First News September 2021 Volume 30 Issue 9 First News BUSINESS NAME I think Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. I, very much, enjoyed the summer—but the heat has become too much. I look forward to the cooler days ahead and football on the weekends! Autumn is also a little bit melancholy with leaves starting to change and the grass starting to die. Even though the year is not quite over, we know it's about to come an end. For me, Fall is also a time of memory—looking back and thinking about a year that's coming to a close. The pandemic has been a particularly hard time. I enjoy watching kids in our community grow—but feel like I have missed the last year and a half because of Covid. Children have grown into teenagers; teenagers have grown into young adults; and, while young adults have grown to be men and women, I’m just growing old. I don't feel like I've been able to watch their transition. Autumn, with all of its colorful beauty and cooler weather has long been associated with memories, and even grief, because things are coming to an end. I heard in a James Taylor song that “memory is the sweetest pain.” That phrase sums up Autumn for me. Grief is a funny thing—I know that sounds like a contradiction. Grief means loss, and loss means something that we have loved is no longer with us. Ultimately, this means we have been blessed. It's true what they say: “it's better to have loved and lost rather to have never loved at all.” Let us remember that grief is a sign of our blessings! For me, this is the good news of faith. We are not stuck in memory, but we remain people of the future! There is always more in front of us no matter our current age. Even though our lives are finite and we have a beginning, a middle and an end—as everything in this world does—we worship and we place our hope in an infinite God. As we sing in “Borning Cry,” even though “we rest our weary head and close our eyes, the Lord speaks to us with just one more surprise.” In death, Christ invites us into his resurrection and new life. This does not take away the pain of loss; however, Christ is in our present and our Lord will welcome us into eternity. This is why I love Autumn’s reminder that even though things are starting to end and Winter will soon be here, there's always Spring on the horizon. When all is said and done, we will be with our Lord—and with one another—in eternity, but for now, we still live in this life of new beginnings. God’s Peace, Pastor Matt MISSION STATEMENT: To connect ourselves and others to Christ through acts of faith and love. VISION STATEMENT: First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lexington shall be a Christ-centered community participating in Spirit- led worship, challenging learning and loving outreach; willing to be transformed by the Gospel and eagerly using our gifts to transform Pastor Matthew Miller Inside this issue: Council News 2-3 Volunteer Opportunities 8 Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting 3 Joys and Cares 9-11 We Pray for Each Other 4 Ministry Schedules 12 Worship and Fellowship Opportunities 5-7 In the Community at Mt. Tabor UCC 13

BUSINESS NAME First News September 2021 Issue 9

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Page 1: BUSINESS NAME First News September 2021 Issue 9

First News September 2021

Volume 30 Issue 9

First News


I think Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. I, very much, enjoyed the summer—but the heat has become too much. I look forward to the cooler days ahead and football

on the weekends! Autumn is also a little bit melancholy with leaves starting to change and the grass starting to die. Even though the year is not quite over, we know it's about to come an end. For me, Fall is also a time of memory—looking back and thinking about a year that's coming to a close. The pandemic has been a particularly hard time. I enjoy watching kids in our community grow—but feel like I have missed the last year and a half because of Covid. Children have grown into teenagers; teenagers have grown into young adults; and, while young adults have grown to be men and women, I’m just growing old. I don't feel like I've been able to watch their transition. Autumn, with all of its colorful beauty and cooler weather has long been associated with memories, and even grief, because

things are coming to an end. I heard in a James Taylor song that “memory is the sweetest pain.” That phrase sums up Autumn for me. Grief is a funny thing—I know that sounds like a contradiction. Grief means loss, and loss means something that we have loved is no longer with us. Ultimately, this means we have been blessed. It's true what they say: “it's better to have loved and lost rather to have never loved at all.” Let us remember that grief is a sign of our blessings! For me, this is the good news of faith. We are not stuck in memory, but we remain people of the future! There is always more in front of us no matter our current age. Even though our lives are finite and we have a beginning, a middle and an end—as everything in this world does—we worship and we place our hope in an infinite God. As we sing in “Borning Cry,” even though “we rest our weary head and close our eyes, the Lord speaks to us with just one more surprise.” In death, Christ invites us into his resurrection and new life. This does not take away the pain of loss; however, Christ is in our present and our Lord will welcome us into eternity. This is why I love

Autumn’s reminder that even though things are starting to end and Winter will soon be here, there's always Spring on the horizon. When all is said and done, we will be with our Lord—and with one another—in eternity, but for now, we still live in this life of new beginnings. God’s Peace, Pastor Matt

MISSION STATEMENT: To connect ourselves and others to Christ through acts of faith and love.

VISION STATEMENT: First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Lexington shall be a Christ-centered community participating in Spirit-led worship, challenging learning and loving outreach; willing to be transformed by the Gospel and eagerly using our gifts to transform

Pastor Matthew Miller

Inside this issue:

Council News 2-3 Volunteer Opportunities 8

Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting 3 Joys and Cares 9-11

We Pray for Each Other 4 Ministry Schedules 12

Worship and Fellowship Opportunities 5-7 In the Community at Mt. Tabor UCC 13

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Council News


July 11, 2021 First Evangelical Lutheran Church |COUNCIL MEETING

Call to Order

Tawn Bizzell opened the meeting.


Bleasha led devotion on Proverbs 5:1-2

God offers discernment for decision making


Minutes from June were emailed out.

Motion to approve- Bleasha, 2nd- John

Unanimous approval


No report on financials

Property- no report on the little library but will be meeting on 7/12

Harris Team will also meet on 7/12

The Outreach clothing closet has reopened. Low attendance at our first date.

Learning Team- plans to have a September kick off event with VBS & GWOH in-

corporated together

DDCC will continue using the kitchen in the fall.

Harris Team will discuss creating a nonprofit to control the funds at the 7/12

meeting. This will be added to the next council agenda for discussion.

The nominating committee needs to meet for October elections.


Tawn Bizzell (President)

Frank Bell

Bleasha Carroll

Kevin Hathcock

John Leonard

James Whitaker

Pastor Matt Miller

Absent: Sandy Hahn, Melissa Morris, Berry Odum

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Council News– July 11 Meeting Continued


Pastor’s Report

Covid protocols will continue until fall

Recommending masks through August

Discontinue the biweekly council check ins

Attendance remains lower than this time in past years

A lack of volunteers needs to be addressed and remedied soon

Input is needed from the worship committee on when to discontinue Covid proto-

cols and resume gathering in worship similar to before the pandemic. (i.e. com-

munion, masking, worship assistants)

The meeting was closed in prayer by Pastor Matthew Miller.

Council’s next meeting will be on Sunday, August 8 at 9:00AM in the council meeting

room with Sandy Hahn providing devotions.

The annual congregational meeting

will be held on Sunday,

October 17, 2021 at 10:30AM.

Annual Congregational Meeting

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We Pray for Each Other

CHURCH FAMILY: David Apple Scott Carlson Amy Hollar Cormier Jean Conrad Darstein Mary Huneycutt Katie Lemly Frank Mills Lewis McMillan Ronnie Moretz Willie Ruth Pless Holly Scott Gracie Shepherd Jody Shepherd Terry Triplett Deborah Wertman LOVED ONES, FRIENDS AND NEIGHBORS: Tonya Adams (Friend of David Smith Susan Avery and Family (Friends of Christi Nebrich) Mike Babcock (Friend of the Kitzmans) Nick Babcock (Friend of the Kitzmans) Charles Baker (Bill Baker’s father) Kevin and Jennifer Baker (Bill & Patsie Baker’s son & daughter-in-law) Noah Grey Baker (Bill & Patsie Baker’s granddaughter) Becky Beasley (friend of Dan & Lynn Smith) Scott Biesecker (friend of the Turlingtons) Mary Brink (Niece of Pauletta Conrad) Gene Bullock (Tracy Miller’s uncle) Anne Burkhart (friend of Pam Mabry) Elsie Burnette (friend of FLC) Tessa Burns (Bob Redwine’s niece) Mike Byrd (Friend of Bob Sink) Johnsie Canny (Emma Apple’s sister) Rita Caudle (friend of Sabrina Conrad) Mackey Charles (friend of Joe & Bleasha Carroll) Edward Clancy (friend of Bing Sudarmono) Esther Cotton (friend of Bleasha Carroll) Jessica Crabb Amy and Wes Cups Robert Dasch (Father of Keith Dasch) Tracy Davis (Friend of Lee and Lori Conrad) Marina Dunaway and family (friends of Karen Riggs) Delores Farrell (Dalane Kitzman’s sister) Danny Fine (Lynn Smith’s brother) Vickie Foster (Teena Walker’s sister-in-law) Marc Frye (friend of Craig and Robin Deal) Marlon Gaskins (Friend of Scott and Deb Wertman)

Rick Gransee The Greer Family (Friends of Karen Riggs) Kathy Harwood (Beth Lemly’s sister-in-law) Norma Heath (friend of Kelly Newsome) Ronald Hensley (friend of Mary Huneycutt) Barbara Sue Herring (Friend of FLC) Gavin Hill (friend of the Odums) Dakota Himes (friend of the Miller family) Scott Hummel (friend of the Turlingtons) Jeff Hutcherson (Husband of Karen Rigg’s coworker, Jill) Caleb Hutcherson (Son of Karen Rigg’s coworker, Jill) Ken Jacobs (Friend of Cindy Schoonmaker and FLC) Damon Jones (brother of clothing closet volunteer, Teresa Smith) Betty Jordan (friend of the Carlsons) Karen Kernstine (friend of Sabrina Conrad) John Kleine (Nancy Carlson’s brother-in-law) Terry Kohler (Wertman family member) Jack Kunz (Nancy Carlson’s father) Scarlett Kyle (granddaughter of Richard and Dinah Browne) Mary and Charles Lee (friends of FLC) Larry Leonard (John Leonard’s brother) Nichole Leonard (friend of Patti Grant) Hazel Lovelace (Jim Lovelace’s mother) Mandy Marshall (Debbie Triplett’s daughter) Jake May (friend of Russell Smith) Miranda and Children (Friends of Sabrina Conrad) Deb McGraw (friend of Patrick Harris) Sandy Mendenhall (friend of Lynn Smith) Larry Michaels Claire Murphy (Rebecca Moretz’ cousin) Craig and Lisa Royal (friends of FLC) Emil Schuh (Dalane Kitzman’s counsin) Aubrey Smith (Dan Smith’s dad) David Smith (Nephew of Bob Sink) Enzo Staccone (friend of the Hathcocks) Jimmy Steele (friend of Mary Huneycutt) Jason Stone (Wendy Coley’s son) Marilee Strasser (friend of Bill and Patsie Baker) Denny Swimley (brother-in-law of Scott and Deborah Wertman) Jackie Taylor (Lorraine Carlson’s sister) Marie Thomason (Sarah Whitaker’s grandmother) Gary Tilton (friend of Dan and Lynn Smith) Glenn Visbeen (friend of John Leonard) Charlie Ward (friend of Kim Odum) Mary Louise Wilkerson (Friend of FLC) Drew Williams (friend of Kellie Fritts Michael) Devone Wohl (Dalane Kitzman’s sister) Waylynn Wilson (Great-niece of Melissa Morris) Nathan Wohl (Dalane Kitzman’s nephew) The families of those who have passed to life eternal: Jim Bailey (Carol Leonard’s brother) Jan Willette Sujio So (Father of Bing Grubb in Indonesia) JL Hudson (Uncle of Jim Lovelace) Expectant Parents: David and Alex Conrad Neil and Rachel Meyer Gallagher Kyle and Robin Lockwood Young


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Save the Date

Letter to Ephesians

Sunday, September 12, 2021

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Meet in the Family Life Center at 9:30AM to deliver baskets of goodies to our firefighters, police, & first responders. We give thanks for

their sacrifices & service!

Paul and the Letter to the Ephesians

Join Pastor Galen Hahn once a month beginning September 11, 2021, at 10:00 AM in the Family Life Center for a study on Paul & the letter to the


The schedule of future meetings will be determined at the first meeting.

Sunday School Resumes

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Classes will be offered for

Pre-k– K

Elementary School Middle & High School Youth

Adult Class

Classes will be each Sunday morning 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM.

A topical based adult class will also be taught

throughout the year. If you would be interested in leading a course, Bible Study, or lesson,

please contact Amanda.

Sunday School

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Worship and Fellowship Opportunities

September 14 & 28 at 6:00PM

Beer and Bible at the Goose & Monkey Brew House

All are welcome to attend this time of fellowship &

devotion. Childcare is not provided at this time.


Each Tuesday at 8:00 AM

Pericope will meet in the youth room

Bring your own breakfast.

A Keurig will be provided for coffee.

All are welcome to join us in this time of study & fellowship!


FELC Council will meet Sunday, September 5 at 9:00AM

Property Team will meet on Monday, September 13 at 7:00PM

Inreach Team will meet on Tuesday, September 14 at 4:00PM

If you’d like to assist on any of these teams, please let the church office know and we will be glad to put you in contact with the team

leaders. All are welcome to serve! ________________________________________________________________________________

Agape Circle will meet on September 13 at 6:30PM

We will meet in the first room on the left in the Family Life Center. All women of the ELCA are welcome to attend!


September 23 at 7:00PM

(No meeting on September 9)

Prayer Shawl Ministry in the Family Life Center

Beginners and experienced knitters/crocheters alike are welcome to join the prayer shawl group to make shawls for our community.


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Facebook Devotions

God’s Work. Our Hands.

Saturday, September 11, 2021

9:00 AM — Noon

We will celebrate a day of service in honor of the

ECLA’s God’s Work. Our Hands. initiative. We

will complete service projects in the Family Life

Center. Wear your gold shirt, mask & plan to

join us!

Pastor’s Pantry

Donations will be collected on the shelving

outside of the chapel. Thank you for

supporting the needs of our community at this


September - cans of mixed vegetables

October — oatmeal (individual servings)

November — soups

December — macaroni & cheese

January — Canned meats (chicken, tuna, etc.)

February — dry pasta and/or pasta sauce

March — canned pasta (i.e. ravioli, etc.)

April — dry beans

May — instant mashed potatoes

June — grits (individual serving-size packets)

July — Hamburger Helper or store brand version

August — canned tuna

Each Wednesday at 11:00 AM

Devotions with Pastor Matt on Facebook Live

Join us here: https://www.facebook.com/FLCLEX/

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Volunteers Needed


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Joys & Cares

Erin and Peter Kilcullen, Jaden and Zeke

150 Sawyer Ln

Lexington NC 27295

CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY IS EXTENDED TO: Bing Milo upon the death of his father, Sujio So. Bing has also lost a cousin, an aunt and uncle to Covid-19 previously this year. People in Indonesia are having to wait for months to be able to get vaccinated because the distribution of the vaccine is so slow over there. Bing’s brothers and sisters are still not vaccinated, but have been in line for months. Please pray for all people around the world who want the vaccine, but are unable to get it. Carol Leonard upon the passing of her brother, Jim Bailey, in Greenville, SC, On Tuesday, September 7, 2021. Arrangements are incomplete at the time of this writing. Lacee Nichols, friend of Patti Grant, upon the deaths of two family members within a short period of time. Her mother, Lisa Hunt, passed away a short time ago; her brother, Eddie Hunt, then succumbed to cancer on August 7. Lacee is just 28 years old. Angie Crookenden (former FLC member) upon the death of her mother, Nikki. Nikki Cheryl Leonard Williams, 73, of Lexington passed to eternal life on August 8 at her home. A funeral service was held on August 10 in the Davidson Funeral Home Chapel in Lexington. Nikki was a passionate cat lover, avid gardener, fan of Nascar, and passionate crafter. Katie and Beth Lemly upon the passing of Katie’s sister, Martha. Martha Ann Lemly Williamson, 75, died August 8. She had been suffering with kidney problems and then suffered a massive stroke; she was admitted to the Hinkle Hospice Home. A graveside service was held on August 13 at Holly Hill Memorial Park Cemetery in Thomasville with Pastor Matt Miller officiating. Martha was a certified Licensed Cosmetologist, and still did her own hair every week until her passing. She was last employed and retired in 1984 from Acme Sample Books of High Point, NC. She loved to read, and she also did Genealogy on several of their families. She also made beautiful crafts and many quilts with old patterns. Ian Miller and Kaycie Nicole Thornton (friends and former parishioners of Pastor Matt and Tracy Miller) upon the death of their infant son. Liam Miller, seven months old, passed away on August 8 after being severely ill with a rhinovirus. The family were members of Atonement Lutheran. Visitation was held at Hayworth-Miller Silas Creek Chapel in Winston Salem on August 14. Liam is survived by three sisters. Judy and Larry Conrad upon the passing of Judy’s sister, Nancy. Nancy Sue Hedrick Beck, 87, of Thomasville, died August 14 at her home in Southmont. A graveside service was held on August 21 at Holly Hill Memorial Park in Thomasville. Nancy had been in poor health for over two years, and was bedridden for the last year; she lived at the home of her daughter, Stephanie, who cared for her during that time. Joan Clodfelter (friend of the congregation) upon the passing of her daughter-in-law, Becky. Rebecca Lang Clodfelter (“Becky”), wife of Joan’s son Jim, passed away peacefully at home on August 14 from complications of ALS; she was 60 years old. There will be a service and a celebration of Becky's life at a time yet to be determined. Her joyous spirit leaves everything and everyone she touched better for her presence. Becky and Jim started their successful painting business (originally Clodfelter Specialty Painting, now Clodfelter Studio) in 1996, and ran it together until the week of Becky's death. Becky was a renowned artist and experimented with many kinds of media. She navigated her illness with the same grace, humor, courage and kindness that she brought to every circumstance,

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Joys and Cares


and she was actively in charge of her own choices and care until her last day.

Noella Ros’ (daughter of Robert and Mandy Marshall, granddaughter of Terry and Debbie Triplett) boyfriend upon the passing of his father. Brian Alexander McLaurin, age 44, of Monticello, Georgia, passed away Monday, August 16, at his residence. Brian was an active firefighter for Fairburn, Georgia, for six years and volunteered in Jasper County for a number of years. Besides spending time with family, he loved hunting, fishing, and playing the guitar. Brian was quick to lend a hand whenever needed and always made sure his family and friends came first. Mr. McLaurin suffered a stroke thirteen months ago. A memorial service was held August 30 at Northway Church in Macon, Georgia. Family and friends upon the passing of our Sister-in-Christ, Jan Willette. Janice Katherine Lotz Willette passed away on August 17 in the comfort of her home in Lexington, surrounded by her family. A memorial service will be held in the First Lutheran Church Columbarium at 11:00 AM on Saturday, September 4; Pastor Matthew Miller will be officiating. Jan was a lovely Christian author who loved Jesus, and a beautiful compassionate housewife and mother, and a loving friend to so many. Jan worked several years as the Activities Director at Centerclair Nursing Home. She also was an author of published books that told of her “faith stories” and dreams. In her book “Different Stories,” now-deceased husband Earl writes in the preface: “Her heart is pure…I love her answer when people ask her why she is always so sweet and joyful. She says, ‘Because Jesus is in my heart.’ It’s as simple and wonderful and powerful as that.” Bob and Sandy Redwine upon the passing of their former pastor and friend, Jimmy Norred. The Reverend Jimmy J. Norred of Greensboro, 82, passed away August 19 at Moses Cone Hospital after heart surgery. A funeral service was held at Davidson Funeral Home Chapel on August 28. Rev. Norred was a pastor for 55 years, retiring in 2016. In 2007, “Jimmy” was installed as Pastor Emeritus of Paul’s Chapel UCC in Lexington. Jimmy also believed in being a servant leader in the community. He was active in Prison Chaplaincy, Volunteer Fire Department, Lions Club, Crisis Ministry and many others. He served as a hospital chaplain at Lexington Memorial Hospital. He was intricately involved in the foundation and opening of Piedmont Crossing. OUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS: Ron Sink had knee replacement surgery recently, and returned home August 1. We continue to pray for victims of COVID-19 and their families, as well as those health care workers who work tirelessly. We pray that a vaccine might soon be available for children under 12. Pearl Grubb, mother of Rick Grubb, had outpatient surgery on August 18 at Forsyth Hospital to remove a blood clot in her leg. Vickie Foster, sister-in-law of Teena Walker, has been recently diagnosed with cancer. She underwent surgery on August 23 to remove a tumor along with half of both her large and small intestines. She will have to have chemo-therapy treatments for six months. Noah Grey Baker (daughter of Kevin and Jenn Baker, granddaughter of Bill and Patsie Baker) is growing well! She is now over 100 days old, weighs over seven pounds, and is off both oxygen and a feeding tube; she is able to take a bottle. Noah is in the neonatal intensive care unit at Forsyth Hospital, and hopes to come home soon. She was born prematurely at just 24 weeks in May. THANKS! Prayer Shawl Ministry – Thanks to those who lead and participate in the Prayer Shawl Ministry. Completed prayer shawls are in the closet in the “Prayer Shawl Room”. Please feel free to pick up any that are needed, bless them and send them out. (Please notify Kelly so that he can note in our records.)

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Joys and Cares


School Supplies – Bookbags and school supplies that had been donated for Lexington City School students were blessed during worship on August 8. Thanks to Amanda Hathcock for organizing this drive, to all those who donated supplies or money, and to those who helped deliver them on August 9. Totals delivered: 144 bookbags, over 1,000 pencils, 200 notebooks, 150 glue sticks, 100 pairs of scissors, over 100 boxes of crayons, markers and colored pencils CONGRATULATIONS Milestones

Birthday: On August 1, Frank Mills celebrated his 89th birthday (correction from last month’s newsletter issue;) he still has a year to catch up with Bob Sink!

Back-to-School: Children brought their backpacks to church for a blessing during worship on August 8. At the same time, all students, teachers and educators received blessings.

Blessing of car keys – New drivers gathered around the font during worship on August 29 to receive a prayer from Pastor Matt and blessing by the congregation. Pastor Matt also spoke to them about responsibilities that went along with this privilege as he presented each with a special key ring from FLC.

Pregnancy – David and Alex Conrad are expecting a second daughter in February! Big sister is Scarlett and proud grandparents will be John and Sabrina Conrad! Home at Last! Noah Grey Baker (daughter of Kevin and Jenn Baker, granddaughter of Bill and Patsie Baker) is growing well! She was born prematurely at just 24 weeks in May. Now, at over seven pounds, Noah has graduated from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and is home with her mommy and daddy! Jenn writes: 111. That’s how many days our sweet Noah Grey has been out in the world. 111 days of spending 10+ hours a day at the NICU staring at her and praying that she makes it home. 111 nights of not sleeping from worry about her being born so prematurely. But, 111 extra days of loving her on the outside has been the bonus we never saw coming. 9/2/21 Today is her due date. And today, we got to walk out of the hospital for the first time as a family of three. I hardly have the words to describe these feelings. NICU was nothing short of a rollercoaster. So much fear, worry and sadness that she’s had to endure all that she has. But every day that passed, she got stronger and stronger and showed us she apparently knew what she was doing when she decided to come early. We are in complete awe of our 1 pound 6 oz miracle. Since Saturday, we have been In the family integrated care unit which allowed us to stay and do all of her care with less medical team interaction. It has given us the confidence to be ready to leave. We have waited and waited for you sweet Noah. Now it’s time to come home. 5/14/2021 at 1 lb. 6 oz. 9/2/2021 at over 7 lbs.

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Ministry Schedules


Ministry Schedule September 2021


Pentecost 15


Pentecost 16


Pentecost 17


Pentecost 18

Assisting Minister Judy Conrad Judy Conrad Rebecca Moretz Rebecca Moretz

Crucifer Tim Conrad Kara Conrad Tim Conrad Tim Conrad

Acolyte Connor


Open Open Open

Lector Amy Whalen Amy Whalen Amy Whalen Connie McMillan

Usher Sabrina Conrad Sabrina Conrad Patti Grant Sabrina Conrad

Sound System John Conrad Lee Conrad John Leonard Kevin Hathcock

Altar Flowers Bleasha Carroll Moretz Family Open Susan Bizzell

Ministry Schedule October 2021


Pentecost 19


Pentecost 20


Pentecost 21


Pentecost 22


Reformation Sunday

Assisting Min-ister

Patti Grant Patti Grant Patti Grant Darrell Parks Connie


Crucifer Open Open Open Open Open

Acolyte Open Open Open Open Open

Lector Tawn Bizzell Tawn Bizzell Tawn Bizzell Tawn Bizzell Tawn Bizzell

Usher Jon Lough Jon Lough Jon Lough Jon Lough Jon Lough

Sound System John Conrad Lee Conrad John Leonard Kevin Hathcock Lee Conrad

Torch Bearers

Book Bearer

Not needed Not needed

Not needed

Not needed Open

Altar Flowers Open Moretz


Frank and Pat


Open Melanie Bumgardner

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In the Community at Mt. Tabor UCC

Our dear friends at Mt. Tabor United Church of Christ will be holding their Fall Bazaar on Saturday, October 2. Breakfast will be served. If you’ve never been to a Bazaar at Mt. Tabor, you’ve missed a treat! This is a great opportunity. We have a number of volunteers from Mt. Tabor who have, for a number of years, been amazingly faithful volunteers at our clothing closet.

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Return Service Requested

First Evangelical Lutheran Church

320 South State Street

PO BOX 308

Lexington, NC 27293

Phone: 336-248-6018

Email: [email protected]

We’re on the Web:


Church Staff & Volunteers

The Rev. Matthew L. Miller ~ Pastor Tawn Bizzell ~ Council President

Amanda Hathcock ~ Director of Congregational Life Kelly Newsome ~ Organist / Parish Associate

Jim Lovelace ~ Pianist Kelly Newsome ~ Music Ministries

Bing Grubb ~ Sexton