The Blog Monetization Lab Page 1 of 98 Copyright 2016 – Blog Marketing Academy www.BlogMarketingAcademy.com Building your Blog profit funnel Course Overview: The Blog Profit Funnel Is The Most Effective Monetization Strategy That Exists. This Action Plan Will Show You How To Build It. Build a real business machine behind the scenes of your blog – a business machine that is designed to provide massive value to your audience in exchange for money – is the key to REAL blog monetization. YOU get the customer, not somebody else. You don’t feel icky because your blog isn’t littered up with ads. You don’t have to post content as often if you don’t want to.

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Building your

Blog profit funnel

Course Overview: The Blog Profit Funnel Is The Most Effective Monetization Strategy That

Exists. This Action Plan Will Show You How To Build It.

Build a real business machine behind the scenes of your blog – a business

machine that is designed to provide massive value to your audience in exchange

for money – is the key to REAL blog monetization.

YOU get the customer, not somebody else. You don’t feel icky because your blog

isn’t littered up with ads. You don’t have to post content as often if you don’t

want to.

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Also, because your business machine is generating revenue for you, you actually

can employ paid traffic in order to quickly, reliably and predictably grow your blog

and business.

Growing your blog is no longer a matter of a long, hard slog and lady luck on your

side… it is more of a simple math problem.

The basic building block of this business machine is what I call the Blog Profit

Funnel. It is the core component of the overall Blog Monetization Model.

This training will show you how to build one.

Introduction To This Action Plan

Hey there... David Risley, here. I am going to be walking you through setting up a

Blog Profit Funnel behind your site.

Now what this thing is going to be is an infrastructure type of Action Plan.

Obviously, when it comes to creating a blog profit funnel, there's a lot of parts to

it. Big one is going to be having products to sell. Now, it can be done using affiliate

products but the ideal scene is that you are going to have your own products to


I want to be clear... There are going to be a few things that make up a fully

developed blog profit funnel that I am not going to cover here with this Action

Plan. Namely, I am not going to be covering Product Creation, because that is a

topic in and of itself; I am not going to be talking about copywriting and actually

writing sales letters. I am going to talk about it from an infrastructure standpoint

but not the actual copywriting because that is a topic that is a lot bigger than

what this Action Plan could cover.

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So those are the two big ones right there... I am also going to touch on the emails

that are going to power your funnel but I am not, again, going to get in to

copywriting on actually writing those emails. Those are topics that we will talk

about in other Action Plans and in other courses here in the Academy, but it is

going to be beyond the scope of this Action Plan.

Now, I will make one promise to you and that is... If you go through this Action

Plan and actually set up the funnel, you will make money with it. It is that simple.

This is a proven business model that businesses all around and off the internet,

use. The Sales Funnel is not an original concept. What I have done is I have

adapted it to the world of Blogging.

It has taken a concept like the sales funnel and we have tacked it on to a blog in a

strategic way. But the thing is, we need to actually build up the funnel.

So what this plan is going to talk about is the infrastructure, how the various parts

connect to one another, how your email list is going to work with it; stuff like that,

so we can actually get this thing built.

So with that, let's go and get started.

Having Product(s) To Sell Turning Transformation Into Content

(This is from a Training Course)

Now back in Module 1, I talked to you quite a bit about the Transformation. And

that basically, in order to have the business with everything in alignment, it needs

to be centered around an outcome or a transformation that you are in the

business of delivering.

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And basically, if you are not in a situation with your blog to where it lines up to

some type of an outcome that people want; sort of a transformation that people

want, then you might have to actually sit down and re-think what you are doing in

your overall approach. Because it is not only important in terms of making money

but it is also important when it comes to the content in actually having the

content work as a marketing vehicle. So, that is what we are going to be talking

about in this video; is turning that transformation into content.

Now a quick review here, we remember this little diagram here; the

transformation is essentially that you are taking them from whatever their

current reality is; something that they generally are not going to want.

They either do not have some positive outcome they want or they are actually in

a position of some type of a pain or fear and that is their current reality.

And you are going to be taking them on this journey through the products that

you offer and the content that you produce that will bring them to this

transformation to where they have a new reality; where they have whatever it is

they want.

And like I said in Module 1, if you can't name what that outcome of

transformation is that you are in the business of providing, then you really do

need to get clear on that immediately. You should not, (hopefully) you should not

be watching this video right now if you do not have a pretty clear idea of what

the outcome or the transformation is that you are in the business of providing

because it is really important.

Now let's talk here a little bit about the alignment of that...

Once again, we have our cute little diagram here where you are taking them from

Point A to Point B. Now, on one end of it, you are going to have the products or

services that you offer. Now these are products that you actually create and you

put out there, regardless of the formats that it is. EBooks, membership sites,

bunch of videos... It really doesn't matter. And I know a lot of people that are in

the information marketing business or kind of the information business is that

they get really hung up on the form factor of the product that they want to make.

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They are like, "Well, maybe I'll create an eBook" or " I really want to create a

membership site!" You know, all that is great. But you are getting too hung up on

what the format is and not what on what the thing is supposed to do for the

person who is consuming it.

Well, what it really is supposed to do is deliver the outcome or the

transformation. And it can be broken down in little steps throughout the

transformation because the whole idea of your products and your services is that

they are going to deliver this transformation. They could be in bits and pieces or it

could be the whole thing in one full swoop. It doesn't really matter. There needs

to be a perfect alignment here.

Now, we talked too, in the past about the idea that there are certain road blocks

that go along the way that this transformation... there are certain typical things

that people have to overcome in order to travel this road and get the outcome

that they want. And a really good thing that you can do is sit down and actually

outline what those things are. And that is what we are going to be talking about

here because it actually conforms a really solid foundation for the actual content

that you are going to create; the actual blog posts, videos, any podcast that you

make, whatever they are... That when they are aligned around certain barriers

and decisions and things like that - that need to be made along the way of this

transformation, then it aligns.

So when you have a situation like this, you literally have all of your content point

toward the transformation and you have your products and services point toward

the transformation. When you have these in place, then your content can actually

serve as a direct or indirect marketing vehicle for the products or services that

you are offering which of course is content marketing.

Now I want to make one last point before we move on to the next slide here; and

that is that those products or services do not have to be made by you. You can

actually do the same kind of thing using affiliate products. So products that

somebody else made and you simply get a commission when somebody buys it

through you.

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You guys are probably familiar with this on how it works in the online marketing

space. Well, it can work for you as well, regardless of what market that you are in,

that you can promote other people's products and get a commission on that if the

product legitimately aligns up toward the outcome or the transformation that you

are in the business of providing.

I know in some markets, finding affiliate products can be more difficult than


That being said, generally there are some options out there, even if they are just

Amazon affiliate links.

Sometimes you can actually work out deals where a company does not really

have an established affiliate program. You can actually approach them, let them

know what you have in mind and see if they can work something out specifically

for you.

So there are a lot of options here, but I want to make that last point is that, while I

think it is the best case scenario to create your own products and/or services

because you are on the driver's seat and you can keep 100% of the profit, you can

also promote other people's stuff but all these needs to line up to the same


So there is a tool can help you outline this and it is going to ultimately lead to a lot

of content ideas for you...

And that is what I call the Transformation Map. A transformation map is really,

really simple. You are going to map out the transformation from Point A to Point

B that this person is going to be traveling and you are going to list out the things

in between; the things that are going to stand in their way.

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So, four basic steps... Actually 3 basic steps:

1. Write out what the main transformation is, that you are in the business of

delivering. So you need to be clear on that, you should be clear on that as of

this minute. So simply write that down.

2. You want to list out any roadblocks that typically stand in the way. You just

got to have to know your business in order to know what those things are. You

could also draw out of experience where you maybe helped people do this in

the past, offline or online, doesn't really matter and you know what things

people typically struggle with and you can write those things down.

3. Take each of those main roadblocks and expand them out as much as you

possibly can because typically you are going to have a lot of little sub-things

that follow within it. I am going to give you an example of this in just a second

from my own website, but you ultimately want to have an outline here, it will

be nested probably several levels of various things that people are going to

have to deal with, confront, whatever; all leading toward the transformation

that you are providing.

4. This is a bonus. And that is that you can take each one of these roadblocks and

you can map it out to a product idea or some other call to action that will allow

them to solve that particular roadblock.

So again, we are in this for business purposes, right? And your job is to get them

to that transformation but generally, the vehicle for that is going to be products

that you are going to promote. And that is how the business part of this whole

thing works.

Now, when it comes to brainstorming those roadblocks, you can ask yourself a

few different questions...

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1. What typical barriers do people have to overcome to achieve this outcome

that you are in the business of delivering?

So what's normal? Like what kinds of things typically stand in the way? I'll give

you an example here, in a minute and it will make a lot of sense to you

because it will probably give a lot of things that are common for you because

you are a member of my market; my target market. Obviously, you're here;

you are going through this course right now, so that means you are a part of

my target market and so a lot of these things are going to make sense.

So ask yourself that question first. Whatever market you are in and for the

people that you are serving, what are the typical barriers that they have to

overcome to get to the ultimate outcome that they want.

2. What common frustrations or fears typically need to be overcome to get that


So this is where you are going to the emotional side of it because there is

always the middle of it, so to speak... where you got the "Okay, this is what

you got to do." but then you are going to have the reasons why people don't

just up and do it. And you are going to need to dive into that because that is

the kind of thing that you can really get into with your content or possibly even

your product offerings as well.

3. What kind of decisions would need to be made along the way?

Usually, most journeys, most transformations toward some outcome are going

to require that the person make certain decisions; for their life, for their

business... whatever it is that you are in the business of doing. And what kind

of decisions are going to need to be made and how can you create content to

help them make that decision?

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4. What conditional barriers might they run into, or what NEW issues might pop


So this is where you are traveling a road, so to speak, toward this

transformation where there are decisions that need to be made along the way

and based from the decisions that you make new things might come up. And

so, you can actually list those things out because there might be many ways to

get to the same kind of an outcome and you can actually address both avenues

of that road by spotting what these conditional barriers might be.


So here is an example of a graphical transformation map and it is for my own


Over on the left side we have got the "start". The ultimate start here would be

that a blogger that has little to no traffic and basically no income from it. And that

is where people generally start. Some people start even earlier than that; they do

not even have a blog set up yet. But generally, people who come to the Blog

Marketing Academy already have something set up and it is very basic and they

don't really know what direction to go from there.

And then the ultimate outcome that I am trying to get people to is a person with a

functioning online business generating enough revenue to power the lifestyle

they want driven by content marketing. So that is what I am in the business of

doing... People with no business, today they have a business. And it is generally

going to be powered by information and content because that is the business that

I am in.

Now, along the way, there are a lot of typical roadblocks; and you could see

here... Things like not knowing what your business is going to be...

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Overwhelm and information overload; very, very common in my space; to have

people who don't know what to do because there's all these information coming

across their desk and they do not know what to focus on. This organization, not

having any business model, not having any Unique Selling Proposition and just not

knowing how they are going to stand out in an otherwise crowded market.

There's the inevitable one of people dealing with technical website issues; how to

get their blog set up, how to customize their theme and what plug-ins to use and

all that type of stuff.

Then there is always the problem of having no to little traffic. What are you going

to do about it? I mean, building traffic isn't exactly an easy thing.

When you do not have an email list; that is a barrier to get over because how are

you going to start building that list when you are starting from nothing? There's

the idea of getting good at content; well, that is something that we are going to

be talking in this course, obviously, but that is a barrier to a lot of people who are

traveling this journey. There's not having any offer, no product to sell... So, one of

the barriers that need to be overcome is that of creating the first product and

something that actually sells.

There's the idea of social engagement with people who are like, "Well, I know I

need to have people following me on Twitter and stuff, but it's... you know, to get

people to do that... So that is a barrier. Conversion and testing and stuff like that,

expanding your team; which I put down on the right side of the journey because

typically, expanding your team is not something that you are going to be doing

until you get a little further down the road, but generally once you get to a certain

stage, that is something that you are going to have to overcome.

And then there is the entrepreneurial overwhelm and lack of systems. A lot of

these things are over on the far side of the journey; the far side of the

transformation, are going to be applicable to people who already have a business

underway and then they are up against that Stage 2 problem of being able to

expand beyond themselves and not lose their heads.

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So this is a very general overview of the transformation map for my market. So

my question to you would be "How can you do something like this for your own

market where you identify the start point and end point and you identify and you

identify the barriers that go in between them.

Now, let me show you how you can actually divide these things out... And again,

that is where it would make a lot of sense. It is a way to go deeper with your

transformation map.

If we look at just the simple issue of technical website issues; which is a big one,

we have a lot of potential things that we could talk about like: Selecting the right

hosting, picking a theme, customizing that theme, which plugins do you use inside

of WordPress... You are going to have the inevitable confusion on how these

different tools compare in like, there's a lot of things that do similar stuff and you

don't know which one to buy. There are various third-party tools that can be

recommended out there. There's your own personal lack of coding skills. There

could also be the question of who do you hire to do stuff like this if you don't

want to do it yourself. And this list could go on and on and on but they would

come on to that heading of technical website issues.

So again, when you look at the different steps on your transformation, how can

you break it down, like what kind of sub-roadblocks, so to speak, could be found

in there?

Here's another example: When you don't have an email list, well, there's certain

things that are going to have to be overcome like where do you host your email

list? How do you make an opt-in form? How do you do a squeeze page? How do

you set up the opt-in process, the welcome email; the double confirm and all that

stuff? How do you write a good autoresponder sequence and what the hell do

you do with one? How do you segment your list? That is actually a little bit more

of an advance topic but one that generally people will come up on at some point.

There's also the question of what do you say to your email subscribers, like what

are you actually going to write to them?

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There's the confusion that some people would have on how often you should

send them content versus how often should you try to market something to

them. So there's a lot here and the list could go on and on and on but it all comes

to that heading of you just don't have a list and the whole email marketing thing

in general.

So what you are really doing here in this transformation map is that you are

essentially mapping out their entire path. It is kind of like a treasure map. This is

the transformation and you are guiding them along the way. It is just like any

journey you may see in myths and various stories you might have read where the

hero of the story is traveling this road toward this thing that they want but that

the whole storyline is all about the various things they have to overcome along

the way. Well, that is kind of what you are mapping out with the transformation

map. You are actually outlining what the things are they are going to have to

handle along the way to finding that treasure, that outcome or that


Now, just the process of doing this; of actually creating this map, can be really

eye-opening. You will probably spot a lot of cool things that you could do with

regard to content or even potential products that you create by simply taking the

time and do this exercise of creating a transformation map.


Now if you don't have a standard information product style thing that fits nicely in

this template in your own mind, you can still brainstorm it and see how it would

apply because generally, it will still, in some way. With a physical product you can

do things like ask yourself what transformation they are trying to achieve through

the product that you are selling. Now, can your product line be arranged into

some type of a pathway? I think if you are going to be in a physical product

business, this is a good way to go where you do marketing around the

transformation or the outcome but you can actually have your products lined up

in such a way where one leads into the next.

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And so the product line actually can address certain things along the pathway of

this transformation and it leads beautifully into a product even it is physical in


You could also ask yourself what wins or successes have past customers of that

product had. It is just another really great place to find some content there and

you could also identify various things that they have to deal with their own

transformation through the product that you might have already sold.


Now if you don't think that there's any transformation, you are literally racking

your brain and you cannot; for the life of you, figure out what the hell your

readers are going to be trying to achieve, well you are going to have to rethink

this just a little bit because here's the thing... People buy outcomes. That is what

people are going to spend their money on. They are trying to accomplish

something. Even when they go and buy physical products; online or offline, they

are still buying that product in order to accomplish something. What is that

something? What are they trying to accomplish for real, by buying that product?

Now if you literally cannot think of what the outcome is and you are racking your

brain and driving yourself nuts over it; well, the honest truth is you might need to

switch markets or change your approach because the truth is what it is. The truth

is; I am not here to try to float your boat, if you are just out there on the internet

with some blog talking about things, and you might things those are helpful

things, but if they are just talking about something but it is not lined up toward

guiding your reader and your prospect into something that they want, you are

wasting your time. You don't even have a business. You have a blog. And so, you

might need to switch your approach a little bit there. That is why I said earlier on,

you have got to get clear on what the outcome or transformation is. And there is

that little caveat there that if you just simply cannot think of it, you are going to

have to rethink what you are doing because you do need to have one.

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So with that, I am telling you right now, to go and create your transformation

map. Now along with this video you are going to have a worksheet that you can

download; it is just in PDF format and you can go through that and it is designed

to help guide you through setting up your own transformation map. So go ahead

and download that worksheet now and get started and I would love to see what

you guys come up with.

A Global View Of These Funnels And How They Work Together

The first thing I want to make sure you understand is how these funnels work


In this plan, we are going to be talking primarily about one funnel. But the thing is,

from a global perspective I want you to understand that a fully developed

business is going to have more than one funnel and they are going to work

together. So when we look at this Blog Monetization Model, we are going to see

our blog sitting right here... (Let me get the whiteboard thing up for us).

So we are going to have our blog sitting right here... We all know about the blog.

Now, what the blog is going to do is via your blog posts and your pages and

various things, you are going to drive people into a squeeze page. A squeeze page

is basically going to be a page which has a singular purpose of getting somebody

on your email list. And it is going to do that by giving them something. And we call

that thing a lead magnet.

We are going to give them a particular lead magnet and then from there we are

going to send them into a targeted front-end offer. The big thing I want to make

sure you understand is that each one of our funnels is going to have its own front-

end offer but it is going to be particularly matched with the lead magnet.

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So you are going to have (like) a lead magnet and you are going to have a front-

end offer that are matched together like peas and carrots. They go together

really, really well. That is the whole idea here.

We want them to opt-in for the lead magnet and then the front-end offer just

makes perfect sense for them as the next step.

But from there, we are going to start to combine them because the membership

site or your core offer; you are probably not going to have multiple membership

sites, you probably are going to have one. And same thing with your high end

offers or any other profit maximizers that you might put on the line, you are not

necessarily going to have a unique one for every single funnel.

So what we get is a little bit of a different view on how these funnels actually

work together.

So let's go over to... here...

So we got our blog. This blog, by various ways is going to bring people into

different lead magnets that each of these lead magnets are going to come in to a

front-end offer. So this is going to be something cheap, something low end; this is

something we will all go over a little bit later in the Action Plan, so this will all

make sense. But from there, very often you are going to find that they are all

going to merge into a core offer or a membership. And then from there, you will

have like a high end. So we are not creating a funnel that it is like a one-to-one

thing. We are not creating parallel funnels like this where they go down like this...

It is more like they all join together. They start out with different entry points but

then down here, they are going to all merge.

And so, I want to make sure you understand how these funnels work together.

And in a global perspective we are going to have more than one funnel. So you

are going to set up a full blog profit funnel and that is what this Action Plan is

designed to do.

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But then, you are going to go back and you are going to execute this Action Plan

again to create another funnel. But there is going to be duplicate components

between them.

For example, I have the Blog Monetization Lab, here at the Blog Marketing

Academy. I didn't create different Blog Monetization Labs for each of my front-

end offers. It is ONE membership program, they all just point into the same thing.

So I want to make sure you understand how that works and that this is an Action

Plan that you will be executing multiple times.

Get The Required Tools

Let's talk a little bit about the Tools that are going to be needed to assemble your

Blog Profit Funnel.

Now, I want to make a little note here at the beginning about these tools because

the thing is that I know that the area of Tools can get kind of complicated for

some people because they do not know which one to tick. And the thing is, the

last thing that I want to do is have you simply follow me and get tools only

because that is what I use. Because the thing is your criteria might be a little bit

different. So, you can build a funnel with different tools than what I use. There's a

lot of different things out there that can do the same thing.

So I am going to show you what I use. I will give you a few recommendations but

at the same time, I am not designing this Action Plan to require certain tools in

order to build it. I am being general enough in how I approach this topic so that

regardless of what tool you use, you can still do it. But the thing is, you are still

going to need certain things.

And they are these:

First of all you are going to need some type of a LANDING PAGE software;

something that is going to make landing pages.

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Now, if you think that you are going to be able to build this landing page with

WordPress, you actually are not correct.

Here's the thing... You can have the page hosted on WordPress but you are not

going to build it with your standard WordPress theme without some serious

hacking to the theme because WordPress was not designed to create marketing

pages. It was designed to be a blog. So that should be pretty common sense. So

you need to use the tool that was built for the purpose that you have got. And

there are tools out there that are designed specifically to make Landing Pages.

They also happen to integrate with WordPress, so you should be good to go from

that perspective.

The ones that I recommend are generally LeadPages; I am not the biggest fan of

LeadPages in terms of how flexible it is, but it is one of the easiest things out

there to use. So if you are not technically inclined; like "at all", LeadPages will be a

good option for you. It is really hard to get stuck in the technical whiz with

LeadPages because it is so simple.

Now the one that I use more often than not is Optimize Press. This is specifically

built for WordPress; it will work with WordPress either as a theme or a plug-in.

Take your pick, it really doesn't matter. But it is designed to create marketing

pages but do it on top of the WordPress platform.

I like OptimizePress because I do come from a more of a geeky background, I like

being able to get in there and get my hands dirty and I know how to tweak

OptimizePress to my heart's content. So therefore, I like it because it is a lot more

flexible. Like I said, LeadPages is great but it is not that flexible. And so that is the

reason why I sometimes feel constrained by LeadPages.

But if you do not know any html, do not know any CSS, you just want to be able to

get pages out real quick without spending that much time on it, LeadPages is a

great way to go.

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Now, another option (there's a bunch) is TenMinuteFunnels. This one I bring out

because it is kind of like LeadPages and that it is fairly simple to use. It is more

complicated but it does do full funnels. It is specifically designed to do funnels so

you can actually build out your complete blog profit funnel off from inside

TenMinuteFunnels. And all the Landing Pages, you can build in there and it will

actually do the work of hooking the pages together in the right way. You literally

just drag and drop things. So it is a really, really nice platform in that regard.

And there is one that is very similar to it which is called ClickFunnels and there's

WordPress options like Thrive Landing Pages (I think it's called). So, lots of these

things out there, but if you want to know which ones I use... It is LeadPages (In

certain instances) and then OptimizePress.

Now let's talk about the next component that you are going to need and that is an

EMAIL SYSTEM. You are going to need an email system.

This should not be new to you; I am a big fan of Aweber for most of my audience.

I think you should go with Aweber. Now I know that many people who maybe

going through this might use a different system, which is fine. Most of them are

okay. I have used GetResponse; that is fine. You can do it with GetResponse. If

you are on iContact, that is fine. You should be able to do all these with iContact.

Now one little thing about MailChimp, specifically... With MailChimp, a lot of

people go to MailChimp because they have got the free level of account. And

obviously everybody likes the price tag of "free". Now the big thing is, I want to be

very clear... You will NOT be able to build a blog profit funnel with a free

MailChimp account. Okay? You just won't be able to do it.

And there are 2 reasons for that... One is that there is no ability to do

automations in terms of moving in people from one list to another list with a free

account. The other is that you can't do autoresponder sequences with a free

MailChimp account. You just can't do it. They do not give you the ability.

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And autoresponders are very important. We will cover this later but you got to be

able to have a pre-written sequence of emails that is going to get delivered to

people based on what they do in your funnel.

So if you are going to pay for an email list host, anyway, and you are sitting there

looking at MailChimp versus Aweber... Trust me, go with Aweber. They are just a

better company for this kind of stuff. I understand the allure of the free

MailChimp account, but it is free for a reason, and that is it is extremely BASIC.

And this, you are not going to be able to build a funnel with it. It is that simple.

The next thing that you are going to need is some type of a PAYMENT

SYSTEM/SHOPPING CART type of system; something to collect money with

because the entire idea of the funnels is that you are going to sell things, here.

One little caveat here is that if you are going to populate your funnel with affiliate

products, which is not ideal... It is not ideal but it can be done; well then obviously

you are not going to be processing payments so you do not need to worry about

it. But if you are doing this right and you are going to have your own products,

even if you are not going to build a complete funnel right now, but it is just going

to be a squeeze page and a front-end offer and then you'll build the other stuff,

later... you still need a way to collect money.

There are a lot of options out there for this... There is PayPal, there is GumRoad

which I think is a really nice option if you want to keep things nice and simple; it

has a very simple checkout process. There is Stripe which if you want to accept

credit cards on your own; I think Stripe is a good option because it is basically like

a merchant account except it is not a merchant account. It is as simple to use as

PayPal but yet you are processing credit cards. Now the one thing with Stripe is

that you need to couple it with a real shopping cart system.

So I am not going to get in to a bunch of shopping cart things right now, but if you

have like one shopping cart or WooCommerce, any of these things, you are going

to be able to do it with that and it will integrate with Stripe on a built-in basis.

Now, one last thing and that is MEMBERSHIP.

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Now, my preferred structure for the Blog Profit Funnel is going to be depending

on a membership site platform because, I for one, I have a recurring program as

my core offer. I have the Monetization Lab as my core offer. I happen to think

that a recurring membership program is a great fit for many different blog


It doesn't mean that you have to have a recurring billing. It doesn't mean just

because you have hit that word "membership" that you are billing them on a

monthly basis. You could also use membership software just as a delivery

mechanism for everything. So even if you are just giving them a front-end offer

just like a simple eBook you can give them a member account so they log-in and

they download it.

If you give them an extensive course that might be a few modules long, you can

deliver that via a membership.

So there are still products that are just digitally delivered via your site but it is all

protected by your membership platform. Now the one that I recommend, highly,

is MemberMouse. The Blog Marketing Academy is built on top of MemberMouse.

And this blows the socks off of WishListMember. WishListMember, I used to use

it. I am just not that much of a fan of it anymore. I find it to be janky. And the

thing is that when you compare it to something like MemberMouse, it is like night

and day.

MemberMouse will actually power your entire sales funnel. It will do all the

payment collections, it integrates with Stripe, it will integrate with PayPal,

whenever you want it will put people in the right email list; everything will be

handled by MemberMouse. And it will deliver all of your products to a protected

log-in. It is a beautiful system.

Now, again... I am not going to be getting into the particulars of these tools

because I am trying to make this more of an infrastructure Action Plan rather than

concentrating on how to use specific tools…

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…because if I had a tutorial here with how to set up MemberMouse then anybody

who is not using MemberMouse will be screwed and it is not my intention here.

But I just want you to know that this is what I use and I know a lot of research into

it. It is a great, great platform. It also allows you to do one-click upsells which is

great for upsells and things like that.

Now at the absolute bare minimum, if you are just starting out and you do not

have any funnel set up right now at all; let's say you do not even have a full

product line, you are just going to have a single front-end offer right now; you are

still going to need LANDING PAGE software and the EMAIL PROVIDER. You are

going to need those two. There is no way out of that.

So get one of these:

Whether it is LeadPages, OptimizePress, Thrive Landing Pages, whatever works

and you are going to need an EMAIL SYSTEM and the one I recommend for most

of you is going to be Aweber. Now if you are already established with another

provider; that is fine. You probably do not need the move. But if you are still

hunting around, Aweber is the way to go on that.

- Designing Your Profit Funnel - Start With The End In Mind

Now that we have some of the basics out of the way, let's go ahead and start

designing our funnel. Let's start getting into some other specifics.

The first thing; and this is a very important point is that this is a FUNNEL. It is a

funnel. Now, why do I remind you of that? Let's make this very, very clear on how

this is actually working.

You've seen a funnel before and it kind of starts wide like this and it kind of comes

out a little spout kind of a deal. So you get up here and there are lots of entry

points to it and then it kind of funnels down into something skinny at the bottom.

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Now the thing about this funnel is that obviously, there is a progression here. It

goes in here but then it kind of comes down until it comes out where it is

supposed to go. That is the idea of a funnel.

So the same exact thing works when we are talking about our funnel. And I have a

very important point to make with this...

There is a flow to this entire thing. And in fact, if you look at the way this funnel is

designed, it starts with the blog, it goes through here, it goes to here and then

you got what is called the "return path" which is going to bring them back up here

to the blog or to another lead magnet or potentially to another front-end offer.

And it is kind of like this circle thing; it is going to be like constantly going like this,

bringing people around and around and around constantly bringing them through

various funnels. That is how this thing works.

Now in order for it to work, there needs to be an orderly flow through your

funnel. And that means that things kind of need to MAKE SENSE. If they are going

to see a front-end offer, it probably needs to be fairly relevant to the lead magnet

that comes right before it. And if you are going to present them with a

membership site offer or something like that, the way that you are positioning it

has to be related to the front-end offer they just bought because they came in to

this with a particular interest in mind.

So the marketing that you put through the funnel and the way that you are

positioning your offer needs to be related to that interest. They need to see that

by getting that they are going to be fulfilling this need and this want they they've

got; this interest. And so, there's a flow through the funnel.

But your goal is to get them to here; to your high end offers or your profit

maximizer. The whole idea here is that these are bigger transactions, there are

things that are going to make you more money and they are going to do it


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Now like any road, you kind of have to know through these funnels it is wide at

the top and it goes down to the higher offers and they are going to be funneling

down here like this... You kind of have to know where you are heading. And so,

for that reason I recommend that you begin designing your funnel with the END in

mind. So I recommend that you do it in reverse.

You don't plan out your lead magnet first; you don't plan your targeted offer first.

No. You go right for the big money and you plan out your high end offer. And then

you plan out your core offer. Then you do your front-end offer and then you do

your lead magnet. The reason why is because then you can ensure that everything

flows. You can make sure that when they see this lead magnet that you know you

are setting them up ideally for the next thing that they are going to see. And you

can only do that if you know exactly where they are going after the lead magnet.


And then once they see that front-end offer, the right kind of front-end offer that

is going to position them for the membership site or the core offer.

Now, you can't do this if you have not designed the thing in reverse; if you do not

know what is going to come next.

So we have got our lead magnet, we've got our front-end, we've got our

membership site and we've got our high end. These are the four basic steps to the

funnel. But I recommend that you start with this one (High end), this one... (MS)

this one (FO) and this one (LM).

Now... the big question mark here... What if you do not have a high end yet?

You're just like you don't have one? Maybe you don't even have a membership

site yet? What are you going to do now? How are you even going to do this?

Alright so let's make a very important point...

You don't need to have these things built right away. You just want to know in a

general basis what they are going to be.

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So... this is primarily a BRAINSTORMING EXERCISE. You can plan out a sales

funnel. You can plan out a high end offer even if it is not ready to go yet.

Here's the thing... Your first funnel is probably going to start out with a lead

magnet and a front-end offer and that's it! You might not have the membership

site or core offer in place. Or chances are, most of you are probably not going to

have a high-end offer in place. That's fine. But you still kind of want to know what

they are going to be, right?

So we are going to have the lead magnet, we are going to build up to the front-

end but you want to have a mocked up membership site and a mocked up high-

end. You want to know what they are going to be. But you might only concentrate

on the actual build of this right now. But the thing is, at least the front-end offer

that you set up, you are going to have done it with your eventual membership site

in mind. So that is the big idea that I want you to get here... I want you to design

this thing in reverse.

Now how are you going to go about designing this thing in reverse? Well, the text

below this video is going to start to walk you through that. It is going to give you

some ideas for how you can plan out a high-end service and things like that. I

want you to put something on paper here. At this point, they are ideas. You

probably won't have a high-end offer in place right now but you certainly put

forward some ideas on things that you might be able to do as a high-end offer.

And you can have those things on the back of your mind.

This is how you are going to build your business. You are going to build a business

nice and fast. The quicker you can present a high-end offer and a membership site

that has recurring; these things are going to build your business quicker. The

front-end offers are great, but it is going to be really hard to build a big business

on a bunch of little cheap, little products. The better money is going to come with

these last two. So you definitely need to be building them.

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But there is an order of progression here... There is a "first things first" type of a

thing. But like any road, if you don't know what your destination is, it is really

hard to know what direction to drive.

So, plan out a full blog profit funnel right now even if it doesn't exist yet. And even

if you only are going to start out with having a front-end offer; plan out the rest of

it. Plan out your core offer or your membership site and plan out a higher offer.

Go on and read the text below this video and then I want you to pull out a pad of

paper or an outline document and whatever tool you would like to use. And I

want you to plan out a fully developed mocked up sales funnel from beginning to


How To Plan Your Lead Magnet (and the 7-Point Checklist)

Now that you have a global perspective of the Funnel that you are looking to

build; even if you don't have certain components of it, you are not going to be

building them up right away, you still want to have the outline in place. So go back

to the previous step if you had still not completed that particular part of it.

Now let's move on here...

The next two steps on this Action Plan are going to have to do with the Lead

Magnet. We are now at this point in our funnel where we are going to be building

the Lead Magnet. The entire point of the Lead Magnet is to... Well, it is going to

do 2 things. First of all, we want to get them on to the list, so that is the thing. But

then the second step is to set them up for the front-end offer. So the second step

is to set them up.

So those are the two primary purposes of the Lead Magnet.

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Most people, they just get so concentrated on this part; "Just get them on to the

list, one way or the other!" But then they don't worry about the "This is a funnel!"

that it has to flow into the next step. So you at least need to set them up to the

next step. Now because of the second step to the Lead Magnet, there are certain

rules that go into how to create a really good Lead Magnet.

And so, below this video, you are going to see a 7-Point Checklist to creating an

effective Lead Magnet. And in fact, we have a full Action Plan here inside the

Academy on Creating An Effective Lead Magnet. So if you are a Lab Member, you

already have access to that Action Plan. You can go to that particular Action Plan

right now. This Action Plan will remember exactly where you left off, so keep that

in mind, so you can go over and actually do the Creating An Effective Lead Magnet

Action Plan at any point, if you want the full process.

But the 7-Point Checklist is below so you can actually go through that. But the

checklist is designed specifically to create the mindset of the person who is going

to be ready for the front-end offer. And it is also designed not to get in the way.

The problem with really big Lead Magnets, like big eBooks and multi-day courses

and these types of things are that they take so long to deliver that they really get

into the way of putting a front-end offer in front of their eyeballs right away. And

that is really the ideal thing.

You want the Thank You page after they opt-in to be the sales page for your front-

end offer. You want this right here to be the next thing they see. So if you get in

the way by saying "Okay, great. We are now going to deliver a 7-Day Course to

you via email" or something like that, then you just delayed action for 7 days. Any

sales page that they see right here they'll be like "Eh, I don't care! I'm getting 7

days of content already." It is just going to get in the way.

So, that is the big thing to consider here when you create your lead magnet.

Now the other thing that you want to take into account, again, with our Lead

Magnet, is the psychology of the person who is getting on there and exactly who

you are attracting.

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Take our prospect, call him/her whatever you want, but this person has certain

feelings, interests, ways of looking at the world and they are going to be falling

into certain segments in terms of... Well, just various things that makes them

different than other people in your audience. Now you want your Lead Magnet;

whatever that might be, I'm just going to say eBook... let's just be very vague

about it...

You want this eBook, this thing that you are going to give them as a Lead Magnet,

to specifically target "that" person. And you wanted to not target somebody who

does not qualify. This person might be interested in some other thing that you

talk about but if it is not set up for the exact right front-end offer that comes

behind it, then this person is not your ideal prospect to this particular point.

So this funnel is designed to attract this person who is interested in Topic A;

whatever it might be, so you have a Topic A Lead Magnet and you do it because

you have a front-end offer which is around Topic A.

This person here, let's say this person here is interested in Topic B. Well, they are

not your prospect at this particular point. You'll come around to them. You will

build another profit funnel for these guys.

So you got to take into account the psychology of the person that you are looking

to attract. You need to know who they are, you need to know what they are

struggling with, what things are tripping them up, what things are frustrating

them and you want to design a Lead Magnet which is compliant with the 7-Point

Checklist that is going to attract those people. It is going to deliver them a little

win and make them go like "Holy crap! I want that thing!" And get a big smile on

their face. That is what you want for your Lead Magnet.

So go ahead and read the text which is in this step and the one right after it and

let's start to put together our Lead Magnet.

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The Psychology Of The Perfect Lead Magnet

Remember, it is best to design the blog profit funnel in reverse even though we

are building it going forward. So, it is very important that you KNOW what the

front-end offer is going to be for this lead magnet before you create it.

For this reason, we want to sit down and actually map out the blog profit funnel

in advance. If you’re just starting out, you may only end up building out a lead

magnet and a front-end offer at first… but you STILL want to know what the entire

thing is going to eventually look like.

But, we need to understand and plan for the psychology of the prospect as they

move through the funnel so that it flows properly.

The Lead Magnet

The lead magnet, as spelled out previously, is going to offer them a specific thing

to give them a very specific solution to a very specific problem. For this, you want

to know what the PAIN POINTS of your market are.

What are they often struggling with?

What things keep tripping them up?

What are their biggest frustrations?

What huge confusions do they have that they can’t find answers for?

These are the things you want to base your lead magnet around. But, from there,

you need to think about the packaging of your lead magnet. The perfect lead

magnet will present a SIMPLE solution. It will spark a little excitement in your

prospect that gets them anticipating a need being met, or a desire being fulfilled.

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That’s VERY important. I’ll say it again:

The lead magnet should be positioned to be SIMPLE.

It should excite the right kind of prospect and get them anticipating a need

being met or a desire being fulfilled.

When we bring these two points together, we can get a powerful lead magnet.

We get the sense of simplicity by applying our 7-point lead magnet checklist. And

we build the anticipation by making the topic of the lead magnet highly targeted

toward making a forward leap on this big pain point they’ve got (see the 4-point

checklist above).

When we combine these two things together, the best format of the lead magnet

will usually be something like:

A checklist

A resource list

List of tools

A specific X-Step Tutorial

And we frame these things around something that will get them anticipating a

need being met or a desire being fulfilled.

EXAMPLE #1: (from my own business)

I know that traffic is a HUGE pain point of my market. Lots of bloggers are pretty

hot and bothered about getting more traffic and how much work it takes to do it.

So, there’s a point.

What they want would be a traffic shortcut, or a step-by-step kind of solution that

will just give them traffic. Now, in reality, I know that such a thing doesn’t really


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But, I can break it down into something which will remove guesswork, be quick to

consume, and be positioned more like a tool than just something they’ll read


My solution is the Pre-Publish checklist, a one-page checklist of multiple things to

check for BEFORE you hit the Publish button on your blog post. It is positioned as

a way to ensure your next blog post is set up to get as much traffic as possible

before you publish it. It is positioned as a simple checklist. And in the email in

which I give it to them, I specifically tell them to print it and tape it up on their

wall. In other words, this is a reusable process, not just some lame ebook.

EXAMPLE #2: (a test prep niche)

Your niche is to help people pass a test in their field… perhaps chemistry, an

engineering test, or some other professional test that is well known. Their hot

button is simple: They want to pass.

We want to offer a lead magnet which is specific, designed specifically to attract

people taking that specific test, and gets them anticipating a need being met. So,

a potential idea might be “The 5-Step XXXX Test Preparation System That Raises

Scores By XX%”. So, the idea is that you target those specific people by naming

the test, give it credibility with statistics, and get them anticipating the outcome.

Plus, it is specific (“5 steps”).

EXAMPLE #3: (Nutritional Niche)

You’re a nutritionist who guides people to handling certain medical conditions

through a structured nutritional program. The common mistake of people in this

kind of niche is to focus too much on recipes. However, recipes fail to build any

anticipation for a need being met and they don’t align with the transformation.

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So, the first thing we want to do is get specific on who we’re targeting. We could

potentially target people of all stripes, but let’s assume we’re going to target it by

attracting people with GERD. They’re looking for GERD solutions that don’t

involve medicine. And while you could help other conditions as well, we’re going

to position this lead magnet toward GERD.

But, we want them to anticipate a solution. We want them to see that a solution

is possible. AND let’s make it specific. So, an idea such as “Reduce Your GERD

Symptoms By XX% Using This 72-Hour Meal Plan”

Now, I’m no doctor, so I’ll preface this by saying that OF COURSE you need to be

able to deliver on any promise you make in a lead magnet. I have no idea if you

could drastically affect GERD within 72 hours with a specific meal plan, but if you

could, that’s a good lead magnet. It presents a solution to a person in pain. It is

specific and will allow them to experience some short-term relief in a finite

amount of time. And BTW, from a marketing perspective, you could use that 72

hours after the opt-in to position yourself as their coach, walk them through

implementing the lead magnet, and setting them up for a sale. You could even

offer a 72-hour front-end offer.

Your OWN Lead Magnet

This lead magnet is going to be pretty important, so let’s take some time to get it

right. Or at least maximize our chances at higher conversion with it.

1. Start off with your market’s big pain points.

2. Figure out the specific person you’re looking to attract and target (you

don’t need to attract your whole target market at once)

3. Use the 7-point lead magnet checklist to brainstorm lead magnet ideas that

would build anticipation of a need being met or a desire being fulfilled in as

easy format as possible (from their perspective)

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If you want to get some third-party feedback on your lead magnet ideas, pop on

over into the Monetization Lab community and let us know your ideas. Go to

your Dashboard page, and if you’re a full Lab member, you’ll be able to access the

Lab community right there.

The Lead “Flow” Into The Front-End Offer

I previously talked about how the Lead Magnet needs to flow into the front-end

offers, so I want to make a couple of quick notes about that and it kind of how

that can actually work.

You want it to logically make sense for them so that when they get the lead

magnet, that the front-end offer that they see just make perfect sense for the

lead magnet. They go together. They are like a little pair.

Now how are we going to do that? How are we going to actually make sure that it

makes perfect sense for them?

Well, we do it by kind of keeping in mind our transformation. If you go back to the

very beginning of this Action Plan, I talked about a little bit about the

Transformation Map. It is the idea that the person is at their current reality;

whatever it might be and they want to travel some journey to happy land... This is

where they are happy; this is where they are not so happy. And this

transformation, this right here is what you are in the business of doing through

your products and through your blog content.

And this transformation will be center with whatever it is that it is that you do. If

you are on a nutritional market, then over here they might be unhealthy and over

here they are healthy. In my market, this will be a blogger that is making no

money and over here, they are making money. This is not complicated stuff. It is a


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Now, like any transformation, there are going to be various points along the line;

various things, they tend to go in a particular order. Now your lead magnet might

say, "Okay, I am going to give you a little win via this lead magnet on this

particular step. So you are going to give them a checklist or a set of tools or

something that is going to help them get "that" little section done. Now if you

understand your transformation and kind of the general progression of things,

then you can ask yourself something like "What's next?" So what's next would be

like this right there... that could be like a front-end offer. This is not difficult stuff.

It is just a matter of thinking about it from a logical progression standpoint.

So there are various things that could go in to a front-end offer and how it

actually flows... It could be a set of tools that you just gave them; that would be

like the lead magnet, like a tool, resource list, something like that. And then you

are like, "Okay, how do you use it?" Then you give them the tutorial; a little mini-

course on how to actually use these tools to accomplish their thing. So you could

see there, that would be like a logical progression.

And then you've got the idea of the next hurdle; like what is next... So let's say

they execute the lead magnet; great. Then you ask "Okay, now what?" What is

going to happen now, like after they have done the lead magnet, what is the next

step? This goes back to the transformation diagram that I just drew. So that would

be a potential front-end offer.

Now here is another way that you can do it; this works particularly well if you

have a membership site.

So let me diagram this out:

Let's say you have got this big Membership Training Site and in here, you have

these little courses, maybe little mini-courses; kind of like what I do here with

these Action Plans, and there's a big collection of them there for your members.

But let's say this one right there, you pulled it out and that is their front-end offer.

So they just bought that.

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Or let's say they came in from a lead magnet and then they did that. So you can

literally just pull out something from your membership site and re-purpose it,

turn it in to a front-end offer.

This is the model that I do, by the way, with the Blog Marketing Academy. This

right here would be the Lab. And then I have all these Action Plans and Courses.

Now, any one of those things, I can pull out and turn it in to a front-end offer that

matches greatly with the lead magnet that I gave them. So that is kind of how that

works. And then when we get a little bit later, when it talks about flowing in to

your core offer, his flow becomes a lot easier if you have yanked it out because it

is kind of like you can kind of do that complete your collection angle. It is kind of

the idea of "Well, you have already bought one of these. Hey, do you want the

rest of them?" And that is kind of like your angle into selling them into the


So think about how this is going to flow, how these things are going to lead from

one point to the next.

Your Front-End Offer Your front-end offer isn’t really designed to be the foundation of your business.

This is something I want to make clear. A lot of bloggers spend so much time

concentrating on low-end products that they cripple their business moving


In other words, if all you have is one eBook for sale and you sell it for, say, $20…

then it will be quite difficult to grow your business. In essence, all you have is a

front-end offer. It is quite difficult to scale that up. Once they’ve bought that

eBook and handed over $20, they’re basically done with you. So, that forces you

to continually seek out new people to pimp your $20 thing to.

So, let us see the front-end offer for what it is…

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The front-end offer is usually a low-ticket offer, but it is NOT meant to be THE

thing that you sell.

The front-end offer is specifically designed simply to get a casual email subscriber

to turn into a customer. That’s it. The amount of money they give you is actually

not important. What IS important is the mere fact that they gave you money. It

completely changes the nature of their relationship with you. THAT’S the point of


Your front-end offer should:

Turn them into a customer for you.

Give them a low-commitment way to experience what it is like to be a

customer of yours.

To enable them to make some headway in their transformation (the one

that you’re in the business of delivering)

Allow you to fund your paid traffic

The Typical Price Of The Front-End Offer

We want the front-end offer to be priced within “impulse buy” territory. In other

words, the price should be low enough so that it isn’t something they need to

think about very much at all. If they have to sit around and think about it, ask

their spouse first, or wait until their next paycheck, then you’ve priced it too high.

If we look at the world around us, you’ll see a lot of things that we tend to buy

without worrying about the price all that much. For instance:

A Starbucks coffee. It might be a $3 cup of coffee, but most of us will buy it

without thinking much about it.

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A fast food meal. Don’t get me started on the health of it, but just speaking

financially, most of us will drop $6-$7 on a quick meal with thinking about


Items in the checkout line at your grocery store. You’ll see magazines for

$5, candy for $2, bags of chips for $2. All these things are put there as

impulse buys.

So, in general, anything less than $10 will generally be considered in “impulse

buy” territory. My front-end offers are usually priced at $7.

Keep in mind that this is always dependent on your market. If you’re in a market

where the typical product costs $5,000, then a $7 front-end would be such a joke

that they’d write it off as a low quality piece of crap. So, in that market, you’d

probably go higher with your front-end offer. Everything is relative. But, in most

consumer oriented markets, I’d generally say to shoot for $10 or less.

The Product Itself

You want THEM to feel as if they just scored one hell of a deal, but YOU want to

feel it is fair, too. For this reason, you probably wouldn’t take a $500 course and

give it to them for less than $10.

So, obviously, you need to scale the scope of your product to fit the price point.

What I like to do is take a specific piece of my overall membership site and

splinter it out as a standalone product. That’d be my front-end offer, then my

upsell into the full membership would follow the “complete your collection”

theme. (“Hey, you just bought this one. There’s a ton more of them. Want to get

all of them for this incredible deal?”)

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Testing Your Price And Funding Your Traffic

Conducting split testing is beyond the scope of this Action Plan; however I want to

make a quick word about it at this point…

You can (and should) test out your front-end offer pricing. For instance, perhaps

you come out the gate with it at $7. You’re just kind of following the usual

template and you like those nice $7 price tags. Great. But, what if you found

(through testing) that you could charge $9 and it had virtually no effect on your

conversion rates?

That extra $2 would put just a little more money in your pocket. Plus, it would

enable you to pay for more traffic or fund a higher cost-per-lead into the funnel.

That’s important.

Ideally, your front-end offer would convert well enough for you to run paid traffic

at break-even or better. And breaking even on your paid traffic would be a

balance between your cost-per-lead and your conversion rate.

For instance, let’s say you were running paid traffic into your blog profit funnel

and it worked out to about $0.50 per lead. So, it cost you 50 cents every time

somebody opted in for your lead magnet. If your front-end offer costs $7, then

that means you’d need to see 14 people opt-in in order to get one sale.

$0.50 x 14 = $7

If 1 out of 14 people buy, that’d be a conversion rate of just over 7%. As long as

your front-end offer converts at 7% or higher (7.14% to be specific), then you

would break even on paid traffic. Everything in your blog profit funnel after that

would be pure profit.

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And if you found that asking $9 rather than $7 didn’t reduce your conversion rate,

that’s even better! You’d actually be profiting on your front-end offer.

So, this is a balancing act. We need to see how much it costs us in order to get an

opt-in (your cost per lead). And we want to play with the front-end offer so as to

break even (or profit) on that incoming traffic.

That’s the name of the game, baby!

Core Offer / Membership Site The next level in our funnel is your core offer. Once they’ve bought a front-end

offer, then you now have a qualified customer on your list. That’s awesome! But,

don’t just rest on your laurels at this point. They’re now a qualified LEAD for your

core offer.

Your core offer is your main… thing. For example, my primary offer here at the

Blog Marketing Academy is the Blog Monetization Lab. I do have other things that

I sell, but the Lab is my primary core offer.

We want as many people to get into our core offer as possible.

Now, first, let me address one factor here…

In my official Blog Monetization Model, the core offer is a membership

subscription. However, I do want to make clear here that it isn’t necessary that a

recurring subscription be placed in this location. Your core offer could simply be a

higher-priced product without any subscription.

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So, you have two options here:

1. Move your customer into a higher-priced product which is still a one-time

buy. If they just bought a $7 front-end offer, then sell them into a higher-

end course priced at something like $47-$97. Maybe even higher.

2. Move them into your primary subscription offer.

If a subscription isn’t your core offer, I still recommend that you have one.

Perhaps you sell them into a core offer course which is a one-time purchase, but

you still have a recurring subscription that is a profit maximizer after they’ve

bought the core offer.

Recurring subscriptions are awesome, so I recommend you have one.

A Note On Selling Memberships (And Product Splintering)

It can be rather difficult sometimes to sell a recurring membership. A lot of people

just don’t care for monthly billings, so you’ll have a little extra “headwind” getting

them to subscribe and become a paying member.

Thing is, when you position a membership BEHIND an initial front-end offer, then

your conversion rate into the membership will be higher.

A lot of people try trial offers into memberships. And they can work. However,

they’re often higher maintenance. They see higher refund rates; more complaints.

More “tire kickers”. They’re not truly serious prospects. So, it clutters up the


In terms of designing your funnel, my preference is to have a recurring

membership as your core offer. Then you splinter-out products from the

membership and turn them into front-end offers. If the person buys a front-end

offer, you can then offer the membership to them. After all, they’ve already

bought one of your products. Why not complete the package?

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It can also help if your normal price for the front-end offer is priced roughly the

same as a month of membership. Then, you’ve got the hook of “Well, you just

paid for a month of membership anyway. Let’s activate your full membership.”

And they’re now an active member.

When you splinter our front-end offers out of your membership, it also lowers

your work load. You gain more leverage from each product you create.

Your High-End Offers / Profit Maximizers

Once you get past your core offer, you’ve got yourself a pretty committed

customer. Well done.

But, let’s review the 3 primary ways to grow a business. They are:

1. Get more customers.

2. Get your customers to make more purchases.

3. Get your customers to purchase more expensive things.

There it is… in plain English.

Now, our front-end offers are specifically designed (right behind the lead magnet)

to accomplish #1: Get more customers. That’s the entire point of it.

A recurring subscription (when done right) will accomplish #2, because each

member will be getting billed on a monthly basis. That means more purchases.

But, once a person has enrolled in your membership or purchased a core offer,

you don’t want to just stop. You can either get them to buy more things… or begin

to turn them into leads for something which is more expensive.

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So, what can you place in your funnel beyond the core offer?

Can you go high with your price and get them into a coaching program of

some kind?

Can you offer a service to help them implement something that you’ve

taught them in your core offer?

If your core offer wasn’t recurring, can you now get them into a value-

adding recurring membership?

Can you provide them options for add-on products/services?

Can you begin marketing affiliate products to them for tools that will help

them accomplish what they’re learning to do? Affiliate commissions are still

profit maximizers.

Earlier in this plan, I recommended that you design your funnel in reverse. So, at

this point, you should compile a list of potential profit maximizers you could offer.

Creating The Email Lists And Autoresponders That Power The Funnel

At the very beginning of this Plan we talked about some of the tools that are

needed to actually build out this funnel.

Now we talked a lot about the various pages and creating the offers themselves.

Now that is going to be done right here, which will be the squeeze page, this will

be a sales page, this will be a sales page and this will be a sales page. So all these

are going to be created with whatever a landing page solution you decided to get.

So whether it be Lead Pages or Optimize Press or any of the others, you are going

to use the same thing to create that, that, that and that. But the thing is, we know

that this is a flow.

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Now how are we going to make this flow? How are we going to connect these

four pages together? Well there are 2 ways of making it...

The first one is like this right here is going to be the Thank You page for this one.

So literally, as soon as they opt-in they are going to see that. And you are going to

do that by making this front-end offer sales page be the Thank You page for

opting in to the list. And then the Thank You page or an Upsell page; but either

way, the page that you tell your system to route them to after they buy the front-

end offer is going to be the sales page for the next offer in the sequence. So that

is how that works.

But the other way of doing it is using the email. So let's talk a little bit about the

email. This email, it's just like a little icon here on the diagram but there is going

to be a lot going on here. And we need to start talking about how to actually build

out this email list.

The first thing I want to make clear to you is that you are going to have multiple

lists. So if you are using what I call a Linear Email System, something like Aweber

or something like MailChimp or some of these where you have one account but

you can have multiple lists inside of it, then that is what I call a Linear System. And

the reason it is called linear is because each list has a single autoresponder. So it is

a very simple structure, actually. You are going to have a list and it is going to

have its own autoresponder series. And then you are going to have another list

and it is going to have its own autoresponder series. And that is how it works. This

whole thing would be your Aweber account or your MailChimp or what have you.

So the big thing I want you to wrap your head around if this is new to you, is that I

want you to stop thinking of what Aweber calls a list as your list. In reality, your

entire Aweber account is one big list. That is the LIST. What you are going to use

the actual list for inside of your account are SEGMENTS. They are going to be

individual little pieces of your overall list.

So with that in mind, when they opt-in here at the LEAD MAGNET, they are going

to be up for the FRONT-END OFFER, whatever it might be.

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And they are simultaneously going to be put on to an email list for the automated

follow up. So this right here is going to be an EMAIL LIST. So yes, this does mean

that for every single lead magnet that you create, you are going to create a new

email list for it. And that email list is going to have its own autoresponder

sequence behind it. So this email list here, they are going to have some kind of a

Welcome Email that is going to give them the lead magnet and then a follow up,

and a follow up, and then a follow up.

Now later on, on this Action Plan, I am going to talk a little bit about the internals

of the autoresponders as far as how long to make it and things like that. I am just

trying to make sure that we understand the mechanics at this point. Now, if they

buy the front-end offer and they are up for buying the membership site, well,

they are going to be put on to a Buyer's Email list and that will be just for

customers. So you are going to be putting them on to another list. So this, right

here would be also its own list. And this would probably be a Member's List or a

Customer List for that particular product that they bought. But part of the

sequence for this list is going to be getting them into a higher end offer. You are

going to move them along.

Now, does that mean that sales emails are going to be all that you send your

members? Hell, NO. This is going to be a Member's List so you are obviously going

to have some Welcome here... you might have a process called Onboarding which

is basically an orientation process usually done in a sequence of several emails. It

gets them really integrated and involved with your membership. So, all that could

be part of it.

But you never want to lose sight of where you are heading which is maximizing

your profit. Once they become a member of your site, you do not want to just

stop right there. You want to have higher end things that they can do. So for

example, Lab Members here at the Blog Marketing Academy have the option of

booking a call with me, which is not free. They have an option of upgrading into a

more individual coaching experience with me. And there are things I have on the

docket that I have not actually made yet. So there are going to be things; there

are things now that are over and beyond the Monetization Lab membership.

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So I would build those things into the sequence that gets delivered to

Monetization Lab members. Hopefully that makes sense.

So the big thing here is that each one of these steps is going to have its own email

list. And they are going to be separate lists inside of your account. And each one is

going to have its own autoresponder sequence that is going to be related to

whatever step they are in.

It is not that difficult. If they opted in for your lead magnet then your

autoresponder is going to first deliver the lead magnet and then it is going to start

to upgrade them into the front-end offer. If they buy your front-end offer then

your autoresponder is probably going to be "Hey, thank you for buying this front-

end offer" whatever you call that... "Here is the access to that." then you might

have one or two emails that are designed to get them to consume the front-end

offer and use it; maybe seek out testimonials. But then you are going to start

going in to an autoresponder sequence for your next level service. Or you could

do it right away, too. There are lots of ways that you can do that. But we are using

multiple lists to do it.

So below this video, read the text below it or go into more detail about how this

actually works and how to set it up with different kinds of email systems.

The General List

Okay, I want to make sure the relationships between these lists are clear because

it is an important idea. It could be a thing to wrap your head around.

It is actually an easier set up if you are using a tag based system like Ontraport,

InfusionSoft or ActiveCampaign and there are other ones out there. And there will

be some information below on how those are different.

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But you have, basically, with those systems you have got one big list and then on

each person's profile you can add them to a tag or a sequence; this would be your

autoresponder sequence but you can also run rules on their account so like, "if

this, then that"... So you can do something like "If they opt-in to one lead magnet,

give them this tag and also add them to this sequence" blah-blah-blah... If that

sound complicated to you, don't worry about it, it isn't. It is actually easier this

way than with a linear email system.

The other thing too, is if you are not using one of these tag based systems, then

you don't need to worry about this because you do not have that.

Now, with something like Aweber; a linear system, how do you set all these things


Now, below this video you are going to see a diagram. And this is going to show

how the core blog profit funnel is really going to be made up of 4 different lists.

Because there's always that idea of how you handle your General Email List. There

are people who call it that. "The General List" This is like how you are going to

send people your newsletter or blog updates or stuff like that and do it in

relationship to all these different funnels and the other autoresponder sequences

that are going on...

So let's map that out... How are you going to do that...?

First thing is, they are going to come to a page that is going to have a lead magnet

and they are going to opt-in to that. Now, as we have already covered, they are

going to be added to a list; I am going to call this a Lead Magnet List No. 1. They

are going to get added to this list when they opt-in for that lead magnet. And this

list no. 1 is going to have the first message on the autoresponder; it is going to

deliver the lead magnet. It is going to give this, it is going to thank them for

opting-in for and it is going to give them the link to go and download the lead

magnet. And then you are going to have the marketing emails that are going to all

point in to the front-end offers. So pretend like that, it is a sales page...

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This marketing email is going to point back at it, this other marketing email is

going to point back at it. You might even have another one on there and they are

all pointing back to your front-end offer.

Now, what about your General List? Well, there are two things happening when

they opt-in for this lead magnet. They are getting on to your Lead Magnet List #1

but they are also being added to the General List. So these are 2 different lists.

You are going to have the big global email list for all of your subscribers and you

also are going to have the individual lead magnet list. Now when they opt-in you

want them to go on both of them.

How do you accomplish that? Well, with Aweber, they have got this automation

rules built-in to the account. So you can say, "If they opt-in to this list,

automatically add them to that list." So that is how you would do it. Because most

landing page software is not going to have the ability to add two different lists

simultaneously, but you can do that with your Aweber account by saying "If they

add to list number 1, add to the general list."

Now, with MailChimp, I actually do not even know if their accounts have this

capability built right in, but with Zapier.com, which I will link to below, you can do

the same thing. Basically it says if they get added to list number 1, add them to

the general list.

One thing with this set up is that, yes, they are going to be on 2 different lists;

number 1 and number 2, which means that they are going to probably be getting

a fair amount of emails here at the beginning and there's nothing wrong with

that. See, here's Lead Magnet List #1 and it is going to have the following

sequence... It is going to deliver the lead magnet and then it is going to be "Hey,

buy that... buy that, buy that." And that is going to be the general gist of the

autoresponder for your lead magnet list. And like I said, these are all going to

point back to the front-end offer.

Now, you are going to have your other one; this is the General List. This is the one

where you are not sending them any sales information...

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Here's what you do at the very beginning of this: You are indoctrinating them, you

are orienting them to you and how awesome you are. So you are going to send

them your General Welcome Email. You are going to welcome them to the


And here is what you are going to start doing... Over the course of 2 or 3 days,

you are going to give them major value. You are going to show them your best

stuff. You are going to be awesome. So this is all the stuff that we bloggers love to

do. We are going to just put our best foot forward. But we are going to do that on

the General List. And then what you do after this could be your blog updates...

You could actually build in more autoresponder emails if you want to highlight

some more of your best stuff over time; however you want to play that, but that

is your General List.

So there are 2 very different purposes here... You have got your Lead Magnet

Lists, this will also be your Upsell List; so if they bought your front-end offer and

they get ready to upgrade to your core offer, it will be the same thing. So you've

got your lead magnet list and your upsell list; we'll just call them that. And all

these are designed for MONEY. The exact purpose of those lists is to move people

along in your Blog Profit Funnel and get them to buy things. That's it.

Now, the General List is NOT about money. No money. It can be, and I'll show you

in just a minute how that can work, but the primary idea of the General List is all

the things that we would typically associate with being on the email list.

Awesomeness, best stuff, value, blog updates, things like that.

Now, at the very outset they are going to be receiving two autoresponder

sequences at the same time. And your instinct might be that that is just too darn

much. But here is the thing, these guys are a pretty hot lead at this point and so

they are not going to mind. I have been doing this now for a little while and

nobody has ever complained to me, ever; about getting too much emails. Okay?

Obviously, this sequence, this lead magnet list; it is not going to go on forever, it is

only a 3-day affair. And then it goes dark. It goes quiet.

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But the general list will keep on going. But when they are most hot at the very

beginning, right after they have opted in, they are going to get these emails which

are highly relevant to the lead magnet and are designed to get them to take a

front-end offer; but they are going to be getting these (general list) emails, too.

And the good thing about doing it on a different list is because they are only going

to get this once.

If they come in; if they opt-in for another one of your lead magnets later, they are

not going to get this same General List email again because they are already on

that list. And you do not need to orient them to you, if they already know who

you are. If I have somebody on my subscriber list for a year, and then they opt-in

for some new lead magnet that I put out, well they already know who I am. So,

me; sending them a General Welcome Email will make no sense, because they

already know who I am. The only email they are going to get are these (Lead

Magnet email) that are relevant to the action they just took. All these stuff

(general list) is in their past; they are not going to get them anymore. They are

just going to keep getting general blog updates; that is how it works.

So that is what is happening here. They are being added to two lists at the

beginning and then they are going to come off the end of the autoresponder

sequence for your Lead Magnet List #1 and they are just going to sit there.

Now, what you can do is you can set up a Suppression List and stuff like that

inside of Aweber so that you do not email those people... Or let's say if you want

to set up a Suppression List to people who are actively getting this (the lead

magnet email) so that they do not get your general blog updates until the

sequence is over, that way they are not getting too many emails.

But just backing up on the big deal, I want you to see how these two lists work


What do you do with that General List? So here we are on the diagram; well, if

you look at the bottom of this thing, you got the Return Path. What is that? That

is basically anything which brings them back into your site. Anything.

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It could be retargeting ads which we are not talking about right now, it could be

your email list which we certainly are talking about, it could be new blog posts

which you can also notify your General List of new blog updates and get them to

come back in... Any podcast, any social media updates; anything that gets them to

come back into your fold, into your general community is a Return Path.

Now, when we look at the General List, the general list is generally going to be

right here. It is going to be what generally brings them back in. You might notice

that our Monetization Model has this option right here of... What happens if they

don't buy? Well, that is going to happen. I can guaranty you that you are not

going to have a 100% conversion rate. You are going to have people who will opt-

in for your lead magnet and a majority of them are not going to buy your front-

end offer. And that is fine, that is a fact of life.

So what happens when they don't buy? Well, this right here is your lead magnet

list, that is going to probably last for about 3 days and then it is going to go dark. It

is going to stop. But they are still on your General List which is going to be right

here... So, you are still going to bring them new updates into the blog, if you

launch another lead magnet you might let your existing list know about the new

lead magnet, periodically you might want to take one of your front-end offers and

sell it directly to your list; just bypassing another lead magnet altogether just to

see if they bite. You might even occasionally maybe do a sale and you'll point your

General Right into your membership site. So there are various ways to go but that

is your General List. That is what you do with them.

Now if they are on your General List and they opt-in for another Lead Magnet,

well, they are going to get put on to that follow up sequence so they are going to

get a 3-day promotion at that point and the whole nine yards, they are going to

repeat the funnel. But it is because they took action again. That is the way your

system should work. If they took another action then they just raised their hands

in a big way and indicated interest in whatever that lead magnet is talking about,

so you need to follow up with them for a while about that and get them to take

action. But if they don't buy at some particular step, well then they are still on

your general list and you loop them back again.

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That is how this works with different kinds of email systems.

The Contents Of Your Autoresponder Series

In the last step, we covered the structure and relationship of the different lists

that will be behind the scenes of your blog profit funnel. And those lists will have

sequences of emails on them.

That’s all well and good, but what do you put inside those emails? How long do

you make them?

First of all, I need to note that this Action Plan is NOT a course on copywriting. So,

I’m not going to get into all of that. We’ll save it for another day, perhaps. But, I

do need to cover this a little bit for you…

The job of each sequence in the funnel is to move the person along in the sales

funnel. If they don’t take the action you want them to take immediately, then the

followup emails will give you additional opportunities to move them along.

For example, your prospect opts in for the lead magnet. The next page they will

see immediately will be your sales page. Behind the scenes, you will have added

them to the email list specific to that lead magnet. Now, the page they’re sitting

on will try to close the front-end offer sale. If they buy immediately, then that’s

awesome! They will be removed from that list and added to the next one very

quickly and there will be no followup sales emails needed. But, if they DON’T buy

immediately, then the autoresponder will send them additional emails over the

days that follow that direct them back to that same sales page.

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How Long To Make It?

An autoresponder sequence can be as long or short as you wish it to be. But,

here’s the thing…

If you’ve priced your front-end offer into “impulse territory”, then I don’t

recommend hitting them over the head with the offer for all that long. For

instance, let’s say you price it at $7. Well, if they haven’t bought your $7 thing in

the first 3 days, they’re probably not going to. And you’re going to look pretty

weird if you keep pounding them over the head for a $7 deal.

So, I’d recommend a short, 3 day sequence... maybe 4, tops. And you email them

DAILY because they are a hot prospect at this point. Now, if they haven’t bought

after those 3 or 4 days… you stop bugging them about it. They’ll be on your

“general list” and you just continue to email them valuable stuff. You can try to

get them into another funnel later on.

For sequences later in your funnel (like for core offers or higher-end products),

then you’ll need to get more strategic about it. These sequences will likely be

longer. Perhaps you’ll set them up as an evergreen launch funnel, where you

deliver more valuable “pre-launch” content before you try to sell them on the

next-level product in the funnel.

Generally, the higher the price of the funnel, the longer and more involved the

autoresponder will need to be.

But, for the lower-end front-end products, just keep it straight and to the point.

Remind them about the offer. Give them different reasons or “hooks” on why to

buy it. Maybe introduce a little scarcity by saying the price will go up (only if it is

actually true, of course). Then, after 3 or 4 days, you lay off.

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A Basic Structure

For each autoresponder sequence, you want to acknowledge the action they took

to get there. So, for instance, here would be a very basic sequence structure for

the front-end offer (right after the opt-in for a lead magnet):

Day 0 (Immediately): “*DOWNLOAD+ Here’s Your Link To XXXX”. You deliver

the lead magnet and then very lightly remind them of the front-end offer.

Day 1 (Next day): “Did you see this?” Another light reminder of the offer,

perhaps pointing out something cool about it.

Day 2: “Congratulations go out to…”. Another email reminder of the offer,

this subject line for one which has a success story or testimonial for the

offer. In the end of the email, let them know that the clock is ticking. Let

them feel a pending deadline of some kind.

Day 3: “One last opportunity”. Your last “pitch”. Little higher pressure,

emphasis on the deadline. And it could either be a hard deadline enforced

by a timer, or simply that you’re going to stop talking about it.

Then, that’s it. If they don’t buy an impulse offer after 3 days, don’t hound them

about it.

And if they buy the front-end offer, then they get the next email sequence. This

one might be longer than 3 days. But, like the lead magnet sequence, you would

DELIVER what they purchased. So, the first email will be a welcome email. Then

you could either go directly into an upsell sequence, or perhaps take it a little

slower and instead do a little orientation sequence for a few days to get them

acquainted with the product, get a testimonial for it, etc.

There’s a lot of flexibility in how you structure these things… but never lose sight

of WHERE they are in the funnel and that your mission is to ultimately get them to

take another action.

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Also, when you write these emails, be sure to do it in a way which is congruent

with your own personal style. These are your people, your tribe, and your

“peeps”. So, talk to them like friends. Be personable. But, at the same time, be

the person who is telling them what to do next so that they can get the results

they want.

- Building Your Profit Funnel - Set Up The Email Lists

We have covered a lot of ground here and we are moving in to the next stage of our Action Plan. Now, there's nothing that is any quite as many videos in this part of it because I think the text and the pictures and the links that I give you kind of do the job. So the next 5 steps of this Action Plan are going to have to do with actually building the funnel. We have covered a lot of the mechanics of this already; in the steps above. You should have a pretty good idea of how all these things kind of work. So, we have already talked about the different lists and how the core structure of a full blog monetization model is going to have 4 different lists... It's going to have the 3 lists regarding the funnel itself and it's going to have the general list, which is going to be the return path back into the system. And in the last video that I did here, I kind of showed how these things work together. So you are going to make your list and you are going to call them something that makes sense to you. Now, being that you are going to have; if you do this fully, you are going to have more than one funnel. You might only have one at the beginning, but ultimately you are going to have more than one funnel with more than one lead magnet. So, I recommend that when you actually set up your various lists; you name the list something that is going to make sense for it. Like for example, you might have 3 different lead magnets; so you might have that is literally called "LM-(and then

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the title) and then LM-(and then the next title)... and this could be X, this could be Y, whatever. But if you actually name your list something like that, then you'll know what those lists are for. You'll know that each one of these thing is designed to be a sales sequence into a particular front-end offer. Now, when it comes to the next level; as far as upgrading them from the front-end offer into a membership site or core offer, then you would name your list something accordingly, as well. So the whole idea is that you are going to know; just by looking at the name of the list, what the list is for. Now, one thing that I want to make mention of, here, is the idea of "Double confirmation". It is very common, and I used to say this too, to say that you always need to have double confirmation turned on and that if you don't turn it one, you are basically opening yourself up to spammers. And that actually remains true to some effect. However, for our funnels, I recommend that you DO NOT use double confirmation. You should turn it off. If you are not familiar with double confirmation, I am not going to get into this too deep… …because this is a much more basic topic, actually, but it is just where you get a link that says "Confirm this so you can officially join my email list." Now, the reason we don't want to do this is because double confirmation puts an "in-between" step. If we come back to "here", we know that when they opt-in for a lead magnet, the very next thing that we want to have happen is the front-end offer. We know this already because we have already talked about this. Now, with double confirmation, we are basically putting a big Jack knife right through the entire thing. And that's the problem because two things are going to happen and that is: 1- they are not going to get the lead magnet right away because they are going to have to confirm first. And the thing is that you are inevitably going to have a decent percentage of people that don't confirm (for whatever reason). They wanted to confirm, maybe. Probably they wanted to. But for some reason, they just don't. And I don't know why, but it is just a fact of life. So you don't want that to happen.

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The other thing is that, typically, if it is a double confirmation, you would have this page right in between "here" that says "Hey, go check your email now and make sure to click the link in that thing in order to confirm and get on to the list" so you are putting this in-between page, right here, before they see the front-end offer. And that's not what you want to do. This person who opts in for a lead magnet is a hot lead for what comes right after that. So you do not want to have double confirmation. Now, the way that you handle that is if a spammer or some kind of a shady character does get on to your list, then you would handle this through your sequences. So basically, what I would do is you should have a way of segmenting off inactive subscribers. Now, this is a lot easier to do, quite frankly, with a tag based system like Ontraport or InfusionSoft or something like that but you could do this with Aweber; it just might be a bit of a manual process. But basically, what you need to do; the big overriding idea here is that if a person hasn't opened up any emails or hasn't clicked on any of your emails in 60-90 days, (I would say 90 days absolute tops) you need to remove them. You need to delete them. I know that sucks. It is always hard to let go of people who are on your list. But the thing is, if they are not responding to anything that you send them, well why are you paying for them to be there? And that's just the reality of it. So that is what you would do. That is how you handle the issue of going to single confirmation; is that you just practice good list hygiene and you remove inactive people. Now in reality, you are not just going to totally ditch them. If they get to that 60-90 day mark, you would send them a reactivation sequence. So it would be a sequence which doesn't sell them anything. It is just designed to get them to click on something; get them to show that they are alive. And then if they click on that, then all that goes away and they are back on your general list again. So that is how that works. This is proper list hygiene. And when you do it right, you don't need double confirmation. You don't need to sacrifice all those subscribers to the ether. I don't know why people don't always confirm; but they don't.

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So moving along, you are going to be making the pages. You are going to be making your squeeze page right here, you are going to be making a sales page right here, a sales page right here and a sales page right here. You are going to build those things and in the steps that follow, I am going to give you a little bit of a device on how to set up these various pages. We are going to talk a little bit about the headline... I am actually going to include a full training video from another course here at the Academy, on Content Headlines and basically going deep on headlines. That is going to give you some good information on headlines. And then I go into "Bullet points". So, bullet points are going to be a pretty important component of any sales page that is going to be pretty important on your lead magnet squeeze page as well, because these squeeze pages right here, they don't have a lot of content on them. It is basically a headline, a few bullet points; maybe a picture, and then an opt-in form. And that's it. There's nothing else there. And that is important. You don't want anything else to be there. So in the steps that follow, we will be talking about that. The other thing that you are going to find in the next few steps is what I call the "Hook-ups". It is kind of like the idea of enforcing the flow, here. We have already talked about how these pages hook-in to the email list. You know, when you set up your squeeze page, you are going to integrate it with Aweber or MailChimp or something. You are going to tell the software what list to put them on. So, you would just make sure that you put them on the lead magnet email list no. 1. Now, you are going to probably call it something different than that, but whatever your list is for that lead magnet, you add it to that. Now, if you remember, when we talked about the General List, you are going to have a rule in place which automatically adds them to the General, as well. So that will happen in the background. But with your software, the only one that you are going to need to do is add them to the specific list for that lead magnet. Now, when it comes down to an offer... well, the whole idea here is that they are going to buy something. So the way that you are going to integrate them into your buyer's list (which is going to be right here) is going to be via your shopping cart.

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So whatever cart you use, it generally is going to be able to integrate with your email list provider. So if you are using Gum Road, that's fine. You just tell it what list on Aweber to add them to (or with MailChimp). Most shopping carts can integrate with most email providers. So you just say "Hey, when somebody buys product X, add them to the buyer list for product X". And it is just a drop-down thing; nice and easy. Now, what you would do is you would have them on a rule which says, "If they end up on that buyer's list, you can unsubscribe them from that list." So that is a rule that will be set up in your Aweber account beforehand. So you set it up once and everything is just going to happen automatically. Now the other thing is with the Actual Flow... Let's say that a person went from "here" to "here"... From here to here, they literally just bought everything on your funnel. So they are probably not going to be getting too many autoresponders at that point because they are going so fast. They are literally just buying everything. Probably not going to happen super-often, but how does it work? Well, each of these pages right here will be the Thank you Page for that offer. And this will be the Thank You page. I'll just call it TY; for the offer right before it. So that is how you do it. When you set up a product, you are going to specify a Thank You page. You are probably going to give it a URL that says "Hey, when somebody buys this product, send them to this particular page." And it is in that field that you would tell it the next step in your funnel, and that would be an upsell of some kind. So that is how it works... Thank you Pages and then it also adds them to a list automatically. Now, if they come into here... they see your front-end offer, but they don't buy it right away; it was just like "No". They just take off. Well, they are still on your automated list, you are still going to circle them around a few times over the course of 2 or 3 days; and they might buy it. They might buy it still. So the emails point to that, but you are also setting it up as your Thank You Page. Hopefully that makes sense.

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Now, there's one last page here that I want to mention, that is actually isn't visible on the diagram and that is your Thank You Page. Now, how is this different with these upsell offers? Well, the difference is you will not be upselling them. Here's the thing... everything; once they start here, there is going to be some point along the line here that they are just going to stop, that they are going to decline the offer and they are not going to want to buy it. That is going to happen. Now, a typical upsell page; and we will talk about this a few steps down, is going to have some big button that says "Yes", that if they click that, it is going to charge their credit card. And then usually right below that, it is going to be a "No... Cool", whatever text you want to use. And that will be a hyperlink and if they click that, that is their way of declining the upsell. But what happens when they click that link? They are going to go to the Thank You Page. The Thank You Page is just going to be literally a thank you page. There's no offers on there, there's no upsell; nothing. This is just a page that they go to when they stop buying things. That is all it is. And you are going to need to create a Thank You Page for your funnel. Pure and simple. You'll see a screenshot of mine; I'll show it to you. It basically just thanks them for their purchase; I give them their next steps, I make sure that they got their log-in information; I tell them where they can get support when they need it... Nice and simple. So go through these steps underneath this video, we'll talk about how to build out various parts of the Blog Profit Funnel, and then I'll see you on the next section.

Set Up Your Squeeze Page

Alright, let's talk about headlines and some of the guidelines that go with crafting

a good headline.

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Now as we talked about before, the headlines are very, very important because

they are the outward packaging of the actual blog post. They really are the make

or break point on whether anybody is going to read your post or not. So you

definitely do not want to make your headlines be an afterthought. You want to

think them through. You want to make something that is going to be interesting

and enticing and just a fascinating headline.

I can tell sometimes, when I evaluate some people's blogs whether they are

putting thoughts in their headlines or whether they are just kind of typing some

blah phrase about what the post is about. You don't want to do the latter. You

want to do the one where you are actually putting some thoughts into it and

make it so that it is going to be enticing for the outside viewer.

Now this also applies not just to blog posts even though that is primarily what we

are talking about in this module, but to videos, to podcast, to webinars, to pretty

much any type of content that you ever create, you need to pay attention to the


So if you put a video out on YouTube, put a good headline on it. If you put out a

podcast, put a good headline on it. It doesn't matter what you are doing and what

form of content it is; you want to put attention to the headline because it is the

outward packaging and it is going to be that make or break point whether you like

it or not.


Some of the important aspects of headlines that we need to consider here:

Speak right to their "hot buttons" on what they are looking for.

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It should speak right to their "hot buttons" on what they're looking for.

We talked about that on the last video about you need to meet them where

they are at. There are many markets; mine is definitely one of them, where

sometimes what I feel as if people are looking for is not necessarily what they

need, but they don't know that. And I can't sit there and be the arrogant

person who is going to be like, "I'm just going to jam what you need down your

throat." I got to meet people where they are at and so I need to make content

which is going to do that and then guide them to what they need in order to

actually get the result that they want

Makes them wonder what's inside (open loop).

You also want to make them wonder what's inside.

That's the idea of creating an open loop. An open loop is just kind of that term

that refers to creating a sense of mystery as to how some things are going to


I always bring up the show "24" or something like that or "Breaking Bad"

because that showed a really good job of it, too, where something will happen

at the end of the show and then it just ends and you are like, "Crap! I want to

know what happens to the next episode!" That's the idea... That's the power

of an open loop. And you can create open loops with the way that you do your

headlines and make people want to read the post in order to close that loop.

Contains a promise of fulfillment of that appetite the headline

created. An ROI on their time

You want them have your headline contain a promise of fulfillment of that

appetite that you have created for them. So, what I mean by that is that the

headline should contain some idea, some inherent promise that they are going

to get something of value for the small investment of their time it is going to

take to read it.

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Secondary priority: SEO

Now these types of guidelines for your headlines are actually more important

than your Search Engine Optimization. It is a secondary priority to worry about

SEO, in my opinion.

Well, professional SEOs will disagree with me on that. Maybe, and I really

don't care because content marketing is about the human being and

motivating the human being to take certain actions. My customer is not

Google's bots. And yours shouldn't be either.

Does that mean that you should totally ignore SEO? No. But it is a secondary

priority and I don't want you to think that when you do your headlines, that it

is all about stuffing it with keywords. That is not what it is all about. It is about

all these other things that we have talked about here.

And if you can get one or two of your market keywords into it, great! But it

needs to ring for the human being before it rings (which it won't) to Google's


With that, let's talk about the psychology of headlines and kind of what we are

doing here.


Well, you might remember this little diagram here where we go from sad face to

happy face. That is kind of the transformation that we are in the business of

delivering here.

We are taking them from their current reality to some other new reality that they

want. If you don't remember that, go back to modules 1 & 2 where we definitely

talked about that. I think it is certainly in Module 1.

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Now, here's the thing... When it comes from their current reality, they want to

move away from that. And those are going to be generally things like, fears,

problems, threats... things that they don't want. And they want to move away

from those things.

And when it comes to the other end of it; this new reality they want, they want to

move toward those things. Things like gains, relief from certain problems,

solutions... Things like that. So this is the drive. We are moving them along that

transformation. We are moving them away from their fears, problems and threats

and toward gains, relief and solutions.

Now, your headlines can be phrased in such a way to do that and I'll show you this

in a little bit. But basically, headlines are grouped down into a couple of different

categories. One is the "threat headline" and one is the "gain headline".

We are either showing them how to move away from something they don't like or

to gain something that they do want.

And now, in the middle, we got this little green arrow and we drive them along.

We kind of push them along this transformation with certain things like the

promise of an ROI on their time, social proof, likeability, authority, scarcity, etc.

And we will be talking about this more in a little bit, but there's various influence

factors that can be thrown in to the headline and the way that you phrase this to

add a little push; add a little magnifier into them, also moving them a little further

along the transformation that you are in the business of delivering... moving away

from their fears, problems and threats and toward their gains, relief and


So the psychology of headlines is basically that. We have threat headlines and we

have gain headlines and I'll show you examples of these here in a little bit…

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…but we are moving them away from things they don't want and toward things

that they do want. And we drive them along and we push them along through

these little magnifiers of social proof likeability, authority, scarcity, ROI... And

that's not even all. There are some other ones here like various factors of

fascination that I am going to show you here in a little bit that you can kind of

weave in to your headlines and I will show you some ways of doing them.

But first let me show you some examples of thread headlines and gain headlines...


First, the threat headlines are things like these:

"X (for example like) Early Warning Signs About ________

"If You Don't Do This, You'll Regret It Later"

"Why _______ Fails Every Time It Is Tried"

" Your _______ Doesn't Want You To Read This"

So these are just 4 examples of Threat Headlines. They are kind of like moving

away from a threat. An early warning sign would be "Okay, I've got this problem. I

have a fear of something." Well, if you know that your customer avatar has a

certain fear, well they are certainly going to want to know what the early warning

signs of that fear actually becoming real, are. You know what I mean? So that

would be a definite example of a Threat Headline.

If you don't "blah" you'll regret it later. So again, it is like, "Oh, crap... What is

that? I don't want to regret this thing later." You know, if you know that your

market is doing a certain thing which is not going to get them where they want,

that is a threat. It is something that needed to stop. It is a problem. So why that

problem or whatever it is fails every time that it is tried?

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So you can see how this is kind of working. You are taking the certain negative

things that your market does not like.

That the aspects of your transformation on the current reality end of it and you

are phrasing headlines around that in order to stand out from the woodwork.

Your job with the headline is not only to standout but it is also to attract the right

kinds of people who are interested in the transformation that you are in the

business of delivering.

So if I have 10 Early Warning Signs That Your Blog Is About To Be Hacked; I don't

even know if I could write a post like that actually, but it is an example. That

would be an example of a Threat Headline.

If You Don't Invest Money In Advertising, You Are Going To Regret It Later... I am

just trying to push some things in these blanks that would fit into my market. And

these are just kind of ideas. You don't need to use these for headlines; that part

should be pretty clear, but these are definite examples of Threat Headlines.

It catches people on the beginning end of your transformation and kind of pushes

them off of that fear, moving down your transformation a little bit, down the

transformation map that we talked about in the prior modules.

Now, we go to the other side, we kind of change the polarization here of this

down to the transformation; we move over to the Gain Headlines


These are where you are talking about benefits to how you can move them

toward the positive outcome. So...

"X (like 10) Proven Strategies To ________" And then some benefits that they


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"How To ________ Within [Timeframe] within some kind of a timeframe. How

To Post... very common actually, and they are common for a reason and that is

because people like them. They want to know how to get whatever it is that

they want on this new reality; this other end of the transformation. So how do

you get them to that? So "How To" posts are great.

"The Lazy Man's Ultimate Guide To _________" Fill in the blank. People love

stuff like that because they love guides. They love things that seem like they

are very encompassing to get them to what they want.

"The Secret Strategy The Pros Use To _______" You know, like make the

perfect golf swing, whatever it might be for your market.

These are gain headlines because they talk about something which is ahead of the

person that you are talking to on the transformation map and you are pulling

them in that direction by showing them how to do it.

So that is a good way to look at it. The Threat Headline is all about pushing them

off of the threat. And then the Gain Headline is about pulling them to the gain.

And you are moving them along this transformation by doing that.

So that should make a lot of sense. Pretty simple. Threat Headlines and Gain


Now let's talk a little bit about the magnifiers; the things that are going to move

people along on this stuff. Because you know, even if you give people what they

want, many times they are going to need to be propelled. It is just the way that it


So some headline magnifiers...


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We talked about these in the diagrams before...

A promise of the ROI on their time

That is one that is definitely important. If you say for example, that is the

reason why list posts works really well... 10 Tips or 10 Strategies to blah-blah-

blah... The reason those things work really well because they contain an

inherent promise of ROI.

And that is because they know that if they are going to go and check out that

post, they are going to learn 10 things. It is very specific about what they are

going to get out of it. So that is the idea of a magnifier. Just kind of takes the

people who are like always scanning these headlines and it magnifies the

likelihood that they are going to check it out because that it contains that

promise of fulfillment.

Social proof, Likeability, Authority, Scarcity and there are some other ones, are

actually very well-known influence factors. It came out of a book by Dr.

Cialdini. I think it is called the Psychology of Influence. If that is not a book that

you have checked out, I definitely recommend that you do. Most copywriters

consider that to be one of the books that they all look at. It is just a very well-

known book. And I think there are 6 influence factors discussed in that book

and these are 4 of them: Social proof, likeability, authority and scarcity.

Social proof is just building in the idea that a lot of other people are doing it.

And we like to follow the leaders. We like to follow groups. We tend to think

that when a group of people is doing something, they must know something

that we don't and we want to follow them along. It is just human nature. So,

social proof is definitely a strong one.

Likeability... It is just the idea of creating a bond; making them like you by you

being kind of like them. And that is a very important and a very powerful tool.

When you see people telling stories about their kids; that is an idea of

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likeability. That doesn't always mean that they have got some hidden reason

why they are talking about their kids, they are just probably being natural.

But at the same time it definitely is a magnifier. You know, if you can say

something like, "What my 4 year old taught me about something." Well, that

would be an example of a likeability headline because it is going to identify

more with people with young children or who have had young children.

Authority is one where you are taking somebody who your market looks up to

and you are using them for authority. Or it could be a case where you are the

authority in this case or somebody whose good degree of success in whatever

market you are in; they are an authority and how can you package them into

your headlines. I will give you some examples of this in a minute.

Scarcity is the idea that they want something and there is not enough of it, so

it makes them want it even more. That is really the simplicity of it.

So the ways that you can build scarcity in there would be to put like, "Do this

within the next 30 days or else" that would be like a Threat Headline combined

with scarcity. Things like that.

These are things that you can build into your headlines. They also work really

well in marketing, by the way. Just full-on marketing. But if you can build them

into your headlines in a way which is natural, they can work really well.

Some examples of these headline magnifiers in use:


The promise of ROI of their time - "The 4 Minute Guide To Starting

A Blog"

This will be something that would fit my market but it works really well

because that "4 Minute Guide" thing is very specific and it contains a high ROI

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on their time. If they check this thing out and in 4 minutes the person who

wants to start a blog is going to know how to start a blog, that is a very high

ROI for somebody who is in that situation where they want to start a blog. So

that is a good example of a promise of ROI on their time.

Social Proof - "10 Photographers Talk About How They Built Their


So if you are in a market where you are talking to photographers; that would

be an idea of combining social proof in your headline.

You will now see these 10 other photographers who obviously have found

some form of success are talking about what worked for them, so there is a

group mentality how these people found success with their business and I

haven't! So what do they know that I don't know? Well, you are going to go

find out. That is a social proof headline.

Likeability - "What My 4 Year Old Taught Me About ________"

Again, I used this example here just a bit ago, but this is a good one of

likeability; you can probably find other ways of injecting likeability. The best

way to find likeability is to find some common thing that your avatar; your

typical reader has experience in their life and you find where that intersects

with things that you have been experiencing in your own life and you inject

that into the headline. Like... "The Breaking Bad Story Of How To Do blah-blah-

blah" I don't know, it is just coming out off the top of my head.

And I only came up with it off the top of my head because I like the show

"Breaking Bad", it is over now, unfortunately. But that was a great show and

there are a lot of other people who like it as well. So we have that bond and it

is going to form an element of likeability in a headline if I used it for other

people who like the show "Breaking Bad". "The Walter White Guide To Blah-

blah-blah". Walter White was with the main character in Breaking Bad and

anybody who knew Breaking Bad is going to know who Walter White was and

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it would form a little drawl, a little magnifier to get them into my headline. So

that is an example of injecting likeability.

Authority - Again, borrowing authority and celebrity, sometimes, in

your headline. So an example would be "The Secret Swing Used By

Tiger Woods To Land Every Shot".

If you are in the golf market that would be definitely a good headline.

So it is a gain headline because you are now going to learn how to land every

shot but you are injecting authority into it by using the name Tiger Woods

because he is an authority in that space.

Scarcity - Apply This Technique To Your Blogging Or You'll Be Left In

The Dust By The End Of The Year".

That would be a hell of a prompt for a headline because it definitely injects


It also injects urgency which is another influence factor because if you don't do

this thing, and I just opened up a loop there by the way because they are now

going to want to know what this technique is; that is an open loop. But there's

also that scarcity; that urgency to know what it is because if you don't do it,

you are going to be left in the dust by the end of the year. That is "scarcity" in

all of its glory, right there.

So those are some powerful ways to putting things into your headlines to magnify

the power of them.

Now, let us inject a few other things here in terms of fascination. This is kind of

another way of looking at it...


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This comes from a book called "Fascinate" by Sally Hogshead and she's got the 7

factors of fascination here and they are:








Now, I am going over at least a little bit more right now, but we are not going to

get too deep into them.

There is actually going to be a swipe file that goes along with this video; it is going

to have some sample headlines; some sample gain headlines and threat

headlines, and then it is going to have a bunch of headline examples that I am

going to give you a small breakdown of kind of how those headlines are working

with regard to what type of headline they are and some of the various factors

being thrown in there in order to inject fascination and magnify the headline.

So when it comes to "lust", obviously we are going to get down to the obvious

things like sex, sensuality and sensory appeal. This is one of those things that all

human beings have needs for. It is just what it is. So, when you are going to the

magazine rack at the grocery store and you see all these headlines that are

injecting sex of various aspects of it into the headline that is why they work so


They know it; that is their target market as well, so it works out really well, and

they are just powerful. But it also comes down to sensory appeal. If you have ever

seen somebody who compares something to like a decadent dessert and you are

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kind of going to down this road of really working with their senses, that is another

form of lust because we just want that thing; we want that. So, sensory appeal is

definitely some things along with sex that you can use in your headline, if it


I am going to be right upfront with you. There are some markets where if you try

to inject some sensual “hottie” or sex appeal it is going to be like completely… just

be completely unnatural. So do not do it if it doesn't make sense to you. But in

some cases, it would. If you are in the dating space, man, you would probably be

using that fascination factor "lust" a lot because it makes perfect sense.

In my particular space of blogging/internet marketing; I don't know, I really don't

use that all that often because it is kind of a hard stretch, to be quite honest.

The next one is "vice". This is the idea of doing things that you shouldn't. Doing

something naughty and we're not at all talking about in a sexy way there; it is just

something that is taboo, something that is controversial.

And that could be as little as stealing that little piece of chocolate out of the

kitchen that you know you probably shouldn't eat because you are in a diet.

So it doesn't have to be something huge but it is the idea of "vice"; doing

something you shouldn't do. And you see these injected in the headlines very

often with the idea of (especially) controversy like, "The Controversial Way Of

Blah-blah-blah" or the "Hidden Technique That They Don't Want You To Know". It

is kind of like this idea of breaking the boundaries a little bit. That is the idea of

vice. And when you can inject that type of stuff into your headlines, it is going to

have more of a drawer.

The next one is "alarm". It generally comes down to the idea of scarcity that I was

just talking about earlier; or urgency. But alarm just comes down to "trouble",

"danger", "threats", "violence"... anything which is going to trigger any person's

flight inclination where they are like "Oh, gosh!" They get their adrenalin up and

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they need to move away from it. Those are the kinds of things that is the alarm

part of fascination here. So you can definitely use it in some cases. Again, you

want to use those where it works natural. You can't take something which is all

peace and light and flowers and inject alarm into it in a headline. It is just going to

come across as unnatural or unnecessary or whatever. But in some cases it does


I think I had a headline here a bit ago... "Apply This Technique To Your Blog Or

You'll Be Left In The Dust By The End Of The Year". That would be an example of

injecting alarm into a blog headline. So, it is trouble, danger, threat... it does

definitely connotes the idea of a threat like, if you don't do this thing, you are

going to be in serious trouble by the end of the year. I mean, it is good to make

that headline more fascinating, right? That's for sure!

Next one is "power". Now, we all have this inherent desire to have control and to

dominate. Even if you don't want to admit it, it is there.

That is the thing with all these fascination factors; they are all kind of general

human desires. And so, you can inject that into your space.

If you could have a headline that kind of held within the way that it is phrased,

this idea of being able to dominate other people; not in a bad way, but let's just

say "be better".

Even if you are just talking about cars; and there were some headline that you put

out there where it contains this idea in the headline that you are going to have

the respect of your friends; that you are going to be better than your friends, just

have a better car than them, that right there is an idea of power because... not

that they want to do any harm to their friends, but they still want their friends to

think that they're badass. And so that would be an idea of "power". It is

dominating other people, taking control of a situation; those would be ideas of


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Prestige - This would be things like Celebrity, Authority, Expertise, Respect, Social

Power. People want to be respected by the people around them. And so when

you have headlines that kind of have that as part of the promise of fulfillment in

that headline, it can work out really well for you. The Tiger Woods idea would be

an idea of prestige because I injected authority into that. The idea that I just gave

you in terms of the car market… having a better car than your friends that would

be the idea of social power or respect. So these things definitely tap in to

emotional needs that we all have.

Mystique - This would be the idea of injecting Curiosity; the idea of Secrets, you

know, dirty little secrets; of mystery. So when you inject a really good strong open

loop into a headline, this is where you are putting in mystique. You are really

making them want to know what the hell is behind that headline; and that is how

mystique works.

Trust - This is the idea of commitment, of honesty, of heroism. These are very

positive traits of people that we respect. We love hero stories. We love stories of

people who demonstrate very positive qualities, of commitment to their families,

of commitment to their communities... Whatever it might be, we have respect for

those types of things. So when you can inject that type of stuff into your post; into

your headlines, that can work out really well because it all speaks to our better


So I am not going to give you a bunch of examples on these, but in the swipe file

that goes along with this, I do break down many headline examples and you can

kind of see how these fascination factors are put into it. But I have also given you

examples here by just talking it out.

The last thing that I want to make a very strong point of with your headlines here

is your Avatar.

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We have talked about your avatar; your ideal reader, your customer avatar

already in this course. But you really need to know that avatar profile really well

in order to make really good headlines because... It goes back to what I was saying

before about meeting them where they are at.

Now, if you don't know where they are at and you don't know some of the

various emotions that are going on there, it is going to be really hard to create a

headline which is going to connect. So you need to know many different things

about your avatar; such as...

What are their fears?

What are their hopes and their dreams?

Who do they admire?

Now that is a good one right there because if you know who they admire and

then you want to inject some of these ideas of authority or like we talked about

the prestige fascination factor, you are going to be able to make that hit home a

lot better if you know who your avatar admires because you can inject those

people who they admire into your headlines in some way.

What frustrates them? Knowing that would be very powerful when it comes to

create your threat headlines. Because you know that big thing sitting on their

shoulder that frustrates them and you can structure a headline that points that

thing out and propels off of it and then that moves them on to the content.

What stops them from getting what they want? Like, what are their barriers?

What's their world view? That is definitely one which is good to know because

you don't want to offend them, you want to like make things that are going to

resonate with that world view.

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How do they see themselves?

What do they feel threatened by? Again, sometimes, you are going to be using

threat headlines, you want to know what those things are that they feel

threatened by.

What have they tried that they failed at?

What is their general emotional tone?

That is an important one that not many people talk about - is the general

emotional tone of your avatar. And what I mean by that is that everybody has

got a certain emotional level. Some people tend to be naturally bored. Other

people tend to be naturally very enthusiastic. Other people; they can be like

mean, they can be like antagonistic. And so, these things matter.

You need to spot, as well as you can, what the general emotional tone is of

your avatar because you, with your content need to kind of match it. Match it

or be a little bit above it actually, because here is the thing... I guess in some

markets this might work if you have a very antagonistic or an angry blog. But

generally if you are trying to make somebody to follow along in a

transformation and accomplish something which makes the foundation of a

good business, you generally can't do it that way. It needs to be more of a

positive thing. But you need to know what the general emotional tone of your

avatar is so that you can be in the neighborhood; so to speak.

And I'll just give you a real world example of that… Have you ever been bored

that you have somebody walking at the room who is just incredibly

enthusiastic; everything is awesome and you were just like "What is wrong

with this person?" That is the way it strikes you. The reason it strikes you like

that is because there is such a large gap between their emotional tone at that

point and yours. So that is an example of that.

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That is one that most of us have probably experienced. Or if you; even worse,

you are just feeling kind of pissed off one given day and then your significant

other or something gets home and they are completely and totally happy!

There's a huge mismatch of emotional tone at that point and you guys are not

going to get along very well when that is happening.

Generally, what is going to happen there is that the person who has got a

really bad emotional tone, like anger, is going to come up a little bit. Maybe

they'll become a little happier, but unfortunately the one who was a little

happier is going to be a little less happy. They are going to generally try to

meet in the middle a little bit; that is what is going to happen there, but you

need to be aware of these types of things with regard to your headlines and

the general tone of your content, actually because you do not want to hit

people with emotions that are not near where they are at because it is not

going to sell well.

Moving on here...

What is their self-image? Like how do they look at themselves?

Who do they trust and/or mistrust? That is very important as well because you

can use that in your headlines and in your content. For example, many people

in my market distrust the yellow highlighter internet marketer hyphy crowd.

They do not trust those people.

So it is really easy to form likeability and various other things with my market

when I rip on those people because they don't like those people, I quite

frankly, don't much either. So we have that bond. So when I go out there with

my content or with my headlines and I kind of rip in to the hyphy internet

marketing crowd, I am going to resonate with those certain people with my

audience who have that same mistrust.

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So knowing your avatar is very important. It is going to help you know how to

structure these headlines and also what type of content to make.


A few last minute tips here:

You can have an idea what your headline is going to be before you make your

content but you want to go back and tweak it afterward.

I generally like to write down a pretty decent headline before I start writing.

And that is because I know that the headline is so important to getting people

into the content, to begin with, that I want to almost start with that as well as I

can and then write the content because then I can make the content fit the

promise of the headline.

But after you have actually written the content you want to go back and tweak

it because sometimes, in the process of writing it, it ends up being a little

different than what you have thought it was and so you want to do it again.

You want to make sure there is a match between your headline and your

content. So put it out there first, write the content and then go back and

tweak it and make sure that it actually fits.

I also recommend that you keep a swipe file of headlines that caught your

attention. And it doesn't matter where it came from... It could be from the

internet, it could be from your RSS Feed, but it could also be from the offline

world; a magazine rack, it doesn't matter where it comes from but pay

attention to headlines that get your attention that kind of really make you

want to read the article and pay attention to why they make you want to read

the article. What is it about them that is working? And you can keep a swipe

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file of those where you can go back and use these as ideas for your own


Don't be paralyzed by this.

We are talking a lot about the nitty-gritty of content in this course and in this

module, particularly, but I don't want you to get so worked up over all these

stuff that you become paralyzed into inactivity. You do get better at this stuff

over time so don't think you need to create awesome headlines right out the

gate. You will get better at it. So just do the best you can, make a headline that

you think is pretty good and then we'll sit back and we'll see the result. And on

your next blog post see if you can do a little bit better. But I don't want you to

slow down on your content or not create any because you think that you can't

reach absolute perfection on all these things that we are talking about.

Like I said at the beginning; perfection is unattainable. So don't even try. All there

is is certain degrees of skill and you get better at it.

With that, download the swipe file that goes along with this video, like I said it will

have examples in there and some examples of Gain Headlines and Threat

Headlines but it is also going to have many other examples in there with the

breakdown of some of the various thoughts that went in to creating that

headline, so it will kind of help you as an example when you create your own.

Your Lead Magnet Delivery / Sales Page For Front-End

OK, the first page they will see after they opt-in for your lead magnet is going to

be a sales page. This page will be the “thank you” page for your opt in form.

Now, you don’t want this sales page to just be your standard sales page. It has to

specifically acknowledge the action they just took and tell them what to do next.

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You can check out one of my front-end offers here:

You’ll notice that at the very top of this sales page, I first acknowledge what they

just did. I clearly told them that they’re going to get it and I transition into the

offer below it.

It is very important that you STACK the page like this…

1. Acknowledge their action and make it clear that everything they just were

promised they’re going to get.

2. THEN, present the offer.

The Offer Presentation

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This is not an Action Plan on copywriting or even how to write sales letters. So,

we’ll leave all that for another time and place. But, that’s exactly what we’re

doing here.

We’re making an offer. We’re writing a sales page.

Now, in terms of the offer itself, you want it to “flow” well with the lead magnet

they just got. We talked about this back when we were talking about your funnel

design. So, even if this is a front-end offer you sell elsewhere, you may want to

tweak this particular sales page so that it jives well with the lead magnet.

You want it to “make sense”. You want the offer to be a logical step for them

given the lead magnet they just grabbed. The lead magnet and the front-end offer

need to be paired together carefully and closely. Once they get past that point,

you can be a little bit more loose about it.

The Sales Page Hook-Ups

On the matter of mechanics, let’s cover some of the biggies:

Your call to action will obviously be a BUY button. And your BUY button will

need to interface with whatever system you’ve chosen to sell your

products. If you decided to sell with GumRoad, then your GumRoad button

would go here. If you’re using a cart system, then your shopping cart URL to

this product would be your buy button. You get the idea.

Your “thank you” page for the product will be set to be your upsell offer.

Any kind of one-time offer kind of thing will work.

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Your shopping cart will likely be integrated with your email list host, which

means you should be able to define which email list a buyer will be added

to. So, you want that product to put people onto your buyer list for that

front-end offer. But, this is the same as your core offer upgrade list.

Essentially, it is a standard buyer list which will deliver the product, send

login details… all that stuff. But, it will also contain a marketing sequence

for the next thing in your sales funnel.

Upsell Pages Your sales page and your various upsell pages will be pretty much the same.

Acknowledge the action they just took.

Present their next offer.

Now, if you’re using a shopping cart system which supports one-click upsells, then

the BUY button will be set up just a tad differently.

Instead of linking to the standard shopping cart URL for your product, your

shopping cart will probably have a special code to use which enables one-click


The sales page itself will need to be hosted in a secure environment (using

HTTPS). This means either that the page will be hosted by your shopping cart

software or that your actual domain will need to have the ability to serve secure


Then, you’ll simply use the code your cart gives you to enable a one-click upsell on

your BUY button.

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Below it, you’ll also place a regular link on the page which presents your “No,

Thanks” option. This is the link they’ll click if they decline the upsell. For example,

here’s what one looks like on one of my upsell pages…

The big green button is my call to action and it uses a special link given to me by

MemberMouse which enables one-click upsells.

The blue link is just a link. Where’s it go? A “Thank You” page. See the next step…

Your “Thank You” Page All profit funnels will have an ending point. The person will either:

Buy everything in your funnel and ultimately have nothing left to buy.

They’ll decline your upsell offer.

Either way, the process ends with a definitive THANK YOU page. This page will just

give them the data they need to begin using whatever they bought.

At this point, there’s no more selling.

Here’s the page I send people to if they DECLINE the upsell after buying the initial

front-end offer…

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No selling. Just a big thank you, login info, and send them on their merry way.

Now, realize, at this point, they would STILL be on my upsell list for this offer.

Which means that even if they declined now, they’re still going to get 2-3 emails

after this about the offer. A lot of sales get rescued this way.

- Measuring Your Profit Funnel –

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Defining Your Funnel Analytics

We have got one last section here with this Action Plan... At this point you should

have a blog profit funnel designed. And it should be pretty much built.

Now if you are still working out some of the technical details that is fine. You can

always shoot me an email and we can help you up with that. If you are a Lab

Member you can jump in to the Lab Community and ask any question you want.

And actually, if for some reason you are looking at this Action Plan and you are

not a Lab Member… that is a damn good reason to become a Lab Member

because you have got the helpline at your disposal anytime you need it.

By nature, a topic like this includes a lot of different topics. And we are covering

the infrastructure and the basic set up of the Blog Monetization Model. That is

what the point of this Action Plan was. Contained herein are details that I am not

going over such as how to create a product to sell, how to actually design your

squeeze page and how to write sales copy. Those can be entire subjects in and off

themselves and I am not really going over that. But we will be going over that

stuff in future trainings but in the meantime, you can also ask away to your

heart's content inside the Monetization Lab community and we'll be happy to

help fill in those gaps for you.

Now, one last section here; and that is MEASUREMENT.

Now, the beauty of the Blog Monetization Model and the Blog Profit Funnel is

that everything here has an exact metric to it. We can measure the performance

all the way through. And we need to be doing that because we need to know how

well these funnels are working. If we don't, then we basically can't grow our

business. There's this old saying as that "You can't grow what you don't measure."

And it is a very true statement. If you are completely blind as to how many people

are opting in with this lead magnet and how many of those people are buying

your front-end offer; if you have no idea with any of these stuff, then you are

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completely flying blind and it is going to be completely really hard to do anything.

So we need to measure it.

The other thing too, is that if you are going to be bringing in paid traffic from

Facebook and stuff, and in that case you will very often bypass the blog

altogether, you'll bring them right into a lead magnet; so it is a very direct

pathway right into your blog profit funnel. You are literally putting fuel into your

funnel on cue anytime you want when you use paid traffic. But the thing is, you

are going to be paying a little bit of money here.

Now, the only way that you are going to know whether you are profitable or not

and whether those advertising dollars are resulting in what you want, is to track

your metrics along each step of this funnel so that you know whether you are

making more than what you are spending. It is very simple, really. But the beauty

of it too, when you have it set up when you know your metrics is that you are

paying, but they are getting on to your list... And that also includes, I guess we go

back a few videos; it includes your general list. So you are building your list. These

people are going to come back to your blog. You are growing your blog traffic, you

are growing your list, you are growing all of the important assets that we know of

with this entire business model but you are doing it very predictably because you

are able to pay for it. And I guaranty you that most of your competitors are not

doing this.

So this is your ticket to traffic, baby. This is how you get traffic; this is how you

grow up. An information based business into a full time income and not have it

take years and years to do it. You can do it very predictably, actually.

And this is your meal ticket. Everything that we have been talking about here with

this Action Plan is your meal ticket. It is how you are going to grow this business.

That is why each of these components of the Blog Profit Funnel is so important.

But you have to know the metrics.

So speaking of metrics, what are they?

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Well, when it comes to our lead magnet we are primarily talking about an opt-in

rate. We want to know what percentage of people who visit the lead magnet

actually opt-in for it. So we need to be tracking that; it is a very important metric.

Now with each of these; we are talking about a monetary conversion rate. So we

want to know what percentage of people sees this offer; like say, the front-end

offer, actually buy the front-end offer. So what you would do is you would look at

the number of visits to the front-end offer and then you would go back and you'll

look at your shopping cart and be like, "Hey, how many people bought that darn

thing?" And you do the math... figure it out; figure out your conversion rate.

Number of people who bought divided by number of visits; you have got yourself

a conversion rate. That is how that works.

Another way to go about it would be that you track the visits, between the 2

stages. So let's say your front-end offer visits is 1 and the core offer visit. So by

knowing both of these numbers and dividing, you'll have a conversion rate. And

you can find out the number of visits with any Analytics tool. I recommend Google

Analytics, I just think it is a really good tool and it happens to be free, so that also.

So you can just literally track the number of visits to each of these landing page

and then you do some very basic arithmetic. And you can use a spreadsheet for

this or a calculator, whatever, but you are literally just dividing one number by

another and you can get your conversion rates as people move through the


So it is pretty simple. You are going to need Google Analytics, which is free as I

mentioned. And I am hoping that most of you who are going through this action

plan right now already have Google Analytics installed on your site, so you should

be good to go.

And that is a pretty important topic, and I will do a quickie little video later on, on

this plan in just a few steps showing you how to integrate Google Analytics.

But the other thing that you need to know is what the URL of this pages are so

when you pull out your reports for analytics, you know what they are because a

lot of times these pages here are not going to be showing up in your top menu

navigation in your main blog. So sometimes they are going to be kind of separated

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and you have to go in to your Page List in WordPress and get them. But you want

to know what the URL is to the squeeze page. And that URL is to the front-end

offer and what the URL is to the next sales page.

And you want to just make a list of these URLs and put them into some document

somewhere, a little bulleted list for yourself so that when you go in to your

Google Analytics you can actually just find out how many people visited each of

these pages. And then you do a little basic math and you got yourself a conversion

rate. That is how that works.

Now your tools are probably going to tell you things, too. For example, if you are

using Lead Pages or something like that for this landing page for your lead

magnet, it is going to tell you right inside of Lead Pages what your conversion rate

is on that page. So that is another way that you can go about that. It is not so

much a matter of where you get the date, where you get the basic metrics, as

long as you get the basic metrics.

Analytics… the whole idea of Analytics can get into a deep topic. You can make

this super complicated but it is not totally necessary unless you are getting in to

some seriously Ninja things; but for the basic structure of our profit funnel, all you

need to do is track the visits on each section of our funnel so that you can

calculate the conversion rates.

Now those are going to lead up to 2 important metrics and we will talk about this

a little bit later in the Plan but it is going to be the EPC which is Earnings Per Click

and the Average Customer Value; two very important metrics on the overall

performance of your funnel.

Now the reason why these 2 metrics are important is because they go right

through the heart of your ability to run paid traffic into this funnel; which is

beyond the scope of this Action Plan. We are not going to talk about paid traffic.

But I just want you to know, and we will talk about it here, is what these numbers

are. Earnings Per Click is just very simple... How many people visited; the very

tippy-top of your sales funnel, versus the overall value; how much money does

the sales funnel actually make.

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So if you compare the two numbers you will get an overall average of what each

single click on that squeeze page is worth to you. So that is what Earnings Per

Click is.

Average Customer Value is pretty simple. For each person who makes the initial

purchase into the front-end, what are they ultimately worth after they've gone

through the entire funnel. So if they buy everything that you offer, well, obviously

their customer value is going to be pretty high. If they only buy the front-end

offer, well their Average Customer Value won't be as high. But on the whole, you

average out your customers and you find out what the Average Customer Value is

and how much money it is actually generating for you.

Now that is an important topic, an important thing to know because then it tells

you how much per lead you are able to pay for paid advertising and still be


So that is pretty much that; let's go in and keep moving in our Action Plan. We are

actually getting close to the end, here.

Gather Your Landing Page URLs

In order to track traffic across the funnel, you need to know the page URLs of the

individual landing pages along the way. This way you can pick out the traffic inside

of Google Analytics for that page.

So, now is the time to visit each page in your funnel and copy/paste the URL for

that page into a document of some kind for easy reference.

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A Note On Unique URLs

The area of funnel analytics CAN get sort of complicated. It really is a matter how

deep you want to go with it. One of the complexities which can arise is when you

have a landing page in your funnel which is also used somewhere else.

For instance, let’s say you have multiple funnels which share the same core offer.

This will be a pretty common scenario, actually. My core offer is the Monetization

Lab membership… and regardless of which front-end product somebody buys,

they’re going to get the same offer for the Lab.

Thing is, if I send several funnels into the same core offer landing page, then the

count of unique visitors to that landing page is going to be inflated. You wouldn’t

be able to individually track the conversions for each funnel, but only for that core

offer on its own.

That isn’t necessarily a bad thing. A conversion rate is a conversion rate, after all.

However, if you want to specifically find which of your front-end offers is resulting

in a better conversion rate into your core offer, then you’d need a way to

differentiate the traffic source.

The bootstrapping way to do it is to CLONE your landing page so as to give it a

unique URL for each funnel. It can be the same page copy, but you’re just giving it

a unique URL. This way each of your funnels has a unique set of URLs just for it.

If you want to take it further, you could use the Funnel tracking built right into

Google Analytics. That’s beyond the scope of this Action Plan, however you can

consult this post on Kissmetrics: The Google Analytics Conversion Funnel Survival Guide.

Then there’s also more advanced traffic source trackers such as Improvely.

For the sake of simplicity and time, however, simply creating clones of your offer

pages in order to get unique URLs is perfectly fine.

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Set Up Your Google Analytics Tracking Code

Alright let me make a few quick words about getting Google Analytics set up. It is

actually pretty simple. If you don't already have any analytics account, just go to

Google, search for Google Analytics and it will pop right up and you can just

simply sign up.

It is tied to your same Google account and I know many of my audience use

Gmail, so if you have a Google account already, your Analytics account will be tied

right in to your existing account.

Now, once you are in there you just want to set up your account as a "property".

Here, under the Administration Section of my account, you'll see I have got my

profile, but then I have my property of the Blog Marketing Academy. It's simple.

When you sign up and you set up your property, it is going to give you the

tracking codes. But another way you could do it if your property is already set up

is you just click right here under "tracking info", you can find out what your user

ID is, but you can also get your tracking code right here, and this is what you are

going to copy and paste into your landing page software.

So first let's talk about the blog itself. Now, if you are using Optimize Press or a

solution which is integrated right into WordPress, then you need to make sure

that you have Google Analytics set up on your blog.

Now if you know how to edit the code of your theme, then you do it manually.

Another option will be to take this code and you go, let's say if you are using

Genesis and you can plug it in under Genesis/Theme setting... And if you scroll

down a little bit you will have an option right here for header and footer scripts.

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So you can put the Google Analytics code that I just showed you right in here and

hit "save".

Now even if you are not using Genesis and you are using some other theme, most

of them; at least most of the good ones have an option to include things into the

header and the footer without editing your codes so you can just do it that way.

Another option would be to use this right here; which is a free plug-in, Google

Analytics by Yoast. Just go and search for it, it is a very popular plug-in and it will

give you a screen like this one where you can actually have a little bit of control

over your Google Analytics set up on your blog. But the other thing too, is that

you do not have to worry about tags and stuff like I just showed you because

you'll hit this button and you'll log in to your own Google Account. And then it

literally integrates with your Google Analytics account, you choose which profile

you want and... Done! You just hit "save" and you are integrated at that point.

You are done.

And if you are using Optimize Press or even a plug-in with your blog, then it

should carry forward; because it is using the hook system built into WordPress, so

it should just move right in and cover all your Optimize Press pages.

Now if for some reason you find that it is not, then you go... (I have Optimize

Press installed) so you can go right in to your dashboard for Optimize Press and

there's "Analytics and Tracking", expand this and right here you'll get the same

exact thing where you can edit things into your header or into any place you

want. I think, I'm pretty sure Google Analytics tells you to put their code into the

header section so you'll be putting it right here then you hit save and then any

landing page that you make with Optimize Press, you are going to have the tags

on it. Good to go.

Now if you are using something like Lead Pages... Here is a squeeze page, I don't

even think I use it anymore but it is still inside my account and I want to show you

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how to do this... You go to edit your squeeze page or whatever page you have got

and under Lead page options, you will click "tracking codes" and then there you

are. You paste this code that we got from Google, you paste right into here and

you'll have the Google Analytics tracking code on the lead page. So that is how

you will enter it into that.

So basically, that should cover your basic pieces with Google Analytics. It will

show you how to get it installed on the blog, using this plug-in right here. If you

are using Optimize Press and it doesn't carry over because of this plug-in, then

you would just enter it directly in the Optimize Press settings and if you are using

Lead Pages you will enter it under the lead page option.

Now if you are using another option besides those, you will find that the process

is pretty much the same. You go to the section where you can enter tags in the

header or the footer; I think you are going to be using the header for your Google

Analytics tag and you just simply copy and paste it and save and you will be good

to go.

From there, once you have the list of URLs that you want to be tracking, then let's

go back to our reporting... you are going to have some data here... There's a

couple of ways that you can go here.

You can go down to "behavior, all pages" and you can actually search for

whatever domain you want right here and it will show you exactly how much

traffic that particular page is getting. So by doing that, and you make sure you

choose the same timeframe; you can actually track the number of visits to any

particular page.

Now, one other thing that you can do is set up a "custom dashboard". So you got

these option right here, you got "dashboard" at the very top of your menu and

you click "new dashboard". It is basically a shortcut to the basic reports that you

want; and I will show you one that I have.

I think some of the things that is measuring are a little bit out of date right now,

but this is a funnels dashboard that I have set up in my own Analytics account

where I entered in; you add widgets to it, so that is how that works. You add a

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widget to it; of whatever kind you want. I think I have got mine set up as

"metrics". And you decide what you want to measure. You will be using probably

"paid views" or "visitors" or something like that... It is a long list of things that you

could do...

Well I have to find it on the list; let me look under this one because it has already

been made... Okay, there it is; it was set up under "unique paid views" it was as a

metric... I am measuring unique page views and then I say "Only show the page

with the URL that contains "trial"." So basically this will give me the basic count

that contains the word "trial". That needs to be changed, actually but it gives you

the idea how these widgets work. And when you do this you can have a display

like this one where you can actually have on one screen, the basic metrics and a

little version of the trend of the traffic of each of the landing pages that make up

your funnel. And by doing a little bit a basic math on this and using the KPI

calculator that I am going to give you here as part of this Action Plan, you can

measure the conversion rate just by measuring the traffic across each of these

landing pages in your funnel.

So instead of going down to "behavior" and then running a report on each page

individually, you can put it in a dashboard and it will be here and a little shortcut

for you.

And then if you want to say, "How is my funnel performing?" You just go up here,

you select a 30-day time range and it will refresh this dashboard and show you all

of your metrics across your funnels for the last 30 days.

So that is how that works with Google Analytics. Pretty easy to set up. If you just

set it up from scratch, then you are not going to have any data in here. So keep

that in mind. What you'll need to do is just basically give it some time. I mean,

maybe wait a week or so, then come back and you can see how anything is

performing over the course of the last week.

But it is a very useful tool and you should have this installed on your blog, anyway,

because you want to know what blog posts people are looking at and all kinds of

things. And you can't do that if you are not tracking it.

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A Funnel Calculator Tool

Hello VIPs... Now I wanted to do a really, really quick video to just kind of walk

you through how this spreadsheet works so you can download on this post.

So basically, once you open it up in Excel; now for one quick thing if you don't

have Excel you should be able to very easily import this exact spreadsheet into

Google Spreadsheets and put it on the Google Drive and use it over there. It

should import it with no problem.

So let's just go through these...

We just got some sample products here, so you would have to replace this with

any products that you have on your own. The week ending; I usually track my

stats based on a weekly basis and every week has its last day of the statistical

week. So, the standard thing would be to say, treat every Saturday at midnight as

the end of your week and at that point it moves over to the new week,


So we'll just make these days the week ending and the whole idea would be that

you would be tracking this data for the last week so you can see how things were


This is just the number of unique visitors that hit the landing page for this

particular offers. And then you track how many units actually sold of that product.

This is calculated automatically; this is your conversion rate.

And then the price, so you just enter that in; you pretty much would never change


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And then for sales, this will get calculated automatically by multiplying unit sold

by your price and it would arrive at how much money you actually generated off

of that landing page.

Now, this calculator is set up for just one single upsell on the front-end product.

So, you would look at how many upsells did you actually sell. So when they get to

the landing page, how many actually sold.

Now, you can see, we are not tracking visits to the upsell page because we are

going to automatically assume, because this is a funnel; that every single person

who bought the front-end is going to see the upsell. So in this case, if we sold 5,

then that means 5 people would have seen the upsell page.

Then we enter in our upsell price point; just leave that alone, and then it is

automatically calculated how much money you generate with the upsell.

You'll then get a conversion percentage rate; which I'll have to change that so that

it actually shows the proper percentage by the time you download it. And number

of sales... And then the end, this is the part that is really valuable as you are going

to get your earnings per click and your average customer value.

Now, average customer value here because the upsell is going to be a little


So if for example your front-end product is $27, well, in reality because of your

conversion rate on the upsell, every customer is actually going to be worth

$36.40, so that is your customer value.

More importantly than that, your EPC (Earnings per click), so once you do the

math, you divide this out by how many people actually visited the front-end sales

letter, you would know that every single person who comes there is worth $1.82.

Now that is good information to know if you ever want to run paid traffic to this

funnel because when you go in there and then you set up your criteria of your ad

on Facebook or whatever, you know that you can pay up to $1.82 per person to

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get them there and you should not be losing any money at all. If you can pay less

than that then you are actually be profiting. In the meantime, you are getting

people on your list and the whole nine yards.

And so that is basically the way this works. It is just a basic calculator; certainly

you can modify it as you see fit or expand it out as you see fit but it just kind of

gives you a little shortcut.

Now, if you click on the next sheet called "Global Opt-ins" this is one that even if

you are not selling anything right now you can still use this because you want to

track your conversion rate on putting people onto your email list. So same basic

idea... You got your week ending; you got the site uniques, so this would be the

overall number of uniques that your blog generated that particular week. And

then how many opt-ins you got. And these are just dummy numbers I threw in

there, but the whole idea would be that you are going to get what is a global opt-

in rate for your blog.

Every single page of your site is going to have its own unique opt-in rate, so this is

a global look. With these numbers here we will see that we would have a global

opt-in rate of 1.55%. And so, it would be interesting to track this and track it over

time. And you can get more granular with it if you want to expand this out and

see which pages of your site are actually converting the best.

If these pages were actually squeeze pages they should be converting a helluva lot

better than this. This would be for more global on a blog and then you just perfect

it. You use this KPI and you just perfect this over time. And each week and you sit

down there and go "Okay, what can I do to increase my opt-in rate this week."

And then you do it and then the next week you come back or in 2 weeks you

come back and you look at your KPI and see if you had any measurable gain and

opt-in rate. And by just managing based on those numbers, you build this thing

up. Otherwise, you are flying blind, which is the entire point of this post.

So hopefully that helped out, go ahead and put this spreadsheet to use or at least

help you get a headstart with tracking some of these stuff and start managing by

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some numbers. It is pretty easy stuff. We have actually got a spreadsheet and

start a Google spreadsheet where we track this stuff internally every single week

and it is very helpful to manage that way. It makes it very concrete with what we

are doing. It is not overwhelming, it is not one of those things to where you are

guessing on what is going to work. You literally look at the numbers each week

and you will make the game increasing those numbers every week.

Okay! Talk soon!


Alright... Well, that was a lot of work for me! Hopefully you got a lot of value out

of it. I need to get a big drink of water right now... But anyway, we have gotten

there. We have reached the end of this infrastructure action plan on creating your

Blog Profit Funnel.

Now, I hope you have been following along with me in real time. I do understand

that many people won't; that they are kind of going to jump ahead and go

through this. But I HIGHLY, I mean, I can't emphasize this enough... DO NOT use

this Action Plan as a cute little learning experience. And then you don't do

anything about it. That is not what it is for. You have to do this. And I guarantee

you that if you implement this and you put profit funnels behind your blog, it will

be the single most profitable thing that you have ever done for the growth of your

business. It will be a major make/break point for you.

This is why I put so much work into making sure that this Action Plan was done

right. Okay? So it is a very important thing, I highly recommend that you do it. I

want to hear about your results. This is the overview Action Plan for my entire

business model.

And not only that, a lot of the other Action Plans and the other training here

inside the Monetization lab touches on various component parts of this plan that

we had just done. But the plan that we just did was the profit funnel. This is

where the money gets made. This is how it happens. This is your sales structure.

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And so, it is just highly important! I really want to make sure that you actually do

it. Okay? And it will work. And you will probably repeat this Action Plan a few

times. So I am glad that you got access to it inside your account.

So I want to thank you for going through it with me. Below this video, you will find

a very quick form. And that quick form is simply an exit survey on this Action Plan.

I want to know how you did. I want to know what you got out of it and I would

like to hear your feedback. So if you could take just a couple of minutes, go

down... answer the 3 Questions below on the form; I would highly appreciate it.

And once again, thank you very much... I will see you on the next Action Plan and I

will see you guys; the lab members, inside the Lab Community soon.