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Business Continuity Contingency Plan

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Page 1: Business Continuity Contingency Plan

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GB 15/135

Business Continuity Contingency Plan

Nottingham North and East Clinical Commissioning Group

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Author(s) Hazel Buchanan, Director of Operations

Date Approved

Version 3.0

Approved Governing Body Meeting

Original Plan Approved by: Executive Team

Date Submitted to Execs 01.07.15

This plan should be reviewed annually, or if the plan has been activated in a disruption, or if there have been any significant changes to service delivery, structure etc. Any amendments should be noted


Date Version

Number Changes Made Name

09.05.2014 2.0 Minor changes including author and BCP lead details, document versions updated.

Bridget Meats

19.06.15 3.0 Annual review – minor amendments Bridget Meats

Document History

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It is the responsibility of the lead for Business Continuity for the Nottingham North & East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to undertake a full review of this plan annually, or if the plan has been activated following a disruption. As part of the review the Business Impact Analysis will also be reconsidered. Any suggested changes to this plan template should be provided to the Business Continuity Lead. Contact details will be reviewed quarterly by the Business Continuity Lead but all members of staff working for Nottingham North & East CCG have a responsibility to inform Nottingham North & East CCG Business Continuity Lead if their contact details change.

Any other documents Nottingham North & East CCG has that may be useful to support this plan.

Document Document Location

NHS England North Midlands On Call Pack

Currently being re-drafted Nick Waltz (NHS England) to circulate as soon as approved

Nottingham & Nottinghamshire CCGs On-Call Handbook v7.1

Assurance, Strategy & Planning folder (electronic). Room 3, Gedling Civic Centre (hardcopy).

NHS Property Services on-call Handbook v5

Assurance, Strategy & Planning folder (electronic). Room 3, Gedling Civic Centre (hardcopy).

NHS England North Midlands Incident Response Plan

Currently being re-drafted Nick Waltz (NHS England) to circulate as soon as approved

IT Systems Incident Plan Communications Plan for IT Related issues v8 January 2014

Assurance, Strategy & Planning folder (electronic). Room 3, Gedling Civic Centre (hardcopy).

Nottinghamshire Health Informatics Service (Nhis) Business Continuity Contingency Plan v1.4 January 2014

Assurance, Strategy & Planning folder (electronic). Room 3, Gedling Civic Centre (hardcopy).

NHS England Severe Weather & Flood Plans


Pandemic Flu Plan

All Nottingham North & East CCG staff should receive a copy of this Business Continuity Plan. Central copy will be held in Room 3 at Gedling Civic Centre, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU Gedling Borough Council Directors and Emergency Planning department based at Gedling Civic Centre should also receive a copy of this Business Continuity Plan.

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Plan Maintenance

Related Documents

Plan Distribution

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1. 1 Purpose This plan is to be used to assist in the continuity and recovery of the business of NHS Nottingham North & East Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in the event of an unplanned disruption. A disruption could be any event, which threatens personnel, buildings or operational capacity and requires special measures to be taken to restore normal service.

1.2 Aim The aim of the plan is to set out the roles, responsibilities and actions to be taken by the Nottingham North & East CCG to enable continuity and recovery of the key parts of the service following a significant disruption. NNE CCG is designated Category 2 responders and their main role will be in support of Category 1 responders, under the direction of Public Health England and NHS England North Midlands, depending on the nature of the major incident/emergency.

1.3 Scope This plan applies to the functions provided by NHS Nottingham North & East CCG and functions provided on behalf of NHS Nottingham North & East CCG at the following site: A major disruption to the Nottinghamshire health economy will invoke the NHS England North Midlands Incident Response Plan and the relevant CCGs Business Continuity Contingency Plans. The details of the critical elements of NHS Nottingham North & East CCG have been included in this Business Continuity Contingency Plan. Dependant on the type of major disruption Gedling Borough Council Gold Command will be notified.

1.4 Critical Function Summary List As part of the Business Impact Analysis process a critical function analysis has been carried out to determine those parts of the service that are a priority to maintain or reinstate. This plan covers the following critical functions within Nottingham North & East CCG

Critical Functions 1. First point of contact for commissioned services in event where continuity of care may be

disrupted. The impact of disruption to this function could be immediate.

2. Implementation of the Business Continuity plan. The impact of disruption to this function could be immediate.

Leadership - this is provided by the Chief Officer and the Senior Management Team

Gedling Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU Some staff work across:

All three south CCGs and/ or

6 CCGs across Nottinghamshire

Part 1 Introduction

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Risk Management – in some incidents this may be suspended

Safeguarding Adults and Children

Continuity of care for commissioned services

Implementation of the Business Continuity Plan All of the above during certain incidents may be critical functions. Some of the above services would be critical to supporting the response in Pandemic Flu, an infectious diseases outbreak, serious Countywide flooding or prolonged severe weather incident.

1.4.1 Non-Critical Service Functions which may be suspended

The critical function analysis also identifies those functions that are less critical and could be suspended for a period greater than 48 hours.

Service Function Length of Time Function can be Suspended For (working days)

Financial management including QIPP and financial recovery

10 days (month end needed to be complete)

Planning services - preparing commissioning plans

30 days

Commissioning services through pathway development and redesign

30 days

Performance and data analysis

20 days

Governance duties to ensure continuous compliance with statutory duties

20 days

Integrated working to ensure on-going delivery of services

10 days

Support and guidance to member practices


Quality & Patient Safety

5 days


5 days

If a disruption occurs and this plan is activated permission will be sought from Sam Walters, Chief Officer (if unavailable; Sharon Pickett, Deputy Chief Officer) to suspend the mainstream service functions detailed above and release the Nottingham North & East CCG staff who cover these functions, to provide support to critical functions provided by other areas, this could be another CCG.

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1.4.2 Staffing Requirements to cover Critical Functions for Nottingham North & East CCG

Function Staff Group e.g. Director/Manager/ Officer/Administrator

Number required

Workstation needed (Inc. Desk, Phone, PC, Access to Printer)

Possibility of working from home on VPN

Leadership Chief Officer PA Support

1 1



Risk management Director 1


Quality and Patient Safety

Manager & Director 2 2


Safeguarding Adults and Children

Manager 1 1 YES

Continuity of care for commissioned services

Senior Manager 1 1 YES

Implementation of the Business Continuity Plan

Director 1 1 YES

Information and updates will be communicated via the Chief Officer or the Deputy Chief Officer, to other Directors and senior managers and then to staff within their own teams. Please see the action plan for more information on the communications cascade process relevant to the type of incident.

Out of Hours contact details - If the CCG on call manager is required please contact Central Nottinghamshire Clinical Service (CNCS), via their single point of access service on 0300 456 4957,

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2.1 Training All Nottingham North & East CCG staff will be provided with awareness training to familiarise themselves with the business continuity arrangements and recovery procedures. New members of staff will be made aware of this plan and their potential role during a disruption. Any staff with a specific role in the recovery from a disruption, or who may be asked to cover another suitable role will be given appropriate training. It is recommended that you make all staff in your team aware of your Business Continuity Plan and arrangements

2.2 Plan Testing / Exercising It is recommended that Nottingham North & East CCG exercise this plan annually, this will be facilitated by the Business Continuity Manager via a table top exercise Nottingham North & East CCG staff contact details will be reviewed annually and amended accordingly.

Part 2 Training, Testing and Exercising

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Task Completed Date/ Time/ By Whom

Start a log of actions and expenses incurred (see Appendix 2)

Identify which critical functions have been disrupted

Consult with the Chief Officer of Nottingham North & East CCG (or nominated deputy if absent) about activating Business Continuity plan.

Advise NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands)

Director that this plan has been activated.

Out of Hours contact CNCS - 0300 456 4957 requesting they contact the Area Team and notify them that the plan has been activated

Seek permission from the Chief Officer of Nottingham North & East CCG to suspend non-critical functions.

Convene Nottingham North & East CCG Senior Management Team:

o Evaluate impact of situation

o Identify any particularly urgent issues e.g. legal/ contractual

timescales etc.

o Decide on contingency actions to be taken

o Identify staff, resources, equipment etc. required Assign

responsibility and timescales

Inform members of Nottingham North & East CCG staff

Inform relevant stakeholders (both internal & external) (see Appendix 5 Suppliers/Providers contact details)

Access Emergency Pack, if required

Daily Tasks During the Recovery Process

Convene CCG Senior Management Team during the incident as necessary to monitor progress made, obstacles encountered and decide on continuing recovery process. Produce a summary situation report for the CCG and progress made.

Provide updated information to staff & stakeholders

Maintain a log of action and expenses. (See appendix 2)

Appendix 1: Initial Response Checklist

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Date/ Time Decision / Action Taken By Whom Cost

Incurred (if


Appendix 2: Actions and Expenses Log

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Appendix 3: Nottingham North & East CCG Business Continuity

Contingency Action Plan

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Business Continuity Contingency Action Plan – Nottingham North & East CCG

Business Continuity Lead Director Sam Walters – Chief Officer

Clinical Commissioning Group: Nottingham North & East

Location(s): Gedling Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU

CCG Priorities:

Nottingham North & East CCG aims to:

Reduce health inequalities in the local population by targeting those people with the greatest health needs

Drive up the quality of care in order to improve health outcomes and reduce unwarranted clinical variation

Direct available resources to where they will deliver the greatest benefit to the local population

Commission appropriate models of care for older and vulnerable people with complex needs, ensuring all patients are treated with dignity and respect

Secure improved chances of a healthy life by targeting our prevention approach for children and young people

Ensure that patients are able to make choices about the care they receive and are seen in the right place at the right time by the right person.

Impact of general loss of service to

patients, staff, the CCG:

General loss of service would impact on: Short term

Day-to-day communication between CCG and NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands)(

Day-to-day communication between CCG and commissioned services

Day-to-day communication between CCG and member GP practices

Progression of risk management issues with possible impact on patient safety Medium-term

Progression of time-specific tasks such as proving information to NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) and Freedom Of Information requests

Performance and Quality management of commissioned services

Commissioning of new services

Financial planning issues with impact on commissioned services if payments not made

Administrative and contractual tasks with impact on staff due to escalating workload. Long Term

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All of above with increasing operational, reputational, economic and damage to staff morale/ability to manage workload

BC Action Plan Owner: Sam Walters – Chief Officer

Deputy/BC Champion: Hazel Buchanan – Director of Operations

Business Continuity Manager: Hazel Buchanan – Director of Operations

Version Control:

How to complete the action plan: To ensure that the Clinical Commissioning Group has workable business continuity strategy it is recommended that time is allotted to complete the following sections and there is an active dialogue with all staff to ensure feedback on the planning process.

1. Consider the list of possible disruptions to service and add others you may believe relevant this process is completed by working through the

business impact analysis tool and remembering to focus on the questions below:

2. How would that particular disruption impact on the individual service area?

3. Plot each disruption against the 3 ‘Ss’

a. STAFF (needed to provide critical activities)

b. SPACE (workplace)

c. SUPPLIES (consumables required to complete the critical activities etc.)

4. Once plotted, actions required to resolve the issue?

STAFF - Call in other staff, arrange cover etc. Consider such issues as contact lists for staff, the time to attend and method of travel to work.

SPACE - What possible alternative locations would be available as space to relocate essential staff to, to use on a temporary basis?

SUPPLIES and UTILITIES – IT, telephones, electricity, gas, water, road fuel, and essential office supplies etc. How would the loss or

shortage be resolved in the short term?

State what gaps or vulnerabilities are exposed by the process, how they can be addressed and any resourcing implications.

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Type of disruption/event

1. Access denial to work area (any reason including fuel crisis) or utility failure

(electricity, heating, water)

Impact on the CCG functions by the disruption/event

Nottingham North & East CCG would be unable to provide the Critical Functions as listed on Page 5 of this contingency plan and would also need to suspend non-essential functions until normal services could be resumed or alternative premises or access to premises was established.

Risk rating of this event


Contingencies available to this CCG regarding this disruption/event

Nottingham North and East CCG staff are based at one main location: Gedling Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 6LU Some staff work across:

All three south CCGs and/ or

6 CCGs across Nottinghamshire

And are located at various locations across Nottinghamshire Critical functions Nottingham North and East CCG staff who provide critical functions are able to work at locations listed above or by remote VPN at home. As per usual arrangements some staff are able to work from other locations across Nottinghamshire. Alternative premises to relocate these staff in the short term will be in conjunction with partnership discussions across all Nottinghamshire CCG sites and proximity of staff homes. With the approval of their line manager; staff could work remotely from home if they have VPN/Web access. Non-critical functions: In short term incidents staff covering non-essential roles could be asked to take annual leave or flexi time whilst they are unable to attend their designated place of work or an alternative site; if reasonable efforts have been made to attend work; if the interruption is caused by lack of access to fuel or severe weather. Please refer to the HR Flexible Working Policy HR06/2014 If the interruption is due to utilities failure, lack of access to the building or damage to the building or work area and an alternative arrangement cannot be found staff covering non-essential functions may be given time off at the discretion of their line manager.

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If the disruption has implications for NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) they will be contacted via the gold commander on call system for resilience planning.


If access to a specific building is denied: 1. Confirm the information and identify the anticipated timescale for disruption 2. Contact NHS Property Services for access to alternative sites 3. Notify staff by email if incident occurs in hours or by text message if out of hours 4. Contact NHIS to arrange IT/telecoms for the alternative sites for staff

If fuel shortage: 1. Implement flexible working arrangements for staff 2. Confirm continuation of critical functions 3. Communicate this to staff via text message

If severe weather: 1. Implement flexible working arrangements for staff 2. Confirm continuation of critical functions 3. Communicate decisions to staff by text message.

COMMUNICATIONS & MANAGEMENT CONTACTS Detail trigger points for events and list management contacts

Cordon established Damage to: Utilities failure: Severe Weather:

Building has to be evacuated – notify Nottingham North & East CCG staff and Gedling Borough Council Gold Command of evacuation if in hours via email/ text message to relevant staff group. If out of hours if cordon will remain in hours notify staff by text message Notify relevant Nottingham North & East CCG staff and Gedling Borough Council Gold Command via cascade of closure of building and alternative site to be used via email/text message in hours/ via text message only out of hours Notify staff who work at all affected locations of alternative working arrangements and timescale of interruption and when normal arrangements are proposed. Provide number for staff to call to provide an update on progress or could advise staff to check on Nottingham North & East CCG website for information Activate cascade to all staff as above. Provide flexible working arrangements to all staff ensuring critical functions are maintained.

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Fuel Crisis:

Activate cascade to all staff as above. Provide flexible working arrangements to all staff ensuring critical functions are maintained. The NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) will activate the Fuel Shortage Response Plan and issue temporary logos to staff who qualify under this scheme.

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO STAFF Include details of contact lists held and the communications process with members of staff.

Activate the Nottingham North & East CCG Comms cascade: Separate contact lists for Nottingham North & East CCG by site attached including phone list and email contact list for staff NB. Senior CCG Managers should have access to this information for the staff in their respective sections.

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SPACE Include details of accommodation for visitors and staff workplace areas.

Accommodation for Nottingham North & East CCG staff providing critical functions will be available at other sites. Hot desk facilities will be provided for staff who work less than 0.5 WTE each week. Space will be identified in alternative sites to allow for meetings with visitors to proceed.

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SUPPLIES & SERVICES Include details of supply lines and actions following loss of service or utility.

Contact NHIS on ext. 4040 or 01623 430410 regarding the access to IT/Telecoms at alternative sites and where remote working is established. NHS Suppliers will be notified by staff responsible for ordering essential supplies for the Nottingham North & East CCG of any alternative location arrangements for deliveries.

If utility services fail within specific sites it will be the responsibility of the NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) Operations & Delivery Co-ordinator Resilience Manager to liaise with the utility provider on progress and timescales for restoration of services. See contact information provided within the Major Incident Plan under essential contacts.


If the incident affects patient facing services as well as commissioning functions, priority will be given to services which provide these services in terms of alternative sites and support from NHIS in relation to IT/Telecoms issues.


Ensure all Nottingham North & East CCG staff are aware of this plan and what is expected of them in incidents.

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Type of disruption/event

2. Loss of established systems (IT, SPECIALISED SOFTWARE, email and Telecoms).

Impact on the CCG Functions by the disruption/event

Nottingham North & East CCG would be unable to provide the Critical Functions as listed on Page 5 of this contingency plan and would also need to suspend non-essential functions until normal services could be resumed

Risk rating of this event


Staff are able to alternate between the facilities at Gedling Civic Centre and other CCG sites dependent on where the problem is. Critical functions For critical functions which cannot be provided via the above arrangements and IT functionality where the loss is to be more than 24 hours up to 1 week: alternative premises to relocate these staff to in the short term can be identified by contacting the Business Continuity Manager. NHIS on ext. 4040 or 01623 410310 would need to arrange access to IT/Telecoms systems at these locations. With the approval of their line manager staff could work remotely from home if they have VPN/Web access if this functionality was available and not affected by the interruption. Non critical functions Nottingham North and East CCG staff providing non critical functions that are unable to be relocated and are not able to work remotely from home via VPN should be asked to take annual leave or flexi time for the duration of the incident. Please refer to the HR Flexible Working policy HR06/2014this is also covered in the Employment Handbook. If staff members are unable or unwilling to use annual leave or flexitime and alternative arrangements for access to other buildings cannot be found, staff may be given time off at the discretion of their line manager. All other staff that does not depend on IT functionality could operate manual paperwork systems until normal IT services are re-provided by NHIS. Nottingham North & East CCG staff providing non-critical functions that are unable to be relocated and are not able to work remotely from home via VPN/Web access should be asked to take annual leave or flexi time for the duration of the incident. If staff members are unable or unwilling to use annual leave or flexitime and alternative arrangements for access to other buildings cannot be found, staff may be given time off at the discretion of their line manager.

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All other staff that does not depend on IT functionality could operate manual paperwork systems until normal IT services are re-provided by NHIS.


If IT functionality is disrupted at one site and critical functions require functionality: 1. Confirm the information and identify the anticipated timescale for disruption 2. Discuss possibility of working from home with staff are able to work remotely via

VPN/Web access 3. Contact NHS Property Services for access to alternative sites for staff providing critical

functions unable to work remotely 4. Where possible notify staff in person if incident occurs in hours or by text message if

incident occurs out of hours If IT functionality is disrupted across three sites and critical functions require functionality:

1. Confirm the information and identify the anticipated timescale for disruption 2. Discuss possibility of working from home with staff are able to work remotely via

VPN/Web access 3. Contact NHS Property Services for access to alternative sites for staff providing critical

functions unable to work remotely 4. Where possible notify staff in person if incident occurs in hours or by text message if

incident occurs out of hours 5. Contact NHIS to arrange IT/telecoms for the alternative sites for staff

COMMUNICATIONS & MANAGEMENT CONTACTS Detail trigger points for events and list management contacts

At sudden onset of IT failure which has been verified with NHIS. Including likely timescale of interruption At sudden onset of Telecoms failure which has been verified with NHIS. Including the likely timescale of interruption

Implement the communications cascade to staff at affected sites via text message. (No email available) Implement the communications cascade to staff at affected sites via text message. (No email available) as when the telecoms functionality at CCG sites are affected this normally affect Telecoms also as the system is Voice Over Internet Provider (VOIP)

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO STAFF Include details of contact lists held and the

Activate the Nottingham North & East CCG Comms cascade: Separate contact lists for Nottingham North & East CCG by site attached including phone list and

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communications process with members of staff.

email contact list for staff NB. Senior CCG Managers should have access to this information for the staff in their respective sections

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SPACE Include details of accommodation for visitors and staff workplace areas.

Accommodation for Nottingham North & East CCG staff providing critical functions will be available at other sites. Hot desk facilities will be provided for staff that work less than 0.5 WTE each week.

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SUPPLIES & SERVICES Include details of supply lines and actions following loss of service or utility.

Contact NHIS on ext. 4040 or 01623 430410 and maintain contact with them regarding progress on re-establishment of service. This action may be completed by the NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) Operations & Delivery Co-ordinator who will cascade updates to the Nottingham North & East CCG Business Continuity Lead. NHIS contact all CCGs of IT/Telecoms issues which attract an Amber or Red rating via their IT systems Incident Plan. Notify all relevant stakeholders of the interruption to Telecoms – via mobile.

PLANNING VULNERABILITIES & GAPS NHIS may establish services to other organisations prior to Nottingham North & East CCG therefore the interruption may be extended due to prioritisation.


Ensure that the communications cascade is updated annually and tested once completed to validate functionality. Ensure all Nottingham North & East CCG staff is aware of this plan and what is expected of them in incidents.

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Type of disruption/event

3. Restricted staffing levels for any reason (including Influenza Pandemic and

travelling difficulties due to extreme weather conditions)

Impact on the CCG by the disruption/event

The Nottingham North & East CCG may not able to provide the Critical Functions as listed on Page 5 of this contingency plan and would also need to suspend non-essential functions until normal services could be resumed or where sufficient staff are available to cover these functions

Risk rating of this event MEDIUM/HIGH

Contingencies available to the CCG regarding this disruption/event

Using staff redeployment all essential services would be maintained in this situation. Staff available who cover non-essential roles and with suitable skills within Nottingham North & East CCG in the first instance would be made available to cover the identified essential functions. In Pandemic Flu additional resources from all areas of the NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) , Public Health and CCGs would be sought to support the additional burden of responding to the pandemic. In extreme weather flexible working arrangements in line with current guidance contained in the HR policies for flexible working will be implemented including working from alternative bases for up to 1 week or working from home remotely via VPN connectivity.

INITIAL ACTIONS DURING EVENT Review staffing numbers and critical functions to be maintained across the CCG in a Pandemic. Monitor position daily as this will be constantly changing. Where necessary suspend non-essential functions if staffing levels are hit substantially – review daily. Provide staff for redeployment to critical functions across the CCG – also make staff available with appropriate skills to support primary and secondary care where necessary. Notify staff of decisions to suspend work and redeploy staff where necessary. Keep all CCG staff informed of the situation in relation to the Pandemic. Annual leave and flexi leave may be cancelled for all CCG Staff. Staff that attend work with flu like symptoms will be asked to go home to protect the health workforce. In extreme weather, cascade to staff weather information. Activate flexible working arrangements where necessary to be in place for up to 1 week. If situation persists review arrangements in place and monitor the impact to critical functions.

COMMUNICATIONS & MANAGEMENT CONTACTS Detail trigger points for events and list

Pandemic is announced and staffing numbers are affected. Daily reporting of staff situation

Cascade to staff that BC arrangements are being implemented, including suspension of non-essential functions where appropriate, redeployment of staff to cover

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management contacts

indicates an impact on services provided. Extreme weather warnings received Extreme weather happens/ schools/ nurseries close/ road networks affected/public transport affected

the critical and essential workload and support of the pandemic flu response. Cascade information to staff via email contact lists and sms message. Cascade to staff via email Cascade to staff via email and text message (text message only if incident commences out of hours) Implement flexible working arrangements for staff, working from alternative sites, working from home. Staff unable to access an alternative location to work or unable to access work remotely will be asked to take annual leave. Refer to HR Annual Leave Policy – HR01/2014 Staff needing to look after very young children due to nursery closures will also have to take annual leave if alternative carer arrangements cannot be found. Refer to HR Annual Leave Policy – HR01/2014

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO STAFF Include details of contact lists held and the communications process with members of staff.

See above for actions: Use the CCG cascade list held by location and forward instructions on email and via text message. NB. Senior CCG Managers should have access to this information for the staff in their respective sections

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SPACE Include details of accommodation for patients, visitors and staff workplace areas.

Under flexible working arrangements for severe weather situations staff should already have notified their line manager of the nearest base they can attend or whether flexible working arrangements have been agreed.

ACTIONS IN RELATION TO SUPPLIES & SERVICES Include details of supply lines and actions following loss of service or utility.

The NHS England Midlands & East (North Midlands) should contact Nottingham North and East CCG as a level 2 responder in relation to supplies and services for support through Medicines management teams to ensure access to antivirals is maintained during a pandemic.


If these situations arose during key staff holiday times then the impact on staffing levels would be experienced earlier than in the times when staff would normally be at work. E.g. summer holiday periods, Easter and Christmas.

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OTHER ACTIONS/COMMENTS Ensure all CCG staff are made aware of this plan and what their role is within it. It is essential that a Communication list for the CCG is updated annually and is tested under the same timescale.

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Surname Forename Title

In hours contact Out of

Hours Contact

Adlem Matthew Quality Monitoring Facilitator 0115 8831836


e O











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Baker Janet Head of Commissioning & Primary Care 0115 8831832

Ball Carly P.A. Director of Transformation 0115 8831743

Bathia Nirlas Primary Care Pharmacist 0115 8831856

Bemrose Jonathan Chief Finance Officer 0115 8831848

Biddlestone Nikki Team Administrator 0115 8831827

Bramhall Nichola Director of Nursing & Quality 0115 8831849

Buchanan Hazel Director of Operations 0115 8831714

Callaghan Elaine Assistant Accountant 0115 8831872

Calland Lucia Pharmacist Manager 0115 8831802

Colley-Bontoft Gail Head of Safeguarding 0115 8831849

Ellis Michael Stakeholder and Engagement Manager 0115 8831709

Gaskill Esther Head of Quality & Patient Experience 0115 8831849

Gibson Shelley Primary Care Prescriber 0115 8831856

Gundel Liz Quality Support Officer 0115 8831875

Hancock Brian Practice Liaison Officer 0115 8831823

Horsfield Helen Complaints Manager 0115 8831814

Jones Amanda Adult Safeguarding 0115 8831839

Kelleher Angela PA to Chief Officer 0115 8831718

Kennedy Mariea PALS Officer 0115 8831842

King Susie Medicine Management Facilitator 0115 8831856

Landa Jasvinder Assistant Management Accountant 0115 8831872

Lau Candice Service Improvement Manager 0115 8831744

Leighton Briony Prescribing Advisor 0115 8831856

Livsey Ian Deputy Chief Finance Officer 0115 8831809

Lupton Nick Service Improvement Manager 0115 8831829

McDonald Audrey Assistant Chief Finance Officer 0115 8831824

Meats Bridget Assurance Officer 0115 8831838

Norris Hollie Finance Assistant 0115 8831815

Oliver Dr Paul Clinical Lead/Chair 0115 8831715

Owen Liz Team Secretary Quality & Patient Safety 0115 8831752

Pappalettera Sergio Contract and Information Manager 0115 8831717

Pearson Emma Governance Manager 0115 8831743

Pekal Niki C2 Co-ordinator 0115 8831853

Pickett Sharon Deputy Chief Officer 0115 8831891

Pilling James Assistant Management Accountant 0115 8831872

Rees Rachael Head of Primary Care Operations 0115 8831713

Shouler Natalie Service Improvement Manager 0115 8831744

Smith Antonia Communications Manager 0115 8831833

Stiles-Powell Debbie Senior Finance Manager QIPP/BCF 0115 8837807

Stone Becky Asst Director of Quality & Patient Safety 0115 8831845

Trenham Cate Finance 0115 8831742

Turpin Michelle Senior Service Improvement Manager 0115 8831713

Walker Vickie Senior Service Improvement Manager 0115 8831788

Walters Sam Chief Officer 0115 8831784

Woolley Jill Assistant Commissioning Accountant 0115 8831847

Appendix 4: Contact Details – Nottingham North & East CCG Staff

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External Suppliers/Providers

Supplier Service Provided Telephone Email

Notts Health Informatics Service (NHIS)

Information Technology Support, Telecoms support and Data Warehouse

Office: 01623 410310 Internal Ext: 4040

IT helpdesk from global address list

IT Helpdesk IT/Telecoms support Ext: 4040 or 0115 9352444

[email protected]

Nottingham CityCare

HR support 0115 8839375 [email protected]

GEM CSU – Luke Barrett

Communications [email protected]

NHS Property Services

Building advice 01623 673162 www.property.nhs.uk

Alternative Suppliers/ Providers

Supplier Service Provided Telephone Email

Gedling Borough Council - Steve Wiseman (Facilities/Estates Manager)


0115 9013779 [email protected]

Internal Providers

Contact Service Provided

Telephone Email

Jonathan Bemrose

Finance 0115 8831848

[email protected]

Nichola Bramhall

Quality & Patient Safety

0115 8831849

[email protected]

Rebecca Larder

Transformation Director

0115 8837856

[email protected]

Toni Smith Communications Manager

0115 8831833

[email protected]

Other Useful Contacts

Contact Details Telephone Email

Appendix 5: Suppliers / Providers

Page 26: Business Continuity Contingency Plan

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Central Nottinghamshire Clinical Service (CNCS)

Out of Hours – on call managers service

0300 456 4957 n/a