building management system-140108033005-phpapp02

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  • 8/17/2019 building management system-140108033005-phpapp02



    SYSTEMPrepared by


  • 8/17/2019 building management system-140108033005-phpapp02


    INDEXIntroductionCharacteristicsProtocols of BMSBAC netLon WORKSBuildin auto!ationLi htin control syste!

    Maintenance " ApplicationsReferences

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    INTRODUCIONBMS is a co!puter based control syste! installed in e#erybuildin .

    $o !onitor !echanical and electrical e%uip!ent.

    Consists of soft&are and hard&are.Soft&are pro ra! con' ured in a hierarchy( co!prisesprotocols li)e C*Bus and Pro'*Bus.Supports internet protocols and open standards such as+e#ice,et( SOAP( -ML( BAC net( Lon WORKS and Mod*bus.

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    CHARACTERISTICSBMS are !ost co!!only i!ple!ented in lar e pro ects &ithe/tensi#e !echanical( electrical( and plu!bin syste!s.Syste!s lin)ed to a BMS typically represent 123 of a buildin 4s

    ener y usa e5 if li htin is included( this nu!ber approaches 623.I!proper installation causes !alfunction of the syste! and loss ofener y.

    $he four basic functions of a central( co!puter*controlled BMS are7 Controllin

    Monitorin Opti!i8in Reportin

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    +e#ice,et• ,et&or) syste! used in the auto!ation industry to interconnect control de#ices for data e/chan e.


    9/chan in structured infor!ation in the i!ple!entation of Web Ser#ices in co!puter net&or)s.

    -ML• +e'nes a set of rules for encodin docu!ents in a for!at that is both hu!an*readable and !achine*


    BAC net• Co!!unication protocol for buildin auto!ation and control net&or)s.

    Lon WORKS• A net&or)in platfor! speci'cally created to address the needs of control applications.

    Modbus• A serial co!!unications protocol for use &ith its pro ra!!able lo ic controllers :PLCs;.

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    BACnet : building aut !ati n and " nt# l net$ #% ;BACnet &as desi ned to allo& co!!unication of buildin auto!ationand control syste!s for applications such as

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    L n'OR(S : L "al )e#ati n net$ #% ;Lon WORKS is a net&or) platfor! speci'cally created to addressthe needs of control applications.Platfor! is created by 9ch elon corporation for net&or)in de#ices

    o#er !edia such as t&isted pair( po&er lines( 'ber optics and R>. $&o physical layer si nalin technolo ies are used@;$&isted pair*free topolo y

    ;po&er line carrier $he t&o*&ire layer operates at 6 )bit s( &hile the po&er line

    achie#es either D.1 or E.F )bit s( dependin on fre%uency. LonWor)s platfor!*based control applications are beini!ple!ented &ith so!e sort of IP inte ration( and acco!plished&ith the &eb ser#ices and IP routin products.

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    BUILDING AUTOMATION $he ad#anced functionality pro#ided by the control syste! ofa buildin .

    $he control syste! is a co!puteri8ed( intelli ent net&or) of

    electronic de#ices desi ned to !onitor and control the!echanical( electronics( and li htin syste!s in a buildin .

    >i ure depicts the &hole net&or)&hich is installed in a buildin .

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    • Buildin auto!ation net&or)s consist of a pri!ary and secondary bus &hichconnect hi h*le#el controllers &ith lo&er*le#el controllers( input output de#icesand a user interface.

    • Protocols such as Lon&or)s( Bacnet( AS

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    LIGHTING CONTROL SYSTEMAn intelli ent net&or) based li htin control solution that incorporatesco!!unication bet&een #arious syste! inputs and outputs related toli htin control &ith the use of one or !ore central co!putin de#ices.Li htin controls

    • Stand*alone control of the li htin &ithin a space( !ay includeoccupancy sensors( relays( photocells( touch screensAuto!ated Control

    • Chronolo ical ti!e :ti!e of day;• Astrono!ical ti!e :sunrise sunset;• Occupancy usin occupancy sensors• +ayli ht a#ailability usin photocells• Alar! conditions• Pro ra! lo ic :co!bination of e#ents;

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    MAINTENANCE & APPLICATIONSSince the syste! is co!puteri8ed( it is easy to !aintain andre ulate or control.Installation is #ery co!ple/ and cost eHecti#e.

    9ase of infor!ation a#ailability proble!.Co!puteri8ed !aintenance schedulin .9Hecti#e use of !aintenance staH.9arly detection of proble!s.

    More satis'ed occupants.Syste! inte ration.9ner y sa#in .

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    RE*ERENCEShttp7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i Buildin !ana e!ent syste!http7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i Li htin control syste!http7 &&&! li htin tip Li htin *Syste!s*Si/*Maintenance*$ips** @1 @Jhttp7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i Buildin auto!ationhttp7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i LonWor)shttp7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i BACnet

    http7 en.&i)ipedia.or &i)i M dbu