Business Environment Unit 1

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  • 8/12/2019 Business Environment Unit 1




    UNIT I

    The concept of Business Environmento significance and nature

    Environment Scanning:o meaning, nature and scope,o the process of environmental scanning,

    Interaction between internal and external environments, Basic philosophies of Capitalism and Socialism with their variants. Concepts of Mixed Economy.

    REFERENCES: Mohinder Kumar Shartna - Business Environment in India Adhikary M,

    Economic environment of business Amarchand, D. Government and Business

    Francis Cheunilam : Business and Government Maheswari & Gupta :

    Government, Business and Society Kuchal, S.C : Industrial economy of India

    Fredrick Davis : Business and society.

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    Though the term business has been defined by different authors in their own ways, there is no much

    difference in the essence of their definitions.

    For example, according to Urwickand Hunt, Business is any enterprise which makes, distributes, or

    provides any article or service which other members of the community need and willing to pay for.

    Almost same views have been expressed by Daviswhen he defines business as The organized effort by

    individuals to produce goods and services, to sell these goods and services in market place and to

    reap some rewards for this effort.

    Davis and Blomstrom are very right when they say, Business comprises all profit seeking activities

    and enterprises that provide goods and services necessary to an economic system.

    Business is the economic pulse of a nation, striving to improve the societys standard of living. Thus

    business means the total enterprise of a country in manufacturing, industry, finance and commerce. It

    may be public enterprise or private enterprise or a joint enterprise, or the like.

    Characteristics of business

    1. Profit seeking activity2. Providing goods and services to the society


    Participant in society

    4. Flow of incomeComponents of business

    Industry Trade and commerce

    Changing concept of Business

    1. Profit concept of Business(Old concept of Business)Profit Maximization

    2. Profit- cum- Service concept of BusinessMaking better product at a competitive price

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    3. Profit- through- Service concept/ Modern concept/ Business as Social System ConceptToday business is regarded as an integral part of the Social System; the main characteristics of

    business as a social system are as follows:

    Business is a system having its own sub-systems Business interacts with its external environments Business is a dynamic social system having stabilizing tendencies Social values Viability Public viability Business is related to people

    Objectives of business

    Objectives give purpose and directions to the work of all employees, they indicate the broad limits within

    which action is to be taken. They serve as media by which multiple interests are channeled into joint

    effort. Therefore, profitability is the basic economic objective for the survival and growth of an enterprise.

    Earning profit as one of the objectives of business can be justified because profit is necessary

    I. To pay fair return to shareholders for their investmentsII. To retain some earnings for re- investment which is necessary for its growth, and

    III. For profit is the index of efficiency of an enterprise.A. Primary Objectives1. Survival and Growth of Business and Profit to Shareholders2. Service to customerB. Social Objectives1. Employees Satisfaction

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    2. Service to Community and to Society in General3. Observance of Governmental Regulations4. Ethical Behaviour


    Business involves activities, which links an organization with outside world. Within an organization, a

    business is governed by the behaviour of its employees, management or decision makers. But externally a

    business is influenced by a score of factors, which range from customers to competitors and government.

    Therefore, a business cannot be independent of (he influence of these external factors. It should also be

    noted that a business has absolute control over all the internal factors, it has no control over the external

    factors. So often it becomes necessary for business houses to modify their internal decisions and policies,

    on the basis of the pressure from external factors This highlights the need to be ever- cognizant of

    changes and influences of external factors so as to conduct business on healthy lines. It is in this context

    that business environment assumes all significance. Business environment therefore refers to the

    influences and pressures exerted by external factors on the business. The following Figure would help to

    understand the various factors which constitute the business environment.

    1. Demographic environment: This refers to the size and behaviour of population in a country.Suppose a country has a huge size of population, then, the country would provide extensive

    business or marketing opportunities for all types of business organizations. On the other hand, a

    country with low size of population would force the business organizations to seek external

    market for their products or services. Similarly, if the population in a country is well - tuned to

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    'use and throw concept [like most of the Western countries] then there would be limited scope

    for repair shops and employment scope in that segment would be almost nil. But alternatively

    this would give wide marketing opportunities for manufacturing organizations. On the other

    hand, if the population is averse to 'use and throw' concept, then the business opportunities

    would be limited for manufacturing organizations but the repair shops, self-employed technical

    persons and spares manufacturers, would have roaring business. Hence, the size and quality of

    population emerges as a vital factor influencing business environment.

    2. Economic environment: Economic environment refers to the overall economic factors likeeconomic philosophy of the country, economic structure, planning, economic policies, controls

    and regulations, etc. All these have a serious impact on the functioning of business organizations

    in a country. For example, in a Capitalistic economic system, business organizations would be

    subjected to limited government regulations and controls. They would be more governed by

    market forces [demand and supply] rather than by other factors. On the other hand, in a Socialistsystem, the government would determine everything on behalf of the country. In a Communist

    set up, the government has absolute control over every aspect over production that private

    enterprises may not exist at all. In a Mixed economic system, government would be selective in

    allowing die presence of private enterprises in certain activities, reserving some spheres

    completely for governmental operations. Hence, the economic philosophy of the country directly

    determines the scope and functions of business organizations in that country.

    3. Geographical and ecological environment: Geographical environment refers to climaticconditions and natural resources, which determines flu manufacturing scope and the nature ofthe products that could be marketed. For example, a country like Kenya has to manufacture more

    of products based on forest resources, while the Gulf countries can produce only crude, Japan

    can have business in fish, fruits, etc., Countries in the tropical region would have organizations

    specializing in products from geographical resources available in abundant in that region,

    while organizations in Mediterranean countries have a Different business scope, Scandinavian

    countries have scope for dairy product manufacturing, etc. Similarly ecological imbalance is

    taking place at an alarming rate in the world today, that deforestation and hunting of rare species

    of animals for food are all prohibited now. Hence, while identifying the business opportunities,

    business organizations have to be conscious of the limitations posed by the geographical and

    ecological considerations.

    4. Legal environment: It is well known that every country has a number of legal regulations toensure that the interests of business organizations do not run counter to national interests.

    Right from the stage of incorporation of organizations, their listing in stock exchange, reprisal of

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    customer complaints, payment of tax to government, manufacturing practices, human resources

    development to pricing of products and services, a number of legal regulations have to be

    fulfilled. For example, in USA and several western countries, consumer protection is very active,

    that even a medical practitioner is subjected to huge liabilities in limes of deficiency in services.

    In India and other countries, very rigorous legal provisions arc in place to prevent hunting of rare

    species, that any organization, which manufactures products based on such species, have lo get

    legal sanctions. In case of failure to honor cheques issued, organizations are now a days

    made to pay hefty compensations. Hence, the deterrence in terms of legal provisions has become

    the order of the day. All organizations have to first of all address these provisions become coming

    in to steam.

    5. Technological environment: This is a very significant external factor determining thedestiny of business organizations. Supported by computerize operations, modem business

    organizations have succeeded in analyzing customers, minimizing the defects in products,ensuring service at the right time and place, etc. While communications use to take unduly long

    time in those days, business communications are instantaneous these days, thanks to modem

    satellite technology. Modern organizations have recognized that research and development

    alone can ensure organizational growth and stability. They have become more and more pro-

    active and remain as change agents of the economy. Governments have also become more

    technology conscious that right from police controls to registration of title deeds,

    computerizations has been adopted. Customer servicing through call centers is the latest

    necessity of organizations. Manufacturing activities have become more and more technicallysophisticated. Therefore business environment has become highly dynamic.

    6. Social environment: Social environment today has brought compulsions on businessorganizations to adhere to certain business ethics and morals. Social responsibility of business is

    an important force that modern business organizations cannot wriggle out of their duties and

    responsibilities towards the society. For example, every leather manufacturing or process unit is

    made to install pollution prevention system. Similarly, the expectations of various interests in the

    society have undergone a sea of change. The shareholders, promoters and owners expect a

    reasonable return on their investments. The workers expect security of service, terminal

    benefits, accident relief and various other compensations from the organizations. Government

    expects the business units to pay tax regularly and participate in social improvement. The

    distributors and agents expect the organizations to ensure smooth delivery process and demand

    more commission and compensation. Suppliers expect the organizations to give them continuous

    business and prompt payment of bills. Therefore each social group has a specific interest, the

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    combination of all these, exerts enormous pressure on the business unit. A business unit which

    succeeds in meeting the interests of all these groups remains successful and grows.

    7. Educational and cultural environment:Educational environment in a country determines thequality of population. A country with very high illiterate population would always experience

    political and economic instability. Similarly, lack of education may also give scope for the

    existence of superstitious beliefs, fatalistic attitude, etc. People's choice of goods and services

    would be more governed, by their religious faiths and beliefs. For instance, in the colonial days,

    the Indian population was a victim of the Britisher's divide and rule tactics. The economic

    development of a country completely depends on the literacy level which alone can pave the way

    for improvement in science and technology, modernization, industrialization, etc. In such a

    country, the business opportunities are plenty.

    8. Cultural environment:Cultural environment refers to the values, norms, customs, ethics, goalsand other accepted behaviour pattern of people in a country. In olden days, religion was the basisof all activities in a society. The religious leaders and institutions determined what business

    should do and what people must consume. In India, the existence of caste system has done more

    damage than any good. Caste based politics has become the order of the day. Under the pretext

    of working for backward and downtrodden people, several persons have amassed fortune. This is

    worsened by political support and policies. A modern organization does not have the liberty to

    recruit people on merit but it has to follow strictly die reservation policy of the government.

    Another serious aspect of the cultural environment is the attitude and behaviour of the people in

    urban and rural areas. The urban - rural divide has created enormous problems for administratorsand specifically business organizations prefer urban educated person to persons from rural areas.

    9. Political environment:Political stability is one important factor winch determines the businessgrowth or downfall. A country with relative political stability would witness inflow of foreign

    capital and collaboration. By political stability we mean that the policies of government

    remaining consistent. As the business decisions arc based on government policies, frequent

    changes in these policies would force business organizations to change their policies too which,

    makes functioning very difficult. Sometimes, when the policies determined by a party in power

    are reversed by the succeeding party forming the government, there would be far reaching

    changes in business environment For example, India was following a policy of protectionism till

    late" 1908's. Hence, the industrial development and economic development could not take place

    at a rapid rate. In the absence of competition, the business organizations, made people to accept

    inferior quality goods and services. Once, the liberalization policy is adopted, the scene has

    completely changed. Today, no business can survive unless it provides quality goods or services

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    on par with the multinational corporations. Another aspect of political environment is the

    political ideology with which a party is wedded to, would make the government tow the lines of

    countries with similar ideologies. Until the disintegration of USSR, India was simply following

    USSR's lines, but after the disintegration, India has to literally fend for itself. With the pressures

    mounted by the Western countries, India had to accept various trade and monetary policies. This

    has brought about a complete change in business environment.

    Inter- Action Matrix

    Present era is the era of competition. A business is successful only if in the present market place it

    anticipates and interprets the development of external environment that is not under the control of the

    company. Any change in these forces affects the enterprisers long- term goals. The key to success for any

    onganisation is better understanding to the environment.

    All economic factors whether economic or non- economic such as (P.E.S.T.), have interaction with each

    other, due to this inter action the environment has become extremely dynamic and complex, the

    economic and non- economic factors are so closely related and all of these are very confusing that

    sometimes it appears very difficult to separate them and any attempt to make any distinction between

    them proves to be futile.

    The inter- action matrix between various economic factors is as shown below:

    On the basis of factors




    Non- Economic Environment

    Sociological EducationalPolitical

    and LegalHistorical

    Physical and


    Economic system + + + + +


    structure+ + + + +

    Functioning of

    economy+ + + + +

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    planning+ + + + +


    programmes+ + + + +

    Economic policies + + + + +

    Economic control

    and regulations+ + + + +

    Economic growth

    and development+ + + + +

    On the basis of Space

    b. INTERACTION MATRIXNo- National Environment National Environment

    National Economic


    National Non-Economic


    Local Economic Non

    Economic++ ++

    Regional Economic Non

    Economic++ ++

    International Economic Non

    Economic++ ++

    On the basis of time

    c. INTERACTION MATRIXNon Present Environment Present Environment

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    Present Economic


    Present Non-Economic


    Past Economic Non Economic ++ ++

    Future Economic Non

    Economic++ ++

    Environmental Scanning

    The term environmental scanning in business means to Carefully analyze the various factors influencing

    the business. Environmental scanning is not once and for all; rather it is a continuous process.

    According to Jauch and Glueck, Environmental analysisis the process by which strategists monitorthe environmental factors to determine opportunities for and threats to their firms. Environmental

    analysis also consists of managerial decisions made by assessing the significance of the data of the

    environmental analysis.

    Environmental scanning is needed because of the following reasons:-

    1. Effective Utilization of Resources- the key to business success is the most effective utilization ofthe company resources, existing resources as well as the additional resources it can mobilize. All

    this involves the evaluation of the companys strengths and weaknesses in the light of the

    environmental threats and opportunities and taking appropriate measures to harness the

    opportunities or to combat the threats and formulation of strategies accordingly.

    2. Constant Monitoring of the Environment- environmental scanning provides a clear cut ideaabout the existing environment. Without environmental scanning it would not be possible to

    know the changes in customers taste and preferences, competitors moves, latest innovations,

    latest policy developments etc.

    3. Strategy Formulation- environmental analysis will indicate the areas for diversification andgrowth as well as measures to face the problems. Knowledge and understanding of its

    environment by a firm leads to more effective strategic decision making by permitting proactive

    strategy based upon forecast proactive for the business.

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    4. Identification of Threats and Opportunities- environmental analysis can help the firm inidentifying its threats and opportunities. After the proper identification, strategies can be

    adopted to exploit the environmental opportunities and to overcome the threats.

    5. Useful for the Managers- Managers have found much value in environmental analysis in manyways. If we compare the overall economic performance of the companies that made

    environmental assessments with those who did not, we will find out that those that did make

    such assessment out performed those who did not.

    6. Prediction of Future- predicting future has become one of the most important functions andskills of the management. Future managers have to be more anticipative than reactive and

    problem solvers.


    1. Events- Events are important and specific occurrences taking place in different environmentalsectors e.g. The gas leakage accident at the Union Carbide factory at Bhopal and the resulting

    holocaust was an event.

    2. Trends- Trends are the general tendencies or the courses of action along which events take place.3. Issues- Issues are the current concerns that arise in response to events and trends.4. Expectations of People- The expectations of the general public from the Government is of

    legislating changes in rules and regulating pertaining to safety measures and strict enforcement

    through various mechanisms.


    KUBR has suggested 3 approaches:

    1. Systematic Approach- The important features of this approach are as follows:- In this approach, information for environmental scanning is collected systematically. Information which is pertaining to business and industry could be collected

    continuously to monitor changes and take the relevant factors into account.

    Continuous updating such information is necessary not only for strategicmanagement but also for operational activities.

    2. Ad-hoc Approach- The important steps involved in this approach are:- Under this approach organization may conduct special surveys and studies to deal

    with specific environmental issues from time to time.

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    Such studies may be conducted when an organization has to undertake specialprojects, evaluate existing strategies or to devise new strategies.

    Changes and unforeseen developments may also be investigated with regard to theirimpact on an organization.

    3. Processed Form Approach- The organizations generally use information in processed form i.e. supplied by

    government agencies or private institutions.

    The organizations also use secondary sources of data, available from differentsources both inside and outside the organizations.


    A. Daily Newspapersi. Economic Times

    ii. Business Standardiii. Financial Expressiv. The Times of Indiav. The Hindu

    vi. International Herald TribuneB. Journals

    I. Business IndiaII. Business World

    III. UpdateIV. Fortune IndiaV. The Sunday Observer

    VI. The Economic and Political weeklyVII. Environmental Trends and Scenarios

    VIII. Main StreamIX. India TodayX. Commerce

    XI. SeminarXII. Harvard Business Review

    XIII. Sloan Management JournalXIV. Long Range Planning JournalXV. Fortune International

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    XVI. C.M.I.E PublicationsXVII. Economist

    XVIII. I.M.F World Economic OutlookC. Govt. Publications

    i. Govt. information sources like census of India reports, five year plan reports,statistical abstracts of India etc.

    ii. Periodical reports like economic surveys, annual survey of industries, annualreport of ministries etc.

    iii. Occasional reports brought out by various statutory agencies such as guidelinesto industries, policies related to specific industries, export, import, policies.

    iv. RBIs department of statistic also publishes valuable occasional papers related todifferent aspects of the economy and industry.

    v. References such as India-a-Reference(annual) published by the Ministry ofinformation contains comprehensive information on the geographic and

    demographic features of India, its political and social institutions, economy and

    culture, plans, programmes etc.

    D. Institutional Publicationsi. Bombay Stock exchange Directory

    ii. The Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy (CMIE)iii. Kolhares Industrial Directory of India. Published by Kothari Enterprises,

    Madras.iv. Publications of market research agencies, such as Operation Research Group

    (OPR). The National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER).

    v. Publications of Trade and Industry federation such as FICCI, ASSOCHAM andindustry associations like ATMA.

    vi. Annual company reports.E. Industrial Espionage Agencies

    Private agencies provide information and reports on competitors plans and

    activities which are essential for strategic planning.


    Economic environment influences the business to a great extent. It refers to all those economic factors

    which affect the functioning of a business unit. The following factors constitute economic environment

    of business:-

    a. Economic system

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    b. Economic planningc. Industryd. Agriculturee. Infrastructuref. Financial and fiscal sectorsg. Removal of regional imbalancesh. Price and distribution controlsi. Economic reforms

    j. Human resourcek. Per capita income and national income

    The economic system in a country decides the development prospects to a great extent. There are 3 types

    of economic systems viz:-

    1. Capitalism2. Socialism3. Mixed economy

    A. CAPITALISM According to LOUCKS, Capitalism is a system of economic organizationfeatured by the private ownership and use for the private profit man-made and natural made

    capital. There are basically two kinds of capitalist system:-

    a. Laissez Faire in this type of capitalist system, the government intervention in the economy isabsent.

    b. Regulated or Mixed Capitalism- in this type of capitalist system, there is substantial amount ofgovernment intervention in the economic and industrial development.

    Characteristics of Capitalism:-

    1. Freedom of Enterprise - Individuals and firms have the right to own and use property, and toearn and spend incomes. Here private firms are allowed to obtain resources, to organize

    production and to sell the product in any manner to anyone.

    2. Private Ownership In this type of system the factors of production i.e. land, labour and capitalare privately owned i.e. one in which there is freedom of private ownership of property. Here

    private property is protected, controlled and enforced by law.

    3. Profit Motive Under capitalism profit motive acts as a barometer. Persons invest capital intobusiness to earn profit. In a capitalist economy, the person is free to select any occupation he is

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    qualified for. This freedom of choice enables the individuals to earn profit from his own started


    4. The Market System or Mechanism Of all characteristics of capitalism market, mechanism issaid to be the most important. Profits in a business are related with price mechanism which

    guides the allocation of resources under capitalist system.

    5. Competition There is a competition among sellers and buyers in an ideal capitalist system. Thetough competition among producers compels them to make best use of factors of production and

    produce at minimum cost in order to earn maximum profits.

    6. Freedom of Contracts People are free to make contracts and settle transactions. So everyperson is free to sell his goods or services to anyone he feels like.

    7. Limited Role of Government In Laissez Faire form of capitalist system, the government doesnot interfere in the working of the economy. Producers and consumers are free to take their own

    decisions.8. Absence of a Central Plan Freedom of enterprise, occupation and property rights rule out the

    possibility of a central plan. The activities of various economic units in a capitalist system are not

    guided or controlled by a central plan.

    Merits of Capitalism:-

    1. Efficient Utilization of resources every producer tries to use the different factors of productionto the best possible use to minimize cost of production to stand the competition.


    Democratic Producers, consumers, the workers, all enjoy economic freedom and are free towork as they like. Goods are produced according to liking and demands of the consumers.

    3. Automatic Balance in the System the capitalism works automatically through pricemechanism. The demand and supply i.e. price mechanism balances the imbalances in economy.

    4. Efficiency properly rewarded both producers and labourers work hard and with moreefficiency as producers can make more profits and labourers can get better wages.

    5. Incentives for risks and uncertainties Entrepreneurs are induced to invest more money even inthe projects involving high risk by providing them incentives. This results in technological

    progress and new innovations, which involve great risks.

    6. Economic Growth the capitalist countries have become rich and affluent and people of thatcountry enjoy higher standard of living. This is because of presence of competition also where

    producer tries to produce at minimum cost and ultimately consumer is benefited.

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    7. Encourages Capital Formation the existence of capitalism is dependent upon the right toinherit the property and profit motive, because of which people have incentive to save a part of

    their income which they can further invest to make more profits.

    Demerits of Capitalism:-

    1. Wastage and misallocation of Resources under capitalism most of resources are wasted onadvertisement and salesmanship and products are produced to satisfy profit motive only and

    essential commodities are neglected for production.

    2. Economic Stability Business cycles affect consumers the most. They suffer both in periods ofinflation and deflation.

    3. Inequality of Wealth an unplanned capitalist economy can be compared with a vehicle withoutsteering wheel. Artificial scarcity of goods is created by greedy entrepreneurs who earn profits to

    great extent while consumers ultimately suffer.4. No freedom in modern capitalist market one can find presence of group rivalries and price

    wars, price arguments etc.

    5. Class Struggle rich are becoming richer and the poor poorer. The society gets divided into twoclasses have and have-nots. There is a clash of interests.

    6. Unemployment and corruption corruption and unemployment has become a chronic disease inthe capitalist system.

    7. Inflation inflation spreads throughout the world because of mutual international relations andtrade. Also inflation is because of nature of modern capitalism in non-productive expenditureprimarily for military purposes by the state.

    B. SOCIALISM Socialism in an economic system where the means of production are eitherowned or managed by the state and where the investment structure, consumption, allocation of

    resources, distribution of income etc. are regulated and directed by the state. In socialism, there

    is in fact a variety of systems. On one hand there are communist countries characterized by state

    capitalism and on the other hand, there are the democratic socialist nations with a dominant

    private sector.

    Features of Socialism

    1. Equitable Distribution of Income Socialism is better for peace and happiness. In socialistcountries, an equitable distribution of income is an important feature. Equitable distribution of

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    income does not mean that there is perfect equality in income distribution. There may be wage

    differentials, depending on the nature and requirements of the nature of the job.

    2. Government Ownership here, the main means of production are either owned by thegovernment or its use is governed by the Government. It becomes easy to achieve the desired

    patterns of resource allocation if the state owns almost the whole of the means of production.

    3. Economic laws in socialist system, all working people have an interest in the fullestunderstanding and application of the economic, laws of socialism. The main change in economic

    conditions in a country that has taken the road of building socialism leads to the economic laws

    of socialism coming into being and beginning to operate.

    4. Plan of action or Central Authority the liberal socialist economy preserves to a considerableextent free choice of consumption. The socialist economies generally have a uniform plan of

    action or central authority like the central planning agency to formulate the national plan for


    Merits of Socialism

    1. Better Allocation and utilization of Resources In socialist economy resources are owned andcontrolled by the state, so no wastage and duplication takes place. There is no self interest of

    private individuals and so no profit motives.

    2. Elimination of Unemployment Central planning authority on behalf of state gives boost toemployment. It also ensures that all resources are put to their best use.


    No Cyclic Fluctuations as socialist economy is a planned economy, there is no surplus anddeficiency which results in smooth working of the economy. There are no business fluctuations.

    4. No Class Struggle there is a collective ownership of different factors of production whichensures the best utilization of available resources of economy and equal distribution. So there is

    no gap between haves and have-nots.

    5. Reduction in Inequality of Income since there is no gap between haves and have-nots there isequality of income. Equal chances are given to all in all the fields like occupation, education etc.

    Demerits of Socialism

    1. Bureaucratization the owners in private enterprises take interest in their work in capitalism.But in socialism government gets all the work done through their people who do not take so

    much interest and lack enthusiasm as people of private enterprise.

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    2. Lack of Incentives major disadvantage of socialism is that people do not have incentives forgreater work, efficiency and enterprise. People get fixed wages and salaries from government so

    they lack initiatives and incentives.

    3. Red Tapism in socialist system the decisions are delayed as files go on moving from one place toanother which results in wastage of time and money also.

    4. Concentration of Economic Power in the hands of State the power gets concentrated in thehands of government or state, and thus government may not do work according to desires and

    preferences of the consumers.

    5. Promotes Corruption the government being ultimate authority the govt. servants often becomedishonest and corrupt while doing work of the people.

    6. Misallocation of Resources allocation of resources is made according to the desires anddemands of the consumers since there is no place for price mechanism.

    Mixed Economy

    There was no reference to the mixed economic system in Economic literature in the past. Economists

    were mainly familiar and advocated the Laissez faire or free enterprise system, as several countries could

    develop fast following the free enterprise system, in which there was no or little government

    intervention. The entire economic system operated with the price mechanism at its center point. The

    producers produced what the consumers wanted and this provided very little scope for the government

    to intervene in the system. The Classical economists and their ardent supporters believed that the

    invisible hand will direct the economy and with private initiative and enterprise, every country should beable to record a faster growth as proved in the case of UK, USA, Europe, Australia, and other countries.

    But over a period under the leadership of Karl Marx, a new economic system was developed called

    socialism, in which there is no scope for any private enterprise as everything owned and controlled by the

    government. The government decided the type of developmental activities and me requirements of the

    society and used the available resources in the provision of these requirements. Several countries like

    USSR, Communist China, Vietnam, Cuba and others preferred this socialist system in which government

    is made the custodian of the society. The main reason for Die emergence of this new economic system

    was the failure of capitalism during the 1929 depression to revive every economy from depression. Keynes

    himself thought that capitalism without some of its evils could certainly help economic recovery. Hence,

    a time came when economists felt that cent per cent free enterprise or cent per cent government

    governed economic development cannot work satisfactorily. A compromise between these extremes was

    thought of as an ideal economic system. The new system called 'mixed economic system' contained the

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    merits of both the capitalism and socialism and appeared to be full of promise. This mixed economic

    system is adopted by India as indicated by the First Industrial Policy Resolution 1948.

    Characteristics of mixed economy:

    1. Co-existence of public and private sectors:In a mixed economy, one will find the existence of both the private and public sectors. In such a system,

    the government will undertake the responsibility to build and develop certain sector activities and leave

    the other activities for the private initiative. In India, the government announced the adoption of the

    mixed economy system through its 1948 Industrial Policy Resolution. The government clearly earmarked

    the industries to be completely under the state control, the industries which are to owned and controlled

    by the state as well as the private sector and industries which are completely left for the private sector. In

    this way the Resolution provided for the simultaneous existence of both private and public sectors.

    2. State participation in economic development:This is the second feature of mixed economy, according, to which the state reserves its right to design

    and decide the type of development to be achieved. In such a set up, the government strives to promote

    the welfare of the country by ensuring social order, social justice and establishing all the necessary

    institutions which are required to achieve the desired pattern of growth and development.

    3. Distribution of ownership and control of resources:This is the next feature of mixed economy. In this system, the government itself enters the field of

    production so that the available resources are fully utilized. This will also help to avoid concentration of

    wealth in the hands of a few and enable distribution of ownership and control of productive activities. As

    a result there is no scope for exploitation of any group, say labor, by any other group. In this way the

    weaker section of the community is well protected and taken care of. Only the mixed economy will

    enable the government to attain the objectives of the Directive Principles of the Indian Constitution.

    4. Directing the investment in socially desirable projects and channels:Mixed economy facilitates the flow of investment into channels which confers the society with several

    benefits. For example, the Indian government has invested huge amount in several projects to develop the

    infrastructural facilities. This forms the basis for the development of other sectors. The investment in

    these infrastructural areas will not come forth from the private sector as the return is nil. Hence, the

    government in a mixed economic set up provides the thrust by developing the necessary background and

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    of development it wants to achieve and closely monitor the activities of the private sector to ensure that

    the social interest is never at stake. Obviously, planning is a very difficult exercise in a mixed economy set

    up. The success of planning will depend upon; i) the extent to which the public sector is able to rise to

    achieve the social gains aimed for, ii) the success of the state in guiding and regulating the private sector

    activities towards social goals and iii) the extent lo which (lie state is able (o check the distortions taking

    place in investment by private sector affecting (he interest of the public sector. Hence in the planning

    process the state has taken up the following steps to ensure the accomplishment of the objectives of the

    mixed economy,

    a. By holding complete ownership of defense and heavy industries, the government has providedan industrial base with which the private sector is expected to plan its investment activities.

    b. The state also has made huge investments in economic infrastructures so as to help theextension of market for goods, raising the productivity in agricultural and industrial sectors,encouragement of further productive investment

    c. The government has complete control of the financial institutions including banks so that itcan ensure that the banks and other institutions play a key role in the development activities of

    the state. The government could also realize the expected gains by encouraging the priority

    activities in every sector. The economic institutions are made to support the weaker sections of

    the community.

    d. Through powerful legislations like MRTP Act, FERA, etc., the government could ensure thatthere is no scope for exploitation of the common people by the private enterprise. Such a legal

    framework lays down the rules of the game and ensures fair play in a mixed economic set up.

    e. As a method of protecting the weaker and downtrodden people, the government has policieslike rationing, price controls, etc. Such regulations are built in the planning mechanism itself,

    so that the private sector cannot exploit the community.

    f. Towards the improvement of welfare in the economy, the state has undertaken several specificprograms aimed at specific target groups. For example schemes aimed at the backward andschedule tribe providing them reservation in educational, employment and other opportunities,

    rural oriented schemes for the rural folks, health for all schemes, provision of free educational

    and medical facilities up to a certain level, etc. All these schemes aim at improving the social

    welfare. In all these activities the private sector is also welcome to play its role.

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    g. The government makes effective use of the tools of fiscal policy viz. taxation and publicexpenditure, so as to achieve the objectives of economic planning.


    Marxism is essentially socialism in different garb. The pure socialism is proved to be impractical and it

    made role of government the center point. Most of the government could not fit in this role effectively.

    Further capitalism with its explicit goals threatened the success of socialism. It was at this juncture that

    Karl Marx came up with his ideology, which led to the evolution of Marxian socialism. Marx succeeded

    through his logical reasoning that economics dominates every activity of a society. This leads to class

    struggle. When one struggle is tackled another one crop up. The continued onslaught of the capitalist on

    the society would result in the creation of haves and have-nots. This division of the society would widen

    with the continuance of capitalism, which ultimately will result in class struggle. Marx explained

    through his theory of value that every product should be valued in accordance with the value of laborcontained in it. But the laborers are rewarded at a very much lesser rate than what they create. That is,,

    every laborer contribute more by way of his work to produce the product but he is paid a very low wages.

    The difference is the gain realized by the capitalists. The capitalists would accumulate profits this way at

    the cost of worsening labor condition. Over a period the divide between the proprietary class and the

    labor class would widen that much, that there would be social upheaval. Karl Marx predicted class war

    and argued that unless the capitalist class realizes this, there would be severe impact on production and

    economic condition of a country. His argument came true in the case of France that the French

    revolution broke out in 1789. There were similar problems in different parts of the globe, like inerstwhile USSR [Scissor's crisis], and China. China, especially remained a closed economy till early

    I990's. But in China, the Marxism led to the emergence of communism. This is discussed in detail below.

    Though Marxism held sway over a number of countries for some time, yet it has inherent defects. Firstly,

    Marx's view that all activities in all countries are basically economic in nature is not true. Secondly, his

    argument that class struggle continuously takes place in every country did not hold water. A number of

    other reasons of economic, social and cultural nature led to the struggle and not the way Marx predicted.

    Thirdly, the theory of surplus value could not be applied in practice in service industry. Fourthly, Marx

    never took into the interference that a government could make in case of exploitation of society by the



    Communism is Marx's prediction at the fall of capitalism. Marx argued that the widening inequalities in

    a society coupled with class struggle should ultimately sound the death knell of capitalism. He is of the

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    view that when capitalism falls, the communism will emerge in which, the laborers will lead the country.

    The government will own all the resources and determine the needs of the society. It will also decide

    various other issues of macro and micro importance. Government will turn out to be the custodian of the

    society and in a pure communistic society; people will lead a life where basic necessities are provided by

    the government. Unemployment will be very low as every one is occupied in some avocation or other.

    But the way in which communism was practiced in China created an impression that the government

    would be oppressive in its approach that the people will lead a life of slavery. One has to work to earn his

    bread. Military type of regimentation was enforced that common people were subjected to absolute

    control and regulation by government. The economy remained closed without any international

    relations, both economic and social. There were no two party systems that the nominated representatives

    of the Communist party attended to all the governmental responsibilities. Market mechanism is

    completely absent in such a system, as government determined everything on behalf of the country.

    As has been already pointed out depending upon the economic system, the business environment will

    change. In a capitalist system, the environment provides opportunities for every one who wants to

    maximize gains. In a socialist system, the government undertakes the responsibility of providing

    everything to the citizens. In a Marxist economy, it is ultimately the laborers who will hold the reins. In a

    Communist economy, it is the group of administrators who run the economy in the interest of the


    Strategies to deal with the environment

    Uncertainty and interdependence.Uncertainty: Uncertainty arises because managers can neither fully predict nor control what will happen

    out of the interface. The managers do not get adequate information of right quality to take decisions to

    deal with environmental forces, thus, they have to devise their actions under partial ignorance.

    Interdependence: while doing business managers develop a variety of exchange relationships with people

    such as suppliers, customers etc. these relationships neither are nor uniform also. Therefore, the

    organization has to evolve different strategies to deal with different segments of environment.

    If the managers of an organization are successful in reducing environmental uncertainty and reducing

    their dependence on external forces, they will gain control over their environment. A number of

    strategies have been devised to help managers minimize the power of task environment over the

    organization. These strategies may be classified in to three categories.

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    1. Strategies for insulating the organization from the environmental forces2. Strategies for gaining control over certain aspects of external environment3. Strategies for organizational adaptation

    Strategies for insulation of the organization

    According to James Thompson An open system can avoid the influence of external forces through

    the process of Boundary Spanningin Boundary Spanning the org devises the mechanism to anticipate

    the environmental events to minimize the impact of environmental uncertainties. The spanners filter the

    information from the environment and only the relevant information is allowed to reach the core of the

    org. the org can also adopt the following strategies based on the environmental anticipation that insulate

    the org from erratic and potentially damaging environmental demands

    1. Buffering Buffering absorbs the environmental fluctuations of the org.(Stocking the raw materials

    and finished goods) this enables the management to maintain the operations when there

    are shortages of raw materials and when there are peaks and valleys in demand for these


    2. Leveling: Leveling aims at maintaining the sales at uniform level throughout the year, during

    periods of high demand, a premium rate may be charged for the product and during

    periods of low demands, incentives may be given to the customers in the form of free

    gifts, discounts, lucky coupons etc.

    3. Rationing: Rationing is a devise used to establish a set of priorities for using the organizations

    scarce resources, it is a method of curtailing demand for input/ output according to the

    environmental situations

    Strategies for gaining control over certain aspects of external environment

    These strategies focus on reducing the organizational dependence on the environment by increasing its

    power or control over some aspects of the environment. These strategies are as follows:

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    1. Creation of prestige Through advertisement, public relation with press etc.

    2. Agreements With suppliers of materials, banks and financial institutions, labour unions, customers,

    competitors etc.

    3. Co- potation According to James Thompson, Co- Optation is the process of absorbing new

    elements in to the policy making structure of an organization as a means of averting

    threats or maintaining its stability in the changed circumstances.

    4. Procurement of key personnel5. Lobbying

    Lobbying is the process of convincing the various powerful elements of the environmentto act in favour of the organization. For instance, the top management of the

    organization may resort to lobbying with some members of the ruling party to gain

    control over the external environment of the business. They may play an active role to

    convince the government to enact laws and modify its monetary, licensing and foreign

    trade policies. Political lobbying is also done by the organizations, generally by giving

    hefty donations, to increase the domain of their influence in the environment, moreover

    there are apex associations of industries like CII, who takes the actions to safeguard the

    interest of their member organizations. Most of the industries nowadays have their own


    6. Coalescing Two or more organizations nay merge their organizations to have better control over the

    environment as various resources are pooled together. The merged organizations are

    generally those which have some sort of interdependency like procurement of raw


    Strategies for organizational adaptation

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    Managers can anticipate changes in environmental conditions and adapt accordingly. With information

    gathered from forecasting, market research etc. managers can help their organizations adapt internally to

    anticipate environmental demands. This is one of the most adapted strategies. This strategy involves two

    types of adaptations:

    1. Adaptation of Organizational Structure Organizations may adopt suitable corporate strategy to match opportunities and

    strengths like Growth, Stability, Profit and combination strategies.

    2. Adaptation of systems and processesOrganizations design their systems and processes according to the needs of the environmental so that

    they are in a better position to cope with the environmental needs and challenges.


    1. Discuss the features of modern business2. What is business environment? What are the constituents of business environment?3. Write a short note on : a] political environment b] social and cultural environment c] economic

    environment d] religious environment

    4. Why should the environment be scanned? What purposes would it serve?5. Explain in detail (he features and elements of economic environment.6. What is an economic system? Discuss various economic systems with their merits and


    7. What are the features of mixed economic system? Explain in detail the working of mixe-1economy in India.

    8. What type of distortions could take place in planning in a mixed economic system?9. Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of capitalism and socialism.10. Distinguish between Marxism and communism. Trace their evolution.

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