Forecast dtom adfctelUal^ M i We«aM- ■■•eeaeieil clMdfauih 'liiardSai* IS. to* M. u « thta ; VOL: x x m . NO. 289-6 CENTS. - Freedom Toim tm m uini m ia«f • doB U rwd «H rite t( r Hon. > OFFICUL CITY NEWSPAPEtt " BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLE Mattson Brother Studies Kidnaper For Identification SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24 (UlR)—Federal agenU today .confronted WUhelm Jakob Muhlenbroich, kidnaper of Marc de TYistan. jr.. with a witness to the unsolved Matt- son kidnap case and announcey a^break in the investiga- tion could be expected soon. /■ Nat J. L. Picpcr, FBI agent in charge of the San Fran^ cisco office, announced: “I may have somethinR for you today.” ^ ^ * isxJi'REDERICK C. OTIiMAN SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 24 <U.R)—Federal agents today confronted Wilhelm Jakob Muhlenbroich, kidnaper of three- year-old Marc de Tristan, jr., with William Mattson of Ta - coma, Wash., who, four years ago, saw his younger brother carried away to be killed by a kidnaper. G-men brought Mattson, now 20, here by plane from his college fraternity house at Seattle. He viewed Muhlenbroich at the FBI office here and on leaving there at midnight, de- clined to say whether he had identified the hawk-nosed Ger- man alien as his brother’s kid- naper. “I’ll have to wait until the FBI approves my comment- injc,” he said. - Pran Muhlenbrolch’a acQualnt- •nce* here, who had known him "honesl" barber, fluent In four forelfn lanBiuges uid a Nazi aym- paUiiier, federal agenU found sev- eral limUarltleB between the TrlsUin baby kidnaper and their conception of ttie MatUon Udnaper, for whom tney haT* searched relentlewly for four yean, questioning some 35.000 suspects. Note* SImUar The "fwarthy, hooked-nose" : who carried away 10-yeax-old Char- les Mattswi from hU home on Chilftmas WHk. 1938. bad left note dw^anrtlBl <a8W). vbleh h« «eTar triM to eoUeet. and bad »t«ned )t “Qrolati BfoUt.” Tbt not* de> BMUKllnB tlOOMO tor tbe return of tlte d» TrtMaa b«b7. letaed H1B»- bor^ih liui TWday. bwl dema^- • d UW.WA vliA «U tfpcA “uac«- TBi ifcte W ttSrti^TisiahTBio^ tiy la proper but aUlUd lang. uace. 'Muhleobrolch's acqualntwcea Mid tw M capable of hsTln« writ- ten It. They said' he «poke and wroU German. French, Italian and Spanish with equal facility. He had • n^rked^ln several 8an JVanclsco barber during the last 13 years and woa reported to hav«!* spent about a year In the l^om a region about the time oi^TnfMattson kid- naping, \ Brother In Gcnnan Army It also waa learned Muhlenbroich. who. federal officers snid had con- feued the de TrIxtAn crime, has a brother In the German army; he lost a knuckle as a Oermnn soldier in the first World war. Is n dead shot with a rifle, a pronouiKcd anll- 6«mtt« and holds Adolt Hitler Mwl tlie Natl government In Uie hlgliest esteem. Police found Muhlenbrolch's hig- goge In the home of a friend. Henry Hunted, bakery-wagon driver, and In tnre* suitcases they discovered pic- ture* of Tacoma. Victoria and Port- land. letters written In German and pictures of the kidnaper In a Ger- man army uniform, 'nie baggage nlso contained a rifle and ammunition. Hmted said he had known Muh- lenbroich since flbniit lOSa nnrt the kidnaper somp.Umen dined with him ^ and hU family, Martin Smallbnck, 48; Amrrlgo flcl, ftl. arftt Nathan Freeman, all of whom had employed Muhlrnbrolch In their barber shopa, agreed oti de- scriptions of him, Entered t/. 8. nietAilk It was learned he had. ait a fldant, a German gnvnrnoKs ployed by a wealthy family In the - prntnsiila area aroimd Hlllnboroiigh. She apparently was the only woman In whom he waa Interested. , Apparently, he entered the United (CeallnuMl an F»t* i. Column I) FARMER KILI.Kl) BOI8B, a«pt, 3i nj.P)-An expln- alon In Kn «ne.tUR« oiittet Miied to prepare oomstnlk fodder for storagn today waa blamed for Uie,death of W, J. Bales, M, a farm<t In thn UAtlek area west of here, Offlcrrs a^td the maehlnery became choked and axnloded, Beetlons of the ma- chine Atniok Bales on Ihe head and abdomen. i No tratm /alolllle* In Maatc Voll«» lor thrn dam. Man Watches British RAF Siuk 4 Boats By HARRY HICKINGBOTHAM. FOLKESTONE, England. Sept. 24 <UJU—Royal air force pfanes 'this afternoon attacked and destroyed four armed German vessels off the French chwwiel coast. (The British Press assoclaUor . ported five boata were sunk and de- scribed them all as E-boatx.) The RAP planes located the Ger- man veaoeli close to the French coast between Calais and Cape Gris Net ' The German atearaera wer%. com- ing up the ooast under protection of A squadron of Gennan fighter planes and a balloon bairagt, When th*,'BrlUsh figbtera dlv«! .•n A could not see either the Oennair fighters or the ballooTU dcRPlte the fact visibility across the channel was most clear. Read for Coast Three British formations cross- ed the channel but only one attack- ed the German,'veMcls. ArtJarcntly the otlier two went along the French coast toward Dunkirk. I heard the drone of the Brlllnh planes gradually reccde but the bombern stood out distinctly. The Britlxh bombers started their diving bombers apparently before the German anti-aircraft guns spotted them. However, the gun* of the ships and land bnKrrltit as well opened on the Brltl.sh planes before Ihfy re- leased their bombs from a height of about 1,000 feet. When the smoke cleared away % few mlniitrs later only one of the four German vessels could be i Flniih Job' Tlie nrlMnh filers npiMirrnlly ___ delermliird to flnUh Ihe }nb. I'^vn planes rtlved In a second attack and when the smoke had cleared the liwit ship alno had disappeared. In two or three minutes the Blen- heim bombers winged back acron.«i the thannel. V^n route tljey sjwHeA « German Dornler flying boat flying close to the water. iinw them wheel Into a dive and •end the Dornler crashing Into the sea. Oddities lly United Preu MKC'IIANIZKD WAHHlNCITON-ReMiilu,, j,, the army 1s t>eeomlng mechanlud. I'he war department has announ- ced each division chaplain will l>e •provided with a i s ton delivery truck and a mobile publlo address systein mounted on a trailer. Tlin publlo address system will be suit- able for an ouUtoor Bfttl\e.rtn8 ot alm it 3,000 |>emons. OPINION WA«HINtllX)N~Bclcctlve »er- vlre l> 0Ard officials coiicentruied today on teaching hardbollwl army men how to make con- scription palauble to the Amer- Iran publlo. If they succeed Uiere will be no "publlo be damned” atlltudo. lltey contend publlo opinion Is the mainstay of a |>eeco- tlme ronwrlptlon program, PKP NEWARK, N, J.-Tlw f.n meet- ing of Uie 'nos Athletlo club de- signed to |>ep things up for Uia footlmli season, lacked entlni- slatm until s4 >meone suggesletl Uie war was mora important Uian snort. Bo they Ulked war. Blnce tk\et\ tt\e (lUiU hOA loat, alar golfer, three football players, a baseball player and a bo*er. Tiiey jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7 . ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but Ooulptor Cynu B. Dallln fl- natljr h u penuidad (ha cUy to • lUtlia of Paul Revere, a Etonian who scooi>ed the MIddleaex countrysida back In. t#. As Thousands Cheer—Little Marc Comes Home The relief that swept the nation when little Marc de fristan waa vescned from hU kidnaper after 48 hours of captivity climared in HUtsborongh, Calif„ In a Ihnmg of aeverml thousand people who awaited his retom and cheered londly as the child was delivered to hte parents. The child li In (be arms of bla father, C0191I Marc de Tristan, and his mother, (he eoantess, is sbowa hcaMe him in n p t delight ¥ ¥ * ¥ « « « Safe^Home! Little Marc With Mama Held by Federals BIAZES fflGE IN CM L FDLlili W By FREDERICK C. OECHSNER BraiLIN, Sept.'24.(UP> - P Ire s bunicHl In Berlin totlny alter a three hour and 47 mlnuli* air mid. longest of the war. irStAs Iciirnwl Sfltln, chlcf Ger- mi<ii ptm on tho Baltic, al.v} wo-s bombitl, Unlti'd PiTM corrl'^.lX3udl'llt.^ saw two large flrts, npparenlly In ware- hoiisfs or fnctorlrj, burning In nortliwest Berlin, and a glare which Indicated a fire was seen In tlie aouthtt'cstcrn part of Uie city. •«J1ie raid was not only the longest but the earliest Knd nywt active here of the entire war. Anil-iilrcrnft guns fired almftst contlnuou.^ly from the start of Uie raid alarm nl 11:23 p. m. to Its end nt 3:10 a. m. Searchlights wci'c iictlve also as they had not been In previous rald.s. Arrive In Waves ^lytlim of tlie Run fire Indicated that as u.sual, the British planes ar- flved In waves. Their motors were heard plainly In the United Pre« offices In' Unter den Linden, the heart of Uie cUy. and In other wide- ly separated area.s. The British plRucs dropjicd doreos ot flares to light up the city. One illumlnnled Uie Unlic<l Prcs.1 build- ing ami the vicinity. (Tills vicinity Includes Adolf Hit- ler's chancellery and oUicr govern- ment bulldlng.s;) Most, of Uio flares, however, were dropped over the norUiwestem sec- tion. • Detonations Heard DctonaUons, apparenUy of bombs, were iieard sporadically during tho raid. / A communique Issued after tlie "all dear" said: •'In the night of Sept. !« to 24 several BrItUh plojics succeeded de- spite heaviest nnU-alrcraft defen« In flying over outer districts of north and e u t Berlin, and dropping bombs there. The location of the bomb craters, far away from military or ’Kar-tmportant objectives, art n n n t that British fUera attack wlUi xiroeful In^JiUcp i Germans Attempt To Wreck Foe in Vengeance Raids By WALLACE CARROLL f LONDON, Sept. 24 (U.R)—Britiah and German airplanes fouK'ht u series of terrific battles .hi^h in i hazy sky over - the Thames e.-ituflry today and the Germans, striking back , furiously after a biff British raid on Berlin, sent fleet after flc(2t of planes In an attempt to wreak vengeance^on London. About 300 €frmari''planes erty damage to prlvataAoOse*'and several elvlllans were tilled'Or In- jured, Mllllary damage did not re- sult." Thr anruish of a mother wheiir non wao klilnapfd for 4S ho«m, nnrtrr drmaiid lor flOO.OOO ransom, waa mdnl ulirn thin picture was tahrn of Couiilru Marc dn Tristan, hnidinc lirr llttlr inn, Marc, after the rhlld iisd l>rrn reirued from his captor. Frenchmen Fight to Save Two Colonies By IJnllrd SIrifrroiitiniii'il today (Wc»r iidri.-icuMtoim of-tU'o'of the must \aliiiililf rmt|)o»tH of tile fju--niinn Froncli colonial I'nipire. 'I'luTt' Ih u hiUt'i' buUl« bclw i'fii Kiriicfi and Jn)ianoHe tt<iiil>n ii\ G«n. ChnrloH ili* riiuillit him abuiuloncil liin iiUt'iniil to capture the went Alriciin iiorl of Dakar liiil liiP Vicliy Kovernment promlHCH liliiiT "ri'i>rlHal nctionH." Lonilmi HotircnH Hiild d« (.laiilli', InnliT of “frco F renrbm fti,'' Kavn u|i hlH expodilion to Utko iiv« i J)iikar w ith tho HBBiHliint-o of HritlHh ti'oopH aixl war- iihipH lii-CHune hu did n o t w IhI i to Im reHponHll)io for Fronrh- niiui flKhtliiK Fri'iichm an. Vkhy sitiil the British and l-'iTiii'h f»rt:en had tried In liinil nriir naicar but had been Uirxiwn l«<k liy KTenoh African land, sen and air forcra alter aii engauAmmiL In whirl! 100 iwrsons went Killed and 400 wounded. In Aslk. Pronch fronUer troo])*, fiHhtltiK a Jupunrse Invasion fnmi louili China, claimed to liave rn- ca|)turr<l Ihe border post of Dong nang. which thoy abandoned yaaUir- liny. JMmncse eUlmed m Prennh- iiirii were klllwl In the fjghUng uiid .... f.. I ...... - . l^onoli ufliCera u id Japanoss bodlas were plliiig high ouUMs Dong nang and at I^ngion. an ImporUnt Inrto-Ohlna frontier railroad town. rrench Admiral rranools DarUn said Uiat levere lotoea warn infUctwl u|Mi) the attacking foroaa at Dakar. t'oloiiiiyi I’vrrywherfl "but es]>n'lu|iy III l)ixk'»r" under the gtilse of juo- icriitiK Uinn. •• ’"I'lin iirw Urlllsli atittresitnu" mild Dniliiu. "iillli'i at nothing lesn lliiUi niiiivliiK of oiir fumliles, thn iitlii' iilliiu ij( our unhappy countiy and thr hiniklng-Uii of oitr eniplrn. Our (liinni'ix will hull them .” 'I’h« mluilral said Uiat Uie lltlllnli- FrrK Kianre fleet aiielletl Dakar and jiritrhy I'oaslnl tirwni for seven hour* iilifi tlir rejection of an'ultliniitiiin III lolunlal authorIMM to surtemlrr. All«r Mill Iwinbardment, tl>e ntliirk- ItiK t»rre tried to liuid trmp!) al nniiliy itullsque, alt^ of » huK" oil tank, but, said tha admiral, iha liiiidliiH force WM rtpuls«(t by power* ful land btttl«rl«a and liie allied vrMPli driven off, Tiie VInhy govenimont aent secret urdein to rranoi) ootonlal forces to take immedlats and dnuUo reprlsaU URiiliist Ihe British, 'llin altarkliiH Qrltlih naval »<|U»<I Hw Mtd to It^olude one sa,&00 (l'unllailf4 ea Page t, CelUMa Hi 1 CAMPAIGN WAHIUNQTON, Sept, 3< lUHi - 'lluiinas O,. Corcoran, nm- of tlii! •'Inner clrrle" of the New Drnl. an- nounced today he hud rcMnui il Ids Kovrrnnirnt ikjbUUuw ta w.uk uu “U)o national conimlttcn i>l iiul' iicii- «lent voters" supimriluK I'lrM.tmt itooaevclt for a thlrd*ifiiu, Corcoran announcnl lih. ii'd.sinn after u mroting of Uir ormuiUtninu n executlvii commltteo In tlir- ollici' of Hen, Oeorge W. Norrl". h i d . Ni'U. The group planned to sru Mi Komi'- velt later today. llio exenuUve coimuUI.’i', i.|ur- anntln* 32 #late«, elc.c.u-d Mas.u' l^lurello II, La Cluiirdia of New Vmk Its naUonal chiilrmun. Ni.iil.’i I elected honorary clmliiinin. Corcoran will be a vlcn>rhiiliiiiiui Vlce.ciiolrmcn i n c I u d r i l / ' i.ir Krlckson of Montana; and WuMn Wanger, movle producer, Ciillfi>iiilu Otiiers at Uie meeUnK liuiiiiii'il' Berretary ot Interior Harolil L. Icl(<':^; Melvyn Douglas, inolUin jilrium tor, California, and Jamen (i, I'uiKm, prrsldenl J»armers Union i>t Cnlo- rado. GARiR LEAK FORWASHINGIOII UVDAf.E, Tex., Sfpt. U (U.P)-Vlce- Prcsldent John Niince Oarner, end- ing a Uucc-months stay at Ills south Texas home, left by train today for WasJilifgWn. Oarner left alone, Icavlntt Mrs. Oarner here, and Louis Friday, who works for the vlce-presldpiit In Uv- dalc, said he "prc.iinncd Mr. Oarner will arrive In time Tluir.sday to preside over the nrnate Umt day.” Giant Parade High Spot for Legion’s Meet BOSTON, Sept. 34 _^TUe American Legion was on the march today. It waa parade day—high apot of the Legion’s 22nd national conven- tion—and through Boston.i'^crooltcd streets marched nearly 100,000 men, women and children. Four hundred bands, drum corps and uniformed mu.ilcal unlta pa.wd along the3.7-mllc route. Probably not until midnight will the laU ot the 58 department* have pa-wed the reviewing stands. Leading Uie parado. by virtue of victory in niembership competition. Wjis Georgia. M lu MOina Michael of Athens. Oa., who originated the '•poppy day’' Idea and who ha* rais- ed millions of dollars for disabled doughboys, rode <?0 a gorgeous "poppy float." Florida flaunted a banner boast- ing the biggest population gain la the*la«t d e i a d e . ............................ An uproarious throng of about 2, 000,000 swept through police lines and nearly wrecked last night's 40 and 8 perade, caused dotens of minor injuries, smashed windows and sent many I>eglonruires to cover. Late, FM i^jHES participated in the mominR’s raids, but only a few broke through 'to their bombin? objectives. Five or more Ger- man planes were reported downed. <In Berlin, the German high cotn- mand said Nazi planet had bombed Cambridge—M8.t of the sns* llsh unlverslty-ln “retallaUon” for the alleged bombing by Britlih planes ot Heidelberg, seat of Ocr* many's moat famous university.) About 40 bombs landed In tta* Tilbury dock area, dentoUihinK homes of workers and causliij^ a number of casualUes. ' Again and again, big fleets of . German bombing planes, escortcd br scores of fighter planes vhleh circled above and below Uiero. crossed the coast and moved throU^. a blast of anU-aircraft gonftre'to*" ward London. New F o m u t l ^ Squadrons of ^tish fighter planes met them along the ’numc*. Some of the German planes, adopting a new formatlcB,-flew-te— single file across the coast Two daylight raid alam a veM sounded In tbe London a n a M ora-- noon and the drone of many planes. Inchidlng Oennan ones, was hsard over the capital. A reinforced anU-alrcnirt gun bar- rage had driven off attack aftef at> tack by the Oennan planes, seek- ing revenge for the loogsst, and un'' doubtediy the heaviest, royal atr fort» raid on BerUn g‘ “ - ““ wv. LONDON./Sept. U aUou at -Dakar are eentinvlnr and are.expected to win tbe vital FYench west African port where lUUan and German infUtraUoa has been reported in the last two months, it was announeed tonight. ‘ The announcement was made by headquarters of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, leader of Free Frenchmen. The headquutcra earlier today had announeed de Ganlle had withdrawn from Dakar because he did not wlih Frenchman to fight Rains Aid Idaho Truck FarnuCrop noiH K , 8i-iit. 31 (U.R)-1 1 | 1» hluce Hi-pt. I havr hHpcd Idiilio truck crop ])ro<liK-hiK orcaii but Imvr In- trrniiiloil ihr (1111(^1 harvcni, lli(> a«- rlcultural uiurkcllng scrvUe rr|>orl- c<l today. ITio groi'ii iM'ii Klilpphig hcii.soii him rndrd with iniiip flrlds Icli uiihar- VMtrd hffaunn of low prici's. Tonight, however, it waa an- nounced the operation undertaken yesterday by a French eipedl- tionary forte, prcleeted by BrIUih warships, waa continuing. VICHY, Sept. 34 OJ R*-Tlie Frcnch subinarltin Pernce. 1.384 tons, waa mink off Dakar In the course of a '•successful" attack on a BrlU.ih cruiser. It was ai\nounced officially tonight. Tlie {linking of Uie submarhie waa announced by Uie navy mlnL’itry as Uin coblnet met and heard reports French forces al Dakar continued to brat off rfH-uttenipt^i by Hrltlsh war- «hl|w to land troops at the west Afrlciin |>ort. •II1P annouiircmrnt said most of the rrcw of the suhmnrlne which liiid a normal (;oinl)lenicnt ot fil, Draft Details Just Talk As Far as County Knotvs Prrllmliiiiry ilraft rrKlniin ■IVlii Full" comity 1 « onl' wrekn awiiy hut as far iis Hi handle the e WALLACE ID GE miNIDAiO BOIBB, Bept. af (UR)-Henry A. Wallace, Domooratla nuiiilime fur .lo.-pre.u.i,L » 1||.,|K m tl »1 1 : idtnft ttat* Il»s and escorted by oaravan to Oosur d'Alene wiirrn he wiU apeak Oct. .a, state Ohaitjiuin nobert Oouiler said today, WaUaoa wUl leave from «i>okane wlure h« U alM sohMUled to apeak. Plana for Wallaoe's appearance at Wallhee have been caneelled In luvor ot on* norU^ Maha m eet^i at coniT d'Alene, ooutur said. Jiint MinielhlUK they reiiil ni llin »ewhl>i»lH-rn, Although the rominlulnni'rii will pri'niiinitlily l>r the nKrin'v which [ iMUe .ordrrn for ii»n nf |iir- rlnct piillliiK iirri'onnel iukI fiiclll- tli's U) handle the rrulstiiitloii Uct, he lM>ard had recrlvnl no liik- II11K tmlay from offtiilal Miurcrn rn- gardhiK wliat'n wiuited. Wlii'ilicr Ihe prpclin;t rlertlon clerks iiiiil JuiIkcs lire to ini«n Ihe cimncrl|iUtin riiroll- niriil hoaidu, whrlher thr niunlv uni'll jioy thrin- or whrlhri II will nil he oiVrated on a voliiiilrrrJ>nf1s (IlirelloMS iMirsllng (hr rniiiiiiln- iilonners. No Word ‘We hiivrn't Ixen (old ii Ihhiu.*' said Ohnlrinan lien E. I'olirr Potter and his associnlrit, (}. ii. Undsey and Oeorge It. llaii, iite of Ihe opinion that Iha biittirn of pay- ing the registration boards ought lull, iw laid on oouuty I’endlnu official word, iiowever, tliry IrrI Ihi county may prnliably "get rIiicIi " ' Hie Oct. to proliininary regis- tration will b« the first' strp In charting information about the men 01 draft age, 31 to S6 yeara, Incilu sive, in the county. Aft«r Ilia regis- tration the Job will be handled by draft boarda named by the to noi; 'Uiat |>art Is (alriy deflplta to- day; U'a the Initial r««l|itrallon dn- tails ptiasling tha oouni^. It Ihe regular election boards do t, and must l>e IMild by the coimly, officials dnulil. thn nred for having all mnnbrm of 'vrry lK)ard on hniid. Indication tlial ihe reKlslratlon ln«H may be on a vohinlary \>nsia iias alreody Uern noted line in prewi dlsimtohre stating the war drpart- nirnt will srek Wdinrn voluntrrrn to ftrrve In Ihe prrclnrt Jiolllng plarrs Ocl. IB. But that's apjMircntly not yet official. T a, m, to t P. ni. •I1in Oct. in ir»(lnlfatlon will Imi hrid In earh prNlncty from 7 a. ni to 0 p ni, of (hat d a / Men Iwtwenn the ages of 31 lo art Incluslvp are re<]Ulred under Ihe law tA fill out their registration cards and cer- Ificatrs between Ihose hours. Each iiiin will rerelvr a number corres- ]HindhiK to Ihe seijuence In which he .reglMers, '(lie registrant reUliu Uie cer- tificate, and scanty advance infor- mation available here Indicates the cania will be turned over to the ae- iectlve aervioa bokrd which la to be tn «aot\ county by the gover- nor. l.urger counties—mrhaps in- cluding Twin rall^'WllI have, two suoh boarda, Wheii t^ie number reglstared In each county (or dUtrlot, dapendtoi on offlelal Interpretation) Is oertl- tied to the niUottal director o( se. JeoHve ssTftor al 'Wa«hln*ton. sttpa with-numbers total will bo drawn from Ingnm. , (CvatiaaH ea rage !• Oehuaa II vsidlng planes a» t the TUbur# dock 1 river. Guns along the 1... shells crashing Into the 1 the German fleet and th broke formation. G«rvtans>1e« As the German planes swunff ' aharply about, and seemed ready to head for the coast and safgty. a formation of British fighter plaiw raced down the Thames and dived into the Nazi fleet. The Oannana fled. At least two of them wera shot down. Three others had been aent crashing' to destruction durlnff a long night raid. New guns wlikh fired “namlnt onions" and strange red tracer shek. Joined In a thunderous ttra at ali German planes which ven- tured into the Lotxion area durtnc the night. All but single German planes vera turned back before they reached London proi>er and most of the enea Uiat got through were compelled to drop their bombs In the outsklru and flee. Boon after the “all clear" was sounded after the night's raid, the air ministry announced strong for- ces of British planes had bombed Berlin heavily and attacked Import- ant military objecUves. iluildingi Shake On the channel ooait, watcheni hrard explosions so terrlflo they shook buildings on the British side as royal air force planes bombed (iernian bases on Uie French coast during the night. 0 It was unilrrstood two German plaiirs had brrn shot down over , I/)iulon proper, filter having been caught first In converging search- llKht beams and then by a blast of anti-aircraft fire, and a third )>ad l>rrn shot down across the Tlismes in Surrey county. fllngle planes dropped bombs on criitral. north, northwest and souUiwest London. Including many Unie boinbA. Illgli explosive and in- cnidlary bombs were dropped In Uie norUiwCRt coastal district and in the midlands. In the lx)iidon area, "bread bas* •t'* incendiary- bomb contalnsra atnick around a school which had been turned Into an aml)ulanee sta- tion, but caused no casualties. nVB MTTIOW Hi MI)M th'numbers corresponding to that al will be plaoed in eapsulai and II bo drawn from a t>owr In Wash* STAtPLANFi- ONEWCOUni DOI8S, Bept. M Fareed. PorUand, the federar

BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

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Page 1: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

Forecastd t o m a d f c t e l U a l ^ M i We«aM-

■■•eeaeieil clMdfauih ' l i i a r d S a i *

IS. to * M. u « thta

; V O L : x x m . N O . 2 8 9 - 6 C E N T S .

- Freedom ■T o i m t m m u i n i m i a « f •

d o B U r w d «H r i t e t ( rHon. >


BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEMattson Brother Studies Kidnaper For Identification

SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24 (UlR)— Federal agenU today .co n fro n ted WUhelm Jakob M uhlenbroich, kidnaper of

M arc de TYistan. jr . . w ith a w itness to th e unsolved M att­son kidnap case and announcey a^break in the investiga­tion could be expected soon. /■

N a t J . L . P icpcr, FB I agen t in charge of th e San F ran^ cisco office, announced: “I m ay have somethinR for you today .” ^

* isxJi'REDERICK C. OTIiMANSAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 24 <U.R)— Federal agents today

confronted W ilhelm Jakob Muhlenbroich, kidnaper of three- year-old M arc de T ris tan , jr ., w ith W illiam M attson of T a­coma, W ash., who, fou r years ago, saw his younger b ro th er carried aw ay to be killed by a kidnaper.

G-men b ro u g h t M attson, now 20, here by plane from his college fra te rn ity house a t Seattle. He viewed Muhlenbroich a t th e F B I office here and on leaving th e re a t m idnight, de­clined to say w he ther he had identified th e hawk-nosed Ger­m an alien as h is b ro th e r’s kid­naper.

“I’ll have to w ait until the F B I approves my comment- injc,” h e said. -

P ran Muhlenbrolch’a acQualnt- •nce* here, who had known him

"honesl" barber, fluent In four forelfn lanBiuges u id a Nazi aym- paUiiier, federal agenU found sev­eral limUarltleB between the TrlsUin baby kidnaper and their conception of ttie MatUon Udnaper, for whom tney haT* searched relentlewly for four yean, questioning some 35.000 suspects.

Note* SImUar The "fwarthy, hooked-nose" :

who carried away 10-yeax-old Char­les Mattswi from hU home on Chilftmas WHk. 1938. bad left note dw^anrtlBl <a8W ). vbleh h«

«eTar triM to eoUeet. and bad »t«ned ) t “Qrolati BfoUt.” T b t not* de> BMUKllnB tlOOMO tor tb e return of tlte d» TrtMaa b«b7. letaed H1B»- b o r ^ ih liu i TWday. bwl d em a^ - • d UW.WA vliA « U tfp cA “u a c « -

T B i if c t e W t tS r t i ^ T i s i a h T B i o ^ tiy la proper but aUlUd lang. uace. 'Muhleobrolch's acqualntwcea Mid tw M capable of hsTln« writ­ten It. They said' he «poke and wroU German. French, Italian and Spanish with equal facility. He had

• n^rked^ln several 8an JVanclsco barber during the last 13 years and woa reported to hav«!* spent about a year In the l ^ o m a region about the time oi^TnfM attson kid­naping, \

Brother In Gcnnan Army I t also waa learned Muhlenbroich.

who. federal officers snid had con- feued the de TrIxtAn crime, has a brother In the German army; he lost a knuckle as a Oermnn soldier in the first World war. Is n dead shot with a rifle, a pronouiKcd anll- 6«mtt« and holds Adolt Hitler Mwl tlie Natl government In Uie hlgliest esteem.

Police found Muhlenbrolch's hig- goge In the home of a friend. Henry Hunted, bakery-wagon driver, and In tnre* suitcases they discovered pic­ture* of Tacoma. Victoria and Port­land. letters written In German and pictures of the kidnaper In a Ger­man army uniform,

'n ie baggage nlso contained a rifle and ammunition.

Hmted said he had known Muh­lenbroich since flbniit lOSa nnrt the kidnaper somp.Umen dined with him

and hU family,Martin Smallbnck, 48; Amrrlgo

flcl, ftl. arftt Nathan Freeman, all of whom had employed Muhlrnbrolch In their barber shopa, agreed oti de­scriptions of him,

Entered t/. 8. nietAilk I t was learned he had. ait a

fldant, a German gnvnrnoKs ployed by a wealthy family In the

- prntnsiila area aroimd Hlllnboroiigh. She apparently was the only woman In whom he waa Interested.

, Apparently, he entered the United (CeallnuMl an F»t* i. Column I)

FARMER KILI.Kl)BOI8B, a«pt, 3i nj.P)-An expln-

alon In Kn «ne.tUR« oiittet Miied to prepare oomstnlk fodder for storagn today waa blamed for Uie,death of W, J. Bales, M, a farm<t In thn UAtlek area west of here, Offlcrrs a^td the maehlnery became choked and axnloded, Beetlons of the ma­chine Atniok Bales on Ihe head and abdomen.


No tratm /a lo lllle* In Maatc Voll«» lor thrn dam .

Man Watches British RAF Siuk 4 Boats


<UJU—Royal a ir force pfanes 'this afternoon attacked and destroyed four armed German vessels off the French chwwiel coast.

(The British Press assoclaUor . ported five boata were sunk and de­scribed them all as E-boatx.)

The RAP planes located the Ger­man veaoeli close to the French coast between Calais and Cape Gris N et' The German atearaera wer%. com­

ing up the ooast under protection of A squadron of Gennan fighter planes and a balloon bairagt,

When th*,'BrlUsh figbtera dlv«! .•n A could not seeeither the Oennair fighters or the ballooTU dcRPlte the fact visibility across the channel was most clear.

Read for Coast Three British formations cross­

ed the channel but only one attack­ed the German,'veMcls. ArtJarcntly the otlier two went along the French coast toward Dunkirk.

I heard the drone of the Brlllnh planes gradually reccde but the bombern stood out distinctly.

The Britlxh bombers started their diving bombers apparently before the German anti-aircraft guns spotted them. However, the gun* of the ships and land bnKrrltit as well opened on the Brltl.sh planes before Ihfy re­leased their bombs from a height of about 1,000 feet.

When the smoke cleared away % few mlniitrs later only one of the four German vessels could be i

Flniih Job'Tlie nrlMnh filers npiMirrnlly ___

delermliird to flnUh Ihe }nb. I'^vn planes rtlved In a second attack and when the smoke had cleared the liwit ship alno had disappeared.

In two or three minutes the Blen­heim bombers winged back acron.«i the thannel. V n route tljey sjwHeA « German Dornler flying boat flying close to the water.

iinw them wheel Into a dive and •end the Dornler crashing Into the sea.

Odditieslly United Preu


the army 1s t>eeomlng mechanlud. I 'he war department has announ­ced each division chaplain will l>e

•provided with a i s ton delivery truck and a mobile publlo address systein mounted on a trailer. Tlin publlo address system will be suit­able for an ouUtoor Bfttl\e.rtn8 ot alm it 3,000 |>emons.

OPINIONWA«HINtllX)N~Bclcctlve »er-

vlre l>0Ard officials coiicentruied today on teaching hardbollwl army men how to make con­scription palauble to the Amer- Iran publlo. If they succeed Uiere will be no "publlo be damned” atlltudo. lltey contend publlo opinion Is the mainstay of a |>eeco- tlme ronwrlptlon program,

PKPNEWARK, N, J .-T lw f .n meet­

ing of Uie 'n o s Athletlo club de­signed to |>ep things up for Uia footlmli season, lacked entlni- slatm until s4>meone suggesletl Uie war was mora important Uian snort. Bo they Ulked war. Blnce tk\et\ tt\e (lUiU hOA loat, alar golfer, three football players, a baseball player and a bo*er. Tiiey jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7 .

ACOSrTKDB.OaTON-U took him &0 years,

but Ooulptor Cynu B. Dallln fl- natljr h u penuidad (ha cUy to

• lU tlia of Paul Revere, a E to n ia n who scooi>ed the MIddleaex countrysida back In. t# .

As Thousands Cheer—Little Marc Comes Home

The relief that swept the nation when little Marc de f r is ta n waa vescned from hU kidnaper after 48 hours of captivity climared in HUtsborongh, Calif„ In a Ihnm g of aeverml thousand people who awaited his retom and cheered londly as the child was delivered to hte parents. The child li In (be arms of bla father, C0191I Marc de Tristan, and his mother, (he eoantess, is sbowa hcaMe him in n p t delight

¥ ¥ * ¥ « « « •

Safe^Home! Little Marc With Mama H eld by Federals


F D L l i l i WBy FREDERICK C. OECHSNERBraiLIN, Sept.'24.(UP> - P I r e s

bunicHl In Berlin totlny alter a three hour and 47 mlnuli* air mid. longest of the war.

irStAs Iciirnwl Sfltln, chlcf Ger- mi<ii ptm on tho Baltic, al.v} wo-s bombitl,

Unlti'd PiTM corrl' .lX3udl'llt. saw two large flrts, npparenlly In ware- hoiisfs or fnctorlrj, burning In nortliwest Berlin, and a glare which Indicated a fire was seen In tlie aouthtt'cstcrn part of Uie city. •«J1ie raid was not only the longest but the earliest Knd nywt active here of the entire war. Anil-iilrcrnft guns fired almftst contlnuou.^ly from the start of Uie raid alarm nl 11:23 p. m. to Its end nt 3:10 a. m. Searchlights wci'c iictlve also as they had not been In previous rald.s.

Arrive In Waves ^ ly tlim of tlie Run fire Indicated

that as u.sual, the British planes ar- flved In waves. Their motors were heard plainly In the United P re« offices In' Unter den Linden, the heart of Uie cUy. and In other wide­ly separated area.s.

The British plRucs dropjicd doreos ot flares to light up the city. One illumlnnled Uie Unlic<l Prcs.1 build­ing ami the vicinity.

(Tills vicinity Includes Adolf Hit­ler's chancellery and oUicr govern­ment bulldlng.s;)

Most, of Uio flares, however, were dropped over the norUiwestem sec­tion. •

Detonations HeardDctonaUons, apparenUy of bombs,

were iieard sporadically during tho raid. /

A communique Issued after tlie "all dear" said:

•'In the night of Sept. !« to 24 several BrItUh plojics succeeded de­spite heaviest nnU-alrcraft defen« In flying over outer districts of north and e u t Berlin, and dropping bombs there. The location of the bomb craters, far away from military or ’Kar-tmportant objectives, a r t n n n t th a t British fUera attack wlUi x iro e fu l In^JiUcp i

Germans Attempt To Wreck Foe in Vengeance Raids

By WALLACE CARROLL fLONDON, Sept. 24 (U.R)—B ritiah and Germ an airplanes

fouK'ht u series of te rr ific battles .hi^h in i hazy sky over - th e Tham es e.-ituflry today and the Germans, s trik in g back , furiously a f te r a biff B ritish raid on Berlin, sen t flee t a f te r flc(2t o f planes In an a ttem p t to w reak vengeance^on London.

About 300 € frm a ri''p lan es

erty damage to prlvataAoOse*'and several elvlllans were tilled 'O r In­jured, Mllllary damage did not re­sult."

T h r a n ru is h of a m o the r wheiir non wao k lilnapfd for 4S ho«m , nnrtrr drm aiid lo r flOO.OOO ransom , waa m d n l u lirn thin p ic tu re w as tah rn of C ou iilru M arc dn T ris tan , hnidinc lirr llt tlr inn , M arc, a f te r the rhlld iisd l>rrn re iru e d from h is captor.

Frenchmen Fight to Save Two Colonies

By IJnllrdS I r i f r r o i i t i n i i i ' i l t o d a y (Wc»r iidri.-icuMtoim o f - t U 'o 'o f t h e m u s t

\a l i i i i l i l f rm t|)o » tH o f t i l e f ju - -n i in n F r o n c l i c o lo n ia l I 'n ip i re . 'I 'lu T t' Ih u h iU t 'i ' b u U l« b c lw i 'f i i K ir i ic f i a n d J n ) ia n o H e tt<iiil>n ii\ G « n . C h n r lo H ili* r iiu il lit h im a b u iu lo n c i l liini iU t 'in i i l t o c a p t u r e t h e w e n t A lr ic i in i i o r l o f D a k a r liiil li iP V ic liy K o v e r n m e n t prom lH CH l i l i i iT "ri 'i> rlH al n c t io n H ."

L o n ilm i H otircnH Hiild d « ( .la i illi ', I n n liT o f “ f r c o F r e n r b m f t i , ' ' K avn u |i hlH e x p o d i l i o n to U tk o iiv« i J ) i ik a r w i t h t h o HBBiHliint-o o f H ri tlH h ti'oopH a ix l w a r - iihipH lii-CHune h u d id n o t w IhI i to Im reH ponH ll)io f o r F r o n r h - n iiu i f lK h tliiK F r i ' i i c h m a n .

Vkhy sitiil the British and l-'iTiii'h f»rt:en had tried In liinil nriir naicar but had been Uirxiwn l«<k liy KTenoh African land, sen and air forcra alter aii engauAmmiL In whirl! 100 iwrsons went Killed and 400 wounded.

In Aslk. Pronch fronUer troo])*, fiHhtltiK a Jupunrse Invasion fnmi louili China, claimed to liave rn- ca|)turr<l Ihe border post of Dong nang. which thoy abandoned yaaUir- liny. JMmncse eUlmed m Prennh- iiirii were klllwl In the fjghUng uiid.... f.. I......- .l^onoli ufliCera u id Japanoss bodlas were plliiig high ouUMs Dong nang and a t I^ngion. an ImporUnt Inrto-Ohlna frontier railroad town.

rrench Admiral rranools DarUn said Uiat levere lotoea warn infUctwl u|Mi) the attacking foroaa a t Dakar.

t'oloiiiiyi I’vrrywherfl " b u t es]>n'lu|iy III l)ixk'»r" under th e gtilse of juo- icriitiK U inn. ••

’"I'lin iirw U rlllsli atittresitnu" mild Dniliiu. "iillli'i a t n o th in g lesn lliiUi niiiivliiK of oiir fum liles, thn iit l i i ' iilliiu ij( ou r u nhap py c oun tiy and th r hiniklng-U ii o f o itr eniplrn. O ur (liinni'ix will h u ll th e m .”

'I’h« mluilral said Uiat Uie lltlllnli- FrrK Kianre fleet aiielletl Dakar and jiritrhy I'oaslnl tirwni for seven hour* iilifi tlir rejection of an'ultliniitiiin III lolunlal authorIMM to surtemlrr. All«r Mill Iwinbardment, tl>e ntliirk- ItiK t»rre tried to liuid trmp!) al nniiliy itullsque, alt^ of » huK" oil tank, but, said tha admiral, iha liiiidliiH force WM rtpuls«(t by power* ful land btttl«rl«a and liie allied vrMPli driven off,

Tiie VInhy g oven im on t aen t secret urdein to r ra n o i) ootonlal forces to take im m edla ts a n d d n u U o reprlsaU URiiliist Ihe British,

'llin altarkliiH Qrltlih naval »<|U»<I Hw Mtd to It^olude one sa,&00

(l'unllailf4 ea Page t, CelUMa


'lluiinas O,. Corcoran, nm- of tlii! •'Inner clrrle" of the New Drnl. an­nounced today he hud rcMnui il Ids Kovrrnnirnt ikjbUUuw ta w.uk uu “U)o national conimlttcn i>l iiul' iicii- «lent voters" supimriluK I'lrM.tmt itooaevclt for a thlrd*ifiiu,

Corcoran an nouncn l lih. ii'd.sinn a fte r u m roting of Uir ormuiUtninu n executlvii com m ltteo In tlir- ollici' of Hen, O eorge W. Norrl". h id . Ni'U. T h e group planned to sru Mi Komi'- velt la te r today.

l l i o exenuUve coimuUI.’i', i . |u r - anntln* 32 #late«, elc.c.u-d Mas.u' l^lurello II, La Cluiirdia of New Vmk

Its naUonal ch iilrm un. Ni.iil.’i I elected honorary clmliiinin.

C orcoran will be a vlcn>rhiiliiiiiuiV lce.ciiolrm cn i n c I u d r i l / ' i.ir

Krlckson of M ontana; and WuMn W anger, movle producer, Ciillfi>iiilu

O tiiers a t Uie meeUnK liuiiiiii'il' B e rre tary o t In te r io r Harolil L. Icl(<': ; M elvyn Douglas, inolUin jilrium tor, C alifornia, and Jam en (i, I'uiKm, p rrs ld en l J»armers U nion i>t Cnlo- rado.


UVDAf.E, Tex., Sfpt. U (U.P)-Vlce- Prcsldent John Niince Oarner, end­ing a Uucc-months stay a t Ills south Texas home, left by train today for WasJilifgWn.

Oarner left alone, Icavlntt Mrs. Oarner here, and Louis Friday, who works for the vlce-presldpiit In Uv- dalc, said he "prc.iinncd Mr. Oarner will arrive In time Tluir.sday to preside over the nrnate Umt day.”

Giant Parade High Spot for Legion’s Meet

BOSTON, Sept. 34 _^T U e American Legion was on the march today.

I t waa parade day—high apot of the Legion’s 22nd national conven­tion—and through Boston.i'^crooltcd streets marched nearly 100,000 men, women and children.

Four hundred bands, drum corps and uniformed mu.ilcal unlta pa.wd along the3.7-mllc route.

Probably not until midnight will the laU ot the 58 department* have pa-wed the reviewing stands.

Leading Uie parado. by virtue of victory in niembership competition. Wjis Georgia. M lu MOina Michael of Athens. Oa., who originated the '•poppy day’' Idea and who ha* rais­ed millions of dollars for disabled doughboys, rode <?0 a gorgeous "poppy float." —

Florida flaunted a banner boast­ing the biggest population gain lathe*la«t d e i a d e . ............................

An uproarious throng of about 2,000,000 swept through police lines and nearly wrecked last night's 40 and 8 perade, caused dotens of minor injuries, smashed windows and sent many I>eglonruires to cover.

L a te ,


participated in th e mominR’s raids, but only a few broke through ' t o th e ir bom bin? objectives. Five o r m ore Ger­man planes were reported downed.

<In Berlin, the German high cotn- mand said Nazi planet had bombed Cambridge—M8.t of the sns* llsh unlverslty-ln “retallaUon” for the alleged bombing by Britlih planes ot Heidelberg, seat of Ocr* many's moat famous university.)

About 40 bombs landed In tta* Tilbury dock area, dentoUihinK homes of workers and causliij^ a number of casualUes. '

Again and again, big fleets of . German bombing planes, escortcd b r scores of fighter planes vhleh circled above and below Uiero. crossed the coast and moved throU ^. a blast of anU-aircraft go n ftre 'to * " ward London.

New F o m u tl^Squadrons of ^ t i s h fighter

planes met them along the ’num c*.Some of the German planes,

adopting a new formatlcB,-flew-te— single file across the coast

Two daylight raid a la m a veM sounded In tbe London a n a M o ra -- noon and the drone of many planes. Inchidlng Oennan ones, was hsard over the capital.

A reinforced anU-alrcnirt gun bar­rage had driven off attack aftef at> tack by the Oennan planes, seek­ing revenge for the loogsst, and un'' doubtediy the heaviest, royal a tr fort» raid on BerUn g ‘ “ - “ “ w v .

LONDON./Sept. U aU o u a t -Dakar are eentinvlnr and are.expected to win tbe vital FYench west African port where lUUan and German infUtraUoa has been reported in the last two months, it was announeed tonight. ‘ The announcement was made by headquarters of Gen. Charles de Gaulle, leader of Free Frenchmen. The headquutcra earlier today had announeed de Ganlle had withdrawn from Dakar because he did not wlih Frenchman to fight

Rains Aid Idaho Truck FarnuCrop

no iH K , 8i-iit. 31 (U.R)-1 {«1 | 1» hluceHi-pt. I havr hHpcd Idiilio truck crop ])ro<liK-hiK orcaii but Imvr In- trrniiiloil ih r (1111(^1 harvcni, lli(> a«- rlcultural uiurkcllng scrvUe rr|>orl- c<l today.

ITio groi'ii iM'ii Klilpphig hcii.soii him rndrd with iniiip flrlds Icli uiihar- VMtrd hffaunn of low prici's.

Tonight, however, it waa an ­nounced the operation undertaken yesterday by a French eipedl- tionary forte, prcleeted by BrIUih warships, waa continuing.

VICHY, Sept. 34 OJ R*-Tlie Frcnch subinarltin Pernce. 1.384 tons, waa mink off Dakar In the course of a '•successful" attack on a BrlU.ih cruiser. It was ai\nounced officially tonight.

Tlie {linking of Uie submarhie waa announced by Uie navy mlnL’itry as Uin coblnet met and heard reports French forces al Dakar continued to brat off rfH-uttenipt^i by Hrltlsh war- «hl|w to land troops at the west Afrlciin |>ort.

•II1P annouiircmrnt said most of the rrcw of the suhmnrlne which liiid a normal (;oinl)lenicnt ot fil,

Draft Details Just Talk As Far as County Knotvs

Prrllm liiiiry ilraft rrKlniin ■IVlii Full" comity 1« onl' wrekn awiiy hut as far iis Hi

handle the e


B O IBB, Bept. af (UR)-Henry A. W allace, Domooratla nuiiilime fur. l o . - p r e .u . i ,L » 1| | . , |K m t l » 1 1 :id tnft tta t* Il»s and escorted by oaravan to Oosur d'Alene wiirrn he wiU apeak Oct. .a, s ta te Ohaitjiuin nobert Oouiler said today,

WaUaoa wUl leave from «i>okane w lu re h« U alM sohMUled to apeak. Plana for Wallaoe's appearance at Wallhee have been caneelled In luvor ot on* norU^ M aha m e e t^ i at coniT d'Alene, oou tu r said.

Jiint MinielhlUK they reiiil ni llin »ewhl>i»lH-rn,

Although the rominlulnni'rii will pri'niiinitlily l>r the nKrin'v which

[ iMUe .ordrrn for ii»n nf |iir- rlnct piillliiK iirri'onnel iukI fiiclll- tli's U) handle the rrulstiiitloii Uct,

he lM>ard had recrlvnl no liik- II11K tmlay from offtiilal Miurcrn rn- gardhiK wliat'n wiuited. Wlii'ilicr Ihe prpclin;t rlertlon clerks iiiiil JuiIkcs lire to ini«n Ihe cimncrl|iUtin riiroll- niriil hoaidu, whrlher thr niunlv uni'll jioy thrin- or whrlhri II will nil he oiVrated on a voliiiilrrrJ>nf1s

(IlirelloMS iMirsllng (hr rniiiiiiln- iilonners.

No Word ‘We hiivrn't Ixen (old ii Ihhiu.*'

said Ohnlrinan lien E. I'olirr Potter and his associnlrit, (}. ii.

Undsey and Oeorge It. llaii, iite of Ihe opinion tha t Iha biittirn of pay­ing the registration boards ought lull, iw laid on oouuty I’endlnu official word, iiowever, tliry IrrI Ihi county may prnliably "get rIiicIi " '

H ie Oct. to proliininary regis­tration will b« the first' strp In charting information about the men 01 draft age, 31 to S6 yeara, Incilu sive, in the county. Aft«r Ilia regis­tration the Job will be handled by d raft boarda named by the to noi; 'U iat |>art Is (alriy deflplta to­day; U'a the Initial r««l|itrallon dn- tails ptiasling tha oouni^.

I t Ihe regular election boards do

t, and must l>eIMild by the coimly, officials dnulil. thn nred for having all mnnbrm of 'vrry lK)ard on hniid.

Indication tlial ihe reKlslratlon ln«H may be on a vohinlary \>nsia iias alreody Uern noted line in prewi dlsimtohre stating the war drpart- nirnt will srek Wdinrn voluntrrrn to ftrrve In Ihe prrclnrt Jiolllng plarrs Ocl. IB. But that's apjMircntly not yet official.

T a, m, to t P. ni.•I1in Oct. in ir»(lnlfatlon will Imi

hrid In earh prNlncty from 7 a. ni to 0 p ni, of (hat d a / Men Iwtwenn the ages of 31 lo art Incluslvp are re<]Ulred under Ihe law tA fill out their registration cards and cer- Ificatrs between Ihose hours. Each iiiin will rerelvr a number corres-

]HindhiK to Ihe seijuence In which he .reglMers,

'(lie registrant reU liu Uie cer­tificate, and scanty advance infor­mation available here Indicates the cania will be turned over to the ae- iectlve aervioa bokrd which la to be

tn «aot\ county by the gover­nor. l.urger counties—m rhaps in­cluding Twin rall^ 'W llI have, two suoh boarda,

Wheii t^ie number reglstared In each county (or dUtrlot, dapendtoi on offlelal Interpretation) Is oertl- tied to the niUottal director o( se. JeoHve ssTftor a l 'Wa«hln*ton. sttpa with-numbers totalwill bo drawn from Ingnm. , ■

(CvatiaaH ea rage !• Oehuaa II

vsidlng planes a» t the TUbur# dock 1 river. Guns along the 1 ... shells crashing Into the 1 the German fleet and th broke formation.

G«rvtans>1e«As the German planes swunff '

aharply about, and seemed ready to head for the coast and safgty. a formation of British fighter p la iw raced down the Thames and dived into the Nazi fleet. The Oannana fled.

At least two of them wera shot down. Three others had been aent crashing' to destruction durlnff a long night raid.

New guns wlikh fired “nam lnt onions" and strange red tracer sh ek . Joined In a thunderous ttra a t ali German planes which ven­tured into the Lotxion area durtnc the night.

All but single German planes vera turned back before they reached London proi>er and most of the enea Uiat got through were compelled to drop their bombs In the outsklru and flee.

Boon after the “all clear" was sounded after the night's raid, the air ministry announced strong for­ces of British planes had bombed Berlin heavily and attacked Import­ant military objecUves.

iluildingi Shake On the channel ooait, watcheni

hrard explosions so terrlflo they shook buildings on the British side as royal air force planes bombed (iernian bases on Uie French coast during the night. 0

I t was unilrrstood two German plaiirs had brrn shot down over , I/)iulon proper, filter having been caught first In converging search- llKht beams and then by a blast of anti-aircraft fire, and a third )>ad l>rrn shot down across the Tlismes in Surrey county.

fllngle planes dropped bombs on criitral. north, northwest a n d souUiwest London. Including many Unie boinbA. Illgli explosive and in- cnidlary bombs were dropped In Uie norUiwCRt coastal district and in the midlands. ‘

In the lx)iidon area, "bread bas* •t'* incendiary- bomb contalnsra

atnick around a school which had been turned Into an aml)ulanee sta­tion, but caused no casualties.

nVB MTTIOW Hi MI)Mth 'numbers corresponding to tha t a l will be plaoed in eapsulai and II bo drawn from a t>owr In Wash*

S T A t P L A N F i - O N E W C O U n i

DOI8S, Bept. M Fareed. PorUand, the federar •

Page 2: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

Page Two IDAHO' EV ENING THIES, TWIN PALLS, ID A 6 o Tuesday, Septem ber 24, Il l 9




RO UTE TO iBOTTE, MONT..4 aj.R'—Wendell L. Avillklr KOiiRht

todiiy to crock n HAo-scvplt htronK- holtl—the orannlzi'd labor vnt»- — With a proinlie he would- net Job.i for the uin'mDlOi'cd.

n i r Rcpubllrnn prc.sli(<'titlnl (lldntp made thr miijitr Inbor sprcrh nf 111.-! campnlRn In stronBly union­ized Scnttle losl nlRlil, chnrKlne the Nrw Dcftl Ind "let Inbor down." He wns rxprcted to renew lils pletl«e of II fiilr deni to liibor wlirn hr talks In .Buttr tnnlKlit to itn niiillencc thni wll! Include thou.'nnds of John L, Lfwls' United Mine workers.

Wlllklc told hl5. Senttlr fviullrure lie would protect labor's side of the Inriustrlnl realm nnd would sffi tfl If thr'emplover Is Riven "n clinnee" tf> invest cftoHnl 'ould pro­vide more lobs and "build a new Amerlra wltli a hlclicr slnndnvd of llvlnR thnn we have ever drrnmcd of before.”

neleasr* LrttrrTodRj'. tis Ills train cliinbcd

the CftWftde mountAlns en rnulr to Spoknne nnd thioiiBh-the seml-nrid country the Ornnd coulee reclamn- tlon project some day will lrrlfftit«, Wlllkle released n letter from the widow of the late Ncwioii D. Baker. Woodrow 'Wilson's secrctar>- of war, and ft 1932 Dcmocrallc presidential contender.

The letter pledxed suiijwrt to Wlll- We "to brlnR order out of our ft nnnelnl qnd social chaos."

Wlllkle made no mention of sit down strikes or nmendment. to the Wngner labor relnflons net In lil; talk last niRhl. He told the crowf of 28.000 dpthered in the ball park th»t he stood "for every one of the social gains that labor has made,” InctudlnR the national labor rela- fions act, the wBRe-hoilr law. un­employment ln.surti,nce and old ftge pensions.

Way to Cue Jobs - Spcaltlnp tn the first person, thus -Wjupllne himself with labor. Will

kle Mid;■ We can lick the employer 0! we

want to. We can beat him down, we can frighten him. we can even elim­inate him. But If we do that—and that Is what the New Deal li do- lni!-~you won't have any Jobs, The

_ only jmployer left under tho.se clr- "cu ^ a n ces would be the'eUU.

'The difference between me and my opponent for office Is that I have fallh in America, The New Deal candidate does not believe there are any more Jobi, whereas 1 know there are. He does not believe

it the unemplQ tcd back t<) s I know that we can,"

I for Labor I to labor audiences,

.Tewed that ho reallte*' ..n favor'Mr, Roosevelt’s i t that he hopes they will

r arguments of both Im- Jg and "not fall Into the f fatal error—of believing political party 1s for la- -• e other not,"

I that Mr. Roosevelt's tnd failure tA pro>

........... i unemployed was"headlnR up toward a tatnlllarlan state.”

WlllWe will make a rear platfoyn appearance at Cheney, Wash., and an off-traln talk »t Spokane. OUj- er stops today ,are at Bnndpolnt. Ida., and nt Missoula. Mont. <S:18 p. n . M STl. He reaches putle at 8:10 p. m. and departA at 10 p. m.


tfrom r» |« On<)S tates lllegrtlly sometim e befoie lD2t>. for Sm allbock recalled he had con- fes.^ed n desire to become n rlllien , b u t liicKed en try i>«iH"rs. He wns vised to re tu rn to O ennanv nnd e n ter on a proper visa. Mulilen- hrolch le d , returnliiR by wn; O anadii hi 10JU,

Prom other sourren ii was learn­ed M iililenbrnlch nwnril a sniiill Mold m ine som rw hcrc In the M other U kIu country , on Uie west ulogven of the S ierra Nevada range. U was In thin section h e was rhp tured Biuulay inom lnc by Cecil Wctsel. a lumber­m an. AuUlOrltlrs bellrvrd might have been heading Inr his mln "holB’iip.”

M arc do TrlBlan. mui uf the Count and CoiiiitesH de 'lYlntaii. was suffpi -

* ing only Iroin a sligh t rnld as a RU ir^f his BKiMrlcnco, lie had tu rned to norm al life witji hln Wnolj- bear, h is hunny and his rlliiped F rench poodle. "Nljou."


Men holding nuimtwrs w hich .... m ix in d to Iho te draw n will ttieju

job w in bo to olaasUy tlio m en ijiio fo u r groupa — those nvullable for MTVlM Im m odU taty; Uiomi dalerred o r <«)touMKl because Uielr work ts M u n tia l In na tional deCenso; thoxa

bocauso o lhers a re ilepen- d « n t on th e m ; those deferred l;y no- lu a l ta rm i of th e ocnscrlptlon bill.

I T)>* f in t i cUs< ts Ute grouii from w biot) pMu;«tlm« Ucatled »oU d l« n b t oftllvd fo r th e p re w n t

. T tM T ll te Ml«et«d In th a order tha lr n u in b % » » .,a » \d t» * t\ . A tie t th a t

-iCOOMt'ttM m a tu r of tiU ytkal exam - . In t t lo iu . et«„ p rio r to Indtiolldn

' ‘O jb ji y m jr o r n jw t io n fo r physi*

ploluro to d«t«. u re - " JB u(.noM o M t l i . :»x u d lr w t word t i oonoem M .

» M diN D vtred ia Quirtt>

News in' BriefVUU in Oliio

Mr. and M is. T . M. Baird have Konc to CfimbrldKC, O.. on a weeks' visit.

D eparts for Moscow Lyle Price left Sunday for Mos­

cow where he will enroll «» a Junior a t the University of Idaho,

(^tudenls I.raveMKs Helen Bond and Miss Becky

Victor le ft yivstiTdHy to a tten d the U niversity of Idaho , accom panlcd by Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Victor.

Busle L'or|i> I’rac tlcr A merican Legion and auxiliary

drum and bugle corji.s will practice Wedne.'^day a l 7 p. m . a t th e Amer­ican LoKloii Memorial hall.

E ulers Unkvirslty H erbert Larsen lufi yesterday for

th e University of Idaho , Moscow, wfuH-e lie will be a m em ber of the freshm an cla.Hs. He was accom pan­ied by Ills puiciiLs.' Mr. and Mrr. Chnrle-s P. Lar»en. .

Breaks ArmSam H oppenbiock, care taker a t

the ba rn . .Miffcred a broken left a rm this m ornlne when he slipped and fell frofn a ladder a t the barn. He wa.s taken lo the county hospital In Uie ixjllcc car.

A ttend Wciidlii*Mr. nnd Mrs. Oernld D enny and

Mr. nnd Mrs. H, O. McLean, Twin Falls. wcrQ 8iiest.s a t the wedding of Miss Velda Gee Oreenw ell and Don- nld r. Coffin a t the Paul L. D, 8 , church Bundny, Mrs. D enny, sister of Uie bride, was m atron of honor.

G rungr to Meet G eorge M ajers, w ith th e s la te In­

spection departm ent, will be p rinci­pal speaker n t a m eeting of Tw in Palls OranRc W ednesday a l 8:30 p. m . a t th e Odd Fellows hall. O ther p rogram num bers are also being ranged.

Ski Club Meets Members of the Tw in Palis Bkl

club will m eet a t the Rogerson hotel a t 7:20 p. m .. I t w u a n ­

nounced today by Sherm an Osgood, p resident. A t the session th e m att<r of M curlug a U!i for th e new tu n s up Rock creek will be discussed.

To Moscow M r. and M rs. A, C, Victor and

daughters, Miss Becky Victor and Ml&s H elen Bond, accom panied by Mis* M ary P rances B a tts , l e f t 'f o r Moscow yesterday, w here Miss Bond will en t* r the U niversity of Id ah o as a senior, and Miss Victor and Mias Bates will enro ll as freshm en. <

To S lu d r M ining Paul O 'Leary, son of Mrs. V era C.

O '^ a r y . Is expectcd to leave for Birtte. M ont., T hu rsday w here he

-jilans to e n te r th e M ontana School o f Mines. Mr. O X eary Ju st re tu rn ­ed hom e a fte r working In Boise this sum m er, ,

E ditor of A nnualMUs V irginia K erlln , T w in Palls,

a stu d e n t a t M cPherson college, Mc­P herson. K an ,, h a s been nam ed ed ito r of th e school annual, the Q uadrangle. S he h as also been se­lected as a m em ber o f the a cappella choir of th e college, a musical or* Ranlcatlon of 30 voices.

News of RecordB i r t h s

I'D Mr, and Mrs, C harles O, Den­nis, Twin Pails, a boy, today a l the Woods prlvalo san ita rium , 7&3 Sec­ond avenu? east.

Tem peratures


Nnxt >itcp In com pleting a rrange ­m ents for Sturt of construction on two separato iow-uoat houaing pro­jects In ■I'win PniU will be Uie execu- lloii of (on l^acla betw een (ha U. fli gcivuinment and the -I-wlti I'uli* H ousing au liio rlty , U wns announced IliLs BflerntKin by O. I*. Ihivall, a t- to riiry for tho nuthorily .

'IliB ijijvrrnm enl, a lte r I’roKl.Irnt lloosovell had approved the nllo- ra tion , h as provided 1311,000 for use III U)0 local setup, be ln i approxl- m ately 00 i>ertccnt of thn cost, Uio renmliiing 10 per r r i i t In rinuU to bo provided tiirniigii inln nt ix>nds on Uin uiMn m arket.

IXivail said tiia t a fte r ihn con. trncts are ex icu led . th e government tu rns the monoy ovor to Nie local au thority . W ord U osiwdied to n u r t nex t spring uit th« actual construc­tion, A govornntent representatlvo Is «x»)ect«l here when the various ootiUacU a re bn ln j entered Inlo.

Death Comes to ; Oakley Trapper. DO RLSY. Bout, a i (Bp«>lalf_D tl

R « e l, atout 8i . died at U>« L«ka tiomo in OtUoy MoiuUy. l u mu * in p p tr In U it violnity and had w - aided naar Oakley for la ycara.

Til* body rasla a t tho fluriey fun* era) honie pending (u n tra l a rrailge- m eau;

Hern From M ichiganF. E. B eatly , T h ree R ivers, Mich,.

Is here for a visit w ith hla son, Itoscop Beatty .

A ttends U. o f X Leonard M oore, son of Mr, a n d

Mr.v L. T . M oore, h as gone to M os- coa-, where h e will reg is ter as a senior a t th e U niversity o l Idaho.

ilrolhr: Visits

hl.s sisters. Miss Corn McCoy and .Miss iz c tta McCoy, and h is brother, O. L. McCoy,

llf re for W eddingMl.is A lleen W hite Is here from

Beverly Hills, Cnllf., to visit her parcnt.5, Mr, a n d Mrs, J . E. W hite, nnd lo a tte n d th e w edding of Miss M argaret V oorhecs and Law rence Shively S a tu rd ay .

Here for Visit MLss Ada Jo h n so n I s ^ e r e from

m m ols to visit h e r b ro ther and slxtcr-ln-U w . M r, a n d M rs. E. B, Joliiuon. She cam e lo T w in Palls nbovit a week ago w ith M r. and Mrs, Johnson, w hen they re tu rned from ii vnratlon tr ip lo Uie mlddlewesl.

From In«a Mrs. M ae D avidson has retu rned

from AlnswortJi. lo .. w here 'sh? waa called by th e serloas Illness of h e r m other S he also visited relatives a t Iowa City. W ashing ton , B arnes City. Inrilanola, Des M oines a n d B ush- ncll. Neb., en rou te home.

Students Leave Miss F rances O ra liam , Miss Opal

Rayborn. P red Hills, Jr„ VIrgll Ray* born, R obert T ow an and R ichard Rowan, T w in Palls , a n d Miss Eunlcc Boyd. Jfty Budd a n d E rn est Sm ytho. H azelton, a re am ong sou the rn Idaho studtinLs w ho a re a tten d in g N orth­west N azarene college. Nam pa,

Revival Servieea Rev. a n d M rs, E. E, Shelham er,

C incinnati, O., now etigaged In re ­vival services a t Uie F ile r C hurch of Uie N aiarene . announce the fo l­lowing sub jects. M rs, Shelham ec will speak today a t 8 p. m . on "Heaven a n d HeU." Rev. Shelham er will p teach W ednesday n ig h t on "W hen Does T em pLatlon Become Sin?" a n d T h u rsd ay evening on "Ood H eals th e Body," R e v . ^ , P u rm an Harrl.'!, poator, Invites the public to a tt«nd .

Fin land N ot F o rgottenShipm ent* of 16,000 to n s of food,

clothing and bedding valued a t a p ­proxim ately 11.000,000. will be m ade to F in lan d ' w ith in th e nex t few weeks In o rd e r to a id th e F inn ish w ar v ictim s to survive th e fo rth - c a n ln g w in te r m on ths . Tw in Falls county c h ap te r. A m erican Red Cross, has been advised. T h e foodstuffs a n d .some of th e c lo th ing Items will be pu rchased th ro u g h th e IM.OOO.OOO congressional ap p ro p ria tio n for w ar victims, on a u th o rity of P residen t R oosavelt, and otJier item s will be con tribu ted by th e A m erican Red Cross, accord ing to A, L, Schafer. Pacific a re a m anager of the Red Cross, •


ll'tBm r« t* Out)ton ba ttlesh ip , a n a irc ra f t carrier , four cruisers, six arm ed auxilia ry cruisers and a t le as t five destrdyers Oppo.'icd to them w ere th ree Prencb_ crijlscrs. th ree destroyer*, th e crip - ' pled battle sh ip R ichelieu, dam aged, bv ilie BrltLsli a t O ran , a n d the land b n t t c r l ^

De O n u ll /s h e ad q u a rte rs In Lon­don rlm rgedN Jie D akar n a v a l auUi- orltles. loyal » th e Vichy govern­ment. opened f \ e on una rm ed emls* sarlfs sen t nsllore by de G aulle to negotiate fo r \ tu rn in g over the port nnd th e n \ a ttack ed F rench stoops w hich atteVnpUd to m ake a peaceful landing.

The British m in is try of loform a* tlon denied B ritish troops tr ied to land a t or n e a r D akar. I t said de Gaulle w en t to D ak a r on call of "num erous F re n ch m e n anxious to continue to 'f l g h t a t 'h i s side."

Hope to H a lt F igh ting K was repo rted a m ovem ent

under-wny to h a l l th a {\8hUna In Indo-C hlna- A m em ber of th e J a p ­anese m ission th a t negotiated an agreem ent w ith F rench au th o ritie s reportedly s ta r te d for a rcndw vous w ltti the general In com m and of the Japanese forces In an a tte m p t to persuade h im to h a l t u n til th ings could be strslghteT U d otit.

The a ttack in g gen era l previously had noUfled th e P rench th a t a m a ­jor a ttack w ould be launched to ­morrow and th a t H aiphong , po rt for the Indo-C hlna cap ita l o f H anoi, would be bomtfcd. Ja p an e se have a l­ready bombed L angson tw ice from the a ir and a re s till bom barding It heavily w ith field a rtille ry . Casualties apporenU y a re heavy.

Developments In boUi D ak a r and Indo-C hlna a re be ing w atched close­ly from W ash ing ton and the re are Increasing Ind ica tions th a t t h e United S ta le s a n d B rita in plan pnrftllel moves to "stop" J a p an 's drive into so u th e as te rn Asia, which Is ft th re a t to th e Britl.sh S tra its settlem ent. Uie D u tc h E as t Indies and the P h ilipp ines.

A llE y iN D IE S F m FEVER

HAILEY, Sep t. 34 (Special) - Spotted feve r c laim ed a n o th e r vie- Urn today w hen R oy J ils tu s . ow ner of the Ju stu s d a iry . siKCumbed a t 13:45 p. m, a t h is hom e.

Me con trac ted th e disease In July, Mr. Ju stu s , a n a tiv e of Idaho , was bom In 1893 on C am aa prairie .

He Is surv ived by b is wife. Mrs, Dorothy Ju s tu s ; ^ d a u g h te r , Royce Jean ; a son, D onald , h is m other, Mrs. U, S . Ju s tu s ; a b ro ther, H obart Justus , a n d a a ls te r. M rs. P re d K. Povey, a ll o f H ailey , and a n o th e r slS' te r. M iss E d ith Ju s tu s . B o ise .'

F unera l a rran g e m e n t* were belnj com pleted today .

Leader Cominjs

DsTld 8. R«BDey, U tah - Idaho district [ovem or of R o tary clubs, will pay his official visit W ednes­day noon to th e T w in Falls club.


Twin F a lls 'R o ta r lan s will be host to the d istric t g o v ^ o r on h is o f i flclHl visit to th e cluTb he re Wedne.s- day noon.

The district RoU 'ry le ad e r ts David 8, Romney. p a in t a n d glass dealer o f Ogden, U tah.

Governor T lom nty will m eet w ith Pre-sk^nt S. H . G raves. Secre tary W . H. Eldrldge and th e o th e r of­ficers and m em bers of th e R otary c lub of Twin P a lls to co nsu lt w ith them and advise on m a tte rs re la t­ing to club a d m in is tra tio n .a n d R o- lar>- service activ ities.

Mr. Rom ney was e lected to the office of d is tric t governor a t the W40 Rotary convention , which was held In H avana. Cuba, du ring June , and will conUnue to serve unUl the 1841 convention In D enver.

1810 5.000 R o ta ry . c lubs of more th a n 60 countries of th e world are grouped Into 149 d is tric ts . T he 110th tUsUlcV ol w hich th e T w in F a lls u n it is a p a rt consist* of 30 clubs located In c ities o f U ta h and Idaho.


j o f prospec-t Ju rors . m arked p re lim inary

a k lm lsh ln g today In d is tr ic t court t r ia l o f Leroy W ilkin*. 30, Roger-

m N egro ran c h er accused of rape , q u e s tio n in g by W . L. D unn, otie

o f tho tw o defense counw ls. par* tlcu larly sough t to d iscover w hether th e fac t th a t Rie com plain ing w i t ­ness a n d th e d e fe n d an t a re of d if­f e re n t coloi:, w ould Influence vcrdlct of th e Jurym en. D unn , appointed by th e co u rt. Is co-counsel w ith D. H. O liver. S a l t Lake C ity Negro a t ­to rney w ho sa id he w as emplo}-ed lo d e fend W UUns by tiie N ational A s- s»clatlon for th e A dvancem enl* of Colored Peonl*,

Ju rv se lection h a d n o t been com ­p le ted by th e tim e c o u rt rece.ued a t noon. T h e ta sk w as resum ed this a fternoon .

W Uklns is jucused of crim inally a s u u lt ln g M rO k a rJo r le D lffendarf-

Viusband. T . Z . D U Iendarfe r. kre ex­pected to be m a jo r s ta te witnesses.

T h e d e fe n d an t a lso faces tr ia l, Im- m ediately a fte r th e p re se n t hearing, on a second accusation—arson. He is accused of h av ing se t fire to the D lffendarfer house a s prelude to w h at th e s ta te c laim s w as rape of th e woman.

P rosecutor E v ere tt M, Sweeley U p resen ting th e case for th e state.

T here a re no railw ays In Icelind.In

L 9 C *«•— *9 9 r . « -K iddles t o e AoyUme

ETcnlng 2 5 « . P lu s 3 « Tax---------UNCLE JO B -K ’6---------

N o rg t Ai t CoBdlUoned

m ^ 's n rL A ST TIM ES TO NITEI




T w o a ttrac tiv e office girls stand* hig on dow ntow n sidew alk com b­ing each o the r's h a ir . . . D eputy C laude W iley hav ing dickens of tim e try ing to w rtto w ith h a n d aU b a n d a g ^ up because p risoner go t o b s tre p ro u s . . . Very elderly m an wIUi long beard nearly se ttin g whiskers a fire as h e UghU h is pipe In th e wind . . . S edan going down stre e t w ith one o range resting on

ja inn lrigboard ' . ^ d four o thers cau g h t u nder bottom of back door . ... R e a r tjua riers a t C ham ber of Com m erce offices g e ttin g th o r­ough face-lif ting . . . C o rrec t clock show ing two m inu tes untU noon as one laund ry w histle s ignals 13 o 'clock . . . And thU program fn effec t a t c ity w ater office; T en cents f ine for v isitors w ho cuss while in office.

C H IE F SPEAKER L E W IST O N , Ida., S e p t 3« (UR>-

C hlef speaker a t th e seven th a n ­n ua l convention of th e ln la n d W a­terw ays assocU tlon he re O ct. 8 will be D r, P a u l J . R4,vei. B onntv^lle pow er ad m in istra to r. It was nounced today.

NSPECIIONIOURI . Q. Wood, ^ o ise . d is tr ic t fieU

represenU U ve . fo r ' th e na tio n a l yo u th adm ln lstraU on, today was touring th is section of Id a h o con fe r­rin g wlUi h e ad s o f th e va rious p ro - lect* and also you th s In tere sted In N'YA work,

Als travel schedule from now th rough T hu rsday follows:

T onight. N otional ho le], B urley.W ednesday: 9 a . m . to 13 p. m.,

em ploym ent office. B urley : I P*\m. to 2 p, m.. DPA office a t R upeJt; 3:30 p. m, to 4 p . m.. e m p loym en t officc. Burley; n ig h t, N orthslde In n . Jerom e.

T hursday : 9 a . m . to 13 n- m.. empJoVmenl and DPA office n t J e r ­ome; 1 p, m . to 2 p. m.. W endell h igh school: 3:15 p. m . t o . 3 p, m .. G ooding high school a n d D PA o f­fice a t G ooding; 4 :15^ p, m . to e p. m.. Fairfield W gh school, NlgliU re tu rn to Boise.

London and U verp tw l h a n d le m ore Ihnn ha lf o f B rita in 's fo reign trade .

TIii"DOU^E-BICH"B«itl>camtku you MuihaHuu "Dtikk-Mcli'


M ost o f th e c ig are tte com panies In E gypt a re op e ra ted by fo re ig n e rs .:

Wc’rc Holding Prices DownI!c rc ’« I h e c n r y o u wanted last y ea r a l a hijf m t . In ir . W e 'v e p r ic c i l o u r riirH for thiH uned r n r tinle t o i r c t 'e m (K it. [O very o n e i s a b i g v a lu e .

Mei'L'iify Town .Sotliiii, Like New .H7 Plym oiilh Dol.iixo Conch .................17 Chovriilet Town Sodun ....................37 Chf-vrolnt UoLuxo Coupe .................'17 V-8 ncLiix«i Fonlor S e d a n ..............»7 V-H «() Fordor Swinn ......................HB Chevrolet Del.tixo Sedan ...............34 Cliov MnHtor DcLiixc Sedan............37 Lnfaypltc Sodiui ....37 DeSoto DeLnxe Hedan ....................37 Sludelinkor DcLiixe C o u p e ..............34 V-8 Dcljuxe Fordor S e d a n ..............

TRUCK BARGAINS3-1 DodRt! Truck. IIn« Hody

. J7r.O


$1 15...?305



...... $17530 Dodtfo rick u p . 'A T o n ..................:....................$22535 V-8 I’kkiip . i j Ton ............................................$22537 DddKo 158 TnfWt, linn B o d y .......................... $45088 V-8 Pickup, 4 Speed ..........................................$42539 V-8 Pickup. 4. Spcod ..........................................$40539 V-8 Truck. 158 D W ............................................$69540 V-8 Truck. 158 WB ............................................$796

Sovornl Company CMrn, 1040 Modola, low nillouKe how flHted nn discount cara. H e re 's HRviiiica. We I ra d B .

union noTOR co.

•h ap p en ed in th e p a s t d a y s an d h o u rs. Y o u ’d

be to ld what y o u m u s t b u y in s te a d o f b e in g

aslfed, w ith m a n y “ p re l ty -p le a se s ,” to co n ­

sid e r th is o r t h a t goo d v a lue .

As lo n g as y o u .h a v e th e p riv ileg e o f p u t ­

ting d ow n a few c e n ts a n d jlick ing u p a n ew s­

p ap e r lik e th e o n e y o u a re read in g n o w , yo u

. can g lo ry in y o u r d e m o c ra tic p o w er in self-

‘ gov ern in g A m erica .

A few cents’ worth of freedom

f ly N O R M A K C H A N D LE R


HO W m uch d id you p a y for

th is ncw spapcrP T ha(^ few

c c n ts i.s d ll rh;it s ta n d s b e tw een

y o u an d slavery !

'D iis n ew spaper is p a c k e d from

f ro n t page to w a n t a d s ^ i t h th e

v e ry essnice o f l ib e rty . I r has som e goo d o p in ­

ions a n d so m e b a d ones in it. I t h a s so m e g ood

b a rg a in s a n d so m e th in g s you c a n ’t im ag in e

y o u rse lf n e e d in g in its ad v e rtis in g co lu m n s .

A n d t h a t is w h a t m akes i t a free m a n ’s

n e w sp ap e r. I f th is pa jic r were ta k in g o rd e rs

from a g o v e rn m e n t o r a d ic ta to r , y o u w o u ld

not g e t free fac ts an d oi^inions. Y o u w ould

not g e t c a c h in d ep e n d e n t m e rc h a n t’s o r

iT ianufactiire r's b e s t offering o f th e g o o d s h e

th in k s a n d ho p es will please

i B ecause, y o u sec, y o u a re th e d ic ta to r

here. I f you a n d enoug li o f y o u r n e ig h b o rs ,

d id n o t lik e th is p a p e r, th e p ap e r w ou ld h a v e

to m en d i ts w ays. I f enough o f you d id n o t

like th e th in g s th e n ^erchan ts offer, th e m er-

c iian ts w ould be force(^„ to changc. A n d i f

en ough o f you d id n o t like th e m en o r th e ,

law s u n d e r w hich you live , these, to o , w ou ld


A d ic ta to r w ou ld ch an g c vo//—a n d v e ry

easily , too . All he w ould need to d o w o u ld

be to g iv e you ju.st one s id e - h i s s id e —o f

every b i t o f new s. K n o w in g no b e tte r , y o u 'd

follow h im , as m illions follow H i t le r o r

H iro h ito o r M usso lin i o r S ta lin .

An /American p a p e r g ives you e v e ry s id e .

A n d y ou , th e n , a rc th e ju d g e , the ju r y i tJie

c x e a it io n e r . ■

T h a t ’s w h a t y o u r few ccn ts’ wtTrth o f

n ew sp ap er b u y s y o u —n o th in g m u ch . O n ly

th e iu jo w ia tio n w h ich free m en m u s t h a v e

to g overn themselves,

"Just y o u r libertyt th a t's all!

Y o u ’d g e t o n ly w h a t n tiictaior th o u g h t

yo u ought to k n o \ ^ a l x ) u t th e th inR s t h a t

\ /

NOTRi T ilt purpOM of (h*M m i ' l a r T iiw U y In ttiiu ito n il *dr«r- ilM n m in U to r m U A m tH w a lif t aud A m nio in b u iin n * hf n w . Y our m M m iIoim . c r i t l d w u w rM rilo o i «tltl b* ■ppckU im I by . O f N m p a p w FattlU iM n O o m m U f ana lia rh a l tm in . M i n m lb« c o m n liiM in a m • ( <Im ButliwM O ffln o t ih ii p«pw ,

Page 3: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but





W ASHINGTON, Set. 24 (y.R) — CongreMlonal B djoum m ent p lans h it th e ik ld s today.

Even senate D em ocratic L eader Alben W. Barlcley. w ho h4a been predicting conBTCSS w ould q u it th is 'Saturday, now conceded h a d id n 't th ink a ll the work cou ld be com* p leted th is week.

Pour factor* com plicated th e p ic­tu re : ,

1. Failure of senate and hou&s conferees on th e cxcess-pro tlts ta x bill to comc even close to an agree' m cnt yesterday.

2. Ind ications Uie house p re fe r red a recess u n til a fte r th e Novem bf'i* election, r a th e r th a n a d jo u rn ­m ent un til nex t Ja n . 3.

3. A senate dispu te over th e house* approved L ogan-W altcr bill sub jec t­ing rulings by a d m in istra tive agen* cics to Judicial review.

4. IndicaU ons a se n a te f ig h t ta brewing over house-approved legis­lation to extend th e 1935 sugar act.

Senators from cane a n d beet sugar s ta te s dem anded h earings by P a t H arriso n 's , com m ittee o n th e p ro ­posed su g a r'ac t extension, bu t H ar­rison Indicated h e y w helpless u n til the U x bill h a d been disposed of. Barkley said he regarded taxes and sugar as th e rea l ad jo u rn m en t bar* rlers—no t the L ogan-W alter f ig h t no r th e rem ain ing app ropratlon bill,'w hich a l r^ d y a re well on th e ir

jK z y to approval.Some ta x conferees sa id they

doubted If a f ina l d ra f t of th e com ­plicated m easure would be ready be­fore T hursday.' and th a t con.slder* a tlon of the conference repo rt p rob ­ably would consume th e rest o f th e

^ week.

Starting A ir Show Ticket Sale

AROUlVDth e '


W ith U nited Press ROME — I ta lian planes have

bombed the B ritish base a t M arsa M atruh for th ree successive days, attem pting to b la st a p a th for con- .tlnuntlon of an I ta l ia n advance eastw ard along th e E gyptian coast, a general headquarte rs com m uni­que said today.

L ittle V iriIn U Lee M artrn . S, lost no Ume In icndln* h e r support to (he a ir ahow w hich will be held a t th e Tw in Fall* airport S a turday and Sunday s ta r tin g a t 2 p. m, each day. Above sh r is shown In the office of C hief of Police How ard G ille tte w hile shr k IIs Carl N. A nderaon, C ham ber of Com erce president, the first a ir show llckct. 6he la a da u g h ter o f Mr. a n d Mra. Leon C. M artyn , her fa th e r being p residen t of th e Id ah o PIloU as«>clatlon.

(T im et Photo and E ng rav ln i)


Convicted of f irs t degree .robbery a fte r a 13-nmii Jurj- debated only 30 minute.* la te y rsic rday . F ra n k H artley , 28. T w in Falls, will be sen tenced a t IQ a.m. T liursday.

T h e Ju r jm e n lounil th a t H artley h e ld up Ja m es C. M urphy , ow ner of th e E ltth th avenue' m arke t, la.st M ay 8 and took $7B.52-at*lh# polntr of a gun. PoslDvp Iden tification m ade In court yesterday by M r.

and hl.i d au g h ter. Ruby, nam ed H artley n.i th e bandit.

O th e r s ta te w itnesses were Joe A yers. 'V emillla Peterson , Densiy A nderson . M rs. Niiie P . A tuon .C h lef H ow ard G ille tte aiul P a tro lm an Lee M cCm cken.H artley 's defen.se IniOuded no te s ti­

m ony. A. J. M yers, a tto rn e j ' 'a p p o in t­ed by th e cou rt, to ld tlie Jury H a r t­ley w aa n o t a t th e K)«hih avenue m a rk e t on th e nlR lit cff th e robbery.

■Ray Q . Agee, deputy prosecuting a tto rn ey , won th e conviction. He ha n d led th e s ta te s case again st H artley .


at reserve bo trd and the trea s­ury Jointly are se tk in g to s tlm u- Isle private finance of arm s p lants, i t was learned today.

BUENOS A IRES - A gren tlna to ­day replied favorably to a proposal th a t It g ran t. In effect, a 500,000,* 000-peso - (1114,000,000) c red it to G reat B rita in for th e acquisition of

, foodstuffs.


LONDON — The a ir m inistry reported today the royal a ir force Inflicted “extensive d a m aie " In Us a ttacks upon B erlin la s t n igh t and early today. "T he a ttack was on a la rger scale th a n any yet car* ried out. a com m unique said.

KANSAS CITY, M o .-P o u r pe r­sons were killed yesterday w hen .the ir cabin m onoplane crashed in the no rtheast section of K ansas City. T he r i ja d : ' P au l Howe, th e p l lo t .2 0 ,K a n p c U y ; R a lp h Ire y .J r .. as, K ansas CiV; Misa O eorgla Van*

,k«e, 19. Independence, and EWa Ju a n ita C lanton. 17, K ansas City,

A W EST CANAOrAN PO R T — ThPee Japanese pIane> ~no l one, a s originally reported—took p a rt In the bombing of th e 8. K. Kmp* resi of Asia a t th e e n tra n re to

Yokohama harbor la s t Hept. 14 daring w hirh one d irec t h it M nt a homb cra ih ing In to the galley and Injured foor m em bers of t h t

BAN FRANCISCO — T hree fo r- m rr ship ofJlcrrs o f th e scuttled G erm an Hnor Columbus have been released from th e federa l q u a ra n ­tine sta tion on Angel Island to take Jobs as clerks In th e O rrm a n dlP' Inmatln and consular aervlce, I t wai revealed today,

VICHY - T he F re m h govern­m ent U itay offirlally denied r e ­ports from Berlin a n d Rom a th a t 120 Freneh a irp lanes from Mor-

, oero had bombed O lh ra lla r In re* prUal (or the llr it ish a ttac k on Daliar,


H arm nny cluh met W ednesday a t the homo of Mrs. O liailes T ea te r With M n , P a l Day asfilJilant hostess. 'I'w enty-elght m em bers and Uiree gueita enjoyed th e a fternoon , a fte r a sho rt business m eeting conduct­ed by th e prisdent, M rs, A. L. Cowles, there was an in te resting program of contests In charge of Mrs, Elmer P eters, w ltli Mr*. W alte r Htlvers.

, Mra, E verett U tt and M rs. Ace M iller w ip in g prltes. Mra. U odenhanier and Mrs. Hawley won the w hit* e le­p h a n t prlaaa. P lans w ore m ade for filling a barrel of f ru it, fo r Uie Ohil*

mMUngt-Mlsa Paulina W ooten and MIm

Be tty R |nggold en te rta in ed IS of th e ir friends Sunday evenltlg a t the Woc(«n home, a t a w aterm elon feed. Oamea wore also enjoyed. .

'H ie school bus look th e aturtenU ct.M r, r

____sday to, tlie g ian t trl-m o to red a lru l in e th a t

. was a t Ihe a irp o rt a t U ia t tim e, r -O lh r r s d rivJn i .ove r T hu raday for

a ride In the p la n t w ere Mr. a n d Mrs. O harlas liaw ley, K m e it a n d AusUn M atheny, K enne th Ball* a n d 0 . a u u n k .

Mrs, Jamas w h it* entartalnad m cm ben of nob le Grand*'Club at her home rrlday aft«m oon TVeUe lueata injoyad »n a f tm o e n 0f brldfe.


W ASHINGTON, S ep t. 24 (U.R) - K eith M organ, na tio n a l c h a irm a n of th e com m ittee for th e celebra tion of th e P residen t's b irthday . Inform ­ed P residen t Roosevelt today th a t th e 1940 " fig h t In fan tile para lysis" cam paign h a d ne tted a rccord- break lng to ta l of 11,407.245.74.

M organ 's rep o r t cam e a t a Umc when ou tb reak s o f In fan tile pa ra ly ­sis were', being fou g h t In W oshlng-f ton. W est V irginia, Indifina, Ohio. M ichigan. Iowa. KapSas. Illinois, K entucky a n d M ontano a n d w hen to ta l cases In' th e coun try up to Sep t. 7 were 4.037 as com pared to ' 3,454 in th e sam e period of 1939.


- •N ortlislde Com m im lty chib was

en terU ln ed T hu rsday a t th e hom e of M rs. F red Sum m ers w ith Mrs. W alter Fulkerson a.sslstAnt hostess. M rs. Sum m ers, p resident, conductcd th e business m eeting du rin g which tim e th e group dcclded to have a n auction of handm ade aftlcle.s, and w hite elephanta a t th o Novem ber m eeting to raise fund.i, and to have th e m ystery pal again as was done la st year.

G olden H our chib m e t w ith M C. L. O hlinger 'n iu rsdny . Mrs. Herb C lark conducted the bu.slness se.s.slon and presen ted th e guest speaker. MIm Lucia U ria gave a trave l ta lk on h e r tr ip to S pa in and th e four years w hich she sp e n t there . T lic hostcs.s was assisted by Mrs. E ugene Alex ander.

M rs. P ay ton H u rt was hostess to th e T w en tie th C entury club T h u rs ­day w ith Mrs. Percy V orln asslsllug. P rogram ch airm a n . M rs. Boyil Graves, prchcnted a mlscellaneou.i program of songs a n d poem s as c rad io program , w ith eiicl) one prr.i- • n t t« k ln g p a rt. I t was In tlie form of a con test a n d prises were won by Mrs. C liarles Oeo and M rs. H arry Edholm . Roll call w as answ ered by ml&cellhnrous topics.

Mrs. L. CL Itonch w as,hos tess to th e R ebekah club F riday . M rs. O tto Bchlld. vlce-jlresident. presided for tlie b rief business mcetlnK, "Tlie Bridge of th e G o d s,” by F red H, Balch. was review ed by Mrs, K. F. Bliss, Mrs, Alice Reynolds iisslsted the hostess in serving refreshm ents.

EDENT h e P a s t Noble G rands club of

H arelton and E den-m et F riday a t th e home of Mrs. Jam es W hite. Bridge was played, prizes going to M rs. Dora Llnsey. H nzelton, and M rs. I ra Haye.s, Eden, and th e a ll­c u t prize w cni to M rs. C urtis M et­calf.

T he Ladlc.s' Aid society of the Presby te rian ch u rd i met Tliur.sdny a t tlie home ot- Mr.s. Dowd Purdum . In the Pcrrlnc di.sirlet. LeoRoganUne conducted th e bu.slness m eeting and Mr.s. GeorRc L nlilm er was In charge of the Bible study.

A d inne r and reccpUon were glv-1 Friday evcnlni? at. the L. D. 8.

chu rch for the out-going bishopric Edd L ittle , H ta ry Schw ab and Ferry Johanson . Each one in s pre.sentei' w ith a steel- lawn clii^r by tlje In com ing bishop, Carl GcorKe. tollcv.- Ing th e d in n e r a proRram under the d irec tion of Mr.s. Schwab was en ­joyed. T lie group sang "America.' Jam es Chalk Ird In p tiiy e i; a lalk by P residen t Myde. R upert. A due l w as sung by Mrs. S tanley Rom ney a n d Mrs. L ester Juchau .' Belly Lou Black a n d B etty Roundy gave read­ings, Mr. a n d Mrs. C harles Hawiry and H ow ard Schw ab gave musical num bers. Bishop G w rtje gave a read ing . T lie m eeting clo,sed with

NAMESin the



T h e M asons m et Sa tu rday a t th e M asonic lod^e, W allace Nelbon ohd C. E. Slmon.scn served refreshm ents.

Jd h n W heeler, th e con lracto r th e now S alt Lake highw ay south of Albion, w ent to S alt Lake City y< te rday .

T lie r a in sto rm T liu rsday n ig h t caused m ino r dam ages, blowing dow n several l ig h t posts a n d telephone posts w est o f Albion.

T h e f irs t dance of th e school yearas h e ld W ednesday n ig h t In Axllne

gym nasium on th e Albion ‘N orm al schodl cam pus. Music w as provided by W ayne Skeem and h is "Melody S kecm er.'' T h e dance, being a n a l ^ college m ixer, was Inform al.

M r. a n d M rs. C. E. Slm onsen and doughtcrs , Polly Jonn and B e tty J e a n , le ft T liu rsday for Boise, w here M r. Slm onsen a ttended an NYA m eeting.

M rs. L. G . Par.sons le ft Sunday for Pocatello , w here she will visit h e r sister.

MLss B lanche C urrie Is resum ing h e r du tie s os. dean ot women a t Albion S la te Norm al .school a fte r exciting tr ip to New Y ork City. W hile th e re she a ttended a num ber of c u r ­r e n t Broadw ay plays Including •'L ouisiana Purcha.se" and “Life W ith F a th e r," She also visited w ith rela tives In Chicago a n d f rien d s in Kan.sas City.

T h e presiden t's .ball w as held F r i ­day n ig h t In the Albion S ta te N orm al school gym nasium . I t was th e f irs t form al dance' of the season. M aslc

furnl.shed by w ill W right' chcstra .

Auto LicensesT h ir ty -fo u r sta te s of th t; U nion

h ave en tirely new colors for tho lr 1040 au tom obile license p lates, w hile 13 o th e rs sim ply reversed the colors of m im eral.i and background from la st year.

T h e fre.shman class of th e high school was in itia led by th e sopho­m ore class Friday evening a t the h igh school' auditorium . wKli s tun ts fu rn ished by th e fic.shmon class. T lie eiftlre school and facu lty w rie giiesLs. The sophom ore cla.ss treate<l wlUi a w aterm elon foe<l. i

8,432 E n l i s t in Army During Week

W ASHINGTON. Sept. 24 OJ.R) - V oluntary a rm y enlistm entfl to la lril A4U2 during week ended S e p t. 1, U un infri)erlo (l on which rep o r ts arc itvallaliUf slni;o cnac tiiien t of the con.'-i'rliillon law.- O d l'iiila .said llil.i In abou t 700 m en more th a n In tho precpdlng week, liiii aliiio.1 t Him Inver th a n tin- rivcird weekly to ta l of B.BOO four weeks UKO,

Carnivorous P lan tVi-niiV Uy trap , th e fam ous ca

nlvDrtan p lan t, ca te h rs m oio spiders tlinn fllr.s. Ho fnr. no niu- has been iibli' hi find r.' I 'If. galn.sItoMi ll.s carnivorous habits.


Due to N crvouincss, Constipation and Kid­ney DistresB T liat Made Him H ighly ExcitobI* Saya Mr. McCraclten.

of th is en tire rom m unity who »ay tiiey ha t* suffered from itonm cli d litr« st. indtgw lton, i o u r aoid •tom ach, I n s o m n l * . h tadaehni, r*ulty •IlmlnkUon and « tired worn- ou t fMlIng M n4i«n aMoelmted with faulty tllm lnatlon of a non-organlc natur* . T l« y r«m§ to learn more Bboui th is »ens«llonal new and m odem Ifnjrt'a Oompotmd ttia t so m any Twin Fniti ru ld « n t« lay has ttroudht Uiem quiek and tffectlv* r e ­lief, O n t of Uie la tM t louU rtaldenU to m ake a publlo lU U m tn l of pralin fo r th e relief itiey toy HoyL'i Ooni- pound »»M liv en them 1* Mr. L. fl. MoOntoken, who rM idet a t 111 Bld- ney a t., who cU tM ; “t w ffa ra d from

■rvoumeu, coniUpaMon and kid-dUUeu. I did not know «ha^

IV woe to | t t « full nlaht'i olHp, My JOpa and lim U p*lnad mo ooraUiii- W- P»‘n i a in k in td me many tlmM and I ir u i»ilrm Sni to feel Um tffM U o t tbU tomBUoaUon cf tlllUBi*. .


“After U k ln i H oylii Oompound, my kUlnnyi have ImproTWl to euoh • n extent tlia t 1 no longer ariM a t night, and I lieep well a ll n igh t. My ne rvri are quiet and tile ualna’ aro loiie from my hipe and llmbe, H oyl’i Oomjwund w ent to tl\e veiV eourc* of my trouble. I p ralte H o y fi Oom> pound for I know w hat H h iu don* for me." ,

Buffereri; Do not w ait'another dor- OofM to Hm Ma)wUe P tw r. m aw , U t them oirdtki t tii aetlon of thti celebntad midlolM. n a y f t Oompound U lold by oU U tO kH d n ii itorM In thU Motion,’

lly U nited PreseV lce-Presldpnl Jo h n N ance G a rn -

lia sn 't derided w lic thcr he will m e his UvaUlc. Tex., p ccan a n d

ehlckfn ia rm and re tu rn to W ash - iiiglon be'Jorc hl.s te rm expires. T o visltliiK rpiw rter, he seem ed m ore In ­terested In four se tting B a n ta m hens th a n hi poUtlcs. Asked abo u t fu tu re plans, he said " toniorrow Is only a cla.V aw ay—you can a lw ays m ake up >ovir niliid tonioirow ." . . .

I lrn ry A. W alU er told a b rea k ­fast m rr tln g of M issouri D em ocra­tic irad rra (he na tion Is m oving (iiward a new order of Individual* ism w hich would avoid group seUUhness and d irec t th e p ro fit motive in to Ihe eh anneU of gen ­e ra l welfare. , .

/ S c ii^R obert A. T a f t. R .. O hio, bc- 'itevcs.the n a tional defense program will bog down under Incom pe ten t ju ln im istra tion and th a t th is 'c o u n - ir \' will d r ill Into “n a tio n a l social- “isu i" If P residen t Roo.sevclt Is re - e lfctcd; . .

K ay K yser. bespectacled o rche« -, t r a li-.-ider und m otion p ic tu re ac ­tor. In tak ing no ciiances or* hav - In e 'to 'glve up h is rad io tim e forpfllltical cand ida tes—h e h a s U k enout Insurance to g u a ra n iee h im ­self indem nity in Ihe even t, he m ust cancel a ahow. . .Alf Lam lon th in k s W endell W ill­ie now sta n d s w nerc " I ' stood In

193S." W riting in 'o n a tio n a l m a g a ­zine, th e 1030 O O P p resid en tia l nom-. Inec gave tlje 1D4()'s tandard b e a re r a few Lips a n d w arned th a t . ”cach, m o ­m ent of th e cam paign Is beset w ith d a n g e r . . . the 's lm p lcs t a c ts c an t>e a boomeranK" . . .

itad lo A nnouncer Don, W ilson la ge tting m arried som etim e' (n N o­vember t 0 • Peggy . A nn K en t, da u g h te r o f th e p resid en t o ( .2 0 th C entury-F o* film itud ioa. . ; . -W illiam S. K iiudscn. 'p ro d u c tio n

chief of th o n a tional de fense a d v is ­ory com m ittee, e.sllmales. th a t B r i t ­a in will g e t abou t 40 pe r c e n t o f the U. S . a irp lan e ou tp u t d u r in g the nex t 18 m onths. . . • .

M ary Miles M lntcr, s ta r o f th e s i­len t film s, m oy se ttle o u t o f c o u rt a con test o f a sl.stcr's will w hich ‘loft h e r only $L . . T lils w as in d i­cated w hen h e r a tto rneys sa id Miss M lnter and he r m other have w aited four days to p resen t ch a rg es the late M arga re t n ilm o re w as inoom - p e te n l w hen she m ade th e will. . .

W endell W illkle fu rth e r gained th e 'f r i e n d s h ip 'o f his new spaper e n tourage when h e leaped from his autom obile a t S eattle to rctKue a pho tographer who w as being hand led roughly by po lice a s he tried to get througli lines to take th e nom inee's picture.^

Mi“m b e rso f Uie T w in F a lls Jun ior hlKh school st\iili'n l body who to rcjiresent th e ir rcsiXTilve rooms on the ^nfety pulrol were announced todav o fte r Uielr vlc< tlou la s t week.

Thi“ group has nmong H.s du ties t.he .supervision of tlie safely during th e noon hou r and Oiirlns th e loHdlnB » ik1 mili):i(lliit[ of .sc.hool clilldrcn bi'Ioic ulid a lte r .school

Tliey are under tlip <lirectlon of Tom A dam ', inem hcr of th e Jun io r hli;h school Inc'ulty.

Newlv elecle<l iialrolnien a rc Rob­e r t Camer.son. 217; W eaver H anby, 212; D an W ilson. 210; G erald W il­liams. 207D: Tom p. nnock. 116; Bob H ew lett, IH ; Tixid Pa<Idock. 109; Dick lo-set. 013; Dei\.n H illm an. 216; R ichard H ert/oe. 214; R obert List.

Harr>- S tradlpy. IIS; B etty Dwyer, 111; Ivan Stone, 108; Jh n MorrU. 016; F rancis Ja rm an . 08.

E nlton Sc)>l. 21BB; O rem Hyde, 218A; Lvle Gordon,- 213; Bob Jones 211; A rihur B lank. 112; Jo h n N#sby. no. Jack Allre<l, 017; Ja ck S alls - bur)-, 012;. A rth u r Sm ith, 06, and EuKcne C hnm plln, 05.

F irs t Window GlassW illiam C lark made Uie f irs t w in ­

dow g lass In -A m erica In 1857. His process was n o t en tirely prac tical, b u t was th e basis of th e big industry to follow.

Loss of Guards Fails to Affect

Work for IdahoBOISE. Sept. 34 (U.n—S. D. Haya,

d irec tor of th e s ta te em ploym ent service, said today n o ' a p p aren t change has been effected In Idaho employment conditions a s a resu lt o f 2.000 n a tional guardsm en leaving for a year’s mllltar>' service.

He said th e call for seasonal labor had reached Its peak, b u t th e In ­crease could n o t be a ttr ib u te d to nioblllrjitlon.

m s P iR /T o rm

Catholic Retreat Services Planned

A three-day sp iritua l r e tr e a t will begin Sunday a t St. E dw ard 's C a th ­olic church for the young people of th e parish and will close W ednesday morning.

Special serm ons of in te res t to the young men and women will t>e de­livered each day a t th e 6:15 a . m. a n d 8 a. m. and 8 p. m . masses.

All single m en ond women are urged to a tten d these exercises. F a th e r M aler, a R edem ptorU t p ries t from Coeur d'A lene, will conduct th e retreat.

JJ ...not heavy

M a d e to 'h i s h ’ lig h t"

t h a t K e n fu c k y

B o u rb o n J la v o r f

M ade in K en tu ck y ' l im e s t o n o a n d b lu e grass r eg io n , and iged for 4 long , fla«or-build- log yesr*. T ry Green R iv e r , th e K en tu ck y B o u rb o n t h i i 's lig h t, • e / hesVy

GREEN mVERK entucky S traight Bourbon W hukey


D o n ’t l o o k now, bu t ovato sphe ro id tlmo 1] nearly herck In o t h e r ' words, footbill

•bMt ptfUilas, iwlMtklM •plain «ld fMtfeoiii.}

Anywsy. Old John, famed jn h it ' day a s '“KilIer Clinton," csptiJn

o( the parchesi t,eam:and All- American Sunday rooming quar­terback. Is all le t for the leoioo.

« • # ' » .I b «w «h t Myseaisn tickat - ( 1 . . >r ■• nd f ix a d I t * ' witli tha b*sa

H driv* t*Th*

« MiV tadc Id

So for me there's only .one bad thing a k u t a footbaU '.^y W ti

. T r « ^ N trv ti . By t h r Jimo my ahna mater has r iu e d her all on •n end-snund , and d e f l^ c i t ­ing laws of ra^babilityVflth long passM, the u in to n nerves are • mess.-And then there's the after­game trafficti

Byl Unian h«i dene • l«t H Hck fkaf wHh tto r ««t—•line, n i l , m V w knew, o s p f daily dasignad far t r ^ s dri*. tag. Naw dan't gat ma 'wranf. Naw 74 Is M aspirin toklat. W t H Waas da «w«y wMi *M • ( th* diiat sBvsas a l Troflle KarrM whUh, sciantUls tmy. Is >««p

w e < i X \ V - In g a b o u t it .

That’s the best w a y - to f in d o u t A n d 1

thiok If youll do that, you ll slay w ith New 76 from now oo. I ts certainly worth tryies.

U N I O N O i l C O M P A N t J O H N A . lA IS C H , JR .

M M O N ...G O m G A W A Y ...O R S ID E m W

New Styling-N ew I’ow ennntic Sliii\ing_Ncw I'ashion-Tone In te rio r

-N ew High-Torcjuc P crform nnee — 19 Iiii|i)>rliiut Ailvanccineiitfl!

tic Way!IT m ix repay you to te e ibU i

p rriiitew IW i I 'I p im il l i—a find o u t w hat a th rill It la to d riv e

N aw P ow em ia lleR h lfllng -tu rad u rllo n of • lilh ln A m o tio n

thi*higll7-ii>nl»vbrrlhai»eLrauty.Inoiilfl, you 'vo a rra l I rra t in

a1< irr...il'a I'lymcHith's new Fash- ion-Tim n In lr r io r . IV rform anre lias Itrrn atr|>|>r«1 up 4 ti<n>-i...ln« r rrane il horsr|M >wrr and lo n ju e .

Dew transmlaaioo and asle ra tk it.A nd you Ret a new'Oil Dath A!r

C.lraner...n«w E ngine lieariog t, X lo .1 tim ra Innfrer-llTcd. P lym * (m th 'a llifl "O ne 'A c '41. See your riym oulhdealrrUYTHOiTTilDtvl. • io n o r C im T flm CoiircMUTtorf.

Page 4: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

t i g a F o u r IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN F A W S . IDAHO TuM d»y, SflitWHbW M , 1140

T E L E P H O N E S8

rs)1 Lm m 4 Wlr« Smrfe* V dIU4 PrMi Aii«clitU>D. Pull NEA Fm U

rsbU iM a il D m • WMk •!a Wttk •! ISO Scron<« StrMt Wxt. lOAUO IIM tS PUDLISIIINO COMPANY

>1 orriei. April II. laiv. Und«r

5 '« “ ;

oS ttid rB u trirr jd .h o i

All Mlle«i rtfltilrtd bjr liiw or li» nrt1<-r «/ court of eoBiDfUnt JurmSlcllan to b« li>h*4 »*»kljr »lll t - piiblUliM In lh« Thurtclw luu* of Uili DiP»r punu»B« t« Section *8-lCI t, q A. I t i i . u >dd*d Ihercto br Chipur 1S4. lOJJ H»ilon Uw> ol Id»bo.

PO TS h o t s

The Gentleman in the Third Row

Who Pays What Taxes and HowNothing certain, says the old sawv but death and

faxes. True enough. But while taxes a^e certain, the kind of taxes is not so certain,

The Fedei^tion ot-Tax A dminislratoi’s found that out in a recent sui-vey. And they found that 42 per cent

■ of all taxes collected by govei'nmentai units in 19a<l were of a kind entirely absent from the, tax sy»teni of 40 years ago.

Taxation was a simjjle m atter in the early HIUOs. More than half of the taxes collected then Ai-ere direct property taxes—you owned a house or a lot, or a build­ing, or a piano, and you paid taxes on it. T hat was the bee£-and-potatoes of government support in those days. B ut today, only a third of taxes come from that source.

Here, from Treasury figures and the Census bu­reau, are figures that show who pays w hat taxes and how;

S ER IAL S T O R Y . .


Type of TaxProperty .....................Sfiles and OccupationalMotor* F u e l .....................Liouor .............................Tobacco ............................Death and G ift................

- Motor Vehicle ................C ustom s..........................

-P ay ro ll:• Income ............................_ Miscellaneous ................

Percentage of Total Taxes1912

.. 59.8 8.1

..None .. 13.3 .. 3.2 ..None -None .. 13.8 ;.None .. 1.3 .. .5


7.7 6.2

None4.8 2.4 3.6 4.0




• 11.27.1

10.8 17.6


Several things appear from 'the above t^ble. First, ^we have no “ ta r if f fo r revenue” at all, for customs " receipts a re a poor last among sources of income.

Observe how the automobile has coi to thfe fron t taxes in 1939

'Blaming That Draft on the

P. 0. DepartmentDcnr PoU : -

It Bpp«RM thftt th e postofflce de- pn rtm en t m ay hnvc eng ltiie red tlie ron.w ription bill, f t t i bft&lng m y -U j- iiic.s on th e added revenue acerultig to tlie poatofflce d e p artm e n t. I t 's lllcp thin: A few hundred th ousand , or (-veil million, fellas w ith wive* (iiid sw cotlicarti a t liome w ill tie' callwl away under U « d r a J l . a n a will b«> iratJoned a t polniM fa rirom th e ir home rnngw ,

'now suppose each one oI these Jelln.'i writes o n ly o n e ; JB tc r '-h o m e ' per m on th and receives only one leU ter frotn hom e. Do >'ou beg in to t c t th e possibilities in e ilr f i po itn l c h ar jes? ^ j

Say t l ia t B m ere 400J»0 m en ' are n« ay lor a year, T lia l m akes a tijtal of 4.800,000 le tte rs they w ill w l te duriiiR th e year, flBurSng c a c h leUa will w rite only one Je tte r peV m onth . Some w on't w rite' t h a t ' frcquen lly and other* w ill double an d trip le th e ir quota . Now these 400,000 fella i arc (iolng to i-ecelve 4,BOO,000' le tte rs during th e yee.r. W etich one only gets a le tte r a m onth . T lia t mukes J98.000 sp en t for th><c-cenl stnm pi during th e year.

Now If a ll 10,500.000 or thc.sc fellas w ent to cam p for a year, wowl M ake a a n even 19,000,000 so IlgurVn’ en.sy. T h a t m nkrs a to ta l of $ )!,• 530,000 spen t for postage.'

Too bftU J im Farley has resigned 10 we c a n t p in th e d r a f t bill on h im .

ilo p p le r ra ti


U A Vti a r t (u ra ln c brown a t la i i And drKity centiy down— .A harb inger of ao tum n 's B u t w t m % Irewa . . , r « r bU th e b ltle r knowtcdge.Soon th e rak in f m u tt begin And lonny’t gone (e college!

—Ja sm in e Betlo

Whols It Dept.• as a tax source, with 10 per cent of t : coming from auto and gas taxes.

The apparent rise in (he percentage of income taxes* is not conclusive as the table makes it- appear, as in

1922, for instancy, income taxes accounted for as much as 28.6 per cent of tax collections.

The fall in the percentajje of property taxes is prob- ably due to the fact that they had reached as high a point as the tra ffic would bear and had to stop there,

r. As government expenses continued to ris?, other taxes ;';had to be. devised to fill the gap, lenvirig properly ^ taxes, not greatly reduced in th^mselvdb, but a smaller ; percentage of the whole.;;; This swing in the kind of taxes over a period of ” years ehows pearly how taxation, like everytning else,■ has had to ad just itself to a changing civilization.

: No Ariiiistic in Price WarT Ju s t a t the time when building is beginning to show r:fiigns of recovery, people in close touch with it are rw orried . For 10 yoavs the country has waited vainly : fo r a real revival in building, most continuously do-

pressed of all industries, and one tha t is generally be- :;iicved to'hold the key to recovery.

Now th a t building is approaching boom conditions, ••due to the defense' effort,-, economista are worried

• -abou t prices. Thoy are already showing a marked ■-tendency to rise in the building field, though inany -believed they were altogether too high before. That ::!is unfortunate, for it may mean several unpleasant " things. There are the gravoHl BUHpicions of artificially ^upheld jn-iccH in the building field. If it should-prove : lh a t advantage is being taken of the dofent^e boom to -ra ise such artillciully hjj

■ ;give the whole bu •flated aspect th a t 'deflation afte r the emergency.- This we ought to try to avoid at all cost.i in fvory ^fl«ld, b u t especially, in this one,

uuiii) lUKen ui ino aoiunt^e noom lo ciully hjgh prices still higher, it might uildlng procedure an artificial and in- &t could have only one result—a rude


D ea r Doctor 1‘otk:As k (ram in id ln n fruni aw ly

back, I felt th e Imlrs on ihn bnck of m y neok bristle r»> I rrn d n c er ta in it4 ih In 0)1 Tv.’li>rws nr. lY lday. I read th e item twUc, und th e n had to apply sm entnf '•oli-i to my pro* bosoll In o^der in prevent a fa in t '

ill.Item cam« lio tn J r io in e and

oonc«m ed a ninii who Nuffi-red a scalp wound > 'lin i a te»m ot hoines ra n away, 'inio li<-m conrliu lrd In thin .faahlon • ■•Uenklcii 1 1 1 !' rviil.iUm oI Ills nculp,

M r. flen tabaugh U lu fferln g from num erous bn iiies, ou ts and sh o c k ."

I (e«l surs Mr. 0 e n aa b a u |h h im ' aeU would be the first to deny th a t hlA so tlp lu tU ln id a n evulsion. In fac t, 1 h av en 't heard of an ev linppen tng to anybody's hea<t th e In d ian s quit scalping th e ir tln u . 0«ys W abiter; "Evulsion

f pluc

ion. J‘*

i l r T i f c

/111 chorocter*, or(janU otioiii a n d In'ddeiiU 0 / (his se ria l are itU irelu ficCUious.

n :nT i:nD A Y i n h ii» <ii»urarrli** for (ko ■ Im Iok ordrr, Su* l la r r f f f i i ^ rr a k ao n a ab«ut it. » r a dMa. Mil* <iraat had ■ l«rn k f r (hr ardcr C« tr P '.

- I lu o r ia r it had «•»»• l» and kad >h«v«d tha e rd tr Bald* mornlav. abi> «»»l«laa II. dl*a*.

ra>|]y. »«a »la» 7 «»■»- drra a t Vara'a (•If .aaaa raa rt.


CH A PTER X II “ 'T H A T one," K ilty said sco rn ­

fully, as ih e w as ^powdering her nose before «olng hom e la te ihiit afternoon. She s ta red a t Sue M ary in the w ashroom m irro r.

"O t couTfe » b t h o i th a t o td e t,I S.1 W you spcuk lo her an d I saw h er go in the old m an 's o® ce v^ith th o ie papers. And I can Kucss ju s t how .surprised she w as to d iscover th a t they w ere h u n t­ing for *that one in p a rticu la r, and how Innocent she acted, b e t they ate h e r. a lib i up: abou t her bc ins new and stran g e here . She’s a cool num ber." K itty p iillcd h er rid iculous excuse o f a h a t dow n over h er black cu rli. “She’s im a rt, b u t I be t she d o esn 't K iake th e grade w ith young Rps* C lark .''

Sue M ary h id h er sm ile. She w ai glad K itty w as too engros; w ith V era and young Ross to th in k m ore abou t V era and p a p e r .. T h a t business had U] h er m ore th an she h a d thi lltrr head nched and the home seem ed tw lcc as long.

She d id n ’t w an t to go o u t th a t evening, bu t Jo e called. I t had been a w eek since th e y h ad h ad n d a te an d she eou ldn 't re fu senow.

Once w ith h l« \ th e found her* self sw inging back again to the o th e r side. A ll -the problem s a t th e office, a ll th e en thusia im a o t Ihc .Y P g roup som ehow seem ed triv ia l. Jo * ta lked o f vaca tion pliins. o! th e sim pler th ings th a t hnd once constitu ted h e r w hole life.

W ith th e w a r ta lk , w orld p rtjb - lems, an d politics on everyone's lips, Jo e ’s -plans fo r a cam ping trip up north , h is a ttem p ts to p a in t th e }oys of fishing, an d the p ressu re of h is ‘ hands on her* w hen h e spoke of th e w eek 's vaca ­tion seem ed to give th e w orld a d lflM ent color,

"Sue Wary,** h e said, " som e- tirncs don’t you ge t tired of w ork­ing in th a t oOlce, and p la c in g

„ ,ound w ith th a t- c ra iy outfit? Som ftim cs d o n 't you th in k you’d like to get m a rr ie d a n d h av e a home’of y o u r ow n?

My w ork is going a lo n g sw ell," lie w ent on earncsU y. "W hy d o n ’t wc plan on a w edding a n d be like oilier people. W e’re liv in g alone now and try in g to p re te n d ’lt'S 'fun . Well, I dot^'t th in k It Is. 1 w an t you and 1 hope you w a n t me. A lthough aom etim es— I— I so rt of l e d you find m e p re tty dull— "

h, no. Joe . I t 's n o t th a t, for you.” Sue M ary pulled

his arm tig h te r ab o u t h e r . “ I i t t \ fo sate, an d su re of th in g s w hen I'm w ith you, b u t th e n th e re 's whole w eek w ith tim e on n . hands and w h a t h appens? I see other people a n d m y ow n life seems drab . I w a n t som eth ing to happen to m e. I don’t ju s t w an t to w ork a t th e ofJlce,' com e hom e and i-it a n d rea d all evening,

"I don 't th in k y o u ’r e dull. A fter I'm w ith you I w onder abou t the others, because w h s t you say' is so :;ane. so tru e . A nd I th in k I am In love w ith y o u —b u t I’m not sure I w a n t to g e t m a rr ie d yet, Joe."

’'A nd yoM'll n ev er b e su Jong as you p lay aro u n d ' those Reds," h e sa id b itterly . "Som ething w ill h av e to w ake you up to th e fac t th a t they 're (ill-phon ies. B u t I d o n 't know w hat it w ill be . You- Mory, I th in k you- a re hun ting for ad v en tu re . . . . A nd I th ink you believe y o u ’re h a lf in love i-ith th is N ick."

go ing aw ay fo r a week, ihe w o u ld n 't lo t anything i t t ■ q u a rre l . But his

_____ echoed io h e r m in d . H u n t­ing a d v en tu re , be liev e you are hfc’-l In love w ith N ick.

She supposed th a t w a s th e w ay It w ould look , a n d y e t, sbtf* told herse lf, th is Is n o r e th a n a dven ­ture; w o rk in g a t sonaething th a t is w orth w hile , h e lp in g people my ow n aga w ho h a v e b ra in s and chnrm . In a c au se th e y a re eon. viftccd is rig h t.

A nd (is fo r N ick—B u t th a t a l w ays le ft h e r confused . She tried to believe h is a tten t io n s w ere the same w ith th e o th e rs , b u t she couldn’t Igno re th e look in his eyes, th e soUnd o f h is voice saying he r nam e, th e w a y h e m anaged to take h e r hom e a f te r the m e et­ings.

T he n e x t d a y Sue M ary w en t to Nat^ilic’s a l te r w orlf, I t wps ho t in th e s tu d io bedroom and th t girls tied ba ck th e la d e d w indow drapas to ca tch th e s lig h te i t pos­sible b re a th o f a ir .

" I’d lik e to g e t o u t of here ," N atalie sa id in h e r low , husky vdT):e. S h e w as in h e r w h ite slip .

w ith h e r thick, taffy-co lored ha ir p inned in a k n o f h i ^ on h e r haid. S h e w iped beads o f w a te r from , th e p itc h e r and p o u red Sue M ary a g lass o t lem onade.'

■’I know w here th e re 's a grand ap a rtm e n t," she sa id , slbuching in the chair n e a r th e window. "B ig room s a n d re a l w indow s— n o t slits like the**, a n d a view. B u t I c a n 't a ffo rd i t alone.

"Sue M ary , w hy d o n 't you m ove In w tth meT H eaven know s we'U b e w ork ing to g e th e r enough these n e x t few m onths, w ith the elec­tio n com ing a long a n d the Y P

■ • fuU awing. 1 t t ' ’I g ran d idea."I • a

C U E M ARY tr ie d to th ink . Shff ^ supposed N ata lie w as righ t.. H e r ow n d rab room w as simply a p la ce ,to escape from when one w asn 't sleeping.

Y et U vlng w ith N ata lie w ould be a strange experience. S^ia looked a ro u n d th e room , a t th a p lc tu r u ov trflow ing on the door, books s tr a a m ln i from the table, c loth*s ahovedF ln th e ’ clostt and ‘ th a door th a t nevsir shiHT th< tiny k ltc h e n r t w ith d ir ty d ishes ever prtsenM oiv th e sink .

N atalie laughed . "Yes, I knov/ w h a t you 're th ink ing . You're so p recise, so tidy , th a t this m ust b r in g h o rro r to you r np.it little soul. W ell, you c an stra igh ten up to y o u r h e a r t 's con ten t.

"W hy n o t t r y i t anyway? I m ean sh a rin g an. apartm ent. You w o n 't h u r t m y fee lings if you m ove w hen you can’t ta k e it any longer.”

A nd so It w as arranged . Tliry a ll had a hand in it: Vera pack­ing p ic tures, record.>i, p.ipcrs, b<wkB, a n d N ick m ak ing endless tr ip s be tw een N ata lie 's old room. S u a M ary 's , a n d th e new apait.' m en t. A nd be fo re she knew how I t - h s d been accom plished, th ey ' w are settled .

She g o t a th r in o u t of being a b le to m ove ab o u t in a morn th a t w as m ore th a n a cupboard- T he tw in beds in th e bedroom d idn ’t even croiyd th e space, and th e b ig sh iny b a th w ith the deep tub , th e show er w ith it, funny, cu rta in decorated w ith fantastic fishes, th e tin y k itchenc t with- it* com pact d raw ers , refrigerator a n d stove—a ll e n ^ a n t r a her ao th a t she w a s ‘co n ten t Ju s t to stand a n d f ta r a ab o u t he r.

."Wa*!! p robab ly n e v er j« t-h c r o u t," N aU li'e to ld V ara, "She goes a round w ith a d usjc lo th all eve- n in g /ih in ln g th ings, a n d picking u p a fte r me. M y clothes have tiever been h u n g u p before and how 1 c a n 't find anyth ing . Sue M ary has them ' w h ere they be­long."

(To Ba CoBtinued)

WAR NURSE.A n w c r W »T C T teB f-rwH O IIZ O N T A I.

1 F a m o u ^ a r nurM , n o r - •n o s — . -

10 S ou r in aapeet,11 Rowing tool.12 P a in fu l.13 E yelash es.19 M alt beverage. I S A a u it o r .18 Chaoa.18 S tr e a m '

obatruetioiL SO T ow atd^ a i T o cem peL ■ T a rM ^ U I

8 0 T o ap p o rtio n . 40 S heep 's ca ll. 8 2 D e i ty o f a k y . .3 0 F u n e ra l aong. 3 S R o c k y < S2 Epoch.

p ro je c tio n . 8S O ath .35 Ot U10 thins- 9S H er naUve

eonditieng in taoq)itala.

13 E ccentric w h e d .

14 In se c t W S e a n y w ^ h .17 Tooted gMiUy 19D«viL32 Chum .23 T u rk ish title . ■24 S o u r plum.38 Sharp .27 T o fu m itpk28 ThoughU .31 M ade o f k a d i 34 O il.V E R T IC A L

2 M e n U l3 B lood . .4 C o lo r.9 T ransposed

(a b b r .) .

land .89 S h e o rg an ised

a n d ra'n h o s­p ita ls fo r -------so ld iers .

n8T)ry.41 B ex ile lfh .43 A venue.44 R ange of s ( |M 49 36 inches.47 N oth ing . A49 Roll, ^50 Compass » In t!

(abbr.).1 ^ 51 L ava.

8 O p e ra m elody . 0 3 c u b ic (abh r.).8 E xcU m atioQ . 34 V erb a l ending

« S h re d of w a a te silk .

7 R oam ing ab o u t.


H I S T O R Y Of Twin Falls City & County


Delayed SciiediileSom e monUia ago th e re w ere f re q u e n t utories th a t

!:GermRn flntiB w ere tak ii)i; o rders in South A m erica .'and p ro m is in g S eptem ber and O ctober delivery u tider :« p e n a lty fo r non-perfornm nce. T he th o u r f t , cif -oourBO, w a s to convince co u n tries lo the Ronlh th a t ^G erm an y had th e w a r nltuatlon so firm ly in hand .-th a t sh e could even call the da te fo r i ts end.■ I t w a s a n im pressive move. Now the Septem ber- 'O c to b er period ' 1b well u n d e r w ay , b u t th ere can be ■no B u b stan tla l deliveries. The period h a s come. "Aye, J C a u a r , b u t n o t eone ,’’— th ere still rem a in s a chance Jto make W od. B u t , t f ie ^ u n c e Is decreasInK as each

f «UpB by. M eanw hile B rita in s tr a in s every nerve k am t ra d e w ith South A m erica ac tive and utrons;.

h d .y n i t { ^ 9t a t« i t ra d e Ib gain in g .1 i h g f i r a t y e a r o f t h e w a r . H i t l e r m a d e g o o d

s m l M — k « p t e v e r y a c h e d v ile . D o u b t f o r no n o w m u s l b e c r o s s i n g m a n y L a t i n

» rooting out."a r t of plucking out;Yours sadly,

>-’n i* n r rr« faM or

n o n i in i i f iK m c m om t fllin u ri«r» lixluy wllli a word

^ all huihandi who can't flaiira out how coine (liey linpiici) to t>e in the doghouse this week , . . aasuming they are In (lie doghoiiH, which Is no Inrrcqiinil plight tor husbands.

ThU U Natfoiial D«« waeh, ‘


Dear Snoops;'n ie oolleies and ui)lversllies are

starling Un again, and now ooinei 'th e annual (lock of (ooiball stories 01) Ilia eport pagss.

Vi^kih makes me think that edu- cation b soiiisthlng dished out sparingly in coIIh n *o orlUos c a n t say football is over-emphaals«l.


T i l l O IN T U H U N IN T U I T H tR P S O W

' ' 1


C olonrl Miitiyoii reports th a t th r nnle of D r. II. I t Uroom e and Dr. J . E , Coy w ciil over sirong yester­day. M ore thnii 435 lings were sold in less (h n n two hours a n d (he b id ­d ing w as snappy. Dr. Pinnkn, Ru>

r , w as one of the biKltfsl buyers. havlnB purplia.''Ocl more th a n

t3 ,000 .o t these lli>c hog^.

Com pllm enttnK MI a E llen Ooebel. w ho h a s been her cuest (o r tlie past week. M iss G race B ryant e n te r ta in ­ed a t th e home of h e r pa ren ts W ednesday rv rn ln i. Mias Goebel de- llghtaci th e KueM.i w lili n ta ac ln a t lii| acc o u n t of h» i exrwrlcnoM while tou rin g a n d studyinB fMrope. Ml'>s O oebel r rc rn i lv ^lll(tlr(l • in holh S p a in a n d r r u n r r

37 YEAKS AGO■ »;PT. l i . 1013 .

■n^e T w enllelh Cfiiiiiiry r lu b of th is o lty will bculn !(■ active worif n e x t T uesday , when Mrs. A. D. N or­ton . Uie n«w prc^l'1cllt, will lake up Uie w ork for tiie ' t n r Program s tor th e y e a r a re now in Ihe liaiiris of the p rin ia ra a n d will h r hl*trlliiit<''1 10 th e m em bers next week. 1 1 ie ohib, due largely to (he euorie ilc work of th e r e ti rin g piCKiilenl, Mrs. M. J Bw erley, is In a Dnuriililng roiidl tlon , w llh a iiumUri' <if new members vo trtt by Ihn boixil u( iiireotors all ready to pitrllciim ir lu tlm work

A t th e bPglnnli'K <if Ilir I'hili yriir, M ay I. 10U. (h r ' Ini) voleU a lot for fu tu re cUil> home, biiltable lo t to ro-tl II.DMI !.«( lit a liua lrd n o r th of th e schcM)! house and fares be au tifu l h lsh u lino l b iiildliii. IaA w as to |>al<l Ini- In ilirra ixiy- m enU .

Jerom e Juycees iloiK ir Mililiiry

U nit With D a i i c cJE R O M E , Sept. 34 |H p eo la ])-Je r-

em e Jayccee en terta ined 'n m rsd a y ftt Je rom e Mooee ha ll pavilion a t a farew ell dance in honor o( a ll de* p a rtin g m em bers of ihs’ ilflih o rd- A anee com pany, 41st division At tha Vinited S la te s arm y, and Uielr wtvee

a HIGHLIGHTS FROMU t e s t bo o k s

W hatever you m ay read of th e eur« r e n t crop ot world a ffa irs 'b o o k s , a n d the re la a deluga th«M days, yoo m u it no( miss Lawls Mum> ford’s ’’F a llh for I .lv ln i" (H ar- eourl. Brace: S2). T hl« Is a clear* c u t picture o f th r m o ral b reak­dow n th a t p rrr e d rd th e m ilita ry breakdow n tn Kurope, o t tl«e v lr- w ea tb e r phlloVophy th a t h as been lead ing A m erlr* now here in the h o u r of crisis. K h also a sort ftf p rim er for A m eriran life, both n a tio n a l and Individual. Any* twdy uivdto^tandn a t a ll tt\e n a tio n ’* h e rltau r n m it reipond ti M r. M um ford’s ra il to action , lO' w iltWe can n o t p reserve ourselves

ag a in s t th is ba rbarism a n d w orry abou t th e cost of our ettcnrt'. we m \n t give bsyond th e o rd inary pow er of giving. Nfir r a n ws In su re 7 per c e n t p roflta o r th e e ven tua l red em p ­tion o f a ll our bonds a n d m ortgages a l p a r value; noj- can w s hold fast to a pftrtlcuU r p a te n t mcmcpoly w a p a rticu la r hourly wage scale. Only ons i>''cd c o iin u : the need to th e In slliu tlons of a free clvlllMttlnn th e im tltu tlo n s of dem ocracy, found, fld on a profoiin<l respect (or the ptraonaU ty o r a U m en, a n d lo r a pow er, n o t ourselves, th a t m akes for righteousness.

Too la te In the w ar th e n r itlsh a n d th e .l* rn irh discovered how g rea t a ancrlflrs the danger (te. m a n d ad ; th e l^ r n r h w ere unprepnT' ed to r I t unfll a ll they valued was Indeed ohnrned a round a n d jMund* ed to pieces In ih e be atin g w aters: u n til th e pla tes were buckling and th e w ater swanipliiB th e hold, '" n i s n iU ng UimiKht of a n easy,c irc iim sprci lU um ith. w hich would keep a ll th i l r snug seourltles , the ir im perial m onopollas, th e ir colonies, th e ir landed unci c ity Diteresis functio n in g as alw ays before (o r the to n v e n ten re a n d ro m to r t o l tJiese clas«is.

very vocal m lnn rlty—a io a tlll m n k ^ Ing th e sam e m is take ; som e are^ aven toying w lih th e earlie st o( C h a m b rrln in 'i fn in l stupldU lea, UiAl o t m ak ing a deal w ith th e raacieta, on O ham berila ln 's very aaaum ptlon th a t , a f te r all "we n u is t live in th e sam e w o rld " I iitr lllgence th a t h a s decayed so f a r la a lm o st liquid w ith p^ilrafaeUon, . ,

and friends.W ill W right and his o rchestra,

T w in fa ll s , (iirhlshed music,*nie oftloers and members o t Uie

oom pany le d a t l i i r p. m . ba tu rday w ith th e ir automoUve equipm ent. T hey will be in tra in ing a l Oam p F 0H U W U 1 W ash., fo r a yekr, ,

P re ee n t > am ong th e guests were C a s k a n d Mrs, W ard 0 . H oward, X iA t, G eorge S . B en neit and U e u i . Ja m as S, K ssi, who ra> o a n tV rw tum ed from OaU tornla to la»V« w ith h is ooinpaiiy.

In « lw r|« of arraniem enU ter tha dano* were lUehard H, Seeley, A, L. IM lM o n and Earl Small.


W hen the .D em ocra ta chose H ar­ry Hcrshey a n d th e R epublicans Dwiftht O reen a s tlie lr Illinois gub> e rn slo rla l candidates , Uiey selected m en alike In personality and back ­ground.

N rlther Is a na tive nf Illinois. H rn h ey having been born In M if­flin, 0 ., and G reen In .L lgon ier, Ind. I lerthey la the o lde r'o f. th e two, 8B; G reen is 4S. Both were reared In ru ra l communities.Tlie two candidates a re s im ila r'in

th a t they are bo th reserved to the point of raUeence. T liey weigh Uielr wordi care(ully before speaking.

Iloili a re form er proaeeutors. O refn having been U. a . A ttorney for the iiortliern dU lrlc i o f Illinois, while Hcrshey served (fvo term s as sla te 's a tto rney for C hristian coun­ty where he haa lived a t Taylorvllle a linaii cu iu inuaiu ly (nr 41 years.

«ir*en Is noted as Ihe p r o « . ru ler who pul th a eld C apens gang and e ther Chicago hoodlom s to rent. Me lays h is ch ief claim te eflire on the successful war w aird a ta ln t i crim e itt i m .

Of ilir i»o, Ilcr.iliry probably la llie more experlenrcrt pollllcally, huvlnti been a inciiibor of tha Dam* ocrnllr sinie ren trn l commlttcfl. of

ilcii he was eleo’ed chairm an lu 10:u, O iren , w hlla I m ln g t« ld

eloillve office, b ream s know n lliiinitfh his aggrenslveneaa again st ci'liiic anil has gained a tten t io n throim h ou irr cam iialgns for office. W hrn h s ran fo r m ayor ot Chicago Uisl vcar. l'« SRld t« Uava polled iiioip viiir.i a l iiiftt tim e th a n was ever ilven In a li.O P. candidate In Chirago for any office, s la te or t'Kal.

Rorn sit a farn i, O reen haa been a urwitxi}, d rug c ttrk . newapapet reporter and a Iruek drtvsr, Ha workeil his way th rough W abash

^ U s g s and senred U) th s a ir ^ e r p a during Ihe W orld War, Ha

received h it Baohsler of Phlleee- phy and lu l s p n td a n ta d s g m a a l the U nlvenlty af Chlcage.

He has lived In Illinois slnee

By STUART CHABE A oU ier of “A New D eal,” "R ich

L and . Poo r L an d / ' **The New W estern F ro n t.'' etc.

T h e U n ite d S tates o l A merica is ao m eth lng new In the, w orld. I w ish th a t m ore of m j’ fcUow clU sens could tae l th is In the ir bones, I t c an ­n o t be com pared to a n y oUier coun­try , p ast o r presen t: It opera tes u n d e r a dU leren l se t ol ru les . W h a t hap p en s or haa happened to th em can n o t happen in the sam e

I way to us. I t we g6 to sm ash . U I will be In a m anner a ll our own. I f I w e move forw ard to g rea ter s ta ­

bility tvnd s treng th , a» 1 th in k 'we shall. I t will n o t be on th e p a tte rn of G reece. Rom e. G erm any, Russia i r th e BriU sh empire.

BecauH I deeply bellevs this, I am not grea tly a larm ed about a m lU tarj conquasV o( tbU eountry

or about Us suc­cum bing to b ri­gades of f if th

n i s t s

a sse t w ith as. Wo a re a ll dasosnd- a n ls of poor Im m igrants, bem on th e w rong side of th e tracks. The_________________ __ __ I- iw .l

p reach ing Fsse-

Conim unism lit foreign accents. I am a trs id in a d i f f e r e n t w ay, a n d w llh « long­er t i m e tag. T here Is one pos­sible epndlllon, a s I ace >l w h i c h can r e ­duce this c oun ­try to ImpoU nee

B tuart Chase ' and th a t Is dls tru s t o t th e ir

governm ent by Ihe young people o f A m erica. A nalher decade of JobleMness and hopelessness will bring th em te this a ta ta . I f we canno t give them w ork and (a lth by IBSO, perhaps we'd b e tU r go

Uie World w ar. Blnee leaving th e U. 8. a ttorney 's oftloa In IH S ,.O reen has nracilced law In O hlcago, w here

D istrict (iovernor To V isit G ooding

O O O D IN O , A spt. U ( S p e c ia l) - R o tary oiub observed O onstltuuon d i r . f r l d a y by hearin g a n Im druc- tlo n a l ta lk on Uie C o iis tltu llon by 'W ayne H udelson, A nnounoam eiu waa m ade by th e p r e a l^ n t . S am StlUivM), th a t D U M e» O ovftno r D avid Rom ney, O gdsn, would pay hU o ffle la l vU lt a t th e rag u la r m eet- I n f o f th e otub n e x t w eek. '

AU oftloers a n d ahalrm en- are <fo m eet wUU th e dU trlcI

governor a t i l ; i s (o r a m e eU n i p re- e e d ln t th e lunoheen . V M U ri w ere A, I . C arson a n d R o U rla n Sid 0 « l ( h . Shoehone.

h e iw*a wiiiv h i* wVf* arid tw o daughters.

Hershey pame to Illinois w hen ha was a. iii i ( ir s t }ob was th a t of delivery boy in h is (a th e r 's T ay lo r­vllle grocery, l l a waa r * d u a td d from th a University o t Illinois, la ter , like a re an , receiving h is law de> gii'fi from the U niversity o t Ohlcago 111 1011, Ms was e lrc led T aylorvllle's Olty allorney lu tlie sam e year.

In l i l t , he was e lec ted s la te 's atl«in«y (mt C h ris tian county a n d was realeeted four years la te r . Krom 1010 te t» ie . h a praeUoed law tn D eeaiar. m oving h is prao- tlce t>ack le Taylarvllla In ih e lal* U r year, w hen he was e lec ted m ajeT a{ thatfolljr.

i n AMKNH nK O idT K R - qoiA K , Ida., S ep t. 9« (U JD -ro et'

m u te r H arry L . Yoal aonouPM d Uxlsy 1 1 1 a ltena h a v a (teen refU - tered ln Idaho In u o o rd an o e w ith Uie federal a llsn r e f ls tr t t iM M t. He ssld iiie n a t a reg is tra tion waa expected to be com pletM m

l l i e U nited S tates, unlike any o the r g rea t power except Russia, Is an InU gra led con tinen ta l e m ­pire, possessing >11 th e raw m eto -

II needs lo supi>orl lla peo ­ple wlUiln Ita own boundaries. 01 w itliin rn.iv access In o lh rr p a rts of N orth America. Unl(ke H ussinn rrnourrcs, ours have been fully <lC' Veloped. O u r Im lustrla l p lan t Is no» producing roughly h a lf th e nu lp u t o r tl i r whole world. W llh six pi-r cen t nf th e 'w o r ld ’s people, we produce 60 per ren t of its w ritllh . O cvm aiiv, I taly , J^anoe. * a rlln ln .

iilii, J a p u n rolled Inlo iiim do no t ap p ro n rh o u r Industrial p o te n tlB l- w hether It be m easu rn l In horR«-

wer, eoai; oil, iron. ore. m etals, insiHirtatlon equipm ent, n r o u tp u t

. r m an hour, we have w h at It takes to overw helm them all.

In add itio n le its w ealth, thia eoun try has Instltn llons more dsm ooralle th a n any e th er coun­try h as aver had. I am la lklng of sem alh ing m ere fundam en ta l th a n ou r cansU tBllan and p o liti­c al te rm s. We are w llheu i Ihe tr a ­d itions of elass privilege w hich

C anada and A nstralaala sh a re th is

o t m oney. B a t w h rn a p la tae rat th in k s b e h a s founded a dynas­

ty . th a . fam ily ta rto b e b 4 1UU like­ly lo explode u n der h im . The six­ty fam ilies eome, a n ^ poutl they a ra gone.----- •'lUB 'nrtrt., ................... ..

races. We have little pride of noble blood, fo r nobles d id n ’t come over in th e steerage. W e have lit t le sense of class, for poor boys ore a lw ays working the ir w ay th ro u g h c o lle t to elbow sfalted sh ir ts ou t of th e professions. We are probably Incapable o f a pro letarian revolution, fo r outside o f a few c lerks w ith ho rn -rlm m ed s p e c ta c l e ^ in th e C om m unist pa rty , no A merl*'^.

, c u \ w ill a d m it h e Is a.juolctKrLan. W e have no s ta te ehurch to frigh t­en u s In to subjection w ith gho«t sto ries. W s refuse to accep t tha no ­tion th a t anyone Is b e tte r th sn we are . W hen somebody seta up to be.It la th e p rac tic e t n d du ty ef a ll good A m ericans to-pu ll th e chair out from un der h im . W e a re no t split as is unhappy E urope, Into 3« sovereign n a tions, each w ith a differen t la n ­guage. currency, a n d tradition.

Y ou can search th e pai«« e( h is to ry and you will find nelhltic like the U nited H lates of America recorded there . II Is unleue and alona. M any of Its habits and prac llees a re stup id , Inefficient a n d deplorable. I ls financia l sys­tem a t th e m om ent la In a mess. B u t Its ISI million elllsens, wha nev er learned t« tenoh th e ir h a ts to th r ir batters, opera ting the m ost masslva Indaslria l p lan t ef a ll lim e over ^t^a b ro ad 'fa ce of a n In legra tad , selN M fflelng eontt* n a n i, have • rendesVans w ith des­tin y . I t will taka m ere than t h e ^

r ae lo who Is Vto ba the uneasy m aster of a lern an d riven Europe, to Upset th a t destiny.

Sentenced on ForgeryJERO M E, 8 sp t. 94 fSpeclsl) -

C onvicted of forgery, George Jack ­son, Jerom e resldan t. was taken to Iliirlry T hu rsday by D eputy fh e r ltf P au l M. ,lessen w h e r e . w a s b rough t before D istr ic t Judge T, Bailey L^c, Judge Lee sentenced Jackson to serve a l- to - l4 year Jail sen tcnos in th e s ta le penitentiary, Bnlse »

Jackson , according tn police re ­ports III Jerom e county sheriff's o f­fice was ch arged w llh having (orgcd a check la s t week, a n d oashed it a t Uia P u r ita n sto re , S a tu rd ay . Sept. 14.

FLY IN O INCREABK»BO M B. Ida ., Sep t. 34 (u n -A n

Increase In f lying from Idaho a ir- porta waa' re fle c te d In recent t a x ^ repo rU on avIaUon gasoline, W, H ,f9 H ill, s u u a eronau tics director, said today, ’Tax racelpta to r h igh u s t ■asollne to r aviation use showed an m orease o t IT per cen t over the sam e m on th In IBM.

7£ u fc t7i£ a iu tefrom' far and near

Wherever the in«« mitKard (rows*>Buropt o r A m crlc»> there I ch li lln i a t« li»ou« ihachaU eH foeM noo(t^ ta i^ .

'f lavor. C om pera 9 c h ) ll ln | s a w Im. proved Mu«ard ro riiM lk /aB d smaitht

IP l e i d l l o t f IRTiA O TI '

S c h O l i n g : 7 $ ^ ^ /

Page 5: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

Tuesday, Septem ber 24, 1940 IDAHO EVENING 'TJMES. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO

S o c i a i ^ ( ^ i u L s — c M o d ^ e d

20th Century Club Opens Season With Reception at Peavey HomeP erfection of detail marked th e opening reception of the

iV en tie th ; C entury club th is afternoon, held in *he home and garden of th e president, Mrs. A. J . Peavey, 160 Seventh avenue no rth . P a s t p residents of the club, irt\3Ell%e honor th e event w as given, received th e guests in the sun room. Receiving w ith Mrs. Peavey as an in fjrm al com m ittee w ere M rs. H. A. Elcock, M rs. C. R. Fox, M rs. R. G. Benson, Mrs. W illiam M iddleton and M rs. R. R. Spafford.

P a s t p residen ts of th e club p resent were Mrs. M ary Y. N orton, M rs. C. A. Em es, Mrs. Cora Schroeder, F ile r, M rs.

' O rr Chapm an, M rs. P . W. McRoberts, M rs. E. M. W olfe, Mrs. R obert H aller, M rs. D. L.A lexander, M rs. E . A. Lan- don, M rs. D. R. Churchill, M rs. J . H. B arnes, M rs. Wil­liam B aker and Mrs. J . W. N ewman. M rs. Em m a Clou- chek and M rs. W. W. Thomas, also p a s t p residents, w ere ab­sen t from th e city.

T ea. P u n c h Served. R cfreslim enta w ere served bolh

Indoors a n d outdoors, th e too table being a rran g e d In the d in ing room, a n d a punch tabJe being act up Jn th e garden , especially vivid a l ihU tim e of year w ith an Bbunriance ,of fa ll blooms.

T h ro u g h o u t th e reception hours, p rogram o l m usic waa presented, u n d e r the d irec tion of M rs. Claude Drown, th e c lub ’s music ohalrm on. Vocal, str in g e d ensem ble and accor­d ion num bers were Included.

' M rs. E. B . W Ullams a n d M rs. J . D.K au tz p resided a t th e te a services

. du ring th e f i r s t hour, and Mrs. C harles T . B u r t t a n d M rs. M arshall Je ffries du rin g Uie second hour.

Presiding a t th e -p u n c h table du r­ing th e o ft« m o o n wore Mrs. A. A. Boston. M rs. M e rr itt Shotwell and M rs. ^ n a l d G raves, chairm en of th e th ree d e p ar tm e n ts of th e club.

S trik in g A ppolntm enU ' U nusually effec tive w as the cen­

terpiece for th e t«a tab le, a f la t a r ­ran g e m en t o f g ladioli in colors ran g ­

ing from cerls« to ro se-p ink and cream.

Ivory ta p e rs In Ivory ho lde rs and sliver services com pleted th e a p ­po in tm en ts for th e lace-covered table.

The .banked w ith colorful lu l p la tes a n d gla.ssware added In­te re st to th e purfch tab le a rra n g e ­m ent.

L itcrlo r bouquets were con tribu ted by Uic H om e a n d G ard en d e p a r t­m ent i)f th e club, and cam c from the gardens of M rs. J . H. B am cs.

Mrs. F re d W. H arder and ix r s of h e r com m ittee were In charge of the refreshm enls.

T he club year books, com piled by Mrs. L. E. 6a lladay a n d h e r m lttee, w ere distribu ted .

M usicians A ppearMrs. E d ith Schroeder Ja ck lln p re ­

sented occordlon num bers mu.slcal program .

Jam es Reynolds, accom panied by Mrs. A lexander, sang tw o selections.

A stringed ensem ble from tho Tw in PaU s high school, u n der th e direeUou of R ichard R . S m ith , p re ­sen ted num bers.

A ppearing In th is g roup w ere Miss Melba Holmes, f irs t violin: Miss Ju lia M jC ride. f irs t v lolln-B : Miss G race ]» g e n e r . second vio lin : H a r ­old C w n o r , cello: Beverly Block, b ius. '

GOP-Campaign Plans 'Qiutlm.edl_to W om en

L. W. V an R iper, Buhl, county Republican chairm an, out­lined county organization and cam paign plans to 80 women yesterday afte rnoon a t a m eeting of th e Twin Falls county Republican W omen’s club. Session w as held a t th e Idaho Pow er com pany buditorium . Mr. Van R iper was introduced by M rs. W illiam Baker.

M rs. W. H. Eldridge gave a talk on the life o f Wendell W illkie; M rs. B aker pre- ^ n t e d a biographical sketch of M rs. W illkie, and M rs. W.T. Leslie spoke on th e life of C harles M cN ary.

M lu M. Iz e t ta McCoy, president, w ho was in c h a rg e of th e m eeting, announced th e following com m it­tees:

M rs. B aker, M rs. C. B. Llnd.scy,T w in Polls, a n d M rs. How ard Hull.M urtaugh . p rog rom : M rs. Q drldge,M rs. Ray Agee, T w in Palls , and Mrs.M arU no Y eller, B uhl, publicity; Mrs.O. J. Childs. F iler, housing, and Mrs.Jam es F e lto n . H ansen , and Mrs.M arian T ucker, T w in Foils, refre sh ­m ents.

P recinc t com m lttcew om en were Introduced b y M lss McCoy.

M rs. C. H . K rengel gave h e r re­po rt as c h a irm a n of th e s ta te rndlo tom m lttee.

M rs. C iillds a n d he r astilntonts served refre shm en ts .

Romance, Humor Writing Studied By League Group

C hanges in rom antic llc tlo n w rit­ing In th e past few years were dc- U neoted by Mrs. M artina Y olter n t a m eeting of the T w in P nlls ch ap te r, Id ah o W .lters ' Icoruc. la s t evening a t h e r hom e n e a r Buhl. ,

M rs. H arrj’ Sm ock presen ted p a p er on hum orous w riting . C lim ax­ing th e program . Mrs. Y eller con ­ducted a c6ntest. ‘w hich wn.n -----by M rs. E^vclyn Lcvelce.

D uring the bu-’ilneM Rc^slon. th e g roup m ode nomination.^ fQi s ta te officers, to IJ« nam ed « t* fh e con­ference In Boise, Oct. 19.

Mrs. Y clter and Mr.v L c th a T es t­e r. Gooding, reported publications. M rs. T es ter won the S a lt Loke T r ib ­u ne 's sh o r t stor>' co n tes t th e p ast m on th . Mrs. R u th K n ig h t, a no ther Gooding mem ber of tJie c h ap te r w as a lso p rr.vn i.

Mrs. Elinor Vnn H outen . M rs Lcvelce and Mrs. E ra C ham berla in were gue.iU.

T he hostess served V efreshmenta. M rs. H arry Smock will e n te r ta in th e club a t the O ct. 28 m eeting , w hen election of officers will lie held.

♦ ♦ ¥

Recently Married Bride Honored at

Satterlee HomeBOHL, Sept. 24 (S p e e la l) -M rs

C. E. Edwards, who before h e r re- cerit m arriage vjik M iss B e tty Lqu W ilson, was th e In sp ira tion for a b ridal shower and p a r ty Frlda> evejilng a t the hom e of h e r sis ter M rs. C. H. Sn ttcrlee. w lth i-’Mlxs Louise W rlgh l a.wlsUng. : ' T " ' '

T h e room.i o f the S a tle r lee homi were decorated w ith vases a n d high baskets of colorful fa ll flow ers. The 30 guests spen t the even ing playing guessing gam es a n d giving advice Miss DorLs Lcwton w as presen te t th e guessing gam e prize.

M rs. Edw ards w as p rese n t w ith basket of lovely uw oble gU ts for he t new hom e. T he l a t l i r p a r i o f tiie even ing was spen t In te l l in g / fo r ­tunes w ith M rs. W righ t supervising

M r. and M rs. E dw ards were m a r ­ried Sept. 13-in Elko. Nev., a n d will m ake th e ir home In B u h l w here Mr. E dw ards Is em ployed w ith th e O. P . Skaggs store.

Gerald Wallace To Address G. R.

• 'P o rtra it of th e MtHlern Girl," will be I he top ic of a f.)>eech by O crald W nlloce a t a m coling of the a i r l R rsprvea o f th e T w in Fnlls h igh school to n ig h t a t 1:3Q a t the Unptlflt bungalnw .

'H ie addrc.-w of Mr. W allace will follow a violin nolu by M iss O rnrn W egener a f te r th e business m eet­ing. Follow ing will be n nrrnlrto In charge of Mins Jenny Slgglns and Mins E ith e r Olvonn.

Prenldlng a t th e b u s ln r u m ret- hiK will bfl L uclle 'n ionm n. I> vo- tlnns a re u n d e r th e dlre(!llou of MIm Lorene Pu ller , a n d nui«lc of Mnr- Jorle lA sh,

¥ ¥ ¥


P , C. M. c lub will m eet W ed- nrsdaV n t 4:IA p.m . a t tho hom e ol Miss Ju n o Hoops on Bliin U hen boulevard.

¥ ¥ ¥'Vel«rans o f Foreign W ars will

m eet a t th e handslie ll In the clly \ p n r lc W ednesday a t R p. m. to r n

V egu lar MMlon.•f ¥ ¥ ¥' All Ju n in r-S e n lo r h ig h ' srhool P .-T . A. room reprenentiillvrA am requested to m e et W<Ktne»<1ny a l 4 p. m, a t th e h igh school build­ing.

¥ ¥ ¥P y th ia n B lstera Social club will

Roll ca ll responses will be fall poem s o r la te recipes.

¥ ¥ ¥M aroa W om en’s olub will m eet

lliu rM lay . afte rn o o n n t th e school house. M m. C lyde H uftm nn and Mn<- H aro ld M alono 4 lU be the hostesses.

Vacation Trips Described a t Club

Mrs. E inm a O ouchek , sponsor of. the M oglcijY club, dcscribcd the naUon4l Republlcon convention a t P h iladelph ia th is sum m er, which she a tten d e d os na tio n al com m lt- tecw om an of Idaho , fo r club m em ­bers la.it evening o t th e hom e of Mrs. D orothy G ran t.

Miss J e a n .G rlm sm an told e n te r ­tain ing ly of he r vaca tion tr ip to C anada. M embers gave th e ir Ideos of w hat a n Ideal vacation tr ip would

f. M ro ll call responses.Mrs. E the l M artin presided o t tlie

buslne.Ks scu lon , a n d appoin ted Mrs. Iris B u rkha lter a s program chairm an for th e com ing yeor.

Plans were m ade for Uie next meeting a t the hom e of Mlui H elen Hwope, a;!5 FourUj avenue east, 'l lie •Kurjirt.se p rogram '’ top ic will 'b e ■riAh C o n 't Talk."

Mrs. G ra n t, osslstcd by h e r i thcr. M rs. M arth a S m ith , served freshmenlA.

¥ ¥ ¥

Meridian Couple Exchanges Vows

Mins M artlm Connie Fron t and Jiirk H arlan Sh ipm an , b o th of M er­idian, were un ited In

Blue I¥ ¥


lio< « o f M r*. H . A. JdJjnson. Fill- more iU «« t. "0«ora t a u te r s " will be rerm lw l.

at th« hodt* of Un. WllUam , Arrnga. M l Third kvenna n » t . at

a pm, Wednesday, Roll call n - ■pofuM wUl In eurrta l •v in u ,

rtiiy afte rnoon o t 3 o 'clock a l the Chrlntlun church parsonoKQ tiero.

Ilev. M ark O, C ronenberger o ffi­ciated a t th e ring cerem ony, and Mm. H arold M eads, b ro lh e r- ln - law and- sis ter of U»e b rldegrooiis Arnold Calriin and Minn I/Toiia Front. Blnlrr of th e Uride. a ttended the couple.

llev, CronriilwrHer imptln^d the bridegroom and h is sin ter n ine yeors ago.

'HiB couple will live In M eridian,¥ ¥ ¥


Mrs, R. W, C nrpen ler waa hostenn H nturday to th e Sobadoe club n Iktb and th ree guests, M rs. t E, Hallaclay; Mins Ada Jo h n so n . Illl- nnls. guest of h e r b ro th er a n d slater In-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Johnsor and Mrs. Coo Price,

Price fo r mombera w en t to Mrs. Rnrl F e lt and for guests to Mrs, P rire, A d rsse r l luncheon preceded the gam es of c o n tra c t b ridge.

Former Student At U. of I. Will Wed at Murtaugh

Miss R uth D avii. M n rta n ih . w ho will wed m UDlversity of Id ah o classmate, L ester H ansen. Lewiston, a l a hom e liup tla l cere­m ony Sundsy, Ocl. 6.

(Times E ngraving)

Camp Em-Ar-El Tells Nominees

C andidates t o r o ffice I n Camp Em-At--El. D augh ters o f th e U tah Pioneers, w ere an n o u n ce d yesterday a t th e hom e of Mrs. E d ith C. Wells, c a p u in , as follows;

Mrs. B lanche B laslu s a n d Mrs. A da' G uest, c a p ta in ; M rs. Llillan WILson and M rs. M ay O . Price, f i r s t v lce-coptalh ; M rs. M aude G. C rum p ond M rs. M a rth a J . Stolcy, second v lce-coptaln ; M rs. W lnnK rfd W hitehead , holdover fo r secre tary - trea .iurer; Mrs. J a n e S . G ardner, holdover for chop lo in ; M rs. Bla.ser ond Mrs. Lydlo S tro n g , reg is tro r.

Mrs. L eona S . C a rro ll , holdov for h isto rian ; M rs. V elm a A. Jo h n ­son and Mrs. B e r th a W. Miller. chorlM er; M rs. E uelda Bowen and Mrs. M yra Barlow, o rg a n is t; Mrs. Wells, custod ian of re lies; M rs. A d­r ia n C. Woltcy, lib ra r ia n ; Mrs. M yra Barlow, p a rlia m e n ta ria n , and Mrs, L aura Peck, ho ldover fo r the m em orial fund.

A nnouncem ent w as m ode tlm t Mrs, M innie Dloser, c o u n ty reg ls tn ir, will give a f iv e -m ln u te ta lk on "W ays o h d 'M ea n s of G e ttin g Iteg- Intered M em bers" a t th e convenilon In S a lt U k o C ity In O ctober.

Mrs. B lanche P a rk e r dlrectc<l ilio Ir.vKHi on “ Mills ond M illers." Dcinnn j . Bell exp lo lned th e work for the com ing y e a r o n d urgw l nit m rm brrn to take a p ro m in e n t p iirt lu nctlvlUes. Mrn. E m m o L uke, co u n ­ty I'uiitaln. fu rn ished th e w hitti ele- lilmnl, w hich wan w on by Mrs. C»irnt. Mrn. Luke, M rs. Jo n e Hell and Mrn. M aude M obley w ere guests.

Min lllaser and Mrn. Eva Adnm- noii ll^^lflle<l th e h o ste ss In serving r('rl■'.^hm^nls ou tdoors bc iore thn ni^ilo flreplacfl, M rs. Ilarlow . Mrn. I.llllnn WIIlls a n d M rs. Blaslun will en terta in th e club in O ctobrr a t Uie home of M rs. H arlow .

¥ ¥ ¥S rii)l-annual lu n c h eo n m eeting

of (ho S outh C e n tra l D is tr ic t Ao- MKlntlnn of p a s t m a tro n s will l>e held a t 1 p. pi. H o tu rday a t the Jlolllntrr G range h a ll, th e lu n rh - rini to bo served by th e w om en of (he O range. A n in le re s tln g prfl- Rtsm has been a rra n g e d u n d e r the Illrerllon Of M rs. M ay Oox. Tw in Fulls m em bers p la n n in g to a tte n d am asked to no tify M n . E, A. L o n ­don, flSl-W, by W ^ e s d a y ev en ­ing, Sept. 26.

MURTAUGH. Sept. 24 (S p e c la D - M r. and Mrs. Loyd C. D avis, M ur­taugh , announce th e approaching m arriage of the ir dau g h ter. Miss R u th Davl.^. to L ester H ansen , of M r. and Mrs. G. H. H ansen , Lew­iston.

T h e wedding will be solem nized O ct. 8 a t the homo of Uie bride’s pa ren ts . M urtaugli. ■

M iss Davis and Mr. H ansen have a wide circle of friends am ong s tu ­den ts and alumni of th e U niversity of Iddho.

T h e brlde-elec), a ttertded L lnfleld C6Ui»til»."Mi:Mlnn(rllle. O r«„ for two yeare. and .■spciil o n t y e a r a t tlie U niversity of Idaho, Moscow, w here siic was a member of A lpha Phi sorority.

M r. H ansen .a tten d e d th e s ta te university for Uiree years, w here he w as affilia ted w ith D elta C hi f ra ­te rn ity .

Following the m nrrlnge, th e pair will live In Lewiston.

¥ ¥ ¥

Room Mothers ofJunior Hi Told

Roll room m others fo r th e Tw in Fa lls Junior high school stu d e n t i>ody were announced today a fte r a recen t election.

T hey will be organized la to w orking ' u n it of th e Jun io r-S e n io r high school P a ren t T eache r associa­tion.

T hey a re Mrs. E. H . O lm stcad. llS ; Mrs. W. A. Van Engelen, 111; Mrs. Elm er W agner. 108; Mn>, P . L. L aw ­rence. 016; M rs.-P . M. C arlson. 217; Mr.v D, P. Groves,’212; M rs. M abel Pearson, 210; Mrs. L. E. M atson. 207 B; Mrs. P. E. W ellner. 116; Mrs. H ugh M. Ross. I H ; Mrs. H oward Sherwood, 100; Mrs. A. A. W egener, 013; Mrs. G . K. ThomeU.- 218 A Mrs. J. A. K ottraba , 213.

..Irs. C. H. K rcnucl, 211; Mrs. C a l­vin M carlde, 112; Mrs. W. J. H ay­ward, 110; Mrs. a . U. C rn ters , 017; Mrs, Lou Heller. 012; M rs. E. F. Mob­ley. 00; Mrs. J. W. McDowell, 05; Mrs. M. O. C randall. 113; Mrs. Vocu, 216; Mrs. W . H. Hertr.og, 214, ojid Mr.i, Elmer C. Funk, 20(1.

¥ ¥ ¥NKW H-ZKE OMIB KI,KCTS O FFICIALS • T tie n -Z i‘o club m e t for llir f irs t lim e insl evening a t the Junior high wlirml. and elected th e following offlcer.i:

I’rr.iUlent, PaLsy Jo A ndrn se rretary , ‘ B a rbara fitoop^: ■ surer, ne ttle G race O rlffiird : vice- |l>rp!.ldeiit. Miss Peggie Lue Porler; iK Tiirnnl-at-arm s, M in n VlrKlnlo I'Mllrr,

T he nex t m eeting will Im' held Rept. 30 In rcxim IIB, Pni be planned la ter.

Nation’s Capital City Described

For DelphiansC onstruc ting a j l lo g r a m of p*pcr

,nd s tr ing , M rs. M ata W eaver gave m em bers of th e G am m a T heto -th o p tc r of th e D elphian society a graphic descrip tion of W ash ing ton ,D . C.. Inst evening a t th e hom e of Miss M ildred E lrod. F o u r th avenue east.

She de signated a ll th e buildings o f no te In th e n a tio n 's c ap ita l, a n d told of the h is to ry of th e ,clty. H er addre.ss followed th e reg u la r s tudy meeting.

Topic o f th e p rog ram w aa "P rog ­ress In th e A gricu ltu rtti a n d In d u s ­tr ia l R evolution In the* 18th a n d 10th C en tu ries in E ngland ."

R eporting o n assigned top ics M rs. W eaver, Miss E lla G rim m , M rs. Roy J . E vans. Mrs. M c tta Balsch. Miss E lrod. M iss M erle N cw lon a n d Mrs. J . D- H ayden.

MLss M aurine Luke w as progrom chairm an , a n d Miss E lrod waa In charge of th e w ord drill.

¥ ¥ ¥

Delphians StudyThomas Carlyle

Follow ing no-h'ostesa lunchcon a l th e hom e of M rs. A. C- V ictor M onday a fternoon , M rs. H arry Ball was in chorge of a lesson

; -T hom as Carlyle," lo r m em bers cfI Z eta PI c hap te r. ............................

M rs. H aro ld Lackey. M rs. G eorge J . W ord . M rs. C harles B. Beym er, M rs. C. M. G orden . M rs. Q eorgo R. Sandhollz , M rs. O. C. Holl a n d M rs. B ert Sweet, M rs. J . E . L angenw alter. M rs. E. J . S tep -K en , M rs. A. A. Boston, M rs. AJlyn D lngel. M rs. R .E. Sutcllf?, M rs. M ilton L . Powell, M l.« C lara B lllla r a n d M rs. G eorge Buiilcr gave . repo rts o a assigned topics.

M rs. F lorence Benson gave a spe ­cial poper on th e study topic. M rs. B all d irec ted tlie w ord d rill and M rs. S tep -K cn conducted the brief business se.vilon.

¥ ¥ ¥

Soldier MarriesPrior to Leaving

JERO M E, S ep t. 24 (Specia l)—Of In terest to frien(ls in Jerom e Is th e announcem en t m ade by Mr. and M rs. C. E. P a tr ic k of th e m arriage of U ielr d a u g h te r , Ml»s U o n a P a t­rick. to G eorge C laar, son of Mr. and Mrs. W . H. Claa?-, Jerom e.

T h e w edding was solem nized Tlntr.s<lay evening , Sept. 10, by Rev. Enrl J . K au rln . m in ister of the B ap­tis t church , w ith M rs^L urlle A id- r ich and Lloyd C laa r un illn esse s .

F o r th e w edding the bride wore A lig h t blue s tre e t frock and block accessories.

T il* bridegroom le ft fiaturdiiy o ft- c rnoon for F o r t Lewis, Wush., in com pany w ith m em bers of the 118th ordnance com pany stiitlonn l here. He will be a b sen t a year.


Od<l pluoea o t plo-Mlo furn itu re blend beautifu lly In to tho m odem ty p e room. O ne of th e ncwc.si Is o m agazine rac k , en tirely of rry stn l- c lea r plastic . In g rarefu l basket shape. Tw o solid nheets form tho nldr.i, rings a t e ith e r end krep the m ogui’.lnes from sliding o u t and o top handlft m akes It eiiny to move a bout. 'nU s m odern plnnll. prlnlngly llg lit w eight und alin tiit iu \hreakablo.

Lunckeoe and Dinner On B ride’s Calend.ar

Complim entary to Mi.ss M iirjjaret Voorhec.s, who ha« been ox.tcnsively oiitcrtnineiJ as one of the briticH-clect of th is montli, M rs. D eW itt YoimKt Mi‘«- Irwin andlMrH. Brucc McMiUnn presided a t a lunchcon this afternoDn nt Ihc homo of M rs. Younp.

Also num bered nm onp thp Kuc.st.s was Mrs. Leslie Voor- hecs, Folsofti, Calif., who will be mutron of honor fo r her

sister-in-law. Mr. Voorhec.s ill arrive Inter in th e week ■) altcnd llu- wetldinK.' He

will sive his si.-^tfr in m ar­riage.

Mr. nnd Mrs. J. E. W hite a re en ­tertaining a t a fimilly d in n e r a t the ir home on B lue Lake.V boule­vard no rth W ednesday even ing In honor of th e b ride-to -be a n d her fiance. Law rence Shively. .

Members of the W h ite 'a n d Voor- hees fiimllle.s will be prc.scnt. In­cluding Ml.>;s A llcen W hite, who has ;irrived from .Beverly H ills. Calif..

I a tten d th e wedding, a n d to visit fr pnrenl.s.Among la s t week’s courtesies for

Ml.« Voorhees w ere th e hm chcon arranged by Mrs. C. M. M cElw aln a t her home. U5 N in th avenue no rth , and the Jnform al a ttc m o o n party p lanned by M rs. R . L . Roberta and Mr.i. G eorge D av lso a

Mrs. F ronk J e n k in s en terta ined 1 0 evening la s t week in h e r honor;

Miss M argare t D avis w as h e r lun c h ­con hostess, and C h a p te r D . P . E . O. Sisterhood, a rran g e d a courtesy for her..

Mrs. Kulm Feted At Bride’s Party

JEROM E. Sept. 24 (S pecia l)— Mrs. Leroy K ulm , a b ride o f .Uils m ontli, WO.S* Uie guest o f 'h o n o r a t a post-nup tia l show er of charm lne appolntm ent-s,'g iven a t th e hom e of Mrs. Jo h n K ulm T lm rsday . A.sslst- Ing hM tess was- Mrs-. C a rl H arding.

A ttractively arranged bouquets of early au tum n flowers deco ra ted the rooms, and cen te ring th e room was one long U ble pUed h igh w ith gifts fo r tlic honorec.

P rior to h e r m arriag e early th is m onth, th e bride wa.s th e form er MLss B ertha M aler, A m erican Falls.

P.-T. A.’Publicity Chairman Attends

Executive MeetMrs, Jo h n E. H ayes, publl'cUy

chairm an of th e N ational Congress of P a rc iit-T eocher associations, r e ­tu rn e d ' Ia.n evening from Chlcogo where she a tten d e d th e board . of munaRer.'i’ executive m eeting .

She m ade u rep o rt os ch a irm a n of publicity ond as heod o f th e edl> torlal com m ittee o f th e na tional P.-T. A. m agarine .

She Li also a m em ber o f the m lttee Jo coo rd inate P .-T . A. ac tlv li'

. tic.i for dem ocracy.' and W likewise 'a member of th e r ad io p ro jec t cpm -I'l, m lltfo ^


T w in F a lls be thel o f Job ’i D augh* ters , ot a «peclal election a t the nex t m eeting , will nam e a new honored queen, to succeed Mlsa . P rancea T hom pson, who h a s le ft fo r college.

:em ent of th is proposed e lection was m ade w hen th e .group m e t la st evening a t th e Masonic^ tem ple. Miss Prances Schw elck- h a rd t, senior princess, o fficia ted In th e absence of M iss Thom pson.

P lans were m ade for a d ancing p a rty fo r m em beni a n d th f i r es­corts, to be held Friday evening a t th e Peter P an . M«(etlng of th e grand bethel O ct. J7-19 In Caldwell w ai dLsciis-scd .and p lans 'w ere m ade-fo r

veral groups of Tw in F alla girls I a ttend a t lea.^t some of tha


o g . u e

P resen ts

• I g n t i a a n d b t a u t y

g t t t« g « th * r 'in th «

1941 P « rd . A n d w a i t

Mil y » o fry H*«

-------- M W iM I f l a i l ”

l a s d y a7Hi.

Modern Fireplace EquipmentKnjoy the Comfort and Convcnicnec of

Modern Kireplace E quipm ent in Your Home

A licniitifiil nHNorliiu’nt In chooH fl from iil n n y price you cure lo |Niv.A benutlful nHMorlmonl o f d ifferent type HcreonH priced to Hult every hiim o owner.

$ 2 .9 S , % 4 i s , * 6 .0 8 , f t . M to f i e . s o '

AHractlve Andiron ScIh that you will want nl thcHoImrKRln prlcea...........> 2 .4 8 , 9 4 * 4 8 , $ 8 ,9 8 to 9 1 6 .B 0

rireplnce 8e(«, eonnlHtinir of Broom, TortsH, I’oker iinilHhovcl............................» 3 .2 8 , f S . 8 8 , $ 7 .S 0 to flB .O O

Hammered Draaa Wo«k1 I fo d s ......................................$ 2 .2 9Fireplace (iratea In nireii to fit ull flreplaccM.

9 8 .7 8 , 9 t . 4 S to f 1 9 .0 0

ir we don’t have w h a t you want In fireplace equipment —we will get 11 for you. mDIAMOND HDWE. CO.

FURSD ire c t from fu rrie r to you!

The VofM'i relUblUl7

k jroor rwrante^

S ee our w in d o w display

NOW IN PROGRESS—ENDS SATURDAY C raftsm an and Dunlap Tools fo r every job a t o^e low price.

POWER TOOLSYour Choice Best Value

. Ever Offered

$1495Sold on Easy Payments

$ * I>own M onU iljF l u Usual Carrylnff C harge

BENCH SAW , .Dunlap bench saw . 7- inch. Larger, heavier in ­dexing m iter ,g & u .g e .- Many improvements.... '

......................... . .9 S 4 .9 SDRILL PRESS

Dunlap drill press. Vi- inch c a p a c i t y . 8-jaw chuck. Bronze bearings

........................... '..91C 9BROTARY TOOL

C rafty ro tary tool. 50% more power I W ith re ­movable piHtol g rip and ripping gauge and 86 ac> ccRKoricA ............ 9 1 4 .9 9

MAKE YOtIK SHOP th e envy of your neighborhoodHAND SAW

Diiiilnp liaixl th roat. Suf« .

w . H -w h fi’l. 1 2 0 - In c b t'ni:lr)KC(l m c^chnniH m , ............................ 9 ^ 4 . 9 9

D llN l.A P JO IN T K UD in ih n ) • l i / i - i i i i l i jo i i i l tT , 'r i i ro o - b ln d f tHoiitl hUmiI c i i t l i 'r h«‘a d ............ 9 ^ 4 . 9 9

LATHED u n lu p I f i tb o . l ' 'o r w ood t u r n i n g . 9 - in c h « w in K : •l l - in c h aO -ln i-b b r -t w f f n c< ^n lc rn , -I .......... 9 1 4 .9 9

JK J HAWD u n la p J i g Hitw, N o w ! S t r o n g o r l L i i r g c r l IH -in i 'l i t l i i o u l . D ig 12x12- i i i c b t n b lo . In c tiid cH w o r k l ig h t 9 ^ 4 . 9 9

MOTORCriiflfim an H.P. motor. C an 't burn o u t—overload protector. C apacitor

typo .................................................9 1 4 .9 9SH A PE R . .

Dunlap filmpcr. Tw6 preclalon ball liearingH. Popular fixed, npindle de-Hign ................. fe.........................9 1 4 .9 S

LATHEDunlap m etal w orking lathe. B rand new I Precittion made I 6-lnch awing18-lnch capacity .....................9 1 4 .9 9

ELECTRIC DRILL O a fta m a n ctcctric piotol drill. *A-lnch Jacob 's chuck. Powerful universal m otor ................... .......................9 1 4 .9 9




« l .3 9H uy two a tPy*i!»p.%hU4jr„.. U'Jinitoi_

P a lk ’B SeUing AKents.for

B lack Ja p an n e d FivB-dlM tunio bicr eyUnfiir


Page 6: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

Page Six IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALIS, IDAHO Tae«d»y, S tp tem bw 2 4 ,1 9 ib ■

TIGERS, INDIANS MEET "SPOILERS" TODAYChisox, Browns Get Chance to Tighten Loop Race

By GEORGE K IR K ^E YNEW YOKK, 21 (U.R)—Tlio Chicago W hite Sox and

St Louis Rrowns nro w liat tho lalc T p x Rickard iisccl to call “spoilci-s.” Johnny- Kisko was R ^ k a rd ’s favorite spoiler. He ruined many a Kood licavy\vi!i>jht for Rickard w ithout going any jiliicc himself.

Now the W hite Sox anil Krowns, (roubh'-makor.s all sea- son, are in n choice ^sput to mcs.s up tlio A nu'rican leayuo racc. Tlie W hite Sox open a ■ '

Lettermen Dot Liiicuj) for

two-Kamo .' eric.s today with tlie Tigers at D etroit and the Browns do likewise with the

^ Indians a t Clcvelan'd.• Hio.se gamps m«;>n cvcryllilng lo tlie T igers «nd Iiicllniis. It'.s nlmosl IrniKm llve ih<\v w in botli tliem. Otherw ise, llie Yaijkecs, lurklni? In ihe bnckground. m lglit sncnk liUo n contcm ilng poMllon ngnlii.

A com bination of re.siills Iwlny could p u t the Yailk.s knockins nt th e door agftln. H th e H gern and Ind iaiis .iliould Ios« today and the Y anks w in a double-header from th e Sciifvlors a t Y nnkee dfftdliim, the stondlngs would th e n be:

Gm!;. Bp- • W. • L. Pet. h ind

D etro it .......... 87 63 .580 •C leveland ...BO 64 ,r.13 I New York . .. M 64 .3^8 2

E\-erybo<iy In th e A m erican league had an o ft day yM terday. TIib f ir ­ing still w ent on In th e N ational ]ess«e, w here P au l D erringer, Rcd.V Bcc. wa.i off forn> and ml.'wed fire

—-4n thff qu e s t o f hl£ a u t vlctoi>’. Tlic P irat«a knocked n iin o u t of th e box In th ree Innlnga a n d w en t on to win

. from th e cham pions. 12-9,Brooklyn Hed a n a ll- tim e Dodger

record by w inning Ita 15th victor}' of th e season from th e a ia n t.i . 3-2,

C laude PasM au hung up h is 30th victory by p itch ing th e Cubs to a 10>0 tr iu m p h over th e Cardinal*,

-------H i* PhHlle* b « t t th e B o iton Bee»,« .a , In th e f irs t gam e a n d then dropped th e ir 100th gam e by losing th e n lih tc a p . 8 -0 .

Bowling ScheduleTCEBDAVt € i iy lnyQ »»N e'fr«

and T |m ea vs. L- and N. BeTcrage, 1 and 2 : Idaho -P aw er n . Zipway. S and 4; Troy N ational vs. Tima Den, s' a n d 6: Elka va. K im ble’s 8ap«r Serrlee, 7 a n d 8.

W EDNESDAY: C a m m e r c l a l leam e~^U atIe 'i Conoco w . Cos- fr itr , 1 a n d 2: D odd C igar store. K im berly, n . Coca Cola, S and 4; T. L. Lum ber t*. Firestone, 5 and 0 ; D e tw e lirn n T. F. Flour Mills, 7 and 8.

/ T h u r a d a y , L adles' league nfatchea.

fly U nlled PrrM San J m « S i a i t 34. M onlai

tita te 0.

Armstrong Scores K. 0 .

W ABHINOTON, Sept, 24 tUPt - H enry A rm strong bore ha rd ly a m ark today rifter th e 23nd de(en^e of the w eiu rw elgh t title h e won In 1D3B. '

A rm strong fliilAlied o{f C lia lln i- ger Phil F u r r of W nshliiglon lu 1:41 of tho fo u rth round of a srheditird 15-round bout la.it n lsh l . A looping r ig h t to th e head p u t Kuit dow n for


PROVO, U tah , Sfl)t, 24 <U.R)—T he B rlghnni Young CouKfir.s probably will field a team of le tte rm en Frlrinv n ls h t w hen they open ih e lr 1040 grid sen.vsn ag a in s t N evada unlver* hlty w hen the Inaugurnl n ig h t foo t­ball tinm e n t Provo,

Even w ith fiuch n pI■o^l)^cl. Coaclj Eddie Klm bnll Is hnO iic trouble In determ in ing his x tn itlng lineup. G raduation and o th e r clrcum - .stflhce,"! which iisunlly force nn Inex­perienced team onto th e field in earl.v reason game,'! took a surprlR- Ingly low toll on th e Cougar,'! th is year.

More Ihnn 20 veterans have ro- tiim eri—Riving BYU two a n d th ree le tte rm en for cach po fltlon In a m a jo rity of ca.^e.’i. Innlnded In th e re tu rn in g group arc nll-confercnce end. Wnvne R « v e ; A rt G ilbert, gua rd ; Shlrl B lackham , re n te r ; D ean O nrdiier, fullback, a n d , T red B a tem an, tackle.

O ne-Y ear L eltcrm en W ith these tr ie d perform ers, a rc

coupled several one -year le tte rm en a n d a ho st o f promlM ng aophom ore m a teria l. . * .

F o r th e a e c ^ d year. G eorge W ing a n d G eorge Jaek-ion will ‘ b a ttling for th e s ta r tin g tailback slgnm ent. Both show excellen t fo rm in open and broken field n m n ln g . T hey a re cxpected to a lte rn a te th roughou t th e season . K en Jensen , M nlor tuiarlerbac^t: D ea n G ardner, fullback, and L loyd Brink , blocking lia lfback , a re d o p e d ' to com plete p robably th e mo.iVseaM>ned backfleld in th e B ig Seven conference.

O pposing team s will be faced by ■ line as heovy a s I t is versatile . An average poundage' o f only a ahade u n der 900 Is expected to be, maln> ta lncd by th e C ougars th roughout th e season, -

Besldea G ilbert. Reeve, B lackham and B atem an, K tm ba ll will have R eginald Lefevre, O dean H ess and » 195-pound sophom ore, Reed Nll.ion, to develop In to a w ell-rounded for­ward wall.

More O pen Gam e K im ball expects to p u t h is tenm ’j

.experience to good use In a more open p laying style early In the son. He con tem p late s m ore passes and trick playa, w hich fall well in line w ith th e s ty le of play of W ing and th e sh ifty Jackson ,

K im ball expecla h is team to show up b e lte r th is neanon th a n la st, w hen the C ougars f in ished fou rth . But a t the ^am e tim e h e figures th e general stylo of football In th e th ree -yea r- oM Big Seven conference (o be Im*

, prnved a ll th e w ay around.T he reg u lir conference season be*

I Kins for th e C oiigari O ct. fi, when . they travel to S a lt L ake C ity to r n - giige th e U tah university Redskins.

Ih r count of 10 for the first tim e In 10 years of profrssloiiBl fiRhtliiji.

A rm strong scaled 149, llin m ost poundage he has carried Into th e ' ring. T u rr. ranked n in th oii i lir NDA w elterw eight list, ran in tii at

A R ccrnil .Shows llic Expri-lH

Four Teams to Play onShoshone Card

SHOSHONE, S ep t. 24 (S pecia l)— Plan.-i have been com pleted by S h o ­shone m erchan ts to s tage » ga la football' even t In Shoshone .^ Id a y ftltcrnooii. A d o u b le -heade r" se s ­sion of football betw een tjie #lx- maii team s of D ie trich arid . P au l and th e 11-mon team s of B hos^one and Jerom e Is scheduled.- T he opening game of th e session will, be between the slx>m an a n d stA rt a t 1:30.

In order to boost a tte n d a n c e - to ShQ.slione hom e gam es th e ’-.local bu.ilness men have decided to -*pon . sor thU event a n d have purc;}iucd several thousand tickets fronn' th e high school a th le tic fund and ftro giving them free to th e ir custom ers. T hus If one h a s a ,tick e t, which*m ay be had merely by a sk ln j ons o i ' th i spon io rj ot th e event, th e ffam> will be free, otherw ise th e usua l'acn ijls ' Sion price will prevail. i

The two gam es on th e m en i) .fo i tho a fternoon a re especially -^-ap. pealing. T he six -m an gam e, v h ic h will be the second such p layed In L incoln county th is year, \rtjl b< lnterc.stlnR to th e m any locaP 'fans who have never seen a slx.^man game. The Jerom e-S hoshone fa m e will be one of th e head line conte.^ta In Southern Id ah o In aplte o f the fac t th a t n e ith e r team h as a n y tit le a t tU ke , Jecom e Is C lass A a n d Sha'ihnne C lass B.

Sho.ihone a lre ad y has a win over one Class A team , O oodlng, l3 -0 . and will be gunning for a second Big Seven scalp. Je rom e has4« 8-( win over G le n iu I> rry In h a lf u game played la s t week a n d «1ll be out to score a aecond w in. r ie i ity of action Is assured .. I t is expected th a t Jerom e wl^l be led by P lastlno a n d Jorgensen a n d ShosJ}one by M cCain a n d Beltia.


By U nited Press MOSCOW—A h eavy w orkout fo r

University o t Id ah o griddera was scheduled today by C oach Ted Bank as th e V andals p repa red to leave T hursday for th e ir opener a t Oregon S la te college S aturday . B ank disclosed th a t Tom SoUnsky, converted tack le , had w on sta riing cen te r position.

SA LT LA KE C IT Y — Coach Ike A rm strong today-began th e ta^k of narrow ing down U tah ’s 50-m an squad lo th e 33 m en who will leave lie re W ednesday for S a n Francisco and Sa tu rday 's gj^me w ith S a n ta C lara. A rm strong scheduled a ha rd w orkout for W ednesday a f te r which the U tes Wll e n tra in for Reno. Tliey will scrim m age In th e U niversity of N evada stadium T hursday auH hold a f inal w orkout In S a n Francisco Friday.

LOGAN—U ndUmayed by San Jo H 8U t« 'a li.O d e tw i o( Mon< l a m BU to college, th e U U h A*, glea p tiu g e d w ith renew ed energy Into heavy scrim m age today pre-

- pa ring ^ r Ih tlr d a le w ith O lrnn L. (P o f r W arner’a Flying Wpar- U ns he re K alurday. C oarh pick Rom nay scheduled l l f h l w orliouti fo r la te r in Ihe week.

PALO ALTO — a ta n fo rd ’s fniir- louchdow n-to-oiie victory scored over Uin freshm an squad yesleiUay WHS a t expense ot four p layers In ­ju red and criticism from Cniioh Cloik Shaughnes.ty today. T lie roach said h e wa-s "disappointed" in his va rsity ’s Inabllliy to break thioiigh the fre shm an forw ard wall.

BK RKKU;V - ( a llfo rn la ’s v a r­sity rom ped In ■ 4D to 7 n lii nvrr the R am blers and (be fro ih yri< terday,

PULLMAN 'llie Wn^lllUK^nn State Cougars tntrain for L<vt A n­geles lonlglit to miiflt Unlver^ltv of Southern Culirornla nn Bnturdity. Ttie last woikout was devnten en­tirely to blocklug.

C O R V A L U H -M arlln Ch»yt% o r nob Ram bo will > |rp in to the va- ra n i spo t of V eteran U o iia rd Youiice a t r iiU t U rk le w hen O re . gan f lta te 'i Reavers face Idaho H alarday, Coach Lon Hllner said.

PJUOKNE — CNhic'I i Te* Oliver of U niversity of ()rrnon Is groom ing m n k Boyrt aixl Duck Berry In kicking In the hope they can Out* pun t H al Roise o( the S a n Diego M arlnea nex t Bsturday ,

Antelope Hunters Shoulder Guns For Si^cial Kill

Pour hund red Id ah o h u n te r i v e ra head ing (or a llve-county area ‘to ­day for th e special an telope himk from A ept. 39 to 3o.

T ho h u n te rs drew p e rm lu la i l week for th e h u n t w hich was p la n - ned to reduce tho num ber of a n te , lope in B u tu . O m uir. U m W , Jef-I feraon. a n d C lark countlea, B t«i« game offlelftU est4mated 0,0 0 0 a n u i- lops w e n in Uie a r ta . too m any for the a m oun t of forage available.

NATIONAL LBAOIIK ^iUVurgh \t, anetnnkU t. CklM if* I I , SI. L e a k • .^ • • 1 ^ I . I ftw T a ili I . ' raU d alp tila I .* , th»Un t.« ,

, No game* aobadttlM in AmarloMi l* > n a .

Twin Falls BOWLINGiMerchanta* League


W ashington-Minnesota Game Holds Spotlight

By JA C K CUDDYNEW YORK. Sept. 24 (U.R)— Jimm y Phelan 's W ashing­

ton Hu.skies and Bcrnie B ierm an’s Minnesota Gophers col­lide Saturday a t M inneapolis in an encounter which features formnl ofiening of th e 1940 collegiate football season.

This t ilt between titan.s of th e Pacific CtJast'confcrence and th e Big Ten is not only a biff- be tting imbroglio, bu t also a melee th a t m ay have signifi­cance in deciding th e m yth- ical national title..

W ashington. wlUi a seasoned first eleven and excellen t resen-es, is touted as . a genuine m enace to a o u th e ra Californ ia, coast and Rose bowl cham pion. M eanw hile M lnne so la Is regarded In th e m idw est as i th re a t to Ohio S ta te 's 1030 sup re ­macy.

C om petins to r tiie natJonaJ sp o t­lig h t. with th is M inneapolis "naL- u ra l" are six o th e r excellent In ter- sectionnl brawls, th e best of which p a in M ichigan of th e Big T en and C alifornia, form idable Pacific con ­tender, n t Berkeley. M ichigan, with T om H arm on again leading the pa ck ,. Is dangerous. Bo a re S tub A llison's G olden Bears, w ith the ir v e teran backfleld powerhouse.

T h e o the r in te rscc tlona l engage­m en ts bring toge ther Boston col­lege vs. T u lanc a t Now O rleans; S outhern M ethodist vs. u. c . L, A. a t Lo.1 Angeles (F rid a y ); Te.xas vs. Colorado; O hio S ta te vs, Pittsbvirph, and S an ta C lara vs. U tah. Ohio S ta le vs, P i t t la merely r.n Inclusion th is re a r because th is Is th e second ieaso ii of P i tt 's de-cm phasls. Hence th e P anthe rs a re expected to be ea.sy m e at fo r th e robust Buckeyc.-i-

W lth a few notab le exceptions, v irtua lly a ll o the r m a jo r team s tec o ff against "b rea thers ." despite tlie perennial cam paign again st such games. Among those exceptions are T exas C hristian vs. C entenary . O re ­gon S ta te vs. Id aho , and S tanford

San Kranclsco.

Mack Says Tigers Would Be Hard To Stop in Series

PH ILA DELPHIA . Sept, 24 (U.R)- Connle M ack, v e teran msoiager of tUe Ph ilade lph ia AthJetlc.s, predicted today th a t If th e D etro it T lg e n win th e A m erican league pe n n an t the C incinnati Reds will find It "p re tty

S4S SS4 «SS 17S4

...U» t l HO SSI...,10l 140 ISH m

1!! .S! !!!

GioVli’l aurti


I_____ -.U SIJ 7I> 21t l

IDAHO E<;r, 4, INTERMOUNTAIN I4*h» S fa Pr»4ae«r«

...... ......................ISt US ISS 4t>Kuylitnd.ll ..................I ts 12& n< —WMh»rb« ...................114 108 iigMilUr ........... ...............m 100 saCrump --------------- _ U 0 *0 IS

eo4 » :i III 11(7


............. — ..... JJS 120 14t • t i lKro.r. .......................... Its IBT ISO 147ll>rWn«<t (4 l i t »1 117»»>''> ........., . V ............ I ll I II 7S inCrslf .......... -%i-.......»» IM 15& «l«

They’re In Tune With the Ones You’re

: W histling

T he liilH Itio lioyji wffi'o hiimmiiiK Hiwl u«'itrin2

[ a t th e like this «um* m er iiro nn dotiil nn "Old Hlftck .loo."

Now tho *'Mnn w ith thA Mnu.ilachr" takca the pluc»i o t' ihfi *‘iMuii

I w ith tho Muntlolin’' and here arc Uio niyl«

* h its of l-'nil in flltirtn,> tiea, hoie and hunkiiiB

t& replace tho onoi you 're woHrliiK.

H it It. profennr . , . ^ 1 boyi in th« band

M-« ready.

FallShlrtu W.OO

Fall N tckw car $1.00

Fall Hoaiary 35c


Seattle Meets Los Angeles in Playoff Finals

SAN D IEG O . Sep t. 34 (U.R)—The Los Angeles Angels w ere en rouW to Sea ttle today to m eet th e R a in - le rs In th e f in a l aeries fo r th e Coast league’s p resid en t’* cup,

’H ie Angels w on th e seven th end decid ing gam e of th e p layoff lerlcs from S a n Diego yesterday , 2 to 0, th ro u g h Bob W elland ’s o n e -h it per* fo rm ance on th e m ound ; Lou Novi- koff A ccounted fo r b o th runs, by doubling In th e f i r s t to icore on Jo h n n y M oore's single., a n d in the th ird , w heh h e hom ered In th e left field b leachers.

Sea ttle , th e league champion, enm lnated O ak land In th e ir ha lf of the p layoff. T h e R a ln lc tJ %v.i An­gels open th e ir firs t, b est four-of- seven gam e series W ednesday night.Lo.i A ngeles ..... 101 000 000—3 6 0S «n Diego ......... 000 000 0 0 0 -d I I

W elland and H olm ; H ebert and D etore.

P a i i ^ w m ^To Drawings For Deer Hunt

L arry B a sse tt a n d Bob WetzM of T ^ 'ln F a lls will go to Boise tomorrow to rep rese n t sou th c en tra l Idaho In th e d raw ings fo r the deer h u n t In M inidoka forest, It «-m announced he re today by G rover C, Davis, con­se rva tion oJIlcer fo r th is dlstrlcl.

F ive hu n d red a n d fif ty nam es »ill be drauTi fo r th e a n n u a l kill In the M inidoka forest, w hich opens en T liu rsday . O ct. 3. a n d closes Mon­day n igh t, O ct. 7.

T lie d raw ing for nam es will be held In th e offices of th e Idsho fish and gam e d e p ar tm e n t a t * p.m. W ednesday.

D oer a re p len tifu l Iq th e Mini­doka forest. W arden D avU reported. In answ er to a query.

"Yes. th e re a re loU of deer in th a t a rea—fts usual. A nd they are In th e best o f condition. There shcruld be no tro u b le ' for everyone to m ake a kill."

Dorothy Traung Leads Play In Women’s Amateur

DEL pMONTE. Calif.. S ep t. 34 W.FD —Dorothy T rau n g of S a n Francisco , fo rm er s u t e UtleHolder, today led «4 survivors of- qualify ing com peU tlon Into m a tch play In th e n aU ona l a m -

touRh to sto p th e m ” In th e world scries.

M ack w ouldn 't p red ic t a n Anxet- Ican league tr ium ph In th e series b u t aald D etro it h a s "g re a t power" and expressed a belief th e T igers would h i t th e C incinna ti hurlers.

a teu r golf cham pionships over th e Pebble Beach course.

Miss T raung tou red th e troub le ­some course In 78, tw o over p a r, a n d one atroke be tter th a n h e r a e a re s t

•competitors.' S ixty-tw o of the field of I&7 «cer> ed 93 or b e tter to c linch place* In m a tch play. E igh t tied a t 8 l fo r a chance to p lay-off. fo r th e two v a ca n t s p ^ In th e pairings.

the name was O ld when he

was young

A n h o n o re d n a m e f o r e v e r 1 0 0 ye a re .G lb io n 'e b • sm o o th , ge n ii* w h isk e y th a t goee do w n t a s l l y . N e x t t i n * t a y , “ G iv e m e O lb iO D ’e".


Cibson't Slraighl Bourbon U hhitj^K proof. Thli ub'uhty h 4 ftars oU. Tbt Gibitm DatiUint C*« N«-V«*.N.Y. •

QT.No. 137


ENJOY theof DODGE Fluid Drive

I o e A n HI(I» TINO TAKEI A HOI.inAY.You ra n s ta r t In high, d rlv t In high, il!^) high , . . and s ta r t r ig h t off aaaln-* In high w ithou t sh ifting gears,

t A TliOUAANO D fr r iR - X^T HrKRPN.You can 'drive aa alow aa oiifl tulle an hou r or aa fsat as the top f|>e«« of your car . . . a n d enjoy a -thounund d i f f a r a n l speed* In betw een . . . w itijout using c lu tc h or gearshift.

( x n i NMooniNliB o r01UPower from th e e n r in i la tran sm itted to th e rea r wheel* t h r o u g h th e Dodge F lu id D r l t t " ou ih - lon of oil." T h e n a u U ta ftlm ott u n b a l U v f t k l a amoftlhnaaa knd h m f w M r life.

Now on Display. . . and you muS1>«ee it and drive it—words can’t clescrib* it! And liere it is—ready fo r your inspec­tion! The most sensational car fo r 1941 bearing out all the fine engineering- dependability that Dodge is noted for—plus g re a t new style features which definitely m ark it for leadership in 1941. It 's on our floor now—sco it today 1 For your convenience our show rooms are open eveningsl

•Slight Ixtrt Out.

MAOELAUTOCO.Dodge Diatributors PlymoutK

Page 7: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

T u u d iy . S«pt*mb«r 1940 IDAHO EV ENING TIMES, TWIN F A H ^ . IDAHO

Lou Nova Works out Daily Under 'Watchful Eye of Nevada Warden


B f 8 E N B Y McLEM ORENEW VOBK. Sept. 34 (U^J-Lou

N o ra hM m»ao c rim e pay.N ot ft c rim e of h is ow n. bu t th e

crim w o i o thers.Fo r nearljr th ree m o n th i th e

h knd tom e ' California heavyw eight h as been tra in in g in th e N evada • ta t« pen lU n tlary a t C a n o n C ity, readying h im self fo r a boxing com eback necessitated by th e b ru -

v ta l beating he tqpk from Tony O alen to in P h U a d n ^ ia a y eai ago.

-Nova's novel, to sdy th e least, tra in in g site picked for h im by hls m anager, R ay C arlin , w hen C arlin finally realized N ova would n o t work unless placed u nder Iron discipline. U f t to hU ow n devices. Nova sh irked hLi tra in in g so C ar­lin shipped h im to C arson City a n d placed him In c h a rg c of BUI Lewis, boss of th e sU t« hoosegow and a m a n who dem ands obedl- cnce.

U was a n Ideal se t-u p . becausc W arden Lewis, In add itio n to h a v ­in g a fully-cqulpped gj-m naslum

In U\e prison, also owns Uje C ar­son City h o t springs, a h e a lth re ­so r t th a t h as been a fav o rite 'w ith a th lete* since ^ e tim e Bob P lu - slm m ons tra in ed th e re (o r his bo u t w ith J im Corbett.

C arlin told m e abou t U1 I3 a t

lln Is In tow n try ing to persuade P rom oter Mike Ja co ta to give N ova a sh o t a t e ither Billy Conn o r th e w inner o f th e f ig h t betw een M ax B aer and P a t ComUkey.

"T he w arden has go t L ou In su c h g rea t sh ape U iat h e - I s a c inch to b e a t anybody a round , and th a t goes for Louis, too. W eek a f te r week. Lewis bore dow n on Nova, w ho knew th a t If he d id n 't o b ^ orders h e ’d get Uie full t r e a t ­m e n t Lou would take th e ba th s I n i h e m orn ing and th e n go over to th e p rison for h is boxing. In th e afte rnoo n lie would go out a n d , u nde r a broiling sun, grub sagebrush w ith a heavy pick. He d id n 't d a re loaf on th e job, e ither, because th e w arden or one of his

gu ard s kep t a w atch on Lou th ro u g h field glaikses, In h is box­ing h e used th e prisoners (or spar­rin g m ates ,"

N o ra le ft Carson City a week or so ago a n d Is now a t Applegate. Calif., in th e fooUillI,? of tlie S ierra ' N evadas. doing tii<* heaviest sort o f work.

••You w ouldn 't know him a.t the- sam e N ova w ho fougUl Galento.’' C a rlin sa id "H e’s picked up 10 or 8 0 pounds In weight and- l.i-lO tim es tougher."

••How Is IjOu getting aloiiR w(th h is yogi business?" I asked,

C arlin laughed. '• ^ e l l , he^k s till a t it. Even the

ribb ing you fellows gave him for tak ing I t u p whbn he w m train ­in g a t O onu the Omnlpotent's, d id n 't shake h is faith He still spends a lo t o f ttmc swallowing a ir , m e d ita ting In u tte r fjulet. and d rink ing gallon.^ ol wrncr. B u t 1 c a n t com plain. I t seems to make h im s tro n g e r and happier."

I Ulod yogi during Uie iss i th'ree races, bu t I t d id n 't work.


hlPltuburfh »b ] * Youni. 2b B 1

Clnclnn«ll- «b r hlV

i ! IUood’n. r( 1 i 2|t• ItlllBU. t l » 2y MrC'k, Jb s 0 llV»uih.n, u 2 >Blppl., If 1 1 I Vin n»’f. If » ?Arnevleh. U < 1 I|FleUh«r.WIiMn, O ' * # 0|DiB «».. p I 0 1 SchulU.

9 0 0 0 L«lp I .niddlc. p 0 0 0 ps« li. n i i f i t 1CriCt, t( iM}-fr>. la 4 -nfrrlmer. p I ?W'Mt, (Drown. I

f«r H«lntMlm«n In z i i —Ran for 6<>iiiUi in Tlh.Cinplnmll ..........-...........- *00 I

k Pltijbur»h ..................... 5® ••" Error.! Schulli. Frer. Dtrrlnifr. W.r- b«r. Two b»«« hlU—nippl*. ^oun*. T hr^ biM kit—Youni. Hom« run—H /en. K«o> rltl<-.t-V.M»h»n. H«lM«li>i«n. I'ltUh«r, noiihle pU>-.-Di M m lo, V»g»h*n »nd r..rmi: Vnuns iikJ n»i<-h«r. WInnlasritrhcr—Kilnueltnai. LMinK pKchtr — __

D O DG ERS S.,G IA NTS 2Nfw York lb r hlBrooliljn »bM.>n.rd. cf 4 0 i n .W .- r f 4Whii-d. *b . 1 4 1 I.Wallc.r, ‘

K t •Vouns, lb I IOil, 3b 4 'RucW .a 0 IK u«.rt, Sb 0DcmaiM. r( 2o ;n .. . c «Moort XX ACucol'o, 2b I S<-humiCjL>nt

l|U«neuia. c 0 0O C«ic«r'l. 2b I I 0 Durochtr. i 0

T..U1. SO 2 l | Toll x-U .ii fur Oil in SUi.JI —lUllccl (or Wllek Jn 111

lu tu u for Hchumacl X—n»U«4 I6r Grlitom in, t i —Ran lor frank* in i t i —Hatt«d for Cat«r In

York ..........................‘ Urnoklrn .rn ......................—»- 'Ir»i Non*.'Tw» b»»« 1

Maynard, S«mI>, Durochcr. Olt. Three‘bata y hlu—Concaran. Hom<i rum —.“w la , C»-, I mllli, SInlpn ham —Whlteh«ail. Suriricca—» DcmarM, 0'l)»a, IViuhl n1ar»—Walkar • i nd Durothfr: CarUlon (una.tl»tM). Wtn-

nlrn pllchtr—Carlflon. Ix^in* p lu h f ^ I-yni!.

CUBS 10. CARDS 0 St. I.ouli >b S. Mar’n. 2b I .

.siauth'r, IMiir, lbHopp. lb

.. OIS (im 8 0 .- I

riltLLIKR 8-0, BEES 2-«r i r s l gam e: R H E

Philadelph ia Vool 010 lO J - S I I ' Bo.iton •• 000 0 0 1 1 0 0 - a I ;

P6rigajny and W arren ; fla)vo, 8u) llvan and Brrren. Broskle.

aocond gam e: R H E^ P h lU vde lph la ,000 000 0 0 0 - 0 S

B oston ............300 Oil 30x— I n .Mulcuhy and W nrren : Earley and

B errrs, ■ ,


D elroli .......Cleveland ,. New Vorh ..C hlragft .....R o itan .......lU. l.ou li . W aiihlngton P h lladelph li

C lnelnna ll . Brttoklyn .. 81. L ouli ..

^ P l lU b u r g h l |> ( ;h lfa f

AMERICAN l e a g u eW . L. Pet.

61 ^ .914„ HS. fll. m «< .M t...RO «0 .tS7,.7 6 71 .914..,e s M .436.. 62 »5 .422

B3 02 .M6

>fo.New Y erk ....BoslanP h ilade lph ia .

n ftO .656M 62 .&61)n 67 .64176 72 .5147S 76 .4t)S66 76 .46661 61 .426

By HARRY GRAYSON NEA Service Sparta E ditor

C onnie M ack said ■'something, UAual, w hen h e rem arked th a t the D e tro it c lub 's sp ir it was likely to U through .

T lie T igers appeared to have lit t le else a t tlie ou tse t c f th e Cleve­la n d series.

T hey had lost four s lra lg h i In St. L ouli and Chicago . . . the e ig h th In a row (o th e W hite Sox.

B arney McCosky a n d Pete Fo*. outfle ld ing standbys, w renched th e ir backs th e same afte rnoon a t Com lskey park .H it by a p itchcd ball. P lnkey H ig­

g in s was in th e dugout w ith a swol­le n left a rm .

A Wild th row broke F reddie H u t­ch in son 's nose as he sa t on the b e n c h .. ' . .. C harley O elirln ser adm itted Ihn t he felt 10 0 years old w hen he got up In th e m orning a n d 150 a fte r exerting him self to any g rea t ex­te n t . . . talked of retiring .

As a resu lt of an early .■icason shoulder InJurj', B ruce Campbell, In r ig h t field, cou ldn 't raise h is le ft a rm above his head.

T he Infield, leaky and heavy- fooled a t best, had Billy Sullivan, a catcher, a t th ird base.

E arl Averlll. old and slow and w ith n o t m uch of an arm . was In c en te r .field Uie f irs t day. H is p e r­fo rm ance was such th a t T uck S ta in - back, who was brought In from T o­ron to , got his first op jw rtun lty to s ta r t.

In s tc h dl.Kouraglng clrcum - .stances did the Tigers b eat th e g rea t Bob Pellor ,a n d sweep th e th ree- gam e se t w ith the p e n n an t-co n ­scious In d ian s to land sm ack dnb back In th e A m erican league cha.se.

Pitch ing a n d power resto red the b rea th of life to the Tigers^ hopes, bu t th e ir hustle d id n 't h u r t • bit. Sullivan, for examplb, w en t over

to Uie bag to g e t one ball U ia t H ig­g l e would imve ’done well to get liLi h a nds on, Irish Billy, th e back- .stop, looked like rfeil Rolfe tu rn ing and throw ing Uie b a tte r out.

In pa tch ing up h is e rlppled line­up, D eim ar Baker m ade, an Ini- p o rU n t discovery. SU Inback, h it,, ra n a n d th rew like blasei.

"You never know u n til you try ," •m iles. Del Baker.

T he D etre lt'.T Igers will no t be ruled off r«r n e t tryln'g.

Sail Jose Clul) Drubs MSC

BUTTE, M ont., Sept. 34 <U.P)—a n n Jose S ta te collegti of C allfoniln. handed M ontana S ta le college g rld ste rs a 34 to 0 licking ia a t n igh t a t B u tte high school s tud lu in be­fore 4.000 fans.

a s n Josp's (h-fli touchdow n rnm e 11 mlnutch a fte r th e opening w histle, w hen T d in r ll went over from the

,one>yard line. Cook kicked th e ex tr a point.

In tlie second period, 8 a n Jone' Kygren sco r« l on a pass from H ub- bell th a t wnn good (or 36 yards. H ubbell kicked Ihe e x tra point.

Five mlniile* a fte r th e th ird period began. Ford w en t e ig h t ya jils fo r Ban Jose 's tli lid touchdow n a f- U r linn ploys had advanced tite ball to w ithin scoring distance.' W ag­

er kicked th e ex tra point,T lio fourth period saw T ornell go

ver from Ihe MSC 3 on a triple reverse for th e S p a rU n s ’ tlilrrt counter. Cook klrkod th e ex tra j)olnl,

In th e rloslng m lnulcs o f play M lnter scored the fou rth S a n Jose touchdow n,on a uplnner.

PioneierLeamie Meeting Set For Ogden

POCATELLO, Sept. 24 (Special) —N ext buslnes.n m eeting of the Pioneer leogue will be held In Ogden on T hu rsday or Friday. nounccd he re today by President Ja ck H alilwell.

W hile rou tine business will be dis­cussed a t th e ga thering of the lea­gue direc tors, the Tw in Falls situa­tion will be brouRht up for discus- slon a n d will probably hold the spotlight.

Ow ner Bill Ulrich, Spokane, e r of th e Cowboys, 'is expected to a tten d th e m eet, a t which tim e It Is expected h e may ask for the right to remove th e franchise—probably to Provo,

I t was repo rted heie th a t several league m em bers are opposed to the rem oval of the franchise from the M agic V alley c ity—a t least until all e ffo rts have been made to retain th e club In th e geoRrnphlcal center of th e league-


U r. and M n. Carl H ollin iar on- t«rtklned aun dty at th i horn* et her iMrtnta, Mr. and kM . H, o . Ohristophenon. In Doolo, i t • blrtfl- day dhiner honerlnf M n , ChMt*r SchrD6der, Paul. O o w n « « n l»td for 36.

MIM U a tat«r and M lu rran cU H flm bernr v1t|l«d rM ently a i D u- hols with Loa'a father. Dr. 0 , 1. Baitr.

Mrs. W alltr Oaldtrwood waa taktn to thft C ottaft hospltia at BurUy 'HiurKlay for madloal Inalm an t.

^ 'I7ie TuxlA society will hold a r«L V tilar meeting TTiuraday. Sept. 36, at

Ui» Presbyterian church,Mr. and Mrs. B. 0 . OaUrhout ra>

turned lioma Moi)day fr« n Amari- cun Pork, Utaii, w het« th*y Im n ealltd (a aU«nd tha f u n m l

M lu E ithu' F f iiiia Pilday where ihfl will tpond t$w 4aya wlUi li ir •UUr6, lU U , Vvk

and & nm a Petorson, w ho are a t th e Woods san itarium .

Mrs. J a n e t Slm plo t en terta ined Friday for a group a t a quilting . A tray luncheon waa served.

" Y O U R N B I G H D O R S A Y S ” b y “ A R T ' M e C O N N E L

CD_NS1JMERS MRRKETc 7 .'7 ? 0 > H £ & A U K u i

■ M E A T S ■ PH O N

IMO C hevrolet DeLuxe Coupe —vacuum p o w c r j e a r shift, h e a te r ....................... $7251939 Chevrolet Coupe -excel­lent condition, heate r S6S0 193D Ford Coupe—m otor, body,finish good, h rn te r .....$9351938 C hevrolnt Dt-I.uxe Town Sedan—good o n d lt lo n $ S S O 1937 Ford T udor Sedan-,-mo- tor, flnl.sh, uphoU teiy good.

$3751937 ChPvrolct C oupo-m otor rrccjndllloncd. iiua- lUilsh

$4501938 C hevrolet Si>on Sedan— good condition, new finish

$3501935 Ford D eLuxe Coupe—lalrcondition ..................$2501935 Chevrolet 4 Door Sedon -m oK /r recondlllonrrt $275 1030 I’lym outh DeLuxc Coupe -m o to r , f in ish good $350 1934 Ojdsmoblle 4 Door Sedan• good condition ........$200in33 O hevrolet S t a n d nCniiiM ..................... $150lM.t Ford T udor Sedan $1$0 IMO Doilgc 4 Door Sedan

$10010.10 Ford F o rdor Bedan ( 7 9 iKfl C hrysler R oadster . $ 3 5 11)211 Ford Roudster , $ 3 5

TRUCKSinite chov ro le t s-ion pickup

4 .^perd trHnsml.islon $3$0 1037 Ford < i-ton pickup

..........................$35010.11 Ford 'i - t o n plci»up_4cyl. m otor .......................$1251036 C liavrolet 1 'i - to n t r u c k -long W ,n,, duals ....... $55019,14 C hevrolet I S - to n truck - long W.U,, s tk body

Page 8: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

Page Eight IDAHO EVENING TIMES,. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tuesday, Septem ber 24, '1940



D EtA-ER-Ctilf. l,»S8; .K.ui •u.iir!

Ho«>: iOO; ibaut lUtijr; lup U.2tl' iihMp; U.OOtl; slMdr lo wok: {prclcra

- - ------ ; iprin* e « « I* In la.ii

E G U L M J R E i f r YOIIK. S»pu 24 (U n -T h . n


lower, lop 10.Ci on l>nl I>-0 Ii> JSO pound butch<M.

CilUr: Z.'.O, l«t< icUv* IrsUa■nil m«rkft. »cak «• unrvrnly lo>v,r. numrroiu bi.l Iduho .inTi mo<l-Ir tS.SII to IH.ei, fn~lrr> lit IX.no. rilra I 0<xl in tt klllrri tH.71; to

Shwpi 1.600. Coo.1 tturkK! In Ut I»mht ■t«>dr «t It. Ute Momln c.r Boo.l lo eh>)lr* i> pnund Iilaho rllpprti •prlnsrrt,

PORTL<kN»TivF.BTOCK ronTLANl>->Ioiti: 400. icllvr. nKxlly

• (r*i)r: (cK Thc.lr<i 170 to 2IS lb. drlr«- in> (C.eo lo te.c:,.

CiUlti I7S: o lvn >1; l b . : f.w u ln• W»ij7J_ffd ilwr* »bor«


ie& U> !2i lb. ClUrnrnlu IT.2S.C»ltli: ISO; »M lb, ihorl-f.d C.U-

fori>lM 10.60.Shwp: iOO; M lt>..>)«Tfi Cilirornlu


LOS AN G ELKi^Km i l2Srm«<llum (o chole* 110 to m lb. buuh«ra t7 lo IT.SO.

C«ttl«I 1,S29: mo<t ID tr> IS,6hwi l.H l! mod 10 rholf* mrwled

U » l« __WOOL

BOSTON-A fiirir broid dtirond for (In* wooli wu bflnc nreivcd loiltjr.

Fine Utrllory wool* In orlslnal Imz> ««r ( brinslne «) to 01 c<nU •courrd Kioli for food Krtnch eombln* ItnKth* ind 87 10 83 cenu icourcd b»»U for ihorl lo ■vtnc* Pr«n«h combing l«n(th«.

Tw»l»« Monthi Tnai «ool« »tm» brlni- Inr to n r«nt4 Koarvd bull for ths itvcriif. or M to « «n u .round biilt

• for fholc# eouBtrr P»fked S «nd blod brlshl Itnrt ww>)i lold »t mround 40 cinti In tb* srraM d<ll«tr«(t


[ Local M arkets [ -------------------------------•

B u y i n g P r i c e sSOFT WHEAT

Soft wh»«t. ............ .... ......................SS.lOni rioltr Quolrdl.

Boll •h»«l .....................................tOn« dMirr Ciuoird).

OTHER «;HAIN8 • Burlfj ..........................................»0'


SuMitlfi hravy. .I,m»i,l swcl, atork firm, writirn Trlumiih miitkcl •Irmly. LI«ho llui>rta m»rk«t vrry .tr«dy wItK •llvliilr

rIcliM »<'«kr'^?r!.l"7 llu!i"fi’ ''lTMrUril..'’ 2 ran IM S ; 0 r.r. II.<0; 2 c.ri ll.S<l; I ■ howini ba.llr ili-cfH II ; II. .S, Uoi •wa.hcl 1 r«r Jl.ll.. 1 fi>r ml«r.| Um.tI IlurUnk. U. .S. onf'41.10 .nrt lllla> Trl-

................— II. C.ilorado. It. 1 M,•Tlurr, . ............................................ ii.Hly

<: Cnlnradn llllii Triumphi 1 o r tl.ifl: r II.4S: fair >iuallir 1 rar ll.2.t: I

I Norlh llakoUKf.1 nivrr Vallry

.« <iuaUl!r c-<,u.Uly i« Quality

ihowing hfit.-d an<l dfi-ay Mr; \Vi.ron>i • alrv Kffirtlvi- Monday. Srplrmliir 3

1 ^atkpt will hr ri-lMW on« hour latfi

. .. S^pl. *. ...Susar Nfw York No. !

clotrd 1 point hlshrr, •atrt 2.COO loiii. (ri>»i-


n»rl.t - lOn* d

I BUTTER, EGGS |r q.inl»dl

ItEAN^I NorlWni Nu. Ifii ilralrri (luiilfd; «n^

I'Inloa .

rinUH .



Ch-di. Ilub^J,ut.l |M>uiidfra 4

0»t>>lfhl hlltrhIMigndr ri

t>ounrl«i>|-*rklni h>a«y I’.rVIni »ow.. 11( 1,1 Bierr* ............CiilOra H|-rln|| li

f*eriBhable - Shipping

OmrtM ir m d a r « n n c r . U U m

Oh W Ih lpm enu et p«rl«hKb)e cominodlUM for B«pt. as;

Onldwdl dtitrtci — Am>lM IB, .onlwu 0, p oU tou a ^ a rro U 1.UbIw hlU diilHe PoUtofit 47, p e t i I.Twin PWU dUtrtol-PoUtoe* 10.

HAN +UANi:lS«-|l H>.t

M arkets at .-i GlancS-


n r l 'n d r i l J 'r r . . \M K «W A N ».I..MatK

Klral (iRinnII II K

iio.sioii iij:i j n (1(11 in j;i i I 'lilliulcliilila (Ni:i IMN1 M)|>-. II 1*1 j

Ili'VltiH mill IViiciMk;C in tcr (1) MpCrnliii u li 'mn1 W»k-

Klral ..........l i It K

Wii.ililiiKion . 001 DJJ (MX) n i;i j N rw Yoili aoo fXKl IllJ I n Ifl 1

J-Miimril, Mnalprsoii <1 0 ) niicl KtT- itI I ; Doniild, Huiulrn i,l) M m iihy • 1 0 ) 1111(1 Dlrkpy,HI. I^xiln . i:o lfv fltiiiil (m 0

Aiikcr niM\ KwlH; UnuWr «w l l»,vtlnk,. Hrconil fl«m rii t i f t io t i ................... , .(Mm -nI’liilnrtPiiiijift :.............. ' ;!00 a

WlUim nixl DcHdiilrl.i; lln k n in itiiil lliiyrn,

Wii«Nrfniid (ianie

New Y o rk ................................CtilrnRO nt n f trn lt, iMintixiiW

m iu . ; .

NATIONAI, I.K A dtll'Now York . . .. , . (XK) 0()f> 0 fB r o o k ly n .................. / m> n.Mt -ii (i

I^ohrmnn. Melton (ft) nmi o D om W y » lt (inrt m « k « .

OliiclnnnU nl Ht. rninn it« b u r ||I i Ki (Iliknnn, !>}hI , m ill (Only BttiUM ichcilulrd,)


K liif , ctiaaliiK kii liilnu ler, plckrtl U[i Uia nau-Ml kI hunri•nd Uirew H kt lili <iiisrry. It flniok Mid itagRrrFd him, Tti« wetpoit iumed out to |m ■ btr or Map.QusbM formerly wm known

N0W Prance,

rl. lal'I, >«a> I,ulllih. Inrlud- •,« HrliLh offrn.l,,. hlihcrmclal vrlcn. nlicaatca that

, liith* fur Ihf 1

•^'!*'^(;rtlrral'"’s"i^l""cailUay, Mobllf A OhI

; ; ? ; ; ; s ' . f iH l f c ', ; ;

Ihf Drcvliiui irolun,7,r .lropi%ed to 100,00flcitrrday.

1' , .j'Mml.lncl .M. I,

lJu.hKuK'ka llhlll.oi . Kiir.-k» I.Ill I'.,II.


NEW Y O R K C i m n EXCHANGi;Ain !.■. f i R- *...NoRnU'sA m erican S u p e r Pow er ......... 7,’IIjA'-soclnlcd O us .................B linker H m -S um vnn ................. \ 1 \Brnzllinn T r .................................... 3 '•ClIlM Servlcc .................................. :iC rocker W liceler ................... Nosnl^sElectric B ond n n d S h n r c ........... S ';Fo rd M otor. L td ........................... 1%.p u l l O il of P e n n .......................... 30%Hpcia ............................................ i . flH um ble O i l ....New M om , M lnlnR ............... No salesN ia g ara H udson Pow er ........... ..P e n n . Road ........ .....................U nited G iis C o rp ...........................U n ited LlKht A: P o w e r ,...........U tility Pow er a n d L lg l i t ....... N osales

Salt Lake Mining Stocks

First CharRc Not So Bad; 2nd Puts

Man Behind liarsM nlcotm I 'u l lm dot off rnny th e

H in t tln>i».n u t IhikImI In roiiiily Jiill w hen

n ncciiiid r lir rk ncriiiiullon wn« flird iiKnlnnt lilm tiitif nii ,}iour n firr lie wuB XIdmI on Ilia ilrn t rlinrKo,

1‘robiitn JikIho (!. A. Hnllry o rder- r<t R (Inn of in on Ihn liillliil roiint, hUH|>ei)dlllK llin liriin lly on ronitttlon lim t Piilinn puy |3 r o tiit rontn nnd initke rrnlUiillDit for n «4 rlirck by H «tiirdny. OoniplHliil rlmrtl<'<t I'nllDii w rotfl ilin clir.-k w llliout AuMlclent lin idn Ufit April at,

•Ilia dprm idniit >in<t no nomi('r gnl' t«n dow ntow n from th e routlhoii** tliM i (Irputip* iirieAt4Hl him agntn, T h ta tim e lie wii« nccuflttl o f wriUng a ll.BO rlir<k wllliniit duHlcletit n in d s Hfrpt. n. He iiln id rd guilty ngnin—nnd got 10 dny i In county Jr.ll,


niii)ri';N.Mve Inst rltc.s fo r Ivnn G coice L incoln. 50. one of tl ie 'm o s t ttklcly know n sheepm en In th e In- tcrm ountn ln we.sl, were conducted nt the sccond w nrd L a t te r Dny Sa lnU chu rc ii he re til ls m om lnR. followed by th e ded ica tion of th e

,UT a t Tv,'ln P tills cetnelerv . A p- pToxiinalrly 400 per.sons Joined In tlio final tr ibu te .

One of th e la rg e s t fu n e ra l p ro i cp.ssloiLs In T\^’ln Knll.s In m any venr.i followed tlie he'arse to th e cem ' ctcry, w here th e Brave was dedl- ra ted by Elder B. M. O ucst, and wiicrc olftcers of th e T w in Falla Elks

^lodRp conducted th e rttviallstlc rite s or the order to w hich M r. L incoln bclonticcl.

M any H oraJ T rihule# H undreds o f flo ral tr ibu tes w ert

.>;eni by friends and rela tives In nonor of the m an who was a t one tim e ft T w in P a lls county commls- .ilniier.

An official of th e L inco ln Bro.s. Sheep com pany, ^ tr. L incoln was p ron ilnen t In th e s f fa lr s of th e Id a ­ho W ool G row ers’ association lo r m any years.

He died la.st T liu r« ia y a t th e C ari­bou hosp ita l ftt So<ln Sp rings, where he swlH«Ut«l \o tin ope ra tion erni weeks brfoie.

Bl.sliop N, \V. A irlnc ton conducled th e servliTs ul the chu rch . OpenluK jirayer was o ffr r rd by E. B. l-'rec- timii, a n d the oliltuiiry wils reiitl hy Dl.^hop C lllford Tolm iin, M urlauKh.

S lifiikcrs were JMshop J. K. All- red nnd I'n '.',l(lent J. W. R lchlni. C loslns lu iiy rr wiis o ffered by Blshiip C laude Drown.

Mu.ilc WHS iiiid rr tlie d irec tion of rn, Ju n e K lrkniiin. • Mrs. Ivy Jeti'

M'n nnd M is. U ta lm a Andci'son f<nn| d u r t, "SoiiiPl line, Bom ew hrre," A

E. F ian c ls i)lini->l i« violin solo. Mi.' A tideisoii Miiiti '•(•■iicp lo I^ice," nnd M r , ,a iu l M rs M. Clllw^Qll, Mui taiiRh. haiiK II (lu rt, "W libpcrliiK Ho|>e,"

I*,i1ll>ri>rrh A cllvr imllhiMnin w cie Floyd flal- on, Ju iii' Kii kiiiaii, C lyde Hiiciiii.

ItolK-rt'niii^.loi k, H ciiry Jen.sen and Alum Wells,

H oiioniry in.llln-iircrn w n r T, M. HolK-ithoii, ,Irijv WMiii, H. 1C. I)l•l.^ , H iirrv Klc(>.'k, ,lii|in W. Clniliiim mid Nell MurKiiv.

Inlerciii'Ut inidiT llie dlici-- tlon of th e TMtii h . l l i inortiiiuy.

No Niglit-.launts For I’iiroled Boy

Edwlii lli'iilm, r ;- \n ir -c )ld Imy wlio llvr.i « t th f IcdiTiil J iinn ciiiii|), w on 't he oul ni iiti;ti( n lle r I) p. m. un less hin p iitn ili a ie w ith him .

T r n i i t of n |hiici|i' H tnnied to IlelllK) llV I’Hill.ilr .IuiIki' (1. A. Hull t y 5>iiivWViin.

T he iKiy, Im plU ain l w illi two olil e r yo iilln in H ull <i( Kidcle.-. {um piirkerl m nlor w in p iiro ln t byth e probn lr iiiiiiil-.tiiile n fle r the older rom iia iilo in w rie Klvni eouiitv Jnll M-nlnuT-. Il.uh.i niuM oliry nil lawn mill okUiuuicivi, iiiiisl «luy i\t luime iilKliln niiil iiiu'il. no t be out In ter lim n 1) |i ni ntilrMi one nr bcilli Of lil.i parn ilfl nn'i.ini.iuiy htin.

P io in n u t to 11107 u iitu rlo WRA called l)|i|>rr <;iiiiinla.

T lie land oroti|>ln<l by th e m ilita ry academ y a t W w i P o in t originally be longed to tlie U rltU h crown.


SON VALLEY. Sep t. 24 (U.PJ — Tlirec hund red U ta h a n d Id ah o K l' wniilans. con tinued th e ir a n n u a l rc ' Rlonal convention he ro to d a y a fte r hcarlni? Eric A. John .iton . Spokane, PticUlc d irec tor o f th e U. S . C ham ­ber of Com merce. lU t in d u stria l p ro - il'uctbii an ti & "Btrong c o n s titu t io n '' a.1 the m ain essen tials of n ctrong iintlonnl defense,

Jolin.ston w arned a g a in s t evi. deuces of "so ftness '' In A m ericana irxiny nnd sa id "W e've go t to kecp^ tilive th a t idea of service to a n jilPiv5_U\e pcrpctUivtloTi o! ou r d e ­mocracy—because th e d ic ta to rs are lauk'hliiK a t U.S."

He snld th a t A dolf H itle r h a d In- Killle<l In th e G erm a n people a ••biirnlng constitu tion of d iscipline. sncrlU cL -aad_ service to an Ideal"

lilch wa-s th e s e c r tt of N azi suc- c>;<. Jolin.stpn fpen t. th e sum m er 1 1939 In G erm any, • *— Johnston siild th a t adequa te n a -

llnnnl ic -B rm am en t wa.s n "colos* , nl buslne.is Job touch ing a ll peo­ple.'.’ He praU ed P residen t Roose- veU'.< policy of ca lling in Indastrln l lenders fo r de fense nld.

10 War Veterans Eligible for CCC

lere will be a n en ro llm en t of World w ar and SpanL sh -A n ici^an

veterans In th e CCC In I^nho bcKlnnlng Oct. 1 a n d endlnB OcU 31 offlrinis o f th e local A m erican. Lc- Klon p a s t.w ere in form ed today by llo incr H udclson. m anager o t the e terans ' a d m in is tra tio n n t Boise. T he Idaho quo ta for e n ro llm en t o f

vcteran.s du ring th a t tim e U 1 0 . V eterans se lec ted m u s t be unem ploy­ed and bi need of em ploym ent. V et­erans who have been discharged fiom th e CC C's 'wUhln th e p a s t six m onths tvill n o t be eligible -for re-enrollm ent* du rin g th is period. Veterans m oy be enrolled w ithou t refjard to public re lief requirem ents . P reference will, how ever, be given to vctcrfttis now receiving a id from public relief agervcles.

Because ve te ran s will be enrolled only In tlie s ta te In w hich . m a in ta in legal residence, t r a n ^ e n t ve terans m u st re tu rn to th e ir hom e .itatcs to Join.

H udekon . In th e le tte r to Legion o f f ic ia l he re , u rged th a t in terested persona shou ld w rite tlie ve terans ' a dm in istra tion a t Boise a t once. He added th a t ap p lica tio n form s w ould be fum lshefl from th a t point.


Boys Face Action for Pushing Sign Carrier Youth Through Plate Glass

S w ift MtlOQ In p r ^ t e c ou rt by juvenile a u th o ritie s today faced two you th s w ho S a tu rd ay n ig h t pushed th e sign e a r n e r of th e Id ah o th e a te r th ro u g h a dow ntow n p la t« glaas window, c u ttin g tw o a rte r ie s Id h is wrUta.

T h e sign c a rrie r w as trea te d a t Uie hosp ital «rhere h e suffe red from loss o f bl(5od a n d shock. He was "u p a n d a ro u n d ” a g a in today, police rccords.show .

T h e tw o m lnoni w ho. pushed th e o th e r y o u th th ro u g h th e window have been in troub le on previous occasions, police reco rds show. Police sa td th c t« w as n o i ta s o n for th e attaclc b u t t h a t th e . tw o were "acUng 8 ;na rt," , ^ . . . . , *

T h is a fte rn o o n officials expressed th e op in ion th a t bo th th e boys m ig h t be se n t to th e s ta te r e f p rp ^ h o o l a t S t . A nthony .


G R E A T P A l i a , M ont.. S e p t 34 (U.PJ—D elegates from 17 sta te s to the N ational R eclam ation association c onvention today nam ed d irectors a n d m em bers of tw o im portan t com­m ittees.

Selected as s ta te 'd irec tb rs ,' and as reso lu tions c o tiun ittee a n d legislative c om m ittee rep resen ta tives . In th a t o rder, were:■ O regon—R obert W. Sawyer. Bend, s ta te d irec to r a n d rtf&oluUons.-com- m lttee m em ber; G eorge N. Cochran. L aO rande , legisla tive committee m em ber.

T exas—R . E. B askin, Seymour; F ra n k R. D ay . Plalnvlew ; F rlU T hom pson , B order.

K ansas—D r. E. Po rte r Ahrens. S cand la ; C h a r le s H. Blo.«cr, Con­co rd ia ; W . M . B eal, C lay Center,

A rliona—H ugo B, Parm er. Y ums; A. R. H lpkoc, W inslow ; CnrI A. An­derson . Coolldge.

C alifo rn ia—J . R. Fauver. Exeter; H . L. H aeh l, S a n F rancisco; RolatJd C u rran , Sac ram en to .

New Mexico—E, w , Bowen, T u - cum arl; W. C. Reid, Alberqucrque; W . C, O estre lch , Albuquerque.

Id ah o —N . V. 8 h « rp . K llfr; J . M. L am pert, Boise; E. II. Nf»1. Aber­deen.

M o n tan a—O . S. W arden, G reat P a lls ; E . B. W in ter. Miles City; H. W . B unston , H ard in ,

S outh D ako ta— Joe Kollcr. Belle Fovirchc; R aym ond- P . Lunrt, Rapid C ity ; W . D. B uchholz. Newell.

W ash ing ton—Ja m es A. Ford, Spo­ka n e ; F re d C unn ingham . Spokane; E . F . B laine . G randview .


(UJ’.t—N orth Id a h o Ju n io r coucgc officials p rcd ic t£d today enrollment w ould pass th e 1 0 0 m ark this year a s classcs open ed for the term.

Trial Thursday For 3 Transients

T hree tra n s ie n ts w ill facc mlsdc- m eanol- tr ia l a t 10 a . m . T hursday on c harge of p e tty la rceny In a ssert­ed th e ft o f a b a tte ry a n d o th e r items from a p a rked m otor c a r a t F iler,. .

T h e m e n - H . C. R u d M » .^ H m e r D icks a n d Ira, DkVis—^ U adcd n o t g u ilty - in p robate c o u rt 'y es tc it lf iy : C o m p la ln rs ig n n m y -J o e T aylof. Fll* er, c laim ed th e la rceny occurred Sep t. 21.

U nable to provide th f ^ 0 bond ordered fo r e ach , th e th ree m en in th e county Jail.


ID A H O FA L IB , Ida ., Sept. 24 (U.P.> Id ah o p o ta to grojvers and stflte oS- f lclals p ro tes ted a g a in s t railroad f re ig h t r a te s today a s an in te rs ta te com m erce com m ission h earing con» tlnued he re .

C arl D eLong. s ta te public u tilities com m ission r a ta ex p ert, said potato sh ippers so u g h t a r e tu rn to pre­w ar .r a te schedules w hich would b ring a redbc tlon of abo u t $2 ,000,000 In th e p rese n t s ta n d a rd . H e po in t­ed o u t th a t r a te s "have n o t boon properly a d ju s te d " since they ra ised du rin g th e W orld w ar.

FOUNDM organ J a rv is m issed hl.s c a r a t

9:20 p. fn. yesterday . H e told offl- xcers th a t i t w as sto len .

O fficers a n d Ja rv is s ta r te d loolc- Ing for it. T h e police w en t one way a n d J a rv is a n o th e r .

Ja rv is ca lled th e s ta tio n . W ho­ever h a d s to len h is m acW ne drove I t only a s f a r as th e Cnledonla ho te l, n n d h e found I t pa rked out In fron t.

M O S I P A I J M *Because hU w ife an d fam ily d e ­

pend on h k n fo r support, and be­cause h e h a s n 't been Involved p re ­viously In a n y serldha law ln fr«c- tlon. CU fford B alnesS-JJontpeU er, escaped Jail sen tence today rai charge of stesOlng four wheels a n d tires. - ..................

P robate Ju dge C. A. Bailey fined Baines *25 a n d costa and gave Wm u n til O ct. IS to m ake payment. Since D eputy S h e riff C laude Wiley had to go to M ontpelier a fte r the m an , Uie costs b rough t to ta l pay­m en t required of B a ines to I7S.20.

T h e U ieft o ffense assertedly oc­curred Sept. 13. T ires a n d wheels were ta k e n from a tra i le r owned by J im Basby.

B aines' w ife a n d fam ily reside a t Jerom e bu t y jp jn a n is employed a t M ontpelier. -

1 STARS« A n E N D C ,O E t .

W ith two im p o rta n t issues sched­uled for d iscussion , a n d a t least Uirec na tlo n n lly -p ro m ln e n t guests

day.Tlio l.-ksues to com e before th e ses­

sion n t th e R ogerson ho te l will be th e a irp o rt a n d th e C. of C. ta riff . com m ittee w hich is to probe general fre ig h t ra te s w ith a particu la r em ­phasis on gasoline charges.

T he guests will be th ree fea tu red s ta rs of th e b ig a i r show booked for Sa tu rday a n d Sun'doy a fte rnoons a t the Tw in P a lls a irp o rt. T hey are Tex R an k in , a ce of th e troupe a n d " probably A m erica's m ost famous s tu n t flier; L au ra Ingalls, w oman pilo t who is ran k e d a s th e g reatest of fem inine fliers, a n d D orothy B a r­den, daring p a ra ch u tis t. *

Presiden t A nderson said th a t h S will appo in t th e ta r i f f com m ittee a t F riday 's se.sslon. T h e rail ra te in ­quiry is p a rt of a program liTdugii- ra.ted py S o u th ern Id aho , Inc.

A irport m a tte rs will include e n ­dorsem ent a n d a id fo r th e a ir show, and some discussion of th e fu tu re o t Uie local a ir te rm in a l. Mr. R ankin m ay o ffer vccommend&tlons.

All Swiss c itizens a re en titled to Insurance a g a ln s t 'llln e ss .

80 YOlJNO MEN...

25 Trailer Wagons

l i v a d i j T o < io !

R q u l p p r i l w i th 10 ” n r 2 0 ”

UlIBKECR riRKSA sperlal price th is w reki AUo a few niiw luid uncil auwk tru ll- rre . . , good luied slock of la Inch tra iler axles.


T h e I.Ue 8|M)I an th e T ruck U n e "

M l ro n rlh A re. W.


... In Business For Themselves

T h i s WKKK, and every wet'k, our hnts nn; off to the hustling younp; men wli,o dpliver your

paper .so dependably eacTi day. Hero is as fine and sm art a f?roup of car- vifv-v^alenmen a« c;vu In? found HervinR tlie i'(*aderH of ANY now.spaper. HriKht, courteouH and reliable, those

■ lads ar<?:>a.;'«H!dlt to tht^ir faniiliea, (heir ncWspiiper and their city—and a n>al nsaiit lo Amt'riciin citizenship. Ambitious to pet ahead they are using their spnre time to rnn newapuper mutes of the ir own, as a means of earning money, learning businoHH' nicthodH and gaining practical exper­ience HO esHointial for succesH in tho world O f tomorrow.Although each carrit*r is ntrictly an independent newH-merdiant, we do everything posHible to help him build a pi'Ofitable route aiul lieeomo a ufic- fur'youngcltizcn. In fact, all through hi« career ub a carrier-Hidesman, wo share with HIh parenl.s and Bchpfff authoriiiea a keen i)erii nal interest

in Wfl w e lfa re nnd progress, to tho ^end th a t as a 'l 'c su lt o f-h is ro u te ex ­p erience, he is b e tte r equ ipped to fo rg o ah ead in w hatever line o f w ork he ndoptH in a d u lt life.I f th is is tho so rt ojf H uccess-trainlng y o u r O W N ’teen ago son w ould e n ­joy, adv ise him to apiily fo r a new s­p a p e r rou te , to o u r C ircu la tion D e­p a rtm e n t, T h ere a re UNually m oro applicantH th an routes avallal)!e, b u t boys w ith ch a ra c te r and a b ility a re g iven p ro fc re n ^ .

C opyrigh t IMO iiy The New»|mper Boys of A mertos, m o.




Page 9: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

T m id ty , 8«pt«m ber 84,-1940 IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO P «y Nfail-' ■ ■ : s g ^ = s g - 1 I - , ,■ ■ ■ -------------- ------------ , , . 1. 1 1. .^

Get rid of wash-day blues. See Business & Professional Directory adsw a n t a d r a t e s

r o t pubU atloQ in Bolh T W B a u t i NEWS:


T h r te i v % p t r a a * 9 t T Am j — J»« o n . dW . pe r U " --------^

......... , 33 1 /3 DiscountF o r Qash

C ash d iscounts allowed U advertise- „ e n t b paid fo r w ithin seven days

' of t i n t im e rtlo n .N o classified rA taken fo r less tb u i BOo Including d isc o u n t L ine of classified advertising com* put«d on basla of flvo m edium - leng th w ords pe r line.



IN JERO M E L cavaA ds a t K i t W R oot Beer

IN RDPER*r Leave Ads a t ResW ence ol

M rs. Id a W heeler. 713 B St.IN BtJHL f.

Leave Ads a t JQsUn’s S hell S uper Service SlaO on.

300 B roadway S outh

X hls paper subscribes to th e code of e th ics of th e A isoda tlon of News­paper C lassified A dvertising M an-

• tg o rs and reserves tjie r ig h t to edit o r re jec t any ' classified advertising -BilD ds Ads" c& nylng a N ew s-T tocs Box num ber a re sttJctly confidential a n d no Inform ation c an be glvAo Is

. rega rd to th e advertiser.E rrors should be reported im m edi­ately. No allow ance w il l ’be m ade

, fo r more th a n on# incorrect Inser* tlon.



O s t e o p a t h yOsteo • bone

Paiheia, from Pathos—suffering

BED hug fum igation . T . P . Floral.

' BEW INO. a ltera tio n s, re lln lng coata. suits. E dith W illiams, 735 M ain B.

CLASS a ltera tio n s, dressm ak- ’ing. Mrs. V an A usdcln. Ph . 1034.

D OROTHEA’S Rcst Home. Inval- Id s-e ld e rly . Mod. rate s. 0188-B3.

AMERICAN D ry C leaners g u a ra n ­tee you h igh quality repairing a n d a ltera tions. 410 Sho, W . Ph. 377.

QNLY a n e x p ert fu rr ie r Is qualified to rem odel, repa ir , clean and glase your fu r coat. Reasonable,

TH E FU R SH O P P h . 413

lOc JU M BO (24-oe.) m alted mUks. H am burgers Itk:; 1 -ft. long ho t dogs 10c. L arge d anca floor. T he p e te r P a n , acroes from Scott's.


GOOD THINGS TO BATCtrCUM BERS. E. E ., C rab tree, 577.

CONCORD grapes. OOc. 0197-R3.

O RA PES, B ring cont. 181 Sidney.

R IP E E m m ett .Concord grapes and prunes. Public MkL 400 BI. Lks. N.

“A form of trea tm en t based u p o n the scientific m anipulation of the bones, s u p p l e m e n te d by other manual m anipulations, with ,the idea of restoring, facili­ta tin g or i m p r o v i n g the functions of the b o d y .”—

■ W ebster's Twentieth C e n ­tury Dictionary. • >

For a list of osteopathic p h y s i c i a n s co n su lt'-th e “Business and Professional Directoi-y.” .



4-RM . mod. except h t. Enclosed porch. iSa 4 th S t. N. P h . 419.

ao T O 30 acre fa rm la n d on K ing H ill project. T ak e c a r o r stock do«-n paym ent—te rm s on balance. Bo* 12. News-Tlmes.

New 5 - ih .r o o d . hom e, fu ll base* m e n t , u n g e . Blue L akes Add. C onven K fT term s. P h . 2145.


OOOD 160 A. In p re tty good -sta te of cu ltlvstlon , fa ir buildings, unexcCIlrd w ater- rig h t. >35' a n A.

A good 60 $40 p e r acrc.A few 40's ns low as >35 pe r A.

BO close to Buhl. Low price . T h c » bargains .w on’t la s t long!

OO OD T ERM S ON ALL C. A. Robinson. B ank i t T ru s t Bldg.

MODERN TW O -A PT . O W SLLIN O Priced rig h t for quick sa le l Stoker

—a ir conditioner. P h . 3041.

CHOICE building site, B lue Lakes Add. S nap for quick sale. C. A. Robinson. 117 Shoshone S .

. BU SIN ESS LOCATION M ain Ave. East—lo t fo r sale or

w «\ bviild b u sin tss buUdlng to su it te n a n t. ‘ M ain Ave. E . or Second Ave. E . See B ert Sweet.


33 A., weU Imp. »4000 down. 1 ml, N, W W. o f 5 S ts . J . H, G a r r i s o n ^

BEAUTY SHOPSBNRIQUETA Vazques will be perm ­

anen tly located a t MRS, PAUL HARMON’S B eauty Shop, 327 4 th Av. E. Ph. 884. P e rm anents M up.

A R 'n S T IC BEAUTY SALON OU perm anen ts »1.80 up; P h . 199



LADY w ants w ork 'o f any kind . Ex- per. In cafe or ho te l. 112 Ramage,

O IR L , 20, w ants steady hou-M^ork, E x p d , Stay nlght.s. Box 85, H an ­sen. ,

COM 'L trucking anywhere, also wood for sale, Swanson, N„ »4 W. 5 Pts.

HELP w a n t e d —MEN

Men W anted — A ircraft If you a re U. S. bom , good hoalllt,

18 to 38, a g o ^ paying Job awalUi you a fte r qualified 1 m onth shop trn ln ln s . M ust be able (o flnancc tra in ing co.nl. For personal In te r­view write Box 14, N ews-Tlmes

ROOM AND BOARDL 461 2nd Av. W. 1248;J^

m.'120 6 th Ave. N.

YOUNG working couple o r 2 young men. 1530 Kimberly Rd.

H OU SEK EEPING ROOMSNICE rm .. sha re kltclien. Ph . 762.W.

FU RN ISH ED ROOMSRM.. 1 o r 3 iQdlcs. 138 6 th N.

VERY choice 160 A. ran ch . B ee.. maU route, deep ion . P h . 1736. T J '.

160 A. n e a r T . F . nearly a ll good land . com b, row crop a n d stock farm . 1160 p e r A. K . L . Jenk ins.

14 ACRES close to T w in P a lls . Well Im proved. A ddress Box 17. News- Tlmes.

140 ACRES, 4 rm . house, deep well, barn , g rana ry . 90 acrcs lu hay . Close 10 town. P rice WO per A.

40 acres In K im berly d is tric t. P a ir Improvements. G ood soil. In c lu d ­ing horse.t, c a ttle , fa rm e q u ip m en t

46800. M ortgage $2600.3 ROOM house a n d porch . R eal buy.

J750, Cn.sh »2G5,2 'i ACRE trac t, 4 rm . house. T u ll

r rm n n basem ent. Close In. Price SICOO. Som e term s.

D cW IT T a n d M U LLIN ER 123 M ain E as t Phone 427


RANCH SACRIFICEEQ UITY of »8000. b a lance of sam e

am oun t 'Federal Loan, 160 acres located Dulil d is tric t, paved h ig h ­way. Ideal d a iry farm , n e ttin g fcnced and cross fenced, c o n tin u ­ous running w ater, h a lf in a lfa lfa , w hile clover seed, a rtich o k e ; good 4-room house, ou tbu ild ings. O w n­er's h e a lth forces to sell w ith in 10 days. Will Include a ll fa rm m a ­chinery-. cow, 4 horses, 14 brood sows, 160 cwea lo lam b J a n , 1. Possession Nov. l . A ddress Box 344. K im b erly .'


FO R SALE or e x c h a n w :^ lm p . WO A. sou th Idaho dairy o r stock ran eh . 160 A. irr iga ted a lfa lfa, T aylor graz ing rights. P len ty w a­te r. P rice |10.000. T ake sm all farm o r acreage a s pa rt. W rite Box 7, NewB-Tbnes.

POTA’TO so rte rs a n d pliers fo r sale. G uaran teed In every way.

K REN O EL'S s h o p


IM T H E U N fT E D S T A T E S IM T H E O 4 « c > .^ / /N O A S ,


A A A D A G » / » ^ C A R . B V /K S E A C A P > X A IfN l.-



THAT NO OTHER C ) c r b At u r e s h a v e

t^ e Olty and O o u n tr 'o t Twin F tU t. Id aho , h a s been appointed a s the tim e and place for tiroTlng th e Win of said C harles Broekstedt, deeeued , and fo r hearing th e appUcaUon of O. W. Q lu lc fo r 'th e issuance to h im ol le tte rs o f adm lnlstraUon w ith the will annexed, w hen and where any peraon In terested m ay appear and co n test th e sam e.

D ated Septem ber 14, 1940.C. A. BAILEY.

P robate Judge, ex-offlcio clerk. '(SEAL).Pub. 'Times S e p t 14. U , 34, 1940.


ANSW ER: F la v O the r crea tu res hnve scales and gills, b u t true fins «re possessed by fish alone.

1ST class I n te m 't ’l pow er sp u d d ig­ger. Reas, priced. F irs t place across H ansen bridge.

CHAMPION po ta to d igger, good condition. R ras. p riced. 10 m l. E. of Jerom e on H lway. E. E. M axwell,

i. P riva te c n tr. 311 Add. W.

MOD. n n . outside e n tr. t l ? . Ph. j2 6 .

W A R U rm _ board optional. 390-W.

60o U P. A vant Hotel. 151 3d Ave. E-

N IC E com fortable room. 321 2nd N.

R M . stoker. 411 3d Av. W . Ph<l535.

LG . db l. rm .. fu rn . h i. 637 M ain E.

Business and Professional.



Phone 72J3—we pay phone calls.

Baths and Massages Money to LoanSU -W ell. S3S M am W. Phone 155.

Bicycle Sales & ServiceBLASIUS CYCLERY

Bicycleo for RentQLOYSTEIN-S - PH O N E.509-R

1 LO . fro n t rm . Also' rm . w llh prlv, show er. G lassed-in sleeping |>orch w ith alcove. 207 6th E. P h . 3230.

Carpenter WorkExperienced. R easonable. Ph. 1850W

U N FU R N ISH ED HOUSES ' rem odeling. Rens. Ph.-lflSO-W.

PA R TLY rum . 4 rm . 150 Bl. Lks, N

2-RM . house. Inq . 6l3 M ain N.

3 RM S. Close la . Inc). 301 Locust.

3 RM S., ba th . Clo,sc In. Ph . 328 or 07,

a p p l e s , p runes, tom atoes. Concord Krape.i, sa^ck coal. M arke t g ask et. & PU . M ain east. E. O . Raines.

ITAI.IAN P runes, 60c, M cIntosh (ipples, 50c. T om stoes fo r cdimlng.

< th v ih M ain F ru it M arket.

' PRUNES a n d npples. Bu. o r tn ick load. K ollm cyer ranch , 3 ml, E. of N. E. co rnc r Uvihl.

OUAPEU, flOc, w in ter p esrs 69c t<i tl.09, Delicious t)8c, JonaU m ns 7Dc, O lh rr frull.s, Marold'n Mkt.

t W IN TER Biinitna, D elicious, O rlm es • Oolrtrn, .Innalhun appW . Bu. or

iriirk load. I W., *. S. KImb. H. S.

M flN T O a il npiilrs and prunes now icndy n t tli r E, l,. W onacolt O r- rliiirdfl, 3 nil. 1C. on U. 8 . 30, ‘,i ml. H. Phoiin U492-J3.


\)wtl»ess Ei^gtisl' *>nd I fl te r w riting, T . P . Bus. Univ.

I.OST AND FOUNDLOHT: C hild strnller. 0394J13.

I.OflT; m a rk and w hite English M t- ICT, "a e ls le r . Tw in l^ ls , Ida.," ta - toood In le ft ear. Rownnl. Ph. 1404.

BIR A Y E D n r s to trn : M sle Ilnston hull pup, 4 nuiA, old. llrlnd le will) w hite one aide of none. Answers 10 "Pug." Itewnrd.Afil D urley, Lee Rooms.

H E L P W ANTED—WOMEN5 RM . mod. house. G arage . P h . 3.


STANDARD service sUtlOii lease on Hy. SO. R upert. Ph. 287. ’1-win Falls.

HAI.E o n RENT—S(rv , slu,, confec- llonnry, soft drink pnrlor and Bur* B, q . Fully etjulpped. Good busi­ness. In tfood pay/oU town on Hy, 30. W olfe's D sr-B .Q , G lenns P e r­ry, Idaho.

W A N T E D -M an or ltd y to opera te local tsusln«M, G ood itcady in ­come. No selling. 1850 cash Invest­m ent, secured. For Interview s ta te •ge and occupation. W rite Box 18. N e"'i-T lm es.


a COMPORTABLB rma. S4S a Av. W.

STR IC TLY mod. a ir cond. large double ap t., p a rtly furn ., w ith w ithou t garsge . P lesnant |i

233 2nd Ave, N.


FU RN ISH ED HOUSESTW O room house. P h . 134JW..

Q RM. mod. 7th Ave, E. Ph. 503

i-RM. mod. on 6 lh Ave. K. Ph. 1211


100 to 300 A. Imp. fa rm o r ranch T. P. trac t. Kxp’d. fa rm e r. D eil cr|Ul|). Ref's. Box 16, News-Tlmes.

HK.SPON8IBLG p a rty would like lensn well Imp. 30 or 40 A. farm ror m ill. Box 413, Filer.


F t rd P. D ates—NorU ten Life Ins Co. Peavey-T aber Bid*, ph . U79


Rest ra te s a n d term st

ChiropractorsDr. H. W. Hill. 138 M ain W. P h . 1243.

Coal and WoodPH O N E S

Jof Aberdeen coal, moving transfer McCoy Cool 6t T rsnsfer.

Curtain ShopsCustom d ra|> cry(^ rv lc« . C u rta in A

D rapery Shop. 464 4th E. Pli. 662

Floor SandingFloor sanding. H. A. (lelder i

Old snd new work. FR E E estlm stes Fred P feirie, Phone 1806-J,

Health Siervice

$15 AND UPon your c ar or fu rn itu re

Paym ents to su it your Income.LOCAL COMPANY •

W ESTERN FIN A N CE CO. N ext to Fidelity Bank

$25 to $1000ON YOUR CAR

UP T O 18 M O N THS T O REPAY C on tracts re llnanccd—prl.vatc sales

flnanccd—cnsh advanced

Con.sumei's Ci-edit Company

(Owned by Pacific F inance)


M o r i u m e n f f t

Jclll.ion Co. 435 M ain E . 430-W.

Osteopathic PhysicianO r E J M iller. 413 M ain N Ph ID77

Dr. O. W Roee. 114 M ain N. Ph, 037

Planing Mill



G ra in sto rage and seed clean ing (iagB—Burlaps a n d s c a m le u GLOBE SEED St FEED CO.

FO R SALE: P a ll p astu re U fed a f once and 80 acres of bean straw . 2 ml. W. of S. P ark , call Sun.. Mon., or T ues. Lewis M anly.

100 TON hay. 160 acres p astu re , 24 acres beet tops, to be fed In Ideal feeding lo t on place, 4 ml. So. of depot. Ph . 0386-Jll.

CUSTOM. GRINDINGG rind It w here it growsi

MORELAND M ILLIN G 8B31VICE. P h . 318, Filer. Ph. colls o ff grinding.

SEEDSSEED H YE for fa ll p lan ting , In te rm o u n ta ln Seed St Fuel Co.

Phone 130 T w in Palls, Idi


O rder now for fall p lan tlng l GLOBE SEED Si FE E D CO.

LIVESTOCK FOR SALELO TS of pastu re . D am m an . 0280J1,


1 0 ft. X 1 6 - f t. g a rage bldg., new shingle roof, several Inside house doors, door fram es. 138 W a ln u t

ELECTRIC m otors, puU eyi a n d "V ” belts.



A -l Colonial c ircu la to r. 630 3d Av. W

GOOD range, |15 . 139 '4th A re. N.

'8 -P IE C E w alnu t d in ing -room set. ■ Cheap. 161 A ddison.

D IN IN G table, c h a irs ; % bed . com­p le te ; he atin g >tove; 361 H arri-

35 USED coal h eate rs , fro m >« up. T erm s. R obert E . Lee Sales Co.. 396 M ain N orth . P h . 303.

ENAMEL k itch en range w ith w ater coll. ho t w ater ta n k , b reak fast set, c ircu la tor. P h o n e 719-R.

RANGES, c ircu la to rs a n d heating stoves a t b a rg a in , prices.


RADIO AND MUSIC8 T U BE b a tte ry rad io cab . 0381-J4.

00 F E E D E R PIGSWT. 65 lb. average. To le t on smoll

%. W rite P .O . Box 344. Kimberly,

POULTRY FOR SALEFR Y ER S, m ilk fa tten e d . Ph . 0285J3.


NA l-URAL H E A L llI^ Y S T E M Rebuilding • Reducing Pevertherm - M assage

Kelleves A rthritis, N euritis. Ittieu- m slbm and C hronln (IlsOid^ii'

S tay young - H ealthy - Vlgortnn A. II. WVr^Ueln; m v iB. 130 Mulii N.

Job Printing■ ^ a i -It y I oI T p r i n t i n g

le t te rh e a d s ''. , . Mall Pli'cri BuMiim s C ards . . F n ld rn

Siatlonery -nMES and NEWS


I n ^ t t c l l o n


InturtmcePcRvey-Taber O o , 'ln o . Phone 'toi

YO UNG m an w anU 1 o r 3 m en p a m . to IxM A ngeles Sep t. 37, R^f. P h . 97R3 H aM lton.

W ANT ride to r > to G ra n d Junc tion or R ifle, Colo, S ltare exp. Ph. 3U BuJ»l o r 410 T . I*.

BEAUTY SHOPSEI.NORA D lokard B eauty Bhop UO

m ue.L akaa Ph . U 7U » r t . W app t.

OF.ffUlNB oU perma., »IX)0 up. WorK* guaran tped . b o M ain N. Ph. 14WJ,

!>^ E R M . apooUl:------------ - -------- y Baton, I -

Pli,-lUI.. 14. M , M . u Klmbarljf l id . P h . 1747, m er a n d O ra ea Welle.

B P E dlA t. U wave for M M ; M and |A wave# S price. Id ah o B arber i t B eauty Bhop, P h . 434.

RRDKC, fro n t ap t. 310 6th Ave. 1

MOD, 1 rm . Adultn. 310 3d Ave, N.

NIC E mod, l- rm . 736 M ain N,

a-R M . h td , 433 Sd AV. B, lOTS-M.

M OD 3 rm upt for 3 ai9->rd Ave N.

3~R M a, bsUi. plone in. Ph. 03a«lu.

JOBTAMEKB inn . P h . «M. QaaU 071

APTS. The Oxford. 43« M alo N orth.

O LIA N ; oom fort«ble. qnlB tr IW IC - U ra ap t. Call k i Apt. i f , CalU:

lA pu . in 3nd Ave. W, Ph . I«M.

ROOM. AND BOARDR t l . a n d M . M l t n 4 Av*. N.

WANTICD: Young lady to s h ir e love­ly furn , room. 300 OUi B.

IVi% U a ll L«nd Bank borrowere •re currenU y p k y ln g ,. Why pay mure? Sea N atio n al' M i n Loan Office a t 113 Ave. 0 . In T . F.


...........house, stoker. 3 baths,good loca. P h , a034 o r 44B.

U M H, m od. wUh 's to k e r. Also 4 rm s mod. excep t h e a t. W rite Box 1 0 . N ews-Tlmes.

Bclisilfl Key Sliop. 130 Snd S t south. lU rk o t Id ah o Dept- Blora.

7-liM . house, new roof, mod., cep t heat. Close In. New double garage, 13500, P h . 3009J evenlnfs.

B-room m odem hom e n i ih >- room a p t. P lrep laoe, stoker H as i lota. R xcelleni buy, term s. J , B, R oberU eind ft. B. KM utm ;Ph . M3.

BKALEP * n d M p a ra U bM a-fer-«aah sa le a n d ramoTBl Inr D m . 1st }N 0 of ft rm , f ra m e houM , varM*>

. antaU th*d . a n d o u t tun u e w llib e aeoepU d o n oe be fo re noon G oto-

03#0-Jft. ^ - j - . o f _ t n i i ^ K null B apU st c h u rc h . T he rlglvl to t* .

, U ln td to re je c t any o r tU b td i,

. K Itnlierls, rep. la rg est exriu 'lv r lirnllli. acc lilen t com pany in world. 332 Mnin Av, N, P h o n e ft03.

Key Shop

W e m ake sash , duore, screen.'), cnbl- neta, coun ters—a n y th in g ot wo«i T W IN FALLS LUM BER CO.

P hone 643-

F o f * 1 1 g riie ra l bu ild ing ninl pluiiinu mill work neeA .D iito o th & S o h h , ;I7H-\V

Plumbing and HeatingR efln lte W utcr S o fteners; oil tiurn-

ing w m er he a te rs Abbott l’Uirf>.

Radio RepairinfjPO W in .L ,R ad io , 163 2nd Avenue .N

RestaurantsOoo<l 25o 'm enls . soup, n itf ie

M ldgrt Coffee Uh())>, 340 M ain Av. W

EA T a good m eal a t Cnleclonlu lloK l Coffeo Shop, 3&0. 0 |)o n nil n lu h t Rooms, I I U|X 301 Uhoshonn Moulli.

Shoe DycinffIDAHO Shoe S h ln » - a l l colors

Shoe RepairingSpecial prices for Hept. Rertiurd

prIreA nn a ll shoo reim lr work. T , F , Hhor R epair, 133 Hlio W.

Laundrlt*ParU lan L aundry. Pboo* a u .

Money to Loan

S ea J . K. tw lUM l onhumes or builO M t property U>« ra ta s -^ u lo k aarflo*. IM M ato B.

CASH LOANS $5 to $50

CAHU C R B D IT GO. lUns. 1-3, O u^kholder B ld i. P h . 776.

TrailersT ralle ra for renL 361 F ou rth Wnat

T ra ile r n o u s e l Q em TValler Co.

H IG H E ST prices pa id fo r your f s t chickens and tu rk e y a Independ­en t M eut Com pnny.


W IR E ha ired pups 3 mo., ellglbla for reg is tra tion , 1 6 8 JeffersoM M '.

3 MALE D aschund pups, 0 mn«. ElT giblo for r«g, T. F. V et Hwii.

PU R EB RED Po lnU r pups, Jusi rlgh^, to tra in th is M ason. Ed Jennings a t 161 4 th Ave. N. P h . 881.


BASS, sn a re d rum s. 643 3d Ave. W.

dltlon.D um as-W am er M u ^ c Oo.

Elka- Bldg. P h . 601. Est&b IS Yra.

AUTOS FOR SALEMOD A roadster, excel, cond . 3006.

'3ft 4 d r. sedan T e r r a p la n e .......... t34S'36 Coupe 'P errap lnne ................... 1366’3B T errap lane . rad io , heate r.See ’41 .P lym outh now on display.

Ual&ch M otors 306 Shoshone W.

•38 FO llD 4-,dr. sedan 1480............. :...»4'»6

.W fchev . sW an , very good ........$ ^6coiiiM* .. 1375

WOODY SEA L M OTOR CO.130 3rd Ave. W. P h . 088-R

T h e W ayne Sorenson and fam ily has moved to Jerom e w here Mr. Sorenson Js In business.

M onday n igh t th e A m erican Le* ' glon elected officers fo r th e coming year. T hey are com m ander, L* U a r Sim m ons; a d ju tan t. Sam V ance. Jr.J o in t InsU lIatlon w ith Eden will be > held O ct. 7 in th e Legion h a ll -a t H aselton.

Mr. and Mrs, 8 . E . V ance. Jr., a n d son. Sam . left W ednewlay lo r W ash­ington. D. C., and Boston, Mass.. w here Mr, V ance will serve a s dele^ gate t o ' the Legion na tio n al con* ventlon. They will visit In W ashing* ton , D, C„ w here M r. V ance h a s * b ro ther living, and will a tten d th e N tw Y ork la ir . T hey expect to be gone abou t tw o weeks.

O scar Flnkelberg left Sa tu rd ay for Thom pson Palls , M ont„ w here h e wlU stay for a week w ith h is b ro ther, Bob Flnkelberg, before go­ing on to Moscow w here he , will a t - - tend th e U niversity of Id ah o th is year.

E lla MAy Sum ner. George U lte ta- ' e ll and Mrs. W ayne Sorenson, a ll o f H aselton. a re p a tien ts In T w in P a lls hospital.

M r. and M rs. W . H . K irkpatrick . Sherwood. Ore., a re visiting th U week a t the CU rk Brooks hom e. M r. an d M rs. K irkpatrick are th e p v - en ts o f Mrs. Brooks.

iriieo Adams. G resham , O re.. to n of Mr. and M rs. Jo h n Adams. H ase l­ton , w as in ju red in a c a r acc iden t near G resham recently . M r. a n d M rs. Adams le ft for B aker C ityw here Theo U In a hosp lU lr a n d -----re tu rn ing Sunday.

V ernon Clough, w ho h a s b e tn sta tioned w ith th e f if th a ir -base, squadron a t H am ilton Field. CalU.. visited je la tlv es and friends l a B a i- e lton before reporting to h is new base a t S a lt Lake C ity w here h e h a s been transferred .

T h e enrollm ent fo r th e p resen t year a t Ihft-H aielton school U JiSit— an even hundred.

S upt. and M rs. W . W . B tokesberrr and daughter. Elsie M ay, spen t th e w eek-end In CaldweD.

Rev. and Mrs. Q A . Hawley a re In Salm on C ity th is week tW U ng re l­a tives a n d triend*..

C a the rine H om an, Jerom e, a niece of M rs. A rthu r Balsch. will spend ~ th e w in te r a t- th e Balsch hom e.

H erbert Forbes, son of W . a n d M rs. H arry Porbe*. le ft T hu rsday for Los Angeles w here h e will e n te r a trsilnlng.8ChooI fo r a ir p i lo ts . .

T h e high school stu d e n t body haa eleet«d th e following officers: p resi­den t, W ayne Poole; -vlce-presltlBnt. E dna L ehm an; secretary a n d trea s­urer, Ju n io r B a lsc h ,,

M r.’ and M rs. CecU H arris, t e a d .S. D.. a re vlslthig a few days w l ^ f riends and relsUves here . M r. H a r \ r ls Is a nephew df W. U O o p e la n d .\^

Real E sta te TnuisferBtn te m a tlo B fom tabed by

Tw in ra lle TIUe and AbMrae* O em p u y

’Tueaday. Sept. 17D eed: N, J . H effelflnger to J . W.

H uber 1338, Lots 4. 6. Slk. 113, Buhl.U a s e : D. 0 . Blakeley to F le tcher

Oil Co., p a rt Lot 11. Blk. 39. T w in Falls.

P ee d : H, E. H am m erqulst to M.B. H am m enjuU t, 11, Lot 6 .7 . Blk. 30. Filer.

P ee d ; A. L. Swim lo D. E . U ncoln, i r . Lot 68, Buena V U u Addltlotl.

P e e d ; W. F . Cate to B. B. Peck 110. LoU 6, 6. Blk; 129, ’Pwln Falls,

D eed; A rthur L. Swim Si Co. to W.F. Gree-n 110, Lots 28. 36. Blk. 13. Blue Lakes A ddition West.

W ednetdar, Septem ber I IDeed, T rl-S U . Lbr. Co. to W, L.

Fcnm ater. 110, L o t 13, Blk. 1S3, 'IV ln Fulls.

Deed, K. P e lt to A, G, Benoit. I I , Lot 1 tiiid 3. Blk. 181, Tw in FalU.

D e«l. E. E. G reen to L. R. G ood­rich, I I , s w a w P t, Lot A; 10, B, 16.- Deed, L R, GtKXlrlch to S. E rlk-

»i, a w s w P t. u t 6, 10, B, a


D EER rlflee fo r sale. P h , 1713,

H U NTIN O perm lU D am m an 0386j T

lJ^R O E slse boys’ bloyole, new tires ftnd bars 117,60, o r will trad e for or buy 38-ln, g irl's o r boy 's bicycle nr a sm all g ir l’s O . G reen . 627 Bth N . Buhl. P h . 161-R,

L ADIES' diam ond ring . «36 Mitln N.

TiipewrUersSalea, ren ta ls a n d servloe. Phone Of,


ley r u ro , UO aod e

U piiolslorlnii a n d R epairing T hom at* T op a n d Body W orks

T a e u u m V i ^ i

V aeuum rep a ir , Now Royals, re- bullU . V. U MUes. UO Dl. U s . P h . 11I7.* .

Woodworkino Machinery

■ M i a JuoH , ttouM . HO M ain a

A U T O M o p tU ; G U A sa l-hoiqeta Top. Uody W orks

FO R field a n d onion bags, rain ooaU, overshOM. qullVfi. Id ah o Ju n k House,

LnoiLiaB X I«h.4uok iMfti . . . jU . oompl. w ith a ttM b -

m enta lo earry on eadan. 1 ^ . I tN .

ARMY shoes. t«nU , ti r p a , rum lturiL

LA RGB MtUmaUo eoal stoker, tieed doors, a-Oxe>« and a-0lT«0, C up­board*, o\vpl»oard door* fctwt h a rd -

, w are. J , ‘J , New berry Bldi.

Deed. W, H, H ollow ay. to L, L. Holloway. I t , SEN S 37 10 18 (part) .

Deed, H. W, Barry lo R, P , Wil­son, 1160, L ot B, Block 0 . Barry'# subdivision to Buhl,

D eed, J . P . Olsen 16 W. 0 , B t t- ley, • ! , 1^1 10, Block 3S, K im berly.

Deed, R. c . F a it to J . W. CustU, 810. L ot 6, Block B6. BuhL

TRUCKS AND TR A ILERSX 18 T R A IL ER house; w arm built, 176. H . Nice, Box 383. n ia r .

K X 0S P T 10N A U .y weil b u lll tra ile r house. Phone 643.


LEGAL ADVBRTISBM 8NTBN o -n c i v o f t

THE TIME APPO lN TifiPrO BP B o y w Q w i u u

In th e Prplijflr,‘O en rt O o M n lfiW tio .

m tht'iM M v ot to h M l i l i r a ik i U d t .

w tSSfirtfiin^thrw ShBeptem bv. 1»U ; M tM e 4 i l lv mot 8«p(«l|lb*r. }N 0 . Bk t w ...........A. m, Ot MM dMT. ^ th e OourlRM n of sAtd C ourt, a t w oourU iouM in

T hursday, fl r IB

Friday, September M Lease, R. Haley to B. Haley. J r ,

B H 8K 38-10-11.Deed, F, Pu lton to O . T hie lten , |1 , -

I<ot 8 Pur|)ose,Deed, L, F rasier to M. P .;tU ro e l|. „

810, I>ot S Blk 1 Aslitoit M d n . - Deed, E, M. W hlU to X. ^ fijo r-

ling . I t . L ot O Ot L o t t Blk M T , V.D eed. 1, A. P a tte rn to U . B. Cm -

U r. I I , BBBW 7-10-lS.Deed. P . G ergen lo P . Law. l W ,

L ot ■. Blk, 141 T . r . _ .D eed. B. R ogers to R, 0 , ifeH tlM .

L o t • Blk laTi^y and A ddo to B uhL

Page 10: BRITISH, NAZIS IN GIANT AIR BATTLEnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · jninfd Ut« co«it arUUei7. ACOSrTKD B.OaTON-U took him &0 years, but

PaBe Ten IDAHO EVENING TIMES, T W IN 'F A L L S , ID A H O . T u e ^ V . S a p t t m b e r 2 4 , 1 9 4 0

Plans Ready for 111th Mormon Gathering iB E B le B A N


• B y ftiraR A Y M O L E R SALT IMKE c m - , Sept. 24 lU Pi-

P u n s were belnR complctwl toclfty I w the in U i seml-M imml coiiJcr- cncc o t thp L attfr-D ny Sftltiw• MofinoiO c liureh here Oot 4, 5 nnd 6—* confcrfnce bovimse of (he liitemRtloiinl sm m iloti. will iiny floscst ivttentloii to donirstlc adftlM.

T he fftH con(erenc«i a ycur oro. held • m onth rvfter outbrenk of the European wnr. foniul nioM rliu rrli f tu th o rltlf ' doiiouiicliiis' war aiul hoping for pcncc. T hese (iemmcl- tt lo n s and hojK-s are rxpcc tcd to be repented ihis year, '

DiirlnR the Inst yenr, (he c hu rch ’* forclRn mlMloiiar>' field hns been drastlcslly reduced. All Americim mLwlonnrlM » h o »i;re sciTlnR In Europe were «Jthdm w n to poxu In th is couh(r>' am i (he missions leU in the hands of rntlves.

Pate o l church property In Invad­ed European nations—th e church o«-ned chapels and m ecllng halls t a h i r t a t (Jiousands of do lla rs—is a lso expectetl to be discussed by conference speakers.

G r»nl to Prt-ild#Presiding a t th e conference ns he

h as a t »U except two conferences In the la st 21 years will be Heber J . O ran l, 83 -jear-o ld L. D, S . presi­den t. O rn n t h as been In 111 health

r and th e burden of "key- th e conference probably will

b« deleRattd to h is tw o counselors. J . Reuben Clark. Jr., nnd David O. McKay.

Clark, (onner U. S. arobaasador to Mexico and acknow ledged a u th ­ority on foreign affa irs , probably wlU deliver th e principal ipeech th a t will give th e official Mormon rcACtlon to th e « a r .

All church officer* will be nom ­ina ted a t the conlerence. T h ere are no ouU tandlng vacancies a n d If pro­cedure (ollowa th e usual o rder bH p resent officers vlU be re-n o m ln a - te d and sustained by th e conference, A year ago, one voice w as ra ised In protest against su sta in ing th e gen ­e ra l authorities b u t a n Investiga­tion proved th e pro tes ter w a s -a n excom m unicant, n o t a m em ber ol th e church a n d . no t privileged to vote,

15.«M A ttendance A ttendance a t th e I ln a l session

o t the Beneral cooference on Sunday. O c t e. It expected to exceed 19,000.

In connection w ith th e general conference, th e re will be num erous m eetings of various chu rch groups, led by th e oonferencp O ct. 3 and

. 3 o f th e w om en's relief society, wo­m en 's auxiliary. About S.OOO women will a tten d relief society sessions.

Seventies a n d stake' Tnlssionaries will m eet O ct. 5 under th e leade r­sh ip of Rulon a . W ells, sen io r presU d e n t of th e f irs t council of seventy. T here will be a special m e e tln s Octi ^ of S.OOO n u m b e rs 'o f th e w ard bishoprics to discuss you th activities, church beautification and fiscal poUclea. C lark will apeak to the U ihopric meetiotf.

Gooding County > Teachers Convene

OOODIMQ, S ep t. 24 (SpeclnD— Ooodlng county ru ra l teacherB m et Friday a t th e V em H olalon home

' a t W estpoint w ith th e six new teacher* of th e group os special ffueats. Miss Prance* Buck. Bol.ie.

* ' who Is a g radua te nuiise. and who J , ))as had special w ork' In Uie line

of social dUeases, spoke on th a t iub jec t to th e group, Mlsa Buck U a t p resen t w ith the sU t« . d e p art­m ent of publlo’JjeaU h ,

Mrs. N edra Oireaiie. p residen t of th e group, conductM Uie buslncu meeting, M n . O race H olston was appoin ted ch a irm a n of a commllleo to arrange th e nex t m eeting, which will be O ct. 18 a t G ooding ro u rt room. Dean N ichols of th e U nlvcr- alty o t Idaho sou the rn b ran c h . iHK-a- t«llo, will ip e n k 'o n hU tr ip abroad.

V em H olalon was npi>olnted chairm an nf a com m ittee to pur*

- ehase books w hlrh th e Brotip wil) «ise for study diirlnR th e yenr. nnd Harold Bemrose was nam ed ch air­m an ot a connnlttee to )ilhn llin program lor th e year.

Buhl lam lt eluh held tin fli>l m e e tln t of (he fall r ild n y i)t the hom e of Mm. j . j . J ir rn n e ii , v i ih

.M rs. E. W. Byrne tiuh tliiR IioMcmi Q uest speaker woK Mra, C. C, Vocl- ler, who talked fin he r recen t tr ip to Cuba, where Hie and Mayor Voeller w ere delegn|p>> lo thn im- llonnl Rotary convnuio ii.

T lie H arm ony clrele n( th r iiutil N.U.0.8. ot U)P M rlho<lbl I'huirl) m et Thuritdajr a t (he hom e of Mm, J . J . B rennan, w ith Mm. Ilul C un . n ln ih a m aK»laling hoMeM. l.,iiiidiron was served a t 1 o 'c loik,

Rxport* of th e su b tiiip lm l Hahn- m as are »ponge.>, tomaloe»., oUbI anil tu rtlea.

Council Approves Use of Airplane Speaking System

M embers of the c ity council to ­day had Riven (heir s ta m p of ap ­proval (o h plan w hich colls for a public acidre.w ,'system. In sta lled In an a irplane , to tell " e a rth dw ellers' of the nlr show a t th e m unlrlpn l nlrixirt S a turday and Sunday oftci noolis.

rprm l.« lon (o use th e system from a plnne flylnR over th e c ity w Rranted a fte r It wn* exp la ined th the speaker would be kep t "toned down" so (h a t no d is tu rbance would result. Coim rllm nn L ionel A. Dean potiiicd ou t th a t m ost c ltlie n s he had contacted exprew ed In terest In the sln n t "bccou.ie I t’s new a round here."

Councllm en a b o surveyed final plans for the new c ity b a rn which Is to be a WPA proJecL T h e plan.s were "looked over" before they were sen t to BoUe for expected approval. The new barn will be a t th e corner of S ix th avenue west and Second stree t.

B uilding pcrnilU were also a p ­proved.

Stoker Firm M akes Army Plane P arts

pany h as tu rned Its local p la n t Into a factor)' for the m ak ing of part* for th e 513 four-cnglned "flylnR /ortreM M " now being buO t fo r the U. 8- arm y by the B oeing A irplane com pany. It was announced today.

Action of th e Iron F ire m a n com ­pany In a iding th e n a tio n a l defense program by m aking a irp lan e part« a t the Po rtland p lan t will cause the com pany to c oncen tra te stoke r p ro ­duction a t th e C leveland a n d T o ­ron to p lan ts. T he s te p also m akes P o rtland tl)e la rgest supplier of m achined p a rts fo r th e a rm y’i "bulld -up” program .

L ater, a s th e de fe rue prog ram proceeds, the Iro n F lrem nn com pany m ay build a no ther P o r tlan d p la n t to accom m odate th e business. T ^e arm y;s -program calls fo r construc ­tion Sf the ^13 p lanes a t a cost of $130,000,000.

T . H. Banfield, p resid en t o f the stoker company, aided In th e nego- tla tlona w ith th e a rm y as a rran g e - m cnU w ere com pleted.

MR I NAMESStu tlen t council o f T w in

Jun ior h igh school a t a m eeting yes* te rday nom ina ted c an d id a te s lo r s tu d e n t body offices f o r , th e f irs t sem ester. T h e elec tion la expected to be he ld today w ith th e en tire l ^ i o r h igh s tu d e n t body voting.W T he council n om ina ted th e follow ­ing for s tu d e n t body offices: P re s i­den t, R ich a rd V ictor, T otn D riscoll and M adge H ayw ard ; vloe*presl- den t, S h irlee a Davis, C lark R obert­son a n d Bob O slund; te c re ta r j M arilyn O lnn , N adine Boettcher^ a n d H o irard Rosa; U easurer. Jo h n H ughes, W ayne A rring ton and -B etty H arral.

Member* o f - the s tu d e n t council who w ere e l e c t s la s t week for the various room s a re C lark R obertson, 318B; M arie Abbl,318A; M alda J e a n H utchinson, 317; E d ith D lerke. 310; V ann Boilngbroke. 314; Bob Oalund. 313; Beverly O o i^on , 313; Tom D ris­coll, 311; E la ine Babbell, 310; Betty H arral, 308; Jo h n H ughes 301B; Bethene H ayes. 11«; Blaine P eU r- non. US; H ow ard Roas, )14; Lola O rlm m . 113; A gathy S tarry . 112.

Shlrleen Davis. I l l : M adge H ay- w anfM lO ; V erna H em plem an. 109; FSdlth Perchai, 108; Bill Roberson, o n ; M arilyn O lnn . 018; Bill L ash. 013; R ichard V ictor. 013; A lbert DouRherly. 0 8 ; W a jn e A rrington, 0«, and N adine B oettcher, 03.

Tliese m em bers will be In troduced lo the s tu d e n t body a t an aiuiembly to be held thLi week. MKs V irginia F ra n rls »1 H play several violin solos iturlMR th e ajuiembly.

“ P liy s . K d” ( 'la s s e s

_ . tnA0iitl\?i;).> loAhn billed In Ml.1 . 1 Irene llu rk -

Irv'n phyRlnal «}ui-ntlon rlas.i, w hich Voiishtfl ,o f n il juuloi-'.iilriS a t (he Alblnn S ta le Noimal sohonl.

T ota l num ber from ’IV ln f^ill* roim lv h irliide Until, 7; MiirtaiiRh,

Kller, 4; K lmbrvly. 13; Tw in l jllv \

NTATE MONIIMKNT M rOAt.U Ida,, Se|i(. ;J4 (UFti.-A

sninll, tiim bled sh a rk IS mlle.s iio rlh - west of here today hernnie an of- tlelnl s ta te m oninnent. O itre thn home of I’ncker Jo h n , a fam oui Idaho tra lU b la te r. and the site ot the firs t Dem oeratlo s iu ie ro n v n i- llon In 1803, th e sh a rk was dedl- u(e<l w itli a m arke r )iy flona and

DauRhlera of Idaho rioneern.

Jo in Town H all l»d» r. O prn tng n u m l)^ Hepl. t8.—Adv.

D IS n iE E G IO N C K S C H i i N

•Apptl rn t.o f various com m |tt«efh n lrm e n ' for , th is A m e ric an ''L « - Rlon d istric t fea tu red la s t n ig h t lu members of th e executive boa rd of he flfUi d is tric t m e t a t th e L e- !tcn hnli here la s t n igh t.' ' ah posts In Uils a rea . wlUi the exception of H azelton, w ere r e p re ­sented a t th e ga th e rin g wl^lch » lw iittracted Leslie V. Nelson. Buhl. Ilrst d istric t vice-com m ander a h d Robert Culley. R u p e r t Legion head,

Tlirce d is tr ic t ch a irm e n were nam ed to conduct a m em bersh ip drive which s ta r ts a t once.' .'T he chairm en are Bob Culley, R upert, cn.it end ; Leslie Nelson. B uhl, wes; end, and Jo h n Day, T w in Falls , fo r ihe Intervening section.

O ther com m ittee a ppo in tm en ts made last n ig h t Included th e fo l- InwhiR:• Aeronnutlc.1 . R. R . L o v e .'B u h l;

Amn-lcnnlsm; Sam V ance, H azelton; athletic officer, J , H . B landford . Tv,'ln Falls; Boy Scouts. D r. J . N. Davis, of thfe K im berly post; em ploy- meiv nnd v e te ran s 're lie f ; Jo h n I> |y ; IcRlflatlon. A , 'H , N ellson. Burlpy; m arksm anship. O ra G raves, K im ­berly; na tional defense, D istric t Com m ander Day <ex-offlcio); r t - hnbllltatlon, W illiam W o ltc r ; .a n d Bona of th e A m erican Legion,' K en ­ne th B. S lua.w , Burley.

Students See Indian Dances

S tu d en ts of In d ian dancing , Rcr- Inald and O ladys L aubln, presen ted a proRram of dances of th e red- m an a t an BMembly fo r th e T w in P a lls Junior h igh school yesterday .

Mr, L aubln h as been a s tu d e n t ’ In d ian ^ n c e s slncif he ..becam e

Interested as a sm a ll boy. He and h is wife have been recognised by some au tho ritie s a s th e g rea tes t ex­ponent* of th e A m erican; In d ian dance. ^

T his rec ita l of dances, mualc’ and lore, taken from various trlt>e8 of In d ian s of th e O re a t Plaln.i, Is a u th en tic . th« re su l t of years of study . Including re se a rch am ong th e Ind ians them selves a n d w ork w ith some of tlie fo rem ost au th o ritie s on th e subject.

Trihute Paid at Osborne Service

JEROME. Sept. 34' (Speolal) — F inal tr ib u te was accorded th e memory of Rolla ' Elonzo O sborne o t the M ethodU t c h u rc h In S h o ­shone Sa tu rday . O ff ld a th ig - waa Rev. C. B. Caryer, . m in is te r .-of th e Assembly of G od ch u rc h , Je rom e. In term ent w o*, ip . , 8 h o o n e cemetery under th e d irec tion of th e Wiley fuiferal hoifie,' J c rt tn te .''

A ho st of friend* ' g a th e red w ith relatives to p^y f in a l reepect^, a s d there w ere m any n o ra l offering* placed about th e c ask e t and th e forepart of th e church .

During th e aervlce* M iss Alice Wal* and M rs. F loyd CUff, b o th of Jerom e sang. "Som etim e W e ll U n ­d e rs ta n d ," B e a u ti fu l Is le of Some* where" and "Safe in th e A nW of Je4us,“ accom panied by M r*. Cwff.

Pallbearers were M arv in Lhrsen, O scar R in eh a rt. W alte r R in e h a rt, Russell D eahl, M erlin D eah l a n d J . L. W hobrey.

Mr. O abom e h a d m ade b U -h i jw i In Jerom e th e .lakt tw o m onth* . )Ie was a form er r e ild e n t of Je ro m e a n ^ p rior to com ing to Je ro m e reew U y had m ade h i* hom e n e a r O oo d in t w here h e wa* engaged in farm ing .

H lflH IN q U A L H V -A g t m wfaUkeyfoc M yM fiaiH i awde iba qaallty w ty . M w *M»r


TOPS IN T M T t> U a v « yoo t r M Cr*b Orchard It's

No. 92 No; 91w iiA ir rMil i«*a4 n



Aid Needed to Assure Movies

Fof‘Old Folks’U nless "aro u n d $300' is ra ised

a t once to provide for new m otion p ic tu re equ ipm en t a t th e county fa rm , " th e old folks will be d e ­prived of th e ir reg u la r m otion p ic­tu re show*,” M ayor Joe K oehler

• announced h e re th is a fte rnoon .K oeh ler sa id th a t th e equ ipm en t

now a t th e fa rm does n o t m e et requ lrem en ta of th e undernT lte rs . R eason Is, h e sa id , is th a t fo rm er- ]y a ll m oU on p ic tu re ree ls cam e in 1 ,0 0 0 foo t leng th* b u t now tlie len g th s a re 3,000 fee t a n d fth e m a ch in e a t th e fa rm "ca n n o t safe ly h a n d le t h a t am oun t,”

F o r th e pa« t several years M ayor K oehler, a th e a te r ow ner, h a s sen t reg u la r show film o u t to th e farm In order th a t residen t* m ig h t have one o r tw o show* a week In th e rec re a tio n room .

"U nless new e<iulpment is pro- Tided th is w ill h av e to stop." th e m ayo r aald, a dd ing ;

" n i e neceasary e qu ipm ent can be oblAined a t a sm a ll cost th ro u g h a c o m pany w illing to sac* rif lce a n y g a in they m ig h t m aka o u t of sa le of th e e q u ip m en t

" I f f ir e service clubs could pu t u p n o each . I 'd p u t tin th e b a l­ance a n d th e e ^ lp m e n t w ould be puTchaaed, I 'm going to c o n tac t head* of these c ivic clubs to see Ju s t w h at c a n b e do n e ab out it,”


W ith th e new engine expected to be In use by th a t tim e, one of two "old’ fire u n its of th e 'c l ty will be sta tioned a t th e m unic ipal a irpo rt bo th days o f th e a ir show Saturday and Sunday. It wa.s announced -th ts

I tenidon by L ionel A. D ean, city

T o m e e t- ' gove rnm en t require­m ents. a tire tru c k and a n ' am bu­lance muse be on th e field du ring the show, D ean sa id . He added th a t a rraiiR em enu h a d also been made for (he am bulance,

CotuKllmen opproved u-« of f ire truck—before i t en ters Uie shop for repairs—a t th e regu la r se.sslou la s t nlRhl. I t wa* po in ted ou t th a t th e equ ipm ent w ould have gone d i­rectly to Uie r e p a ir shop onyw ay and th a t It's place In the c ity will be tnkeii by th o new m achine . Tlio e quipm ent w hich Is sen t to the alr^ port S a tu rd ay a n d Sunday will be m anned by firem en who are off duty on Uiose tw o d a y s and a t no dltlonal expen i? to th e city. I t pointed o u t th a t th e a irp o r t 1* city property a n d th a t th e equipm ent Is allowed by law to o pe ra te there.

The a ir show , fea tu rin g Tex B an- kin and m em bera of h is troupe and havUiR 10 "ac ta .” s ta r ts e ac h day a t 2 p. m . U Is 'sponsored by the Idaho PlloU ' a ssociation . T w in FalU chapter, and h a s been approved by the T w in F a lls C ham ber of Com merce and Uie c ity adm in istra tion .

M. I. A. o f Jerom e Announces ProgramJERO M E. S e p t. 34 fS pw lal) ~

M utual Im provem en t a.«oclatlon will m eet W ednesday , Sept. 35, a t the chu rch a t 8 p jn ..

Following will be th e program: O rgan preliide. M rs. M ary T hom p­

son; com m un ity s ing ing ; Invoca­tion. Ja ck D ar lin g ; S c rip tu re read ­ing. D ora W alk e r; p resen ta tion of th e them e. Io n a John.^on; topic of th e a .«em bly p rog ram . "O ur W ard"; history of th e Je rom e w ard. Harei P rn tt ; h isto ry of th e Jerom e M.I.A., Eldon ’H iom p.son; selection of ward choir; recogn ition of w ard groups.

S epara te g roups fo r regu la r class work will follow. Closing song .will be followed by t a p s , being sounded and benedic tion by OeorRe B urn­ham will close th e m eeting.

- y ^ ^ t a t e m e n t


, W ith the passing of th€ Conscription Bill, m en between the

BRes of 21 and 35 are subject to m ilitary service. N a tu r­

ally, it has made m any of you h es itan t abou t fu r th e r pur-

chase.s— hesitant, eapeciaiiy, about purchases on any plan

of divided paymenl.'t. Despito the fa c t we are “new­

com ers” to this com m unity, we .still rem em ber the grand

welcome we received on our ojienlng day. In some m easure

we wish to reciprocate th is friendly a ttitu d e and we have

designed o.ur own plan of D EFEN SE COOPERATION for

the benefit of th is com m unity’s young men.

THIS IS OUR PLA N —we guaran tee to any m an of m ilitary

age who opens a budget account up to ?50 th a t we shall

sfrike from our books a n y balance ag a in st his account if he

is chosen in the f i r s t d ra ft. You m ay purchase here now— -

w ith full assurance th a t you will*not incur an unwieldly rlebt.

■R. & G Jewelers■«!*

P errine Hotel Bldg. Twin Falls, fdaho

for Fall

E n j o y d e lig h tfu l drives in to the

ro lo rfu l canyons ami harvest • time

ro tin trysidc — w ith your car in A*1

condition, A short s to p at y o u r neigh-

hfxxl Pep 88*Vico sta tio n w ill take carc

of every th ing . D rive in today. .

D r i v e I n A t Y o u r P E P 8 8 - V I C O S T A T I O N

f o r T h e s e I m p o r l a n l S e r v i c e s

S P E C i m Z E D L U B R I C A T I O NT he k ind th a t really get* rW of aqueaki — and r 1««* tv e ry fric tion poin t ifie p ro tection It t»e«ds. N o t jn it a "grease job" — but a K ko tU ic ipocUlized »ervkc.

B A T T E R Y TESTW ith longer evcnioKt, ligh ti are um<I more. T ha t m cani more w ork for your battery, h It In condition? l.et lu test it fo r yo»i — free. ,

T I R E I N S P E C T I O NA fter a n im m er’i driving, your tlre i ara bound to ahow K>nM wear. Dettcr have them ioipecced now, and If neceeaary have them replaced w ith new A 1TA.S TIRHS for Mfer fall and wln»ef m pcorlnj,

A C C E S S O R I E S CHECK- UPW h at about wlndihiold w lner'b ladea. for u f e vUIoti in iiorm y weather? Ami your ligh t bulhe. front aiul rear? A nd your heater? Let u i attend to theae, and oilkcr h em i . . . mow!

The Sif>n of Servica > . . ivher* you get fitfer products an4 b e tte r t t r v k t always/

K V E l t Y W l l R R t ; I N I D A H O A N D U T A H

, -.f