Building a mobile enterprise application with Xamarin.Forms, Docker, MVVM and .NET Core Gill Cleeren @gillcleeren – www.snowball.be

Building a mobile enterprise application with Xamarin ... · application with Xamarin.Forms, Docker, ... •Developing cross-platform apps with C# using Xamarin •2 Day •March

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Building a mobile enterprise application with Xamarin.Forms,

Docker, MVVM and .NET CoreGill Cleeren

@gillcleeren – www.snowball.be

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Page 3: Building a mobile enterprise application with Xamarin ... · application with Xamarin.Forms, Docker, ... •Developing cross-platform apps with C# using Xamarin •2 Day •March

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Upcoming virtual courses

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• Overall application structure

• The Xamarin application architecture• MVVM• Dependency Injection• Loose-coupled Messaging• Navigation• Service communication• Testing

• Backend architecture• .NET Core-based Microservices• Docker

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The Solution Structure

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Backend in Docker hostClient apps

Xamarin.Formsmobile app

HTML web front-end


Microservice 1Product catalog

Microservice 2Ordering

Microservice 3Identity

MVC app

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DEMOLooking at the Solution Structure & the Finished Application

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The Xamarin application architecture

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• Architectural pattern

• Based on data binding and commanding

• Popular for testable and maintainable XAML applications

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What we all did when we were young…

Write code in code-behind… Lots of it.

Data Model



Code-BehindEvent Handlers

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Writing testable code however, is becoming the norm. Finally. Courtesy of MVVM.

Data Model




View Model

State + Operations

Change notification

Data-binding and commands

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Benefits of MVVM

• Testable

• Developers and designers can work independently

• A new XAML view can be added on top of the view models without problems

• Changes can be made in view model without risking issues with the model

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User interface

Window, Page or user control


No business logic

Functionalities of the View




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Sample View Code

<Entry Text="{Binding UserName.Value, Mode=TwoWay}"> </Entry>

<LabelText="{Binding UserName.Errors,Converter={StaticResource FirstValidationErrorConverter}" />

<ListViewIsVisible="{Binding Campaigns.Count, Converter={StaticResource

CountToBoolConverter}}"ItemsSource="{Binding Campaigns}"

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Glue between view and Model

Expose state and operations


No UI elements

Functionalities of the View Model

View Model

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Sample View Model Code

public class LoginViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged{public string UserName{ get; set; }

public string Password{ get; set; }

public ICommand SignInCommand=> new Command(async () => await SignInAsync());


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ModelData model - services

Return data

Functionalities of the Model

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DEMOLooking at the Model in the application

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Responding to changes in the (view) model

• Handled through INotifyPropertyChanged interface

• PropertyChanged raised for changes of view model or model property value changes• (View)Model property changes

• Calculated properties

• Raise event at the end of a method that makes changes to the property value

• Don’t raise PropertyChanged when the value didn’t change

• Don’t raise PropertyChanged from the constructor

• Don’t raise PropertyChanged in a loop

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public abstract class ExtendedBindableObject : BindableObject{

public void RaisePropertyChanged<T>(Expression<Func<T>> property){

var name = GetMemberInfo(property).Name;OnPropertyChanged(name);


private MemberInfo GetMemberInfo(Expression expression){



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DEMOLooking at the ViewModels and the Views

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• Action is defined in one place and can be called from multiple places in the UI

• Available through ICommandinterface

• Defines Execute() and CanExecute()

• Can create our own or use built-in commands

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The ICommand Interface

public interface ICommand{

event EventHandler CanExecuteChanged;bool CanExecute(object parameter);void Execute(object parameter);


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Exposing Operations on the View Model

public class LoginViewModel : ViewModelBase


public ICommand SignInCommand => new Command(async () => await SignInAsync());

public ICommand RegisterCommand => new Command(Register);


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Binding Your Commands in the View


Command="{Binding SettingsCommand}"


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• Command property available only on ButtonBase-derived controls

• Other controls and interactions only possible through “behaviours”

• Use of an attached behaviour

• Use of a Xamarin.Formsbehaviour

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public class EventToCommandBehavior : BindableBehavior<View>{

protected override void OnAttachedTo(View visualElement){ ... }



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Using EventToCommandBehavior

<ListViewItemsSource="{Binding Orders}"><ListView.Behaviors>

<behaviors:EventToCommandBehaviorEventName="ItemTapped"Command="{Binding OrderDetailCommand}"EventArgsConverter="{StaticResource ItemTappedEventArgsConverter}" />


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Using TapGestureRecognizer

<StackLayout ><Label Text="SETTINGS"/><StackLayout.GestureRecognizers><TapGestureRecognizer

Command="{Binding SettingsCommand}"NumberOfTapsRequired="1" />


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DEMOCommanding Done Right

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Who Knows Who?

View ModelView Model

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View Model-FirstView-First

Linking the View and the View Model

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View-First (from XAML)




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View First (from code)

public LoginView(){

InitializeComponent();BindingContext = new LoginViewModel();


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The View Model Locator


View Model 1

View Model 2

View Model n

View 1

View 2

View n

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DEMOThe ViewModel Locator

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Dependency Injection

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Dependency Injection

• Type of inversion of control (IoC)

• Another class is responsible for obtaining the required dependency

• Results in more loose coupling

• Container handles instantiation as well as lifetime of objects

• Autofac is commonly used

• Many others exist

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Dependency Injection

IContainerProfileViewModel OrderService


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Dependency Injection

public class ProfileViewModel : ViewModelBase{

private IOrderService _orderService;

public ProfileViewModel(IOrderService orderService){_orderService = orderService;


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Advantages of using Dependency Injection• Better testability through easy

way of using mock versions

• Higher maintainability by making it easy to add new classes• Central location

• Dependencies don’t affect the class that uses them

• Classes don’t need to manage their dependencies• It’s handled for them

• They add complexity• Not always a good idea for

small apps…

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Container registration

• Happens at application startup


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Resolving dependencies

• If the requested type can’t be found, an exception is thrown

• If a type is requested that registered as singleton, we always will get back the same instance• A new instance will only be created once, the first time it’s requested

• Otherwise, a new instance will always be returned

NavigationService = ViewModelLocator.Resolve<INavigationService>();

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DEMOWorking with Dependency Injection

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Loose-coupled Messaging

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View Model communication

View Model

View Model

View Model View Model

View Model

View Model

View Model View Model

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Messaging Center built-in in Xamarin.Forms

Data Model




Data Model





View Model

State + OperationsView Model

State + Operations




MessageMessaging Center


View Model

State + Operations

Publish messages

Subscribe to messages

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Messaging Center

• Implements pub-sub model for us already

• Built-in in Xamarin.Forms

• Multicast supported

• Based on strings (not always perfect)

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DEMOWorking with Messages and the Messaging Center

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Navigation and MVVM

• Navigation isn’t always easy to include in an MVVM scenario• No tight-coupling can be

introduced• Who is responsible for

navigation? View Model? View?

• How can we pass parameters during navigation?

• Xamarin.Forms comes with INavigation interface• Will be wrapped as it’s too

basic for real-life scenarios

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Our Own NavigationService

• Must be registered in the Dependency Injection system

public interface INavigationService{ViewModelBase PreviousPageViewModel { get; }

Task InitializeAsync();

Task NavigateToAsync<TViewModel>() where TViewModel : ViewModelBase;

Task NavigateToAsync<TViewModel>(object parameter) where TViewModel : ViewModelBase;

Task RemoveLastFromBackStackAsync();

Task RemoveBackStackAsync();}

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DEMOAdding Navigation

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Service communication

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Take some REST

• REST: Representational State Transfer

• Based on open HTTP standards

• Open for all types of applications

• Works with Resources

• We’ll send requests to access these resources

• URI and HTTP method are used for this

• Results in HTTP Status code

• 200, 404… based on result of request

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Communicating with a REST API

• Apps will typically use services for making the data request• Are responsible for communication with the actual API

• Controllers on API microservices return DTOs

• Are transferred to the application

• App can use HttpClient class• Works with JSON

• Returns HttpResponseMessage after receiving a request

• Can then be read and parsed • Json.NET

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Loading data from the service

public override async Task InitializeAsync(object navigationData){IsBusy = true;Products = await _productsService.GetCatalogAsync();Brands = await _productsService.GetCatalogBrandAsync();Types = await _productsService.GetCatalogTypeAsync();IsBusy = false;


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Using the Data Servicepublic async Task<ObservableCollection<CatalogItem>> GetCatalogAsync(){UriBuilder builder = new UriBuilder(GlobalSetting.Instance.CatalogEndpoint);

builder.Path = "api/v1/catalog/items";string uri = builder.ToString();

CatalogRoot catalog = await _requestProvider.GetAsync<CatalogRoot>(uri);

if (catalog?.Data != null){ServicesHelper.FixCatalogItemPictureUri(catalog?.Data);

return catalog?.Data.ToObservableCollection();}elsereturn new ObservableCollection<CatalogItem>();


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Using the RequestProvider

public async Task<TResult> GetAsync<TResult>(string uri, string token = ""){HttpClient httpClient = CreateHttpClient(token);HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.GetAsync(uri);

await HandleResponse(response);string serialized = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

TResult result = await Task.Run(() => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TResult>(serialized, _serializerSettings));

return result;}

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Action in the Controller in the Microservice[HttpGet][Route("[action]")]public async Task<IActionResult> Items([FromQuery]int pageSize = 10, [FromQuery]intpageIndex = 0){var totalItems = await _catalogContext.CatalogItems.LongCountAsync();

var itemsOnPage = await _catalogContext.CatalogItems.OrderBy(c => c.Name).Skip(pageSize * pageIndex).Take(pageSize).ToListAsync();

itemsOnPage = ChangeUriPlaceholder(itemsOnPage);

var model = new PaginatedItemsViewModel<CatalogItem>(pageIndex, pageSize, totalItems, itemsOnPage);

return Ok(model);}

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DEMOAccessing Remote Data

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Unit Testing

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Testing is REALLY needed

• Different devices

• Network

• Performance

• Different resolutions

• Different OS versions

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A unit test is an automated piece of code that invokes a unit of work in the system and then checks a single assumption about the behaviorof that unit of work.From The Art of Unit Testing, Roy Osherove

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Unit testing

• Block of code that needs to be tested

• Public API

• Isolated

• Fast

• Refactor with confidence

• Automated

• Independent• Dependency injection will help here



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Why we need unit tests?

• Find bugs

• No fear to break something when making changes

• Improve code quality

• Code documentation

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Structure of a unit test

• Arrange

• Act

• Assert

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DEMOUnit Testing

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Backend architecture

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.NET Core

“.NET Core is a general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft and the .NET community on GitHub. It is cross-platform, supporting Windows, macOS and Linux, and can be used in device,

cloud, and embedded/IoT scenarios.”

source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/articles/core

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“ASP.NET Core is a new open-source and cross-platform framework for building modern cloud based internet connected applications, such as

web apps, IoT apps and mobile backends.”

source: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core

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• Built on top of .NET Core

• Lightweight

• Cross-platform• Windows, Mac & Linux

Easy in combination with Docker and Microservices

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What does ASP.NET Core bring us then?

• Unification between MVC and Web API

• Dependency Injection

• Modular HTTP request pipeline

• Based on NuGet

• Cloud-ready

• IIS or self-host

• Open source

• Community focus

• Cross-platform

• New tooling

• Better integration of client-side frameworks

• Command-line support

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Containerized Microservices

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• Client-server often results in tiered applications

• Specific technology used per tier

• Known as monolithic applications

• Often have tight coupling between components in each tier

• Components can’t be scaled easily

• Testing individual components might also be hard

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• Not being able to scale can be issue for cloud readiness

• All layers typically are required

• Scaling is cloning the entire application onto multiple machines

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Monolithic applications

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Enter microservices

• Microservices are easier for deployment and development• Better agility • Better combination with cloud

• App will be decomposed into several components• Components together deliver app functionality

• Microservice = small app, independent concern• Have contracts to communicate with other services

• Typical microservices• Shopping cart• Payment system• Inventory system

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Enter microservices

• Can scale out independently • If an area requires more processing power, can be scaled out separately

• Other parts can remain the same

• Scale-out can be instantaneous• Web front-end for handling more

incoming traffic

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Enter microservices

• Microservices manage their own data• Locally on the server on which they run

• Avoid network overhead

• Faster for processing

• Even eliminate need for caching

• Support for independent updates• Faster evolution

• Rolling updates, onto subset of instances of single service support rollback

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Benefits of using microservices• Small

• Evolve easily

• Scale-out independently

• Isolate issues to the faulty microservice

• Can use latest and greatest

• Not constrained to using older technologies

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Disadvantages of microservices• Partitioning a real application is hard

• Complex

• Intercommunication between services

• Eventual consistency

• Atomic transactions often not supported

• Deployment (initial) might be harder

• Direct client-to-microservice communication might not be a good idea

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DEMOLooking at the Microservices

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“Containerization is an approach to software development in which an application and its versioned set of dependencies, plus its environment configuration abstracted as deployment manifest files, are packaged together as a container image, tested as a unit, and deployed to a host operating system”

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Adding containers to the mix• Container is isolated, resource

controlled and portable operating environment

• Applications in containers run without touching resources of host or other containers

• Acts like a VM or physical machine

• Work great in combination with microservices

• Docker is most commonly used approach here

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What’s a container really?

• Container runs an operating system

• Contains file system

• Can be accessed over the network like a real machine/VM

• Contain the application (and dependencies)

• In general, require less resources to run than regular VMs

• Allow for easy and fast scale-up by adding new containers

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Adding containers to the mix

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Using Docker to host the microservices

• Each container hosts a separate part of the application• Single area of functionality

• Each microservice has its own database• Allows for full decoupling

• Consistency is eventual

• Can be improved using application events• Service bus

Microservice 1Product catalog

Microservice 2Ordering

Microservice 3Identity

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• MVVM is the go-to standard for building enterprise-level Xamarin.Forms apps

• .NET Core is a good choice for building microservices

• Docker helps with deployment of microservices

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Building a mobile enterprise application with Xamarin.Forms,

Docker, MVVM and .NET CoreGill Cleeren

@gillcleeren – www.snowball.be