Holt 1 Industry: Fitness Bump Set Spike Youth Volleyball Camp Sam Holt RTM 303

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Plan to get a volleyball childrens camp running.

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Industry: FitnessBump Set Spike Youth Volleyball Camp Sam HoltRTM 303

1.1 Fitness has been around since the beginning of time. One of the things that all animals/humans on this planet live by is the saying survival of the fittest. Since the beginning of time survival has been based on how strong you are and what you are willing to do to rise above and survive. Fitness has been around for longer than you can imagine with it being a part of everyday tasks and work for most people, but the idea of organized fitness didnt come until much later. During the early to mid-1800s, organized fitness such as aerobics started to be implemented and ever since it started, it has only grown vastly. It is now and $24 billion industry and is only growing larger each year. Over the next 10 years, the industry is expected to grow another 23 percent in America. With the industry offering so much growth and it being very beneficial to the customers as well, it is a booming business to invest in. With so many people wanting to preserve their bodies and health, there will likely never be a decline in people wanting to get fit. This is the same with our youth as well. So many parents want to make sure their children stay healthy and they turn to fitness to accomplish this. Having your child join a fitness program of some sort is beneficial in many ways. It is a great way for a young boy/girl to make new friends, have fun, and stay healthy!

1.2 Retro Fitness: Retro Fitness is a fitness center/gym offered to anyone at a very affordable price. It is one of the fastest growing franchise companies in the U.S. and it continues to grow rapidly because of the need for fitness in human beings. Their main basis is a gym with multiple treadmills, elliptical machines, free weights and more but they are much more than just that. There is a kid zone for the clients children while the adults work out where the kids can partake in physical fitness on their own and make some new friends. There is a juice bar for an after workout protein/smoothie. There are personal training programs offered to clients if they want a personal trainers help. All of the things offered by Retro Fitness are very affordable at $19.99 a month and they make it easy for customers to choose which gym is right for them. Retro fitness also pledges to keep their facilities clean at all times and their customers feeling comfortable. They vow to keep business on a more personal level as well, having their employees remember customers names/what drink they most like at the juice bar etc This is what sets them apart from the average Joe fitness centers.Black Dog Yoga: The black dog is a very interesting, modern take on yoga and they offer various different programs/packages to get you started. I chose black dog to investigate because it seems like a very personal organization and I would like for my business to foster some of the same traits Black Dog does. They offer various training programs for all types of Yogis from beginner to intermediate to the much more advanced individuals. They also offer a very affordable introductory 3 month special for just $300 dollars, which is relatively inexpensive compared to other yoga studios. The studio itself is just a low key second floor space just above a frozen yogurt shop so you know right away you will enter an intimate workspace. One of the reasons Black Dog gets so many good reviews is because of the intimate experience that is offered to you day in and day out. Their instructors really care about you personally and they track your improvements and really want to make a change in your life whether its improving flexibility, strength, or even your spiritual prowess. I would like the same intimate experience offered in my business.

Segmentation and ProductBump Set Spike Youth Camp Sam HoltRTM 303

2.1 The name I have decided for my company is Bump Set Spike Youth Volleyball Camp. With a name that is most likely to be recognized as a volleyball term and in hopes that it would be considered hip. We are optimal volleyball coaches of the highest degree and division wanting to further childrens ability to play the game at a high level, and therefore grow the game itself. We want to make sure that no child is left out and that is why we offer a co-ed camp allowing both boys and girls to sign up. We will be allowing children from ages 9-15 to sign up and there will be exceptions in the age department if necessary. We will offer coaching to foster the skills needed to become a great volleyball player for the older and more competitive groups, while introducing the exhilarating fun of the game to the younger children who just want to pick up the game and make new friends. We will set up different drills and games and have a set schedule for every camp and at the end there will be a tournament/ceremony for the children, where awards and t-shirts will be given out. The kids will love learning and getting better at volleyball at a competitive standpoint, while making new friends all across the states and having an unforgettable time at camp.2.2 When we thought of this idea and got into the logistics of it, we knew we would need a target market to go after. We wanted to be able to include both male and female children to assert equality, and keeping the age range wide by going with 9-15. If a parent feels that they want to send their child to the camp and they dont fall between the age limits, it is open for discussion and mostly always they will be allowed to join camp. We will not be marketing or allowing anyone graduated from high school or over the age of 18. It is not open for debate. Our market will mostly be targeted at demographic and psychographic segments. Were looking for any student across the states willing to sign up. We want to make sure the children are in good hands and their parents can afford to send them to camp. We will be offering to help pay for some of the costs of camp if the guardian cannot afford the camp. The child should still be able to attend camp and have the same opportunity every other child has. We are prepared to help out with finances if needed. Of course when it comes to geographic segmentation, we will be allowing any citizen of the United States to sign up and will market our camp all over the U.S. There will be two main target groups: Children that just want to pick up the game and play for fun and children that are competitive in the sport and want to get better and further their skills. Both groups are entailed to be fun for the children and there will be all types of games and activities scheduled throughout the day. Also, to make sure that we have put the child in their correct target group, we will have constant evaluations and make moves based on skill level and childrens interest in competitiveness. 2.3 Because of the difference between the two market groups, we will split the camp into 4 tiers. Court 1 will be the top tier/most competitive court: Most likely will be the oldest kids in the camp here to get better and learn. Court 2 will still be competitive, but tending to be less skillful than the players on court 1: Court 2 will have a bit less fundamentally sound players/younger smaller players. Court 3 will be a less competitive court with coaches teaching children some of the more advanced things in volleyball while keeping it very light and fun: This court will be for some of the younger kids who have played a bit before, but still need work in fundamental skill. Court 4 will be the court where most of the youngest children will be: This court is set up to teach the children beginning skills in volleyball. This is for the kids that have only played a bit or no volleyball at all. All of the courts will be fun for everyone and moves can be made if someone is not happy where they are. We are very flexible. To make sure it is an experience for these children rather than just another camp they are forced by their parents to go to, we will make sure our coaches and staff connect with the children and form a bond that will stick with the kids and have them take away knowledge they can value. We will make sure no one child will be neglected and everyone will receive one on one coaching and tips at some point(s) during the time span of the camp. We dont want any child to feel neglected and that is why we will encourage them to come up to any of the coaches at any point and ask questions. The coaches are always happy to answer anything that is asked. All of our coaches will be top tier volleyball players/coaches and will always have good answers to any questions being asked. To really make it an experience that sticks we will have a ceremony at the end of each camp with personal rewards and tokens from each coach given away to multiple kids that attended the camp. We will also give a T-Shirt to every kid that attended camp that will have the camp logo and design on it. This should give the kids a memorable token they can keep with them for a long time. A good role model in one of the coaches/staff could rub off in a tremendously positive way on the children and create good values/skill for a lifetime.

PromotionBump Set Spike Youth Volleyball Camp Sam HoltRTM 303

3.1 Our two target market groups will most definitely have differences in characteristics. The children that just want to pick up the game and play for fun will require a different marketing strategy than what we will use toward the children that want to play the sport competitively and want to further their skills. The children that are at the camp just for fun and to make friends will most likely be in the 9-12 age groups and would be in the lower tier of courts to learn the basic fundamentals of the game and socialize. At this age, children are becoming very active and more in tune with their muscle dexterity. As for the children who are at the camp to improve their technical skills and be a more competitive player, they would likely be teenagers and possibly some of the younger children who are technically sound. These are the kids that are here to practice and get as many volleyball reps as possible. They are here for the purpose of getting better at volleyball. The two groups would most likely be children that are still in primary school (ages 9-12), and teenagers that are in high school and want to improve their career in the sport (ages 13-15). 3.2 When I thought of marketing strategies I could potentially use to attract parents and children to the camp, right away I go toward flyers. Theyre easy to post all around and they can be very attracting if used correctly. The target market groups are children in primary school, children in high school, and also parents of children that may be interested in sending their kid to camp. For the younger children, we might want to advertise primarily to their parents, maybe sending the flyer in a newsletter provided by a primary school. We do this because at such a young age, the parents are likely to make decisions for their children and it a parent has most of the influence of what their child does. For our older and more skilled market group, we will aim to hanging flyers around high schools in the area, and gyms/playgrounds as well. We want to market directly to this group rather than their parents because this age is more independent and typically want to make decisions on their own. I thought it may also be a good idea to market to college volleyball players and parents. I know with volleyball itself, it is a sport that is passed down from one sibling/generation to the next. The plan would be that a player or parent would see the flyer and then refer their loved ones to the camp. With a tight knit/small world sport like volleyball, you must take advantage of younger siblings growing interest in the game and try to grow the game itself; which is really the mission of the camp itself. Since the coaches/staff already have their foot in the door to a universe of volleyball through experience, we will encourage everyone working the camp to ask family/friends if they know anyone who would be interested. If they know anyone with an active kid in the family who would love this camp, we will strongly encourage that they give it a try. Also, something that will naturally happen because of this are the kids that sign up for the camp and because they are originally going alone, they will want to bring a friend of theirs who also plays volleyball. This tends to happen with youth camps so kids will not feel alone while they are away at camp. We are confident with our marketing strategies and think that many children will be interested in going to Bump Set Spike volleyball camp!

3.3(continued) Advertisement Explanation: Right off the bat the flyer gets the volleyball theme solidified with the very noticeable red, white, and blue volleyball in the middle of the flyer. It has bold letters titled: Bump. Set. Spike. next to each picture and has an inviting style and font to the advertisement to attract attention. Children will like the colorfulness of the flyer and the pictures while parents will like the professionalism and sleekness of the ad. It has ages 9 to 15 directly on the flyer so right away we get some of the demographic we are aiming toward. For older children, they will see geared to improve technical skill and this will stand out to them. It has pictures of both men and women playing and this equality will encourage children of both genders to sign up and give it a shot. We also have the words co-ed youth camp that brings out the excitement of the sport! to confirm that it is indeed co-ed and not primarily boys or girls. Brings the excitement of the sport also entails that it will not be too competitive and makes sure it will be a lighter experience for the younger children who havent played much volleyball. Parents will like the very affordable price and the price is mentioned on there as well so they know exactly how much it will cost from the start. Also the date is vertical across the left side to let our target marketing groups exactly when the camp will be. We are confident that the flyer will reach out to the right target groups and will be successful in getting children to sign up for our youth camp.