Presented by Geri Ann Fuller Business Proofing & Editing Made Easy

Business Proofing & Editing Made Easyimages.ruceci.com/PDFS/WTEPBook.pdfGrammar check can be wrong.! Spell check can’t tell if you used the correct word. 8. Don’t trust grammar

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Presented by Geri Ann Fuller

Business Proofing & Editing Made Easy

What is the difference between editing

and proofreading?

Editing vs. Proofreading✓ Editing is about content.!✓ It’s rewriting, revising,

and cutting fat.!✓ Proofreading is about

correcting errors.

Editing vs. Proofreading✓ Each task requires a different focus.!✓ The Incredible Power of the Human Mind!✓ Your brain will read incorrect words as if

they are correct.

¡ Intelligence makes mistakes easier to miss.!

¡ Your brain is always thinking about meaning.!

Editing vs. Proofreading

Tips andTechniques

✓ Consider your audience.!✓ Match your language and tone.!✓ Have a clear purpose.

Consider tone.Cut the fat.

Cutting the Fatthatwhichwho

there areit is

Sentence Structure¡ Editing issue!¡ Use short sentences.!¡ KISS: Keep it short

and simple.!¡ Make each sentence

a complete thought.!¡ Use short paragraphs.

Use the Active Voice

Except when ...!✓ You don’t know the actor.!✓ The point is the action.!✓ The object is more important.!✓ You want to avoid blaming.!✓ You want to take the heat

off yourself.

When the subject does the action

Proofreaders’ Top Mistake

¡ It’s failing to ask someone else to read the document.!

¡ The other person will catch things you missed.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


1. Read backward.

2. Use a frame.

3. Review several times.✓ Make a checklist.!✓ Look for different

errors with each pass.!✓ Spell names correctly.!✓ Prioritize proofreading

tasks.Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


4. Proofread early.

✓ At the end of the day, you’re tired.!

✓ Most of us are at our best in the morning.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


5. Get your tools together.✓ Getting up can break

your concentration.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


6. Don’t proofread under fluorescent lamps.✓ They take 30 percent

of your brainpower.!✓ Use natural light or an

incandescent bulb.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


✓ Glitches can happen.

7. Read a recent draft next to the original.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


✓ Grammar check can be wrong.!

✓ Spell check can’t tell if you used the correct word.

8. Don’t trust grammar and spell check.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


✓ Print it differently to surprise your eyes.

9. Proofread from a hard copy.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


10. Take frequent breaks.

Top 10 Guidelines for Hard-to-Spot


Common Grammar Errors¡ Short sentences

can help avoid grammar errors.!

¡ Run-on sentences are 2 or more complete thoughts without punctuation separating them.

Confusing subject and object!¡ Ex: Each of the reports

contain useful information.!¡ A singular subject needs a

singular verb.!¡ Prepositional phrases will

come between the subject and verb.

Common Grammar Errors

Common Grammar ErrorsConfusing who and whom

Misuse of the reflexive pronoun

Don’t use reflexive pronouns in place of an object pronoun.

Common Grammar Errors

Forgetting to use parallel structure

Misplaced modifiers


Capitalize:!1. A person, place, or thing.!2. The first word of a sentence.!3. Seasons used as a proper noun or directions

used to describe a geographic region.


4. Titles when they come before a

name.5. Family relationships when used in place of

a name.


¡ Abbreviate words that are part of an address.!¡ Spell out the same words in a sentence.!¡ Abbreviate titles when full names are used.


✓ The rule of 10!✓ Be consistent with all numerals

in the same sentence.!✓ Spell out numbers used to start

a sentence.!✓ Spell out approximate numbers.!✓ Spell out ordinal numbers.


Numbers✓ Numbers are tricky, because you don’t always know

what they are supposed to be.!✓ Read aloud to a partner.!✓ Double-check math and phone numbers.

Phone Numbers, Names, and Addresses

Dial numbers to ensure correctness.

Numbers take more time and care.!

People like to see their names spelled correctly.

Phone Numbers, Names, and Addresses

¡ Double-check addresses with a reliable source.!

¡ Double-check Web addresses.

Oversights and R


¡ Use the Z-scan technique.!¡ Spell check can’t find

all errors.!¡ Read the document

out loud to look for incorrect words.


¡ Do the work and check after yourself.!

¡ Not checking your mistakes can lead to major embarrassment.!

¡ Don’t beat yourself up if you make a mistake.

With Geri Ann Fuller

Welcome to Business Proofing & Editing Made Easy


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