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Bryce Nelson Resume

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Bryce E Nelson Gameplay / Tools Developer 253-212-8268 [email protected] BryceENelson.com

Technical Skills Languages Solid knowledge and experience with C/C++ and C#

Development Tools Unity 4 Pro and Mono Develop

Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 – 2012 SVN and Mercurial version control

Development Processes Familiarity with Agile/Scrum and Iterative development APIs FMOD Ex audio library and FMOD Studio Unity Integration Unity iTween package, Unity NGUI Free Package OpenGL graphics library and Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) rendering Library

Debugging Experience tracking down and fixing bugs from playtest bug reports Lite experience with debugging from minidumps

Recognition Winner Douse DigiPen Game Award Show Best 2D Visual Design & Most Poetic Experience 2012 Finalist Douse Tokyo Game Show’s Sense of Wonder Night Cool Redefinition of Traditional Style 2012 Finalist Douse DigiPen’s PAX Arcade DigiPen’s PAX Arcade Booth 2012

Industry Experience Contractor at McCarthy Music LLC May 2013 — August 2013 Unannounced Project — Educational Music Learning Software and Hardware (5 person team)

Created the core C# framework which included support for hardware interfacing, various modes & mini-games,

sound sampling, music related timing events and XAML content displaying with WPF

Implemented a custom hardware interface to send light commands and receive input

Developed a event-based timing system used for sheet music timing

Created an FMOD wrapper which supported sound sampling

Selected Student Projects Gameplay Developer / Systems Architect September 2013 — May 2014 Prince of Space —3D turn based strategy in Unity (6 person team)

Developed the turn controller and the sub-turn phases which included combat, AI movement and users movement

Implemented the AI behaviors which used a pseudo-random weighted rating system for its decision making

Constructed the base starship features including the weapon firing system, and planet pathing

Created the unweighted graph based map along with the location’s strategy row manager

Implemented a callback messaging system for easy and fast cross-object message broadcasting

Developed the camera control which had auto movement and supported both mouse and touch controls

Engineered the cross scene singleton design used by the audio system, messaging system and ship name generator

Built a planet appearance generator to provide varied names, textures, rings, weather and moons across matches

Collaborated with other developers on FMOD Studio integration, menu state control and ship construction

Engine Architect / Tools Developer September 2012 — May 2013 Aztech — 3D arena action brawler in a custom engine (16 person team)

Constructed the core component based C++ engine alongside another developer

Created a level editor, object archetype editor, camera editor and sound tweaking

Implemented the camera manager and multiple custom camera types, including the main sports camera

Developed a level managing system, object parenting and messaging system with delegate callbacks

Classification, analysis, and delegation of newly discovered bugs following test sessions

Engine Architect / Tools Developer September 2011 — August 2012 Douse — 2D poetic experience platformer in a custom engine (5 person team)

Created a C++ component based game engine with delegate based messaging system

Collaborated with other developers on game logic, menus and sprites-sheet animations

Added a simple in-game level editor with custom serialization

Other Experience DigiPen Summer Workshop Teacher Assistant June 2012 — August 2012

Taught the Advanced 2D Video Game Programming course (C#) for the Project FUN summer workshops for 13 to 18 year olds

Education DigiPen Institute of Technology, Redmond, WA April 2014

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science in Real-Time Interactive Simulation