Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE BUREAU OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE 8'h Floor EDPC Building, BSP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, 1004 Manila www.blgf.gov.ph I [email protected] | +63 2 8527 2780 I 8527 2790 O 9 },lAR 2O2I ATTY. FLO RD E LIAC. VARGAS.TRIN IDAD Director Office of the National Administrative Register (ONAR) Rm. 106, Bocobo Hall, UP Law Center Diliman, Quezon City via onar_law.u pd@ u p.edu.ph, onar.claw@u p.edu.ph, and [email protected] Subject : Department Order (DO) No. 002.2021 - Implementation and Operationalization of Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009 Dear Director VARGAS-T RIN IDAD : ln line with Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009, entitled "Creating the Propefty Valuation Office (PVO) for Purposes of Susfarnrng and lnstituting Real Property Valuation Reforms, " the Secretary of Finance issued DO No.002.2021 dated 09 March2021 for the implementation and operationalization of the said EO. Further, the DO aims to sustain the programs, projects, and interventions to support the efforb of the Departmentof Finance (DOF) and the Bureau of Local GovernmentFinance (BLGF) in pursuing reforms in real property valuation and assessment to benefit the national and local governments, pending the enactment of Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax Refonn Program or the proposed Real Proper$ Valuation and Assessment Reform Act. ln this regard, we are pleased to furnish your good office with three (3) certified copies of DO No. 002.2021, pursuant to the requirements of the Iaw. To inform us of the action taken hereon, or if you have furtherclarifications and other concerns, please email [email protected], copy furnished [email protected]. Thank you. Very truly yours, W7/7fr @' NINO RAYMOND B. ALVINA Executive Director 12gBl ,A* to 910866843 Msnagament System ISO 9001:2015 Page 1 of 1 CERTIFIEO


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Republic of the PhilippinesDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE

BUREAU OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT FINANCE8'h Floor EDPC Building, BSP Complex, Roxas Boulevard, 1004 Manilawww.blgf.gov.ph I [email protected] | +63 2 8527 2780 I 8527 2790

O 9 },lAR 2O2I

ATTY. FLO RD E LIAC. VARGAS.TRIN IDADDirectorOffice of the National Administrative Register (ONAR)Rm. 106, Bocobo Hall, UP Law CenterDiliman, Quezon Cityvia onar_law.u pd@ u p.edu.ph, onar.claw@u p.edu.ph,

and [email protected]

Subject : Department Order (DO) No. 002.2021 - Implementationand Operationalization of Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009

Dear Director VARGAS-T RIN IDAD :

ln line with Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009, entitled "Creating the Propefty ValuationOffice (PVO) for Purposes of Susfarnrng and lnstituting Real Property Valuation Reforms, " theSecretary of Finance issued DO No.002.2021 dated 09 March2021 for the implementationand operationalization of the said EO.

Further, the DO aims to sustain the programs, projects, and interventions to support the efforbof the Departmentof Finance (DOF) and the Bureau of Local GovernmentFinance (BLGF) inpursuing reforms in real property valuation and assessment to benefit the national and localgovernments, pending the enactment of Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax RefonnProgram or the proposed Real Proper$ Valuation and Assessment Reform Act.

ln this regard, we are pleased to furnish your good office with three (3) certified copies of DONo. 002.2021, pursuant to the requirements of the Iaw.

To inform us of the action taken hereon, or if you have furtherclarifications and other concerns,please email [email protected], copy furnished [email protected].

Thank you.

Very truly yours,

W7/7fr @'NINO RAYMOND B. ALVINAExecutive Director


,A*to 910866843

MsnagamentSystemISO 9001:2015

Page 1 of 1CERTIFIEO

Republic of the Philippines

DEPARTMENTOF FINANCERoxas Boulevard a;I1"tiffi(kampo. Sr Strcet

DEPARTMENT ORDER NO. 0 0 2 . 2 A ? 1


1.0 LEGAL BASES. This Department Order is issued in accordance with thefollowing legal bases:

1.1 Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009, entitled " Creating theProperty Valuation Office (PVO) for Purposes of Sustoining ondlnstituting Real Property Valuation Reforms", authorizes thecreation of the PVO in the Department of Finance (DOF), to sustainand institute real property valuation reforms, and ensure that said

reforms continue to benefit the national and local governments;

1.2 Sec. 33 Chapter 4, Title ll of EO No. 292, or the Administrative Code

of 1,987, ffidndates the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF)

of the DOF to provide technical supervision and coordination on

local assessment operations; and

1.3 Department Order No. 1-2010 dated t2 )anuary 2010, issued by theSecretary of Finance, designated the DOF Focal Persons for theoverall implementation of EO No. 833.

2.0 OBJECTIVES. Consistent with the land administration and management(LAM) agenda of the Philippine Government, and pending the enactmentof Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, or the proposed

Real Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act, it is imperative toimplement and operationalize EO No. 833, and to sustain the programs,projects, and interventions to support the efforts of the DOF and BLGF inpursuing reforms in real property valuation and assessment. Towards thisend, the DOF, through the BLGF, shall undertake measures tocontinuously develop and implement policies, systems and capacitybuilding programs on real property tax administration, scale up successfulinnovations and projects, and improve its technical supervision and

oversight functions to benefit the national and local governments.

{Page tof2



3.1 The Undersecretary of the DOF Revenue Operations Group shall

oversee the effective a nd efficient implementation a nd

operationalization of EO No. 833 by the DOF and the BLGF;

3.2 ln accordance with Section 3 and Section 4 of EO No. 833 and

subject to compliance with Section 5 thereof, the PVO shall be

lodged in the BLGF;

3.3 The BLGF Executive Director, together with the Deputy ExecutiveDirectors and concerned Regional Directors, shall operationalizethe PVO in the BLGF;

3.4 The DOF, through the BLGF and in coordination with relevantagencies, shall draft the IRR of EO 833 for approval of the Office ofthe President; and

3.5 Pending the passage of the RPVARA, the BLGF shall see to it thatthat the PVO is properly structured, adequately funded by existingappropriations, andf or supported by LAM-related projects and

subsequent investments and projects that may be pursued.

4.0 REPEALING CLAUSE. Department Order No. 1-2010 dated 12 )anua ry 201.0

is hereby repealed. All other Department issuances that are contrary to orinconsistent with the provisions herein are hereby repealed or modifiedaccord ingly.

5.0 EFFECTIVITY. This Department Order shall take effect immediately upon its

filing with the Office of the National Administrative Register of theUniversity of the Philippines Law Center.

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CARLOS G. DOMINSecretary of Finance

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lmplementation and Operationalization of EO No. 833Page 2 of 2




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Republic of the Philippines

DEPARTME]YT OT FINANCERoxas Boulevard .;;TJi}llocampo. Sr. street

DEpARTMENT SRDER No. 0 0 2 . ? C ? 1



1.0 TEGAL BASES. This Department Order is issued in accordance with thefollowing legal bases:

1.1 Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009, entitled "Creoting theProperty Valuation Office {PVO) for Purposes o/ Sustaining andlnstituting Real Property Valuation Reforms" , a uthorizes thecreation of the PVO in the Department of Finance (DOF), to sustainand institute real property valuation reforms, and ensure that saidreforms continue to benefit the national and local governments;

L.2 Sec. 33 Chapter 4, Title ll of EO No. 292, or the Administrative Codeof 1987, mandates the Bureau of Local Government Finance {BLGF}of the DOF to provide technical supervision and coordination onlocal assessment operations; and

1.3 Department Order No. 1-2010 dated L2 )anuary 2010, issued by theSecretary of Finance, designated the DOF Focal Persons for theoverall implementation of EO No. 833.

2.0 OBJECTIVES. Consistent with the land administration and management(LAM) agenda of the Philippine Government, and pending the enactmentof Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, or the proposedReal Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act, it is imperative toimplement and operationalize EO No. 833, and to sustain the programs,projects, and interventions to support the efforts of the DOF and BLGF inpursuing reforrns in real property valuation and assessment. Towards thisend, the DOF, through the BLGF, shall undertake measures tocontinuously develop and implement policies, systems and capacitybuilding programs on real property tax administration, scale up successfulinnovations and projects, and improve its technical supervision andoversight functions to benefit the national and local governments.

{Page L of2



3.1 The Undersecretary of the DOF Revenue Operations Group shall

oversee the effective and efficient implementation and

operationalization of EO No. 833 by the DOF and the BLGF;

3.2 ln accordance with Section 3 and Section 4 of fO No. 833 and

subject to compliance with Section 5 thereof, the PVO shall be

lodged in the BLGF;

3.3 The BLGF Executive Director, together with the Deputy ExecutiveDirectors and concerned Regional Directors, shall operationalizethe PVO in the BLGF;

3.4 The DOF, through the BLGF and in coordination with relevantagencies, shall draft the IRR of EO 833 for approval of the Office ofthe President; and

3.5 Pending the passage of the RPVARA, the BLGF shall see to it thatthat the PVO is properly structured, adequately funded by existingappropriations, andf or supported by LAM-related projects and

subsequent investments and projects that may be pursued.

4.0 REPEALING CIAUSE. Department Order No. 1-2010 dated !2 January 2010

is hereby repealed. All other Department issuances that are contrary to orinconsistent with the provisions herein are hereby repealed or modified


5,0 EFFECIIVITY. This Department Order shall take effect immediately upon its

filing with the Office of the National Administrative Register of theUniversity of the Philippines Law Center.


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CARLOS G. DOMINSecretary of Finance

t{Ai? 0 g i021

lmplementation and Operationalization of EO No. 833Page 2 of 2

RHO RA V. REChief ministrative O

"lutyManagement Division




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Republic of the Philippines


i?1:irri|fXoc ampo, Sr. Street

DEPARTMENTORDER NO. (} c 2 . ? c 2 i


LEGAL BASES. This Department Order is issued in accordance with thefollowing legal bases:

1'.1 Executive Order (EO) No. 833, s. 2009, entitled "Creating theProperty Voluotion Office (PVO) for Purposes of Sustaining andlnstituting Real Property Valuation Reforms", authorizes thecreation of the PVO in the Department of Finance (DOF), to sustainand institute real property valuation reforms, and ensure that saidreforms continue to benefit the national and localgovernments;

1,.2 Sec. 33 Chapter 4, Title ll of EO No.292, or the Administrative Codeof !987, ffidndates the Bureau of Local Government Finance (BLGF)

of the DOF to provide technical supervision and coordination onloca I assessment operations; a nd

1.3 Department Order No. 1-2010 dated 12 January 2OtO, issued by theSecreta ry of Fina nce, designated the DOF Foca I Persons for theoverall implementation of EO No. 833.

OBJECTIVES. Consistent with the land administration and management(LAM) agenda of the Philippine Government, and pending the enactmentof Package 3 of the Comprehensive Tax Reform Program, or the proposedReal Property Valuation and Assessment Reform Act, it is imperative toimplement and operationalize EO No.833, and to sustain the programs,projects, and interventions to support the efforts of the DOF and BLGF inpursuing reforms in real property valuation and assessment. Towards thisend, the DOF, through the BLGF, shal! undertake measures tocontinuously develop and implement policies, systems and capacitybuilding programs on real property tax administration, scale up successfulinnovations and projects, and improve its technical supervision andoversight functions to benefit the national and local governments.

{Page 1. of 2


3.1 The Undersecretary of the DOF Revenue Operations Group shalloversee the effective and efficient implementation andoperationalization of EO No. 833 by the DOF and the BLGF;

3.2 ln accordance with Section 3 and Section 4 of EO No. 833 andsubject to compliance with Section 5 thereof, the PVO shall beIodged in the BLGF;

3.3 The BLG F Executive Director, together with the Deputy ExecutiveDirectors and concerned Regional Directors, shall operationalizethe PVO in the BLGF;

3.4 The DOF, through the BLGF and in coordination with relevantagencies, shall draft the IRR of EO 833 for approval of the Office ofthe President; a nd

3.5 Pending the passage of the RPVARA, the BLGF shall see to it thatthat the PVO is properly structured, adequately funded by existingappropriations, and/or supported by LAM-related projects andsubsequent investments and projects that may be pursued.

4.0 REPEALING CLAUSE. Department Order No. 1-2010 dated t2 January 2010is hereby repealed. All other Department issuances that are contrary to orinconsistent with the provisions herein are hereby repealed or modifiedacco rd ingly.

5.0 EFFECTIVITY. This Department Order shalltake effect immediately upon itsfiling with the Office of the National Administrative Register of theUniversity of the Philippines Law Center.


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Secretary of Finance

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lmplementation and Operationalization of EO No. 833Page 2afZ

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