Bulldog Press Issue #7 All the Student News that’s fit to Print! May 2016 Larva and Life Cycles By Mackenzie Rutkowski This year in Mrs. Mitchell's third grade class, we are studying life cycles, as part of the science program. We are studying the life cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly, and we each got our own Painted Lady Butterfly larva, to observe and watch grow. I named my larva Ocean, and every time I see him, he goes and gets food. They eat something that looks like peanut butter, (it isn’t peanut butter, it’s a food medium). I usually see Ocean on the top of the container he lives in, but once I saw him come down from the top, and eat. I was able to use a magnifying glass to look at Ocean closely. I could see his legs, and pro-legs (which are like suction cups), and he has bristles that help protect him from predators. Larvae breathe through holes on the side of their body, called spiracles. Their body has three parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. It has been exciting to watch him! I could see him molt, which is when he sheds his exoskeleton, or outer skin. He does this five times, as he grows, before he completes metamorphosis, and turns into a butterfly. I think it took him a few days to get comfortable in his container. Now he is in the pupal stage of metamorphosis, so he is in a chrysalis. I can't wait for him to turn into a butterfly!

Bulldog Press - IT UFSD Press. Issue # 7 ... What’s your favorite song? A. ... Most children enjoyed the book Wonder, but the book Auggie and Me is a good book too

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Bulldog Press Issue #7 All the Student News that’s fit to Print! May 2016

Larva and Life Cycles By Mackenzie Rutkowski This year in Mrs. Mitchell's third grade class, we are studying life cycles, as part of the science program. We are studying the life cycle of the Painted Lady Butterfly, and we each got our own Painted Lady Butterfly larva, to observe and watch grow. I named my larva Ocean, and every time I see him, he goes and gets food. They eat something that looks like peanut butter, (it isn’t peanut butter, it’s a food medium). I usually see Ocean on the top of the container he lives in, but once I saw him come down from the top, and eat. I was able to use a magnifying glass to look at Ocean closely. I could see his legs, and pro-legs (which are like suction cups), and he has bristles that help protect him from predators. Larvae breathe through holes on the side of their body, called spiracles. Their body has three parts: the head, thorax, and abdomen. It has been exciting to watch him! I could see him molt, which is when he sheds his exoskeleton, or outer skin. He does this five times, as he grows, before he completes metamorphosis, and turns into a butterfly. I think it took him a few days to get comfortable in his container. Now he is in the pupal stage of metamorphosis, so he is in a chrysalis. I can't wait for him to turn into a butterfly!

Wanted By Alicia Avery This is a story about my favorite candy. My favorite candy is called Dove Strawberry and Cocoa Almond. On May 3, 2016, I lost my favorite candy. Here are some clues about how I lost it, or where I could have lost it. I went to show my grandma how good this candy is. Grandma said, “It’s ok”. But, maybe she really liked it. Could she have kept it accidentally? Could I have left it in my room, when I ate it? I was eating it in my room so no one would see me! I could have put it in the back of the refrigerator, or in the freezer.

Where do you think I could have lost my favorite candy? Well, if you guessed one of those places, you are wrong! It was on the side of the refrigerator door!


Quiz: School, Beach, or Winter? By Laura Lederer

1. Which beach towel do you like better? A. B. C.

2. Which kind of day do you like better?

A. B. C.

3. What object do you like better? A. B. C.

4. What bag do you like best? A. B. C. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If your answers were…

Mostly A: You are getting school supplies for your birthday!!

Mostly B: You are going to the beach today!!!

Mostly C: Winter is your style!!!

Hope you enjoyed the quiz! Live long and prosper!!!

Spring Word Search By Vincent McCormack

Summer’s coming soon! What are your big summer plans?

Pets Word Search By Megan Cummins and Isabella Digena In this Pets Word Search, words can go horizontally and vertically, either way, but not diagonally. Words may overlap, but do not share letters. Have fun!

r w r m b u d g i e t w d z

p x x k y d l m m f r l z m

w l i b r e g w r t p d w o

g c j c q n n t f t r r v u

n n k w n g r a t l m e m s

k h g j k t i b b a r k t e

t q i z z k d f t v t a g b

o g p r y n o p j m n n o e

r o a t j k t l z h z s l l

t d e j q k c a t j k v d t

o x n h a m s t e r m n f r

i g i r m y n m r p c g i u

s h u h w g k j t k l q s t

e n g q k q y q k n r b h q

budgie goldfish pony tortoise

cat guinea pig rabbit turtle

dog hamster rat

gerbil mouse snake

IntervIews! ____________________________________________________________________

Mrs. Danziger, Born in England!

By Elizabeth Manton England is one of the four countries in the U.K. (United Kingdom). The U.K. is also called Great Britain, and that is why the people that live there are called “British”. The other countries that make up the U.K. are Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

The government is a constitutional monarchy, which means they have a queen and a prime minister. The Queen's full name is Elizabeth Alexandra Mary. She is known as Queen Elizabeth II. She signs important papers as “Elizabeth Regina” (Regina means queen in Latin). Regina is my middle name. They also have certain laws to follow. The prime minister works with Parliament, to make the laws. Queen Elizabeth is also the head of the Anglican Church, which in America is the Episcopal Church. I go to the Episcopal Church.

London is the capital of England. A famous site, in London, is Big Ben, a clock tower. Another famous site is Buckingham Palace, where the Queen lives.

Big Ben, London, England

I have family from Ely, in England. There is a hotel called the Lamb Hotel, which is down the street from Ely Cathedral. Most English people are descendants of the Germanic tribes, called Anglo-Saxons. They were conquered by the Normans, in France in 1066. The Normans ruled England for about 100 years. At our school we have a third grade teacher who is originally from England, Mrs. Danziger. Here is my interview with her: Q. Where, in England, are you from? A. Bushey Heath, London. Q. How old were you when you came here? A. 24 years old. Q. Did you teach in England? A. Yes, for 3 years. Q. Why did you come to the USA? A. I married an American. Q. What do you like about America? A. I like that we have seasons, lots to do, places to visit, and I love Manhattan. Q. What do you miss about England? A. I miss family, English chocolate, and the beauty of the buildings. Q. Were the classrooms similar or different? A. Exactly the same. Q. What grades did you teach? A. All grades, K-6, but mainly 3rd, 4th and 5th. Thank you for reading my article! Also, a big thank you to Mrs. Danziger!

Interview with Mrs. Townsend

By Sarah Fleishaker Today I will be interviewing fourth grade classroom teacher, Mrs. Townsend.

Q. What’s your favorite food? A. My favorite food is sushi. Q. What’s your favorite animal? A. My favorite animal is a giraffe. Q. Who’s your favorite singer? A. My favorite singer is Jennifer Lopez. Q. Who’s your favorite author? A. My favorite author is Mary Higgins Clark. Q. What’s your favorite book? A. My favorite book is Summer Sisters. Q. What’s your favorite song? A. My favorite song is Livin’ on a Prayer. Q. How long have you been teaching? A. I’ve been teaching for 18 years. Thank you for the interview Mrs. Townsend! :)

Interview with Mrs. Wilson By Jenna Amato and Juliana Koo Q. What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

A. Mint chocolate chip. Q. Do you like teaching? A. Yes. Q. What is your favorite thing to do? A. Play the piano. Q. What is your favorite grade to teach? A. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade. Q. What is your favorite food? A. Chinese food. Q. Where do you like to go over the summer? A. North Carolina. Q. What is your favorite restaurant? A. Izumi. Q. What do you like to do with your kids? A. Ride bikes and play in the park. Q. What is your favorite color? A. Purple. Q. What advice do you give to kids to do well in life? A. Work hard, have fun!

Thank you Mrs. Wilson, for letting us interview you!

Interviewing Mrs. Durando

By Zipphora Parks, Nikki Poulos, and Kaley Mola Q. What is your favorite color? A. My favorite color is Pink. Q. Were you anything else before you became a teacher? A. No I wasn't , but when I was in college, I was a waitress, and a teacher for a little bit. Q. Who, or what inspired you to be a teacher? A. Past teachers in Catholic School. Q. What’s your favorite food? A. French fries, with ranch dressing, and a cheese burger. Q. Do you have any siblings, if so who? A. I have 2 half-sisters. Q. Do you have any pets? A. 2 Shi Tzu dogs, 15 years and 6 years of age. Q. What is the most embarrassing moment of your life? A. In fourth grade when I had to do division on the board, in front of the whole class, and I wasn't strong in my multiplication facts. That is our interview with Mrs. Durando, Thank-you Mrs. Durando!

Custodian Mr. John

Mr. John was interviewed in our last issue, here is his photograph!


Books, Authors, and Literature Section

Auggie and Me

By Carlee Young Most children enjoyed the book Wonder, but the book Auggie and Me is a good book too. Both were written by R.J. Palacio. Auggie and Me has a chapter named, “Julian”, another named, “Pluto”, and another named, “Shingaling”. They are big chapters you can enjoy. Lots of people wonder who Pluto and Shingaling are, so I will tell you. The kid Pluto is actually Christopher, and the kid Shingaling is Charlotte. They are kids you hear about in the book Wonder also. In the part about Charlotte, there are some pictures and charts, but it’s not really school related. It’s more about popularity. I think the girls will like this chapter better than boys will. The “Julian” chapter tells more about what happens after school is over, and it takes place in the summer. In the part about Christopher, you can read about a really different

school, and places Chris will go. You will hear about Auggie and Chris when they were young too. I hope lots of children enjoy the books Wonder and Auggie and Me. If you prefer eBooks, they are available on eBooks too. Enjoy Auggie and Me! ________________________________________________________________________

The Mystery of the Missing Candy Canes (A Continuation from Bulldog Press Issue 6)

By Gabi Heigel and Ali Cairo

The Reveal! After dinner, Olivia brushed her teeth and went to bed. She was so tired from her busy day as a detective. She awoke to hear her parents whooping and cheering. “They caught him!” said Olivia’s parents, as she walked down the stairs. “Caught who?” asked Olivia. “The criminal who stole the candy canes.” said Olivia’s dad. “You know, I’m getting hungry.” said Olivia. “Can I have eggs with bacon?” Once Olivia’s food was ready, she started munching on her food while she listened to her dad read the newspaper. “I bought more candy canes, and hid them in the drawer. I waited behind a Christmas tree to see if the criminal would strike again. That night I waited and waited. I almost left! But then, I saw a shadowy figure rummage through the drawer! I got a closer look and it was the janitor, Joe! I grabbed my phone, put the camera on flash, and took a picture before he ran away. I called the police and now Joe is in jail, and definitely fired!” Olivia’s dad read the quote from the newspaper. “Woo-hoo!” Shouted Olivia. “Case closed!” ________________________________________________________________________

Inigo Akaneia and the Olympians A Fiction Story, with Glossary, Narrated by Inigo

By Lorenzo Sicat

My name is Inigo Akaneia (It’s A-ken-ey-a, please pronounce my last name right.). I am not actually like you; I am not even like Percy Jackson. I am 3/4 Greek god and 1/4 human. I only knew my mother, who was a demigod. She told me she had a great time with my father, who was a god. She never told me his name, and before I knew it, she died from an incident, which I would not like to mention. My mother’s father was Ares, who was the God of War. This made me turn out as an excellent sword fighter, and a very good martial artist. Anyway… on with the story! My story begins in the center of a forest, with me sitting on the edge of a lake. I heard something in the forest that was not a bird. I unsheathed my blade, and took my stance. Then, another umi-god (my mother said this is what I am) emerged from the woods. She said her name was Morgan Valentia, daughter of Lucina Valentia, Queen of the Halidom of Ylisse, and Hermes. She had the Brand of the Exalt on her eye. That would mean she was an heir to the throne of the Halidom of Ylisse, which was a kingdom of a different “timeline”. She said anyone with her blood can go to any “timeline” (Don’t ask). She had the Falchion, which is a royal sword, passed down throughout the ages in her “timeline”. (Again, don’t ask.) Anyway, I digress. She asked me my name. Of course, I said, “Inigo Akaneia.” She said I should come to the Thálamo ton Theón (Tall-a-moton-they-own), which is Greek for “Chamber of Gods.” I just agreed, because the blade of her sword looked… sinister. Sadly she was unsure of my parentage, because I am dying to know. “Let’s go then! I will be faster than you, so just catch up you slowpoke!” Morgan teased. I tagged along, and to my surprise, I was almost as fast as she. While we were running to the place, we heard some growls, and then a monster emerged from the bushes. It had a blood-red mane, and dirty brown skin. Maybe it was some kind of hybrid of a lion, a puma, and a wolf. Before Morgan registered all of this, she got pushed by the monster, and she got hurt badly. She was wincing in pain, so I knew the monster was strong. I drew my sword, and thrust my sword at the monster. It dodged the attack. He attempted to lunge at me. He was fast, but not fast enough. I ducked, and while it was recovering from the recoil, I stunned him with the hilt of my sword. Bad thing is, he recovered quickly. He tackled me, and I tried to push him off. Sadly, he scratched my black jacket. I loved that jacket. Then he hurt my arm. I knew I was toast, but then, at that moment, Morgan magically recovered, and stuck the Falchion in the monster’s back, or at least she tried. The monster somehow sensed her movement. The monster attempted to scratch her, but this time she actually dodged him. Then I got up, trying to ignore the pain. Morgan slashed at the monster, and the monster winced in pain. Once again it recovered quickly. It saw I wasn’t dead, and clawed at me. I parried the attack, and countered. The monster dodged. Man, he was tough.

Morgan saw the opening and attacked. She was successful in hitting. I thought she was the only one who would be successful in hitting, but then I came in with a string of attacks. Morgan threw in a few hits, while I was recovering. Thankfully none of the attacks missed, and then as the monster was growling at us, maybe trying to taunt us, I sneaked behind his back, and stuck my sword through his back. Morgan looked impressed. I saw the remains of the monster just disappear. “Ewe,” I said. All that was left was grey dust. Morgan suddenly seemed aggravated. “This was sent by one of the Olympians. Any monster wouldn’t be this powerful.” I was still feeling a lot of pain, and Morgan realized that. She gave me what she called Ambrosia. I asked her how it tasted. She said it tasted like my favorite comfort food. And sure enough, it tasted like my mother’s best brownies. My wounds then seemed to heal faster, and I seemed to feel stronger, We carried on to the place. Once we got to the place, Morgan introduced me to Chiron, the director of all this. His upper body was strong and well, buffed. But his lower body was the body of a horse, so I knew he was a centaur, which is half human, half horse. “I see you two have been in a fight.” He said. At that moment, I recognized him, but not for something positive. I confronted him, “I thought you were at Camp Half-Blood! In fact, you were the one who refused me!” I said. Chiron kept his cool. “Yes, I know, but I can be at one place, and another at once. As for the confrontation, I knew to refuse you because this is like Camp Half-Blood for umi-Gods. The only difference is that the activities and tests are more challenging, obviously, because you are more powerful.” Then Morgan suggested that I go to the parentage center, so they can determine my parentage, and see my strengths and weaknesses. I quickly said, “Yes”, because you know, I am dying to know. Once we got there I saw an almost empty room, except this “bowl thing” in the middle, and there were Greek symbols on the wall. She said I should put my sword in the “bowl thing”. I was relieved to find that even she didn’t know what the “bowl thing” is called. Chiron also walked into the room. He said, “Go on.” I put the sword in, and when I pulled it out, the blade of the sword was pure black, and seemed sharper, and the handle was gold. There was a Greek symbol carved on to the blade. Morgan looked a bit scared, and Chiron stroked his beard. “A son of Hades.”

To Be Continued… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Glossary for Inigo Akaneia and the Olympians

I used a lot of words that may be hard to understand, so here are the definitions! - Lorenzo Sicat Percy Jackson - A popular demi-god, who was a great hero. Demi-God – A creature that is half human, half god. Umi-God – A creature that is ¾ god, ¼ human. Hilt - The very bottom of the sword. Ambrosia - Food of the gods. Recoil -To flinch back. Falchion - A royal sword. Centaur – A creature that is half human, half horse. Unsheathe - To take out a sword from its cover. Parried - To ward off a thrust or stroke or weapon; avert. ________________________________________________________

The Enchanted Forest- Part 2 By Zipphora Serana-Parks and Gianna Montalvo She was gone! I could not believe my eyes! My best friend had been taken by the most infamous sorcerer in the forest! Please, I thought, defeat the sorcerer; he is a threat to the enchanted world and the outside world. When I finished the old note from Jessica...I was frightened. And so was Tessa! The Phoenix whispered in our ears, “YOU are the chosen ones! YOU have to save your world and ours.” Tessa stuttered “But we are only 13. Why don’t you choose our parents, they are about 35 years old!”

“I was willing to take the risk, are you? Asked the Phoenix. I nodded, “yes”, and from that day on we visited the Enchanted Forest looking for answers. One day we found out that it wasn’t the sorcerer who took Anika. It turns out, he was gone even before Jessica and Anika discovered the Enchanted Forest. Then…..it hit us! It was… To be continued……...Stay tuned for the answer to who took Anika!


The Mystery of the Sacred Sword By Lorenzo Sicat “There he is!” The guards charged after the hooded man. He was holding the most powerful, and royal weapon in his hand. The hooded man was stealing the sacred blade from an enemy kingdom, as ordered by his king. He let out a smoke bomb, and smoke shot everywhere. Once the guards got closer, the hooded man started to run. As he approached the end of the hall, he saw nothing but a door. He kicked it open and ran outside. He stopped, as he noticed he was at the edge of the roof. As the castle guards surrounded him, he realized he was done for. There was but one plan. The hooded man stepped to the edge of the roof, and jumped off. Mark woke up in the middle of a field. His friends Lyn and Hector were standing next to him. “There are better places to take a nap than on the ground you know,” Hector pointed out. Lyn looked worried. “We were looking for you, you know that, right? We were worried!” Mark got up. “Yes, I am sorry everyone, what is the year right now?” Hector scowled. “Do you even keep track of the days? It’s 1191, Mark.” Mark nodded. Together, they walked toward the village. A scream was heard. “Bandits! Bandits! Someone help!” Lyn drew her sword. Hector got out his axe. Mark didn’t have a weapon.

“Ugh, we’ll get you a weapon later,” Hector said. “Wait! I am also a good tactician. I’ll think of a strategy.” Mark told them his plan. Hector fought the bandits who were getting too close to the villagers, while Lyn slashed the bandits with her sword, and dodged the incoming axe strikes. Soon all but one of the bandits was down, and that one bandit was the leader. His name was Raven. Hector charged a strike, but was too slow. Raven deflected his attack and kicked him in the stomach. Hector finally realized he was too careless, and stayed to the side. Mark went to treat Hector, and Lyn went to challenge the leader. She dodged his strike and struck. Raven swung his axe, but Lyn deflected the axe with her sword. She once again countered to the leg. Raven’s leg burned with pain. This made him strike weaker and less accurately. This helped Lyn a bunch. She sidestepped, and when Raven tried for a low blow, Lyn jumped and hit him on the head with the hilt of her sword. Raven got dizzy and fell. When he regained control, Lyn was on top of him with the tip of her sword to his neck. “Will you surrender?” Raven shook his head. “Never…This… This will not be… the end,” he said. Hector and Mark ran to Lyn. Hector was impressed. “Lyn! That was very nice! ‘Didn’t know you had it in ya,” he said. Lyn was humbled, and thanked Hector. After the attack, the three heroes helped the village rebuild all that was destroyed. They helped the village in other ways, too. “What did Raven mean when he said it was not the end?” Mark wondered. Lyn was in a dark mood. She got out a pure black symbol of a fang. “I got this from Raven; he was part of an organization which was looking for a sacred weapon…an organization called the Order of the Black Talon.”

To be continued... ________________________________________________________________________

Places to Go…Things to Do Section

Places You Should Visit By Juliana Koo and Jenna Amato

These are some exciting places you should visit! Iceland: They have something called auroras, or Northern Lights, and they are very beautiful! There is a picture below.

Iceland Aurora Borealis ________________________________________________________________________

Paris: It's very pretty in Paris, and Paris is the capital of France. You can see the Eiffel Tower! Paris is also frequently referred to as the City of Light. ____________________________________________________________________________________

California: It’s very sunny there, and did you know that there are more turkeys raised in California than any other state!

________________________________________________________________________________ Statue of Liberty, NYC: Did you know Lady Liberty weighs 450,000 pounds?

Those are some places you should visit! ________________________________________________________________________

One World Observatory

By Alexander Ragavendra

If you go to New York City this summer, try to visit One World Observatory. It is located on the 100th floor of the Freedom Tower, in downtown Manhattan, New York. You will start your journey in the cave, on the first floor, surrounded by boulders, roots, and underground streams. You can see this while you are on line for the elevator. Once you enter the elevator, you will see a 60 second movie about how the Island of Manhattan has been changing from the swamps and teepees of the American Indians, to Colonial times, right up to the present. Your ears might get clogged, as you go up 102 floors in 60 seconds! On the 102nd floor, you exit the elevator facing New Jersey. You will need to go two floors down, behind the glass observation floor, to get a great view of downtown Manhattan. You will see the bridges, streets, and the Hudson and East Rivers. Helicopters fly along the rivers far below. You will see Hoboken, NJ, Brooklyn, and Staten Island. The Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, and the Staten Island Ferries look like toys!

You might see a show about the history of different places in Manhattan. For example, Bryant Park used to be a cemetery, then a city dump, but now it’s a pretty park, just behind the New York City Public Library. During the time of the American Indians, the land in Manhattan used to be covered with swamps. A lot of soil from New Jersey was brought in to fill them. You may be surprised to find a soccer and baseball field not far from the tower. You can spend as much time as you want observing the city, from any side of the tower. So choose a sunny, clear day and enjoy your trip! _______________________________________________________________________

Tips and Things to do in California By Alexandra.Gutierrez Tip 1- Before you get on the plane, you need to know it takes 5-6 hours to get there! So make sure you bring things to do while you are on the plane (P.S. Bring headphones).

Tip 2- Did you know that New York is in a different time zone than California? For example, if it is 2:00 P.M. in California, then it’s 5:00 P.M. in New York. Things to do once you get there:

1. You should go to Mission Beach, in San Diego, California! It is so much fun. If you like shopping and eating, it is really fun. When you’re on the beach, it’s good to take photos, too. I love going to the beach! It’s good to play in the sand, and lots of the time you can find shells. If it’s good weather, you can stay all day! The sun goes down when its 7:00 P.M. You should bring about $ 5.00 or more.

2. Phil BBQ is a great place to eat with a group of 2, or more friends or family.

3. It is going to be HOT! So make sure to bring something for rain and hot weather.

4. You should go to LEGOLAND. It is a lot of fun to go there! There are a lot of cool

rides, water parks, and food courts, so check it out. You can book a room in their hotel too. They worked so hard to make HUGE Lego pieces! It is so cool! If you want to know more, go to www.LegolandCalifornia.com.

5. If you have more time during your trip, you should go whale watching. It's great to

go with family. Make sure you bring binoculars.

This is me on a LEGOLAND tour

You can have lots of fun at LEGOLAND Marcus and I in Old Town

Mission Beach Sunset. I love these sunsets!

Royal Caribbean Cruise Ship The Allure

By Thomas Mazzone Have you ever heard of the Royal Caribbean cruise ship, The Allure? Well if you haven’t, I have some information about it, because I just took a trip with my whole family, during spring break.

The Allure is one of the biggest cruise ships in the world. The ship can hold 6,318 guests. There are also 2,384 employees, from 80 different countries. It has 17 decks! It made stops in the Bahamas, St. Thomas, and St. Martin. The cruise has a casino for adults and a Challenger's Video Arcade for kids. It has 4 pools, ice cream, mini golf, ping pong, and a buffet. The cruise has a hotel on every deck. It has a Boardwalk on deck 6. The cruise has a 3D theater on deck 4. It has a Central Park on deck 8. It has BINGO on deck 4. When you get inside the ship, there will be a card waiting for you called a Seapass. Everybody has it, and you use it to get in the hotel room. And one more thing, the most important information is that the Seapass is the only way to get on and off of the ship!


Our Cruise to Bermuda

By Liam Wells, Matthew and Megan Norberg We went on a cruise to Bermuda, on the Norwegian Breakaway. The Breakaway is the youngest ship in the Norwegian fleet. It has so many activities for kids! There is a ropes course with obstacles. You can walk the plank 18 decks above sea! They attach you to a harness so you won’t fall. There’s zip lining, that’s really fun too. They also have bungee jumping, which was great! Right next to it, there is a spider web that you can try to go up, and then go down on a slide. Rock climbing is so fun too; you can ring a bell if you go to the top! There are a bunch of waterslides like the Whip Slide. You go into a magenta slide that goes in circles. There is a yellow one, which does the same thing. There is a blue one that is fun, but it doesn’t go in circles. There was another water slide, Free Fall Slide, where you go upside down and over the ocean!

Now let’s talk about Bermuda. When we went to the beach, there was pink sand! That was very cool! There were caves and big rocks that we went in, and climbed. The water was so clear and blue! We also went kayaking in the water. We went to Hamilton, the capital city of Bermuda. There were many cool gift shops there. That was our cruise to Bermuda!

Cultural Arts Playhouse By Laura Lederer I go to Cultural Arts Playhouse (CAP), which is an acting school located at 170 Michael Drive, Syosset, NY 11791. Classes are available for kids in grades 1-12, and the approach to acting classes is centered on positive reinforcement, to develop confidence in students. Founded in 1995, CAP’s Musical Theater and Acting Academy is the most successful acting school on Long Island, for children, teens, and young adults. More than 40 CAP students have worked on Broadway, on national tours, and in regional theaters. Some have worked in movies, on HBO specials, in commercials, and some have done voice-overs, as well.

The class curriculum is designed to give students an overall education in all aspects of theatre, including speech and diction exercises, dance, and improvisation, monologues, and audition techniques, along with scene study and voice. Students who have attended classes at CAP have frequently been cast in their school shows, community performances, and camp productions, based on their training at CAP! The acting school and theater doesn't just give acting classes, they put on shows too! Bruce Grossman owns CAP. “There is no better activity than theater to benefit a child and teen in all aspects of their life! We work on confidence, social skills and focus through the art of theater!” says owner Bruce Grossman.

Bruce Grossman, Owner

Bruce works with the staff, listed below: Tony Frangipane Eliana K. Lichtman Gina Salvia Alyssa Caracciolo

The Artistic Director Director /Choreographer Musical Director Director/Choreographer

I hope, from this information, you now want to start acting at Cultural Arts Playhouse! The website is http://www.culturalartsplayhouse.com/classes. If you want to start acting, then you can check it out now! You can reach the main office at 516-694-3330, Monday-Friday, Noon-4pm.

Sports Section

NFL Draft 2016: Winners and Losers

By William and Patrick Monahan

Every year each NFL team has a chance to get better, by drafting the best college football players. Sometimes teams hit the jackpot, like when the Patriots drafted Tom Brady, in the 7th Round. Other times teams go bust, by drafting “can’t miss” players. This happened when the San Diego Chargers drafted Ryan Leaf, the second overall pick in 1998, or when the Oakland Raiders selected Jamarcus Russell, with the number one pick in 2007. The truth is, that even though teams do a lot of research, watch the players at the tryouts, and evaluate them in their college careers, sometimes they get it wrong. A team can set themselves up for success, in the future, by picking players that meet or exceed their expectations, or a team can set themselves back for years, by picking players that don’t contribute during their careers. This year, the top two players selected were Jared Goff, from California, and Carson Wentz, from North Dakota State. Some people think these picks were risky, but the draft is really a gamble. The Eagles traded several picks, to move up to draft Wentz. They are really taking a chance, because less picks means less new players. Hopefully both team’s picks will make them better. Our favorite picks, in this year’s draft, were Vernon Hargreaves III, who was drafted by Tampa Bay, with the 11th pick in the 1st round, and Keanu Neal, picked 17th by The Falcons. They are both from the University of Florida- Go Gators!

The true results of the draft might not be known for years to come, but all we know is that we enjoy watching all seven rounds to see who goes where! ________________________________________________________________________

Video Games and Apps


Super Smash Bros

By Megan Cummins Super Smash Bros is a game for Wii U. It came out September 13, 2014. Super Smash Bros, for Wii U, includes an exclusive mode, called Smash Tour. It also includes a board game, in which players can collect fights and power-ups, and steal some from their opponents. Don’t like the stages? Build your own! Super Smash Bros includes a “Stage Builder” that takes advantage of Wii U’s functionality. Using the Wii U’s gamepad tablet controller, players can easily draw, drag, and drop platforms and items to create their own battlefield. Find some more friends While the franchise has always capped fights, in the past, by four players, the Wii U version of Super Smash Bros will allow up to eight players to fight together, at once, with stages larger than any previous Super Smash Bro games. Those are some facts about Super Smash Bros. Have fun with this video game!

By Pavlik Nenchin Roblox is a 3D game for IOS Android, PC, and Xbox One. It's about getting Robux and buying accessories with Robux. The only way to get Robux is to buy them. You can also play games like Tycoon. As a Tycoon you manage a business to get money, and you can buy factories that make money. It's pretty fun! Another game is Prison Escape, where you try to escape a prison. You have to pass obstacles, like a laser door, flood escape, and tied rope. It’s fun to play Roblox. By the way, you can play other escape games. There is an escape game from a hospital, Escape the Dentist, and Escape the Doge, and Escape the Cat. My favorite game is Roblox High School. In this game you collect coins, and spend coins on stuff. You have to earn the coins by being good in school. There are gears too, that means that there are rainbow magic flying carpets. It’s fun to play Roblox!!! _______________________________________________________________________

Algodoo By Alessio Ladisa Algodoo is a fun simulation game, where you can cut things, and make things! You can also play other people’s levels, and play with the lessons. If you click on the button by the YouTube arrow, you can get lots of tools. If you press it again, you have only a few tools. You can always mess around with other people’s levels too, and you can make your own level! I suggest you get ideas from other people’s games, or just make it from your own ideas. There is an option where you can change your pull strength, change gravity and more. I really think you will enjoy this game if you play it!

Movie Reviews


By Kylie Kagen Zootopia is a new movie. The two main characters are a bunny named Judy Hopps, and a fox named Nick Wilde. The bunny wants to be a cop. She and her partner (the fox) have a case to crack! There is a movie star named Gazelle (played by Shakira) too. It starts off with a play, when the bunny was little, and it ends with a concert. I think this is a great movie! If you see it, I hope you love it! ________________________________________________________________________


By Andrew Roventini Godzilla is a really cool monster, who lives on Monster Island. He commutes through the ocean, and he is 400 feet tall. Godzilla can spit out Atomic fire from his mouth. He can destroy the Statue of Liberty, and makes giant footprints on the ground. Godzilla is really popular and he has been in a lot of movies. Godzilla looks different in every movie, and

roars different in every movie. The first Godzilla movie, ever created, was in the 1950’s, and his roar was made by putting sound effects on a cello.

Godzilla usually attacks the city of Tokyo. When Godzilla attacks Japan, the power always goes out, and everybody runs away screaming! In one of the movies, the Japanese people built a robot that looked a lot like Godzilla. They had to fight, and one of them got defeated. You can guess which one. People think Godzilla is trying to destroy Japan, but he is actually trying to protect it from the monsters he fights. Godzilla has many enemies, like aliens and other monsters, which are the same size, or bigger. Godzilla once fought the mighty King Kong. In the Japanese version of the movie, Godzilla wins, and in the American version, King Kong wins. People also make collectible figures of Godzilla. I have a lot of the different figures that have been made, thanks to my amazing father. When Godzilla fights his enemies he sometimes doesn't win, but I don’t care because he tried his best!


What’s New in the World of Music?

The Guitar By Andrew Roventini The guitar is a really cool instrument to play. There are a lot of bands that have guitar players. My favorite bands play heavy metal music, with lots of guitar.

I started playing guitar when I was 8 years old. I started guitar lessons at Monster Music. My teacher's name is Pete. I sit with Pete for half an hour every Saturday. He showed me power chords and the names of notes. I have also learned a lot of different songs, that I practice at home.

When I grow up I want to be in my own band. The guitar is my favorite instrument, and I have my very own guitar case, amp, and stand. I really want to get an effects pedal, so I can make cool sounds. I also have my very own guitar picks that I can use to play.


Samuel Adams

By Shannon Wong Samuel Adams was born in Boston, on September 27, 1722. He was an American statesman, a political philosopher, and a Founding Father of America. As a politician, Samuel was a leader during the colonist fight for independence from England, before the Revolutionary War. He was brought up in a religious and politically active family, and he was a second cousin to John Adams, the second president of the United States. Samuel Adams graduated from Harvard University, but he was an unsuccessful businessman and tax collector, before he concentrated on politics. He was an influential official in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, and in 1773, he played an important part in the Boston Tea Party. He also tried to be a brewer and a newsletter publisher, but he failed. In 1749, he married Mary Checkley. They had two children who survived. Mary died in 1757, and in 1764 Samuel married Elizabeth Wells. Politics were very important to Adams and no family, or business could distract him. Sadly, he died on October 2, 1803. After Samuel’s death he was given a state funeral against his wishes. The House of Representatives and Senates all wore mourning bands in Samuel’s memory.

Science and Technology Section

Facts about Kittens and Cats

By Carlee Young Cats are small animals, and it is fun to pet them. As you pet them they can shed their fur. That’s ok, if you don't mind fur. You might get an “outside” cat, and that is good, if you like to play outside. It is bad, if you can’t be home to let you cat in and out. Sometimes cats go inside bags, so be careful if you have a kitten or a grown cat. Playful cats want to be petted and played with, so make sure to have a lot of cat toys. Kittens are more sly and playful, but they might try to escape from your house! Be careful! Some kittens come out a whole different color than their parents. Cats usually live for 12 years to 14 years. I have five cats at home. One was a kitten, but now they are all grown up. I had time to play and take care of them.



By Sarah Fleishaker There are many different types of seals in the world. The Southern Elephant Seal is the largest, and the Leopard Seal is the second largest. The Harp Seal has white fur and a few areas of light brown fur. Seals are commonly known as Pinnipeds, which is Latin for “fin” and “foot”. There are 33 species of pinnipeds that are still alive, and more than 50 extinct species, which have been found from fossils.

The main diet of a seal is krill, but Leopard Seals eat penguins. Some types of seals are increasing in population, and some types of seals are decreasing. Seals are adorable! ______________________________________________________________________


By Kimberly Wong, Eliza Alvarez and Shannon Wong There are different gemstones in the world. Each month of the year has birthstone gem related to it. Here is a list of birthstone gems by month: January: Garnet February: Amethyst March: Aquamarine April : Diamond May: Emerald June : Alexandrite and Pearl July: Ruby August: Peridot/Tourmaline September: Sapphire October: Opal November : Topaz and Citrine December: Turquoise