Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) APPENDIX A Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document Project: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Last amended: 16 th Feb 2009 Author: Steve Burton, Head of Street Scene Services Status: Active CM ref: Version: 1.2 Introduction This document is the Project Initiation Document (PID) for Hertsmere Borough Council’s Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : What is the project aiming to achieve. Why it is important to achieve the stated aims. Who will be involved in the project and what their roles and responsibilities are. How and when the project will be put into effect. When approved by the project Board this PID will provide the “Baseline” for the project and will become “frozen”. It will be referred to whenever a major decision is taken and used at the conclusion of the project to measure whether the project was managed successfully and delivered an acceptable outcome. Background: The Bushey Rose Garden is situated to the north-east of the A411 High Street in the centre of Bushey in Hertfordshire. The garden is approximately 0.5 hectares in size, lying between the High Street and Herkomer Road in Bushey. The Rose Garden is listed Grade II on the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest, and was designed by T.H Mawson in 1912 for the renowned artist Sir Hubert von Herkomer on the site of his famous School of Art, and formed part of the gardens of "Lululaund", Herkomer's house in Melborne Avenue. The gardens remained in the ownership of the Herkomer family until 1937 when after the death of Lady Herkomer, it was acquired by Bushey Urban District Council for use as a public park. The gardens designed by Mawson survives in essence with the structures and hard landscaping mostly intact, although these along with the planting have become degraded. The Bushey Rose Garden is a small enclosed garden divided into two sections consisting of the sunken panel rose garden and the lawn area surrounded by mixed shrub beds. Within the park are a number of structures which are Grade II listed including the Column which marks the entrance to the former Art School, the Monument (fountain) at the centre of the sunken garden and the Summer House which straddles the two sections of the garden.

Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document · Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project

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Page 1: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document · Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project

Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


Bushey Rose Garden Restoration

Project Initiation Document

Project: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project

Last amended: 16th Feb 2009

Author: Steve Burton, Head of Street Scene Services

Status: Active

CM ref: Version: 1.2


This document is the Project Initiation Document (PID) for Hertsmere Borough Council’s Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project aiming to achieve. • Why it is important to achieve the stated aims. • Who will be involved in the project and what their roles and responsibilities are. • How and when the project will be put into effect. When approved by the project Board this PID will provide the “Baseline” for the project and will become “frozen”. It will be referred to whenever a major decision is taken and used at the conclusion of the project to measure whether the project was managed successfully and delivered an acceptable outcome.


The Bushey Rose Garden is situated to the north-east of the A411 High Street in the centre of Bushey in Hertfordshire. The garden is approximately 0.5 hectares in size, lying between the High Street and Herkomer Road in Bushey. The Rose Garden is listed Grade II on the Register of Parks and Gardens of Special Historic Interest, and was designed by T.H Mawson in 1912 for the renowned artist Sir Hubert von Herkomer on the site of his famous School of Art, and formed part of the gardens of "Lululaund", Herkomer's house in Melborne Avenue. The gardens remained in the ownership of the Herkomer family until 1937 when after the death of Lady Herkomer, it was acquired by Bushey Urban District Council for use as a public park. The gardens designed by Mawson survives in essence with the structures and hard landscaping mostly intact, although these along with the planting have become degraded. The Bushey Rose Garden is a small enclosed garden divided into two sections consisting of the sunken panel rose garden and the lawn area surrounded by mixed shrub beds. Within the park are a number of structures which are Grade II listed including the Column which marks the entrance to the former Art School, the Monument (fountain) at the centre of the sunken garden and the Summer House which straddles the two sections of the garden.

Page 2: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document · Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project

Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Currently the sunken garden half of the site is closed following the theft of york stone flags around the monument and due to the condition of the brick paving footpaths which makes it unsafe for public access. The project is to restore the Rose Garden and includes the restoration of the garden, its grade II listed buildings and structures, hard landscaping and historic planting. The project will raise awareness of the gardens and develop its potential as a local cultural and educational resource. The Council has set aside funding for the project, however the majority of the funding is through a grant from the Heritage Lottery under its Parks for People Programme. The HLF grant will fund the restoration of the listed features in the garden which include the Summer House, Monument (Fountain), and Column, as well as reconstructing paths, paved areas, pergola, replanting of the formal gardens, and the reinstatement of seating and other features which have been lost. The grant will also fund new facilities and works to improve accessibility, including the provision of toilet facilities. Sympathetic improvements to boundaries and the provision of CCTV are proposed to help prevent vandalism and to create a safer environment for visitors to the gardens. The grant will also be utilised to create a range of activities to support audience development, and to provide improved maintenance arrangements to ensure the successful implementation of the Conservation Management Plan.

Project definition:

Project Objectives To restore the Bushey Rose Garden to enable it to be reopened to the public, and to develop the usage and promotion of the Gardens to reflect its importance as a cultural heritage site. To deliver the project in such a manner as to meet the requirements of the main project sponsor the Heritage Lottery Fund. Project Approach The overall project will be managed by the a project team made up primarily from Waste and Street Scene Unit (Parks) and Legal and Democratic Services (Building Maintenance), with support from other officers across the Council as required. Given the tight timescales for the project, the specialist nature of some of the capital work, and capacity within the Council, various aspects of the professional services will be outsourced (by competitive tender). The actual construction works will also be outsourced by competitive tender. Specific expert advice will also be sought externally where required for example from ecological experts or landscape historians. The overall project will be managed utilising a reduced PRINCE2 Project Management methodology. Project Scope The project will cover all aspects relating to the garden restoration and ongoing maintenance and management, and will also cover the revenue aspects of the project of audience development. The following main areas are included within the scope of the project :

Restoration Project • Procurement of Professional Services • Development of initial design, to detailed scheme and specification and

associated tender documents. • Tendering of Construction Contract and associated management of the

construction phase.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

• Recruitment of Gardener and delivery of management plan Audience Development – refer to Audience Development Plan • Development of Educational Packs and Promotional Material • Recruitment and deployment of Volunteers • Events Programme • Interpretation – signage / information leaflets • Promotion and communication inc Webs site development Heritage Lottery • Liaison with Project Monitor appointed by Heritage Lottery • Monitoring Reporting to HLF • Claims for drawing down funding • Measuring the project success – surveys • Any other HLF requirements as set out in the HLF Contract

Project Exclusions The bullet point list below identifies those matters and issues which are not included within the scope of this project and which will be addressed separately.

• Not applicable Project Constraints The project funding is finite as detailed below under Project Finances and in Appendix B. The project needs to comply with the agreed timetable and project requirements as detailed in the Contract with the Heritage Lottery Fund. Project Deliverables or outcomes – The end product for the project ultimately is the actual depot itself but there are a number of key products required to achieve this as identified below :

• Detailed design, specification and tender documents and Contract • Restored Garden • Education Pack and Interpretive Material inc Website • Gardner and Volunteer Team • Events Programme

Project Interfaces There are no known interfaces with other projects that may impact on the delivery of this project.


A number of assumptions have been made in developing this PID. These are :

• The exiting outline designs as submitted to the HLF as part of the Stage 2 bid are agreed.

• The HLF will continue its support to the project in accordance with the Contract. • The HLF Monitoring Officer agrees any changes to the timetable and project. • The HBC Capital budget contribution will be released for the project

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Initial Business Case:

The Business Case for this project was established when the Executive agreed the proposals to restore the Rose Garden and to support the bid to the HLF for the bulk of the funding to deliver the project. (Refer Executive Reports EX/06/31 and EX/06/52). The proposals are consistent with the Council’s Corporate Plan’s Goals in relation to :

• Sustain improvements in the quality of Hertsmere’s environment • Continue to promote healthy living, leisure and cultural opportunities

The project is specifically identified as an action in the Council’s Corporate Plan and Cultural Strategy.

Organisation structure:

The Project Board will consist of :

• Business Executive / Glen Wooldrige (Director of Environment) Project Sponsor

• Senior Users Steve Burton (Head of Waste and Street Scene) Hilary Shade (Head of Corporate Support) Jill Coule (Head of Legal and Democratic Services) Richard Grove (Head of Planning and Building Control)

• Senior Supplier External Consultant - To be appointed by tender of

professional Services

The Project Manager will be Steve Burton (Head of Waste and Street Scene). The Project Assurance role will be fulfilled by Sarah Lamb (Senior Business Accountant) on behalf of the Project Board (To be agreed). The main responsibilities of the Project Board are outlined in Appendix A.

Communication Plan

The Executive will be kept informed of the project progress by report to the Executive Meetings. Preparation of these reports will be the responsibility of the Project Manager. The financial monitoring of the project will be undertaken as part of regular strategic financial monitoring procedures and will be informed by the Project Manager in conjunction with the Project Assurance role. Keeping all relevant staff informed of the project will be the responsibility of the Project Manager. The Business Executive / Project Sponsor and the Project Manager will be responsible for keeping the key stakeholders informed of the project via quarterly steering committee meetings. These will also be attended by the Senior Supplier and the Project Team. The Project Manager through the Project Team will also be responsible for ensuring effective delivery of project information and news to the wider community through information on

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

provided on site, the development of a project specific website, regular articles in the Parks and Amenities Newsletter and Hertsmere News and other local newsletters and local press.

Project Plan

The Project Plan outlined below is a statement of how and when the project’s objectives are to be achieved, by showing the major products, activities and resources required on the project. It will be used by the Project Board as a baseline against which to monitor progress and costs stage by stage. A detailed project plan should be developed showing the project management stages, product descriptions and product flow diagram. The main products identified and the anticipated completion dates are shown on the table below : (To be completed) Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4

Product Estimated Time Period

Anticipated Completion Date

Tender / Appointed professional services

2 Months Week of 3 December 08

Detailed design, specification and tender documents

2 Months End March 09

Tender period / appraisal / appointment of construction contractor

4 Months End June 09

Construction/Restoration Phase 11 Months End May 10

Handover of Site Mid June 10

Recruitment of Gardener August 10

Recruitment of Volunteers August 10

Production of Educational material August 10

Production of Promotional Material August 10

Development of Website End December 09

Event Programme 6 Months January 2011

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Project Funding The project financial budget breakdown for each element/product is as detailed in Appendix B.

Capital Costs Total Costs


Repair and conservation works 709,050

New building work and fixtures 250,000 Sub total of costs above 959,050

Professional Fees @ circa. 12% 115,050

Non Cash / Volunteer Labour 5,000 Total Capital Costs £ 1,079,100

Revenue Costs Total Costs


Specific costs of designing, writing and printing information, educational and promotional materials for the project


Training costs for staff and volunteers 5,000

Consultancy and expert advice 2,500

Travel for staff and volunteers 500

Measuring the projects success 3,500

Non Cash / Volunteer Labour 2,500 Total Revenue Costs £ 24,000

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Increased Maintenance Costs Total Costs


Increased maintenance costs Total Maintenance Costs £ 240,000

Total all above costs

(capital + revenue + maintenance)

£ 1,343,100

Other Costs Total Costs


Contingency 200,000

Inflation Allowance @ 2.5% 33,600

Non-recoverable VAT 0 Total Other Costs £233,600

Total Project Cost £ 1,576,700

Partnership Funding Total Costs


Cash HBC Capital Funding 350,000

Cash HBC Planned Maintenance Funding 36,100

Cash from other organisations Rotary / Lansberg


Sub total 387,200

Non Cash Volunteer Labour (F4h+F4u) 7,500

Costs in 12 months before application 0

Increased Maintenance (F4x) 240,000

Sub total 247,500

Total 634,700

HLF GRANT Total Costs


HLF Grant 942,000

% of total cost of delivering the project 60%

Project controls

The project will be reviewed by the Project Board at the end of each stage as outlined in the project plan. In addition the Project Manager will produce a highlight report at key stages as outlined below. The Project Board will then consider acceptance of the stage and assess whether to proceed to the next stage. The Project Board will be required to meet at the end of each stage outlined, and if necessary when an exception is identified by the Project Manager. The recommendations of the Project Board will seek authorisation of the Executive where required in accordance with the Constitution, for example to release funding for the project. The stakeholders will be advised of progress and developments via the methods identified in the Communication Plan.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

The key deliverables will be formally reviewed by the Project Team and signed off by the Project Board. Responsibility for all day-to-day controls will rest with the Project Manager with overall responsibility for the successful delivery of the project resting with the Business Executive / Project Sponsor on the Project Board.

Exception procedures

The project has clearly defined timescales and budget; consequently the tolerances for the project are limited. In the event of a deviation from the pre-agreed stage plan the Project Manager will notify the Project Board via an exception report.

Initial Risk Log

There are a number of risks already identified for this project which will be detailed in the Risk Log for the project. The principal Risks identified in the Risk Management Plan submitted with the Stage 2 Lottery Bid are attached at Appendix C.: These risks will be monitored by the Project Manager and if necessary an exception report will be presented to the Project Board.

Contingency plans

There are a number of risks identified in the Risk Log which may have an impact on this project. In the event of the project being affected as a consequence of any of these risks being realised, the Project Manager will have to report this to the Project Board.

Project Filing Structure

The Project Manager will keep electronic copies of all documentation on a shared network directory on the server. Hard copies of documents will be kept in a suitable folder relating to this project held in the Waste and Street Scene Unit.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Glossary - (Text in italics is defined below)

Baseline A snapshot; a position or situation that is recorded. Although the

position may be updated later, the baseline remains unchanged and available as a reminder of the original state and as a comparison against the current position. Products that have passed their quality checks and are approved are baselined products. Anything baselined should be under version control in configuration management and frozen, i.e. no changes to that version are allowed

Business Case Information that describes the justification for setting up and continuing a project. It provides the reasons (and answers the question Why?) for the project. It is updated at key points throughout the project.

Business Executive The single individual with overall responsibility for ensuring that a project or programme meets its objectives and delivers the projected benefits. This individual should ensure that the project or programme maintains its business focus, that it has clear authority and that the work, including risks, is actively managed. The chairperson of the Project Board, representing the customer and owner of the Business Case.

Communication Plan Part of the Project Initiation Document describing how the projects stakeholders and interested parties will be kept informed during the project.

Exception A situation where it can be forecast that there will be a deviation beyond the tolerance levels agreed between the Project Manager and the Project Board.

Exception Plan This is a plan that often follows an exception report. For a stage exception, it covers the period from the present to the end of the current stage. If the exception were at a project level, the Project Plan would be replaced.

Exception Report A report that describes an exception, provides an analysis and options for the way forward and identifies a recommended option. The Project Manager presents it to the Project Board.

Highlight Report Report from the Project Manager to the Project Board on a time driven frequency on stage progress.

Issue Log A log of all project issues including requests for change raised during the project, showing details of each issue, its evaluation, what decisions about it have been made and its current status.

Post–project review One or more reviews held after project closure to determine if the expected benefits have been obtained.

PRINCE2 A method that supports some selected aspects of project management. The acronym stands for Projects in Controlled Environments.

Product Any input to or output from a project.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Product Breakdown Structure

A hierarchy of all the products to be produced during a plan.

Product Description A description of the product’s purpose, composition, derivation, and quality criteria. It is produced at planning time, as soon as the need for the product is identified.

Product Flow Diagram A diagram showing the sequence of production and interdependencies of the products listed in a product breakdown structure.

Product Lifecycle Covers the original idea, project planning, implementation and ultimate scrapping of the product once its use is no longer viable.

Project Assurance The Project Board’s responsibilities to assure itself that the project is being conducted correctly.

Project Initiation Document A logical document which brings together the key information needed to start the project on a sound basis and to convey that information to all concerned with the project.

Project Issues

A term used to cover a general issue, query, request for change, suggestion or Off-Specification raised during a project. Project Issues can be about anything to do with the project and need to be recorded in the Issue Log.

Project Manager The person given the authority and responsibility to manage the project on a day-to-day basis to deliver the required products within the constraints agreed with the project board.

Quality Review A quality review is a quality checking technique with a specific structure, defined roles and procedure designed to ensure a product’s completeness and adherence to standards. The participants are drawn from those with an interest in the product and those with the necessary skills to review its correctness.

Risk Log A document that provides identification, estimation, impact evaluation and countermeasures for all risks to the project. It should be created during the start-up of the project and developed during the life of the project.

Senior Supplier The Project Board role that provides knowledge and experience of the main disciplines involved in the production of the project’s deliverables. Represents the suppliers interests within the project and provides supplier resources.

Senior User A member of the Project Board, accountable for ensuring that user needs are specified correctly and that the solution meets those needs.

Team Manager A role that may be employed by the Project Manager or a specifically appointed alternative person to manage the work of project team members.

Tolerance The permissible deviation above and below a plan’s estimate of time and cost without escalating the deviation to the next level of management. Separate tolerance figures should be given for time and cost. There may also be tolerance levels for quality, scope, benefit and risk. Tolerance is applied at project, stage and team

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


Users The person or group who will use the final deliverable(s) of the project.

Work Package The set of information relevant to the creation of one or more products. It will contain the Product Descriptions, details of any constraints on production such as time and cost, interfaces and confirmation of the agreement between the project manager and the person or team manager who is to implement the work package that the work can be done within the given constraints.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)



1. Overall direction and guidance for the project. 2. Approve budget limits for the project. 3. Consider additional funding requests that may be required.

Project Board – Business Executive:

1. Ownership of the Project’s Business Case 2. Recommend direction and guidance for the project. 3. Chair Project Board meetings and reviews. 4. Recommend Management Stage Tolerance. 5. Review Exception Reports and Exception Plans. 6. Authorise any reports to the Executive. 7. Delivery of a suitable end Business Product.

Project Board – Senior User:

1. Ownership of the project from an operational/staff viewpoint. 2. Attend Project Board meetings and reviews. 3. Prioritise Project Issues. 4. Review Exception Reports and Exception Plans. 5. Recommend action on changes.

Project Assurance:

1. Business Assurance on behalf of the Project Board. 2. User Assurance. 3. Review of Products via Quality Review.

Project Manager:

1. Day-to-day management of the project. 2. Planning, monitoring and control. 3. Reporting progress through Highlight Reports. 4. Recording and updating Project Issues in the Issue Log. 5. Management of Team Managers and Contracts. 6. Delivery of the project’s products. 7. Configuration Management, Filing and Change Management.

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)



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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


F4 Capital Costs Total Costs


(a) Purchase price of land, etc 0

(b) Repair and conservation works 709,050

(c) New building work and fixtures 250,000

Sub total of costs above 959,050

(d) Professional Fees @ circa. 12% 115,050

(e) Equipment 0

(f) Materials 0

(g) Vehicles 0

(h) Non Cash / Volunteer Labour 5,000

(i) Capital costs in 12 months before application 0

Total Capital Costs

£ 1,079,100

F4 Revenue Costs Total Costs


(k) New staff costs (see below (x)) 0

(l) Recruitment Costs 0

(m) Freelance or short term contract staff 0

(n) Specific costs of designing, writing and printing information, educational and promotional materials for the project


(o) Training costs for staff and volunteers 5,000

(p) Consultancy and expert advice 2,500

(q) Travel for staff and volunteers 500

(r) Overheads 0

(s) Measuring the projects success 3,500

(t) Office stationary and software updates 0

(u) Non Cash / Volunteer Labour 2,500

(v) Activity costs in 12 months before application 0

(w) Other activity Costs 0 Total Revenue Costs £ 24,000

F4 Increased Maintenance Costs Total Costs


(x) Increased maintenance costs Total Maintenance Costs £ 240,000

F4 Total all costs

(capital + revenue + maintenance)

£ 1,343,100

F4 Other Costs Total Costs


• Contingency 200,000

• Inflation Allowance @ 2.5% 33,600

• Non-recoverable VAT 0

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Total Other Costs £233,600

F4 Total Project Cost £ 1,576,700

F5 Partnership Funding Total Costs


(a) 1 Cash HBC Capital Funding 350,000

(a) 2 Cash HBC Planned Maintenance Funding 36,100

(b) Cash from other organisations Rotary / Lansberg


Sub total 387,200

(c) Non Cash Volunteer Labour (F4h+F4u) 7,500

(d) Costs in 12 months before application 0

(e) Increased Maintenance (F4x) 240,000

Sub total 247,500

Total 634,700

F6 Amount Requested from HLF Total Costs


HLF Grant Request 942,000

% of total cost of delivering the project 60%


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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


F4b – Structure and Features – repair and Conservation work

Stage 1


Stage 2

£ S1 The Summer House Restoration work to structure and roof, renewal of windows

and doors and internal plasterwork.

32,000 32,000

S2 The Fountain Restoration works to stonework and restore as a water


60,000 60,000

S3 The Rose Temple (formerly The Column) Restoration work to column and restore arbour.

Note: The Rose Temple formerly known as The Column was originally to be a standalone brick column with pavior surround. Historical research indicates that this element of work was in fact The Rose Temple, which comprises the brick column with timber posts to the perimeter and an ornate metal support system for trailing roses. The new cost has been estimated to include this additional works.

15,000 25,000

S4 The Pergola

Restoration brickwork structure and reconstruct top in curved oak. Note: Further investigations indicate that more of the piers require rebuilding and that the hooped timber support system should be oak together with a metal support system again for trailing roses. The cost has been raised to include sufficient funds for this work.

20,000 56,000

S5 The Cloister Restoration of stonework and reconstruction to create a

performance area. Note: The Cloister has been developed and the costings re-visited to include additional stonework and paving features.

50,000 60,000

B1/ 2 B5/ 9

Boundary walls and fences

Rebuild and restore, reinstate boundary walls and other boundary features to site. Rebuild brick piers and refurbish gate to Bushey High Street entrance.

100,000 100,000

Main services and ducts Provision of electric, water and drainage to site.

Note: The cost for this work has been reduced taking into consideration known evidence of mains water, electric and drainage connections.

49,000 32,000

Restoration of brick and stone paving Lift brick and stone paths and other paving, re-lay using

exiting where possible. 100,000 100,000

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Landscape works

Site clearance

Removal of inappropriate trees/vegetation, site clearance.

14,000 14,000

Cultivation Preparation of beds for planting.

15,000 15,000

P1 – P14


New and replacement planting. 52,000 52,000

Establish maintenance Establishment of new planting and tree costs. 11,200 11,200

Grassing Works to existing and new lawned areas. 8,200 8,200

Garden features P16 Rose pillars to be reinstated – part of 1930’s design. 18,750 18750

Metal screens positioned at top of Rose Walk. 6,000 6,000

S6 The Spirit in the Garden bronze plaque to be cast and

located within the garden (previous plaque stolen), including protective security screens.

25,000 25,000

S8 Straight seats in the design of Thomas Mawson 6,000 6,000

S9 Curved benches in the design of Thomas Mawson 10,000 10,000

Round benches in the style of Thomas Mawson 15,000 15,000 S10 Litter bins 2,400 2,400

S11 Waste bins Dog waste bins 500 500

Sub total


649,050 Prelims 60,000 60,000

Total A



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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

F4c – New building work and fixtures

Stage 1


Stage 2

£ B9, B8, B7

Site (now including boundary walls and fences)

G3 Entrance gate works to Herkomer Road. Replacement of gates and restoration of brickwork. New fence to Bushy High Street boundary.

10,000 37,000

S7 New assessable WCs, gardener’s accommodation and store. Note: The WC & Gardener’s Accommodation has been reviewed and enhanced to reflect the Mawson design for the Summer House.

80,000 98,000

CCTV Installation of CCTV system to protect from and prevent

vandalism. 30,000 30,000

S12, S13


Path surfaces to be resin board, half circle or circular brick pattern at junctions

60,000 60,000

Signage New interpretive signage for the Rose Garden 5,000 5,000

Sub total



Prelims 20,000 20,000

Total B



Total cost of Capital Works F4b Structure and Features Total A 670,000 709,050 F4c New Buildings and Fixtures Total B 235,000 250,000




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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

SCHEDULE OF PROPOSED REVENUE ACTIVITIES & COSTS The following costs have been identified in the bid to support in particular the Audience Development and Volunteering aspects of the project.

Revenue Costs Sub Total


Total Costs


Educational Packs Promotional Material


Training (Gardener and Volunteers)


Consultancy (Preparation of education Pack / Interpretation material)


Travel Volunteers as required


Measuring the projects Success Surveys, etc.


Non Cash Volunteers (50 days @ £50)


Total Revenue Costs £ 24,000


Partnership Funding Sub Total £


Cash HBC Capital Funding 350,000 Yes

Cash HBC Planned Maintenance Funding 36,100 Yes

Non Cash Volunteer Labour 7,500 Yes

Increased Maintenance 240,000 Subject to HLF bid

HLF Grant Request 942,000 Subject to HLF bid

Rotary Club Bushey 500 Refer to email Cllr Colne

Landsberg (twin town) 1000 euros 600 Refer to email h-neunzert

Total Partnership Funding 1,079,100

Page 20: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document · Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project

Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)



Page 21: Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Initiation Document · Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project. The PID addresses the following aspects of the project : • What is the project

Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


Produced in Support of Hertsmere Borough Council’s

Application to Heritage Lottery Fund

Parks For People Programme 2007

Version 1 – September 2007

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)


1. Introduction 23

2. Approach 23

3. Risk Assessment Matrix 24

4. Risk Management 10

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Bushey Rose Garden Restoration Project Project Initiation Document

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008)

Introduction The Council recognises the importance of identifying risks, evaluating their potential consequences and determining and implementing the most effective way of controlling and monitoring them. Risks come in many forms such as political, legislative, reputational etc. and these are listed in the Council’s Risk Register, which is reviewed regularly. The Council further recognises that the use of risk profiling techniques to prioritise risks can lead to many benefits, such as improved decisions, services, efficiency, quality, reduced losses, enhanced reputation and improved services. Risk management is therefore a key element of the management of both services and projects at the Council.

Approach The identification, profiling and management of risks associated with the Bushey Rose Garden has informed the development of the project plans. The management, training, and vegetation management plans, for example, address risks identified in this risk assessment. The risk assessment set out in this document is consistent with the approach taken corporately for risk management. As with corporate risk assessments, this will be regularly reviewed to ensure that the project plans remain robust. In profiling the risk, the following table is utilised:









Very likely






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Bushey Rose Garden Risk As

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) 24

Risk Assessment Matrix

Nature of risk Description of risk Probability

of risk

Possible result

or effect

Severity of

risk Controls to manage risk

Political Local government restructure 3 Changes in corporate goals and priorities lead to loss of revenue and / or key staff

3 Maintain regular communications with key decision makers highlighting objectives, benefits, and progress of the project. Maintain regular communications with key staff regarding potential changes in local government.

Physical Vandals damage facilities 3 Damage incurs costs to repair and / or replace. Users stop coming to the park due to fear of crime / poor condition of amenity

3 Installation of CCTV cameras, new entrance gates and new railings will help secure the garden. Presence of on-site gardener is additional deterrent. Maintaining good working relationships with community policing team.

Environmental Disease or physical damage to vegetation

3 Condition of amenity compromised. Users stop coming to

3 Allowance within revenue budget to replant Robust vegetation management plan. Onsite gardener for early identification and treatment of potential hazards.

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Bushey Rose Garden Risk As

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) 25

Nature of risk Description of risk Probability

of risk

Possible result

or effect

Severity of

risk Controls to manage risk

Health &


Failure to comply with health and safety legislation

2 Injury to staff, volunteers, or visitors resulting in potential claims against the Council

4 Regular, comprehensive Health and Safety training to cover key areas such as manual handling, COSHH, biological agents, sharps awareness, risk assessments and incident reporting. Ensure that there is adequate and appropriate insurance cover. Ensure there is good signage and information available for staff, volunteers, and visitors

Technical Site may be contaminated e.g. unexploded bombs from WWII

2 Health and Safety implications including potential injury and/or fatalities. Delays to programme

4 All personnel involved receive appropriate training in identifying and managing possible contamination.

Physical Buildings, toilets etc fail to meet health and safety standards

2 Illness and injury to staff and visitors

4 Regular inspection and maintenance of facilities, including electrical and water testing.

Reputational Community do not utilise the facilities

2 Project and amenities do not deliver benefits to community. Council’s reputation damaged

3 Ensure audience development plan is robust and regular communications target current and potential users

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Bushey Rose Garden Risk As

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) 26

Nature of risk Description of risk Probability

of risk

Possible result

or effect

Severity of

risk Controls to manage risk

Customer /


Loss of resident support 2 Poor publicity / negative press / loss of volunteers and users of the park

2 Good communication of project aims and objectives and progress. Opportunities for regular feedback from volunteers and visitors created, e.g. feedback forms, mailing list, friends group meetings, steering group, parks newsletter, information noticeboard on site

Physical Construction delays due to inclement weather, material delays and similar

2 Construction delays

2 Careful planning of work programme and good project management using Prince2 principles.

Management Loss of key project delivery staff

2 Reduced project co-ordination

2 Ensure high levels of motivation and support for key staff. Opportunities for shadowing and on the job skills transfer will be exploited to reduce any potential ‘single point of failure’ risks.

Breach of


Contractors fail to deliver value for money

2 Budget pressures created

2 Conduct procurement activities on the basis of the whole life cost of the project and not on the initial cost of the product / service, including complying with the relevant legislation

Technical Unforeseen additional works resulting from status as listed building and structures

2 Additional costs and delay to programme

2 Conditions surveys undertaken to identify possible problems.

Political Reduced support for project from local political leaders due to changes in political governance

1 Staff redeployed to other activities

4 Maintain regular communications with key decision makers highlighting objectives, benefits, and progress. Local political leaders (cross-party) represented on Steering Group

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Bushey Rose Garden Risk As

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) 27

Nature of risk Description of risk Probability

of risk

Possible result

or effect

Severity of

risk Controls to manage risk

Physical Users damage facilities 1 Damage incurs costs to repair and / or replace. Users stop coming to the park due to fear of crime / poor condition of amenity

3 Installation of CCTV cameras and presence of on-site gardener are deterrent.

Financial Project costs are high and / or exceed the budget

1 Reduction in the scale of the project

3 Procurement methods / large contingency allowance Close monitoring of financial position by project manager and team through accurate record keeping and liaison with financial officers

Environmental Potential damage to the environment through poor practice

1 The sustainability of the garden and surrounding area is compromised

3 Composting will take place on site. Recyclable materials will be collected on site. Peat free materials will be used where possible. Energy efficient equipment will be used where possible. Products from sustainable sources to be used where available e.g. wood, paper Water butts for irrigation on site

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Bushey Rose Garden Risk As

Hertsmere Borough Council (2008) 28

Nature of risk Description of risk Probability

of risk

Possible result

or effect

Severity of

risk Controls to manage risk

Customer /


Users with access difficulties have only restricted access to amenity.

1 Limited benefits for community. Social exclusion leading to reputational damage and customer dissatisfaction

3 Access audit undertaken recommendations to be implemented through project.

Operational Failure to recruit to the position of gardener / park keeper

1 Delays to the commencement of work in the garden

2 Position to be appointed through current grounds maintenance contractor.

Technical Soil conditions present construction issues

1 Construction plans have to be amended, with possible adverse effect on design.

2 Current structures will be examined to identify any evidence of potential problems

Technical Possible archaeological materials are found during excavations

1 Delays to construction plans.

2 Works programme incorporates flexibility to allow for work to continue elsewhere on site.

Contractual Contractors fail to deliver 1 Delays to the programme. Negative publicity.

2 Good contract management used to manage performance and delivery of contractors. Good procurement practices utilised to achieve best value for the project and community

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Risk Ownership and Management The Project Co-ordinator will be the “owner” of the identified risks, and these will be reviewed at

the regular project meeting which will be held throughout the project.

The Steering Group for the Rose Garden project will overseen the risks and any concerns or issues, and associated remedial actions put in place to mitigate the risks will be reported back to the Steering Group.