On the Winning Side of Healing ^ Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center Jtports Medicine When athletics are important but become physically challenging, the CHRISTUS St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center can help patients return to their favorite sports or recreational activities. Insurance and Prescriptions All prescriptions for physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and rehabilitation are accepted. We are a valued partner for many health insurance plans including Medicare. Hours of Operation The CHRISTUS St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabihtation Center maintains extended hours to benefit our patients. Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Phone: 281.599.6800 Fax: 281.599:4214 Kingsland Blvd. Hospital Sports Medicine % % and Reiiabilitation ^/S^^ ^ ^ Center ^ u. Britannia Dr. 1-10 CHRISllJS.Sr. CA^IHERINE Sports Medicine-/v <3l>' www.christusstcatherine.org 707 S. Fry Road, Suite 160 Katy, Texas 77150 I 281.599.6800 CHRISTUS sr. CATHERINE Sports Medicine Katy World-Class Care. Hometown Heart. The CHRISTUS St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, including two AquaCj,sers aquatic treadmills that allow treatment of many orthopedic conditions including arthritis, joint replacement, back pain, sports injuries and neurological diagnoses. AquaCisers allow progressive therapy while decreasing the weight-bearing load on the limbs and joints.

Brochure - Christus St Catherine

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Page 1: Brochure - Christus St Catherine

On the Winning Side of Healing

^ Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center

Jtports M e d i c i n e

W h e n athletics are i m p o r t a n t b u t become physical ly

challenging, the C H R I S T U S St. Catherine Sports Medicine

and Rehabil i tat ion Center can help patients return to their

favorite sports or recreational activities.

I n s u r a n c e a n d P r e s c r i p t i o n s

A l l prescriptions for physical therapy, occupational therapy,

speech therapy and rehabilitation are accepted. We are a valued

partner for many health insurance plans including Medicare.

H o u r s o f O p e r a t i o n

The C H R I S T U S St. Catherine Sports Medic ine and

Rehabihtation Center maintains extended hours to benefit

our patients.

Monday - Thursday: 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

Phone: 281.599.6800 Fax: 281.599:4214

Kingsland Blvd.

Hospital Sports Medicine %

% and R e i i a b i l i t a t i o n ^ / S ^ ^ ^ ^ Center ^ u.

Britannia Dr.


CHRISllJS.Sr. CA IHERINE Sports Medicine-/v<3l>'


707 S. Fry Road, Suite 160

Katy, Texas 77150 I 281.599.6800

CHRISTUS sr. CATHERINE Sports Medicine Katy World-Class Care. Hometown Heart.

The CHRISTU S St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center is equipped wi th state-of-the-art equipment, including two AquaCj,sers — aquatic treadmills that allow treatment o f many orthopedic conditions including arthritis, joint replacement, back pain, sports injuries and neurological diagnoses. AquaCisers allow progressive therapy while decreasing the weight-bearing load on the limbs and joints.

Page 2: Brochure - Christus St Catherine

The C H R I S T U S St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center provides compassionate care and personalized

attention. We wi l l serve you in a manner respectful o f body, mind and spirit and of your uniqueness as an individual .

Having our patients achieve the best quality of life is important to us.

P h y s i c a l T h e r a p y a n d O c c u p a t i o n a l T h e r a p y

W h e n an i n j u r y or ilhiess affects an individual 's a b i l i t y

to part icipate i n sports or pe r fo rm dai ly routines, the

C H R I S T U S St. Catherine Sports Med ic ine and

Rehabihtation Center can help achieve the highest degree

o f functional independence w i t h the greatest qual i ty o f

life possible. O u r staff works w i t h the patient's physician

to develop a safe, personalized treatment program

designed to assist in a quick recovery. The staff takes a

funct ional ly dr iven approach, focusing on areas based o n

the patient's needs at work, home and play. Staff therapists

provide progressive therapy inc lud ing :

• Or thopedic and post-surgical care

• Back and neck injury management

• Treatment oi neuromuscular condit ions

• Shoulder, arm and hand injury treatment

S p e e c h ' I h e r a p y

W h e n the ab i l i t y to swallow, communica te , or t h i n k

clearly becomes d i f f i cu l t due t o illness, disease or in jury ,

the C H R I S T U S St. Cather ine Sports M e d i c i n e and

Rehabil i tat ion Center has the services o f a Cer t i f ied Speech

Language Pathologist available to help. Evaluation and

treatment utilizes the latest techniques and technology,

inc lud ing V i t a l S t i m ' Therapy, LS V T ' L O U D and Scientific

Brain Tra in ing Pro*.

O u r Speech Language Pathologist works in conjunct ion

w i t h C H R I S T U S St. Cather ine H o s p i t a l radiologists to

provide Mod i f i ed Barium Swallow studies, the current gold

standard i n assessment o f dysphagia.

Our goal is to guide patients toward regaining the abi l i ty to

speak or communicate in some fashion, eat and d r ink , and

mrri<-in:in' in iisiinl d.iilv .nrrivirics :ir the hii'hcsr level nossible.

Preventing injuries is just one o f our staff's goals.

A specialist also can help educate you on the best

ways to prevent injuries and maintain a healthy, active

lifestyle while staying at the top o f your game.

The CHRISTUS St. Catherine Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation Center has a variety ofdiagnostic and treatment professionals working together to aid in your treatment and recovery.

Afull-time Certified Hand Therapist, ivho has demonstrated the highest level of professional competency, provides one-on-one treatment for patients with medical conditions that affect the arm and hand.

The C H R I S T U S St. Cather ine Sports M e d i c i n e and

R e h a b i l i t a t i o n Cen te r specializes in hand therapy, w i t h

the f i rs t C e r t i f i e d H a n d Therapis t i n K a t y providing

r ehab i l i t a t i on o f the hands and upper extremit ies .

Services include cus tom s p l i n t i n g , t endon and fracture

management, and specialized exercises and modalities to

patients improve to their maximiu i i potential for

functional real-life activities. Due to the unique nature o f

hand injuries, rehabilitation combines post-injury protection

w i t h the necessarv m o t i o n to maximize funct ion .