106 Chapter Five  June 15, 2003 Sunnydale Oz looked up at the knock on the door. He glanced at his watch -- too early to be the taxi -- and moved to answer it. “It’s Giles,” Willow called from the bedroom. Oz stopped to give her a look as she came to the doorway. “Witch powers on full today?” he wondered. She smiled and shook her head. “He’s the only person I gave directions to the cabin.” She smiled. “Besides, I saw him get out of the Beetle. Payne’s with him.”  Oz nodded and moved to the door, opening i t. “Come on in,” he enjoined them.  Giles entered silently. Payne advised, “You really shouldn’t ever invite anyone in your dwelling, in case they turn out to be a vampire.” The short redhead shrugged. “You’re sportin’ a pretty healthy tan for someone who can’t stand sunlight,” he replied. “I’m bettin’ you’re safe.”  Willow came out from the bedroom. “We’ll have to make this sort of quick. I know it’s important and everything, but our flight leaves in two hours, so we have to leave for the airport in about twenty minutes.” She grimaced. “Not a lot of time to make a really big decision.” She rubbed Oz along one shoulder. Giles seated himself in an eas y chair, preferring to remain quiet. “Oz,” Payne spoke, her contralto voice soft. “It’s really up to you. I  can’t do it without your help.” Oz glanced at Willow and looked up at Payne. “I was thinkin’ over what you said,” he admitted. “And something doesn’t add up. Why are there vampires trying to stop you from completing this werewolf spell? You said they burned your house down and they’re chasing you. But why? What you’re doing doesn’t even a ffect them.” Payne folded her arms, sitting on the arm of the sofa. “Yes it does, Oz,” she corrected him. “It very much concerns them.” “How?” Willow queried.  Payne glanced at Giles and returned her dark eyes to Oz. “What I’m going to tell you can’t leave this room. No one else must know this.” When she had received nods of consent, Payne continued, “I’ve done a lot of research into your kind, Oz. I’ve known about werew olves since I was very young, just barely starting out as a witch. And lycanthropes fascinated me. The ability to change shape is a very special power. It’s not something that’s easily achieved, even with powerful magic. So when I realized after doing some research that there was a whole race of you, and that stories about werewolves were found all over the world in one form or another, going back almost throughout the length of human history, I knew there was more to your kind than a simple accident.” She shifted her position. “I’m sure you know that vampires were created when the last demon to depart this realm bit a human and mingled their blood. Some say that it was a later curse that made sunlight a bane to them. Makes sense to me -- sunlight doesn’t hurt demons, and it doesn’t hurt humans -- why would it harm their hybrid?” Payne shrugged. “Whatever the case may be, you know that his entire document copyright [email protected]

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Chapter Five

 June 15, 2003


Oz looked up at the knock on the door. He glanced at his watch -- too early to be the taxi

-- and moved to answer it.

“It’s Giles,” Willow called from the bedroom. 

Oz stopped to give her a look as she came to the doorway. “Witch powers on full today?”he wondered.

She smiled and shook her head. “He’s the only person I gave directions to the cabin.” She

smiled. “Besides, I saw him get out of the Beetle. Payne’s with him.” 

Oz nodded and moved to the door, opening it. “Come on in,” he enjoined them. Giles entered silently. Payne advised, “You really shouldn’t ever invite anyone in your 

dwelling, in case they turn out to be a vampire.”  The short redhead shrugged. “You’re sportin’ a pretty healthy tan for someone who  can’t

stand sunlight,” he replied. “I’m bettin’ you’re safe.” 

Willow came out from the bedroom. “We’ll have to make this sort of quick. I know it’s

important and everything, but our flight leaves in two hours, so we have to leave for the airport

in about twenty minutes.” She grimaced. “Not a lot of time to make a really big decision.” Sherubbed Oz along one shoulder.

Giles seated himself in an easy chair, preferring to remain quiet.

“Oz,” Payne spoke, her contralto voice soft. “It’s really up to you. I can’t do it without

your help.” 

Oz glanced at Willow and looked up at Payne. “I was thinkin’ over what you said,” he

admitted. “And something doesn’t add up. Why are there vampires trying to stop you fromcompleting this werewolf spell? You said they burned your house down and they’re chasing you.But why? What you’re doing doesn’t even affect them.” 

Payne folded her arms, sitting on the arm of the sofa. “Yes it does, Oz,” she corrected

him. “It very much concerns them.” 

“How?” Willow queried. 

Payne glanced at Giles and returned her dark eyes to Oz. “What I’m going to tell you

can’t leave this room. No one else must know this.” When she had received nods of consent,

Payne continued, “I’ve done a lot of research into your kind, Oz. I’ve known about werewolves

since I was very young, just barely starting out as a witch. And lycanthropes fascinated me. The

ability to change shape is a very special power. It’s not something that’s easily achieved, even

with powerful magic. So when I realized after doing some research that there was a whole raceof you, and that stories about werewolves were found all over the world in one form or another,

going back almost throughout the length of human history, I knew there was more to your kind

than a simple accident.” She shifted her position.

“I’m sure you know that vampires were created when the last demon to depart this realmbit a human and mingled their blood. Some say that it was a later curse that made sunlight a bane

to them. Makes sense to me -- sunlight doesn’t hurt demons, and it doesn’t hurt humans -- why

would it harm their hybrid?” Payne shrugged. “Whatever the case may be, you know that

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vampires have been here for thousands of years, and that Slayers came along a little bit later to

try and put a stop to them.” 

“One Slayer against thousands of vampires,” Willow muttered. “Seems kinda unfair.” 

Payne nodded. “It wasn’t supposed to be that way. It wasn’t supposed to be one againstan army, though that’s the way it turned out. But that’s because the powers that be really screwed

up.”  Giles looked up sharply. “Come again?” 

“It was supposed to be an even match,” Payne explained. “For every vampire that walked

the Earth, there was supposed to be a warrior to stop it, a force for good that would hunt them

down and rip their hearts out and end their threat. It was supposed to be an even fight, so that the

forces of light could triumph over the forces of darkness and wipe out the vampires.” 

“What happened?” Oz asked. 

“Yes,” Giles repeated, a touch of skepticism in his voice. “What did happen?” 

Payne turned to face him. “Have you ever read the chronicles of Briareus?” she queried.  Giles blinked. “The so-called Atlantean Tomes?” he clarified. 

Payne nodded, her long curtain of raven hair shimmering.

Giles pfffed, “There’s no such work. Thucydides mentions them, as well as a few other classical writers, but those books -- fiction, no doubt -- are lost to us. The book didn’t survive


“No,” Payne corrected him, “it did survive. Or at least a copy of it did. And in an early

chapter in that book Briareus explains that the Slayer was not the original solution that the fates

came up with to deal with the vampire problem.” 

Willow and Oz looked at one another; Giles mumbled, “What are you talking about?” 

“The Slayer,” Payne proceeded, “was the second  attempt to create a being that could

stand up to the vampires and fight them toe to toe. But since they screwed up big time on their

first attempt, they made really, really sure they got the next one right. That’s wh y Buffy and her

kind are so powerful, and that’s why you can never interrupt the line of Slayers. There’ll always

 be one, no matter what.” 

Willow exclaimed, “Are you saying that the first time the fates, or the powers that be, or 

whatever, tried to make a Slayer it came out wrong?” 

“Not wrong,” Payne told her. “Just not powerful enough. Strong, yes. Cunning, of course.But they could only come out at night, like vampires. And they couldn’t remember what they had

done the next day.” Payne shrugged, clasping her hands. “The fates didn’t want to rob them of 

their normal human lives.” 

Oz folded his arms. “You mean to tell me werewolves were created specifically to hunt


“Good lord,” Giles murmured. 

“Precisely,” Payne agreed with Oz. “That’s exactly what I’m saying. So if we finish the job the fates started, we’ll have--” 

“An army of intelligent lycanthropes uniting to wipe out the vampires.” Giles stood.

“That’s impossible. How can you know all this?” 

Payne offered, “Briareus discovered most of it. I just figured out the rest. Once I realized

what the werewolves were really here for, it really simplified my search for the spell that would

give them sentience.” She turned to Oz. “So, like I said, your decision pretty much affects the

entire fate of the world.” 

Oz felt Willow clasp his hand. “I don’t know that I’m up for this,” he whispered. 

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“Oz?” Willow asked. 

“I mean, I wanna help and all,” Oz confirmed. “You guys know that, you know my

history with Buffy and everybody. You know I’m a big supporter of the ‘kill evil things’ club.

But this is a whole ‘nother level.” He squeezed Willow’s hand. “I don’t know about this.” 

“There’s no need to make a decision now,” Giles counseled Oz. “In ten minutes you’ll be

headed on a week long trip to Aruba. You’ll have plenty of time to mull it over there.” Willow frowned. “No offense, Giles, but I don’t really want him preoccupied with this onour honeymoon.” 

“I only meant that --” Giles began, but Payne interrupted him. 

“No harm in thinking about it for a week or so,” she supplied. “I’d have to gather up thematerials anyway, and that will take at least a few days, if not more. I might not be ready until

you get back in any case.” She stood. “If you need more time, Oz, take it. I’ll be here when you


Oz looked at his wife and then at Giles, and then back to Payne. “No, Will’s right. I don’twant to be dwelling on this for the next week.” He turned to Willow. “And I won’t be.” 

Payne watched him expectantly.

“I’m gonna do it. But for one reason only. Because it will be better for the kids Willowand I are gonna have if I don’t have to hide from them three days a month.” He stared hard at

Payne. “The rest of the world benefits, hey, that’s great. But I’m doin’ this for Willow.” 

She hugged him tightly, kissing him, and relief flooded over Payne’s features. 

Giles frowned but kept it to himself.

* Los Angeles

“Kate,” Rachel spoke, lowering her sunglasses enough so that the detective recognized

her.“Rachel?” Kate curled one corner of her lips up in a half smile. “What are you doing


Rachel shrugged. “I know, cop shops aren’t my usual deal,” she admitted. “But we need

to have a talk with you, now. There’s somethin’ Angel has to know, and we can’t get close

enough to tell him.” 

Kate nodded, flick ing off her desk lamp and standing up, stretching. “Any reason you

can’t call him?” 

“I used to cover for Cordelia when she worked for Angel,” Rachel explained. “Once in awhile, anyway. There are a lot of extensions on that phone. I’m not too big on Spike   pickin’ up,

or his lulu girlfriend lissenin’ in, and then we got a sitch.” 

“Okay, sounds good,” Kate told her. “Pike and Shelley here?” “Parked outside in the van. This won’t take too long.” 

Kate shrugged. “I’m in no hurry. It’s a slow day.” She touched Rachel on the shoulder.

“Come on, let’s go.” 

They headed out of the homicide unit and down the long stairs that led to the front doors.

“So what’s this all about, anyway?” 

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Rachel slipped her sunglasses back up as they neared the noonday light outside. “I’ll tell

ya in the van. I kinda doubt they have ears in this place, but you never know. They can be


Kate frowned slightly. “They who?” 

Rachel led her outside and down the set of concrete stairs toward the parking lot around

the back. “Come on, I’ll let the eggheads tell ya. They go for that anyway.” She paused at the bottom of the stairs. “You climb all that every morning?” she wondered.  Kate nodded yes. “You’re not gonna be twenty all your life, Rachel. Gotta stay in shape.” 

Rachel raised a dark eyebrow. “Sure. Come on.” 

They headed toward Pike’s van, still a jalopy on the outside, with a faint tattoo of rustalong the rear panel and a border of primer trying to limit its growth. Inside, however, the van

contained a wide array of vampire fighting equipment, from weapons to holy water to a newly

installed laptop system, hooked up to a camera so those inside could, if they so desired, watch

what was going on outside. Pike swung one of the rear doors open as the women arrived, and

they climbed in, each taking a comfortable captain’s chair. 

“You really like to fool people,” Kate said, her eyes taking in the luxurious interior of the

van. Pike shrugged. “It’s easier to succeed when your opponent’s guard is down. You see this

thing on the outside, you expect a couple of pot smokin’ hippies, or a gang of Mexicans off to


“Kate,” Shelley greeted her.Kate nodded. “So what’s up?” 

“Angel may be in trouble,” Pike told her. 

“Spike’s staying at his place,” Kate rejoined. “I’d say he’s already in trouble.” 

“This is worse,” Shelley spoke up. 

Pike leaned forward in his chair. “The Watchers Council got word that Spike is in town.

They’ve put out a contract on him and sent a strike team in to eliminate him.” 

“Normally I’d say that’s a good thing,” Kate mentioned. “Normally it would be,” Rachel concurred. “But these guys have a bad habit of staking

first and asking questions later.” 

Kate’s eyes narrowed. “You think they’ll go after Angel.” 

“We think it’s possible,” Shelley told her. 

“Call him and warn him,” Kate advised. “Who cares if Spike listens in?” 

“Can’t,” Pike told her. “Right now Angel seems like he’s handling Spike, from whatyou’ve told us. But if Spike thinks he’s in on this whole strike team business...”  

Kate chuckled. “Trust me, when Angel finally decides he’s gonna take on Spike, he’s not

gonna need back-up.” 

“What we’re worried about,” Shelley continued, “is that Spike will get wind of theseguys before they strike and blame Angel. Those two get into a fight -- or at least start yelling at

one another -- and they get distracted, and then they’re all dust.” 

Kate looked up sharply. “You think these Watcher guys--” 

“Hunters,” Pike put in. “Officially, they’re called Hunters.” 

“Right,” Kate spoke. “These Hunters. You really think they can take out Spike and Angel

working together? And that other one, Druscilla?” 

“They sent a Slayer -to- be,” Rachel confided. “That means they ain’t shittin’ around.” 

Kate shook her head. “They know how to find these girls?” 

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“Always have,” Pike assured her.

“Is she super -strong, like Buffy?” 

“Not yet,” Shelley answered. “She never will be if nothing happens to Buffy. Or Faith.” 

Kate rubbed her chin. “So what’s your idea? Have me go over and warn Angel in person?” 

“Pretty much,” Pike agreed. “Tell him to get out of town, take Spike with him. Just beatfeet until these guys do their sweep and find out nobody’s home.” 

Rachel tugged off her sunglasses, dark eyes slightly wide. “Hey, I got it,” she announced.

“Why don’t you tell him we found that witch you said Spike’s lookin’ for? That’ll get him to

leave town.” 

“But Angel has to go too,” Kate said. “If these guys are bad enough to be trouble enough

for Spike and Angel, I don’t want Angel takin’ them on alone.” 

“She’s got a point,” Shelley spoke. “Maybe Rachel’s right. If we tell Angel we found the

witch, and he tells Spike, Spike’ll wanna go right away.” 

Pike nodded in agreement. “And if we send them someplace where, say, oh, the Slayer is


“An ambush!” Rachel called out. “Set up Spike, Buffy captures him -- or if we’re lucky,she kills him -- and Angel’s out of danger and free of Spike.” She nodded. “I like it.” She

glanced at Shelley. “He’s one devious little bastard, that man of yours.” 

“That’s why I love him,” Shelley teased, smiling.

“What do you think, Kate?” Pike queried. “Sound good to you?” 

“I want Angel to know the full plan,” she spoke. “I’ll tell him, you set things up with

Buffy and her people.” She nodded in thought. “I like it. Not only does it get Angel away from

these Hunter guys, but it gets him free of Spike, too. And if these Hunter guys do come lookin’for him, he’ll be with -- or near -- Buffy. He’ll have someplace safe to be, and friends to help


“So we have a plan?” Rachel asked. 

“We have a plan,” Kate agreed. “You set things up on your end, I’ll head over to Angel’sright away.” She thanked them for their help and climbed out of the van. 

“Rachel,” Pike said, “hand me the phone, willya?” 


“That was Pike,” Buffy explained, hanging up the phone.

Xander replied without tearing his eyes from the TV. “Yeah, kinda guessed that when

you said ‘Hey, Pike.’” 

“Fine, smart ass,” Buffy snapped, picking up her empty plate and can of soda. “I won’ttell you what he said.” 

Xander pressed the keypad in a particular sequence; Buzz Lightyear dodged Zerg’s death

ray and fired back, knocking the purple robot off his platform. Xander hit the PAUSE button and

called out, “If you don’t tell me, I can’t help you.” 

“Who says I need your help?” she asked, arching an eyebrow, arms folded, standing in

the kitchen doorway in socked feet, silky black boxers, and a white tank top.

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Xander set aside the controller and stood up, moving to her. “You might not need my

help,” he said, running a finger along her shoulder, “but I’m hopin’ you want my help.” He

twirled an errant tendril of hair around his finger. Buffy looked up at him warmly.

“Kiss me and I’ll tell you,” she murmured. “Like I have to be convinced,” he whispered, pressing his lips to hers. Buffy slid an arm

around his waist and pulled him to her. They kissed again.“You’re not gonna like it,” Buffy told him. Xander shrugged. “Some guy from the Watcher’s Council called. Even if it is  Pike, I’m

still not expectin’ good news.” 

She nodded. “You got that right. Anyway, Spike’s coming to town and we have to set atrap for him.” 

“Again?” Xander asked. “Haven’t we dealt with him enough? He starts hangin’ around us

any more, we’ll have to start sending him Christmas cards.” 

Buffy grinned. “Him and Dru and Angel are coming down to hide for a few days. The

Watchers sent a Hunter team there, and Pike thinks Angel might be in trouble, so...” She looked

up at his dark expression. “What?” 

With great effort Xander cleared his features. “Nothing. Go ahead.” “Xand,” Buffy spoke softly. “Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Angel.” 

Xander stayed silent, settling for giving Buffy a hug.

“You’re jealous of Angel,” she stated. 

He kissed her on the crown of her head. “Can’t help it,” he admitted in a quiet voice. She looked up at him. Will Angel’s name always hurt him? Will he always be jealous that 

 Angel was my first? That I loved him more than anything?   “He’s a good guy, Xander. One of us.

He needs our help.” 

“I know,” Xander groused. “But why can’t he go hide someplace else?” 

Buffy held him, pressing her head against his chest. “It’ll just be long enough so we can

get Spike away from him.” She sighed. “Spike has some rod up his butt about some witch or 

something, and him and Dru are trying to track her down. I dunno, Pike didn’t have the whole

story, but it sounded like all we have to do is get Spike and Dru off Angel’s back, and--” 

“A witch?” Xander asked. 

Buffy nodded. “That’s what Pike said.” 

“Didn’t you tell me Payne said that vampires burned her house down?” 

“Yah,” Buffy said. Suddenly she looked up at Xander. “You don’t think...” 

He nodded. “You know, Buff, our wacky little world here has just enough coincidence init that I wouldn’t be surprised at anything. She was in L.A., and then suddenly Spike and Looney

Bin show up there outta the blue lookin’ for a witch? Even a crappy gambler like me’ll take

those odds.” 

“We better tell Giles,” Buffy suggested. “Him and Payne oughtta know about this.” 

“Him, anyway,” Xander concurred. 

“You have a problem with Payne?” Buffy wondered. “You haven’t even met her.” 

“Simple,” Xander said, sliding an arm around Buffy’s shoulder. “Has anyone other than

Kendra ever  come to Sunnydale with special powers lookin’ to help us?”  

“Jason Corveer,” Buffy pointed out.

“All right, besides him,” Xander groused, remembering the tall, handsome immortal that

had visited town briefly five years before to help them fight an incredibly ancient vampire.

“Anyone else?” 

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“No one comes to mind,” Buffy admitted. 

“That’s because good guys just do not come to Hellmouth town looking to lend a hand.

Good guys avoid this place like the black hole of evil that it is.” 

“You’re a good guy, and you’re still here,” Buffy pointed out playfully. He kissed her cheek. “I have a pretty good reason for not going anywhere,” he spoke.

“But I’m tellin’ ya, nobody comes here just to help us. Never have, never will.” Buffy stared up at him thoughtfully. “No, she came here to help Oz, and every other werewolf on Earth. And Willow.” 

“I still say we tell Giles and not her. Let him make the call, Buff. There’s just something

about her I don’t trust.” 

Buffy smiled. “You haven’t had good luck with brunettes,” she teased him. 

“Lucky for you,” he parried. 

They kissed again.

*“So, Rupert,” Joyce started, spearing a cherry tomato with her fork, “Buffy told me lastnight at the reception that you met the woman who was responsible for sending out that little

green man?” 

Giles nodded, sipping on his beer. “That’s right. She came to town with business for Oz,

oddly enough. She was just having trouble finding him. Hence the homunculus.” 

“Only one?” Joyce asked. 

“Actually, she has three. But she told me this morning on the way over to Oz and

Willow’s that she only has one in Sunnydale.” 

Joyce gathered up a few croutons on her fork and munched them down. “And you’re

okay with the fact that she has a living spy-eye roaming around town keeping track of 


Giles frowned slightly. “It’s not like there’s much I can do about it, Joyce. Payne’s herewith an intriguing offer for Oz; I can’t speak openly about it, but if she can deliver what she

 promises, it will have a profound impact on his, and Willow’s, life.” 

“So she’s one of the good guys?” Joyce wondered, eyeing him. Giles shrugged. “I tend to think so. Your daughter has her r eservations -- when does she

not? -- but Payne seems more or less on the level to me. We had a long chat last night and she

certainly knows her magic.” 

Joyce stopped mid-chew. “You had a long talk last night? At the reception?” 

Giles shook his head. “Afterward. She spent the night at my place.” He glanced over at

Joyce’s disapproving glance and amended, “We slept separately, I assure you, Joyce. But we

stayed up and had a cup of tea and she told me why she fled Los Angeles, and how she was

considering looking for housing here. She’s very taken with the area.”  

“For someone who’s only been here one night and spent the entire time at a wedding

reception, leaving her no time to see the town, I’d say that’s pretty impressive that she became

ensconced so quickly.” 

Giles blinked. “Is there some reason for your anger, Joyce? Payne has come to help us.

Or, rather help Oz. I too was skeptical at first, but she managed to convince me last night and this


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Joyce shrugged. “You know your own business, Rupert. I’m just an interfering Slayer’s

mom. I’m sure I wouldn’t know anything.” 

Giles rested his fork on the edge of his plate and looked directly at Joyce. “Joyce,

whatever is bothering you? This sort of anger and resentment is very much unlike you.” 

She glanced up at him. “Doesn’t it strike you as sort of strange that you’ve just taken this

woman in based on nothing but her word? She sends out these creepy little spies for days -- orweeks, who knows how long they were here before you noticed them? -- and watches our every

move, and then she claims to be able to do something wonderful for Oz and Willow -- again,

after observing them for who knows how long? -- and you’re not the least bit skeptical? She

cased you out and then told you exactly what you wanted to hear. The Rupert Giles I know

would at least be suspicious of her motives.” 

Giles leaned closer. “Joyce, she is in Sunnydale to perform a spell that will greatly aid

your daughter as well. Not only Oz and Willow will be affected, but everyone in the world will

reap the benefits of this magic. I don’t even know if she can accomplish it, but if she can, shewill be benefiting all mankind and putting vampires on the run. For once.” He adjusted his

glasses. “I apologize if it seems like I’m being incautious, but Joyce, we simply cannot afford to

 be mistrustful of someone who can help the world in such an extraordinary way.” “Like Olivia did?” Joyce spat, regretting it the second the words spilled from her lips.

Olivia had been a lover of Giles’ shortly after Buffy had started college; apparently an old friend

of his, she had weaseled her way into being named a member of the staff at the Demonology

department at UC Sunnydale. Once safely on board, she had used the department for her own

ends and very nearly killed Giles, and Buffy, when a particularly nasty spell had gone awry.

Giles had been forced to kill Olivia to stop her.

“That’s not fair,” Giles spoke, glaring at Joyce, “and you know it.” 

“Or what about Gwendolyn Post? Or Jenny Calendar?” 

Giles was speechless.

“Rupert, your track record, and your objectivity, both really stink when it comes to being

suspicious enough of women who come to town with big promises and magical powers. They

fool you every time, and this...Payne... is no different. All that talk and all that power they have

and you start thinking that you’ve found someone you don’t have to hide your real calling from.

Someone you can open up to.”Giles tried to speak, but couldn’t decide whether to be hurt or angered by Joyce’s words.

He settled for a mixture of the two. “You can’t possibly find fault with me still being able to trust

despite past betrayals,” he managed. Joyce shook her head. “You know, sometimes my daughter is right. You can be really


Giles blinked.

“Rupert, if you want someone you can be yourself around, who you can open up to and

not have to hide any secrets from, who will accept you for what you are...” she shook her head.

“I’m right here.” 

His jaw dropped.

“Or at least I was,” she snapped, standing up and thr owing her napkin on the table. She

picked up her purse and headed off from the patio, down the stairs toward the parking lot.

Giles watched her go. What in the world just happened? he wondered as Joyce started

her range rover and screeched off.

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“B-o-r-o-s...” the voice hesitated. “B-o-r-o-z-s...” She shook her head. “‘the fuck,” Faithspat. “I don’t know how to spell it, I just know how to say it. Borozny, Willy. Like Ozzy with a

‘B’ and some other shit in there too.” She leaned forward over the bar. “You gonna help me or not?” 

“I’m leanin’ towards bein’ helpful,” he admitted, unable completely to avoid glancing at

her cleavage.

“Doesn’t matter. Either way I get what I want. I find out about the Boroznys, or I get tokick the crap outta you. Not that it’d be much of a workout, but it’d be fun.” Faith flashed him a

dark smile. “So what’s it gonna be?” 

“The Boroznys, huh?” Willy asked. 

Faith nodded, downing her shot of vodka in one quick motion. “Come on, Willy, hold outon me.” She winked. “It’s been at least a week since I beat somebody up, and I’m really gettin’

the itch.” 

“Can ya give me a little time to check?” he asked nervously.Faith cupped her chin in one hand. “How much time we talkin’? Don’t forget, I can just

go to the good guys. I’d rather go to you because I don’t have to put up with any bullshit here.”

She arched an eyebrow. “Or do I?” 

“Two hours. Three at the most,” Willy answered as Faith gave him a threatening look. “Iswear, honey, I’ll have somethin’ for ya by then.” 

Faith raised a finger and ticked it back and forth. “Don’t have somethin’, Willy. Have

everything. Or else I’ll have somethin’ for you, and it won’t be pleasant.” She smirked. “For you,anyway.” Faith stood up straight, running a hand through her messy black mane and grabbing

her leather jacket off the adjacent stool. “I’ll see ya at four, Willy. Don’t disappoint me.” 

He sighed a long breath of relief as Faith exited the bar.

She shrugged her jacket on as she stepped outside. Though it was the middle of June, the

day was cool. Faith had never really felt the cold that much, but the thick jacket felt almost like

armor.   And I’m not stupid enough to think I don’t need every weapon I can get when I’m inSunnydale. Buffy don’t trust me -- hell, none of ‘em do -- and the y’re just waitin’ for me to do

 somethin’ stupid. Ain’t gonna happen. I get payback for Rickey and then I’m so goddamn outta

here. Faith moved to the old beater she’d bought in San Diego before she’d come here. A long

dark green Ford Falcon wagon, it was at least twice as old as she, but the mechanic at Danny’shad had a crush on her, and he’d fixed it up really nice for her. She would have rather driven

Rickey’s Harley, but Faith had never been able to get the hang of the bike’s clutch, and the last

thing she needed while beating feet from a vampire ambush was to stall the bike and get her

 blood drained. So she’d sold it to some scuzzy biker and bought the Falcon from an old Mexican.After changing into a tiny red tank top and matching shorts and putting on more make-up than

she cared to, she’d been able to convince the speechless mechanic to give the Falcon a serious

looking over. So it cost me a kiss. Big deal. Saved me about a grand in parts and labor.  

She gunned the Falcon and slipped her shades on, backing out of her spot and screeching

away from Willy’s dive. I can’t believe B hasn’t shut him down yet. He must give her the 411 all 

the time for her not to have kicked his ass outta town. She shot out onto the street and headed

north, back toward the center of town, and turned at the first cross-street, taking a quick left. She

hummed absently as she drove along a wide road until she spotted her hole in the wall motel, the

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Tiki. She and Ethan had stayed here once while on the run from Buffy and company. That ended 

badly, Faith ruminated, turning into the Tiki lot and parking close to her room.  But I think he

really was the only guy who ever loved me. Rickey didn’t, that’s for damn sure. Faith locked the

door as she got out of the car. “Not like I loved you either, Rick. But you were in the right place

at the right time, and you were fun.” Till you thought you could help me fight vampires, you

dumb ass. Still, Faith shrugged, trotting up the stairs two at a time, in your own way you weren’t too bad. And you got me out of that tight spot with the Horash demon. Though you didn’t know it 

at the time. You just thought I was some drunk chick on the side of the road that you were gonna

have a good time with, and-- 

Faith’s train of thought was interrupted as she opened the door to her room and saw a

little green man sitting on her bed, watching TV.

“What the fuck?” she wondered, drawing a stake from inside her coat. 

“Hey, woah! Easy!” the thing’s high- pitched voice shrieked. “I’m not here to cause you

any harm. I’m a friend!” 

“I’ll decide that,” Faith hissed. “So what the hell you doin’ in my room, you little freak?” 

“I’m not a freak!” the helium-voiced homunculus snapped. “I’m here to give you a

message. You are the second Slayer, aren’t you?” “I’ll show you second,” Faith snarled, diving for the bed. Quicker even than she the little

imp darted up out of her reach, wings flapping, and moved toward the still ajar door.

“Now take it easy, Slayer. You come after me again and I’ll have to leave. And my

mistress will be really pissed off.” 

Faith glowered at the hovering little being. “So speak,” she grunted. 

“I can tell you where the Boroznys are hiding,” he announced. 

Faith folded her arms. “Uh huh. Why would you want to do that?” 

“A gesture of good faith,” the homunculus revealed. “My mistress wants to prove her 

good intentions to you.” 

“By sending some creepy little flying bastard into my hotel room while I’m not here?”

Faith wondered. “Not really headin’ the list of ways to get on my good side.” 

“No, by sending a messenger to tell you about the Boroznys.” The little man folded his

arms. “And it wasn’t easy to get here unseen. You wouldn’t believe the stinky places I had to

visit to get close to this dump.” 

“So where are they?” Faith asked. 

“The vampires you seek are making their home in the Hutchins mausoleum. They just

moved in recently. They stay holed up during the day and come out only at night.” 

“Kinda fits the usual vampire pattern,” Faith sneered at the little man. 

He nodded. “I can show you where that is if you like.” 

Faith nodded. “I can find it.” Grudgingly, she added, “Thanks.” 

The homunculus flitted to the ground, apparently satisfied that Faith intended him no

harm. “If you keep your word with my mistress, you’ll find there are many rewards that await

you. She’s a powerful witch, and loyalty means a great deal to her.”  

Faith shrugged. “We’ll see.” 

The little man started moving toward the bathroom.

“Hey,” Faith growled. “Where the hell you goin’?” 

He gestured to the other room. “I was just leaving.” 

“From the bathroom?” Faith shook her head. 

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The little green man shrugged. “Stinky places,” he muttered, his little feet carrying him

across the rug toward the small tiled room.

Faith closed her eyes as she heard the toilet flush and a SPLOOSH following it. “Could this

 be any more gross?” she rasped. 

*Pleasant chimes sounded as the door to the Dragon’s Cove opened. Daisy glanced up

from her book, a little surprised; with UC Sunnydale out of session, the afternoons tended to be

kind of slow, and most days she scarcely saw anyone between one and nine, when she closed up.

Tourists, perhaps, or a stray soul led here by the goddess for reasons they know not why.  

“Blessed be,” Daisy greeted the newcomer. 

“Blessed be,” Payne returned. Daisy smiled. “You have a touch of the goddess about you, if you don’t mind my saying


Payne matched her smile with a wide grin. “You honor me with such sentiment. If thegoddess touches me, that is her choice, and my blessing.” 

Daisy sighed internally. Someone familiar with our ways. This is not an accident. Willow

leaves for her honeymoon, and the very same day the goddess delivers a new Wicca? This isn’t 

coincidence. “How can I help you today? I apologize for the humbleness of my establishmentand hope that I can be of assistance.” 

Payne took her hand, and Daisy felt a jolt of energy shoot through her. “Just being here

you are of assistance, my child. I could sense this place from the moment I came into town.

Thank you for this haven in a realm of darkness.” 

Daisy furrowed her brow. “I don’t know that I would call the Vale of the Sun a dark 

realm,” she countered. “Though the Hellmouth attracts much evil, so it also attracts great good.”

She shook her head. “The goddess has not given up her claim on this place    just yet.” Daisysmiled again. “But I’m sure you’ve already sensed that.” 

Payne nodded in agreement. “Actually, I did have a very specific purpose in mind today.

I wasn’t just curious about the shop. I wanted to see what kind of place held such a strong and

clean aura; but I there’s an item that I need, a rare one I hope you have.” 

Daisy tilted her head. “And that would be?” 

“An Orb of Thessalia,” Payne told her, the taller woman’s dark eyes boring into theshopkeeper’s. 

Daisy barely contained her surprise. “Those are very rare indeed.” 

Payne nodded in agreement. “I know. There aren’t many artisans left who can make

them. Do you have any?” 

Daisy nodded. “The goddess smiles upon you. I do have one in stock. I used to have

several, on display. They sold as paperweights and curios to college students.” She stepped out

from behind the counter. “It’s a rare customer who knows what they are, and what they can be

used for.” 

“Are you familiar with their use?” Payne queried. 

“I’ve never used one myself,” Daisy admitted. “But I have read a great deal about them.”

She smiled politely. “Please wait here; I’ll go fetch it from the back.” 

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Payne waited patiently while Daisy slipped into the back area. This shop has the usual

new age crap, the silly necklaces and the boring CDs. But it also has a lot of real items too. And 

this little one seems to know her stuff. I’ll have to keep an eye on this place. 

Daisy returned with a wooden box, opening the hinged lid to reveal a glass orb the size of 

a large softball with co ppery yellow streaks shot all throughout its translucent mass. “It’s prettier 

than it was described,” Payne commented. “With its purpose, it is only fitting that the Orb be enhanced with beauty. As evil is sooften abhorrent to look upon, it makes sense that good is sometimes represented in beauty.” 

Payne ran a hand over it, feeling the power that emanated within the orb. “I’ll take it,”

she said. “It’s perfect.” 

Daisy closed and secured the box. “Will that be cash or charge?” she wondered. “We

only take checks with a local I.D.” 

Payne raised an eyebrow. “That will appear missing in the morning. You will have no

record of where it went.” 

Daisy blinked, as if fighting off sleep. She swayed back and forth slightly and steadied

herself on the counter. “I’m  terribly sorry,” Daisy said, frowning. “Suddenly I felt dizzy.” She

assumed her professional smile again. “You said you were looking for something in particular?” Payne nodded. “You will have no memory that I was here the moment I leave, and you

will not remember that the Orb is even missing. You have never seen me, and I was never here.”  

Daisy swooned again for a moment, a yawn overtaking her. She blinked her eyes again

and looked around the empty shop. She frowned, glancing down at her book.

“I know it’s usually slow in the summer,” she admitted to no one. “But I’ve never nodded

off before.” She shrugged and stifled another yawn, opening her book and continuing where she

had left off.


 Los Angeles

“Angel!” Kate called out from upstairs. Spike swore. “Mate, you really can’t keep the living girls happy, can you?” He shook his

head. “I thought we agreed you wouldn’t tell her you were leaving town.” 

Angel gave Spike a dark look. “I didn’t tell her. What you said about keeping a lowprofile made sense.” 

Spike shrugged as Kate’s boots thunked on the stairs, approaching. “Great. Make it

quick. We haven’t got time for Irish good- byes.” 

“Just back off,” Angel spat toward Spike as Kate approached. “Kate,” he greeted her.  

Kate made a quick survey of the situation, spotting Spike and Druscilla in a long black 

car with darkly tinted windows. Angel stood by the driver’s side door.  “You’re leaving,” she spoke. He nodded. “Have to run some errands,” he answered. “I’ll be back.” 

“I have some news,” Kate offer ed.

Angel gestured for her to proceed.

“You’re looking for a witch, right? I mean, they are, anyway.” 

Spike exited the car. “What’s it to you, goldie?” 

“I know where she is,” Kate informed him. 

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Spike strolled to the front of the car, taking his time. “Now how would you know that?”

he queried, favoring her with a smirk.

“We managed to track her down while closing the case on your night of arson,” she


“So where is she?” Angel pressed. 

Kate looked at him, her eyes meeting his; and all at once the feeling came over her thattelling him was the wrong thing to do, that the whole plan to set up Spike and Druscilla was a

bad idea. She swallowed, hard, unable to do more than just stare at him.

“Gone mute, have you?” Spike sneered. “Suddenly realized what helping your precious

Angel will mean, eh? You tell him, and some bint gets killed.” Spike chuckled. “Her life for his,goldie. Fair trade, isn’t it?” 

Kate forced herself to ignore him. “She’s in Sunnydale.” 

Spike shook his head. “Bloody told you,  mate,” he snapped at Angel. “I’d bet she’s

already chummy with the Slayer and her English daddy.” 

Angel whirled on Spike, his hands curling into fists. “Oh, come on,” Spike hissed. “Dru

already saw that. This is hardly a newsflash.” 

“You’re sure she’s with Buffy?” Angel asked Kate. Kate nodded, hating to lie to him. “How do you think I found out?” 

Spike folded his arms. “Did you tell her we were coming? You stupid--” he moved

toward Kate, but Angel stepped in front of her, blocking him.

“She’s here to help us,” he growled. “She’s here to help you,” Spike spat. “Doesn’t give a damn about me and Dru.” He

gestured at Kate. “Probably told the Slayer all about us. She’ll have a nice little tea party waitin’

for us, all fancy dress and decked out.” Spike gave Angel a dark look. “This is a trap, mate, pureand simple. And I’m not gonna fall for it.” 

“Spike?” Druscilla called out from the car. “What’s going on?” 

Spike turned to her. “Blondie here told Angel’s ex-girlfriend that we were coming.” He

moved back toward Dru. “It’s a trap, pet.” 

Druscilla stuck her head out the window, frowning. “But I didn’t see Buffy. I saw another 

Slayer in my vision, Spike.” 

Momentarily taken aback, Spike merely stared at her dumbly.

“Faith,” Angel whispered. 

“Who’s Faith?” Kate asked.

Spike scowled, turning to face them. “That’s what I want to bloody know,” he rasped.“And how come there are two bloody Slayers? That’s impossible.” 

“It’s not impossible,” Angel began to explain. 

Spike exploded, “You knew about this! You were gonna lead us right into a trap with two

Slayers workin’ the other side.” He revealed his hunting face. “You right bastard.” 

Kate drew her pistol and stepped in front of Angel. “First I’ll wound you, then I’ll kill

her,” she threatened. “Back down, now.” 

Spike held his ground, demonic features still showing.

“Faith isn’t one of the good guys,” Angel continued. “She hates Buffy. She’s bad news.”He moved next to Kate. “If this witch is in league with her, she’s probably up to no good.”

Unspoken went his chief thought, Buffy may be in trouble. 

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Spike laughed. “Oh, now this is  rich,” he admitted. “You could care less if this witch

throws her little spell that’ll kill us all, but your knickers are in a twist because the Slayer might

 be in danger?” 

Angel s  poke, “The last time Faith teamed with someone who could use magic theysummoned a demon we almost couldn’t stop.” 

Kate remembered at once his trip to Sunnydale, one of only a few he had taken since hehad moved here, and how banged up he had been when he’d come home -- even with his

vampiric healing abilities.

Angel announced, “We gotta go help her.” 

“Love always did suit you,” Druscilla purred. “And you still want to be her knight inshining...” She snapped her fingers. “That’s it! That’s what the vision meant!” 

Spike turned to face her. “Dru?” 

Dru slipped halfway out the window, one arm gesturing. “The bad witch ran away from

us and went someplace where she could find a champion -- the other Slayer.” She tried towriggle out further but found herself caught on the front seat. “Fangs and fur, Spike. One of the

visions had fangs and fur. She’s going to do something to a werewolf. She’s going to create

some kind of Slayer werewolf!” Kate frowned. What the hell is she talking about?

“Dru,” Angel wondered, “what are you talking about?” 

“It’s so plain!” Dru cried. “She’s going to throw some kind of spell that will mix the

powers of the Slayer with the powers of a werewolf. And that beastie will be the thing that kills

us. It will be able to smell us, and feel us, and hunt us like a wolf. And we won’t be able to hide.” 

“That sounds kinda far fetched,” Angel admitted. 

Spike pointed at him. “Wait a minute. Isn’t that pint-sized sod who ruts with the

redheaded witch a werewolf?” 

“You mean Oz?” Angel guessed.

Spike shrugged. “Like I care what his name is. Right, that’s him. Little fella, never says

much, it’s his best quality. He’s right there in Sunnydale too, come to think of it. All this witchof ours has to do is convince him to play nice, and boom! Slayerdoggie. Or whatever the hell

you’d call her.” 

“I don’t know, Dru,” Angel told her. “This sounds pretty crazy.” 

“Maybe,” Spike offered, ignoring Angel, “miss witch has already captured your honey

with the help of this other Slayer -- if she really is as evil as you say -- and is gonna turn Buffy

into Poochie.” 

Angel shook his head. “Shut up, Spike.” 

“Either way, we have to get goin’.” He helped Druscilla back into the car. “Say good-bye

to the bloodbag and hurry up, would you? Sounds like we have to chop chop to Sunnydale.” He

opened the passenger’s door and slid in. “Kate,” Angel murmured, “thanks for coming to us with this.” 

Kate closed her eyes.  I hate lying to him. I just hate it. And what if Spike is right? What 

if... She shook her head. “Be careful, okay? This feels funny.” 

Angel raised an eyebrow. “Funny?” 

“Wrong,” Kate amended. 

“Of course it feels wrong. I’m traveling with Spike and Dru.” He gave her a hug. “I’ll be

careful, I promise. I’ll be back soon.” 

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“Not too soon,” Kate whispered. “The Watchers are sending a hit team after you and

Spike. They already know Spike’s in L.A.” She looked up at him. “Be careful and keep out of 

sight, okay?” 

He nodded. “You got it.” He took her hand. “So that’s why you’re really here. Thanks.” 

“Buffy knows you’re coming,” Kate added as Spike blew the horn. “She’ll help you with

Spike.” Angel gave her a brief smile. “You thought of everything.” 

Kate felt doubt well up inside her, and she reached up and drew him to her, kissing him

fully. “Please be careful,” she whispered. 

He searched her with dark eyes. “I will, I promise. And I’ll be back soon.” 

Kate nodded as he turned away and hopped into the car.   I hope so, she thought as he

started the car and drove out into the daylight.


“Get him!” Buffy snapped, tossing Xander a stake. He caught it and swiveled around, but

his target ducked low, and the stake shot over his head. The vampire leapt up, his shoulder

catching Xander in the ribs and driving them both sideways and off their feet, down into the dirt.

Buffy saw out of the corner of her eye that Xander had fallen, but she couldn’t spare a

moment to help him. Two vampires advanced on her, one swinging a length of chain and the

other one darting and thrusting with a knife. Buffy feinted with her stake and grunted in pain as

she felt the chain wrap around her wrist. Surprised, she dropped the wooden pick, but dodged the

kick that followed. She managed to grasp the chain and yank on it; the vampire refused to let go,

but Buffy proved stronger and he went down on his backside. Buffy pulled the chain free and

whirled it at the other vampire; a lucky blow, she brought the metal down across his cheek,

sending him spinning to the ground. She grabbed his dropped knife and leapt atop him, drivingthe dagger into his throat and cutting through his neck. Three more cuts and his head severed,

rolling off; the vampire disintegrated, and the other one kicked her, smacking her shoulder and

sending her sprawling across a fresh grave.

Xander struggled with his vampire, who had him pinned in an embrace but lacked the

leverage to bite him. Xander pressed the stake against the vampire’s cheek, which was all hecould do with his arms restricted. He pushed, the sharp oaken blade piercing the skin. The

vampire howled in pain and released him, backing away and rising to his feet. He pulled the

stake out of his mouth. “That really hurts!” the vampire howled, the hole in his cheek creating anaccompanying whistle to his words.

“Not as much as this will. Holey mouth, meet holy water,” Xander spat as he pulled a

water pistol and fired directly into the vampire’s face. The undead being shrieked as his skinwent up in smoke, and Xander retrieved the dropped stake and buried it in his chest. Dust blew

outward and Xander threw up an arm to protect his face from the cloud of ash. When he lowered

it, he saw a half-dozen vampires standing near the huge mausoleum with the wolf statue on top.

Their lair, he realized. “Buff,” he called out. “Cavalry’s comin’ and they don’t look happy.” 

“Cavalry?” Buffy repeated, blocking a punch from her assailant. “Who? Giles?” 

Xander replied as the six began to move, “Uh, Buff? Their cavalry.” 

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Buffy backhanded her opponent, sending the vampire stumbling directly toward Xander,

who turned and staked him in the back. He disintegrated. “Well,” Buffy spoke, “at least we

evened the odds a little.” 

“Slayer,” one of them called in a thick Russian accent. “Tonight I will take revenge onyou for Grigori and Piotr. I will do to you what you did to them.” He stepped forward, a wide

sickle gleaming in his hand. “I will make you pay for the harm you have done my family.” Buffy furrowed her brow. “What? Could you possibly be any more vague? I have no cluewhat you’re babbling about.” 

The lead vampire, a bald male with a thick black mustache, scowled. “You are not the

Slayer,” he hissed. “News to me,” Buffy replied. 

A flash of understanding dawned on Xander. “Buffy?” 

“Not now, Xander,” she said, shifting to her right to get a better position on them. 

“I think he means you’re not the Slayer he’s looking for.” 

Buffy raised an eyebrow. “Then he better look harder, because I’m the only...” She

glanced at Xander. “No way. No way!” 

A stake thudded home in one of the vampires, and he erupted into nothingness. Buffy andXander shared a look. “Yes way, Buff.” They sprang into action. 

Buffy went after sickle-man, ducking under his wild swing and slamming him in the gut,

knocking him backward. She spun around and kicked the nearest vampire, knocking him off 

balance as well.

Xander dropped into a somersault, heading for the vampire along the far right end of the

group; the vamp hopped up in the air over his rolling attacker. Xander rose to his feet behind the

vampire, and as the undead warrior landed, Xander staked him. “The old tuck and roll,” hesmiled, withdrawing the stake as the vampire exploded. “Gets ‘em every time.” 

Faith came crashing through the trees, a stake in either hand. She leapt to cover distance

more quickly and landed where Buffy and Xander had stood; she spun around to face the

vampires and threw both stakes at once. One landed dead on target, piercing the heart of a

vampire; the other lodged itself in the throat of the only undead attacker left who had not been

assaulted yet. He staggered back, ichorish blood seeping from the wound.

Buffy leapt up before sickle-man could regain his balance and kicked him in the jaw. He

stumbled back, and she threw the stake, point blank, killing him. She caught the sickle as it fell

toward the ground and rolled into a crouch, avoiding the sharp kick of another vampire. She rose

from the crouch and slashed with the sickle, separating her attacker’s head from his shoulders.The body fizzled as it fell, and the head burst before it hit the ground.

Only the vampire whose throat had been impaled remained, and he had fallen to his

hands and knees. Faith moved up to him and kicked him, her thick boot toe catching him in the

temple. “That’s for Rickey, you stupid commie fuck,” she growled as the vampire fell to theground, still clutching at his throat.

“Just kill him,” Buffy told her. 

Faith flipped her the bird. “A little suffering’s in order. These jerkoffs killed my friend.” 

Buffy moved on Faith, faster than the dark Slayer would have imagined, and pushed her

out of the way. She sliced downward with the sickle, beheading this one too, ending its unlife in

a shower of dust.

She turned to Faith. “I’m sorry they killed your friend. But don’t torture them, just killthem. It may be more than they deserve but at least you can prove you’re better than they are.” 

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Faith stood up. “Don’t tell me how to do the job, B. I’ve been doin’ it two years on my

own, without a team of pathetic tag-alongs, and I’m doin’ just fine.” 

Buffy regarded her opposite. “Faith, what are you doing in town?” 

The dark Slayer shrugged. “I never said I wasn’t coming back.” 

“Answer the question,” Buffy spat. 

“Huntin’ these guys,” she responded. Buffy gestured around. “Well, they’re dead. So you have no reason to stay.” 

Faith nodded. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. Town’s never big enough for anyone but you, B. That


“Something like that,” Buffy told her.“Guys,” Xander interjected. “Before this becomes the newest episode of Celebrity Death

Match, can I remind you we’re all on the same side here? We hold the pointy things and we stick 

them in the vampires. That puts us all on the same team.” He looked at Faith, whose dark eyes

glared at Buffy, and Buffy, who stared right back. “Truce, okay? There’s no need to escalate thisinto who can break the other’s ribs first.” 

“I’m up for it,” Faith challenged Buffy. 

Buffy shook her head. “No you’re not, Faith. You laid around on your ass in bed for twoyears. That’s two year’s experience and two years training I gained on you. You are so not ready

for this.” 

Faith folded her arms. “I’m not scared of you.” 

“You should be,” Buffy grunted. Xander moved between them, though they still stood a dozen paces apart. “Buffy, Faith,

chill. Same side in my book means no fighting with one another. I’m not talking slumber party

here, but I am saying -- to both of you -- back off and cool down.” 

Faith sneered, “What you gonna do about it?” 

Buffy shook her head. “He’s right, Faith.” She looked over at Xander. “I hate to admit it,

 but he’s right.” She forced herself to relax, the tension slowly ebbing from her body. “I don’t

care if you stay in town or not. Just don’t do anything to piss me off.” 

Faith chuckled. “That’s a pretty long list.” 

“Yeah, it is,” Buffy agreed. “So do yourself a favor and stay the hell off it, okay?” 

Faith locked eyes with Buffy. “This isn’t over.” 

“No,” Buffy concurred, “but you’ll be sorry when it is.” 


“That bitch,” Buffy snapped as they got out of Xander’s old beater. “Like she can come

 back here and just settle down or something.” 

Xander shook his head. “Yeah, it’s tough havin’ help against the vampires.” 

Buffy stopped. “You want her here?” 

He held up his hands. “I’m not sayin’ that, Buff. I’m just sayin’, you know, if you guys

could work things out, it’d mean some major bad news for the undead community. Not to

mention a night off now and then so we could go out or something.” 

Buffy ignored his explanation. “Xander, this is Faith we’re talking here, not someone we

can trust. She’s still a psycho bitch. Or did you forget about how she’s tried to kill us all a bunch

of times?” 

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“I didn’t forget,” Xander replied as they started walking again. “And she’s not way up

there on my ‘people I trust’ list either. But Buffy, we worked with the Initiative -- for a while,

anyway -- and we’ve even worked with Spike. We can handle them, we can handle her.” 

“Not until I know what she’s up to,” Buffy responded, reaching up and clanging theknocker on Giles’ door. 

The Englishman answered a moment later. “Buffy, Xander. Is anything the matter?” Buffy nodded vigorously. “You betcha there is. Can we come in?” 

Giles adjusted his glasses. “Now?” 

Buffy folded her arms. “No, tomorrow afternoon, right after tea time. Yes, now.” 

Giles shrugged. “Very well,” he assented, opening the door wider and letting them in.Buffy blinked as she entered; the lights had been dimmed, and a flame crackled in the fireplace

despite it being early summer. A bottle of half empty Merlot sat on the coffee table, and two

glasses stood near it. Buffy spotted an extremely long and shapely pair of legs jutting out from

Giles’ easy chair; she followed them up to the short green dress that failed to cover them, or much of anything else, and her jaw dropped a fraction to see Payne examining her, and Xander,

with a bemused smile.

“Hello, Buffy,” Payne greeted her. “Rupert didn’t tell me we’d be having company.” Buffy’s eyes went wide as saucers as she turned on Giles.

“Looks like our timing was nothin’ to brag about,” Xander spoke softly. 

Giles stared down at Buffy, a tad irritated. “Well, what’s so important?” 

Buffy forced herself to breathe. You’ve known her like less than a whole day and already

 you’re trying to... with her... and... “Um...” she managed to wheeze out. 

Giles raised an eyebrow.

“We ran into Faith,” Xander provided. Giles glanced at him and back at Buffy. “I see. Are you injured?” he wondered. 

Stiffly, Buffy shook her head no.

“Xander, you?” 

He shrugged. “Fit as a fiddle.” 

Giles frowned at her. “Is that it, then? You saw Faith. Anything else?” 

“That about covers it,” Xander told him.

The Englishman nodded. “I see. Well, be careful, Buffy. You two weren’t the best of friends before she had to kill Ethan. I’m sure she might feel some residual anger about that and

may be misplacing it on you.” He glanced over at Xander. “Keep an extra eye on her if you can.” 

Xander nodded, surprised by Giles’ abruptness. Buffy’s jaw worked back and forth inplace, her lips moving, her mouth attempting to form words; nothing came out.

“I will,” Xander promised. “Time to go, Buffy,” he murmur ed, touching her on the


She looked over at him, eyes still wide. She snapped her head back to look at Giles.

“Giles!” she managed to blurt out. 

“Buffy,” he replied with thinning patience. 

“Faith,” she uttered. “Here.” She paused, trying to work through the implications. “Bad.” 

“Buffy, I know Faith is in town. I’m not sure why, exactly, though I agree we shoulddiscuss this. I’ll give you a call in the morning.” He looked back toward the living room, where

Payne sat painted golden by the firelight.

“You knew??” Buffy charged. 

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“We all knew,” Giles admitted. “All of us who were at Oz’s bachelor party.” Giles

removed his glasses and cleaned them on his shirttail, which hung outside his pants. “I’ll call you

in the morning, I promise.” 

“Let’s go, little Slayer,” Xander spoke quietly. “Before you start breaking things.” 

Buffy looked over at Xander. “Okay,” she said in a quiet voice. She allowed him to steer 

her out of Giles’ apartment before she whirled on him and yelled, “You knew too?” Xander put his hands in his pockets. Here it comes. “Yeah, Buff, I knew.” 

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she queried, her voice still raised. 

“Because we wanted you guys to enjoy the wedding. Willow already had enough to

worry about without looking out for trailer trash psycho Slayer.” 

“But this is Faith we’re talking about--” 

“I know,” Xander spoke softly. “I know all of that, Buff. I didn’t skip any chapters, I

know the whole story, all of it. But me and Giles and Oz thought it would be better if Willow and

you and the girls didn’t have to deal with it.” He raised his shoulders. “Why ruin everybody’sgood time?” 

Buffy pointed a finger at him. “That’s why you guys were all playing lookout at the

reception last night!” Xander nodded. “Guilty as charged.” He stuffed  his hands in his pockets. “You’re not

mad, are you? We were doin’ it for the right reason.” 

Buffy gave him a long look. “I’m a little mad,” she assented. 

“Mad enough to hit me?” he wondered, taking a step back. Buffy frowned at him and exhaled, a long breath, letting the air pour out of her. “No,” she

admitted quietly. She scowled. “Wait. Maybe.” She turned and looked back at Giles’ door. “And

he’s in there with witch woman, and they were definitely...” Buffy shuddered. Xander moved toward her, taking her hand. “I find it’s just a lot better all the way around

if you don’t imagine grown-ups having sex.” 

“Xander!” Buffy scolded him. “Ew!” 

“Hey, I saw that dress,” he countered. “And a dress like that only means one thing. Andit’s not ‘sale at Macy’s.” 

Buffy looked back at Giles’ door and frowned again, her brow furrowing. “I guess we’re

on our own with that ambush we’re gonna lay for Spike,” she murmured. Xander nodded. “We best get hoppin’ on that, Buff. Those Russkie vampires ate up a

good half hour.” 

Buffy turned to face him. “We couldn’t just let them go! There were five of them. Plusthose other six...” She spat on the ground. “If I had known they were after Faith, I woulda

ignored them.” 

“Too bad we can’t use Faith in our little ambush plan,” Xander mentioned as they started

toward his car. “Spike doesn’t know about psycho Slayer. He only knows about the good one.”  

Buffy rolled her eyes as he unlocked the door. “Jesus, those two were meant for one


Xander nodded as he started the car. “Sort of like the exact opposite of you and Angel in

every single way.” 

Buffy gave him a tart look. “Just drive. We’re runnin’ out of time.” 

He nodded and peeled off out of the parking lot.

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 Los Angeles

“Roger that,” Starkey’s clipped English accent whispered into his headset.

“They’re here?” Karina Lopez asked beside him, honey-brown eyes wide in anticipation.Starkey didn’t care for bringing a sixteen year old girl along on the strike team, even if she did

have more vampire kills than years on this planet.

“If they are, they’re playing hard to get,” Starkey relayed.“So how come we get to watch the door?” Karina queried. Her fingers twitched on the

stake; clearly, she was eager for some action.

“In case anything gets by the other three, we get to take ‘em out,” Starkey murmured.“We get any cowards, any runners. May seem like we’re just watchin’ everyone’s asses, but

we’ll see our share of action if these two’re home.” 

“This is bravo four.” The thick eastern European cadence identified the speaker as Taltos.

His first language was obviously not English, and at times his words sounded like he read them

from a poorly written translation guide. “All upstairs offices is clean. Nobody is being here.” “Check,” Starkey’s fellow Englishman, Daube, answered. “The third floor is clear too.

Looks like nobody’s been up here in a while.” 

Bravo leader had opted to take the basement. The most likely place for any vampires to

be, he knew full well that he might be walking into a two-on-one trap, and Spike, better known

as William the Bloody, and Druscilla made an excellent team, by all accounts. Bravo leader

adjusted his night vision goggles and peered about.  Be easier if they gave off a heat signature, we

could just use infra-red. But vampires are room temperature, the bastards. He backpedaled and

checked the bedroom area again; telltale signs betrayed that someone, or someones, had been

here recently. A shirt still lay strewn over the back of a chair, the sheets on the bed had been

made, and a book lay on the night stand. Bravo leader checked the closet; finding nothing, he

concluded sourly that their prey had already eluded them.“Team, this is Bravo leader. I’m gonna hit the lights. I think we’re empty here.” Murmurs

of assent came over the headset, and Bravo leader removed his goggles and hit the light switch.

A dim bulb came on, barely brightening the room. He glanced about again, but if anything the

light confirmed his suspicion that someone had been here and left in a hurry. A dresser drawer

lay ajar, and matches had been left near a row of candles on a shelf over the bed.

Before he could inspect the room any further, he heard someone coming down the stairs.

He moved out of the bedroom to see who approached, gun raised on the off chance Spike or

Druscilla had managed to subdue one of the strike team and were headed for him. The weapon

he held resembled a machine gun, but it shot a compressed stream of water with surprising

accuracy and range. He raised the nozzle and waited.  Better than bullets. If you hit one of your 

own, they just get wet.“Peter,” he greeted the newcomer. “Geoff,” Peter returned. “Anything?” 

Geoff shook his head, running a hand through his close-cropped brown hair. “They left in

a hurry, I’ll give you that. Didn’t take much with them.” 

“You’re sure they were here?” Peter asked. “If the sources check out. And they have no reason to lie.” 

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Peter nodded, curling one corner of his lip up in a frown. “So, what next? We missed

them here, that’s for sure.” 

Geoff replied, “Take a look around the kitchen area, see if they’ve left any blood in the

fridge or anything. That might give us a clue how long they planned on being away, or if they’recoming back.” 

Peter moved out at once toward the kitchen.“Simon, talk to me,” Geoff requested. “All ground level areas is being uninhabited for long time. Doors is being locked in

manner supposing never using.” He paused, then continued. “Is being ghost town up here.” 

“Right,” Geoff told him. “Come on down here. We’ll finish checking the living areas and

get on the road. Maybe we can find some clue where they were going without having to beat up

or pay off somebody to get it.” 

“Check,” Simon agreed. “Am being on the way.” 

Geoff allowed himself a small grin at Simon’s butchering of the language and moved

back into the bedroom, almost willing some clues to appear. We know they came to L.A., and we

know they came here. But after this, the trail is cold. And I don’t want to have to call in and tell 

them we missed Spike again. I want him bagged on my watch. He shrugged, wondering at thelikelihood of anyone ever taking down Spike, when the book on the nightstand caught his eye

again. He moved over and inspected it; a plain leather-bound cover offered no sign, but the spine

read in neat gold lettering THE COLLECTED WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Geoff shook his

head. “Not exactly what I would have pegged for Spike’s bedtime reading,” he mused aloud,opening to the bookmark and noting that it sat lodged in the middle of Romeo and Juliet. “ Really 

not what I expected Spike to be reading,” he muttered, closing the book and placing it back on

the night stand, right next to a small framed photograph.

Of Buffy Summers.

Geoff bent over and looked again, but there was no mistaking that smile, the long blonde

hair, or the warm look she gave the camera. Briefly, in college, Geoff had known that look 

himself, in the six months he and Buffy had dated, before he’d left to pursue his doctorate work at Cambridge. They had broken it off prior to his leaving; better for both of them, they had

agreed, and they had left with no hard feelings. And until this moment Geoff hadn’t given Buffy

a great deal of thought, or he’d tried not to, anyway. Somehow she managed to intrude on hisconsciousness occasionally now that he worked for the Watcher’s Council. Funny, that. 

 If this is Buffy’s picture, then this must be Angel’s apartment. And if Spike and Druscillahave come to see Angel, that means that he’s not Angel any more, but Angelus. And that means...  

Geoff tore out of the bedroom in a shot. “I know where they are,” he spoke into his mike. 

“Come again?” Peter wondered. 

“A little more, bravo leader,” Starkey requested. 

“I’ll explain on the way,” Geoff informed them. “Right now I want Peter and John to setthe incendiaries. This place is a definite vampire lair, and I want it destroyed. I don’t want

anyone coming back here and having a place to hide. Everybody understand?” 

They all chimed in that they did.

“Good. And let’s make it fast, people.” Geoff stopped abruptly and moved ba ck into

Angel’s bedroom, snatching the picture of Buffy off the nightstand and freeing it from the frame.

He slipped it carefully in his pocket and left to join Simon and Karina outside as John and Peter

got to work setting the charges.

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“You  sure this is a good idea?” Faith wondered as she wrapped her hand around the

coffee mug. “I don’t care how late it is, we’re takin’ a risk meetin’ in public like this.”  Payne shook her head. “No we’re not.” She sipped on her iced mocha. “Rupert’s home

asleep with a head full of wine. The werewolf and his bride got on a plane to Aruba this

morning. That leaves Buffy and Xander.” Payne closed her eyes for a moment. “And they are preoccupied on the other side of town, hunting a vampire.” 

Faith looked over at her. “You got one of your little guys watchin’ her?” 

“Only from a distance,” Payne responded. “Buffy’s senses are a little heightened, from being the Slayer for so long. She would probably pick up on a homunculus if it got too close.”

Payne shrugged. “And never during the day; they’re pretty easy to see in daylight, and if a

chicken hawk happens to be flying by...” 

Faith nodded. “So what’d you want to talk to me about?” 

“You got the information on the Boroznys I promised. I saw that you took care of them. Nice work.” 

Faith grunted. “Yeah. And miss girl scout Buffy had to come along and join the party.” 

“Buffy could be a powerful ally in all of this, if you let her, Faith,” Payne pointed out.

“She stands to gain from the werewolf spell as well. It will make her life easier too.” 

“I don’t want an easier life,” Faith growled in response. “I told you, I’m no good at

fightin’ evil. I just like to kill stuff. I’ll work with you because it means I get to dust a lottavamps, but you never said nothin’ about workin’ with Buffy. That I ain’t gonna do.” 

Payne raised a hand. “You won’t have to. I said it would be better for her. Doesn’t matter 

for us -- as long as I have you, I don’t need her.” 

Faith gave her a dark look. “So you just need any Slayer to lead the se guys? I mean, once

you’ve converted them.” Payne’s dark eyes glittered. “Do you have any idea how much of a strain it was to even

create werewolves in the first place?” she asked. “Demons occurred naturally, more or less. Theywere here in one form or another since the world was formed. Evil didn’t have to lift a finger to

create its minions. But good had to work like a bitch, and even then the werewolves weren’t

anything to write home about. They’re stupid, they don’t remember anything, they can’t control

themselves, and they can only spread their numbers by biting other people -- which they can’t

even do on purpose. Ahura -- fate, whatever you want to call it -- purposely left them unfinished

so that they wouldn’t spread over the land and overtake mank ind. Sure, it wanted warriors that

would be able to stand up to vampires, but it didn’t want them overrunning the place.” 

Faith shook her head. “Whatever. I’m not big on the ancient history.” 

“Even when it pertains to you?” Payne queried. Faith frowned. “Go on.” 

“So,” Payne continued, “when they made Slayers , they did it a little better. One at a time,

that was to make sure the Slayers didn’t run amuck, same as the werewolves. But since there

would only be one, and she could control it, she could be aware of what she was and why she

was the way she was.” Payne stirred her mocha. “Even if you did have kids, they wouldn’t beSlayers, assuming they were girls. You can’t make any more Slayers unless you die. That’s the

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control mechanism, so even if one of you goes bad or gets out of hand, all they have to do is kill


“Nice idea,” Faith spat. “Expendable guardian.” 

“In essence,” Payne agreed. “Because it’s the war that’s important, not the soldiers. Butwhen we tip that balance and make the werewolves intelligent, they’ll be aware of what they are

doing, just like you are. For a while most of them will still only be powerful three days out of month, sure, which gives you the advantage and makes you a natural choice for leader.” 

“Why me?” Faith asked. “Why not Buffy? She’s been a Slayer longer.” 

Payne leaned closer to Faith. “Because she doesn’t have the stones that you do. Buffy’s a

fighter, sure, and she’s willing to go the distance to do the right thing. And she’s pretty powerful.But you, Faith, you have no family to protect. No loved ones to go home to.” Payne folded her 

arms. “You’ll commit to this fight in a way that Buffy never would. You’re the perfect choice.” 

“Why’s that?” Faith pondered. 

“Because you like to kill things,” Payne replied, smiling. “And there will be a lot  of 

killing once this all starts, Faith. And I can already tell that you’ll never get tired of it.” Payne sat

  back in her chair. “Buffy maintains the illusion that she can still lead a normal life, with a

boyfriend and a mother and friends to go to the movies with and all of that.” She shook her head.“You harbor no such fantasies. You already know that living this life means abandoning your 

other life. Your normal life. You understand that commitment, and I need that, Faith. I need you

for this. I can’t do it without you.” She shrugged. “I could change the werewolves, of course. But

for what comes after... no, for that I need you.” 

“So,” Faith spoke, drinking more coffee, “what comes after?” 

“War,” Payne admitted. “Once the werewolves realize their true purpose, and once they

can start working toward it, they’re going to declare war on the vampires. We’re going to have battles like you’ve never seen. Armies of werewolves and hordes of vampires, all trying to wipe

each other out. The entire planet will be engulfed in it.” 

“Three days a month,” Faith spat back. “When the moon’s out, anyway.” 

“In the beginning, sure,” Payne agreed. “That’s why I’ll need you. To lead them whenthey’re not werewolves too. Once they realize what their true calling is, they’ll commit to it, like

you have. They won’t just fight at night, Faith. They’ll start fighting during the day, in human

form, when the vampires can’t strike back.” 

Faith leaned forward, propping herself up on her elbows. “You got a serious jones for

killin’ vampires, you know that? Almost as bad as mine. What’s they ever do to you?” 

Payne regarded her. “Do they have to do anything to anybody? They exist, Payne.Humanity will never be safe while they walk the Earth. And I want my race -- our race -- to be

safe in this world.” 

Faith snickered. “You’re doin’ this all for the good of humanity?” 

“Something like that,” Payne ceded. She frowned darkly as Faith merely laughed.


“Not the mansion,” Spike growled as Angel made a wide turn onto Wilkins boulevard.

“Why not the mansion?” Angel queried. “Because that’s where your little Slayer girlfriend would be waitin’ for us, that’s why.” 

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Angel glanced over. “I thought she was supposed to be kidnapped by this witch,” he


“Dru’s the magician,” Spike groused, jerking a thumb back toward Dru, who had fallen

asleep. “She’s supposed to be the one who knows where this witch is, anyway.” 

“Face it, Spike,” Angel commented, turning away from the old mansion where he used to

live and heading back toward town, “you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re just making thisup as you go along and hoping to get lucky.” 

Spike gave Angel an ugly look. “You know, might be a damned bit of help if you’d wise

up and lend a hand. You’re gonna be a little pile of dust like the rest of us if she gets her way.

Don’t you forget that.” 

“I haven’t forgotten,” Angel told him. “So where to? The factory?” 

“Hell no,” Spike replied. “No place we’ve ever been to.” 

“I thought Buffy was supposed to be at the mansion,” Angel spoke. “She can’t be both

 places, Spike.” 

“She can if there are two of her. Two Slayers, I mean. Bloody hell, what a nightmare.”

He shook his head. “Was that your idea?” 

“What?” Angel asked, slowing down at a red light. “Two Slayers. That’s something so twisted only you could think it up. I mean the real

you, not this little goody two shoes you are now.” 

Angel sighed as the light changed. “Actually, the Master did it. He killed Buffy, and a

new Slayer was born. Kendra. And she--” 

Spike slapped his forehead. “Bloody hell! I knew that name sounded familiar. Dru

bagged her. In that old school they used to go to, the one that burned down. When she and I were

making a deal to take care of you.” 

Angel stared at Spike. “Buffy worked with you against me?” 

Spike nodded, grinning. “Old news, mate. And that was pre-reform you, when you were

who you’re supposed to be, and not the pantywaist do-gooder you are now.” 

Angel shook his head, running a yellow light. “So where are we headed?” 

The blond vampire looked out the window, deep in thought.

“We need information,” Dru announced from the back seat. “We need to know what all

the little girls and boys have been up to in Buffyvale since we left, and we need to know here

they like to play these days.” 

Spike nodded. “Dru’s right. Head to that Englishman’s place. I’ll beat it out of him.” 

“I’m not gonna let you beat anything out of Giles,” Angel informed him. “Besides, Spike,it’s almost two in the morning. Giles is asleep.” 

Spike growled, “You’re gonna have to decide to help us sooner or later, mate. Maybe you

should let us out of the car right now, if you’re gonna switch sides on us.” 

Angel coasted to a red light. He glanced out the window, his dark eyes playing idly over

the inhabitants of a coffee shop. He felt a familiar tingle in his gut, and he looked over to see

Faith, obviously sensing him as well, staring right at him. “You might not wanna get out here,”

Angel murmured.

“Alright then,” Spike concurred. “Bloody drive.” 

Angel noted briefly the other woman who sat across the table from Faith, similar looking

but older, and darker skinned. Her black eyes made contact with his and he sensed something

older, felt the brief touch of a powerful mind. Then he drove off, before Faith had the chance to

do anything stupid and get herself killed.

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“She’s close,” Druscilla quivered from the back seat. 

“Pet, where?” Spike asked, leaning over the seat to face her. “Can you find her?” 

Druscilla was about to reply when Angel cut in, “Willy’s.” 

“Willy’s?” Druscilla wondered.

“You know, the snitch? The guy who serves vampires and demons?” 

“That sod?” Spike wondered. “The one who’s afraid of all of us?” “He’ll be willing to help us, Spike. And he’ll know what’s going on in town.” 

Druscilla nodded in the back seat. “I like his fear. It tastes like really sweet butter spread

all over a nice, hot scone.” 

Spike nodded. “Right. Take us to the groveling snitch. He’ll let us know where theSlayer’s little trap is, and then we can avoid her and get on with killing this witch.” 

The drive to Willy’s didn’t take long, and Angel parked the long black car toward the far 

end of the parking lot to avoid being seen. He’d never really cared all that much for Willy,

though the snitch had his uses.  He’s the kind of person Angelus would use. That’s why I don’t 

like him. The three vampires exited the car and walked quietly toward the door. Angel opened it

and entered the dimly lit bar. Spike and Druscilla followed close behind, taking in the demonic

and vampiric clientele.Without warning a baseball bat descended and clonked Druscilla on the head; she

slumped to the ground like a sack of potatoes, a berette slipping out of her glossy dark mane.

Spike switched to his hunting face as he swiveled to confront Buffy, holding the baseball

bat toward him like a sword.

“You bitch!” he roared. “She better not be hurt!” 

Xander popped up from behind the bar, brandishing the lone electro-stun rifle they had

managed to save from the collapse of the Initiative. He fired the weapon at Spike, twin tendrils

of energy snaking around in the air; but somehow Spike spotted Xander in time, and he dove to

the floor. The electric bolts, failing to find their intended target, forked over and zapped Angel.

The dark-haired vampire gasped in pain and fell flat on his back.

“Xander!” Buffy hissed. Spike rolled over quickly, avoiding Buffy’s swipe with the baseball bat, and kicked a

stool in her direction. Though it didn’t hurt her, it did slow her down, and Spike was able to get

to his feet and prepare himself for her attack. The whine of the rifle recharging behind him

alerted the pale-haired vampire, however, and Spike cast a brief but longing glance at Druscilla

as he bolted toward the back door. Buffy leapt after him, but Spike had a decent lead. “Zap him!”

Buffy called to Xander.

He pressed the trigger, aiming at Spike’s fleeing back, but the gun crackled and hissed;

nothing issued from the barrel. “Dammit!” Xander swore. 

“I’m going after him,” Buffy announced, cracking the bat over the side of the pool table

and wielding a long, sharp stake. “You watch out for Druscilla.” 

Buffy paused as she exited the main room of the bar. “And apologize to Angel when he

comes to.” 

Xander made an ‘x’ over his heart. “Promise. Good hunting.” 

Buffy followed Spike into the sewers with a splash.

* * * 

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