Brodmann Areas Rizzolatti et al., Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1998 Matelli Areas

Brodmann Areas Rizzolatti et al., Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1998 Matelli Areas

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Brodmann Areas

Rizzolatti et al., Electroencephalography and clinical Neurophysiology, 1998

Matelli Areas

What are mirror neurons (MN)?

• Neurons that discharge when a monkey is making a goal directed (grasping) action (precision grip) towards an object (in the dark?)

• Also discharge when the monkey observes an agent making an action with an identical goal (and action?) towards objects (~15%). – Strictly congruent (~30%) vs. broadly congruent MN

Cortical activation during observation of mouth hand

and foot action

Audiovisual mirror neurons and action recognition

Kohler et al., Science 2002

...רגע של סטטיסטיקה

• 498 neurons recorded

• 63 neurons (13%) discharged both when the monkey performed a hand action and when it heard the action-related sound.

• 33 neurons (6%) were tested for visuo-auditory congruency, only 22 (4%) showed selectivity for the action’s goal, irrespective of the modality!

background early late holding

ANOVA: main effect of epoch

main effect of object presence

Single neurons (n=2)

Population analysis (n=37)

ANOVA: main effect of epoch

main effect of visionEpoch x view interaction



And back to single neurons analysis…

Neurons showing epoch effect:

Neurons not showing view effect:



Controlling for eye movements