Business Rules for an Approved Person (Vehicle Modifications) Version 4.0 – 1 September 2015

Business Rules for Approved Persons (Vehicle Modifications)

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Business Rules for an Approved Person (Vehicle Modifications) Version 4.0 – 1 September 2015

Business Rules for an Approved Person (Vehicle Modifications) – Version 4.0 – 1 September 2015 - i -

Contents Terms and abbreviations 1 Definition 1

1. Introduction 2

2. Approved Codes of Practice 2

2.1 Approved Codes of Practice for vehicle modifications 2 2.2 Queensland variations to the approved codes of practice 2 2.2.1 Section LA of the NCOP 2 2.2.2 Sections LS7 and LS8 of the NCOP 2 2.2.3 Section LO6 of the NCOP 3 2.2.4 Section LM2 and LM3 of the NCOP 3

3. Responsibilities of an AP 3

3.1 Access to the business rules and approved codes of practice 3 3.1.1 Evidence of Queensland residency 3 3.2 Record Keeping 3 3.3 Procedures for Certifying Vehicle Modifications 3 3.3.1 Vehicle Identification 3 3.3.2 Certification 4 3.3.3 Issuing and attaching modification plates 5 3.3.4 Removing modification plates 5

4. Audits and Spot Checks 6

Appendix 1 – Summary of vehicle modification codes 7

Appendix 2 – Qualification description for modification codes 16

Appendix 3 – Equipment and Documentation required by Approved Persons for vehicle modifications 19

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Terms and abbreviations

Term, abbreviations and acronyms Definition

Act Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995

ADR Australian Design Rules

AOP Regulation Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2015

AP Approved Person

AP Scheme Approved Person Scheme

ATM Aggregate Trailer Mass

business rules Business Rules for an Approved Person (Vehicle Modifications)

department Department of Transport and Main Roads

GVM Gross Vehicle Mass

heavy vehicle Vehicles over 4.5 tonne GVM

HVNL Act (Q) Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (Queensland)

light vehicle Vehicles up to and including 4.5 tonne GVM

NATA National Association of Testing Authorities Australia

NCOP National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification

NHVR National Heavy Vehicle Regulator

NHVR Code of Practice National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications

QCOP Queensland Code of Practice – Vehicle Modifications

VSB6 The National Code of Practice - Heavy Vehicle Modifications – Vehicle Standards Bulletin 6

VSS Regulation Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2010

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1. Introduction

The business rules are to be read in conjunction with the Act, AOP Regulation, VSS Regulation and the HVNL Act (Q).

The business rules provide the administrative requirements to be followed by an AP when approving light or heavy vehicle modifications. The AP accreditation holder must comply with these requirements as a condition of their AP accreditation.

The business rules also provide the qualification and equipment requirements for each modification code. These are detailed on appendixes 1, 2 and 3.

2. Approved Codes of Practice

2.1 Approved Codes of Practice for vehicle modifications

The approved codes of practice for vehicle modifications are the NCOP, QCOP and NHVR Code of Practice. The approved codes of practice provide technical guidance about how light vehicle and heavy vehicle modifications must be performed and certified.

The NCOP and light vehicle sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to light vehicles unless authorised in writing by the Chief Executive under section 13(2)(b) of the VSS Regulation.

The NHVR Code of Practice and the heavy vehicle sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to heavy vehicles.

2.2 Queensland variations to the approved codes of practice

When approving the codes of practice for use in Queensland, the department may make amendments to the codes to take into account local variations. An AP is required to comply with the requirements of the codes of practice, as approved for use in Queensland. At the time the business rules were published, the following local variations were in place:

2.2.1 Section LA of the NCOP

As there are currently no facilities in Queensland approved to perform an IM240 gaseous emission test, any requirement under the NCOP for an IM240 test is waived. The department intends to review this exemption and consider mandating the IM240 test once suitable test facilities are established in Queensland.

While an exclusion from providing an IM240 test has been given for the certification of a modification under the NCOP, please note that the owner of a modified vehicle or any person modifying the engine, is required to ensure that the vehicle complies with any ADR requirement applying to the vehicle.

For full details of this variation, refer to Vehicle Standards Instruction L20 Engine modifications under the NCOP.

2.2.2 Sections LS7 and LS8 of the NCOP

These sections of the NCOP have not been adopted in Queensland. Sections LS9 and LS10 have been implemented in the QCOP. A variation has been made to the maximum lift heights permissible under these sections. For full details on this variation, refer to Vehicle Standards Instruction L19 Vehicle lifts under the NCOP.

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2.2.3 Section LO6 of the NCOP

This section of the NCOP has not been adopted in Queensland and the certification of street rods must be carried out under the LH9 and LH10 sections of the QCOP. For full details of this variation, refer to Vehicle Standards Instruction L21 Certification of Street Rods.

2.2.4 Section LM2 and LM3 of the NCOP

These sections have not been adopted in Queensland. In Queensland the certification of gas fuel systems is carried out by gas fitters who are licenced by the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. A list of authorised automotive LPG gas installers is available on the Department of Natural Resources and Mines website http://mines.industry.qld.gov.au/assets/petroleum-pdf/authorised-autoinstallers.pdf

For full details of this variation, refer to the Vehicle Standards Instruction L22 Gas system installations under the NCOP. Vehicle Standards Instructions can be found on the department’s website http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Safety/Vehicle-standards-and-modifications/Vehicle-standards/Vehicle-standards-instructions.aspx.

3. Responsibilities of an AP

3.1 Access to the business rules and approved codes of practice

An AP must ensure that they have access to an electronic or hard copy of the current business rules and relevant codes of practice at all times whilst performing their duties as an AP.

3.2 Evidence of Queensland residency

To apply to be accredited to inspect and certify heavy vehicles the applicant must provide evidence of Queensland residency.

3.3 Record Keeping

An AP must ensure that:

Certificates of modification and modification plates are kept in a safe and secure place to avoid fire, flood, vermin and any other pests. Certificate of Modification and modification plates must be accounted for at all times.

All cancelled modification plates are destroyed after two (2) years.

Records of all vehicle modifications certified by the AP are kept for a period of seven (7) years.


Yellow copies of certificates of modification are to be posted to the AP Administrator within seven days of the end of each calendar month

3.4 Procedures for Certifying Vehicle Modifications

3.4.1 Vehicle Identification

An AP must be satisfied about the identity of a vehicle before inspecting it for a modification certification by checking the vehicle’s:

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chassis number and engine number (if the vehicle was manufactured before 1 January 1989)

VIN and engine number.

Where vehicle identifiers (VIN, chassis or engine numbers) are unable to be located, the vehicle owner (or their representative) may obtain information from the vehicle manufacturer. If the identifiers are missing, the vehicle owner (or their representative) should contact the Queensland Police Service for investigation.

3.4.2 Certification

An AP may be accredited to certify two types of vehicle modification: Design Certification and Modification Certification.

a) Design Certification

For Design Certification, an AP must ensure that:

The design package is fully documented including drawings, calculations, materials, modification process, inspections (including stage inspections), testing results, testing requirements, and any other data necessary to fully describe the vehicle modification and its control. These documents must be to recognised engineering standards and be retained by the AP.

Adequate information is provided to the modifier of the vehicle so that the physical modification can be carried out according to the design package.

Adequate information is provided to the certifier of the modification so that the physical modification can be examined according to the design package.

A unique design approval number prefixed by the AP’s accredited person number is issued for each approval.

Documents are issued to the modifier and the certifier of modification including:

1. build instructions, drawings, material specifications, requirements for testing and inspections, and checklists

2. details of any special modification techniques, procedures, adjustments, stage inspection and ongoing care and maintenance

3. scope, limitations, assumptions, applicability to make/model/variants.

Drawings and tests completed for one particular vehicle are not required for any identical modifications/alterations undertaken to other vehicles of the same make and model. Drawings or test results should be retained for reference when carrying out identical modifications at a later stage.

Professional engineering service as part of a design certification: When any design certification includes work that would amount to a professional engineering service as defined in the Professional Engineers Act 2002 you must ensure that you are either:

a registered professional engineer as defined in the Professional Engineers Act 2002, or

under the direct supervision of a registered professional engineer who is registered in the area of engineering and responsible for the services.

b) Modification Certification

An AP certifying a modification must have access to the design package or manufacturer's specifications or applicable code of practice.

For Modification Certification, an AP must ensure that:

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Vehicle modifications have been verified and completed to the specifications contained in the design package.

Verify that the vehicle modifications have been completed to the specifications contained in the design package, the original vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations, or the relevant approved code of practice as per the VSS Regulation and/or HVNL Act (Q).

Compliance of the modified vehicle has been verified with all the relevant ADRs, to which it was originally manufactured, is not adversely affected.

Checklist/s for the modification from the relevant code of practice is completed.

Any colour photographic evidence of the modification and the vehicle is retained.

Any of the following closing formalities are completed:

certificate of modification is given to the vehicle owner or their agent along with instructions on proper use, care and maintenance

modification plate is attached to the vehicle.

3.4.3 Issuing and attaching modification plates

An AP must issue all modification plates in numerical order from their own individually issued modification plate stock.

For both light and heavy vehicles, an AP must ensure that the modification plate is affixed to the vehicle.

As a guide, the attachment of a modification plate will generally be:

For bonneted vehicles, in the engine bay on the firewall or an engine compartment side deck.

For cab over engine vehicles, in the passenger compartment on the inner panel rearward of the driver’s or passenger’s door.

For trailers, on the front vertical face of the trailer or on an inward facing vertical face of an A-frame draw bar (where fitted).

Where these preferred locations are not practicable, in another suitably conspicuous position on a permanent panel.

3.4.4 Removing modification plates

Should an AP need to remove an existing modification plate from a vehicle, they must submit a request, in writing, to either the department or the NHVR, providing at least the following information:

reason why the plate needs to be removed

serial number of the plate

details of the vehicle to which it is attached.

Requests for the removal of a modification plate for:

Light vehicle - should be submitted by email to [email protected] or by post to the Manager (Vehicle Standards), Department of Transport and Main Roads, PO Box 673, Fortitude Valley Qld 4006.

Heavy vehicle - should be submitted by email to [email protected] or contact the NHVR on 1300 MYNHVR (1300 696 487).

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If approval to remove the modification plate is granted, a letter of approval will be issued, subject to conditions. All conditions of the approval must be met or the approval will be void and the AP may be subject to prosecution for removing the plate without permission.

4. Local, state and commonwealth government approvals

The AP must ensure that they comply with all local, state and commonwealth government requirements and regulations to operate an AP business at their premises (example – obtain any necessary local government approvals if required for operating the AP business from a shed on private residence)

5. Audits and Spot Checks

The department conducts regular spot checks (reviews) to assess an AP’s compliance with their conditions of accreditation.

Within the first 6 months of being accredited as an approved person, there will be spot checks conducted to ensure that you have an understanding of your roles and responsibilities.

At any time during your period of accreditation, the department will conduct spot checks. Whilst the intent of the spot checks is to educate and inform approved persons non-compliance may result in infringement notices and/or amendment, suspension or cancellation of accreditation.

The checklist used during a spot check can be accessed on the department's website at http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Business-industry/Accreditations/Approved-Person-Scheme.aspx

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Appendix 1 – Summary of vehicle modification codes

Light Vehicle Modification Codes (Including stand-alone Queensland Codes)

All APs accredited for light vehicle modification codes must have standard equipment items 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24 and 25 (see Appendix 3) and any additional equipment shown in the table below:

Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

Engine Modifications (Code LA)

LA1 Equivalent Engine Substitution

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

LA2 Performance Engine Installation

LA3 Supercharger/Turbocharger Installation

LA4 Engine Modifications

Transmissions (Code LB)

LB1 Transmission Substitution

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

LB2 Rear Axle Substitution

Vehicle Controls (Code LC)

LC1 Dual-controls for Driver Trainer Vehicles (Design)

1, 2

LC2 Dual-controls for Driver Trainer Vehicles (Modification)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

LC3 Vehicle controls for persons with a disability (Design)

1, 2

LC4 Vehicle controls for persons with a disability (Modification)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

Brakes (Code LG)

LG1 Brake System Conversion (Design) 1, 2

LG2 Brake System Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Body and Chassis (Code LH)

LH1 Roof Conversion (Design) 1, 2

LH2 Roof Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

LH3 Modified Wheelbase Conversion (Design) 1, 2

LH4 Modified Wheelbase Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

LH5 Vehicle Construction (Design) 1, 2

LH6 Vehicle Construction

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

LH7 Body Chassis Variants Conversion

LH9 Street Rod Certification 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 plus14


LH10 Street Rod Certification

LH11 Campervan and Motor home Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Seating and Occupant Protection (Code LK)

LK1 Seat & Seat Belt Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

LK2 Seat & Seat Belt Anchorage (Design) 1, 2

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Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

LK6 Child Restraint Anchorage Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

LK8 Roll Bar and Roll Cage Installation

LK9 Roll Bar, Roll Cage and Roll Over Protection System Design

1, 2

LK10 Aftermarket Roll Cage and Roll Over Protection Systems Installation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Fuel Systems (Code LM)

Codes LM2 and LM3 are not used in Queensland. Installation of all LPG and LNG are regulated by Queensland Mines and energy. Vehicle owners installing these systems should contact a licensed

gas installer.

LM1 Fuel Tank Alteration 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Vehicle Standards and Compliance (Code LO)

LO1 Australian Design Rule Compliance

1, 2

LO2 ICV Passenger Cars and Derivatives

LO3 Personal Imported Vehicle Compliance

LO4 ICV Tricycle LEM1

LO5 ICV Tricycle LEP1

LO7 ICV Motorcycle

Suspension and Steering (Code LS)

LS1 LHD Vehicle Steering Conversion (Design)

1, 2

LS2 LHD Vehicle Steering Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

LS3 Front Suspension and Steering Conversion (Design)

1, 2

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Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

LS4 Front Suspension and Steering Conversion

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

LS5 Rear Suspension Conversion (Design) 1, 2

LS6 Rear Suspension Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

LS9 High Lift – 50mm to 125mm (Design) 1, 2

LS10 High Lift – 50mm to 125mm (Modification)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Certified Tests (Code LT)

LT1 Beam and Torsional Tests

1, 2

LT2 Lane Change Maneuvering Test

LT3 Gaseous Emissions Test 1, 2,16

LT4 Noise Test 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12,13, 14, 15


Installation of Electric Drives on Motor Vehicles (Code LV)

LV1 Installation of Electric Drives in Motor Vehicles

1, 2

Use of Heavy Vehicle Modifications on Light Vehicles (GVM not more than 4.5 tonnes)

Unless authorised in writing by the Chief Executive under section 13(2)(b) of the VSS Regulation, the NCOP and LH9 and LH10 sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to light vehicles.

Additionally, VSB6 and K6, S4, S5, S6, S10 and S13 sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to heavy vehicles.

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Heavy Vehicle Modification Codes (Including stand-alone Queensland Codes)

All APs accredited for heavy vehicle modification codes must have standard equipment items 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24 and 25 (see Appendix 3).

Proof of Queensland residency is required when applying for heavy vehicle codes.

Unless authorised in writing by the Chief Executive under section 13(2)(b) of the VSS Regulation, VSB6 and K6, S4, S5, S6, S10 and S13 sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to heavy vehicles.

Additionally, the NCOP and LH9 and LH10 sections of the QCOP are only to be used to certify modifications to light vehicles.

Modification Code

Modification Qualification Code

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

(If required)

Engine Modifications (Code A)

A1 Engine Substitution 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

A2 Air Cleaner Substitution or Additional Fitment

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10

A3 Turbo Charger Installation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


A4 Exhaust System Alterations 34

A5 Road Speed Limiter Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 37, 38, 39

Transmission (Code B)

B1 Transmission Substitution or Additional Fitment

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Tail shaft (Code C)

C1 Tail shaft Alterations 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Rear Axle (Code D)

D1 Rear Axle/s Installation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

D2 Differential Substitution

Front Axles Steering and Wheels (Code E)

E1 Front Axle Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Modification Code

Modification Qualification Code

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

(If required)

E2 Steering System Alteration

1, 2

E3 Fitting of Non-Standard Wheels and Rims and Tyre Componentry

Suspension (Code F)

F1 Suspension Substitution

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

F2 Trailer Suspension Modification

Brakes (Code G)

G1 Air Brake System – Repositioning of Controls, Valves & Pipe work

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 G2 Fitting of Trailer Brake 10 plus Connections & Controls on Prime Movers

G3 Trailer Brake System Upgrading

G4 Brake System Certification 1, 2 36

G5 Auxiliary Brake Installation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 G6 Air Operated Accessories

G7 Brake System Substitution

G8 Trailer Brake System Upgrade 1, 2

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Modification Code

Modification Qualification Code

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

(If required)

Chassis Frame (Code H)

H1 Wheelbase Extension greater than 1st Manufacturer’s Option

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

H2 Wheelbase Reduction less than 1st Manufacturer’s Option

H3 Wheelbase Extension or Reduction within 1st Manufacturer’s Option

H4 Chassis Frame Alteration other than Change in Wheelbase

H5 Trailer Chassis frame Modification

H6 Front Underrun Protection 1, 2

Body Mounting (Code J)

J1 Mounting of Body – Vehicles greater than 4.5 tonne GVM

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

J2 Truck-Bus Body Fitment 1, 2

Cabin (Code K)

K1 Seating capacity Alteration & Seat Belt Alteration

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

K2 Seat belt Anchorage Certification 1, 2

K3 Cabin Conversion 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10

K5 Wheelchair restraint Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12


K6 Child restraint Installation (Stand-alone Queensland Code)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10

Fuel Systems (Code M)

M1 Fuel Tank repositioning or Additional Fitting

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

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Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

P1 Tow Coupling Installation Vehicle greater than 4.5 tonne GVM

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12


P2 Fifth Wheel & King Pin Installation 28

Truck Mounted Lifting Systems Slewing (Code Q)

Q1 Truck Mounted Crane Installation 1.0 to 10 meter tonne capacity

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12


Vehicle Mounted Lifting Systems – Non Slewing (Code R)

R1 Goods Loading Device Installation 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

R2 Wheelchair Loader Installation 30

Vehicle Rating (Code S)

S1 GVM Rating and GCM Rating to S2 or S3 approved design or within Manufacturer’s Specifications

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

S2 GVM Rating for Non Standard Vehicles

1, 2

S3 GCM rating approved design certification for non-standard vehicles or special vehicles

S4 Rigid Omnibus Mass Rating

S5 Articulated Omnibus Mass Rating

S6 Omnibus Evaluation

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

S7 Aggregate Trailer Mass Rating to S12 approved design or within manufacturer’s specification

S8 Road Train Prime Mover Rating 1, 2 35, 40

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Modification Code


Qualification Code

Appendix 2

(Must be one of the following)

Additional Equipment

Appendix 3

(If required)

S9 B-Double Rating 1, 2 35, 40

S10 Concessional Livestock Loading Vehicle Rating

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

S11 Road Train Trailer Rating

1, 2

S12 ATM Rating for approved design certification for Non Standard Trailers

S13 Bus Life Vehicle Rating

Tow Trucks (Code T)

T1 Construction of Tow Trucks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12

T2 Design of Tow Trucks 1, 2

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Appendix 2 – Qualification description for modification codes

An applicant for accreditation as an AP for a modification code that requires qualification number 1 or 2 must supply evidence of a current professional membership and a copy of their qualification(s) at the time of initial application. Where relevant, they must also provide relevant industry experience. Proof of current professional membership must also be provided at time of renewal and additional code applications.

An applicant for accreditation as an AP for a modification code that requires qualification numbers between 3 and 13 must submit evidence of at least five years relevant industry experience in manufacture and/or maintenance and/or modifications for light vehicles and/or heavy vehicles. This five year period may be continuous five year period or made up of periods within the last 10 years.

Qualification codes 4 to 13 are Australian Engineering Tradespersons Certificate or Australian Recognised Trade Certificates. Trade certificates issued since the introduction of national policy for regulated qualifications, fully implemented from 2000, must be accompanied by the RTO issued Statement of Attainment.

Qualification Number

Qualification Description

1 & 2

Option 1

Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) - Area – Mechanical


Registration/Membership of one of the following registers/associations:

National Engineering Registers in one of the following categories:

National Professional Engineers register (NPER) - Mechanical

National Engineering Technologists register (NETR) - Mechanical

National Engineering Associates register (NEAR) – Mechanical

Chartered Member of Engineers Australia in one of the following categories

Professional Engineer Member (MIEAust CPEng) - Mechanical College

Engineering Technologist Member (TMIEAust CEngT) - Mechanical


Engineering Associate Member (AMIEAust CEngA) - Mechanical College

Option 2

Member of Engineers Australia in one of the following categories:

Professional Engineer Member (MIEAust) - Mechanical College

Engineering Technologist Member (TMIEAust) - Mechanical College

Engineering Associate Member (AMIEAust) - Mechanical College

and demonstrate five years relevant industry experience.


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Qualification Number

Qualification Description

1 & 2

Accredited or recognised:

Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering (4 year degree)

Bachelor of Engineering Technology or (3 year degree)

Bachelor Technology in Engineering (3 year degree),

Advanced Diploma/Associate Degree in Mechanical Engineering

and demonstrate five years relevant industry experience.

Option 3

In exceptional circumstances, an applicant who has other qualifications and experience which, in the department’s opinion, are at least equivalent to Option 1 or 2 may be considered. To be considered, the applicant must provide the department with sufficient documentary evidence such as providing suitable written references of other qualifications and experience.

3 An Approved Examiner appointed under the provisions of the Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Accreditation and Others Provisions) Regulation 2005.

4 Cert III in Automotive Mechanical Technology (Light Vehicle) or equivalent

5 Cert III in Automotive Mechanical Technology (Heavy Vehicle) or equivalent

6 Cert III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Diesel Fitting) or equivalent

7 Cert III in Engineering - Mechanical Trade (Fitting & Turning) or equivalent

8 Cert III in Automotive (Vehicle Body Building) or equivalent

9 Cert III in Automotive Vehicle Body - or equivalent

10 Cert III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade - or equivalent

11 Cert III in Automotive Mechanical Technology - Motorcycle - or equivalent

12 Cert III in Engineering - Fabrication Trade - Boilermaker - or equivalent

13 Cert III in Automotive Electrical Technology - or equivalent

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Qualification Number

Qualification Description


Letter of confirmation of training and eligibility for street rod modification codes LH9 and/or LH10 from the Queensland Street Rod Technical Advisory Committee Association Inc., and

Current Australian Street Rod Federation membership, and

At least five years relevant industry experience in light vehicle manufacture and/or maintenance and/or modifications


At least five years relevant industry experience in light vehicle exhaust maintenance and/or modifications and/or noise level testing in accordance with the requirements of the National Stationary Noise Test Procedures for In-Service Motor Vehicles - September 2006.

16 National Association of Testing Authorities Australia (NATA) Certified to conduct IM240 testing

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Appendix 3 – Equipment and Documentation required by Approved Persons for vehicle modifications

Qualification Number


Legislation and Codes of Practice

17 Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995

18 Transport Operations (Road Use Management - Accreditation and Other Provisions) Regulation 2005

19 Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2010

20 National Code of Practice for Light Vehicle Construction and Modification - VSB 14

21 Queensland Code of Practice - Vehicle Modifications

22 Heavy Vehicle National Law Act 2012 (Queensland)

23 National Heavy Vehicle Regulators Code of Practice for the Approval of Heavy Vehicle Modifications

Australian Design Rules

24 Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety - 2nd Edition

25 Australian Design Rules for Motor Vehicle Safety and Trailers - 3rd Edition

Australian and New Zealand Standards

26 AS/NZS 10542.1:2009 Technical systems and aids for disabled or handicapped

persons - Wheelchair tiedown and occupant-restraint systems - Requirements and test methods for all systems


AS 2213.2–2008 Commercial road vehicles - Mechanical Connections between towing vehicles - 50mm pin type couplings and draw bar eyes

AS 1110.1–2000 ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws - Product grades A and B - Bolts

AS 1110.2–2000 ISO metric hexagon bolts and screws - Product grades A and B - Screws

AS/NZS 1554.1–2004 Structural steel welding - Welding of steel structures

AS 2321–2006 Short Link Chain for Lifting Purposes

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Qualification Number



AS/NZS 4968.1:2003 Heavy-road vehicles - Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations - Design criteria and selection requirements for fifth wheel, kingpin and associated equipment

AS/NZS 4968.2:2003 Heavy-road vehicles - Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations - Testing and installation of fifth wheel and associated equipment

AS/NZS 4968.3:2011 Heavy-road vehicles - Mechanical coupling between articulated vehicle combinations - Kingpins and associated equipment

AS 2174.1–2006 Heavy-road vehicles - Mechanical couplings between prime movers and semitrailers - Interchangeability requirements - Non dedicated vehicle combinations

AS 2174.2–2006 Heavy-road vehicles - Mechanical couplings between prime movers and semitrailers - Interchangeability requirements - Dedicated vehicle combinations

29 AS 1418.1–2002 Cranes, hoists and winches - General requirements

AS 1418.5–2013 Cranes, hoists and winches - Mobile Cranes


AS 3856.1–1998 Hoists and Ramps for People with Disabilities - Vehicle Mounted - Product requirements

AS 3856.2–1998 Hoists and Ramps for People with Disabilities - Vehicle Mounted - Installation requirements

Street Rod Guidelines

31 Australian Street Rod Federation and Queensland Street Rod Guidelines

Measuring and Other equipment

32 A sound level meter complying with the specifications contained in the National Stationary Exhaust Noise Test Procedures for In-Service Motor Vehicles - September 2006

33 Must have access to Smoke Measuring Apparatus as per ADR 30/00 Smoke Emission Control for Diesel Vehicles

34 Must have access to Sound Meter in accordance with Australian Standard AS 1259.1-1990 Sound level meters - Non-integrating

35 Must have access to a Precision Brake Response Timer

36 Must have access to a Fifth Wheel Distance and Speed Measuring Device

37 Stop Watch

Business Rules for an Approved Person (Vehicle Modifications) – Version 4.0 – 1 September 2015 - 21 -

Qualification Number


38 Hand Held Engine Tachometer

39 Lead Seal Applicator identifying the Accreditation Number of the AP

Department Training Course

40 Have attended the department’s Heavy Vehicle Registration Assessment Scheme (HVRAS) Training Course