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TABLE OF CONTENTSTABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................... 2

Edit Flow.................................................................................................................................... 4

Better WP Security..................................................................................................................... 6

WP Security Scan....................................................................................................................... 9

Akismet..................................................................................................................................... 11

All in One SEO Pack................................................................................................................ 13

Social Media Widget................................................................................................................ 17

Force Strong Passwords........................................................................................................... 21

Digg Digg................................................................................................................................. 22

Wordpress SEO by Yoast.......................................................................................................... 25

W3 Total Cache........................................................................................................................ 31

Google Analytics for WordPress.............................................................................................. 35

Broken Link Checker............................................................................................................... 38

Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer............................................................................................. 42

SEO Data Transporter.............................................................................................................. 44

Regenerate Thumbnails............................................................................................................ 46

Simple 301 Redirects............................................................................................................... 51

Google XML Sitemaps............................................................................................................. 53

Jetpack by WordPress.com....................................................................................................... 56

YARPP..................................................................................................................................... 59

Tweet Old Post......................................................................................................................... 60

WPtouch................................................................................................................................... 64

MediaElement.js - HTML5 Video & Audio Player................................................................. 66

NextGEN Gallery..................................................................................................................... 68

WP-Cycle................................................................................................................................. 73

Multiple Galleries..................................................................................................................... 75


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WP-DB-Backup........................................................................................................................ 77

WP Super Cache....................................................................................................................... 80

Login LockDown..................................................................................................................... 84

FD Feedburner Plugin.............................................................................................................. 86

ShareThis.................................................................................................................................. 88

Duplicate Post.......................................................................................................................... 91

AWeber Web Form Plugin........................................................................................................ 93

WP-Polls................................................................................................................................... 96

StatCounter............................................................................................................................... 99

WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin............................................................................ 102

WP Email Capture.................................................................................................................. 106

Quick Shop............................................................................................................................. 109

upPrev Plugin........................................................................................................................ 111

ViperBar................................................................................................................................. 113

Search Regex.......................................................................................................................... 116

HTTP 404 Email Notifier....................................................................................................... 118

Internet Marketing Info Products

Affiliate Blogger Pro - Multi-media Program By Super Affiliate Blogger, Provides Step-by-step Instruction To Setup And Make Money From Blogs Through Affiliate Marketing.

Home Wealth Secrets - Wealth Generation Success Package

Affilorama - The #1 Affiliate Marketing Training Portal

Millionaire Society – Affiliate Marketing Training Super Site

CB Pirate – Clickbank Marketing System

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Edit Flow

Description: “Edit Flow empowers you to collaborate with your editorial team in-side WordPress.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Edit Flow" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Edit Flow " button on the Dashboard menu.

· Click on "Edit Flow" to see all the features of the plugin including Calendar, Custom Statuses, Dashboard Widgets, Editorial Comments, etc. It is de-signed in a way you can pick and choose from the features you will use:

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Calendar: Edit Flow's calendar allows you to see your posts in a customizable date rage. Published posts are in gray, and blue for unpublished posts.

Custom Statuses: You can create new posts, pitch ideas, mark articles as in need of editing, etc.

Dashboard Widgets: Enable dashboard widgets to quickly get an overview of what state your content is in.

Editorial Comments: It allows you to leave comments and feedback on articles within WordPress. You can hold a private discussion regarding a post and commu-nicate directly with your writers or editors.

Editorial Meta Data: You can create as many fields as you would like to suit your workflow; from due date to location to contact information to role assignments.

Notifications: Keep everyone updated when changes are made to a post.

Story Budget: Views the status of all your content at a glance. It's a traditional al-ternative to the calendar.

User Groups: Configure user groups to organize all of the users on your site so that you can send notifications to only the relevant people.

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Better WP Security

Description: "It takes the best Wordpress security features and techniques, and combines them in a single plugin thereby ensuring that as many security holes as possible are patched without having to worry about conflicting features of the pos-sibility of missing anything on your site."

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Better WP Security" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Security" button on the Dashboard menu.

· Click on "Security" tab in your WP dashboard. You will be asked to take back up of your database.

· Click on "Create Database Backup" if you don't have backup of your web-site. But if you already have a backup, just click on the "No, thanks. I already have a backup" button.

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· Then the plugin will ask for your permission to edit WordPress Core files. If you don't want to authorize this plugin to edit core files of your WP Installa-tion, simply click on "Do not allow this plugin to change WordPress core files" button and proceed further.

· You will be taken to the Better WP Security main dashboard. You'll see dif-ferent tabs like Dashboard, User, Away, Ban, Backup, Hide, Detect, Login SSL, Tweaks and Logs. There is a description or guide you can read on each tab.

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· This is also where you can choose to secure your site from basic attacks, change admin username, change user 1 ID, Add Host and Agent Blacklist, enable banned users, create database backup, and so on.

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WP Security Scan

Description: “Checks your WordPress website/blog for security vulnerabilities and suggests corrective actions such as Passwords, file permissions, database se-curity, version hiding and more.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP Security Scan" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "WSD security" button on the Dashboard menu. Here you will see 6 links: WSD security, Scanner, Password Tool, Database, Options and Support.

Scanner: This option can scan your WordPress files permission.

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Password Tool: Here you can test the strength of your passwords.

Database: Here you can backup your database or Change database table prefix to mitigate zero-day SQL Injection attacks.

Options: Here you can choose to show or hide the Website Defender News dash-board widget.

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Description: “Akismet protects your blog from comment and trackback spam. It keeps your site protected from spam even while you sleep.”

· Go to Plugins

Akismet comes pre-installed in all WordPress blogs but there is still and API re-quired for this plugin to be activated.

How to Get API for free?

· Click on "enter your Akismet API key" link.

· Then go to Akismet.com signup page, and click "Personal Signup." Enter all the information needed such as First name, Last name and Email.

· On the right side under "WHAT IS AKISMET WORTH TO YOU?" shift the slider to the leftmost point until it shows $0.00/yr.

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· Just click on the "Continue" button and you'll get your own Akismet API key for free in your inbox. Simple copy then paste the key in you WP installa-tion.

Use Akismet and stay spam free forever.

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All in One SEO Pack

Description: “All in One SEO Pack optimizes your Wordpress blog for Search Engines (Search Engine Optimization)”

· Go to Plugins, and then type "All in one SEO Pack" on the search box. Click Install Now and activate the plugin.

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, you can see it under Settings on the dashboard menu.

· It is important to go through the main settings. You'll notice a number of de-fault values and checkboxes are already active.

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Home Title – Is the Meta title of the blog. This will be the title that all users will see in their browsers.

Home Description - Also known as Meta description. The description should be no longer than 160 characters.

Home Keywords - This is where you can add keywords that you want to target.

Canonical URLs - check the box if your site should use canonical URLs

Rewrite Title - check the box if the titles of the posts, pages, category pages and archive pages should be written as determined on the other title settings.

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Other Title Settings: Post Title Format, Page Title Format, Category Title, Archive Title Format, Tag Title Format, Search Title Format

· Formats are given on the field. All you have to do is to supply the needed details. It uses vertical bar to separate the titles instead of hyphens.

Description Format - Format of the Meta description of a post or page

404-Title Format - This can have a specific type of Meta Title

Paged Format - It is relevant for multi-paged posts and entries

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Other Options: SEO for Custom Post Types, Use Categories for Meta keywords, Use Tags for Meta keywords, Dynamically Generate Keywords for Posts Page, Use noindex for Categories, Use noindex for Archives, Use noindex for Tag Archives, Autogenerate Descriptions, Capitalize Category Titles

· Check the box depending on what you want with your blog/site

Exclude Pages - You can list here all the pages that you don't want to be indexed by Google

Don’t forget to click on the “Update Options” button after making all the changes.

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Social Media Widget

Description: “Social Media Widget is a simple sidebar widget that allows users to input their social media website profile URLs and other subscription options to show an icon on the sidebar to that social media site and more that open up in a separate browser window.”

· Go to Plugins, and then type "Social Media Widget" on the search box. Click Install Now and activate the plugin.

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Ap-pearance then click Widgets. The Social Media Widget is one of them.

· Drag the "social media widget" into the sidebar of your choice. Once it's in place, it will open a very long page of options. Like this:

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Simply put in your social media website profile URL if you want an icon to be vis-ible on the sidebar to the social media site.

For example:

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· In Social Networking, under Facebook URL paste in your Facebook profile URL then click Save at the bottom of the page of options.

· After saving the changes, visit the site and you’ll see the social media icon on the sidebar that open up in a separate browser window.

· It also gives you an option to change or edit Icon size, Icon pack, Type of an-imation (fade in, scale, bounce,combo), Icon alignment, default icon opacity and on/off rel="nofollow" for links.

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· You can create custom icons or include an icon by simply putting in the link URL to the custom icon.

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Force Strong Passwords

Description: “Force Strong Passwords is a WordPress plugin which duplicated the WP JavaScript password strength check in PHP, and forces users to use a strong password.”

· Go to Plugins, and then type "Force Strong Passwords" on the search box. Click Install Now and activate the plugin.

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, it will take care of the rest. So now, any user must have a strong password in order to publish posts, upload files, or edit published posts.

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Digg Digg

Description: “With Digg Digg, you can display all popular social sharing buttons nicely on your blog and make it look amazing just like Mashable.”

· Go to Plugin, and then type "Digg Digg" on the search box. Click Install Now and activate the plugin.

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Digg Digg" button on the Dashboard menu.

Global Config

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The first thing you want to do is go to Global Config. There are options on the Global Configuration that you might want to edit or change such as: Facebook Like configuration, Official Twitter configuration, Buffer configuration, Flattr con-figuration, TweetMeme configuration, Topsy configuration, Reset Global Config-uration Settings and Reset Everything.

Normal Display

· Here you can setup buttons if you want to display in horizontal or vertical order.

· Display buttons in Home, Post, Page, Category, Tag Archive

· Enable Digg Digg to modify your post excerpt

· Choose and customize button layout to display

Floating Display

· If you enable Floating Display, buttons are always displayed in vertically in the floating bar.

· Set how far from the left of the of the content Digg Digg is placed

· Let Digg Digg bar float past the end of the post

· Choose which buttons to display and how they should appear

· Include extra services at the end of the floating buttons like email button and Print button

· Enable Credit Link

Manual Placement

In this area you'll find various codes that you can use to display button to every-where you want.

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Wordpress SEO by Yoast

Description: “WordPress SEO by Yoast is written from the ground up by Word-Press SEO consultant and WordPress developer Joost de Valk to improve your site;s SEO on all needed aspects.”

· Go to Plugins, and then type "WordPress SEO by Yoast" on the search box. Click Install Now and activate the plugin.

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "SEO" button on the Dashboard menu.

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· On the Yoast Dashboard, you'll be able to take a tour to learn about the use of the plugin. Just click on the "Start Tour" button and you will be taken to different pages with popup that contains the explanation. You can also re-store a site to the default WordPress SEO settings.

· Also, under the dashboard you can disable the advanced part of the Word-Press SEO meta box and use SEI by Yoast plugin to easily authorize you Webmaster Tools account(S).

Titles and Metas

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· On the Titles & Metas, you'll see different tabs such as General, Home, Post Types, Taxonomies, Other and Help. The General tab allows you to edit the SEO features, and show or hide parts of the panel.

· On the Home tab, you can set the Meta title and description of your home page.

· Post Types, Taxonomies and Other tabs enables you to set Meta titles and descriptions across pages, posts and different taxonomies on your site. You'll also have the chance to completely disable author and date-based archives.

· Help tab contains the list of available tags.


· Your first option in this area is to add OpenGraph Meta data to your site. You can also set front page and default images, add Twitter card meta data if you have a Twitter account, or add yourself as a Facebook admin in order to access Insights for your site.

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XML Sitemaps

· By having SEO by Yoast plugin, creating a sitemap that automatically up-dates is possible with just a click of a button. Here you can enable XML sitemap functionality, check boxes if you want your content to ping other search engines, exclude posts, pages, media, etc in your sitemap, and if there's a taxonomy that you don't want to include in your sitemap.


· You don't have to change anything here. But you might want to try the op-tions available on the Permalink settings.

Internal Links

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Here you can enable Breadcrumbs for your site. There are also varieties of options you can set up for the presentation of the breadcrumbs. Once you have set the breadcrumbs, you have to insert the relevant code into the appropriate theme file of your site.


With Yoast’s RSS feature, you can automatically add content to the beginning and end of your posts into your RSS feed.

Import & Export

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This plugin enables you to import and export SEO data from other plugins/themes. It also says that you can import first, check if it was imported correctly, and then import & delete. You can even export your WordPress SEO settings using this plu-gin.

Edit Files

By having this plugin, you can have the ability to edit 2 important files for SEO; robots.txt and .htaccess. You don't need to touch anything here unless you know what you're doing.

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W3 Total Cache

Description: “W3 Total Cache improves the user experience of your site by im-proving your server performance, caching every aspect of your site, reducing the download times and providing transparent content delivery network (CDN) integ-ration.”

· Go to plugins and type "W3 Total Cache" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Performance" button on the Dashboard menu.

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· On the General settings tab you'll see that W3 Total Cache is only in Pre-view mode. So to make it active on your site, click on either "deploy" or "disable."


· Once you've changed settings, you'll see some speed improvement.

· Page Cache - Enabling the Page Cache will reduce the response time of your site and increase the scale of your server. You can then choose what Page Cache Method you'll want to use.

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· Minify - If you choose to enable Minify, the extra spaces will be removed auto-matically.

· You can also click on the Minify tab on the left to enable some extra set-tings.

· Database Cache - This is just like the Page Cache setting but it’s focused more on the information in your database like content and comments. En-abling Database Cache can reduce post, page and feed creation time.

· Browser Cache - It allows you to reduce the server load and decrease the re-sponse time by using all the cache available in site visitor's web browser. On

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the browser cache general settings, you can specify browser cache policy as well as for CSS & JavaScript files

· Any updates you made on your site are being cached and the changes don’t show instantly. But if you want to see them, just click on the "empty all caches" button above the general settings box.

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Google Analytics for WordPress

Description: “Google Analytics for WordPress allows you to track your blog easily and with lots of metadata. Simple installation through integration with Google Analytics API: authenticate, select the site you want to track and you're done.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Google Analytics for WordPress" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click on set-tings and you'll find Google Analytics link at the bottom.

· You'll see a popup text that says "Google Analytics is not active. You must select which Analytics Profile to track before it can work." Click on there

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and sign in with you Google Analytics account, and then choose the profile to display.

· On the Google Analytics Settings, you can click on the "Click here to au-thenticate with Google" button to retrieve your tracking code.

· Then once installed, go to your dashboard and look for the Google Analytics widget. You'll see a graph displaying the entire visit you've had for the past month.

· It also includes some information such as number of visits, pageviews, and pages per visits, top posts, referrers and top searches like this:

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· This graph by Google Analytics gives some good basic information about what's been popular recently on your blog/site.

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Broken Link Checker

Description: “This plugin will monitor your blog looking for broken links and let you know if any are found. It monitors links in your posts, pages, comments, etc.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Broken Link Checker" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, navigate to the plugin's setting page. Settings >> Link Checker

· On the Link Checker Options > General tab

There's a few settings that are important to set up once you install the plugin.

· Check each Link: we can leave this defaulted to every 72 hours.

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· Also, you check the box "Send me e-mail notifications about newly detected broken links"

· You can also check the box "Apply custom formatting to broken links" and "Stop search engines from following broken links"

· After making all the changes, click on "Save Changes"

Look For Links In tab

This is where you can decide which areas of your site you check for links. These setting are really up to personal preference, so it's up to you which of the boxes should be checked.

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Which Links to Check tab

This is where you can choose which types of links to check whether it is HTML, plain text or videos from outside sources. The exclusion list allows you to create a list of words that will not be checked.

Protocols and APIs tab

This is where you can decide which protocol to use.

Advanced tab

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· Timeout is the limit in which if the links take longer to load in the specified time, it will be marked as broken.

· Link monitor allows you to run the Dashboard while open and wun in the background hourly.

· Max.execution time enables you to set for how long the link monitor may run each time before stopping.

· Server load limit allows you to set a limit to suspend link checking when the average server load rises above the limit.

· Forced recheck allows you to make the plugin empty its link database and recheck the entire site from scratch by clicking on the "Re-check all pages" button.

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Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer

Description: “This plugin not only automatically changes any Amazon link on your site to use you affiliate Id, but it also changes the link to point to the user's Amazon store.”

· Go to plugins and type "Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, navigate to the plugin's setting page. Settings >> Amazon Affiliate IDs

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· This plugin is very simple and straight forward. All you have to do is to ac-tivate it and provide your regional affiliate IDs, no need to do anything in Amazon.

· For example, your visitor is from UK, they'll get a link to Amazon.co.uk.

If you don't have an affiliate account with one of the Amazon countries, the plugin will automatically inserts the owner’s code.

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SEO Data Transporter

Description: “SEO Data Transporter plugin allows you to transfer your inputs SEO data from one theme/plugin to another.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "SEO Data Transporter" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Tools >> SEO Data Transport

· On the SEO Data Transporter page, you can choose the platform you wish to convert from and the platform you wish to convert to.

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· Click Analyze to get a list of elements you are able to convert, and click Convert to perform the conversion.

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Regenerate Thumbnails

Description: “Regenerate Thumbnails allows you to regenerate the thumbnails for your image attachments.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Regenerate Thumbnails" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Tools >> Regen. Thumbnails

· This is very easy, all you have to do is to click on the "Regenerate All Thumbnails" button and it will automatically regenerate thumbnails for all images you have uploaded to your blog.

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· You can also regenerate specific images by hovering over the image's row, and then click the link to resize. You can use the checkboxes and "Bulk ac-tions" dropdown to resize multiple images.

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Widget Logic

Description: “This plugin gives every widget an extra control field called "Widget logic" that lets you control the pages that the widget will appear on.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Widget Logic" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Ap-pearance >> Widgets

· If you look on each widget, you can see a box named "Widget Logic."This field lets you control how your widgets appear on the sidebar.

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You need to know the conditional tags that can be used if you want to display or hide widgets in WordPress pages.

Displaying Widget

· If you want to display the widget is a specific page, all you have to do is just paste the code is_page() in the widget logic box under the corresponding widget.

· But if you want to display the widget in 2 or more pages, use the code is_page(array(5,6)) where 5 and 6 is the page ids of a certain pages.. You can also use the page titles instead of page ids.

Hiding Widget

· If you want to hide the widget in all pages, use the code !is_page(). The "!" symbol denotes "don't display."

Here are just some of the conditional tags that you can use:

· is_page() - to display or hide widgets

· is_single() - for wordpress posts

· is_category - for category archive pages

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· is_tag() - for tag archive pages

· is_date() - for daily, monthly, yearly archive pages

· is_author() - for author archive displayed

· is_404() - is 404 page shown

· is_active_sidebar() - if sidebar in active

· is_plugin_active() - is a plugin is active

Click here to learn more about conditional tags.

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Simple 301 Redirects

Description: “Simple 301 Redirects provides an easy method of redirecting re-quests to another page on your site or elsewhere on the web. It's especially handy when you migrate a site to WordPress and can't preserve your URL structure.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Simple 310 Redirects" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Set-tings >> 301 Redirects

· On the 301 Redirect main page, you'll see a very easy to use interface.

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· Just enter the link on the first box (ex. /forum.htm) and the full URL of the destination in the second box (ex. http://internetlaughter.com/forum/). In ad-dition to forwarding between paths on your site, you can also forward to ex-ternal sites. Click the "Save Changes" button.

This is the perfect plugin if you want to avoid losing traffic and rankings by send-ing your visitors to pages that only gives them 404 errors. Simple 301 Redirects is the easiest method of redirecting requests to another page on your site or anywhere else on the web.

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Google XML Sitemaps

Description: “This plugin will generate a special XML sitemap which help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and Ask.com to better index your blog. With such a sitemap, it's much easier for the crawlers to see the complete structure of your site and retrieve it more efficiently.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Google XML Sitemaps" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Set-tings >> XML-Sitemap

· You'll notice at the very top of the setting page which tells you that the sitemap wasn't built yet, so built it the first time. Just click on the "click here" link.

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· After clicking on the link, you'll see a box that contains the result of the last build process. You will information such as when your sitemap was built, when your sitemap zipped was built, and list of search engines that was suc-cessfully notified, etc.

· Now, if you open http://yoursite.com/sitemap.xml in your browser, you will see the sitemap index with the active sitemaps. Each link points to the sitemap of a specific section.

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Once your sitemap is built, you don't need to make any other changes to the set-tings on this page because this plugin is configured straight out of the box.

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Jetpack by WordPress.com

Description: “Jetpack is a WordPress plugin that supercharges your self-hosted WordPress site with the awesome cloud power of WordPress.com.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Jetpack byWordPress" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you'll see a popup box that says you need to connect to WordPress.com to enable Jetpack features. Just click "Connect to WordPress.com" button and you're ready.

· Once clicked, you'll be able to authorize Jetpack with your WordPress ac-count.

· After signing in to your WordPress.com account, you'll see the newly cre-ated "JetPack" button on the Dashboard menu.

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Here is a list of WordPress JetPack functionality:

WordPress.com Stats – It contains very simple and concise website stats without any additional load on your server.

Twitter Widget - Adds a widget that will display tweets from a Twitter account. You can see it by going to the Widgets menu under appearance. All you have to do is to drag the widget to the widget area and then fill in with necessary information. Click "Save".

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Gravatar Hovercards - It shows a popup business card of your user's gravatar profiles in comments

WP.me Shortlinks - It will add the ability to shorten the URL of your posts/pages for easier sharing.

Sharedaddy - Use to share content with Facebook, Twitter, and many more.

LaTex - This feature mark up your posts for complex mathematical equations.

After the Deadline - It helps you proofread your post so that you can ensure the language quality of your blog.

Shortcode Embeds - You can easily embed videos and others from sites like You-Tube, Vimeo and SlideShare.

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Description: “YARPP gives you a list of posts and/or pages related to the current entry, introducing the reader to other relevant content on your site.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Yet Another Related Posts Plugin" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> Related Posts (YARPP)

The plugin automatically adds related posts at the end of each post upon installa-tion.

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· Uncheck the "Automatically display related posts?" checkbox if you want to move the related posts elsewhere.

· If you would like to show related posts in your RSS and Atom feeds make sure to check the "display related posts in feeds" checkbox.

· If you go to the widget options page, you'll see the related posts can also be displayed as a widget. It will only be displayed on a single entry (permalink) pages but it can be used even of the auto display option is turned off.

Tweet Old Post

Description: “Tweet Old Posts is a plugin designed to tweet your older posts to get more traffic. This plugin helps you to keep your old posts alive by tweeting about them and driving more traffic to them from twitter.”

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· Go to Plugins, then type in "Tweet Old Post" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Tweet Old Post" button on the Dashboard menu.

Click on the Tweet Old Post to see the settings area.

· Account login - Click on the Sign in with Twitter button. You must author-ize the plugin to use your twitter account

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· Tweet Old Post plugin allows you to tweet out published posts at interval and within the parameters you set, add additional text at the beginning or end of your tweet, include link, and add/create hashtags.

· This plugin also allows you to set the time interval between tweets, set the minimum and maximum age of post to be eligible for tweet and number of post to tweet.

· On the Exclude Post under Tweet Old Post menu, you can select specific posts to be excluded from tweeting. All posts excluded will not be tweeted even if the category is selected.

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Description: “WPtouch automatically transforms your WordPress website into an application-like theme, complete with ajax loading articles and effects when viewed form the most popular mobile web browsing devices like iPhone, ipod touch, Android mobile device, Palm Pre/Pixi and Blackberry OS6 mobile devices.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WPtouch" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Set-tings >> WPtouch

· Now, adjust the display settings and other options depending on your needs and customize your own mobile version website for your iPhone audience.

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· On the General Settings you can choose what language you want to use, change Site Title, Exclude categories and tags, set the alignment of your text, and customize your default footer message.

· WPtouch also allows you to enable or disable the RSS Menu item as well as the Home menu item which is useful if you choose to redirect your homepage to your about page. You can even select which pages you want to show up on your mobile menu and upload custom images for each page.

· The plugin also enables you to customize some of the visible features such as Style and Color.

After making all the necessary changes, click “Save Options.”

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MediaElement.js - HTML5 Video & Audio Player

DescriptionL: “MediaElement.js - HTML5 Video & Audio Player is a video and audio plugin for WordPress which provides flash or silverlight fallback players for non-HTML5 browsers.”

· Go to Plugins, then type "MediaElement.js" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, go to Set-tings >> MediaElement.js

· Before setting your defaults, you should first consider thinking how you'll be using the player. If you're planning to make video blog posts, you should consider the content width of your posts and height to retain the quality of your videos and eliminate distortion within the video play-er.

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You can easily add video or audio files on your WordPress page using the plu-gin’s shortcode that you can find here. Once the codes are added, you can now easily add MediaElement.js video or audio shortcode to the text widgets within your WordPress theme.

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NextGEN Gallery

Description: “NextGen Gallery is the most popular photo gallery plugin for WordPress, and one of the most popular WordPress plugins of any kind with over 5 million downloads.”

· Go to Plugins, then type "NextGen Gallery" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Gallery" button on the Dashboard menu.

· Click on the Gallery button to access the Gallery menu. On the NextGen Gallery Overview, you can see how many images you uploaded and how many Galleries and Albums you created.

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· Click on the "Add Gallery/Images" option. In this page, you need to cre-ate a new gallery then click "Add gallery" button to move on to the next step.

· Once you have successfully created your first gallery, it's time to add im-ages to it. There are two ways to upload images to a gallery: upload im-ages from your computer or upload a zip-file with images. When upload-ing your images, you will see a progress bar for you to know when your images have been uploaded.

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· When you're finish adding images to your gallery, click on "Manage Gal-lery" to see the list of all galleries on your wordpress website.

· On this page you can edit the Gallery title, add description and tags of each image, etc. You can even edit the image by clicking on the "edit thumb" link under Filename. Once you have made your changes, always remember to save your changes.

· Now you can add your new gallery to any post or pages on your site. Click on the "Add New" under Posts/Pages and you'll see the NextGen Gallery icon together with the rest of the formatting tools.

· Click the icon and it will open a small box where you can select your gal-lery form the dropdown menu.

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· Once you've select your gallery, click the insert button and you'll see a shortcode that has been added to your post/page. The number in the shortcode is the ID number of your gallery.

· Save your post/page and view your gallery on your site. It should look like this:

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Description: “The WP-Cycle plugin allows you to upload images from your computer, which will then be used to generate a jQuery Cycle Plugin slideshow of the images.”

· Go to Plugins, then type " " on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to plugins and look for "WP-Cycle" >>Settings

· The first thing you'll want to do is to upload some images.

· After uploading the images, give each image a link so that when it comes through the slideshow, you'll be able to click on the link. Just type in the link under "Image Links To" column and then click "Update".

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· You can also see the WP-Cycle Settings to enable transitions, add effects, set the transition delay, etc. Click "Save Settings" after making changes.

· To put the slideshow on your website, put this code on a place where you want to put your slideshow: <?php wp_cycle();?>

· For example you might want to put the slideshow into your header, simply open the header.php in 18your content folder and then paste the code on it.

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Multiple Galleries

Description: “This plugin adds checkboxes next to images you have uploaded to a gallery in a post. Selecting checkboxes will include those images in that particular gallery.”

· Go to Plugins, then type "Multiple Galleries" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, click "Add New" post/page. Click on the “Add media” icon.

· Upload images from your computer, then click "Save".

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· You'll notice a checkbox next to images your have uploaded. All you have to do is to check the box which you will want to include in a particular gallery.

Now to create multiple galleries within the same post, choose the images and click “Insert Gallery”. Just continue with it until you’ve reached the number of galleries you want to put into your post/page.

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Description: “WP-DB-Backup allows you to easily backup your core WordPress database tables. You may also backup other tables in the same database.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP-DB-Backup" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Tools >> Backup

You'll see something like this:

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· Under "These core WordPress tables will always be backed up:" are the de-fault database tables included with WordPress.

· Under "You may choose to include any of the following tables:" is a list of additional database tables, which were created by plugins.

Backup Options

Here you have to decide what you want to do with the backup file;

· Save to server - Save a backup of your database as a file on your web server

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· Download to your computer - This create a backup that you can save into your computer

· Email backup to - This enables you to send a copy of the backup to any of your email addresses.

Scheduled Backup

· We can schedule a backup to be emailed to our email address. You can choose from Never, Once Hourly, Twice Daily, Once Daily and Once Weekly.

· On the right, you'll again see a list of optional tables. Choose the ones you want to backup every time the backup runs.

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WP Super Cache

Description: This plugin generates static html files from your dynamic WordPress blog. After a html files is generated your webserver will serve that file instead of processing the comparatively heavier and more expensive WordPress PHP scripts.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP Super Cache" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> WP Su-per Cache

· On the Easy tab, select "Caching On" and Update Status, then Test your cached website by clicking the "Test Cache" button.

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· If everything is OK, you're done with the basic setup.

Advanced tab

Under this tab you'll find lots of settings that you need to consider. One of the most important item here is the Caching method. You can find more details about this plugin here.

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CDN tab

CDN solves the problem of hosting your website by hosting your content on multiple servers. If you want to increase your speeds, simply check the box "Enable CDN Support" and click "Save Changes" button at the bottom.

Contents tab

It shows what is currently cached on your site.

Preload tab

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· These settings will cache every published post and page on your site. It will create Supercache static files so unknown visitors will hit a cached page. In Preload Mode, it will clean out legacy files for unknown users, not the pre-loaded supercache files. This is recommended setting when the cache is pre-loaded.

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Login LockDown

Description: Login LockDown records the IP address and timestamp of every failed login attempt. If more than a certain number of attempts are detected within a short period of time from the same IP range, then the login function is disabled for all requests from that range.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Login Lockdown" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> Login LockDown

· Under the Login Lockdown Options, I recommend selecting "yes" to "Lock-out Invalid Usernames" and "Mask Login Errors" for enhanced security.

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· This plugin also allows you to release locked IPs.

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FD Feedburner Plugin

Description: FD Feedburner Plugin redirects the main RSS feed and optionally the comments feed to Feedburner.com. It does this seamlessly without the need to modify templates, setup new hidden feeds, modify .htaccess files, or asking users to migrate to a new feed.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "FD Feedburner Plugin" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> Feed-burner

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· Under Feedburner Configuration, paste your new feedburner feed on the first box. Other options are optional and no further changes are needed.

· If you choose to enable "Append category slug to feedburner URL", cat-egory feeds will be redirected to your main feed with the category slug ap-pended.

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Description: Increase social activity on your site with the ShareThis and Shar-eNow widgets. ShareThis widget is a quick and easy sharing solution for your site to keep your audience engaged in your content and increase traffic to your site.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "ShareThis" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> ShareThis

· On the ShareThis options, you can customize the plugin to fit into your web-site.

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· First, you have to choose the display style of your buttons. It can be large icons, horizontal count, vertical count, classic, regular, regular button-no text and buttons.

Choose Social Services

· This plugin allows you to reorder, remove or add social buttons in order to change the recommended defaults. You can even add additional plugin options like Google Analytics, and controlling hover effects.

· If you are a new user of this plugin you'll be given a publisher key which enable social analytics for your site's visitor. You have to register first to enable this feature.

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· You can enable Hovering bar, and ShareNow to allow frictionless Open Graph Sharing on your site. When you enable ShareNow, the hovering bar is automatically moved to the right side of the page for optimal ex-perience.

· Don't forget to click "Update ShareThis Options" after making all the changes.

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Duplicate Post

Description: “This plugin allows you to clone a post or page, or edit it as a new draft.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Duplicate Post" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you can find the plugin under Settings >> Duplicate Post

· In Edit Posts/Pages, you'll notice the additional "Clone link" below the post/page title. Once you click on the link, it will immediately create a copy and return you to the list.

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· You can also create new Draft within the Post/Page by clicking on the "New Draft link below the post/page title.

· On Edit Post, you can click on "Copy to a new draft" link above Move to Trash link and Publish/Update button.

· Duplicate Post plugin is really a significant time saver. This plugin not only allows you to clone, copy or duplicate your post/page, but it also copies over custom fields used by the WP SEO plugin.

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AWeber Web Form Plugin

Description: Drag and drop web forms that you have created in your AWeber email marketing account into your blog, without having to log into your AWeber account or copy and paste anything. All you need is an AWeber account and a com-pleted web form.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "AWeber Web Form" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, you'll see a message in red border at the top of your screen. Click on the settings link to proceed.

· It will take you to the AWeber Web Form Options "Step 1" asking you to get an authorization code from AWeber.

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· Enter your AWeber login name and password then click "Allow Access" button. Once you've confirmed your account, you'll see the authorization code. Then paste in the code on the box which says "Paste on your au-thorization code:", and click Make Connection button.

· Once you've successfully make connection with AWeber, you'll get a suc-cess message like this:

· The next thing you need to do is to go the widgets page under Appear-ance and drag the AWeber Form widget into the widget area.

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· After the AWeber Form widget had been placed, click the drop-down to "Select A List". After selecting one of your lists, you have to pick the web form you want to use on the second drop down.

· Once you have selected list and web form, a link labeled "Preview Form" will appear below the dropdowns. Clicking on this link will let you see how the form will appear. Don’t forget to click the “Save” button after. If you want to make changes to the form, you have to go to your AWeber account to make those changes.

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Description: “WP-Polls is extremely customizable via templates and CSS styles and there are tons of options for you to choose to ensure that WP-Polls runs the way you wanted. It now supports multiple selection of answers.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP-Polls" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Polls" button on the Dashboard menu.

· To create a new poll, simply go to "Add Poll" option where you can enter your poll question and some possible answers. You can add as many ques-tions as you want.

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· On the "Poll Options" is where you can set the Poll bar style, poll bar back-ground, border, height, colors etc, polls Ajax styling, sorting poll answers, poll logging method and so etc.

How to Display Poll in your Site?

Go to "Widgets" under Appearance in your WordPress Dashboard. Drag the "Polls" widget to the sidebar to activate it. You have to provide a Title, and then choose from the drop downs such as "Display Polls Archive Link Below Poll?" and "Poll To Display." Click "Save" button.

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Visit your site and you'll see something like this:

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Description: This plugin gives you stats for how many visitors you're getting on each page so you can see what pages are popular and know where your web forms should go, etc.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "StatCounter" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Settings >> Stat-Counter

· On the StatCounter settings, you'll see a message in red border at the top of your screen asking you to enter your Project ID and Security Code.

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· So you will need to sign up for an account with StatCounter first. Just follow the instruction until you have successfully created an account.

How to add StatCounter to your Site?

· After signing up an account at StatCounter, copy your StatCounter code.

· Then go to “Widgets” under Appearance in the left navigation bar.

· Drag the Text Widget into the sidebar, and then paste the code into the main body of the Text widget. Click “Save”

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· Your StatCounter will now begin recording visitor information. If you choose the visible option, it will be visible on your site/blog.

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WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin

Description: “By using this plugin, you can create unlimited number of newsletter lists, follow-up email responses that can be scheduled to go out after a specific number of days since the subscriber subscribes, add subscription forms to your sidebar using widget, etc.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP Autoresponder And Newsletter Plugin" on the search box. Click Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Newsletters" button on the Dashboard menu.

· You'll see a message in red border at the top of your screen asking you to set your address in the newsletter settings page.

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· Click on the newsletter settings page link or go to Settings under Newsletters on your Dashboard menu.

· Setting up your postal address is mandatory to avoid spam complaints.

· In order to send a new e-mail broadcast, you must first create a newsletter. Go to Newsletters >> New Broadcast >> Create Newsletter or simply by clicking Newsletters link on the Dashboard menu

· Under All Broadcasts settings, you can create new Broadcasts. You can also see all the Pending broadcasts that you've created.

· In order to create an Autoresponder, you also must create a newsletter.

· Having post series, you can use your blog posts as follow up autoresponder emails.

o All you have to do is to create a new category using the posts and then edit the previous post and mark them under the category you've created or by adding new posts and mark them under the category while publish-ing.

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o Next is to create a new post series using the "Create" button on the Post Series link on your Dashboard menu

Now, you can create a new subscription form. Just select the follow up series to the post series you just selected.

· You can even see who have already subscribed to your newsletters. Simply go to Newsletters >> Subscribers on your dashboard menu. You can edit, delete and manage your subscriber's list per page.

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· On the actions settings, you can define or add rules for your newsletters. For example, If they subscriber to newsletter B, they will be automatic-ally unsubscribed from Newsletter A.

There are so many things that you can do using the WP-autoresponder and News-letter. Just keep on reading and trying, until you knew how you can benefit from this plugin.

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WP Email Capture

Description: “This creates a 2 field form such as Name and email, for capturing emails. Email is double opt in, and allows you to forward opt in to services such as ebooks or software.”

· Go to Plugins, then type in "WP Email Capture" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, Go to Settings >> WP Email Capture

· Create two pages on your blog; Subscription page and Subscription Con-firmation Page. The first page will be the page in which WP Email Cap-ture redirects to when you enter an email address, and next is the page that is redirected when you confirm your email address.

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· Simply click on "Pages" >> "Add New" then click Publish when done. Copy the links to the page and save it for later use.

Under WP Email Capture Options, fill in the information needed.

· Page to redirect to on sign up (URL of the page that you've saved - Subscription page.

· Page to redirect to on confirmation of email address (URL of the page that you've saved - Subscription Confirmation page.

After having all the details needed, click "Save Changes" button.

· When everything is set up, go to Appearance >> Widgets and then drag the WP Email Capture widget into the sidebar.

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· Provide details on how you want to introduce your email newsletter on the Widget Title and Widget Text. Then go ahead test it and if it works, you have been successfully set up your WP Email Capture.

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Quick Shop

Description: Quick shop supports any WordPress that have the Sidebar Widgets installed but it requires PHP 5. It adds a Sidebar widget that shows the user what they currently have in the cart and allows them to remove the items.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Quick Shop" on the search box. Click "In-stall Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin in WordPress, click the newly created "Quick Shop" button on the Dashboard menu.

· This plugin allows you to sell physical products only. Just click on the Quick Shop link on the dashboard menu. To set them up, simply define the product name, price, shipping costs, properties, etc.

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All this information can be imported into posts/pages using a button in visual editor.

· On the Quick Shop Settings, we can change the currency symbol, set if you want to display shopping cart when empty, display total only, enable PayPal, etc.

If you wish to learn more about this plugin, please visit this site.

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upPrev Plugin

Description: Display A cool, animated flyout or fade box with related content. When a reader scrolls to the bottom of a single post, page or custom post type, a button animated in the page's bottom right or left corner.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "upPrev" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, Go to Appearance >> upPrev

· On the upPrev Options, you can define which animation style you want to use, set the position from left or right, edit margins, define number of posts to show, ignore sticky posts, show excerpt, etc. Just explore the set-tings until everything's set up.

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· You can select the previous or random available post or posts in the se-lected configuration:

· This plugin is very simple and without options, it only shows the last post of the category where the post you are reading was filed.

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Description: ViperBar adds an attractive bar to your site header, which you can use to increase blog or newsletter subscribers. It includes built in styling, Aweber & Feedburner integration, conversion tracking, split-testing, themes, and much more.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "ViperBar" on the search box. Click “Install Now”

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, Go to Settings >> Vi-perbar

· On the ViperBar settings, you'll see the General Customization page.

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· First, you have to Enable ViperBar, so tick on Yes to enable it and click "Save Settings".

· Under the Content tab, you can put whatever you want to make it com-pelling for your readers to subscribe. You can choose what form to use Feedburner, Aweber or Mailchimp to put on your ViperBar.

· Under the Appearance tab, you can se the color schemes for you bar and submit buttons, bar style, opacity value and enable/disable manual text color setting.

· On the Stats tab, you can see the following:

o Impressions - visitors of your site / who saw your site

o Submissions - people who subscribe

o Conversion Rate - as it says...

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· On the Preview tab, here can see all the changes that you've made before making it live on the website.

You might want to try this plugin if you want to easily gain more subscribers.

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Search Regex

Description: Search Regex adds a powerful set of search and replace functions to WordPress. These go beyond the standard searching capabilities, and allow you to search and replace almost any data stored on your site.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "Search Regex" on the search box. Click “Install Now”

· Once you have installed and activated the plugin, go to Tools >> Search Regex

· Sometimes, you need to search and replace some text throughout your site. With Search Regex, you can search and replace text in all fields.

· For example you want to replace some text, all you have to do is to enter the Search Pattern on the Search Regex options page and then press "Search".

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· Now if you get the results you need, you can now enter the "Replace Pat-tern" and then click on the "Replace" button. It will show you all the results as well as the preview of how the text will look like after replacing.

I recommend not to use Replace & Save because it can alter your posts immedi-ately. Unless you're 100% sure on what you're doing.

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HTTP 404 Email Notifier

Description: HTTP 404 Email Notifier keep track of broken links on your Word-Press site by getting email notifications whenever a visitor ends up on your theme's 404 page.

· Go to Plugins, then type in "HTTP 404 Email Notifier" on the search box. Click "Install Now"

· Make sure your admin email is active and working. Once you have installed and activated the plugin, it will begin tracking all broken links on your WP site. You will receive an email whenever a visitor ends up on your theme's 404 page.

· The email you'll receive contains information about the broken link, where the link was found and who found it.