    Correction:This statement should be removed.

    Addi tional Comments:

    For XI Release 2 RTM, this behavior changed because the Import Wizarddoes not migrate the repository to version 6.5. The statement is incorrectfor the RTM version of XI Release 2.

    Correction 3

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 42, step c. at the top of page, under the heading If youwant to use both the Java and IIS WCA:

    Addi tion:

    c. Select either Use preinstalled Java application server or InstallTomcat application server, and then click Next.

    Note: If you are running a Modify install and have either Java or .Net

    already installed, it MUST be checked on this screen or it will beuninstalled.

    Correction 4

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 21, first paragraph under the Choosing optionalcomponents section.

    Original text:

    If you have purchased BusinessObjects Enterprise premium licence youare authorized to install and use products that were not previously

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    installed with BusinessObjects Enterprise XI; these products are OLAPIntelligence, Desktop Intelligence (formerly known as BusinessObjects),performance management, Crystal Reports Explorer andBusinessObjects Enterprise Auditor. If you perform a new install, andenter a premium license keycode, these products will be installed bydefault. If you do a custom install, you can choose whether or not to

    install it. BusinessObjects Enterprise Auditor was previously available,but now it is a separate product that can be configured during theinstall.


    Provided that you own the appropriate licenses to the applicableBusiness Objects products, the following may be installed withBusinessObjects Enterprise XI: OLAP Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence(formerly known as BusinessObjects), Performance Manager, CrystalReports Explorer, and BusinessObjects Enterprise Auditor. Forinformation about licenses, contact your Business Objects salesrepresentative.

    Correction 5

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 22, OLAP Intelligence section.


    Removal of last paragraph:If you perform a new installation and enter a premium license keycode,this product will be installed by default.

    Correction 6

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:




    Refer to page 22, Desktop Intelligence section.


    Removal of last paragraph (windows):If you perform a new install, and enter a premium license keycode, this

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    product will be installed by default. If you do a custom install, you canchoose whether or not to install it.

    Removal of second paragraph (unix):If you perform a new installation and enter a premium license keycode,this product will be installed by default.

    Correction 7

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 23, Crystal Reports Explorer section.


    Removal of last paragraph:If you perform a new install, and enter a premium license keycode, thisproduct will be installed by default.

    Correction 8

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Installation Guide

    File name:



    Refer to page 126 (Windows) or Page 110 (UNIX), Changing MemoryAllocation Pool section.


    Step 2 requires a small change to the command. Note that the letter tothe left of the number five should be an x, not an s.Append the following in the Java Options field:-Xms128m -Xmx512m

    BusinessObjects Enterpr ise XI Release 2Auditors Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Auditors Guide

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    File name:



    Go to Chapter 3 Managing Auditing. On page 13, under the section

    titled Configuring the auditing database, below the second paragraph.

    Addi tion:

    "Use a page size of 8K on database servers that support variable pagesizes, such as IBM DB2, Oracle, or Sybase. Using a smaller page size onthese database servers may cause table creation or row insertion to fail.Databases with fixed page size, such as SQL Server or Informix, willperform row splits as necessary."

    Correction 2

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Auditors Guide

    File name:



    Go to Chapter 4 Auditing Reports. On page 43, the table titledApplication_Type table reference.

    Original Text:

    Application_Type_ID Application_Type_Description

    1 Unknown Application

    8 Web Intelligence Report Server

    11 Central Management Server (CMS)

    12 Cache Server

    13 Report Job Server

    14 Report Application Server (RAS)

    15 Event Server

    16 Program Job Server

    18 Destination Job Server

    19 Web Intelligence Job Server

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates


    Application_Type_ID Application_Type_Description

    1 Unknown Application

    8 Web Intelligence Report Server

    10 Central Management Server (CMS)

    11 Cache Server

    12 Report Job Server

    13 Report Application Server (RAS)

    14 Event Server

    15 Program Job Server

    17 Destination Job Server

    18 Web Intelligence Job Server

    19 List of Values Job Server

    20 Question Engine Server

    21 Desktop Intelligence Job Server


    Refer to Track ID ADAPT00580108.

    BusinessObjects Enterpr ise XI Release 2Deployment and Configuration Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Release 2 Deployment andConfiguration Guide.

    File name:



    Navigate to Chapter 13 "Using AD and Kerberos with Java applicationservers". On Page 307, under the section "Modifying your Java optionsfor Kerberos on Tomcat", first paragraph.

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    Addi tion:

    " There are two ways you can modify your java options as required forKerberos, either in the file or on the Java tab for Tomcat, butnot both at the same time as this causes an error"

    BusinessObjects Universe Designer XI Release 2

    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Designers Guide

    Correction 1

    File title:

    Designers Guide

    File name:



    This is an addition to the end of the document as Appendix C: Post-release Additions.

    Addi tion:

    DBUser / DBPass

    A new feature has been added to Designer XIR2 that gives aBusinessObjects administrator the ability to permit a BusinessObjectsuser login (name and password) to continue to access data after thedatabase user password has been changed.

    When the following parameters are set, a BusinessObjects user cancontinue to access data without contacting the BusinessObjectsadministrator, after the database password has been changed:

    In the Central Management Console, the Enable and update usersData Source Credentials at logon time check box must be selected.

    In Designer, on the Define a new connection page of the NewConnection wizard, the Use Database Credentials associated withBusinessObjects user account and the Use Single Sign On whenrefreshing reports at view time check boxes must be selected.

    When the check boxes described above are selected, the updated DBUserand DBPass parameters are automatically associated with theBusinessObjects user account.

    Note: DBUser and DBPass are static parameters, and must be updated inthe Central Management Console. If the Database password is changed,it is recommended that the password is updated for each user account inthe Central Management Console.

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    BusinessObjects Web Intelligence XI Release 2

    Building Reports Using the Web IntelligenceJava Report Panel guide

    Correction 1File title:

    Building Reports Using the Web Intelligence Java Report Panel

    File name:



    Refer to Chapter 13, page 254.Section navigation is: Working with reports > Inserting and formattingcharts > Formatting charts > Formatting axis labels. Step 10, under thesection titled Formatting the axis label text, borders, and background.

    Original text:

    "10. Select the horizontal and vertical alignment of the text by clickingthe approriate Horizontal and Vertical alignment buttons."


    Removal of step 10.


    The Horizontal and Vertical alignment buttons do not exist and youcannot edit the alignment of the labels in a chart. You can edit thealignment in a table.

    Finding More Information

    For more information and resources, refer to the product documentationand visit the support area of the web site at:

    Online version of the Platforms.txt:

    To find the latest online version, search based on the product andversion of the Platforms.txt on the support site at:

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    BusinessObjects XI Release 2 Documentation supplement of post-release notes, corrections and updates

    7/10/2007 11:06:00 AM Copyright 2007 Business Objects. All rights reserved. Page 13
