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is an original music venue specializing in bluegrass, indie and rock music, located in Northern KY. They have recently moved to a renovated church after nearly 40 years of business at another location. The following is my plan for re-branding, focusing on a reinvented look and a fully integrated multi-media marketing campaign including web, mobile and print.

The Southgate House Revival



1.1 - Research Paper 1.5 - S.W.O.T.1.2 - Target 1.6 - Brand Mission1.3 - Client Brief 1.7 - Creative Brief1.4 - Brand Features

2.1 - Logo 2.5 - Print2.2 - Moodboards2.3 - Web & Mobile2.4 - Promotional


Final Designs

3.1 - Logo 3.5 - Textures3.2 - Guidelines 3.6 - Web Guide3.3 - Color Palette 3.7 - Print Guide3.4 - Font 3.8 - Brand Voice

4.1 - Web4.2 - Mobile4.3 - Promotional4.4 - Print

Research1.1 - Research Paper 1.5 - S.W.O.T.1.2 - Target 1.6 - Brand Mission1.3 - Client Brief 1.7 - Creative Brief1.4 - Brand Features

The Southgate House Reviv-

al is a small, live music venue

with big personality and an im-

mersive, intimate environment

located inside of a renovated

church, complete with much of

it’s original flair and elegance,

including the original stained-

glass windows. Despite the

venue’s unique and inviting vi-

sual and musical atmosphere, it

is still relatively unknown due

to its overall lack of branding

and poor web presence. With

a proper rebranding campaign,

Southgate House Revival could

position itself at the top of the

music venue food chain in the

Northern KY/ Cincinnati area

and possibly set itself up to

open branch locations through-

out the surrounding cities. This

rebranding campaign would in-

clude the creation of a new logo

to be used consistently through-

out the campaign as well as

t-shirts, stickers, posters, and

other merchandise that the fans

of the location itself could take

home and help spread the word.

The Southgate House

Revival is a small, live

music venue with big


Southgate House RevivalResearch Paper

by: Nick Brummer

Research Paper

The second part of this rebrand-

ing campaign would be to im-

prove the web presence through

a new web design as well as

links to the major social net-

works such as Facebook, Twit-

ter and Myspace. The potential

and heart of this establishment

is strong and the fan base is in

need of a business of this na-

ture. The next step is to get

the word out so that Southgate

House Revival is a household

name for all live music enthusi-


One of the biggest issues

facing Southgate House Reviv-

al (SHR) at this point is their

overall lack of quality branding.

Presently, SHR, has a weak web-

page that and what is passing

for a logo which is a represen-

tation of pipe organs. This can

be improved greatly. Not only

does the logo and webpage need

a redesign but they need con-

sistency and the ability to reach

the masses. People need to be

able to find out when the big

events are happening and once

they show up, they should be af-

fected not only by the event but

the atmosphere. The goal that

SHR is faced with at this point

is create a branding campaign

that focuses on and promotes

the existing environment and

atmosphere. SHR needs to be

an experience unto itself. With

proper branding and brand rec-

ognition SHB will begin to stand

for its product, stand for a good

time, a cool atmosphere and

great live music. SHR will be-

come a household name in enter-

tainment… in ‘cool’.

Research Paper

The first major issue that

needs to be solved is Brand-

ing. SHR is in serious need of a

new, hip, iconic logo that tells

the world how ‘cool’ SHR is.

This logo needs to be spread to

the website as well as to newly

branded merchandise that can

be sold to the customers as a

way for them to remember the

venue as much, if not more, than

the live acts that they came to

see. This logo should consist

of elements that are seen in the

location. Presently, they are us-

ing the pipe organs which are a

very iconic symbol and element

in the building, but the design

lacks pop or style. Other ele-

ments that could be included

are the stained glass windows

or the gothic arches. This logo

should be spread to a large ar-

ray of merchandise including

tshirts, posters, stickers and

mugs that the customer can take

home, give as gifts, spread the

word and remember how great

of a time they had at SHR. This

is a key factor. The customer

has to not only remember SHR

but relate it to a great time in a

great environment. When this is

achieved they are far more likely

to return and bring friends.

In the modern era, people

search for what they are going

to do and where they are going

to go online before they look

anywhere else. With this being

the way of the times, the lack of

an effective and convincing web

presence becomes the first and

most obvious problem to solve.

The first thing to do would be to

reconsider the construction of

Southgate House RevivalResearch Paper


Research Paper

the webpage’s layout followed

by imagery, color palette and

fonts. Presently, The Southgate

House Revival’s webpage is an

over glorified blog with a very

simple line drawing logo and an

unattractive pink background.

The present state of the web-

page does not instill high hopes

for a good time and it certain-

ly doesn’t convey that this is a

unique, hip environment that

provides a great musical experi-


For the general layout of

the new designed webpage, the

most important two pages to

design will be the homepage and

the events page as these will be

the most visited pages on the

site and will contain the most

important information to the

customer. The user experience

will largely depend on the layout

and organization of the informa-


The homepage needs to set

the mood, give the customer

an idea of the environment and

provide them with an easy to un-

derstand layout so that they can

navigate to the information they

are looking for easily. It should

include a top navigation bar as

well as a bottom navigation bar,

depending on the height of the

page. Linkable images could

also be used in the body of the

page in order to give the view-

er a more visual approach to

navigating the site than the tra-

ditional navigation bar and tab

system. The imagery for the

homepage, as I’ve stated, needs

to set the mood and capture the

atmosphere of the unique ven-

ue. This, aside from the great

Research Paper

music, is one The Southgate

House Revival’s biggest assets

and therefore one of the most

important things to capitalize

on. Pictures of the stained glass

window, brick exterior, vaulted

ceilings, the choir loft, the orig-

inal pipe organs and shots from

live shows are all fair game. The

key is to select images that tell

a story and convey excitement.

The customer needs to under-

stand that this is a hip, unique

musical venue at a glance and

be intrigued enough to continue

deeper into the website.

The events page present-

ly is not differentiated from

the homepage. This needs to

change. In its present form it

is an endless blog style list of

dates and shows that leave the

customer a touch overwhelmed

Southgate House RevivalResearch Paper


...now is the time to get

out the word and let the

fans feel the hand of


Research Paper

and doesn’t provide any way

to search for a particular date,

band or show aside from scroll-

ing and scanning tirelessly. The

new design needs to include

some form of calendar feature

that gives the customer a quick

reference as to who is playing

and when while still allowing

them to gain further informa-

tion by clicking on the date or

show that interests them. If

done properly the information

will appear either below the cal-

endar allowing for simultaneous

navigation and reading of infor-

mation or the information will

appear in a pop up layer simi-

lar to the way Facebook works

when clicking on an image. This

will provide the customer with

a much clearer and friendlier

interface. If they ever miss an

upcoming show or their favorite

band, it wont be due to a terrible

webpage, but simply a lack of

checking the website.

Other pages that could

prove interesting for customer

as well as helpful to the venue

would be an info page, an imag-

es page, a social media or blog

page and a merchandise page.

The info page would provide the

customer with a brief bit of his-

tory concerning The Southgate

House Revival. The images page

could include photos of the ven-

ue’s architecture, shows and the

overall environment as well as

possible short videos that would

function as brief commercials.

The blog page would function

more as a comment page where

customers could upload their

comments to an administrator

who could then post the com-

ments on the page for the world

to see. This page could also

feature a function that allows

customers to link directly to and

‘like’ SHR’s Facebook or Myspace

pages. This functions as a great

form of free, word-of-mouth ad-

vertising. The merchandise page

Research Paper

Research Paper

would give the venue a place

to sell items such as branded

t-shirts, sticker, mugs, beer co-

zies, key chains, posters (all of

which would have to be designed

since SHR presently has no

branded merchandise) and more

to help reinforce that The South-

gate House Revival is more than

just a music venue; it is an expe-

rience, it is a destination, it is a

way of life.

Another problem yet to be

solved for The Southgate House

Revival is color and font for

their print and web advertising.

Color and font style play an im-

portant role in setting mood as

well as influencing the way we

think about the product or or-

ganization that is involved with

the color or font used.

For Southgate House Reviv-

al’s web and print ads I want to

include bold colors that go with

the theme of the stained glass

windows. The windows contain

a large about of red, blue and

purples providing a very rich

color palette accented with yel-

lows and framed in black. The

red is bold and aggressive while

the “dark blue is dignified and


com) This is a very bold pal-

ette that demands attention but

could certainly be toned down

selectively depending on the ad.

Research Paper

The present font family

that I’m considering is Lucida.

“Over the years they extended

the font family which now in-

cludes serif, sans-serif, blacklet-

ter, calligraphic, mono-spaced,

handwritten, casual and fax-op-

timized variants.”(www.Prepres-

sure.com) The range of this font

family will give me a lot of room

in my design. This family is also

very easy to read in its more

basic forms at very small point

sizes in print. This is always a

good quality to take into consid-

eration when designing advertis-


The true key to a success-

ful design according to AIGA is

“is to find human-centered solu-

tions that will really work to ad-

dress a problem and to do so in

the context of existing cultures”.

(AIGA) This aspect is no dif-

ferent for the Southgate House

Revival rebranding. This pro-

posal will make a strong start

in connecting with the fans and

musicians of the local area and

help to invigorate the local mu-

sic scene. The venue exists and

provides a successful product,

now is the time to get out the

word and let the fans feel the

hand of ROCK.


John is an a old-school, grun-ge and metal rocker from the 90’s. He grew up listening to Nirvana, Metallica, Motorhead, Bush, Collective Soul and Soundgarden. As John grew older his taste in mu-sic broadened into classical, blues and bluegrass. By day John works as a graphic designer for a hip new agency in town, designing web pages and mobile apps for other local companies. At night he still likes to go out and see live bands and have a few beers with his friends to unwind from the day. In John’s youth the heavier and crazi-er the music and venue the better. Now days John likes an environ-ment with character and music to match. He likes craft beers and a good conversation, both of which can be found at his favorite venue,Southgate House Revival.

John35 years oldWhiteMaleSingleGraphic Designer

The demographic for Southgate House

Revival is 18+ year olds who live and love

rock, blues and bluegrass. The following are

considered to be the two most prevalent

customer bases for this venue.


Tara works at the local used book store and goes to college. Her parents want her to go to law school but she prefers biology and photography classes. She isn’t old enough to drink but still enjoys the bar scenes if it has live music.Not being 21 however limits her options. Also, she like to go to places that have a laid back, safe but edgy environment. She is sin-gle and not really looking. Tara has never been a fan of ‘heavy’ music but really enjoys the kind of rock that she can move and sing along to. In particular she has fallen inlove with indi rock for its sound as well as its fashion. Tara is big into fashion, shopping at all the local thrift shops fro retro clothes and shoes. She wants the world to know that she is an individual, and intellectual and cool. Southgate House Revival is a place she likes to go on Saturday nights to winddown from a long week a work and school with one or two of her friends while listening to some live music and enjoying the atmo-sphere.

Tara20 years oldWhiteFemaleSingleBook Store ClerkStudent

Client Brief

This business is part of the entertainment sector. It is a live music venue located in a newly renovated church in downtown Newport, KY. Opening in 1976, Southgate House was located down the street in what was aslo known as the Thompson house, known for being the home of the inventor of the Thompson Machine Gun. In December 2011 they closed their doors, much to the surprise of the local music scene that had depended on it for entertainment and as a place to play.

Late in 2012 The Southgate House Revival opened in the renovated church featuring a large open room with bar and stage for national acts, a smaller lounge with bar for local and national free acts and a smaller upstairs room with stage and bar for local acts. This venue seems to have taken off from the start, partly because of its former status in the local and national scene and also because of the gaping hole it left in the music scene that needed to be filled.

Late in 2012 The Southgate House Revival

opened in the renovatedchurch...

Client Brief

Brand Features

Stages 3


Days a Week 7


Days a Year 364

Blues, Bluegrass & ROCK

Local and National Acts

S.W.O.T. Analysis

Strength Weakness

Opportunity Threat

Central Location Poor Web Presence Unique Environment No real advertising Multiple Stages No logo Low Price No swag

Create a better web presence Several music venues locally Mobile interaction Music Downloads Swag, shirts, hats, stickers etc

Brand Mission

To provide a Unique,

Intimate and Immersive

ROCK experience,

featuring live local and

national acts.

Creative Brief

The multimedia campaign

for Southgate House Revival is

based around six principle words;

immersive, destination, intimate,

grunge, elegance and life. These

words describe the look and feel

of the experience provided by

Southgate House Revival.

In order to bring these el-

ements into a fully functional

multi-media marketing campaign,

samples were collected and test

assets created in order to find a

direction that communicated the

brand in a clear and cohesive


The challenge with the

design for SHR is to incorporate

the history of a venue that has

been entertaining for nearly 40

years as well as the look of the

newly environment, located in

a newly renovated church with

the original stained glass win-

dows and organ still in tack.

Through organized simple

layouts, a combination of bold

and desaturated colors, emo-

tive imagery and texturing this

brand now stands out from its

competition and clearly commu-

nicates it unique identity.

Development2.1 - Logo 2.2 - Moodboards2.3 - Web & Mobile2.4 - Infographic


In designing the new logo for

Southgate House Revival I considered

several aspect. Not only did the new

logo have to represent a music venue

but it had to be able to represent the

unique environment that SHR pro-

vides, the renovated church. The logo

had to be able to function in multi-

ple sizes, as large as a billboard, to

less than one inch. It had to function

in print, digital, screen printing and

embroidery. The new logo design had

to be able to fuction in solid colors as

wells textured or as an overlay. Also,

because Southgate is an established

venue in the local and national scene,

it had to represent the history, be

recognizable and be able to stand the

test of time for the next 15-20 years.

To achieve this list of demands

I started with an array of sketches

exploring the use of different shapes

and text layouts. Keeping the design

limited to strong positive and negative

space, made up from larger shapes

incorporated with strong textual ele-

ments allowed for these demands to

be realized in a convincing fashion.

The basic shapes used represent

the stained glass windows which are a

prevelant element of the environment,

a newly renovated church. The bottom

structure of the logo design is to func-

tion two fold, as an abstract represen-

tation of both the stairs to the upper

stages and as the original pipe organ,

now located behind the bar. The hand

in the center is a well known sign of

appreciation in the rock music world.


Mood Boards







The development process of the three moodboards was to represent the two extremes of possible design for Southgate House Revival and then a middle ground incor-porating elements from the first two boards to create a

more cohesive, communcative design.

Mood Boards

The focus of this board was to

find a middle ground from boards

1 & 2, one that could convey the

feelings of both and still represent

the vast array of rock music as well

as the environment it takes place

in. This board incorporates many

of the same images from the previ-

ous boards but the layout is more

organic than 2 and more organized

and subtle than 1. I’ve chosen

bright colors mixed a lot of blacks

and grays for contrast and energy.

The black and white images help to

evoke a sense of nastalgia and inti-

macy that doesn’t exist in board 1.

I used a large amount of halftone

textures again to help show a sense

of energy as well as some of the

indie-rock spirit. The wood back-

ground and arching design give

this board a warm, relaxed, inviting


Web & Mobile

The design of the web and

mobile campaign would rely heavily

on ease of use and user experience.

Southgate House Revival’s original

web page was a continuous blog

based site. This site was hard to

navigate and provided little


The new design is a more

modern layout, giving the customer

a place to view images, a detailed

schedule and download music clips

from the upcoming bands. With a

simple, engaging site, the

customer will be apt to spend more

time involved with its content.

Web & Mobile

The QR Code

would play a

major role in the

new multi media


The mobile appli-cation is meant to give the customer access to information about Southgate House Revival as well as the bands that are playing at the venue while they are on the go.

The app will also allow customers to interact with QR codes that will be located on print ads, stickers, tshirts and posters.


An infographic was formed before

beginning the layout of the final

project book. This valuable piece of

design helped to finalize many of the

design choices made in the presentation

of the multi-media campaign as well as

serve as a way to organize my thoughts.


The purpose of the infographic was

to tell a story of how the multi-media

campaign would function as well as a

brief understanding of why it was

needed and how it was developed. In

order to make this design compatible

with both print and digital outlets I

chose to keep it in a standard size with

a clean layout.

Standards3.1 - Logo 3.5 - Textures3.2 - Guidelines 3.3 - Color Palette 3.4 - Font

Base logo design

The base design is comprised of two main parts, the emblem and the text. Both are representative of Southgate House Revival. Both can be used on their own or in conjunction with one another. When used in conjunction the tex-tual logo must be used with the bottom underline. When used alone there is no underline.

Live, Love, Rock



The subtext to the left may be used in either shown form, vertical or horizon-tal. If used horizontal the text must include comas as shown as well as the prop-er font type for each word. If used vertically, the text must use the proper font type as well as grow in size and be centered.

Logo Standards

The Southgate House Revival logo may also be used with varying approved textures. These textures are shown below, including wood planks, wood grain and aged pa-per. These textures can be used in both print and digital settings. The texture must be used on both the text and emblem to ensure cohesiveness.

Logo Standards


Used with the

emblem and

wordmark stacked.

Used with the emblem and wordmark side

by side. The wordmark will not be

underlined and will be shorter than the



Emblem on its


As the wordmark alone. No underline

will be used under the words House


Color Pallete


- 0



B -





- 7






- 9



B -








- 4






- 9





- 1






K -







- e



B -







- 0






- 0



B -






- 1






- 4


c R


- 6







- 7





- 9




- 1







- 3






- e




B -













- c



B -







- 1






- f




B -








- 0




Color Pallete

These colors were chosen for the

purpose of giving a sense of energy

as well as echoing the colors that

exist in the original stained glass

windows located throughout

Southgate House Revival’s

rich environment. These colors

represent the atmosphere of SHR.

The colors may be used in

their traditional solid form to

accent images in print and

digital mediums, act as a fill for

the logo or be used as a color

dodge layer as displayed below

the solid color lines for accents.


Lucida BrightA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

The Lucida family offers a clear, easy to read font

for both print and web use. All uses of Lucida will

require a tracking of 75. The leading should be

close to double the font size. Use Bright for body

text, Blackletter for callouts and page titles and

Casual for accents and subtext. Bold and italics

should be used sparringly and only with Bright.

Lucida CasualA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

Lucida BlackletterA B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Za b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0


Below are the two approved textures for Southgate House Revival. The texture on the left is a weathured wood grain texture. It is to be used as a background in both digital and print mediums. The texture on the right is a custom paper texture. It is to be used as a background for both digital and print mediums as well as a fill for the logo. When used as a fill it should be ideally be used over-top of the wood grain texture or another dark color that can emphasize the details.

Both textures can be

used alone or in tandum

and may have effects

such as color dodge

applied to add richness

and detail.

Final Designs4.1 - Web4.2 - Mobile4.3 - Promotional4.4 - Print

The home page for the

new Southgate House Revival

webpage utilizes a much more

useable layout than the orig-

inal webpage that is in a blog

style. This site incorporates

the new styles as well as

simpler navigation for the

customer. The new site offers

a place for the customer to

easily find the schedule, look


up media including photos,

videos and music downloads and

a page for merchandise. This

helps the customer feel that SHR

is more than just a music venue

but a destination.

The calendar will be click-

able to quickly link the customer

to the exact day they are inter-

ested in as well as have the band

name on the calendar itself.

...more than just a music









A sleak, simple design made

to be the hub for customers to link

into Southgate House Revival’s

schedule and media. The

customer will be able to gain

access to samples and downloads

from the upcoming bands as well

as plan ahead for the following

weeks. When scanned, the QR

codes printed on flyers, stickers

and tshirts will bring customers

directly to the schedule page of

the app allowing them to

immediately gain access to all of

Southgate House Revival’s exciting




T-shirts and stickers offer a great

way to advertise and generate

income through merchandising.

They are inexpensive to print and

can be easily customized for

special events.


Through the use of a sticker bombing campaign and flyers,

Southgate House Revival

will become more visible throughout the local and

surrounding areas.

Providing QR codes on

the printed materials

will allow the

customers to access

information about the

upcoming shows as well

as music samples from

the bands.


The use of posters allows for

not only additional revenue, but it

offers the customer a way to bring

home a little piece of Southgate

House Revival. Posters are easily

customized to fit special events

or seasons and are inexpensive to

have printed. Much like the tshirts

and stickers, they crowd source

your marketing, allowing your

customers to advertise for you.








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