Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

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Page 1: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Business Management TechniquesBy Brendan Burr

Page 2: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

Table of Contents


TASK 1 - 3 -

Establish the project resources and requirements. - 3 -Solution:- - 3 -

TASK 2 - 6 -

Produce a plan with appropriate time scales for completing the project. - 6 -

Solution:- - 6 -

TASK 3 - 8 -

Identify human resource needs and costs associated with each stage of the project. - 8 -

Solution:- - 8 -




Books - 11 -

Catalogues - 11 -

Websites - 11 -


Page 3: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

Task 1

Establish the project resources and requirements.


The time constraint of this project is an obvious factor in determining what type of project I was going to do. Realistically the project time frame is around five months, beginning at the start of 2011. There were a couple of months at the end of 2010 where I had time to determine a number of project ideas and work out which project to do. I based my decision on the amount of time I thought it would take to overcome any problems and finish the project within the time scales.I estimated that it will take approximately two weeks to take delivery of components which have been ordered from online electronic suppliers. Taking this into account I had to allow a suitable time between ordering the necessary components and beginning the build of the circuitry, when producing the plan.I also had to take into account the holidays that the college have, so that any equipment requirements such as computers, software etc. would be available when it was required.Similarly to holidays I had to take into account the requirements of the other units in the course, so that I could ensure the project wouldn’t affect the quality of the assignments I had to hand in.

The equipment required to complete the project was not fully known at first, so this was something I needed to consider quite intimately before applying it into the plan. Initially my project was going to be fairly straightforward, and simply test my existing knowledge, with its success being purely on my implementation of the plan. However as I progressed it became clear to me that I could receive advice and guidance from a colleague at work, which pushed me to widen the parameters of the project and integrate better features to it. This more complex project required me to learn a massive amount about programming in “C” language, as well as implementing electronic hardware so that I could get the necessary results. This substantially increased my workload by about three times the amount of the original project idea, however the amount I managed to learn from it was expansive and very beneficial.My work colleague was only available to give me training on Friday afternoons, so it was important for me to schedule my project around this weekly progression. The availability of this training session was often limited, either due to him have a high work load or being on holiday etc. Also there was only one workstation with the necessary software loaded to perform the required emulations of the circuitry and code. These availability hazards meant that there were going to be weeks where there was no progress made with the project, so a damping effect had to be added into the plan.


Page 4: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

I had two options for the funding of the project, either I self fund the project or I am lucky enough to get a department at work to purchase the components for me. Fortunately my colleague who was helping me with the programming and hardware assembly of the project also had access to purchasing parts. This allowed me to buy better components and spend more money on the project than was initially intended. At the start of the project, during the write up of the design specification, I decided that I didn’t want to spend any more than £30 on the project. However with the availability of a larger budget, the project cost pushed above £100, mainly due to the £40 LCD that had been implemented rather than a very cheap seven segment display from the initial design.

I knew straight away that I could make use of the various features in the MultiSim 10 Design Suite. There is an MCU module integrated into the software, which allows you to write code and then load it onto the relevant PIC and then watch the circuit come to life. I have managed to get access to the MultiSim software on my laptop, which would have enabled me to have a readily available resource whilst everybody else was restricted to the college’s copy. When I started my training sessions in programming, I became aware that there was only one out of hundreds of types of PIC microcontroller available within MultiSim, so it wouldn’t be very useful. Instead design software called Proteus offers identical characteristics but with a much larger component library, allowing me to simulate exact components.

During the project manufacturing process, I will require access to a number of things which will help ensure safe working and correct operation of final circuit produced.Materials/Components – I will have to ensure that parts are ordered in good time as the lead time on some items can be as long as weeks. The parts list needed to be prepared in good time and to a high level of accuracy so that when it came to ordering parts it was a case of simply clicking on the web link in the excel spreadsheet.Electrical Manufacturing Equipment – I need access to a soldering station as well as the numerous tools necessary to trim and manipulate the electronic components. Without the correct tools the components could be damaged resulting in added expense to the project.PIC Compiling Hardware – It is important that the code I write can be loaded into the PIC 18F4550, the only way to do this is specialist Compiling Hardware which links to a host computer and allows the code to be loaded directly into the chip via additional circuitry.ESD Precautions – The wiring inside of Integrated Circuit Chips is thinner than a strand of human hair, and is incredibly fragile when exposed to spikes of electricity. From simply walking across a carpet it is likely that a static charge has been built up sufficient of melting this wiring. For this reason it is incredibly important to ensure grounding at all times when handling exposed circuitry components, especially the £40 LCD. During the manufacturing process I will need to ensure I maintain the same potential as the circuit, to prevent any unnecessary damage.


Page 5: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

9 Volt Power Supply Unit – When manufacturing various stages of the circuit, such as the 5V Regulator, it will be important to carry out some small tests to ensure that the circuit is wired correctly. If the 5V Regulator does not provide the necessary 5V at its outputs then the IC’s which operate off of 5V will be damaged, again resulting in unnecessary expense to the project.

I have decided that my project does not need to meet the necessary industry standards, such as BS EN ISO 9453:2006 (Soft solder alloys, Chemical compositions and forms standard), as this would make the project more technical than it already is. Also the device will be used for personal use, so I do not feel that there is any need for the complexities of introducing standards.

During the testing stages of the project I will require access to a number of things, which will ensure that the project is working as specified originally.Four Audio Inputs – this will allow me to test and see that all of the channels are receiving their source waveforms and that they can deliver the source signal to the output.Transmitter and Headphones – Connected to the output I will require the wireless transmitter and the headphones that the project is being designed for. This will enable me to ensure that the input signal is being received at the output.9 Volt Power Supply Unit – I will need a constant supply of DC Power to the circuitry to ensure that there are no external disturbances when testing. This would ensure that if there are any errors then they are internal, i.e. to do with the software or hardware, rather than external, i.e. power surges or voltage anomalies.


Page 6: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

Task 2

Produce a plan with appropriate time scales for completing the project.


Please find the Gantt Chart in Appendix 1.

Naturally there were differences between the plan and actual events. I created the plan slightly after the first few events, so evidently they immediately went to 100% progress and were completed on time. The design stage was primarily completed on time, with regards to the conceptual designs, however a change in circumstances in this area cause a redesign stage also. Because of placement moves I now had access to programming weekly sessions, which meant that the project could become far more sophisticated. I edited one of my conceptual designs to suit a new possibility of introducing a user interface, through the use of push buttons and an LCD screen. This caused a slight delay in the evaluation of the conceptual designs from February to early March.The change also meant that I didn’t get a complete circuit design until nearly the end of the project because it was important to work on individual stages so that they could be completely understood and configured appropriately before moving on. This meant that the planned finish date for a final design was pushed from late March to late April, increasing pressure in this area.The Parts List was completed on time, as I was able to figure out the components required as well as the number necessary to complete the project. The purchase of these parts came at staggered intervals compared to the one off purchase in the plan. I soon realised that it was suitable to buy prototyping boards so that the individual segments of the circuit could be tested before implementing them onto a PCB or simple stripboard. I was fortunate as the majority of the parts were available at my workplace so didn’t cost me anything, however there were items which did require me to go and personally finance their acquisition.The manufacturing stage suffered a similar shift to the right. I had difficulty coming to grips with some programming features, to the extent that I would be sat for hours and not have made any significant progress. It was simply a case of trial and error in the learning phase, which meant that my plans for spending a week on a subject could quite easily double. There was also the factor that my tutor at work was not always available on the designated days of teaching, so I could spend multiple weeks without learning anything new or making progress with the project. This was something I had not allowed for in my plan so everything was occurring at once rather than step by step as planned.Finally due to the randomisation in the production of the project it was often difficult to do a write up as I was unsure what parts of the code


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Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

needed changing. Because of this I didn’t want to begin evaluating the code as it could have been a waste of time, as sections would quickly be taken out and replaced for a more efficient piece of code. I left the Project Report until May, which was significantly later than was planned.


Page 8: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

Task 3

Identify human resource needs and costs associated with each stage of the project.


Basing the production of this project on a mass produced item, the considerations of Human Resource needs and costs will be significantly different.I would have increased the time frame for the design stage as there would have been greater depth to the parts list in terms of finding the cheapest suppliers of individual parts rather than sourcing all components from one supplier. The evaluation of the conceptual designs would have also been more involved. It would be important to ensure that a mass produced item meets the demands of the specification so that it can sell as many units as necessary to break even. This would mean greater evaluation into which areas of the conceptual are beneficial against those which are not necessary. By doing this you would reduce the cost of producing unnecessary details and looking at my project critically the system can be replicated by simply plugging and unplugging the inputs manually, rather than selecting them unnecessarily through a display. The cost of my project would be drastically reduced by simply excluding the LCD and expensive push buttons, through the introduction of an alternative method.Albeit unnecessary, the menu system that I have created on my project would take a similar time frame as is planned for an experienced programmer to produce. The parts could be ordered in a similar time frame with a couple of weeks lead time, however if ordering thousands of units then it is possible that an increased lead time may be required.The increase in man hours during the manufacturing stages of the hardware would be increased based on the number being produced. Loading PIC 18F4550 Chips with the software could be completed relatively quickly, as the same code will be loaded multiple times. It would allow the creation of the software to happen only once, so effectively could be removed from the plan after the first implementation. The rest of the circuit would take just as long with each instance, however it would be possible to create a speedier process through a build line manufacturing technique.

With the specification, involving research, there would be a more in-depth and knowledgeable approach to the design parameters available to the company at the early stages. This would help ensure that the design stage would run more fluently as there would be greater understanding of what capabilities are feasible. The cost of this stage would increase due to a likely increase in man hours required, if there were a team of researchers or a number of meetings involving heads of departments.


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Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

Throughout the design stage there would again be numerous interdepartmental meetings, to discuss options and ensure that each stage could be followed through as planned. This would cause an increase in the cost of the project as again there would be greater man hours required.On the up side, during the design stages, there would be the availability of procuring cheaper components, provided a bulk buying option was available. Normally a company can get components at a much reduced rate if they buy thousands at a time. There would be a requirement on the company to find a storage place, which would increase the cost of the facilities expenditure. Because of this careful consideration would have to be taken to ensure it is financially beneficial to buy in bulk and then have to store, compared to buying smaller amounts each time as and when required.During the manufacturing stages of the project a company would require a single experienced programmer, which is similar to my single unit project. The requirements of this would mean a company would have to employ an engineer which has a suitable qualification in programming in the “C” Language. This would be relatively expensive as engineers of this calibre can earn anything upwards of £25,000 per annum. Alternatively if the resources are available, an internal training scheme could be provided enabling eager unqualified engineers to learn the basics in programming in “C” Language and then getting them to write relatively simple code. I would recommend a cheaper engineer with less experience and then have a more experienced engineer available to solve difficult problems.There would also be a requirement to have a workforce which is competent in handling sensitive electronic components as well as capable of installing them correctly. It may be necessary for a company to hold a short presentation to recap on the requirements if they haven’t ventured into this area before/for a long time.Competent electronic engineers would have to be involved with the testing of the finished product, to help ensure that any errors which may occur can be rectified effectively. Errors may arise for a number of reasons, be it a design error or a wiring error in the manufacturing process, either way it would be beneficial to have somebody who can pick out faults quickly and effectively saving time and possibly money.

I have already spoken about bulk buying components, however I feel that there would also be the option of producing a similar circuit with different cheaper components. The LCD Screen is extremely expensive for the result it gives, and I know that there are cheaper alternatives by a considerable margin from the same suppliers. The average price found for LCD’s is approximately £5, compared with the £40 version I have, beneficially for me the screen was acquired for free from my workplace, but if it wasn’t available there then I would have been forced to buy a cheaper model. This would give a saving of £35 per unit, but the design would have to be altered slightly to meet the new specifications. Understandably the saving would be substantial over 1,000 units at around £35,000, simply by switching the type of LCD used. This may compromise the quality of the final project


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Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques

outcome, however I feel the cost savings would be a suitable turning factor.

EvaluationBeginning with Task 1, I found that there were a number of resources and requirements necessary for my project to take place. I hadn’t thought too deeply about the independent things before this assignment, so it was quite interesting to do a bit of forward planning for the testing stages when the whole project is complete. I worked out in Task 1 that I would actually only need three things to be able to test the project, inputs and outputs as well as a suitable power supply. For the assembly I would need multiple pieces of equipment as well as the items needed in the final test.For Task 2 I recognised the amount of slippage there had been in comparison to my project plan and the actual events. Throughout the planning stages and reading through details when researching for assignments, it was clear to me that I should not expect to complete a plan and have it work exactly as written. This allowed me to accept that there will be problems and inconsistencies which meant that I didn’t feel obliged to falsify my original plan and edit it in any way. I would change my planning technique in the future by expanding the flexibility between tasks to allow for overlaps and unforeseeable delays. I would also evaluate the project plan more as I felt it was easy to lose track of what needed to be completed each week.Finally for Task 3, I wrote about the plan for my project compared to a plan that would be required for a mass produced product. I was able to pick out points which would need to be changed, such as greater evaluation in the design stages to ensure that the costs were kept to a minimum when purchasing components. I also explained that the LCD I used could be changed with a few tweaks to the circuit and the code to allow for a much cheaper circuit to be produced.

ConclusionThis assignment didn’t take me too long, mainly because the Gantt Chart for Task 2 had already been completed and therefore it was simply a case of writing about it.I asked for guidance before beginning this assignment from my lecturer so that I could fluently answer the questions rather than talking in great detail about things that weren’t necessary, this helped speed the process up considerably as I could get straight to the point.I have to finally do Task 2 of the first assignment, and explain the standards used for my project, and then I will have finally completed this unit.As explained in previous assignments, this unit has been interesting and allowed me an insight into the various planning and business techniques used within companies worldwide.


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Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques


Through guidance from my lecturer, the following text books, catalogues and websites I was able to complete this assignment:








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Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques



Page 13: BTEC HNC - Business Systems - Applied Project Planning and Scheduling Methods for a Project

Brendan Burr BTEC Higher National Certificate in ElectronicsBusiness Management Techniques