Broadcaster 2014 91-1 Summer

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Summer 2014 issue of the Broadcaster, Concordia University Nebraska's flagship magazine.

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  • GO into all THE WORLD

    broadcasterthe magazine of Concordia University, Nebraskasummer 2014 volume 91 no. 2

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    Vicar Ben and Amy Riley who warmly welcomed three Concordia staff members and me to Shenzhen, one of the largest cities in China where Ben led a worship service and preached the Gospel at the Meilin Church.

    And there are many more examples!Nearly 2,000 years ago, Jesus said as He ascended into heaven:

    You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth (Acts 1:8b; ESV). For 2,000 years God has sent the promised Holy Spirit to fulfill that command through his people. It happened in the Book of Acts, it is happening today and it will continue to happen in the future.As Concordias 121st academic year soon begins please pray with me that our gracious God will continue to equip [us] with everything good that [we] may do his will (Hebrews 13:20-21; ESV) as we equip students to learn, serve and lead in church and world!

    Brian L. Friedrich President

    You shall be my witnesses! Martin Luther said, After we have become Christians then each one, according to his calling and position, obtains the right and the power of teaching and confessing before others this Word which we have obtained from Him. (LW 13:333) The need for Christian witness has no limits or borders. In recent days I was inspired by the witness of: Students who traveled to Ghana and Belize to serve the

    poorest of the poor. Students who traveled to Hong Kong and Shenzhen,

    China, to teach English. Professors and staff members who spent countless hours

    cleaning communities of Beaver Crossing and Cordova, Nebraska, after they experienced decimation from E-4 tornadoes.

    The baccalaureate sermon of the Rev. Dr. Scott Murray who reminded our graduates you are salt.

    Alumni who promised to give above and beyond their usual gifts to help us fund five little capital improvement projects.

    Notes of appreciation from missionaries Rev. Bob and Rita Flohrs and Rev. David and Lois Mahsman following their spring visits to campus. 2014 Concordia University, Nebraska

    The Broadcaster is published by Concordia University, Nebraska and distributed to 50,000 alumni, faculty, staff, pastors, businesses, parents and friends of the university in all 50 states and over 15 foreign countries.

    presidents deskfrom the

    Broadcaster StaffEditor

    Dan Oetting 87

    Managing EditorJennifer Suggitt

    WritersJacob Knabel

    Danielle LuebbeNaomi Kuddes 15

    DesignersSarah Bowe 16Mitch Volk 16

    Luke Wohlgemuth 15

    University AdministrationPresident & CEO

    Rev. Dr. Brian L. FriedrichProvost

    Dr. Jenny Mueller-Roebke CO 73 GR 81Executive Vice President, CFO & COO

    David KummVice President for Enrollment Management

    and MarketingScott Seevers 89

    Assoc. Vice President for Institutional AdvancementKurth Brashear, Esq.

    Board of RegentsDr. Dennis Brink, Lincoln, Neb.

    Mr. Robert Cooksey CO 84 GR 90, Omaha, Neb.Dr. Lesa Covington Clarkson 80, Woodbury, Minn.

    Rev. Dr. Brian Friedrich, Seward, Neb. Rev. Eugene Gierke, Seward, Neb.Rev. Keith Grimm, Omaha, Neb.

    Mr. Barry D. Holst 86, Kansas City, MoMrs. Jill Johnson, Seward, Neb.

    Mr. James Knoepfel CO 87 GR 99, Fremont, Neb.Mr. John Kuddes, Leawood, Kan.

    Mr. Lyle Middendorf, Lincoln, Neb.Mr. Timothy Moll 89, Seward, Neb.

    Mrs. Bonnie ONeill Meyer, Palatine, Ill.Mr. Paul Schudel, Lincoln, Neb.

    Mr. Timothy Schwan 72, Appleton, Wis.Rev. Dr. Russell Sommerfeld, Seward, Neb.

    Dr. Andrew Stadler, Columbus, Neb.Mr. Max Wake, Seward, Neb.

    General Information 800-535-5494Alumni Relations [email protected] Advancement [email protected] Studies [email protected] Admission & Campus Visits [email protected]

    Athletics [email protected] cunebooks.comCareer Services [email protected] for Liturgical Art [email protected] Office [email protected]

    SAVIOR, MAY YOUR VOICE BE HEARDThought about a career as a missionary? Rev. John Mehl, director of mission partnerships and church relations at Concordia, shares from his 4

    ACTING LESSONSTheater professor Bryan Moore defends the black sheep of the arts and explains why everyone, even you, should participate in theater at least once in your 8

    Concordia Scene 18 Athletics 28 Alumnotes 43

    tell the good news in songFor 75 years, thousands of voices have proclaimed the Gospel as part of the University A Cappella Choir. page 14

    for such a time as thisRecent graduate Hannah Kroonblawd writes about teaching in China as a Christian. page 10


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    story: D. Luebbe illustrations: L. Wohlgemuth

    In September of 1993, Rev. John Mehl, his wife, Susan, and their two daughters, ages 4 and 1, journeyed from their cozy Kansas home to Novosibirsk, in the heart of Siberia. They were there to complete four months of Russian language training before their contracted mission work began.

    It was cold. Temperatures of 40 degrees below zero were not uncommon. People wore fur hats, even indoors.

    John and Susan expected that they would live near their fellow missionary families, with meals and laundry taken care of so they could focus on studying Russian. They

    SAVIOR, may yourVOICE BE HEARD Rev. John Mehl, director of mission partnerships and church relations at Concordia, shares from his experiences as a career missionary.

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    with family and friends in the U.S. and how elderly parents are going to fare, Mehl says.

    When we first went overseas, my father was in his late 80s, and we said our goodbyes as though we would not see one another again this side of heaven, though God blessed us with many more meetings on earth before he died.

    So how can you know if youre being called to be a missionary? Short-term missions, some lasting just one to six months, may offer the most practical way. If youre looking for something a little longer, missionaries globally engaged in outreach serve one- or two-year terms, at least initially. Those who think they might be interested in missionary service can use

    these types of experiences to see if God is calling them to do mission work for a longer term.

    God opens doors for us to serve in different vocations or stations in life, Mehl advises. But opportunity is only one facet of the answer. There must be a heartfelt commitment to following Gods lead and this means being out of control and doing things that you didnt expect or dont like.

    Mehl warns against becoming a missionary because of an itch to travel or other personal reasons. You cant decide to be a missionary in Russia because your ancestors were Volga German and you want to learn more about them. One needs to be committed to being used as Gods tool for the enlargement of His kingdom.

    The most important thing to prepare spiritually and emotionally to be a missionary is humility. Mehl says, In some way or another, a missionary needs to be able to be humbled in order to be led. You can start down a strategy, but you cant be so stubborn and stuck on your plan that you miss the real opportunities that God will reveal. Spiritually, this means trusting in God to lead. Emotionally, this means letting go of your own need to justify your existence by accomplishing your plan. Missiology of the cross is what God needs, not a missiology of glory.

    Those who decide to pursue long-term missions benefit from experiences that many others will not have the opportunity to encounter so strongly in their lives. One is developing deep relationships with fellow missionaries and people of different backgrounds and experiences.

    In 1993, after two days in their Novosibirsk apartment, suffering from lack of sleep and with a bathtub full of dirty diapers, the doorbell rang. Two missionaries from the

    Wisconsin Synod mission, who John and Susan had met on the flight over from the United States, were on the doorstep with baby wipes and disposable diapers, donated by a mission family returning to the U.S.

    Before leaving for Russia, people sometimes wondered aloud how we could take our two little girls away from the comforts and conveniences of the U.S. By Gods grace, we were able to reply that, as much as we love our children, He loves them more. We were assured of that, and the diaper miracle seemed to seal that belief.

    Another benefit is understanding and adapting to a different culture, which takes time. The Gospel is totally translatable across all cultures, but missionaries have to learn what barriers need to be lowered so that the Spirit can have free course, says Mehl. Learning the language is the most helpful way to overcome boundaries. Luther was a fan of the Scriptures in the vernacular, and so he translated the Bible into German. While missionaries may not need to translate the Bible, they will need to be able to communicate clearly. The more missionaries learn about the world view and values of a people, the better the Gospel can be proclaimed.

    The Mehls lived in Russia for 11 years and faced many difficult moments, from traveling over an hour by subway to get to work to bombings during the Chechen Wars. Even with the complications and worries, Mehl wouldnt trade his experiences as a missionary. The wonderful times far outnumbered the scary times.

    After Moscow, Mehl moved to Germany as the regional director for LCMS mission work in Eurasia and then in Hong Kong as the regional director for Asia. In both places, he provided support of the regional mission teams and individual missionaries throughout the regions. Now hes the director of mission partnerships and church relations at Concordia, working to build new mission partnerships and strengthen existing ones while teaching classes about missiology.

    Teaching is only a part of what I do at Concordia, but I think it will be a fun part for me, says Mehl. I have seen a lot of what works and doesnt work as Christians strive to proclaim Christ cross-culturally. I have a few stories that I hope will be interesting to students as they consider the fact that God has called each baptized Christian to be a witness. Id like to help them sort that all out.

    expected to find many of the same services they had access to in the United States, like supermarkets and working elevators.

    Reality was different, Mehl remembers.

    The missionaries lived in apartments several blocks from each other. They needed to buy and cook their own food and do laundry in the bathtub. The laundry detergent they had packed disappeared from suitcases somewhere during the journey. Having a baby in diapers was especially challenging, says Mehl.

    Louisa was just 18 months old. No disposable diapers were available for purchase. We had brought a package with us, and a supply of cloth diapers, but had not planned on washing them in the bathtub with bar soap and a toothbrush!

    Mehl first became interested in mission work as a seminary student and signed up to do a vicarage overseas. He was sent to Canada. Later, while serving a congregation in Kansas, he was asked to go along on a mission trip to Latvia.

    Being open to go must have put me on some list in St. Louis, Mehl says, because about a year later I received a phone call from the missions department asking me if Susan and Id fill out some papers for them. Harmless, right? A few months later, Mehl accepted a call to serve in Moscow. About three months after that, I found myself studying Russian in Siberia.

    Mehl served in Moscow as a church planter, establishing new Lutheran churches. The main goal of a church planter is to create churches that can function without the help of missionaries, training people from the area to successfully lead the church and grow the congregation.


    Mission work is hard and expensive, says Mehl. It may even take a toll on relationships back home, but you will gain deep relationships overseas. In mission work, we represent Christ, but it is also incarnational. That is why Jesus came to earth to walk with us. We need to be where the people are.

    And sometimes that means moving away from home and staying away for a long time. It means missing out on things that happen while youre gone and leaving behind friends and family.

    Family health and finding education for their children are two concerns missionaries have to address when they are overseas.

    Other things that concern missionaries are communication

    There must be a heartfelt commitment to following Gods lead and this means being out of control and doing things that you didnt expect or dont like.

    The Mehl familySusan, Theodore, Katrina, Louisa and Johnposes for a photo in Moscow in 1995, two years into their stay in Russia.

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    How does being involved in theater help students?The skills that you learn in theater can be applicable to any career. Youre learning public speaking skills, how to use stage fright, presenting or performing in front of others, which is helpful for meetings and things like that. Body language and gestures, facial expressions. Memorization. Articulation of words. Projection. Theater is just using a lot of communication skills that are important to be able to interact with each other, in any setting. How to connect with emotions, how to use your energy, how to create relationships, not only as characters on stage, but also off-stage. If I could have everyone try theater, even once, I would.Why is college a good place to participate in theater?The academic environment is a perfect place to explore theater and drama, reading it or watching it, because its an educational atmosphere to be able to talk about tough issues. If youre going to challenge yourself to look at things, its a great place to be because the venue offers the opportunity for dialogue. I sometimes call theater the black sheep of the arts, because I think, even more so than the others, it always seems like it challenges the way that we think, especially as Christians. Even Christian drama has conflict because were supposed to learn from the story.Why is theater important?Theater provides a venue to look at the good and bad in our world. We can talk about social and cultural issues that impact all of us in some way. I always emphasize that theater involves conflict. You have to have conflict to have good theater. Conflict deals with looking at our simple human world and how characters interact in that world. And its our goal, our responsibility to observe those relationships

    and those conflicts and learn from them. I want people to not be afraid of trying theater, whether its as a participant or an audience member. Even as an audience member, its not a scary deal. We cant be afraid to think, which is what I think people are afraid of. Theater is not just about entertainmentit provides lessons. It will challenge the way that you look at our world. And its not always an ideal world. Being a Christian in the theater world can be interesting. Theater needs conflict, and conflict usually stems from sin. How does a Christian actor handle that?The actor must maintain focus on the storys message, even if it requires portraying challenging characters. All characters in the play are important to the story, and each actor must fully commit to presenting his or her character in order to allow the play to share its intended message. Ideally, these characters and this message give our audience something constructive or encouraging to consider as we face the challenges of our sinful, human world. I am sure that being a Lutheran, and more generally a Christian, school influences our theater at Concordia. It is not just because of the shows that we choose or not choose to produce, but it influences the collaborative process as well. I work with great, talented students who respect each other through the process, and who want to create and present the best possible theater every time. Their Christian faith shines through their commitment, perseverance through tough moments and willingness to maintain spiritual morale, in addition to physical and mental, with each other, which can be equally important in theater.

    ACTING lessons Theater professor Bryan Moore makes the case for stepping on stage

    interview: D. Luebbe and N. Kuddes photos: D. Oetting

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    Between the spring breezes blowing off the South China Sea and an awareness of spring break a few days ahead, I was not the most focused of teachers. Grading had piled up. Unit plans were half-finished. My plane tickets for vacation were sitting in my backpack.And then Janet knocked on my door.My conversation with Janet is the reason I live in China. Im going to call her Janet, though its not her real name. We have to be careful with names, especially when conversations are coupled with a religious topic.Janet has two daughters studying at our international school, a school that caters mainly to Chinese families whose children were born overseas. Janets family recently moved to Shenzhen from Shanghai, and her daughter Judy is one of my students.Like many of the parents at our school, Janets husband often travels overseas for his job. He had been living in Shenzhen for two years, with the girls coming down to visit every so often. On weekends, on holidays. Judys father is still gone a lot on business trips, but they are sharing the same home again. Living in the same city has been wonderful for their family.

    I came to pick up Judys computer, Janet said. Like a lot of fifth graders, Judy is often forgetful. And any homework?

    For such a time AS THIS

    story: H. Kroonblawd illustration: L. Wohlgemuth

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    Janet is one of the most competent English speakers I know, especially among the parents at our school. Its always nice for me to be able to have a real conversation with her, rather than needing to rely on a translator as I do for most parent-teacher conferences. We made small talk about holiday plans and the weather as I found the things she needed.I was about to say goodbye when Janet turned to me, pausing in the doorway.

    And Im worried about Judy.Oh.Judy is one of the brightest students in my fifth grade class. Shes responsible and respectful, and she loves to read. I didnt know what could be worrying Janet.

    When I was a student, Janet continued, our teachers would tell us that there is no religion. No god. At first, I listened. But then, when I was older, I began to ask questions. If there is no She trailed off, gesturing out with her arms, almost in a plea. Supreme power. Creator. God. Then there would be no point.

    No point to life? I asked. We moved out into the hallway, the sun shining brightly on the yellow walls of the school. I squinted my eyes to look into Janets face. She looked concerned, worry lines etched around her eyes.

    Yes. I asked so many questions that my teachers labeled me a troublemaker. But they did not have any answers for me. They just continued to tell me that there was nothing more, that when we die, we die.Doing the math in my head, Janet would have been in middle school around 1985. This would be about 20 years after the Cultural Revolution, Mao Zedongs movement to enforce Communism on a widespread scale.

    I lost hope. My teachers, my parentsthey grew worried. I would lie on my bed and stare at nothing. I would not do my homework. She laughed a little. And I was one of the best students!During the Cultural Revolution, religion was banned in China, missionaries were forced to leave and most Chinese Christians resorted to worshiping in underground house churches. 1979 brought back the government-sanctioned Christian church. House churches are still illegal. Chinese Christians have two choices: register with the government and worship legally or worship in a house church illegally.Many choose the latter simply because they do not want the government to know that they are Christian.Janet grew up in a country where leaders discouraged faith. By asking her teachers about God, she was questioning the very orthodoxy of Communist Party ideals. I could

    understand why she didnt know where to go for answers, why she would lie on her bed, helplessly staring at nothing. I could understand her uncertainty.At the same time, my own childhood couldnt be farther removed from Janets experience. My parents raised me in the Christian faith. I attended parochial schools from pre-school through university, and I now have a Lutheran Teacher Diploma. My entire lifefamily, friends, educationhas been centered around spiritual growth.It was preparing me for life in China and for this conversation with Janet.

    So Im worried about Judy, Janet continued. She is at the same point now where I was then. She laughed a little. Not that she has lost hope. But she has so many questions, and I dont know how to answer her.Aha. There it is.She says that you talk about things like this in class sometimes, but I dont know what to say to her at home.Things like this. One of the greatest joys I have in teaching middle schoolers is the questioning. So many questions. My students ask questions about the next king or queen of England, about the color of the snowshoe hare, about the rules of curling in the Olympics.They ask about bad things that happen to good people. They ask about what happens after someone dies. They ask about sin. They ask about Jesus.My school is not a Christian school. I cannot teach salvation as truth. I dont teach religion classes or lead chapels or do daily devotions. But what I can do is respond to questions. I can tell them that I believe that Jesus is the Savior and that He came to save us all.When they ask me a question, I jump at the opportunity. Sometimes they laugh at my answerswhen I tell them that I believe the story of Moses is real or when I tell them that I believe Jesus really did come back to life. I struggled with the laughter a lot during my first year teaching. I had never been laughed at because of my faith, and here were my students laughing. Once I had to turn away from them because tears were welling up in my eyes.I came to understand that the laughter doesnt always come from ridicule. It comes from uncertainty and curiosity, and maybe a bit of hope.Sometimes the questions lead to more questions. A simple question about St. Patricks Day can lead to talking about the Trinity, missionaries and visions. I have to tell them that if

    they want to talk about it more, they can come to me during lunch or after school.

    What does she ask you about? I said to Janet.Oh, so many things. About Jesus, what he was like. About God. About heaven and hell. About dying. Janet turned to look out over the balcony, down towards the courtyard where, on a school day, children would be running and shouting and playing tag. Today it is quiet and peaceful in Shenzhen, as if this city of 17 million found a way to pause together. I want to have the words to tell her. I have a Bible, but I only understand a little.And, in that instant, I knew what was supposed to happen next.Do you want to meet, to talk about this more? I asked. Janet lives just two blocks away from me. You could bring your Bible, and we could go through some of your questions. I dont have all of the answers, but maybe we can work through things together.

    Really? Her face lit up. For the first time that morning she didnt look worried. You mean for coffee?I smiled. Coffee would be great. It would be what we call a Bible study.

    Because wed be studying the Bible? Could we meet soon? After the holiday? Her voice had so much hope.I nodded. Soon.Janet waved goodbye as she headed down the stairs. From where she stood, I dont think she could see the tears in my eyes. But Im sure that she could tell that my smile was just about as big as her own.Janet and I are going to study the Bible.The best part about this conversation is that I wouldnt have had to move to Shenzhen, China, for it to have happened. I could have a similar encounter in a classroom in Amarillo, Texas, or Bellingham, Washington, or Fort Wayne, Indiana. It could have happened in line at the bank or the grocery store.It could happen anywhere.It could happen to you.Life as an international educator might seem glamorous to some, but daily life as a teacher in China isnt all that much different than life as a teacher in the States. I wake up early, go to school, teach children about Ancient India and comparative essay writing, grade papers and then go home. Life in Asia, though, is unlike anything else. There are days when I cannot wait to walk around the corner to eat noodles and dumplings and steaming bowls of rice, days when I show off my chopstick skills and hunt for bargains at the

    market. I love to wave at my Chinese grandmothers who sit on long benches on the plaza of my apartment complex and who worry about what Im going to eat for dinner. I love to wear my rain boots during the typhoon days, jumping across puddles as I make a mad dash for the nearest metro entrance.There are other types of days, too. Days when I am cranky, days when I am homesick, days when I dread leaving my apartment so I order McDonalds delivery. Life in the city can be exhausting; the smog from thousands of factories can be stifling. Living in a place where I barely understand the language can wear me down to nothing.And yet in all of those moments, I am not alone. I have been blessed by a wonderful community of fellow teachers, missionaries and others who care about the people of China. And, through the help of the Holy Spirit, I am constantly living out my salvation. China is not the only nation desperate for the hope of the Gospel, but China is my home, so I will serve Christ here while I can. My parents, friends and mentors often remind me that I am in Shenzhen for a reason. They point me towards the story of Esther, a girl living far from her peoples homeland. Esthers vocation as queen may not have been quite the same as mine as middle school teacher, but God placed both of us in very specific locations for a very specific reason, for such a time as this (Esther 14:4).Here in Shenzhen there are 15 middle school students I get to laugh with and learn with and pray for every day. There is a school full of teachers and students, an apartment building full of neighbors, a plaza full of grandmothers. There is a writing group on Thursdays and a Sunday school class in Hong Kong. There are friends in the Philippines, Cambodia, Suriname, France and the United Statespeople all around the world waiting to be filled with the light of salvation.And one of my students mothers who was waiting, here in Shenzhen, for the chance to have a conversation about faith and hope in Christ.

    Hannah Kroonblawd 12 taught for two years in Shenzhen, China. She will begin a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing at Oregon State University this fall.

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    TELL theGood News IN SONG

    University A Cappella Choir celebrates 75th anniversary

    story: J. Suggitt photos: D. Oetting

    Dr. Kurt E. von Kampen, fourth director of the University A Cappella Choir, leads the group in its 75th anniversary concert on March 23.

    At the conclusion of the University A Cappella Choirs 2009 European tour, choir members and tour leaders rose early to catch a 4 a.m. boat ride out of Venice to start their journey home. Exhausted after three weeks in Spain, Austria and Italy, they rushed on foot with bags in tow through San Marco Square in the dark of nightuntil their conductor, Dr. Kurt E. von Kampen, abruptly stopped them.

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    As time passes I think more about that moment, said von Kampen. Its a reminder to me that while the A Cappella

    Choir will be a completely different group of people every four years, the same God will continue to use us, protect us and hold us close to Him. Thats something that will bind this group together from generation to generation.

    And it has. For 75 years the A Cappella Choir has proclaimed the Gospel through music.

    Since its founding in 1939, the choir has represented Concordia in 42 states and 25 foreign countries, including

    Under von Kampens direction, they gathered together, surrounded by thousand-year-old stone walls, decorative arches and marble decoration. Normally the busiest part of the city, the square was still and quiet as hands slipped together and the group formed a circle on the ancient stones.

    Together they sang a simple song: May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall soft upon your fields. And until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand. It was a song, the Irish Blessing, that they often sang for each other after concerts.

    Germany, Switzerland, Greece, France, Egypt, Israel, Lebanon, India, Thailand, Hong Kong and Japan.

    Were told by God to tell the story, and so we try, in our imperfect way, to do that, said von Kampen. In rehearsals and on tour, we often talk about the hope we have as unworthy vessels to sing with our lips what we believe in our hearts. We trust in the promise that our message will have the power of the Holy Spirit behind it, and we leave it up to God to take care of the heart-touching business.

    With that trust as the foundation for the choirs approach to music, it has continued its tradition of excellence throughout the decades, moving the hearts of concert goers and changing the lives of the students who are members of the choir.

    Julie Marquardt Klenz, a 2014 graduate with an elementary vocal teaching degree, experienced firsthand the choirs impact on the worldand herselfby spreading the Gospel through song. Being a part of the choir was always bigger than just my experience. It was always and will always be about serving others. God has called us to love one another and spread the Gospel message. Music is a language, and the Holy Spirit has reached many hearts using this language and using the A Cappella Choir.

    Being a part of the choir was always bigger than just my experience. It was always and will always be about serving others.

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    story: J. Suggitt photo: D. Oetting


    The Drs. Jurchen Dr. Kristy Jurchens office, a former chemistry lab, comes equipped with a fume hood, an old atomic absorption spectrophotometer, a lab benchtop and, for many hours of the day, her husband, Dr. John Jurchen 97.

    Sharing an office has been a productive formula for the pair of University of California, Berkeley-educated chemistry professors since they joined the faculty in 2005.

    Our first couple of years at Concordia, when we were spending nearly every waking hour getting ready for classes, we would often see each other more at work than we did at home, said Dr. Kristy. We enjoy being on the

    same team, teaching and advising the same students. We each have different strengths that we bring to the job, so we dont step on each others toes too much. Plus, we enjoy each others company.

    The scientists feel blessed to teach at a Christian university, especially one so dear to their hearts.

    John always dreamed of coming back to teach here, said Kristy. We love being at a Christian school where, unlike in a public school, we do not have to worry about whether it is appropriate to speak about our faith.

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    studentsSarah Bowe, Collin Christiansen, Andrew Malan and Jessy Sweet represented Concordia Nebraska in St. Louis at the 2014 LCEF National Student Marketing Competition for the Concordia University System.

    Abigail Connick, a junior, led a group of seven students to Jefferson, Pa., in 2014 to work for the Greene County Habitat for Humanity affiliate. Other group members were freshman Elizabeth Holle and sophomores Joel Marquardt, Maria Sasieta, Lauren Troester, Kendra Vanness and Chris Wilson. The group helped renovate a home by demolishing, reconstructing and painting.

    Senior Jami Fowler was hired by Gothenburg Public School to teach K6 art.

    Junior Jenelle Hallaert mentors a young student once a week to create art. The two paint, draw and create collages and portraits. Hallaert strives to teach skills like multi-tasking, focus, listening, quick decision-making and respect while providing a safe and enjoyable outlet for her students thoughts and emotions.

    Nehemiah Langness was selected for a computer science internship at Concordia Plan Services.

    Brianna Loeck, Jessie McCarty, Shannon Mikrut and Sandra Pena went on a mission trip to Guatemala in 2013.

    Sydney Olsen is publishing The Curse of the Fates, a childrens book, in 2014 based on a fiction piece she wrote for Dr. Gabriel Haleys intermediate writing class. She plans to use the book to raise awareness about alopecia, a rare type of hair loss.

    Sandra Pena, a Master of Public Health student, traveled to Cuba for a student mission trip.

    Senior Stephanie Rippstein organized student volunteers for the three-day Plum Creek Childrens Literacy Festival.

    Junior Alison Schuerman works as a graphic design intern for the Nebraska Sports Council in Lincoln. She is designing projects for the 2014 Cornhusker State Games and the 2015 State Games of America.

    Senior Jessica Wagner was a finalist for her photography in the Best of College and High School Photography Contest sponsored by Nikon and will be published in Photographers Forum magazine. Junior Leah Eklof received honorable mention in the contest.

    facultyDr. Lisa Ashby led a workshop on animal therapy and emotional/spiritual care at the Nebraska Disaster Response and Recovery Summit, sponsored by Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska. She serves as the executive secretary of the Nebraska Volunteer Agencies Active in Disaster. Ashby also served on a two-week mission with Bethesda Lutheran Communities in Hong Kong and Macau in 2013.

    Curt Beck published, Antecedents of Servant Leadership: A Mixed Methods Study in the Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies. Dr. Jeffrey Blersch published three new arrangements with Concordia Publishing House: Feast After Feast, organ hymns for Holy Communion, This is the Feast of Victory for organ, brass quartet, percussion, choir and congregation and Ride On! for choir and piano. Blersch was commissioned for Sing to the Lord by Zion Lutheran Church in Wausau, Wis., How Brightly Shines the Morning Star by the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and Name of All Majesty by Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in San Antonio, Texas.Blersch was also the guest organist for the 100th anniversary Hymn Festival at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Saginaw, Mich., and led the Hymn Festival and workshop at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention.

    Dr. Ron Bork served on the Board of Examiners on two National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education teams. He also served as co-chair of the Scholar Awards Committee for the Association of Independent Liberal Arts Colleges for Teacher Education national convention in March.

    student & faculty achievements

    You wouldnt think that stripping away the words would do much for any theatrical production, much less a theatrical production of the Gospel. A Weller Hall audience this year might disagree. Their shared tears and laughter showed that even without words, the Gospel can be proclaimed.

    Chris Pladsen, the student director of this Holy Week production, describes it as The Gospel Mime. Music helped set the tone, but few props and zero dialogue left the cast dependent on facial expressions and dramatic movement to tell the story.

    We always hear the Gospel, but we dont always see it, said Rev. Ryan Matthias, campus chaplain. Sometimes Jesus spoke the Gospel without words. He had that gift to look into the eyes of children and draw them to himself. Even the centurion below the cross figured out He was the Christ after seeing Jesus on the cross.

    To help the audience identify the characters, the followers of Jesus wore white face paint, and those following Satans lead wore red and black paint.

    Near the end of the show, Gods grace was clear as the resurrected Jesus welcomed a repentant sinner and, with His own hands, gave her white face paint and embraced her in loving arms of forgiveness.

    Audience members were invited at that point to receive a white cross of paint on their own face as a reminder that Jesus sacrifice was for each of us, and we have all been redeemed.

    Pladsen, a freshman art education student, stated how grateful he was for the audiences reception of the show, and he was encouraged to bring the production back to the Weller stage during Holy Week in 2015.

    Wordless witnessHoly Week production brings Gospel message to stage

    Collin Christiansen as Jesus and Grace Stange as Satan portray a temptation scene in The Gospel Mime.

  • 2322

    Dr. Bork, Kevin Kromminga and Beth Pester began a series of presentations titled, Concordia University, Nebraskas Program Parade at Lutheran high schools in an effort to increase the number of Lutheran church workers.

    Amanda Geidel presented Pre-Referral Planning and Intervention Strategies at the national Lutheran Education Association Convocation in Milwaukee last October.

    Dr. Gabriel Haley published an article, Charles dOrlans as Vernacular Theologian, in Cahiers de recherches mdivales et humanists.

    Dr. Erica Lamm serves as editor of the journal Listening Education and led a workshop at the International Listening Association convention in March.

    Dr. Joel Helmer started a collegiate trap and skeet team at Concordia with a $10,000 grant from the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

    Dr. Joseph Herl began serving on the editorial board for CrossAccent, the journal of the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians. Herls organ setting of Go to Dark Gethsemane was published in the Hymn Prelude Library, and his articles, Jochen Klepper and Stephen P. Starke were published in the Canterbury Dictionary of Hymnology. Evening Shade New, Guinevere, Healing Christ, Kirkwood Long and

    Olden Time appeared in In Melody and Song: Hymns from the Psalm Versions of Isaac Watts.

    Dr. Timothy Huntington conducted four forensic entomology workshops in the course of the year. The training covered how to recognize and collect insect evidence from death scenes and other crime scenes, and it was given to approximately 200 investigators from around the region. Huntington published the article Insect Repellent for Police Snipers in the winter issue of Sniper. Huntington testified as an expert witness for the prosecution in a homicide case for Jefferson County, Colorado, in March. It was one of seven cases from three states on which he was consulted in the past year.

    Dr. Jen Janousek and Dr. Kelly Wheeler led four students and two alumni on a mission trip to Guatemala in 2013.

    Michael Keelan was a featured recitalist and section leader for the 82nd annual Bach Festival at Baldwin Wallace University in Cleveland. Keelan also hosted the weekly segment Nebraska Concerts on NET Radio, featuring classical music from Nebraska performers.

    Dr. Bernadette McCrory co-authored six articles including, Ergonomic Comparison of Laparoscopic Hand Instruments in a Single Site Surgery Simulator with Novices in Minimally Invasive Therapy & Allied Technologies; Comparative Kinematic and Electromyographic Assessment of Clinician- and Device-Assisted Sit-to-stand Transfers in Patients with Stroke in Physical Therapy; Quality and Safety of Minimally Invasive Surgery: Past, Present and Future in Biomedical Engineering and Computational Biology; Comparative Usability Testing of Conventional and Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery Devices in Human Factors; Single-Site Laparoscopic Nephrectomy:

    Is It Cost-effective? in Medical & Surgical Urology and Task Analysis Method for Procedural Training Curriculum Development in Perspectives on Medical Education.

    Bryan Moore coordinated and hosted the University Caucus Hot Topics session at the Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas conference last June in Vancouver, British Columbia. Moore critiqued national and regional dramaturgy submissions at the Kennedy Center/American College Theater Festival Region V Conference.

    Beth Pester presented, Maximizing the Student Teacher Experience and Wordpress: Online Portfolios and Classroom Websites at the national Lutheran Education Association Convocation in Milwaukee last October.

    Dr. Matthew Phillips presented, The Typology of the Cross in Crusade Preaching at the third International Crusade Symposium at St. Louis University in March.

    Don Robson served on the board of directors for the Nebraska Art Teachers Association. Robson also served as a counselor for art merit badges for Boy Scouts of America troops in Nebraska.

    Lynn Soloway was the guest juror for the 2014 Ernestine Quick Competitive Exhibition at the Columbus Art Gallery in January. Soloways Oberon adornments were selected as artisan works for sale at the Sheldon Museum of Arts Museum Store in Lincoln, Nebraska.

    Dr. Daniel Thurber presented, The Brooding, Agitated Consciousness in Modern Novels: Tracing Dostoevskys Raskolnikov at the 11th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, held in June in Budapest, Hungary. Thurber led his 21st Annual London and Europe Study Tour over winter break. Participants studied major historical, literary and cultural sights in London, Vienna, Prague, Brussels and Bruges.

    Dr. Rebecca Toland authored, Reduction of Risky Sexual Behavior in Adolescents through Behavioral Base Modification Curriculum, published by ProQuest and Facebook as a Learning Tool in the Journal on Perspectives in Education.

    Under the direction of Dr. Kurt von Kampen, the University A Cappella Choir was invited to perform for the Nebraska Music Educators Association Choral Hour in the fall of 2013.

    TESOL program provides new opportunities at home and abroadBe thankful, dear reader, if your native tongue is English. You wouldnt want to have to learn it. How is it, for example, that there is no egg in eggplant, and a pineapple contains neither pine nor apple? Whats this about pronouncing the same word differently depending on its meaning? I wound a wound with a bandage. Hardly fair. Or, to add to the trick-ery of English, how is it that so many words with the same pronunciation can be spelled differently: there, their, theyre. Millions of people around the world are happy to take on the challenge of English, of course, and Concordia is helping meet that need.

    The English language is spreading rapidly throughout Asia, South America and around the world, explains Vicki An-derson, director of ELL/ESL programs at Concordia. In many countries, speaking English has become a factor in university placement and being hired in the workplace.

    Concordias English as a second language program has been a part of teacher education offerings for years, and the uni-versity recently added new bachelors level and masters level programs for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Lan-guages that non-education majors can also take.A degree in TESOL prepares professionals to work inside as well as outside the traditional American classroom, such as internationally teaching English to the people of that country or teaching in adult English as a Second Language programs, including those provided to refugees who come to America. The demand within the U.S. is also increasing, giving these teachers even more options on where they can teach. Accord-ing to the Educational Testing Service, in Nebraska alone, the number of students who speak English as a second lan-guage increased more than 300 percent in just 10 years.

    English language teachers, like other teachers, also have re-warding careers, said Anderson. They have an opportunity to make a lasting impact on individuals day-to-day lives.

    Students role play ESL lesson plans in an English as a Second Language Instruction course in April.

  • 2524

    Pan Yang, a graduate student at Nantong University in eastern China, visited Concordia in April with a group of fellow students and educators from Jiangsu. She presented President Friedrich with a personally hand-painted Chinese opera mask as a token of thanks and friendship. Yang included a phoenix symbol above the face to represent new life, suggestive of the opportunities for growth between China and the U.S.

    Since 2010, four different groups of students and college professors from Nantong University in Jiangsu, China, have come to Concordia to learn more about Americas educational system and various teaching methods. Through partnerships with additional Chinese educational institutions, more students and educators from China are visiting campus than ever before. For its part, Concordia has sent 56 students to study, student teach and complete mission trips in China during the last five academic years18 during the 2013-14 academic year alone. Our world gets smaller and smaller, said Concordia President Brian Friedrich. As we live our faith in Jesus and build relationships with our friends from China and other nations, we know God is at work.

    story: N. Kuddes photo: D. Oetting

    Welcome to Concordia

  • 2726

    Concordia awarded more than 240 degrees during its 2014 commencement ceremony on Saturday, May 10. The president and chief executive officer of Marriott International Inc., Arne M. Sorenson, gave the com-mencement address. My advice, quite simply, is to act. Lead according to the great education and training you received here, with a strong bias for action, said Sorenson. Dont let life happen to you. Grab it with both hands and embrace it. By acting, you not only can achieve more, but you will enjoy more, and by act-ing, you can change the world.Outstanding Teaching AwardDon Robson, chair of the art depart-ment at Concordia, was presented with the 2014 Outstanding Teaching Award. The honor is given to a full-time faculty member who has been nominated by students and selected by a committee of students and facul-ty members who have previously re-ceived the award. The recipients name is not revealed until it is called during commencement.

    The only reason Im up here and at this university is because of the students, said Robson. I feel like Im at home. Robson began teaching at Concordia Ne-braska in the fall of 2009.

    photos: D. Oetting


    Top row, left: Rev. Dr. Scott Murray preaches at the baccalaureate service at St. John reminding students that they are the salt of the earth. Center: Sarah Kortze waits with her classmates for the baccalaureate processional. Right: Three-time Degree Champ James Landers catches the attention of friends in Walz arena.

    Middle row, left: Beau Billings celebrates his achievements with his family. Center: Darnell Woods is congratulated by President Friedrich while receiving his degree. Right: The president and chief executive off icer of Marriott International Inc., Arne M. Sorenson, addresses the graduates.

    Bottom row, left: The Golden Reunion Class of 64 is recognized. Right: Lindsea Vaudt and her sister Chelsea Vaudt 12 Schleicher share a celebratory moment as Concordia graduates.

  • 2928

    In the seven years preceding the 2013-14 season, the Concordia University mens track and field program watched as rival Doane College captured all seven GPAC indoor titles and six conference outdoor championships. The only thing sweeter for the 2014 Bulldogs than to win their first-ever mens league title would be to do it on Doanes home turf. And thats just what the Bulldogs didtwice. Head coach Kregg Einspahrs squad seized a GPAC indoor championship in Crete on Feb. 22 and the outdoor title in Crete on May 3.

    Weve been in the top three on an annual basis and knocking on the door (of a title), Einspahr said. I dont think weve ever been in a position to convincingly win the conference championship like we were this year. It really came together for us at the indoor conference meet. Those are milestones. Its kind of a hump to get over.Senior John Cartier knew exactly what it was like to come up agonizingly short of that elusive title. The Bulldogs finished

    runner up at the indoor meet four straight years from 2009 to 2012. The 2011 indoor championships appeared to be Concordias for the taking until a late miscue doomed it.With 196 points to Doanes 172 at this years indoor championships, the Bulldogs could exhale. It was finally their time.

    Last year I promised prematurely that we were going to get the GPAC title, but Im glad we could make up for it this year, especially at Doanes home track, Cartier said shortly after the meet. They ran a great meet here, but Im just glad we did get the W. Its been four years in the making. Thats not to say the first title in school history came without some tense moments. Doane maneuvered itself into position for a few extra points here and there, making for a clear two-horse race. Concordia did not clinch the meet until the 3,000-meter run that Saturday evening. A little over two months later, Concordia returned to Doane for the outdoor championships. This time it would not be

    close. Behind performer of the meet Zach Lurz, the Bulldogs piled up 216 points to the Tigers 140.5.It was a dominant outing not duplicated in the proud history of the program.

    We started with a gravel track when I got here 22 years ago, said Einspahr. We would take a couple vanloads of kids to meets. Now we take at least two charter buses and sometimes a couple charters and a couple vans. We have some wonderful facilities now, and our coaching staff is tremendous.That staff includes Concordia track and field alumni Mark Samuels 04 (sprints, hurdles, jumps), Ed McLaughlin 98 (throws), Jason Berry 94 (pole vault) and Nick Mann 12 (jumps)all with an intimate knowledge of what it took to rise to the top.Along with Einspahr, a Concordia and NAIA Hall of Famer, the Bulldog staff put together a squad that broke the stranglehold of Doane and Nebraska Wesleyan. Were

    complimented on a regular basis by other head coaches with regard to the quality of our assistant coaches. Theyre outstanding, Einspahr said. They know how to work with kids. A lot comes back to recruiting though, and thats a continual battle.In a track and field conference that may be the best in the U.S. at the small college level, theres no time to rest on the laurels of the 2013-14 season. But now in the middle of the offseason, its hard not to reflect back on a special year.

    Doane had won the last six championships in a row, so thats the team weve been battling with to try to win the conference, Einspahr said. Clearly its meaningful to do that. Theyre a great program with a great coaching staff, and when you can match up with them on a regular basis, you feel very good about where your program is at and where its going.

    CHAMPSMens track cracks the code for conference wins

    Dr. Kregg Einspahr, head coach for Concordia track and field, celebrates the 2014 mens indoor conference title with the team.

    story and photo: J. Knabel

  • 3130


    story: J. Knabel photo: D. Oetting

    When Todd LaVelle first greeted his team as the new Concordia University head softball coach, he did not see a seventh-place squad, their lowly spot in conference preseason rankings.

    I wanted to raise the bar higher than it was, LaVelle said. If youre going to do something, do it right. It started with the coaching staff. I put high expectations on myself and the coaches and then the players. Lets do the little things right. The wins will follow.The group of 24 young women responded. They blazed through fall ball and quickly developed a confidence that one normally wouldnt associate with a team coming off a 14-25 season.In the season opener on March 10, the Bulldogs put that confidence to good use, toppling then No. 10 Olivet Nazarene (Ill.). They followed that victory with eight more wins, becoming the first Concordia softball team in program history to start 9-0.It was a stretch that included several improbable rallies and walk-off wins, providing a confidence boost that made every game seem winnable no matter the circumstance. There were some bumps in the road in the middle of the season, but with a 32-16 final overall record, a GPAC tournament runner-up finish and the programs first-ever national tournament appearance, the 2014 squad far surpassed expectations. They did so with a Why not us? motto challenging them.

    We started it after the Super Bowl, said Amber Topil of the teams new battle cry. [Seattle Seahawks quarterback] Russell Wilsons dad always told him, Why not you? With our team, since we were at the bottom of the pack, we thought, Why not us? Why not prove that we can be pretty good?The Bulldogs soared back up the league standings through confident coaching, senior leadership and quick adaptation from a talented class of newcomers.

    Senior pitcher Amanda Beeson was off the charts, particularly down the stretch, and new faces like junior college transfer and third baseman Rebecca Walker were mainstays in the starting lineup. Topil, senior catcher, averaged .308 for the season and had the honor of securing the teams spot in the national tournament when she crushed a two-run, walk-off home run in the GPAC tournament.Topil cited the teams chemistry as another factor in its success, saying this squad was closer than any that shed been part of in her years at Concordia. LaVelle has made certain that his student-athletes bond beyond the softball diamond. He also stresses the need for a team that plays the game loosely.

    I think what this team has done well is they have brought the fun back into the game, LaVelle said late in the season. Its not a job. Theyre not just here on scholarship. Theyre here to have fun, and softballs a fun game.

    Confident, fun-loving approach takes Bulldog softball to national tournament

    Amanda Beeson, senior pitcher, confers with first-year head coach Todd LaVelle.

    Seattle Seahawks quar-terback Russell Wilsons dad always told him, Why not you? With our team, since we were at the bottom of the pack, we thought, Why not us? Why not prove that we can be pretty good?

  • 3332

    sports summarieswinter & spring

    Mens BasketballLed by senior and tournament MVP Adam Vogt, the mens basketball program captured its record 25th Concordia Invitational Tournament title, defeating Concordia Wisconsin on Jan. 25 to highlight year one under head coach Ben Limback. A young Bulldog squad with Vogt serving as the lone senior finished 8-21 overall. Despite the growing pains, there were moments of promise such as the 85-76 win over then No. 13 Oklahoma Wesleyan on Nov. 9. An early-season injury to the blossoming 6-foot-9 Max Wegener limited the teams depth. Freshman Chandler Folkerts, a CIT all-tournament selection, looks to have a bright future after a solid first season.Vogt represented Concordia with second team all-conference honors. Both sophomore Robby Thomas and Folkerts received honorable mention. Thomas and Folkerts are expected to be a big part of a much-improved 2014-15 squad.

    Womens BasketballBulldog womens basketball followed GPAC player of the year Bailey Morris lead to the programs sixth national tournament appearance over the past seven seasons. Eighth-year head coach Drew Olson and company did a commendable job of overcoming injuries to key players such as two-time All-American Kristen Conahan and Jericca Pearson to tie for the GPAC title. Concordia concluded the season at 25-8 overall and 16-4 in league play. The campaign came to an end with an upset loss to Olivet Nazarene University in the first round of the national tournament.Morris ended up raking in postseason honors, picking up first team All-America, first team all-conference and Omaha World-Herald NAIA honorary captain recognition in addition to being named conference player of the year. Junior Tracy Peitz had a breakout season and joined Morris on the GPACs first team. She was also named conference defensive player of the year and a third team All-American. The following four players were named honorable mention: Conahan, junior Kelsey Hizer, freshman Becky Mueller and Pearson.

    Adam Vogt Bailey Morris

    Womens Track and FieldSophomore Liz King shattered school and GPAC meet records and then won a national title in the javelin to highlight another fine season for Concordia womens track and field. The dominant efforts of King and the impressive work of Kim Wood on the track (combined three GPAC titles) allowed the Bulldogs to claim two conference runner-up finishes. On the national stage, head coach Kregg Einspahrs team acquitted itself well with 11th-place indoor and ninth-place outdoor finishes. Wood just missed out on All-America honors at the outdoor meet despite setting a new school record in the 800-meter race.

    The Bulldogs had nine All-Americans at the indoor championships and another seven at outdoor nationals. Senior Jamie Crouse closed her career by winning the GPAC title in the hammer throw and then collecting the sixth All-America honor of her career at the outdoor national championships.

    Liz King

    WrestlingThe 2013-14 Bulldogs underwent a massive turnaround in the second year under head coach Dana Vote. Just one season after placing sixth in the GPAC, coming in last at the NAIA North Qualifier and failing to send a qualifier to nationals, Concordia moved to runner up in both the GPAC and the North and put six wrestlers in the national championships. Junior college transfer Emilio Rivera (133) rolled through the conference undefeated, Seward High product Austin Fehlhafer (174) burst onto the collegiate scene with 19 pins and senior Austin Mogg (125) saved his best for last. Mogg placed fifth at the national championships to earn All-America honors.

    Rivera and Fehlhafer both collected first team all-conference accolades for a Bulldog team that posted dual records of 9-8 overall and 5-2 in conference action. Honorable mention went to junior Enrique Barajas, freshman Ken Burkhardt Jr. and Mogg.

    Emilio Rivera

  • 3534

    BaseballFine individual performances by the likes of senior center fielder Camaren Gause, junior third baseman Andrew Yerrell and junior right fielder Daniel Wilkerson stood out in the midst of a season that concluded with a ninth-place GPAC finish. Head coach Jeremy Geidels squad (16-30 overall) remained alive for a conference tournament berth until the final day of the season before a doubleheader split with Nebraska Wesleyan. Gause did his part with an impressive 12-game hitting streak (21-for-45, five home runs) in the middle of the season. Yerrell enjoyed a huge final five games in which he went 11-for-16 with six extra base hits.

    Both Gause and Yerrell were named to the GPACs second team. Four players garnered honorable mention: outfielders Taylor Dudley and Daniel Wilkerson and pitchers Will Holbrook and Jordan Stirtz.

    Daniel Wilkerson

    GolfHead coach Brett Mullers mens and womens golf programs improved their GPAC standing compared to the previous season. The biggest rise was made by the Concordia women, which moved from 11th last season to sixth in 2013-14 with their four-round conference qualifier total of 366-374-383-3591,482. Meanwhile, the men climbed two spots to eighth in the GPAC with a cumulative score of 317-345-326-3251,313. The Concordia women were led throughout the season by freshmen Amy Ahlers and Kayla Krueger. Ahlers won three different meets, claimed nine top-20 finishes and was twice the GPAC golfer of the week. Junior Shawn Rodehorst again topped the men with the teams lowest season average. He posted three top-five finishes.Ahlers placed fourth in the GPAC to automatically garner all-conference recognition. Krueger finished 16th in the conference and received honorable mention. On the mens side, Rodehorst got an at-large nod for his second-straight all-conference honor.

    Amy Ahlers

    TOP DOGConcordia becomes the first university to surpass 1,000 all-time scholar-athletes

    The 2013-14 school year was unparalleled for student athletes at Concordia University, Nebraska. A record 101 Bulldogs won honors as Daktronics-NAIA Scholar-Athletes, pushing Concordias all-time scholar-athlete total to 1,020more than any other current or former member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics.We are celebrating the hard work of not only our 2013-14 scholar-athletes, but the many great students throughout our history who have successfully balanced the demands of academics and their respective sports, Director of Athletics Devin Smith said. We are extremely proud to be able to claim the most scholar-athletes all-time and to hit such a significant milestone. All Concordia student-athletes, faculty, staff and coaches deserve to take pride in this moment.Concordia student-athletes excelled in the classroom across the spectrum of athletic teams in 2013-14. Both track and field squads as well as the womens soccer and volleyball programs led the nation in scholar-athletes for their respective sports.

  • 3736

    story: J. Suggitt courtesy photo: Micky Marohn 51 Beikmann

    Nine vibrant young women began their college careers at Concordia in 1947, quickly becoming friends. They began writing each other letters as they moved on from Concordia and scattered across the country. They quickly realized that each would be writing numerous lettersrepeating the same stories again and again. The group decided there was a better way. To save time, one wrote a letter and sent it to the next friend on the list. Each new recipient would add her own letter and send the group of letters onto the next friend. Round and round the letters went, each woman having eight letters to read and respond to with just one of their own. The letters shortly gained a nickname inspired by the round-robin style of the exchange.

    Hello, my long-lost, fine-feathered friends! began one letter. What a nice surprise to find The Robin had landed in my mailbox!Sixty-four years later, they are on round 122. The handwritten letters have flown through 20 states and four countries, usually cycling throughout the group within three to nine months.

    God blessed me ever so richly through the friends I made at Concordia, said Micky Marohn 51 Beikmann.

    The Robin encouraged and strengthened those bonds and the blessings inherent in them. Our common faith bound us together as tightly as family.Over the years, The Robin has deepened the womens friendships as they revealed personal stories about themselves and the lives of their families, often supporting each other with passion and love during

    times of both joy and sorrow. They shared prayers. They celebrated marriages and births, announced accomplishments, complained of illnesses and everyday nuisances and even dipped into a heated discussion or two about social issues. Through it all, the flock stuck together. After about 40 years of The Robin, six women were finally able to come together in 1991. They reunited at Concordia, back in Seward where it had all begun. Although three of the original Robins have died, and six remain, seven are now on the send-to list. When Alice Krueger passed, her widower Rev. Bill Reinhardt asked the group if he could remain in the loop and contribute to The Robin in her place.He knew of the letters. He had often heard the news they carried, and occasionally he even added his own note.

    It is a comfort zone. You can talk openly. They know your past, your history, he explained. And with that comfort of dear friends, the writing continues to keep them connected. Updates on children, grandchildren and their gardens still come by way of envelopes and first class mail, despite Facebook and email as alternatives. They honor the long-held commitment to keep things going.They share their faith in Christ and long mutual friendshipsfriendships bound by a common belief: No matter how far apart they are now, there will be a full reunion someday in heaven.

    May God continue to bless us until the last one flies home, writes one of The Robins.

    Members of The Robin pose on the front steps of Weller Hall in the late 40s. Top row: Carol Pierce Cook, Micky Marohn Beikmann, Ruth Meyer Gastler and Marie Menke Martin. Bottom row: Lydia Wenzel Beikmann, Lois Schoech and Alice Krueger Reinhardt. Not pictured, Oleta Sue Bartels Popp and Sara Schnute Lochhaas.

  • 3938

    New outdoor space reflects the heart of ConcordiaBy Homecoming and Alumni Reunion Weekend in early October 2014, Concordias campus will have a new focal point and gathering place. The area between Janzow Campus Center and Thom Leadership Education Center will be transformed into a plaza that is uniquely Concordia. Architect Dennis Scheer, a Concordia Foundation director and father of a 2014 graduate, led the plaza design efforts.

    Embedded into the design are elements reflecting the Lords presence at Concordia, His influence on its values and mission, and His leading and joining of people together here according to His purposes, Scheer explained.Blessed to be a BlessingThe plaza is the latest project on campus made possible by donations to the universitys Blessed to be a Blessing campaign. Other projects include renovation of Janzow Campus Center, updates to David Hall and the renovation of the Physical Education building. Next summer will see the renovation of the Weller Hall chapel and auditorium.According to Scheer, building on Concordias legacy of glorifying God and faithful stewardship, the campaign isnt providing new kinds of legacy; its adding to the legacy, supporting and supplementing the legacy thats already built as Concordia continues to grow, he explained.The $38 million Blessed to be a Blessing campaign, which concludes Dec. 31, 2014, is built around three principles: to invest in future generations of students through endowment growth; to improve the student experience by transforming the spaces where they learn, live and worship; and to provide students with the best possible Concordia experience through institutional aid and operational support.

    Meet me at the plaza!

    courtesy image: The Clark Enersen Partners

  • 4140

    homecoming & alumni reunionJoin us for Concordias 2014

    The theatrical gifts and talents of decades of alumni will be a highlight for Homecoming and Alumni Reunion Weekend Oct. 3-5, 2014. Join fellow alumni and current students for a special theater arts and drama reunion. Through the years of plays, musicals and one act festivals, Concordias students have exhibited their abilitiesso come celebrate the theater arts in 2014!The weekend will include activities for alumni who have participated in Concordia theater and drama in any way. The apex of the weekend will be a production highlighting the theatrical talents of Concordia alumni. This performance is scheduled for Saturday, Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in Weller Hall. An open invitation and casting call has been extended to all alumni who have contributed to the dramatic arts at Concordia. Come participate in the Theater Reunion Alumni Show! Alumni interested in performing in the show are asked to complete an interest form online at the address below so preparations for the show can begin. Space is limited.

    REGISTRATION All registration, reservation and payment information is available online at the alumni office at 402-643-7408 with registration questions.

    Friday, Oct. 38 a.m. Visit Day Registration for prospective students TLEC Mainstreet (register online at a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Visit Day10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Homecoming & Reunion Registration Janzow Campus Center main lobby10:55 to 11:30 a.m. Chapel Weller auditorium11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Gold and Great Reunion Luncheon with special guests CHS Class of 64 Walz Track Viewing Suite (reservations required; complimentary for current and former Golden Reunion alumni)11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Theater Reunion Luncheon The Dog House Janzow Campus Center Lower Level (reservations required)1 p.m. Theater Reunion Marxhausen Gallery Open House Jesse Hall1:30 p.m. Theater Reunion Faculty Presentation Jesse Hall1:30 to 4 p.m. Campus Open House Center for Liturgical Art Jesse Hall lower level Bartels Museum Link Library lower level Marxhausen Gallery Jesse Hall All other open campus buildings2:30 to 4 p.m. Theater Reunion Alumni Show Dress Rehearsal Weller auditorium4 to 5 p.m. Theater Reunion Improv Workshop TLEC auditorium5 to 6 p.m. Welcome Home Social Hour Janzow Campus Center main lobby (reservations requested)6 p.m. Gold and Great: CHS 64 Golden Reunion Dinner Seward Country Club

    (reservations required) Class Reunion Group Photo6 p.m. Theater Reunion: Reunion Dinner Cobblestone Inn & Suites (reservations required) Theater Reunion Group Photo6 to 7 p.m. Athletic Hall of Fame Banquet Janzow Campus Center, Cattle Conference Room (CCR; reservations required)7 p.m. Athletic Hall of Fame Induction Program Janzow Campus Center, CCR9 p.m. Pep Rally Walz Arena10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Mini IMPROVathon Janzow Campus Center main lobby

    Saturday, Oct. 48 a.m. Breakfast with the President Janzow Campus Center, CCR (reservations required)9 to 10:30 a.m. Alumni Awards Presentation Janzow Campus Center, CCR10:30 a.m. New Plaza Dedication Campus Plaza west end11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Homecoming Fair Brommer Drive11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Pre-game BBQ Tailgate Campus Plaza east end (reservations required)12 to 1 p.m. Honored Year Reunion Group Photos Campus Plaza east end1 p.m. Bulldog Football Game vs. Dordt Bulldog Stadium 1 p.m. Gold and Great Reunion Gathering Walz 0023 p.m. and 4 p.m. Bulldog Volleyball Games JV and Varsity Walz arena5 p.m. Honored Class Reunion Gatherings Area restaurants/class member homes7:30 p.m. Theater Reunion Alumni Show Weller auditorium9 p.m. to 12 a.m. Homecoming Dance Janzow Campus Center, CCR

    Sunday, Oct. 58:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Worship at St. John CHS 64 reserved seating at the 8:30 a.m. service

    homecoming & alumni reunion schedule

    Concordia Nebraska 2014 Alumni Award


    Church Worker of the YearMichael Held CHS 62, CO 66

    Lay Worker of the YearChad Thies 00

    Young Alumna of the YearSarah Trinklein 07 Salzberg

    Lifetime Service AwardLuther 68 & Nancy Klenke Richard 62 & Mira Roeder

    69 Wiegmann

    Partners in Mission & Ministry Award

    Martin 00 & Christin Maxson 00 Senechal

    Church Leadership in Outreach Award

    Chara Sype CO 99 GR 04

    Friends of Concordia Award

    Donald 70 & Cheryl Kahle 70 Klein

    Honorary Alumni AwardDuane & Doris Clatanoff

    Honored Year Reunion Guests

    Golden Reunion CHSClass of 1964

    65th Reunion, Class of 1949*60th Reunion, Class of 1954*55th Reunion, Class of 1959*40th Reunion, Class of 197430th Reunion, Class of 198425th Reunion, Class of 198910th Reunion, Class of 2004

    *College and High School

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    Dr. Jerome Brownlee 73 is now an adjunct instructor at Unity Institute and Seminary in the Kansas City, Missouri, area. He retired from full-time parish ministry in 2008.Matthew Beisel 92 accepted a call to Valley Lutheran High School in Phoenix, Arizona, to teach science and coach.Trudy Folkerts 92 Meyer was appointed vice president and continuing professional education director of the Nebraska Society of Certified Public Accountants. Meyer is a licensed CPA and has been with the Lincoln firm of BMG Certified Public Accountants, LLP for more than 10 years. She recently served as the firms tax manager and also as a CFO of an international human resources consulting firm. 1Ed Duello 94 and Stacie Sponsel 94 Duello welcomed daughter Aryanna Grace on Aug. 19, 2013. 2Rev. Dr. Paul Philp 95 has accepted a call to serve the Concordia University System as the director of institutional research and integrity at The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod International Center in St. Louis, Missouri.April Fett CO 99 GR 06 Reed announced the birth of Kristin Jane, born on April 3, 2014. She is welcomed home by her twin brothers Tyler and Nicholas. April works in St. Paul Public Schools as a special education teacher. 3Stacie Schultze 99 will marry Todd Boynton on Sept. 15, 2014.Jered Sprechers 99 painting Hall of Mirrors (2010-2013) was on view at the Espai dart contemporani de Castell in Spain as part of

    5x5Castell2013. The selectors for this exhibition were Luis Camnitzer, Jimmie Durham, Dan Graham, Santiago Sierra and Rosemarie Trockel. Another painting was included in the exhibition Genesis Forward Battery, which ran from Jan. 11Feb. 9, 2014, at Underdonk in Ridgewood, New York. A solo exhibition at Steven Zevitas Gallery in Boston ran mid-March through April. It included work completed during Sprechers residency in Marfa, Texas, at the Chinati Foundation. Additionally, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga invited him to give a talk as a visiting artist on Jan. 14, 2014.





    Hengeveld takes on role as alumni and university relations directorIf you graduated from Concordia, Adam Hengeveld 09 wants to get to know you. Chances are, even if you didnt graduate from Concordia, Hengeveld, the new director of alumni and university relations, would still like to get to know you. Hes just that kind of guy.

    For me, the narthex at church is one of the happiest places on earth, Hengeveld said. It gives me a chance to meet people. Likewise for any alumni gathering. Alumni gatherings, in particular, give him the chance to hear what paths Concordia alumni have taken.

    Hearing the unique ways that God has used them through their lives is incredibly rewarding. These are people who reflect Gods love, said Hengeveld. Its exciting and gratifying work that I get to do.One of Hengevelds favorite words in alumni relations is camaraderie. That is the essence of extending our Concordia experience, said Hengeveld. Whether we graduated in 1954 or 2014, we have camaraderie within the Concordia community our entire lives.

    Phonathon surpasses goalThe annual Phonathon reached nearly $134,000 in gifts, $9,000 more than the initial goal, thanks to more than 1,500 alumni who responded to calls from current students. Phonathon donations go to the Concordia Fund, providing student scholarships and giving financial support to Concordia.

    What a joy to see so many alumni come together to support current students, said Katherine Steffen, senior director of advancement. Through the tradition of giving during the Phonathon, generations of graduates who have received financial support in the past carry on that legacy, equipping future generations to learn, serve and lead in the church and world. Thanks be to God!




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    Christian Boehlke 01 was installed in April as the director of missionary services for The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, where he will oversee the training, care and support of the LCMS missionaries and their families. Most recently, he served as principal of Faith Lutheran School in Plano, Texas.Tanya Merezko 03 Griego and husband Raul welcomed son Sebastian into the world on Jan. 10, 2014. He was baptized on Jan. 26. He joins sister Alaina. 4Michael Kipp 05 and wife Andrea welcomed their first baby, Audrey Lillian, on May 18, 2013. Morgan Grillot 06 and Sarah Peters 06 Grillot rejoice in the birth of their son, Jack Gabriel, born on Dec. 4, 2013. The family resides in Collinsville, Illinois, where Morgan is a fifth grade teacher and the athletic director at Good Shepherd Lutheran School, and Sarah is a stay-at-home mom. 5Kara Repenning 06 will marry David Malone on Aug. 2, 2014. Kara has her own business called Pure Romance. David is an electrical groundsman for the City of Wake Forest. Kara and David will reside in Raleigh, North Carolina. Peter Nord 09 is now serving as the director of advancement and recruitment for the Lutheran High School of Sioux Falls, South Dakota.Michelle Repenning 10 was married to Chris Thoene on June 8, 2013, at First Trinity Lutheran Church in Bloomfield, Nebraska. Michelle is a kindergarten teacher in Osmond, Nebraska, and Chris works for Syngenta Seeds. 6Justin Groth 11 was married on July 20, 2013, to Abigail Joy Lange. Groth has been accepted into Cranbrook Academy of Art for a Master of Fine Arts in ceramics starting in the fall of 2014.Tyler Carter 12 and Natalie Jeppesen 12 were married on June 1, 2013, in Seward, Nebraska, at St. John Lutheran Church. Tyler is a student at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis, and Natalie works for a company in St. Louis called Huvepharma.Josh Holden 12 and Kimberlee Swenson 12 were married June 9, 2013, in Lincoln, Nebraska. The couple now reside in Grand Island, Nebraska. Josh teaches high school social sciences and coaches football at Heartland Lutheran High School. Kimberlee teaches English Language Learners at Grand Island Public Schools. 7Ryan Sanft 13 and Rebecca McCracken 13 were united in marriage on Nov. 2, 2013, in St. Louis, Missouri. Ryan is in the Doctorate of Physical Therapy program at the University of Saint Mary (Leavenworth, Kansas). Rebecca started a career in public relations for Centene Corporation and is working on her masters degree in public relations at Webster University. 8






    Faith under fireChaplains service leads to Purple HeartWhen Rev. Michael Frese graduated from Concordia University, Nebraska in 1997, he did not expect that 14 years later he would be halfway around the world serving with the Army in Afghanistan. Although he had always been enamored with the military, Frese didnt believe military service was the right path for him until after he had completed two masters degrees and accepted a call to a parish. Then, with the support of his wife, he volunteered for active duty as an Army chaplain, and he went to chaplain school in 2006. That decision led to a January 2011 to January 2012 deployment with an infantry unit near Pakistan in southeast Afghanistan. In his non-combatant role as an Army chaplain who provided religious support to the units, Frese was not often directly in harms way. But one day in May 2011, he found himself in the line of enemy fire. Frese was wounded when an 82mm rocket exploded 15 feet from where he was sitting. Though not hit by shrapnel, he sustained a concussion, short-term memory loss, ringing in his ears and other on-going medical issues due to the explosion.

    For the wounds he received in battle, Frese was awarded the Purple Heart. I am honored to be counted in this group of tens of thousands of American war veterans wounded in combat, Frese said. Frese currently serves as associate pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Rev. David Petersen, senior pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church, said, He was willing to face death himself in order to be there with the Good News of Christs saving love for those who were facing death according to their vocation. Fulfilling his own vocation wasnt easy for Frese. When he was deployed to Afghanistan, the role of personal devotions and prayer kept him at peace. He says, My reading of Scripture and morning devotions showed me it was only by Gods grace that I was able to make it through averytough situation. Frese currently serves in the Air National Guard, and he continues praying for fellow soldiers to strengthen their faith through the Word and Sacrament. Nothing can prepare you better for physical or mental trauma than a strong faith.

    story: J. Suggitt photo: Rachel Von, The (Fort Wayne, Ind.) Journal Gazette, Feb. 23, 2014






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    Edwin Wergin 32 Wanda Erford 41 Miers Arthur Banger 42Robert Nieting 42Rose Wittwer 43 Detloff A. Groteluschen 43 MuellerRuth Walker 43 RomigErnst Eulert 44Evelyn Bartling 46 Schwier Theodore Heinicke 47Ray Morlock 47Myra Peterson 48 GibesonArthur Fuchs 49Rev. Eugene Vetter 50John Bunge Jr. 51Loretta Slama 52 HotovyNorma Schmid 52 SchroederMarlin Zobel 52Reese Abbe 53Ivadelle Horst 53 Repschlaeger Alice Meyer 53 VogtMary Meukel 55 HanewinckelDelyla Riekenberg 55 MooreLois Mueller 55 NielsenErich Bredehoeft 56David Fasholz 56Joseph Hennig 56

    Norman Erber 57Erlen Schroeder 57Carl Steinbrueck 57Dr. Daniel Heibel 58Elizabeth Schott 60 Fischer Irene Kurz 60Mr. Gary Smith 60John Geisler 61Rudolph Schifferdecker 61Anette Bargsten 63 FehlhaferKaren Tradup 63 RussellLloyd Luehmann 64William Battermann 66Susan Klein 66 GrueberBarbara Jones 66 Strong Gordon Krause 67Lloyd Miller 67Carl Moody 68Richard Weniger 69Gary Childs 71Carla Wolkwitz 71 Van PeltSusan Kerstein 72 BahmMichael Heinz 72Laureen Wudy 72Linda Kasten 73 LaubensteinVangy Weidler 74 EifertRev. Steven Herfkens 74


    In memoriam: Rev. Dr. Paul ZimmermanFormer president of Concordia, Rev. Dr. Paul A. Zimmerman of Traverse City, Michigan, died on Jan. 28, 2014, after a brief illness. He was 95.

    Zimmerman served as president in Seward, Nebraska, from 1954-1961. Initially, he came to Concordia in 1953 as assistant professor of physical sciences, primarily teaching chemistry. After a year, he took the position of president and oversaw a thriving campus that more than doubled in enrollmentfrom 329 to 691 studentsby the end of his presidency. While president at Concordia, Timothy, Ruth A and Philip dorms were all completed and the Weller Hall chapel organ was installed.

    Zimmerman left Concordia to establish Concordia Lutheran Junior College (now University) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. During his seven years of service to Concordia Nebraska and more than 40 years of service to The Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod, Zimmerman advocated for missions, adhered to the Word of God and remained steadfast in the Lutheran faith, setting a positive example for students, faculty and other leaders of Concordia for years to come.

    As a Concordia University, Nebraska alumna and a Lutheran school teacher for 35 years, Isabel Jones 62 Stuewe has experienced firsthand the light in the eyes of children who are learning about Jesusand she continues to hear from former students whose lives she has touched.

    Her financial gifts to Concordia ensure other studentsin any line of workcan create that same kind of impact. Isabel credits her career as a teacher to the generosity of donors who made her Concordia experience possible, and she is committed to paying that generosity forward.

    I needed help with scholarshipsany help I could get, said Isabel. The legacy I would like to leave is that I have helped a student, as many as possible, to continue their work for the Lord.

    Making a gift to the Concordia Fund ensures that students can afford the Christ-centered, academically excellent higher education that Concordia providesone that equips them to lead and serve in the church and world.

    Its hard to describe my feelings when I see the gifts in action, says Isabel. It makes me feel in my heart that Ive done the right thing and that this is what God wants me to do. This is what is very important. It makes me feel wonderful.

    Sharing a legacy of love

    The legacy I would like to leave is that I have helped a student,

    as many as possible, to continue their work for the Lord.

    Hear Isabels story by watching her video at

    Join Isabel in equipping students to learn, serve and lead in the church and worldVisit or call 402-643-7408

    Judy Knight 74 Seiler Rev. Daniel Weise 75Jane Titze78 CussonRev. Kim Kanitz 79Jane Collins88 EhlersDana Oleson 94 BeckDoris Gottschalk 94 BlunckJayne Koenig 94 Stohs Ann Youngberg 96 McFallDrew Ekart 00James McMaster Jr. 02 Marie Bader Mabel EtzoldKendell HolthusRaymond JoeckelLeona KernenDr. Reuben Stohs

  • 800 North Columbia AvenueSeward, NE 68434


    P A I D PERMIT no. 1322 Bolingbrook, IL

    visit for the most recent schedule and ticket information

    August21 Womens soccer home opener vs. Wayne

    State College, 7 p.m.2224 LAUNCH Weekend for new students24 Opening Service St. John Lutheran

    Church, 7 p.m.25 Fall Term begins29 Mens soccer home opener vs. Bethany

    College, 7:30 p.m.

    September4 Osten Observatory Open House, Osten

    Observatory, 8:30 to 10 p.m.6 Cross Country: TBA/Blue White Alumni 13 Volleyball home opener Tri-Match, 11 a.m.14 Faculty Showcase, Recital Hall, Music

    Center, 3 p.m.17 Community Blood Bank Blood Drive,

    Janzow Campus Center Cattle Conference Room, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    20 Football home opener vs. Midland University, 1 p.m. (Fan Appreciation Tailgate 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.)

    2527 Plum Creek Childrens Literacy Festival26 Plum Creek Childrens Play, Studio Theater,

    Music Center, 7 p.m.

    October2 Osten Observatory Open House, Osten

    Observatory, 8 to 9:30 p.m.

    3 Athletic Hall of Fame Induction, Janzow Campus Center Cattle Conference Room, 9 to 9:30 p.m.

    3 Visit Day for prospective students (register online at

    34 Homecoming & Alumni Reunion Weekend (see pgs. 40-41)

    4 Plaza Dedication, 10:30 a.m.10 Symphonic Band and Concert Band

    Concert, St. John Lutheran Church, 7 p.m.11 IMPROVables Performance, Studio Theater,

    Music Center, 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.1619 Fall Break 26 Project Pumpkin, David Hall, 6 to 8 p.m.

    November2 Chamber Music Recital, Recital Hall, Music

    Center, 3 p.m.6 Osten Observatory Open House, Osten

    Observatory, 8 to 9:30 p.m.7 Visit Day for prospective students (register

    at Womens basketball home opener vs. St.

    Xavier (Cattle Classic Tournament), Walz Arena, 6 p.m.

    7 Musical Arts Day Concert, PE gym, 7 p.m.7 Mens basketball home opener vs. Grace

    (Cattle Classic Tournament), Walz Arena, 8 p.m.

    89 Musical Theater Phantom of the Opera, Weller auditorium, 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

    1416 Musical Theater Phantom of the Opera, Weller auditorium 7:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. and 2 p.m.

    18 Concert Band and Brass Ensemble Concert, St. John Lutheran Church, 7 p.m.

    18 Founders Day Chapel, Weller auditorium 2230 Thanksgiving Break

    December5 Visit Day for prospective students (register

    at Christmas at Concordia concert, St. John

    Lutheran Church, 7 p.m., 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. and 3 p.m., respectively

    7 Scholarship Parade of Homes, Seward Community, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

    11 Chamber Orchestra Concert, Music Center recital hall, 7 p.m.

    12 Winter JazzFest, Weller auditorium, 7:30 p.m.12 Indoor Track & Field: Blue White Track &

    Field Intrasquad, Bulldog Stadium13 Handbell Concert, Recital Hall, Music

    Center, 3 p.m.13 IMPROVables Performance, Studio Theater,

    Music Center, 7:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.18 Christmas Break begins

    calendar of events
