Bulletin 2013-12-01

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Todayt ReadingsFirst Sunday of Advent

December 1,2013

Prayer of the Day

Stir up your power, Lord Christ, and come. Byyour merciful protection save usfrom the threatening dangers of our sins, and enlighten ourwalk in the way ofyour salvation, for you live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, oneGod, now and forever. Amen.

First Reading lsaiah 2:1-5

The word that Isaiah son of Amoz sawconcerning Judah and Jerusalem.

2In days to comethe mountain of the LoRD's house

shall be established as the highest ofthe mountains,

and shall be raised above the hills;all the nations shall stream to it.

sMany peoples shall come and say,"Come, let us go up to the mountain

ofthe LoRD,to the house of the God ofJacob;

that he may teach us his waysand thatwe maywalk in=

For out of Zion shall go forthinstruction,


and the word of the Lonn fromJerusalem.aHe shalljudge between the nations,

and shall arbirate for manypeoples;

they shall beat their swords intoplowshares,

and their spears into pruninghooks;

nation shall not lift up swordagainst nation,

neither shall they learn warany more.

50 house ofJacob,, let us walk

in the light of the Lono!

Psalm 122;tone 2

I was glad when they I sri6 to me,"Let us go.to the house I of the LoRD."

2Now our I feet are standingwithin your gates, I OJerusalem.

Jerusalem is builtl as a citythat is at unity I with itself;

ato which the tribes go uprthe tribes I of the Lono,

the assembly of Israel,to praise the name I of the Lono.

sFor there are the I thrones ofjudgment,

the thrones of the I house ofDavid.

6Pray for the peace I ofJerusalem:"May they pros- I per who loveyou.

TPeace be with- | in your wallsand quietness with- | in yourtowers.


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Psalm, continued

sFor the sakeof mykindred land companions,

I pray forl your prosperity.

Second Reading

eBecause of the houseofthelLono our God,

I will seek to I do you good."

Romans 13:11-14

Besides this, you know what time itis, how it is now the moment for youto wake from sleep. For salvation isnearer to us now than when we be-came believers; lzthe night is far gone,the day is near. Let us then lay asidethe works of darkness and put on


the armor of light; 13let us live honor-ably as in the day, not in reveling anddrunkenneSs, not in debauchery andlicentiousness, not in quarreling andjealousy. lalnstead, put on the LordJesus Christ, and make no provisionfor the flesh, to gratify its desires.

Matthew 24:36-44

[Jesus said to the disciples,] "Butabout that day and hour no oneknows, neither the angels of heaven,nor the Son, but only the Father. 37For

as the days of Noah were, so will bethe coming of the Son of Man. 38For

as in those days before the flood theywere eating and drinking, marry-ing and giving in marriage, until theday Noah entered the ark, seand theyknew nothing until the flood cameand swept them all away, so too will bethe coming of the Son of Man. aoThen

two will be in the field; one will be

taken and one will be left. arTwo

women will be grinding meal togeth-er; one will be taken and one will beleft. azKeep awake therefore, for youdo not know on what day your Lordis coming. asBut understand this: ifthe owner of the house had known inwhat part of the night the thief wascoming, he would have stayed awakeand would not have let his house bebroken into. aaTherefore you alsomust be ready, for the Son of Man iscoming at an unexpected hour."

TODAY'S READTNGS December 1,2013 Volume 45, Number 1

Next Sunday's Roadings: lsaiah 11:1-10; Psalm 72:1-7, 18-19; Bomans 15:4-13; Matthew g:1-12.

TODAY'S READINGS (ISSN 1069-0166, USPS 009628) ls published quartorly by Augsbuq Fortm, 100 S sth St, Suite 600, Minneapolis, MN, s5402. pertodicatspostage paid ?t s1 Pqul MN and additlonal olfi@. Pctmaster: Send add6s chang6 to Todayb R@dings, Augsburg Fort6; PubtisheB, po. Box 1559,Mlnn@polls, MN 55440-8730. Printed in U,S.A. Price per w@kly part $3.90 per 100 copi6 postpaid; pricE in omada subjet to exchange Et6. Mlnlmum order50 copis of @h isue; all orde6 must bs ln multipls of 50. Copyright O 201 3 Augsburg FortE$. All rights 6eru€d. May not be €prcdu@d. Revised CommonLectionary @ 1 992 Consultation on Common Texts. R&dings ,rom New Revis€d Standard VeEion Bibl6 with Apocrypha @ 1 989 Dtuiaion of Christian Education ofthe National Council of Church* of christ in th€ U.S,A. PEyer oI the day and pslm lrcm Evan!€/l€l Luthem Wb;iip @ 2006, admin. AugsbuE FortB. psatmtone accompaniment is in Ps8/try fcr t lr6hip, )6arl4 (AugsbuE FortBS, 2004. Pl6@ vlsit our Wbb site at augsbuqiortre*.org. Leaioniry

Trji "

,1. ,l;tarl

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Sunday Worship Schedule

9:30 a.m. Contemporary V{orship with Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. Sunday School

I 1 :00a.m. Traditional Worshipwith Holy Communion the first andthird Sundays

Office Houn: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m.- l2:30a-m. ** l:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

News and Notes Concernlng the Ministry of First English Lutheran Church

GOOD MORNIT{GI Welcome to First English! If you are interested in learning more about themin'rstry of First English or would like to join our family, please fill out the Yisitor C-ard'in the pew

raclg check the appropriate rsponse, and plae in the offering plate. We will gladly

contact you and attempt to answer your questions. Thank you!

WE WELCOI,IE CHITDREN at worship. If you need the cry room it is located off the backnarthex, A nursery for children 4 & under is located next to the office. We ask that the nursery be

used for children in this age group only. Thank you for your @operation.

FLOI,YERS Oil THE ALTAR have been placed by the Altar Guild in memory of L. Jean Sutton and

Mary Anderson,

'Tle tlrc 3rafor tw Girflr,g

fhe tags rara hary on tlu dMag Tru piilt aare in hryes tfiat FEIC clvcs soon woald bo tfiere.-.

?lease lake a iag {or lrvol} fron Tte 0iving Trea ud make a neefr1 ohild's Chrfshms speaial. 0t,donalion twardfood baekats orgift ardstor turkeys. Tagother,wo're helping bring holiday

childron - 3q familios - at lmmanusll.uthsran.

All wrappod grtls ned to bs ba*. wder lhe free bU Sunday, Dscailber l5tlr witi tltp lqThark you, FEIC slvosll Rerasnbq lis battsr to giva tlran to ruan!!Your Sooial Aotior Efuas


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SERVING NEXT WEEk December 4 20139:30 a.m.

Sue Reck

Emily Dalian

Team #2





11:00 a.m.

Waynette Hostetler

Evan NyquistParker Rustmann

Team #5Mark Berkesch Marion McClendon

Team #6 Kyle Clor

COIIMUNION Brandon Tambourinelackie Tambourine

LAY READERS lackie Tambourine Diann Ohman

ATTAR GUILD Anna Unit: Ruth EnglelCarol LoganLydia Unit Julie Passamani

COFFEE HOUR Peace Circle ,


BUIEIIN DEADtIilE: Please submit any information to be published in the Sunday

bulletin before 12;00 p.m. the prMing Tuday. Thank you.

Bf Stlfft,.Fe ReVfnfUt fort*ris isthe House of God. BEFORE the servie, speakto the Lod: DURING the seruice; let 8te lod speak to you: AFTER theselvie, speak to one anoUter.

Have you rcmembetd the minisfry ofFirfi English in your will?


Bringing !n th. HarvstA big thank-you to everyone who has brcught in food for our pantry! And, please keep buying if you

can. Your food donations will help feed our "regulars" and fill food baskets for our Immanuel Luthemn

"Giving Tree" families. We e,\pect nearly 210 families again this year, so thaYs a lot of food! A list ofitems Is attached to "Harvest Bags" located in the red wagon ne><t to Dieter the bear in the hallway.

Over the next few weeks when you're at the supermarket, please fill this "Harvest Bag" with a few items

and bring it back to church by Monday, December 16, 2013. Thank you for your generositv! Ourpantry will be open every Sunday, so come and take a look! The Board of Social Action

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THIS WEEK AT,fIRST ENGLISH - December I - 8, 2Ot3Worship ServiceAnn ua I CongrcgaUonal l{eetingSporbGPN Challenge Day


Exercise Class

Music Lessons

SporbGPN Challenge Day

GPN PizaMusic Lessons

Piano Rehearsal

SportsExercise Class

Peace CirclePreschool

Exercise Class

Music LessonsSporbLord's Company Ringers

Lord's Company Singers

GtechismBible StudyMusic Lessons

Piano RehearsalISSM Dinner/MeetingExercise Class

Good News SingersHigh ScfimlYouth GroupGood News Ringers



Christmas DecoratingSports

Contemporary Worship Service

Sunday SchoolTraditional Worship Service

Lindow Piano RecitalPre-Carol-a-long ActivitiesCarol-a-long + Reception

SUH I 10:0011:003:00+

MON 2 8:008:459:303:30

4:30+TUES 3 8:00



UrEq,+ 8:459:303:30


THURS 5 9:303:003:455:005:305:306:308:10

FRI6 8:455:306:00

SAT 7 1:00SUil 8 9:30


' 1:305:007:00

SanctuarySanctuaryLuther CenterLuther CenterClassroom

Fellowship Hall

ClassroomsLuther CenterLuther CenterEllowship Hall


SanctuaryLuther C-enter

Fellowship Hall

LoungeClassrmmFellowship Hall

ClasrmmsLuther C.enter

BellChoir RoomChoir RmrnClassroomsLoungeChssroomsSanctuaryLufter C-enter

ftllowship Hall

Choir RoomYouft RoomBell Choir Room

ClassroomLuther GnterSanctuaryLuther CenterSanctuaryOassroomsSanctuarySanctuaryLuther CenterSanctuary

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1O:OO a.m, (one service only)Margot Kahl

Parker RustmannAnna Jackson

Team #10Dan Rustmann

Team #4 Pat Milne

COMMUNION Waynette HostetlerPatty Jackon

LAY READERS Pattv Foster

ATTAR GUILD Anna Unit: Ruth Engie/Grol LoganLydia Unit: lulie passamani

COFFEE HOUR Evangelism


Eqe]nlgtg, is the CAROL-ALONG and LIGHT SUPPER, mark your catendars! We coutd use somehelp forthe light supperwith set-up, serving and some crean-up, dh;;";;;;,g;;p;i;b on the halwaybulletin board.

WORLD IIUI{GER INGATIMRINGAs has been our tradifion here at First English, during the ThanksgivinglChristrnas

Holiday Season we lift.up the World Euuger need both here in the United States and throughout theworld. we partner with our national churcl,s world Hunger campaign, orc ortn"*orJrespected in the world who qe deeply involved in fighting hunger^and sponsoring projects to create self-suf8ciency- Last year over $30 million was raised *o airtrimLd throughout tnJ**ia. you will find'olVorld Hunger Envelopes" on the tables in the hallway for your gift. fhank you for your support!

Join Lutheran Social Services of Michigan's Board of Directors for a.n evening of inspiring *ories from vulnerableqeopl9 struggling with poverty, homelessness or incarceration and striving to regain their place in life. Experiencethe ministry oJ tsSM through the Y?vne cnunty Family center, neartine]ano tfeighborhood nouse. ou. misiion,Serving peoqle qs an expression of the love of Chri$. rhurcia* oroi"O., + iotg ieaption at 6:oo p.m,Dinnerat 6:3O p,m. Program to follow at Fitst English tuttieran Church. This event is complimenhry?Iq w^9

-eryglrage you^to bring a guest nWp to nnita :ones by weJnesda/ni"r"ro"r-z i,-iotE ,t

(313) 308-8862 or [email protected]

Page 12: Bulletin 2013-12-01


rtisthotaxcitingtimeoftheyeoragainwhenweqskthecongre4ationshelp in decorating our sonctuary for ihe Christmos Eve Services' Tha plants

ore $10.00 each ind moy ba dxignated os on honorcrium or memorial' The

fUnir moy be token home after ihe 11:00p.rn. service on Christmas Eve'

Thoseremoiningwillbedeliveredtoourseniormembers.orderformsmayu" iJrr"a rrt oni placed in tha "Poinsettio Flower Box" in the church affice'

Orderforms must be in by Sundoy, Decamber 15' e013

Mqke checks poyobla to: FELC-ALTAR 6UILD

Total number of plants--@ $10'00 TOTAL $

CIRCLE ONE: ln Honor of ln Memorv of


Yes-. -


Page 13: Bulletin 2013-12-01




7:oo P.M.

tri'f;'YqrrFavotlla Afubtua* Saags

Ba00 Ahoit

Spaeia0 Masia

"H a0 0 a0 ei afr Afiotag" 8l aq.a$o aq

Visit (tou Saata

?ra Carol-a-long events starf at 6:00 p.l?l- in ths

Luthar Center.

Activitiae include a light suppsr of sloppy ioes, chips, salad and

lemonade and coffee

amd a self-gtlid ad taur of the Christma s troos.

Page 14: Bulletin 2013-12-01

l/alparaisa Uaiucrct*g 6arU Cirhtmas feat*londay, December 2, 2O/3

ilistoril Trinity Lutharao Chutth

/345 flratrot dvcnac

DaCroft, ttlichgoa


Trte Lut$cran Nortrtuast #Qrt ficrtao/ Crtsmber C*oirDhcctal ly Nh* Kuapb

77c lay bcAms et /2:OO aaan w?h

ad adyent sery?a m tlrc baauhfiilydccoratcl sanctaarg and coatiaacs urbh tca

sandu+bies anl caoibs bqog seryed lt the

Hu.g/, Otiliton'am.

Homcmade Chn?tmas coakics aallauc/ry o*// lc arathble far purciosc.

Fdr mare nformatiotz ca// 3f3'88/-97O5

# gooddl atrcrthg wi/l be co/laetcd ta baocfit hgiar Chnstian

eiti;r: bisc * :1 oi!;;;';ri's;l ;-/niuers; *t;,

Page 15: Bulletin 2013-12-01



Ilope you will join in our "Christmas Decorating Rush...t'And YES, you can still help!

Dutes to remember:

Now thru Decemher 6th: All trees that have are being decorated by

individuals are ready for their adornments. We do have several this year

that need to be adopted/decorated: God's Creatures, Frosty the Snowman,

Nautical, Candy Cane, Nutcracker and God Bless America. Lights and

ornaments are available for all of these trees; they only need some lovinghands to put them on the trees. Of course, you can always use you're your

own creativity to enhance what is already available.All individual trees can be done at your own convenience and completed

by December 6th.

Friday, December 6th: 6i00pm is the time, the sanctuary is the place!

Please lend a hand in decorating our beautiful church and join the fun. Alight supper will be provided and there is never a shortage of great

First English Cluisftnas fellowship !

If you are not able to help physically in the decorating process, we wouldwelcome afiy monetary donutions you would like to make to the

Christmas Decorating Fund. We have some items that desperately need

to be replaced this year.

If you have any questions or comments please callKyle Clor at 313-881-9703 or Jacki Stein at586-961-6618.

Page 16: Bulletin 2013-12-01

ffrp^Women of Tirst Engfisfr tutfiercln Cfuwcfrirwites yM to tfiP

^W smen' s Adry ent C andfe fr8 fi,t^Worsfaip Seryice

hvtuod"fry, December 16, zotzat 7:oo Y-TnL

Iiqfrt refresfimprtts wift fie sented

fottwing the sentite.

(ftlis is t fi .e s e cond awnta[ lf wnen's .Ad:v ent'W or s fi.iy S ry ry2 ffir6 is int ende { for aluft

wompn on{y an{tfrt ?1il.rsoa wiffnot 6e avaik^te tftat etmin6.)

Page 17: Bulletin 2013-12-01

flr;Ends*1 *f


Help the children of uganda by buyng beautiful hand made jewelry

,nd natiL paintings. drur youtfr Groupwill be selling items-following

both seruibs forleveral weeks. 100Yo percent of the p1ofit Ooes

oirearv to $re school for teacher salaries, supplies, and building


Mukisa means blessing

The Mukisa School is a Christian school in Kampala, Uganda for

children with disabilities, founded in september 2007. It is currently

seruing fourteen studenb in the Mukisa School program,._with more

on tftiwaiting list. in UganOa, families of children with disabilitiesare

ir.i|yJ'fiuur.a uv ircretv. It is often believed that children wlth

iisaUiiitieJare cu,sed, and mothers and their children are often

ananooneo by family members and left to fend for themselves.

Mukisa, which means "blessing" in the local language, was

LtgUfiifg to give hope and tangible support to those. who are

ou*rf*f.O witftin their society. There are many ways to s.upport

ttluklsa School. Join us in an effort to help restore dignity to those

*ttoii"in need.

Friends of Mukisa, Inc. is a Pennsylva.nia 501(cX3) non-profit.. ,

;;;*r;ti;.;At;'rtu to Friends of Mukisa, Inc, are tax-deductible to

thefullest extent allowable by law'

please mail your checl( made out to'lFriends of Mukisa" to the

'following address:4939 Osage AvePhiladelpliia, PA 19143.

Page 18: Bulletin 2013-12-01

Christmas Caroling and Lock'ln

What: Caroling (For M5 and HS Youth)

Lock-ln (For High SchoolYouth Only)

When: December t3-L4,20L3 at 5:00 p.m.

Join us for a fabulous night of service, fellowship and fun! Sign

up on the bulletin board outside the Luther Center!

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Before the Carol-AlongDecember 8, 2A1 3...

Gome join us for a light supper at 6:00p.m.

Serving: Sloppy Joesn Salad, Chips,Lemonade and Goffee

Dinner will be in the Luther Center

There will be a freewill offering

