Fearlessly the truth Rural areas: FREE Platteland: GRATIS 3 May 2013 015 307 7248 www.bulletin.us.com R4 Not one of the 303 disciplinary cases of corruption against Limpopo government officials that had been referred to the Department of Public Administration by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) in the past year has been finalised The DA has now formally requested Limpopo’s Standing Commiee on Public Accounts (Scopa) to probe the delay in disciplinary cases of provincial government officials involved in 303 cases of corruption. It emerged during the siing of the National Council of Provinces last week that disciplinary actions against certain high level officials in the provincial administration have stalled for over tweleve months. Die DA’s member of the Legislative, Ms Desiree van der Walt, has earlier this week wrien to the chairperson of Scopa, Mr Derick Ngobeni, to ask him to urgently summons Limpopo’s Director- General, Ms Rachel Molepo- Modipa, to explain before this commiee why disciplinary steps against certain officials have taken so long to finalise. “The root cause of this delay is the acrimonious relationship between the Office of the Premier on the one hand, and the Public Service and Administration and the National Intervention Team on the other hand. “Initially, when this maer emerged in the media, there was a complete denial from the Office of the Premier about these investigations. If there is a basis for any investigation into corruption, that process must be allowed to take its full course. “Anyone who is hindering that process is complicit in the alleged corruption itself and must also be probed,” said Van der Walt. Some of these cases include: • the eleven months suspension of the Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Health • the Gateway Airports Authority Limited’s Chief Executive Officer who has been on suspension for thirteen months and with no signs at all of finalising the maer. Die studentedekaan van die Noordwes Universiteit, prof Rikus Fick, het die trofeë vir die Vossies se prestasies in die PUK-reeks persoonlik aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster kom oorhandig. Die Algehele Wennerstrofee is in ontvangs geneem deur die hoofleiers, Marelize Taute en Rikus Visser. Vossie-rugby én Vossie-netbal was die reekswenners. Hier is Prof Fick, hoofseun Rikus, hoofmeisie Marelize en mnr Chris Denysschen, die Vossies se skoolhoof. ‘n Toetsvaart in ‘n splinternuwe snelboot het Sondagmiddag so byna noodloig vir twee inwoners van Levubu geëindig. Boothengelaars van naby en ver het die naweek na die Nandonidam opgeruk, vir die Tribal Boats Bass Classic-toernooi ten bate van die NG Kerk Levubu. Onder hulle was die 38-jarige Karel Pretorius en 28-jarige Willie Knoetze. Na afloop van die kompetisie het Tribal Boats, wat ‘n groot Bass Extreme-bootromp op ‘n enkelas-sleepwa as hoofprys geborg het, boothengelaars genooi om een van hul promosie-bote te toets. Willie en Karel het ook die geleentheid benut. • Lees op bladsy 3 verder oor die drama. Toetsvaart eis byna twee lewens Day of reckoning can’t be delayed any longer The end is nigh Ramodike wins national teacher’s award Read the full story on page 9


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Fear less l y the t r u th


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3 May 2013 015 307 7248 www.bulletin.us.comwww.bulletin.us.com R4

Not one of the 303 disciplinary cases of corruption against Limpopo government offi cials that had been referred to the Department of Public Administration by the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) in the past year has been fi nalised

The DA has now formally requested Limpopo’s Standing Committ ee on Public Accounts (Scopa) to probe the delay in disciplinary cases of provincial government offi cials involved in 303 cases of corruption.

It emerged during the sitt ing of the National Council of Provinces last week that disciplinary actions against certain high level offi cials in the provincial administration have stalled for over tweleve months.

Die DA’s member of the Legislative, Ms Desiree van der Walt, has earlier this week writt en to the chairperson of Scopa, Mr Derick Ngobeni, to ask him to urgently summons Limpopo’s Director-General, Ms Rachel Molepo-Modipa, to explain before this committ ee why disciplinary steps against certain offi cials have taken so long to fi nalise.

“The root cause of this delay is the acrimonious relationship between the Offi ce of the Premier on the one hand, and the Public Service and Administration and the National Intervention Team on the other hand.

“Initially, when this matt er emerged in the media, there was a complete

denial from the Offi ce of the Premier about these investigations.

If there is a basis for any investigation into corruption, that process must be allowed to take its full course.

“Anyone who is hindering that process is complicit in the alleged corruption itself and must also be probed,” said Van der Walt.

Some of these cases include:• the eleven months suspension

of the Chief Financial Offi cer of the Department of Health

• the Gateway Airports Authority Limited’s Chief Executive Offi cer who has been on suspension for thirteen months and with no signs at all of fi nalising the matt er.

Die studentedekaan van die Noordwes Universiteit, prof Rikus Fick, het die trofeë vir die Vossies se prestasies in die PUK-reeks persoonlik aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster kom oorhandig. Die Algehele Wennerstrofee is in ontvangs geneem deur die hoofleiers, Marelize Taute en Rikus Visser. Vossie-rugby én Vossie-netbal was die reekswenners. Hier is Prof Fick, hoofseun Rikus, hoofmeisie Marelize

en mnr Chris Denysschen, die Vossies se skoolhoof.

‘n Toetsvaart in ‘n splinternuwe snelboot het Sondagmiddag so byna noodlott ig

vir twee inwoners van Levubu geëindig. Boothengelaars van naby en ver het die naweek

na die Nandonidam opgeruk, vir die Tribal Boats Bass Classic-toernooi ten bate van die NG Kerk Levubu. Onder

hulle was die 38-jarige Karel Pretorius en 28-jarige Willie Knoetze.Na afl oop van die kompetisie het Tribal Boats, wat ‘n groot Bass

Extreme-bootromp op ‘n enkelas-sleepwa as hoofprys geborg het, boothengelaars genooi om een van hul promosie-bote te toets. Willie en Karel het ook die geleentheid benut.

• Lees op bladsy 3 verder oor die drama.

Fear less l y the t r u th

Toetsvaart eis byna twee lewens

Day of reckoning can’t be delayed any longer

The end is nigh

Ramodike wins national teacher’s award

Read the full story on page 9

Page 2: Bulletin_130503

2 3 May 2013 Bulletin

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Fear less l y the t r u th

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Bel hier as die krag by

jou lol

Vlieg praat met die Volk en krap waar dit jeuk... O my wêreld!

Die menings, uitsprake, standpunte, verwysings, komplimente, beledigings, humor, ens van Vlieg is nie noodwendig dié van die Bulletin of die eienaar en personeel van die koerant nie!


Johan du Toit Het nie advertensie gesien,maar watter deposito word na verwys?Catherine IvesonBezuidenhout What are they stealing our money for this time?Chantal De Bruyn  Het nie die advertensie gesien nie, maar ek woon op Tarentaalrand

en die krag hier gaan so baie af. Ek moes juis nou n nuwe yskas gaan koop omdat die krag so baie aan en af gaan. Plaas stuur hul mense uit om die fout te kom reg maak. Ek is nie al een wat kla oor die krag in Tarentaalrand nie

Terance Bester  Ek dink dit is maar net nog ‹n manier om die wat wel betaal vir dienste verder

uit te buit.Sarie Vermaak Maak ‹n vaste belegging by die bank vir die bedrag dat die bank dan ‹n waarborg

uitreik vir die munisipaliteit dan trek jy jaarliks die rente van jou eie geld.!! vra as julle � nansiele advies nodig het haha

Lino De Carvalho once again a few are going to pay for the many; its a ruthless way to get capital

in their co� ers. If im not mistaken, does this money not have to be held in a trust account somewhere?

Jacqui Schoeman Belaglik!Rika Roos Nog ‹n manier van steelHendra Gouws  GTM is alweer bankrot....soek dringend geld vir bonusse!Kotie Oosthuyzen Hierdie deposito verhogings gebeur elke jaar! Die krag verhogings veroorsaak

dus dat die deposito›s aangepas moet word na ongeveer wat die maandelikse verbruik is. So, eintlik is dit niks nuut nie!

Johan du Toit  Ok, dan gaan dit oor krag! Dus word die ander dalk gesubsidieer... om die

tekorte dalk aan te vul! Lekker reënboognasie ! Die «massa›s» sal die minderhede oordonder... geskiedenis leer ons dit !

Melanie Brass: Nee, maar verwag ‘n dubbele petrol styging volgende maand...Annelie Prinsloo: Nee. Ek het nog nooit ‘n de� nitiewe prysverlaging agter gekom as Diesel/petrol gedaal het nie. Pryse bly net dieselfde. Sal egter uitkyk daarvoor.

Charl Hattingh Watse voedsel kan binne 30 dae geplant, bewerk, geoes en bemark word?Rika Roos  Nee, ek het nog nooit gesien dat pryse daal nie, maar ervaar wel daagliks hoe dit

styg!Terance Bester  Ja dit daal met 10 sent om net weer met 20 sent op te gaan. Hoekom moet

SASOL se petrol pryse gekoppel wees aan die prys van ingevoerde brandstof?

Martie Dreyer You must be joking « nog nooit van so iets gehoor nie. Wat no gesien, nee hulle

maak jou net bly om dit volgende maand weer dubbel die verlaagte prys op te sit.

Sê jou sêThe opinions/statements made herein are that of our readers and does not necessarily refl ect the views and opinions of the Bulletin. The comments of people are given verbatim. We appeal to all who take part in the debates not to use

hate-speech or to be insulting toward others.

• Die GTM het verlede week in ‘n advertensie in die Bulletin kennis gegee dat verbruikers se deposito’s van 30 April verhoog word tot en met die gemiddeld van twee maande se verbuik. Dink jy dit is redelik om minder as vier dae kennis te gee van so ‘n ingrypende verandering en dink jy dit is regverdig?

• The GTM placed an advertisement in the Bulletin last week stating that the consumer’s deposits will rise as from 30 April with an average of two months’ usage. Do you think it is reasonable to give notice of this less than four days before this drastic change and do you think it is fair?

• Verwag jy om ‘n daling in die prys van verbruikersgoedere, veral kos te sien met die ‘redelike goeie’ daling in brandstofpryse?

• Are you expecting a decrease in the cost of consumer goods, especially foods with the ‘fairly good’ drop in fuel prices?

Vlieg is nou weliswaar nog nie ‘n wêreldnaam nie. Miskien sal wêreldberoemd-heid hom eers toeval as hy minder wêreldlik raak, minder van ‘n wêreldling met sy huidige wêreld-gesindheid en wêreldskok-kende opinies wat soms wêreldsmart veroorsaak.

Hoewel Vlieg vandees-week miskien ook nie ‘n wêreldwonder ontdek het nie, wat wêreldkundigheid vir altyd gaan verander, was sy ontdekking darem nie soos baie van sy ander ontdekkings te wêreldvreemd nie.

Sy ontdekking behoort nie wêreldvrede te bedreig nie, nie ‘n wêreldoorlog te veroor-saak nie, nie die wêreldmarkte te beïnvloed nie en ook nie ‘n wêreldnaam aan te tas nie. Vlieg dink nie eers die wêreldpers gaan daarvan kennis neem nie.

Wêreldwyd mag wêreldkerke dalk reken dat Vlieg se wêreldgelykvormigheid en wêreldbeskouing hom eenvoudig reduseer tot ‘n wêreldgerigte wêreldse mislukking.

Vlieg het ontdek, dat die meeste wêrelds-burgers, ten minste die wat hy ken, toe nie

net wêreldsmislukkings is soos hy maar aangeneem het nie, maar inderdaad siek is.

Behalwe vir hart-, lewer- en nierversaking, is daar toe ook iets soos wêreld-versaking.

as-ke-tis’me s.nw. Leer dat ‘n mens deur selfk as-tyding of onthouding van singenot na volmaaktheid kan strewe; wêreldversaking

Vlieg luister ook maar so van tyd tot tyd mense af as hulle praat; dis maar een van sy slegte gewoontes. So hoor hy toe dat daar blykbaar heelparty van selfs sy ge-reelde lesers is wat nie altyd verstaan waar-oor hy skryf nie.

Vir hulle het Vlieg dit goedgedink om tog vandeesweek hierdie ontdekking van hom meer verstaanbaar te vertaal, met apologie aan ander eendersdenkende andersdenk-endes.

Die meeste mense leef in so ‘n ou klein eie wêreldjie dat die res van die wêreld, en daarmee saam die lewe, lankal by hulle verby is. Die slegste daarvan is dat hulle dit nie eens weet nie.

Bulletin gesels gereeld op Facebook.Raak gerus betrokke en gesels saam.Soek ons by www.facebook.com/Laeveld Bulletin.

Na die hermerk van 2012 se gr 12-vraestelle het sewe Vossies agt onderskeidings by verlede jaar se oes gevoeg. Basani Bambisa (op die foto regs), wat reeds verlede jaar sewe onderskeidings behaal het, het nou ook ‘n onderskeiding vir Engels gekry, wat haar nou agt onderskeidings ryk maak.

Leander Steenkamp se onder-skeidings vir wiskunde is toe-gestaan, wat sy totaal op ses te sta-an bring. Luan Louw (hoofseun 2011/2012) het onderskeidings vir Afrikaans en lewensweten-

skap gekry, wat beteken hy het vier onderskeidings.

Lourens van Deventer het nou vier onderskeidings nadat hy ook vir Engels onderskeiding gekry het en Lana van Wyk se nuwe wiskunde-onderskeiding bring ook haar totaal op vier te staan.

Marcel Linde het ‘n derde onderskeiding met Afrikaans wat bygevoeg is en Sheri Maritz ook met Engels.

Dit bring die totale hoeveelheid onderskeidings wat deur 2012 se Vossies behaal is, op 193 te staan.

Nog 8 Vossie-onderskeidings

Die Vossies het nuwe rekenaars in die rekenaar-tik-lokale, sowel as in die inligtingstegnologie-lokaal geky. Die leerlinge en personeel is baie opgewonde hieroor en sien met verwagting uit

na beter prestasies in die vakke.

Nuwe rekenaars

Page 3: Bulletin_130503

3Bulletin 3 May 2013Sport on pages 14, 15 & 16


Give Mother something

special this yearWe have the gift for her!

015 307 1675 • 49 Boundary StreetPersonalized, Unique, Handmade JewelleryPersonalized, Unique, Handmade Jewellery

Die drama op die Nandonidam het Sondag verder soos volg ver-loop. Pretorius en Knoetze het skaars die kragtige buiteboorden-jin se versneller oopgedraai, toe daar ‘n harde slag was.

Knoetze se pa, ook Willie, sê “ons was besig om vir hulle vanaf die oewer te kyk. Hulle was nog besig om die boot “uit te trim en op spoed te kom. Ek het vir ‘n oomblik weggekyk en hoor toe net ‘n slag.”

Toe hy weer kyk, sê hy, sien hy die boot is in stukke en die twee manne in die water.

‘n Ander boot het dadelik vir Willie en Karel, wat albei hul reddingsbaadjies aangehad het, te hulp gesnel. Die twee is na die oewer gebring en ‘n EMS-helikopter is ontbied.

“Met die helikopter se aankoms is vir ons gesê dat hulle slegs een persoon kon inlaai. Willie het gesê hulle moet eerder Karel in-laai, aangesien sy beserings baie ernstiger voorgekom het,” sê pa

Willie.Karel is na Tzaneen afgevoer vir

mediese behandeling, terwyl Tho-hoyandou se ambulansdiens ont-bied is vir Willie. Hy is met ‘n ern-stige beenfraktuur en snywonde opgeneem. Hy het Maandagmid-dag ‘n operasie aan sy linkerbeen ondergaan, om ‘n erge beenbreuk met penne te stabiliseer. Karel, wat onder meer harsingskudding opgedoen en sy neus en drie ribbes gebreek het, is Maandagoggend reeds ontslaan.

“Volgens my was dit niks an-ders as ‘n fratsongeluk nie,” sê Willie sr. Bruce Engelbrecht van Tribal Boats sê hulle is reeds besig is om die oorsaak van die ongeluk te ondersoek. Hy sê aangesien hy nie self daar was nie, is dit moeilik om te sê wat gebeur het. Hy sê hy verstaan die boot het ‘n golf getref, die water verlaat en neus eerste weer die water getref.

— LiN Nuus/ZoutpansbergerFoto op voorblad: Zian van der Heever.

Raadop inwoners van die Agatha-omgewing het besluit hulle het genoeg verskonings van die ower-hede oor hul verweerde teerpad gehoor het.

Lede van Agatha se veiligheid- en sekuriteitsforum het die inisiatief geneem en sowat twee weke gelede begin met herstelwerk aan die nagmerriepad.

Mnr Juan Claassen, ‘n toesighouer vir die projek, sê hulle moes klip en sowat 400 liter teer koop, om

die sowat nege slaggate herstel. Claassen sê hulle het ook deeglike navorsing oor die prosedures gedoen, voordat hulle uiteindelik verlede Vrydag die laaste “vieslike” gat toegemaak het.

Hy sê die GTM het bloot hul skouers opgetrek, om-dat die pad nie deel van die dorpsgebied is nie, maar ‘n provinsiale pad is.

Die pad — wat oor die brug van die Hamawasha-

rivier loop — het ‘n geweldige gevaar vir motoriste ingehou, omdat hulle gewoonlik na die regterkant moes uitswaai om die erge slaggate te vermy.

Peperduur bande van vragmotors en ligte voertuie het gereeld in die slag gebly.

— Amelia de [email protected]

The potholes in the George’s Val-ley road between Tzaneen and Haenertsburg have become more than just an annoyance — it is now a death trap!

Traveling on the road, one will almost always see a motorist (ór two ór three!) parked along the road, changing punctured tyres.

A resident from Tzaneen and salesman at Maxiprest Tyres, Mr Ephrim Ratladala, says that he had hit an enormous pothole on the same road traveling home from Polokwane on Sunday eve-ning. On his way he also noticed another car that had pulled over because of a puncture. “The road is terrible!”

Another tyre expert and manag-er at Limpopo Tyres in Tzaneen, Mr Craig Adendorff, told the Bulletin that he had recently found three vehicles (all with flat tyres) stranded next to the road. Adendorff says that his staff re-places about two punctured tyres every day. These tyres are usually low profile tyres and bakkies usu-ally get away with little damage.

Mr Trevor Hope, a salesman

from Trentyre, also mentioned that one of his friends, who had traveled to Tzaneen over a week-end, had damaged a tyre and a rim. He says that Trentyre fixes nearly twelve punctured tyres ev-ery week.

The manager at Hi-Q says that they also regularly attend to cli-ents who had hit potholes. Ac-cording to him, it is mostly agents who are not familiar with the pot-holes in the road to Tzaneen who hit them.

Supa Quick’s Mr Pieter Nell said that the punctured tyres are a good source of business to them. They repair tyres daily, ranging from cheaper tyres to the ones costing around R6 000 each.

After speaking to a number of lo-cal tyre dealers and upset motor-ists, the Bulletin raised the issue with the Roads Agency of Lim-popo and asked them whether they had any plans to fix the road. The spokesperson, Mr Manyatela Maropeng, referred us to the pro-vincial department of roads and transport, explaining that only the upgrading of roads from gravel

to tar is RAL’s responsibility, and not the maintenance of the roads.

The spokesperson of the depart-ment, Mr Joshua Kwapa, told the Bulletin that they are already at-tending to a number of damaged roads, especially after the rain. He also said that he personally wasn’t aware of the problem in George’s Valley, but that he would call on the relevant people to investigate,

now that the matter has been raised.

With brand new tyres costing between R700 and R6 000 each, (not to mention the costs of rims or shock absorbers) it is impera-tive for the sake of average con-sumers that the roads are attend-ed to — by whomever!

— Amelia de [email protected]

Drama op die dam

Beware the George’s Valley death trap

Basta met slaggate — besluit inwoners

LINKS ONDER is twee vrywilliger-plaaswerkers besig om een van die laaste slaggate te lap. Mnre Thomas Khosa en Nelson Magellane het nege slaggate opgevul, gekompakteer en toe met ‘n teermengsel herseël. ONDER is die karige gereedskap waarmee gewerk is en REGS is mnr

Juan Claassen.

Page 4: Bulletin_130503

Tzaneen crime statisticsTzaneen police arrested 38 people during the past weekend. Ten people were arrested for assault GBH, eight people were detained and charged for shoplift ing and fi ve were arrested for common robbery

The police arrested four people for theft , an-other four for possession of suspected stolen

property and three suspected rapists were ap-prehended and charged with rape. One per-son was arrested for possession of dagga, one suspect was arrested for theft under false pre-tence and one for violating a protection order.

Meanwhile, in the Tzaneen magistrate’s court six serious off enders were sentenced: Phetole Johannes Mawasha will be spending the rest of his life in prison. He was sentenced to life for murder, fi ft een years for housebreaking, fi ft een years for rape, fi ft een years for robbery and fi ft een years for another robbery.

Thapelo Green Shakoane was sentenced to ten years for armed robbery and kidnapping. Lekgaewa Sydney Mothapo was sentenced to eight months imprisonment for theft . Cliff Machuveni will spend six months behind bars for assault GBH. Antony Nkuna will also be

spending six months behind bars for theft of stock and Opah Rwodzi was sentenced to six months imprisonment for theft .

Police active in RitaviRitavi police arrested numerous off enders over the past weekend. Sixteen people were arrested for drinking in public; nine bott le stores were closed down for contravening the Liquor Act and four bott le store owners were fi ned for trading without a liquor license.

Seven motorists were arrested for violating the road traffi c act, four suspects were nabbed for robbery and two were arrested for house breaking and theft . One suspect was arrested for assault GBH and another person was de-tained for pointing another woman out as a witch.

Alleged rapist denied bailA man suspected of raping a two year-old girl from Pulaneng has been denied bail by the Naphuno Magistrate’s Court on Thursday. Da-vid Sekgobela (27) pleaded not guilty to charges including rape and abduction. The case was postponed to 30 May. Sekgobela is to remain in police custody. The courtroom was packed with angry community members and a big group waited outside for the verdict.

Magistrate Petronella Venter outlined the rea-sons why the court denied Sekgobela bail. Ven-

ter said the state has a strong substantial case against the accused. She also mentioned that Sekgobela has told the court too many lies about where he got arrested. Venter also stated that Sekgobela gave the court too many home addresses and that she doubts if given bail the police would fi nd him again.

Sekgobela’s att orney, Mr Roman Rikhotso, argued that the state does not have substantial evidence against his client. Rikhotso further said that the accused was not aware that the police were on the lookout for him; not until his Zimbabwean friend informed him that ac-cording to the news, Police are looking for him. Rikhotso asked why his client should remain in custody till the DNA test results of the T-shirt found around the victim’s neck, has come back.

Sekgobela is also facing charges of common assault, resulting from accusations by fellow awaiting trial prisoners.

Sekgobela allegedly abducted the deceased Maria Manageng Motloutsi (2) and took her into the bushes where he brutally raped her and left her for dead.

Letwaba back in court A former senior man-ager of water services at the Mopani District Mu-nicipality appeared in the Tzaneen Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday. Itume-leng Letwaba (30) is fa-cing charges of fraud and her trial will resume on

13 May. She is out on bail of R50 000. Letwaba was arrested by the Hawks aft er she submit-ted fake and fabricated certifi cates to secure employment at the Waterberg District Mu-nicipality last year. She was also dismissed from the MDM, where she earned a high sa-lary for four years.

ter said the state has a strong substantial case against the accused. She also mentioned that Sekgobela has told the court too many lies about where he got arrested. Venter also stated that Sekgobela gave the

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Hulle bedank graag die volgende persone: SAVF Tzaneen vir avokado’s, Nauta Projek (B Lombard) vir piesangs en Allesbeste Padstal vir gemengde vrugte, Graham Partnership vir piesangs, Soladariteit Helpende Hand Dames Projek – Handdoekstel vir elke inwoner en cupcakes, NGK Letsitele Belydenisklas 2013 vir besoek, sang en tuisgebakte koekies, M Coetzee vir avokado’s, Tzaneen Cash & Carry vir eiers en suiker, A Coetzee vir kaggelhout, Sugarloaf vir brood, anonieme persoon vir seeppoeier en Weetbix, Herofi eld vir kruideniersware, anonieme persoon vir kontantdonasie, anonieme persoon vir paptert en sjokoladekoek, anonieme persoon vir kiwivrugte. Dankie vir almal se hulp met naweekdienste.

‘n Week vol dankbaarheid vir almal wat ons geseën het met huisgodsdiens en die lekker saamsing, besoeke, donasies en � nansiële bydraes. Die inwoners en bestuuur

van God’s Haven sê met opregte harte baie dankie.

David Sekgobela (27)

CRIME SCENEBulletin Crime Reporter

Martina [email protected]

3 May 2013


Page 5: Bulletin_130503

5Bulletin 3 May 2013

• Louis Naude (FSP 11184) 082-300 9957

• Johan Smith (FSP 11184) 071-170 9540

• Allan Forbes Makelaars (FSP 15415) 015-307 2061

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• Darius Geldenhuys - 076 618 8058• Retief Jacobsz - 082 850 9499• Leon Roode - 083 345 3171• Gerard Visser - 082 557 8407• Allan Forbes - 015 307 2061• Colin v Pittenberg - 015 307 2061• Stephanus Oberholzer - 015 307 5587• Cornelius Smit - 015 307 5587• Jaco Nel - 082335 6801• Jacques Lamprecht - 082 469 7558• Koos Smit - 082 466 9884• Ralph Peterson - 082 881 1914

Momentum Investment Consulting acts as the investment manager and is an authorized Discretionary Manager, FSB License No. 6066. The Rebalance Investments portfolios and funds are managed under the Momentum Investment Consulting discretionary investment management license (FAIS Category II license).Rebalance Investments only acts as Fund Advisor to the portfolios. Rebalance Investments (Pty) Ltd is a juristic representative of Integri� n CC, an authorized Financial Service Provider.

Page 6: Bulletin_130503

6 3 May 2013 Bulletin

Ons verwelkom briewe van lesers. Hou dit kort. Pos dit, faks dit of stuur dit per e-pos.

Bulletin supports any lawful action to end violence against our women and children

www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Vrydag 03 Mei 2013

Die GTM se reëlsDit is maar treurig as ‘n owerheid met ge-sag beklee is om reëls en regulasies uit te vaardig, maar dan in gebreke bly om hul eie voorskrift e te volg.

Dit is nou die geval met die Groter Tzaneen Munisipaliteit, wat verbruikers (belastingbetalers en betalers vir dienste) vier dae kennis gee dat hul deposito’s van ‘n bedrag gelyk aan een maand se verbruik tot twee maande s’n verhoog gaan word.

Asof dit nie erg genoeg is nie, blyk dit dat die GTM hul eie reël aangaande die tydperk van kennisgewing van so ‘n ver-hoging oortree het.

Hoe kan so ‘n owerheid verwag dat sy on-derdane respek moet toon en gelate gewil-lig moet wees om die betrokke owerheid se reëls en regulasies te respekteer?

As die owerheid dan verder toelaat dat mense die reëls en regulasies na hartelus minag — soos met die gebrekkige beheer oor informele handelaars, die gebrekkige verkeersbeheer, die gebrekkige beheer oor bou-inspeksies, die belaglike selektiewe toepassing van gesondheidsregulasies, die swak beheer oor plakkate in die strate en dies meer — is dit duidelik dat die mense aan die stuur van sake, raadslede en amp-tenare, totaal onbeholpe is.

Ons Mening The MessageDs Barry van der Merwe

NG Kerk Letsitele

Letters • BrieweDangerous roadsA very concerned driver writes by e-mail: I drive to and from town on the Agatha Hos-pital road at least twice a day. The grass is growing over the road on both sides,

which is now making it impossible for pe-destrians or cyclists not to walk on the main part of the road. A danger to all!

The yellow line is no longer visible. The grass has not been slashed this whole sum-mer. The ladies of the day (not night) are now trying to sell their wares by sitt ing in the road to pick up men! Besides the fi lth they leave in the road, we now have to con-tend with them sitt ing on the tar and miss driving them over.

Furthermore it is absolutely appaling to see the state of the AH3 road which leads to our house as well as to Lorett o Farm school and many other homes on this road. The tar no longer exists, there are enormous holes all over the road.

All the 30 cars, (including the government teachers’ and headmistress’ fancy cars)which use this road are becoming ruined and we implore the roads department to please come and look at this road! We are soon not going to be able to get to our homes.

Come in one of your cars and see what it is like.

Education in dire needDesiree van der Walt, Member of the Lim-popo Legislature, writes: The Democratic Alliance is extremely concerned by the re-cently released World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Information Technology Re-port 2013 that ranks South Africa’s Maths and Science education second last in the world.

We are only ahead of Yemen.It can no longer be denied the fact that our

education system has limped down the in-ternational rankings and is in dire need of intervention.

We must start debating diff erent models and interventions to address the quality of maths and science in SA and in the pro-vince.

In particular in our province we must call

for input from schools with a high success rate in maths and science teaching on their best practice, examples are plenty.

However in our province, the problem is more compounded.

A reply to a Democratic Alliance parlia-mentary question in the National Assembly shows that of the 84 high schools nationally that did not teach Maths as a subject in 2012 for grades 10, 11 and 12, a staggering 37 of these schools are in Limpopo.

The reason is because there are no Maths teachers employed to teach at these schools.

This is a scathing indictment on our pro-vincial department of education under MEC Masemola.

He must urgently embark on a rigorous re-cruitment drive to fi ll this critical shortage.

This reality belies Masemola oft en repeat-ed claim that Limpopo is “home of Maths and Science”. He repeated again this claim in his 2013 budget speech.

Maths is a very important subject, with-out which our learners can gain entry into a number of career paths.

It is absolutely imperative that it is thought in all schools in the province.

The DA takes the education of our chil-dren very seriously and we will continue holding this executive accountable where it is failing in this regard.

Disappointed Mr & Mrs I B Fortris writes by e-mail: As owners of various properties in the pro-vince both residential and business we are required by law to conform to many rules, regulations and by-laws both national and municipal, therefore we where shocked and disappointed to see that this does not apply to the village of Haenertsburg.

On a resent visit (one of many in the last twenty years) over a long week-end to this beautiful and peaceful village we see that that Greater Tzaneen Municipality has al-lowed a business by the name of “Earth Cre-

ations” to operate with no regards to mu-nicipal by-laws, or residential norms from a double-storey house on a small stand in the middle of the private houses in this pictu-resque village.

It looks like this business has taken over the entire ground fl oor, and a timber front extension with the outside being one big ad-vertising façade.

I notice from their advertised website that the business consists of a workshop for both steel & wood products, ceramic studio, and a retail-shop (and I was told by our host that this business is open 7 days a week until late), on our visit we can confi rm that well aft er 6pm on the Sunday night it’s light’s where ablaze and a bright “OPEN” sign was prominently hung on the open door, all in stark contrast to the surrounding peacefully quite private houses, no wonder the house next door is for sale.

They also state that they have a electric kiln together with an two external kilns, one open pit, and a gas powered kiln(from their web picture this is looks homemade from an old 200 litre oil drum and they say it reaches temperatures of 800 degrees Celsius) all this on a small stand in the middle of the pri-vate houses in the village of Haenertsburg, which as you well know is in a very fi re sen-sitive area of Tzaneen, again no wonder the house next door is for sale.

Please go to their web site www.earthcre-ations.co.za for full details.

I you check your 2013-2017 valuation roll there is only one”De Jonge”(name from their web-site) in Haenertsburg erf 336 and is listed as “Vacant Residential” value R90 000.

As you can see from their web-site this is not correct as there is a large double-storey building on the property (R2 mil-lion+/-), this is resulting in a considerable loss(past,present, and future) of much need-ed income to the municipality of thousands of Rands annually in under- collected rates.

Please I implore you and all your depart-ments in the GTM not to let a single self-ish business owner destroy overnight the charm of this unique and peaceful village that has evolved over the last 125 years and has played a major part in forming the his-tory of the area.

If is not stopped now it will spread like a cancer over the whole area. This village with it’s surrounding area’s are very special to the residents and visitors alike to Tzaneen. This village is a jewel in the GTM’s crown, and it’s upkeep and maintenance is a credit to the municipality.

I hope, and I have every faith that you will rectify this situation in the very near future.

Please may this charming village of Hae-nertsburg remain unique, today, tomorrow and well into in the future.

Teen eie reëls!Desiree van der Walt (MPL) writes: During the DA oversight to Tzaneen Municipality last week, we came across a newspaper no-tifi cation informing the consumers of the increase of consumer deposits.

This notifi cation was placed in the Bulle-tin newspaper on 26 April 2013 and it was informing the consumers of the increase to take eff ect 30 April 2013 — just four days later.

This is a complete disregard of the Munici-pality’s own rules. These rules are clearly spelt out in the Greater Tzaneen Municipali-ty’s Credit Control and Debt Collection By-Law, Notice 248 as gazett ed 1 October 2004.

Section 4 (7) specifi es that an increase in a consumer deposit “becomes payable within 21 days from the date on which the Custom-er is informed thereof..”

It is also a contravention of the Local Gov-ernment Municipal Systems Act, which re-quires that “a sound customer management system that aims to create a positive and re-ciprocal relationship between persons liable for these payments and the municipality...”

The municipality’s treatment of its own customers is unprofessional.

We have urged the MEC of CoGHSTA to urgently intervene on this issue and make sure that adequate notice is given to the mu-nicipality.

“Julle moet julle vyande liefh ê.” Dit is sekerlik een van die moeilikste

uitsprake wat Jesus gemaak het: “Julle het gehoor dat daar gesê is: ‘Jou naaste moet jy liefh ê en jou vyand moet jy haat.’ Maar Ek sê vir julle: Julle moet julle vy-ande liefh ê, en julle moet bid vir dié wat vir julle vervolg,..” Mat 5:43,44.

Om jou vyand te moet liefh ê!? En tog het Jesus dit bedoel. Toe hulle Hom aan die kruis ges-pyker het, het Hy uitgeroep: “Vader vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.” Luk 23:34.

Hy het gebid vir sy vyande… Ons probleem is dat ons dink “hou van “ en liefh ê” is dieselfde ding. Hoe kan ek iemand liefh ê van wie ek nie hou nie?

Dit is juis wat van Christene verwag word: dat ons mense sal liefh ê van wie ons nie hou nie.

Liefde is meer as `n gevoel. Liefde gaan oor hulpver-lening, ruitme hê, luister na ens. Wie is daar van wie jy nie hou nie?

Hoe gaan jy hierdie naweek liefde betoon aan daar-die persoon? Gaan jy hom vriendelik groet? Gaan jy vir haar `n gebed doen? Gaan jy jou hulp aanbied?Mooi naweek!

Page 7: Bulletin_130503

7Bulletin 3 May 2013

Waar Erika Cronje gemaklik agter die lesse-naar in haar stylvolle ateljee sit, lyk dit am-per asof sy uit ‘n tydskrif se bladsye kon klim.

Nie dat die 26-jarige juweliersontwerper van Tzaneen ver daarvan gedwaal het nie — haar ontwerpe het inderdaad al in een van die land se gunsteling tydskrift e gepronk!

Cronje, wat in die laerskool drie keer na M-Net se destydse KTV-markdag vir jong en-trepreneurs genooi is, speel lankal nie meer net met draad en krale nie.

Dié kreatiewe entrepreneur het uiteindelik in ‘n heeltydse juwelier en besigheidseie-naar ontpop, en haar naam is deesdae op die lippe van almal wat ‘n oog vir mooi juwele het.

Cronje het as kind in Hoedspruit grootge-word. Sy het aan die Hoërskool Ben Vorster gematrikuleer, waar sy deur die jaar besluit het dat sy eendag ‘n juwelier sou word. Na-dat sy eers by die Universiteit van Stellen-bosch vir juweliersontwerp afgekeur is, het sy aan die Universiteit van Potchefstroom BSc Verbruikerswetenskappe gestudeer.

‘n Ambisieuse jong Cronje het haar egter nie laat afskrik deur Stellenbosch se besluit nie. Sy het kort na haar gradeplegtigheid by die PUK (deesdae die Noordwes Universi-teit) aansoek by die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie gedoen, om ‘n juweliersont-werpgraad te volg ― vasbeslote dat sy eendag haar droom sou uitleef.

En uit die tagtig aansoeke daardie jaar is Cronje sowaar gekies, as een van die twintig wat keuring sou kry.

In die middel van haar tweede jaar het sy haar besigheid op die been gebring. Die ywerige student het saans na klas vir privaat klante juwele op bestelling ontwerp en ge-maak.

Haar ouers het in haar eerste jaar reeds vir haar die nodige toerusting gekoop, maar sy moes ‘n ooreenkoms volhou om die lening maandeliks aan hulle terug te betaal. “Dit was alles taamlik moeilik aan die begin, maar dit was verseker die moeite werd”.

In haar fi nale jaar as student het sy vir selfs nóg toerusting gespaar en was sy seker die eerste student wat aansoek vir ‘n lisensie vir goud gedoen en gekry het (sy het voor dit onder ‘n ander juwelier se lesensie gewerk).

Vandag ontwerp en vervaardig hierdie goudsmit besonderse juwele in haar ateljee, net buite die dorp. Dit is egter nie net tot hier waar haar kliëntebasis se grense strek nie. Sy vervaardig juwele, spesifi ek ontwerp vol-gens elke klant se voorkeur, tot so ver as die Kaap, Mpumalanga en die Vrystaat.

Haar items word uit platina, palladium, goud (wit en geel), roosgoud, titaan en sil-wer gemaak. Sy gebruik ook ‘n verskeiden-heid stene wat elke smaak pas. “Maar vir verloofringe verkies meeste vroue nog dia-mante”, verklap sy.

Cronje se eerste prioriteit is verloofringe en sy ontwerp en vervaardig maandeliks talle hiervan. Dit het vir haar ook al maklik ge-word om paartjies wat haar vir afsprake be-soek, op te som. Partykeer kom die mans en vroue mekaar tegemoet en partykeer sal die mans net sit en luister na wat die vrou wil

hê”, skerts sy.En hoe lyk háár

ideale verloofring? Sy lag. “Dit veran-der elke maand! Ek het nog nie besluit hoe dit moet lyk nie, maar ek sal dit verseker self ont-werp.”

Cronje en haar kêrel is al ‘n hele ruk saam en hulle werk ook in die-selfde gebou. Dit is juis vir hom wat sy hierheen getrek het (al was sy oortuig dat sy nooit agter ‘n man aan sou trek nie!). Na haar terugkeer na Tzaneen, het dit haar sowat vyf maande geneem om haar besigheid in die dorp te vestig. Maar haar naam het vinnig oor sosiale netwerke ver-sprei en sy het haar besigheid V’Dodili (af-gelei van die Hebreeuse frase “my beminde is myne”) gedoop.

Die spontane Cronje sê dat dit nie altyd maanskyn en rose is om ‘n entrepreneur te wees nie. Omdat sy baie kreatief is, is veral die administrasie-afdeling vir haar soms ‘n hoofpyn. “Belasting, registrasies, lisensies en versekering. Dit is vir my die moeiliker deel.” Sy vertel dat mens dit egter alles met tyd aanleer en dat dit vir haar belangrik was om haar besigheid van die begin af reg en

eerlik te bestuur.Volgens haar is die ander nadeel

ook natuurlik dat mens selde tyd kry om met vakansie te gaan. “Ek het in drie jaar nog net een langnaweek met vakansie gegaan. Dit is deel van die

verantwoordelikheid wat mens het as ‘n besigheid nog groei.”

En vir hierdie vooruit-strewende jong vrou rus daar verseker genoeg ve-rantwoordelikheid op haar skouers.

Sy bestuur haar be-sigheid met ‘n ysterhand. Alhoewel haar juwele met die hand gemaak word, skroom Cronje nie om van die nuutste tegnologie

gebruik te maak nie. Sketse word op ‘n drie-dimensionele vlak op haar rekenaar getrek,

waarna dit op ‘n harde kopie verskyn. Volgende word dit in ‘n vorm gegiet en daarna kry die stuk sy fi nale vorm. Cronje is ‘n “hands-on” selfer-kende perfeksionis en sy sê dat sy soms tussen tien ure en ‘n week aan ‘n enkele juweelstuk bestee. Haar fyn gesig trek in ‘n glimlag en

sy grinnik vir haar hande wat altyd swart gevlek is van die juwele.

Vir haar is die lekkerste deel van haar werk wanneer sy klante se tevredenheid op hul gesigte kan lees. “Ek is gek daarna om hul heel eerste, ware reaksies te beleef wanneer hulle gelukkig is”.

Dit blyk dat haar uitsonderlike handewerk ook deur beroemdes raakgesien word. Die bekende sanger Arno Jordaan se trouring is ook deur Cronje ontwerp en gemaak en ‘n foto hiervan het in ‘n uitgawe van die Huis-genoot verskyn.

Nog ‘n trotse oomblik wat vir haar uitsta-an, is toe sy sowat twee


eerlik te bestuur.Volgens haar is die ander nadeel

ook natuurlik dat mens selde tyd kry om met vakansie te gaan. “Ek het in drie jaar nog net een langnaweek met vakansie gegaan. Dit is deel van die

verantwoordelikheid wat mens het as ‘n besigheid nog groei.”

gebruik te maak nie. Sketse word op ‘n drie-dimensionele vlak op haar rekenaar getrek,

Blink toekoms vir

Tzaneen het ‘n jong juwelier wat reeds groot sukses behaal het. Die Bulletin se Amelia de Ridder het met haar gesels, oor haar opwindende loopbaan. Dit is die derde artikel oor jong entrepreneurs in ons nuwe reeks om jong sakelui in

ons omgewing bekend te stel.

Waar Erika Cronje gemaklik agter die lesse-naar in haar stylvolle ateljee sit, lyk dit am-

Blink toekoms virjong juwelier

• Lees verder op bl 8

Page 8: Bulletin_130503

jaar gelede as een van die wenners van Anglo American se PlatAfrica-kompetisie aangewys is. Tydens die glansgeleentheid (wat deur topjuweliers en glanspersone in SA bygewoon word) het Cronje se uni-eke stel ontwerpte oorbelle beoor-deelaars stomgeslaan. Die juwele is as die mees vleiend en maklik om te dra in die studente-afdeling beoor-deel.

Cronje geniet goeie mededin-ging. Sy het onlangs saam met vriendinne begin fi etsry en het verlede naweek aan haar eerste wed-ren in Magoebaskloof deelgeneem. “Ek het vierde in die 10 km-wedren geëindig, maar daar was net tien mense”, terg sy. Sy is ook ‘n sosiale vlinder en sy geniet dit om tyd saam haar familie en vriende in haar aft yd deur te bring.

Sodra sy meer tyd op haar hande het, sal sy graag eendag wil trou en

kinders kry. “As mens met ‘n ge-sin begin, moet mens tyd van jou besigheid afstaan. Ek sal graag eers my besigheid heeltemal ves-tig voor ek daarmee begin.”

Sy spot ook dat sy haar voor-tande sal gee om ‘n vakmanskap in Italië te doen. “Hul juweelstukke is ongeloofl ik”. Verder sal sy graag ook ‘n winkel in Tzaneen wil oopmaak, waar sy haar juwele kan uitstal en verkoop. “Maar ek wil nie net een winkel oopmaak nie, ek wil sommer ‘n hele string hê”, sê sy.

Voel sy dat dit as jong vrou in ‘n bedryf, wat meesal deur mans oorheers word, moeilik is om haar stempel af te druk? “Nie meer nie”, kom haar antwoord. Sy sê dat mens nooit ander mense moet toelaat om in jou te twyfel, omdat jy in jouself twyfel nie.

“Ek het baie ver-troue in myself en my werk. Ek glo as jy na my toe kom, sal ek jou tervrede kan stel.”

“Kennis bou self-vertroue”, sluit sy af. En dit is duidelik dat hiérdie nederige, dog dinamiese jong vrou die wêreld aan haar voete het.

— Amelia de Ridder [email protected]

8 3 May 2013 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Blink toekoms• van bl 7

Cronje geniet goeie mededin-ging. Sy het onlangs saam met vriendinne begin fi etsry en het

het, sal sy graag eendag wil trou en kinders kry. “As mens met ‘n ge-sin begin, moet mens tyd van jou besigheid afstaan. Ek sal graag eers my besigheid heeltemal ves-tig voor ek daarmee begin.”

Sy spot ook dat sy haar voor-

Blink toekoms

‘n Vertroude handelsnaam in Tzaneen vir die afgelope twin-tig jaar, het in Desember opwin-dende veranderings ondergaan. ADA, met hul bekende geel en rooi naambord, is in Desember deur nuwe eienaars oorgeneem, in die vorm van ‘n konsessie.

ADA Verspreiders word toe ADA Tzaneen.

Die winkel in Plantasieweg 27 in die ou nywerheidsgebied spog nou met ‘n nuwe perseel en ‘n nuwe helder geel naambord.

Ada is ‘n alles-in-een-winkel wat ‘n wye verskeidenheid produkte vir huisvroue én kor-poratiewe klante bied. Produk-te sluit in: ‘n verskeidenheid

chemikalieë soos handewas-seep en “pine gel”, poetsbesems (“mop”), besems, skoonmaak-toerusting, verpakkingsmate-riaal, skryfb ehoeft es, Bybels en Christelike boeke.

Hulle bied ook ’n volledige reeks Nampak-produkte soos toiletpapier en “Jumbo rolls”.

Klante kan uitsien na ruim parkering — of slegs die winkel bel, vir gratis afl ewering binne Tzaneen se dorpsgrense.

Besoek gerus die perseel vir vriendelike persoonlike di-ens en ontdek die interessante verskeidenheid produkte wat beskikbaar is — of skakel hulle by 015 307 1990.

Nuwe baadjie vir ADA


Page 9: Bulletin_130503

Mr George Ramodike, the prin-cipal of Marumofase Primary School in Lenyenye, has yet again been acknowledged for his contribution to edu-cation.

He has been named top perforrmer in the circuit cluster (Thabi-na, Ritavi, Makhuts-we, Lepelle, Shilu-vana and Khujwana), as well as the Mopani District’s top teacher.

The cherry on the cake is that he has also been rewarded as the best in Lim-popo, for excellent performance!

Ramodike was awarded among a group of fi nalists at the national teaching awards at Gallagher Estates. He has been teaching for 35 years

and has brought tremendous im-provement to his school during that period — starting with his fi rst classes under a tree.

9Bulletin 3 May 2013www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Die Laerskool Tza-neen se trompoppies het onlangs aan die eerste provinsiale “Day of stars”-kom-petisie by die Laer-skool Krugerpark in Mokopane deelge-neem. Die meisies het geskitter tydens die kompetisie en hul ou-like danspassies het vir drie eerste plekke gesorg! Die meisies het in die “large drill”-, “pom/nonprop”- en die vlaggroep-afdelings eerste gekom. Hul trot-se afrigter, me Lomé Vice, spog graag met die spannetjie se uit-sonderlike uithou-vermoë, wat selfs nie deur reënweer gestuit

kon word nie.

Ramodike wins national award

Inwoners van Hoedspruit wonder oor die haatspraak — “Shoot the Boer” — wat

op ‘n sementblad in die parkie tussen die gewilde Kamogelo- en Spar-winkelsen-trums geverf is. Onder die kreet staan

ANCYL 2013.

A community took to the streets after Mopani Dis-trict Mayor Joshua Matlou failed to respond to a pe-tition presented to him by Dzumeri-kheyi Road Com-mittee on 12 April, fol-lowing the allegation that Dzumeri-Kheyi road has been removed from the list of those that would be tarred during the current

financial year.

Page 10: Bulletin_130503

10 3 May 2013 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

The Little Eden Nur-sery School in Tzaneen donated R1 000 to the Letaba SPCA’s All for Animals day. The event was held to get the community together to paint and refurbish the Letaba SPCA. Seen here are Mss Estelle Dreyer, Melissa Stry-dom, Debbie Kromberg (Little Eden), Ellie Pot-gieter (SPCA), Carmen Lotriet (Little Eden) and Monica Young. In front are Emma Masetla, Fatima Patel, Lwakhe Mbokane, Machery Ramafalo and Sagwati

Jongweni.Photo: Retha Nel

Die goeie reën in die middel en na die einde van April kan ‘n aanduiding wees van wat ge-durende die vroeë winter in Lim-popo verwag kan word.

Die SA Weerdiens voorspel dat

Mei en Junie natt er en kouer as gewoonlik in Limpopo sal wees. Volgens ‘n wetenskaplike by die weerdiens, mnr Cobus Olivier, sal die tweede helft e van die win-ter egter warmer en droër wees.

Koue & nat winter kom

Een van die bekendste en gewildste geeste-like leiers in die land, Dr Isak Burger van die AGS, besoek Tzaneen dié naweek. Bur-ger is reeds dekades lank die hoof van en ‘n lewende legende in die Apostoliese Geloof-sending van SA.

Die AGS Kerk in Tzaneen vier vanjaar hul 75 ste herdenking. Burger sal môre (Sater-dag) reeds in Tzaneen wees, waar hy die ge-

meente met hul besondere mylpaal sal gelukwens en saam met hulle ‘n gemeentebraai geniet.

Almal is welkom om Sondagoggend om 09:00 en die aand om 18:30 sy dienste in die AGS se kerkgebou op die hoek van Claude Wheat-leystraat en Sirkelweg by te woon.

Dr Burger, wat sowat 35 jaar gelede vir die eerste keer in Tzaneen bedien het, sê hy dink steeds dat Tzaneen een van die pragtigste dor-pe en gemeenskappe in die land is. “Soos enige ander gemeente het Tzaneen deur die jare ook deur verskillende seisoene gegaan. Maar omdat Jesus Koning van die gemeente is, kan ons met oortuiging sê: kyk vorentoe! Die beste lê nog voor!”

Bekende leier kom kuier

Dr Isak Burger

The winter cold is approaching and temperatures are dropping. The Department of Energy, in partnership with the Liquefied Pe-troleum Gas (LPG) industry, encourages all LPGas users to take the opportunity to refill or stock up on supplies. LPG is cur-rently readily available and users are urged to refill or stock up

to cover their medium term needs.

Stock up on your gas supplies

Page 11: Bulletin_130503

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Compiled by / Samestelling deur: Retha Nel - E-pos/e-mail: [email protected]

This Week ‘13

This Month ‘13


AGS van SA Duiwelskloof Zwaririrylaan, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9275.AGS van SA Letsitele H/v 2de & Oosthuizenstrate, Letsitele: 082 697

6881.AGS van SA Tzaneen Claude Wheatleystraat 2, Tzaneen: 015 307 5112.Anglican Church C/o Hermanus & Agatha St, Tzaneen: 015 307 3534.

Baptist Church 12 Koos Nel St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4634.Catholic Church Ged. 241 Voortrekker Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 6845.

Catholic Church Haenertsburg 969 Bok Street, Haenertsburg: 083 964 9859.

Haenertsburg Christian Church 7 Rissik Street, Haenertsburg: 015 276 1111.

Dinamus Gemeenskapskerk Hoërskool Ben Vorster se saal: 082 823 1074.

Evangelies Gereformeerde Kerk Adshadestraat 11, Tzaneen: 015 307 3371.

Gereformeerde Kerk Claude Wheatley-straat,Tzaneen: 015 307 1558 / 015 307 1874.

German Evangelical Lutheran Church Zwariri Road, Modjadjiskloof. 082 653 5498.

St Paul’s United Church Haenertsburg Mark Street, Haenertsburg: 015 307 3534.

Shekinah House 10 Manorvlei on Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen: 015 307 4729.

Lede in Christus Kerk H/v Pieter Joubert & Jopie Bothastrate, Tzaneen: 015 309 9920.

Methodist Church 10 Peace St, Tzaneen: 015 307 4525.Hope Methodist Church Duivelskloof Boltman St, Modjadjiskloof:

015 309 8594.NG Kerk Laeveld Boltmanstraat, Modjadjiskloof: 015 309 9323.

NG Kerk Letsitele H/v Joubert / Bothastr, Letsitele: 015 345 1618.NG Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 28, Tzaneen: 015 307 4498 / 015 307

4497.NG Kerk Wolkberg Agathastraat, Tzaneen: 015 307 4062.

New Apostolic Church Tzaneen Vrouefederasie Hall, King Edward Road, Tzaneen: 015 307 4807.

Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Laeveld Morrisonstraat, Modjad-jis-kloof: 015 309 9580.

Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Letsitele Dr Anneke Skoolsaal: 015 345 1128.

Nederduitsch Hervormde Kerk Tzaneen Agathastraat 14, Tzaneen: 015 307 4508.

Pinkster Protestante Kerk H/v Frank May & Pearlmanstrate,Tza-neen: 015 307 1111.

Sewendedag Adventiste Kerk Aqualaan 25, Tzaneen: 015 307 3240. Volle Evangelie Kerk Parkstraat 3, Tzaneen: 015 307 3387.

World Impactors Bible Church Aka Christian Center Church.1B Section Nkowankowa, Nsova Street. 015 307 3531.

Hero� eld 48 Adshade Street, Tzaneen: 082 309 8335.

Church l KerkEvents l Gebeure‘13

APK Basaar AP Kerk, Tzaneen, vandag, 09:00-19:00. Moderne kunsmark, teetuin, plante, groente, heerlike eetgoed en gebak. Besighede kan kos (pannekoek, koeldrank, stokworsies, ens) bestel vir a� ewering vanaf 12:00. Skakel Doempie by 083 645 3747. Debiet- en kredietkaartmasjien beskikbaar. Navrae: Donovan 083 412 5329 of [email protected].

Voetefees vir Vriendinne Hoërskool Ben Vorster, vandag, 14:00. Skoenparade met die nuuste skoenmodes deur 8 bekende skoenhuise. Leer meer oor skoene, voete en pedi’s. Demon-strasies, spesiale trekkings, uitstallings v produkte. Spesiale afslagpryse. Slegs kontantverkope. Kaart-jies: R60/p by gasvrouens/die Munt. Navrae: Isolde Fasondini 015 307 4490.

Isak Burger AGS Kerk Tzaneen, Sondag, 09:00, 18:30. Die gemeenskap word uitgenooi na dienste aangebied deur Dr Isak Burger, pres-ident van die AGS van SA. Hy besoek die AGS Tzaneen-gemeente ter viering van hul 75-jarige bestaan.

Alleenlopers Bring-en-braai, môre, 18:00. Alle alleenlopers tussen 40 en 100 wat lus is vir ‘n wegbreek, is welkom. Vir meer besonderhede skakel 083 453 3250 of 083 550 8626.

Yoti die Griekse boertjie Hoërskool Ben Vorster, 10 Mei,19:00. Kom geniet ‘n Griekse aand saam met Yoti, die Griekse Boertjie. Geniet sy Afrikaanse tre� ers, Country , Gospel, Opera, wêreld- toer met sang in meer as tien verskillende tale. Koste: R100/p, sluit ligte ete in. Wyn sal bedien word. Navrae: kerkkantoor 015 307 4508 of Mag-dalena 083 305 8132.

Mathys Roets NGK Tzaneen saal, 10 Mei. Mathys Roets, MD Greyling, Leon Ecroignard en Peter Hoven (almal deel van Ses Snare) gaan op-

tree. Barnyard-styl, neem eie eet- en drinkgoed. Kaartjies: R130/p. Bespreek ‘n tafel (8 persone) by Denise (Kerkkantoor) 015 307 4496.

Moedersdag orgideëskou Tza-neen Lifestyle Sentrum, 10 Mei, 12:00-17:00; 11 Mei, 08:00-17:00; 12 Mei, 09:00-13:00. Aangebied deur die Wolkberg Orgideë Vereniging. Pragtige orgideë plante te koop. Toegang gratis. Navrae: Daan van Zyl 073 356 2235 of Sarel Spies 072 527 9850.

Music Eisteddfod Unicorn Primary, Tza-neen, 16 and 17 May. The entire community is in-vited to participate. It’s a platform for young and old to showcase their musical talents. Entry form, syllabus, general rules, enquiries: Lizelle Pienaar 083 388 4640.

SAVF Hoededag Op 17 Mei is dit die SAVF se jaarlikse hoededag. Koop ‘n plakker vir R10 en dra ‘n hoed. Die winste gaan aangewend word om in die koue wintermaande, kos op tafels van minderbevoorregde gemeenskapslede te sit. Almal word uitgedaag om aan die landswye pro-jek deel te neem. gerus ons kantoor vir verdere navrae-0153072645/3075823

Annale van ‘n Windgat Hoërskool Ben Vorster skoolsaal, 22 Mei, 18:30 vir 19:00. Een-man-komedie oor die vier basiese persoonlikheid-tipes opgevoer deur Neels Clasen (Jan Gerecke van Binnelanders). Kaartjies: R 100/p. Beskikbaar by Hoërskool Ben Vorster of 082 927 8066 of 082 808 0802.

Willie en die Wenspan NGK Tza-neen-Wolkberg, 31 Mei 2013. Interkerklike kin-derbediening met sang en musiek.10:00-10:30: kleuters, 10:45-11:15: gr 1- 3. Alle kleuterskole, speelgroepe, junior primêre klasse en ouers welkom. R10/kind. Navrae: Kerkkantoor 015 307 4062 (tydens kantoorure).

Jukebox Dans Tzaneen Skousaal, 31 Mei, 18:30. Aangebied deur Voetspoortjies Kleuter-skool. Navrae: Marié Huysamen 076 813 9644.

Pret Hondeskou NGK Wolkberg, Tzaneen, 1 Junie. Vet pret en groot pryse! Skryf jou hond in vir verskeie items. Deelnemers moet ‘n vrywaring-vorm invul en skoureëls nakom. Navrae: Annelien Nel 083 456 3143 of Wolkberg kerkkantoor 015 307 4062.

Vakansieprogram Letsitele Biblioteek, 24-26 Junie. Die Letsitele Biblioteek bied ‘n vakan-sieprogram deur Reiner van Van Goghies (kinder-kunsklasse). Besprekings is noodsaaklik, kan slegs 30 kinders/dag akkommodeer. Kinders moet asb eie kospakkie en drinkgoed bring. Registreer voor of op 14 Junie. Navrae: 015 345 1911.

Gospelfees Tzaneen, 6 en 7 Julie. Gospelfees op 6 Julie en ‘n lofprysingdiens op 7 Julie. Bek-ende gospelsangers, koskraampies, ‘n kunsmark, handewerkkraampies, Christelike produkte. ‘n Saal vol vermaak vir kinders soos poppeteater en ponieritte. Navrae: Elize Caroto 015 307 2586 of 076 276 8626.

Letsitele Kerskuiermark NGK Let-sitele, 25 en 26 Oktober. Kom koop solank jou Kersgeskenke of snu� el rond vir interessanthede. Vermaak vir kinders, kosdemonstrasies, teetuin. Navrae of om ‘n kraampie te bespreek: Grizel Gub-itz 083 738 1515 of [email protected].

Round Table Clubhouse in Circle Drive, Tzaneen, meeting on the � rst Tuesday of every month. Enquiries: Henk van Wyngaardt 076 371 7193 or Bruce Mogg 082 824 4291.

Divorce Counselling DivorceCare and DivorceCare 4 Kids, Shekinah House, Tuesdays, 18:30/19:00. Contact Maryna 015 307 2527.

Support The Tzaneen Depression and Anxie-ty Support Group meetings every alternate Thurs-day at 18:30 at the Macadamia Community Cen-tre. Enquiries: Colleen 015 307 5137 or 083 415 5137/071 853 2121.

Herofi eld Aanddiens Sondae, 18:00, Adshadestraat 48, Tzaneen. Almal is welkom. Skakel Hannes Steyn 082 309 8335 of [email protected].

Rugby Die Letaba Rugbyklub oefen Dinsdae en Donderdae 18:00. Navrae: Gawie 083 299 9797.





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12 3 May 2013 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”





BID NO: SCMU 20/2013

Request for proposals from experienced service providers for security solutions at Greater Tzaneen Municipality. The minimum speci�cations are detailed in the bid document. Bid documents are obtainable at the Supply Chain Management Unit, upon payment of non-refundable fee of R150 per document payable at the Revenue o�ces: Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic centre, Agatha Street.

Interested service providers must give proof of the following documents: Proof of quali�cations (certi�ed), certi�ed ID copies, company registration / CK form, original TAX clearance certi�cate, proof of work experience (attach CV) and original or certi�ed copy of B-BBEE certi�cate and proof of registration with professional body.

Completed bid documents with attachments must be in sealed envelope and deposited into the bid box of Greater Tzaneen Municipality, Civic Centre, Agatha Street, marked as Bid No: SCMU 20/2013 “REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ON SECURITY SOLUTIONS FOR GREAT-ER TZANEEN MUNICIPALITY.”

Bids document will be available at the brie�ng session. Compulsory Brie�ng session will be on 10 May 2013 at 10:00 at the Council Chambers. Closing date: 17 May 2013 at 12:00 at the Council Chambers.

N.B. The evaluation of bid will be conducted in two stages. First stage it be the assessment of functionality, there after only the bidders that obtain 70 points will be evaluated in terms of 80/20 Preference point scoring system, where 80 points will be allocated for price only and 20 points will be allocated based on the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) status level of contributor.


Technical enquiries should be directed to MK Makhubele @ 072 946 1619Administrative enquiries should be directed to Leon Mashao @ 076 813 4063

Mr ME Mankabidi Municipal Manager



Legal Notice

Notice is hereby given to the public about the inten-tion to restore:Gatsu construction – Reg. No. 2002/012545/23From companies and intellectual property com-mission and Haniel Davies Mhlongo – ID 6203225203086as a member.Anyone objecting the SAID intention must please contact Cipro companies at 012 394 9500 within 21 days and give reasons for their objections.Mr. H.D. Mhlongo078 341 6957Mei101___________________________

To LetTu Huur


Town HousesMeenthuis

Town HousesMeenthuis



O� ceKantore

For SaleTe Koop

1 Bedroom flat to rent4 km from town on a plotNo children, small pets

allowed.R2 000 pm. Plus electricity

Deposit required082 578 0442


Townhouse in secure complex,

3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan living area and kitchen, 2 locked garages, garden. Available 1 st May.

R 5000 per month.Elize. 084 495 2744.


Netjiese moderne 2 slp kamer meenthuis te

huur in Letsiteleby Citrus Villas, R3 600

w&e uitgesluit. Onmiddellik beskikbaar.

Skakel Elzaan by 0835616062


Plaashuis te huur teen R2 000 pm, water en ligte

uitgesluit. 10 Km uit die dorp. Beskikbaar vanaf

1 Mei 2013Skakel

082 740 5734Apr403_______________________

Magoebaskloof – Spacious 4 bedroom house for hire.

2,5 Bathrooms, kitchen & scullery, dining & living rooms, lounge & study.

R7 500 pm.Call Herby 083 293 3443Apr404________________________

Spacious Single Office with own entrance, off

street parking, R1 650/mth incl ADSL Internet feed &

weekly servicing. PAYG elec. meter.

015 307 6599Mei101__________________

New on the market. Very beautiful home,

4 bedrooms, 2 ½ bathrooms, large en-tertainment area with built-in braai. Open plan kitchen/dining

room. Very neat gar-den. Double garage & swimming pool. Price

R1800 000. Salomie

071 641 9041Mei105_____________________



Investors Dream! 5 Bedroom Home, with 5 bathrooms, 3 living

areas, open plan kitchen/dining room, lapa with 2 rooms, double garage and carport. Swimming pool. Price R1 900


071 641 9199Mei106_____________________



SOLE MANDATE Commercial property

in CBD — 800 m². Excellent buy for the

investor!Lots of office space.

POA. Theo

071 641 9199Mei107_____________________



Excellent buy! 3 Bed-room townhouse, 2

bathrooms, open plan kitchen/dining room, 2 living areas, double

garage R850 000.

Eddie 071 895 6672




Townhouse in sought after complex. 3

Bedroom, 2 bath-rooms, open plan

kitchen /dining room and lounge. Double carport R710 000.

Maggie 079 884 5106




Neat home for sale. 4 bedrooms, 3

bathrooms, 3 living areas, kitchen, dining room. Entertainment

area with built-in braai and sparkling pool.

Carport for 4 vehicles. R1 650 000.

Maggie 079 884 5106




Arbor Park vacant stand 895 m². Price

R350 000.Eddie

071 895 6672Mei110____________________



Golden Acres vacant stand 600 m². Last stand in first phase

R350 000.Thonet

071 641 9137Mei108_____________________



Aquapark5 Slaapkamers, 3 Badkamers1 Gastetoilet

1 Studeerkamer1 SitkamerTV-kamerEetkamerKombuisPakkamer

2 Wendy-huise ( 1 bad-kamer)

DubbelmotorhuisGroot afdakke


Elektriese heining

Private SaleValencia Estates

(security complex): R1,4mOpen plan living area

3 bedrooms2 bathrooms

Double garageEntertainment area

Please phone 078 451 8634to arrange for appointment.


TeëldakGevestigde tuin

Koopprys R 2,750,000

Kontak Loubelle078 451 8634


Privaat koop Geen agente asseblief

Aquapark Van der Steen-straat

4 Slaapkamers2 Badkamers1 TV-kamer

1 StudeerkamerRuim oopplan leefarea1 Slaapkamer-woonstel

Elektriese heiningSwembad

DubbelmotorhuisKoopprys R 1,650,000

Kontak Loubelle 078 451 8634


Job Seeker Property | Eiendomme

To advertise here call Lihanie 015 307 7248

The Eye News, a Lenyenye based community newspaper, is looking for an experienced and motivated advertising marketer . General PurposeTo develop, establish and maintain client base.Main Job Tasks and Responsibilities• Manage and coordinate all marketing, advertising• Develop and implement marketing plans and projects.• Monitor, review and report on all marketing activity and

results.Education and Experience• Experience in advertising sales a de� nite advantage• Technical marketing skills• Self-motivated and goal oriented• Relevant product and industry knowledge• Own transport essential• Persuasiveness, adaptability

Remuneration is performance driven. Basic salary negotiable.

Please forward your CV to: mashilep@gmail .comor contact Mr Mashile Phalane on 072 336 7853.


Page 13: Bulletin_130503

13Bulletin 3 May 2013www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Need a TruckInternational or TATAImperial Commercial

Call Ruben015 297 7045


Vital BugsDie insek plaagbeheer

spesialiste virWitluis

Vals KodungmotStephan

082 771 0777Apr416___________________

BMGBearing Man Group

Bearings, seals, power transmissions

Drives & motorsBelting, fasteners

Filtration015 307 7334


JS PetroleumOpen to the public

24/717 Kudu Street015 307 6640


Electronic SparesAudio repairsDVD, Tv, VCR

RepairsSpeakers spares and


18 Skirving Street079 407 1464


Give your child a gift of LIFE !

N.D.S got that present:A valid drivers license!

Send your child to us and make it our duty to take

everything off of your shoulders. We will make sure that he/she will be a

safe road user. We will take the candidates through the learners and license process. Assisting them

with the whole procedure of obtaining a valid drivers

license.Gideon 0832620363

en Giane 0832792343


Electronic SparesAudio repairsDVD, TV, VCR

RepairsSpeakers spares and

AccessoriesBring jou ou TV, radio, DVD

of videomasjienVir gratis waardasie en ons probeer dit vir jou verkoop.

Johan18 Skirving Street

079 407 1464Mei102__________________

Battery SpotAll your battery needsAlways the cheapest

015 307 324428 Kudu Street


PlumbwiseDon’t think twice call

PlumbwiseGeneral plumbing

Leak repairsGeyser repairs

Unblocking of drainsRoelf

083 289 5235015 307 7168


OasisPrepared and ozoneted

water for your healthXango natural fruit juice

blen079 296 7414015 307 2504


Springkastele en GlybaneSuikerbekkie19a@web-


071 870 9193Mar105___________________

Adele’s Beauty and Slimming Clinic

FacialsBody sculpture

WaxingAcrylic nails

24 King Edward015 307 2193


Premium TruckingYour premium choice in

transportSAND, STONE

Low bed transport available

082 659 0532Mar108___________________

Sleebok015 307 6005

Granite, marble, monuments

Tombstones, vanities, kitchen tops


Wenkem SAMikro element blaarvoeding

Na oes bedrefmiddelsPlaagdoders, Swamdoders

Citrosol wakesCor Greyling 082 856 5445

Steve Smuts 071 819 3269Mar110__________________

Agri BoxKontak ons vir nuwe sitrus

pakmateriaal vir die komende seisoenRietbokstraat 5C

015 307 1863Danie Vaughn083 307 2076


Simpson MotorsFor the best in sales and

after sale service015 307 5010


Van Vreden Paneelkloppers

Geen stamp te groot of te klein nie

Skakel015 307 3764


Piet Dry OogkundigeKoop ‘n bril en kry ‘n gratis voorskrif-enkelvisiesonbril

015 307 2439Apr211___________________

New Sushi Bar

@ Rose & Dragon (Oasis Mall). To place your

order phone Rose at 079 011 8811


Kruger TrailersBeplan jy ‘n funksie of

‘n troue?Ons verhuur stoele en

tafels, 160 plastiekstoele en 20 staaltafels op ‘n

sleepwa (trailer)Kontak Bennie

083 635 1731 of Stephanie: 078 847 9452Stuur ‘n e-pos na kruger-

[email protected] vir ‘n kwotasie


Tzaneen Ice and Trailer Hire

We service all makes of trailers

Hennie 083 651 0936Apr408___________________

Kaap AgriEenstop-Diens

Vir die boer se behoeftesPakmarkmateriaal vir die

sitrus-seisoen015 307 6836

Apr412___________________Fastrack Trading

Herstel van enige bosbou-, tuin- en werkwinkel-

masjinerie en gereedskapLourens

072 156 1881Apr413___________________

MotormasterFor all your body repairs,

dents, paintwork, rubberizing

Wynand 082 555 4517Apr414___________________

“Instant Lawn”Kitsgras van hoogstaande

gehalte. Prys R25 per vierkante meter.

Aflewering ekstra.Skakel Hennie Maartens

015 307 4562 of073 872 8031 alle ure.


Big crosscut saw and 28m² wood dryer.

Contact Edmar084 522 88 66


Een 7.5 pk eensilinder Lister dieselenjin te koop,

in werkende toestandR7 500 o.n.a

Een 12.5 pk tweesilinder Lister dieselenjin te koop

in werkende toestandR15 900 o.n.a

Skakel 082 881 8937 of 082 802 3356


VHS – DVD?Before your VHS tapes all

go wonkey and your VCR conks out.

Contact Roy Deeks and I will transfer your

tapes to DVD.Also do weddings and

documentariesSPEAK TO ME!082 893 1235015 309 9456


Mathomo Workshopnext to elagant fuels

botha strduiwelskloof

services and repairs on all cars&bakkies24h service

contact: Albie 082 645 4065, Tiny 082 791 6119


Gate Repairs, motor installations and small welding jobs, 20 years

experienceCall Dave

074 242 2162Free Quotes


Limpopo ComputersCall us for any assistance on

computers printers’ ext

071 879 0542Mar408___________________

Food Lovers MarketVir al jou alledaagse

huishoudelike benodighede beste pryse

Lifestyle CentreMar409__________________

IckingersVir geskenke,

juweliersware, musiek- benodighede.

Unieke meubels015 307 4448


Kokkerot Gif NOU

beskikbaarKontak Anette079 639 6445015 307 6741


Adams KafeeBesoek ons nuwe

Koffiewinkel, teetuin, buitelug restaurant vir vinnige kitskos

015 307 3634Apr210___________________

Gail Altona OogkundigeDiscovery Health

members get up to 20% off on frames and lenses

015 307 124312 Peace Street


WatermaatDie boorgatpompspesialiste vir flink

en vriendelike diens1ste Laan 12015 307 1530


For all your printing! Full colour work, from invoice

books, statements, programmes, wedding cards, school reports, advertising material,

calendars and much more. Contact 015 309 9382.


Smouskous l Pick’nBuy








For SaleTe Koop



To LetTe Huur



Litchi TreesMauritius & McLeans.

strong trees in 5 L bags.R20 + VAT per tree.

Large quantities contact Brian at

083 306 0855or 015 307 5240


PlumbingFor all your plumbing and general needs,

Phone Eugene 082 412 7594


Pest Control Specialists015 307 4065082 335 6808


Key shop & locksmith.Quick friendly, professional service. 24 Hour call out.Opening of safes, locks & vehicles. Personalised

number plates.Supply: locks, keys, safes,

number plates.015 307 7775


RoentesRadiografiese dienste.

4D UltrasoundMedi 24,

h/v Thabo Mbeki & Pleinstraat, Polokwane.

Skakel 015 291 2275


Bargains GaloreGeregistreerde pand-

en tweedehandse handelaar.

Ons pand, koop en verkoop enigiets van

waarde. Juwele, meu-bels, gereedskap, ens.

Vir die beste pryse. Kom besoek ons by

Plantasieweg 11, langs Dass.

015 307 1171082 472 8483


MulticleanFor all your cleaning of Carpets, Upholstery &

Mattresses. Quality workmanship

guaranteed.Contact Uwe @076 833 9112


Mille FloraVir tuininstandhouding

en tuinuitleg skakel ons.

Jy sal verbaas wees oor die verskil wat ons

aan jou tuin kan maak.

Ilse 083 407 8061Johan 083 276 8946


HYDRA-BOSSRepairing and

installing gate motors, repairing gates and

light steelwork.Contact

Dave Britle at 074 242 2162

or [email protected]



TREKKER8 x 8 ton trokke te huur

R18/km + BTW & 25 ton @

R23,50/km + BTW een rigting

Skakel vir kwotasie:076 410 9503

082 851 7139 of015 345 1192

084 627 0956Mar201________________


Do you need building supplies? We are your one stop shop! 015 307 7168


The Bargain ShopWe pay cash for furniture, appliances and unwanted

goods of value.015 306 0036

or 083 576 7618


Organic compost, lawn dressing, potting soil,

garden mulch, bark chips.Brian: 083 391 0195

083 306 0855015 307 5240

june 403___________________

Camelia FloristSpecializes in

all types of functions, occasions, funeral flowers,

home & office arrangements as wellas wedding bouquets.

Una 82 872 6214mei308___________________

We sell new and used vehicles!

Contact 015 307 5020 Mar217___________________

Ons spesialiseer in die volgende mediese fondse:

Discovery Health, Resolution Health,

Momentum, Fedhealth, Medscheme.

Kontak ons vir gehalte diens en

professionele advies.Tel: 015 307 3316


BF Distributors TzaneenDistributors of Caltex Fuels

& Lubricants015 307 1998


Duvenhage Furniture Removals

MeubelvervoerOns verpak &

verseker landwyd .Puik diens & lae pryse.Marlien 015 781 0637

083 252 8928

Robbi se KostrollieR80 000

Skakel 082 893 1869Mar114_______________

The BEST in Catering! Any function, anytime!

Contact Elna on 083 371 9190 or 082 833 7380.

jul106________________Verfraai u tuin met

“stepping stones” of nagemaakte rotse waar geen gras wil groei nie.

Vir gratis kwotasies skakel 072 721 4337 of

073 356 2235

Letaba VervoerWegry van tuinvullis en bourommel @ R150 per

bakkievrag (1ton).Skakel 073 356 2235 of

015 307 5439

DASSRefrigeration + Air

conditioning. Speed Queen, Whirlpool. Install Defy A/C service, spares and repairs to all makes of domestic appliances.

11 Plantation Road.Tzaneen

We collect + deliver015 307 1798




1. Maandelikse & Jaar-likste boekhouding

2. Bestuursrekeninge3. Opstel van

Finansiële State4. Registrasie van Maat-

skappye5. Opgawes vir:

5. 1 Inkomstebelasting5. 2 BTW

5. 3 Alle relevante op-gawes soos vereis.

Kontak Harold Butler (SAIPA 17832, SAIT.Geregistreerde Be-

lasting-praktisyn – PR C97971B)

By 015 307 3370 & 078 686 8320


Vervoer van meubels. Verwydering van tuin-vullis en bourommel.

Gratis kwotasie.Thinus 082 807 6620




015 3451192/084 627 0956

076 410 9503082 851 7139

Epos:[email protected]

Web: www.steynberg-meubelvervoer.com


Vragmotors te huur 1 x 8 ton; 2 x 4 ton.

Vervoer tussen Tzaneen, Polokwane, Phalaborwa, Giyani,

Hoedspruit en Louis Trichardt.

Deel vragte indien moontlik. Betroubaar

en verseker goeie diens.

Kontrakte welkom.Easy Trans

082 483 8996 of 082 677 9973


“Die gras het nou weer begin groei!”

Trekker met ‘slasher’

beskikbaar virgrassnywerk. Skakel Andre 082 322 5388



CLEANINGThe Clean Team – In Tzaneen since 2000.

We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc.Also: Masterguard. You know us and

our service!Call today:

Eugene and Yvonne 071 783 7112081 301 6018

BundsDIY hardwareWaterproofing

You pick we paint17 Skirving Street

015 3075562/3Apr407__________________

New school shoes in stock

Danie Joubert str.Next to Ickinger015 307 2856


S H O E SHealth

Jou Besigheid se Boeke: Kopseer of

vreugde?By Maritel doen ons:Boeke tot op finale

proef (Bank, kleinkas, debiteur, krediteure

en alle gepaardgaanderekonsiliasie).

Bestuurstate BTWalle fasette (boere wat

mark toe stuur baie welkom) U.I.F


NS! Doen ook Pas-tel-opleiding met

‘n verskil,prakties by die

werkplek. Groot sukses!

Kontak nou vir Marie by 072 409 7057

“Vir die beste diens met die “Blou Bul Span”

skakel:Johan 060 437 7447Arno 078 164 4701

Five 1 Two Trailers

Trailer RentalsTrailers available.

Hannes EngelbrechtContact

073 765 654928 Plantation Rd


Truck to hire 10 – 15 ton R20/km + Vat

around Tzaneen.For long distances please

contact the office for a quote


Toyota Corolla 1.32001 model

R33 000 price negotiable

Good conditionContact 082 633 5166Apr101_______________

Two year old Alsation female called ArabelleWent missing from 20 Van Velden St., Medi-park, on 29/04/2013

Please contactJaco 082 491 1459

Heleen 082 554 6724Mei103_____________

Tweetalige Kantoordame benodig met kennis van Pastel. Pos onmiddelik beskikbaar. Faks CV na

086 693 3396.Apr402___________________

Children’s Home in Tzaneen is looking for ex-perienced carers for week

days and for weekendsPhone Sylvie082 573 8383


Looking for a Receptionist that can work from 12:30

to 20:00 pm.Must be computer literate.Must speak English and

Afrikaans. Extroverte-mail CV to tza-

[email protected]___________________

Nissan 2.7 Diesel D/C for sale. 2001 model R60 000-00 Neg.

Yamaha quad 450 YZF 2004 model, good

condition, has papers R30 000 Neg.

Contact 071-232-2367


To advertise here please call Lihanie

015 307 7248

Page 14: Bulletin_130503

14 3 May 2013 Bulletin www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Job Seeker




My name is Wallsy Nkh-washu I am looking for a job a domestic worker or general worker, o� ce cleaner and I can also look after children I can speak English, sleep out contact me on 076 280 3543 (113) _____________________

My name is Rebecca Mo-hale I am looking for job as a domestic worker/general worker, o� ce cleaner, I can cook and look after children, speak English, sleep out con-tact 072 838 0252 (114) _____________________

My name is Twab Rejoice, I am looking for domestic work or general work, i have two years experience i can speak English (ref Chaleen 083 2840 719) contact me on 079 447 0543 (115) _____________________

Paulinah Makwala I am look-ing for a domestic work, gen-eral work of o� ce cleaner, i have 3 years experience I speak English contact me on 076 157 8806 (116) _____________________

Selina Madiia i am looking for a domestic work or o� ce cleaner, i can speak English and Afrikaans, i have 8 years experience in domestic work (ref Irma Prinsloo 082 896 7761) contact me on 072 192 4762 (117) _____________________

My name is Selina Nkwane I am looking for domestic works i can speak English and Afrikaans sleep out or in i can look after children (ref Geyen Steyn 076 636 3770 (118) _____________________

Kate Phoshoko is my name i am looking for a domestic work 5 days a week i speak English, sleep out contact me on 071 217 5213 (119) _____________________

Malemela Rosalia I am look-ing for a domestic work, of-� ce cleaner or general worker I can speak English, sleep out, look after children, (ref Caro-line Dezler 073 299 0716) contact me on 073 591 2303 (120) _____________________

Rachel Khalonga I am looking for a domestic work, o� ce cleaner and i can cook, have two years experience in do-mestic work (ref Tammy 083 4048 912 (121) _____________________

My name is Twalo Rejoice I am looking for a domestic work or general work, I have two years experience, speak English (ref Chaleen and Ger-rit Pretorius 083 2840 719) contact me on 079 447 0543 (122) _____________________

Paulinah Makwela is my name I am looking for a do-mestic work or general/o� ce cleaner, I have 3 years experi-ence, I speak English contact me on 076 157 8806 (123) _____________________

My name is Jane Makwala I am looking for a domestic work, I can speak English can look after children, have 3 years experience, sleep out. (ref M. van Tonder 081 561 8693) contact me on 076 972 1969 (124) _____________________

My name is Josephine I am looking for work as a bar lady, working in a deli, or any gen-eral work. Contact me on 073 515 9081 (125) _____________________

Selina Nkwana is my name I am looking for a domestic work, I speak English and Af-rikaans, I have 8 years experi-ence sleep in or out contact me on 071 743 6350 (126) _____________________

Rosalia Malemela is my name I am looking for a of-� ce cleaner of domestic work I can look after children, I have 3 years experience, I can speak English (ref Carroline Deslar 073 299 0716) contact me on 073 591 2303 (127) _____________________

My name is Peggy Baloyi I am looking for a domestic work 2 days of full time I can speak English, sleep out contact me on 072 015 8922 (128) _____________________

Sharon Malatji I am looking for a domestic work, cleaner can look after children and I can cook, I can speak English and Afrikaans contact me on 072 323 5628 (129) _____________________

My name is Julia Makhuvele I am looking for a domestic work, I have 7 years experi-ence, I can speak Afrikaans and I can also look after chil-dren, sleep out contact me on 081 850 3328 (130) _____________________

My name is Mmanakape Monyela I am looking for a domestic work I speak sepedi and I can also look after chil-dren, sleep out contact me on 073 670 8216 (131) _____________________

My name is Modjadji Ramat-soma I am looking for a do-mestic work, sleep out 5 days a week or 3 days, I can speak English contact me on 084 615 1978 (132)_____________________

My name is Mohale Makwala I have security grades E, D, C, B, and sira, CIT, hand gun competencies and assess-ment training programme with a drivers licence code 10 of 12 years contact me on 076 094 1199 (35) ______________________

My name is David Setabola.I am looking for a job as sales represantative in food retail.I am situated at Limpopo working as a � eld marketer for unilever.Drivers licence and standard 10 with 15 years experience.I can start asap contact numbers 0793995918 (36) ______________________

My name is Dipolelo Mor-wasehla I am looking for a general job, admin clerk, receptionist, I can speak Eng-lish, I have grade 12, comput-er literacy contact me on 079 994 5991 (37) ______________________

65 Jarige blanke man (pen-sonaris) opsoek na opsigter-werk in Tzaneen kontak Chris 082 518 4504 (38) ______________________

My name is Johanna I am looking for a sewing, wait-ress, catering, decorating, laundry, 5 days or 7 days con-tact me on 073 492 3940 (39) ______________________

My name is Jane Modika I am looking for a domestic work, experience 4 years. (Ref: El-marie 072 7677330) sleep out, speak English contact me on 072 848 2143 (40) ______________________

Hi my name is Tshep Maake

I am looking for a general work for 6 days a week con-tact me on 072 179 2596 (41) ______________________

I am looking for a cleaning, domestic or day care work my name is Eunice Ngomani contact me on 076 3900644 (42) ______________________

I am looking for a job as a general worker or admin clerk, receptionist have 3 months experience, have grade 12 and a diploma in computer literacy, I speak English (ref Ngwanedzi cir-cuit (Tivumbeni CPD mr N.H. Chauke 084 704 2515) con-tact me Maria Rafgoale on 078 784 0602 (43) ______________________

My name is Dalton Rasealoka I am looking for a general work or driver, mechanical have 5 years experience in it at TATA company i can speak Afrikaans (ref Hendrick 082 802 3815) contact my op 078 190 0322 (44) ______________________

My name Manama Ruth Ma-paila I am looking for a gen-eral Assistance work (ref Sug-arloaf, Spar Duiwelskloof ), cleaning, domestic contact me on 073 656 2024 (45) ______________________

My name is Vinolia Sthekge I am looking for a general work, I have grade 12, I can speak English contact me on 078 4363 299 (46) ______________________

My name is Branda Malatji I am looking for a general work, o� ce cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experience Magic Build Tza-neen 4 years experience con-tact me on 072 552 9581 (47) ______________________

My name is Maria Maake I am looking for a general work, o� ce cleaner, cashier, I can speak English, work experi-ence Tzaneen spar (ref Solly Masetla 015 307 1207 con-tact me on 071 809 0146 or 071 794 9577 (48) ______________________

My name is Sophy Makola I am looking for a administra-tion, clerk or general work I have a lever 4 ABET, I speak English contact me on 072 954 2768 (49) ______________________

Gladys Seale is my name I am looking for a general work, security work have grade E.D.C., have lever 4 ABET. I can speak English have 2 years experience in cleaning con-tact me on 071 154 4856 (50) ______________________

Petrus Mathebula I am look-ing for a general work, gar-den service. I can speak Eng-lish contact me on 072 717 4805 (51) ______________________

My name is Shiyondlani Jor-dany I am looking for a gen-eral work, I can speak English contact me on 078 701 3263 (52) ______________________

Patrick Ralepelle is my name I am looking for a general work, panelbeating as � atter. I can speak English and also have grade 12, I have 5 years experience in panelbeating (ref Donald Dymond 011 805 3867) contact me on 078 324 3886 (53) ______________________

My name is Edson P. Ndlovu, I am looking for a job as a roofer, carpenter full time I speak English construction work as well contact me on 073 514 1035 (54) ______________________

My name is Sello Solomon i am looking for a driving job i have a code 14 with PDP, computer literate, experi-ence in driving delivery truck, grade 12 contact me on 073 677 4581 (7) ______________________

My name is Moses Phetole Masina-Mele. I am looking for a job as driver i have code 10 with PDP valid from 2005 contact me on 076 6933 611 (8) ______________________

My name is Mookamedi Doc-tor I am looking for a excava-tor job (contractor) or any other kind of job. I have mat-ric certi� cate and diploma operator excavator. Contact

My name is Beauty Mongela I am looking for a receptions job or admin highest quali� -cation is matric please con-tact me 072 054 1765 (1) ______________________

My name is Cressia Shilwane I am looking for a job as a clerk I have a diploma in computer literate, and grade 12 contact me 082 663 8887 (2) ______________________

Opsoek na Admin/kantoor pos Maandag tot Vrydag, matriek gewali� seerrd skakel Wilmari 079 045 8994 (3) ______________________

My name is Yvonne Baloyi i am looking for a job as a cashier, reception, making orders and receiving stock contact me on 073 8661121 (4) ______________________

me on 083 314 8808 (9) ______________________

My name is Solly Maenetja I am looking for a job as driver or gardener i have code EB licence. I was a driver in the city. Contact me on 082 071 2670(10) ______________________

My name is Mahasha Con� -dence I have matric and code 10 licence. I speak sepedi and English contact me on 082 502 4214 (11) ______________________

My name is Johannes Shai I am looking for a job in build-ing or pest control contact me on 072 568 6604 (12) ______________________

my name is Collins Malatji i am looking for a driver job I have code 10 plus PDP, I have 2years experience at Mahuka local delivery (ref Lourance 015 307 4238) contact me on 079 142 9921 (13) ______________________

My name is Isaiah Banda I am looking for a bike driver job, I have 3 years experience please contact me on 072 206 0965 (14) ______________________

My name is matome Rabo-pape, I have matric and driver licence code C1 contact me on 072 807 7622 (15) ______________________

My name is Tshepo Mashale, I am looking for a driver job I can speak English, I have grade 12, computer literate, have 2 years experience in plumb wise and I year experi-ence at the plumber (ref Roe-lof Neof 083 289 5235 or Flora van Tonder 082 923 8271) contact me on 079 802 8485 (16) ______________________

Kesia Pohl van die Laerskool Duiwels-kloof is vir Limpopo se o.12B-hokkiespan


Sven van Niekerk van die Hoër-skool Ben Vorster is gekies vir die ASA-Jeugspan wat binnekort aan die “South-ern Region Youth Championships” in Angola sal deelneem. Sven is ‘n diskus-atleet wat vanjaar al groot hoogtes

bereik het.

Die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld in Tzaneen het tydens hul Aandmark ‘n 5 km-padwedloop aangebied. Die wenners van die afdeling vir junior seuns en meisies was, agter: Tinoshe Mazodse (derde seun), Penny Lebeu (eerste seun) en JP Venter (tweede seun) Voor staan Christelle

Coetzee (eerste meisie), Lucy Malatji (tweede meisie) en Lethabo Terway (derde meisie).

Dié groep netbalmeisies (o.12 en o.13) van die Laerskool Tzaneen is in April in Mopani-netbalspanne opgeneem. Hulle sal vandag (3 Mei) aan die provinsiale netbalproewe deelneem. Voor staan Monica Meyer, Mokete Maleta, Tumelo Malematja en Juanet Venter. Agter staan Lara Oosthuizen, Lerato Hutamo, Suné Minnaar, Kayla Howard en Corli van

der Merwe.

Die o.13 senior rugbyseuns van die Laerskool Tzaneen wat vir die Le-taba-proewespan gekies is, is (voor) Gideon Vorster, WC Kriel, Roe-han Steenkamp en John Naudé. Agter is Nkhenso Hosana, Nkateko

Tiba en Katlego Shai.

Laerskool Tzaneen se o.12-rugbyseuns wat onlangs in die Letaba-proewespan opgeneem is: (voor) Leonard Joubert, LT de Jager, Brendon Krüger, Christiaan Smit en Juan-Jacques Moller. Agter is

Dehan van Vuuren, Jacques Byleveld en Doran Kleynhans.

Die wenners van die Dopperdraf 2013 se veteraan mans-afdeling was Ivan du Bruyn (tweede), Herman de Bruyn (derde) en Philip

Entres (wenner).

Meer as 120 drawwers het vanjaar aan die Gereformeerde Kerk Laeveld se Dopperdraf deelgeneem. Die wenners van die afdeling vir senior mans was Walt Katzke (tweede), Josef

Fourie (wenner) en Derik Steyn (derde)

Die wenners van die 5 km se afdeling vir senior vroue was Lanie Kruger (tweede), Karin Armstrong (wenner) en Zelda Katzke (derde).

Die drie veteraan vroue wat as wenners in hul afdeling gekroon is, is Karin Pohl (tweede), Gretha Bekker (wenner) en Canna Prinsloo


Page 15: Bulletin_130503

15Bulletin 3 May 2013www.bulletin.us.com Search “Laeveld Bulletin” Search “Laeveldbulletin”

Oubal het nie veel erg aan sportse waar klein balletjies met planke, stokke en dergelike ob-jekte geslaan word nie (hoofsaaklik vanweë Oubal se geneigdheid om sy eie naam met ‘n plank te slaan in daai sportse), maar hy wil darem dié week melding maak van Chris Gayle se nuwe wêreldkord in daai simpel Engelse sport waaroor die Indiese subkon-tinent so gaande is. Welgedaan, Baas Chris, ‘n honderdtal van dertig balletjies af is nie te versmaai nie!

Maar dit moet Oubal darem sê, in ons ge-weste word daar nie ‘n duim terug gestaan as dit by rekords kom nie — twee weke gelede het die Limpopo Blou Bulle Vodacombeker-span ‘n nuwe SA rekord in “eersterangse” rakbie opgestel, toe hulle met 154-0 teen die Pumas verloor het. Pas afgelope naweek het hulle egter hierop verbeter, deur ‘n nuwe wêreldrekord teen die Leeutjies (van alle spanne) op te stel. Ja, die keer het hulle 161-3 verloor!

Geluk, manne, Oubal beskou julle nou in dieselfde klas as Koning Gayle!

‘Tja, dis ‘n treurige stand van sake, maar niemand kan sê Limpopo het hulle nie deeglik voorberei vir hierdie duiselingwek-kende hoogtes nie — vorige uitslae het reeds aangedui waarheen hulle op pad was, so dit was ‘n goeie opbou!

Oubal wonder wie se breinkind dit was om ‘n klomp derderangse amateurs, wat skaars drie ure per week oefen, te laat “kompeteer” teen professionele rakbiespelers wat glo elke weeksdag agt ure lank oefen. Boonop verneem Oubal baie onbetroubaar dat een van die Limpopo-afrigters ‘n voormalige af-rigter van ‘n verloorskool se B-span in die ouderdomsgroepe was — te lagwekkend vir woorde!

As Oubal egter die gerugte moet glo wat die rondte doen, dan sit daar ‘n groter plan agter hierdie fi asko, so hou moed. Sien, Limpopo is mos ‘n sub-unie van die Blou Bulle, en almal weet die BB kontrakteer meer spelers as wat hulle sinvol kan gebruik — kyk maar na Tuks se Varsitybeker span (studente, ga!).

Nou wil een so ‘n gerug dit hê dat die BB in die nabye toekoms twee Vodacombeker-spanne gaan inskryf — die een op Loft us, en een op Bela Bela onder die vaandel van Limpopo. As jy nie sterk is nie, moet jy slim wees, maar as jy albei is, moet jy vindingryk ook wees, sê Oubal!

Oubal sien dat veertien Leeutjies drieë gedruk het in die rekordoorwin-ning oor Limpopo. Vir die enkele outjie wat nie daarin kon slaag nie, wil Oubal net sê, sokkies optrek, boetie, jy laat jou span in die steek!

“Nie net weet Oubal niks van Sielkunde en Medisyne nie, hy weet ook niks van rak-bie nie!” – Anonieme leser in skrywe aan Bulletin


The recently announced Nedbank Ke Yona Team search has created astounding excitement across the country, way before entries even opened. Within a month since the bank unveiled the innovative ad-dition to the Nedbank Cup tour-nament, more than fi ve thousand soccer hopefuls have expressed

their intention to participate in this year’s “idols of football”.

“We are encouraged by the number of people showing interest in taking part in the Nedbank Ke Yona Team. This shows that South Africans are continuously looking for opportunities to make things happen for themselves and this

means that we are on the right path to enabling them.

The nationwide search commenced on 20 April 20 in Port Elizabeth and ending in Kimberly on 08 June. Yesterday (1 May) the search continued in Polokwane. On average fi ve players per province will be selected to form a squad of

45. The Nedbank Ke Yona team will then enter ‘boot camps’ where they will be trained by various soccer legends. It is envisaged that the squad of 45

players gets narrowed down to fi nal group of eighteen soccer stars. There will also be a reality TV series that follows the progress of the players as they get put through their paces. The show will be aired on Saturday aft ernoons at 14:00 on SABC 1, starting tomorrow (4

May). The fi nal Nedbank Ke Yona team

will consist of eighteen aspiring non-professional soccer players who will go head to head with the winners of the 2013 Nedbank Cup. Drawing inspiration from various talent search TV series, such as Idols, MasterChef and X-Factor, Nedbank hopes the Ke Yona team search will become a soccer phenomenon for those aspiring to become SA next big football stars.

Thousands interested in Ke Yona


Saterdag het die Hoërskool Merensky hul jaarlikse amptelike gholfdag op TCC se baan aangebied. ‘n Rekord 108 deelnemers het aan die individuele Stableford deelgeneem.

Die weer het baie mooi saamgespeel, en saam met ‘n baie goeie gees het almal die dag besonder baie geniet.

Pryse is toegeken aan spelers 1 tot 4 in die amptelike

voorgee-afdeling, en aan spelers 1 tot 3 in die nie-amptelike afdeling.

Die uiteindelike wenner vir die dag was ‘n jeugdige O C Maritz jnr.

Merensky-ouers en -personeel het die spelers na die prysuitdeling op ‘n feesmaal onthaal, en is reeds besig om al oor volgende jaar se toermooi te gesels.

Stanford Lake College played Merensky in league hockey games and it was a very suc-cessfully day with Stanford dominating both fi rst team games. The boys won 2-1 and the girls won 3-0. Both Stanford fi rst teams played well struc-tured hockey, keeping posses-sion of the ball and using their opportunities when presented.

Boys:Firsts: SLC won 2-1Seconds: SLC 1-0SLC u15 vs Mer u14 won 2-0.

Girls:Firsts: SLC won 3-0Seconds: drew 1-1u15 SLC lost 4-0u14 SLC lost 2-0.

The unbeatable brothers from Uni-corn — Byron (front) and Gregor Andrew — recently won their respective catego-ries of the Tzaneen Tennis Tournament.

Fleet-feet. These two intrepid young soccer stars from Unicorn, Matlharhi Honwana (front) and Masilo Maake, made it through to the next round of the Limpopo soccer trials after participating in the first round on


SLC edge out Merensky

Arendstatus vir Merensky Gholfdag

Talented netball girls from Unicorn who participated in the first round of trials for the Limpopo team were, from the left: Jamela Maswanganyi and Munene Nkhwashu, who unfortunately failed to progress. However, Shea Adendorff and Rirhandzu Vermeulen went through to the next round,

which will be held soon.

Stefan Nawrattel (Merensky se gholforganiseerder, O C Maritz jnr (wenner), Magnus Steyn (Merensky se hoof) en John Hyde (TCC se klubkaptein).

Page 16: Bulletin_130503

Due to insuffi cient entries received by the closing date, the Tzaneen Rally, which was to have taken place tomorrow, has been post-poned. The organisers have applied for a new date later in the year. Mr D a v i d Brown, the event or-ganiser, apologises to all the land own-ers, vo-lunteers and rally fans for this unavoidable turn of events. Tzaneen rally enthusiasts will be kept informed of developments.

3 May 2013


Dit is gelukkig nie so erg as by die Sharks nie, maar Letaba Rugbyklub het die afgelope week ook weens beserings ge-sukkel om die gate toegestop te kry. Die klub is byvoorbeeld gedwing om ‘n versoolde stut in te span, toe die ou staatmaker Jurg van Heerden nader geroep is uit sy aft rede.

Sy mede-stut, Quinten Kru-ger, het die naweek sy hart uit-gespeel, maar “oom” Jurg het sy kant ook goed gebring, en gewys ‘n ou stut wat die fyner kunsies van skrumwerk ken (sommige dalk nie so geoor-loofd nie!), kan nooit onderskat word nie.

Letaba het teen Loskop gespeel. Die eerste span moes Vrydagaand speel, aangesien Loskop se eerste span nie Sater-

dag kon speel nie (omdat een van hul spelers sy ramparty Saterdag gehou het).

Letaba 1 kon eers na 22:00 Vry-dagaand in koue toestande en ‘n nat veld Loskop met 16-3 afstof.

Toestande was nie gunstig nie: die veld was nat weens swaar dou en dit was baie koud. Leta-ba kon daarin slaag om een drie te druk, deur die staatmaker heelagter JP Kardos. Losska-kel Deano Kruger het die drie verdoel en ook met drie straf-skoppe geslaag.

Skrumskakel Paul du Toit, senter Eugene Smit en vaskop Nauta van der Gryp is vroeg in die wedstryd weens beserings af, waarvan dié van Paul du Toit en Nauta van der Gryp hulle ‘n paar weke op die kantlyn gaan hou. Dit en die glibberige bal het

vloeiende spel erg gekortwiek.Letaba speel more op hul tuis-

veld (Tzaneen se skouterrein) teen Noordelikes, die huidige kampioene wat ook aan die onlangse nasionale klubkampi-oenskappe deelgeneem het.

Dit gaan ‘n ware toets vir Letaba se diepte en karakter wees. Maar Letaba wys al die afgelope klompie jare dat niks met veggees skort nie. Dit is net die beserings wat nou lastig is.

Almal wat in rugby belang-stel, al is dit net so eff entjies, kan gerus more opdaag en ons span kom aanmoedig. Dit sal vir ons spelers baie beteken as hulle voel die gemeenskap sta-an ook agter hulle en geniet die rugby wat opgedis word.

Die eerste wedstryd sal om 15:00 begin.

Letaba II (29) vs Winterveld (0)Letaba se tweede span het Sater-dag ‘n mooi oorwinning oor Win-terveld behaal. Senter Damien van Rensburg het weer ‘n goeie wedstryd gehad en kon as ‘n kan-didaat vir speler van die wedstryd beskou word. Flank en kaptein Wikus Steyn het ‘n baie goeie wedstryd gespeel en van voor gelei en hy sou sekerlik as speler van die wedstryd aangewys kon

word.Drieë: Vleuel Arrie Holtzhauzen, vleuel Ronnie Monani, haker Waldo

van Wyk en twee deur senter Damian van Rensburg.

Doelskoppe: Losskakel Antonie Beswick x 2

Letaba III (22) vs Winterveld (12)Letaba 3 het met 22-12 gewen en vier drieë gedruk, waarvan een ver-doel is. Karel Holtshausen was die

uitblinker in die derdes se stryd.

Gimnaste van die Zani›s-takke het in ‹n ritmiese kom-petisie vir Vlakke 1 tot 3 teen mekaar meegeding (in Polok-wane). Tzaneen se gimnaste van Zani’s het uitgeblink en hulself deeglik laat geld.

Tzaneen Rally cancelled

Anisa Verster en Annalene Rood is nog twee van die gimnaste wat deelgeneem het.

Lee Riley (bal tweede en algeheel tweede), Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Annebelle Schwab, Chantelle de Marillac (hoepel tweede, bal derde en algeheel derde) het ewe goed gevaar in Polokwane. Agter is Antoinette Bredenkamp (hoepel eerste, bal

eerste en algeheel eerste) en Telanie Grobler (afrigter).

Ritmiese gimnaste blinkRitmiese gimnaste blink

Gimnaste van Zani’s-takke in Limpopo het in ‘n ritmiese kom-

petisie vir Vlakke 1 tot 3 teen mekaar meegeding (in Polokwane). Tzaneen se gimnaste van Zani’s het uitgeblink en hulself deeglik laat geld.

Op die hooffoto is Brigette Combrink (Free Dance 1ste, algeheel 4de) Anika Strydom, Lane Kruger (vrydans derde, touwerk eerste, algeheel eerste), Anya Beukes, Shane

Bronkhorst, Elzine Kotze ( tou derde en algeheel derde) en Anke Rood. Agter is hul afrigter, Telanie Grobler.

Letaba klop beseringspook én Loskop!

Gimnaste van Zani’s-takke in Limpopo het in ‘n ritmiese kom-

petisie vir Vlakke 1 tot 3 teen mekaar meegeding (in Polokwane).