Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well. Administration Courses Professional Development Training has a specialised division of Administration experts that will tailor the delivery of any of the courses to be specific to your situation and learning needs

Business Etiquette Training Meeting Management · PDF filethat you enroll in a Business Etiquette training course to enhance your social skills, business manners and ... International

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Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.


Professional Development Training has a specialised division of Administrationexperts that will tailor the delivery of any of the courses to be specific to yoursituation and learning needs

Administration Courses

Business Etiquette Training Meeting Management Personal Productivity Training

Professional Telephone Skills Time Management Training Foundation Skills for PA's and ExecutiveAssistants

Foundation Skills for New HROfficers

Budgets and FinancialReports

Bookkeeping Fundamentals

Minute-taking Training Computer Basics FoundationTraining

Advanced Skills for PA's and ExecutiveAssistants

Courses for Executive Assistants, AdministrativeAssistants, Personal Assistants and Secretaries

Professional Development Training has a specialised division of Administration experts that willtailor the delivery of any of the courses to be specific to your situation and learning needs. Our extensive curriculum in Administration, outstanding depth of trainers across the country anddiverse range of industry experience means that pd training is the best choice for Administrationcourses. pd training will exceed your expectations and help you achieve the results you are seeking.



Clients and employees prefer to do business and work with individuals who are trustworthy, respectable and presentproper business etiquette. If you who deal with different types of personalities, nationalities or cultures, it is suggestedthat you enroll in a Business Etiquette training course to enhance your social skills, business manners andprofessionalism. Remember, how you interact and relate with others is vital to your continuing success. Those smallthings like polite greetings, courteous conversations and active listening do make a difference in how you’re perceived byothers.This Business Etiquette training course from pdtraining provides the necessary knowledge and skills required to be calm,confident and in good manner in any social or business setting. This course is very advantageous to entrepreneurs, HRmanagers, executive assistants, image consultants, sales and marketing executives and special event planners, etc.Always keep in mind that proper etiquette is crucial in today's workplace as it can promote productivity, harmony andpeace in the working environment as well.Business etiquette training courses are available now throughout Malaysia.This Business Etiquette training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local or internationaltrainers or live online using our HIVE technology.Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Business Etiquette Training Outline

Foreword:Business etiquette has never been more important. Traditional structures and communication is changing, howeveretiquette and professionalism are still important within the business and with external clients.

Outcomes:In this course participants will:

Understand what etiquette is and why it's importantLearn how to introduce yourself professionallyUnderstand the "3 C's" and how to use them to create a good first impressionLearn tools to assist and minimize nervousnessUse techniques to master name memorization Know the "4 levels of conversation"Learn to conduct yourself professionallyUnderstand appropriate etiquette for open plan and cubicle environmentsKnow what not to do in a meetingAcquire the fundamentals of email etiquette

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 1Networking for Success

Creating an Effective IntroductionMaking a Great First ImpressionMinimizing NervousnessUsing Business Cards EffectivelyRemembering Names

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 2Professional Introductions

The three-step processThe four levels of conversationThe Handshake

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 3Professional Office Conduct

Open Plan and Cubicle environmentsWorking out of the officeEating at WorkMeeting Do's and Don'ts

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 4Business Email Etiquette

Professionalism & emailsProper and improper use for forwarding and CCGrammar, flaming and netiquetteTop 5 technology tips

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 5Business E-Mail Etiquette

Addressing your MessageGrammar and AcronymsTop Five Technology Tips

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 6Eating Out

Ordering in a RestaurantAbout Alcoholic BeveragesPaying the BillTipping

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 7Telephone Etiquette

Developing an Appropriate GreetingDealing with Voice MailMobile Phone Do's and Dont's

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 8The Written Letter

Thank You NotesFormal LettersInformal Letters

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 9Dressing for Success

The Meaning of ColoursInterpreting Common Dress CodesDeciding what to Wear

Business Etiquette Training Course - Lesson 10International Etiquette

General RulesImportant PointsPreparation Tips


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/business-etiquette-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=5

Did you know that businesses spend millions of dollars per year on meetings? But most of the meetingattendees of these reported assemblies spend their time daydreaming and even snoozing.

Meetings should be taken seriously by every employee as these are very important to the success of anyorganization. But,what if the meeting is dull and boring? Well, we cannot blame the attendees if theycannot focus during the whole duration. Well-managed meetings should be lively, engaging andinformative enough to draw the attendees’ full attention and cooperation. The BIG question is how canthe facilitator take hold of the attendees’ full concentration? Learn how by enrolling in a MeetingManagement training course!

This Meeting Management training course teaches you how to avoid wasting time, how to create well-prepared presentations, how to keep the audience’s attention, etc. Participants will learn planning andleading strategies to give them the confidence to handle a meeting that will entertain attendees, handledisruptions and create a positive and long-lasting impression.

This effective training course is available now in Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia.

This Meeting Management training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local orinternational trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Meeting Management Outline

Foreword:An Australian University study has shown that companies are wasting huge amounts of money on inefficient meetings.The study conducted by the University of South Australia discovered that one in three workers admitted to falling asleepin meetings while 87% said they daydream and 26% said they did other work.Professor Terry Robbins-Jones, head of the University's School of Accounting and Information Systems says face-to-face meetings are costing Australian businesses a whopping A$19bn a year. "People spend well over 50% of their timeworking with other people - making it the single most expensive activity in the business world - and yet we know nothingabout it," he said."Bearing in mind that collaboration - including the time spent in face-to-face meetings - probably accounts for well overhalf the total costs of any organisation, companies should be thinking about having a budget for it or monitoring howeffectively it operates," he added. The University of South Australia study found that 46% of executives felt meetingswere a good use of time, while 33% felt that - at best - they were fairly productive. These figures suggest that utilizing a"meeting auditor" or "collaborative advocate" could produce cost savings and increased productivity benefits.This Meeting Management Training Course will assist participants with the appropriate meeting conventions andprotocols to managing formal, informal and e-meetings. Participants will learn to apply tools and techniques in planning,participating in, and concluding successful meetings.

Outcomes:Plan & prepare for meetingsIdentify the correct participantsGain insight into choosing the right time & place based on meeting type, attendees & necessary outcomesCreate clear & concise meeting agendasSet up meeting spaces for maximum efficiencyLearn how to incorporate electronic options for remote participantsDefine & assign meeting roles & responsibilitiesUse an agenda for meeting management garnering a desired outcome & accountabilityChair meetings effectively by dealing with disruptions, professionally handling personality conflicts and taking meetingminutes.


Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 1Planning and Preparing - Part One

Identifying the participantsChoosing the time and placeCreating the agenda

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 2Planning and Preparing - Part Two

Gathering materialsSending invitationsMaking logistical arrangements

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 3Setting up the Meeting Space

The basic essentialsThe extra touchesChoosing a physical arrangement

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 4Electronic Options

Overview of the choices availableThings to considerMaking a final decision

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 5Meeting Roles and Responsibilities

The chairpersonThe minute takerThe attendeesVariations for large and small meetings

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 6Chairing a Meeting - Part One

Getting off on the right footThe role of the agendaUsing a parking lot

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 7Chairing a Meeting - Part Two

Keeping the meeting on trackDealing with overtimeHolding participants accountable

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 8Dealing with Disruptions

Running in and outMobile phones and pagers ringingOff on a tangentPersonality conflicts

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 9Taking Minutes

What are minutes?What do I record?A take-home templateClosing

Meeting Management Training Course - Lesson 10Making the most of your Meeting

The 50 minute meetingUsing gamesGiving prizesStuffed with magic


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/meeting-management-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=16

Do you ever end your day feeling like you were unproductive? Do menial tasks ruin your attention span?Well, if that’s the case, you might consider doing something to boost your motivation in order to be moreproductive. One effective solution is through enrolling in a Personal Productivity training course withpdtraining.

This Personal Productivity training course from pdtraining teaches participants how to establish routines,set personal goals, plan and prioritize things, stay more focused to accomplish targets, create an efficientenvironment and use practical, take away tools for maximizing personal productivity. Learn how to reachthe highest levels of productivity in your personal and professional life with this course!

This practical and engaging training course is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Personal Productivity training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local orinternational trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Personal Productivity Training Outline

Foreword:Most people find that they wish they had more time in a day. This workshop will show participants how to organize theirlives and find those hidden moments. Participants will learn how to establish routines, set goals, create an efficientenvironment, and use time-honored planning and organizational tools to maximize their personal productivity.

Outcomes:Set & evaluate SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant & timed)Learn to use routines to maximize productivityMaster numerous scheduling tools for efficient use of timeLearn to stay on top of a to-do listLearn how to start new tasks & projects on the right footMaster basic project management techniquesOrganize physical & virtual workspaces for maximum efficiencyTake back time from e-mail & handheld devicesLearn to tackle procrastination

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 1Getting Started

Workshop ObjectivesPre-Assignment Review

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 2Setting SMART Goals

The Three P’sThe SMART WayPrioritizing Your GoalsEvaluating and Adapting

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 3The Power of Routines

What is a Routine?Personal RoutinesProfessional RoutinesSix Easy Ways to Simplify Your Life

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 4Scheduling Yourself

The Simple Secret of Successful Time ManagementDeveloping a Tracking SystemScheduling AppointmentsScheduling Tasks

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 5Keeping Yourself on Top of Tasks

The One-Minute RuleThe Five-Minute RuleWhat to do When You Feel like You’re Sinking

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 6Tackling New Tasks and Projects

The Sliding ScaleA Checklist for Getting StartedEvaluating and Adapting

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 7Using Project Management Techniques

The Triple ConstraintCreating the ScheduleUsing a RACI Chart

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 8Creating a Workspace

Setting Up the Physical LayoutErgonomics 101Using Your Computer Efficiently

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 9Managing E-mail

Organizing Paper FilesOrganizing Electronic FilesScheduling Archive and Clean-Up

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 10Managing E-Mail

Using E-mail Time WiselyTaking Action!Making the Most of Your E-mail ProgramTaking Time Back from Handheld Devices

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 11Tackling Procrastination

Why We ProcrastinateNine Ways to Overcome ProcrastinationEat That Frog!

Personal Productivity Training Course - Lesson 12Wrapping Up

Words from the Wise


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/personal-productivity-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=19

The telephone is considered as the most convenient and quickest instrument to establish contact withtheir clients by the majority of companies. In fact, call centers are the leading operational departments ofmany organizations. So, it is fundamental that employees assigned to take or make phone calls fromclients must possess superior telephone etiquette. These employees must display good communicationskills, willingness, courtesy and the abilities to efficiently assist clients.

This Professional Phone Skills course from pdtraining teaches you on how to represent your organizationin a clear, friendly yet professional way. Remember, excellent customer service is an important ingredientto the success of any organization. Clients who experience high-quality service are more willing to build alasting relationship with your company. These clients can turn out to be long-term, loyal customers whospread the word about their positive experience.

This practical and engaging training course is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Professional Telephone Skills training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expertlocal or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Professional Telephone Skills Outline

Foreword:This Telephone Skills Training course will provide your staff with the awareness and skills they need to handle phonecalls professionally.  This will ensure the positive image of your organisation is reinforced and strengthened with everyconversation.In today's business environment, telephone etiquette displayed in organisations is indicative of its willingness and abilityto efficiently assist customers, both internal and external. The skills and the attitude projected over the telephone form alasting impression in the minds of an organisation's customer, making it a critical customer 'touch point'.Nowadays, virtual teams are the norm rather than the exception, and one of their primary channels of communication isthe telephone. Hence, it is imperative for employees to have a good understanding of business telephone etiquette inorder to aid efficient information exchange.This Professional Telephone Skills Training Program aims at helping employees create a lasting impression in theircustomers' minds - one that shows the organisation reflected in the best light possible. It focuses on developingtelephone etiquette and skills to deal with customers assertively, empathetically, with a sense of care and a positiveattitude.

Outcomes:Learn how to provide effective client service over the phoneProject a professional image over the phoneMaster a professional, effective & reassuring telephone voiceGain client's trust using proven communication techniquesLearn to question effectively over the phoneMaster proven techniques to manage irate customers professionallyLearn tips for handling a busy receptionPhrase more effectively for positive and clearer communicationEstablish the right words for unambiguous, positive & productive communication

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 1Providing Effective Client Service

The ten commandments of good businessWhat makes an effective client communicator?Seven sins of serviceSkills and attributes of an effective client communicatorHigh emotion = low intelligence

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 2Your Telephone Voice

Communication skillsFive qualities of a good telephone voiceVocal qualities checklist

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 3Gaining your Client's Trust

Create a great first impressionPut your customer at easeFinding a better phraseEnding a call politely and professionally

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 4Prepare Yourself

Professional handling of incoming callsTransferring callsTaking messages

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 5Effective Questioning

Questioning techniques??? Questions ???Open and closed questionsQuestions to keep control of the callTelephone techniques

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 6Irate Clients

Determine why your client is IrateLearn the challenges of irate clientsHave a H.E.A.R.T. to defuse an irate client

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 7Reception Tips

Top Useful reception tips

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 8Better Phrases

Improve your interaction with Inbound callsBetter your Outbound calls success

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 9Action Plan

Create a Personal action planWhat I am going to implement immediately on-the-job

Professional Telephone Skills Training Course - Lesson 10Wrap up and course conclusion

Review the courseShare ideas and personal challengesQuestion and answer time


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/telephone-skills-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=21

Do you feel that there is too much to do yet you have very little time? Have you ever wished that youhad more hours in a day? A Time Management training course from pdtraining can help you overcomethese struggles. Although we cannot provide you extra hours in a day, this course teaches you how toprioritize things, divide and consume your time wisely.

This Time Management training course can help you manage your time effectively, overcomeprocrastination, improve your concentration, deal regular distractions and prioritize tasks. At the end ofthis training, you will be able to do more work in lesser time, find balance in your life, get on top of yourto-do list and feel better about your day.

This practical training course is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Time Management training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local orinternational trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.


Time Management Training Outline

Foreword:Most of us have, at one time or another, felt daunted and overwhelmed by the number of tasks and commitments thathave been pushed in our direction. The key to tackling this situation is effective time management.Understanding, identifying and defining your long-term goals is the very first step for an effective time management. Withthe broader goal in the background, you can now set your short-term goals that will effectively lead you to achieving yourlong cherished long-term goals in your life.One skill that is prevalent in all leaders of repute is time management. People who use these techniques routinely are thehighest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sport to public service. Managing time well enables you to be incontrol of your life; it allows you to act on situations rather than react to situations. When reacting to situations you are ill-prepared and under stress so your action is far from your optimum capacity. Whereas, when you act on situations it iswell planned and thus allows you to function at your highest. At the heart of time management is an important shift infocus: Concentrate on results, not on being busy. This is a one of the most important time management skills. Manypeople spend their days in a frenzy of activity, but achieve very little because they are not concentrating on the rightthings.According to the Pareto Principle, or the ‘80:20 Rule’, typically 80% of unfocused effort generates only 20% of results.The remaining 80% of results are achieved with only 20% of the effort.By applying the skills taught in the Time Management Workshops, you can optimize your efforts to ensure that youconcentrate as much of your time and energy as possible on the high payoff tasks. This ensures that you achieve thegreatest benefit possible with the limited amount of time available to you. Contrary to popular belief, effective timemanagement is not based on doing more things in less time. This Time Management Training course is about doing theright things and doing them better.

Outcomes:Set S.M.A.R.T. goalsPrioritize effectivelyPlan strategicallyGain lasting skills to tackle procrastinationHandle high pressure, crisis situations with easeLearn to organize the workspace for efficiency and productivityMaster when & how to delegate for maximum productivitySet daily rituals for better productivityGain insightful skills to better manage meetings and keep them on trackDiscover alternatives to in-person meetings

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 1Goal Setting

The Three P'sS.M.A.R.T GoalsPrioritizing your goalsVisualization

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 2Prioritizing your Time

the 80/20 ruleThe Urgent versus Important MatrixAssertiveness

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 3Planning Wisely

Creating your Productivity JournalMaximizing the power of your productivity journalThe Glass Jar: rocks, pebbles, sand and waterChunk, block and tackleReady, Fire, Aim!

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 4Tackling Procrastination

Why we procrastinateNine ways to overcome procrastinationEat that frog!

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 5Crisis Management

When the storm hitsCreating a planExecuting the planLessons learned

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 6Organizing your Workspace

De-clutterManaging workflowDealing with e-mailUsing calendars

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 7Delegating Made Easy

When to delegateTo whom should you delegateHow should you delegateThe importance of full acceptance

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 8Setting a Ritual

What is a ritual?Ritualizing sleep, meals, exerciseExamples of ritualsUsing rituals to maximize time

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 9Meeting Management

Deciding if a meeting is necessaryUsing the PAT approachBuilding the agendaKeeping things on trackMaking sure the meeting was worthwhile

Time Management Training Course - Lesson 10Alternatives to Meetings

Instant Messaging and chat roomsTeleconferencingE-mail Lists and online groupsCollaborating applications


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/time-management-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=29

An Executive Assistant or Personal Assistant is one of the most important employees in a company. AnExecutive Assistant or Personal Assistant plays a big role in an organization as he or she is the veryprimary point of contact for internal, external clients and business partners. He or she performs a widearray of jobs each work day such as following-up communications and schedules, managing meetings andrecording important matters. Therefore, the Executive Assistant or Personal Assistant can enhance theirpersonality and job skills through enrolling in the Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistantstraining course from pdtraining.

This Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants training course enables an Executive Assistant orPersonal Assistant to upgrade their skills continuously in order to cope with the most up-to-datetechnologies, management systems, and improve professional communication skills to converseeffectively with all levels of staff. This course presents techniques to become more organized, efficientand well-planned.

This practical training course provides techniques you can really use! We look forward to welcoming youto a class in Malaysia.

This Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants training course can be delivered at your premisesby one of our expert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.


Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Outline

Foreword:In this Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Training Course you will learn the skills to help you use yourresources efficiently, manage your time wisely, communicate effectively and collaborate with others skillfully.The practical skills and techniques you will learn in this course will help you support your manager, and present 'yourteam of two’ as a professional, confidence-inspiring team.Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Training Course

Outcomes:In this course participants will:

Become highly organised using smart, efficient systemsLearn to manage time more effectively & strategicallyMaster prioritisation of time, complete all important tasks and help their manager do the sameLearn highly effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniquesBecome more proactive and empowered in their roleLearn to communicate more effectively with their managerGain an insight into the importance of caring for themselvesLearn how to make the most of their 'Team of Two'

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 1Getting Organised (Part 1)

Dealing with EmailManaging Electronic FilesKeeping Track of the Paper TrailMaking the most of Voice Mail

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 2Getting Organised (Part 2)

Keeping your Workspace OrganisedUsing a To-do BookThe Extra Mile: Adding Project ManagementTechniques to your Toolbox

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 3Managing Time

Managing your TimeKeeping others on TrackMaintaining schedules

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 4Getting it all Done on Time

PrioritisingThe secret to staying on TrackGoal setting

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 5Special Tasks

Planning small MeetingsPlanning Large MeetingsOrganising Travel

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 6Verbal Communication skills

Listening and Hearing: they aren't the sameAsking QuestionsCommunicating with Power

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 7Non-Verbal Communication skills

Body LanguageThe signals you send to OthersIt's not what you say, It's how you say it

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 8Empowering Yourself

Being AssertiveResolving ConflictBuilding ConsensusMaking Decisions

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 9The Team of Two

Working with your ManagerInfluencing skillsWhat to do in sticky situations

Foundation Skills for PA’s and Executive AssistantsTraining Course - Lesson 10Taking Care of Yourself

ErgonomicsStress ManagementDealing with a Heavy Workload


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/foundation-skills-for-pas-and-executive-assistants 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=41

Human Resource (HR) is a fundamental link between a company and its employees. HR is responsible fordeveloping and managing the overall workforce in an organization. The HR staffs administer employeesas well as attracting, hiring and retaining personnel. To suitably manage the company’s labor force,recruit, hire and retain the deserving employees, HR staff must be well-equipped with the rightknowledge and skills.

The pdtraining Foundation Skills for New HR Officers training course teaches you how to use realistic toolsto manage interviewing, recruiting, orientation, implementing working practices &policies, termination,etc. This practical, hands-on course is perfect for line managers, administrators or human resourceofficers.

This dynamic training course is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Foundation Skills for New HR Officers training course can be delivered at your premises by one ofour expert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Outline

Foreword:An organization’s staff is now seen as its most valuable asset, and human resources skills are vital to organizationalsuccess. This HR course covers the complete lifecycle of HR responsibilities including recruitment, staff retention,employee annual review and feedback, workplace health and safety, employee discipline and staff termination.Whether you are a new HR Officer, or you are responsible as a manager for HR functions this course will help youunderstand how much of that role is really about people, as well as aspects of legislation, policy, and procedures. 

Outcomes:Explore the range of Human Resource activities and responsibilitiesDefine human resource terms & subject matterEffectively recruit, interview & retain employeesFollow up with a new employee in a structured mannerBecome an advocate for employee health and safetyProvide accurate, actionable feedback to employeesAct appropriately in situations requiring discipline & terminationEvaluate strengths & opportunities for human resources in the workplaceIdentify three areas for further human resources development as part of a personal action plan

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 1Getting Started

IcebreakerHousekeeping ItemsThe Parking LotWorkshop Objectives

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 2Human Resources Today

What is Human Resources Today?Key Factors Influencing Human Resources TodayGrowth in Human Resources

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 3Recruiting and Interviewing

The Job Selection ProcessGet Good at InterviewingInterviewing FairlyThe Best Way to Interview

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 4Retention and Orientation

Getting Off on the Right TrackCreating an Engaging ProgramUsing an Orientation List

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 5Following up with New Employees

Checking inFollowing upDesigning the Follow-up Schedule

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 6Workplace Health and Safety

Understanding your role and ResponsibilitiesUnderstanding Local and Industry Specific RulesTraining for Managers

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 7Workplace Bullying, Harassment, and Violence

DefinitionsCosts to the OrganizationThe Manager’s RoleAn Employer’s Responsibility

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 8Workplace Wellness

Wellness BehaviorsWellness TrendsThe Case for Wellness

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 9Providing Feedback to Employees

Feedback ModelThe Feedback SandwichEncouraging Growth and Development

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 10Disciplining Employees

The General Discipline ProcessThe Progressive Discipline ProcessHaving Discipline MeetingsFollowing Up

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 11Terminating Employees

Documenting EventsMaking the DecisionCommunicating the Decision

Foundation Skills for New HR Officers Training Course -Lesson 12Wrapping Up

Documenting Events


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/foundation-skills-for-new-hr-officers-training 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=42

Preparing a budget and interpreting financial reports are skills that can be learned. They take time andeffort to master but are valuable assets for anyone working in finance. If you are eager to learn financialreporting, then register in a Budgets and Financial Reports training course today!

Participants undergo the Budgets and Financial Reports training course to analyze financial results withthe use of instantaneous information and on-demand consolidation. They also learn how to develop andcreate financial forecasts, plans,budgets and reports. Participants are taught how to evaluate and presentfinancial data which allows management to make better business decisions by using budget and financialestimating tools and methods.

Participants will be well-informed about generating a budget, compromising for funding, managing andreporting variance and formulating decisions based on a given budget.

This practical Budgets and Financial Reports training course is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Budgets and Financial Reports training course can be delivered at your premises by one of ourexpert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Budgets and Financial Reports Outline

Foreword:Financial management is the lifeblood of an organisation. Budgeting and forecasting is an essential financial process forany business, no matter how large or small. This easy to understand and fun Budgets and Financial Reports Trainingcourse aims to demystify some of the financial terms and concepts and will define key terms like ROI, EBIT, GAAP, andextrapolation.Participants will explore the tools, concepts and techniques used by financial analysts. They will be guided through apractical and best practice approach to understanding budgets and financial reports. The end result is a solidunderstanding of key finance and budgeting principles so that the participant can hold relevant discussions and renderdecisions based on financial data.

Outcomes:In this course participants will:

Understand financial terminology and concepts clearlyGain skills to analyse financial statementsUnderstand the differences between budgets & budgetingBe able to implement techniques for effective budgetingBe able to apply advanced forecasting techniquesDiscover how to make smart purchasing decisionsInterpret some of the legal aspects of finances

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 1Getting Started

Workshop Objectives

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 2Glossary

What is Finance?Commonly Used TermsKey PlayersImportant Financial OrganizationsUnderstanding GAAP

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 3Understanding Financial Statements

Balance SheetsIncome Statements (AKA Profit & Loss Statements)Statement of Retained EarningsStatement of Cash FlowsAnnual Reports

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 4Analyzing Financial Statements (I)

Income RatiosProfitability RatiosLiquidity RatiosWorking Capital RatiosBankruptcy Ratios

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 5Analyzing Financial Statements (II)

Long-Term Analysis RatiosCoverage RatiosLeverage RatiosCalculating Return on Investment (ROI)

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 6Understanding Budgets

Common Types of BudgetsWhat Information do I Need?Who Should Be Involved?What Should a Budget Look Like?

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 7Budgeting Made Easy

Factoring in Historical DataGathering Related InformationAdjusting for Special CircumstancesPutting It All TogetherComputer Based Methods

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 8Advanced Forecasting Techniques

Using the AverageRegression AnalysisExtrapolationFormal Financial Models

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson 9Managing the Budget

How to Tell If You’re on TrackShould Your Budget be UpdatedKeeping a Diary of Lessons LearnedWhen to Panic

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson10Making Smart Purchasing Decisions

10 Questions You Must AskDetermining the Payback PeriodDeciding Whether to Lease or BuyThinking Outside the Box

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course – Lesson11A Glimpse into the Legal World

A Brief HistoryThe Sarbanes-Oxley ActCEO/CFO Certification8th Company Law Directive

Budgeting & Financial Reports Training Course - Lesson12Wrapping Up

Words from the Wise


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/budgeting-and-financial-reports-training-course 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=135

The finance department is the core of any business which is why precise work is needed in this specificarea. Bookkeepers and accountants working in the finance department are expected to ensure thatfinancial records are accurate; this is a basic yet very crucial function of any thriving business. Toperform their job accurately, bookkeepers are recommended to attend a Bookkeeping Fundamentalstraining course.

The Bookkeeping Fundamentals training course of pdtraining can suit individuals from different levels ofexperience.

This Bookkeeping Fundamentals training course provides participants the tools and techniques tounderstand bookkeeping procedures and to prepare financial statements efficiently.

This highly valuable and outstanding training course is now available in Malaysia.

This Bookkeeping Fundamentals training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expertlocal or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Outline

Foreword:Keep your skills current with this sought-after Bookkeeping Fundamentals course. Bookkeeping is the heart of anybusiness. Without it, we cannot hope to keep track of the most important part of any business: money.Gain excellent skills in using various accounting procedures and maintain your books efficiently and effectively for thesuccess of your business. On completion of this one day course, you will have a sound knowledge about the basic stepsand techniques used in bookkeeping, including identifying the differences between cash & accrual accounting methodsand helpful tips for the employer, as well as other topics related to a commercial environment.

Outcomes:In this course participants will:

Learn to recognize and use basic accounting terminologyUnderstand the differences between cash & accrual accounting methodsBecome familiar with accounts payable & receivableLearn how to use a journal and general ledger to document business financialsBe comfortable reading and analyzing the balance sheetLearn to identify different types of financial statementsUnderstand the reasons for a budget, and how to create oneGain a knowledge of internal & external auditing

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 1Introduction

Workshop Objectives

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 2Basic Terminology (I)

Balance SheetAssetsLiabilitiesEquityIncome StatementRevenueCost of Goods SoldExpensesAccounting Period

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 3Basic Terminology (II)

Accounts ReceivableAccounts PayableDepreciationGeneral LedgerInterestInventoryJournalsPayrollTrial Balance

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 4Accounting Methods

Cash MethodAccrual MethodDifferences between Cash and Accrual

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 5Keeping Track of Your Business

Accounts PayableAccounts ReceivableThe JournalThe General LedgerCash Management

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 6Understanding the Balance Sheet

The Accounting EquationDouble-Entry AccountingTypes of AssetsTypes of LiabilitiesEquity

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 7Other Financial Statements

Income StatementCash Flow StatementCapital StatementBudget vs. Actual

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 8Payroll Accounting / Terminology

Gross WagesNet WagesEmployee Tax WithholdingsEmployer Tax ExpensesSalary DeferralsEmployee PayrollEmployee BenefitsTracking Accrued LeaveGovernment Payroll Returns/Reports

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 9End of Period Procedures

Depreciating Your AssetsReconciling CashReconciling InvestmentsWorking with the Trial BalanceBad DebtPosting Adjustments and Corrections

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 10Financial Planning, Budgeting and Control

Reasons for BudgetingCreating a BudgetComparing Budget to Actual Expenses

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 11Auditing

What is an Audit?When and Why Would You Audit?InternalExternal

Bookkeeping Fundamentals Training Course - Lesson 12Wrapping Up

Words from the Wise


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/bookkeeping-fundamentals-training-course 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=199

First and foremost, what are minutes? Minutes provide a summary of the structure of a meeting. Toguarantee that the meetings performed maximizes the expense involved and are productive, threeelements are compulsory: a declaration of closure, an effective facilitator and accurate minutes. In theend, if all individuals involved in the meeting cannot remember or come to an agreement on whatessentially took place during the meeting, how will the team successfully carry out the objectives? Hence,the Minute-taker exists to accurately record the minutes of an informal or formal meeting. To develop theabilities and skills of a Minute-taker, you should consider enrolling into a Minute-taking training course.

The Minute-taking training course delivered by pdtraining offers techniques to Minute-takers on how toefficiently record all the important information discussed. This training course teaches you how to keeptrack of the vital information discussed, ideas generated and planning steps presented.

This action packed day will include fun mock-meetings and activities run by one of our expert minute-taking trainers and is available now throughout Malaysia.

This Minute-taking training course can be delivered at your premises by one of our expert local orinternational trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Minute-taking Training Outline

Foreword:Improve your meeting outcomes with effective minute-taking.Effective minute-taking will enable your business units to solve many problems and complaints associated with runningmeetings. In the hands of a competent minute-taker, the following skills will enable managers and staff to effectivelyaction efficiently recorded meeting items.You will also learn advanced styles of minute taking such as color-coding and suitable methods for minute-taking ininformal, formal and action meeting settings.

Who will benefit from taking this workshop?

Administrative staff and assistantsRecording SecretaryAdministrative Assistant

Outcomes:Recognize the importance and outcomes of minute-takingIdentify and record action items during board meetingsDevelop skills in active listening, critical thinking, and organizationUnderstand and customize meeting agreementsRecord three types of minutes, including formal meetings, informal, and action itemsPrepare and publish minutes with perfectionTake minutes in interactive board meetingsWrite drafts, proofread and organize minutesBuild and maintain a minute bookRecognize the outcome of minute-taking for a particular meetingRecognize the role of a minute-taker in achieving larger goals of an organizationDeal with common complaints and difficulties faced by minute-takersPerform the role with expertise using knowledge and skills

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 1The Role of a Minute Taker

Discuss The Role of a Minute TakerExplore common problems and solutions in small groups

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 2The Skills of a Minute Taker

An ability to listenCritical thinking skillsGood organization techniques

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 3Meeting Agreements

Discuss meeting agreementsThree templates to take away and customize

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 4Minutes Styles

Formal meeting styleInformal meeting styleAction meeting style

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 5What Do I Record?

Participants will learn what to record during a meeting

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 6Techniques for Preparing Minutes

Tools for creating minutesOrganization methodsTechniques for writing draftsProofreading tips

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 7Taking Minutes in an Interactive Meeting

Learn how their role as a minute-taker will be different in aninteractive meeting

Minute-taking Training Course - Lesson 8The Minute Book

participants will learn how to build and maintain aminute book


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/minute-taking-training-course 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=286

In today’s connected business world, being able to operate a computer is vital for personal andprofessional purposes. Do you have little or no experience in using computers? It is never too late tolearn about computers. This four-level comprehensive course will take you on a journey of discoveringcomputers at an entry level.

This Computer Basics Foundation training course from pdtraining is designed to develop your computerskills at a foundation level. This interactive, hands-on course teaches you what a computer is, hardwarevs software, the functions of a computer (including the use of keyboard, mouse), Windows desktopinterface, basic applications and operating system, how do information networks operate, effectivemanagement and usage of files and folders, how to browse the Internet and a whole lot more!

Now available throughout Kuala Lumpur and Malaysia.

This Computer Basics Foundation training course can be delivered with our expert local or internationaltrainers at your chosen venue and schedule. You can also join our public classes, live online using ourHIVE technology.

Click on the In-house tab below to generate an instant quote or enroll now into the next public coursedate.

Computer Basics Foundation Training Outline

Foreword:During this training course, participants will learn basic computing concepts and basic functions such as using file folders,keywords, the mouse, the Windows desktop, Paint, Task Manager, Calculator, Internet Explorer, WordPad, NotePad andmore.This foundation training course in computer basics is designed for easy learning and understanding. The participantslearn and practice to develop the ability to use a computer effortlessly.

Outcomes:This extensive course allows a participant to develop basic skills in operating a computer to fulfill tasks.After completing this course, participants will have learned to:

Understand basic computing conceptsUnderstand the difference between hardware and software, and how each worksUnderstand how information networks operateBecome aware of security concerns and how to work safelyUse the keyboard, mouse, and Windows desktopEffectively manage and use files and foldersUse the basic Windows applications, including WordPad, NotePad, Task Manager, Calculator, Paint, and InternetExplorerUse basic termsUnderstand the functions of a computerBrowse the InternetDownload and save filesUnderstand how a laptop is different from a desktop computer

Computer Basics Foundation Training Course - Lesson 1Getting Started

The Parking LotWorkshop ObjectivesAction Plans & Evaluations

Computer Basics Foundation Training Course - Lesson 3Hardware Devices

CPU and MemoryInput DevicesOutput DevicesSecondary Storage Devices

Computer Basics Foundation Training Course - Lesson 2General Concepts

Basic TermsTypes of ComputersAnatomy of a PCHow a PC Works

Computer Basics Foundation Training Course - Lesson 4Software

The BasicsOperating Systems and ApplicationsHow is Software Built?Types of SoftwareLegal Issues


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/computer-basics-foundation-training-course 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=1339

Being a competent personal assistant or executive assistant requires a wide range of skills includingmanagement, making arrangements, writing important business documents, updating schedules andtaking minutes. In order to acquire a deep understanding and skills in all these areas, register into atraining course that will improve your abilities. Exceed the expectations of your manager and get noticed!

If you are a senior personal assistant or executive assistant who is conscious of your continuousprofessional development, this Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants from pdtraining isperfect for you! This course exceeds and is different from the standard Foundation Skills for PA's andExecutive Assistants Training Course as this is an advanced-level course.

This highly valuable and dynamic training course is now available in Malaysia.

Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Training Course

This Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants training course can be delivered at your premisesby one of our expert local or international trainers or live online using our HIVE technology.

Contact us today for a quote or enroll now into the next public course date.

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Outline

Foreword:During this course, participants engage in learning in theory and practice the duties of a personal assistant. Thisinteractive course includes activities to enhance learning and the development of practical skills.This comprehensive course involves the development of skills and knowledge that the job of a personal assistantdemands. These include developing social intelligence, flexibility, management skills, people management skills,business writing skills, and prioritizing tasks.Foundation Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants Training Course

Outcomes:After completing this course, participants will have learnt to:

Adapt to the manager’s needs and style of workingTake initiative when neededDevelop social intelligenceDevelop basic business acumenUnderstand the importance of office managementListen activelyPrepare for changes and surprisesManage others and keep them on trackKeep minutesManage meetings expertlyUnderstand and use email protocolDevelop computer and communication skillsDevelop phone and voicemail etiquetteDevelop confidentialityUnderstand and use social media managementHandle difficult people and situations

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 1:Getting StartedWorkshop ObjectivesPre-Assignment

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 2:Working with Your Manager

Adapting to Their StyleAnticipate Their NeedsGetting Your Responsibilities DefinedWhen to Take the InitiativeCase StudyLesson Two: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 3:Administrative Soft Skills

Social IntelligenceBasic Business AcumenOffice ManagementActive ListeningCase StudyLesson Three: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 4:Effective Time Management

Calendar ManagementPrepare for Changes and SurprisesKeeping Others on TrackUrgent / Important MatrixCase StudyLesson Four: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 5:Meeting Management

Creating an AgendaKeeping MinutesKeeping the Meeting on TimeVariations for Large and Small MeetingsCase StudyLesson Five: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 6:Tools of the Trade (I)

Email ProtocolOffice MachineryComputer and Software SkillsCommunication SkillsCase StudyLesson Six: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 7:Tools of the Trade (II)

Phone and Voicemail EtiquetteWord ProcessingBusiness WritingInternet ResearchCase StudyLesson Seven: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 8:Being an Effective Gatekeeper

Filtering Data and InformationLearn to Say NoDealing with Difficult PeopleRecognize the TricksCase StudyLesson Eight: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 9:Organizational Skills

Prioritizing Your WorkloadGoal SettingPlan for Tomorrow, TodayStaying on TrackCase StudyLesson Nine: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 10:Confidentiality Guidelines

Your Confidentiality DutyBe Diplomatic and DiscreetKeeping Data SecureWhat to Do in Sticky SituationsCase StudyLesson Ten: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 11:Special Tasks

Project ManagementTrade ShowsInteracting with ClientsSocial Media ManagementCase StudyLesson Eleven: Review Questions

Advanced Skills for PA's and Executive Assistants TrainingCourse - Lesson 12:Wrapping Up

Words from the WiseLessons Learned


Web Links: 

View this course online: http://pdtraining.com.my/courses/advanced-skills-for-pas-and-executive-assistants 

In-house Training Instant Quote: https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/inhouseex1/quoterequestex1a.aspx 

Public Classes - Enrol Now! https://bookingsmy.professionaldevelopmenttraining.com/publicclassbooking.aspx?courseid=2366