Bruno Petriccione, Ph.D. Bruno Petriccione, Ph.D. Alessandra Pugnetti, Ph.D. Alessandra Pugnetti, Ph.D. National coordinators of LTER-Italy DivEurope DivEurope a project proposal for funding a project proposal for funding LTER-Europe biodiversity activities LTER-Europe biodiversity activities under Reg. (EC) n. 614/2007 LIFE+ under Reg. (EC) n. 614/2007 LIFE+ LTER LTER Italy Italy

Bruno Petriccione, Ph.D. Alessandra Pugnetti, Ph.D. National coordinators of LTER-Italy DivEurope a project proposal for funding LTER-Europe biodiversity

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Reg. (EC) LIFE+ Art. 4, par. 2 "The objectives of LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity shall be: (c) to support the design and implementation of policy approaches and instruments for the monitoring and assessment of biodiversity and the factors, pressures and responses that impact on them, in particular in relation to the achievement of the target of halting biodiversity loss within the Community by 2010 and the threat to nature and biodiversity posed by climate change”.

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Bruno Petriccione, Ph.D. Alessandra Pugnetti, Ph.D. National coordinators of LTER-Italy DivEurope a project proposal for funding LTER-Europe biodiversity activities under Reg. (EC) n. 614/2007 LIFE+ LTERItaly Reg. (EC) n. 614/2007 LIFE+ LInstrument Financiarie pur lEnvironment Published in the EC Official Journal the 9th of June, 2007 Period: 7 years ( ) Funds: 300 million /y ca. Management and selection of projects: European Commission and new LIFE+ Committee Three components: 1. Nature conservation and biodiversity (at least 50% of total budget); 2. Environment policy e governance; 3. Information and communication Detailed contents: Annex 1 and 2 of Regulation Reg. (EC) LIFE+ Art. 4, par. 2 "The objectives of LIFE+ Nature and Biodiversity shall be: (c) to support the design and implementation of policy approaches and instruments for the monitoring and assessment of biodiversity and the factors, pressures and responses that impact on them, in particular in relation to the achievement of the target of halting biodiversity loss within the Community by 2010 and the threat to nature and biodiversity posed by climate change. Reg. (EC) LIFE+ 2nd call for proposal: published 15 July, 2008 Available budget for 50% co-funding of projects: ca. 200 million (>100 ml. for biodiversity) National/trans-national and annual/multi-annual projects will be submitted to the National Authorities by the 21st of November, 2008 National Authorities will submit all projects to European Commission by the 15th of January, 2009 List of approved projects: ~ July, 2009 Start of actions: 1st January, 2010 LIFE+ and forest monitoring EFMP (European Forest Monitoring Programme): drafted by the German EU Presidency (2007) 3 trans-National project proposals: FutMon - Integration and restructuring of all networks (leading Country: Germany - BFH) FutDiv FutDiv Future Forest Biodiversity Monitoring (leading Country: Italy - CONECOFOR) CEFES Climate Change Effects on Forest Ecosystems in Europe (to be presented under the 2nd call 2008) Bruno Petriccione, Ph.D. ITALIAN FOREST SERVICE - CONECOFOR BOARD Co-chairman of ICP Forests Expert Panel on Biodiversity and ground vegetation Regulation (EC) no. 614/2007 LIFE+ A project proposal for Future bioDiversity monitoring in Europe:FutDiv FutDiv 17 PARTNERS 14 COUNTRIES (incl. 5 German Lander) FutDiv networks Lev. I plots NFI plots IM sites Lev. II plots LTER sites FutDiv expected results Show feasibility of harmonised methods at all levels on EU scale Show feasibility of harmonised methods at all levels on EU scale Provide data on status and trends of forest biodiversity on EU scale Provide data on status and trends of forest biodiversity on EU scale Clarify cause-effect relationship between pressure factors and biodiversity parameters (in connection with other SEBI2010 indicators) Clarify cause-effect relationship between pressure factors and biodiversity parameters (in connection with other SEBI2010 indicators) Test phase (implementation phase in a 2nd project) Test phase (implementation phase in a 2nd project) BIODIVERSITY research & monitoring levels JRC Lev. I plots Lev. II plots & ICP IM sites LTER sites NFIs At least 11 Countries with significant overlaps (preliminary data) FutDiv parameters to be collected at four levels of investigation A project proposal for funding LTER- Europe biodiversity activities under Reg. (EC) n. 614/2007 LIFE+: Biodiversity pattern assessment across Europe: the LTER network as an integrated system for biodiversity monitoring (DivEurope) LTERItaly DivEurope MAIN OBJECTIVES Provide data and information on long-term trends of terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity change at European scale, with reference to habitat types (including Natura 2000 network) and environmental gradients. Provide data and information on long-term trends of terrestrial, freshwater and marine biodiversity change at European scale, with reference to habitat types (including Natura 2000 network) and environmental gradients. Select, on the basis of long-term data and feasibility test in the field, a set of key indicators sensitive to defined major pressures on biodiversity. Select, on the basis of long-term data and feasibility test in the field, a set of key indicators sensitive to defined major pressures on biodiversity. Develop and setting-up in the field an integrated and permanent system to detect and evaluate changes in biodiversity patterns across Europe, using harmonized methods. Develop and setting-up in the field an integrated and permanent system to detect and evaluate changes in biodiversity patterns across Europe, using harmonized methods. Provide and develop an integrated data and information management system on status and trend of biodiversity. Provide and develop an integrated data and information management system on status and trend of biodiversity. An integrated system to detect and evaluate changes in biodiversity in Europe will be proposed. The system will include LTER sites for cause- effect studies, on the basis of available facilities of the participant EU Member States. An integrated system to detect and evaluate changes in biodiversity in Europe will be proposed. The system will include LTER sites for cause- effect studies, on the basis of available facilities of the participant EU Member States. Harmonized methods for assessing key indicators of biodiversity at European scale will be proposed: a Manual, including a sub-manual for each key- parameter will be produced. Harmonized methods for assessing key indicators of biodiversity at European scale will be proposed: a Manual, including a sub-manual for each key- parameter will be produced. Data and information on status and trend of biodiversity at EU scale and at community level, as soon as at landscape level, will be analyzed and reported. Particular emphasis will be dedicated to habitats included into Natura 2000 network. Data and information on status and trend of biodiversity at EU scale and at community level, as soon as at landscape level, will be analyzed and reported. Particular emphasis will be dedicated to habitats included into Natura 2000 network. DivEurope EXPECTED RESULTS DivEurope MILESTONES DivEurope DELIVERABLES DivEurope & LIFE+ Component 1 Nature and Biodiversity / sub-component Biodiversity: Component 1 Nature and Biodiversity / sub-component Biodiversity: highest priority in the evaluation phase; highest priority in the evaluation phase; at least 50% of LIFE+ total budget to be allocated to this component; at least 50% of LIFE+ total budget to be allocated to this component; at least 25% of LIFE+ total budget to allocated to trans- national project. at least 25% of LIFE+ total budget to allocated to trans- national project. LIFE+/Biodiversity: Demonstration and/or innovative project contributing to the objectives of the Commission Communication COM (2006)216 final: "Halting the loss of Biodiversity by 2010 and beyond" LIFE+/Biodiversity: Demonstration and/or innovative project contributing to the objectives of the Commission Communication COM (2006)216 final: "Halting the loss of Biodiversity by 2010 and beyond" Communication from the Commission COM(2006)216 final Brussels, SEC (2006)216 Biodiversity Headline Indicators (Annex 2) Trends in abundance and distribution of selected species Change in status of threatened and/or protected species Trends in extent of selected biomes, ecosystems and habitats Trends in genetic diversity of domesticated animals, cultivated plants and fish species of major socio-economic importance Coverage of protected areas Nitrogen deposition Number and costs of invasive alien species Water quality in aquatic ecosystems Impact of climate change on biodiversity Marine trophic index Connectivity fragmentation of ecosystems Area of forest, agricultural, fishery and aquaculture ecosystems under sustainable development Ecological footprint Percentage of European patent applications for inventions based on genetic resources Funding to biodiversity Public awareness and participation SEBI2010 Technical Report operative indicators LTER-Europe Conference, Spain, Jan. 2008 LTER Europe UE Ms (14) DivEurope:12-14 Organizational tasks Total provisional budget: 10 (max 15) million . Listed allocations to each action are only indicative for assessing the whole budget coherence and to be redrafted according to all partner requests. Partner responsibilities Project organizational tasks Coordination (Coord. Beneficiary): CNR & CONECOFOR (IT) Coordination (Coord. Beneficiary): CNR & CONECOFOR (IT) Partners (Associated Beneficiaries): Countries (1-2 ABs per Country) Partners (Associated Beneficiaries): Countries (1-2 ABs per Country) Action leaders: CB + some ABs Action leaders: CB + some ABs Plenary workshops: all Beneficiaries Plenary workshops: all Beneficiaries SEBI2010/EEA (main stakeholder): connection through CONECOFOR-Italy SEBI2010/EEA (main stakeholder): connection through CONECOFOR-Italy Project preparation (details) Expression of interest: Expression of interest: 14 Countries: confirmed 11 Countries: preliminary declaration of commitment (waiting for AU, RO, UK) Working plan (details, division of actions and responsibilities among the partners) Working plan (details, division of actions and responsibilities among the partners) confirmed responsibilities:ERCE-IIPAS (PL), UNIBUC (RO), UFZ (DE), CSIC (SP), UBA (AU) to be confirmed:CEH (UK) LIFE+ FINANCIAL FORMS FORM FA Proposal acronym: FutDiv Budget breakdown categories Total cost in Eligible Cost in % of total eligible costs 1. Personnel ,23% 2. Travel and subsistence ,33% 3. External assistance ,93% 4. Durable goods Infrastructure ,00% Equipment ,00% Prototype000,00% 5. Land purchase / long-term lease 00,00% 6. Consumables ,97% 7. Other Costs ,16% 8. Overheads ,39% TOTAL % #RIF! Contribution breakdown In % of TOTAL% total eligible costs Requested Community contribution ,45%49,97% Coordinating Beneficiary's contribution ,28% Associated Beneficiaries' contribution ,26% Co-financers contribution00,00% TOTAL ,00% LIFE+ FINANCIAL FORMS A3 form A8 form A5 form A7 form Project preparation (details) Financial forms: outline sent by the 2nd of September to be filled and returned by the 22nd of Sep. Financial forms: outline sent by the 2nd of September to be filled and returned by the 22nd of Sep. evaluation of proposed budget and discussion with partners: by the 30th September Official forms (declaration of commitment, profile): outline sent by the 2nd of September to be returned by the 22nd of September Official forms (declaration of commitment, profile): outline sent by the 2nd of September to be returned by the 22nd of September check and revision of formal completeness and correctness of all forms: by the 30th September A3 and A8 forms (signed and stamped) A3 and A8 forms (signed and stamped) by the 15th of October Before DivEurope work after DivEurope work.