Bruce Lee & The Popularity Of Mixed Martial Arts

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  • 8/14/2019 Bruce Lee & The Popularity Of Mixed Martial Arts


    Bruce Lee & The

    Popularity of Mixed

    Martial Arts


    By Jeramiah Giehl

  • 8/14/2019 Bruce Lee & The Popularity Of Mixed Martial Arts


    This research paper is about why mixed martial arts tournaments have become

    popular in recent years. Mankinds fascination with freestyle fighting championships has

    been shown throughout history through a plethora of gladiatorial type tournaments. In

    recent years we have seen the rise of popularity of mixed martial arts tournaments as a

    sport due to the advancements of such martial arts pioneers as Carlos Gracie and Bruce

    Lee. These pioneers had a major influence on such popular martial artists as Ed Parker

    (the father of American Karate) and Chuck Norris (martial artist and movie star) along

    with Christian Harfouche (founder of the ICKA). There is this sense of adventure and

    suspense when two men enter a ring to fight for the rights of the title the toughest

    fighter. This kind of event excites the heart and enthralls the mind.

    To understand why mixed martial arts tournaments have become popular in recent

    years we have to look at the history of mixed style fighting events. One of the earliest

    forms of mixed martial arts or freestyle fighting, as we know it, was not as many may

    suspect to be oriental in origin. Rather it was the Greek Olympic event called Pancrase.

    According to the article Pancrase - Hybrid Wrestling, The ultimate goal and spirit of

    Pancrase is the completion of Total Fight a collection of the best of all styles of martial

    arts in the world. This style of fighting was very similar to our freestyle fighting or Vale

    Tudo fighting championships that we see popping up all over these days. This type

    freestyle-fighting concept is a total approach to self-defense efficiency.

    The style of fighting known as Pancrase pre-dates the advent of Christ and it was

    a hybrid mixture of stand up fighting and grappling. Pancrase was an Olympic event that

    showcased the best fighters pitted against one another in an arena in a reality based

    fight scenario. Pancration was added in 948 B.C. in the 33rd Olympiad. It is believed that

    Theseus created Pancrase to defeat a mythical opponent in Greek folklore and

    mythology. The Internet article Pankration states that, the great Attica, Theseus, who

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  • 8/14/2019 Bruce Lee & The Popularity Of Mixed Martial Arts


    resurgence of mixed martial arts fighting events: There is another popular sport that

    incorporates boxing, a hint of professional wrestling and just about any other style of

    fighting imaginable: mixed martial arts, reality fighting. And while the popularity of no

    holds barred fighting continues to rise, (Johnson, page 1). It is this kind of enthusiasm

    that attracts many to watch and participate in MMA events.

    Many politicians didnt like the lack of rules and the pure barbarian image mixed

    martial arts portrayed. Because of this many states passed laws that banned MMA

    events from their states and the cable companies quit carrying the pay per view event.

    This crippled the fledgling enterprise; they lost a lot of their fan base and sponsorship.

    Out of this the Pride fighting championship was born with a similar concept to pit the

    top fighters from different combative sports: wrestling, karate, judo, kickboxing, and

    others all fighting in one ring under the same rules, (, page 1). They

    added more restrictive rules, weight classes and time limits in order to appease some of

    the politicians and cable companies concerns. This brought an increased enthusiasm in

    mixed martial arts events making them not appear so ominous and foreboding. The

    owner of the Ultimate Fighting Championship got a hold of this idea and decided to

    revamp their fighting competition. They repackaged their event and tried to capitalize

    upon the popularity of already popular sanctioned martial arts disciplines. Quote: Mixed

    Martial Arts is an amalgam of already popular sports like boxing, wrestling, judo and

    karate, (White, page 1). Not only did they repackage the event itself that added more

    restrictive rules and got the national boxing commission to regulate it. SEG maintained

    hope that with more restrictive rules and a history of no significant injuries, cable

    companies would relent the UFC debuted in the Taj Mahal in November 2000 more

    than 4,500 spectators, many new to mixed style fighting cheered and applauded,

    (Rossen, page 74).
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    Bruce Lee has been a major force behind the mixed martial arts revolution. In an

    interview with Frank Shamrock the four time King of Pancrase and five time UFC

    Champion had this to say about Bruce lee; Hakan: Who were your first influences in

    martial arts? Frank Shamrock: Bruce Lee and Chuck Norris. Bruce Lees philosophies on

    taking what works adapting it, also staying on the forefront of knowledge has had a

    tremendous impact on me. The progress that Bruce Lee made in the martial arts and in

    movies paved the way for the mixed martial arts craze that is sweeping through

    America. If it werent for the advancements that Bruce Lee made in martial arts we

    wouldnt have a lot of the free exchange of knowledge, training and fighting ability that

    we have today.

    To name Bruce Lee as a key factor in the martial arts revolution we must find out

    what made Bruce Lee the revolutionary that he was. Growing up in Hong Kong naturally

    Bruce Lee learned martial arts. Bruce Lee began studying Wing Chun Gung Fu at age

    13. Over the next 19 years, he transformed his martial art into a science, an art, a

    philosophy and a way of life, (Kent, page 5). Bruce Lee was dedicated to the Martial

    arts; he studied very hard, practiced feverishly and became very proficient in Wing

    Chun. When Bruce turned 18 he decided to move to the United States of America.

    Bruce Lee finished High School in the states and started studying at a local college. To

    pay for school he decided to teach Martial Arts. When Bruce Lee exploded on the scene

    he overwhelmed his new students with his raw power and talent. Controlling opponents

    offensive/defensive ability by trapping and sticking to their arms was unheard of by

    either a professional or a street fighter. Although his early students were very tough

    from a street fighting perspective, they were totally ineffective against Bruces speed

    and trapping techniques, (, page 1). Bruce very quickly made a name

    for his self and established himself as a martial artist and a scholar.
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    He had a strong desire to be the best. Bruce Lee wanted to become the best

    fighter in the world, not just good, but the best He quickly surrounded himself with

    students who had extensive martial arts backgrounds or who were rough and tumble

    street fighters, (, page 1). This strong desire to be the best was a

    driving force, a motivation to think outside the box and try new things to become the

    very best at what he did. It was a passion he pursued with all his being. Lee

    Constantly studied, analyzed, adapted and modified all the relative information he could

    get his hands on. This was done through his personal library of over 2,000 books and

    through his friendships and associations with many top martial artist of the time such as

    Ed Parker and Jhoon Rhee, (Kent, page 5). Bruce would settle for nothing less than the

    best. He strove for utter perfection in technique, knowledge and form.

    Probably one of Bruce Lee crowning achievements was the total liberation from

    what he called the classical mess. His studies of Taoism, Japanese Zen and the

    liberation philosophy taught by Jiddu Krishnamurti to liberate humanity for all cages led

    Lee to back up his fighting method with a revolutionary philosophy of personal freedom,

    (Fraguas, page 12). This revelation led him to realize that there was more to the martial

    sciences than just classical techniques bound by the walls of tradition. Bruce Lee taught

    his students to Use no way as a way, no limitation as a limitation Bruce Lee JKD is

    unbound; JKD is freedom. IT possesses everything, yet in itself it is possessed by

    nothing his concept was to free his followers from clinging to any set style, pattern or

    mold he never hesitated to say, your truth is not my truth; my truth is not yours,

    (Innosanto, page 1). Freedom from the classical mess is what gave Bruce Lee the

    freedom to branch out and do what no one in his time was doing namely teaching non-

    Chinese Gung Fu and studying and blending other styles. During this time of personal
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    exploration Bruce Lee started to develop the principles that would make up the style he

    created named Jeet Kune Do.

    Bruce Lee strived to be a well-rounded fighter; he embraced all ranges of combat

    and styles of fighting. Bruce emphasized the importance of being well-rounded in all

    ranges We like to use weapons in long range, boxing strikes and kicking in middle

    range, and grappling and trapping up close. You have to know all ranges to be good at

    self defense, (Bingham, page 71). This sounds a lot like the Pancrase fighter of old.

    Bruce Lee emphasized that it is important to master all ranges of fighting and not just

    specialize in one aspect of combat. He taught that if you specialized in one aspect of

    fighting that would become your weakness because a fighter that was well rounded

    could use that against you by fighting in ranges that you are not used to.

    Bruce Lee taught martial arts as a way of life. The Jeet Kune Do Concept is more

    than punching and kicking. It is a way of developing yourself in every area of your life,

    (Richardson, page 6). It is this Philosophical foundation that separates Jeet Kune Do

    from the plethora of eclectic martial arts systems that are popping up everywhere

    these days, (Kent, page 3). The idea is for the individual to take responsibility and

    develop himself or herself towards their unlimited potential. By training in the martial

    arts, we have guidelines for training in any other area of our life from business to

    relationships, (Richardson, page 6). Bruce Lees holistic approach to martial arts

    training was a concept way ahead of his time. It is because of this concept that we have

    a variety of mixed martial arts.

    The search for truth in combat was essential to Bruce Lees teaching. Lee taught

    us to seek truth in combat this concept and related lessons on how to search for truth

    are probably Lees greatest gift to the martial art world. They have opened the door for

    countless traditional and eclectic martial artists to experience personal freedom and self

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    expression, (ODell, page 1). Coupled with seeking truth in combat is understanding

    who you are and who your opponent is. The core philosophy of Bruce Lee was to know

    yourself as the great Suntzu said, when you know yourself and your opponent, you

    will win every time Lee, said: we must understand ourselves in order to know

    anything and to understand and solve problems, (Bingham, page 74).

    When talking about the revolution in American martial arts you cannot touch this

    topic with out discussing Ed Parker another pioneer in the Martial arts world. Ed Parker

    is considered the father of American Kenpo Karate. Having a few Judo and Boxing skills,

    parker began investigating the martial arts more thoroughly, but was dissatisfied with

    what he saw. I felt that a lot of the systems werent applicable in an American

    environment, Parker says, Even though they appeared to be on the surface, About

    this time Ed Parker met William Chow who would become and powerful influence in his

    life. (Frank, page 1).One thing that especially intrigued Parker was Chows balance

    between linear and circular movements. Chow was leading Parker toward the goal of

    logical and practical motion, which was what Parker was searching for, (Frank, page 1).

    Ed Parker was building on a strong foundation that would only get stronger once he met

    Bruce Lee a man who would change his life.

    Ed Parker decided to start an international tournament that would showcase the

    best talent in the martial art world. In 1964, Mr. Parker held his first Long-beach

    International Karate Championship, which became the largest martial arts tournament

    in the U.S. for many years. It was at this tournament that he introduced Bruce Lee to

    the American public who became enamored with him, (, page 1). It

    was through this tournament that Bruce Lee received much notoriety and was able to

    land a role in the television show the Hornet because of his skillful and eloquent

    demonstration at this event. Bruce Lee and Ed Parker made a strong friendship and
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    share a lot of ideas and fighting concepts. They not only shared ideas they shared

    students. Talking about Larry Hartsel says, Hartsel studied with

    Bruce from 1967 to 1970, along with Dan Innosanto, and also taught at Ed Parkers,

    (page 1). Beyond sharing people they spent a considerable amount of time together

    sharing philosophies. Throughout the time spent together Ed Parker and Bruce Lee

    exchanged many ideas about the arts, comparing and analyzing ways in which to

    improve concepts and principles involved in a street fight, (, page 1).

    It was through this relationship that Bruce and Ed developed strong philosophies of

    progressive fighting methods that would be effective in real life situations.

    The first Long Beach International Karate tournament also brought to light another

    future martial art star, Chuck Norris. In 1964, at a demonstration in Long Beach, he

    met the man who would go on to change his life, Bruce Lee in 1972 invited by Bruce

    Lee, Chuck costarred as the fighting villain in The Way of the Dragon, (The Legend of

    Chuck Norris, Page 1). And the rest is history as they say. Bruce and Chuck spent a lot

    of time sparring and perfecting their technique. It was through this relationship that

    Bruce Lee adapted his fighting style to include kicks above the waste.

    Who is Chuck Norris? Many know that he did action movies and was a martial

    artist but what is his story. After joining the air force, Chuck was sent to Korea, where

    he encountered local Tang Son Do (later known as Karate) for the first time in his life

    and began training 1962 Chuck returned to the U.S. and started teaching Karate,

    (The Legend of Chuck Norris, Page 1). Chuck was an avid learner and very dedicated.

    During a period from 1964 to 1968, Chuck won numerous titles in Karate competition

    and became a national champion. In 1968 he became the professional world

    middleweight karate champion, he would have held the title undefeated until he retired

    in 1974, (The Legend of Chuck Norris, Page 1). If you think about it if Ed Parker and
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    Bruce Lee hadnt had the influence on Chuck Norris we may have never be able to see

    Delta Force or any of Chucks other well know movies.

    Another contributing factor to todays modern mixed martial arts is, Christian

    Harfouche. Harfouche a Christian minister who stumbled on a martial arts book while in

    Lebanon as a teenager that got him interested in Martial Arts. Harfouche ran into David

    German, and his entire concept of karate was about to be turned on its ear. German had

    fused grappling techniques into Ed Parkers American Kenpo and Various forms of Kung

    Fu to create a system name Tai Jutsu, (Kogan, page 84). The concept for the new art

    called Shorite Ryu Tai Jitsu began to take shape when he earned his sixth degree black

    belt in Tai Jitsu in 1984 although Harfouche had already earned dan rankings in Budo

    Jujitsu, Tae Kwon Do, Kyokoshin Karate and breakthroughs he made in his own

    research after receiving his 10th dan in 1999 he branched out from German and

    unleashed Shorite Ryu Tai Jitsu, (Kogan, page 84). Harfouche created an acronym to

    describe the ranges of fighting that he adapted from the Jeet Kune Do ranges of

    fighting. Naturally, Shorite Ryu Tai Jitsu teaches techniques for all ranges of combat.

    Harfouche uses the acronym F.I.G.H.T.I.N.G. Floating, Intercepting, Giving (yielding),

    Holding (the clinch and Chin-Na), Trapping, Invading (closing the gap), Negating and

    Grappling to clarify the strategies for each phase of an encounter.

    Spirituality and martial arts have always had a close connection; from the Shaolin

    Temple in China who the Buddhist monks to the Samurai in Japan. The Spiritual aspect

    cant be over looked in an unbalance world religion is the pendulum that balances

    between good and evil. That said they are the dark side of spiritualism in martial arts it

    is important to note that Christian Harfouche tries to balance Christianity and the martial

    arts. He says, The Spiritual side of Shorite Ryu Tai Jitsus training must not be

    overlooked. Harfouche, who holds doctorate degrees in ministry and theology, stresses

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    that while Christianity is an important part of his life, martial art technique, not religion,

    is the focus of his teaching in the dojo, (Kogan, page 118). Christianity teaches us to

    honor, value and respect life. Harfouche goes on to say, On its most basic level, the

    spiritual component of Shorite Ryu admonishes practitioners to endeavor to do the right

    thing, show respect and stand up for whats right. Harfouche says, if the spiritual

    aspect is neglected, a person can end up a detriment to the martial art and society,

    (Kogan, page 118).

    One of the final and most important links that has fostered this spirit of mixed

    style fighting is the fighting art Brazilian JiuJitsu. The Introduction of Jiu Jitsu to Brazil

    is largely credited to Mitsuyo Maeda, who immigrated to Brazil in the 1920 and taught

    Juijitsu to Carlos Gracie of Rio de Janeiro, (, page 1). BJJ was made a

    household due to the advent of the UFC. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu really caught on with the

    advent of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in 1995. The UFC promoted by the

    Helio Gracie clan, was billed as the first tournament to pit practitioners of various martia

    arts against each other in an almost no-holds-barred setting, (, page

    1). Royce Gracie made a name for himself by showing his style was more effective than

    all others. The fact that Helio Gracies son Royce won three of the first four

    tournaments using his familys brand of JiuJitsu as an art demanding serious

    consideration, (, page 1). Brazillian JiuJitsu has been tested and proven

    to be effective over and over in no holds barred competitions.

    As we have seen the rise of popularity of mixed martial arts tournaments as a

    sport due to the advancements of such martial arts pioneers as Bruce Lee and others.

    Mixed martial art tournaments are here to stay.