WWW.NYbusinessLatino.com ▪ Edition 16 ▪ December 09 - 15, 2010 The Latino Business Empowerment Hub » Obesity Positive Outcome for New Treatment Option » Traveler Builds Calculator to Beat Airline Baggage Fees » La importancia de la educación financiera para prevenir fraudes Dream Act 2010: Keep Dreaming


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WWW.NYbusinessLatino.com ▪ Edition 16 ▪ December 09 - 15, 2010

The Latino Business Empowerment Hub

» Obesity Positive Outcome for New Treatment Option

» Traveler Builds Calculator to Beat Airline Baggage Fees

» La importancia de la educación financiera para prevenir fraudes

Dream Act 2010: Keep Dreaming


Dream Act 2010: Keep Dreaming w








Front Page Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

The Democratic party was in a festive mood af-ter the House of Representatives passed a bill granting legal status to students who immigrat-

ed to the United States illegally.

America: the land of endless opportunities. As long as you are white, rich, your parents were born in the United States, you cannot distinguish between raising your voice and speaking another language, and peanut butter is one of the three essentials you would take to a deserted island over a knife.On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a bill that could grant a laborious, daunting path to citizen-

ship for hundreds of thousands of alien immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children.However, the bill has to be brought to the Senate for a vote that could open discussion in advancing the legis-lation, Senate majority leader Harry Reid deferred the vote until later this month.

Everyone knows what that means. Goodbye Dream Act. The bill passed the House by a vote of 216 to 198, and while President Obama and Democratic leaders shared in a Rocky moment of unexpected victory, Senate Re-publicans have put a block on the vote until the Obama tax deal passes.

continue p.3

Front Page Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

But thanks to the constant “Les Miserables” style tug of war that governs every decision made in the Senate in American history, that just may never happen.

The Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (The "DREAM Act") is a piece of proposed federal legislation in the United States that was first intro-duced in the United States Senate on August 1, 2001 and most re-cently re-introduced there and the United States House of Represen-tatives on March 26, 2009.

This bill would provide certain illegal and deportable alien stu-dents who graduate from US high schools, who are of good moral character, arrived in the U.S. ille-gally as minors, and have been in the country continuously and ille-gally for at least five years prior to the bill's enactment, the opportu-nity to earn conditional permanent residency if they complete two years in the military or two years at a four year institution of higher learning. The students would ob-tain temporary residency for a six year period. Within the six year period, a qualified student must have "acquired a degree from an institution of higher education in the United States or [have] com-pleted at least 2 years, in good standing, in a program for a bache-lor's degree or higher degree in the United States," or have "served in the uniformed services for at least 2 years and, if discharged, [have]

received an honorable discharge."

Military enlistment contracts re-quire an eight year commitment, with active duty commitments typically between four and six years, but as low as two years. "Any alien whose permanent resi-dent status is terminated [accord-ing to the terms of the Act] shall return to the immigration status the alien had immediately prior to receiving conditional permanent resident status under this Act."

Candidates may have trouble meeting the criteria of that last stipulation as the term’s definition may fluctuate depending on who is determining what constitutes “good” and “moral”, and even “character”.

So far adultery, embezzlement, shameless desecration of family values and a gaping lack of gener-al consideration for human beings would not appear to prevent illegal aliens from moving forward with the application process.

Once able to verify eligibility, the individual would have to apply formally, though, at this point, as the legislation has not yet passed the application format remains un-known.Government officials speculate that the first round of applications will consist of a vicious game of pin the tail on the donkey where a small, blunt pin will be replaced with a jagged, rusty blade, fol-

lowed by a Martha Washington wig making contest, all to be scheduled after a night of sleep deprivation and a thin six-day diet of Four Loko and craisins.

Once the candidate has been ap-proved and granted conditional permanent residency the individu-al would either have to enroll in an institution of higher education or enlist in the United States Military.

Republicans responded to the ex-pedited procedures employed by Democratic leaders to bring the bill to a vote unsmilingly. Texas Republic, Lamar Smith, said the bill “encourages fraud and more illegal immigration on a massive scale” according to The New York Times.When the house passed the bill illegal immigrant students cel-ebrated the faraway, once unfath-omable concept of gaining legal status in the country in which many of them were born

Many of these students demon-strated devotion to the process through marches, hunger strikes, sit-in protests, and some went as far as to send samples of their blood to lawmakers.

Lead sponsor of the bill, Howard L. Berman, envisioned an oppor-tunity for hardworking, earnest, talented individuals to be granted equal status in a country where their unique skills and capabilities could be utilized and appreciated.

This week, our elected officials are presented with the occa-sion to pass legislation, The DREAM Act that will propel the economic recovery of our country by providing our youth the opportunity to realize the American dream. The United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC) urges the passage of The DREAM Act. The USHCC serves as the umbrella organiza-tion for over 200 local chambers across our country, represent-ing the interest of Hispanic businesses that generate nearly $400 billion in revenue annually – businesses whose continued pros-perity relies on today’s youth and tomorrow’s entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers, scientists and engineers.

The DREAM Act is a perfect example that today the American “DREAM” is still alive and well in our nation. If passed, this historical bill will provide thousands of youngsters the opportu-nity to continue their education and/or serve our nation. As we work together towards the economic recovery of our country, it is important that our hard-working and promising youth be part of the solution.

Recent studies show that The DREAM Act will increase revenues in our communities. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimate of The DREAM Act shows that the legislation will in-crease revenues by $2.3 billion in the 2011-2020 period. After accounting for spending, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimate that the bill will reduce deficits by about $1.4 billion over the 2011-2020 period. According to a recent study conducted by the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), students impacted by The DREAM Act could add between $1.4 to $3.6 trillion in taxable income to our economy over the course of their careers, depending on how many ultimately gain legal status. This income is substan-tially higher than the income they would earn without a college education. Further, The DREAM Act provides a vast return on money that our country has already invested while preparing our country for the global economy. The students who will benefit under The DREAM Act have been raised and educated in the U.S. and state and local taxpayers have already invested in the education of these children in elementary and secondary school.

Today’s global economy requires an educated and skilled work-force capable of acquiring, creating, and distributing knowledge. The DREAM Act will play a significant role in the nation’s ef-forts to have the highest proportion of college graduates in the world by 2020 and will create a group of talented, multi-lingual and multi-cultural workers that will help America compete with innovators throughout the world.

As national, regional and local representatives for nearly three million Hispanic-owned businesses nationwide, the USHCC en-courages the members of our United States Senate, House of Representatives and our country’s leaders to look past political differences and collaborate in the passage of The DREAM Act. We remain confident that these citizens will help continue to make our country a leader in the global economy.

By Javier PalomarezPresident & CEOUSHCC

Realizing The American DREAM





Rosemary Carrillo: Publisher | Founder

Carlos Velez : Editor in Chief

Magela Graffigna : Vice President Comercial

Daitty Ordonez Editor |sección Ecuador

Susana Bono : Reporter | Photographer

Alfredo Morad: Repoter | Photographer

Dora Rubiano: Reporter

Eva Chavez: Calendar & Event 95 -20 63rd Road Ste. H |Rego Park . NY 11374| Phone: 917-974-0681 Fax : 917-639-4005| w w w.NYBusinessLat ino.com



Página Argentina Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 07

Díainternacional del TANGO

Ben Molar impulsó la instauración del 'Día Nacional del Tango', que se festeja en todo el mundo cada 11 de diciembre, en con-memoración a las fechas de nacimiento de los creadores de dos vertientes del tango: "La Voz" (Carlos Gardel, el zorzal criollo, ídolo y figura representativa del tango) y "La Música" (Julio De Caro, gran director de orquesta y renovador del género).

Esta fecha nació de un modo más que es-pecial. Era una noche de 1965. Ben Mo-lar estaba parado en la esquina del tango, esquina que, según sus palabras, "es la que mis amigos Francisco Pacránico y Celedonio Flores hicieron que se llamara Corrientes y Esmeralda...". Iba camino de la casa de Julio De Caro para festejar su cumpleaños cuando le surgió la gran idea: asoció la fecha de nacimiento de De Caro con la de Carlos Gardel. Cayó en la cuen-ta de que, además de ser las dos grandes vertientes, eran los dos grandes creadores nacionales.

Presentó entonces la propuesta al Secre-tario de Cultura de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Ricardo T. Freixá, quien le pidió la conformidad de las entidades artísticas. Ben Molar consi-guió así la conformidad de Sadaic, Argen-

tores, Sade, Casa del Teatro, Sindicato Ar-gentino de Músicos, Unión Argentina de Artistas de Variedades, Academia Porteña del Lunfardo, Radio Rivadavia, Fundación Banco Mercantil, La Gardeliana, Aso-ciación Argentina de Actores y Asociación Amigos de la Calle Corrientes.

Once años más tarde, después de mucho recorrer y de observar cómo sus pedidos quedaban en cajones oficiales, amenazó cordialmente al Secretario de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Buenos Aires, Ricardo Freixa, con hacer una gran movilización radial, televisiva y gráfica anunciando la organización de un festival monstruo en el Luna Park en apoyo del 'Día del Tango'. Así, junto con una delegación de la Aso-ciación Amigos de la Calle Corrientes, le pidió a Tito Lectoure el Luna Park para el 11 de diciembre.

A las dos horas del ultimátum se produjo el milagro: la promulgación del decreto anhelado durante tantos años. Así, el 29 de noviembre de 1977 Ben Molar recibió la noticia de que había sido firmado el De-creto Nº 5830/77 de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

El 11 de diciembre el festival se realizó con la presencia enfervorizada de espectadores que celebraron el anuncio de ese merecido 'Día del Tango' y vivaron de pie a sus máx-imos ídolos. Estuvieron presentes los más grandes músicos, orquestas, cantantes, animadores, locutores, periodistas y per-sonalidades vinculadas con el tango. Esa noche, Julio De Caro recibió muy emocio-nado en el escenario el aplauso de unas 15 mil personas que cantaron su cumpleaños.







Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 201006

El Banco Central del Ecuador, (BCE) en conjunto con con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones

(FOMIN) y la Red Nacional de Finanzas Populares (RE-NAFIPSE), ponen a disposición de los migrantes que residen fuera del país, el producto “BCE-RIA Canal Al-ternativo de Distribución de Remesas para Pequeños In-termediarios Financieros Ecuatorianos” a través del cual nuestros compatriotas podrán enviar sus remesas directa-mente a sus comunidades, zonas rurales y urbano mar-ginales donde exista una pequeña cooperativa o caja de ahorro y crédito.

Con este nuevo sistema los familiares de migrantes ya no necesitarán desplazarse grandes distancias a centros ur-banos, con el riesgo que ello implica, para recibir los en-víos de dinero, pues éstas podrán ser pagadas en cualquier cantón o parroquia en donde exista una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, una pequeña caja de ahorro o un banco comunal.

En cinco minutos el beneficiario en Ecuador podrá efec-tivizar su operación y el familiar en condición de migrante, irregular o no, podrá usar una inmensa red de agentes cap-tadores en los EEUU para sus envíos, a un costo menor a los vigentes tanto en el mercado americano, como ecu-atoriano. Se espera en el futuro implementar este servicio para el envío de remesas desde España e Italia.

Para concretar esta propuesta el Banco Central del Ecua-

dor desarrolló una fase de pilotaje con las Cooperativas COOPERA (Azuay), Señor de Girón (Azuay), Familia Austral (Azogues) Cooperativa Integral (Azuay), que por el momento servirán de canal de distribución a 18 Redes

Regionales a nivel nacional asociadas a RENAFIPSE, aproximadamente 98 cooperativas de ahorro y crédito y alrededor de 300 estructuras financieras locales.

Adicionalmente, durante el proceso se incorporará a todas las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito reguladas por el Min-isterio de Inclusión Económica y Social, MIES, que hayan calificado en el Sistema Nacional de Pagos del BCE, y que actualmente son 64.

No obstante, para diciembre del 2011, el sistema aspira colocar en red al menos 200 cooperativas y 600 estruc-turas financieras al servicio no solo de migrantes sino para un amplio espectro de usuarios nacionales en los lugares más recónditos de la geografía ecuatoriana.

A diferencia del esquema de red de distribución por agencias bancarias vigente, que tiene un alcance urbano cantonal, este sistema presenta las ventajas de una red de distribución parroquial y rural, con lo cual a no dudarlo, el Banco Central del Ecuador, redefine un sistema finan-ciero más incluyente para los actores de la economía pop-ular y solidaria, alineado con los objetivos de inclusión económica y social que contempla la Constitución, cum-pliendo con la responsabilidad del Estado de mantener los objetivos nacionales de desarrollo integral y de lucha contra la pobreza, con base en el desarrollo local y en con-cordancia con el Plan del Buen Vivir promovido por el Gobierno Nacional.Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador

Familiares de migrantes ahora podrán cobrar sus remesas en cajas de ahorro


Ecuador en la Mira







Edition 16 | December 09 - 16 2010Community08

NYC Parks and New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto 'Drop The Puck' to Launch New, Free Youth Street Hockey

Program, Presented by Live Positively, Coca-Cola

Commissioner Adrian Benepe to-day joined New York State As-sembly Speaker Sheldon Silver,

MSG Sports Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales Howard Jacobs, Vice President for Sales Operations at Coca-Cola Seena Cushman, Rangers Team Nu-tritionist Cynthia Sass, Rangers alumnus Brian Mullen and Rangers defenseman Michael Del Zotto to announce "New York Rangers & NYC Parks Youth Street Hockey presented by Live Positively, Co-ca-Cola," a new partnership offering a free instructional hockey program to serve 500 New York City youth at Parks' recreation centers this winter.

Through the 8-week program consisting of free, weekly youth indoor street hockey clinics, children and teens ages 8-16 will be able to learn a great sport and focus on the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition. The announcement was held at Alfred E. Smith Recreation Center in Manhattan. Following the an-nouncement, Michael Del Zotto "dropped the puck" to launch the first clinic of the program and offered hockey instruction for approximately 50 local students from P.S. 126.

"Parks is excited to team up with the New York Rangers and Live Positively, Coca-Cola to launch a new, free indoor street hockey program for New York City youth

across the city," said Commissioner Bene-pe. "The program will teach kids hockey skills, strategies and rules, and empha-size the importance of leading an active, healthy life. Whether kids are hockey nov-ices or have some experience under their belt, these clinics will improve their game. I encourage all kids to visit a recreation center and sign up to participate."

"I am delighted that we are dropping the puck to begin this free instructional youth hockey program here in my Lower Man-hattan Assembly district," said Speaker Silver. "Regular exercise and a nutritional diet are essential to good health and this is a message we need to instill in all of our young people every day and in every way. I commend Commissioner Benepe, the New York Rangers, and Coca Cola for es-tablishing this program and for their com-mitment to the well-being of our children and our community."

"The New York Rangers are dedicated to establishing community awareness and interest in the sport of hockey through a variety of community programs and events that reach more than 5,500 youth annual-ly," said Jacobs. "We are proud to launch this new street hockey program with NYC Parks & Recreation and presented by Coca-Cola that will introduce the sport of hockey to hundreds of youth and encour-age a healthy lifestyle."

"Coca-Cola is proud to support pro-grams that help to make a positive impact on our communities and to help families find fun ways to lead active, healthy lifestyles," said Cush-man. "Our partnership with Parks & Recreation and the Rangers helps New York City young people to be active and learn about the importance of energy balance in a meaningful and fun way."

The hockey clinics will focus on in-troducing youth to the sport of hock-ey and teaching them the importance of exercising and eating a balanced diet. Sports instruction will focus on individual skills, team participation, and fundamentals of the game such as passing, shooting and stickhandling. All participants will receive an official jersey, Rangers gift bag and basic hock-ey skills playbook. Nutrition workshops will be offered to participants to learn more about living a healthy, active life-style. Participants may walk-in to clin-ics; no pre-registration is required, each clinic will have a maximum of 50 participants.

Clinics will be held at ten recreation centers throughout the city and will run for eight weeks, starting from today through the end of January.

Bronx Hunts Point (765 Manida Street btw Lafayette & Spofford)

Saturdays / 3:00pm-4:30pm St. James (East 145th Street & St. Ann's Avenue) Saturdays / 11:00am-12:30pm St. Mary's (East 145th Street & St. Ann's Avenue)

Saturdays / 3:00pm-4:30pm

BrooklynRed Hook (155 Bay Street & Henry Street)

Saturdays 11:00am-12:30pm Sunset (7th Avenue & 43rd Street) Saturdays / 2:00pm-3:30pm ManhattanAlfred E. Smith (80 Catherine Street off Cherry Street)

Wednesdays / 4:00pm-6:00pmChelsea (430 West 25th Street btw 9th & 10th Av-

enue) Saturdays / 11:00am-1:00pmTony Dapolito (1 Clarkson Street & 7th Avenue)

Tuesdays 4:00pm-5:30pm Queens Al Oerter (134-40 Fowler Avenue) Wednesdays 6:00pm -7:00pm Lost Battalion Hall (93-29 Queens Blvd. & 62nd Avenue)Wednesdays 5:00pm-6:00pm

New Partnership Designed to Encourage NYC Youth to Be Active and Healthy


Hotels.com® is giv-ing the gift of savings to travelers this holi-

day season with a $50 discount when they pay with a Master-Card® card now through De-cember 31, 2010, at select ho-tels.com Price Match Guarantee properties. The discount applies to a future stay of three or more consecutive nights, and hotels.com customers should use cou-pon code "MASTERCARD50" for a one-time discount of $50 when they make the reservation.

and MasterCard have teamed up to offer travelers tremendous savings at thousands of proper-ties worldwide," said Miguel

Oliveira, hotels.com Director, Global Merchandising Strat-egy. "Travelers looking to book rooms in cities like San Fran-cisco, Dallas and Philadelphia will be impressed by the large selection of properties available, and also by the number of hotels that offer the $50 MasterCard discount."

Rob Sheets, Group Head, Mer-chant Relations and Co Brand-ing, U.S. Commerce Develop-ment, commented: "Thanks to hotels.com, this holiday season travelers will have more money to spend on gifts while sleep-ing in style by simply choosing to pay with a MasterCard card.

MasterCard makes it easy to earn these great hotel rewards and gives travelers another rea-son to rely on a MasterCard card for all their travel and entertain-ment payment needs."

MasterCard Bookable Bargains The Stoneleigh Hotel & Spa stands in the Uptown district of Dallas, Texas, close enough for guests to do-si-do to downtown nightclubs and bars. The hotel's chic signature restaurant, Bolla, features a $40 four-course pre-fixe menu and the popular Bolla "Happy Hour" always draws a lively crowd onto its sprawling patios. For guests looking to las-so an affordable and delicious

Dallas cocktail this is the spot. Rates at Dallas' Stoneleigh Ho-tel & Spa start at $179 per night, and the property boasts a 96 percent approval rating accord-ing to hotels.com guest reviews.

Guests are invited to party like it's 1776 and to step back into the age of Ben Franklin and Bet-sy Ross at Rittenhouse 1715, a boutique property older than the U.S. Constitution, located just steps from Philadelphia's histor-ic treasures. This 23-room hotel exemplifies all the elegance and refined style of Philadelphia's most fashionable neighbor-hood. Rittenhouse 1715 has an impressive 98 percent approval

rating from hotels.com custom-ers, and rooms start at $167 per night.

San Francisco is known for its hippies, distinctive Chinatown, wickedly winding Lombard Street, and world-famous gas-tronomical treasures sprinkled throughout funky and eclectic neighborhoods. Built in 1924 The Hotel Huntington in Nob Hill stands 12 stories tall and is close to downtown San Francis-co, Chinatown and the Financial District – all within four blocks of the property. Rates start at $185 per night, and the hotel is 95 percent recommended by ho-tels.com users.

NY Latino Business HUB | Informing & Empowering The Latino Business Community


Hotels.com and MasterCard Give Travelers an Early Gift for the Holidays


Edition 16 | December 09 - 16 2010 Market America







Events Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

Javier Castaño, Director of Queenslatino.com went right up to his friend Junot Díaz to congratulate him.

. Ralph "Flaco" Capellan, Division Manager of Integrer Group, a Marketing Company whose client is Miller Coors, attended the 9th Latino Trend Setter gala, representing Coors Light, one of the sponsors of the event.


Miguel Centeno, AETNA Regional Director Marketing (left) with his Latino Trend-setter award in hand, singing a capella with Latino Trends Magazine Publisher Juan Guillen, right after the gala. We heard they might approach Emilio Estefan to see if he wants to produce them a record.

Popular colombian DJ Alex Sensation (center), another Latino Trendsetter, here with pals Carlos Anaya (left) and Enrique Arbelaez.

Jacqueline J. González (center in red), Executive Director of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, was also given the Latino Trendsetter Award. Here, with her family: Dad Serafin and sisters Betsy,Kathy and Kimberly.

Gala Latino Trend Award12

Noche's Latina w






Eventos Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010








National News 14 Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


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By Raisa CamargoHispanic Link News Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court grappled Dec. 8 over whether the state of Arizona has authori-ty to implement standards and penalties on employers who knowingly hire undo-cumented workers.

The hour-long hearing brought atten-tion to the burdening issue of federal ver-sus state powers.

The eight participating justices heard arguments on Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting, a case highlighting the Le-gal Arizona’s Workers Act, which was signed into law in 2007 by former Gov. Janet Napolitano, who now serves as Se-cretary of Homeland Security.

The law requires all employers to par-ticipate in E-Verify, an employment ve-rification database system. It also allows the state to revoke business licenses of those who intentionally hire undocumen-ted workers. Involvement in E-Verify is voluntary under federal law.

“The bottom line is that we believe if the (federal) government isn’t going to do the job, Arizona is going to do the job and we are faced with a crisis,” current Gov. Jan Brewer told reporters after the hearing. “In regards to today’s hearing, certainly we do issue licenses and if we giveth, we can taketh away and that’s what we’re hoping.”

E-verify is an internet-based system that allows employers to use information reported on an I-9 Form, Employment Eligibility Verification, to determine an individual’s authorization to work in the United States. It is limited to new hires only.

Counter arguments were made by civil rights groups that the law is one-sided. They claimed it fails to offer protections against discrimination.

Karen Tumlin is the managing attorney at the National Immigration Law Center and council for the petitioners against Arizona’s sanctions’ law. There are sco-res of errors found in the E-verify sys-

tem, she said, stating that it disproportio-nately affects people of color.

The system issues “tentative non-con-firmation” checks to applicants whom employers suspect are undocumented before confirming their legal status. Tumlin said the assumption has proven inaccurate, according to documented ca-ses, and would add further to the rise of discrimination as it discourages potential legal residents.

Other arguments were made against state preemption because it conflicts with a 1986 federal ruling prohibiting states from taking action against employers un-less they were convicted of violating the federal law. However, there is a clause in the Immigration Reform and Control Act that allows state governments lati-tude to take civil action when licensing businesses.

“The bottom line here is this is a sta-tute that was enacted 21 years ago and structured the relationships between the federal government and the state government,” said Carter G. Phillips, Washington lawyer who represented the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Marico-pa County is going to send off people to investigate and try to adjudicate these claims.”

He added that the balance Congress struck between the protections on both sides will be “completely dashed.” The Justices are expected to reach a decision on the case early next year. Jus-tice Elena Kagan recused herself from participating.

If the Supreme Court decides to uphold the state law, it would give states broader authority when handling immigration matters. With Arizona’s dwindling economy, this might discourage new business inves-tments. Brewer disagrees, stating imple-menting the sanctions are a smart way to do business.

Brewer told Hispanic Link that SB1070, which gives the state immigration enfor-cement powers, hasn’t seriously dama-ged Arizona’s economy. Although there were some conventions cancelled, the


hotel and tourism industry is moving forward, she said, adding the undocu-mented workforce has cost the state a lot of money.

(Raisa Camargo, of Washington, D.C., is editor of Hispanic Link Weekly Report. Email: [email protected]





Edition 13 | November 17-23 2010 Legal Notice

SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF OBJECT OF ACTION ACTION TO FORECLOSE A MORTGAGE STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF QUEENS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY PUEBLA, LENA WATERS-PUEBLA, ET, AL. Defendant(s). TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN-DANT: INDEX NO.: 30450/09 MORTGAGED PRE-MISES: 221-15 130TH AVENUE A/K/A2115 130TH AVENUE SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY11413 SBL #: BLOCK 12825 LOT 504 You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff(s) attorney(s) within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is comple-te if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failu-re to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Attorney for Plaintiff has an office for business in the County of Erie. Trial to be held in the County of Queens. The basis of the venue designated above is the location of the Mortgaged Premises. Dated this 1st day of November, 2010, TO: ANTHONY PUEBLA and LENA WATERS-PUEBLA, Defendant(s) In this Ac-tion. The foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of HON. JAIME A. RIOS of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 22nd day of October, 2010 and filed with the Complaint in the Office of the Queens County Clerk, in the City of Jamaica. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage upon the premises described be-low, executed by ANTHONY PUEBLA and LENA WATERS-PUEBLA dated the 24th day of September, 2008, to secure the sum of $433,683.85, and recorded at Instrument No. 2009000104564 in the Office of the City Register of the City of New York, on the 9th day of April, 2009; The property in question is described as follows: 221-15 130TH AVENUE A/K/A 2115 130TH

AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY 11413 SEE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION Block 12825 and Lot 504 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, distant 1127.38 feet Westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of 226th Street with the Northerly side of 130th Avenue as said Street and Avenue are shown and laid out on final topographical map of the City of New York for the Bo-rough of Queans; RUNNING THENCE Westerly along the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 40 feet; THENCE Northerly at right angles to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 99.59 feet to the land or late of Montefiore Cemetery; THENCE Easterly along said lands North of land of Montefiore Cemetery, 40.01 feet; THENCE Southerly and again at right angles to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 100.51 feet to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. Premises known as 22115 130th Avenue, Springfield Gardens, New York HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUI-RES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFI-CE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The state encourages you to become in-formed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organiza-

tions that you may contact for information about possi-ble options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the department’s website at WWW.BANKING.STATE.NY.US. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are indivi-duals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promi-ses and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such pro-mised services. § 1303 NOTICE NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default jud-gment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclo-sure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. DATED: November 1, 2010 Steven J. Baum, P.C., Attorney(s) For Plaintiff(s), 220 Northpointe Parkway Suite G , Amherst, NY 14228 The law firm of Steven J. Baum, P.C. and the attorneys whom it employs are debt collec-tors who are attempting to collect a debt. Any informa-tion obtained by them will be used for that purpose.


Por : Inverpedia www.inverpedia.com

The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), The Obe-sity Society (TOS) and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) found encouragement in the outcome of today's advi-sory committee hearing, favoring approval for the first new obesity treatment in more than 10 years.

Today, the FDA Endocrine and Metabolic Advisory Panel voted 13-7 for approval for Contrave, a new treatment for obesity. In response to these decisions, Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO said, "The OAC is encouraged because this is the first indication in some time that a new treatment can receive a fa-vorable hearing from FDA. Treating obesity is a com-plex problem requiring many tools in the toolbox."

Jennifer Lovejoy, Ph.D., President of TOS, commented, "The FDA Advisory Panel carefully weighed the research evidence in reaching this decision, and laid out future re-search needs. Today was a good example of how the FDA

can balance risks and benefits in reviewing new treatments."

Said Bruce Wolfe, MD, FASMBS, President of the ASMBS, "The federal government and medical experts agree that obesity is the single biggest threat to America for the coming century, and the FDA can be part of the solution. We support Friday's decision on expanded indi-cations for gastric banding, and we call on the FDA to adopt a comprehensive approach and define a clear path for innovation in all forms of treatment of this disease."Earlier this year, the FDA has held hearings on three obe-sity drugs in quick succession, with negative results for every treatment under review. In each of the hearings, Na-dglowski noted, "We, as a society, must gain control of the obesity epidemic and begin helping those affected; how-ever, we will continue to watch this epidemic spiral out of control if we do not address it with a multitude of treat-ment options, including effective pharmaceutical agents."

In a recent study, the costs related to treating obesity-related medical conditions were reported to be $168 billion dollars, representing 17 percent of total medi-cal costs in the U.S. Research has clearly documented the harmful health effects of excess body weight, which increases risk for conditions including diabetes, hy-pertension, sleep apnea, hip and knee arthritis, low-back pain, and depression. Importantly, many of these weight-related conditions are significantly improved by weight losses of as little as 5-10% of total body weight.

"We greatly hope that the FDA will continue working with the pharmaceutical industry and utilize a fair and balanced approach moving forward weighing the well-documented benefits of treating obesity against the risks associated with any medication developed for the treatment of obesi-ty. We are at a crucial crossroad where the time to develop safe and effective treatment options for those affected by the disease of obesity is now," said Nadglowski.


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Obesity Organizations Encouraged by Positive Outcome for New Treatment Option








Helth Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Families Fighting FluNEW YORK, /PRNewswire/ -- On Friday, Decem-ber 10, in observance of National Influenza Vaccina-tion Week, Mediaplanet Publishing released a Holiday Health Guide to targeted markets in USA Today. The re-port will be distributed to over 1.1 million readers with contributions from Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Families Fighting Flu, and Alliance for Consumer Edu-cation.Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Provides Clarity

Cold, flu, and allergy symptoms are strikingly similar and therefore, can be quite perplexing. While we often dismiss these symptoms as being "just a cold," it could be something more serious. AAFA highlights the dis-tinct differences between these illnesses to dispel confu-sion and ensure a healthy holiday.

Tips on Staying Healthy

According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the flu afflicts 60 million Americans each year and causes 36,000 deaths: "To prevent influenza, place your bet on vaccinating your family," advises Dr. Carol J. Baker, previous president of the NFID.

Healthy Home Solutions

During the winter, we escape the cold weather by re-treating indoors. In our homes, we may be confronted with germs and allergens, which can cause illness and put a damper on holiday festivities. AAFA and the Al-liance for Consumer Education provide instruction on creating a healthier home environment.

One Family's Fight Against Flu

After the untimely death of their four year-old daughter, Richard and Alissa Kanowitz lead the fight against in-fluenza. Along with other families that had experienced similar loss, they started Families Fighting Flu, a nation-wide organization that is designed to "educate, motivate, and vaccinate." "Get yourself and your children vacci-nated for influenza each and every year," says Kanowitz. "There's nothing else that can stop influenza or limit its harmful effects better than vaccination."In partnership with the Asthma and Allergy Founda-tion of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Families Fighting Flu, Alliance for Consumer Education, Wet Ones, Endust, NasalCare, Ocean Nasal, Boogie Wipes, Achooz, ThermalOn, Germ Guardian, SleepRight, Simply Saline, Nozin, Indie Candy, and SinuPulse Elite.


Health Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


Durante los años 2007, 2008 y 2009 se ofrecieron libremente al público en general inversiones fantasiosas que prometían grandes rentabilidades y con bajo riesgo en toda América Latina y España. Estas promesas se apropiaron poco a poco del dinero de millones de ahorradores. Muchos individuos incluso se endeudaron para poner a producir el dinero por medio de éstas atractivas e inexplicables ofertas de inversión; en la mayoría de los casos relacionados con inversiones en el mercado forex.

La forma de captar fondos de los ahorradores se hace en la mayoría de las veces por medio de un discurso audaz y simple, ofreciendo ganancias atractivas con la prometedora y garantizada frase INVERSION CON POCO RIESGO y alta rentabilidad. La forma más fácil de captar la atención de un estafador se

hace por medio de un allegado, familiar o colega, que promete replicar el modelo que está funcionando. Un ahorrador es considerado alguien quien ha trabajado décadas construyendo su patrimonio, el foco de atención de los estafadores es captar en pocos meses (algunos años) el dinero para luego desaparecer. Una vez se esfuma el dinero, esos mismos amigos que ofrecían poco riesgo o inversión garantizada, no contestan el teléfono, ni correos electrónicos y lo que es aún peor, siguen creyendo que fue culpa del estado o de grandes corporaciones que desean apropiarse de oportunidades de los pobres.

Algunos incrédulos siguen buscando, maravillosas y fugaces inversiones en donde puedan poner a trabajar el dinero y esperar a que por su propia cuenta se reproduzca. Si crees que la educación financiera cuesta mucho, deberías conocer cuánto cuesta la ignorancia financiera.

Existen millones de oportunidades en el mundo, el internet y las comunicaciones abren diariamente las puertas a todo tipo de oportunidades de negocio. El camino hacia el éxito está lleno de intrigas y retos. No hay camino de lleno flores sin obstáculos. Por tal motivo Inverpedia, aconseja que debes cuidar muy bien tu dinero, educarte financieramente, hacer las preguntas correctas, estudiar y entender muy bien cualquier negocio que te propongan y tomar la decisión de iniciar tu camino hacia el éxito personal.

Las preguntas que debes hacer ante cualquier oferta de inversión son las siguientes:

1. ¿Están autorizados para captar fondos por parte de las autoridades reguladoras?

2. ¿Cuál es el riesgo de la inversión?

La inteligencia emocional y la economia familiar Si la respuesta es: NO HAY RIESGO, entonces debes sospechar de un potencial fraude.

3. ¿Cuánto tiempo debe permanecer mi inversión para producir resultados?

4. ¿En qué consiste la inversión? Si no entiendes la inversión, lo mejor es no invertir.

Hoy en día existen reguladores en cada país que pueden informarte sobre cualquier tipo de actividad financiera, empresa, individuo que te ofrezca algún tipo de inversión. A continuación una lista de cada ente regulador y su respectivo país.

Estados Unidos:


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La importancia de la educación financiera para prevenir fraudes y proteger tus ahorros. ¿Qué preguntas hacer?

Por: Inverpediawww.inverpedia.com






Finance Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010







LIC. REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON646-705-3065- 718-408-4437

[email protected] SALE EXPERT!

La inteligencia emocional y la economia familiarDespués de leer este título, los lectores se preguntarán: ¿Qué relación tiene un término financiero con otro de la Psicología?

Pues bien, el presente artículo mostrará su relación y la importancia de conocer el significado de la in-teligencia emocional en nuestra economía familiar.

La inteligencia emocional es un concepto reciente de la psicología, que se define como: “Proceso y resultado de aprender a percibir, reconocer y regular las emo-ciones”. Esta definición se explica mejor, desde un fa-moso experimento llamado el test Marshmallow que consiste en ofrecer un premio comestible a un niño de cuatro años con la promesa de que si es capaz de es-perar cierto tiempo sin comerlo obtendrá otro premio mayor. Para visualizar el video entra en el siguiente en-lace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWW1vpz1ybo.

A la edad de cuatro años, un Marshmallow es lo suficiente-mente tentador para esperar para ganarse el segundo. No to-dos los niños esperan, y según los estudios llevados a cabo se ha demostrado estadísticamente que quienes pasan el test suelen alcanzar mayor madurez económica y éxito en

etapas posteriores de la vida.

Ahora bien si traducimos esta situación a nuestra economía familiar, encontramos que mu-chos de nosotros nos comem-os el Marshmellow antes de tiempo. La plata que nos in-gresa por concepto de salario u otras entradas, es gastada de manera rápida dejando nuestra economía con un saldo en rojo. Esta situación se presenta principalmente en esta época del año, que es la navidad, donde nuestro comportamiento está manejado por nues-tras emociones. Estos gastos pueden ser los básicos del hogar, pero pueden también ser gastos innecesarios, como comprar aparatos electrónicos, regalos a familiares, viajes o ropa con precios fuera del alcance de nuestro bolsillo.

Este funcionamiento psicológico de manejar nuestras fi-nanzas a partir de nuestras emociones es conocido por las empresas de publicidad y marketing, que buscan atribuirle deseos y necesidades humanas a los produc-tos. Estas estrategias nos hacen perder un poco elcon-

trol de nuestros gastos, atrapándonos en un callejón sin salida, al que solo podemos escapar comprando y gastan-do nuestro dinero. Por ejemplo, los regalos de navidad. Todas las personas quieren lo que esta de moda o lo que la última tendencia muestre (juguetes, videojue-gos, ropa), para no sentirse rechazados por la sociedad.

Se puede decir que el manejo de la economía famil-iar esta relacionado en gran medida con la capaci-dad que tiene una persona en manejar sus emociones o de adquirir y fortalecer la Inteligencia Emocional.

Para esto es recomendable hacer los siguientes ejercicios:

* Evalúe cuales son las consecuencias que usted cree que se desencadenaran si usted no satisface las necesidades de su grupo social. Póngalas a prueba, ¿Será más importante tener unos ahorros o quedar bien con las demás personas? * Póngase de acuerdo con su pareja, sobre cuales son los gastos necesarios y los innecesarios. Dé prioridad a los necesarios.* No confíe en las promociones tentadoras que se presen-tan fácil de obtener a cambio de altas tasas de intereses.


Finanzas Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

Front page p.2-3Dream Act

Ecuador en la Mira p.6

Community p.8 Market America P.9

Events P.10 -11 Noches Latina P.14

NationalNews P.15

Health P.16

Legal Notice P. 15


Business p.5UPS Photo ID

Pagina Argentina P.7



Business Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 05

United Parcel Service is requir-ing photo identification for retail shipping as it expands security

during its peak season after two parcel bombs were intercepted in October. The world's largest package delivery com-pany, which expects a 7.5 percent rise to about 430 million deliveries this holiday season, said on Tuesday that retail custom-ers will not be permitted to ship without a

government-issued picture ID at the UPS Store, Mail Boxes Etc and authorized shipping outlets worldwide. "Since retail centers experience a significant increase in business from occasional shippers dur-ing the busy holidays, this enhancement adds a prudent step in our multi-layered approach to security," Dale Hayes, UPS vice president of small business and retail marketing, said in a statement. The At-lanta-based company will add "additional

security precautions as necessary," he said. The photo ID policy has been used at UPS Customer Centers since 2005. Under the new policy, retail customers without a pre-printed attached shipping label who do not present a government-issued photo ID cannot use UPS services, the compa-ny said. In October, security officials in Britain and Dubai intercepted two parcel bombs being sent from Yemen to the Unit-ed States in what President Barack Obama

called "a credible terrorist threat." One of the packages was found on a UPS cargo plane at East Midlands Airport, about 160 miles (260 km) north of London. The oth-er was found at a FedEx Corp facility in Dubai. UPS has said it expects deliveries to reach 24 million worldwide on Dec. 22, matching last year's busiest day. That holi-day volume would be up 60 percent from a typical day.

UPS Expands Photo ID Requirement for Retail Shipping


INFO: [email protected]


Dream Act 2010: Keep Dreaming w






Front Page Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

The Democratic party was in a festive mood af-ter the House of Representatives passed a bill granting legal status to students who immigrat-

ed to the United States illegally.

America: the land of endless opportunities. As long as you are white, rich, your parents were born in the United States, you cannot distinguish between raising your voice and speaking another language, and peanut butter is one of the three essentials you would take to a deserted island over a knife.

On Wednesday, the House of Representatives passed a bill that could grant a laborious, daunting path to citizen-

ship for hundreds of thousands of alien immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children.However, the bill has to be brought to the Senate for a vote that could open discussion in advancing the legis-lation, Senate majority leader Harry Reid deferred the vote until later this month.

Everyone knows what that means. Goodbye Dream Act. The bill passed the House by a vote of 216 to 198, and while President Obama and Democratic leaders shared in a Rocky moment of unexpected victory, Senate Re-publicans have put a block on the vote until the Obama tax deal passes.

continue p.3

Finanzas P.19Finanzas P.18








Business Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

Traveler Builds Calculator to Beat Airline Baggage FeesIf you're a budget-conscious

traveler planning to fly home for the holidays, chances are you're

dreading those pesky airline baggage fees. Luckily, one man has created a tool to beat the baggage blues, and with his help, a flight with fewer fees is practically in the bag.

A little over a year ago, frequent flier Luke Dudley launched LuggageLim-its.com, a website for frustrated travel-ers, featuring a handy-dandy, flight-specific calculator that figures out how much money different airlines charge for baggage fees.

By typing in the airline, the departure airport and the arrival airport into the calculator, users can compare and con-trast baggage fees across more than 175 airlines for free at any given time.

A pretty cool and helpful tool, consid-ering airline baggage fees have con-tinued to steadily increase since they were implemented a few years ago.

In fact, The New York Times reports that so far this year, airlines have made $1.7 billion off baggage fees alone, since most major carriers now charge anywhere between $15 and $35 per bag.

Given those stats, online baggage-fee calculator -- which is also a new iP-hone app -- may be more useful than ever these days, especially with the holiday travel season in full swing.

Dudley, a regular air traveler, doesn't want jet-setters to go through the same traumatic baggage dilemma he experi-enced a few years ago while trying to fly back to America from an extended stay in Australia.When Dudley and his girlfriend tried to board their plane to come home via an Asian airline, they were unexpect-edly told that they'd be charged per kilogram for their excess baggage, re-sulting in an extra fee of nearly $500.

"I immediately chased our friends

down in the airport parking lot and begged them to ship our suitcases home for us by mail. When I worked out the math later, I figured out it would've been cheaper to buy a whole other plane ticket or upgrade to first class rather than paying the baggage fee," he recalled.

Dudley said he was caught off guard by the hefty baggage fee because when they flew to Australia, the Amer-ican airline they used allowed two free bags per person. He had no idea bag-gage fees differed so much from air-line to airline.

With that in mind, Dudley said he was inspired to create LuggageLimits so others could educate themselves about airline baggage policies in a quick, simple, user-friendly manner.

"It's an easy way to get all of the in-formation fast and analyze your differ-ent options for airlines on the spot. I'm constantly updating the calculations to reflect changing baggage fees. It's a mammoth task, but I monitor the in-formation continuously," he said.

As of now, Dudley said the American airline with the best baggage policy, by far, is Southwest Airlines, since it still allows two free bags per custom-er. JetBlue Airways still gives travel-ers one bag for free.

"Those are the two airlines going

against the grain right now. All other American airlines charge extra for bags," Dudley said.

"Every time I'm at the airport, I see someone rummaging through their bags on the floor, trying to adjust the contents so they won't be over the weight limit. Frazzled travelers are a captive audience for airline baggage fees because there's not much else they can do at that point other than pay the fee," Dudley lamented. "You can't just leave your bags behind."

With no other options, Dudley believes uninformed travelers are painted into a corner. He said it doesn't help that most airlines fail to disclose detailed information about extra baggage fees when customers buy their plane tick-ets, resulting in an unpleasant surprise tab at the airport.Of course, the more resourceful travel-ers could pull a similar move as Dud-ley and find alternative ways to get their gear from point A to point B.

Dudley said savvy travelers could fig-ure out cheap ways to ship their items to their destination ahead of time, es-pecially bulkier goods like golf clubs.

"You could also wear all of your clothes on the flight instead of pack-ing them. If you can wear three pairs of jeans and five sweaters comfortably on board, then go for it," he said with a laugh.




Business Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 05

United Parcel Service is requir-ing photo identification for retail shipping as it expands security

during its peak season after two parcel bombs were intercepted in October. The world's largest package delivery com-pany, which expects a 7.5 percent rise to about 430 million deliveries this holiday season, said on Tuesday that retail custom-ers will not be permitted to ship without a

government-issued picture ID at the UPS Store, Mail Boxes Etc and authorized shipping outlets worldwide. "Since retail centers experience a significant increase in business from occasional shippers dur-ing the busy holidays, this enhancement adds a prudent step in our multi-layered approach to security," Dale Hayes, UPS vice president of small business and retail marketing, said in a statement. The At-lanta-based company will add "additional

security precautions as necessary," he said. The photo ID policy has been used at UPS Customer Centers since 2005. Under the new policy, retail customers without a pre-printed attached shipping label who do not present a government-issued photo ID cannot use UPS services, the compa-ny said. In October, security officials in Britain and Dubai intercepted two parcel bombs being sent from Yemen to the Unit-ed States in what President Barack Obama

called "a credible terrorist threat." One of the packages was found on a UPS cargo plane at East Midlands Airport, about 160 miles (260 km) north of London. The oth-er was found at a FedEx Corp facility in Dubai. UPS has said it expects deliveries to reach 24 million worldwide on Dec. 22, matching last year's busiest day. That holi-day volume would be up 60 percent from a typical day.

UPS Expands Photo ID Requirement for Retail Shipping


INFO: [email protected]








Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 201006

El Banco Central del Ecuador, (BCE) en conjunto con con el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), el Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones

(FOMIN) y la Red Nacional de Finanzas Populares (RE-NAFIPSE), ponen a disposición de los migrantes que residen fuera del país, el producto “BCE-RIA Canal Al-ternativo de Distribución de Remesas para Pequeños In-termediarios Financieros Ecuatorianos” a través del cual nuestros compatriotas podrán enviar sus remesas directa-mente a sus comunidades, zonas rurales y urbano mar-ginales donde exista una pequeña cooperativa o caja de ahorro y crédito.

Con este nuevo sistema los familiares de migrantes ya no necesitarán desplazarse grandes distancias a centros ur-banos, con el riesgo que ello implica, para recibir los en-víos de dinero, pues éstas podrán ser pagadas en cualquier cantón o parroquia en donde exista una cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, una pequeña caja de ahorro o un banco comunal.

En cinco minutos el beneficiario en Ecuador podrá efec-tivizar su operación y el familiar en condición de migrante, irregular o no, podrá usar una inmensa red de agentes cap-tadores en los EEUU para sus envíos, a un costo menor a los vigentes tanto en el mercado americano, como ecu-atoriano. Se espera en el futuro implementar este servicio para el envío de remesas desde España e Italia.

Para concretar esta propuesta el Banco Central del Ecua-

dor desarrolló una fase de pilotaje con las Cooperativas COOPERA (Azuay), Señor de Girón (Azuay), Familia Austral (Azogues) Cooperativa Integral (Azuay), que por el momento servirán de canal de distribución a 18 Redes

Regionales a nivel nacional asociadas a RENAFIPSE, aproximadamente 98 cooperativas de ahorro y crédito y alrededor de 300 estructuras financieras locales.

Adicionalmente, durante el proceso se incorporará a todas las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito reguladas por el Min-isterio de Inclusión Económica y Social, MIES, que hayan calificado en el Sistema Nacional de Pagos del BCE, y que actualmente son 64.

No obstante, para diciembre del 2011, el sistema aspira colocar en red al menos 200 cooperativas y 600 estruc-turas financieras al servicio no solo de migrantes sino para un amplio espectro de usuarios nacionales en los lugares más recónditos de la geografía ecuatoriana.

A diferencia del esquema de red de distribución por agencias bancarias vigente, que tiene un alcance urbano cantonal, este sistema presenta las ventajas de una red de distribución parroquial y rural, con lo cual a no dudarlo, el Banco Central del Ecuador, redefine un sistema finan-ciero más incluyente para los actores de la economía pop-ular y solidaria, alineado con los objetivos de inclusión económica y social que contempla la Constitución, cum-pliendo con la responsabilidad del Estado de mantener los objetivos nacionales de desarrollo integral y de lucha contra la pobreza, con base en el desarrollo local y en con-cordancia con el Plan del Buen Vivir promovido por el Gobierno Nacional.Fuente: Banco Central del Ecuador

Familiares de migrantes ahora podrán cobrar sus remesas en cajas de ahorro


Ecuador en la Mira




Página Argentina Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 07

Díainternacional del TANGO

Ben Molar impulsó la instauración del 'Día Nacional del Tango', que se festeja en todo el mundo cada 11 de diciembre, en con-memoración a las fechas de nacimiento de los creadores de dos vertientes del tango: "La Voz" (Carlos Gardel, el zorzal criollo, ídolo y figura representativa del tango) y "La Música" (Julio De Caro, gran director de orquesta y renovador del género).

Esta fecha nació de un modo más que es-pecial. Era una noche de 1965. Ben Mo-lar estaba parado en la esquina del tango, esquina que, según sus palabras, "es la que mis amigos Francisco Pacránico y Celedonio Flores hicieron que se llamara Corrientes y Esmeralda...". Iba camino de la casa de Julio De Caro para festejar su cumpleaños cuando le surgió la gran idea: asoció la fecha de nacimiento de De Caro con la de Carlos Gardel. Cayó en la cuen-ta de que, además de ser las dos grandes vertientes, eran los dos grandes creadores nacionales.

Presentó entonces la propuesta al Secre-tario de Cultura de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Ricardo T. Freixá, quien le pidió la conformidad de las entidades artísticas. Ben Molar consi-guió así la conformidad de Sadaic, Argen-

tores, Sade, Casa del Teatro, Sindicato Ar-gentino de Músicos, Unión Argentina de Artistas de Variedades, Academia Porteña del Lunfardo, Radio Rivadavia, Fundación Banco Mercantil, La Gardeliana, Aso-ciación Argentina de Actores y Asociación Amigos de la Calle Corrientes.

Once años más tarde, después de mucho recorrer y de observar cómo sus pedidos quedaban en cajones oficiales, amenazó cordialmente al Secretario de Cultura de la Municipalidad de Buenos Aires, Ricardo Freixa, con hacer una gran movilización radial, televisiva y gráfica anunciando la organización de un festival monstruo en el Luna Park en apoyo del 'Día del Tango'. Así, junto con una delegación de la Aso-ciación Amigos de la Calle Corrientes, le pidió a Tito Lectoure el Luna Park para el 11 de diciembre.

A las dos horas del ultimátum se produjo el milagro: la promulgación del decreto anhelado durante tantos años. Así, el 29 de noviembre de 1977 Ben Molar recibió la noticia de que había sido firmado el De-creto Nº 5830/77 de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

El 11 de diciembre el festival se realizó con la presencia enfervorizada de espectadores que celebraron el anuncio de ese merecido 'Día del Tango' y vivaron de pie a sus máx-imos ídolos. Estuvieron presentes los más grandes músicos, orquestas, cantantes, animadores, locutores, periodistas y per-sonalidades vinculadas con el tango. Esa noche, Julio De Caro recibió muy emocio-nado en el escenario el aplauso de unas 15 mil personas que cantaron su cumpleaños.








Edition 16 | December 09 - 16 2010Community08

NYC Parks and New York Ranger Michael Del Zotto 'Drop The Puck' to Launch New, Free Youth Street Hockey

Program, Presented by Live Positively, Coca-Cola

Commissioner Adrian Benepe to-day joined New York State As-sembly Speaker Sheldon Silver,

MSG Sports Executive Vice President of Marketing and Sales Howard Jacobs, Vice President for Sales Operations at Coca-Cola Seena Cushman, Rangers Team Nu-tritionist Cynthia Sass, Rangers alumnus Brian Mullen and Rangers defenseman Michael Del Zotto to announce "New York Rangers & NYC Parks Youth Street Hockey presented by Live Positively, Co-ca-Cola," a new partnership offering a free instructional hockey program to serve 500 New York City youth at Parks' recreation centers this winter.

Through the 8-week program consisting of free, weekly youth indoor street hockey clinics, children and teens ages 8-16 will be able to learn a great sport and focus on the importance of physical activity and proper nutrition. The announcement was held at Alfred E. Smith Recreation Center in Manhattan. Following the an-nouncement, Michael Del Zotto "dropped the puck" to launch the first clinic of the program and offered hockey instruction for approximately 50 local students from P.S. 126.

"Parks is excited to team up with the New York Rangers and Live Positively, Coca-Cola to launch a new, free indoor street hockey program for New York City youth

across the city," said Commissioner Bene-pe. "The program will teach kids hockey skills, strategies and rules, and empha-size the importance of leading an active, healthy life. Whether kids are hockey nov-ices or have some experience under their belt, these clinics will improve their game. I encourage all kids to visit a recreation center and sign up to participate."

"I am delighted that we are dropping the puck to begin this free instructional youth hockey program here in my Lower Man-hattan Assembly district," said Speaker Silver. "Regular exercise and a nutritional diet are essential to good health and this is a message we need to instill in all of our young people every day and in every way. I commend Commissioner Benepe, the New York Rangers, and Coca Cola for es-tablishing this program and for their com-mitment to the well-being of our children and our community."

"The New York Rangers are dedicated to establishing community awareness and interest in the sport of hockey through a variety of community programs and events that reach more than 5,500 youth annual-ly," said Jacobs. "We are proud to launch this new street hockey program with NYC Parks & Recreation and presented by Coca-Cola that will introduce the sport of hockey to hundreds of youth and encour-age a healthy lifestyle."

"Coca-Cola is proud to support pro-grams that help to make a positive impact on our communities and to help families find fun ways to lead active, healthy lifestyles," said Cush-man. "Our partnership with Parks & Recreation and the Rangers helps New York City young people to be active and learn about the importance of energy balance in a meaningful and fun way."

The hockey clinics will focus on in-troducing youth to the sport of hock-ey and teaching them the importance of exercising and eating a balanced diet. Sports instruction will focus on individual skills, team participation, and fundamentals of the game such as passing, shooting and stickhandling. All participants will receive an official jersey, Rangers gift bag and basic hock-ey skills playbook. Nutrition workshops will be offered to participants to learn more about living a healthy, active life-style. Participants may walk-in to clin-ics; no pre-registration is required, each clinic will have a maximum of 50 participants.

Clinics will be held at ten recreation centers throughout the city and will run for eight weeks, starting from today through the end of January.

Bronx Hunts Point (765 Manida Street btw Lafayette & Spofford)

Saturdays / 3:00pm-4:30pm St. James (East 145th Street & St. Ann's Avenue) Saturdays / 11:00am-12:30pm St. Mary's (East 145th Street & St. Ann's Avenue)

Saturdays / 3:00pm-4:30pm

BrooklynRed Hook (155 Bay Street & Henry Street)

Saturdays 11:00am-12:30pm Sunset (7th Avenue & 43rd Street) Saturdays / 2:00pm-3:30pm ManhattanAlfred E. Smith (80 Catherine Street off Cherry Street)

Wednesdays / 4:00pm-6:00pmChelsea (430 West 25th Street btw 9th & 10th Av-

enue) Saturdays / 11:00am-1:00pmTony Dapolito (1 Clarkson Street & 7th Avenue)

Tuesdays 4:00pm-5:30pm Queens Al Oerter (134-40 Fowler Avenue) Wednesdays 6:00pm -7:00pm Lost Battalion Hall (93-29 Queens Blvd. & 62nd Avenue)Wednesdays 5:00pm-6:00pm

New Partnership Designed to Encourage NYC Youth to Be Active and Healthy


Hotels.com® is giv-ing the gift of savings to travelers this holi-

day season with a $50 discount when they pay with a Master-Card® card now through De-cember 31, 2010, at select ho-tels.com Price Match Guarantee properties. The discount applies to a future stay of three or more consecutive nights, and hotels.com customers should use cou-pon code "MASTERCARD50" for a one-time discount of $50 when they make the reservation.

and MasterCard have teamed up to offer travelers tremendous savings at thousands of proper-ties worldwide," said Miguel

Oliveira, hotels.com Director, Global Merchandising Strat-egy. "Travelers looking to book rooms in cities like San Fran-cisco, Dallas and Philadelphia will be impressed by the large selection of properties available, and also by the number of hotels that offer the $50 MasterCard discount."

Rob Sheets, Group Head, Mer-chant Relations and Co Brand-ing, U.S. Commerce Develop-ment, commented: "Thanks to hotels.com, this holiday season travelers will have more money to spend on gifts while sleep-ing in style by simply choosing to pay with a MasterCard card.

MasterCard makes it easy to earn these great hotel rewards and gives travelers another rea-son to rely on a MasterCard card for all their travel and entertain-ment payment needs."

MasterCard Bookable Bargains The Stoneleigh Hotel & Spa stands in the Uptown district of Dallas, Texas, close enough for guests to do-si-do to downtown nightclubs and bars. The hotel's chic signature restaurant, Bolla, features a $40 four-course pre-fixe menu and the popular Bolla "Happy Hour" always draws a lively crowd onto its sprawling patios. For guests looking to las-so an affordable and delicious

Dallas cocktail this is the spot. Rates at Dallas' Stoneleigh Ho-tel & Spa start at $179 per night, and the property boasts a 96 percent approval rating accord-ing to hotels.com guest reviews.

Guests are invited to party like it's 1776 and to step back into the age of Ben Franklin and Bet-sy Ross at Rittenhouse 1715, a boutique property older than the U.S. Constitution, located just steps from Philadelphia's histor-ic treasures. This 23-room hotel exemplifies all the elegance and refined style of Philadelphia's most fashionable neighbor-hood. Rittenhouse 1715 has an impressive 98 percent approval

rating from hotels.com custom-ers, and rooms start at $167 per night.

San Francisco is known for its hippies, distinctive Chinatown, wickedly winding Lombard Street, and world-famous gas-tronomical treasures sprinkled throughout funky and eclectic neighborhoods. Built in 1924 The Hotel Huntington in Nob Hill stands 12 stories tall and is close to downtown San Francis-co, Chinatown and the Financial District – all within four blocks of the property. Rates start at $185 per night, and the hotel is 95 percent recommended by ho-tels.com users.

NY Latino Business HUB | Informing & Empowering The Latino Business Community


Hotels.com and MasterCard Give Travelers an Early Gift for the Holidays




Edition 16 | December 09 - 16 2010 Market America








Events Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010

Javier Castaño, Director of Queenslatino.com went right up to his friend Junot Díaz to congratulate him.

. Ralph "Flaco" Capellan, Division Manager of Integrer Group, a Marketing Company whose client is Miller Coors, attended the 9th Latino Trend Setter gala, representing Coors Light, one of the sponsors of the event.


Miguel Centeno, AETNA Regional Director Marketing (left) with his Latino Trend-setter award in hand, singing a capella with Latino Trends Magazine Publisher Juan Guillen, right after the gala. We heard they might approach Emilio Estefan to see if he wants to produce them a record.

Popular colombian DJ Alex Sensation (center), another Latino Trendsetter, here with pals Carlos Anaya (left) and Enrique Arbelaez.

Jacqueline J. González (center in red), Executive Director of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, was also given the Latino Trendsetter Award. Here, with her family: Dad Serafin and sisters Betsy,Kathy and Kimberly.

Gala Latino Trend Award

Events Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 11

Events And Personalities

The Inca Kola Family was one of the sponsors of the 9th Annual Latino Trendsetter Awards Gala that took place at the Marriott Marquis on Tuesday, November 30th. From left to right: : Frank Terrero, Julio and Ileana Coen, Felipe Losta, Elizabeth and Randy Berman.

Debra Joy Perez (center) was one of the winners of the Latino Trendsetter Awards, here with her friends: (left to right) Dante Mckay, Leticia Peguero, Lida Pérez, Haydee Pérez, Paula Garin, Jason León, Brenda Henry, Wilson López.

On Thursday, December 2nd, Pedro Zamora (center) C.E.O. of Zamora Entertain-ment and owner of popular Queens nightspot "La Boom New York" received the "Man of the Year" award from the New York State Federation of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce. Jaime Lucero, Magela Graffigna from Business Latino, Newspapers and Louis Nuñez, President of the The National Latino Res-taurant, and Nightlife Assc

Raquel Rodríguez and Mónica Contreras were awarded with scholarships from Latin Trends Maga-zine.

Actress and Model Josefina Paulino is a representa-tive for Luscious Wine, a line of fine wines produced in Chile. We ran in to her during a NY State Federa-tion of Hispanic Chambers of Commerce meeting at Casa Puebla.

Pictures: MOGOLLAN ©Copyright, MOGOLLAN EMPIRE 2010, All Rights

Reserved. www.eventsandpersonalities.blogspot.com | e-mail: [email protected]


Noche's Latina w








Eventos Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010




Eventos Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 13

Monica Yepez, Nuevamente deja en alto el nombre de su país

Por Magela Graffigna

La diseñadora internacional Monica Yepez,nuevamente deja en alto el nom-bre de su pais; pues en el ultimo video del

Rey del reggaeton Don Omar, estrena sus ultimos diseños con sus modelos mas destacadas como son Zoila Cevallos, Cristal Hernandez, Virginia Martinez, y Sol Walker.quienes son las protagon-istas femeninas del video "Hasta abajo"esperado desde hace mucho tiempo

Cabe destacar que la reina del Bathing suit como se conoce a Monica Yepez esta por lanzar al mercado su ultima colección de lencería que se estrenaran en prestigiosas discotecas de la ciudad.Augurándole siempre éxitos nos resta decirle "Adelante Monica" y gracias por compartir tus éxitos..








National News 14 Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


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By Raisa CamargoHispanic Link News Service

WASHINGTON, D.C. — The U.S. Supreme Court grappled Dec. 8 over whether the state of Arizona has authori-ty to implement standards and penalties on employers who knowingly hire undo-cumented workers.

The hour-long hearing brought atten-tion to the burdening issue of federal ver-sus state powers.

The eight participating justices heard arguments on Chamber of Commerce v. Whiting, a case highlighting the Le-gal Arizona’s Workers Act, which was signed into law in 2007 by former Gov. Janet Napolitano, who now serves as Se-cretary of Homeland Security.

The law requires all employers to par-ticipate in E-Verify, an employment ve-rification database system. It also allows the state to revoke business licenses of those who intentionally hire undocumen-ted workers. Involvement in E-Verify is voluntary under federal law.

“The bottom line is that we believe if the (federal) government isn’t going to do the job, Arizona is going to do the job and we are faced with a crisis,” current Gov. Jan Brewer told reporters after the hearing. “In regards to today’s hearing, certainly we do issue licenses and if we giveth, we can taketh away and that’s what we’re hoping.”

E-verify is an internet-based system that allows employers to use information reported on an I-9 Form, Employment Eligibility Verification, to determine an individual’s authorization to work in the United States. It is limited to new hires only.

Counter arguments were made by civil rights groups that the law is one-sided. They claimed it fails to offer protections against discrimination.

Karen Tumlin is the managing attorney at the National Immigration Law Center and council for the petitioners against Arizona’s sanctions’ law. There are sco-res of errors found in the E-verify sys-

tem, she said, stating that it disproportio-nately affects people of color.

The system issues “tentative non-con-firmation” checks to applicants whom employers suspect are undocumented before confirming their legal status. Tumlin said the assumption has proven inaccurate, according to documented ca-ses, and would add further to the rise of discrimination as it discourages potential legal residents.

Other arguments were made against state preemption because it conflicts with a 1986 federal ruling prohibiting states from taking action against employers un-less they were convicted of violating the federal law. However, there is a clause in the Immigration Reform and Control Act that allows state governments lati-tude to take civil action when licensing businesses.

“The bottom line here is this is a sta-tute that was enacted 21 years ago and structured the relationships between the federal government and the state government,” said Carter G. Phillips, Washington lawyer who represented the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. “Marico-pa County is going to send off people to investigate and try to adjudicate these claims.”

He added that the balance Congress struck between the protections on both sides will be “completely dashed.” The Justices are expected to reach a decision on the case early next year. Jus-tice Elena Kagan recused herself from participating.

If the Supreme Court decides to uphold the state law, it would give states broader authority when handling immigration matters. With Arizona’s dwindling economy, this might discourage new business inves-tments. Brewer disagrees, stating imple-menting the sanctions are a smart way to do business.

Brewer told Hispanic Link that SB1070, which gives the state immigration enfor-cement powers, hasn’t seriously dama-ged Arizona’s economy. Although there were some conventions cancelled, the


hotel and tourism industry is moving forward, she said, adding the undocu-mented workforce has cost the state a lot of money.

(Raisa Camargo, of Washington, D.C., is editor of Hispanic Link Weekly Report. Email: [email protected]





Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010 Legal Notice

SUMMONS AND NOTICE OF OBJECT OF ACTION ACTION TO FORECLOSE A MORTGAGE STATE OF NEW YORK SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF QUEENS WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, vs. ANTHONY PUEBLA, LENA WATERS-PUEBLA, ET, AL. Defendant(s). TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFEN-DANT: INDEX NO.: 30450/09 MORTGAGED PRE-MISES: 221-15 130TH AVENUE A/K/A2115 130TH AVENUE SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY11413 SBL #: BLOCK 12825 LOT 504 You are hereby summoned to answer the Complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answer, or, if the Complaint is not served with this Summons, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff(s) attorney(s) within twenty days after the service of this Summons, exclusive of the day of service (or within 30 days after the service is comple-te if this Summons is not personally delivered to you within the State of New York). In case of your failu-re to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The Attorney for Plaintiff has an office for business in the County of Erie. Trial to be held in the County of Queens. The basis of the venue designated above is the location of the Mortgaged Premises. Dated this 1st day of November, 2010, TO: ANTHONY PUEBLA and LENA WATERS-PUEBLA, Defendant(s) In this Ac-tion. The foregoing Summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of HON. JAIME A. RIOS of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated the 22nd day of October, 2010 and filed with the Complaint in the Office of the Queens County Clerk, in the City of Jamaica. The object of this action is to foreclose a mortgage upon the premises described be-low, executed by ANTHONY PUEBLA and LENA WATERS-PUEBLA dated the 24th day of September, 2008, to secure the sum of $433,683.85, and recorded at Instrument No. 2009000104564 in the Office of the City Register of the City of New York, on the 9th day of April, 2009; The property in question is described as follows: 221-15 130TH AVENUE A/K/A 2115 130TH

AVENUE, SPRINGFIELD GARDENS, NY 11413 SEE FOLLOWING DESCRIPTION Block 12825 and Lot 504 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Borough and County of Queens, City and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, distant 1127.38 feet Westerly from the corner formed by the intersection of the Westerly side of 226th Street with the Northerly side of 130th Avenue as said Street and Avenue are shown and laid out on final topographical map of the City of New York for the Bo-rough of Queans; RUNNING THENCE Westerly along the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 40 feet; THENCE Northerly at right angles to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 99.59 feet to the land or late of Montefiore Cemetery; THENCE Easterly along said lands North of land of Montefiore Cemetery, 40.01 feet; THENCE Southerly and again at right angles to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue, 100.51 feet to the Northerly side of 130th Avenue at the point or place of BEGINNING. Premises known as 22115 130th Avenue, Springfield Gardens, New York HELP FOR HOMEOWNERS IN FORECLOSURE NEW YORK STATE LAW REQUI-RES THAT WE SEND YOU THIS NOTICE ABOUT THE FORECLOSURE PROCESS. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND TO THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT IN THIS FORECLOSURE ACTION, YOU MAY LOSE YOUR HOME. PLEASE READ THE SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT CAREFULLY. YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CONTACT AN ATTORNEY OR YOUR LOCAL LEGAL AID OFFI-CE TO OBTAIN ADVICE ON HOW TO PROTECT YOURSELF. SOURCES OF INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE The state encourages you to become in-formed about your options in foreclosure. In addition to seeking assistance from an attorney or legal aid office, there are government agencies and non-profit organiza-

tions that you may contact for information about possi-ble options, including trying to work with your lender during this process. To locate an entity near you, you may call the toll-free helpline maintained by the New York State Banking Department at 1-877-BANK-NYS (1-877-226-5697) or visit the department’s website at WWW.BANKING.STATE.NY.US. FORECLOSURE RESCUE SCAMS Be careful of people who approach you with offers to “save” your home. There are indivi-duals who watch for notices of foreclosure actions in order to unfairly profit from a homeowner’s distress. You should be extremely careful about any such promi-ses and any suggestions that you pay them a fee or sign over your deed. State law requires anyone offering such services for profit to enter into a contract which fully describes the services they will perform and fees they will charge, and which prohibits them from taking any money from you until they have completed all such pro-mised services. § 1303 NOTICE NOTICE YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this summons and complaint by serving a copy of the answer on the attorney for the mortgage company who filed this foreclosure proceeding against you and filing the answer with the court, a default jud-gment may be entered and you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney or go to the court where your case is pending for further information on how to answer the summons and protect your property. Sending a payment to your mortgage company will not stop this foreclo-sure action. YOU MUST RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE COURT. DATED: November 1, 2010 Steven J. Baum, P.C., Attorney(s) For Plaintiff(s), 220 Northpointe Parkway Suite G , Amherst, NY 14228 The law firm of Steven J. Baum, P.C. and the attorneys whom it employs are debt collec-tors who are attempting to collect a debt. Any informa-tion obtained by them will be used for that purpose.


Por : Inverpedia www.inverpedia.com

The Obesity Action Coalition (OAC), The Obe-sity Society (TOS) and the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) found encouragement in the outcome of today's advi-sory committee hearing, favoring approval for the first new obesity treatment in more than 10 years.

Today, the FDA Endocrine and Metabolic Advisory Panel voted 13-7 for approval for Contrave, a new treatment for obesity. In response to these decisions, Joe Nadglowski, OAC President and CEO said, "The OAC is encouraged because this is the first indication in some time that a new treatment can receive a fa-vorable hearing from FDA. Treating obesity is a com-plex problem requiring many tools in the toolbox."

Jennifer Lovejoy, Ph.D., President of TOS, commented, "The FDA Advisory Panel carefully weighed the research evidence in reaching this decision, and laid out future re-search needs. Today was a good example of how the FDA

can balance risks and benefits in reviewing new treatments."

Said Bruce Wolfe, MD, FASMBS, President of the ASMBS, "The federal government and medical experts agree that obesity is the single biggest threat to America for the coming century, and the FDA can be part of the solution. We support Friday's decision on expanded indi-cations for gastric banding, and we call on the FDA to adopt a comprehensive approach and define a clear path for innovation in all forms of treatment of this disease."Earlier this year, the FDA has held hearings on three obe-sity drugs in quick succession, with negative results for every treatment under review. In each of the hearings, Na-dglowski noted, "We, as a society, must gain control of the obesity epidemic and begin helping those affected; how-ever, we will continue to watch this epidemic spiral out of control if we do not address it with a multitude of treat-ment options, including effective pharmaceutical agents."

In a recent study, the costs related to treating obesity-related medical conditions were reported to be $168 billion dollars, representing 17 percent of total medi-cal costs in the U.S. Research has clearly documented the harmful health effects of excess body weight, which increases risk for conditions including diabetes, hy-pertension, sleep apnea, hip and knee arthritis, low-back pain, and depression. Importantly, many of these weight-related conditions are significantly improved by weight losses of as little as 5-10% of total body weight.

"We greatly hope that the FDA will continue working with the pharmaceutical industry and utilize a fair and balanced approach moving forward weighing the well-documented benefits of treating obesity against the risks associated with any medication developed for the treatment of obesi-ty. We are at a crucial crossroad where the time to develop safe and effective treatment options for those affected by the disease of obesity is now," said Nadglowski.


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Obesity Organizations Encouraged by Positive Outcome for New Treatment Option








Helth Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases Fighting FluNEW YORK, /PRNewswire/ in observance of National Influenza Vaccination Week, Mediaplanet Publishing released a Holiday Health Guide to targeted markets in USA Today. The report will be distributed to over 1.1 million readers with contributions from Asthma and Al-lergy Foundation of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Families Fighting Flu, and Alliance for Consumer Education.Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America Provides Clarity

Cold, flu, and allergy symptoms are strikingly similar and therefore, can be quite perplexing. While we often dismiss these symptoms as being "just a cold," it could be something more serious. AAFA highlights the dis-tinct differences between these illnesses to dispel confu-sion and ensure a healthy holiday.

Tips on Staying Healthy

According to the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, the flu afflicts 60 million Americans each year and causes 36,000 deaths: "To prevent influenza, place your bet on vaccinating your family," advises Dr. Carol J. Baker, previous president of the NFID.

Healthy Home Solutions

During the winter, we escape the cold weather by re-treating indoors. In our homes, we may be confronted with germs and allergens, which can cause illness and put a damper on holiday festivities. AAFA and the Al-liance for Consumer Education provide instruction on creating a healthier home environment.

One Family's Fight Against Flu

After the untimely death of their four year-old daughter, Richard and Alissa Kanowitz lead the fight against in-fluenza. Along with other families that had experienced similar loss, they started Families Fighting Flu, a nation-wide organization that is designed to "educate, motivate, and vaccinate." "Get yourself and your children vacci-nated for influenza each and every year," says Kanowitz. "There's nothing else that can stop influenza or limit its harmful effects better than vaccination."In partnership with the Asthma and Allergy Founda-tion of America, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases, Families Fighting Flu, Alliance for Consumer Education, Wet Ones, Endust, NasalCare, Ocean Nasal, Boogie Wipes, Achooz, ThermalOn, Germ Guardian, SleepRight, Simply Saline, Nozin, Indie Candy, and SinuPulse Elite.




Health Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010


Durante los años 2007, 2008 y 2009 se ofrecieron libremente al público en general inversiones fantasiosas que prometían grandes rentabilidades y con bajo riesgo en toda América Latina y España. Estas promesas se apropiaron poco a poco del dinero de millones de ahorradores. Muchos individuos incluso se endeudaron para poner a producir el dinero por medio de éstas atractivas e inexplicables ofertas de inversión; en la mayoría de los casos relacionados con inversiones en el mercado forex.

La forma de captar fondos de los ahorradores se hace en la mayoría de las veces por medio de un discurso audaz y simple, ofreciendo ganancias atractivas con la prometedora y garantizada frase INVERSION CON POCO RIESGO y alta rentabilidad. La forma más fácil de captar la atención de un estafador se

hace por medio de un allegado, familiar o colega, que promete replicar el modelo que está funcionando. Un ahorrador es considerado alguien quien ha trabajado décadas construyendo su patrimonio, el foco de atención de los estafadores es captar en pocos meses (algunos años) el dinero para luego desaparecer. Una vez se esfuma el dinero, esos mismos amigos que ofrecían poco riesgo o inversión garantizada, no contestan el teléfono, ni correos electrónicos y lo que es aún peor, siguen creyendo que fue culpa del estado o de grandes corporaciones que desean apropiarse de oportunidades de los pobres.

Algunos incrédulos siguen buscando, maravillosas y fugaces inversiones en donde puedan poner a trabajar el dinero y esperar a que por su propia cuenta se reproduzca. Si crees que la educación financiera cuesta mucho, deberías conocer cuánto cuesta la ignorancia financiera.

Existen millones de oportunidades en el mundo, el internet y las comunicaciones abren diariamente las puertas a todo tipo de oportunidades de negocio. El camino hacia el éxito está lleno de intrigas y retos. No hay camino de lleno flores sin obstáculos. Por tal motivo Inverpedia, aconseja que debes cuidar muy bien tu dinero, educarte financieramente, hacer las preguntas correctas, estudiar y entender muy bien cualquier negocio que te propongan y tomar la decisión de iniciar tu camino hacia el éxito personal.

Las preguntas que debes hacer ante cualquier oferta de inversión son las siguientes:

1. ¿Están autorizados para captar fondos por parte de las autoridades reguladoras?

2. ¿Cuál es el riesgo de la inversión?

La inteligencia emocional y la economia familiar Si la respuesta es: NO HAY RIESGO, entonces debes sospechar de un potencial fraude.

3. ¿Cuánto tiempo debe permanecer mi inversión para producir resultados?

4. ¿En qué consiste la inversión? Si no entiendes la inversión, lo mejor es no invertir.

Hoy en día existen reguladores en cada país que pueden informarte sobre cualquier tipo de actividad financiera, empresa, individuo que te ofrezca algún tipo de inversión. A continuación una lista de cada ente regulador y su respectivo país.

Estados Unidos:



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La importancia de la educación financiera para prevenir fraudes y proteger tus ahorros. ¿Qué preguntas hacer?

Por: Inverpediawww.inverpedia.com








Finance Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010








[email protected] SALE EXPERT!


La inteligencia emocional y la economia familiarDespués de leer este título, los lectores se preguntarán: ¿Qué relación tiene un término financiero con otro de la Psicología?

Pues bien, el presente artículo mostrará su relación y la importancia de conocer el significado de la in-teligencia emocional en nuestra economía familiar.

La inteligencia emocional es un concepto reciente de la psicología, que se define como: “Proceso y resultado de aprender a percibir, reconocer y regular las emo-ciones”. Esta definición se explica mejor, desde un fa-moso experimento llamado el test Marshmallow que consiste en ofrecer un premio comestible a un niño de cuatro años con la promesa de que si es capaz de es-perar cierto tiempo sin comerlo obtendrá otro premio mayor. Para visualizar el video entra en el siguiente en-lace: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wWW1vpz1ybo.

A la edad de cuatro años, un Marshmallow es lo suficiente-mente tentador para esperar para ganarse el segundo. No to-dos los niños esperan, y según los estudios llevados a cabo se ha demostrado estadísticamente que quienes pasan el test suelen alcanzar mayor madurez económica y éxito en

etapas posteriores de la vida.

Ahora bien si traducimos esta situación a nuestra economía familiar, encontramos que mu-chos de nosotros nos comem-os el Marshmellow antes de tiempo. La plata que nos in-gresa por concepto de salario u otras entradas, es gastada de manera rápida dejando nuestra economía con un saldo en rojo. Esta situación se presenta principalmente en esta época del año, que es la navidad, donde nuestro comportamiento está manejado por nues-tras emociones. Estos gastos pueden ser los básicos del hogar, pero pueden también ser gastos innecesarios, como comprar aparatos electrónicos, regalos a familiares, viajes o ropa con precios fuera del alcance de nuestro bolsillo.

Este funcionamiento psicológico de manejar nuestras fi-nanzas a partir de nuestras emociones es conocido por las empresas de publicidad y marketing, que buscan atribuirle deseos y necesidades humanas a los produc-tos. Estas estrategias nos hacen perder un poco elcon-

trol de nuestros gastos, atrapándonos en un callejón sin salida, al que solo podemos escapar comprando y gastan-do nuestro dinero. Por ejemplo, los regalos de navidad. Todas las personas quieren lo que esta de moda o lo que la última tendencia muestre (juguetes, videojue-gos, ropa), para no sentirse rechazados por la sociedad.

Se puede decir que el manejo de la economía famil-iar esta relacionado en gran medida con la capaci-dad que tiene una persona en manejar sus emociones o de adquirir y fortalecer la Inteligencia Emocional.

Para esto es recomendable hacer los siguientes ejercicios:

* Evalúe cuales son las consecuencias que usted cree que se desencadenaran si usted no satisface las necesidades de su grupo social. Póngalas a prueba, ¿Será más importante tener unos ahorros o quedar bien con las demás personas? * Póngase de acuerdo con su pareja, sobre cuales son los gastos necesarios y los innecesarios. Dé prioridad a los necesarios.* No confíe en las promociones tentadoras que se presen-tan fácil de obtener a cambio de altas tasas de intereses.




Finanzas Edition 16 | December 09 - 15 2010