Building User Interfaces with Tk/Tcl Outline Basic Structures Widget Creation Geometry Management Widget Commands Event Bindings Interprocess Communication Misc. Commands Examples Goal Understand Tk syntax Understand Tk built-in commands Reading Ch. 19-31, Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk

Building User Interfaces with Tk/Tcl Outline –Basic Structures –Widget Creation –Geometry Management –Widget Commands –Event Bindings –Interprocess Communication

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Building User Interfaces with Tk/Tcl

Outline– Basic Structures

– Widget Creation

– Geometry Management

– Widget Commands

– Event Bindings

– Interprocess Communication

– Misc. Commands

– Examples

Goal– Understand Tk syntax

– Understand Tk built-in commands

Reading– Ch. 19-31, Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk

Structure of a Tk Application

1. Widget hierarchy

2. One Tcl interpreter

3. One process– can have > 1 application in a process

• Widget = window with particular look and feel

• Widget classes implemented by Tk– frame, toplevel

– label, button, checkbutton, radiobutton

– menu, menubutton

– message, dialog

– entry, text, listbox

– canvas

– scrollbar, scale

The Widget Hierarchy


.listbox .menu .scroll

.menu.file .menu.help

Types of Windows

Main window Top-level window

Internal windows



.menu .scroll

.menu.file .menu.help





Creating Widgets

• Each widget has a class: button, listbox, etc.

• Tcl command named after each class, used to create instances

button .a.b -text Quit -command exit

scrollbar .x -orient horizontal

class name

window name


Configuration Options

• Defined by class– for buttons: activeBackground, activeForeground,

anchor, background, bitmap, borderWidth, command, cursor, disableForeground, font, foreground, height, padx, pady, relief, state, text, textVariable, width

• If not specified on command line, taken from option database– loaded from RESOURCE_MANAGER property or .Xdefaults


– may be set, queried with Tcl commands

option add *Button.relief sunken

• If not in option database, use default provided by class implementation

Geometry Management

• Widgets do not control their own positions and sizes, geometry managers do

• Widgets do not appear on screen until managed by geometry manager

• Geometry manager = algorithm for arranging slave windows relative to master window


Geometry ofmaster

Requested sizefrom slave

Parameters fromapplication designer

Size and locationof slave

Requested sizefor master

The Placer

• Simple, but not very powerful

• Each slave placed individually relative to its master

place .x -x 0 -y 0

place .x -relx 0.5 -rely 0.5 \-height 3c -anchor center

place .x -relx 0.5 \-y 1.0c -anchor n

place .x -relheight 0.5 \-relwidth 0.5 -relx 0 -rely 0.5

The Packer

• Much more powerful than placer

• Arranges groups of slaves together

• Packs slaves around edges of master’s cavity

• For each slave in order:1. Pick a side of the master

2. Slice off a frame for slave

3. Possibly grow slave to fill frame

4. Position slave in frame

Packer Examples

pack .a -side leftpack .b -side leftpack .c -side left

pack .a -side top -anchor wpack .b -side top -anchor w \

-pady .5cpack .c -side top -anchor w

pack .a -side top -fill xpack .b -side right -fill ypack .c -padx 0.5c -pady 1c \

-fill both

.a .b .c

.a .b .c

.a .b .c

.a .b .c






Packer Advantages

• Considers relationships between slaves– constraint-like placement

– row and column arrangements easy to achieve

– adjusts arrangement if slave requests a different size

• Requests size on behalf of master– just large enough for all slaves

– adjusts if slaves request different sizes

– permits hierarchical geometry management

» constrains propagate in hierarchy

Widget Commands

• Tcl command for each widget, named after widget’s path name– created with widget

• Used to reconfigure, manipulate widgetbutton .a.b

.a.b configure -relief sunken

.a.b flash

scrollbar .x

.x set 0.2 0.4

.x get

• Widget command deleted automatically when widget is destroyed

• Principle: all state should be readable, modifiable, anytime



click onarrow

• Question: How to make widgets work together with application, other widgets?

• Answer: Tcl commands

• Widget actions are Tcl commandsbutton .a.b -command exit

• Widgets use Tcl commands to communicate with each otherscrollbar .x -command “.y yview”

• Application uses widget commands to communicate with widgets


.y yview 9


• Associate Tcl with mouse/keyboard events

bind .t <Control-h> {backspace .t}

• Can select one or more windows– single window: .t

– all windows in a class: Text

– all windows: all

• Specifying events




Window/Tag Event Sequence Script


Button orKeysym

Bindings (cont.)

• % substitutions in binding scripts– coordinates from event: %x and %y

– window: %W

– character from event: %A

– etc.

• Examplesbind .c <B1-Motion> {move %x %y}

bind .t <Any-KeyPress> {insert %A}

bind all <Help> {help %W}

• Only one binding triggers from each event for each tag/window in order– window before class before toplevel before all

– if >1 binding with same tag match, most specific executes

Bindings (cont.)

• Binding tags– event not bound to window, class, or all is bound to a tag

» any user-defined string

– every window has list of binding tags

– apply event to each tag in order

– most specific binding that matches tag/event is executed

• Default– window name, class name, nearest toplevel ancestor name, all

• bindtags window ?tagList?– can read/modify tag list for window

– add new bindings, modify order– bindtags .b {all . Button .b} - reverse default order

• Use to manage complex binding sets

Other Tk Commands

• The selectionselection get

selection get FILE_NAME

• Issuing commands to other Tk applicationssend tgdb “break tkEval.c:200”

winfo interps

returns: wish tgdb ppres

• Window informationwinfo width .x

winfo children .x

winfo containing $x $y

Access to Other Window Facilities

• Keyboard focusfocus .x.y

• Communication with window managerwm title . “Editing main.c”

wm geometry . 300x300

wm iconify .

• Deleting windowsdestroy .x

• Grabsgrab .x

grab release .x

Example 1: Dialog Box

toplevel .dmessage .d.top -width 3i -bd 2 \

-relief raised -justify center -font \*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--*-240-* \-text “File main.c hasn’t been \saved to disk since it was last \modified. What should I do?”

pack .d.top -side top -fill both

Dialog Box Cont.

frame .d.botpack .d.bot -side bottom -fill bothbutton .d.bot.left -text “Save File” \

-command “quit save”pack .d.bot.left -side left \

-expand yes -padx 20 -pady 20button .d.bot.mid -text “Quit Anyway” \

-command “quit quit”pack .d.bot.mid -side left \

-expand yes -padx 20 -pady 20

Dialog Box Cont.

button .d.bot.right -text “Return to Editor” \-command “quit return”

pack .d.bot.right -side left \-expand yes -padx 20 -pady 20

proc quit button {puts stdout “You pressed the \

$button button; bye-bye”destroy .d


Example 2: Browser

listbox .list -yscroll “.scroll set” \-relief raised -width 20 -height 15

pack .list -side leftscrollbar .scroll -command “.list yview”pack .scroll -side right -fill y

Browser Cont.

if {$argc > 0} {set dir [lindex $argv 0]

} else {set dir .}foreach i [exec ls -a $dir] {

.list insert end $i}

Browser Cont.

bind .list <Double-Button-1> {browse $dir [selection get]

bind .list <Control-c> {destroy .}focus .list

proc browse {dir file} {if {$dir != “.”} {

set file $dir/$file}if [file isdirectory $file] {

exec browse $file &} else {

if [file isfile $file] {exec $env(EDITOR) $file &

} else {puts stdout “\”$file\” isn’t \

a regular file or directory”}



Example 3: Scrolling Canvas

• Top-level canvas with x and y scrollbars– 20x10 array of rectangles

with (i,j) index label

– select and print rectangle labels

– pan canvas

Example 3: Scrolling Canvas

• Create top level widget• Inform window manager of size, title, etc.

proc mkScroll {{w .cscroll}} { catch {destroy $w} toplevel $w wm geometry $w +300+300 wm title $w "Scrollable Canvas Demonstration" wm iconname $w "Canvas" wm minsize $w 100 100

Scrolling Canvas Cont.

• Create header message and quit button

message $w.msg \-font -Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-* \-aspect 300 -relief raised -bd 2 -text {This window displays a canvas widget that can be scrolled either using the scrollbars or by dragging with button 2 in the canvas. If you click button 1 on one of the rectangles, its indices will be printed on stdout.}

frame $w.frame -relief raised -bd 2

button $w.ok -text "OK" -command "destroy $w" pack $w.msg -side top -fill x pack $w.ok -side bottom -pady 5 pack $w.frame -side top -expand yes -fill both

Scrolling Canvas Cont.

• Create canvas and scrollbars• fix maximum scrolling/drawing region• set up link between scroll bars and canvas

set c $w.frame.ccanvas $c -scrollregion {-10c -10c 50c 20c} \

-xscroll "$w.frame.hscroll set" \-yscroll "$w.frame.vscroll set"

scrollbar $w.frame.vscroll -relief sunken \-command "$c yview"

scrollbar $w.frame.hscroll -orient horiz \-relief sunken -command "$c xview"

pack $w.frame.vscroll -side right -fill y pack $w.frame.hscroll -side bottom -fill x pack $c -expand yes -fill both

Scrolling Canvas Cont.

• Draw 20x10 array of rectangles and labels• rectangles of background color outlined in black• black text “i, j” centered in rectangle

set bg [$c cget -bg] for {set i 0} {$i < 20} {incr i} {

set x [expr {-10 + 3*$i}]for {set j 0; set y -10} {$j < 10} {incr j; incr y 3} { $c create rect ${x}c ${y}c [expr $x+2]c \

[expr $y+2]c -outline black -fill $bg -tags rect $c create text [expr $x+1]c [expr $y+1]c \

-text "$i,$j" -anchor center -tags text}


Scrolling Canvas Cont.

• Bind canvas item events to mouse callback procedures

• highlight rectangle when mouse enters it• unhighlight rectangle when mouse leaves• print text label when button 1 clicked over rectangle

• Pan canvas when dragging with button 2 down

$c bind all <Any-Enter> "scrollEnter $c" $c bind all <Any-Leave> "scrollLeave $c" $c bind all <1> "scrollButton $c" bind $c <2> "$c scan mark %x %y" bind $c <B2-Motion> "$c scan dragto %x %y"}# end of mkScroll

Scrolling Canvas Cont.

• Mouse event callback procedures• scrollEnter - called when entering rectangle• scrollLeave - called when leaving rectangle• scrollButton - called when button click in rectangle

proc scrollEnter canvas { global oldFill set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] >= 0} {

set id [expr $id-1] } set oldFill [$canvas itemcget $id -fill] if {[tk colormodel $canvas] == "color"} {

$canvas itemconfigure $id -fill SeaGreen1 } else {

$canvas itemconfigure $id -fill black$canvas itemconfigure [expr $id+1] -fill white


Scrolling Canvas Cont.

proc scrollLeave canvas { global oldFill set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] >= 0} {

set id [expr $id-1] } $canvas itemconfigure $id -fill $oldFill $canvas itemconfigure [expr $id+1] -fill black}

proc scrollButton canvas { global oldFill set id [$canvas find withtag current] if {[lsearch [$canvas gettags current] text] < 0} {

set id [expr $id+1] } puts stdout "You buttoned at \

[lindex [$canvas itemconf $id -text] 4]"}mkScroll


• Creating interfaces with Tcl scripts is easy– create widgets

– arrange with geometry managers

– connect to application, each other

• Power from single scripting language– for specifying user interface

– for widgets to invoke application

– for widgets to communicate with each other

– for communicating with outside world

– for changing anything dynamically