Increase Your Current Subscribers List Using These Secret Methods! 3 Powerful List Building Training Articles That Can Make A Difference To Your Online Business Don’t Waste Time on SEO, Article Submission or Pay Per Click when you can build a list applying these instructions! Click Here To Improve Your Online Biz Getting Free Training From A ClickBank Expert! Compiled By Donald Holder

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Inside 'Increase Your Current Subscribers List Using These Secret Methods!' provides 3 great solutions to building your list faster than ever before if you want buyers. Grab yourself a copy NOW to get started!

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Increase Your Current Subscribers

List Using These Secret Methods!

3 Powerful List Building Training Articles That Can Make A Difference To Your Online Business

Don’t Waste Time on SEO, Article Submission or

Pay Per Click when you can build a list

applying these instructions!

Click Here To Improve Your Online Biz

Getting Free Training From A ClickBank Expert!

Compiled By Donald Holder

Article #1

Fast E-mail List Building

By Mykola Karai

1. E-mail List Building Utility

One of the defining characteristics of any online business is dependence on search engines, and you cannot completely get rid of it. However, creating

e-mailing list – you create your own island of independence from search engines. In fact, by list building, you build your customer database, which is

used beyond the influence of search engines ratings of your website. In addition, the list provides you direct contact with customers and you can

study the statistics of consumption of your products and services. It is these reasons that make e-mail list building necessary for virtually every online

business entrepreneur.

Of course, the complete independence of the search engines you can't reach, because your squeeze pages are working in the net, but after a subscriber

has become your client, this independence is achieved for a particular case. So, if the creation of e-mail list is your main task – drive all traffic to your

squeeze pages

2. Build Your List Fast

In order to quickly build an email list you should know exactly where the

traffic is, and how much effort and money needed to get it. It is also good to pick-up some list building secrets and to have some fresh techniques on how

to build a list. Constant search for a fully free traffic is not always effective, often, it is reasonable to compare the costs with the final effect. Finding

effective places to get real traffic for affordable price – is one of the main strategies to build your list fast. When a place of reach traffic is found, think

very seriously about the gifts that you will offer from your squeeze page. To place fresh reports, books, or tools (software) to download is a good idea for

online list building. You can find on the Internet some of this stuff for free or buy them at an affordable price with the distribution rights. One of the best

places to get PLR products with the distribution rights is Resell Rights

Weekly. It is free to join, later you can upgrade if you wish. The website provides some not bad PLR products for free, some for the price just of

$1.00. Also you can purchase some great PLR products for at an affordable price ($5.00-$10.00).

Let's move on to the description of a specific and significant opportunity (niche) to get traffic for your squeeze pages and to build your list fast. This

approach is using now by many top internet marketers and companies. Taking into account that the Internet is growing rapidly and is increasingly

using different types of devices, there is a need to use short URLs (or shorted URLs, or shorted links) that can be easily shared, tweeted, or

emailed, etc. For this reason, there appeared websites that allow organize, shorten and share shorted links. The audience of these websites is growing

rapidly as people can share shorted links to many devices. Websites like adf.ly and bit.ly provide not only the possibility to get shorted links (free URL

shortener service) but also to place advertiser's ads, which website members can use for the subsequent promotion. For example, adf.ly pays its members

for each click on shorted links they use to promote. This is a little money, but it works well.

As you work on your own email list building you will see a nasty thing – a serious percentage of inactive subscribers. Do not be pessimistic about it,

carefully study the data and calculate – what is the cost for you for one active subscriber. Remember, better to have a smaller email list with

targeted subscribers, than a large, but not productive list.

2.1. Proven Way to Build Your List Fast

Every day, millions of people create millions of shorted links at adf.ly website

and share them. You can for a small price to use the huge market for quick email list building, just follow the steps below. This is simple, effective and

inexpensive approach on list building, you can always adjust its costs.

2.2. Proven to Spend Some Money

Many people are afraid to spend money to make money. They limit

themselves even in the cases for the proven methods. And it is well understood. However, it is not necessary to get involved in this too much,

especially in cases where the method can be tested for a little money and by you personally, for example, for $20-$30 and in 2-3 days. As you know, free

ways to perform list building are characterized by just a big effort, and often

do not lead to desired results. To build your list fast you should use combination of methods, not excluding the paid services. The adf.ly website

accepts payment of the minimum of $5.00, you also can use PayPal or AlertPay accounts to perform payment.

2.3. Step by Step Action

So, if you decided to try this method and to know how to build a list by its use, follow these guidelines:

Step 1

Choose the autoresponder service. Choose the autoresponder service to use

for email list building (or GetResponse, or AWeber, or iContact , or you can find others but these are the best). Learn the basic terms and options to

use. Of course, if you have it all, you skip this step.

Step 2

Create squeeze pages. Create a number of perfect squeeze pages and fill them with brief content, pictures, etc., on your business subject. Also make

a special squeeze page to provide gifts to the visitors. You can pick-up some gifts (reports) at Resell Rights Weekly. Completed squeeze pages are placed

on your server in a directory of your website.

Step 3

Create your mailing campaigns at autoresponder. Before you start any advertising activities you should fully establish your autoresponder. The

main work of this stage is to prepare a set of letters (follow-ups) which will be emailed to your subscribers on established plan – email marketing

campaign. Remember, each campaign has its separate settings, and allows you to create follow-up messages, newsletters, and more. You can have a

number of campaigns. So, create your mailing campaigns and fill them with letters to be mailed to your subscribers. It is a good idea to have at least 10-

15 emails prepared and loaded in autoresponder, the range of mailing is to be assigned as one letter in 3-4 days.

Step 4

Sign-up at adf.ly website as an "Advertiser". They have two membership

types ‘Publisher' and ‘Advertiser', you should sign-up as ‘Advertiser'. After you created an account click ‘Create Campaign' option at menu and study

the prices and rules. Once you have chosen a plan, you should enter your website name and your squeeze page link. Once this is done the system will

direct you to the payment execution options. After the payment is made

there is a short waiting term for the order approval. After approval you can track your campaigns.

Step 5

Optimize your advertising campaigns at adf.ly The adf.ly website script

allows you to manage advertising campaigns, use these opportunities to optimize your advertising campaigns. After performance of several

advertising companies you will be able to analyze the data and to make corrections. The script also allows you to control your ads display by


3. Be Optimistic

One of the main problems at list building is getting targeted subscribers, to

get people who are interested in your products and services and who have

intention of buying them. Getting a productive email list is a time-consuming process. Feel free to make experiments, try different approaches and

techniques, make the right conclusions and you will achieve significant success in building your customer data base – the productive email list.

As you work on your own email list building you will see a distressing thing – a serious percentage of inactive subscribers. Do not be pessimistic about it,

carefully study the data and calculate – what is the cost for you for one active subscriber. Remember, better to have a smaller email list with

targeted subscribers, than a large, but not productive list.

Mykola Karai. Please, visit our website www.at-home-money-making.com to

learn more about the best ways to make money on Internet. Best... Mykola


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Article #2

Why and How do Video Squeeze Pages get such a Highly Profitable Conversion Rate

within Internet Marketing By DigitalCity

Yes Video Squeeze Pages Convert!

First of all let me say, I have bought every single promo, trial, and package that goes out on the net. Some do work and work well but I have tried them

all and seen many of the promises out there that never deliver. In the Internet Marketing world there are hundreds and thousands of products that

promise to deliver cash directly into your pocket in a matter of days without lifting a finger. All you have to do is buy their product and press a magic

button. These never will deliver or happen as marketing online can be very

profitable but with it comes a lot of hard work. One of the best producing products to come out in the last several years that works very well is

squeeze pages. And in the last couple of years there has been a super converting product through video squeeze pages. I don't think I have seen

any other product that can create such highly converting results through video in such a short time period such as video marketing with Video

Squeeze Pages. If you haven't heard already Video Squeeze Pages are very profitable and worth your time if you are doing Internet Video Marketing and

Affiliate business.

In Case you have been living under a rock Video Squeeze Pages are one of

the best conversion products in internet marketing today. The video pages usually contain a 45 to 90 second video made by anyone who can create

videos and it's usually about a Clickbank product or similar affiliate item. The genius part of these squeeze pages is that the video is not specifically

tailored for the Clickbank product but targets the niche the product belongs to. So for example the viewer of the video might watch a video on Weight

Loss. Our long term goal will be to promote the "Weight Loss Turbo System". You would of course be using a very successful affiliate product that is

offered in the videos.

How Video Squeeze Pages Lure Them in With Free Bait!

So how does this video squeeze page stuff work? The viewer will watch a

teaser type video, which would be promoting a free gift or free e-book. Usually a 5-video series about the subject or a Free type of guide or report

the point would be getting the viewer excited about receiving a free item for nothing. All the user needs to do is enter their own name and email and they

will receive the course in their email inbox. The beauty of this technique happens next. The catch is, they receive the course over a series of days.

Therefore they get 5 chances to be reminded about your offer or product your are promoting. While they are watching their free course or getting

their free e-books etc, they are also being led to your affiliate products. When they choose to buy, and they will which statistics have shown more so

than any other squeeze page… You get paid. It's that easy, so you are actually building a subscriber list and making affiliate sales all at the same

time in one shot. It is a win-win situation.

Squeeze pages have always been a great way of generating leads and prospects creating a list of names, emails, addresses, and any other piece of

information you can squeeze out of the prospect. Now with the popularity of video making its way into mainstream web media many affiliates and

internet marketers have implemented video into their pages and created a newly designed way of converting leads into buyers and clickers alike.

Studies show that Video Squeeze Pages convert much more higher than a text based squeeze page.

You will always have a high amount of traffic and leads as long as you adhere to these three basic rules...

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Article #3

Best Squeeze Page Incentive Offers For Boosting Conversions

By Rob Carlsen

A good solid Squeeze Page a fabulous approach to increase sales leads. But

yet, you must have a engaging offer incentive which can increase your Squeeze Page traffic to opt-in (or subscribe) to your auto-responder

marketing campaign. Allow me to share the most common FREE Squeeze Page offers that Online marketers take advantage of to convert their

Squeeze Page Traffic into a very hot prospect list. Bear in mind, a solid offer incentive is the key component for the Best Squeeze Pages.

1. Complimentary Immediate Access On-line Presentation

This is among one of my personal favorite Squeeze page Offers. This has a greater perceived value when compared with an ebook and also you don't

have to concern yourself with shipping and delivery costs. All you need is a relatively inexpensive digital camcorder or webcam. Once you have your

video shot, you can easily post it to a video sharing website, like "YouTube". Finally, just insert the embedded code within the "thank you" page of your

squeeze page. Video can definitely build up your prospects' trust. Consumers are a lot more likely to do business along with a "genuine person" who

they're able to view. With online video, you can talk straight to your potential clients, which happens to be so much more personal and gripping.

2. No-Cost Special Report or Article

This is an actual physical product that you simply send out by mail or it

could be a component of your Lead Capture "Thanks" webpage. The real key is usually to help make the content powerful. Deal with anxiety, fix a

challenge or provide your potential customers a mystery suggestion or perhaps strategy which means that your squeeze page prospect is certain to

get what they already want.

3. No-Cost Computer Software

This is akin to offering a no fee downloadable insider report or ebook. You

can easily find brandable private label rights software products that you can hand out as your own. Perform a Google lookup using the phrase "private

label rights software". In accordance with your specialized niche, this may be a powerful squeeze page incentive.

4. No-Cost Training Session or Assessment

Most people desire to carry out business with a real man or woman. The web is normally cold and impersonal. Offering up a no-cost appointment or

coaching session on your Squeeze page also removes loads of worries that a great many folks have that they will be on their own to find things out on

their own. By adding an individual feel to the plan, you will definately get

much better final results.

5. No Cost Novelty Item or Trade Show Gift

These types of actual physical products could be great Squeeze page pay outs, which could even be branded using your contact details, Squeeze Page

URL and message. For instance, I know a few Online marketers marketing fitness/weight loss goods gave away free of charge digital pedometers for

opting into their Squeeze page. I thought this was an excellent gift idea for

individuals who planned to slim down and get in better shape by tracking the level of their jogging. Plus, obviously, the phone # and webpage URL printed

on the pedometer acted as a constant reminder to purchase the product or service that will aid them in their efforts.

6. No Fee DVD or CD G

A CD or DVD can potentially be a magnificent incentive for a squeeze page. It provides a greater perceived value than a digital/downloadable item.

Obviously, there is certainly additional expense required; however, you will be able to cover your costs by charging for shipping and processing while

giving away the CD/DVD for cost-free.

7. No Cost Mini E-course Membership or E-zine

You simply need some good content material along with an auto-responder program. Whenever your leads opt-in through your Squeeze page web form,

they will be effortlessly put into your e-mail auto-responder campaign. Your e-mail follow-up communications can behave as a sort of e-course and may

include a series of newsletters and reports. If you don't have content of your own, just do a Google search for Private label rights content related to your

specialized niche topic.

8. Free Of Charge Chance to Win (Raffle/Contest)

You can offer a chance to win a unique winning prize within a drawing for all who opts-in. due to the fact just a select few who opt-in through your

squeeze page will really win the big winning prize, you are able to raise the

value substantially and make the incentive all the more captivating. Choose a particular day for the drawing and after that arbitrarily pick the winner(s).

The nice thing about this is that you could choose how many awards you wish to give out and set the price you would like to spend on the prize. If

done right, you ought to get a whole lot more invaluable opt-in leads really worth far more than the expense of the small amount of prizes you give

away. You may even want to give away consolation prizes for everyone who took part so all your Squeeze page Leads will feel like they were given a

little something for his or her precious time. This consolation gift can be a digital product that does not cost you a great deal, like a cost-free on-line

presentation, software program, special report, etc...

Rob Carlsen "SqueEze With Eze" - More Tips For Generating Effective

Squeeze Pages* http://ProPodium.com/Secret-FREE-Web-Traffic-Tool Recieve your FREE TIPS HERE.