BUSINESS & SOFTSKILL TRAINING - Intentionally AdenreleWin more business and create lasting relationships Learning objectives At the end of this programme you will be able to: Improve

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Page 1: BUSINESS & SOFTSKILL TRAINING - Intentionally AdenreleWin more business and create lasting relationships Learning objectives At the end of this programme you will be able to: Improve



The Power to Achieve


(RC 1136698)

Page 2: BUSINESS & SOFTSKILL TRAINING - Intentionally AdenreleWin more business and create lasting relationships Learning objectives At the end of this programme you will be able to: Improve


Conegelics Consulting Programme Matrix

The Psychology of Selling

Selling & Marketing of Financial Services

Sales Presentation

Strategic Networking Skills

Business Development Boot camp

Introduction to Insurance

Use of English & Business Writing

Mastering Business Presentations

Facilitating Meetings Effectively

Business Etiquette

Presentation Master Class

Customer Service Excellence

Strategic Management & Leadership

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Time Management

Building High Performance Team

Managing Change Successfully

Ethics: Rules of Business Engagement

Root Cause Analysis

Managing Expectations

Personal Effectiveness & Stress Management

Effective Goal Setting

Business Development Competencies

Business Communication & Presentation Skills

Business Leadership Competencies

Personal Development Competencies

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Table of Contents Conegelics Consulting Programme Matrix ............................................................................................. 2

Brief Company Introduction .................................................................................................................. 4

Profile of the Managing Consultant........................................................................................................5

Business Development Comptencies ...................................................................................................... 6

1.1 The Psychology of Selling ........................................................................................................ 7

1.2 Selling & Marketing of Financial Services ............................................................................... 8

1.3 Sales Presentation ................................................................................................................... 9

1.4 Strategic Networking Skills.................................................................................................... 10

1.5 Business Development Boot Camp ....................................................................................... 11

1.6 Introduction to Insurance ..................................................................................................... 12

Business Communication & Presentation Skills ...................................................................................... 3

2.1 Use of English & Business Writing .......................................................................................... 3

2.2 Mastering Business Presentations .......................................................................................... 3

2.3 Facilitating Meetings Effectively ............................................................................................. 3

2.4 Business Etiquette ................................................................................................................... 3

2.5 Presentation Master Class ...................................................................................................... 3

Business Leadership Competencies ........................................................................................................ 3

3.1 Customer Service Excellence - Creating a Customer Happiness Culture ............................... 20

3.2 Strategic Management & Leadership ...................................................................................... 3

3.3 Leading with Emotional Intelligence ....................................................................................... 3

3.4 Time Management ................................................................................................................... 3

3.5 Building High Performance Team ........................................................................................... 24

3.6 Managing Change Successfully ............................................................................................... 25

3.7 Ethics: Rules of Business Engagement.................................................................................... 26

Personal Development Competencies .................................................................................................... 3

4.1 Root Cause Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 3

4.2 Managing Expectations ................................................................................................................. 3

4.3 Personal Effectiveness & Stress Management ........................................................................... 30

4.4 Effective Goal Setting .................................................................................................................. 31

Clients Profile.......................................................................................................................................32

Contact Information.............................................................................................................................34

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Conegelics Consulting is a learning & development

company established in 2005 and became a limited liability

company in 2013, to positively impact on the results

businesses achieve by partnering to develop the human

assets of our clients. In consultation with our clients and

prospects we deploy learning solutions and interventions

that are in agreement with our clients‟ vision and corporate


We are a firm of accredited multi–disciplinary

consultants with combined experience of more than 30 years

and background in various disciplines: Management

Consulting, Manufacturing, Operations Management,

Human Capital Development, Finance & Investment

Planning, Banking, Brand Management, Leadership

Development, Sales, Performance Management, Engineering

and Entrepreneurship.

We follow up beyond the classroom with coaching,

regular professional consultation & support, professional &

business support services, consulting and total learning

solutions to ensure the success of our clients‟ initiative.

Our clients comprises of private Nigerian and multi –

national enterprises, as well as public sector organisations,

and some leading companies.

Conegelics Consulting has working technical

partnerships with training & consulting firms in the UK, UAE

and Munich, Germany.











Page 5: BUSINESS & SOFTSKILL TRAINING - Intentionally AdenreleWin more business and create lasting relationships Learning objectives At the end of this programme you will be able to: Improve


Brief Profile of the Managing Consultant

Adenrele Onikosi is the Managing Consultant at

Conegelics Consulting International Ltd. He is a member

of Nigeria Institute of Training & Development (MITD),

an Accredited Management Consultant (AMC), Associate

Member of Association of Professional Recruitment

Consultants, UK (APRC), Fellow of International

Management Consultants Board™ (FIMCB), a Strategic

Business Development Professional (SBDP) certified by

the Institute of Leadership & Management UK (ILM).

Adenrele is a General Electric (GE) certified Presentation

Skills, Presenting with Impact & Clarity & Meeting

Facilitation Faculty for Sub Sahara Africa.

Adenrele Onikosi received training in Leadership, Brand Management, Insurance;

Business Development, Project Management and Engineering. He received his Train-

the-Trainer certificate from Leadership Acceleration for Business, a Mubadala &

General Electric Global Learning Partnership in Abu Dhabi, UAE. An associate

member of the Institute of Professional Recruitment Consultants; he is on the faculty

at Access Bank Training School and at Regenesys Business School open programs

As a trainer Mr. Onikosi has facilitated the following subjects among others;

Presentation Skills, Meeting Facilitation, Emotional Intelligence, Team Building,

Workplace & Business Ethics, Business Writing, Sales Presentation, Leadership

Development & Management, Business Development, Business

Communication, Time Management, Goal Setting, Managing Change, Public

Speaking for Executives with Technical Background, etc.

He has delivered training and learning interventions in the UAE (Dubai & Abu

Dhabi), South Africa, Kenya, Accra, Nigeria & Hungary

He was a columnist for Daily Independent Newspapers, Saturday Compass and Stock

Watch Newspapers. He is a writer, an author and an Executive & Business Coach

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Business Development Competencies

Selling & Marketing of Financial Services

Sales Presentation


The psychology of Selling

Strategic Networking Skills

Business Development Boot Camp

Introduction to Insurance

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Course overview

The best sales people are a valuable resource to any company not only for the revenue

they generate but also because they are trusted advisers to their clients. Highly skilled

sales people find it easier to get people to respond to their calls and build lasting

relationships. This highly practical and intensive course will help your sales team

understand their clients‟ needs. This means your company will benefit from strong and

fruitful client relationships built on trust.

This course is designed for Sales Executives, Account Managers, those moving into a

sales role or who need to sell as part of their current role will benefit from attending.


Applying consultative selling approach

Get off to a great start and keep the momentum going

Gain trust while you build a healthy rapport

Get to the heart of your client‟s business with power

Learning outcome

At the end of this programme, you will be able to:

Know what consultative selling is all about

Initiate a sales meeting

Make the first five minute count

Know how to evaluate an effective meeting with your customer

improve your questioning and listening during the meeting

Probe more to gain deeper insights

Present and developing active listening skills

Building the power of „gap‟ analysis

Recognise buying signals

Overcome objections

View objections as buying signals

Close the sale

1.1 The Psychology of Selling

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1.2 Selling & Marketing of Financial Services

Course overview

You‟re facing a group of decision makers and need to make a positive impression.

How do you put your message across in a way that differentiates you from the crowd?

Selling of financial service is uniquely different from selling and marketing other

products or services. This is so because financial services are in most time the same

with that of the competition; therefore participants must learn how to create that

edge by offering an unforgettable experience to the prospects.

It‟s not the best firms that are the most successful, it‟s the best sold. The difference

between winning and losing pitches is often marginal, with thousands if not millions

of naira at risk and hours of your time.

This course shows you how to increase your conversion rate of financial solutions and

also targeted at anyone who can‟t afford to keep losing financial service pitches.


Create the right impression at a new business pitch

Improve your understanding of the dynamics of selling & marketing financial


Acquire essential skills in selling experience rather than features or benefits

Target your pitch on client concerns and issues

Handle questions effectively, individually and as a team

Win more business and create lasting relationships

Learning objectives

At the end of this programme you will be able to:

Improve the impact you make

Apply effective use of experiential selling

Apply essential steps of planning a winning pitch

Handle selling of financial services in practice

Handle questions & objections well

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1.3 Sales Presentation

Course overview

Establishing a strong market presence is easily achievable if firms will engage and

unleash strong sales presentation participants. Successful sales call is largely hinged on

the knowledge, presence and power of the presenter not necessarily on the product or

service features and benefits.

This course is ideal for people with some experience or green horns who trying to

improve their sales presence or build one. It‟s perfect for those who want new insights

and techniques for building connection with prospects and clients..


Know how to create your brand story

Create personal sales presentation goals

Practice thinking on your feet – making an impromptu speech

Setting sales objectives & building rapport

Learn the non-verbal assets to win people over

Receive valuable feedback on your sales presentation skills

Make an action plan a follow up strategy to sales presentation

Learning objective

At the end of this course you will be able to:

Understand how prospects mind works using critical skills to keep them engaged

and responsive

Consistently use powerful and effective delivery skills with an emphasis on

physical presence, vocal resonance, and distinctive language

Go beyond “feature talk” and strengthen your use of rhetorical devices including

stories, examples, data, quotes, and other rich sources of support evidence to

build more customer-focused content

Use value points to keep your message relevant and meaningful to your


Use visual-aid strategies that will support your message and help you create

greater buy-in and commitment

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1.4 Strategic Networking Skills

Course overview

Networking is about connecting with people internally and externally to share

information and build mutually beneficial relationships. Getting one or two new

contacts at an event can make it all worthwhile. Yet rarely do we make the best use of a

crowded room. This practical course shows you how to develop your network and

overcome feeling daunted when approaching potential customers for the first time,

This course is specially designed for people who wish to expand their business network


Recognise where the gaps are in your network and learn how to increase it

Evaluate which networks to join or events to attend

Feel more confident and willing to „work a room

Know how to join conversations, build rapport and develop

lively conversations

Rehearse a crisp, clear way to introduce yourself so others want to get to know


Join and leave groups effortlessly

Learning objectives

At the end of his programme, you will be able to:

Develop a networking mindset

Get the most from your networks

Network in action

Follow up to make the networking strategy work

Working the room

Introducing yourself in a networking setup

Building a relationship within a network

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1.5 Business Development Boot Camp

Course overview

This Business Development course focuses on the tools and techniques required to

develop new businesses. Without them sales will stagnate and revenue will decline.

Being able to maximise profits is a top priority of business entities, this is achievable by

fostering mutually beneficial relationships with key players and decision makers in the


Business development is not about marketing neither is it desperately trying to sell a

product or service. It is about establishing enduring relationships and forging strategic

alliances which will in turn be profitable to parties involved.

This course module is designed for attendees who want to build business relationships

and forge strategic alliances with time tested techniques. It is also designed with drivers

of modern businesses in mind: Sales & Marketing Executives, people saddled with the

responsibility of creating business opportunities for their organisations.


Increase confidence to initiate business conversations

Evaluate which networks to join or events to attend

Feel more confident and willing to „work a room-

Ability to accurately profile prospects and minimise opportunity loss

Accurately reading the market for optimum profitability

Learning objectives

At the end of his programme, you will gain competence in:

Masterfully breaking the ICE by maximising the use of elevator pitch

Developing the attitude of successful sales consultants

Mastering the skills for identifying & profiling different buying influences

Strategies for going past the gate keepers

Market, industry and competition research methodologies

Strategies for forging business alliances

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1.6 Introduction to Insurance

Course overview

Introduction to Insurance as a course focuses on the role of insurance in risk mitigation.

This course is designed for our clients who are in the non-insurance financial sector as

an introduction to basic insurances practices.

Insurance occupies a strategic position in the economic well-being of organisations but,

due to the level of exposure many are not aware of the strategic role it occupies. This

course will expose attendees to the basic principles of insurance, different types of

insurance policies and what they cover both at individual and institutional levels.

This programme is specially designed for new entrants into the banking sector to help

facilitate their learning of Bancaasurance.


Identify the process of reducing the frequency & severity of losses.

Understand how risks transferred mechanisms work

Segment the risks involved in daily transactions

Determine how to mitigate the burden of loss on the organisation

Learning objectives

At the end of his programme, you will be able to:

State the primary functions of insurance

Describe the benefits of insurance policies by clients

Identify insurable and non-insurable risks

Become aware of common features of the various classes of insurance

Outline the main classes of insurance and cover provided

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Business Presentation Skills

Use of English & Business Writing


Facilitating Meetings Effectively

Mastering Business Presentations

Business Etiquette


Presentation Master Class

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2.1 Use of English & Business Writing

Course overview

In business, workplace, and in our personal lives, we all stand to benefit from more

effective communication skills. Writing is essential to communicate your message

clearly and professionally and to incite action in those who you supervise, work with

and require action from. Many in the workforce today struggle with the basics of

writing including grammar, spelling and punctuation and this is what can hold them

back and reduce their confidence when it comes to business documents. The style and

skills required for formal business writing are best developed by practice and

experience, but with the right tools and know-how it is not hard to improve


Gain confidence to present your thoughts clearly

Enhance the clarity and power of your written communication

Have an easy-to-use checklist for writing easily

Gain mastery in writing business documents

Learning outcome

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

Gain better awareness of common spelling and grammar issues in business


Review basic concepts in sentence and paragraph construction.

Know the basic structure of email messages, business letters, business

proposals, and business reports.

Know tips and techniques to use when deciding the most appropriate format to

use for email messages, business letters, business proposals, and business


Know tips and techniques in writing email messages, business letters, business

proposals, and business reports.

Gain an overview of Request for Proposals, Executive Summaries

Define proofreading and understand techniques in improving proofreading


Define peer review and list ways peer review can help improve business writing


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2.2 Mastering Business Presentations

Course overview

It is no longer a nice-to-have, to be able to present effectively in different presentation

settings – it‟s a necessity. If you attend meetings you‟ll already know how badly many

people present their ideas. It‟s all too easy to get this wrong and rapidly earn a reputation as

a poor communicator. This practical and experiential course will give you the chance to find

out what you‟re like and receive valuable feedback to enhance your delivery skills.

If you ever have to deliver a presentation want to improve your skills this course is for you.


Have an easy check-list to follow for effective preparation

Hear yourself deliver and receive valuable ideas for improving your delivery

Gain a reputation for engaging, interesting delivery of your ideas

Receive hints and tips to improve slides

Increase your confidence in your ability to present well

Learning outcome

At the end of the programme, you would learn how to

Why good preparation reduces anxiety and boosts your confidence to present well

How to prepare to present quickly and effectively

The importance of having a structure that‟s easy to follow Communicating your key


Clarifying your key messages and making sure you communicate them effectively

What you say and how you say it

Why vocal and verbal delivery are essential for success

Identifying and eliminating bad habits that reduce your personal impact

Managing audience attention

How to make sure your audience is engaged and listening

Making the most of your opening and your close

Anticipating questions and handling challenges effectively

Bringing things to a close in a way that keeps a focus on your key messages

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2.3 Facilitating Meetings Effectively

Course overview

In our world of today people spend more time in meetings This course is

designed for those who want to become even more effective when they present

in meetings.

This course is specially designed to aim at explore more in sharing ideas during



Increase your confidence in presenting well in meetings

Eliminate unnecessary method for more effective presentation

Focus attention on key points you want to get across

Present your ideas in a compelling and convincing way that promotes


Enhance the clarity and power of your voice to engage others

Improve your seated posture and use of gestures

Present your thoughts with confidence spontaneously

Receive challenging yet supportive feedback on your style

Learning objective

At the end of this programme, you would learn how to

Preparing to present at meetings, whether online or paper based.

Self-assessment of existing skills, experience, strengths and areas for


handle face – to –face meetings effectively

Contribute effectively to meetings

Apply the Three „Vs‟ of communication – visual, vocal and verbal

Hold presentations with confidence

Create a huge impact during presentation.

Handle questions and challenges with ease

Always take to hints and tips during presentation.

Evaluate and review presentation goals

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2.4 Business Etiquette

Course overview

This course examines the basics, most importantly the need to be considerate to

others, dress and appearance, work versus social environment, business meetings,

proper introductions and the handshake; conversation skills and small talk, cultural

differences influencing international businesses, handling interruptions, proper

business email and telephone etiquette. Have you been in a situations where:

You met an important personality and you had no idea what to say or how to act?

You spilled food over your dress/shirt at an important business meeting?

You showed up at a business meeting overly dressed?

We have all had those embarrassing moments before, this course will help you be

your best no matter the situation


The business landscape is increasingly dynamic and unpredictable. Sensitivities are

at all-time high now than it was in the past, hence having the right and acceptable

mannerism is extremely important for business success.

Identify your social strength and work to improve on your social gaffe

Become better at closing businesses with social grace

Learning outcome

At the end of this course you will be able to;

Develop a powerful presence

Keep your audience enthralled with your charm

Give attention to cultural differences of business associates, colleagues

Effectively use telephone and business email

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2.5 Presentation Master Class

Course overview

Excellence in public speaking is widely recognised as a mark of leadership.

This course is designed for experienced speakers who want to move from

competence to distinction. Impressive communicators top-up their skills

through constant practice and training.

This Master class reinforces natural talent, adds new abilities and provides

tailored coaching. It will take your presentation skills to the next level.

Our clients find it particularly valuable for managers who usually organise

persuasive and motivating presentations, deliver in challenging situations or

who are in a leadership role.


Benchmark your skills against experienced presenters and pick up new

ideas from them

Develop confidence in presenting with little preparation

Use rhetorical techniques like the best speakers do

Make your presentations engaging and motivating

Handle tough questions and difficult presentation scenarios

Know how to inspire others, introduce change and deliver bad news


Learning objective

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

Deliver concise messages with maximum impact

Learn strategies which build confidence in you and others

Fine-tune body language and voice to communicate credibly

Developing your natural self and why authenticity is critical to

achieving success

Bland words vs. communicating with passion

Evoking an emotional state in your audience

Present fluently without preparation

Delivering presentations on unfamiliar topics

Bring presentations to life and make messages stick

Dealing with hostile question and answer sessions

Anticipating your audience‟s reaction and planning response that

achieves buy in


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Managing Change Successfully

Ethics: Rules of Business Engagement

Business Leadership Competencies

Customer Service Excellence- Creating a

Customer Happiness Culture

Strategic Management & Leadership

Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Time Management

Building High Performance Team


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3.1 Customer Service Excellence - Creating a

Customer Happiness Culture

Course Overview

As someone saddled with the responsibility of delighting your customers, it is

imperative that your customers are being served and how satisfied are they? Which

leaves you wondering if they will come back for more patronage, recommend their

colleagues and friends. Customers are the real life to any business without them, the

business is in non-existence.

This course is designed for people who deals with customers


Make a positive impression on internal and external customers

Build and maintain rapport easily and effortlessly

Create effective long-term client relationships

Communicate with your customers face-to-face, by telephone and email


Recognise the importance of following processes correctly

Be able to respond to requests on time and manage your customer expectations

Uncover what‟s important to customers and meet their specific needs

Acquire powerful new techniques for understanding other people‟s perspectives

Handle complaints and other difficult situations effectively

Learning outcome

At the end of this course, you will be able to;

Know your customers

Understand how to retain your customers

How to delight customers and exceed their expectations

Know, Understand and apply techniques of acquisition and retention

Know how to handle customer complaints and difficult situations

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3.2 Strategic Management & Leadership

Course overview

Strategic management is the process where leaders establish an organization‟s long-

term direction, set the specific performance objectives, develop strategies to achieve

these objectives in the light of all the relevant internal and external circumstances, and

undertake to execute the chosen action plans.


Leaders who are aware of strategic management tools

Lead teams to achieve corporate objectives

Understand the risk, HR and financial management functions and how they

impact on business

Unleash mentoring & coaching competencies to improve performance in the


Learning outcome

At the end of the course the participants should be able to:

Identify management skills necessary for effectiveness in an organization;

Describe the concept of leadership & management;

Describe financial management and its application to individual and

organizational success;

Identify and appreciate the dynamics of risk management and the fact that risk

management encompasses more than just financial risk management;

Describe the HR function and how to recruit and retain staff;

Manage time effectively;

Solve problems with greater foresight and draw on their negotiation skills;

Improve on their presentation skills;

Describe mentoring and coaching and their relevance in various sectors;

Develop their negotiation skills.

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3.3 Leading with Emotional Intelligence

Course overview

The ability to monitor one‟s own and others‟ feelings and emotions, to discriminate

among them, and to use this information to guide one‟s thinking and action‟. Learn

how to harness your emotions to bring out the best in others. This course offers

comprehensive introduction to one of the most important business development

competence in recent times.

This course is designed to prepare the professional to be emotionally intelligent as

much as possible as it can put the professional on a competitive edge.


Know what Emotional Intelligence is and why it matters

Be aware how your emotions affect your performance

Become more aware of your EQ „blind spots

Use EQ to bring out the best in others

Deal with disappointments, challenges and obstacles

Demonstrate empathy in a wide range of situations

„Read‟ and interpret „silent messages‟ people send

Give Emotionally Intelligent feedback that people can take on-board easily

Use Emotional Intelligence in difficult conversations

Learning outcome

At the end of this course, you should be able to;

Know the importance of being emotionally intelligence

Understand the relationship between EQ and IQ

Understand and apply the physiology of emotion – what makes us think, feel

and act the way we do – JOHARI WINDOW

know the value of thinking of emotions as „messages– and responding to them


Know your personal strengths and development areas when it comes to

Emotional Intelligence

Identify factors that make up Emotional Intelligence

Getting to know the four-quadrant of the EQ model (self-awareness, self-

management, social awareness and relationship management)

Explore how self-aware you can be

Replace limiting beliefs with empowering ones

Taking personal responsibility for the way we feel

Managing your emotions

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3.4 Time Management

Course overview

So much time – so little to do! If only that were true. Most of us are time-poor:

struggling to for everything in, often staying late, sometimes suffering from stress

and problems with work-life balance. But does it have to be that way? In a word:

no. When you have effective time-management strategies you can get everything

done in a short time.

Anyone who wants to improve their time management skills.


Become more effective and more efficient

Learn how to prioritise and plan to maximise productivity

Ability to manage interruptions and requests

Stop procrastinating and just get it done

Know how to stop your inbox taking over your life

Get organised and create a positive impression

Learning Outcome

At the end of this course, you will be able to,

Know why time management is important for business success.

Tackle the bandit of managing time.

Become assertive in managing your time

How to assertively manage your colleagues and boss

Identifying common excuses you give for putting things off

Overcoming emotional blocks that hold you back and stop you getting

things done

Six powerful, effective procrastination killers

Handle email overload

Discover the Delete, Delegate, Do, Defer model to achieve a

„zero inbox

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3.5 Building High Performance Team

Course overview

This course examines principles of building highly effective teams by analysing the

variety of interrelated practices underlying group dynamics. Combines learning through

classic case situations and contemporaneous experiences in a team-based simulation;

high performance within an organisation is not a solo effort.

High Performance only happens through the collective effort of all team members.

Emergent leaders commonly begin with leading in the team sphere. Leading teams

involves understanding the team DNA in terms of managing different personalities,

cultures, conflicting agendas, and varying skill levels while simultaneously securing

resources and managing expectations of all stakeholders internal or external to the



Understand what is and what isn‟t of team and group

Recognise the value of building a team with shared vision

Understand what role cohesion within teams bring to the workplace

Value the importance of conflict and how to manage such within a team

Know how to give and receiving feedback effectively

Recognise the value of inspirational leadership to a team

Learning Outcome

At the completion of the course, participants will be able to

Draw out effective performance from a team of people who have a range of skills,

attitudes and cognitive/behaviour styles.

Lead and facilitate a group of people to productively solve problems.

Form a group of individuals into a cohesive team that shares a commitment to a

common goal.

Create a positive, productive atmosphere within a team.

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3.6 Managing Change Successfully

Course overview

Change management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and

organizations from a current state to a desired future state, to fulfil or implement a

vision and strategy. It is an organizational process aimed at empowering employees to

accept and embrace changes in their current environment. There are several different

streams of thought that have shaped the practice of change management.

A change effort or initiative must start with a vision. Whether change is prompted by

external (political, economic, social or technological) or internal factors (policy, systems

or structure), creating a vision will clarify the direction for the change.


Increased employee engagement

Increased sustainability of the changes you implement

Reduced stress and a greater sense of control

Integrate the essential elements into leadership practices

Develop abilities to lead change

Learning Outcome

At the completion of the course, participants will be able to

Understand the role of change in organisational success

Develop the skills needed to support innovation and improvement. Develop the planning skills needed to introduce and implement positive change

Use consultative processes to reduce the barriers to change.

Analyse and evaluate problems associated with change

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3.7 Ethics: Rules of Business Engagement

Course overview

Every day key decisions are made about how resources are used and consumed in an

organisation. The ethical imperative is to ensure that resources are used in the most

appropriate way within the context of the organisation‟s vision and core values and the

broader context of the organisation in the community where it‟s doing business.

Ethics should maintain a positive effect on the employees‟ surroundings, creating an

atmosphere of decision making that fosters help and not harm. This course will pose a

series of questions that will form the basis of a practical ethical framework.


Maintain a positive effect on the employees surroundings

Create an atmosphere of decision making that fosters help and not harm.

Provide better understanding of the impact of good ethics on business


Underscores the importance of a sense of stake-holding

The sustainability of the community where business operates is vital for

organisation success

Creates an harmonious relationship between organisation and regulatory


Learning Outcome

In this course participants will:

Understand what 'business ethics' is

Learn how to make ethical decisions

Receive practical tools to implement ethics in the workplace

Understand employee rights to enable and create privacy, harassment &

technology policies

Understand your business & social responsibilities

Learn how to balance personal and organisation ethics

Learn when to "blow the whistle"

Be able to identify unethical behaviours

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Personal Development Competencies

Root Cause Analysis

Managing Expectations

Personal Effectiveness & Stress Management

Effective Goal Setting


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4.1 Root Cause Analysis

Course Overview

Root Cause Analysis training course is based on the proven performance

improvement methodology with a strong focus on analysing the root cause of

problems and developing appropriate solutions.

The training course will start with the identification, prioritisation and definition of

problems. We will then consider how we measure the problem and then use logic,

data and process analysis to understand the problem followed by root cause analysis

tools. Once we have verified the root cause we will then consider how we identify,

evaluate, develop and implement a solution that addresses the root cause of the



Providing tangible evidence of cause and effect and solutions to solve real


Developing solutions to problems that are effective and long lasting

Improving reliability and performance management

Develop an understanding of investigative methods

Learning Outcome

At the end of the course, you will be able to;

Learn how to initiate a root cause analysis and gather data for investigating

process and non-process incidents

Demonstrate how to collect data through interviews and analysis

Apply powerful techniques to identify and know the difference between

symptoms and root causes

Learn to know when to use the appropriate technique in root cause


Learn how to avoid future incidents by developing appropriate

recommendations to address causal factors and root causes

Develop a process to identify systemic problem areas

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4.2 Managing Expectations

Course Overview

Our claim to achieving our deliverables depends largely on the degree to which we have

met the expectations of our stakeholders. It has become clear that mastery of the

identification, management and satisfaction of stakeholder expectations is of primary

importance if we are ever to have reliably successful business.

This course dives deep into the definition of what an expectation is, reveals how

expectations operate in stakeholders, examines the impact of expectations that are not

aligned with the organizational plan, and examines steps that the manager can take to

keep stakeholder expectations in alignment with the objectives of the organization


Effectively manage internal and external expectations

Service recovery methodology to use when perceived expectations are not met.

Develop rapport with clients.

Understand the psychology of how perceptions are formed in the mind

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this course, participants will:

Be able to define expectation

Know how expectations work in the stakeholder

Understand the Importance of Expectations Management

Know how to uncover hidden expectations

Be able to Confirm expectations

Understand the Importance of stakeholder alignment to corporate plan

What to do when expectations are not met

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4.3 Personal Effectiveness & Stress Management


This course will facilitate the development of personal mastery competence so that

individuals can demonstrate an ability to manage their lives and work effectively. The

course focuses on the development of life skills at work as well as maintaining a balance

between work and personal responsibilities. It also addresses the skills needed for

gaining and maintaining employment by relating to an organisation‟s goal and priority.

This course will enable an individual to be able to apply knowledge and life skills such as

establishing personal goals and relating to team goals, managing time effectively,

maintain work-life balance, managing stress as well as personal finances to be effective

at workplace.


Manage time and priorities more effectively

Build confidence in dealing with challenging situations

Analyse current effectiveness in terms of time and priority management.

Deploy the most appropriate Influencing style(s) to achieve positive results.

Identify symptoms of burnout and overload

Change behaviours which add to stress

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this course, participants will:

Set personal goals and align them to corporate goals

Identify personal strengths and weaknesses, list the strategies to overcome

weaknesses and

Describe how personal strengths can contribute towards the achievement of

corporate goals

Become savvy with managing time vis-à-vis expected deliverables

Recognise symptoms of and deal with stress to maintain work effectiveness

Identify work-life balance programs to maintain personal work-life balance

Identify one‟s existing financial position using appropriate tools and describe

how to manage

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4.4 Effective Goal Setting

Course Overview

Goal setting is an imperative skill that can be learned. Setting and achieving goals

will increase the productivity and confidence in any staff member. The key is to

set different types of goals (short, medium and long-term) that can be achieved

as well as “stretch” goals which are used to reward best efforts


Learn to overcome procrastination

Develop accurate goal setting skills

Manage time effectively

Accomplish important tasks

Increased satisfaction in professional and personal life

Learning Outcome

At the completion of this course, participants will:

Overcome procrastination

Remove distractions

Reward yourself

Start small and build from there

Set realistic deadlines

Use the four P‟s of Positive, Personal, Possible and Prioritised

Motivate yourself by remembering success

Track your progress

Manage time

Break up large tasks

Utilise technology

Build on your successes

Plan effectively

Use Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (SMART) goals

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