ASM/CSM 2305 Professional Development 1 Spring 2016 Welcome to our class. In this class, you will learn about professional communication in the workplace and how to market your skills and strengths for employment opportunities. Instructor Mrs. Britt [email protected] Ag. Engineering, Room 209 (shared office with Jeff Suchy) Office Hours TU 12:30 – 1:30 pm What Is the Best Way to Contact Your Instructor? Talk to me before or after class, or send me an email. How to Send an Effective Email: Use a specific, meaningful subject in the subject field Include a brief statement that explains the purpose of the email (i.e. why are you sending me this message?) Use standard English with correct grammar and punctuation Sign the email Required Materials 1) Access to a Device/Laptop— During some of our class sessions, we will work on writing assignments. In order to do this, you will need access to a device that allows you to write and save your work. Here are the options: a) Bring your own device—bring your laptop, tablet, or any other device that allows you to access the Internet, Carmen, and a word processing application (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Pages for Mac, etc.). b) Use one of our classroom laptops with your Region One account if your class is in the Agricultural Engineering building—all students registered in the ASM and CSM majors pay a technology fee. This fee provides you with a Region One account which gives you access to computers in the Ag Engineering computer lab (Room 101) and the classroom laptops in the Ag Engineering building. Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering 590 Woody Hayes Drive Columbus, OH 43210-1057 614-292-6131 Phone fabe.osu.edu Anastasia Britt

Britt 2305 Syllabus Spring 2016

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ASM/CSM 2305 Professional Development 1 Spring 2016 Welcome to our class. In this class, you will learn about professional communication in the workplace and how to market your skills and strengths for employment opportunities. Instructor Mrs. Britt [email protected]

Ag. Engineering, Room 209 (shared office with Jeff Suchy) Office Hours

TU 12:30 – 1:30 pm

What Is the Best Way to Contact Your Instructor?

Talk to me before or after class, or send me an email.

How to Send an Effective Email: • Use a specific, meaningful subject in the subject field • Include a brief statement that explains the purpose of the email (i.e. why are you sending

me this message?) • Use standard English with correct grammar and punctuation • Sign the email

Required Materials 1) Access to a Device/Laptop—

During some of our class sessions, we will work on writing assignments. In order to do this, you will need access to a device that allows you to write and save your work. Here are the options:

a) Bring your own device—bring your laptop, tablet, or any other device that allows you to access the Internet, Carmen, and a word processing application (Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Pages for Mac, etc.). b) Use one of our classroom laptops with your Region One account if your class is in the Agricultural Engineering building—all students registered in the ASM and CSM majors pay a technology fee. This fee provides you with a Region One account which gives you access to computers in the Ag Engineering computer lab (Room 101) and the classroom laptops in the Ag Engineering building.




Anastasia Britt

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ASM/CSM 2305 Professional Development 1 Spring 2016


Test your account— Login: name.# For example, my login would be: britt.56 Default Password Scheme: Uppercase Last initial<followed by> OSU ID number<followed by><period>lowercase first initial For example, my default password would be: B20000002.a Problems with login? Send an email to [email protected] Not a declared ASM or CSM major? If your class meets in the Ag Engineering building, and you want to pay to use the computer lab, please send me an email: [email protected]

2) Google Account—you will create, submit, and receive feedback on written assignments in Google Docs. To use Google Docs, you can use a current Google account, or you can create a new account. To create an account go to https://accounts.google.com/signUp?service=mail 3) Top Hat Account—during class you will use a web-based response system to answers poll questions, respond to discussion prompts, and get credit for attendance. OSU has a license for Top Hat, so there is no additional cost for you. In class, you will be able to respond to Top Hat questions and prompts using devices you already own. There are both browser-based and app options:

▪ web browsers - Available on all internet-connect laptops, desktop, tablets and smartphones.

▪ mobile devices - There are Android and IOS applications available. ▪ and SMS response (texting) - You can text in answer responses.

Also consider purchasing: Resume paper and thank you notecards Neither of these are required for our course, but you will use them in real life.

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ASM/CSM 2305 Professional Development 1 Spring 2016


What Is This Course All About? This is a business communication and professional development course. You will learn about professional behavior and communication for business settings. In this course, you will create a useful resume and application letter to secure an internship; learn effective interviewing skills; write documents relevant to business and construction/agricultural management contexts, and work with a team to improve project management skills. Prerequisites: Must have completed English 1110 (110). Course Objectives When you successfully complete this class, you will learn to— • Construct a resume and application letter focused for your field, listing employment and

professional experiences.

• Use the CFAES online jobs database and other job search sources.

• Represent yourself professionally using effective job interviewing techniques.

• Conduct company research to develop your knowledge about companies of interest.

• Revise your digital identity to represent your professional skills and talents.

• Use professional development opportunities to develop your knowledge of your industry.

• Evaluate your progress toward meeting your academic program goals and revise your academic course projection as needed.

• Create informative and persuasive messages for target audiences.

• Improve writing skills in Standard Edited American English.

• Work effectively in a team situation and evaluate that experience.

• Plan, design, and deliver effective presentations.

Course Topics Topics we will cover in this class include—

• Standards for professional email

• Effective business communication

• Understanding audience and building goodwill

• Progress reports and meetings

• Program internship requirement, networking, and job searches

• Resumes, cover letters, and job candidate correspondence

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Course Topics continued

• Job interviewing: appropriate attire, preparation, and practice through mock interviews

• Social media in a professional context

• Photo shoot for professional headshot

• Persuasive presentation techniques

• Industry guest speakers

• Networking with upperclassmen

A word from a previous student…

“To future 2305 students, I recommend that you take this course as seriously as any course. Throughout this major you will learn estimating, scheduling and project management techniques, but if you do not develop professionally, it will not mean as much. For instance, if you cannot build an impeccable resume and cover letter that will stand out from others in the hiring process, then you will not get the job. Your knowledge and skill set can only take you so far if you cannot win the opportunity to showcase your talents.” Jerrell Dorsey, CSM student, class of 2014

How Do You Earn A Grade in This Class? Letter grades are calculated based on the standard OSU grading scheme:

87 - 89.9 (B+) 83 - 86.9 (B) 80 - 82.9 (B-) 77 - 79.9 (C+) 73 - 76.9 (C) 70 - 72.9 (C-)

Below 60 (E)

93 - 100 (A) 90 - 92.9 (A-)

67 - 69.9 (D+) 60 - 66.9 (D)

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GRADED ITEMS (*no midterm or final)

Course Readings Quizzes (on Carmen) 30%

Job Search Assignments 20%


Cover Letter

Linkedin profile

Elevator Speech

Thank You Note

Hire-a-Buckeye registration

Business Writing Assignments 10%

Email Assignment Academic Progress Report

Team Project Assignments 20%

Team Project Proposal

Team Project Progress Meeting

Team Project Presentation Packet: Visuals + Script

Team Project Presentation

Self-Evaluation and Team Reflection Memo

Attendance and in-class work 20%

In-class question responses

Team Presentation feedback

Internship Fair worksheet

Other work (as assigned by your instructor)

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What is the Assignment Schedule? All assignments and preparation materials are online in Carmen. Check Carmen regularly for upcoming assignments, coursework, changes, and updates. How Are Grades Determined? “A” work meets all of the grading criteria. Your written/oral communication is error free, or minimal errors do not detract from the overall effectiveness of the message. Your work integrates strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. The message is business ready; you could use it in a professional setting. “A-“ work meets almost all of the criteria. There are a few errors that need to be corrected before you could use the work professionally. Your work integrates the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. It will be business ready with a few minor corrections. “B+” work meets most of the criteria. There are some errors that need to be corrected or some things that are missing, but overall the required content is addressed. The document/writing integrates many of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. The document/writing will be business ready with some corrections and revisions. “B” work meets most of the criteria, but there are errors that need to be corrected and criteria that were not complete or fully developed. There are errors that detract from the effectiveness of the message. Some of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete. The document/writing integrates most of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. The document/writing will be business ready with some corrections and revisions. “B-“ work meets some of the grading criteria, but there are errors that make the document/writing ineffective. Some of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete. While the document/writing integrates some of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials, there are important elements that are incomplete or incorrect. The document/writing will be business ready with several corrections and revisions. “C+” work meets some of the grading criteria, but there are significant errors that make the document/writing ineffective. Many of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete, but the document/writing integrates some of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. While there are important elements that are incomplete or incorrect, the document/writing could be used professionally with significant revision and correction.

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“C” work meets fewer of the grading criteria, and there are significant errors that make the document/writing ineffective. Many of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete. The document/writing integrates a few of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials, but there are important elements that are incomplete or incorrect. The document/writing could not be used professionally without significant revision and correction. “C-” work meets even fewer of the grading criteria, and there are significant errors that make the document/writing ineffective. Many of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete. The document/writing integrates only a few of the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. Important elements are incomplete or incorrect. The document/writing could not be used professionally. “D” work meets only few of the grading criteria, and there are significant errors that make the document/writing completely ineffective. Most of the assignment criteria are incorrect or incomplete. The document/writing does not integrate the strategies, methods, and techniques for effective business communication as discussed in class and in the course materials. All important elements are incomplete or incorrect. The document/writing could not be used professionally and does not demonstrate elements of effective business writing. How Can You Succeed in This Class? Prepare for each class Read/review the assigned material and complete assigned work by the due date/time. You’ll learn more and develop better business writing skills if you do the preparation work. Attend class Your attendance and in-class assignments grade is based on both your physical presence in class when I take attendance and your participation in work completed during class: assignments, collaboration, and activities. Participate and collaborate Engage in class discussion and work with your classmates on in-class assignments and team projects. Use assignment instructions Follow the directions. You’ll earn the best possible grade if you do. All assignments are assessed according to effective business communication criteria: Is it clear, correct, and complete? Does it save the audience’s time and build goodwill?

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What about Absences and Late Work? If you will be absent, send me an email BEFORE class Send me an email BEFORE class to let me know you won’t be there. Attendance counts toward your grade, and absences will only be excused if you send an email BEFORE CLASS. Check CARMEN All course materials and assignments are posted on the course website. If you miss something in class or because you were absent, look for it on Carmen. Missing class means missing points for in-class work and activities Throughout the semester, points are earned for work and activities completed during a class period. If you are absent (even with an excused absence) you lose the opportunity to earn those points. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis. NO LATE SUBMISSIONS will be accepted without prior (before the due date) documented approval from your instructor—usually in the form of email. (Please see me with questions) What Else Do You Need to Know? Ask questions and share your ideas Offer your opinion and ideas in class and ask questions when you’re not sure. Be professional You are expected to use professional behavior in this class--treat your classmates, instructor, and guests with respect and courtesy. Listen when someone is talking and engage in the class discussion by offering your own ideas. Disorderly, disruptive, and unprofessional behavior are not acceptable in our learning environment. Students engaging in such conduct will not be permitted to remain in the classroom. Please review the Student Code of Conduct Be on time and stay for the duration Practice professional courtesy in being respectful of our class time. Arrive by the start of class and stay until I close the class. If you know you will be late or need to leave early, please let me know. Tardiness is distracting and disruptive to our learning space. If I’m ever late, it’s because something went wrong. In the event that I will be late, I will do my best to notify the class. Don’t cheat ACADEMIC INTEGRITY (ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT) Academic integrity is essential to maintaining an environment that fosters excellence in teaching, research, and other educational and scholarly activities. Thus, The Ohio State University and the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) expect that all students have read and understand the University’s Code of Student Conduct, and that all students will complete all academic and scholarly assignments with fairness and honesty. Students must recognize that failure to follow the rules and guidelines established in the University’s Code of Student Conduct and this syllabus may constitute “Academic Misconduct.”

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The Ohio State University’s Code of Student Conduct (Section 3335-23-04) defines academic misconduct as: “Any activity that tends to compromise the academic integrity of the University, or subvert the educational process.” Examples of academic misconduct include (but are not limited to) plagiarism, collusion (unauthorized collaboration), copying the work of another student, and possession of unauthorized materials during an examination. Ignorance of the University’s Code of Student Conduct is never considered an “excuse” for academic misconduct, so I recommend that you review the Code of Student Conduct and, specifically, the sections dealing with academic misconduct. If I suspect that a student has committed academic misconduct in this course, I am obligated by University Rules to report my suspicions to the Committee on Academic Misconduct. If COAM determines that you have violated the University’s Code of Student Conduct (i.e., committed academic misconduct), the sanctions for the misconduct could include a failing grade in this course and suspension or dismissal from the University. If you have any questions about the above policy or what constitutes academic misconduct in this course, please contact me. Other sources of information on academic misconduct (integrity) to which you can refer include: The Committee on Academic Misconduct web pages https://oaa.osu.edu/coam.html Ten Suggestions for Preserving Academic Integrity http://oaa.osu.edu/coamtensuggestions.html Eight Cardinal Rules of Academic Integrity www.northwestern.edu/uacc/8cards.html Don’t smoke, dip, or chew Ohio State’s policy requests that all faculty, students, staff, fans, patients, visitors, and contractors not use tobacco products on campus, either inside and out. Talk to me about disabilities Any student who feels that they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to discuss their specific needs. Please see me as soon as possible. Or, contact the Office of Disability Services at 292-3307 in room 150 Pomerene Hall for more information.