ST DOMINIC’S PRIORY COLLEGE 139 Molesworth Street, North Adelaide. 5006. BULLETIN Friday morning mass in the Chapel 8.15am WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Web Site: www.stdominics.sa.edu.au Telephone: 8267 3818 Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm | College Reception All Welcome Friday 6 September Year 7 Touch Football Carnival Tuesday 10 September Year 9 Photography Excursion Wednesday 11 September Year 9 Personal Project Information Evening Year 10 Personal Project Exhibition Year 11 + 12 PE Excursion Friday 13 September Year 2 visit Shri Ganesha Temple Year 11 Informal Wednesday 18 September Dominican Cup Debating Thursday 19 September Annual Music Concert Year 3 Pirate Day DUE THIS WEEK Week 7 Fete Appeal $4 MULTI-CULTURAL FOOD STALL(S) UNIFORM SHOP Opening Hours During Term Mondays 10:30am - 1:30pm Thursdays as follows: 5 Sept 10:30am - 1:30pm 12 Sept 12:30pm - 4:30pm 19 Sept 10:30am - 1:30pm 26 Sept 12:30pm - 4:30pm Term 3 Holidays 10:00am - 2:00pm Monday 30 September Wednesday 2 October Thursday 3 October Saturday 5 October ADVANCE NOTICE The Uniform Shop will be CLOSED Monday 7 to Thursday 31 st October [Weeks 1 - 3 of Term 4] to reopen Monday 4 th November [Week 4] All of you are most welcome to join us for this evening’s Fete Meeting at 7.30pm in the College Reception area. There are a dynamic group of parents and friends, focused on continuing the long tradition of community, which makes this College so special. Home and Away At home base, Self-Love Week was an iniave thought up by our SRCs and they are to be congratulated on promong self-care on an individual and community level. I was quite moved during the bead making acvity held in our Hall. Without prompng, girls across year levels were affirming each other, and many of our older students stopped what they were doing, to instead assist junior primaries to cut string, e that tricky knot, or thread beads. In the last week, eight students and a parent were worthy recipients of Confirmaon and First Communion. We congratulate them. As I write this, our Year 9s are currently away, enjoying their three-day annual camp at Bapst Care SA Mylor, under the care of their Year 9 class teachers. Over the years, this camp has proven to be quite a hit among the girls and year aſter year, we are reminded of the fond memories formed at this camp, parcularly by our Year 12s who note this as one of their school highlights. Parking Restricons We are being visited regularly by the Adelaide City Council traffic inspectors. Please be mindful of this, parcularly at pick-up and drop-off mes. The recent restricons to parking in North Adelaide and around our College’s perimeter, in what the Council are terming a ‘trial period’, has caused an untenable parking situaon. As a College that has made a posive mark in North Adelaide since 1884, we will connue to insist that we too, along with residents, should have an equal voice in decision making. This ‘trial period’ will be reviewed by Council later this month. Important Communicaon With this Bullen, your daughter should have passed on important communicaon from the Chair of our College Board, Mr Jim Howard. This will also be sent to you via email. I am grateful to Mr Howard and our Board Directors, who connue to be of immense support to Sr Jill, myself, and this community. We connue to pray for Sr Jill’s speedy recovery, so that in 2020 she is able to enjoy the rerement that she so richly deserves. Muriel Noujaim Acng Principal Happy Father’s Day Wishing the fathers and father figures of our community a belated Happy Father’s Day! Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contribuons that fathers and father figures make to the lives of children. At our Chapel Mass on Friday, our Reception Class celebrated the great men in their lives, in the most genuine of ways. Watching on, it became clear that Fathers Day, more than anything, provides a space for your children to express gratude, love and respect in an explicit way. Connecng to the Past On Thursday, we welcomed Lorraine Williams and Julie Clume to St Dominic’s Priory College. These women are descendants (4 th and 5 th great nieces respecvely) of our Foundress, Mother Rose Columba Adams (1832 — 1891). Aſter taking a trip back in me, through sharing of informaon and artefacts, we eventually toured our heritage Chapel. These fine women are pictured in the Chapel, holding an image of their great, great, ... , great aunt. It is thanks to the legacy of £6,000 which Mother Rose Columba’s father leſt her in his will, that the Chapel was ever built. Although she did many of the drawings for the Chapel and the funds her father leſt her in his Will saw it completed, Mother Rose Columba did not live to see its compleon. Today, the most significant building of St Dominic’s is our heritage Chapel, which links our present to our early history. Year 7/2020 Orientaon Evening By the me this Bullen comes home, we will be well into our Orientaon evening for our Year 7/2020 cohort. We welcome the current Year 6s from St Dominic’s together with students from 25 local and interstate Primary school communies. The schools from which these families come, have had close es with us for many years. Their students are wonderful representaves of their communies. I hope that aſter this Orientaon evening, these ninety students will feel a lile more at home in their new environment.

BULLETIN - Amazon S3...WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Telephone: 8267 3818 Web Site: Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm

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Page 1: BULLETIN - Amazon S3...WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Telephone: 8267 3818 Web Site: Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm

ST DOMINIC’S PRIORY COLLEGE139 Molesworth Street, North Adelaide. 5006.


Friday morning mass in the Chapel 8.15am

WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Web Site: www.stdominics.sa.edu.auTelephone: 8267 3818

Diary DatesTONIGHT [4 September]Fete Committee Meeting

7:30pm | College Reception All Welcome

Friday 6 SeptemberYear 7 Touch Football Carnival

Tuesday 10 SeptemberYear 9 Photography Excursion

Wednesday 11 SeptemberYear 9 Personal Project

Information Evening Year 10 Personal Project

Exhibition Year 11 + 12 PE Excursion

Friday 13 SeptemberYear 2 visit Shri Ganesha Temple

Year 11 InformalWednesday 18 September

Dominican Cup DebatingThursday 19 September

Annual Music Concert Year 3 Pirate Day

DUE THIS WEEKWeek 7 Fete Appeal



Opening Hours During Term

Mondays 10:30am - 1:30pm

Thursdays as follows: 5 Sept 10:30am - 1:30pm 12 Sept 12:30pm - 4:30pm 19 Sept 10:30am - 1:30pm 26 Sept 12:30pm - 4:30pm

Term 3 Holidays 10:00am - 2:00pm

Monday 30 September Wednesday 2 October Thursday 3 October Saturday 5 October

ADVANCE NOTICE The Uniform Shop will be

CLOSED Monday 7 to Thursday 31st October [Weeks 1 - 3 of Term 4] to reopen Monday 4th November [Week 4]

All of you are most welcome to join us for this evening’s Fete Meeting at 7.30pm in the College Reception area. There are a dynamic group of parents and friends, focused on continuing the long tradition of community,

which makes this College so special.

Home and AwayAt home base, Self-Love Week was an initiative thought up by our SRCs and they are to be congratulated on promoting self-care on an individual and community level. I was quite moved during the bead making activity held in our Hall. Without prompting, girls across year levels were affirming each other, and many of our older students stopped what they were doing, to instead assist junior primaries to cut string, tie that tricky knot, or thread beads.

In the last week, eight students and a parent were worthy recipients of Confirmation and First Communion. We congratulate them.

As I write this, our Year 9s are currently away, enjoying their three-day annual camp at Baptist Care SA Mylor, under the care of their Year 9 class teachers. Over the years, this camp has proven to be quite a hit among the girls and year after year, we are reminded of the fond memories formed at this camp, particularly by our Year 12s who note this as one of their school highlights.

Parking Restrictions We are being visited regularly by the Adelaide City Council traffic inspectors. Please be mindful of this, particularly at pick-up and drop-off times.

The recent restrictions to parking in North Adelaide and around our College’s perimeter, in what the Council are terming a ‘trial period’, has caused an untenable parking situation. As a College that has made a positive mark in North Adelaide since 1884, we will continue to insist that we too, along with residents, should have an equal voice in decision making. This ‘trial period’ will be reviewed by Council later this month.

Important Communication With this Bulletin, your daughter should have passed on important communication from the Chair of our College Board, Mr Jim Howard. This will also be sent to you via email. I am grateful to Mr Howard and our Board Directors, who continue to be of immense support to Sr Jill, myself, and this community. We continue to pray for Sr Jill’s speedy recovery, so that in 2020 she is able to enjoy the retirement that she so richly deserves.

Muriel Noujaim Acting Principal

Happy Father’s DayWishing the fathers and father figures of our

community a belated Happy Father’s Day!Father’s Day is celebrated worldwide to recognize the contributions that fathers and father figures make to the lives of children. At our Chapel Mass on Friday, our Reception Class celebrated the great men in their lives, in the most genuine of ways. Watching on, it became clear that Father’s Day, more than anything, provides a space for your children to express gratitude, love and respect in an explicit way.

Connecting to the PastOn Thursday, we welcomed Lorraine Williams and Julie Clume to St Dominic’s Priory College. These women are descendants (4th and 5th great nieces respectively) of our Foundress, Mother Rose Columba Adams (1832 — 1891). After taking a trip back in time, through sharing of information and artefacts, we eventually toured our heritage Chapel.

These fine women are pictured in the Chapel, holding an image of their great, great, ... , great aunt. It is thanks to the legacy of £6,000 which Mother Rose Columba’s father left her in his will, that the Chapel was ever built. Although she did many of the drawings for the Chapel and the funds her father left her in his Will saw it completed, Mother Rose Columba did not live to see its completion. Today, the most significant building of St Dominic’s is our heritage Chapel, which links our present to our early history.

Year 7/2020 Orientation EveningBy the time this Bulletin comes home, we will be well into our Orientation evening for our Year 7/2020 cohort. We welcome the current Year 6s from St Dominic’s together with students from 25 local and interstate Primary school communities.

The schools from which these families come, have had close ties with us for many years. Their students are wonderful representatives of their communities. I hope that after this Orientation evening, these ninety students will feel a little more at home in their new environment.

Page 2: BULLETIN - Amazon S3...WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Telephone: 8267 3818 Web Site: Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm

St Dominic’s Priory College

from Ms. Cate O’Leary Primary School Coordinator

Primary News“A book is a gift you can open again and again”

Garison Keillor

Last Friday our Reception Class focused on celebrating the special gifts their fathers, grandfathers, step fathers,

uncles etc bring to their lives, at our morning Chapel Mass. Miss Delloso and myself were very proud of the girls’ reverence, focus and engaged singing. We know too that the parents who attended were as equally proud. We were pleased so many were able to stay and join us with morning tea afterwards.

We thank our Year 2 Class who led us so well at our Assembly on Tuesday. They spoke confidently and conducted themselves respectfully. We all enjoyed their Bollywood dancing as they are preparing for the Indian Showcase Night. We were particularly moved by their opening prayer where they reminded us of the importance of this message.

‘Let us pray together that we will live gratefully with one another, as one human family, walking together to make a better world. Let us open our hearts to the transforming power of love and respect, upholding the dignity of every person and communities around the world.’


On Monday 26 August the Year 1s visited the Wingfield Waste and Recycling Centre as part of our Sustainability unit of work.

I learnt that trucks have to crush rubbish. - Amanda

I learnt that rubbish goes in three bins. - AmeliaI heard rubbish getting scraped off the rubbish hills. - EllaI enjoyed being with the class and doing activities. - EmiliaI heard the beeping of lots of trucks. - GuneetI learnt landfill is bad. - Sophie

Welcome!Baby Saanjh

In and around the classroom: YEAR 1

Who knew spelling could be so much fun! From reading through a phone, to sorting and making oo words using fruit loops the Year 1 girls are engaged in their learning no matter the lesson

Soraya – I had a smoothie for lunch. Krishika – I cooked some cupcakes. Sofia – I am going to the zoo. Lily – I want that too!

We would also like to welcome Sofia to our classroom and congratulate Sidak and her family

on the arrival on baby Saanjh.

Earth Watch Day‘Yesterday was Earth Watch Day and we weren’t

allowed to turn any lights on or use computers and we had no heating so we had to bring a little rug. We did it because it will save the world because you are actually

saving power. It was the best day ever!’ Lily, Year 1

Literacy and Numeracy pancake breakfast

Page 3: BULLETIN - Amazon S3...WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Telephone: 8267 3818 Web Site: Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm

St Dominic’s Priory College

Year 9 RetreatOn 28 August the Year 9 Retreat was held at Bethany Conference Centre. This day was full of self-reflection and understanding the importance of adolescence. We reflected upon our childhood, and reminded ourselves who we really are. The day finished with a retreat tradition of writing a letter to our future selves. Overall, the day was full of fun and the letter was the best way to finish it.

Ishva Rathod Methuli Pathirana

The Year 9 Retreat was, as promised, a relaxed day where we got to look further into our own lives and those of others in our year level. After some activities, we enjoyed the retreat’s signature St Peter’s Bakery scones, which were quickly s-gone!

Throughout the day, we reflected on our strengths and weaknesses, skills and flaws; as well as the roles and responsibilities we may experience in the future. We recalled our early childhood and wrote about the habits we wished to leave behind as we transition into Year 10 and beyond.

We finished the very calming day by writing our annual letter to our future self, which we will open in Year 12. As always, this was a time of quiet reflection of the year past and the years to come, which became very emotional for some.

Sophie Conti, Tamika Gunson and Roshkan Kashkavij

Sacraments of Confirmation & First Eucharist

We warmly congratulate our students: Caydence, Sienna, Ella, Alexia, Gabrielle, Clare, Isabella and Lucy, and a parent, Mrs Louise Carlier, who received the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist on the weekend, at Rosary Church, Prospect.

We pray that this continues to develop each of your personal relationships with Christ and a true sense of belonging in the Catholic Church.

We celebrate with each family and also extend our gratitude to Mrs Lisa McCormick, of Rosary School, Father Philip and Father Paul, for preparing the candidates and making each initiation service special and memorable.

Page 4: BULLETIN - Amazon S3...WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019 WEEK 7 – TERM 3 Facsimile: 8267 4877 Telephone: 8267 3818 Web Site: Diary Dates TONIGHT [4 September] Fete Committee Meeting 7:30pm

St Dominic’s Priory College

SDPC.Adelaide stdominicpriory



Daughter’s Name(s):.................................................. Class(es):...........

Signed: ......................................................... Date: ....... / ........ / 19



This Week’s Fete Appeal$4 Multi-cultural Stalls

The following teams are particularly looking for additional convenors in 2019/2020.


o I am interested in joining a CONVENING TEAM for [please circle stall above]

Name ..............................................................................................

parent/s of ............................................... in class(es): .............

E-mail address: ............................................................................

Phone Number/s ........................................................................PLEASE RETURN TO COLLEGE OFFICE


The Craft Stall is trialling some new additions to its stall in 2019 and will welcome donations of the following:

pre-loved or new/excess, vintage baby + kids clothes and accessories

We ask that all clothing pieces / accessories be in good condition and clean. Items not sold at the Fete will be donated to charity shops. Contributions can be sent in to school (via your daughter/s class or directly to the College Office)

in a plastic bag clearly marked to the attention of “Craft Stall”CONTACT: Jacqui Griffin [email protected] | 0413 209 843

Cathy Haddad & Kate Jensen



OP Wednesday Hump Day Special

Week Eight: Pasta Carbonara $6.00

St Dominic’s Priory CollegePERSONAL PROJECT


5:30pm - 7:00pmLaunch of Personal Project

to Year 9 students & parentsALL Year 9 families are advised to attend

7:15pm - 8:30pmPersonal Project Exhibition

for all Year 10 students and their families.


Una Visita al Mercato!Year 11 ItalianLast Tuesday, as part of their Italian investigation on Made in Italy products, the Year 11 Italian class visited Il Mercato, for a tasting tour of Italian made, imported products.

To begin with, the girls feasted on an Italian flavoured lunch, which was followed by an informative and mouth-watering tour of Italian food products. Our guide, Jianna, spoke to the girls about the origins of Il Mercato and how it has been a family run business for decades. In addition, the girls also learnt about the origins of many other Italian brands and foods, such as Il Mulino Bianco, Aldo Pasta, Alberti Strega and the Bailetti coffee machine. Everyone enjoyed the visit to Il Mercato, and look forward to returning again soon.

We would like to warmly thank the staff of Il Mercato for their hospitality and for making the experience an memorable and enjoyable one.

Toni RiccioYear 11 Italian Teacher


College Reception Area | All Welcome