BROWN BAG SESSION MARCH 3, 2011 HECTOR GONZALES DEAN OF INSTRUCTION & CFO Momentum Points – How Future Funding Will Move SWTJC Forward 1

BROWN BAG SESSION MARCH 3, 2011 HECTOR GONZALES DEAN OF INSTRUCTION & CFO Momentum Points – How Future Funding Will Move SWTJC Forward 1

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Momentum Points – How Future Funding Will Move

SWTJC Forward

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Proposed State Funding

Proposed Legislation

Unfunded Mandates

Momentum Points


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Proposed State Funding

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Funding Impacts to SWTJC

HB 1 SB 1

Formula appropriation ($435,124) ($779,037)

Group Insurance ($1,200,000) ($545,000)

Retirement ($360,000) ($350,000)

Enrollment Growth ($1,617,592) ($1,617,592)

State Financial Aid Grants

($575,800) ($550,000)

Adult Basic Education ($250,000) ($72,000)

Nursing Graduates Grants

($80,000) ($29,000)

Total Impact to SWTJC ($4,518,516) ($3,942,629)

Direct ($3,612,716) ($3,291,629)

Grants ($330,000) ($101,000)

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State Funding Trends

Funding sources for community colleges can be classified into 4 major areas

TX SWTJCState appropriations – 24% 20%Local Taxes – 30% 5%Tuition/Fees – 23% 22%Other sources - 23% 53%

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State Funding Trends

Over the past 25 years, the state’s share of funding the overall operating budgets of community colleges has declined from a high of 61% in FY 1985 to 24 % in FY 2009

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State Funding Trends

10-11 After cuts HB1 SB1$0.00











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Proposed Legislation

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House Bills

HB 9 – Relating to student success-based funding HB 10 – Eligibility for a Texas Grant HB 33 – Measures to increase affordability of textbook HB 34 – Including in the public high school curriculum instruction in

methods of paying HB 136 – Relating to restriction on dropping courses at public institutions

of higher education HB 399 – Requiring general academic institutions to offer personal

financial literacy training. HB 459 – relating to temporary limitation on the total amount of tuition

charged to a student HB 587 – eliminating the set-aside portion of designated tution HB 736 – relating to online institutions resumes HB 766 – exempting textbooks from sales tax HB 866 – Tuition exemption for members of Texas State Guard HB 1053 – Tuition exemption for firefighters

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Senate Bills

SB 28 – Eligibility for a Texas Grant SB 32 – Consolidation of tuition & fee waivers SB 36 – Methods for increasing student success SB 162 – Requiring a developmental education plan for students

entering higher education SB 176 – Student eligibility for tuition rebates offered by general

academic institutions SB 200 – Evaluation of THECB reports required of higher education SB 282 – Eliminating certain reporting, planning and other

requirements imposed on THECB or institutions of higher education

SB 298 – Eliminating set-aside portion of designated tuition SB 419 – Prohibiting state funding to public junior colleges for physical

education courses offered dual credit SB 752 – Requiring institutions of higher education to post on internet

all checking account transactions

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Hot Off the Press

HB 1163 – Relating to waivers for peace officers and firemen HB 1206 – Relating to training members of governing boards HB 1212 – Relating to collection of information by higher education

institutions HB 1237 – Relating to internet access to checking account transactions HB 1244 – Relating to developmental education HB 1341 – Relating to the manner of payment of tuition and fees HB 1356 – Concealed handguns on campus HB 1420 – Relating to the limitations on the number of courses that

students may drop HB 1460 – Relating to measures to increase cost efficency HB 1495 – Relating to the application of the Information Resource

Management Act SB 793 – Relating to incentives to recruit and retain allied health faculty SB 794 –Relating to use of money from permanent fund for health-related SB 850 – Relating to formula funding for certain dual credit hours

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HB 1356

(b)  An institution of higher education or private or   independent institution of higher education in this state may not   adopt any rule, regulation, or other provision prohibiting a   license holder who is a faculty member, staff member, or employee of   the institution from carrying a

handgun on the campus of the   institution.

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Unfunded Mandates and Waivers

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Unfunded Mandates by the Legislature

Tuition Waivers – Education Code requires colleges to provide tuition exemptions in 38 different categories of students and 19 different waiver categories

Internet Access to Course Information – HB2504 requires posting of syllabus, faculty credentials, and student evaluation for each term and maintain for two years

Accountability Measures – Currently, there is a set required by the Legislative Budget Board, Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, in addition to the new Momentum Points accountability system.

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Unfunded Mandates by the Legislature

Background Checks – State requires fingerprint-based background checks of faculty and staff (dual credit at HS)

Licensure Data – State removed itself completely from the collection of this data and requires each institution to gather its own

College Investments – requires all investments to be collateralized

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Tuition Exemption Waivers

Blind Good Neighbor Military in Texas

Combat Extension Children of Disabled Firemen Intention to Stay

Tuition Reduction Disabled Police Officer College Teachers

Concurrent Enrollment Deaf Border States

Senior Citizens Fire Science Citizens of Mexico

Designated Tuition Children of POW/MIA Public Health

Highest Ranking Senior Foster Care Border County

Legacy Act Adopted 100 Mile

Hazelwood Spouse National Guard Nursing Graduate

Hazelwood Exempt Dual Enrollment Foreign Service

Hazelwood Dependent National Exchange Student NATO Families

TX Tomorrow Fund Children of Nurse Faculty Preceptor Children

Academic Common Mkt Depended of Public Servant Student Service Fee Exp

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Unfunded Mandates

SWTJC waives approximately $250,000

SWTJC sets aside $400,000 in tuition revenue (Texas Public Educational Grants (TPEG) as mandated)

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Momentum Points Background

Ensuring long-term economic growth & prosperity

Community colleges enroll half of students in Texas

Texas must award an additional 46,000 credentials annually by 2015 – 28% increase

Strengthen efforts in increasing student career and academic readiness, and increase progress and achievement of milestones by all students

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Momentum Points Model

Based on research by Teachers College at Columbia University

Model measures performance in a way to provide incentives to community colleges

Milestones are measurable attainments correlated with a student’s momentum through a program

Milestone concept – holds community colleges accountable for student success

Each Metric is directly aligned with the core mission of community colleges – from least prepared to the most college ready students

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Momentum Points Metric

College Readiness - 2 points (1 for math, 1 for reading/writing)

1st College Level Math Course - 1 point

15 Credits Completed – 1 point

30 Credits Completed – 1 point

Transfer w/15 hours or more – 2 points

Degree/Certificate earned – 2 points

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THECB vs. Community College Proposal

THECB – Allocate 90% of formula based on enrollment and allocate 10% of formula based on momentum points; all 50 community colleges compete for the 10%; implement in FY 2013

Community Colleges – Given current budget crisis do not implement at this time; use FY 2012 to establish a baseline; measure movement against institution.

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Momentum Points Based on FY 2010 Data

Math Read/Write




CreditsTransf Assoc. Core Cert. Total


Points 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2

SWTJC 336 316 794 1,954 1,110 404 414 114 212 6,798

State 31,062


89,244 240,167

143,082 41,079 46,234 13,932



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Momentum Point Funding

Total Momentum Points = 778,791

Total funding $110,467,502 (10% of formula)

Funding per point = $141.84

Total Momentum Points for SWTJC = 6,798

SWTJC Momentum point funding = $964,261

10% of proposed funding House version - $726,941 Senate version - $692,649 Difference + $237,000 + $271,000

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The Future




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Create and nurture a learning-centered environment in which students, faculty, staff, and the community at-large can achieve their greatest potential.

Identify and serve the learning needs of the community (Learning)

Cultivate excellence in teaching, instructional delivery, student services, and administrative support (Quality)

Provide reliable and sustainable resources and funding for the college (Efficiency)

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Why and How

You might wonder what does learning, quality, and efficiency have to do with future funding?

We are ahead of the curve when it comes to performance measures. All of our work with post SACS accreditation and Achieving the Dream has placed us in an excellent position to move forward in this new era of performance funding and shrinking resources.

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Our Goal & Strategy

Our goal is not to use a broad brush to change, improve or cut programs and cost, but to use a fine detailed brush to make these changes.

Our goal to improve learning and quality is centered on the students and their needs. This “hedgehog” focus will result in the efficiencies required to keep moving this institution forward.

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Funding - Efficiency

We have recognized that state support for community colleges is diminishing

Aligned our Strategic Goals with our Core Mission

Implemented cost saving measures: Printing Document imaging Realigning workflow/departments Increase utilization of Colleague Targeted professional development

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Demand quality of all employees

Insure quality education

Implemented initiatives that assist students in movement through: First college level Math Developmental Education Core Certificate Completion Transfer Graduation

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Whether you prevail or fail depends more on what you do to yourself than on what the world does to you.

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Performance funding/Momentum points – reward and reinforce what we have already begun

Focus Students Student Learning Outcomes Improving Student Services

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Focus = Success




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Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness is largely a matter of conscious choice, and discipline.

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